/************************************************************************* * * $RCSfile: analysis.src,v $ * * $Revision: 1.12 $ * * last change: $Author: gt $ $Date: 2001-06-28 12:58:51 $ * * The Contents of this file are made available subject to the terms of * either of the following licenses * * - GNU Lesser General Public License Version 2.1 * - Sun Industry Standards Source License Version 1.1 * * Sun Microsystems Inc., October, 2000 * * GNU Lesser General Public License Version 2.1 * ============================================= * Copyright 2000 by Sun Microsystems, Inc. * 901 San Antonio Road, Palo Alto, CA 94303, USA * * This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or * modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public * License version 2.1, as published by the Free Software Foundation. * * This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU * Lesser General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public * License along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software * Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, * MA 02111-1307 USA * * * Sun Industry Standards Source License Version 1.1 * ================================================= * The contents of this file are subject to the Sun Industry Standards * Source License Version 1.1 (the "License"); You may not use this file * except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of the * License at http://www.openoffice.org/license.html. * * Software provided under this License is provided on an "AS IS" basis, * WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EITHER EXPRESSED OR IMPLIED, INCLUDING, * WITHOUT LIMITATION, WARRANTIES THAT THE SOFTWARE IS FREE OF DEFECTS, * MERCHANTABLE, FIT FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE, OR NON-INFRINGING. * See the License for the specific provisions governing your rights and * obligations concerning the Software. * * The Initial Developer of the Original Code is: Sun Microsystems, Inc. * * Copyright: 2000 by Sun Microsystems, Inc. * * All Rights Reserved. * * Contributor(s): _______________________________________ * * ************************************************************************/ #include "analysis.hrc" Resource RID_ANALYSIS_FUNCTION_DESCRIPTIONS { Resource ANALYSIS_Workday { String 1 // description Workday { Text = "Liefert die fortlaufende Zahl des Datums, dass vor oder nach einer bestimmten Anzahl von Arbeitstagen liegt."; Text[ english ] = "Returns the serial number of the date before or after a specified number of workdays"; Text[ language_user1 ] = " "; Text[ english_us ] = "Returns the serial number of the date before or after a specified number of workdays"; Text[ portuguese ] = "Returns the serial number of the date before or after a specified number of workdays"; Text[ russian ] = " , , ."; Text[ greek ] = "Returns the serial number of the date before or after a specified number of workdays"; Text[ dutch ] = "Returns the serial number of the date before or after a specified number of workdays"; Text[ french ] = "Returns the serial number of the date before or after a specified number of workdays"; Text[ spanish ] = "Devuelve el nmero de serie de la fecha anterior o posterior a un nmero determinado de das laborales."; Text[ finnish ] = "Returns the serial number of the date before or after a specified number of workdays"; Text[ italian ] = "Restituisce la data espressa in numero seriale del giorno precedente o successivo al numero specificato di giorni lavorativi."; Text[ danish ] = "Returns the serial number of the date before or after a specified number of workdays"; Text[ swedish ] = "Returns the serial number of the date before or after a specified number of workdays"; Text[ polish ] = "Podaje warto liczby seryjnej daty przed lub po okrelonej liczbie dni roboczych."; Text[ portuguese_brazilian ] = "Returns the serial number of the date before or after a specified number of workdays"; Text[ japanese ] = "JnNZĎw肳ꂽғO܂͌̓tɑΉرْlԂ܂B"; Text[ korean ] = "Returns the serial number of the date before or after a specified number of workdays"; Text[ chinese_simplified ] = "ijһָ֮ǰֵ֮"; Text[ chinese_traditional ] = "Returns the serial number of the date before or after a specified number of workdays"; Text[ turkish ] = "Returns the serial number of the date before or after a specified number of workdays"; Text[ arabic ] = "Returns the serial number of the date before or after a specified number of workdays"; Text[ catalan ] = "Returns the serial number of the date before or after a specified number of workdays"; }; String 2 // name of parameter 1 Workday { Text = "Ausgangsdatum"; Text[ english ] = "Ausgangsdatum"; Text[ language_user1 ] = " "; Text[ english_us ] = "Start date"; Text[ portuguese ] = "start date"; Text[ russian ] = "_"; Text[ greek ] = "start date"; Text[ dutch ] = "start date"; Text[ french ] = "start date"; Text[ spanish ] = "Fecha inicial"; Text[ finnish ] = "start date"; Text[ italian ] = "Data iniziale"; Text[ danish ] = "start date"; Text[ swedish ] = "start date"; Text[ polish ] = "data pocztkowa"; Text[ portuguese_brazilian ] = "start date"; Text[ japanese ] = "Jn"; Text[ korean ] = "start date"; Text[ chinese_simplified ] = "start_date"; Text[ chinese_traditional ] = "start date"; Text[ turkish ] = "start date"; Text[ arabic ] = "start date"; Text[ catalan ] = "start date"; }; String 3 // description of parameter 1 Workday { Text = "Ausgangsdatum"; Text[ english ] = "Ausgangsdatum"; Text[ language_user1 ] = " "; Text[ english_us ] = "The start date"; Text[ portuguese ] = "start date"; Text[ russian ] = " ."; Text[ greek ] = "start date"; Text[ dutch ] = "start date"; Text[ french ] = "start date"; Text[ spanish ] = "Fecha inicial"; Text[ finnish ] = "start date"; Text[ italian ] = "Data iniziale"; Text[ danish ] = "start date"; Text[ swedish ] = "start date"; Text[ polish ] = "liczba seryjna okrelajca dat pocztkow"; Text[ portuguese_brazilian ] = "start date"; Text[ japanese ] = "Jn"; Text[ korean ] = "start date"; Text[ chinese_simplified ] = "ʼ"; Text[ chinese_traditional ] = "start date"; Text[ turkish ] = "start date"; Text[ arabic ] = "start date"; Text[ catalan ] = "start date"; }; String 4 // name of parameter 2 Workday { Text = "Tage"; Text[ english ] = "Tage"; Text[ language_user1 ] = " "; Text[ english_us ] = "Days"; Text[ portuguese ] = "days"; Text[ russian ] = ""; Text[ greek ] = "days"; Text[ dutch ] = "days"; Text[ french ] = "days"; Text[ spanish ] = "Das"; Text[ finnish ] = "days"; Text[ italian ] = "Giorni"; Text[ danish ] = "days"; Text[ swedish ] = "days"; Text[ polish ] = "dni"; Text[ portuguese_brazilian ] = "days"; Text[ japanese ] = ""; Text[ korean ] = "days"; Text[ chinese_simplified ] = "days"; Text[ chinese_traditional ] = "days"; Text[ turkish ] = "days"; Text[ arabic ] = "days"; Text[ catalan ] = "days"; }; String 5 // description of parameter 2 Workday { Text = "Anzahl Arbeitstage vor oder nach dem Ausgangsdatum."; Text[ english ] = "Anzahl Arbeitstage vor oder nach dem Ausgangsdatum."; Text[ language_user1 ] = " "; Text[ english_us ] = "The number of workdays before or after the start date"; Text[ portuguese ] = "days"; Text[ russian ] = " ."; Text[ greek ] = "days"; Text[ dutch ] = "days"; Text[ french ] = "days"; Text[ spanish ] = "Nmero de das laborales anteriores o posteriores a la fecha inicial."; Text[ finnish ] = "days"; Text[ italian ] = "Numero dei giorni lavorativi precedenti o successivi alla data iniziale."; Text[ danish ] = "days"; Text[ swedish ] = "days"; Text[ polish ] = "liczba dni roboczych przed lub po dacie pocztkowej"; Text[ portuguese_brazilian ] = "days"; Text[ japanese ] = "JnNZďTՓT̓B"; Text[ korean ] = "days"; Text[ chinese_simplified ] = "ijһָ֮ǰ֮յ"; Text[ chinese_traditional ] = "days"; Text[ turkish ] = "days"; Text[ arabic ] = "days"; Text[ catalan ] = "days"; }; String 6 // name of parameter 3 Workday { Text = "Freie Tage"; Text[ english ] = "Freie Tage"; Text[ language_user1 ] = " "; Text[ english_us ] = "Holidays"; Text[ portuguese ] = "holidays"; Text[ russian ] = ""; Text[ greek ] = "holidays"; Text[ dutch ] = "holidays"; Text[ french ] = "holidays"; Text[ spanish ] = "Festivos"; Text[ finnish ] = "holidays"; Text[ italian ] = "Vacanze"; Text[ danish ] = "holidays"; Text[ swedish ] = "holidays"; Text[ polish ] = "wita"; Text[ portuguese_brazilian ] = "holidays"; Text[ japanese ] = "Փ"; Text[ korean ] = "holidays"; Text[ chinese_simplified ] = "holidays"; Text[ chinese_traditional ] = "holidays"; Text[ turkish ] = "holidays"; Text[ arabic ] = "holidays"; Text[ catalan ] = "holidays"; }; String 7 // description of parameter 3 Workday { Text = "Liste mit Datumswerten freier Tage (Urlaub, Feiertage, etc.)."; Text[ english ] = "Liste mit Datumswerten freier Tage (Urlaub, Feiertage, etc.)."; Text[ language_user1 ] = " "; Text[ english_us ] = "List of date values of days off (vacation, holidays, etc.)"; Text[ portuguese ] = "holidays"; Text[ russian ] = " (, , ..)"; Text[ greek ] = "holidays"; Text[ dutch ] = "holidays"; Text[ french ] = "holidays"; Text[ spanish ] = "Lista con valores de das festivos (vacaciones, festivos, etc.)"; Text[ finnish ] = "holidays"; Text[ italian ] = "Lista con le date dei giorni festivi, vacanze, ecc."; Text[ danish ] = "holidays"; Text[ swedish ] = "holidays"; Text[ polish ] = "spis dni wolnych (urlopw, wit pastwowych lub kocielnych itp.)"; Text[ portuguese_brazilian ] = "holidays"; Text[ japanese ] = "̏jLxɂȂǁAғ̌vZ珜OtؽāB"; Text[ korean ] = "holidays"; Text[ chinese_simplified ] = "һݼٺͷڼյȵ嵥"; Text[ chinese_traditional ] = "holidays"; Text[ turkish ] = "holidays"; Text[ arabic ] = "holidays"; Text[ catalan ] = "holidays"; }; }; Resource ANALYSIS_Yearfrac { String 1 // description Yearfrac { Text = "Berechnet die Differenz zwischen Ausgangsdatum und Enddatum als Bruchteil von Jahren."; Text[ english ] = "Returns the year fraction representing the number of whole days between start_date and end_date"; Text[ language_user1 ] = " "; Text[ english_us ] = "Returns the number of whole days between 'start date' and 'end date' as a year fraction"; Text[ portuguese ] = "Returns the year fraction representing the number of whole days between start_date and end_date"; Text[ russian ] = " , ( )."; Text[ greek ] = "Returns the year fraction representing the number of whole days between start_date and end_date"; Text[ dutch ] = "Returns the year fraction representing the number of whole days between start_date and end_date"; Text[ french ] = "Returns the year fraction representing the number of whole days between start_date and end_date"; Text[ spanish ] = "Calcula la diferencia entre la fecha inicial y final como fraccin de aos."; Text[ finnish ] = "Returns the year fraction representing the number of whole days between start_date and end_date"; Text[ italian ] = "Restituisce la differenza tra la data iniziale e la data finale come frazione dell'anno."; Text[ danish ] = "Returns the year fraction representing the number of whole days between start_date and end_date"; Text[ swedish ] = "Returns the year fraction representing the number of whole days between start_date and end_date"; Text[ polish ] = "Podaje, jak cz roku stanowi pena liczba dni pomidzy dat pocztkow a kocow."; Text[ portuguese_brazilian ] = "Returns the year fraction representing the number of whole days between start_date and end_date"; Text[ japanese ] = "JnƏI̊Ԃ̓PNԂɑ΂Đ߂銄Ԃ܂B"; Text[ korean ] = "Returns the year fraction representing the number of whole days between start_date and end_date"; Text[ chinese_simplified ] = "ijһʼںͽ֮ȫİٷֱȡ"; Text[ chinese_traditional ] = "Returns the year fraction representing the number of whole days between start_date and end_date"; Text[ turkish ] = "Returns the year fraction representing the number of whole days between start_date and end_date"; Text[ arabic ] = "Returns the year fraction representing the number of whole days between start_date and end_date"; Text[ catalan ] = "Returns the year fraction representing the number of whole days between start_date and end_date"; }; String 2 // name of parameter 1 Yearfrac { Text = "Ausgangsdatum"; Text[ english ] = "Ausgangsdatum"; Text[ language_user1 ] = " "; Text[ english_us ] = "Start date"; Text[ portuguese ] = "start date"; Text[ russian ] = "_"; Text[ greek ] = "start date"; Text[ dutch ] = "start date"; Text[ french ] = "start date"; Text[ spanish ] = "Fecha inicial"; Text[ finnish ] = "start date"; Text[ italian ] = "Data iniziale"; Text[ danish ] = "start date"; Text[ swedish ] = "start date"; Text[ polish ] = "data pocztkowa"; Text[ portuguese_brazilian ] = "start date"; Text[ japanese ] = "Jn"; Text[ korean ] = "start date"; Text[ chinese_simplified ] = "start_date"; Text[ chinese_traditional ] = "start date"; Text[ turkish ] = "start date"; Text[ arabic ] = "start date"; Text[ catalan ] = "start date"; }; String 3 // description of parameter 1 Yearfrac { Text = "Ausgangsdatum"; Text[ english ] = "Ausgangsdatum"; Text[ language_user1 ] = " "; Text[ english_us ] = "The start date"; Text[ portuguese ] = "start date"; Text[ russian ] = " ."; Text[ greek ] = "start date"; Text[ dutch ] = "start date"; Text[ french ] = "start date"; Text[ spanish ] = "Fecha inicial"; Text[ finnish ] = "start date"; Text[ italian ] = "Data iniziale"; Text[ danish ] = "start date"; Text[ swedish ] = "start date"; Text[ polish ] = "liczba seryjna okrelajca dat pocztkow"; Text[ portuguese_brazilian ] = "start date"; Text[ japanese ] = "Jn"; Text[ korean ] = "start date"; Text[ chinese_simplified ] = "ʼ"; Text[ chinese_traditional ] = "start date"; Text[ turkish ] = "start date"; Text[ arabic ] = "start date"; Text[ catalan ] = "start date"; }; String 4 // name of parameter 2 Yearfrac { Text = "Enddatum"; Text[ english ] = "Enddatum"; Text[ language_user1 ] = " "; Text[ english_us ] = "End date"; Text[ portuguese ] = "end date"; Text[ russian ] = "_"; Text[ greek ] = "end date"; Text[ dutch ] = "end date"; Text[ french ] = "end date"; Text[ spanish ] = "Fecha final"; Text[ finnish ] = "end date"; Text[ italian ] = "Data finale"; Text[ danish ] = "end date"; Text[ swedish ] = "end date"; Text[ polish ] = "data kocowa"; Text[ portuguese_brazilian ] = "end date"; Text[ japanese ] = "I"; Text[ korean ] = "end date"; Text[ chinese_simplified ] = "end_date"; Text[ chinese_traditional ] = "end date"; Text[ turkish ] = "end date"; Text[ arabic ] = "end date"; Text[ catalan ] = "end date"; }; String 5 // description of parameter 2 Yearfrac { Text = "Enddatum"; Text[ english ] = "Enddatum"; Text[ language_user1 ] = " "; Text[ english_us ] = "The end date"; Text[ portuguese ] = "end date"; Text[ russian ] = " "; Text[ greek ] = "end date"; Text[ dutch ] = "end date"; Text[ french ] = "end date"; Text[ spanish ] = "Fecha final"; Text[ finnish ] = "end date"; Text[ italian ] = "Data finale"; Text[ danish ] = "end date"; Text[ swedish ] = "end date"; Text[ polish ] = "liczba seryjna okrelajca dat kocow"; Text[ portuguese_brazilian ] = "end date"; Text[ japanese ] = "I"; Text[ korean ] = "end date"; Text[ chinese_simplified ] = ""; Text[ chinese_traditional ] = "end date"; Text[ turkish ] = "end date"; Text[ arabic ] = "end date"; Text[ catalan ] = "end date"; }; String 6 // name of parameter 3 Yearfrac { Text = "Basis"; Text[ english ] = "Basis"; Text[ language_user1 ] = " "; Text[ english_us ] = "Basis"; Text[ portuguese ] = "BASE"; Text[ russian ] = ""; Text[ greek ] = ""; Text[ dutch ] = "basis"; Text[ french ] = "Base"; Text[ spanish ] = "Base"; Text[ finnish ] = "Kanta"; Text[ italian ] = "Base"; Text[ danish ] = "basis"; Text[ swedish ] = "BAS"; Text[ polish ] = "podstawa"; Text[ portuguese_brazilian ] = "basis"; Text[ japanese ] = ""; Text[ korean ] = "BASE"; Text[ chinese_simplified ] = "BASE"; Text[ chinese_traditional ] = "BASE"; Text[ turkish ] = "Taban"; Text[ arabic ] = "BASE"; Text[ catalan ] = "basis"; }; String 7 // description of parameter 3 Yearfrac { Text = "Basis fr die Bestimmung der Zinstage"; Text[ english ] = "Basis fr die Bestimmung der Zinstage"; Text[ language_user1 ] = " "; Text[ english_us ] = "Basis for determining the interest days"; Text[ portuguese ] = "BASE"; Text[ russian ] = " ."; Text[ greek ] = " "; Text[ dutch ] = "basis"; Text[ french ] = "Base pour le comptage des jours."; Text[ spanish ] = "Base para determinar los das de intereses"; Text[ finnish ] = "Kanta"; Text[ italian ] = "Base per il calcolo dei giorni."; Text[ danish ] = "basis"; Text[ swedish ] = "BAS"; Text[ polish ] = "typ przyjtego systemu liczenia dni"; Text[ portuguese_brazilian ] = "basis"; Text[ japanese ] = "PNƂČvZ邩̊B"; Text[ korean ] = "BASE"; Text[ chinese_simplified ] = "ʾȷϢĻ"; Text[ chinese_traditional ] = "BASE"; Text[ turkish ] = "Taban"; Text[ arabic ] = "BASE"; Text[ catalan ] = "basis"; }; }; Resource ANALYSIS_Edate { String 1 // description Edate { Text = "Liefert die fortlaufende Zahl des Datums, das eine bestimmte Anzahl Monate vor bzw. nach dem Ausgangsdatum liegt."; Text[ english ] = "Returns the serial number of the date that is the indicated number of months before or after the start date"; Text[ language_user1 ] = " "; Text[ english_us ] = "Returns the serial number of the date that is a specified number of months before or after the start date"; Text[ portuguese ] = "Returns the serial number of the date that is the indicated number of months before or after the start date"; Text[ russian ] = " , , ."; Text[ greek ] = "Returns the serial number of the date that is the indicated number of months before or after the start date"; Text[ dutch ] = "Returns the serial number of the date that is the indicated number of months before or after the start date"; Text[ french ] = "Returns the serial number of the date that is the indicated number of months before or after the start date"; Text[ spanish ] = "Devuelve el nmero de serie de la fecha anterior o posterior, en un nmero determinado de meses, a la fecha inicial."; Text[ finnish ] = "Returns the serial number of the date that is the indicated number of months before or after the start date"; Text[ italian ] = "Restituisce la data espressa in numero seriale del mese precedente o successivo alla data iniziale."; Text[ danish ] = "Returns the serial number of the date that is the indicated number of months before or after the start date"; Text[ swedish ] = "Returns the serial number of the date that is the indicated number of months before or after the start date"; Text[ polish ] = "Podaje warto liczby seryjnej daty, przypadajcej na podan liczb miesicy przed lub po dacie pocztkowej."; Text[ portuguese_brazilian ] = "Returns the serial number of the date that is the indicated number of months before or after the start date"; Text[ japanese ] = "JnNZĎw肳ꂽO܂͌̓tɑΉرْlԂ܂B"; Text[ korean ] = "Returns the serial number of the date that is the indicated number of months before or after the start date"; Text[ chinese_simplified ] = "ijһָ֮ǰָ֮·ϵ"; Text[ chinese_traditional ] = "Returns the serial number of the date that is the indicated number of months before or after the start date"; Text[ turkish ] = "Returns the serial number of the date that is the indicated number of months before or after the start date"; Text[ arabic ] = "Returns the serial number of the date that is the indicated number of months before or after the start date"; Text[ catalan ] = "Returns the serial number of the date that is the indicated number of months before or after the start date"; }; String 2 // name of parameter 1 Edate { Text = "Ausgangsdatum"; Text[ english ] = "Ausgangsdatum"; Text[ language_user1 ] = " "; Text[ english_us ] = "Start date"; Text[ portuguese ] = "start date"; Text[ russian ] = "_"; Text[ greek ] = "start date"; Text[ dutch ] = "start date"; Text[ french ] = "start date"; Text[ spanish ] = "Fecha inicial"; Text[ finnish ] = "start date"; Text[ italian ] = "Data iniziale"; Text[ danish ] = "start date"; Text[ swedish ] = "start date"; Text[ polish ] = "data pocztkowa"; Text[ portuguese_brazilian ] = "start date"; Text[ japanese ] = "Jn"; Text[ korean ] = "start date"; Text[ chinese_simplified ] = "start_date"; Text[ chinese_traditional ] = "start date"; Text[ turkish ] = "start date"; Text[ arabic ] = "start date"; Text[ catalan ] = "start date"; }; String 3 // description of parameter 1 Edate { Text = "Ausgangsdatum"; Text[ english ] = "Ausgangsdatum"; Text[ language_user1 ] = " "; Text[ english_us ] = "The start date"; Text[ portuguese ] = "start date"; Text[ russian ] = " "; Text[ greek ] = "start date"; Text[ dutch ] = "start date"; Text[ french ] = "start date"; Text[ spanish ] = "Fecha inicial"; Text[ finnish ] = "start date"; Text[ italian ] = "Data iniziale"; Text[ danish ] = "start date"; Text[ swedish ] = "start date"; Text[ polish ] = "liczba seryjna okrelajca dat pocztkow"; Text[ portuguese_brazilian ] = "start date"; Text[ japanese ] = "Jn"; Text[ korean ] = "start date"; Text[ chinese_simplified ] = "ʼ"; Text[ chinese_traditional ] = "start date"; Text[ turkish ] = "start date"; Text[ arabic ] = "start date"; Text[ catalan ] = "start date"; }; String 4 // name of parameter 2 Edate { Text = "Monate"; Text[ english ] = "Monate"; Text[ language_user1 ] = " "; Text[ english_us ] = "Months"; Text[ portuguese ] = "months"; Text[ russian ] = ""; Text[ greek ] = "months"; Text[ dutch ] = "months"; Text[ french ] = "months"; Text[ spanish ] = "Meses"; Text[ finnish ] = "months"; Text[ italian ] = "Mesi"; Text[ danish ] = "months"; Text[ swedish ] = "months"; Text[ polish ] = "miesice"; Text[ portuguese_brazilian ] = "months"; Text[ japanese ] = ""; Text[ korean ] = "months"; Text[ chinese_simplified ] = "months"; Text[ chinese_traditional ] = "months"; Text[ turkish ] = "months"; Text[ arabic ] = "months"; Text[ catalan ] = "months"; }; String 5 // description of parameter 2 Edate { Text = "Anzahl der Monate vor oder nach dem Ausgangsdatum."; Text[ english ] = "Anzahl der Monate vor oder nach dem Ausgangsdatum."; Text[ language_user1 ] = " "; Text[ english_us ] = "Number of months before or after the start date"; Text[ portuguese ] = "months"; Text[ russian ] = " ."; Text[ greek ] = "months"; Text[ dutch ] = "months"; Text[ french ] = "months"; Text[ spanish ] = "Cantidad de meses anterior o posterior a la fecha inicial."; Text[ finnish ] = "months"; Text[ italian ] = "Numero di mesi precedenti o successivi alla data iniziale."; Text[ danish ] = "months"; Text[ swedish ] = "months"; Text[ polish ] = "liczba miesicy przed lub po dacie pocztkowej"; Text[ portuguese_brazilian ] = "months"; Text[ japanese ] = "JnNZO܂͌̌B"; Text[ korean ] = "months"; Text[ chinese_simplified ] = "ijһָ֮ǰ֮·"; Text[ chinese_traditional ] = "months"; Text[ turkish ] = "months"; Text[ arabic ] = "months"; Text[ catalan ] = "months"; }; }; Resource ANALYSIS_Weeknum_add { String 1 // description Weeknum_add { Text = "Liefert eine Zahl, die angibt, in welche Woche eines Jahres das angegebene Datum fllt."; Text[ english ] = "Returns the week number in year"; Text[ english_us ] = "Returns the week number in year"; Text[ portuguese ] = "Returns the week number in year"; Text[ russian ] = " , , ."; Text[ greek ] = "Returns the week number in year"; Text[ dutch ] = "Returns the week number in year"; Text[ french ] = "Returns the week number in year"; Text[ spanish ] = "Devuelve el nmero que muestra la semana del ao correspondiente a la fecha indicada."; Text[ finnish ] = "Returns the week number in year"; Text[ italian ] = "Restituisce il numero della settimana dell'anno della data specificata."; Text[ danish ] = "Returns the week number in year"; Text[ swedish ] = "Returnerar ett tal som anger i vilken vecka det angivna datumet infaller ett visst r."; Text[ polish ] = "Returns the week number in year"; Text[ portuguese_brazilian ] = "Returns the week number in year"; Text[ japanese ] = "Returns the week number in year"; Text[ korean ] = "Returns the week number in year"; Text[ chinese_simplified ] = "Returns the week number in year"; Text[ chinese_traditional ] = "Returns the week number in year"; Text[ turkish ] = "Returns the week number in year"; Text[ arabic ] = "Returns the week number in year"; Text[ catalan ] = "Returns the week number in year"; }; String 2 // name of parameter 1 Weeknum_add { Text = "Datum"; Text[ english ] = "Datum"; Text[ english_us ] = "Date"; Text[ portuguese ] = "Data "; Text[ russian ] = ""; Text[ greek ] = ""; Text[ dutch ] = "Datum"; Text[ french ] = "Date"; Text[ spanish ] = "Fecha"; Text[ finnish ] = "Pivmr"; Text[ italian ] = "Data"; Text[ danish ] = "Dato"; Text[ swedish ] = "Datum"; Text[ polish ] = "Data"; Text[ portuguese_brazilian ] = "Datum"; Text[ japanese ] = ""; Text[ korean ] = "DATE"; Text[ chinese_simplified ] = "DATE"; Text[ chinese_traditional ] = "DATE"; Text[ turkish ] = "DATE"; Text[ arabic ] = ""; Text[ catalan ] = "Datum"; }; String 3 // description of parameter 1 Weeknum_add { Text = "Datum"; Text[ english ] = "Datum"; Text[ english_us ] = "Date"; Text[ portuguese ] = "Data"; Text[ russian ] = ""; Text[ greek ] = ""; Text[ dutch ] = "Datum"; Text[ french ] = "Date"; Text[ spanish ] = "Fecha"; Text[ finnish ] = "Pivmr"; Text[ italian ] = "Data"; Text[ danish ] = "Dato"; Text[ swedish ] = "Datum"; Text[ polish ] = "Data"; Text[ portuguese_brazilian ] = "Datum"; Text[ japanese ] = "DATE"; Text[ korean ] = "¥"; Text[ chinese_simplified ] = ""; Text[ chinese_traditional ] = ""; Text[ turkish ] = "DATE"; Text[ arabic ] = ""; Text[ catalan ] = "Datum"; }; String 4 // name of parameter 2 Weeknum_add { Text = "Rckgabetyp"; Text[ english ] = "Rckgabetyp"; Text[ english_us ] = "Return type"; Text[ portuguese ] = "Rckgabetyp"; Text[ russian ] = "Rckgabetyp"; Text[ greek ] = "Rckgabetyp"; Text[ dutch ] = "Rckgabetyp"; Text[ french ] = "Rckgabetyp"; Text[ spanish ] = "Tipo de devolucin"; Text[ finnish ] = "Rckgabetyp"; Text[ italian ] = "Tipo restituito"; Text[ danish ] = "Rckgabetyp"; Text[ swedish ] = "Returtyp"; Text[ polish ] = "Rckgabetyp"; Text[ portuguese_brazilian ] = "Rckgabetyp"; Text[ japanese ] = "R?kgabetyp"; Text[ korean ] = "R?kgabetyp"; Text[ chinese_simplified ] = "Rckgabetyp"; Text[ chinese_traditional ] = "R?kgabetyp"; Text[ turkish ] = "Rckgabetyp"; Text[ arabic ] = "Rckgabetyp"; Text[ catalan ] = "Rckgabetyp"; }; String 5 // description of parameter 2 Weeknum_add { Text = "Eine Zahl von 1 bis 3, die angibt, mit welchem Tag eine Woche beginnt."; Text[ english ] = "Eine Zahl von 1 bis 3, die angibt, mit welchem Tag eine Woche beginnt."; Text[ english_us ] = "A number from 1 to 3 that specifies the day with which a week begins."; Text[ portuguese ] = "Eine Zahl von 1 bis 3, die angibt, mit welchem Tag eine Woche beginnt."; Text[ russian ] = " 1 3, , ."; Text[ greek ] = "Eine Zahl von 1 bis 3, die angibt, mit welchem Tag eine Woche beginnt."; Text[ dutch ] = "Eine Zahl von 1 bis 3, die angibt, mit welchem Tag eine Woche beginnt."; Text[ french ] = "Un nombre spcifiant le jour du dbut de la semaine (1, 2 ou 3)."; Text[ spanish ] = "Un nmero del 1 al 3 que indica el da con el que comienza una semana."; Text[ finnish ] = "Eine Zahl von 1 bis 3, die angibt, mit welchem Tag eine Woche beginnt."; Text[ italian ] = "Un numero (da 1 a 3) che indica con quale giorno inizia la settimana."; Text[ danish ] = "Eine Zahl von 1 bis 3, die angibt, mit welchem Tag eine Woche beginnt."; Text[ swedish ] = "Ett tal frn 1 till 3 som anger med vilken dag en vecka brjar."; Text[ polish ] = "Eine Zahl von 1 bis 3, die angibt, mit welchem Tag eine Woche beginnt."; Text[ portuguese_brazilian ] = "Eine Zahl von 1 bis 3, die angibt, mit welchem Tag eine Woche beginnt."; Text[ japanese ] = "Eine Zahl von 1 bis 3, die angibt, mit welchem Tag eine Woche beginnt."; Text[ korean ] = "Eine Zahl von 1 bis 3, die angibt, mit welchem Tag eine Woche beginnt."; Text[ chinese_simplified ] = "Eine Zahl von 1 bis 3, die angibt, mit welchem Tag eine Woche beginnt."; Text[ chinese_traditional ] = "Eine Zahl von 1 bis 3, die angibt, mit welchem Tag eine Woche beginnt."; Text[ turkish ] = "Eine Zahl von 1 bis 3, die angibt, mit welchem Tag eine Woche beginnt."; Text[ arabic ] = "Eine Zahl von 1 bis 3, die angibt, mit welchem Tag eine Woche beginnt."; Text[ catalan ] = "Eine Zahl von 1 bis 3, die angibt, mit welchem Tag eine Woche beginnt."; }; }; Resource ANALYSIS_EoMonth { String 1 // description EoMonth { Text = "Liefert die fortlaufende Zahl des Datums, das den letzten Tag des Monats representiert, der eine bestimmte Anzahl von Monaten vor oder nach dem Ausgangsdatum liegt."; Text[ english ] = "Returns the serial number of the last day of the month before or after a specified number of months"; Text[ language_user1 ] = " "; Text[ english_us ] = "Returns the serial number of the last day of the month that comes a certain number of months before or after the start date"; Text[ portuguese ] = "Returns the serial number of the last day of the month before or after a specified number of months"; Text[ russian ] = " , ."; Text[ greek ] = "Returns the serial number of the last day of the month before or after a specified number of months"; Text[ dutch ] = "Returns the serial number of the last day of the month before or after a specified number of months"; Text[ french ] = "Returns the serial number of the last day of the month before or after a specified number of months"; Text[ spanish ] = "Devuelve el nmero de serie de la fecha que representa el ltimo da del mes anterior o posterior a un nmero determinado de meses."; Text[ finnish ] = "Returns the serial number of the last day of the month before or after a specified number of months"; Text[ italian ] = "Restituisce la data espressa in numero seriale dell'ultimo giorno del mese precedente o successivo alla data iniziale."; Text[ danish ] = "Returns the serial number of the last day of the month before or after a specified number of months"; Text[ swedish ] = "Returns the serial number of the last day of the month before or after a specified number of months"; Text[ polish ] = "Podaje warto liczby seryjnej daty ostatniego dnia miesica przed lub po podanej liczbie miesicy."; Text[ portuguese_brazilian ] = "Returns the serial number of the last day of the month before or after a specified number of months"; Text[ japanese ] = "JnNZĎw肳ꂽO܂͌̌̍ŏIɑΉرْlԂ܂B"; Text[ korean ] = "Returns the serial number of the last day of the month before or after a specified number of months"; Text[ chinese_simplified ] = "ijһָʼ֮ǰ֮·һϵ"; Text[ chinese_traditional ] = "Returns the serial number of the last day of the month before or after a specified number of months"; Text[ turkish ] = "Returns the serial number of the last day of the month before or after a specified number of months"; Text[ arabic ] = "Returns the serial number of the last day of the month before or after a specified number of months"; Text[ catalan ] = "Returns the serial number of the last day of the month before or after a specified number of months"; }; String 2 // name of parameter 1 EoMonth { Text = "Ausgangsdatum"; Text[ english ] = "Ausgangsdatum"; Text[ language_user1 ] = " "; Text[ english_us ] = "Start date"; Text[ portuguese ] = "start date"; Text[ russian ] = "_"; Text[ greek ] = "start date"; Text[ dutch ] = "start date"; Text[ french ] = "start date"; Text[ spanish ] = "Fecha inicial"; Text[ finnish ] = "start date"; Text[ italian ] = "Data iniziale"; Text[ danish ] = "start date"; Text[ swedish ] = "start date"; Text[ polish ] = "data pocztkowa"; Text[ portuguese_brazilian ] = "start date"; Text[ japanese ] = "Jn"; Text[ korean ] = "start date"; Text[ chinese_simplified ] = "start_date"; Text[ chinese_traditional ] = "start date"; Text[ turkish ] = "start date"; Text[ arabic ] = "start date"; Text[ catalan ] = "start date"; }; String 3 // description of parameter 1 EoMonth { Text = "Ausgangsdatum"; Text[ english ] = "Ausgangsdatum"; Text[ language_user1 ] = " "; Text[ english_us ] = "The start date"; Text[ portuguese ] = "start date"; Text[ russian ] = " ."; Text[ greek ] = "start date"; Text[ dutch ] = "start date"; Text[ french ] = "start date"; Text[ spanish ] = "Fecha inicial"; Text[ finnish ] = "start date"; Text[ italian ] = "Data iniziale"; Text[ danish ] = "start date"; Text[ swedish ] = "start date"; Text[ polish ] = "liczba seryjna okrelajca dat pocztkow"; Text[ portuguese_brazilian ] = "start date"; Text[ japanese ] = "Jn"; Text[ korean ] = "start date"; Text[ chinese_simplified ] = "ʼ"; Text[ chinese_traditional ] = "start date"; Text[ turkish ] = "start date"; Text[ arabic ] = "start date"; Text[ catalan ] = "start date"; }; String 4 // name of parameter 2 EoMonth { Text = "Monate"; Text[ english ] = "Monate"; Text[ language_user1 ] = " "; Text[ english_us ] = "Months"; Text[ portuguese ] = "months"; Text[ russian ] = ""; Text[ greek ] = "months"; Text[ dutch ] = "months"; Text[ french ] = "months"; Text[ spanish ] = "Meses"; Text[ finnish ] = "months"; Text[ italian ] = "Mesi"; Text[ danish ] = "months"; Text[ swedish ] = "months"; Text[ polish ] = "miesice"; Text[ portuguese_brazilian ] = "months"; Text[ japanese ] = ""; Text[ korean ] = "months"; Text[ chinese_simplified ] = "months"; Text[ chinese_traditional ] = "months"; Text[ turkish ] = "months"; Text[ arabic ] = "months"; Text[ catalan ] = "months"; }; String 5 // description of parameter 2 EoMonth { Text = "Anzahl der Monate vor oder nach dem Ausgangsdatum"; Text[ english ] = "Anzahl der Monate vor oder nach dem Ausgangsdatum"; Text[ language_user1 ] = " "; Text[ english_us ] = "Number of months before or after the start date"; Text[ portuguese ] = "months"; Text[ russian ] = " ."; Text[ greek ] = "months"; Text[ dutch ] = "months"; Text[ french ] = "months"; Text[ spanish ] = "Cantidad de meses anterior o posterior a la fecha inicial"; Text[ finnish ] = "months"; Text[ italian ] = "Numero di mesi precedenti o successivi alla data finale."; Text[ danish ] = "months"; Text[ swedish ] = "months"; Text[ polish ] = "liczba miesicy przed lub po dacie pocztkowej"; Text[ portuguese_brazilian ] = "months"; Text[ japanese ] = "JnNZO܂͌̌B"; Text[ korean ] = "months"; Text[ chinese_simplified ] = "ָʼڵijһ·"; Text[ chinese_traditional ] = "months"; Text[ turkish ] = "months"; Text[ arabic ] = "months"; Text[ catalan ] = "months"; }; }; Resource ANALYSIS_Networkdays { String 1 // description Networkdays { Text = "Liefert die Anzahl Tage in einem Zeitintervall"; Text[ english ] = "Returns the number of whole workdays between to dates"; Text[ language_user1 ] = " "; Text[ english_us ] = "Returns the number of workdays between two dates"; Text[ portuguese ] = "Returns the number of whole workdays between to dates"; Text[ russian ] = " ( )."; Text[ greek ] = "Returns the number of whole workdays between to dates"; Text[ dutch ] = "Returns the number of whole workdays between to dates"; Text[ french ] = "Returns the number of whole workdays between to dates"; Text[ spanish ] = "Devuelve el nmero de das en un intervalo de tiempo"; Text[ finnish ] = "Returns the number of whole workdays between to dates"; Text[ italian ] = "Restituisce il numero dei giorni compresi tra due date."; Text[ danish ] = "Returns the number of whole workdays between to dates"; Text[ swedish ] = "Returns the number of whole workdays between to dates"; Text[ polish ] = "Podaje liczb dni roboczych midzy dwiema datami."; Text[ portuguese_brazilian ] = "Returns the number of whole workdays between to dates"; Text[ japanese ] = "JnI܂ł̊Ԃ̓Ԃ܂B"; Text[ korean ] = "Returns the number of whole workdays between to dates"; Text[ chinese_simplified ] = "ijһָ֮"; Text[ chinese_traditional ] = "Returns the number of whole workdays between to dates"; Text[ turkish ] = "Returns the number of whole workdays between to dates"; Text[ arabic ] = "Returns the number of whole workdays between to dates"; Text[ catalan ] = "Returns the number of whole workdays between to dates"; }; String 2 // name of parameter 1 Networkdays { Text = "Ausgangsdatum"; Text[ english ] = "Ausgangsdatum"; Text[ language_user1 ] = " "; Text[ english_us ] = "Start date"; Text[ portuguese ] = "start date"; Text[ russian ] = "_"; Text[ greek ] = "start date"; Text[ dutch ] = "start date"; Text[ french ] = "start date"; Text[ spanish ] = "Fecha inicial"; Text[ finnish ] = "start date"; Text[ italian ] = "Data iniziale"; Text[ danish ] = "start date"; Text[ swedish ] = "start date"; Text[ polish ] = "data pocztkowa"; Text[ portuguese_brazilian ] = "start date"; Text[ japanese ] = "Jn"; Text[ korean ] = "start date"; Text[ chinese_simplified ] = "start_date"; Text[ chinese_traditional ] = "start date"; Text[ turkish ] = "start date"; Text[ arabic ] = "start date"; Text[ catalan ] = "start date"; }; String 3 // description of parameter 1 Networkdays { Text = "Ausgangsdatum"; Text[ english ] = "Ausgangsdatum"; Text[ language_user1 ] = " "; Text[ english_us ] = "The start date"; Text[ portuguese ] = "start date"; Text[ russian ] = " ."; Text[ greek ] = "start date"; Text[ dutch ] = "start date"; Text[ french ] = "start date"; Text[ spanish ] = "Fecha inicial"; Text[ finnish ] = "start date"; Text[ italian ] = "Data iniziale"; Text[ danish ] = "start date"; Text[ swedish ] = "start date"; Text[ polish ] = "liczba seryjna okrelajca dat pocztkow"; Text[ portuguese_brazilian ] = "start date"; Text[ japanese ] = "Jn"; Text[ korean ] = "start date"; Text[ chinese_simplified ] = "ʼ"; Text[ chinese_traditional ] = "start date"; Text[ turkish ] = "start date"; Text[ arabic ] = "start date"; Text[ catalan ] = "start date"; }; String 4 // name of parameter 2 Networkdays { Text = "Enddatum"; Text[ english ] = "Enddatum"; Text[ language_user1 ] = " "; Text[ english_us ] = "End date"; Text[ portuguese ] = "end date"; Text[ russian ] = "_"; Text[ greek ] = "end date"; Text[ dutch ] = "end date"; Text[ french ] = "end date"; Text[ spanish ] = "Fecha final"; Text[ finnish ] = "end date"; Text[ italian ] = "Data finale"; Text[ danish ] = "end date"; Text[ swedish ] = "end date"; Text[ polish ] = "data kocowa"; Text[ portuguese_brazilian ] = "end date"; Text[ japanese ] = "I"; Text[ korean ] = "end date"; Text[ chinese_simplified ] = "end_date"; Text[ chinese_traditional ] = "end date"; Text[ turkish ] = "end date"; Text[ arabic ] = "end date"; Text[ catalan ] = "end date"; }; String 5 // description of parameter 2 Networkdays { Text = "Enddatum"; Text[ english ] = "Enddatum"; Text[ language_user1 ] = " "; Text[ english_us ] = "The end date"; Text[ portuguese ] = "end date"; Text[ russian ] = " ."; Text[ greek ] = "end date"; Text[ dutch ] = "end date"; Text[ french ] = "end date"; Text[ spanish ] = "Fecha final"; Text[ finnish ] = "end date"; Text[ italian ] = "Data finale"; Text[ danish ] = "end date"; Text[ swedish ] = "end date"; Text[ polish ] = "liczba seryjna okrelajca dat kocow"; Text[ portuguese_brazilian ] = "end date"; Text[ japanese ] = "I"; Text[ korean ] = "end date"; Text[ chinese_simplified ] = ""; Text[ chinese_traditional ] = "end date"; Text[ turkish ] = "end date"; Text[ arabic ] = "end date"; Text[ catalan ] = "end date"; }; String 6 // name of parameter 3 Networkdays { Text = "Freie Tage"; Text[ english ] = "Freie Tage"; Text[ language_user1 ] = " "; Text[ english_us ] = "Holidays"; Text[ portuguese ] = "holidays"; Text[ russian ] = ""; Text[ greek ] = "holidays"; Text[ dutch ] = "holidays"; Text[ french ] = "holidays"; Text[ spanish ] = "Festivos"; Text[ finnish ] = "holidays"; Text[ italian ] = "Vacanze"; Text[ danish ] = "holidays"; Text[ swedish ] = "holidays"; Text[ polish ] = "wita"; Text[ portuguese_brazilian ] = "holidays"; Text[ japanese ] = "Փ"; Text[ korean ] = "holidays"; Text[ chinese_simplified ] = "holidays"; Text[ chinese_traditional ] = "holidays"; Text[ turkish ] = "holidays"; Text[ arabic ] = "holidays"; Text[ catalan ] = "holidays"; }; String 7 // description of parameter 3 Networkdays { Text = "Liste mit Datumswerten, die die freien Tage (Urlaub, Feiertage, etc.) darstellen."; Text[ english ] = "Liste mit Datumswerten, die die freien Tage (Urlaub, Feiertage, etc.) darstellen."; Text[ language_user1 ] = " "; Text[ english_us ] = "List of date values representing days off (vacation, holidays, etc.)"; Text[ portuguese ] = "holidays"; Text[ russian ] = " , (, , ..)."; Text[ greek ] = "holidays"; Text[ dutch ] = "holidays"; Text[ french ] = "holidays"; Text[ spanish ] = "Lista von los valores de fecha que representan los das festivos (vacaciones, festivos, etc.)"; Text[ finnish ] = "holidays"; Text[ italian ] = "Lista con le date dei giorni festivi, vacanze, ecc."; Text[ danish ] = "holidays"; Text[ swedish ] = "holidays"; Text[ polish ] = "Spis dni wolnych (urlopw, wit pastwowych lub kocielnych itp.)."; Text[ portuguese_brazilian ] = "holidays"; Text[ japanese ] = "̏jLxɂȂǁAғ̌vZ珜OtؽāB"; Text[ korean ] = "holidays"; Text[ chinese_simplified ] = "һݼٺͷڼյȵ嵥"; Text[ chinese_traditional ] = "holidays"; Text[ turkish ] = "holidays"; Text[ arabic ] = "holidays"; Text[ catalan ] = "holidays"; }; }; Resource ANALYSIS_Iseven_add { String 1 // description Iseven_add { Text = "Gibt den Wert WAHR zurck, wenn die Zahl gerade ist."; Text[ english ] = "Returns true if the number is even"; Text[ english_us ] = "Returns true if the number is even"; Text[ portuguese ] = "Returns true if the number is even"; Text[ russian ] = "Returns true if the number is even"; Text[ greek ] = "Returns true if the number is even"; Text[ dutch ] = "Returns true if the number is even"; Text[ french ] = "Returns true if the number is even"; Text[ spanish ] = "Devuelve el valor VERDADERO si el nmero es par."; Text[ finnish ] = "Returns true if the number is even"; Text[ italian ] = "Restituisce il valore VERO se il numero pari."; Text[ danish ] = "Returns true if the number is even"; Text[ swedish ] = "Returnerar vrdet SANT om talet r jmnt."; Text[ polish ] = "Returns true if the number is even"; Text[ portuguese_brazilian ] = "Returns true if the number is even"; Text[ japanese ] = "Returns true if the number is even"; Text[ korean ] = "Returns true if the number is even"; Text[ chinese_simplified ] = "Returns true if the number is even"; Text[ chinese_traditional ] = "Returns true if the number is even"; Text[ turkish ] = "Returns true if the number is even"; Text[ arabic ] = "Returns true if the number is even"; Text[ catalan ] = "Returns true if the number is even"; }; String 2 // name of parameter 1 Iseven_add { Text = "Zahl"; Text[ english ] = "Zahl"; Text[ english_us ] = "Number"; Text[ portuguese ] = "Nm_srie"; Text[ russian ] = ""; Text[ greek ] = ""; Text[ dutch ] = "Getal"; Text[ french ] = "Nombre"; Text[ spanish ] = "Nmero"; Text[ finnish ] = "Luku"; Text[ italian ] = "Num"; Text[ danish ] = "Sandsynlighed"; Text[ swedish ] = "Tal"; Text[ polish ] = "Liczba"; Text[ portuguese_brazilian ] = "Zahl"; Text[ japanese ] = "m"; Text[ korean ] = ""; Text[ chinese_simplified ] = "Probability"; Text[ chinese_traditional ] = "serial_number"; Text[ turkish ] = "Say"; Text[ arabic ] = ""; Text[ catalan ] = "Zahl"; }; String 3 // description of parameter 1 Iseven_add { Text = "Zahl"; Text[ english ] = "Zahl"; Text[ english_us ] = "Number"; Text[ portuguese ] = "Nm_srie"; Text[ russian ] = ""; Text[ greek ] = ""; Text[ dutch ] = "Getal"; Text[ french ] = "Nombre"; Text[ spanish ] = "Nmero"; Text[ finnish ] = "Luku"; Text[ italian ] = "Numero"; Text[ danish ] = "Serienummer"; Text[ swedish ] = "Tal"; Text[ polish ] = "Liczba"; Text[ portuguese_brazilian ] = "Zahl"; Text[ japanese ] = ""; Text[ korean ] = ""; Text[ chinese_simplified ] = "Probability"; Text[ chinese_traditional ] = "Probability"; Text[ turkish ] = "Say"; Text[ arabic ] = ""; Text[ catalan ] = "Zahl"; }; }; Resource ANALYSIS_Isodd_add { String 1 // description Isodd_add { Text = "Gibt den Wert WAHR zurck, wenn die Zahl ungerade ist."; Text[ english ] = "Returns true if the number is odd"; Text[ english_us ] = "Returns true if the number is odd"; Text[ portuguese ] = "Returns true if the number is odd"; Text[ russian ] = "Returns true if the number is odd"; Text[ greek ] = "Returns true if the number is odd"; Text[ dutch ] = "Returns true if the number is odd"; Text[ french ] = "Returns true if the number is odd"; Text[ spanish ] = "Devuelve el valor VERDADERO si el nmero es impar."; Text[ finnish ] = "Returns true if the number is odd"; Text[ italian ] = "Restituisce il valore VERO se il numero dispari."; Text[ danish ] = "Returns true if the number is odd"; Text[ swedish ] = "Returnerar vrdet SANT om talet r udda."; Text[ polish ] = "Returns true if the number is odd"; Text[ portuguese_brazilian ] = "Returns true if the number is odd"; Text[ japanese ] = "Returns true if the number is odd"; Text[ korean ] = "Returns true if the number is odd"; Text[ chinese_simplified ] = "Returns true if the number is odd"; Text[ chinese_traditional ] = "Returns true if the number is odd"; Text[ turkish ] = "Returns true if the number is odd"; Text[ arabic ] = "Returns true if the number is odd"; Text[ catalan ] = "Returns true if the number is odd"; }; String 2 // name of parameter 1 Isodd_add { Text = "Zahl"; Text[ english ] = "Zahl"; Text[ english_us ] = "Number"; Text[ portuguese ] = "ngulo"; Text[ russian ] = ""; Text[ greek ] = ""; Text[ dutch ] = "Getal"; Text[ french ] = "Nombre"; Text[ spanish ] = "Nmero"; Text[ finnish ] = "Luku"; Text[ italian ] = "Num"; Text[ danish ] = "Tal"; Text[ swedish ] = "Tal"; Text[ polish ] = "Liczba"; Text[ portuguese_brazilian ] = "Zahl"; Text[ japanese ] = "px"; Text[ korean ] = ""; Text[ chinese_simplified ] = "Probability"; Text[ chinese_traditional ] = "value"; Text[ turkish ] = "Say"; Text[ arabic ] = ""; Text[ catalan ] = "Zahl"; }; String 3 // description of parameter 1 Isodd_add { Text = "Zahl"; Text[ english ] = "Zahl"; Text[ english_us ] = "Number"; Text[ portuguese ] = "Probabilidade"; Text[ russian ] = ""; Text[ greek ] = ""; Text[ dutch ] = "Getal"; Text[ french ] = "Nombre"; Text[ spanish ] = "Nmero"; Text[ finnish ] = "Luku"; Text[ italian ] = "Numero"; Text[ danish ] = "Sandsynlighed"; Text[ swedish ] = "Tal"; Text[ polish ] = "Liczba"; Text[ portuguese_brazilian ] = "Zahl"; Text[ japanese ] = "px"; Text[ korean ] = ""; Text[ chinese_simplified ] = "value"; Text[ chinese_traditional ] = "serial_number"; Text[ turkish ] = "Say"; Text[ arabic ] = "Value"; Text[ catalan ] = "Zahl"; }; }; Resource ANALYSIS_Multinomial { String 1 // description Multinomial { Text = "Berechnet den Polynomialkoeffizienten einer Gruppe von Zahlen."; Text[ english ] = "Returns the multinomial of a set of numbers"; Text[ language_user1 ] = " "; Text[ english_us ] = "Returns the multinomial coefficient of a set of numbers"; Text[ portuguese ] = "Returns the multinomial of a set of numbers"; Text[ russian ] = " ."; Text[ greek ] = "Returns the multinomial of a set of numbers"; Text[ dutch ] = "Returns the multinomial of a set of numbers"; Text[ french ] = "Returns the multinomial of a set of numbers"; Text[ spanish ] = "Devuelve el coeficiente multinomial de un grupo de nmeros."; Text[ finnish ] = "Returns the multinomial of a set of numbers"; Text[ italian ] = "Calcola il coefficiente multinominale di un insieme di numeri."; Text[ danish ] = "Returns the multinomial of a set of numbers"; Text[ swedish ] = "Returns the multinomial of a set of numbers"; Text[ polish ] = "Podaje warto wielomianu zbioru liczb."; Text[ portuguese_brazilian ] = "Returns the multinomial of a set of numbers"; Text[ japanese ] = "w肳ꂽl̑WԂ܂B"; Text[ korean ] = "Returns the multinomial of a set of numbers"; Text[ chinese_simplified ] = "ijһĽ׳׳˳˻ıֵ"; Text[ chinese_traditional ] = "Returns the multinomial of a set of numbers"; Text[ turkish ] = "Returns the multinomial of a set of numbers"; Text[ arabic ] = "Returns the multinomial of a set of numbers"; Text[ catalan ] = "Returns the multinomial of a set of numbers"; }; String 2 // name of parameter 1 Multinomial { Text = "Zahl(en)"; Text[ english ] = "Zahl(en)"; Text[ language_user1 ] = " "; Text[ english_us ] = "Number(s)"; Text[ portuguese ] = "numbers"; Text[ russian ] = "()"; Text[ greek ] = "numbers"; Text[ dutch ] = "numbers"; Text[ french ] = "numbers"; Text[ spanish ] = "Nmero(s)"; Text[ finnish ] = "numbers"; Text[ italian ] = "Num(i)"; Text[ danish ] = "numbers"; Text[ swedish ] = "numbers"; Text[ polish ] = "liczba(liczby)"; Text[ portuguese_brazilian ] = "numbers"; Text[ japanese ] = "l"; Text[ korean ] = "numbers"; Text[ chinese_simplified ] = "numbers"; Text[ chinese_traditional ] = "numbers"; Text[ turkish ] = "numbers"; Text[ arabic ] = "numbers"; Text[ catalan ] = "numbers"; }; String 3 // description of parameter 1 Multinomial { Text = "Zahl oder Liste von Zahlen, deren Polynomialkoeffizienten bestimmt werden soll."; Text[ english ] = "Zahl oder Liste von Zahlen, deren Polynomialkoeffizienten bestimmt werden soll."; Text[ language_user1 ] = " "; Text[ english_us ] = "Number or list of numbers for which you want the multinomial coefficient"; Text[ portuguese ] = "numbers"; Text[ russian ] = " , ."; Text[ greek ] = "numbers"; Text[ dutch ] = "numbers"; Text[ french ] = "numbers"; Text[ spanish ] = "Nmero o lista de nmeros cuyo coeficiente multinomial debe determinarse."; Text[ finnish ] = "numbers"; Text[ italian ] = "Numero o serie di numeri per i quali si vuole calcolare il coefficiente multinominale."; Text[ danish ] = "numbers"; Text[ swedish ] = "numbers"; Text[ polish ] = "warto lub spis wartoci do wyznaczenia wielomianu"; Text[ portuguese_brazilian ] = "numbers"; Text[ japanese ] = "lA܂͑W̌vZ̑ΏۂƂȂ鐔lؽāB"; Text[ korean ] = "numbers"; Text[ chinese_simplified ] = "Ҫ׳˳˻ıֵֵ͸顣"; Text[ chinese_traditional ] = "numbers"; Text[ turkish ] = "numbers"; Text[ arabic ] = "numbers"; Text[ catalan ] = "numbers"; }; }; Resource ANALYSIS_Seriessum { String 1 // description Seriessum { Text = "Berechnet die Summe von Potenzen."; Text[ english ] = "Returns the sum of a power series based on the formula"; Text[ language_user1 ] = " "; Text[ english_us ] = "Returns the sum of powers"; Text[ portuguese ] = "Returns the sum of a power series based on the formula"; Text[ russian ] = " ."; Text[ greek ] = "Returns the sum of a power series based on the formula"; Text[ dutch ] = "Returns the sum of a power series based on the formula"; Text[ french ] = "Returns the sum of a power series based on the formula"; Text[ spanish ] = "Calcula la suma de potencias"; Text[ finnish ] = "Returns the sum of a power series based on the formula"; Text[ italian ] = "Calcola la somma di potenze."; Text[ danish ] = "Returns the sum of a power series based on the formula"; Text[ swedish ] = "Returns the sum of a power series based on the formula"; Text[ polish ] = "Oblicza sum szeregu potgowego."; Text[ portuguese_brazilian ] = "Returns the sum of a power series based on the formula"; Text[ japanese ] = "ׂ̘aԂ܂B"; Text[ korean ] = "Returns the sum of a power series based on the formula"; Text[ chinese_simplified ] = "ijһ˻ĺ͡"; Text[ chinese_traditional ] = "Returns the sum of a power series based on the formula"; Text[ turkish ] = "Returns the sum of a power series based on the formula"; Text[ arabic ] = "Returns the sum of a power series based on the formula"; Text[ catalan ] = "Returns the sum of a power series based on the formula"; }; String 2 // name of parameter 1 Seriessum { Text = "X"; Text[ english ] = "X"; Text[ language_user1 ] = " "; Text[ english_us ] = "X"; Text[ portuguese ] = "X"; Text[ russian ] = "X"; Text[ greek ] = "X"; Text[ dutch ] = "X"; Text[ french ] = "X"; Text[ spanish ] = "X"; Text[ finnish ] = "X"; Text[ italian ] = "X"; Text[ danish ] = "X"; Text[ swedish ] = "X"; Text[ polish ] = "X"; Text[ portuguese_brazilian ] = "X"; Text[ japanese ] = "X"; Text[ korean ] = "X"; Text[ chinese_simplified ] = "X"; Text[ chinese_traditional ] = "X"; Text[ turkish ] = "X"; Text[ arabic ] = "X"; Text[ catalan ] = "X"; }; String 3 // description of parameter 1 Seriessum { Text = "Unabhngige Variable der Potenzreihe."; Text[ english ] = "Unabhngige Variable der Potenzreihe."; Text[ language_user1 ] = " "; Text[ english_us ] = "The independent variable of the power series"; Text[ portuguese ] = "X"; Text[ russian ] = " ."; Text[ greek ] = "X"; Text[ dutch ] = "X"; Text[ french ] = "X"; Text[ spanish ] = "Variable independiente de la serie de potencias."; Text[ finnish ] = "X"; Text[ italian ] = "Variabile indipendente della serie di potenze."; Text[ danish ] = "X"; Text[ swedish ] = "X"; Text[ polish ] = "warto pocztkowa szeregu potgowego"; Text[ portuguese_brazilian ] = "X"; Text[ japanese ] = "ׂɑϐB"; Text[ korean ] = "X"; Text[ chinese_simplified ] = "ڤIJ"; Text[ chinese_traditional ] = "X"; Text[ turkish ] = "X"; Text[ arabic ] = "X"; Text[ catalan ] = "X"; }; String 4 // name of parameter 2 Seriessum { Text = "N"; Text[ english ] = "N"; Text[ language_user1 ] = " "; Text[ english_us ] = "N"; Text[ portuguese ] = "N"; Text[ russian ] = "N"; Text[ greek ] = "N"; Text[ dutch ] = "N"; Text[ french ] = "N"; Text[ spanish ] = "N"; Text[ finnish ] = "N"; Text[ italian ] = "N"; Text[ danish ] = "N"; Text[ swedish ] = "N"; Text[ polish ] = "N"; Text[ portuguese_brazilian ] = "N"; Text[ japanese ] = "N"; Text[ korean ] = "N"; Text[ chinese_simplified ] = "N"; Text[ chinese_traditional ] = "N"; Text[ turkish ] = "N"; Text[ arabic ] = "N"; Text[ catalan ] = "N"; }; String 5 // description of parameter 2 Seriessum { Text = "Anfangspotenz, in die x erhoben werden soll."; Text[ english ] = "Anfangspotenz, in die x erhoben werden soll."; Text[ language_user1 ] = " "; Text[ english_us ] = "The initial power to which x is to be raised"; Text[ portuguese ] = "N"; Text[ russian ] = " , x."; Text[ greek ] = "N"; Text[ dutch ] = "N"; Text[ french ] = "Puissance initiale laquelle lever x."; Text[ spanish ] = "Potencia inicial a la que debe elevarse x"; Text[ finnish ] = "N"; Text[ italian ] = "Potenza iniziale a cui elevare x."; Text[ danish ] = "N"; Text[ swedish ] = "N"; Text[ polish ] = "potga pocztkowa, do ktrej ma by podniesiona warto x"; Text[ portuguese_brazilian ] = "N"; Text[ japanese ] = "x ׂ̂̏lB"; Text[ korean ] = "N"; Text[ chinese_simplified ] = "һҪ x ݡ"; Text[ chinese_traditional ] = "N"; Text[ turkish ] = "N"; Text[ arabic ] = "N"; Text[ catalan ] = "N"; }; String 6 // name of parameter 3 Seriessum { Text = "M"; Text[ english ] = "M"; Text[ language_user1 ] = " "; Text[ english_us ] = "M"; Text[ portuguese ] = "M"; Text[ russian ] = "M"; Text[ greek ] = "M"; Text[ dutch ] = "M"; Text[ french ] = "M"; Text[ spanish ] = "M"; Text[ finnish ] = "M"; Text[ italian ] = "M"; Text[ danish ] = "M"; Text[ swedish ] = "M"; Text[ polish ] = "M"; Text[ portuguese_brazilian ] = "M"; Text[ japanese ] = "M"; Text[ korean ] = "M"; Text[ chinese_simplified ] = "M"; Text[ chinese_traditional ] = "M"; Text[ turkish ] = "M"; Text[ arabic ] = "M"; Text[ catalan ] = "M"; }; String 7 // description of parameter 3 Seriessum { Text = "Inkrement, um das n in jedem Glied der Reihe vergrert werden soll."; Text[ english ] = "Inkrement, um das n in jedem Glied der Reihe vergrert werden soll."; Text[ language_user1 ] = " "; Text[ english_us ] = "The increment by which to increase n for each term in the series"; Text[ portuguese ] = "M"; Text[ russian ] = ", n ."; Text[ greek ] = "M"; Text[ dutch ] = "M"; Text[ french ] = "Incrment selon lequel augmenter n pour chacun des termes de la srie."; Text[ spanish ] = "Incremento en el cual debe aumentar n en cada miembro de la serie."; Text[ finnish ] = "M"; Text[ italian ] = "Incremento di n per ciascun termine della serie."; Text[ danish ] = "M"; Text[ swedish ] = "M"; Text[ polish ] = "Krok, o ktry wzrasta n kadego skadnika w szeregu."; Text[ portuguese_brazilian ] = "M"; Text[ japanese ] = "̊eƂ n 𑝉鑝lB"; Text[ korean ] = "M"; Text[ chinese_simplified ] = "Ϊÿһij n ĵֵ"; Text[ chinese_traditional ] = "M"; Text[ turkish ] = "M"; Text[ arabic ] = "M"; Text[ catalan ] = "M"; }; String 8 // name of parameter 4 Seriessum { Text = "Koeffizienten"; Text[ english ] = "Koeffizienten"; Text[ language_user1 ] = " "; Text[ english_us ] = "Coefficients"; Text[ portuguese ] = "Coefficients"; Text[ russian ] = ""; Text[ greek ] = "Coefficients"; Text[ dutch ] = "Coefficients"; Text[ french ] = "Coefficients"; Text[ spanish ] = "Coeficientes"; Text[ finnish ] = "Coefficients"; Text[ italian ] = "Coefficienti."; Text[ danish ] = "Coefficients"; Text[ swedish ] = "Coefficients"; Text[ polish ] = "Wspczynniki"; Text[ portuguese_brazilian ] = "Coefficients"; Text[ japanese ] = "W"; Text[ korean ] = "Coefficients"; Text[ chinese_simplified ] = "Coefficients"; Text[ chinese_traditional ] = "Coefficients"; Text[ turkish ] = "Coefficients"; Text[ arabic ] = "Coefficients"; Text[ catalan ] = "Coefficients"; }; String 9 // description of parameter 4 Seriessum { Text = "Gruppe von Koeffizienten, mit denen aufeinander folgende Potenzen der Variablen x multipliziert werden."; Text[ english ] = "Gruppe von Koeffizienten, mit denen aufeinanderfolgende Potenzen der Variablen x multipliziert werden."; Text[ language_user1 ] = " "; Text[ english_us ] = "Set of coefficients by which each successive power of the variable x is multiplied"; Text[ portuguese ] = "Coefficients"; Text[ russian ] = " , x."; Text[ greek ] = "Coefficients"; Text[ dutch ] = "Coefficients"; Text[ french ] = "Ensemble des coefficients par lesquels multiplier les puissances successives de la variable x."; Text[ spanish ] = "Grupo de coeficientes con los que se multiplicarn potencias sucesivas de la variable x."; Text[ finnish ] = "Coefficients"; Text[ italian ] = "Insieme di coefficienti con cui vengono moltiplicate le potenze successive di x."; Text[ danish ] = "Coefficients"; Text[ swedish ] = "Coefficients"; Text[ polish ] = "Zbir wspczynnikw, przez ktre mnoy si kad kolejn potg x."; Text[ portuguese_brazilian ] = "Coefficients"; Text[ japanese ] = "ϐ X ׂ̂łeɂǍWB"; Text[ korean ] = "Coefficients"; Text[ chinese_simplified ] = "һϵ x ˵ϵ"; Text[ chinese_traditional ] = "Coefficients"; Text[ turkish ] = "Coefficients"; Text[ arabic ] = "Coefficients"; Text[ catalan ] = "Coefficients"; }; }; Resource ANALYSIS_Quotient { String 1 // description Quotient { Text = "Gibt den ganzzahligen Anteil einer Division zurck."; Text[ english ] = "Returns the integer portion of a division"; Text[ language_user1 ] = " "; Text[ english_us ] = "Returns the integer portion of a division"; Text[ portuguese ] = "Returns the integer portion of a division"; Text[ russian ] = " ."; Text[ greek ] = "Returns the integer portion of a division"; Text[ dutch ] = "Returns the integer portion of a division"; Text[ french ] = "Returns the integer portion of a division"; Text[ spanish ] = "Devuelve la parte entera de una divisin."; Text[ finnish ] = "Returns the integer portion of a division"; Text[ italian ] = "Restituisce il quoziente di una divisione."; Text[ danish ] = "Returns the integer portion of a division"; Text[ swedish ] = "Returns the integer portion of a division"; Text[ polish ] = "Zwraca cz cakowit z dzielenia."; Text[ portuguese_brazilian ] = "Returns the integer portion of a division"; Text[ japanese ] = "Z̏̐Ԃ܂B"; Text[ korean ] = "Returns the integer portion of a division"; Text[ chinese_simplified ] = "ijһ̵С֣ó̵֡"; Text[ chinese_traditional ] = "Returns the integer portion of a division"; Text[ turkish ] = "Returns the integer portion of a division"; Text[ arabic ] = "Returns the integer portion of a division"; Text[ catalan ] = "Returns the integer portion of a division"; }; String 2 // name of parameter 1 Quotient { Text = "Zhler"; Text[ english ] = "Zhler"; Text[ language_user1 ] = " "; Text[ english_us ] = "Numerator"; Text[ portuguese ] = "numerator"; Text[ russian ] = ""; Text[ greek ] = "numerator"; Text[ dutch ] = "numerator"; Text[ french ] = "numerator"; Text[ spanish ] = "Numerador"; Text[ finnish ] = "numerator"; Text[ italian ] = "Numeratore"; Text[ danish ] = "numerator"; Text[ swedish ] = "numerator"; Text[ polish ] = "dzielna"; Text[ portuguese_brazilian ] = "numerator"; Text[ japanese ] = "q"; Text[ korean ] = "numerator"; Text[ chinese_simplified ] = "numerator"; Text[ chinese_traditional ] = "numerator"; Text[ turkish ] = "numerator"; Text[ arabic ] = "numerator"; Text[ catalan ] = "numerator"; }; String 3 // description of parameter 1 Quotient { Text = "Zhler (Dividend)"; Text[ english ] = "Zhler (Dividend)"; Text[ language_user1 ] = " "; Text[ english_us ] = "The dividend"; Text[ portuguese ] = "numerator"; Text[ russian ] = "."; Text[ greek ] = "numerator"; Text[ dutch ] = "numerator"; Text[ french ] = "numerator"; Text[ spanish ] = "Numerador (dividendo)"; Text[ finnish ] = "numerator"; Text[ italian ] = "Numeratore (dividendo)"; Text[ danish ] = "numerator"; Text[ swedish ] = "numerator"; Text[ polish ] = "warto dzielnej (licznik)"; Text[ portuguese_brazilian ] = "numerator"; Text[ japanese ] = "q(鐔)"; Text[ korean ] = "numerator"; Text[ chinese_simplified ] = ""; Text[ chinese_traditional ] = "numerator"; Text[ turkish ] = "numerator"; Text[ arabic ] = "numerator"; Text[ catalan ] = "numerator"; }; String 4 // name of parameter 2 Quotient { Text = "Nenner"; Text[ english ] = "Nenner"; Text[ language_user1 ] = " "; Text[ english_us ] = "Denominator"; Text[ portuguese ] = "denominator"; Text[ russian ] = ""; Text[ greek ] = "denominator"; Text[ dutch ] = "denominator"; Text[ french ] = "denominator"; Text[ spanish ] = "Denominador"; Text[ finnish ] = "denominator"; Text[ italian ] = "Denominatore"; Text[ danish ] = "denominator"; Text[ swedish ] = "denominator"; Text[ polish ] = "dzielnik"; Text[ portuguese_brazilian ] = "denominator"; Text[ japanese ] = ""; Text[ korean ] = "denominator"; Text[ chinese_simplified ] = "Denominator"; Text[ chinese_traditional ] = "denominator"; Text[ turkish ] = "denominator"; Text[ arabic ] = "denominator"; Text[ catalan ] = "denominator"; }; String 5 // description of parameter 2 Quotient { Text = "Nenner (Divisor)"; Text[ english ] = "Nenner (Divisor)"; Text[ language_user1 ] = " "; Text[ english_us ] = "The divisor"; Text[ portuguese ] = "denominator"; Text[ russian ] = "."; Text[ greek ] = "denominator"; Text[ dutch ] = "denominator"; Text[ french ] = "denominator"; Text[ spanish ] = "Denominador (divisor)"; Text[ finnish ] = "denominator"; Text[ italian ] = "Denominatore (divisore)"; Text[ danish ] = "denominator"; Text[ swedish ] = "denominator"; Text[ polish ] = "warto dzielnika (mianownik)"; Text[ portuguese_brazilian ] = "denominator"; Text[ japanese ] = "(鐔)"; Text[ korean ] = "denominator"; Text[ chinese_simplified ] = "ĸ"; Text[ chinese_traditional ] = "denominator"; Text[ turkish ] = "denominator"; Text[ arabic ] = "denominator"; Text[ catalan ] = "denominator"; }; }; Resource ANALYSIS_Mround { String 1 // description Mround { Text = "Liefert eine auf das Vielfache gerundete Zahl."; Text[ english ] = "Returns a number rounded to the desire multiple"; Text[ language_user1 ] = " "; Text[ english_us ] = "Returns a number rounded to a specified multiple"; Text[ portuguese ] = "Returns a number rounded to the desire multiple"; Text[ russian ] = " , ."; Text[ greek ] = "Returns a number rounded to the desire multiple"; Text[ dutch ] = "Returns a number rounded to the desire multiple"; Text[ french ] = "Renvoie un nombre arrondi au multiple spcifi."; Text[ spanish ] = "Devuelve un nmero redondeado al mltiplo deseado."; Text[ finnish ] = "Returns a number rounded to the desire multiple"; Text[ italian ] = "Restituisce un numero arrotondato al multiplo desiderato."; Text[ danish ] = "Returns a number rounded to the desire multiple"; Text[ swedish ] = "Returns a number rounded to the desire multiple"; Text[ polish ] = "Zwraca warto liczby zaokrglonej do podanej wielokrotnoci."; Text[ portuguese_brazilian ] = "Returns a number rounded to the desire multiple"; Text[ japanese ] = "w肳ꂽl̔{ɂȂ悤ɁA؂グ܂͐؂̂ĂĊۂ߂lԂ܂B"; Text[ korean ] = "Returns a number rounded to the desire multiple"; Text[ chinese_simplified ] = "ijһֵָ"; Text[ chinese_traditional ] = "Returns a number rounded to the desire multiple"; Text[ turkish ] = "Returns a number rounded to the desire multiple"; Text[ arabic ] = "Returns a number rounded to the desire multiple"; Text[ catalan ] = "Returns a number rounded to the desire multiple"; }; String 2 // name of parameter 1 Mround { Text = "Zahl"; Text[ english ] = "Zahl"; Text[ language_user1 ] = " "; Text[ english_us ] = "Number"; Text[ portuguese ] = "number"; Text[ russian ] = ""; Text[ greek ] = "number"; Text[ dutch ] = "number"; Text[ french ] = "number"; Text[ spanish ] = "Nmero"; Text[ finnish ] = "number"; Text[ italian ] = "Num"; Text[ danish ] = "number"; Text[ swedish ] = "number"; Text[ polish ] = "liczba"; Text[ portuguese_brazilian ] = "number"; Text[ japanese ] = "l"; Text[ korean ] = "number"; Text[ chinese_simplified ] = "number"; Text[ chinese_traditional ] = "number"; Text[ turkish ] = "number"; Text[ arabic ] = "number"; Text[ catalan ] = "number"; }; String 3 // description of parameter 1 Mround { Text = "Die zu rundende Zahl"; Text[ english ] = "Die zu rundende Zahl"; Text[ language_user1 ] = " "; Text[ english_us ] = "The number to round off"; Text[ portuguese ] = "number"; Text[ russian ] = " ."; Text[ greek ] = "number"; Text[ dutch ] = "number"; Text[ french ] = "number"; Text[ spanish ] = "El nmero que desea redondear."; Text[ finnish ] = "number"; Text[ italian ] = "Il numero da arrotondare."; Text[ danish ] = "number"; Text[ swedish ] = "number"; Text[ polish ] = "Warto, ktra bdzie zaokrglana."; Text[ portuguese_brazilian ] = "number"; Text[ japanese ] = "؂艺܂͐؂̂Ă̑ΏۂƂȂ鐔lB"; Text[ korean ] = "number"; Text[ chinese_simplified ] = "Ҫֵ"; Text[ chinese_traditional ] = "number"; Text[ turkish ] = "number"; Text[ arabic ] = "number"; Text[ catalan ] = "number"; }; String 4 // name of parameter 2 Mround { Text = "Vielfaches"; Text[ english ] = "Vielfaches"; Text[ language_user1 ] = " "; Text[ english_us ] = "Multiple"; Text[ portuguese ] = "multiple"; Text[ russian ] = ""; Text[ greek ] = "multiple"; Text[ dutch ] = "multiple"; Text[ french ] = "multiple"; Text[ spanish ] = "Mltiplo"; Text[ finnish ] = "multiple"; Text[ italian ] = "Multiplo"; Text[ danish ] = "multiple"; Text[ swedish ] = "multiple"; Text[ polish ] = "wielokrotno"; Text[ portuguese_brazilian ] = "multiple"; Text[ japanese ] = "{"; Text[ korean ] = "multiple"; Text[ chinese_simplified ] = "multiple"; Text[ chinese_traditional ] = "multiple"; Text[ turkish ] = "multiple"; Text[ arabic ] = "multiple"; Text[ catalan ] = "multiple"; }; String 5 // description of parameter 2 Mround { Text = "Der Wert, auf dessen Vielfaches gerundet werden soll."; Text[ english ] = "Der Wert, auf dessen Vielfaches gerundet werden soll."; Text[ language_user1 ] = " "; Text[ english_us ] = "The multiple to which you want to round number"; Text[ portuguese ] = "multiple"; Text[ russian ] = ", ."; Text[ greek ] = "multiple"; Text[ dutch ] = "multiple"; Text[ french ] = "multiple"; Text[ spanish ] = "El valor al cual se desea redondear."; Text[ finnish ] = "multiple"; Text[ italian ] = "Il multilpo a cui arrotondare il valore."; Text[ danish ] = "multiple"; Text[ swedish ] = "multiple"; Text[ polish ] = "Wielokrotno, do ktrej naley zaokrgli liczb."; Text[ portuguese_brazilian ] = "multiple"; Text[ japanese ] = "؂グ܂͐؂̂Ăꂽl̔{ƂȂ悤ȐlB"; Text[ korean ] = "multiple"; Text[ chinese_simplified ] = "multiple"; Text[ chinese_traditional ] = "multiple"; Text[ turkish ] = "multiple"; Text[ arabic ] = "multiple"; Text[ catalan ] = "multiple"; }; }; Resource ANALYSIS_SqrtPI { String 1 // description SqrtPI { Text = "Berechnet die Wurzel aus einer mit Pi multiplizierten Zahl."; Text[ english ] = "Returns the square root of ( number * pi )"; Text[ language_user1 ] = " "; Text[ english_us ] = "Returns the square root of a number multiplied by pi"; Text[ portuguese ] = "Returns the square root of ( number * pi )"; Text[ russian ] = " , ."; Text[ greek ] = "Returns the square root of ( number * pi )"; Text[ dutch ] = "Returns the square root of ( number * pi )"; Text[ french ] = "Returns the square root of ( number * pi )"; Text[ spanish ] = "Calcula la raz de un nmero multiplicado por Pi."; Text[ finnish ] = "Returns the square root of ( number * pi )"; Text[ italian ] = "Calcola la radice quadrata di un numero per il quale si moltiplica pi greco."; Text[ danish ] = "Returns the square root of ( number * pi )"; Text[ swedish ] = "Returns the square root of ( number * pi )"; Text[ polish ] = "Zwraca pierwiastek kwadratowy z liczby pomonoonej przez pi."; Text[ portuguese_brazilian ] = "Returns the square root of ( number * pi )"; Text[ japanese ] = "l* ̕Ԃ܂B"; Text[ korean ] = "Returns the square root of ( number * pi )"; Text[ chinese_simplified ] = "Returns the square root of ( number * pi )"; Text[ chinese_traditional ] = "Returns the square root of ( number * pi )"; Text[ turkish ] = "Returns the square root of ( number * pi )"; Text[ arabic ] = "Returns the square root of ( number * pi )"; Text[ catalan ] = "Returns the square root of ( number * pi )"; }; String 2 // name of parameter 1 SqrtPI { Text = "Zahl"; Text[ english ] = "Zahl"; Text[ language_user1 ] = " "; Text[ english_us ] = "Number"; Text[ portuguese ] = "number"; Text[ russian ] = ""; Text[ greek ] = "number"; Text[ dutch ] = "number"; Text[ french ] = "number"; Text[ spanish ] = "Nmero"; Text[ finnish ] = "number"; Text[ italian ] = "Num"; Text[ danish ] = "number"; Text[ swedish ] = "number"; Text[ polish ] = "liczba"; Text[ portuguese_brazilian ] = "number"; Text[ japanese ] = "l"; Text[ korean ] = "number"; Text[ chinese_simplified ] = "number"; Text[ chinese_traditional ] = "number"; Text[ turkish ] = "number"; Text[ arabic ] = "number"; Text[ catalan ] = "number"; }; String 3 // description of parameter 1 SqrtPI { Text = "Zahl"; Text[ english ] = "Zahl"; Text[ language_user1 ] = " "; Text[ english_us ] = "The number by which pi is multiplied"; Text[ portuguese ] = "number"; Text[ russian ] = ", ."; Text[ greek ] = "number"; Text[ dutch ] = "number"; Text[ french ] = "number"; Text[ spanish ] = "Nmero"; Text[ finnish ] = "number"; Text[ italian ] = "Numero"; Text[ danish ] = "number"; Text[ swedish ] = "number"; Text[ polish ] = "liczba mnoona przez pi"; Text[ portuguese_brazilian ] = "number"; Text[ japanese ] = "l"; Text[ korean ] = "number"; Text[ chinese_simplified ] = "number"; Text[ chinese_traditional ] = "number"; Text[ turkish ] = "number"; Text[ arabic ] = "number"; Text[ catalan ] = "number"; }; }; Resource ANALYSIS_Randbetween { String 1 // description Randbetween { Text = "Liefert eine ganze Zufallszahl aus dem angegebenen Bereich."; Text[ english ] = "Returns a random integer number between the numbers you specify"; Text[ language_user1 ] = " "; Text[ english_us ] = "Returns a random integer between the numbers you specify"; Text[ portuguese ] = "Returns a random integer number between the numbers you specify"; Text[ russian ] = " ."; Text[ greek ] = "Returns a random integer number between the numbers you specify"; Text[ dutch ] = "Returns a random integer number between the numbers you specify"; Text[ french ] = "Renvoie un nombre alatoire entier compris entre les nombres spcifis."; Text[ spanish ] = "Devuelve el nmero aleatorio del rea indicada."; Text[ finnish ] = "Returns a random integer number between the numbers you specify"; Text[ italian ] = "Restituisce un numero casuale intero compreso tra i numeri specificati."; Text[ danish ] = "Returns a random integer number between the numbers you specify"; Text[ swedish ] = "Returns a random integer number between the numbers you specify"; Text[ polish ] = "Zwraca liczb losow z przedziau pomidzy podanymi wartociami."; Text[ portuguese_brazilian ] = "Returns a random integer number between the numbers you specify"; Text[ japanese ] = "w肳ꂽ͈͂ňlɕz鐮̗Ԃ܂B"; Text[ korean ] = "Returns a random integer number between the numbers you specify"; Text[ chinese_simplified ] = "Returns a random integer number between the numbers you specify"; Text[ chinese_traditional ] = "Returns a random integer number between the numbers you specify"; Text[ turkish ] = "Returns a random integer number between the numbers you specify"; Text[ arabic ] = "Returns a random integer number between the numbers you specify"; Text[ catalan ] = "Returns a random integer number between the numbers you specify"; }; String 2 // name of parameter 1 Randbetween { Text = "Kleinste Zahl"; Text[ english ] = "Kleinste Zahl"; Text[ language_user1 ] = " "; Text[ english_us ] = "Bottom"; Text[ portuguese ] = "bottom"; Text[ russian ] = "_"; Text[ greek ] = "bottom"; Text[ dutch ] = "bottom"; Text[ french ] = "bottom"; Text[ spanish ] = "Menor"; Text[ finnish ] = "bottom"; Text[ italian ] = "Minore"; Text[ danish ] = "bottom"; Text[ swedish ] = "bottom"; Text[ polish ] = "d"; Text[ portuguese_brazilian ] = "bottom"; Text[ japanese ] = "ŏl"; Text[ korean ] = "bottom"; Text[ chinese_simplified ] = "bottom"; Text[ chinese_traditional ] = "bottom"; Text[ turkish ] = "bottom"; Text[ arabic ] = "bottom"; Text[ catalan ] = "bottom"; }; String 3 // description of parameter 1 Randbetween { Text = "Die kleinste Zahl, die geliefert werden soll."; Text[ english ] = "Die kleinste Zahl, die geliefert werden soll."; Text[ language_user1 ] = " "; Text[ english_us ] = "The smallest integer returned"; Text[ portuguese ] = "bottom"; Text[ russian ] = " , ."; Text[ greek ] = "bottom"; Text[ dutch ] = "bottom"; Text[ french ] = "bottom"; Text[ spanish ] = "El nmero menor que debe devolverse."; Text[ finnish ] = "bottom"; Text[ italian ] = "Il numero pi piccolo da calcolare."; Text[ danish ] = "bottom"; Text[ swedish ] = "bottom"; Text[ polish ] = "Najmniejsza liczba, jaka moe zosta podana."; Text[ portuguese_brazilian ] = "bottom"; Text[ japanese ] = "Ԃ鐮̗̍ŏlB"; Text[ korean ] = "bottom"; Text[ chinese_simplified ] = "bottom"; Text[ chinese_traditional ] = "bottom"; Text[ turkish ] = "bottom"; Text[ arabic ] = "bottom"; Text[ catalan ] = "bottom"; }; String 4 // name of parameter 2 Randbetween { Text = "Grte Zahl"; Text[ english ] = "Grte Zahl"; Text[ language_user1 ] = " "; Text[ english_us ] = "Top"; Text[ portuguese ] = "top"; Text[ russian ] = "_"; Text[ greek ] = "top"; Text[ dutch ] = "top"; Text[ french ] = "top"; Text[ spanish ] = "Mayor"; Text[ finnish ] = "top"; Text[ italian ] = "Maggiore"; Text[ danish ] = "top"; Text[ swedish ] = "top"; Text[ polish ] = "gra"; Text[ portuguese_brazilian ] = "top"; Text[ japanese ] = "ől"; Text[ korean ] = "top"; Text[ chinese_simplified ] = "top"; Text[ chinese_traditional ] = "top"; Text[ turkish ] = "top"; Text[ arabic ] = "top"; Text[ catalan ] = "top"; }; String 5 // description of parameter 2 Randbetween { Text = "Die grte Zahl, die geliefert werden soll."; Text[ english ] = "Die grte Zahl, die geliefert werden soll."; Text[ language_user1 ] = " "; Text[ english_us ] = "The largest integer returned"; Text[ portuguese ] = "top"; Text[ russian ] = " , ."; Text[ greek ] = "top"; Text[ dutch ] = "top"; Text[ french ] = "top"; Text[ spanish ] = "El nmero mayor que se debe devolver."; Text[ finnish ] = "top"; Text[ italian ] = "Il numero pi grande da calcolare."; Text[ danish ] = "top"; Text[ swedish ] = "top"; Text[ polish ] = "Najwiksza liczba, jaka moe zosta podana."; Text[ portuguese_brazilian ] = "top"; Text[ japanese ] = "Ԃ鐮̗̍őlB"; Text[ korean ] = "top"; Text[ chinese_simplified ] = "top"; Text[ chinese_traditional ] = "top"; Text[ turkish ] = "top"; Text[ arabic ] = "top"; Text[ catalan ] = "top"; }; }; Resource ANALYSIS_Gcd_add { String 1 // description Gcd_add { Text = "Liefert den grten gemeinsamen Teiler."; Text[ english ] = "Returns the greatest common divisor"; Text[ english_us ] = "Returns the greatest common divisor"; Text[ portuguese ] = "Returns the greatest common divisor"; Text[ russian ] = "Returns the greatest common divisor"; Text[ greek ] = "Returns the greatest common divisor"; Text[ dutch ] = "Returns the greatest common divisor"; Text[ french ] = "Returns the greatest common divisor"; Text[ spanish ] = "Devuelve el mximo comn divisor."; Text[ finnish ] = "Returns the greatest common divisor"; Text[ italian ] = "Calcola il massimo comun divisore."; Text[ danish ] = "Returns the greatest common divisor"; Text[ swedish ] = "Returnerar strsta gemensamma divisor."; Text[ polish ] = "Returns the greatest common divisor"; Text[ portuguese_brazilian ] = "Returns the greatest common divisor"; Text[ japanese ] = "Returns the greatest common divisor"; Text[ korean ] = "Returns the greatest common divisor"; Text[ chinese_simplified ] = "Returns the greatest common divisor"; Text[ chinese_traditional ] = "Returns the greatest common divisor"; Text[ turkish ] = "Returns the greatest common divisor"; Text[ arabic ] = "Returns the greatest common divisor"; Text[ catalan ] = "Returns the greatest common divisor"; }; String 2 // name of parameter 1 Gcd_add { Text = "Zahl(en)"; Text[ english ] = "Zahl(en)"; Text[ english_us ] = "Number"; Text[ portuguese ] = "Zahl(en)"; Text[ russian ] = "Zahl(en)"; Text[ greek ] = "Zahl(en)"; Text[ dutch ] = "Zahl(en)"; Text[ french ] = "Zahl(en)"; Text[ spanish ] = "Nmero(s)"; Text[ finnish ] = "Zahl(en)"; Text[ italian ] = "Num(i)"; Text[ danish ] = "Zahl(en)"; Text[ swedish ] = "Tal"; Text[ polish ] = "Zahl(en)"; Text[ portuguese_brazilian ] = "Zahl(en)"; Text[ japanese ] = "l"; Text[ korean ] = "Zahl(en)"; Text[ chinese_simplified ] = "Zahl(en)"; Text[ chinese_traditional ] = "Zahl(en)"; Text[ turkish ] = "Zahl(en)"; Text[ arabic ] = "Zahl(en)"; Text[ catalan ] = "Zahl(en)"; }; String 3 // description of parameter 1 Gcd_add { Text = "Zahl oder Liste von Zahlen"; Text[ english ] = "Zahl oder Liste von Zahlen"; Text[ english_us ] = "Zahl oder Liste von Zahlen"; Text[ portuguese ] = "Zahl oder Liste von Zahlen"; Text[ russian ] = "Zahl oder Liste von Zahlen"; Text[ greek ] = "Zahl oder Liste von Zahlen"; Text[ dutch ] = "Zahl oder Liste von Zahlen"; Text[ french ] = "Zahl oder Liste von Zahlen"; Text[ spanish ] = "Nmero o lista de nmeros"; Text[ finnish ] = "Zahl oder Liste von Zahlen"; Text[ italian ] = "Numero o serie di numeri."; Text[ danish ] = "Zahl oder Liste von Zahlen"; Text[ swedish ] = "Tal eller lista med tal"; Text[ polish ] = "Zahl oder Liste von Zahlen"; Text[ portuguese_brazilian ] = "Zahl oder Liste von Zahlen"; Text[ japanese ] = "Zahl oder Liste von Zahlen"; Text[ korean ] = "Zahl oder Liste von Zahlen"; Text[ chinese_simplified ] = "Zahl oder Liste von Zahlen"; Text[ chinese_traditional ] = "Zahl oder Liste von Zahlen"; Text[ turkish ] = "Zahl oder Liste von Zahlen"; Text[ arabic ] = "Zahl oder Liste von Zahlen"; Text[ catalan ] = "Zahl oder Liste von Zahlen"; }; }; Resource ANALYSIS_Lcm_add { String 1 // description Lcm_add { Text = "Liefert das kleinste gemeinsame Vielfache."; Text[ english ] = "Returns the least common multiple"; Text[ english_us ] = "Returns the least common multiple"; Text[ portuguese ] = "Returns the least common multiple"; Text[ russian ] = "Returns the least common multiple"; Text[ greek ] = "Returns the least common multiple"; Text[ dutch ] = "Returns the least common multiple"; Text[ french ] = "Returns the least common multiple"; Text[ spanish ] = "Devuelve el mnimo comn mltiplo."; Text[ finnish ] = "Returns the least common multiple"; Text[ italian ] = "Calcola il minimo comune multiplo."; Text[ danish ] = "Returns the least common multiple"; Text[ swedish ] = "Returnerar minsta gemensamma multipel."; Text[ polish ] = "Returns the least common multiple"; Text[ portuguese_brazilian ] = "Returns the least common multiple"; Text[ japanese ] = "Returns the least common multiple"; Text[ korean ] = "Returns the least common multiple"; Text[ chinese_simplified ] = "Returns the least common multiple"; Text[ chinese_traditional ] = "Returns the least common multiple"; Text[ turkish ] = "Returns the least common multiple"; Text[ arabic ] = "Returns the least common multiple"; Text[ catalan ] = "Returns the least common multiple"; }; String 2 // name of parameter 1 Lcm_add { Text = "Zahl(en)"; Text[ english ] = "Zahl(en)"; Text[ english_us ] = "Number"; Text[ portuguese ] = "Zahl(en)"; Text[ russian ] = "Zahl(en)"; Text[ greek ] = "Zahl(en)"; Text[ dutch ] = "Zahl(en)"; Text[ french ] = "Zahl(en)"; Text[ spanish ] = "Nmero(s)"; Text[ finnish ] = "Zahl(en)"; Text[ italian ] = "Num(i)"; Text[ danish ] = "Zahl(en)"; Text[ swedish ] = "Tal"; Text[ polish ] = "Zahl(en)"; Text[ portuguese_brazilian ] = "Zahl(en)"; Text[ japanese ] = "l"; Text[ korean ] = "Zahl(en)"; Text[ chinese_simplified ] = "Zahl(en)"; Text[ chinese_traditional ] = "Zahl(en)"; Text[ turkish ] = "Zahl(en)"; Text[ arabic ] = "Zahl(en)"; Text[ catalan ] = "Zahl(en)"; }; String 3 // description of parameter 1 Lcm_add { Text = "Zahl oder Liste von Zahlen"; Text[ english ] = "Zahl oder Liste von Zahlen"; Text[ english_us ] = "Zahl oder Liste von Zahlen"; Text[ portuguese ] = "Zahl oder Liste von Zahlen"; Text[ russian ] = "Zahl oder Liste von Zahlen"; Text[ greek ] = "Zahl oder Liste von Zahlen"; Text[ dutch ] = "Zahl oder Liste von Zahlen"; Text[ french ] = "Zahl oder Liste von Zahlen"; Text[ spanish ] = "Nmero o lista de nmeros"; Text[ finnish ] = "Zahl oder Liste von Zahlen"; Text[ italian ] = "Numero o serie di numeri."; Text[ danish ] = "Zahl oder Liste von Zahlen"; Text[ swedish ] = "Tal eller lista med tal"; Text[ polish ] = "Zahl oder Liste von Zahlen"; Text[ portuguese_brazilian ] = "Zahl oder Liste von Zahlen"; Text[ japanese ] = "Zahl oder Liste von Zahlen"; Text[ korean ] = "Zahl oder Liste von Zahlen"; Text[ chinese_simplified ] = "Zahl oder Liste von Zahlen"; Text[ chinese_traditional ] = "Zahl oder Liste von Zahlen"; Text[ turkish ] = "Zahl oder Liste von Zahlen"; Text[ arabic ] = "Zahl oder Liste von Zahlen"; Text[ catalan ] = "Zahl oder Liste von Zahlen"; }; }; Resource ANALYSIS_BesselI { String 1 // description BesselI { Text = "Berechnet die modifizierte Besselfunktion In(x)."; Text[ english ] = "Returns the modified Bessel function In(x)"; Text[ language_user1 ] = " "; Text[ english_us ] = "Returns the modified Bessel function In(x)"; Text[ portuguese ] = "Returns the modified Bessel function In(x)"; Text[ russian ] = " In(x)."; Text[ greek ] = "Returns the modified Bessel function In(x)"; Text[ dutch ] = "Returns the modified Bessel function In(x)"; Text[ french ] = "Returns the modified Bessel function In(x)"; Text[ spanish ] = "Calcula la funcin Bessel modificada In(x)."; Text[ finnish ] = "Returns the modified Bessel function In(x)"; Text[ italian ] = "Restituisce la funzione modificata di Bessel In(x)."; Text[ danish ] = "Returns the modified Bessel function In(x)"; Text[ swedish ] = "Returns the modified Bessel function In(x)"; Text[ polish ] = "Podaje warto zmodyfikowanej funkcji Bessela In(x)."; Text[ portuguese_brazilian ] = "Returns the modified Bessel function In(x)"; Text[ japanese ] = "Cޯي֐ In(x)Ԃ܂B"; Text[ korean ] = "Returns the modified Bessel function In(x)"; Text[ chinese_simplified ] = "Returns the modified Bessel function In(x)"; Text[ chinese_traditional ] = "Returns the modified Bessel function In(x)"; Text[ turkish ] = "Returns the modified Bessel function In(x)"; Text[ arabic ] = "Returns the modified Bessel function In(x)"; Text[ catalan ] = "Returns the modified Bessel function In(x)"; }; String 2 // name of parameter 1 BesselI { Text = "X"; Text[ english ] = "X"; Text[ language_user1 ] = " "; Text[ english_us ] = "X"; Text[ portuguese ] = "x"; Text[ russian ] = "X"; Text[ greek ] = "x"; Text[ dutch ] = "x"; Text[ french ] = "x"; Text[ spanish ] = "x"; Text[ finnish ] = "x"; Text[ italian ] = "X"; Text[ danish ] = "x"; Text[ swedish ] = "x"; Text[ polish ] = "x"; Text[ portuguese_brazilian ] = "x"; Text[ japanese ] = "x"; Text[ korean ] = "x"; Text[ chinese_simplified ] = "x"; Text[ chinese_traditional ] = "x"; Text[ turkish ] = "x"; Text[ arabic ] = "x"; Text[ catalan ] = "x"; }; String 3 // description of parameter 1 BesselI { Text = "Der Wert, fr den die Funktion berechnet werden soll."; Text[ english ] = "The value at which to evaluate the function"; Text[ language_user1 ] = " "; Text[ english_us ] = "The value at which to evaluate the function"; Text[ portuguese ] = "x"; Text[ russian ] = ", ."; Text[ greek ] = "x"; Text[ dutch ] = "x"; Text[ french ] = "x"; Text[ spanish ] = "x es el valor con el que se evala la funcin."; Text[ finnish ] = "x"; Text[ italian ] = "X"; Text[ danish ] = "x"; Text[ swedish ] = "x"; Text[ polish ] = "warto, przy ktrej naley wyliczy funkcj"; Text[ portuguese_brazilian ] = "x"; Text[ japanese ] = "x"; Text[ korean ] = "x"; Text[ chinese_simplified ] = "x"; Text[ chinese_traditional ] = "x"; Text[ turkish ] = "x"; Text[ arabic ] = "x"; Text[ catalan ] = "x"; }; String 4 // name of parameter 2 BesselI { Text = "N"; Text[ english ] = "N"; Text[ language_user1 ] = " "; Text[ english_us ] = "N"; Text[ portuguese ] = "n"; Text[ russian ] = "N"; Text[ greek ] = "n"; Text[ dutch ] = "n"; Text[ french ] = "n"; Text[ spanish ] = "n"; Text[ finnish ] = "n"; Text[ italian ] = "N"; Text[ danish ] = "n"; Text[ swedish ] = "n"; Text[ polish ] = "n"; Text[ portuguese_brazilian ] = "n"; Text[ japanese ] = "n"; Text[ korean ] = "n"; Text[ chinese_simplified ] = "n"; Text[ chinese_traditional ] = "n"; Text[ turkish ] = "n"; Text[ arabic ] = "n"; Text[ catalan ] = "n"; }; String 5 // description of parameter 2 BesselI { Text = "Ordnung der Besselfunktion"; Text[ english ] = "Ordnung der Besselfunktion"; Text[ language_user1 ] = " "; Text[ english_us ] = "The order of the Bessel function"; Text[ portuguese ] = "n"; Text[ russian ] = " ."; Text[ greek ] = "n"; Text[ dutch ] = "n"; Text[ french ] = "n"; Text[ spanish ] = "Orden de la funcin Bessel."; Text[ finnish ] = "n"; Text[ italian ] = "Ordine nella funzione di Bessel."; Text[ danish ] = "n"; Text[ swedish ] = "n"; Text[ polish ] = "rzd funkcji Bessela"; Text[ portuguese_brazilian ] = "n"; Text[ japanese ] = "ޯي֐̎"; Text[ korean ] = "n"; Text[ chinese_simplified ] = "n"; Text[ chinese_traditional ] = "n"; Text[ turkish ] = "n"; Text[ arabic ] = "n"; Text[ catalan ] = "n"; }; }; Resource ANALYSIS_BesselJ { String 1 // description BesselJ { Text = "Berechnet die Besselfunktion Jn(x)."; Text[ english ] = "Returns the Bessel function Jn(x)"; Text[ language_user1 ] = " "; Text[ english_us ] = "Returns the Bessel function Jn(x)"; Text[ portuguese ] = "Returns the Bessel function Jn(x)"; Text[ russian ] = " Jn(x)."; Text[ greek ] = "Returns the Bessel function Jn(x)"; Text[ dutch ] = "Returns the Bessel function Jn(x)"; Text[ french ] = "Renvoie la fonction de Bessel Jn(x)."; Text[ spanish ] = "Calcula la funcin Bessel Jn(x)"; Text[ finnish ] = "Returns the Bessel function Jn(x)"; Text[ italian ] = "Restituisce la funzione di Bessel Jn(x)."; Text[ danish ] = "Returns the Bessel function Jn(x)"; Text[ swedish ] = "Returns the Bessel function Jn(x)"; Text[ polish ] = "Podaje warto funkcji Bessela Jn(x)."; Text[ portuguese_brazilian ] = "Returns the Bessel function Jn(x)"; Text[ japanese ] = "ޯي֐ Jn(x)Ԃ܂B"; Text[ korean ] = "Returns the Bessel function Jn(x)"; Text[ chinese_simplified ] = "Returns the Bessel function Jn(x)"; Text[ chinese_traditional ] = "Returns the Bessel function Jn(x)"; Text[ turkish ] = "Returns the Bessel function Jn(x)"; Text[ arabic ] = "Returns the Bessel function Jn(x)"; Text[ catalan ] = "Returns the Bessel function Jn(x)"; }; String 2 // name of parameter 1 BesselJ { Text = "X"; Text[ english ] = "X"; Text[ language_user1 ] = " "; Text[ english_us ] = "X"; Text[ portuguese ] = "x"; Text[ russian ] = "X"; Text[ greek ] = "x"; Text[ dutch ] = "x"; Text[ french ] = "x"; Text[ spanish ] = "x"; Text[ finnish ] = "x"; Text[ italian ] = "X"; Text[ danish ] = "x"; Text[ swedish ] = "x"; Text[ polish ] = "x"; Text[ portuguese_brazilian ] = "x"; Text[ japanese ] = "x"; Text[ korean ] = "x"; Text[ chinese_simplified ] = "x"; Text[ chinese_traditional ] = "x"; Text[ turkish ] = "x"; Text[ arabic ] = "x"; Text[ catalan ] = "x"; }; String 3 // description of parameter 1 BesselJ { Text = "Der Wert, fr den die Funktion berechnet werden soll."; Text[ english ] = "The value at which to evaluate the function"; Text[ language_user1 ] = " "; Text[ english_us ] = "The value at which to evaluate the function"; Text[ portuguese ] = "x"; Text[ russian ] = ", ."; Text[ greek ] = "x"; Text[ dutch ] = "x"; Text[ french ] = "x"; Text[ spanish ] = "x es el valor con el que se evala la funcin."; Text[ finnish ] = "x"; Text[ italian ] = "X"; Text[ danish ] = "x"; Text[ swedish ] = "x"; Text[ polish ] = "warto, przy ktrej naley wyliczy funkcj"; Text[ portuguese_brazilian ] = "x"; Text[ japanese ] = "x"; Text[ korean ] = "x"; Text[ chinese_simplified ] = "x"; Text[ chinese_traditional ] = "x"; Text[ turkish ] = "x"; Text[ arabic ] = "x"; Text[ catalan ] = "x"; }; String 4 // name of parameter 2 BesselJ { Text = "N"; Text[ english ] = "N"; Text[ language_user1 ] = " "; Text[ english_us ] = "N"; Text[ portuguese ] = "n"; Text[ russian ] = "N"; Text[ greek ] = "n"; Text[ dutch ] = "n"; Text[ french ] = "n"; Text[ spanish ] = "n"; Text[ finnish ] = "n"; Text[ italian ] = "N"; Text[ danish ] = "n"; Text[ swedish ] = "n"; Text[ polish ] = "n"; Text[ portuguese_brazilian ] = "n"; Text[ japanese ] = "n"; Text[ korean ] = "n"; Text[ chinese_simplified ] = "n"; Text[ chinese_traditional ] = "n"; Text[ turkish ] = "n"; Text[ arabic ] = "n"; Text[ catalan ] = "n"; }; String 5 // description of parameter 2 BesselJ { Text = "Ordnung der Besselfunktion"; Text[ english ] = "Ordnung der Besselfunktion"; Text[ language_user1 ] = " "; Text[ english_us ] = "The order of the Bessel function"; Text[ portuguese ] = "n"; Text[ russian ] = " ."; Text[ greek ] = "n"; Text[ dutch ] = "n"; Text[ french ] = "n"; Text[ spanish ] = "Orden de la funcin Bessel"; Text[ finnish ] = "n"; Text[ italian ] = "Ordine della funzione di Bessel."; Text[ danish ] = "n"; Text[ swedish ] = "n"; Text[ polish ] = "rzd funkcji Bessela"; Text[ portuguese_brazilian ] = "n"; Text[ japanese ] = "ޯي֐̎"; Text[ korean ] = "n"; Text[ chinese_simplified ] = "n"; Text[ chinese_traditional ] = "n"; Text[ turkish ] = "n"; Text[ arabic ] = "n"; Text[ catalan ] = "n"; }; }; Resource ANALYSIS_BesselK { String 1 // description BesselK { Text = "Berechnet die modifizierte Besselfunktion Kn(x)."; Text[ english ] = "Returns the Bessel function Kn(x)"; Text[ language_user1 ] = " "; Text[ english_us ] = "Returns the Bessel function Kn(x)"; Text[ portuguese ] = "Returns the Bessel function Kn(x)"; Text[ russian ] = " Kn(x)."; Text[ greek ] = "Returns the Bessel function Kn(x)"; Text[ dutch ] = "Returns the Bessel function Kn(x)"; Text[ french ] = "Renvoie la fonction de Bessel modifie Kn(x)."; Text[ spanish ] = "Calcula la funcin de Bessel modificada Kn(x)"; Text[ finnish ] = "Returns the Bessel function Kn(x)"; Text[ italian ] = "Restituisce la funzione modificata di Bessel Kn(x)."; Text[ danish ] = "Returns the Bessel function Kn(x)"; Text[ swedish ] = "Returns the Bessel function Kn(x)"; Text[ polish ] = "Podaje warto zmodyfikowanej funkcji Bessela Kn(x)."; Text[ portuguese_brazilian ] = "Returns the Bessel function Kn(x)"; Text[ japanese ] = "Cޯي֐ Kn(x)Ԃ܂B"; Text[ korean ] = "Returns the Bessel function Kn(x)"; Text[ chinese_simplified ] = "Returns the Bessel function Kn(x)"; Text[ chinese_traditional ] = "Returns the Bessel function Kn(x)"; Text[ turkish ] = "Returns the Bessel function Kn(x)"; Text[ arabic ] = "Returns the Bessel function Kn(x)"; Text[ catalan ] = "Returns the Bessel function Kn(x)"; }; String 2 // name of parameter 1 BesselK { Text = "X"; Text[ english ] = "X"; Text[ language_user1 ] = " "; Text[ english_us ] = "X"; Text[ portuguese ] = "x"; Text[ russian ] = "X"; Text[ greek ] = "x"; Text[ dutch ] = "x"; Text[ french ] = "x"; Text[ spanish ] = "x"; Text[ finnish ] = "x"; Text[ italian ] = "X"; Text[ danish ] = "x"; Text[ swedish ] = "x"; Text[ polish ] = "x"; Text[ portuguese_brazilian ] = "x"; Text[ japanese ] = "x"; Text[ korean ] = "x"; Text[ chinese_simplified ] = "x"; Text[ chinese_traditional ] = "x"; Text[ turkish ] = "x"; Text[ arabic ] = "x"; Text[ catalan ] = "x"; }; String 3 // description of parameter 1 BesselK { Text = "Der Wert, fr den die Funktion berechnet werden soll."; Text[ english ] = "The value at which to evaluate the function"; Text[ language_user1 ] = " "; Text[ english_us ] = "The value at which to evaluate the function"; Text[ portuguese ] = "x"; Text[ russian ] = ", ."; Text[ greek ] = "x"; Text[ dutch ] = "x"; Text[ french ] = "x"; Text[ spanish ] = "x es el valor con el que se evala la funcin."; Text[ finnish ] = "x"; Text[ italian ] = "X"; Text[ danish ] = "x"; Text[ swedish ] = "x"; Text[ polish ] = "warto, przy ktrej naley wyliczy funkcj"; Text[ portuguese_brazilian ] = "x"; Text[ japanese ] = "x"; Text[ korean ] = "x"; Text[ chinese_simplified ] = "x"; Text[ chinese_traditional ] = "x"; Text[ turkish ] = "x"; Text[ arabic ] = "x"; Text[ catalan ] = "x"; }; String 4 // name of parameter 2 BesselK { Text = "N"; Text[ english ] = "N"; Text[ language_user1 ] = " "; Text[ english_us ] = "N"; Text[ portuguese ] = "n"; Text[ russian ] = "N"; Text[ greek ] = "n"; Text[ dutch ] = "n"; Text[ french ] = "n"; Text[ spanish ] = "n"; Text[ finnish ] = "n"; Text[ italian ] = "N"; Text[ danish ] = "n"; Text[ swedish ] = "n"; Text[ polish ] = "n"; Text[ portuguese_brazilian ] = "n"; Text[ japanese ] = "n"; Text[ korean ] = "n"; Text[ chinese_simplified ] = "n"; Text[ chinese_traditional ] = "n"; Text[ turkish ] = "n"; Text[ arabic ] = "n"; Text[ catalan ] = "n"; }; String 5 // description of parameter 2 BesselK { Text = "Ordnung der Besselfunktion"; Text[ english ] = "Ordnung der Besselfunktion"; Text[ language_user1 ] = " "; Text[ english_us ] = "The order of the Bessel function"; Text[ portuguese ] = "n"; Text[ russian ] = " ."; Text[ greek ] = "n"; Text[ dutch ] = "n"; Text[ french ] = "n"; Text[ spanish ] = "Orden de la funcin Bessel"; Text[ finnish ] = "n"; Text[ italian ] = "Ordine della funzione di Bessel."; Text[ danish ] = "n"; Text[ swedish ] = "n"; Text[ polish ] = "rzd funkcji Bessela"; Text[ portuguese_brazilian ] = "n"; Text[ japanese ] = "ޯي֐̎"; Text[ korean ] = "n"; Text[ chinese_simplified ] = "n"; Text[ chinese_traditional ] = "n"; Text[ turkish ] = "n"; Text[ arabic ] = "n"; Text[ catalan ] = "n"; }; }; Resource ANALYSIS_BesselY { String 1 // description BesselY { Text = "Berechnet die Besselfunktion Yn(x)."; Text[ english ] = "Returns the Bessel function Yn(x)"; Text[ language_user1 ] = " "; Text[ english_us ] = "Returns the Bessel function Yn(x)"; Text[ portuguese ] = "Returns the Bessel function Yn(x)"; Text[ russian ] = " Yn(x)."; Text[ greek ] = "Returns the Bessel function Yn(x)"; Text[ dutch ] = "Returns the Bessel function Yn(x)"; Text[ french ] = "Revoie la fonction de Bessel Yn(x)."; Text[ spanish ] = "Devuelve la funcin Bessel Yn(x)"; Text[ finnish ] = "Returns the Bessel function Yn(x)"; Text[ italian ] = "Restituisce la funzione di Bessel Yn(x)."; Text[ danish ] = "Returns the Bessel function Yn(x)"; Text[ swedish ] = "Returns the Bessel function Yn(x)"; Text[ polish ] = "Podaje warto funkcji Bessela Yn(x)."; Text[ portuguese_brazilian ] = "Returns the Bessel function Yn(x)"; Text[ japanese ] = "ޯي֐ Yn(x)Ԃ܂B"; Text[ korean ] = "Returns the Bessel function Yn(x)"; Text[ chinese_simplified ] = "Returns the Bessel function Yn(x)"; Text[ chinese_traditional ] = "Returns the Bessel function Yn(x)"; Text[ turkish ] = "Returns the Bessel function Yn(x)"; Text[ arabic ] = "Returns the Bessel function Yn(x)"; Text[ catalan ] = "Returns the Bessel function Yn(x)"; }; String 2 // name of parameter 1 BesselY { Text = "X"; Text[ english ] = "X"; Text[ language_user1 ] = " "; Text[ english_us ] = "X"; Text[ portuguese ] = "x"; Text[ russian ] = "X"; Text[ greek ] = "x"; Text[ dutch ] = "x"; Text[ french ] = "x"; Text[ spanish ] = "x"; Text[ finnish ] = "x"; Text[ italian ] = "X"; Text[ danish ] = "x"; Text[ swedish ] = "x"; Text[ polish ] = "x"; Text[ portuguese_brazilian ] = "x"; Text[ japanese ] = "x"; Text[ korean ] = "x"; Text[ chinese_simplified ] = "x"; Text[ chinese_traditional ] = "x"; Text[ turkish ] = "x"; Text[ arabic ] = "x"; Text[ catalan ] = "x"; }; String 3 // description of parameter 1 BesselY { Text = "Der Wert, fr den die Funktion berechnet werden soll."; Text[ english ] = "The value at which to evaluate the function"; Text[ language_user1 ] = " "; Text[ english_us ] = "The value at which to evaluate the function"; Text[ portuguese ] = "x"; Text[ russian ] = ", ."; Text[ greek ] = "x"; Text[ dutch ] = "x"; Text[ french ] = "x"; Text[ spanish ] = "x"; Text[ finnish ] = "x"; Text[ italian ] = "X"; Text[ danish ] = "x"; Text[ swedish ] = "x"; Text[ polish ] = "warto, przy ktrej naley wyliczy funkcj"; Text[ portuguese_brazilian ] = "x"; Text[ japanese ] = "x"; Text[ korean ] = "x"; Text[ chinese_simplified ] = "x"; Text[ chinese_traditional ] = "x"; Text[ turkish ] = "x"; Text[ arabic ] = "x"; Text[ catalan ] = "x"; }; String 4 // name of parameter 2 BesselY { Text = "N"; Text[ english ] = "N"; Text[ language_user1 ] = " "; Text[ english_us ] = "N"; Text[ portuguese ] = "n"; Text[ russian ] = "N"; Text[ greek ] = "n"; Text[ dutch ] = "n"; Text[ french ] = "n"; Text[ spanish ] = "n"; Text[ finnish ] = "n"; Text[ italian ] = "N"; Text[ danish ] = "n"; Text[ swedish ] = "n"; Text[ polish ] = "n"; Text[ portuguese_brazilian ] = "n"; Text[ japanese ] = "n"; Text[ korean ] = "n"; Text[ chinese_simplified ] = "n"; Text[ chinese_traditional ] = "n"; Text[ turkish ] = "n"; Text[ arabic ] = "n"; Text[ catalan ] = "n"; }; String 5 // description of parameter 2 BesselY { Text = "Ordnung der Besselfunktion"; Text[ english ] = "Ordnung der Besselfunktion"; Text[ language_user1 ] = " "; Text[ english_us ] = "The order of the Bessel function"; Text[ portuguese ] = "n"; Text[ russian ] = " ."; Text[ greek ] = "n"; Text[ dutch ] = "n"; Text[ french ] = "n"; Text[ spanish ] = "n"; Text[ finnish ] = "n"; Text[ italian ] = "Ordine della funzione di Bessel."; Text[ danish ] = "n"; Text[ swedish ] = "n"; Text[ polish ] = "rzd funkcji Bessela"; Text[ portuguese_brazilian ] = "n"; Text[ japanese ] = "ޯي֐̎"; Text[ korean ] = "n"; Text[ chinese_simplified ] = "n"; Text[ chinese_traditional ] = "n"; Text[ turkish ] = "n"; Text[ arabic ] = "n"; Text[ catalan ] = "n"; }; }; Resource ANALYSIS_Bin2Oct { String 1 // description Bin2Oct { Text = "Wandelt eine (Binr-) Dualzahl in eine Oktalzahl um."; Text[ english ] = "Converts a binary number to octal"; Text[ language_user1 ] = " "; Text[ english_us ] = "Converts a binary number to an octal number"; Text[ portuguese ] = "Converts a binary number to octal"; Text[ russian ] = " ."; Text[ greek ] = "Converts a binary number to octal"; Text[ dutch ] = "Converts a binary number to octal"; Text[ french ] = "Convertit un nombre binaire en nombre octal."; Text[ spanish ] = "Converts a binary number to octal"; Text[ finnish ] = "Converts a binary number to octal"; Text[ italian ] = "Converte un numero binario in ottale."; Text[ danish ] = "Converts a binary number to octal"; Text[ swedish ] = "Converts a binary number to octal"; Text[ polish ] = "Zamienia liczb dwjkow na liczb w kodzie semkowym."; Text[ portuguese_brazilian ] = "Converts a binary number to octal"; Text[ japanese ] = "QiWiɕϊ܂B"; Text[ korean ] = "Converts a binary number to octal"; Text[ chinese_simplified ] = "Converts a binary number to octal"; Text[ chinese_traditional ] = "Converts a binary number to octal"; Text[ turkish ] = "Converts a binary number to octal"; Text[ arabic ] = "Converts a binary number to octal"; Text[ catalan ] = "Converts a binary number to octal"; }; String 2 // name of parameter 1 Bin2Oct { Text = "Zahl"; Text[ english ] = "Zahl"; Text[ language_user1 ] = " "; Text[ english_us ] = "Number"; Text[ portuguese ] = "number"; Text[ russian ] = ""; Text[ greek ] = "number"; Text[ dutch ] = "number"; Text[ french ] = "number"; Text[ spanish ] = "number"; Text[ finnish ] = "number"; Text[ italian ] = "Num"; Text[ danish ] = "number"; Text[ swedish ] = "number"; Text[ polish ] = "liczba"; Text[ portuguese_brazilian ] = "number"; Text[ japanese ] = "l"; Text[ korean ] = "number"; Text[ chinese_simplified ] = "number"; Text[ chinese_traditional ] = "number"; Text[ turkish ] = "number"; Text[ arabic ] = "number"; Text[ catalan ] = "number"; }; String 3 // description of parameter 1 Bin2Oct { Text = "Dualzahl (als Text)"; Text[ english ] = "Dualzahl (als Text)"; Text[ language_user1 ] = " "; Text[ english_us ] = "The binary number (as text)"; Text[ portuguese ] = "number"; Text[ russian ] = " ( )."; Text[ greek ] = "number"; Text[ dutch ] = "number"; Text[ french ] = "number"; Text[ spanish ] = "number"; Text[ finnish ] = "number"; Text[ italian ] = "Numero binario (testo)"; Text[ danish ] = "number"; Text[ swedish ] = "number"; Text[ polish ] = "liczba dwjkowa poddana przeksztaceniu"; Text[ portuguese_brazilian ] = "number"; Text[ japanese ] = "Qi(Ƃ)"; Text[ korean ] = "number"; Text[ chinese_simplified ] = "number"; Text[ chinese_traditional ] = "number"; Text[ turkish ] = "number"; Text[ arabic ] = "number"; Text[ catalan ] = "number"; }; String 4 // name of parameter 2 Bin2Oct { Text = "Stellen"; Text[ english ] = "Stellen"; Text[ language_user1 ] = " "; Text[ english_us ] = "Places"; Text[ portuguese ] = "places"; Text[ russian ] = ""; Text[ greek ] = "places"; Text[ dutch ] = "places"; Text[ french ] = "places"; Text[ spanish ] = "places"; Text[ finnish ] = "places"; Text[ italian ] = "Cifre"; Text[ danish ] = "places"; Text[ swedish ] = "places"; Text[ polish ] = "miejsca"; Text[ portuguese_brazilian ] = "places"; Text[ japanese ] = ""; Text[ korean ] = "places"; Text[ chinese_simplified ] = "places"; Text[ chinese_traditional ] = "places"; Text[ turkish ] = "places"; Text[ arabic ] = "places"; Text[ catalan ] = "places"; }; String 5 // description of parameter 2 Bin2Oct { Text = "Anzahl der verwendeten Stellen."; Text[ english ] = "Anzahl der verwendeten Stellen."; Text[ language_user1 ] = " "; Text[ english_us ] = "Number of places used"; Text[ portuguese ] = "places"; Text[ russian ] = " ."; Text[ greek ] = "places"; Text[ dutch ] = "places"; Text[ french ] = "places"; Text[ spanish ] = "places"; Text[ finnish ] = "places"; Text[ italian ] = "Numero dei caratteri da usare."; Text[ danish ] = "places"; Text[ swedish ] = "places"; Text[ polish ] = "Liczba znakw dla wartoci wynikowej."; Text[ portuguese_brazilian ] = "places"; Text[ japanese ] = "\\LɎgp镶B"; Text[ korean ] = "places"; Text[ chinese_simplified ] = "places"; Text[ chinese_traditional ] = "places"; Text[ turkish ] = "places"; Text[ arabic ] = "places"; Text[ catalan ] = "places"; }; }; Resource ANALYSIS_Bin2Dec { String 1 // description Bin2Dec { Text = "Wandelt eine (Binr-) Dualzahl in eine Dezimalzahl um."; Text[ english ] = "Converts a binary number to decimal"; Text[ language_user1 ] = " "; Text[ english_us ] = "Converts a binary number to a decimal number"; Text[ portuguese ] = "Converts a binary number to decimal"; Text[ russian ] = " ."; Text[ greek ] = "Converts a binary number to decimal"; Text[ dutch ] = "Converts a binary number to decimal"; Text[ french ] = "Convertit un nombre binaire en nombre dcimal."; Text[ spanish ] = "Converts a binary number to decimal"; Text[ finnish ] = "Converts a binary number to decimal"; Text[ italian ] = "Converte un numero binario in decimale."; Text[ danish ] = "Converts a binary number to decimal"; Text[ swedish ] = "Converts a binary number to decimal"; Text[ polish ] = "Przeksztaca liczb dwjkow na dziesitn."; Text[ portuguese_brazilian ] = "Converts a binary number to decimal"; Text[ japanese ] = "Qi10iɕϊ܂B"; Text[ korean ] = "Converts a binary number to decimal"; Text[ chinese_simplified ] = "Converts a binary number to decimal"; Text[ chinese_traditional ] = "Converts a binary number to decimal"; Text[ turkish ] = "Converts a binary number to decimal"; Text[ arabic ] = "Converts a binary number to decimal"; Text[ catalan ] = "Converts a binary number to decimal"; }; String 2 // name of parameter 1 Bin2Dec { Text = "Zahl"; Text[ english ] = "Zahl"; Text[ language_user1 ] = " "; Text[ english_us ] = "Number"; Text[ portuguese ] = "number"; Text[ russian ] = ""; Text[ greek ] = "number"; Text[ dutch ] = "number"; Text[ french ] = "number"; Text[ spanish ] = "number"; Text[ finnish ] = "number"; Text[ italian ] = "Num"; Text[ danish ] = "number"; Text[ swedish ] = "number"; Text[ polish ] = "liczba"; Text[ portuguese_brazilian ] = "number"; Text[ japanese ] = "l"; Text[ korean ] = "number"; Text[ chinese_simplified ] = "number"; Text[ chinese_traditional ] = "number"; Text[ turkish ] = "number"; Text[ arabic ] = "number"; Text[ catalan ] = "number"; }; String 3 // description of parameter 1 Bin2Dec { Text = "Dualzahl (als Text)"; Text[ english ] = "Dualzahl (als Text)"; Text[ language_user1 ] = " "; Text[ english_us ] = "The binary number (as text)"; Text[ portuguese ] = "number"; Text[ russian ] = " ( )."; Text[ greek ] = "number"; Text[ dutch ] = "number"; Text[ french ] = "number"; Text[ spanish ] = "number"; Text[ finnish ] = "number"; Text[ italian ] = "Numero binario (testo)"; Text[ danish ] = "number"; Text[ swedish ] = "number"; Text[ polish ] = "liczba dwjkowa do przeksztacenia"; Text[ portuguese_brazilian ] = "number"; Text[ japanese ] = "Qi(Ƃ)"; Text[ korean ] = "number"; Text[ chinese_simplified ] = "number"; Text[ chinese_traditional ] = "number"; Text[ turkish ] = "number"; Text[ arabic ] = "number"; Text[ catalan ] = "number"; }; }; Resource ANALYSIS_Bin2Hex { String 1 // description Bin2Hex { Text = "Wandelt eine (Binr-) Dualzahl in eine Hexadezimalzahl um."; Text[ english ] = "Converts a binary number to hexadecimal"; Text[ language_user1 ] = " "; Text[ english_us ] = "Converts a binary number to a hexadecimal number."; Text[ portuguese ] = "Converts a binary number to hexadecimal"; Text[ russian ] = " ."; Text[ greek ] = "Converts a binary number to hexadecimal"; Text[ dutch ] = "Converts a binary number to hexadecimal"; Text[ french ] = "Convertit un nombre binaire en nombre hexadcimal."; Text[ spanish ] = "Converts a binary number to hexadecimal"; Text[ finnish ] = "Converts a binary number to hexadecimal"; Text[ italian ] = "Converte un numero binario in esadecimale."; Text[ danish ] = "Converts a binary number to hexadecimal"; Text[ swedish ] = "Converts a binary number to hexadecimal"; Text[ polish ] = "Zamienia liczb dwjkow na liczb w kodzie szesnastkowym."; Text[ portuguese_brazilian ] = "Converts a binary number to hexadecimal"; Text[ japanese ] = "2i16iɕϊ܂B"; Text[ korean ] = "Converts a binary number to hexadecimal"; Text[ chinese_simplified ] = "Converts a binary number to hexadecimal"; Text[ chinese_traditional ] = "Converts a binary number to hexadecimal"; Text[ turkish ] = "Converts a binary number to hexadecimal"; Text[ arabic ] = "Converts a binary number to hexadecimal"; Text[ catalan ] = "Converts a binary number to hexadecimal"; }; String 2 // name of parameter 1 Bin2Hex { Text = "Zahl"; Text[ english ] = "Zahl"; Text[ language_user1 ] = " "; Text[ english_us ] = "Number"; Text[ portuguese ] = "number"; Text[ russian ] = ""; Text[ greek ] = "number"; Text[ dutch ] = "number"; Text[ french ] = "number"; Text[ spanish ] = "number"; Text[ finnish ] = "number"; Text[ italian ] = "Num"; Text[ danish ] = "number"; Text[ swedish ] = "number"; Text[ polish ] = "liczba"; Text[ portuguese_brazilian ] = "number"; Text[ japanese ] = "l"; Text[ korean ] = "number"; Text[ chinese_simplified ] = "number"; Text[ chinese_traditional ] = "number"; Text[ turkish ] = "number"; Text[ arabic ] = "number"; Text[ catalan ] = "number"; }; String 3 // description of parameter 1 Bin2Hex { Text = "Dualzahl (als Text)"; Text[ english ] = "Dualzahl (als Text)"; Text[ language_user1 ] = " "; Text[ english_us ] = "The binary number (as text)"; Text[ portuguese ] = "number"; Text[ russian ] = " ( )."; Text[ greek ] = "number"; Text[ dutch ] = "number"; Text[ french ] = "number"; Text[ spanish ] = "number"; Text[ finnish ] = "number"; Text[ italian ] = "Numero binario (testo)"; Text[ danish ] = "number"; Text[ swedish ] = "number"; Text[ polish ] = "liczba dwjkowa poddana przeksztaceniu"; Text[ portuguese_brazilian ] = "number"; Text[ japanese ] = "Qi(Ƃ)"; Text[ korean ] = "number"; Text[ chinese_simplified ] = "number"; Text[ chinese_traditional ] = "number"; Text[ turkish ] = "number"; Text[ arabic ] = "number"; Text[ catalan ] = "number"; }; String 4 // name of parameter 2 Bin2Hex { Text = "Stellen"; Text[ english ] = "Stellen"; Text[ language_user1 ] = " "; Text[ english_us ] = "Places"; Text[ portuguese ] = "places"; Text[ russian ] = ""; Text[ greek ] = "places"; Text[ dutch ] = "places"; Text[ french ] = "places"; Text[ spanish ] = "places"; Text[ finnish ] = "places"; Text[ italian ] = "Cifre"; Text[ danish ] = "places"; Text[ swedish ] = "places"; Text[ polish ] = "miejsca"; Text[ portuguese_brazilian ] = "places"; Text[ japanese ] = ""; Text[ korean ] = "places"; Text[ chinese_simplified ] = "places"; Text[ chinese_traditional ] = "places"; Text[ turkish ] = "places"; Text[ arabic ] = "places"; Text[ catalan ] = "places"; }; String 5 // description of parameter 2 Bin2Hex { Text = "Anzahl der verwendeten Stellen."; Text[ english ] = "Anzahl der verwendeten Stellen."; Text[ language_user1 ] = " "; Text[ english_us ] = "Number of places used."; Text[ portuguese ] = "places"; Text[ russian ] = " ."; Text[ greek ] = "places"; Text[ dutch ] = "places"; Text[ french ] = "places"; Text[ spanish ] = "places"; Text[ finnish ] = "places"; Text[ italian ] = "Numero dei caratteri da usare."; Text[ danish ] = "places"; Text[ swedish ] = "places"; Text[ polish ] = "Liczba znakw dla wartoci wynikowej."; Text[ portuguese_brazilian ] = "places"; Text[ japanese ] = "\\LɎgp镶B"; Text[ korean ] = "places"; Text[ chinese_simplified ] = "places"; Text[ chinese_traditional ] = "places"; Text[ turkish ] = "places"; Text[ arabic ] = "places"; Text[ catalan ] = "places"; }; }; Resource ANALYSIS_Oct2Bin { String 1 // description Oct2Bin { Text = "Wandelt eine Oktalzahl in eine (Binr-) Dualzahl um."; Text[ english ] = "Converts a octal number to binary"; Text[ language_user1 ] = " "; Text[ english_us ] = "Converts an octal number to a binary number."; Text[ portuguese ] = "Converts a octal number to binary"; Text[ russian ] = " ."; Text[ greek ] = "Converts a octal number to binary"; Text[ dutch ] = "Converts a octal number to binary"; Text[ french ] = "Convertit un nombre octal en nombre binaire."; Text[ spanish ] = "Converts a octal number to binary"; Text[ finnish ] = "Converts a octal number to binary"; Text[ italian ] = "Converte un numero ottale in binario."; Text[ danish ] = "Converts a octal number to binary"; Text[ swedish ] = "Converts a octal number to binary"; Text[ polish ] = "Zamienia liczb semkow na liczb w kodzie dwjkowym."; Text[ portuguese_brazilian ] = "Converts a octal number to binary"; Text[ japanese ] = "WiQiɕϊ܂B"; Text[ korean ] = "Converts a octal number to binary"; Text[ chinese_simplified ] = "Converts a octal number to binary"; Text[ chinese_traditional ] = "Converts a octal number to binary"; Text[ turkish ] = "Converts a octal number to binary"; Text[ arabic ] = "Converts a octal number to binary"; Text[ catalan ] = "Converts a octal number to binary"; }; String 2 // name of parameter 1 Oct2Bin { Text = "Zahl"; Text[ english ] = "Zahl"; Text[ language_user1 ] = " "; Text[ english_us ] = "Number"; Text[ portuguese ] = "number"; Text[ russian ] = ""; Text[ greek ] = "number"; Text[ dutch ] = "number"; Text[ french ] = "number"; Text[ spanish ] = "number"; Text[ finnish ] = "number"; Text[ italian ] = "Num"; Text[ danish ] = "number"; Text[ swedish ] = "number"; Text[ polish ] = "liczba"; Text[ portuguese_brazilian ] = "number"; Text[ japanese ] = "l"; Text[ korean ] = "number"; Text[ chinese_simplified ] = "number"; Text[ chinese_traditional ] = "number"; Text[ turkish ] = "number"; Text[ arabic ] = "number"; Text[ catalan ] = "number"; }; String 3 // description of parameter 1 Oct2Bin { Text = "Oktalzahl (als Text)"; Text[ english ] = "Oktalzahl (als Text)"; Text[ language_user1 ] = " "; Text[ english_us ] = "The octal number (as text)"; Text[ portuguese ] = "number"; Text[ russian ] = " ( )."; Text[ greek ] = "number"; Text[ dutch ] = "number"; Text[ french ] = "number"; Text[ spanish ] = "number"; Text[ finnish ] = "number"; Text[ italian ] = "Numero ottale (testo)"; Text[ danish ] = "number"; Text[ swedish ] = "number"; Text[ polish ] = "liczba semkowa poddana przeksztaceniu"; Text[ portuguese_brazilian ] = "number"; Text[ japanese ] = "Wi(Ƃ)"; Text[ korean ] = "number"; Text[ chinese_simplified ] = "number"; Text[ chinese_traditional ] = "number"; Text[ turkish ] = "number"; Text[ arabic ] = "number"; Text[ catalan ] = "number"; }; String 4 // name of parameter 2 Oct2Bin { Text = "Stellen"; Text[ english ] = "Stellen"; Text[ language_user1 ] = " "; Text[ english_us ] = "Places"; Text[ portuguese ] = "places"; Text[ russian ] = ""; Text[ greek ] = "places"; Text[ dutch ] = "places"; Text[ french ] = "places"; Text[ spanish ] = "places"; Text[ finnish ] = "places"; Text[ italian ] = "Cifre"; Text[ danish ] = "places"; Text[ swedish ] = "places"; Text[ polish ] = "miejsca"; Text[ portuguese_brazilian ] = "places"; Text[ japanese ] = ""; Text[ korean ] = "places"; Text[ chinese_simplified ] = "places"; Text[ chinese_traditional ] = "places"; Text[ turkish ] = "places"; Text[ arabic ] = "places"; Text[ catalan ] = "places"; }; String 5 // description of parameter 2 Oct2Bin { Text = "Anzahl der verwendeten Stellen."; Text[ english ] = "Anzahl der verwendeten Stellen."; Text[ language_user1 ] = " "; Text[ english_us ] = "Number of places used."; Text[ portuguese ] = "places"; Text[ russian ] = " ."; Text[ greek ] = "places"; Text[ dutch ] = "places"; Text[ french ] = "places"; Text[ spanish ] = "places"; Text[ finnish ] = "places"; Text[ italian ] = "Numero di caratteri da usare."; Text[ danish ] = "places"; Text[ swedish ] = "places"; Text[ polish ] = "Liczba znakw dla wartoci wynikowej."; Text[ portuguese_brazilian ] = "places"; Text[ japanese ] = "\\LɎgp镶B"; Text[ korean ] = "places"; Text[ chinese_simplified ] = "places"; Text[ chinese_traditional ] = "places"; Text[ turkish ] = "places"; Text[ arabic ] = "places"; Text[ catalan ] = "places"; }; }; Resource ANALYSIS_Oct2Dec { String 1 // description Oct2Dec { Text = "Wandelt eine Oktalzahl in eine Dezimalzahl um."; Text[ english ] = "Converts a octal number to decimal"; Text[ language_user1 ] = " "; Text[ english_us ] = "Converts an octal number to a decimal number."; Text[ portuguese ] = "Converts a octal number to decimal"; Text[ russian ] = " ."; Text[ greek ] = "Converts a octal number to decimal"; Text[ dutch ] = "Converts a octal number to decimal"; Text[ french ] = "Convertit un nombre octal en nombre dcimal."; Text[ spanish ] = "Converts a octal number to decimal"; Text[ finnish ] = "Converts a octal number to decimal"; Text[ italian ] = "Converte un numero ottale in decimale."; Text[ danish ] = "Converts a octal number to decimal"; Text[ swedish ] = "Converts a octal number to decimal"; Text[ polish ] = "Zamienia liczb semkow na dziesitn."; Text[ portuguese_brazilian ] = "Converts a octal number to decimal"; Text[ japanese ] = "Wi10iɕϊ܂B"; Text[ korean ] = "Converts a octal number to decimal"; Text[ chinese_simplified ] = "Converts a octal number to decimal"; Text[ chinese_traditional ] = "Converts a octal number to decimal"; Text[ turkish ] = "Converts a octal number to decimal"; Text[ arabic ] = "Converts a octal number to decimal"; Text[ catalan ] = "Converts a octal number to decimal"; }; String 2 // name of parameter 1 Oct2Dec { Text = "Zahl"; Text[ english ] = "Zahl"; Text[ language_user1 ] = " "; Text[ english_us ] = "Number"; Text[ portuguese ] = "number"; Text[ russian ] = ""; Text[ greek ] = "number"; Text[ dutch ] = "number"; Text[ french ] = "number"; Text[ spanish ] = "number"; Text[ finnish ] = "number"; Text[ italian ] = "Num"; Text[ danish ] = "number"; Text[ swedish ] = "number"; Text[ polish ] = "liczba"; Text[ portuguese_brazilian ] = "number"; Text[ japanese ] = "l"; Text[ korean ] = "number"; Text[ chinese_simplified ] = "number"; Text[ chinese_traditional ] = "number"; Text[ turkish ] = "number"; Text[ arabic ] = "number"; Text[ catalan ] = "number"; }; String 3 // description of parameter 1 Oct2Dec { Text = "Oktalzahl (als Text)"; Text[ english ] = "Oktalzahl (als Text)"; Text[ language_user1 ] = " "; Text[ english_us ] = "The octal number (as text)"; Text[ portuguese ] = "number"; Text[ russian ] = " ( )."; Text[ greek ] = "number"; Text[ dutch ] = "number"; Text[ french ] = "number"; Text[ spanish ] = "number"; Text[ finnish ] = "number"; Text[ italian ] = "Numero ottale (testo)"; Text[ danish ] = "number"; Text[ swedish ] = "number"; Text[ polish ] = "liczba semkowa do przeksztacenia"; Text[ portuguese_brazilian ] = "number"; Text[ japanese ] = "Wi(Ƃ)"; Text[ korean ] = "number"; Text[ chinese_simplified ] = "number"; Text[ chinese_traditional ] = "number"; Text[ turkish ] = "number"; Text[ arabic ] = "number"; Text[ catalan ] = "number"; }; }; Resource ANALYSIS_Oct2Hex { String 1 // description Oct2Hex { Text = "Wandelt eine Oktalzahl in eine Hexadezimalzahl um."; Text[ english ] = "Converts a octal number to hexadecimal"; Text[ language_user1 ] = " "; Text[ english_us ] = "Converts an octal number to a hexadecimal number."; Text[ portuguese ] = "Converts a octal number to hexadecimal"; Text[ russian ] = " ."; Text[ greek ] = "Converts a octal number to hexadecimal"; Text[ dutch ] = "Converts a octal number to hexadecimal"; Text[ french ] = "Convertit un nombre octal en nombre hexadcimal."; Text[ spanish ] = "Converts a octal number to hexadecimal"; Text[ finnish ] = "Converts a octal number to hexadecimal"; Text[ italian ] = "Converte un numero ottale in esadecimale."; Text[ danish ] = "Converts a octal number to hexadecimal"; Text[ swedish ] = "Converts a octal number to hexadecimal"; Text[ polish ] = "Zamienia liczb semkow na liczb w kodzie szesnastkowym."; Text[ portuguese_brazilian ] = "Converts a octal number to hexadecimal"; Text[ japanese ] = "Wi16iɕϊ܂B"; Text[ korean ] = "Converts a octal number to hexadecimal"; Text[ chinese_simplified ] = "Converts a octal number to hexadecimal"; Text[ chinese_traditional ] = "Converts a octal number to hexadecimal"; Text[ turkish ] = "Converts a octal number to hexadecimal"; Text[ arabic ] = "Converts a octal number to hexadecimal"; Text[ catalan ] = "Converts a octal number to hexadecimal"; }; String 2 // name of parameter 1 Oct2Hex { Text = "Zahl"; Text[ english ] = "Zahl"; Text[ language_user1 ] = " "; Text[ english_us ] = "Number"; Text[ portuguese ] = "number"; Text[ russian ] = ""; Text[ greek ] = "number"; Text[ dutch ] = "number"; Text[ french ] = "number"; Text[ spanish ] = "number"; Text[ finnish ] = "number"; Text[ italian ] = "Num"; Text[ danish ] = "number"; Text[ swedish ] = "number"; Text[ polish ] = "liczba"; Text[ portuguese_brazilian ] = "number"; Text[ japanese ] = "l"; Text[ korean ] = "number"; Text[ chinese_simplified ] = "number"; Text[ chinese_traditional ] = "number"; Text[ turkish ] = "number"; Text[ arabic ] = "number"; Text[ catalan ] = "number"; }; String 3 // description of parameter 1 Oct2Hex { Text = "Oktalzahl (als Text)"; Text[ english ] = "Oktalzahl (als Text)"; Text[ language_user1 ] = " "; Text[ english_us ] = "The octal number (as text)"; Text[ portuguese ] = "number"; Text[ russian ] = " ( )."; Text[ greek ] = "number"; Text[ dutch ] = "number"; Text[ french ] = "number"; Text[ spanish ] = "number"; Text[ finnish ] = "number"; Text[ italian ] = "Numero ottale (testo)"; Text[ danish ] = "number"; Text[ swedish ] = "number"; Text[ polish ] = "liczba semkowa poddana przeksztaceniu"; Text[ portuguese_brazilian ] = "number"; Text[ japanese ] = "Wi(Ƃ)"; Text[ korean ] = "number"; Text[ chinese_simplified ] = "number"; Text[ chinese_traditional ] = "number"; Text[ turkish ] = "number"; Text[ arabic ] = "number"; Text[ catalan ] = "number"; }; String 4 // name of parameter 2 Oct2Hex { Text = "Stellen"; Text[ english ] = "Stellen"; Text[ language_user1 ] = " "; Text[ english_us ] = "Places"; Text[ portuguese ] = "places"; Text[ russian ] = ""; Text[ greek ] = "places"; Text[ dutch ] = "places"; Text[ french ] = "places"; Text[ spanish ] = "places"; Text[ finnish ] = "places"; Text[ italian ] = "Cifre"; Text[ danish ] = "places"; Text[ swedish ] = "places"; Text[ polish ] = "miejsca"; Text[ portuguese_brazilian ] = "places"; Text[ japanese ] = ""; Text[ korean ] = "places"; Text[ chinese_simplified ] = "places"; Text[ chinese_traditional ] = "places"; Text[ turkish ] = "places"; Text[ arabic ] = "places"; Text[ catalan ] = "places"; }; String 5 // description of parameter 2 Oct2Hex { Text = "Anzahl der verwendeten Stellen."; Text[ english ] = "Anzahl der verwendeten Stellen."; Text[ language_user1 ] = " "; Text[ english_us ] = "Number of places used."; Text[ portuguese ] = "places"; Text[ russian ] = " ."; Text[ greek ] = "places"; Text[ dutch ] = "places"; Text[ french ] = "places"; Text[ spanish ] = "places"; Text[ finnish ] = "places"; Text[ italian ] = "Numero dei caratteri da usare."; Text[ danish ] = "places"; Text[ swedish ] = "places"; Text[ polish ] = "liczba znakw dla wartoci wynikowej"; Text[ portuguese_brazilian ] = "places"; Text[ japanese ] = "\\LɎgp镶B"; Text[ korean ] = "places"; Text[ chinese_simplified ] = "places"; Text[ chinese_traditional ] = "places"; Text[ turkish ] = "places"; Text[ arabic ] = "places"; Text[ catalan ] = "places"; }; }; Resource ANALYSIS_Dec2Bin { String 1 // description Dec2Bin { Text = "Wandelt eine Dezimalzahl in eine (Binr-) Dualzahl um."; Text[ english ] = "Converts a decimal number to binary"; Text[ language_user1 ] = " "; Text[ english_us ] = "Converts a decimal number to a binary number."; Text[ portuguese ] = "Converts a decimal number to binary"; Text[ russian ] = " ."; Text[ greek ] = "Converts a decimal number to binary"; Text[ dutch ] = "Converts a decimal number to binary"; Text[ french ] = "Convertit un nombre dcimal en nombre binaire."; Text[ spanish ] = "Converts a decimal number to binary"; Text[ finnish ] = "Converts a decimal number to binary"; Text[ italian ] = "Converte un numero decimale in binario."; Text[ danish ] = "Converts a decimal number to binary"; Text[ swedish ] = "Converts a decimal number to binary"; Text[ polish ] = "Zamienia liczb dziesitn na liczb w kodzie dwjkowym."; Text[ portuguese_brazilian ] = "Converts a decimal number to binary"; Text[ japanese ] = "10i2iɕϊ܂B"; Text[ korean ] = "Converts a decimal number to binary"; Text[ chinese_simplified ] = "Converts a decimal number to binary"; Text[ chinese_traditional ] = "Converts a decimal number to binary"; Text[ turkish ] = "Converts a decimal number to binary"; Text[ arabic ] = "Converts a decimal number to binary"; Text[ catalan ] = "Converts a decimal number to binary"; }; String 2 // name of parameter 1 Dec2Bin { Text = "Zahl"; Text[ english ] = "Zahl"; Text[ language_user1 ] = " "; Text[ english_us ] = "Number"; Text[ portuguese ] = "number"; Text[ russian ] = ""; Text[ greek ] = "number"; Text[ dutch ] = "number"; Text[ french ] = "number"; Text[ spanish ] = "number"; Text[ finnish ] = "number"; Text[ italian ] = "Num"; Text[ danish ] = "number"; Text[ swedish ] = "number"; Text[ polish ] = "liczba"; Text[ portuguese_brazilian ] = "number"; Text[ japanese ] = "l"; Text[ korean ] = "number"; Text[ chinese_simplified ] = "number"; Text[ chinese_traditional ] = "number"; Text[ turkish ] = "number"; Text[ arabic ] = "number"; Text[ catalan ] = "number"; }; String 3 // description of parameter 1 Dec2Bin { Text = "Dezimalzahl"; Text[ english ] = "Dezimalzahl"; Text[ language_user1 ] = " "; Text[ english_us ] = "The decimal integer"; Text[ portuguese ] = "number"; Text[ russian ] = " ."; Text[ greek ] = "number"; Text[ dutch ] = "number"; Text[ french ] = "number"; Text[ spanish ] = "number"; Text[ finnish ] = "number"; Text[ italian ] = "Numero decimale"; Text[ danish ] = "number"; Text[ swedish ] = "number"; Text[ polish ] = "liczba dziesitna"; Text[ portuguese_brazilian ] = "number"; Text[ japanese ] = "10i"; Text[ korean ] = "number"; Text[ chinese_simplified ] = "number"; Text[ chinese_traditional ] = "number"; Text[ turkish ] = "number"; Text[ arabic ] = "number"; Text[ catalan ] = "number"; }; String 4 // name of parameter 2 Dec2Bin { Text = "Stellen"; Text[ english ] = "Stellen"; Text[ language_user1 ] = " "; Text[ english_us ] = "Places"; Text[ portuguese ] = "places"; Text[ russian ] = ""; Text[ greek ] = "places"; Text[ dutch ] = "places"; Text[ french ] = "places"; Text[ spanish ] = "places"; Text[ finnish ] = "places"; Text[ italian ] = "Cifre"; Text[ danish ] = "places"; Text[ swedish ] = "places"; Text[ polish ] = "miejsca"; Text[ portuguese_brazilian ] = "places"; Text[ japanese ] = ""; Text[ korean ] = "places"; Text[ chinese_simplified ] = "places"; Text[ chinese_traditional ] = "places"; Text[ turkish ] = "places"; Text[ arabic ] = "places"; Text[ catalan ] = "places"; }; String 5 // description of parameter 2 Dec2Bin { Text = "Anzahl der verwendeten Stellen."; Text[ english ] = "Anzahl der verwendeten Stellen."; Text[ language_user1 ] = " "; Text[ english_us ] = "Number of places used."; Text[ portuguese ] = "places"; Text[ russian ] = " ."; Text[ greek ] = "places"; Text[ dutch ] = "places"; Text[ french ] = "places"; Text[ spanish ] = "places"; Text[ finnish ] = "places"; Text[ italian ] = "Numero dei caratteri da usare."; Text[ danish ] = "places"; Text[ swedish ] = "places"; Text[ polish ] = "liczba znakw dla wartoci wynikowej"; Text[ portuguese_brazilian ] = "places"; Text[ japanese ] = "\\LɎgp镶B"; Text[ korean ] = "places"; Text[ chinese_simplified ] = "places"; Text[ chinese_traditional ] = "places"; Text[ turkish ] = "places"; Text[ arabic ] = "places"; Text[ catalan ] = "places"; }; }; Resource ANALYSIS_Dec2Hex { String 1 // description Dec2Hex { Text = "Wandelt eine Dezimalzahl in eine Hexadezimalzahl um."; Text[ english ] = "Converts a decimal number to hexadecimal"; Text[ language_user1 ] = " "; Text[ english_us ] = "Converts a decimal number to a hexadecimal number."; Text[ portuguese ] = "Converts a decimal number to hexadecimal"; Text[ russian ] = " ."; Text[ greek ] = "Converts a decimal number to hexadecimal"; Text[ dutch ] = "Converts a decimal number to hexadecimal"; Text[ french ] = "Convertit un nombre dcimal en nombre hexadcimal."; Text[ spanish ] = "Converts a decimal number to hexadecimal"; Text[ finnish ] = "Converts a decimal number to hexadecimal"; Text[ italian ] = "Converte un numero decimale in esadecimale."; Text[ danish ] = "Converts a decimal number to hexadecimal"; Text[ swedish ] = "Converts a decimal number to hexadecimal"; Text[ polish ] = "Zamienia liczb dziesitn na liczb w kodzie szesnastkowym."; Text[ portuguese_brazilian ] = "Converts a decimal number to hexadecimal"; Text[ japanese ] = "10i16iɕϊ܂B"; Text[ korean ] = "Converts a decimal number to hexadecimal"; Text[ chinese_simplified ] = "Converts a decimal number to hexadecimal"; Text[ chinese_traditional ] = "Converts a decimal number to hexadecimal"; Text[ turkish ] = "Converts a decimal number to hexadecimal"; Text[ arabic ] = "Converts a decimal number to hexadecimal"; Text[ catalan ] = "Converts a decimal number to hexadecimal"; }; String 2 // name of parameter 1 Dec2Hex { Text = "Zahl"; Text[ english ] = "Zahl"; Text[ language_user1 ] = " "; Text[ english_us ] = "Number"; Text[ portuguese ] = "number"; Text[ russian ] = ""; Text[ greek ] = "number"; Text[ dutch ] = "number"; Text[ french ] = "number"; Text[ spanish ] = "number"; Text[ finnish ] = "number"; Text[ italian ] = "Num"; Text[ danish ] = "number"; Text[ swedish ] = "number"; Text[ polish ] = "liczba"; Text[ portuguese_brazilian ] = "number"; Text[ japanese ] = "l"; Text[ korean ] = "number"; Text[ chinese_simplified ] = "number"; Text[ chinese_traditional ] = "number"; Text[ turkish ] = "number"; Text[ arabic ] = "number"; Text[ catalan ] = "number"; }; String 3 // description of parameter 1 Dec2Hex { Text = "Dezimalzahl"; Text[ english ] = "Dezimalzahl"; Text[ language_user1 ] = " "; Text[ english_us ] = "The decimal integer"; Text[ portuguese ] = "number"; Text[ russian ] = " ."; Text[ greek ] = "number"; Text[ dutch ] = "number"; Text[ french ] = "number"; Text[ spanish ] = "number"; Text[ finnish ] = "number"; Text[ italian ] = "Numero deciamle"; Text[ danish ] = "number"; Text[ swedish ] = "number"; Text[ polish ] = "liczba dziesitna"; Text[ portuguese_brazilian ] = "number"; Text[ japanese ] = "10i"; Text[ korean ] = "number"; Text[ chinese_simplified ] = "number"; Text[ chinese_traditional ] = "number"; Text[ turkish ] = "number"; Text[ arabic ] = "number"; Text[ catalan ] = "number"; }; String 4 // name of parameter 2 Dec2Hex { Text = "Stellen"; Text[ english ] = "Stellen"; Text[ language_user1 ] = " "; Text[ english_us ] = "Places"; Text[ portuguese ] = "places"; Text[ russian ] = ""; Text[ greek ] = "places"; Text[ dutch ] = "places"; Text[ french ] = "places"; Text[ spanish ] = "places"; Text[ finnish ] = "places"; Text[ italian ] = "Cifre"; Text[ danish ] = "places"; Text[ swedish ] = "places"; Text[ polish ] = "miejsca"; Text[ portuguese_brazilian ] = "places"; Text[ japanese ] = ""; Text[ korean ] = "places"; Text[ chinese_simplified ] = "places"; Text[ chinese_traditional ] = "places"; Text[ turkish ] = "places"; Text[ arabic ] = "places"; Text[ catalan ] = "places"; }; String 5 // description of parameter 2 Dec2Hex { Text = "Anzahl der verwendeten Stellen."; Text[ english ] = "Anzahl der verwendeten Stellen."; Text[ language_user1 ] = " "; Text[ english_us ] = "Number of places used."; Text[ portuguese ] = "places"; Text[ russian ] = " ."; Text[ greek ] = "places"; Text[ dutch ] = "places"; Text[ french ] = "places"; Text[ spanish ] = "places"; Text[ finnish ] = "places"; Text[ italian ] = "Numero dei caratteri da usare."; Text[ danish ] = "places"; Text[ swedish ] = "places"; Text[ polish ] = "liczba znakw dla wartoci wynikowej"; Text[ portuguese_brazilian ] = "places"; Text[ japanese ] = "\\L̎gp镶B"; Text[ korean ] = "places"; Text[ chinese_simplified ] = "places"; Text[ chinese_traditional ] = "places"; Text[ turkish ] = "places"; Text[ arabic ] = "places"; Text[ catalan ] = "places"; }; }; Resource ANALYSIS_Dec2Oct { String 1 // description Dec2Oct { Text = "Wandelt eine Dezimalzahl in eine Oktalzahl um."; Text[ english ] = "Wandelt eine Dezimalzahl in eine Oktalzahl um."; Text[ english_us ] = "Wandelt eine Dezimalzahl in eine Oktalzahl um."; Text[ portuguese ] = "Wandelt eine Dezimalzahl in eine Oktalzahl um."; Text[ russian ] = "Wandelt eine Dezimalzahl in eine Oktalzahl um."; Text[ greek ] = "Wandelt eine Dezimalzahl in eine Oktalzahl um."; Text[ dutch ] = "Wandelt eine Dezimalzahl in eine Oktalzahl um."; Text[ french ] = "Wandelt eine Dezimalzahl in eine Oktalzahl um."; Text[ spanish ] = "Convierte un nmero decimal en un octal."; Text[ finnish ] = "Wandelt eine Dezimalzahl in eine Oktalzahl um."; Text[ italian ] = "Converte un numero decimale in ottale."; Text[ danish ] = "Wandelt eine Dezimalzahl in eine Oktalzahl um."; Text[ swedish ] = "Omvandlar ett decimalt tal till ett oktalt."; Text[ polish ] = "Wandelt eine Dezimalzahl in eine Oktalzahl um."; Text[ portuguese_brazilian ] = "Wandelt eine Dezimalzahl in eine Oktalzahl um."; Text[ japanese ] = "Wandelt eine Dezimalzahl in eine Oktalzahl um."; Text[ korean ] = "Wandelt eine Dezimalzahl in eine Oktalzahl um."; Text[ chinese_simplified ] = "Wandelt eine Dezimalzahl in eine Oktalzahl um."; Text[ chinese_traditional ] = "Wandelt eine Dezimalzahl in eine Oktalzahl um."; Text[ turkish ] = "Wandelt eine Dezimalzahl in eine Oktalzahl um."; Text[ arabic ] = "Wandelt eine Dezimalzahl in eine Oktalzahl um."; Text[ catalan ] = "Wandelt eine Dezimalzahl in eine Oktalzahl um."; }; String 2 // name of parameter 1 Dec2Oct { Text = "Zahl"; Text[ english ] = "Zahl"; Text[ english_us ] = "Number"; Text[ portuguese ] = "Probabilidade"; Text[ russian ] = ""; Text[ greek ] = ""; Text[ dutch ] = "Getal"; Text[ french ] = "Nombre"; Text[ spanish ] = "Nmero"; Text[ finnish ] = "Luku"; Text[ italian ] = "Num"; Text[ danish ] = "Serienummer"; Text[ swedish ] = "Tal"; Text[ polish ] = "Liczba"; Text[ portuguese_brazilian ] = "Zahl"; Text[ japanese ] = "px"; Text[ korean ] = ""; Text[ chinese_simplified ] = "Probability"; Text[ chinese_traditional ] = "serial_number"; Text[ turkish ] = "Saat"; Text[ arabic ] = ""; Text[ catalan ] = "Zahl"; }; String 3 // description of parameter 1 Dec2Oct { Text = "Dezimalzahl"; Text[ english ] = "Dezimalzahl"; Text[ english_us ] = "Number"; Text[ portuguese ] = "Dezimalzahl"; Text[ russian ] = "Dezimalzahl"; Text[ greek ] = "Dezimalzahl"; Text[ dutch ] = "Dezimalzahl"; Text[ french ] = "Nombre dcimal"; Text[ spanish ] = "Nmero decimal"; Text[ finnish ] = "Dezimalzahl"; Text[ italian ] = "Numero decimale"; Text[ danish ] = "Dezimalzahl"; Text[ swedish ] = "Decimaltal"; Text[ polish ] = "liczba dziesitna"; Text[ portuguese_brazilian ] = "Dezimalzahl"; Text[ japanese ] = "10i"; Text[ korean ] = "Dezimalzahl"; Text[ chinese_simplified ] = "Dezimalzahl"; Text[ chinese_traditional ] = "Dezimalzahl"; Text[ turkish ] = "Dezimalzahl"; Text[ arabic ] = "Dezimalzahl"; Text[ catalan ] = "Dezimalzahl"; }; String 4 // name of parameter 2 Dec2Oct { Text = "Stellen"; Text[ english ] = "Stellen"; Text[ english_us ] = "Places"; Text[ portuguese ] = "Stellen"; Text[ russian ] = "Stellen"; Text[ greek ] = "Stellen"; Text[ dutch ] = "Stellen"; Text[ french ] = "Stellen"; Text[ spanish ] = "Cifras"; Text[ finnish ] = "Stellen"; Text[ italian ] = "Cifre"; Text[ danish ] = "Stellen"; Text[ swedish ] = "Antal siffror"; Text[ polish ] = "miejsca"; Text[ portuguese_brazilian ] = "Stellen"; Text[ japanese ] = ""; Text[ korean ] = "Stellen"; Text[ chinese_simplified ] = "Stellen"; Text[ chinese_traditional ] = "Stellen"; Text[ turkish ] = "Stellen"; Text[ arabic ] = "Stellen"; Text[ catalan ] = "Stellen"; }; String 5 // description of parameter 2 Dec2Oct { Text = "Anzahl der verwendeten Stellen."; Text[ english ] = "Anzahl der verwendeten Stellen."; Text[ english_us ] = "Number of places used."; Text[ portuguese ] = "Anzahl der verwendeten Stellen."; Text[ russian ] = "Anzahl der verwendeten Stellen."; Text[ greek ] = "Anzahl der verwendeten Stellen."; Text[ dutch ] = "Anzahl der verwendeten Stellen."; Text[ french ] = "Nombre de chiffres utiliser."; Text[ spanish ] = "Cantidad de cifras usadas."; Text[ finnish ] = "Anzahl der verwendeten Stellen."; Text[ italian ] = "Numero dei caratteri da usare."; Text[ danish ] = "Anzahl der verwendeten Stellen."; Text[ swedish ] = "Antal anvnda siffror."; Text[ polish ] = "liczba znakw dla wartoci wynikowej"; Text[ portuguese_brazilian ] = "Anzahl der verwendeten Stellen."; Text[ japanese ] = "\\LɎgp镶B"; Text[ korean ] = "Anzahl der verwendeten Stellen."; Text[ chinese_simplified ] = "Anzahl der verwendeten Stellen."; Text[ chinese_traditional ] = "Anzahl der verwendeten Stellen."; Text[ turkish ] = "Anzahl der verwendeten Stellen."; Text[ arabic ] = "Anzahl der verwendeten Stellen."; Text[ catalan ] = "Anzahl der verwendeten Stellen."; }; }; Resource ANALYSIS_Hex2Bin { String 1 // description Hex2Bin { Text = "Wandelt eine Hexadezimalzahl in eine (Binr-) Dualzahl um."; Text[ english ] = "Converts a hexadecimal number to binary"; Text[ language_user1 ] = " "; Text[ english_us ] = "Converts a hexadecimal number to a binary number."; Text[ portuguese ] = "Converts a hexadecimal number to binary"; Text[ russian ] = " ."; Text[ greek ] = "Converts a hexadecimal number to binary"; Text[ dutch ] = "Converts a hexadecimal number to binary"; Text[ french ] = "Convertit un nombre hexadcimal en nombre binaire."; Text[ spanish ] = "Converts a hexadecimal number to binary"; Text[ finnish ] = "Converts a hexadecimal number to binary"; Text[ italian ] = "Converte un numero esadecimale in binario."; Text[ danish ] = "Converts a hexadecimal number to binary"; Text[ swedish ] = "Converts a hexadecimal number to binary"; Text[ polish ] = "Zamienia liczb szesnastkow na liczb w kodzie dwjkowym."; Text[ portuguese_brazilian ] = "Converts a hexadecimal number to binary"; Text[ japanese ] = "16i2iɕϊ܂B"; Text[ korean ] = "Converts a hexadecimal number to binary"; Text[ chinese_simplified ] = "Converts a hexadecimal number to binary"; Text[ chinese_traditional ] = "Converts a hexadecimal number to binary"; Text[ turkish ] = "Converts a hexadecimal number to binary"; Text[ arabic ] = "Converts a hexadecimal number to binary"; Text[ catalan ] = "Converts a hexadecimal number to binary"; }; String 2 // name of parameter 1 Hex2Bin { Text = "Zahl"; Text[ english ] = "Zahl"; Text[ language_user1 ] = " "; Text[ english_us ] = "Number"; Text[ portuguese ] = "number"; Text[ russian ] = ""; Text[ greek ] = "number"; Text[ dutch ] = "number"; Text[ french ] = "number"; Text[ spanish ] = "number"; Text[ finnish ] = "number"; Text[ italian ] = "Num"; Text[ danish ] = "number"; Text[ swedish ] = "number"; Text[ polish ] = "liczba"; Text[ portuguese_brazilian ] = "number"; Text[ japanese ] = "l"; Text[ korean ] = "number"; Text[ chinese_simplified ] = "number"; Text[ chinese_traditional ] = "number"; Text[ turkish ] = "number"; Text[ arabic ] = "number"; Text[ catalan ] = "number"; }; String 3 // description of parameter 1 Hex2Bin { Text = "Hexadezimalzahl (als Text)"; Text[ english ] = "Hexadezimalzahl (als Text)"; Text[ language_user1 ] = " "; Text[ english_us ] = "The hexadecimal number (as text)"; Text[ portuguese ] = "number"; Text[ russian ] = " ( )."; Text[ greek ] = "number"; Text[ dutch ] = "number"; Text[ french ] = "number"; Text[ spanish ] = "number"; Text[ finnish ] = "number"; Text[ italian ] = "Numero esadecimale (testo)"; Text[ danish ] = "number"; Text[ swedish ] = "number"; Text[ polish ] = "liczba szesnastkowa poddana przeksztaceniu"; Text[ portuguese_brazilian ] = "number"; Text[ japanese ] = "16i(Ƃ)"; Text[ korean ] = "number"; Text[ chinese_simplified ] = "number"; Text[ chinese_traditional ] = "number"; Text[ turkish ] = "number"; Text[ arabic ] = "number"; Text[ catalan ] = "number"; }; String 4 // name of parameter 2 Hex2Bin { Text = "Stellen"; Text[ english ] = "Stellen"; Text[ language_user1 ] = " "; Text[ english_us ] = "Places"; Text[ portuguese ] = "places"; Text[ russian ] = ""; Text[ greek ] = "places"; Text[ dutch ] = "places"; Text[ french ] = "places"; Text[ spanish ] = "places"; Text[ finnish ] = "places"; Text[ italian ] = "Cifre"; Text[ danish ] = "places"; Text[ swedish ] = "places"; Text[ polish ] = "miejsca"; Text[ portuguese_brazilian ] = "places"; Text[ japanese ] = ""; Text[ korean ] = "places"; Text[ chinese_simplified ] = "places"; Text[ chinese_traditional ] = "places"; Text[ turkish ] = "places"; Text[ arabic ] = "places"; Text[ catalan ] = "places"; }; String 5 // description of parameter 2 Hex2Bin { Text = "Anzahl der verwendeten Stellen."; Text[ english ] = "Anzahl der verwendeten Stellen."; Text[ language_user1 ] = " "; Text[ english_us ] = "Number of places used."; Text[ portuguese ] = "places"; Text[ russian ] = " ."; Text[ greek ] = "places"; Text[ dutch ] = "places"; Text[ french ] = "places"; Text[ spanish ] = "places"; Text[ finnish ] = "places"; Text[ italian ] = "Numero dei caratteri da usare."; Text[ danish ] = "places"; Text[ swedish ] = "places"; Text[ polish ] = "liczba znakw dla wartoci wynikowej"; Text[ portuguese_brazilian ] = "places"; Text[ japanese ] = "\\LɎgp镶B"; Text[ korean ] = "places"; Text[ chinese_simplified ] = "places"; Text[ chinese_traditional ] = "places"; Text[ turkish ] = "places"; Text[ arabic ] = "places"; Text[ catalan ] = "places"; }; }; Resource ANALYSIS_Hex2Dec { String 1 // description Hex2Dec { Text = "Wandelt eine Hexadezimalzahl in eine Dezimalzahl um."; Text[ english ] = "Converts a hexadecimal number to decimal"; Text[ language_user1 ] = " "; Text[ english_us ] = "Converts a hexadecimal number to a decimal number."; Text[ portuguese ] = "Converts a hexadecimal number to decimal"; Text[ russian ] = " ."; Text[ greek ] = "Converts a hexadecimal number to decimal"; Text[ dutch ] = "Converts a hexadecimal number to decimal"; Text[ french ] = "Convertit un nombre hexadcimal en nombre dcimal."; Text[ spanish ] = "Converts a hexadecimal number to decimal"; Text[ finnish ] = "Converts a hexadecimal number to decimal"; Text[ italian ] = "Converte un numero esadecimale in un decimale."; Text[ danish ] = "Converts a hexadecimal number to decimal"; Text[ swedish ] = "Converts a hexadecimal number to decimal"; Text[ polish ] = "Przeksztaca liczb szesnastkow na dziesitn."; Text[ portuguese_brazilian ] = "Converts a hexadecimal number to decimal"; Text[ japanese ] = "16i10iɕϊ܂B"; Text[ korean ] = "Converts a hexadecimal number to decimal"; Text[ chinese_simplified ] = "Converts a hexadecimal number to decimal"; Text[ chinese_traditional ] = "Converts a hexadecimal number to decimal"; Text[ turkish ] = "Converts a hexadecimal number to decimal"; Text[ arabic ] = "Converts a hexadecimal number to decimal"; Text[ catalan ] = "Converts a hexadecimal number to decimal"; }; String 2 // name of parameter 1 Hex2Dec { Text = "Zahl"; Text[ english ] = "Zahl"; Text[ language_user1 ] = " "; Text[ english_us ] = "Number"; Text[ portuguese ] = "number"; Text[ russian ] = ""; Text[ greek ] = "number"; Text[ dutch ] = "number"; Text[ french ] = "number"; Text[ spanish ] = "number"; Text[ finnish ] = "number"; Text[ italian ] = "Num"; Text[ danish ] = "number"; Text[ swedish ] = "number"; Text[ polish ] = "liczba"; Text[ portuguese_brazilian ] = "number"; Text[ japanese ] = "l"; Text[ korean ] = "number"; Text[ chinese_simplified ] = "number"; Text[ chinese_traditional ] = "number"; Text[ turkish ] = "number"; Text[ arabic ] = "number"; Text[ catalan ] = "number"; }; String 3 // description of parameter 1 Hex2Dec { Text = "Hexadezimalzahl (als Text)"; Text[ english ] = "Hexadezimalzahl (als Text)"; Text[ language_user1 ] = " "; Text[ english_us ] = "The hexadecimal number (as text)"; Text[ portuguese ] = "number"; Text[ russian ] = " ( )."; Text[ greek ] = "number"; Text[ dutch ] = "number"; Text[ french ] = "number"; Text[ spanish ] = "number"; Text[ finnish ] = "number"; Text[ italian ] = "Numero esadecimale (testo)"; Text[ danish ] = "number"; Text[ swedish ] = "number"; Text[ polish ] = "liczba szesnastkowa do przeksztacenia"; Text[ portuguese_brazilian ] = "number"; Text[ japanese ] = "16i(Ƃ)"; Text[ korean ] = "number"; Text[ chinese_simplified ] = "number"; Text[ chinese_traditional ] = "number"; Text[ turkish ] = "number"; Text[ arabic ] = "number"; Text[ catalan ] = "number"; }; }; Resource ANALYSIS_Hex2Oct { String 1 // description Hex2Oct { Text = "Wandelt eine Hexadezimalzahl in eine Oktalzahl um."; Text[ english ] = "Converts a hexadecimal number to octal"; Text[ language_user1 ] = " "; Text[ english_us ] = "Converts a hexadecimal number to an octal number."; Text[ portuguese ] = "Converts a hexadecimal number to octal"; Text[ russian ] = " ."; Text[ greek ] = "Converts a hexadecimal number to octal"; Text[ dutch ] = "Converts a hexadecimal number to octal"; Text[ french ] = "Convertit un nombre hexadcimal en nombre octal."; Text[ spanish ] = "Converts a hexadecimal number to octal"; Text[ finnish ] = "Converts a hexadecimal number to octal"; Text[ italian ] = "Converte un numero esadecimale in un ottale."; Text[ danish ] = "Converts a hexadecimal number to octal"; Text[ swedish ] = "Converts a hexadecimal number to octal"; Text[ polish ] = "Zamienia liczb szesnastkow na liczb w kodzie semkowym."; Text[ portuguese_brazilian ] = "Converts a hexadecimal number to octal"; Text[ japanese ] = "16iWiɕϊ܂B"; Text[ korean ] = "Converts a hexadecimal number to octal"; Text[ chinese_simplified ] = "Converts a hexadecimal number to octal"; Text[ chinese_traditional ] = "Converts a hexadecimal number to octal"; Text[ turkish ] = "Converts a hexadecimal number to octal"; Text[ arabic ] = "Converts a hexadecimal number to octal"; Text[ catalan ] = "Converts a hexadecimal number to octal"; }; String 2 // name of parameter 1 Hex2Oct { Text = "Zahl"; Text[ english ] = "Zahl"; Text[ language_user1 ] = " "; Text[ english_us ] = "Number"; Text[ portuguese ] = "number"; Text[ russian ] = ""; Text[ greek ] = "number"; Text[ dutch ] = "number"; Text[ french ] = "number"; Text[ spanish ] = "number"; Text[ finnish ] = "number"; Text[ italian ] = "Num"; Text[ danish ] = "number"; Text[ swedish ] = "number"; Text[ polish ] = "liczba"; Text[ portuguese_brazilian ] = "number"; Text[ japanese ] = "l"; Text[ korean ] = "number"; Text[ chinese_simplified ] = "number"; Text[ chinese_traditional ] = "number"; Text[ turkish ] = "number"; Text[ arabic ] = "number"; Text[ catalan ] = "number"; }; String 3 // description of parameter 1 Hex2Oct { Text = "Hexadezimalzahl (als Text)"; Text[ english ] = "Hexadezimalzahl (als Text)"; Text[ language_user1 ] = " "; Text[ english_us ] = "The hexadecimal number (as text)"; Text[ portuguese ] = "number"; Text[ russian ] = " ( )."; Text[ greek ] = "number"; Text[ dutch ] = "number"; Text[ french ] = "number"; Text[ spanish ] = "number"; Text[ finnish ] = "number"; Text[ italian ] = "Numero esadecimale (testo)"; Text[ danish ] = "number"; Text[ swedish ] = "number"; Text[ polish ] = "liczba szesnastkowa poddana przeksztaceniu"; Text[ portuguese_brazilian ] = "number"; Text[ japanese ] = "16i(Ƃ)"; Text[ korean ] = "number"; Text[ chinese_simplified ] = "number"; Text[ chinese_traditional ] = "number"; Text[ turkish ] = "number"; Text[ arabic ] = "number"; Text[ catalan ] = "number"; }; String 4 // name of parameter 2 Hex2Oct { Text = "Stellen"; Text[ english ] = "Stellen"; Text[ language_user1 ] = " "; Text[ english_us ] = "Places"; Text[ portuguese ] = "places"; Text[ russian ] = ""; Text[ greek ] = "places"; Text[ dutch ] = "places"; Text[ french ] = "places"; Text[ spanish ] = "places"; Text[ finnish ] = "places"; Text[ italian ] = "Cifre"; Text[ danish ] = "places"; Text[ swedish ] = "places"; Text[ polish ] = "miejsca"; Text[ portuguese_brazilian ] = "places"; Text[ japanese ] = ""; Text[ korean ] = "places"; Text[ chinese_simplified ] = "places"; Text[ chinese_traditional ] = "places"; Text[ turkish ] = "places"; Text[ arabic ] = "places"; Text[ catalan ] = "places"; }; String 5 // description of parameter 2 Hex2Oct { Text = "Anzahl der verwendeten Stellen."; Text[ english ] = "Anzahl der verwendeten Stellen."; Text[ language_user1 ] = " "; Text[ english_us ] = "Number of places used."; Text[ portuguese ] = "places"; Text[ russian ] = " ."; Text[ greek ] = "places"; Text[ dutch ] = "places"; Text[ french ] = "places"; Text[ spanish ] = "places"; Text[ finnish ] = "places"; Text[ italian ] = "Numero dei caratteri da usare."; Text[ danish ] = "places"; Text[ swedish ] = "places"; Text[ polish ] = "liczba znakw dla wartoci wynikowej"; Text[ portuguese_brazilian ] = "places"; Text[ japanese ] = "\\LɎgp镶B"; Text[ korean ] = "places"; Text[ chinese_simplified ] = "places"; Text[ chinese_traditional ] = "places"; Text[ turkish ] = "places"; Text[ arabic ] = "places"; Text[ catalan ] = "places"; }; }; Resource ANALYSIS_Delta { String 1 // description Delta { Text = "berprft, ob zwei Werte gleich sind."; Text[ english ] = "Tests wether two numbers are equal"; Text[ language_user1 ] = " "; Text[ english_us ] = "Tests wether two numbers are equal"; Text[ portuguese ] = "Tests wether two numbers are equal"; Text[ russian ] = " ."; Text[ greek ] = "Tests wether two numbers are equal"; Text[ dutch ] = "Tests wether two numbers are equal"; Text[ french ] = "Tests wether two numbers are equal"; Text[ spanish ] = "Tests wether two numbers are equal"; Text[ finnish ] = "Tests wether two numbers are equal"; Text[ italian ] = "Verifica se due valori sono uguali."; Text[ danish ] = "Tests wether two numbers are equal"; Text[ swedish ] = "Tests wether two numbers are equal"; Text[ polish ] = "Sprawdza, czy dwie liczby s rwne."; Text[ portuguese_brazilian ] = "Tests wether two numbers are equal"; Text[ japanese ] = "Q‚̒lǂ𒲂ׂ܂B"; Text[ korean ] = "Tests wether two numbers are equal"; Text[ chinese_simplified ] = "Tests wether two numbers are equal"; Text[ chinese_traditional ] = "Tests wether two numbers are equal"; Text[ turkish ] = "Tests wether two numbers are equal"; Text[ arabic ] = "Tests wether two numbers are equal"; Text[ catalan ] = "Tests wether two numbers are equal"; }; String 2 // name of parameter 1 Delta { Text = "Zahl 1"; Text[ english ] = "Zahl 1"; Text[ language_user1 ] = " "; Text[ english_us ] = "Number 1"; Text[ portuguese ] = "number 1"; Text[ russian ] = " 1"; Text[ greek ] = "number 1"; Text[ dutch ] = "number 1"; Text[ french ] = "number 1"; Text[ spanish ] = "number 1"; Text[ finnish ] = "number 1"; Text[ italian ] = "Num1"; Text[ danish ] = "number 1"; Text[ swedish ] = "number 1"; Text[ polish ] = "liczba 1"; Text[ portuguese_brazilian ] = "number 1"; Text[ japanese ] = "l 1"; Text[ korean ] = "number 1"; Text[ chinese_simplified ] = "number 1"; Text[ chinese_traditional ] = "number 1"; Text[ turkish ] = "number 1"; Text[ arabic ] = "number 1"; Text[ catalan ] = "number 1"; }; String 3 // description of parameter 1 Delta { Text = "Erste Zahl"; Text[ english ] = "Erste Zahl"; Text[ language_user1 ] = " "; Text[ english_us ] = "The first number."; Text[ portuguese ] = "number 1"; Text[ russian ] = " ."; Text[ greek ] = "number 1"; Text[ dutch ] = "number 1"; Text[ french ] = "number 1"; Text[ spanish ] = "number 1"; Text[ finnish ] = "number 1"; Text[ italian ] = "Il primo numero."; Text[ danish ] = "number 1"; Text[ swedish ] = "number 1"; Text[ polish ] = "pierwsza liczba"; Text[ portuguese_brazilian ] = "number 1"; Text[ japanese ] = "̐l"; Text[ korean ] = "number 1"; Text[ chinese_simplified ] = "number 1"; Text[ chinese_traditional ] = "number 1"; Text[ turkish ] = "number 1"; Text[ arabic ] = "number 1"; Text[ catalan ] = "number 1"; }; String 4 // name of parameter 2 Delta { Text = "Zahl 2"; Text[ english ] = "Zahl 2"; Text[ language_user1 ] = " "; Text[ english_us ] = "Number 2"; Text[ portuguese ] = "number 2"; Text[ russian ] = " 2"; Text[ greek ] = "number 2"; Text[ dutch ] = "number 2"; Text[ french ] = "number 2"; Text[ spanish ] = "number 2"; Text[ finnish ] = "number 2"; Text[ italian ] = "Num2"; Text[ danish ] = "number 2"; Text[ swedish ] = "number 2"; Text[ polish ] = "liczba 2"; Text[ portuguese_brazilian ] = "number 2"; Text[ japanese ] = "l 2"; Text[ korean ] = "number 2"; Text[ chinese_simplified ] = "number 2"; Text[ chinese_traditional ] = "number 2"; Text[ turkish ] = "number 2"; Text[ arabic ] = "number 2"; Text[ catalan ] = "number 2"; }; String 5 // description of parameter 2 Delta { Text = "Zweite Zahl"; Text[ english ] = "Zweite Zahl"; Text[ language_user1 ] = " "; Text[ english_us ] = "The second number."; Text[ portuguese ] = "number 2"; Text[ russian ] = " ."; Text[ greek ] = "number 2"; Text[ dutch ] = "number 2"; Text[ french ] = "number 2"; Text[ spanish ] = "number 2"; Text[ finnish ] = "number 2"; Text[ italian ] = "Il secondo numero."; Text[ danish ] = "number 2"; Text[ swedish ] = "number 2"; Text[ polish ] = "druga liczba"; Text[ portuguese_brazilian ] = "number 2"; Text[ japanese ] = "̐l"; Text[ korean ] = "number 2"; Text[ chinese_simplified ] = "number 2"; Text[ chinese_traditional ] = "number 2"; Text[ turkish ] = "number 2"; Text[ arabic ] = "number 2"; Text[ catalan ] = "number 2"; }; }; Resource ANALYSIS_Erf { String 1 // description Erf { Text = "Liefert die Gauss'sche Fehlerfunktion."; Text[ english ] = "Returns the error function"; Text[ language_user1 ] = " "; Text[ english_us ] = "Returns the error function"; Text[ portuguese ] = "Returns the error function"; Text[ russian ] = " ."; Text[ greek ] = "Returns the error function"; Text[ dutch ] = "Returns the error function"; Text[ french ] = "Returns the error function"; Text[ spanish ] = "Returns the error function"; Text[ finnish ] = "Returns the error function"; Text[ italian ] = "Restituisce la funzione di errore."; Text[ danish ] = "Returns the error function"; Text[ swedish ] = "Returns the error function"; Text[ polish ] = "Zwraca funkcj bdu."; Text[ portuguese_brazilian ] = "Returns the error function"; Text[ japanese ] = "Gauss 덷֐̐ϕlԂ܂B"; Text[ korean ] = "Returns the error function"; Text[ chinese_simplified ] = "Returns the error function"; Text[ chinese_traditional ] = "Returns the error function"; Text[ turkish ] = "Returns the error function"; Text[ arabic ] = "Returns the error function"; Text[ catalan ] = "Returns the error function"; }; String 2 // name of parameter 1 Erf { Text = "Untere Grenze"; Text[ english ] = "Untere Grenze"; Text[ language_user1 ] = " "; Text[ english_us ] = "Lower limit"; Text[ portuguese ] = "lower limit"; Text[ russian ] = "_"; Text[ greek ] = "lower limit"; Text[ dutch ] = "lower limit"; Text[ french ] = "lower limit"; Text[ spanish ] = "lower limit"; Text[ finnish ] = "lower limit"; Text[ italian ] = "Limite inferiore"; Text[ danish ] = "lower limit"; Text[ swedish ] = "lower limit"; Text[ polish ] = "dolna granica"; Text[ portuguese_brazilian ] = "lower limit"; Text[ japanese ] = ""; Text[ korean ] = "lower limit"; Text[ chinese_simplified ] = "lower limit"; Text[ chinese_traditional ] = "lower limit"; Text[ turkish ] = "lower limit"; Text[ arabic ] = "lower limit"; Text[ catalan ] = "lower limit"; }; String 3 // description of parameter 1 Erf { Text = "Untere Grenze zur Integration."; Text[ english ] = "Untere Grenze zur Integration."; Text[ language_user1 ] = " "; Text[ english_us ] = "The lower limit for integration."; Text[ portuguese ] = "lower limit"; Text[ russian ] = " ."; Text[ greek ] = "lower limit"; Text[ dutch ] = "lower limit"; Text[ french ] = "lower limit"; Text[ spanish ] = "lower limit"; Text[ finnish ] = "lower limit"; Text[ italian ] = "Limite inferiore di integrazione."; Text[ danish ] = "lower limit"; Text[ swedish ] = "lower limit"; Text[ polish ] = "Dolne ograniczenie przy wyznaczaniu ERF."; Text[ portuguese_brazilian ] = "lower limit"; Text[ japanese ] = "ϕƂ̉lB"; Text[ korean ] = "lower limit"; Text[ chinese_simplified ] = "lower limit"; Text[ chinese_traditional ] = "lower limit"; Text[ turkish ] = "lower limit"; Text[ arabic ] = "lower limit"; Text[ catalan ] = "lower limit"; }; String 4 // name of parameter 2 Erf { Text = "Obere Grenze"; Text[ english ] = "Obere Grenze"; Text[ language_user1 ] = " "; Text[ english_us ] = "upper limit"; Text[ portuguese ] = "upper limit"; Text[ russian ] = "_"; Text[ greek ] = "upper limit"; Text[ dutch ] = "upper limit"; Text[ french ] = "upper limit"; Text[ spanish ] = "upper limit"; Text[ finnish ] = "upper limit"; Text[ italian ] = "Limite superiore"; Text[ danish ] = "upper limit"; Text[ swedish ] = "upper limit"; Text[ polish ] = "grna granica"; Text[ portuguese_brazilian ] = "upper limit"; Text[ japanese ] = ""; Text[ korean ] = "upper limit"; Text[ chinese_simplified ] = "upper limit"; Text[ chinese_traditional ] = "upper limit"; Text[ turkish ] = "upper limit"; Text[ arabic ] = "upper limit"; Text[ catalan ] = "upper limit"; }; String 5 // description of parameter 2 Erf { Text = "Obere Grenze zur Integration."; Text[ english ] = "Obere Grenze zur Integration."; Text[ language_user1 ] = " "; Text[ english_us ] = "upper limit"; Text[ portuguese ] = "upper limit"; Text[ russian ] = " ."; Text[ greek ] = "upper limit"; Text[ dutch ] = "upper limit"; Text[ french ] = "upper limit"; Text[ spanish ] = "upper limit"; Text[ finnish ] = "upper limit"; Text[ italian ] = "Limite superiore di integrazione."; Text[ danish ] = "upper limit"; Text[ swedish ] = "upper limit"; Text[ polish ] = "Grne ograniczenie przy wyznaczaniu ERF."; Text[ portuguese_brazilian ] = "upper limit"; Text[ japanese ] = "ϕƂ̏l"; Text[ korean ] = "upper limit"; Text[ chinese_simplified ] = "upper limit"; Text[ chinese_traditional ] = "upper limit"; Text[ turkish ] = "upper limit"; Text[ arabic ] = "upper limit"; Text[ catalan ] = "upper limit"; }; }; Resource ANALYSIS_Erfc { String 1 // description Erfc { Text = "Liefert das Komplement zur Gauss'schen Fehlerfunktion."; Text[ english ] = "Returns the complementary error function"; Text[ language_user1 ] = " "; Text[ english_us ] = "Returns the complementary error function"; Text[ portuguese ] = "Returns the complementary error function"; Text[ russian ] = " ."; Text[ greek ] = "Returns the complementary error function"; Text[ dutch ] = "Returns the complementary error function"; Text[ french ] = "Returns the complementary error function"; Text[ spanish ] = "Returns the complementary error function"; Text[ finnish ] = "Returns the complementary error function"; Text[ italian ] = "Restituisce la funzione di errore complementare."; Text[ danish ] = "Returns the complementary error function"; Text[ swedish ] = "Returns the complementary error function"; Text[ polish ] = "Zwraca kompletn funkcj bdu."; Text[ portuguese_brazilian ] = "Returns the complementary error function"; Text[ japanese ] = "Gauss 덷֐̐ϕlԂ܂B"; Text[ korean ] = "Returns the complementary error function"; Text[ chinese_simplified ] = "Returns the complementary error function"; Text[ chinese_traditional ] = "Returns the complementary error function"; Text[ turkish ] = "Returns the complementary error function"; Text[ arabic ] = "Returns the complementary error function"; Text[ catalan ] = "Returns the complementary error function"; }; String 2 // name of parameter 1 Erfc { Text = "Untere Grenze"; Text[ english ] = "Untere Grenze"; Text[ language_user1 ] = " "; Text[ english_us ] = "Lower limit"; Text[ portuguese ] = "lower limit"; Text[ russian ] = "_"; Text[ greek ] = "lower limit"; Text[ dutch ] = "lower limit"; Text[ french ] = "lower limit"; Text[ spanish ] = "lower limit"; Text[ finnish ] = "lower limit"; Text[ italian ] = "Limite inferiore"; Text[ danish ] = "lower limit"; Text[ swedish ] = "lower limit"; Text[ polish ] = "dolna granica"; Text[ portuguese_brazilian ] = "lower limit"; Text[ japanese ] = ""; Text[ korean ] = "lower limit"; Text[ chinese_simplified ] = "lower limit"; Text[ chinese_traditional ] = "lower limit"; Text[ turkish ] = "lower limit"; Text[ arabic ] = "lower limit"; Text[ catalan ] = "lower limit"; }; String 3 // description of parameter 1 Erfc { Text = "Untere Grenze zur Integration."; Text[ english ] = "Untere Grenze zur Integration."; Text[ language_user1 ] = " "; Text[ english_us ] = "The lower limit for integration."; Text[ portuguese ] = "lower limit"; Text[ russian ] = " ."; Text[ greek ] = "lower limit"; Text[ dutch ] = "lower limit"; Text[ french ] = "lower limit"; Text[ spanish ] = "lower limit"; Text[ finnish ] = "lower limit"; Text[ italian ] = "Limite inferiore di integrazione."; Text[ danish ] = "lower limit"; Text[ swedish ] = "Undre grns fr integration."; Text[ polish ] = "dolne ograniczenie przy wyznaczaniu ERF"; Text[ portuguese_brazilian ] = "lower limit"; Text[ japanese ] = "ϕƂ̉l"; Text[ korean ] = "lower limit"; Text[ chinese_simplified ] = "lower limit"; Text[ chinese_traditional ] = "lower limit"; Text[ turkish ] = "lower limit"; Text[ arabic ] = "lower limit"; Text[ catalan ] = "lower limit"; }; }; Resource ANALYSIS_GeStep { String 1 // description GeStep { Text = "berprft, ob eine Zahl grer als ein Schwellenwert ist."; Text[ english ] = "Tests wether a number is greater than a threshold value"; Text[ language_user1 ] = " "; Text[ english_us ] = "Tests wether a number is greater than a threshold value"; Text[ portuguese ] = "Tests wether a number is greater than a threshold value"; Text[ russian ] = ", ."; Text[ greek ] = "Tests wether a number is greater than a threshold value"; Text[ dutch ] = "Tests wether a number is greater than a threshold value"; Text[ french ] = "Tests wether a number is greater than a threshold value"; Text[ spanish ] = "Tests wether a number is greater than a threshold value"; Text[ finnish ] = "Tests wether a number is greater than a threshold value"; Text[ italian ] = "Tests wether a number is greater than a threshold value"; Text[ danish ] = "Tests wether a number is greater than a threshold value"; Text[ swedish ] = "Avrundar ett tal till nsta mindre heltal."; Text[ polish ] = "Sprawdza, czy liczba jest wiksza ni podana warto progowa."; Text[ portuguese_brazilian ] = "Tests wether a number is greater than a threshold value"; Text[ japanese ] = "ll傫ӂ邢܂B"; Text[ korean ] = "Tests wether a number is greater than a threshold value"; Text[ chinese_simplified ] = "Tests wether a number is greater than a threshold value"; Text[ chinese_traditional ] = "Tests wether a number is greater than a threshold value"; Text[ turkish ] = "Tests wether a number is greater than a threshold value"; Text[ arabic ] = "Tests wether a number is greater than a threshold value"; Text[ catalan ] = "Tests wether a number is greater than a threshold value"; }; String 2 // name of parameter 1 GeStep { Text = "Zahl"; Text[ english ] = "Zahl"; Text[ language_user1 ] = " "; Text[ english_us ] = "Number"; Text[ portuguese ] = "number"; Text[ russian ] = ""; Text[ greek ] = "number"; Text[ dutch ] = "number"; Text[ french ] = "number"; Text[ spanish ] = "number"; Text[ finnish ] = "number"; Text[ italian ] = "Num"; Text[ danish ] = "number"; Text[ swedish ] = "Tal"; Text[ polish ] = "liczba"; Text[ portuguese_brazilian ] = "number"; Text[ japanese ] = "l"; Text[ korean ] = "number"; Text[ chinese_simplified ] = "number"; Text[ chinese_traditional ] = "number"; Text[ turkish ] = "number"; Text[ arabic ] = "number"; Text[ catalan ] = "number"; }; String 3 // description of parameter 1 GeStep { Text = "An Schwellenwert zu berprfender Wert."; Text[ english ] = "An Schwellenwert zu berprfender Wert."; Text[ language_user1 ] = " "; Text[ english_us ] = "The value to test against step."; Text[ portuguese ] = "number"; Text[ russian ] = " , ."; Text[ greek ] = "number"; Text[ dutch ] = "number"; Text[ french ] = "number"; Text[ spanish ] = "number"; Text[ finnish ] = "number"; Text[ italian ] = "number"; Text[ danish ] = "number"; Text[ swedish ] = "Vrde som ska kontrolleras mot trseklvrde."; Text[ polish ] = "sprawdzana warto w stosunku do wartoci progowej"; Text[ portuguese_brazilian ] = "number"; Text[ japanese ] = "lƔrlB"; Text[ korean ] = "number"; Text[ chinese_simplified ] = "number"; Text[ chinese_traditional ] = "number"; Text[ turkish ] = "number"; Text[ arabic ] = "number"; Text[ catalan ] = "number"; }; String 4 // name of parameter 2 GeStep { Text = "Schwellenwert"; Text[ english ] = "Schwellenwert"; Text[ language_user1 ] = " "; Text[ english_us ] = "Step"; Text[ portuguese ] = "step"; Text[ russian ] = ""; Text[ greek ] = ""; Text[ dutch ] = "Stap"; Text[ french ] = "Seuil"; Text[ spanish ] = "step"; Text[ finnish ] = "step"; Text[ italian ] = "step"; Text[ danish ] = "step"; Text[ swedish ] = "Trskelvrde"; Text[ polish ] = "prg"; Text[ portuguese_brazilian ] = "step"; Text[ japanese ] = "l"; Text[ korean ] = "ܰ"; Text[ chinese_simplified ] = ""; Text[ chinese_traditional ] = "B"; Text[ turkish ] = "step"; Text[ arabic ] = ""; Text[ catalan ] = "step"; }; String 5 // description of parameter 2 GeStep { Text = "Schwellenwert"; Text[ english ] = "Schwellenwert"; Text[ language_user1 ] = " "; Text[ english_us ] = "Step"; Text[ portuguese ] = "step"; Text[ russian ] = " ."; Text[ greek ] = ""; Text[ dutch ] = "Stap"; Text[ french ] = "Seuil"; Text[ spanish ] = "step"; Text[ finnish ] = "step"; Text[ italian ] = "step"; Text[ danish ] = "step"; Text[ swedish ] = "Trskelvrde"; Text[ polish ] = "warto progowa"; Text[ portuguese_brazilian ] = "step"; Text[ japanese ] = "l"; Text[ korean ] = "ܰ"; Text[ chinese_simplified ] = ""; Text[ chinese_traditional ] = "B"; Text[ turkish ] = "step"; Text[ arabic ] = ""; Text[ catalan ] = "step"; }; }; Resource ANALYSIS_Factdouble { String 1 // description Factdouble { Text = "Liefert die Fakultt zu Zahl mit der Schrittlnge 2."; Text[ english ] = "Returns the double factorial of a number"; Text[ language_user1 ] = " "; Text[ english_us ] = "Returns the double factorial of a number"; Text[ portuguese ] = "Returns the double factorial of a number"; Text[ russian ] = " ."; Text[ greek ] = "Returns the double factorial of a number"; Text[ dutch ] = "Returns the double factorial of a number"; Text[ french ] = "Returns the double factorial of a number"; Text[ spanish ] = "Returns the double factorial of a number"; Text[ finnish ] = "Returns the double factorial of a number"; Text[ italian ] = "Restituisce il fattoriale doppio di un numero."; Text[ danish ] = "Returns the double factorial of a number"; Text[ swedish ] = "Returnerar dubbelfakulteten fr ett tal."; Text[ polish ] = "Zwraca dwukrotn silni liczby."; Text[ portuguese_brazilian ] = "Returns the double factorial of a number"; Text[ japanese ] = "l̓dKԂ܂B"; Text[ korean ] = "Returns the double factorial of a number"; Text[ chinese_simplified ] = "Returns the double factorial of a number"; Text[ chinese_traditional ] = "Returns the double factorial of a number"; Text[ turkish ] = "Returns the double factorial of a number"; Text[ arabic ] = "Returns the double factorial of a number"; Text[ catalan ] = "Returns the double factorial of a number"; }; String 2 // name of parameter 1 Factdouble { Text = "Zahl"; Text[ english ] = "Zahl"; Text[ language_user1 ] = " "; Text[ english_us ] = "Number"; Text[ portuguese ] = "number"; Text[ russian ] = ""; Text[ greek ] = "number"; Text[ dutch ] = "number"; Text[ french ] = "number"; Text[ spanish ] = "number"; Text[ finnish ] = "number"; Text[ italian ] = "Num"; Text[ danish ] = "number"; Text[ swedish ] = "Tal"; Text[ polish ] = "liczba"; Text[ portuguese_brazilian ] = "number"; Text[ japanese ] = "l"; Text[ korean ] = "number"; Text[ chinese_simplified ] = "number"; Text[ chinese_traditional ] = "number"; Text[ turkish ] = "number"; Text[ arabic ] = "number"; Text[ catalan ] = "number"; }; String 3 // description of parameter 1 Factdouble { Text = "Zahl"; Text[ english ] = "Zahl"; Text[ language_user1 ] = " "; Text[ english_us ] = "Number"; Text[ portuguese ] = "number"; Text[ russian ] = ", ."; Text[ greek ] = "number"; Text[ dutch ] = "number"; Text[ french ] = "number"; Text[ spanish ] = "number"; Text[ finnish ] = "number"; Text[ italian ] = "Numero"; Text[ danish ] = "number"; Text[ swedish ] = "Tal"; Text[ polish ] = "warto, dla ktrej ma zosta obliczona dwukrotna silnia"; Text[ portuguese_brazilian ] = "number"; Text[ japanese ] = "l"; Text[ korean ] = "number"; Text[ chinese_simplified ] = "number"; Text[ chinese_traditional ] = "number"; Text[ turkish ] = "number"; Text[ arabic ] = "number"; Text[ catalan ] = "number"; }; }; Resource ANALYSIS_Imabs { String 1 // description Imabs { Text = "Liefert den Betrag einer komplexen Zahl."; Text[ english ] = "Returns the absolute value (modulus) of a complex number"; Text[ language_user1 ] = " "; Text[ english_us ] = "Returns the absolute value (modulus) of a complex number"; Text[ portuguese ] = "Returns the absolute value (modulus) of a complex number"; Text[ russian ] = " () ."; Text[ greek ] = "Returns the absolute value (modulus) of a complex number"; Text[ dutch ] = "Returns the absolute value (modulus) of a complex number"; Text[ french ] = "Renvoie le module d'un nombre complexe."; Text[ spanish ] = "Returns the absolute value (modulus) of a complex number"; Text[ finnish ] = "Returns the absolute value (modulus) of a complex number"; Text[ italian ] = "Restituisce il valore assoluto (modulo) di un numero complesso."; Text[ danish ] = "Returns the absolute value (modulus) of a complex number"; Text[ swedish ] = "Returnerar absolutvrdet av ett komplext tal."; Text[ polish ] = "Podaje warto bezwzgldn (modu) liczby zespolonej."; Text[ portuguese_brazilian ] = "Returns the absolute value (modulus) of a complex number"; Text[ japanese ] = "f̐ΒlԂ܂B"; Text[ korean ] = "Returns the absolute value (modulus) of a complex number"; Text[ chinese_simplified ] = "Returns the absolute value (modulus) of a complex number"; Text[ chinese_traditional ] = "Returns the absolute value (modulus) of a complex number"; Text[ turkish ] = "Returns the absolute value (modulus) of a complex number"; Text[ arabic ] = "Returns the absolute value (modulus) of a complex number"; Text[ catalan ] = "Returns the absolute value (modulus) of a complex number"; }; String 2 // name of parameter 1 Imabs { Text = "Komplexe Zahl"; Text[ english ] = "Komplexe Zahl"; Text[ language_user1 ] = " "; Text[ english_us ] = "Inumber"; Text[ portuguese ] = "inumber"; Text[ russian ] = "_"; Text[ greek ] = "inumber"; Text[ dutch ] = "inumber"; Text[ french ] = "inumber"; Text[ spanish ] = "inumber"; Text[ finnish ] = "inumber"; Text[ italian ] = "Numero complesso"; Text[ danish ] = "inumber"; Text[ swedish ] = "Komplext tal"; Text[ polish ] = "liczba zesp."; Text[ portuguese_brazilian ] = "inumber"; Text[ japanese ] = "f"; Text[ korean ] = "inumber"; Text[ chinese_simplified ] = "inumber"; Text[ chinese_traditional ] = "inumber"; Text[ turkish ] = "inumber"; Text[ arabic ] = "inumber"; Text[ catalan ] = "inumber"; }; String 3 // description of parameter 1 Imabs { Text = "Komplexe Zahl"; Text[ english ] = "Komplexe Zahl"; Text[ language_user1 ] = " "; Text[ english_us ] = "Inumber"; Text[ portuguese ] = "inumber"; Text[ russian ] = " , ."; Text[ greek ] = "inumber"; Text[ dutch ] = "inumber"; Text[ french ] = "inumber"; Text[ spanish ] = "inumber"; Text[ finnish ] = "inumber"; Text[ italian ] = "Numero complesso"; Text[ danish ] = "inumber"; Text[ swedish ] = "Komplext tal"; Text[ polish ] = "liczba zespolona"; Text[ portuguese_brazilian ] = "inumber"; Text[ japanese ] = "f"; Text[ korean ] = "inumber"; Text[ chinese_simplified ] = "inumber"; Text[ chinese_traditional ] = "inumber"; Text[ turkish ] = "inumber"; Text[ arabic ] = "inumber"; Text[ catalan ] = "inumber"; }; }; Resource ANALYSIS_Imaginary { String 1 // description Imaginary { Text = "Liefert den Imaginrteil einer komplexen Zahl."; Text[ english ] = "Returns the imaginary coefficient of a complex number"; Text[ language_user1 ] = " "; Text[ english_us ] = "Returns the imaginary coefficient of a complex number"; Text[ portuguese ] = "Returns the imaginary coefficient of a complex number"; Text[ russian ] = " ."; Text[ greek ] = "Returns the imaginary coefficient of a complex number"; Text[ dutch ] = "Returns the imaginary coefficient of a complex number"; Text[ french ] = "Returns the imaginary coefficient of a complex number"; Text[ spanish ] = "Returns the imaginary coefficient of a complex number"; Text[ finnish ] = "Returns the imaginary coefficient of a complex number"; Text[ italian ] = "Restituisce il coefficiente dell'immaginario di un numero complesso."; Text[ danish ] = "Returns the imaginary coefficient of a complex number"; Text[ swedish ] = "Returnerar den imaginra koefficienten av ett komplext tal."; Text[ polish ] = "Podaje cz urojon liczby zespolonej."; Text[ portuguese_brazilian ] = "Returns the imaginary coefficient of a complex number"; Text[ japanese ] = "f̋WԂ܂B"; Text[ korean ] = "Returns the imaginary coefficient of a complex number"; Text[ chinese_simplified ] = "Returns the imaginary coefficient of a complex number"; Text[ chinese_traditional ] = "Returns the imaginary coefficient of a complex number"; Text[ turkish ] = "Returns the imaginary coefficient of a complex number"; Text[ arabic ] = "Returns the imaginary coefficient of a complex number"; Text[ catalan ] = "Returns the imaginary coefficient of a complex number"; }; String 2 // name of parameter 1 Imaginary { Text = "Komplexe Zahl"; Text[ english ] = "Komplexe Zahl"; Text[ language_user1 ] = " "; Text[ english_us ] = "Inumber"; Text[ portuguese ] = "inumber"; Text[ russian ] = "_"; Text[ greek ] = "inumber"; Text[ dutch ] = "inumber"; Text[ french ] = "inumber"; Text[ spanish ] = "inumber"; Text[ finnish ] = "inumber"; Text[ italian ] = "Numero complesso"; Text[ danish ] = "inumber"; Text[ swedish ] = "Komplext tal"; Text[ polish ] = "liczba zesp."; Text[ portuguese_brazilian ] = "inumber"; Text[ japanese ] = "f"; Text[ korean ] = "inumber"; Text[ chinese_simplified ] = "inumber"; Text[ chinese_traditional ] = "inumber"; Text[ turkish ] = "inumber"; Text[ arabic ] = "inumber"; Text[ catalan ] = "inumber"; }; String 3 // description of parameter 1 Imaginary { Text = "Komplexe Zahl"; Text[ english ] = "Komplexe Zahl"; Text[ language_user1 ] = " "; Text[ english_us ] = "Inumber"; Text[ portuguese ] = "inumber"; Text[ russian ] = " , ."; Text[ greek ] = "inumber"; Text[ dutch ] = "inumber"; Text[ french ] = "inumber"; Text[ spanish ] = "inumber"; Text[ finnish ] = "inumber"; Text[ italian ] = "Numero complesso"; Text[ danish ] = "inumber"; Text[ swedish ] = "Komplext tal"; Text[ polish ] = "liczba zespolona"; Text[ portuguese_brazilian ] = "inumber"; Text[ japanese ] = "f"; Text[ korean ] = "inumber"; Text[ chinese_simplified ] = "inumber"; Text[ chinese_traditional ] = "inumber"; Text[ turkish ] = "inumber"; Text[ arabic ] = "inumber"; Text[ catalan ] = "inumber"; }; }; Resource ANALYSIS_Impower { String 1 // description Impower { Text = "Potenziert eine komplexe Zahl mit einer ganzen Zahl."; Text[ english ] = "Returns a complex number raised by a real number"; Text[ language_user1 ] = " "; Text[ english_us ] = "Returns a complex number raised by a real number"; Text[ portuguese ] = "Returns a complex number raised by a real number"; Text[ russian ] = " ."; Text[ greek ] = "Returns a complex number raised by a real number"; Text[ dutch ] = "Returns a complex number raised by a real number"; Text[ french ] = "Renvoie un nombre complexe lev une puissance entire."; Text[ spanish ] = "Returns a complex number raised by a real number"; Text[ finnish ] = "Returns a complex number raised by a real number"; Text[ italian ] = "Restituisce un numero complesso elevato ad una potenza intera."; Text[ danish ] = "Returns a complex number raised by a real number"; Text[ swedish ] = "Returnerar ett komplext tal upphjt med ett heltal."; Text[ polish ] = "Podaje warto liczby zespolonej podniesionej do potgi cakowitej."; Text[ portuguese_brazilian ] = "Returns a complex number raised by a real number"; Text[ japanese ] = "f̐Ԃ܂B"; Text[ korean ] = "Returns a complex number raised by a real number"; Text[ chinese_simplified ] = "Returns a complex number raised by a real number"; Text[ chinese_traditional ] = "Returns a complex number raised by a real number"; Text[ turkish ] = "Returns a complex number raised by a real number"; Text[ arabic ] = "Returns a complex number raised by a real number"; Text[ catalan ] = "Returns a complex number raised by a real number"; }; String 2 // name of parameter 1 Impower { Text = "Komplexe Zahl"; Text[ english ] = "Komplexe Zahl"; Text[ language_user1 ] = " "; Text[ english_us ] = "Inumber"; Text[ portuguese ] = "inumber"; Text[ russian ] = "_"; Text[ greek ] = "inumber"; Text[ dutch ] = "inumber"; Text[ french ] = "inumber"; Text[ spanish ] = "inumber"; Text[ finnish ] = "inumber"; Text[ italian ] = "Numero complesso"; Text[ danish ] = "inumber"; Text[ swedish ] = "Komplext tal"; Text[ polish ] = "liczba zesp."; Text[ portuguese_brazilian ] = "inumber"; Text[ japanese ] = "f"; Text[ korean ] = "inumber"; Text[ chinese_simplified ] = "inumber"; Text[ chinese_traditional ] = "inumber"; Text[ turkish ] = "inumber"; Text[ arabic ] = "inumber"; Text[ catalan ] = "inumber"; }; String 3 // description of parameter 1 Impower { Text = "Komplexe Zahl"; Text[ english ] = "Komplexe Zahl"; Text[ language_user1 ] = " "; Text[ english_us ] = "Inumber"; Text[ portuguese ] = "inumber"; Text[ russian ] = " , ."; Text[ greek ] = "inumber"; Text[ dutch ] = "inumber"; Text[ french ] = "inumber"; Text[ spanish ] = "inumber"; Text[ finnish ] = "inumber"; Text[ italian ] = "Numero complesso"; Text[ danish ] = "inumber"; Text[ swedish ] = "Komplext tal"; Text[ polish ] = "liczba zespolona"; Text[ portuguese_brazilian ] = "inumber"; Text[ japanese ] = "f"; Text[ korean ] = "inumber"; Text[ chinese_simplified ] = "inumber"; Text[ chinese_traditional ] = "inumber"; Text[ turkish ] = "inumber"; Text[ arabic ] = "inumber"; Text[ catalan ] = "inumber"; }; String 4 // name of parameter 2 Impower { Text = "Potenz"; Text[ english ] = "Potenz"; Text[ language_user1 ] = " "; Text[ english_us ] = "Number"; Text[ portuguese ] = "number"; Text[ russian ] = ""; Text[ greek ] = "number"; Text[ dutch ] = "number"; Text[ french ] = "number"; Text[ spanish ] = "number"; Text[ finnish ] = "number"; Text[ italian ] = "Potenza"; Text[ danish ] = "number"; Text[ swedish ] = "Potens"; Text[ polish ] = "liczba"; Text[ portuguese_brazilian ] = "number"; Text[ japanese ] = "ׂw"; Text[ korean ] = "number"; Text[ chinese_simplified ] = "number"; Text[ chinese_traditional ] = "number"; Text[ turkish ] = "number"; Text[ arabic ] = "number"; Text[ catalan ] = "number"; }; String 5 // description of parameter 2 Impower { Text = "Exponent, mit dem die komplexe Zahl potenziert wird."; Text[ english ] = "Exponent, mit dem die komplexe Zahl potenziert wird."; Text[ language_user1 ] = " "; Text[ english_us ] = "Power to which the complex number is raised."; Text[ portuguese ] = "number"; Text[ russian ] = ", ."; Text[ greek ] = "number"; Text[ dutch ] = "number"; Text[ french ] = "number"; Text[ spanish ] = "number"; Text[ finnish ] = "number"; Text[ italian ] = "Esponente al quale si vuole elevare il numero complesso."; Text[ danish ] = "number"; Text[ swedish ] = "Exponent som det komplexa talet upphjs med."; Text[ polish ] = "wykadnik potgi, do ktrej podniesiona zostanie liczba zespolona"; Text[ portuguese_brazilian ] = "number"; Text[ japanese ] = "fƂׂ̎wB"; Text[ korean ] = "number"; Text[ chinese_simplified ] = "number"; Text[ chinese_traditional ] = "number"; Text[ turkish ] = "number"; Text[ arabic ] = "number"; Text[ catalan ] = "number"; }; }; Resource ANALYSIS_Imargument { String 1 // description Imargument { Text = "Liefert den Winkel im Bogenma zur Darstellung der komplexen Zahl in trigonometrischer Schreibweise."; Text[ english ] = "Returns the argument q, an angle expressed in radians"; Text[ language_user1 ] = " "; Text[ english_us ] = "Returns the argument q, an angle expressed in radians"; Text[ portuguese ] = "Returns the argument q, an angle expressed in radians"; Text[ russian ] = " , .. , ."; Text[ greek ] = "Returns the argument q, an angle expressed in radians"; Text[ dutch ] = "Returns the argument q, an angle expressed in radians"; Text[ french ] = "Returns the argument q, an angle expressed in radians"; Text[ spanish ] = "Returns the argument q, an angle expressed in radians"; Text[ finnish ] = "Returns the argument q, an angle expressed in radians"; Text[ italian ] = "Restituisce l'angolo espresso in radianti per la rappresentazione trigonometrica del numero complesso."; Text[ danish ] = "Returns the argument q, an angle expressed in radians"; Text[ swedish ] = "Returnerar en vinkel uttryckt i radianer fr visning av ett komplext tal med trigonometriskt skrivstt."; Text[ polish ] = "Podaje warto argumentu liczby zespolonej, kta wyraonego w radianach."; Text[ portuguese_brazilian ] = "Returns the argument q, an angle expressed in radians"; Text[ japanese ] = "fɌ`ŕ\\ꍇ̕Ίp()Ԃ܂B"; Text[ korean ] = "Returns the argument q, an angle expressed in radians"; Text[ chinese_simplified ] = "Returns the argument q, an angle expressed in radians"; Text[ chinese_traditional ] = "Returns the argument q, an angle expressed in radians"; Text[ turkish ] = "Returns the argument q, an angle expressed in radians"; Text[ arabic ] = "Returns the argument q, an angle expressed in radians"; Text[ catalan ] = "Returns the argument q, an angle expressed in radians"; }; String 2 // name of parameter 1 Imargument { Text = "Komplexe Zahl"; Text[ english ] = "Komplexe Zahl"; Text[ language_user1 ] = " "; Text[ english_us ] = "Inumber"; Text[ portuguese ] = "inumber"; Text[ russian ] = "_"; Text[ greek ] = "inumber"; Text[ dutch ] = "inumber"; Text[ french ] = "inumber"; Text[ spanish ] = "inumber"; Text[ finnish ] = "inumber"; Text[ italian ] = "Numero complesso"; Text[ danish ] = "inumber"; Text[ swedish ] = "Komplext tal"; Text[ polish ] = "liczba zesp."; Text[ portuguese_brazilian ] = "inumber"; Text[ japanese ] = "f"; Text[ korean ] = "inumber"; Text[ chinese_simplified ] = "inumber"; Text[ chinese_traditional ] = "inumber"; Text[ turkish ] = "inumber"; Text[ arabic ] = "inumber"; Text[ catalan ] = "inumber"; }; String 3 // description of parameter 1 Imargument { Text = "Komplexe Zahl"; Text[ english ] = "Komplexe Zahl"; Text[ language_user1 ] = " "; Text[ english_us ] = "Inumber"; Text[ portuguese ] = "inumber"; Text[ russian ] = " , ."; Text[ greek ] = "inumber"; Text[ dutch ] = "inumber"; Text[ french ] = "inumber"; Text[ spanish ] = "inumber"; Text[ finnish ] = "inumber"; Text[ italian ] = "Numero complesso"; Text[ danish ] = "inumber"; Text[ swedish ] = "Komplext tal"; Text[ polish ] = "liczba zespolona"; Text[ portuguese_brazilian ] = "inumber"; Text[ japanese ] = "f"; Text[ korean ] = "inumber"; Text[ chinese_simplified ] = "inumber"; Text[ chinese_traditional ] = "inumber"; Text[ turkish ] = "inumber"; Text[ arabic ] = "inumber"; Text[ catalan ] = "inumber"; }; }; Resource ANALYSIS_Imcos { String 1 // description Imcos { Text = "Liefert den Kosinus einer komplexen Zahl."; Text[ english ] = "Returns the cosine of a complex number"; Text[ language_user1 ] = " "; Text[ english_us ] = "Returns the cosine of a complex number"; Text[ portuguese ] = "Returns the cosine of a complex number"; Text[ russian ] = " ."; Text[ greek ] = "Returns the cosine of a complex number"; Text[ dutch ] = "Returns the cosine of a complex number"; Text[ french ] = "Returns the cosine of a complex number"; Text[ spanish ] = "Returns the cosine of a complex number"; Text[ finnish ] = "Returns the cosine of a complex number"; Text[ italian ] = "Restituisce il coseno di un numero complesso."; Text[ danish ] = "Returns the cosine of a complex number"; Text[ swedish ] = "Returnerar cosinus av ett komplext tal."; Text[ polish ] = "Podaje warto cosinusa liczby zespolonej."; Text[ portuguese_brazilian ] = "Returns the cosine of a complex number"; Text[ japanese ] = "f̺݂Ԃ܂B"; Text[ korean ] = "Returns the cosine of a complex number"; Text[ chinese_simplified ] = "Returns the cosine of a complex number"; Text[ chinese_traditional ] = "Returns the cosine of a complex number"; Text[ turkish ] = "Returns the cosine of a complex number"; Text[ arabic ] = "Returns the cosine of a complex number"; Text[ catalan ] = "Returns the cosine of a complex number"; }; String 2 // name of parameter 1 Imcos { Text = "Komplexe Zahl"; Text[ english ] = "Komplexe Zahl"; Text[ language_user1 ] = " "; Text[ english_us ] = "Inumber"; Text[ portuguese ] = "inumber"; Text[ russian ] = "_"; Text[ greek ] = "inumber"; Text[ dutch ] = "inumber"; Text[ french ] = "inumber"; Text[ spanish ] = "inumber"; Text[ finnish ] = "inumber"; Text[ italian ] = "Numero complesso"; Text[ danish ] = "inumber"; Text[ swedish ] = "Komplext tal"; Text[ polish ] = "liczba zesp."; Text[ portuguese_brazilian ] = "inumber"; Text[ japanese ] = "f"; Text[ korean ] = "inumber"; Text[ chinese_simplified ] = "inumber"; Text[ chinese_traditional ] = "inumber"; Text[ turkish ] = "inumber"; Text[ arabic ] = "inumber"; Text[ catalan ] = "inumber"; }; String 3 // description of parameter 1 Imcos { Text = "Komplexe Zahl"; Text[ english ] = "Komplexe Zahl"; Text[ language_user1 ] = " "; Text[ english_us ] = "Inumber"; Text[ portuguese ] = "inumber"; Text[ russian ] = " , ."; Text[ greek ] = "inumber"; Text[ dutch ] = "inumber"; Text[ french ] = "inumber"; Text[ spanish ] = "inumber"; Text[ finnish ] = "inumber"; Text[ italian ] = "Numero complesso"; Text[ danish ] = "inumber"; Text[ swedish ] = "Komplext tal"; Text[ polish ] = "liczba zespolona"; Text[ portuguese_brazilian ] = "inumber"; Text[ japanese ] = "f"; Text[ korean ] = "inumber"; Text[ chinese_simplified ] = "inumber"; Text[ chinese_traditional ] = "inumber"; Text[ turkish ] = "inumber"; Text[ arabic ] = "inumber"; Text[ catalan ] = "inumber"; }; }; Resource ANALYSIS_Imdiv { String 1 // description Imdiv { Text = "Liefert den Quotient zweier komplexer Zahlen."; Text[ english ] = "Returns the quotient of two complex numbers"; Text[ language_user1 ] = " "; Text[ english_us ] = "Returns the quotient of two complex numbers"; Text[ portuguese ] = "Returns the quotient of two complex numbers"; Text[ russian ] = " ."; Text[ greek ] = "Returns the quotient of two complex numbers"; Text[ dutch ] = "Returns the quotient of two complex numbers"; Text[ french ] = "Returns the quotient of two complex numbers"; Text[ spanish ] = "Returns the quotient of two complex numbers"; Text[ finnish ] = "Returns the quotient of two complex numbers"; Text[ italian ] = "Restituisce il quoziente di due numeri complessi."; Text[ danish ] = "Returns the quotient of two complex numbers"; Text[ swedish ] = "Returnerar kvoten av tv komplexa tal."; Text[ polish ] = "Podaje iloraz dwch liczb zespolonych."; Text[ portuguese_brazilian ] = "Returns the quotient of two complex numbers"; Text[ japanese ] = "Q‚̕fZ̏Ԃ܂B"; Text[ korean ] = "Returns the quotient of two complex numbers"; Text[ chinese_simplified ] = "Returns the quotient of two complex numbers"; Text[ chinese_traditional ] = "Returns the quotient of two complex numbers"; Text[ turkish ] = "Returns the quotient of two complex numbers"; Text[ arabic ] = "Returns the quotient of two complex numbers"; Text[ catalan ] = "Returns the quotient of two complex numbers"; }; String 2 // name of parameter 1 Imdiv { Text = "Zhler"; Text[ english ] = "Zhler"; Text[ language_user1 ] = " "; Text[ english_us ] = "Inumber 1"; Text[ portuguese ] = "inumber 1"; Text[ russian ] = "_ 1"; Text[ greek ] = "inumber 1"; Text[ dutch ] = "inumber 1"; Text[ french ] = "inumber 1"; Text[ spanish ] = "inumber 1"; Text[ finnish ] = "inumber 1"; Text[ italian ] = "Numeratore"; Text[ danish ] = "inumber 1"; Text[ swedish ] = "Tljare"; Text[ polish ] = "liczba zesp. 1"; Text[ portuguese_brazilian ] = "inumber 1"; Text[ japanese ] = "q"; Text[ korean ] = "inumber 1"; Text[ chinese_simplified ] = "inumber 1"; Text[ chinese_traditional ] = "inumber 1"; Text[ turkish ] = "inumber 1"; Text[ arabic ] = "inumber 1"; Text[ catalan ] = "inumber 1"; }; String 3 // description of parameter 1 Imdiv { Text = "Zhler (Dividend)"; Text[ english ] = "Zhler (Dividend)"; Text[ language_user1 ] = " "; Text[ english_us ] = "Inumber 1"; Text[ portuguese ] = "inumber 1"; Text[ russian ] = " ."; Text[ greek ] = "inumber 1"; Text[ dutch ] = "inumber 1"; Text[ french ] = "inumber 1"; Text[ spanish ] = "inumber 1"; Text[ finnish ] = "inumber 1"; Text[ italian ] = "Numeratore (dividendo)"; Text[ danish ] = "inumber 1"; Text[ swedish ] = "Tljare (dividend)"; Text[ polish ] = "liczba zespolona stanowica dzieln"; Text[ portuguese_brazilian ] = "inumber 1"; Text[ japanese ] = "Z̕q"; Text[ korean ] = "inumber 1"; Text[ chinese_simplified ] = "inumber 1"; Text[ chinese_traditional ] = "inumber 1"; Text[ turkish ] = "inumber 1"; Text[ arabic ] = "inumber 1"; Text[ catalan ] = "inumber 1"; }; String 4 // name of parameter 2 Imdiv { Text = "Nenner"; Text[ english ] = "Nenner"; Text[ language_user1 ] = " "; Text[ english_us ] = "Inumber 2"; Text[ portuguese ] = "inumber 2"; Text[ russian ] = "_ 2"; Text[ greek ] = "inumber 2"; Text[ dutch ] = "inumber 2"; Text[ french ] = "inumber 2"; Text[ spanish ] = "inumber 2"; Text[ finnish ] = "inumber 2"; Text[ italian ] = "Denominatore"; Text[ danish ] = "inumber 2"; Text[ swedish ] = "Nmnare"; Text[ polish ] = "liczba zesp. 2"; Text[ portuguese_brazilian ] = "inumber 2"; Text[ japanese ] = ""; Text[ korean ] = "inumber 2"; Text[ chinese_simplified ] = "inumber 2"; Text[ chinese_traditional ] = "inumber 2"; Text[ turkish ] = "inumber 2"; Text[ arabic ] = "inumber 2"; Text[ catalan ] = "inumber 2"; }; String 5 // description of parameter 2 Imdiv { Text = "Nenner( Divisor )"; Text[ english ] = "Nenner( Divisor )"; Text[ language_user1 ] = " "; Text[ english_us ] = "Inumber 2"; Text[ portuguese ] = "inumber 2"; Text[ russian ] = " ."; Text[ greek ] = "inumber 2"; Text[ dutch ] = "inumber 2"; Text[ french ] = "inumber 2"; Text[ spanish ] = "inumber 2"; Text[ finnish ] = "inumber 2"; Text[ italian ] = "Denominatore (divisore)"; Text[ danish ] = "inumber 2"; Text[ swedish ] = "Nmnare (divisor)"; Text[ polish ] = "liczba zespolona stanowica dzielnik"; Text[ portuguese_brazilian ] = "inumber 2"; Text[ japanese ] = "Z̕"; Text[ korean ] = "inumber 2"; Text[ chinese_simplified ] = "inumber 2"; Text[ chinese_traditional ] = "inumber 2"; Text[ turkish ] = "inumber 2"; Text[ arabic ] = "inumber 2"; Text[ catalan ] = "inumber 2"; }; }; Resource ANALYSIS_Imexp { String 1 // description Imexp { Text = "Liefert die algebraische Form einer in exponentieller Darstellung vorliegenden komplexen Zahl."; Text[ english ] = "Returns the exponential of a complex number"; Text[ language_user1 ] = " "; Text[ english_us ] = "Returns the exponential of a complex number"; Text[ portuguese ] = "Returns the exponential of a complex number"; Text[ russian ] = " ."; Text[ greek ] = "Returns the exponential of a complex number"; Text[ dutch ] = "Returns the exponential of a complex number"; Text[ french ] = "Returns the exponential of a complex number"; Text[ spanish ] = "Returns the exponential of a complex number"; Text[ finnish ] = "Returns the exponential of a complex number"; Text[ italian ] = "Restituisce l'esponenziale di un numero complesso."; Text[ danish ] = "Returns the exponential of a complex number"; Text[ swedish ] = "Returns the exponential of a complex number"; Text[ polish ] = "Podaje warto wykadnicz liczby zespolonej."; Text[ portuguese_brazilian ] = "Returns the exponential of a complex number"; Text[ japanese ] = "fׂ̂Ԃ܂B"; Text[ korean ] = "Returns the exponential of a complex number"; Text[ chinese_simplified ] = "Returns the exponential of a complex number"; Text[ chinese_traditional ] = "Returns the exponential of a complex number"; Text[ turkish ] = "Returns the exponential of a complex number"; Text[ arabic ] = "Returns the exponential of a complex number"; Text[ catalan ] = "Returns the exponential of a complex number"; }; String 2 // name of parameter 1 Imexp { Text = "Komplexe Zahl"; Text[ english ] = "Komplexe Zahl"; Text[ language_user1 ] = " "; Text[ english_us ] = "Inumber"; Text[ portuguese ] = "inumber"; Text[ russian ] = "_"; Text[ greek ] = "inumber"; Text[ dutch ] = "inumber"; Text[ french ] = "inumber"; Text[ spanish ] = "inumber"; Text[ finnish ] = "inumber"; Text[ italian ] = "Numero complesso"; Text[ danish ] = "inumber"; Text[ swedish ] = "Komplext tal"; Text[ polish ] = "liczba zesp."; Text[ portuguese_brazilian ] = "inumber"; Text[ japanese ] = "f"; Text[ korean ] = "inumber"; Text[ chinese_simplified ] = "inumber"; Text[ chinese_traditional ] = "inumber"; Text[ turkish ] = "inumber"; Text[ arabic ] = "inumber"; Text[ catalan ] = "inumber"; }; String 3 // description of parameter 1 Imexp { Text = "Komplexe Zahl"; Text[ english ] = "Komplexe Zahl"; Text[ language_user1 ] = " "; Text[ english_us ] = "Inumber"; Text[ portuguese ] = "inumber"; Text[ russian ] = " , ."; Text[ greek ] = "inumber"; Text[ dutch ] = "inumber"; Text[ french ] = "inumber"; Text[ spanish ] = "inumber"; Text[ finnish ] = "inumber"; Text[ italian ] = "Numero complesso"; Text[ danish ] = "inumber"; Text[ swedish ] = "Komplext tal"; Text[ polish ] = "liczba zespolona"; Text[ portuguese_brazilian ] = "inumber"; Text[ japanese ] = "f"; Text[ korean ] = "inumber"; Text[ chinese_simplified ] = "inumber"; Text[ chinese_traditional ] = "inumber"; Text[ turkish ] = "inumber"; Text[ arabic ] = "inumber"; Text[ catalan ] = "inumber"; }; }; Resource ANALYSIS_Imconjugate { String 1 // description Imconjugate { Text = "Liefert das konjugiert Komplexe zu einer komplexen Zahl."; Text[ english ] = "Returns the comlex conjugate of a complex number"; Text[ language_user1 ] = " "; Text[ english_us ] = "Returns the comlex conjugate of a complex number"; Text[ portuguese ] = "Returns the comlex conjugate of a complex number"; Text[ russian ] = " - ."; Text[ greek ] = "Returns the comlex conjugate of a complex number"; Text[ dutch ] = "Returns the comlex conjugate of a complex number"; Text[ french ] = "Returns the comlex conjugate of a complex number"; Text[ spanish ] = "Returns the comlex conjugate of a complex number"; Text[ finnish ] = "Returns the comlex conjugate of a complex number"; Text[ italian ] = "Restituisce il complesso coniugato di un numero complesso."; Text[ danish ] = "Returns the comlex conjugate of a complex number"; Text[ swedish ] = "Returnerar det komplexa konjugatet till ett komplext tal."; Text[ polish ] = "Podaje warto sprzon liczby zespolonej."; Text[ portuguese_brazilian ] = "Returns the comlex conjugate of a complex number"; Text[ japanese ] = "f̕fԂ܂B"; Text[ korean ] = "Returns the comlex conjugate of a complex number"; Text[ chinese_simplified ] = "Returns the comlex conjugate of a complex number"; Text[ chinese_traditional ] = "Returns the comlex conjugate of a complex number"; Text[ turkish ] = "Returns the comlex conjugate of a complex number"; Text[ arabic ] = "Returns the comlex conjugate of a complex number"; Text[ catalan ] = "Returns the comlex conjugate of a complex number"; }; String 2 // name of parameter 1 Imconjugate { Text = "Komplexe Zahl"; Text[ english ] = "Komplexe Zahl"; Text[ language_user1 ] = " "; Text[ english_us ] = "Inumber"; Text[ portuguese ] = "inumber"; Text[ russian ] = "_"; Text[ greek ] = "inumber"; Text[ dutch ] = "inumber"; Text[ french ] = "inumber"; Text[ spanish ] = "inumber"; Text[ finnish ] = "inumber"; Text[ italian ] = "Numero complesso"; Text[ danish ] = "inumber"; Text[ swedish ] = "Komplext tal"; Text[ polish ] = "liczba zesp."; Text[ portuguese_brazilian ] = "inumber"; Text[ japanese ] = "f"; Text[ korean ] = "inumber"; Text[ chinese_simplified ] = "inumber"; Text[ chinese_traditional ] = "inumber"; Text[ turkish ] = "inumber"; Text[ arabic ] = "inumber"; Text[ catalan ] = "inumber"; }; String 3 // description of parameter 1 Imconjugate { Text = "Komplexe Zahl"; Text[ english ] = "Komplexe Zahl"; Text[ language_user1 ] = " "; Text[ english_us ] = "Inumber"; Text[ portuguese ] = "inumber"; Text[ russian ] = " , ."; Text[ greek ] = "inumber"; Text[ dutch ] = "inumber"; Text[ french ] = "inumber"; Text[ spanish ] = "inumber"; Text[ finnish ] = "inumber"; Text[ italian ] = "Numero complesso"; Text[ danish ] = "inumber"; Text[ swedish ] = "Komplext tal"; Text[ polish ] = "liczba zespolona"; Text[ portuguese_brazilian ] = "inumber"; Text[ japanese ] = "f"; Text[ korean ] = "inumber"; Text[ chinese_simplified ] = "inumber"; Text[ chinese_traditional ] = "inumber"; Text[ turkish ] = "inumber"; Text[ arabic ] = "inumber"; Text[ catalan ] = "inumber"; }; }; Resource ANALYSIS_Imln { String 1 // description Imln { Text = "Liefert den natrlichen Logarithmus einer komplexen Zahl."; Text[ english ] = "Returns the natural logarithm of a complex number"; Text[ language_user1 ] = " "; Text[ english_us ] = "Returns the natural logarithm of a complex number"; Text[ portuguese ] = "Returns the natural logarithm of a complex number"; Text[ russian ] = " ."; Text[ greek ] = "Returns the natural logarithm of a complex number"; Text[ dutch ] = "Returns the natural logarithm of a complex number"; Text[ french ] = "Returns the natural logarithm of a complex number"; Text[ spanish ] = "Returns the natural logarithm of a complex number"; Text[ finnish ] = "Returns the natural logarithm of a complex number"; Text[ italian ] = "Restituisce il logaritmo naturale di un numero complesso."; Text[ danish ] = "Returns the natural logarithm of a complex number"; Text[ swedish ] = "Returnerar den naturliga logaritmen av ett komplext tal."; Text[ polish ] = "Podaje warto logarytmu naturalnego liczby zespolonej."; Text[ portuguese_brazilian ] = "Returns the natural logarithm of a complex number"; Text[ japanese ] = "f̎RΐԂ܂B"; Text[ korean ] = "Returns the natural logarithm of a complex number"; Text[ chinese_simplified ] = "Returns the natural logarithm of a complex number"; Text[ chinese_traditional ] = "Returns the natural logarithm of a complex number"; Text[ turkish ] = "Returns the natural logarithm of a complex number"; Text[ arabic ] = "Returns the natural logarithm of a complex number"; Text[ catalan ] = "Returns the natural logarithm of a complex number"; }; String 2 // name of parameter 1 Imln { Text = "Komplexe Zahl"; Text[ english ] = "Komplexe Zahl"; Text[ language_user1 ] = " "; Text[ english_us ] = "Inumber"; Text[ portuguese ] = "inumber"; Text[ russian ] = "_"; Text[ greek ] = "inumber"; Text[ dutch ] = "inumber"; Text[ french ] = "inumber"; Text[ spanish ] = "inumber"; Text[ finnish ] = "inumber"; Text[ italian ] = "Numero complesso"; Text[ danish ] = "inumber"; Text[ swedish ] = "Komplext tal"; Text[ polish ] = "liczba zesp."; Text[ portuguese_brazilian ] = "inumber"; Text[ japanese ] = "f"; Text[ korean ] = "inumber"; Text[ chinese_simplified ] = "inumber"; Text[ chinese_traditional ] = "inumber"; Text[ turkish ] = "inumber"; Text[ arabic ] = "inumber"; Text[ catalan ] = "inumber"; }; String 3 // description of parameter 1 Imln { Text = "Komplexe Zahl"; Text[ english ] = "Komplexe Zahl"; Text[ language_user1 ] = " "; Text[ english_us ] = "Inumber"; Text[ portuguese ] = "inumber"; Text[ russian ] = " , ."; Text[ greek ] = "inumber"; Text[ dutch ] = "inumber"; Text[ french ] = "inumber"; Text[ spanish ] = "inumber"; Text[ finnish ] = "inumber"; Text[ italian ] = "Numero complesso"; Text[ danish ] = "inumber"; Text[ swedish ] = "Komplext tal"; Text[ polish ] = "liczba zespolona"; Text[ portuguese_brazilian ] = "inumber"; Text[ japanese ] = "f"; Text[ korean ] = "inumber"; Text[ chinese_simplified ] = "inumber"; Text[ chinese_traditional ] = "inumber"; Text[ turkish ] = "inumber"; Text[ arabic ] = "inumber"; Text[ catalan ] = "inumber"; }; }; Resource ANALYSIS_Imlog10 { String 1 // description Imlog10 { Text = "Liefert den dekadischen Logarithmus einer komplexen Zahl."; Text[ english ] = "Returns the base-10 logarithm of a complex number"; Text[ language_user1 ] = " "; Text[ english_us ] = "Returns the base-10 logarithm of a complex number"; Text[ portuguese ] = "Returns the base-10 logarithm of a complex number"; Text[ russian ] = " ."; Text[ greek ] = "Returns the base-10 logarithm of a complex number"; Text[ dutch ] = "Returns the base-10 logarithm of a complex number"; Text[ french ] = "Returns the base-10 logarithm of a complex number"; Text[ spanish ] = "Returns the base-10 logarithm of a complex number"; Text[ finnish ] = "Returns the base-10 logarithm of a complex number"; Text[ italian ] = "Restituisce il logaritmo in base 10 di un numero complesso."; Text[ danish ] = "Returns the base-10 logarithm of a complex number"; Text[ swedish ] = "Returnerar 10-logaritmen av ett komplext tal."; Text[ polish ] = "Podaje warto logarytmu dziesitnego liczby zespolonej."; Text[ portuguese_brazilian ] = "Returns the base-10 logarithm of a complex number"; Text[ japanese ] = "f̏pΐ(10 Ƃΐ)Ԃ܂B"; Text[ korean ] = "Returns the base-10 logarithm of a complex number"; Text[ chinese_simplified ] = "Returns the base-10 logarithm of a complex number"; Text[ chinese_traditional ] = "Returns the base-10 logarithm of a complex number"; Text[ turkish ] = "Returns the base-10 logarithm of a complex number"; Text[ arabic ] = "Returns the base-10 logarithm of a complex number"; Text[ catalan ] = "Returns the base-10 logarithm of a complex number"; }; String 2 // name of parameter 1 Imlog10 { Text = "Komplexe Zahl"; Text[ english ] = "Komplexe Zahl"; Text[ language_user1 ] = " "; Text[ english_us ] = "Inumber"; Text[ portuguese ] = "inumber"; Text[ russian ] = "_"; Text[ greek ] = "inumber"; Text[ dutch ] = "inumber"; Text[ french ] = "inumber"; Text[ spanish ] = "inumber"; Text[ finnish ] = "inumber"; Text[ italian ] = "Numero complesso"; Text[ danish ] = "inumber"; Text[ swedish ] = "Komplext tal"; Text[ polish ] = "liczba zesp."; Text[ portuguese_brazilian ] = "inumber"; Text[ japanese ] = "f"; Text[ korean ] = "inumber"; Text[ chinese_simplified ] = "inumber"; Text[ chinese_traditional ] = "inumber"; Text[ turkish ] = "inumber"; Text[ arabic ] = "inumber"; Text[ catalan ] = "inumber"; }; String 3 // description of parameter 1 Imlog10 { Text = "Komplexe Zahl"; Text[ english ] = "Komplexe Zahl"; Text[ language_user1 ] = " "; Text[ english_us ] = "Inumber"; Text[ portuguese ] = "inumber"; Text[ russian ] = " , ."; Text[ greek ] = "inumber"; Text[ dutch ] = "inumber"; Text[ french ] = "inumber"; Text[ spanish ] = "inumber"; Text[ finnish ] = "inumber"; Text[ italian ] = "Numero complesso"; Text[ danish ] = "inumber"; Text[ swedish ] = "Komplext tal"; Text[ polish ] = "liczba zespolona"; Text[ portuguese_brazilian ] = "inumber"; Text[ japanese ] = "f"; Text[ korean ] = "inumber"; Text[ chinese_simplified ] = "inumber"; Text[ chinese_traditional ] = "inumber"; Text[ turkish ] = "inumber"; Text[ arabic ] = "inumber"; Text[ catalan ] = "inumber"; }; }; Resource ANALYSIS_Imlog2 { String 1 // description Imlog2 { Text = "Liefert den Duallogarithmus"; Text[ english ] = "Returns the base-2 logarithm of a complex number"; Text[ language_user1 ] = " "; Text[ english_us ] = "Returns the base-2 logarithm of a complex number"; Text[ portuguese ] = "Returns the base-2 logarithm of a complex number"; Text[ russian ] = " ."; Text[ greek ] = "Returns the base-2 logarithm of a complex number"; Text[ dutch ] = "Returns the base-2 logarithm of a complex number"; Text[ french ] = "Returns the base-2 logarithm of a complex number"; Text[ spanish ] = "Returns the base-2 logarithm of a complex number"; Text[ finnish ] = "Returns the base-2 logarithm of a complex number"; Text[ italian ] = "Restituisce il logaritmo in base 2."; Text[ danish ] = "Returns the base-2 logarithm of a complex number"; Text[ swedish ] = "Returnerar 2-logaritmen av ett komplext tal"; Text[ polish ] = "Podaje warto logarytmu na podstawie 2 z liczby zespolonej."; Text[ portuguese_brazilian ] = "Returns the base-2 logarithm of a complex number"; Text[ japanese ] = "f 2 ƂΐԂ܂B"; Text[ korean ] = "Returns the base-2 logarithm of a complex number"; Text[ chinese_simplified ] = "Returns the base-2 logarithm of a complex number"; Text[ chinese_traditional ] = "Returns the base-2 logarithm of a complex number"; Text[ turkish ] = "Returns the base-2 logarithm of a complex number"; Text[ arabic ] = "Returns the base-2 logarithm of a complex number"; Text[ catalan ] = "Returns the base-2 logarithm of a complex number"; }; String 2 // name of parameter 1 Imlog2 { Text = "Komplexe Zahl"; Text[ english ] = "Komplexe Zahl"; Text[ language_user1 ] = " "; Text[ english_us ] = "Inumber"; Text[ portuguese ] = "inumber"; Text[ russian ] = "_"; Text[ greek ] = "inumber"; Text[ dutch ] = "inumber"; Text[ french ] = "inumber"; Text[ spanish ] = "inumber"; Text[ finnish ] = "inumber"; Text[ italian ] = "Numero complesso"; Text[ danish ] = "inumber"; Text[ swedish ] = "Komplext tal"; Text[ polish ] = "liczba zesp."; Text[ portuguese_brazilian ] = "inumber"; Text[ japanese ] = "f"; Text[ korean ] = "inumber"; Text[ chinese_simplified ] = "inumber"; Text[ chinese_traditional ] = "inumber"; Text[ turkish ] = "inumber"; Text[ arabic ] = "inumber"; Text[ catalan ] = "inumber"; }; String 3 // description of parameter 1 Imlog2 { Text = "Komplexe Zahl"; Text[ english ] = "Komplexe Zahl"; Text[ language_user1 ] = " "; Text[ english_us ] = "Inumber"; Text[ portuguese ] = "inumber"; Text[ russian ] = " , ."; Text[ greek ] = "inumber"; Text[ dutch ] = "inumber"; Text[ french ] = "inumber"; Text[ spanish ] = "inumber"; Text[ finnish ] = "inumber"; Text[ italian ] = "Numero complesso"; Text[ danish ] = "inumber"; Text[ swedish ] = "Komplext tal"; Text[ polish ] = "liczba zespolona"; Text[ portuguese_brazilian ] = "inumber"; Text[ japanese ] = "f"; Text[ korean ] = "inumber"; Text[ chinese_simplified ] = "inumber"; Text[ chinese_traditional ] = "inumber"; Text[ turkish ] = "inumber"; Text[ arabic ] = "inumber"; Text[ catalan ] = "inumber"; }; }; Resource ANALYSIS_Improduct { String 1 // description Improduct { Text = "Liefert das Produkt mehrer komplexer Zahlen"; Text[ english ] = "Returns the product of complex numbers"; Text[ language_user1 ] = " "; Text[ english_us ] = "Returns the product of complex numbers"; Text[ portuguese ] = "Returns the product of complex numbers"; Text[ russian ] = " ."; Text[ greek ] = "Returns the product of complex numbers"; Text[ dutch ] = "Returns the product of complex numbers"; Text[ french ] = "Returns the product of complex numbers"; Text[ spanish ] = "Returns the product of complex numbers"; Text[ finnish ] = "Returns the product of complex numbers"; Text[ italian ] = "Restituisce il prodotto di pi numeri complessi."; Text[ danish ] = "Returns the product of complex numbers"; Text[ swedish ] = "Returnerar produkten av flera komplexa tal"; Text[ polish ] = "Podaje iloczyn szeregu liczb zespolonych."; Text[ portuguese_brazilian ] = "Returns the product of complex numbers"; Text[ japanese ] = "Q‚̕f̐ςԂ܂B"; Text[ korean ] = "Returns the product of complex numbers"; Text[ chinese_simplified ] = "Returns the product of complex numbers"; Text[ chinese_traditional ] = "Returns the product of complex numbers"; Text[ turkish ] = "Returns the product of complex numbers"; Text[ arabic ] = "Returns the product of complex numbers"; Text[ catalan ] = "Returns the product of complex numbers"; }; String 2 // name of parameter 1 Improduct { Text = "Komplexe Zahl"; Text[ english ] = "Komplexe Zahl"; Text[ language_user1 ] = " "; Text[ english_us ] = "Inumber 1"; Text[ portuguese ] = "inumber 1"; Text[ russian ] = "_ 1"; Text[ greek ] = "inumber 1"; Text[ dutch ] = "inumber 1"; Text[ french ] = "inumber 1"; Text[ spanish ] = "inumber 1"; Text[ finnish ] = "inumber 1"; Text[ italian ] = "Numero complesso"; Text[ danish ] = "inumber 1"; Text[ swedish ] = "Komplext tal"; Text[ polish ] = "liczba zesp. 1"; Text[ portuguese_brazilian ] = "inumber 1"; Text[ japanese ] = "f"; Text[ korean ] = "inumber 1"; Text[ chinese_simplified ] = "inumber 1"; Text[ chinese_traditional ] = "inumber 1"; Text[ turkish ] = "inumber 1"; Text[ arabic ] = "inumber 1"; Text[ catalan ] = "inumber 1"; }; String 3 // description of parameter 1 Improduct { Text = "Erste komplexe Zahl"; Text[ english ] = "Erste komplexe Zahl"; Text[ language_user1 ] = " "; Text[ english_us ] = "Inumber 1"; Text[ portuguese ] = "inumber 1"; Text[ russian ] = " ."; Text[ greek ] = "inumber 1"; Text[ dutch ] = "inumber 1"; Text[ french ] = "inumber 1"; Text[ spanish ] = "inumber 1"; Text[ finnish ] = "inumber 1"; Text[ italian ] = "Il primo numero complesso"; Text[ danish ] = "inumber 1"; Text[ swedish ] = "Frsta komplexa talet"; Text[ polish ] = "liczba zespolona 1"; Text[ portuguese_brazilian ] = "inumber 1"; Text[ japanese ] = "ŏ̕f"; Text[ korean ] = "inumber 1"; Text[ chinese_simplified ] = "inumber 1"; Text[ chinese_traditional ] = "inumber 1"; Text[ turkish ] = "inumber 1"; Text[ arabic ] = "inumber 1"; Text[ catalan ] = "inumber 1"; }; String 4 // name of parameter 2 Improduct { Text = "Komplexe Zahl"; Text[ english ] = "Komplexe Zahl"; Text[ language_user1 ] = " "; Text[ english_us ] = "Inumber 2"; Text[ portuguese ] = "inumber 2"; Text[ russian ] = "_ 2"; Text[ greek ] = "inumber 2"; Text[ dutch ] = "inumber 2"; Text[ french ] = "inumber 2"; Text[ spanish ] = "inumber 2"; Text[ finnish ] = "inumber 2"; Text[ italian ] = "Numero complesso"; Text[ danish ] = "inumber 2"; Text[ swedish ] = "Komplext tal"; Text[ polish ] = "liczba zesp. 2"; Text[ portuguese_brazilian ] = "inumber 2"; Text[ japanese ] = "f"; Text[ korean ] = "inumber 2"; Text[ chinese_simplified ] = "inumber 2"; Text[ chinese_traditional ] = "inumber 2"; Text[ turkish ] = "inumber 2"; Text[ arabic ] = "inumber 2"; Text[ catalan ] = "inumber 2"; }; String 5 // description of parameter 2 Improduct { Text = "Weitere komplexe Zahl"; Text[ english ] = "Weitere komplexe Zahl"; Text[ language_user1 ] = " "; Text[ english_us ] = "Inumber 2"; Text[ portuguese ] = "inumber 2"; Text[ russian ] = " ."; Text[ greek ] = "inumber 2"; Text[ dutch ] = "inumber 2"; Text[ french ] = "inumber 2"; Text[ spanish ] = "inumber 2"; Text[ finnish ] = "inumber 2"; Text[ italian ] = "Ulteriore numero complesso"; Text[ danish ] = "inumber 2"; Text[ swedish ] = "Ytterligare komplext tal"; Text[ polish ] = "liczba zespolona 2"; Text[ portuguese_brazilian ] = "inumber 2"; Text[ japanese ] = "̕f"; Text[ korean ] = "inumber 2"; Text[ chinese_simplified ] = "inumber 2"; Text[ chinese_traditional ] = "inumber 2"; Text[ turkish ] = "inumber 2"; Text[ arabic ] = "inumber 2"; Text[ catalan ] = "inumber 2"; }; }; Resource ANALYSIS_Imreal { String 1 // description Imreal { Text = "Liefert den Realteil einer komplexen Zahl."; Text[ english ] = "Returns the real coefficient of a complex number"; Text[ language_user1 ] = " "; Text[ english_us ] = "Returns the real coefficient of a complex number"; Text[ portuguese ] = "Returns the real coefficient of a complex number"; Text[ russian ] = " ."; Text[ greek ] = "Returns the real coefficient of a complex number"; Text[ dutch ] = "Returns the real coefficient of a complex number"; Text[ french ] = "Returns the real coefficient of a complex number"; Text[ spanish ] = "Returns the real coefficient of a complex number"; Text[ finnish ] = "Returns the real coefficient of a complex number"; Text[ italian ] = "Restituisce la parte reale di un numero complesso."; Text[ danish ] = "Returns the real coefficient of a complex number"; Text[ swedish ] = "Returnerar realkoefficienten av ett komplext tal."; Text[ polish ] = "Podaje cz rzeczywist liczby zespolonej."; Text[ portuguese_brazilian ] = "Returns the real coefficient of a complex number"; Text[ japanese ] = "f̎WԂ܂B"; Text[ korean ] = "Returns the real coefficient of a complex number"; Text[ chinese_simplified ] = "Returns the real coefficient of a complex number"; Text[ chinese_traditional ] = "Returns the real coefficient of a complex number"; Text[ turkish ] = "Returns the real coefficient of a complex number"; Text[ arabic ] = "Returns the real coefficient of a complex number"; Text[ catalan ] = "Returns the real coefficient of a complex number"; }; String 2 // name of parameter 1 Imreal { Text = "Komplexe Zahl"; Text[ english ] = "Komplexe Zahl"; Text[ language_user1 ] = " "; Text[ english_us ] = "Inumber"; Text[ portuguese ] = "inumber"; Text[ russian ] = "_"; Text[ greek ] = "inumber"; Text[ dutch ] = "inumber"; Text[ french ] = "inumber"; Text[ spanish ] = "inumber"; Text[ finnish ] = "inumber"; Text[ italian ] = "Numero complesso"; Text[ danish ] = "inumber"; Text[ swedish ] = "Komplext tal"; Text[ polish ] = "liczba zesp."; Text[ portuguese_brazilian ] = "inumber"; Text[ japanese ] = "f"; Text[ korean ] = "inumber"; Text[ chinese_simplified ] = "inumber"; Text[ chinese_traditional ] = "inumber"; Text[ turkish ] = "inumber"; Text[ arabic ] = "inumber"; Text[ catalan ] = "inumber"; }; String 3 // description of parameter 1 Imreal { Text = "Komplexe Zahl"; Text[ english ] = "Komplexe Zahl"; Text[ language_user1 ] = " "; Text[ english_us ] = "Inumber"; Text[ portuguese ] = "inumber"; Text[ russian ] = " , () ."; Text[ greek ] = "inumber"; Text[ dutch ] = "inumber"; Text[ french ] = "inumber"; Text[ spanish ] = "inumber"; Text[ finnish ] = "inumber"; Text[ italian ] = "Numero complesso"; Text[ danish ] = "inumber"; Text[ swedish ] = "Komplext tal"; Text[ polish ] = "liczba zespolona"; Text[ portuguese_brazilian ] = "inumber"; Text[ japanese ] = "f"; Text[ korean ] = "inumber"; Text[ chinese_simplified ] = "inumber"; Text[ chinese_traditional ] = "inumber"; Text[ turkish ] = "inumber"; Text[ arabic ] = "inumber"; Text[ catalan ] = "inumber"; }; }; Resource ANALYSIS_Imsin { String 1 // description Imsin { Text = "Liefert den Sinus einer komplexen Zahl."; Text[ english ] = "Returns the sine of a complex number"; Text[ language_user1 ] = " "; Text[ english_us ] = "Returns the sine of a complex number"; Text[ portuguese ] = "Returns the sine of a complex number"; Text[ russian ] = " ."; Text[ greek ] = "Returns the sine of a complex number"; Text[ dutch ] = "Returns the sine of a complex number"; Text[ french ] = "Returns the sine of a complex number"; Text[ spanish ] = "Returns the sine of a complex number"; Text[ finnish ] = "Returns the sine of a complex number"; Text[ italian ] = "Restituisce il seno di un numero complesso."; Text[ danish ] = "Returns the sine of a complex number"; Text[ swedish ] = "Returnerar sinus av ett komplext tal."; Text[ polish ] = "Podaje warto sinusa liczby zespolonej."; Text[ portuguese_brazilian ] = "Returns the sine of a complex number"; Text[ japanese ] = "f̻݂Ԃ܂B"; Text[ korean ] = "Returns the sine of a complex number"; Text[ chinese_simplified ] = "Returns the sine of a complex number"; Text[ chinese_traditional ] = "Returns the sine of a complex number"; Text[ turkish ] = "Returns the sine of a complex number"; Text[ arabic ] = "Returns the sine of a complex number"; Text[ catalan ] = "Returns the sine of a complex number"; }; String 2 // name of parameter 1 Imsin { Text = "Komplexe Zahl"; Text[ english ] = "Komplexe Zahl"; Text[ language_user1 ] = " "; Text[ english_us ] = "Inumber"; Text[ portuguese ] = "inumber"; Text[ russian ] = "_"; Text[ greek ] = "inumber"; Text[ dutch ] = "inumber"; Text[ french ] = "inumber"; Text[ spanish ] = "inumber"; Text[ finnish ] = "inumber"; Text[ italian ] = "Numero complesso"; Text[ danish ] = "inumber"; Text[ swedish ] = "Komplext tal"; Text[ polish ] = "liczba zesp."; Text[ portuguese_brazilian ] = "inumber"; Text[ japanese ] = "f"; Text[ korean ] = "inumber"; Text[ chinese_simplified ] = "inumber"; Text[ chinese_traditional ] = "inumber"; Text[ turkish ] = "inumber"; Text[ arabic ] = "inumber"; Text[ catalan ] = "inumber"; }; String 3 // description of parameter 1 Imsin { Text = "Komplexe Zahl"; Text[ english ] = "Komplexe Zahl"; Text[ language_user1 ] = " "; Text[ english_us ] = "Inumber"; Text[ portuguese ] = "inumber"; Text[ russian ] = " , ."; Text[ greek ] = "inumber"; Text[ dutch ] = "inumber"; Text[ french ] = "inumber"; Text[ spanish ] = "inumber"; Text[ finnish ] = "inumber"; Text[ italian ] = "Numero complesso"; Text[ danish ] = "inumber"; Text[ swedish ] = "Komplext tal"; Text[ polish ] = "liczba zespolona"; Text[ portuguese_brazilian ] = "inumber"; Text[ japanese ] = "f"; Text[ korean ] = "inumber"; Text[ chinese_simplified ] = "inumber"; Text[ chinese_traditional ] = "inumber"; Text[ turkish ] = "inumber"; Text[ arabic ] = "inumber"; Text[ catalan ] = "inumber"; }; }; Resource ANALYSIS_Imsub { String 1 // description Imsub { Text = "Liefert die Differenz zweier komplexer Zahlen."; Text[ english ] = "Returns the difference of two complex numbers"; Text[ language_user1 ] = " "; Text[ english_us ] = "Returns the difference of two complex numbers"; Text[ portuguese ] = "Returns the difference of two complex numbers"; Text[ russian ] = " ."; Text[ greek ] = "Returns the difference of two complex numbers"; Text[ dutch ] = "Returns the difference of two complex numbers"; Text[ french ] = "Returns the difference of two complex numbers"; Text[ spanish ] = "Returns the difference of two complex numbers"; Text[ finnish ] = "Returns the difference of two complex numbers"; Text[ italian ] = "Restituisce la differenza di due numeri complessi."; Text[ danish ] = "Returns the difference of two complex numbers"; Text[ swedish ] = "Returnerar differensen mellan tv komplexa tal."; Text[ polish ] = "Podaje rnic dwch liczb zespolonych."; Text[ portuguese_brazilian ] = "Returns the difference of two complex numbers"; Text[ japanese ] = "Q‚̕f̍Ԃ܂B"; Text[ korean ] = "Returns the difference of two complex numbers"; Text[ chinese_simplified ] = "Returns the difference of two complex numbers"; Text[ chinese_traditional ] = "Returns the difference of two complex numbers"; Text[ turkish ] = "Returns the difference of two complex numbers"; Text[ arabic ] = "Returns the difference of two complex numbers"; Text[ catalan ] = "Returns the difference of two complex numbers"; }; String 2 // name of parameter 1 Imsub { Text = "Komplexe Zahl 1"; Text[ english ] = "Komplexe Zahl 1"; Text[ language_user1 ] = " "; Text[ english_us ] = "Inumber 1"; Text[ portuguese ] = "inumber 1"; Text[ russian ] = "_ 1"; Text[ greek ] = "inumber 1"; Text[ dutch ] = "inumber 1"; Text[ french ] = "inumber 1"; Text[ spanish ] = "inumber 1"; Text[ finnish ] = "inumber 1"; Text[ italian ] = "Numero complesso 1"; Text[ danish ] = "inumber 1"; Text[ swedish ] = "Komplext tal 1"; Text[ polish ] = "liczba zesp. 1"; Text[ portuguese_brazilian ] = "inumber 1"; Text[ japanese ] = "f 1"; Text[ korean ] = "inumber 1"; Text[ chinese_simplified ] = "inumber 1"; Text[ chinese_traditional ] = "inumber 1"; Text[ turkish ] = "inumber 1"; Text[ arabic ] = "inumber 1"; Text[ catalan ] = "inumber 1"; }; String 3 // description of parameter 1 Imsub { Text = "Komplexe Zahl 1"; Text[ english ] = "Komplexe Zahl 1"; Text[ language_user1 ] = " "; Text[ english_us ] = "Inumber 1"; Text[ portuguese ] = "inumber 1"; Text[ russian ] = " ."; Text[ greek ] = "inumber 1"; Text[ dutch ] = "inumber 1"; Text[ french ] = "inumber 1"; Text[ spanish ] = "inumber 1"; Text[ finnish ] = "inumber 1"; Text[ italian ] = "Numero complesso 1"; Text[ danish ] = "inumber 1"; Text[ swedish ] = "Komplext tal 1"; Text[ polish ] = "liczba zespolona 1"; Text[ portuguese_brazilian ] = "inumber 1"; Text[ japanese ] = "f 1"; Text[ korean ] = "inumber 1"; Text[ chinese_simplified ] = "inumber 1"; Text[ chinese_traditional ] = "inumber 1"; Text[ turkish ] = "inumber 1"; Text[ arabic ] = "inumber 1"; Text[ catalan ] = "inumber 1"; }; String 4 // name of parameter 2 Imsub { Text = "Komplexe Zahl 2"; Text[ english ] = "Komplexe Zahl 2"; Text[ language_user1 ] = " "; Text[ english_us ] = "Inumber 2"; Text[ portuguese ] = "inumber 2"; Text[ russian ] = "_ 2"; Text[ greek ] = "inumber 2"; Text[ dutch ] = "inumber 2"; Text[ french ] = "inumber 2"; Text[ spanish ] = "inumber 2"; Text[ finnish ] = "inumber 2"; Text[ italian ] = "Numero complesso 2"; Text[ danish ] = "inumber 2"; Text[ swedish ] = "Komplext tal 2"; Text[ polish ] = "liczba zesp. 2"; Text[ portuguese_brazilian ] = "inumber 2"; Text[ japanese ] = "f 2"; Text[ korean ] = "inumber 2"; Text[ chinese_simplified ] = "inumber 2"; Text[ chinese_traditional ] = "inumber 2"; Text[ turkish ] = "inumber 2"; Text[ arabic ] = "inumber 2"; Text[ catalan ] = "inumber 2"; }; String 5 // description of parameter 2 Imsub { Text = "Komplexe Zahl 2"; Text[ english ] = "Komplexe Zahl 2"; Text[ language_user1 ] = " "; Text[ english_us ] = "Inumber 2"; Text[ portuguese ] = "inumber 2"; Text[ russian ] = " ."; Text[ greek ] = "inumber 2"; Text[ dutch ] = "inumber 2"; Text[ french ] = "inumber 2"; Text[ spanish ] = "inumber 2"; Text[ finnish ] = "inumber 2"; Text[ italian ] = "Numero complesso 2"; Text[ danish ] = "inumber 2"; Text[ swedish ] = "Komplext tal 2"; Text[ polish ] = "liczba zespolona 2"; Text[ portuguese_brazilian ] = "inumber 2"; Text[ japanese ] = "f 2"; Text[ korean ] = "inumber 2"; Text[ chinese_simplified ] = "inumber 2"; Text[ chinese_traditional ] = "inumber 2"; Text[ turkish ] = "inumber 2"; Text[ arabic ] = "inumber 2"; Text[ catalan ] = "inumber 2"; }; }; Resource ANALYSIS_Imsqrt { String 1 // description Imsqrt { Text = "Liefert die Quadratwurzel einer komplexen Zahl."; Text[ english ] = "Returns the square root of a complex number"; Text[ language_user1 ] = " "; Text[ english_us ] = "Returns the square root of a complex number"; Text[ portuguese ] = "Returns the square root of a complex number"; Text[ russian ] = " ."; Text[ greek ] = "Returns the square root of a complex number"; Text[ dutch ] = "Returns the square root of a complex number"; Text[ french ] = "Returns the square root of a complex number"; Text[ spanish ] = "Returns the square root of a complex number"; Text[ finnish ] = "Returns the square root of a complex number"; Text[ italian ] = "Restituisce la radice quadrata di un numero complesso."; Text[ danish ] = "Returns the square root of a complex number"; Text[ swedish ] = "Returnerar kvadratroten av ett komplext tal."; Text[ polish ] = "Podaje warto pierwiastka kwadratowego liczby zespolonej."; Text[ portuguese_brazilian ] = "Returns the square root of a complex number"; Text[ japanese ] = "f̕Ԃ܂B"; Text[ korean ] = "Returns the square root of a complex number"; Text[ chinese_simplified ] = "Returns the square root of a complex number"; Text[ chinese_traditional ] = "Returns the square root of a complex number"; Text[ turkish ] = "Returns the square root of a complex number"; Text[ arabic ] = "Returns the square root of a complex number"; Text[ catalan ] = "Returns the square root of a complex number"; }; String 2 // name of parameter 1 Imsqrt { Text = "Komplexe Zahl"; Text[ english ] = "Komplexe Zahl"; Text[ language_user1 ] = " "; Text[ english_us ] = "Inumber"; Text[ portuguese ] = "inumber"; Text[ russian ] = "_"; Text[ greek ] = "inumber"; Text[ dutch ] = "inumber"; Text[ french ] = "inumber"; Text[ spanish ] = "inumber"; Text[ finnish ] = "inumber"; Text[ italian ] = "Numero complesso"; Text[ danish ] = "inumber"; Text[ swedish ] = "Komplext tal"; Text[ polish ] = "liczba zesp."; Text[ portuguese_brazilian ] = "inumber"; Text[ japanese ] = "f"; Text[ korean ] = "inumber"; Text[ chinese_simplified ] = "inumber"; Text[ chinese_traditional ] = "inumber"; Text[ turkish ] = "inumber"; Text[ arabic ] = "inumber"; Text[ catalan ] = "inumber"; }; String 3 // description of parameter 1 Imsqrt { Text = "Komplexe Zahl"; Text[ english ] = "Komplexe Zahl"; Text[ language_user1 ] = " "; Text[ english_us ] = "Inumber"; Text[ portuguese ] = "inumber"; Text[ russian ] = " , ."; Text[ greek ] = "inumber"; Text[ dutch ] = "inumber"; Text[ french ] = "inumber"; Text[ spanish ] = "inumber"; Text[ finnish ] = "inumber"; Text[ italian ] = "Numero complesso"; Text[ danish ] = "inumber"; Text[ swedish ] = "Komplext tal"; Text[ polish ] = "liczba zespolona"; Text[ portuguese_brazilian ] = "inumber"; Text[ japanese ] = "f"; Text[ korean ] = "inumber"; Text[ chinese_simplified ] = "inumber"; Text[ chinese_traditional ] = "inumber"; Text[ turkish ] = "inumber"; Text[ arabic ] = "inumber"; Text[ catalan ] = "inumber"; }; }; Resource ANALYSIS_Imsum { String 1 // description Imsum { Text = "Liefert die Summe komplexer Zahlen"; Text[ english ] = "Returns the sum of complex numbers"; Text[ language_user1 ] = " "; Text[ english_us ] = "Returns the sum of complex numbers"; Text[ portuguese ] = "Returns the sum of complex numbers"; Text[ russian ] = " ."; Text[ greek ] = "Returns the sum of complex numbers"; Text[ dutch ] = "Returns the sum of complex numbers"; Text[ french ] = "Returns the sum of complex numbers"; Text[ spanish ] = "Returns the sum of complex numbers"; Text[ finnish ] = "Returns the sum of complex numbers"; Text[ italian ] = "Restituisce la somma di numeri complessi."; Text[ danish ] = "Returns the sum of complex numbers"; Text[ swedish ] = "Returnerar summan av komplexa tal"; Text[ polish ] = "Podaje sum liczb zespolonych."; Text[ portuguese_brazilian ] = "Returns the sum of complex numbers"; Text[ japanese ] = "f̘aԂ܂B"; Text[ korean ] = "Returns the sum of complex numbers"; Text[ chinese_simplified ] = "Returns the sum of complex numbers"; Text[ chinese_traditional ] = "Returns the sum of complex numbers"; Text[ turkish ] = "Returns the sum of complex numbers"; Text[ arabic ] = "Returns the sum of complex numbers"; Text[ catalan ] = "Returns the sum of complex numbers"; }; String 2 // name of parameter 1 Imsum { Text = "Komplexe Zahl"; Text[ english ] = "Komplexe Zahl"; Text[ language_user1 ] = " "; Text[ english_us ] = "Inumber 1"; Text[ portuguese ] = "inumber 1"; Text[ russian ] = "_ 1"; Text[ greek ] = "inumber 1"; Text[ dutch ] = "inumber 1"; Text[ french ] = "inumber 1"; Text[ spanish ] = "inumber 1"; Text[ finnish ] = "inumber 1"; Text[ italian ] = "Numero complesso 1"; Text[ danish ] = "inumber 1"; Text[ swedish ] = "Komplext tal 1"; Text[ polish ] = "liczba zesp. 1"; Text[ portuguese_brazilian ] = "inumber 1"; Text[ japanese ] = "f 1"; Text[ korean ] = "inumber 1"; Text[ chinese_simplified ] = "inumber 1"; Text[ chinese_traditional ] = "inumber 1"; Text[ turkish ] = "inumber 1"; Text[ arabic ] = "inumber 1"; Text[ catalan ] = "inumber 1"; }; String 3 // description of parameter 1 Imsum { Text = "Komplexe Zahl"; Text[ english ] = "Komplexe Zahl"; Text[ language_user1 ] = " "; Text[ english_us ] = "Inumber 1"; Text[ portuguese ] = "inumber 1"; Text[ russian ] = " ."; Text[ greek ] = "inumber 1"; Text[ dutch ] = "inumber 1"; Text[ french ] = "inumber 1"; Text[ spanish ] = "inumber 1"; Text[ finnish ] = "inumber 1"; Text[ italian ] = "Numero complesso 1"; Text[ danish ] = "inumber 1"; Text[ swedish ] = "Komplext tal 1"; Text[ polish ] = "liczba zespolona 1"; Text[ portuguese_brazilian ] = "inumber 1"; Text[ japanese ] = "f 1"; Text[ korean ] = "inumber 1"; Text[ chinese_simplified ] = "inumber 1"; Text[ chinese_traditional ] = "inumber 1"; Text[ turkish ] = "inumber 1"; Text[ arabic ] = "inumber 1"; Text[ catalan ] = "inumber 1"; }; }; Resource ANALYSIS_Complex { String 1 // description Complex { Text = "Wandelt den Real- und Imaginrteil in eine komplexe Zahl um."; Text[ english ] = "Converts real and imaginary coefficients into a complex number"; Text[ language_user1 ] = " "; Text[ english_us ] = "Converts real and imaginary coefficients into a complex number."; Text[ portuguese ] = "Converts real and imaginary coefficients into a complex number"; Text[ russian ] = " ."; Text[ greek ] = "Converts real and imaginary coefficients into a complex number"; Text[ dutch ] = "Converts real and imaginary coefficients into a complex number"; Text[ french ] = "Convertit les coefficients rels et imaginaires en nombre complexe."; Text[ spanish ] = "Converts real and imaginary coefficients into a complex number"; Text[ finnish ] = "Converts real and imaginary coefficients into a complex number"; Text[ italian ] = "Converte la parte reale e il coefficiente immaginario in un numero complesso."; Text[ danish ] = "Converts real and imaginary coefficients into a complex number"; Text[ swedish ] = "Omvandlar en real- och en imaginrkoefficient till ett komplext tal."; Text[ polish ] = "Przeksztaca wspczynnik rzeczywisty i urojony w liczb zespolon."; Text[ portuguese_brazilian ] = "Converts real and imaginary coefficients into a complex number"; Text[ japanese ] = "WƋW𕡑fɕϊ܂B"; Text[ korean ] = "Converts real and imaginary coefficients into a complex number"; Text[ chinese_simplified ] = "Converts real and imaginary coefficients into a complex number"; Text[ chinese_traditional ] = "Converts real and imaginary coefficients into a complex number"; Text[ turkish ] = "Converts real and imaginary coefficients into a complex number"; Text[ arabic ] = "Converts real and imaginary coefficients into a complex number"; Text[ catalan ] = "Converts real and imaginary coefficients into a complex number"; }; String 2 // name of parameter 1 Complex { Text = "Realteil"; Text[ english ] = "Realteil"; Text[ language_user1 ] = " "; Text[ english_us ] = "Real num"; Text[ portuguese ] = "real_num"; Text[ russian ] = "_"; Text[ greek ] = "real_num"; Text[ dutch ] = "real_num"; Text[ french ] = "real_num"; Text[ spanish ] = "real_num"; Text[ finnish ] = "real_num"; Text[ italian ] = "Parte reale"; Text[ danish ] = "real_num"; Text[ swedish ] = "Realdel"; Text[ polish ] = "cz rzeczywista"; Text[ portuguese_brazilian ] = "real_num"; Text[ japanese ] = ""; Text[ korean ] = "real_num"; Text[ chinese_simplified ] = "real_num"; Text[ chinese_traditional ] = "real_num"; Text[ turkish ] = "real_num"; Text[ arabic ] = "real_num"; Text[ catalan ] = "real_num"; }; String 3 // description of parameter 1 Complex { Text = "Realteil"; Text[ english ] = "Realteil"; Text[ language_user1 ] = " "; Text[ english_us ] = "Real num"; Text[ portuguese ] = "real_num"; Text[ russian ] = " () ."; Text[ greek ] = "real_num"; Text[ dutch ] = "real_num"; Text[ french ] = "real_num"; Text[ spanish ] = "real_num"; Text[ finnish ] = "real_num"; Text[ italian ] = "Parte reale"; Text[ danish ] = "real_num"; Text[ swedish ] = "Realdel"; Text[ polish ] = "cz rzeczywista liczby zespolonej"; Text[ portuguese_brazilian ] = "real_num"; Text[ japanese ] = ""; Text[ korean ] = "real_num"; Text[ chinese_simplified ] = "real_num"; Text[ chinese_traditional ] = "real_num"; Text[ turkish ] = "real_num"; Text[ arabic ] = "real_num"; Text[ catalan ] = "real_num"; }; String 4 // name of parameter 2 Complex { Text = "Imaginrteil"; Text[ english ] = "Imaginrteil"; Text[ language_user1 ] = " "; Text[ english_us ] = "I num"; Text[ portuguese ] = "i_num"; Text[ russian ] = "_"; Text[ greek ] = "i_num"; Text[ dutch ] = "i_num"; Text[ french ] = "i_num"; Text[ spanish ] = "i_num"; Text[ finnish ] = "i_num"; Text[ italian ] = "Coefficiente immaginario"; Text[ danish ] = "i_num"; Text[ swedish ] = "Imaginrdel"; Text[ polish ] = "cz urojona"; Text[ portuguese_brazilian ] = "i_num"; Text[ japanese ] = ""; Text[ korean ] = "i_num"; Text[ chinese_simplified ] = "i_num"; Text[ chinese_traditional ] = "i_num"; Text[ turkish ] = "i_num"; Text[ arabic ] = "i_num"; Text[ catalan ] = "i_num"; }; String 5 // description of parameter 2 Complex { Text = "Imaginrteil"; Text[ english ] = "Imaginrteil"; Text[ language_user1 ] = " "; Text[ english_us ] = "I num"; Text[ portuguese ] = "i_num"; Text[ russian ] = " ."; Text[ greek ] = "i_num"; Text[ dutch ] = "i_num"; Text[ french ] = "i_num"; Text[ spanish ] = "i_num"; Text[ finnish ] = "i_num"; Text[ italian ] = "Coefficiente immaginario"; Text[ danish ] = "i_num"; Text[ swedish ] = "Imaginrdel"; Text[ polish ] = "cz urojona liczby zespolonej"; Text[ portuguese_brazilian ] = "i_num"; Text[ japanese ] = ""; Text[ korean ] = "i_num"; Text[ chinese_simplified ] = "i_num"; Text[ chinese_traditional ] = "i_num"; Text[ turkish ] = "i_num"; Text[ arabic ] = "i_num"; Text[ catalan ] = "i_num"; }; String 6 // name of parameter 3 Complex { Text = "Suffix"; Text[ english ] = "Suffix"; Text[ language_user1 ] = " "; Text[ english_us ] = "Suffix"; Text[ portuguese ] = "suffix"; Text[ russian ] = ""; Text[ greek ] = "suffix"; Text[ dutch ] = "suffix"; Text[ french ] = "suffix"; Text[ spanish ] = "suffix"; Text[ finnish ] = "suffix"; Text[ italian ] = "Suffisso"; Text[ danish ] = "suffix"; Text[ swedish ] = "Suffix"; Text[ polish ] = "jednostka urojona"; Text[ portuguese_brazilian ] = "suffix"; Text[ japanese ] = "P"; Text[ korean ] = "suffix"; Text[ chinese_simplified ] = "suffix"; Text[ chinese_traditional ] = "suffix"; Text[ turkish ] = "suffix"; Text[ arabic ] = "suffix"; Text[ catalan ] = "suffix"; }; String 7 // description of parameter 3 Complex { Text = "Suffix"; Text[ english ] = "Suffix"; Text[ language_user1 ] = " "; Text[ english_us ] = "Suffix"; Text[ portuguese ] = "suffix"; Text[ russian ] = " ."; Text[ greek ] = "suffix"; Text[ dutch ] = "suffix"; Text[ french ] = "suffix"; Text[ spanish ] = "suffix"; Text[ finnish ] = "suffix"; Text[ italian ] = "Suffisso"; Text[ danish ] = "suffix"; Text[ swedish ] = "Suffix"; Text[ polish ] = "symbol jednostki urojonej wykorzystywanej w zapisie liczb zespolonych"; Text[ portuguese_brazilian ] = "suffix"; Text[ japanese ] = "P"; Text[ korean ] = "suffix"; Text[ chinese_simplified ] = "suffix"; Text[ chinese_traditional ] = "suffix"; Text[ turkish ] = "suffix"; Text[ arabic ] = "suffix"; Text[ catalan ] = "suffix"; }; }; Resource ANALYSIS_Convert_add { String 1 // description Convert_add { Text = "Wandelt eine Zahl von einem Masystem in ein anderes um."; Text[ english ] = "Converts a number from one measurement system to another"; Text[ english_us ] = "Converts a number from one measurement system to another."; Text[ portuguese ] = "Converts a number from one measurement system to another"; Text[ russian ] = "Converts a number from one measurement system to another"; Text[ greek ] = "Converts a number from one measurement system to another"; Text[ dutch ] = "Converts a number from one measurement system to another"; Text[ french ] = "Convertit un nombre d'un systme de mesure un autre."; Text[ spanish ] = "Convierte un nmero de un sistema mtrico a otro."; Text[ finnish ] = "Converts a number from one measurement system to another"; Text[ italian ] = "Converte un numero da un sistema di unit ad un altro."; Text[ danish ] = "Converts a number from one measurement system to another"; Text[ swedish ] = "Omvandlar ett tal frn ett mttsystem till ett annat."; Text[ polish ] = "Converts a number from one measurement system to another"; Text[ portuguese_brazilian ] = "Converts a number from one measurement system to another"; Text[ japanese ] = "Converts a number from one measurement system to another"; Text[ korean ] = "Converts a number from one measurement system to another"; Text[ chinese_simplified ] = "Converts a number from one measurement system to another"; Text[ chinese_traditional ] = "Converts a number from one measurement system to another"; Text[ turkish ] = "Converts a number from one measurement system to another"; Text[ arabic ] = "Converts a number from one measurement system to another"; Text[ catalan ] = "Converts a number from one measurement system to another"; }; String 2 // name of parameter 1 Convert_add { Text = "Zahl"; Text[ english ] = "Zahl"; Text[ english_us ] = "Number"; Text[ portuguese ] = "Nm_srie"; Text[ russian ] = ""; Text[ greek ] = ""; Text[ dutch ] = "Getal"; Text[ french ] = "Nombre"; Text[ spanish ] = "Nmero"; Text[ finnish ] = "Luku"; Text[ italian ] = "Num"; Text[ danish ] = "Serienummer"; Text[ swedish ] = "Tal"; Text[ polish ] = "Kolejna_liczba"; Text[ portuguese_brazilian ] = "Zahl"; Text[ japanese ] = "m"; Text[ korean ] = ""; Text[ chinese_simplified ] = "Probability"; Text[ chinese_traditional ] = "serial_number"; Text[ turkish ] = "Say"; Text[ arabic ] = ""; Text[ catalan ] = "Zahl"; }; String 3 // description of parameter 1 Convert_add { Text = "Zahl"; Text[ english ] = "Zahl"; Text[ english_us ] = "Number"; Text[ portuguese ] = "Probabilidade"; Text[ russian ] = ""; Text[ greek ] = ""; Text[ dutch ] = "Getal"; Text[ french ] = "Nombre"; Text[ spanish ] = "Nmero"; Text[ finnish ] = "Luku"; Text[ italian ] = "Numero"; Text[ danish ] = "Serienummer"; Text[ swedish ] = "Tal"; Text[ polish ] = "Liczba"; Text[ portuguese_brazilian ] = "Zahl"; Text[ japanese ] = ""; Text[ korean ] = ""; Text[ chinese_simplified ] = "serial_number"; Text[ chinese_traditional ] = "serial_number"; Text[ turkish ] = "Saat"; Text[ arabic ] = ""; Text[ catalan ] = "Zahl"; }; String 4 // name of parameter 2 Convert_add { Text = "Von-Maeinheit"; Text[ english ] = "Von-Maeinheit"; Text[ english_us ] = "From unit"; Text[ portuguese ] = "Von-Maeinheit"; Text[ russian ] = "Von-Maeinheit"; Text[ greek ] = "Von-Maeinheit"; Text[ dutch ] = "Von-Maeinheit"; Text[ french ] = "De unit"; Text[ spanish ] = "De unidad de medida"; Text[ finnish ] = "Von-Maeinheit"; Text[ italian ] = "Da misura"; Text[ danish ] = "Von-Maeinheit"; Text[ swedish ] = "Ursprungsenhet"; Text[ polish ] = "Von-Maeinheit"; Text[ portuguese_brazilian ] = "Von-Maeinheit"; Text[ japanese ] = "Von-Maeinheit"; Text[ korean ] = "Von-Ma?inheit"; Text[ chinese_simplified ] = "Von-Maeinheit"; Text[ chinese_traditional ] = "Von-Maeinheit"; Text[ turkish ] = "Von-Maeinheit"; Text[ arabic ] = "Von-Maeinheit"; Text[ catalan ] = "Von-Maeinheit"; }; String 5 // description of parameter 2 Convert_add { Text = "Maeinheit von Zahl."; Text[ english ] = "Maeinheit von Zahl."; Text[ english_us ] = "Unit of measure for number."; Text[ portuguese ] = "Maeinheit von Zahl."; Text[ russian ] = "Maeinheit von Zahl."; Text[ greek ] = "Maeinheit von Zahl."; Text[ dutch ] = "Maeinheit von Zahl."; Text[ french ] = "Unit de l'argument Nombre."; Text[ spanish ] = "Unidad de medida de Nmero"; Text[ finnish ] = "Maeinheit von Zahl."; Text[ italian ] = "Unit di misura del numero."; Text[ danish ] = "Maeinheit von Zahl."; Text[ swedish ] = "Mttenhet fr tal."; Text[ polish ] = "Maeinheit von Zahl."; Text[ portuguese_brazilian ] = "Maeinheit von Zahl."; Text[ japanese ] = "Maeinheit von Zahl."; Text[ korean ] = "Ma?inheit von Zahl."; Text[ chinese_simplified ] = "Maeinheit von Zahl."; Text[ chinese_traditional ] = "Maeinheit von Zahl."; Text[ turkish ] = "Maeinheit von Zahl."; Text[ arabic ] = "Maeinheit von Zahl."; Text[ catalan ] = "Maeinheit von Zahl."; }; String 6 // name of parameter 3 Convert_add { Text = "In-Maeinheit"; Text[ english ] = "In-Maeinheit"; Text[ english_us ] = "To unit"; Text[ portuguese ] = "In-Maeinheit"; Text[ russian ] = "In-Maeinheit"; Text[ greek ] = "In-Maeinheit"; Text[ dutch ] = "In-Maeinheit"; Text[ french ] = " unit"; Text[ spanish ] = "En unidad de medida"; Text[ finnish ] = "In-Maeinheit"; Text[ italian ] = "A misura"; Text[ danish ] = "In-Maeinheit"; Text[ swedish ] = "Ny enhet"; Text[ polish ] = "In-Maeinheit"; Text[ portuguese_brazilian ] = "In-Maeinheit"; Text[ japanese ] = "In-Maeinheit"; Text[ korean ] = "In-Ma?inheit"; Text[ chinese_simplified ] = "In-Maeinheit"; Text[ chinese_traditional ] = "In-Maeinheit"; Text[ turkish ] = "In-Maeinheit"; Text[ arabic ] = "In-Maeinheit"; Text[ catalan ] = "In-Maeinheit"; }; String 7 // description of parameter 3 Convert_add { Text = "Maeinheit des Ergebnisses."; Text[ english ] = "Maeinheit des Ergebnisses."; Text[ english_us ] = "Unit of measure for the result."; Text[ portuguese ] = "Maeinheit des Ergebnisses."; Text[ russian ] = "Maeinheit des Ergebnisses."; Text[ greek ] = "Maeinheit des Ergebnisses."; Text[ dutch ] = "Maeinheit des Ergebnisses."; Text[ french ] = "Unit du rsultat."; Text[ spanish ] = "Unidad de medida del resultado."; Text[ finnish ] = "Maeinheit des Ergebnisses."; Text[ italian ] = "Unit di misura del risultato."; Text[ danish ] = "Maeinheit des Ergebnisses."; Text[ swedish ] = "Resultatets mttenhet."; Text[ polish ] = "Maeinheit des Ergebnisses."; Text[ portuguese_brazilian ] = "Maeinheit des Ergebnisses."; Text[ japanese ] = "Maeinheit des Ergebnisses."; Text[ korean ] = "Ma?inheit des Ergebnisses."; Text[ chinese_simplified ] = "Maeinheit des Ergebnisses."; Text[ chinese_traditional ] = "Maeinheit des Ergebnisses."; Text[ turkish ] = "Maeinheit des Ergebnisses."; Text[ arabic ] = "Maeinheit des Ergebnisses."; Text[ catalan ] = "Maeinheit des Ergebnisses."; }; }; Resource ANALYSIS_Amordegrc { String 1 // description Amordegrc { Text = "Liefert den fr eine Abrechnungsperiode anzusetzenden Abschreibungsbetrag auf Basis des franzsischen Buchfhrungssystems."; Text[ english ] = "Returns the prorated linear depreciation of an asset for each accounting period"; Text[ language_user1 ] = " "; Text[ english_us ] = "Returns the prorated linear depreciation of an asset for each accounting period"; Text[ portuguese ] = "Returns the prorated linear depreciation of an asset for each accounting period"; Text[ russian ] = " . ."; Text[ greek ] = "Returns the prorated linear depreciation of an asset for each accounting period"; Text[ dutch ] = "Returns the prorated linear depreciation of an asset for each accounting period"; Text[ french ] = "Returns the prorated linear depreciation of an asset for each accounting period"; Text[ spanish ] = "Returns the prorated linear depreciation of an asset for each accounting period"; Text[ finnish ] = "Returns the prorated linear depreciation of an asset for each accounting period"; Text[ italian ] = "Restituisce l'ammortamento lineare equamente distribuito di un bene per ciascun periodo contabile."; Text[ danish ] = "Returns the prorated linear depreciation of an asset for each accounting period"; Text[ swedish ] = "Returnerar avskrivningen fr varje redovisningsperiod."; Text[ polish ] = "Podaje warto amortyzacji dla kadego okresu rozliczeniowego na podstawie francuskiego systemu ksigowoci."; Text[ portuguese_brazilian ] = "Returns the prorated linear depreciation of an asset for each accounting period"; Text[ japanese ] = "ݽ̉vтƂevɂ錸pԂ܂B"; Text[ korean ] = "Returns the prorated linear depreciation of an asset for each accounting period"; Text[ chinese_simplified ] = "Returns the prorated linear depreciation of an asset for each accounting period"; Text[ chinese_traditional ] = "Returns the prorated linear depreciation of an asset for each accounting period"; Text[ turkish ] = "Returns the prorated linear depreciation of an asset for each accounting period"; Text[ arabic ] = "Returns the prorated linear depreciation of an asset for each accounting period"; Text[ catalan ] = "Returns the prorated linear depreciation of an asset for each accounting period"; }; String 2 // name of parameter 1 Amordegrc { Text = "Kosten"; Text[ english ] = "Kosten"; Text[ language_user1 ] = " "; Text[ english_us ] = "Cost"; Text[ portuguese ] = "Cost"; Text[ russian ] = ""; Text[ greek ] = "Cost"; Text[ dutch ] = "Cost"; Text[ french ] = "Cot"; Text[ spanish ] = "Cost"; Text[ finnish ] = "Cost"; Text[ italian ] = "Costo"; Text[ danish ] = "Cost"; Text[ swedish ] = "Kostnader"; Text[ polish ] = "cena"; Text[ portuguese_brazilian ] = "Cost"; Text[ japanese ] = "擾z"; Text[ korean ] = "Cost"; Text[ chinese_simplified ] = "Cost"; Text[ chinese_traditional ] = "Cost"; Text[ turkish ] = "Cost"; Text[ arabic ] = "Cost"; Text[ catalan ] = "Cost"; }; String 3 // description of parameter 1 Amordegrc { Text = "Anschaffungskosten des Anlageguts."; Text[ english ] = "Anschaffungskosten des Anlageguts."; Text[ language_user1 ] = " "; Text[ english_us ] = "Cost of the asset."; Text[ portuguese ] = "Cost"; Text[ russian ] = " ."; Text[ greek ] = "Cost"; Text[ dutch ] = "Cost"; Text[ french ] = "Cot d'acquisition du bien."; Text[ spanish ] = "Cost"; Text[ finnish ] = "Cost"; Text[ italian ] = "Costo iniziale del bene."; Text[ danish ] = "Cost"; Text[ swedish ] = "Anskaffningskostnader fr tillgngen."; Text[ polish ] = "cena zakupu rodka trwaego"; Text[ portuguese_brazilian ] = "Cost"; Text[ japanese ] = "Yw_ł̉iB"; Text[ korean ] = "Cost"; Text[ chinese_simplified ] = "Cost"; Text[ chinese_traditional ] = "Cost"; Text[ turkish ] = "Cost"; Text[ arabic ] = "Cost"; Text[ catalan ] = "Cost"; }; String 4 // name of parameter 2 Amordegrc { Text = "Datum"; Text[ english ] = "Datum"; Text[ language_user1 ] = " "; Text[ english_us ] = "Date purchased"; Text[ portuguese ] = "Date purchased"; Text[ russian ] = ""; Text[ greek ] = "Date purchased"; Text[ dutch ] = "Date purchased"; Text[ french ] = "Date"; Text[ spanish ] = "Date purchased"; Text[ finnish ] = "Date purchased"; Text[ italian ] = "Data"; Text[ danish ] = "Date purchased"; Text[ swedish ] = "Datum"; Text[ polish ] = "data zakupu"; Text[ portuguese_brazilian ] = "Date purchased"; Text[ japanese ] = "w"; Text[ korean ] = "Date purchased"; Text[ chinese_simplified ] = "Date purchased"; Text[ chinese_traditional ] = "Date purchased"; Text[ turkish ] = "Date purchased"; Text[ arabic ] = "Date purchased"; Text[ catalan ] = "Date purchased"; }; String 5 // description of parameter 2 Amordegrc { Text = "Anschaffungsdatum des Anlagegutes"; Text[ english ] = "Anschaffungsdatum des Anlagegutes"; Text[ language_user1 ] = " "; Text[ english_us ] = "Purchase date of the asset."; Text[ portuguese ] = "Date purchased"; Text[ russian ] = " ."; Text[ greek ] = "Date purchased"; Text[ dutch ] = "Date purchased"; Text[ french ] = "Date d'acquisition du bien."; Text[ spanish ] = "Date purchased"; Text[ finnish ] = "Date purchased"; Text[ italian ] = "Data di acquisto del bene."; Text[ danish ] = "Date purchased"; Text[ swedish ] = "Anskaffningsdatum fr tillgngen"; Text[ polish ] = "data zakupu rodka trwaego"; Text[ portuguese_brazilian ] = "Date purchased"; Text[ japanese ] = "YwtB"; Text[ korean ] = "Date purchased"; Text[ chinese_simplified ] = "Date purchased"; Text[ chinese_traditional ] = "Date purchased"; Text[ turkish ] = "Date purchased"; Text[ arabic ] = "Date purchased"; Text[ catalan ] = "Date purchased"; }; String 6 // name of parameter 3 Amordegrc { Text = "Erste Periode"; Text[ english ] = "Erste Periode"; Text[ language_user1 ] = " "; Text[ english_us ] = "First period"; Text[ portuguese ] = "First period"; Text[ russian ] = "_"; Text[ greek ] = "First period"; Text[ dutch ] = "First period"; Text[ french ] = "Premire priode"; Text[ spanish ] = "First period"; Text[ finnish ] = "First period"; Text[ italian ] = "Primo periodo"; Text[ danish ] = "First period"; Text[ swedish ] = "Frsta period"; Text[ polish ] = "pierwszy okres"; Text[ portuguese_brazilian ] = "First period"; Text[ japanese ] = "Jn"; Text[ korean ] = "First period"; Text[ chinese_simplified ] = "First period"; Text[ chinese_traditional ] = "First period"; Text[ turkish ] = "First period"; Text[ arabic ] = "First period"; Text[ catalan ] = "First period"; }; String 7 // description of parameter 3 Amordegrc { Text = "Datum des Endes der ersten Periode."; Text[ english ] = "Datum des Endes der ersten Periode."; Text[ language_user1 ] = " "; Text[ english_us ] = "The date the first period ends."; Text[ portuguese ] = "First period"; Text[ russian ] = " ."; Text[ greek ] = "First period"; Text[ dutch ] = "First period"; Text[ french ] = "Date indiquant la fin de la premire priode."; Text[ spanish ] = "First period"; Text[ finnish ] = "First period"; Text[ italian ] = "Data di scadenza del primo periodo."; Text[ danish ] = "First period"; Text[ swedish ] = "Datum fr slutet p den frsta perioden."; Text[ polish ] = "data koczca pierwszy okres"; Text[ portuguese_brazilian ] = "First period"; Text[ japanese ] = "ŏ̉vItB"; Text[ korean ] = "First period"; Text[ chinese_simplified ] = "First period"; Text[ chinese_traditional ] = "First period"; Text[ turkish ] = "First period"; Text[ arabic ] = "First period"; Text[ catalan ] = "First period"; }; String 8 // name of parameter 4 Amordegrc { Text = "Restwert"; Text[ english ] = "Restwert"; Text[ language_user1 ] = " "; Text[ english_us ] = "Salvage"; Text[ portuguese ] = "Salvage"; Text[ russian ] = "_"; Text[ greek ] = "Salvage"; Text[ dutch ] = "Salvage"; Text[ french ] = "Salvage"; Text[ spanish ] = "Salvage"; Text[ finnish ] = "Salvage"; Text[ italian ] = "Valore residuo"; Text[ danish ] = "Salvage"; Text[ swedish ] = "Restvrde"; Text[ polish ] = "odzysk"; Text[ portuguese_brazilian ] = "Salvage"; Text[ japanese ] = "cz"; Text[ korean ] = "Salvage"; Text[ chinese_simplified ] = "Salvage"; Text[ chinese_traditional ] = "Salvage"; Text[ turkish ] = "Salvage"; Text[ arabic ] = "Salvage"; Text[ catalan ] = "Salvage"; }; String 9 // description of parameter 4 Amordegrc { Text = "Restwert des Anlagegutes am Ende der Nutzungsdauer."; Text[ english ] = "Restwert des Anlagegutes am Ende der Nutzungsdauer."; Text[ language_user1 ] = " "; Text[ english_us ] = "The salvage value of an asset at the end of its life."; Text[ portuguese ] = "Salvage"; Text[ russian ] = " ."; Text[ greek ] = "Salvage"; Text[ dutch ] = "Salvage"; Text[ french ] = "Salvage"; Text[ spanish ] = "Salvage"; Text[ finnish ] = "Salvage"; Text[ italian ] = "Valore residuo del bene al termine dell'ammortamento."; Text[ danish ] = "Salvage"; Text[ swedish ] = "Restvrdet fr tillgngen i slutet av livslngden."; Text[ polish ] = "warto odzysku na koniec okresu amortyzacji"; Text[ portuguese_brazilian ] = "Salvage"; Text[ japanese ] = "ϗpNI_ł̎ỶiB"; Text[ korean ] = "Salvage"; Text[ chinese_simplified ] = "Salvage"; Text[ chinese_traditional ] = "Salvage"; Text[ turkish ] = "Salvage"; Text[ arabic ] = "Salvage"; Text[ catalan ] = "Salvage"; }; String 10 // name of parameter 5 Amordegrc { Text = "Periode"; Text[ english ] = "Periode"; Text[ language_user1 ] = " "; Text[ english_us ] = "Period"; Text[ portuguese ] = "Period"; Text[ russian ] = ""; Text[ greek ] = "Period"; Text[ dutch ] = "Period"; Text[ french ] = "Priode"; Text[ spanish ] = "Period"; Text[ finnish ] = "Period"; Text[ italian ] = "Periodo"; Text[ danish ] = "Period"; Text[ swedish ] = "Period"; Text[ polish ] = "okres"; Text[ portuguese_brazilian ] = "Period"; Text[ japanese ] = ""; Text[ korean ] = "Period"; Text[ chinese_simplified ] = "Period"; Text[ chinese_traditional ] = "Period"; Text[ turkish ] = "Period"; Text[ arabic ] = "Period"; Text[ catalan ] = "Period"; }; String 11 // description of parameter 5 Amordegrc { Text = "Periode"; Text[ english ] = "Periode"; Text[ language_user1 ] = " "; Text[ english_us ] = "Period"; Text[ portuguese ] = "Period"; Text[ russian ] = "."; Text[ greek ] = "Period"; Text[ dutch ] = "Period"; Text[ french ] = "Priode"; Text[ spanish ] = "Period"; Text[ finnish ] = "Period"; Text[ italian ] = "Periodo"; Text[ danish ] = "Period"; Text[ swedish ] = "Period"; Text[ polish ] = "okres amortyzacji"; Text[ portuguese_brazilian ] = "Period"; Text[ japanese ] = "v"; Text[ korean ] = "Period"; Text[ chinese_simplified ] = "Period"; Text[ chinese_traditional ] = "Period"; Text[ turkish ] = "Period"; Text[ arabic ] = "Period"; Text[ catalan ] = "Period"; }; String 12 // name of parameter 6 Amordegrc { Text = "Rate"; Text[ english ] = "Rate"; Text[ language_user1 ] = " "; Text[ english_us ] = "Rate"; Text[ portuguese ] = "Rate"; Text[ russian ] = ""; Text[ greek ] = "Rate"; Text[ dutch ] = "Rate"; Text[ french ] = "Rate"; Text[ spanish ] = "Rate"; Text[ finnish ] = "Rate"; Text[ italian ] = "Tasso interesse"; Text[ danish ] = "Rate"; Text[ swedish ] = "Rnta"; Text[ polish ] = "stopa"; Text[ portuguese_brazilian ] = "Rate"; Text[ japanese ] = ""; Text[ korean ] = "Rate"; Text[ chinese_simplified ] = "Rate"; Text[ chinese_traditional ] = "Rate"; Text[ turkish ] = "Rate"; Text[ arabic ] = "Rate"; Text[ catalan ] = "Rate"; }; String 13 // description of parameter 6 Amordegrc { Text = "Abschreibungssatz"; Text[ english ] = "Abschreibungssatz"; Text[ language_user1 ] = " "; Text[ english_us ] = "Rate"; Text[ portuguese ] = "Rate"; Text[ russian ] = " ."; Text[ greek ] = "Rate"; Text[ dutch ] = "Rate"; Text[ french ] = "Taux d'amortissement"; Text[ spanish ] = "Rate"; Text[ finnish ] = "Rate"; Text[ italian ] = "Tasso di ammortamento"; Text[ danish ] = "Rate"; Text[ swedish ] = "Avskrivningssats"; Text[ polish ] = "stopa amortyzacji"; Text[ portuguese_brazilian ] = "Rate"; Text[ japanese ] = "p"; Text[ korean ] = "Rate"; Text[ chinese_simplified ] = "Rate"; Text[ chinese_traditional ] = "Rate"; Text[ turkish ] = "Rate"; Text[ arabic ] = "Rate"; Text[ catalan ] = "Rate"; }; String 14 // name of parameter 7 Amordegrc { Text = "Basis"; Text[ english ] = "Basis"; Text[ language_user1 ] = " "; Text[ english_us ] = "Basis"; Text[ portuguese ] = "Year base"; Text[ russian ] = ""; Text[ greek ] = "Year base"; Text[ dutch ] = "Year base"; Text[ french ] = "Year base"; Text[ spanish ] = "Year base"; Text[ finnish ] = "Year base"; Text[ italian ] = "Base"; Text[ danish ] = "Year base"; Text[ swedish ] = "Bas"; Text[ polish ] = "podstawa"; Text[ portuguese_brazilian ] = "Year base"; Text[ japanese ] = "N̊"; Text[ korean ] = "Year base"; Text[ chinese_simplified ] = "Year base"; Text[ chinese_traditional ] = "Year base"; Text[ turkish ] = "Year base"; Text[ arabic ] = "Year base"; Text[ catalan ] = "Year base"; }; String 15 // description of parameter 7 Amordegrc { Text = "Zu verwendende Jahresbasis."; Text[ english ] = "Zu verwendende Jahresbasis."; Text[ language_user1 ] = " "; Text[ english_us ] = "The year basis to be used."; Text[ portuguese ] = "Year base"; Text[ russian ] = " ."; Text[ greek ] = "Year base"; Text[ dutch ] = "Year base"; Text[ french ] = "Year base"; Text[ spanish ] = "Year base"; Text[ finnish ] = "Year base"; Text[ italian ] = "Base annua da usare."; Text[ danish ] = "Year base"; Text[ swedish ] = "rsbas som ska anvndas."; Text[ polish ] = "rodzaj rocznej podstawy wyliczania dni"; Text[ portuguese_brazilian ] = "Year base"; Text[ japanese ] = "PNƂČvZ邩̊B"; Text[ korean ] = "Year base"; Text[ chinese_simplified ] = "Year base"; Text[ chinese_traditional ] = "Year base"; Text[ turkish ] = "Year base"; Text[ arabic ] = "Year base"; Text[ catalan ] = "Year base"; }; }; Resource ANALYSIS_Amorlinc { String 1 // description Amorlinc { Text = "Liefert den fr eine Abrechnungsperiode anzusetzenden Abschreibungsbetrag auf Basis des franzsischen Buchfhrungssystems."; Text[ english ] = "Returns the prorated linear depreciation of an asset for each accounting period"; Text[ language_user1 ] = " "; Text[ english_us ] = "Returns the prorated linear depreciation of an asset for each accounting period"; Text[ portuguese ] = "Returns the prorated linear depreciation of an asset for each accounting period"; Text[ russian ] = " . ."; Text[ greek ] = "Returns the prorated linear depreciation of an asset for each accounting period"; Text[ dutch ] = "Returns the prorated linear depreciation of an asset for each accounting period"; Text[ french ] = "Returns the prorated linear depreciation of an asset for each accounting period"; Text[ spanish ] = "Returns the prorated linear depreciation of an asset for each accounting period"; Text[ finnish ] = "Returns the prorated linear depreciation of an asset for each accounting period"; Text[ italian ] = "Restituisce l'ammortamento lineare equamente distribuito di un bene per ciascun periodo contabile."; Text[ danish ] = "Returns the prorated linear depreciation of an asset for each accounting period"; Text[ swedish ] = "Returnerar avskrivningen fr varje redovisningsperiod."; Text[ polish ] = "Podaje warto amortyzacji dla kadego okresu rozliczeniowego."; Text[ portuguese_brazilian ] = "Returns the prorated linear depreciation of an asset for each accounting period"; Text[ japanese ] = "ݽ̉vтƂevɂ錸pԂ܂B"; Text[ korean ] = "Returns the prorated linear depreciation of an asset for each accounting period"; Text[ chinese_simplified ] = "Returns the prorated linear depreciation of an asset for each accounting period"; Text[ chinese_traditional ] = "Returns the prorated linear depreciation of an asset for each accounting period"; Text[ turkish ] = "Returns the prorated linear depreciation of an asset for each accounting period"; Text[ arabic ] = "Returns the prorated linear depreciation of an asset for each accounting period"; Text[ catalan ] = "Returns the prorated linear depreciation of an asset for each accounting period"; }; String 2 // name of parameter 1 Amorlinc { Text = "Kosten"; Text[ english ] = "Kosten"; Text[ language_user1 ] = " "; Text[ english_us ] = "Cost"; Text[ portuguese ] = "Cost"; Text[ russian ] = ""; Text[ greek ] = "Cost"; Text[ dutch ] = "Cost"; Text[ french ] = "Cot"; Text[ spanish ] = "Cost"; Text[ finnish ] = "Cost"; Text[ italian ] = "Costo"; Text[ danish ] = "Cost"; Text[ swedish ] = "Kostnader"; Text[ polish ] = "cena"; Text[ portuguese_brazilian ] = "Cost"; Text[ japanese ] = "擾z"; Text[ korean ] = "Cost"; Text[ chinese_simplified ] = "Cost"; Text[ chinese_traditional ] = "Cost"; Text[ turkish ] = "Cost"; Text[ arabic ] = "Cost"; Text[ catalan ] = "Cost"; }; String 3 // description of parameter 1 Amorlinc { Text = "Anschaffungskosten des Anlageguts."; Text[ english ] = "Anschaffungskosten des Anlageguts."; Text[ language_user1 ] = " "; Text[ english_us ] = "Cost of the asset."; Text[ portuguese ] = "Cost"; Text[ russian ] = " ."; Text[ greek ] = "Cost"; Text[ dutch ] = "Cost"; Text[ french ] = "Cot d'acquisition du bien."; Text[ spanish ] = "Cost"; Text[ finnish ] = "Cost"; Text[ italian ] = "Costo iniziale del bene."; Text[ danish ] = "Cost"; Text[ swedish ] = "Anskaffningskostnader fr tillgngen."; Text[ polish ] = "cena zakupu rodka trwaego"; Text[ portuguese_brazilian ] = "Cost"; Text[ japanese ] = "Yw_ł̉iB"; Text[ korean ] = "Cost"; Text[ chinese_simplified ] = "Cost"; Text[ chinese_traditional ] = "Cost"; Text[ turkish ] = "Cost"; Text[ arabic ] = "Cost"; Text[ catalan ] = "Cost"; }; String 4 // name of parameter 2 Amorlinc { Text = "Datum"; Text[ english ] = "Datum"; Text[ language_user1 ] = " "; Text[ english_us ] = "Date purchased"; Text[ portuguese ] = "Date purchased"; Text[ russian ] = ""; Text[ greek ] = "Date purchased"; Text[ dutch ] = "Date purchased"; Text[ french ] = "Date"; Text[ spanish ] = "Date purchased"; Text[ finnish ] = "Date purchased"; Text[ italian ] = "Data"; Text[ danish ] = "Date purchased"; Text[ swedish ] = "Datum"; Text[ polish ] = "data zakupu"; Text[ portuguese_brazilian ] = "Date purchased"; Text[ japanese ] = "w"; Text[ korean ] = "Date purchased"; Text[ chinese_simplified ] = "Date purchased"; Text[ chinese_traditional ] = "Date purchased"; Text[ turkish ] = "Date purchased"; Text[ arabic ] = "Date purchased"; Text[ catalan ] = "Date purchased"; }; String 5 // description of parameter 2 Amorlinc { Text = "Anschaffungsdatum des Anlagegutes"; Text[ english ] = "Anschaffungsdatum des Anlagegutes"; Text[ language_user1 ] = " "; Text[ english_us ] = "Purchase date of the asset."; Text[ portuguese ] = "Date purchased"; Text[ russian ] = " ."; Text[ greek ] = "Date purchased"; Text[ dutch ] = "Date purchased"; Text[ french ] = "Date d'acquisition du bien."; Text[ spanish ] = "Date purchased"; Text[ finnish ] = "Date purchased"; Text[ italian ] = "Data di acquisto del bene."; Text[ danish ] = "Date purchased"; Text[ swedish ] = "Anskaffningsdatum fr tillgngen"; Text[ polish ] = "data zakupu rodka trwaego"; Text[ portuguese_brazilian ] = "Date purchased"; Text[ japanese ] = "YwtB"; Text[ korean ] = "Date purchased"; Text[ chinese_simplified ] = "Date purchased"; Text[ chinese_traditional ] = "Date purchased"; Text[ turkish ] = "Date purchased"; Text[ arabic ] = "Date purchased"; Text[ catalan ] = "Date purchased"; }; String 6 // name of parameter 3 Amorlinc { Text = "Erste Periode"; Text[ english ] = "Erste Periode"; Text[ language_user1 ] = " "; Text[ english_us ] = "First period"; Text[ portuguese ] = "First period"; Text[ russian ] = "_"; Text[ greek ] = "First period"; Text[ dutch ] = "First period"; Text[ french ] = "Premire priode"; Text[ spanish ] = "First period"; Text[ finnish ] = "First period"; Text[ italian ] = "Primo periodo"; Text[ danish ] = "First period"; Text[ swedish ] = "Frsta period"; Text[ polish ] = "pierwszy okres"; Text[ portuguese_brazilian ] = "First period"; Text[ japanese ] = "Jn"; Text[ korean ] = "First period"; Text[ chinese_simplified ] = "First period"; Text[ chinese_traditional ] = "First period"; Text[ turkish ] = "First period"; Text[ arabic ] = "First period"; Text[ catalan ] = "First period"; }; String 7 // description of parameter 3 Amorlinc { Text = "Datum des Endes der ersten Periode."; Text[ english ] = "Datum des Endes der ersten Periode."; Text[ language_user1 ] = " "; Text[ english_us ] = "The date the first period ends."; Text[ portuguese ] = "First period"; Text[ russian ] = " ."; Text[ greek ] = "First period"; Text[ dutch ] = "First period"; Text[ french ] = "Date indiquant la fin de la premire priode."; Text[ spanish ] = "First period"; Text[ finnish ] = "First period"; Text[ italian ] = "Data di scadenza del primo periodo."; Text[ danish ] = "First period"; Text[ swedish ] = "Datum fr slutet p den frsta perioden."; Text[ polish ] = "data koczca pierwszy okres"; Text[ portuguese_brazilian ] = "First period"; Text[ japanese ] = "ŏ̉vItB"; Text[ korean ] = "First period"; Text[ chinese_simplified ] = "First period"; Text[ chinese_traditional ] = "First period"; Text[ turkish ] = "First period"; Text[ arabic ] = "First period"; Text[ catalan ] = "First period"; }; String 8 // name of parameter 4 Amorlinc { Text = "Restwert"; Text[ english ] = "Restwert"; Text[ language_user1 ] = " "; Text[ english_us ] = "Salvage"; Text[ portuguese ] = "Salvage"; Text[ russian ] = "_"; Text[ greek ] = "Salvage"; Text[ dutch ] = "Salvage"; Text[ french ] = "Salvage"; Text[ spanish ] = "Salvage"; Text[ finnish ] = "Salvage"; Text[ italian ] = "Valore residuo"; Text[ danish ] = "Salvage"; Text[ swedish ] = "Restvrde"; Text[ polish ] = "odzysk"; Text[ portuguese_brazilian ] = "Salvage"; Text[ japanese ] = "cz"; Text[ korean ] = "Salvage"; Text[ chinese_simplified ] = "Salvage"; Text[ chinese_traditional ] = "Salvage"; Text[ turkish ] = "Salvage"; Text[ arabic ] = "Salvage"; Text[ catalan ] = "Salvage"; }; String 9 // description of parameter 4 Amorlinc { Text = "Restwert des Anlagegutes am Ende der Nutzungsdauer."; Text[ english ] = "Restwert des Anlagegutes am Ende der Nutzungsdauer."; Text[ language_user1 ] = " "; Text[ english_us ] = "The salvage value of an asset at the end of its life."; Text[ portuguese ] = "Salvage"; Text[ russian ] = " ."; Text[ greek ] = "Salvage"; Text[ dutch ] = "Salvage"; Text[ french ] = "Salvage"; Text[ spanish ] = "Salvage"; Text[ finnish ] = "Salvage"; Text[ italian ] = "Valore residuo del bene al termine dell'ammortamento."; Text[ danish ] = "Salvage"; Text[ swedish ] = "Restvrde fr tillgngen i slutet av livslngden."; Text[ polish ] = "warto odzysku na koniec okresu amortyzacji"; Text[ portuguese_brazilian ] = "Salvage"; Text[ japanese ] = "ϗpNI_ł̎ỶiB"; Text[ korean ] = "Salvage"; Text[ chinese_simplified ] = "Salvage"; Text[ chinese_traditional ] = "Salvage"; Text[ turkish ] = "Salvage"; Text[ arabic ] = "Salvage"; Text[ catalan ] = "Salvage"; }; String 10 // name of parameter 5 Amorlinc { Text = "Periode"; Text[ english ] = "Periode"; Text[ language_user1 ] = " "; Text[ english_us ] = "Period"; Text[ portuguese ] = "Period"; Text[ russian ] = ""; Text[ greek ] = "Period"; Text[ dutch ] = "Period"; Text[ french ] = "Priode"; Text[ spanish ] = "Period"; Text[ finnish ] = "Period"; Text[ italian ] = "Periodo"; Text[ danish ] = "Period"; Text[ swedish ] = "Period"; Text[ polish ] = "okres"; Text[ portuguese_brazilian ] = "Period"; Text[ japanese ] = ""; Text[ korean ] = "Period"; Text[ chinese_simplified ] = "Period"; Text[ chinese_traditional ] = "Period"; Text[ turkish ] = "Period"; Text[ arabic ] = "Period"; Text[ catalan ] = "Period"; }; String 11 // description of parameter 5 Amorlinc { Text = "Periode"; Text[ english ] = "Periode"; Text[ language_user1 ] = " "; Text[ english_us ] = "Period"; Text[ portuguese ] = "Period"; Text[ russian ] = "."; Text[ greek ] = "Period"; Text[ dutch ] = "Period"; Text[ french ] = "Priode"; Text[ spanish ] = "Period"; Text[ finnish ] = "Period"; Text[ italian ] = "Periodo"; Text[ danish ] = "Period"; Text[ swedish ] = "Period"; Text[ polish ] = "okres amortyzacji"; Text[ portuguese_brazilian ] = "Period"; Text[ japanese ] = "v"; Text[ korean ] = "Period"; Text[ chinese_simplified ] = "Period"; Text[ chinese_traditional ] = "Period"; Text[ turkish ] = "Period"; Text[ arabic ] = "Period"; Text[ catalan ] = "Period"; }; String 12 // name of parameter 6 Amorlinc { Text = "Rate"; Text[ english ] = "Rate"; Text[ language_user1 ] = " "; Text[ english_us ] = "Rate"; Text[ portuguese ] = "Rate"; Text[ russian ] = ""; Text[ greek ] = "Rate"; Text[ dutch ] = "Rate"; Text[ french ] = "Rate"; Text[ spanish ] = "Rate"; Text[ finnish ] = "Rate"; Text[ italian ] = "Tasso interesse"; Text[ danish ] = "Rate"; Text[ swedish ] = "Rnta"; Text[ polish ] = "stopa"; Text[ portuguese_brazilian ] = "Rate"; Text[ japanese ] = ""; Text[ korean ] = "Rate"; Text[ chinese_simplified ] = "Rate"; Text[ chinese_traditional ] = "Rate"; Text[ turkish ] = "Rate"; Text[ arabic ] = "Rate"; Text[ catalan ] = "Rate"; }; String 13 // description of parameter 6 Amorlinc { Text = "Abschreibungssatz"; Text[ english ] = "Abschreibungssatz"; Text[ language_user1 ] = " "; Text[ english_us ] = "Rate"; Text[ portuguese ] = "Rate"; Text[ russian ] = " ."; Text[ greek ] = "Rate"; Text[ dutch ] = "Rate"; Text[ french ] = "Taux d'amortissement"; Text[ spanish ] = "Rate"; Text[ finnish ] = "Rate"; Text[ italian ] = "Tasso di ammortamento"; Text[ danish ] = "Rate"; Text[ swedish ] = "Avskrivningssats"; Text[ polish ] = "stopa amortyzacji"; Text[ portuguese_brazilian ] = "Rate"; Text[ japanese ] = "p"; Text[ korean ] = "Rate"; Text[ chinese_simplified ] = "Rate"; Text[ chinese_traditional ] = "Rate"; Text[ turkish ] = "Rate"; Text[ arabic ] = "Rate"; Text[ catalan ] = "Rate"; }; String 14 // name of parameter 7 Amorlinc { Text = "Basis"; Text[ english ] = "Basis"; Text[ language_user1 ] = " "; Text[ english_us ] = "Basis"; Text[ portuguese ] = "Year base"; Text[ russian ] = ""; Text[ greek ] = "Year base"; Text[ dutch ] = "Year base"; Text[ french ] = "Year base"; Text[ spanish ] = "Year base"; Text[ finnish ] = "Year base"; Text[ italian ] = "Base"; Text[ danish ] = "Year base"; Text[ swedish ] = "Bas"; Text[ polish ] = "podstawa"; Text[ portuguese_brazilian ] = "Year base"; Text[ japanese ] = "N̊"; Text[ korean ] = "Year base"; Text[ chinese_simplified ] = "Year base"; Text[ chinese_traditional ] = "Year base"; Text[ turkish ] = "Year base"; Text[ arabic ] = "Year base"; Text[ catalan ] = "Year base"; }; String 15 // description of parameter 7 Amorlinc { Text = "Zu verwendende Jahresbasis."; Text[ english ] = "Zu verwendende Jahresbasis."; Text[ language_user1 ] = " "; Text[ english_us ] = "The year basis to be used."; Text[ portuguese ] = "Year base"; Text[ russian ] = " ."; Text[ greek ] = "Year base"; Text[ dutch ] = "Year base"; Text[ french ] = "Year base"; Text[ spanish ] = "Year base"; Text[ finnish ] = "Year base"; Text[ italian ] = "Base annua da usare."; Text[ danish ] = "Year base"; Text[ swedish ] = "rsbas som ska anvndas."; Text[ polish ] = "rodzaj rocznej podstawy wyliczania dni"; Text[ portuguese_brazilian ] = "Year base"; Text[ japanese ] = "PNƂČvZ邩̊B"; Text[ korean ] = "Year base"; Text[ chinese_simplified ] = "Year base"; Text[ chinese_traditional ] = "Year base"; Text[ turkish ] = "Year base"; Text[ arabic ] = "Year base"; Text[ catalan ] = "Year base"; }; }; Resource ANALYSIS_Accrint { String 1 // description Accrint { Text = "Liefert die aufgelaufenen Zinsen (Stckzinsen) eines Wertpapieres mit periodischer Zinszahlung."; Text[ english ] = "Return the accrued interest for a security that pays periodic interest"; Text[ language_user1 ] = " "; Text[ english_us ] = "Returns the accrued interest for a security that pays periodic interest."; Text[ portuguese ] = "Return the accrued interest for a security that pays periodic interest"; Text[ russian ] = " ."; Text[ greek ] = "Return the accrued interest for a security that pays periodic interest"; Text[ dutch ] = "Return the accrued interest for a security that pays periodic interest"; Text[ french ] = "Renvoie les intrts chus (ou intrts accumuls) d'un titre ; versement priodique des intrts."; Text[ spanish ] = "Return the accrued interest for a security that pays periodic interest"; Text[ finnish ] = "Return the accrued interest for a security that pays periodic interest"; Text[ italian ] = "Restituisce l'interesse maturato di un titolo che paga interessi periodici."; Text[ danish ] = "Return the accrued interest for a security that pays periodic interest"; Text[ swedish ] = "Returnerar de upplupna rntorna fr ett vrdepapper med periodisk rntebetalning."; Text[ polish ] = "Podaje warto procentu skadanego papieru wartociowego o okresowym oprocentowaniu."; Text[ portuguese_brazilian ] = "Return the accrued interest for a security that pays periodic interest"; Text[ japanese ] = "Iɗx،̖zԂ܂B"; Text[ korean ] = "Return the accrued interest for a security that pays periodic interest"; Text[ chinese_simplified ] = "Return the accrued interest for a security that pays periodic interest"; Text[ chinese_traditional ] = "Return the accrued interest for a security that pays periodic interest"; Text[ turkish ] = "Return the accrued interest for a security that pays periodic interest"; Text[ arabic ] = "Return the accrued interest for a security that pays periodic interest"; Text[ catalan ] = "Return the accrued interest for a security that pays periodic interest"; }; String 2 // name of parameter 1 Accrint { Text = "Emission"; Text[ english ] = "Emission"; Text[ language_user1 ] = " "; Text[ english_us ] = "Issue"; Text[ portuguese ] = "Issue"; Text[ russian ] = "_"; Text[ greek ] = "Issue"; Text[ dutch ] = "Issue"; Text[ french ] = "mission"; Text[ spanish ] = "Issue"; Text[ finnish ] = "Issue"; Text[ italian ] = "Emissione"; Text[ danish ] = "Issue"; Text[ swedish ] = "Emission"; Text[ polish ] = "emisja"; Text[ portuguese_brazilian ] = "Issue"; Text[ japanese ] = "s"; Text[ korean ] = "Issue"; Text[ chinese_simplified ] = "Issue"; Text[ chinese_traditional ] = "Issue"; Text[ turkish ] = "Issue"; Text[ arabic ] = "Issue"; Text[ catalan ] = "Issue"; }; String 3 // description of parameter 1 Accrint { Text = "Datum der Wertpapieremission."; Text[ english ] = "Datum der Wertpapieremission."; Text[ language_user1 ] = " "; Text[ english_us ] = "Issue date of the security."; Text[ portuguese ] = "Issue"; Text[ russian ] = " ."; Text[ greek ] = "Issue"; Text[ dutch ] = "Issue"; Text[ french ] = "Date de l'mission du titre."; Text[ spanish ] = "Issue"; Text[ finnish ] = "Issue"; Text[ italian ] = "Data di emissione del titolo."; Text[ danish ] = "Issue"; Text[ swedish ] = "Datum fr vrdepappersemission."; Text[ polish ] = "data emisji papieru wartociowego"; Text[ portuguese_brazilian ] = "Issue"; Text[ japanese ] = "،̔sB"; Text[ korean ] = "Issue"; Text[ chinese_simplified ] = "Issue"; Text[ chinese_traditional ] = "Issue"; Text[ turkish ] = "Issue"; Text[ arabic ] = "Issue"; Text[ catalan ] = "Issue"; }; String 4 // name of parameter 2 Accrint { Text = "Erster Zinstermin"; Text[ english ] = "Erster Zinstermin"; Text[ language_user1 ] = " "; Text[ english_us ] = "First interest"; Text[ portuguese ] = "First interest"; Text[ russian ] = "_"; Text[ greek ] = "First interest"; Text[ dutch ] = "First interest"; Text[ french ] = "Premier coupon"; Text[ spanish ] = "First interest"; Text[ finnish ] = "First interest"; Text[ italian ] = "Primo interesse"; Text[ danish ] = "First interest"; Text[ swedish ] = "Frsta kupongdatum"; Text[ polish ] = "pierwsze odsetki"; Text[ portuguese_brazilian ] = "First interest"; Text[ japanese ] = "ŏ̗"; Text[ korean ] = "First interest"; Text[ chinese_simplified ] = "First interest"; Text[ chinese_traditional ] = "First interest"; Text[ turkish ] = "First interest"; Text[ arabic ] = "First interest"; Text[ catalan ] = "First interest"; }; String 5 // description of parameter 2 Accrint { Text = "Erster Zinstermin des Wertpapiers."; Text[ english ] = "Erster Zinstermin des Wertpapiers."; Text[ language_user1 ] = " "; Text[ english_us ] = "First interest date of the security."; Text[ portuguese ] = "First interest"; Text[ russian ] = " ."; Text[ greek ] = "First interest"; Text[ dutch ] = "First interest"; Text[ french ] = "Date du premier paiement des intrts du titre."; Text[ spanish ] = "First interest"; Text[ finnish ] = "First interest"; Text[ italian ] = "Data del primo interesse del titolo."; Text[ danish ] = "First interest"; Text[ swedish ] = "Frsta kupongdatum fr vrdepapperet."; Text[ polish ] = "data pierwszej raty odsetek od papieru wartociowego"; Text[ portuguese_brazilian ] = "First interest"; Text[ japanese ] = "،̗ŏɎxtB"; Text[ korean ] = "First interest"; Text[ chinese_simplified ] = "First interest"; Text[ chinese_traditional ] = "First interest"; Text[ turkish ] = "First interest"; Text[ arabic ] = "First interest"; Text[ catalan ] = "First interest"; }; String 6 // name of parameter 3 Accrint { Text = "Abrechnung"; Text[ english ] = "Abrechnung"; Text[ language_user1 ] = " "; Text[ english_us ] = "Settlement"; Text[ portuguese ] = "Expedio"; Text[ russian ] = "_"; Text[ greek ] = "Settlement"; Text[ dutch ] = "Settlement"; Text[ french ] = "Settlement"; Text[ spanish ] = "Settlement"; Text[ finnish ] = "Settlement"; Text[ italian ] = "Liquidazione"; Text[ danish ] = "Settlement"; Text[ swedish ] = "Betalning"; Text[ polish ] = "rozliczenie"; Text[ portuguese_brazilian ] = "Settlement"; Text[ japanese ] = "̓"; Text[ korean ] = "Settlement"; Text[ chinese_simplified ] = "Settlement"; Text[ chinese_traditional ] = "Settlement"; Text[ turkish ] = "Settlement"; Text[ arabic ] = "Settlement"; Text[ catalan ] = "Settlement"; }; String 7 // description of parameter 3 Accrint { Text = "Abrechnung"; Text[ english ] = "Abrechnung"; Text[ language_user1 ] = " "; Text[ english_us ] = "Settlement"; Text[ portuguese ] = "Expedio"; Text[ russian ] = " ."; Text[ greek ] = "Settlement"; Text[ dutch ] = "Settlement"; Text[ french ] = "Settlement"; Text[ spanish ] = "Settlement"; Text[ finnish ] = "Settlement"; Text[ italian ] = "Liquidazione"; Text[ danish ] = "Settlement"; Text[ swedish ] = "Betalning"; Text[ polish ] = "data rozliczenia papieru wartociowego"; Text[ portuguese_brazilian ] = "Settlement"; Text[ japanese ] = "،̎̓"; Text[ korean ] = "Settlement"; Text[ chinese_simplified ] = "Settlement"; Text[ chinese_traditional ] = "Settlement"; Text[ turkish ] = "Settlement"; Text[ arabic ] = "Settlement"; Text[ catalan ] = "Settlement"; }; String 8 // name of parameter 4 Accrint { Text = "Nominalzins"; Text[ english ] = "Nominalzins"; Text[ language_user1 ] = " "; Text[ english_us ] = "Rate"; Text[ portuguese ] = "Rate"; Text[ russian ] = ""; Text[ greek ] = "Rate"; Text[ dutch ] = "Rate"; Text[ french ] = "Intrt nominal"; Text[ spanish ] = "Rate"; Text[ finnish ] = "Rate"; Text[ italian ] = "Tasso interesse nominale"; Text[ danish ] = "Rate"; Text[ swedish ] = "Nominell rnta"; Text[ polish ] = "stopa"; Text[ portuguese_brazilian ] = "Rate"; Text[ japanese ] = ""; Text[ korean ] = "Rate"; Text[ chinese_simplified ] = "Rate"; Text[ chinese_traditional ] = "Rate"; Text[ turkish ] = "Rate"; Text[ arabic ] = "Rate"; Text[ catalan ] = "Rate"; }; String 9 // description of parameter 4 Accrint { Text = "Nominalzins"; Text[ english ] = "Nominalzins"; Text[ language_user1 ] = " "; Text[ english_us ] = "Rate"; Text[ portuguese ] = "Rate"; Text[ russian ] = "Rate"; Text[ greek ] = "Rate"; Text[ dutch ] = "Rate"; Text[ french ] = "Intrt nominal"; Text[ spanish ] = "Rate"; Text[ finnish ] = "Rate"; Text[ italian ] = "Tasso interesse nominale"; Text[ danish ] = "Rate"; Text[ swedish ] = "Nominell rnta"; Text[ polish ] = "roczne oprocentowanie kuponu papieru wartociowego"; Text[ portuguese_brazilian ] = "Rate"; Text[ japanese ] = "،̔N"; Text[ korean ] = "Rate"; Text[ chinese_simplified ] = "Rate"; Text[ chinese_traditional ] = "Rate"; Text[ turkish ] = "Rate"; Text[ arabic ] = "Rate"; Text[ catalan ] = "Rate"; }; String 10 // name of parameter 5 Accrint { Text = "Nennwert"; Text[ english ] = "Nennwert"; Text[ language_user1 ] = " "; Text[ english_us ] = "Par"; Text[ portuguese ] = "Par"; Text[ russian ] = "Par"; Text[ greek ] = "Par"; Text[ dutch ] = "Par"; Text[ french ] = "Valeur nominale"; Text[ spanish ] = "Par"; Text[ finnish ] = "Par"; Text[ italian ] = "Valore nominale"; Text[ danish ] = "Par"; Text[ swedish ] = "Nominellt vrde"; Text[ polish ] = "cena nominalna"; Text[ portuguese_brazilian ] = "Par"; Text[ japanese ] = "z"; Text[ korean ] = "Par"; Text[ chinese_simplified ] = "Par"; Text[ chinese_traditional ] = "Par"; Text[ turkish ] = "Par"; Text[ arabic ] = "Par"; Text[ catalan ] = "Par"; }; String 11 // description of parameter 5 Accrint { Text = "Nennwert"; Text[ english ] = "Nennwert"; Text[ language_user1 ] = " "; Text[ english_us ] = "Par"; Text[ portuguese ] = "Par"; Text[ russian ] = "Par"; Text[ greek ] = "Par"; Text[ dutch ] = "Par"; Text[ french ] = "Valeur nominale"; Text[ spanish ] = "Par"; Text[ finnish ] = "Par"; Text[ italian ] = "Valore nominale"; Text[ danish ] = "Par"; Text[ swedish ] = "Nominellt vrde"; Text[ polish ] = "warto nominalna papieru wartociowego"; Text[ portuguese_brazilian ] = "Par"; Text[ japanese ] = "،̊zʉi"; Text[ korean ] = "Par"; Text[ chinese_simplified ] = "Par"; Text[ chinese_traditional ] = "Par"; Text[ turkish ] = "Par"; Text[ arabic ] = "Par"; Text[ catalan ] = "Par"; }; String 12 // name of parameter 6 Accrint { Text = "Hufigkeit"; Text[ english ] = "Hufigkeit"; Text[ language_user1 ] = " "; Text[ english_us ] = "Frequency"; Text[ portuguese ] = "Frequncia"; Text[ russian ] = "Frequency"; Text[ greek ] = "Frequency"; Text[ dutch ] = "Frequency"; Text[ french ] = "Frquence"; Text[ spanish ] = "Frecuencia"; Text[ finnish ] = "Frequency"; Text[ italian ] = "Frequenza"; Text[ danish ] = "Frequency"; Text[ swedish ] = "Frekvens"; Text[ polish ] = "czsto"; Text[ portuguese_brazilian ] = "Frequency"; Text[ japanese ] = "px"; Text[ korean ] = "Frequency"; Text[ chinese_simplified ] = "Frequency"; Text[ chinese_traditional ] = "Frequency"; Text[ turkish ] = "Frequency"; Text[ arabic ] = "Frequency"; Text[ catalan ] = "Frequency"; }; String 13 // description of parameter 6 Accrint { Text = "Hufigkeit"; Text[ english ] = "Hufigkeit"; Text[ language_user1 ] = " "; Text[ english_us ] = "Frequency"; Text[ portuguese ] = "Frequncia"; Text[ russian ] = "Frequency"; Text[ greek ] = "Frequency"; Text[ dutch ] = "Frequency"; Text[ french ] = "Frquence"; Text[ spanish ] = "Frecuencia"; Text[ finnish ] = "Frequency"; Text[ italian ] = "Frequenza"; Text[ danish ] = "Frequency"; Text[ swedish ] = "Frekvens"; Text[ polish ] = "liczba kuponw patnych w cigu roku"; Text[ portuguese_brazilian ] = "Frequency"; Text[ japanese ] = "NԂ̗x"; Text[ korean ] = "Frequency"; Text[ chinese_simplified ] = "Frequency"; Text[ chinese_traditional ] = "Frequency"; Text[ turkish ] = "Frequency"; Text[ arabic ] = "Frequency"; Text[ catalan ] = "Frequency"; }; String 14 // name of parameter 7 Accrint { Text = "Basis"; Text[ english ] = "Basis"; Text[ language_user1 ] = " "; Text[ english_us ] = "Basis"; Text[ portuguese ] = "Base"; Text[ russian ] = "Base"; Text[ greek ] = "Base"; Text[ dutch ] = "Base"; Text[ french ] = "Base"; Text[ spanish ] = "Base"; Text[ finnish ] = "Base"; Text[ italian ] = "Base"; Text[ danish ] = "Base"; Text[ swedish ] = "Bas"; Text[ polish ] = "podstawa"; Text[ portuguese_brazilian ] = "Base"; Text[ japanese ] = ""; Text[ korean ] = "Base"; Text[ chinese_simplified ] = "Base"; Text[ chinese_traditional ] = "Base"; Text[ turkish ] = "Base"; Text[ arabic ] = "Base"; Text[ catalan ] = "Base"; }; String 15 // description of parameter 7 Accrint { Text = "Basis"; Text[ english ] = "Basis"; Text[ language_user1 ] = " "; Text[ english_us ] = "Basis"; Text[ portuguese ] = "Base"; Text[ russian ] = "Base"; Text[ greek ] = "Base"; Text[ dutch ] = "Base"; Text[ french ] = "Base"; Text[ spanish ] = "Base"; Text[ finnish ] = "Base"; Text[ italian ] = "Base"; Text[ danish ] = "Base"; Text[ swedish ] = "Bas"; Text[ polish ] = "rodzaj podstawy wyliczania dni"; Text[ portuguese_brazilian ] = "Base"; Text[ japanese ] = "vZ̊bƂȂ̌vZ@"; Text[ korean ] = "Base"; Text[ chinese_simplified ] = "Base"; Text[ chinese_traditional ] = "Base"; Text[ turkish ] = "Base"; Text[ arabic ] = "Base"; Text[ catalan ] = "Base"; }; }; Resource ANALYSIS_Accrintm { String 1 // description Accrintm { Text = "Liefert die aufgelaufenen Zinsen (Stckzinsen) eines Wertpapieres, die bei Flligkeit ausgezahlt werden."; Text[ english ] = "Return the accrued interest for a security that pays interest at maturity"; Text[ language_user1 ] = " "; Text[ english_us ] = "Returns the accrued interest for a security that pays interest at maturity."; Text[ portuguese ] = "Return the accrued interest for a security that pays interest at maturity"; Text[ russian ] = "Return the accrued interest for a security that pays interest at maturity"; Text[ greek ] = "Return the accrued interest for a security that pays interest at maturity"; Text[ dutch ] = "Return the accrued interest for a security that pays interest at maturity"; Text[ french ] = "Renvoie les intrts chus (ou intrts accumuls) d'un titre ; versement des intrts chance."; Text[ spanish ] = "Return the accrued interest for a security that pays interest at maturity"; Text[ finnish ] = "Return the accrued interest for a security that pays interest at maturity"; Text[ italian ] = "Restituisce l'interesse maturato di un titolo che paga gli interessi alla scadenza."; Text[ danish ] = "Return the accrued interest for a security that pays interest at maturity"; Text[ swedish ] = "Returnerar ett vrdepappers upplupna rntor som betalas ut p frfallodagen."; Text[ polish ] = "Podaje warto procentu skadanego papieru wartociowego oprocentowanego przy wykupie."; Text[ portuguese_brazilian ] = "Return the accrued interest for a security that pays interest at maturity"; Text[ japanese ] = "ɗx،̖zԂ܂B"; Text[ korean ] = "Return the accrued interest for a security that pays interest at maturity"; Text[ chinese_simplified ] = "Return the accrued interest for a security that pays interest at maturity"; Text[ chinese_traditional ] = "Return the accrued interest for a security that pays interest at maturity"; Text[ turkish ] = "Return the accrued interest for a security that pays interest at maturity"; Text[ arabic ] = "Return the accrued interest for a security that pays interest at maturity"; Text[ catalan ] = "Return the accrued interest for a security that pays interest at maturity"; }; String 2 // name of parameter 1 Accrintm { Text = "Emission"; Text[ english ] = "Emission"; Text[ language_user1 ] = " "; Text[ english_us ] = "Issue"; Text[ portuguese ] = "Issue"; Text[ russian ] = "Issue"; Text[ greek ] = "Issue"; Text[ dutch ] = "Issue"; Text[ french ] = "mission"; Text[ spanish ] = "Issue"; Text[ finnish ] = "Issue"; Text[ italian ] = "Emissione"; Text[ danish ] = "Issue"; Text[ swedish ] = "Emission"; Text[ polish ] = "emisja"; Text[ portuguese_brazilian ] = "Issue"; Text[ japanese ] = "s"; Text[ korean ] = "Issue"; Text[ chinese_simplified ] = "Issue"; Text[ chinese_traditional ] = "Issue"; Text[ turkish ] = "Issue"; Text[ arabic ] = "Issue"; Text[ catalan ] = "Issue"; }; String 3 // description of parameter 1 Accrintm { Text = "Emission"; Text[ english ] = "Emission"; Text[ language_user1 ] = " "; Text[ english_us ] = "Issue"; Text[ portuguese ] = "Issue"; Text[ russian ] = "Issue"; Text[ greek ] = "Issue"; Text[ dutch ] = "Issue"; Text[ french ] = "mission"; Text[ spanish ] = "Issue"; Text[ finnish ] = "Issue"; Text[ italian ] = "Emissione"; Text[ danish ] = "Issue"; Text[ swedish ] = "Emission"; Text[ polish ] = "data emisji papieru wartociowego"; Text[ portuguese_brazilian ] = "Issue"; Text[ japanese ] = "،̔s"; Text[ korean ] = "Issue"; Text[ chinese_simplified ] = "Issue"; Text[ chinese_traditional ] = "Issue"; Text[ turkish ] = "Issue"; Text[ arabic ] = "Issue"; Text[ catalan ] = "Issue"; }; String 4 // name of parameter 2 Accrintm { Text = "Abrechnung"; Text[ english ] = "Abrechnung"; Text[ language_user1 ] = " "; Text[ english_us ] = "Settlement"; Text[ portuguese ] = "Expedio"; Text[ russian ] = "Settlement"; Text[ greek ] = "Settlement"; Text[ dutch ] = "Settlement"; Text[ french ] = "Settlement"; Text[ spanish ] = "Settlement"; Text[ finnish ] = "Settlement"; Text[ italian ] = "Liquidazione"; Text[ danish ] = "Settlement"; Text[ swedish ] = "Betalning"; Text[ polish ] = "rozliczenie"; Text[ portuguese_brazilian ] = "Settlement"; Text[ japanese ] = "̓"; Text[ korean ] = "Settlement"; Text[ chinese_simplified ] = "Settlement"; Text[ chinese_traditional ] = "Settlement"; Text[ turkish ] = "Settlement"; Text[ arabic ] = "Settlement"; Text[ catalan ] = "Settlement"; }; String 5 // description of parameter 2 Accrintm { Text = "Abrechnung"; Text[ english ] = "Abrechnung"; Text[ language_user1 ] = " "; Text[ english_us ] = "Settlement"; Text[ portuguese ] = "Expedio"; Text[ russian ] = "Settlement"; Text[ greek ] = "Settlement"; Text[ dutch ] = "Settlement"; Text[ french ] = "Settlement"; Text[ spanish ] = "Settlement"; Text[ finnish ] = "Settlement"; Text[ italian ] = "Liquidazione"; Text[ danish ] = "Settlement"; Text[ swedish ] = "Betalning"; Text[ polish ] = "data rozliczenia papieru wartociowego"; Text[ portuguese_brazilian ] = "Settlement"; Text[ japanese ] = "،̎̓"; Text[ korean ] = "Settlement"; Text[ chinese_simplified ] = "Settlement"; Text[ chinese_traditional ] = "Settlement"; Text[ turkish ] = "Settlement"; Text[ arabic ] = "Settlement"; Text[ catalan ] = "Settlement"; }; String 6 // name of parameter 3 Accrintm { Text = "Nominalzins"; Text[ english ] = "Nominalzins"; Text[ language_user1 ] = " "; Text[ english_us ] = "Rate"; Text[ portuguese ] = "Rate"; Text[ russian ] = "Rate"; Text[ greek ] = "Rate"; Text[ dutch ] = "Rate"; Text[ french ] = "Intrt nominal"; Text[ spanish ] = "Rate"; Text[ finnish ] = "Rate"; Text[ italian ] = "Tasso interesse nominale"; Text[ danish ] = "Rate"; Text[ swedish ] = "Nominell rnta"; Text[ polish ] = "stopa"; Text[ portuguese_brazilian ] = "Rate"; Text[ japanese ] = ""; Text[ korean ] = "Rate"; Text[ chinese_simplified ] = "Rate"; Text[ chinese_traditional ] = "Rate"; Text[ turkish ] = "Rate"; Text[ arabic ] = "Rate"; Text[ catalan ] = "Rate"; }; String 7 // description of parameter 3 Accrintm { Text = "Nominalzins"; Text[ english ] = "Nominalzins"; Text[ language_user1 ] = " "; Text[ english_us ] = "Rate"; Text[ portuguese ] = "Rate"; Text[ russian ] = "Rate"; Text[ greek ] = "Rate"; Text[ dutch ] = "Rate"; Text[ french ] = "Intrt nominal"; Text[ spanish ] = "Rate"; Text[ finnish ] = "Rate"; Text[ italian ] = "Tasso interesse nominale"; Text[ danish ] = "Rate"; Text[ swedish ] = "Nominell rnta"; Text[ polish ] = "roczne oprocentowanie kuponu papieru wartociowego"; Text[ portuguese_brazilian ] = "Rate"; Text[ japanese ] = "،̔N"; Text[ korean ] = "Rate"; Text[ chinese_simplified ] = "Rate"; Text[ chinese_traditional ] = "Rate"; Text[ turkish ] = "Rate"; Text[ arabic ] = "Rate"; Text[ catalan ] = "Rate"; }; String 8 // name of parameter 4 Accrintm { Text = "Nennwert"; Text[ english ] = "Nennwert"; Text[ language_user1 ] = " "; Text[ english_us ] = "Par"; Text[ portuguese ] = "Par"; Text[ russian ] = "Par"; Text[ greek ] = "Par"; Text[ dutch ] = "Par"; Text[ french ] = "Valeur nominale"; Text[ spanish ] = "Par"; Text[ finnish ] = "Par"; Text[ italian ] = "Valore nominale"; Text[ danish ] = "Par"; Text[ swedish ] = "Nominellt vrde"; Text[ polish ] = "cena nominalna"; Text[ portuguese_brazilian ] = "Par"; Text[ japanese ] = "z"; Text[ korean ] = "Par"; Text[ chinese_simplified ] = "Par"; Text[ chinese_traditional ] = "Par"; Text[ turkish ] = "Par"; Text[ arabic ] = "Par"; Text[ catalan ] = "Par"; }; String 9 // description of parameter 4 Accrintm { Text = "Nennwert"; Text[ english ] = "Nennwert"; Text[ language_user1 ] = " "; Text[ english_us ] = "Par"; Text[ portuguese ] = "Par"; Text[ russian ] = "Par"; Text[ greek ] = "Par"; Text[ dutch ] = "Par"; Text[ french ] = "Valeur nominale"; Text[ spanish ] = "Par"; Text[ finnish ] = "Par"; Text[ italian ] = "Valore nominale"; Text[ danish ] = "Par"; Text[ swedish ] = "Nominellt vrde"; Text[ polish ] = "warto nominalna papieru wartociowego"; Text[ portuguese_brazilian ] = "Par"; Text[ japanese ] = "،̊zʉi"; Text[ korean ] = "Par"; Text[ chinese_simplified ] = "Par"; Text[ chinese_traditional ] = "Par"; Text[ turkish ] = "Par"; Text[ arabic ] = "Par"; Text[ catalan ] = "Par"; }; String 10 // name of parameter 5 Accrintm { Text = "Basis"; Text[ english ] = "Basis"; Text[ language_user1 ] = " "; Text[ english_us ] = "Basis"; Text[ portuguese ] = "Base"; Text[ russian ] = "Base"; Text[ greek ] = "Base"; Text[ dutch ] = "Base"; Text[ french ] = "Base"; Text[ spanish ] = "Base"; Text[ finnish ] = "Base"; Text[ italian ] = "Base"; Text[ danish ] = "Base"; Text[ swedish ] = "Bas"; Text[ polish ] = "podstawa"; Text[ portuguese_brazilian ] = "Base"; Text[ japanese ] = ""; Text[ korean ] = "Base"; Text[ chinese_simplified ] = "Base"; Text[ chinese_traditional ] = "Base"; Text[ turkish ] = "Base"; Text[ arabic ] = "Base"; Text[ catalan ] = "Base"; }; String 11 // description of parameter 5 Accrintm { Text = "Basis"; Text[ english ] = "Basis"; Text[ language_user1 ] = " "; Text[ english_us ] = "Basis"; Text[ portuguese ] = "Base"; Text[ russian ] = "Base"; Text[ greek ] = "Base"; Text[ dutch ] = "Base"; Text[ french ] = "Base"; Text[ spanish ] = "Base"; Text[ finnish ] = "Base"; Text[ italian ] = "Base"; Text[ danish ] = "Base"; Text[ swedish ] = "Bas"; Text[ polish ] = "rodzaj podstawy wyliczania dni"; Text[ portuguese_brazilian ] = "Base"; Text[ japanese ] = "vZ̊bƂȂ̌vZ@"; Text[ korean ] = "Base"; Text[ chinese_simplified ] = "Base"; Text[ chinese_traditional ] = "Base"; Text[ turkish ] = "Base"; Text[ arabic ] = "Base"; Text[ catalan ] = "Base"; }; }; Resource ANALYSIS_Received { String 1 // description Received { Text = "Liefert den Auszahlungsbetrag eines voll investierten Wertpapiers am Flligkeitstermin."; Text[ english ] = "Returns the amount received at maturity for a fully invested security"; Text[ language_user1 ] = " "; Text[ english_us ] = "Returns the amount received at maturity for a fully invested security"; Text[ portuguese ] = "Returns the amount received at maturity for a fully invested security"; Text[ russian ] = "Returns the amount received at maturity for a fully invested security"; Text[ greek ] = "Returns the amount received at maturity for a fully invested security"; Text[ dutch ] = "Returns the amount received at maturity for a fully invested security"; Text[ french ] = "Renvoie le montant vers terme d'chance pour un titre totalement investi."; Text[ spanish ] = "Returns the amount received at maturity for a fully invested security"; Text[ finnish ] = "Returns the amount received at maturity for a fully invested security"; Text[ italian ] = "Restituisce l'ammontare ricevuto alla scadenza di un titolo."; Text[ danish ] = "Returns the amount received at maturity for a fully invested security"; Text[ swedish ] = "Returnerar beloppet som utbetalas p frfallodagen fr ett fullinvesterat vrdepapper."; Text[ polish ] = "Podaje warto kapitau otrzymanego przy wykupie papieru wartociowego cakowicie ulokowanego."; Text[ portuguese_brazilian ] = "Returns the amount received at maturity for a fully invested security"; Text[ japanese ] = "Szꂽ،ɑ΂ĖɎxzԂ܂B"; Text[ korean ] = "Returns the amount received at maturity for a fully invested security"; Text[ chinese_simplified ] = "Returns the amount received at maturity for a fully invested security"; Text[ chinese_traditional ] = "Returns the amount received at maturity for a fully invested security"; Text[ turkish ] = "Returns the amount received at maturity for a fully invested security"; Text[ arabic ] = "Returns the amount received at maturity for a fully invested security"; Text[ catalan ] = "Returns the amount received at maturity for a fully invested security"; }; String 2 // name of parameter 1 Received { Text = "Abrechnung"; Text[ english ] = "Abrechnung"; Text[ language_user1 ] = " "; Text[ english_us ] = "Settlement"; Text[ portuguese ] = "Expedio"; Text[ russian ] = "Settlement"; Text[ greek ] = "Settlement"; Text[ dutch ] = "Settlement"; Text[ french ] = "Settlement"; Text[ spanish ] = "Settlement"; Text[ finnish ] = "Settlement"; Text[ italian ] = "Liquidazione"; Text[ danish ] = "Settlement"; Text[ swedish ] = "Betalning"; Text[ polish ] = "rozliczenie"; Text[ portuguese_brazilian ] = "Settlement"; Text[ japanese ] = "̓"; Text[ korean ] = "Settlement"; Text[ chinese_simplified ] = "Settlement"; Text[ chinese_traditional ] = "Settlement"; Text[ turkish ] = "Settlement"; Text[ arabic ] = "Settlement"; Text[ catalan ] = "Settlement"; }; String 3 // description of parameter 1 Received { Text = "Abrechnung"; Text[ english ] = "Abrechnung"; Text[ language_user1 ] = " "; Text[ english_us ] = "Settlement"; Text[ portuguese ] = "Expedio"; Text[ russian ] = "Settlement"; Text[ greek ] = "Settlement"; Text[ dutch ] = "Settlement"; Text[ french ] = "Settlement"; Text[ spanish ] = "Settlement"; Text[ finnish ] = "Settlement"; Text[ italian ] = "Liquidazione"; Text[ danish ] = "Settlement"; Text[ swedish ] = "Betalning"; Text[ polish ] = "data rozliczenia papieru wartociowego"; Text[ portuguese_brazilian ] = "Settlement"; Text[ japanese ] = "،̎̓"; Text[ korean ] = "Settlement"; Text[ chinese_simplified ] = "Settlement"; Text[ chinese_traditional ] = "Settlement"; Text[ turkish ] = "Settlement"; Text[ arabic ] = "Settlement"; Text[ catalan ] = "Settlement"; }; String 4 // name of parameter 2 Received { Text = "Flligkeit"; Text[ english ] = "Flligkeit"; Text[ language_user1 ] = " "; Text[ english_us ] = "Maturity"; Text[ portuguese ] = "Expirao"; Text[ russian ] = "Maturity"; Text[ greek ] = "Maturity"; Text[ dutch ] = "Maturity"; Text[ french ] = "chance"; Text[ spanish ] = "Maturity"; Text[ finnish ] = "Maturity"; Text[ italian ] = "Scadenza"; Text[ danish ] = "Maturity"; Text[ swedish ] = "Frfallodag"; Text[ polish ] = "data spaty"; Text[ portuguese_brazilian ] = "Maturity"; Text[ japanese ] = ""; Text[ korean ] = "Maturity"; Text[ chinese_simplified ] = "Maturity"; Text[ chinese_traditional ] = "Maturity"; Text[ turkish ] = "Maturity"; Text[ arabic ] = "Maturity"; Text[ catalan ] = "Maturity"; }; String 5 // description of parameter 2 Received { Text = "Flligkeit"; Text[ english ] = "Flligkeit"; Text[ language_user1 ] = " "; Text[ english_us ] = "Maturity"; Text[ portuguese ] = "Expirao"; Text[ russian ] = "Maturity"; Text[ greek ] = "Maturity"; Text[ dutch ] = "Maturity"; Text[ french ] = "chance"; Text[ spanish ] = "Maturity"; Text[ finnish ] = "Maturity"; Text[ italian ] = "Scadenza"; Text[ danish ] = "Maturity"; Text[ swedish ] = "Frfallodag"; Text[ polish ] = "data spaty papieru wartociowego"; Text[ portuguese_brazilian ] = "Maturity"; Text[ japanese ] = "،̖"; Text[ korean ] = "Maturity"; Text[ chinese_simplified ] = "Maturity"; Text[ chinese_traditional ] = "Maturity"; Text[ turkish ] = "Maturity"; Text[ arabic ] = "Maturity"; Text[ catalan ] = "Maturity"; }; String 6 // name of parameter 3 Received { Text = "Anlage"; Text[ english ] = "Anlage"; Text[ language_user1 ] = " "; Text[ english_us ] = "Investment"; Text[ portuguese ] = "Investment"; Text[ russian ] = "Investment"; Text[ greek ] = "Investment"; Text[ dutch ] = "Investment"; Text[ french ] = "Investissement"; Text[ spanish ] = "Investment"; Text[ finnish ] = "Investment"; Text[ italian ] = "Investimento"; Text[ danish ] = "Investment"; Text[ swedish ] = "Investering"; Text[ polish ] = "lokata"; Text[ portuguese_brazilian ] = "Investment"; Text[ japanese ] = "z"; Text[ korean ] = "Investment"; Text[ chinese_simplified ] = "Investment"; Text[ chinese_traditional ] = "Investment"; Text[ turkish ] = "Investment"; Text[ arabic ] = "Investment"; Text[ catalan ] = "Investment"; }; String 7 // description of parameter 3 Received { Text = "Anlage"; Text[ english ] = "Anlage"; Text[ language_user1 ] = " "; Text[ english_us ] = "Investment"; Text[ portuguese ] = "Investment"; Text[ russian ] = "Investment"; Text[ greek ] = "Investment"; Text[ dutch ] = "Investment"; Text[ french ] = "Investissement"; Text[ spanish ] = "Investment"; Text[ finnish ] = "Investment"; Text[ italian ] = "Investimento"; Text[ danish ] = "Investment"; Text[ swedish ] = "Investering"; Text[ polish ] = "kwota zainwestowana w papier wartociowy"; Text[ portuguese_brazilian ] = "Investment"; Text[ japanese ] = "،ւ̓z"; Text[ korean ] = "Investment"; Text[ chinese_simplified ] = "Investment"; Text[ chinese_traditional ] = "Investment"; Text[ turkish ] = "Investment"; Text[ arabic ] = "Investment"; Text[ catalan ] = "Investment"; }; String 8 // name of parameter 4 Received { Text = "Disagio"; Text[ english ] = "Disagio"; Text[ language_user1 ] = " "; Text[ english_us ] = "Discount"; Text[ portuguese ] = "Discount"; Text[ russian ] = "Discount"; Text[ greek ] = "Discount"; Text[ dutch ] = "Discount"; Text[ french ] = "Escompte"; Text[ spanish ] = "Discount"; Text[ finnish ] = "Discount"; Text[ italian ] = "Sconto"; Text[ danish ] = "Discount"; Text[ swedish ] = "Diskonteringsrnta"; Text[ polish ] = "dyskonto"; Text[ portuguese_brazilian ] = "Discount"; Text[ japanese ] = ""; Text[ korean ] = "Discount"; Text[ chinese_simplified ] = "Discount"; Text[ chinese_traditional ] = "Discount"; Text[ turkish ] = "Discount"; Text[ arabic ] = "Discount"; Text[ catalan ] = "Discount"; }; String 9 // description of parameter 4 Received { Text = "Disagio"; Text[ english ] = "Disagio"; Text[ language_user1 ] = " "; Text[ english_us ] = "Discount"; Text[ portuguese ] = "Discount"; Text[ russian ] = "Discount"; Text[ greek ] = "Discount"; Text[ dutch ] = "Discount"; Text[ french ] = "Escompte"; Text[ spanish ] = "Discount"; Text[ finnish ] = "Discount"; Text[ italian ] = "Sconto"; Text[ danish ] = "Discount"; Text[ swedish ] = "Diskonteringsrnta"; Text[ polish ] = "stopa dyskontowa papieru wartociowego"; Text[ portuguese_brazilian ] = "Discount"; Text[ japanese ] = "،̊"; Text[ korean ] = "Discount"; Text[ chinese_simplified ] = "Discount"; Text[ chinese_traditional ] = "Discount"; Text[ turkish ] = "Discount"; Text[ arabic ] = "Discount"; Text[ catalan ] = "Discount"; }; String 10 // name of parameter 5 Received { Text = "Basis"; Text[ english ] = "Basis"; Text[ language_user1 ] = " "; Text[ english_us ] = "Basis"; Text[ portuguese ] = "Base"; Text[ russian ] = "Base"; Text[ greek ] = "Base"; Text[ dutch ] = "Base"; Text[ french ] = "Base"; Text[ spanish ] = "Base"; Text[ finnish ] = "Base"; Text[ italian ] = "Base"; Text[ danish ] = "Base"; Text[ swedish ] = "Bas"; Text[ polish ] = "podstawa"; Text[ portuguese_brazilian ] = "Base"; Text[ japanese ] = ""; Text[ korean ] = "Base"; Text[ chinese_simplified ] = "Base"; Text[ chinese_traditional ] = "Base"; Text[ turkish ] = "Base"; Text[ arabic ] = "Base"; Text[ catalan ] = "Base"; }; String 11 // description of parameter 5 Received { Text = "Basis"; Text[ english ] = "Basis"; Text[ language_user1 ] = " "; Text[ english_us ] = "Basis"; Text[ portuguese ] = "Base"; Text[ russian ] = "Base"; Text[ greek ] = "Base"; Text[ dutch ] = "Base"; Text[ french ] = "Base"; Text[ spanish ] = "Base"; Text[ finnish ] = "Base"; Text[ italian ] = "Base"; Text[ danish ] = "Base"; Text[ swedish ] = "Bas"; Text[ polish ] = "rodzaj podstawy wyliczania dni"; Text[ portuguese_brazilian ] = "Base"; Text[ japanese ] = "vZ̊bƂȂ̌vZ@"; Text[ korean ] = "Base"; Text[ chinese_simplified ] = "Base"; Text[ chinese_traditional ] = "Base"; Text[ turkish ] = "Base"; Text[ arabic ] = "Base"; Text[ catalan ] = "Base"; }; }; Resource ANALYSIS_Disc { String 1 // description Disc { Text = "Liefert den prozentualen Abschlag (Disagio) eines Wertpapiers"; Text[ english ] = "Returns the discount rate for a security"; Text[ language_user1 ] = " "; Text[ english_us ] = "Returns the discount rate for a security"; Text[ portuguese ] = "Returns the discount rate for a security"; Text[ russian ] = "Returns the discount rate for a security"; Text[ greek ] = "Returns the discount rate for a security"; Text[ dutch ] = "Returns the discount rate for a security"; Text[ french ] = "Returns the discount rate for a security"; Text[ spanish ] = "Returns the discount rate for a security"; Text[ finnish ] = "Returns the discount rate for a security"; Text[ italian ] = "Restituisce il tasso di sconto di un titolo."; Text[ danish ] = "Returns the discount rate for a security"; Text[ swedish ] = "Returnerar diskonteringsrntan fr ett vrdepapper"; Text[ polish ] = "Podaje warto stopy dyskontowej papieru wartociowego."; Text[ portuguese_brazilian ] = "Returns the discount rate for a security"; Text[ japanese ] = "،ɑ΂銄Ԃ܂B"; Text[ korean ] = "Returns the discount rate for a security"; Text[ chinese_simplified ] = "Returns the discount rate for a security"; Text[ chinese_traditional ] = "Returns the discount rate for a security"; Text[ turkish ] = "Returns the discount rate for a security"; Text[ arabic ] = "Returns the discount rate for a security"; Text[ catalan ] = "Returns the discount rate for a security"; }; String 2 // name of parameter 1 Disc { Text = "Abrechnung"; Text[ english ] = "Abrechnung"; Text[ language_user1 ] = " "; Text[ english_us ] = "Settlement"; Text[ portuguese ] = "Expedio"; Text[ russian ] = "Settlement"; Text[ greek ] = "Settlement"; Text[ dutch ] = "Settlement"; Text[ french ] = "Settlement"; Text[ spanish ] = "Settlement"; Text[ finnish ] = "Settlement"; Text[ italian ] = "Liquidazione"; Text[ danish ] = "Settlement"; Text[ swedish ] = "Betalning"; Text[ polish ] = "rozliczenie"; Text[ portuguese_brazilian ] = "Settlement"; Text[ japanese ] = "̓"; Text[ korean ] = "Settlement"; Text[ chinese_simplified ] = "Settlement"; Text[ chinese_traditional ] = "Settlement"; Text[ turkish ] = "Settlement"; Text[ arabic ] = "Settlement"; Text[ catalan ] = "Settlement"; }; String 3 // description of parameter 1 Disc { Text = "Abrechnung"; Text[ english ] = "Abrechnung"; Text[ language_user1 ] = " "; Text[ english_us ] = "Settlement"; Text[ portuguese ] = "Expedio"; Text[ russian ] = "Settlement"; Text[ greek ] = "Settlement"; Text[ dutch ] = "Settlement"; Text[ french ] = "Settlement"; Text[ spanish ] = "Settlement"; Text[ finnish ] = "Settlement"; Text[ italian ] = "Liquidazione"; Text[ danish ] = "Settlement"; Text[ swedish ] = "Betalning"; Text[ polish ] = "data rozliczenia papieru wartociowego"; Text[ portuguese_brazilian ] = "Settlement"; Text[ japanese ] = "،̎̓"; Text[ korean ] = "Settlement"; Text[ chinese_simplified ] = "Settlement"; Text[ chinese_traditional ] = "Settlement"; Text[ turkish ] = "Settlement"; Text[ arabic ] = "Settlement"; Text[ catalan ] = "Settlement"; }; String 4 // name of parameter 2 Disc { Text = "Flligkeit"; Text[ english ] = "Flligkeit"; Text[ language_user1 ] = " "; Text[ english_us ] = "Maturity"; Text[ portuguese ] = "Expirao"; Text[ russian ] = "Maturity"; Text[ greek ] = "Maturity"; Text[ dutch ] = "Maturity"; Text[ french ] = "chance"; Text[ spanish ] = "Maturity"; Text[ finnish ] = "Maturity"; Text[ italian ] = "Scadenza"; Text[ danish ] = "Maturity"; Text[ swedish ] = "Frfallodag"; Text[ polish ] = "data spaty"; Text[ portuguese_brazilian ] = "Maturity"; Text[ japanese ] = ""; Text[ korean ] = "Maturity"; Text[ chinese_simplified ] = "Maturity"; Text[ chinese_traditional ] = "Maturity"; Text[ turkish ] = "Maturity"; Text[ arabic ] = "Maturity"; Text[ catalan ] = "Maturity"; }; String 5 // description of parameter 2 Disc { Text = "Flligkeit"; Text[ english ] = "Flligkeit"; Text[ language_user1 ] = " "; Text[ english_us ] = "Maturity"; Text[ portuguese ] = "Expirao"; Text[ russian ] = "Maturity"; Text[ greek ] = "Maturity"; Text[ dutch ] = "Maturity"; Text[ french ] = "chance"; Text[ spanish ] = "Maturity"; Text[ finnish ] = "Maturity"; Text[ italian ] = "Scadenza"; Text[ danish ] = "Maturity"; Text[ swedish ] = "Frfallodag"; Text[ polish ] = "data spaty papieru wartociowego"; Text[ portuguese_brazilian ] = "Maturity"; Text[ japanese ] = "،̖"; Text[ korean ] = "Maturity"; Text[ chinese_simplified ] = "Maturity"; Text[ chinese_traditional ] = "Maturity"; Text[ turkish ] = "Maturity"; Text[ arabic ] = "Maturity"; Text[ catalan ] = "Maturity"; }; String 6 // name of parameter 3 Disc { Text = "Kurs"; Text[ english ] = "Kurs"; Text[ language_user1 ] = " "; Text[ english_us ] = "Pr"; Text[ portuguese ] = "Price"; Text[ russian ] = "Price"; Text[ greek ] = "Price"; Text[ dutch ] = "Price"; Text[ french ] = "Prix"; Text[ spanish ] = "Price"; Text[ finnish ] = "Price"; Text[ italian ] = "Prezzo"; Text[ danish ] = "Price"; Text[ swedish ] = "Pris"; Text[ polish ] = "kurs"; Text[ portuguese_brazilian ] = "Price"; Text[ japanese ] = "݉l"; Text[ korean ] = "Price"; Text[ chinese_simplified ] = "Price"; Text[ chinese_traditional ] = "Price"; Text[ turkish ] = "Price"; Text[ arabic ] = "Price"; Text[ catalan ] = "Price"; }; String 7 // description of parameter 3 Disc { Text = "Kurs"; Text[ english ] = "Kurs"; Text[ language_user1 ] = " "; Text[ english_us ] = "Pr"; Text[ portuguese ] = "Price"; Text[ russian ] = "Price"; Text[ greek ] = "Price"; Text[ dutch ] = "Price"; Text[ french ] = "Prix"; Text[ spanish ] = "Price"; Text[ finnish ] = "Price"; Text[ italian ] = "Prezzo"; Text[ danish ] = "Price"; Text[ swedish ] = "Pris"; Text[ polish ] = "cena papieru wartociowego"; Text[ portuguese_brazilian ] = "Price"; Text[ japanese ] = "݉l"; Text[ korean ] = "Price"; Text[ chinese_simplified ] = "Price"; Text[ chinese_traditional ] = "Price"; Text[ turkish ] = "Price"; Text[ arabic ] = "Price"; Text[ catalan ] = "Price"; }; String 8 // name of parameter 4 Disc { Text = "Rckzahlung"; Text[ english ] = "Rckzahlung"; Text[ language_user1 ] = " "; Text[ english_us ] = "Redemption"; Text[ portuguese ] = "Redemption"; Text[ russian ] = "Redemption"; Text[ greek ] = "Redemption"; Text[ dutch ] = "Redemption"; Text[ french ] = "Remboursement"; Text[ spanish ] = "Redemption"; Text[ finnish ] = "Redemption"; Text[ italian ] = "Rimborso"; Text[ danish ] = "Redemption"; Text[ swedish ] = "Inlsningsvrde"; Text[ polish ] = "wykup"; Text[ portuguese_brazilian ] = "Redemption"; Text[ japanese ] = "҉l"; Text[ korean ] = "Redemption"; Text[ chinese_simplified ] = "Redemption"; Text[ chinese_traditional ] = "Redemption"; Text[ turkish ] = "Redemption"; Text[ arabic ] = "Redemption"; Text[ catalan ] = "Redemption"; }; String 9 // description of parameter 4 Disc { Text = "Rckzahlung"; Text[ english ] = "Rckzahlung"; Text[ language_user1 ] = " "; Text[ english_us ] = "Redemption"; Text[ portuguese ] = "Redemption"; Text[ russian ] = "Redemption"; Text[ greek ] = "Redemption"; Text[ dutch ] = "Redemption"; Text[ french ] = "Remboursement"; Text[ spanish ] = "Redemption"; Text[ finnish ] = "Redemption"; Text[ italian ] = "Rimborso"; Text[ danish ] = "Redemption"; Text[ swedish ] = "Inlsningsvrde"; Text[ polish ] = "warto wykupu papieru wartociowego"; Text[ portuguese_brazilian ] = "Redemption"; Text[ japanese ] = "҉l"; Text[ korean ] = "Redemption"; Text[ chinese_simplified ] = "Redemption"; Text[ chinese_traditional ] = "Redemption"; Text[ turkish ] = "Redemption"; Text[ arabic ] = "Redemption"; Text[ catalan ] = "Redemption"; }; String 10 // name of parameter 5 Disc { Text = "Basis"; Text[ english ] = "Basis"; Text[ language_user1 ] = " "; Text[ english_us ] = "Basis"; Text[ portuguese ] = "Base"; Text[ russian ] = "Base"; Text[ greek ] = "Base"; Text[ dutch ] = "Base"; Text[ french ] = "Base"; Text[ spanish ] = "Base"; Text[ finnish ] = "Base"; Text[ italian ] = "Base"; Text[ danish ] = "Base"; Text[ swedish ] = "Bas"; Text[ polish ] = "podstawa"; Text[ portuguese_brazilian ] = "Base"; Text[ japanese ] = ""; Text[ korean ] = "Base"; Text[ chinese_simplified ] = "Base"; Text[ chinese_traditional ] = "Base"; Text[ turkish ] = "Base"; Text[ arabic ] = "Base"; Text[ catalan ] = "Base"; }; String 11 // description of parameter 5 Disc { Text = "Basis"; Text[ english ] = "Basis"; Text[ language_user1 ] = " "; Text[ english_us ] = "Basis"; Text[ portuguese ] = "Base"; Text[ russian ] = "Base"; Text[ greek ] = "Base"; Text[ dutch ] = "Base"; Text[ french ] = "Base"; Text[ spanish ] = "Base"; Text[ finnish ] = "Base"; Text[ italian ] = "Base"; Text[ danish ] = "Base"; Text[ swedish ] = "Bas"; Text[ polish ] = "rodzaj podstawy wyliczania dni"; Text[ portuguese_brazilian ] = "Base"; Text[ japanese ] = "vZ̊bƂȂ̌vZ@"; Text[ korean ] = "Base"; Text[ chinese_simplified ] = "Base"; Text[ chinese_traditional ] = "Base"; Text[ turkish ] = "Base"; Text[ arabic ] = "Base"; Text[ catalan ] = "Base"; }; }; Resource ANALYSIS_Duration { String 1 // description Duration { Text = "Liefert die jhrliche Macauley Laufzeit eines Wertpapieres mit periodischer Zinszahlung."; Text[ english ] = "Returns the annual duration of a security with periodic interest payments"; Text[ language_user1 ] = " "; Text[ english_us ] = "Returns the annual duration of a security with periodic interest payments"; Text[ portuguese ] = "Returns the annual duration of a security with periodic interest payments"; Text[ russian ] = "Returns the annual duration of a security with periodic interest payments"; Text[ greek ] = "Returns the annual duration of a security with periodic interest payments"; Text[ dutch ] = "Returns the annual duration of a security with periodic interest payments"; Text[ french ] = "Revoie la dure d'un titre avec des paiements d'intrts priodiques."; Text[ spanish ] = "Returns the annual duration of a security with periodic interest payments"; Text[ finnish ] = "Returns the annual duration of a security with periodic interest payments"; Text[ italian ] = "Restituisce la durata annuale di un titolo che paga interessi periodici."; Text[ danish ] = "Returns the annual duration of a security with periodic interest payments"; Text[ swedish ] = "Returnerar den rliga lptiden fr ett vrdepapper med periodisk rntebetalning."; Text[ polish ] = "Podaje warto rocznego przychodu z papieru wartociowego o okresowych wypatach odsetek."; Text[ portuguese_brazilian ] = "Returns the annual duration of a security with periodic interest payments"; Text[ japanese ] = "Iɗqx،̔NԂϺڰWԂ܂B"; Text[ korean ] = "Returns the annual duration of a security with periodic interest payments"; Text[ chinese_simplified ] = "Returns the annual duration of a security with periodic interest payments"; Text[ chinese_traditional ] = "Returns the annual duration of a security with periodic interest payments"; Text[ turkish ] = "Returns the annual duration of a security with periodic interest payments"; Text[ arabic ] = "Returns the annual duration of a security with periodic interest payments"; Text[ catalan ] = "Returns the annual duration of a security with periodic interest payments"; }; String 2 // name of parameter 1 Duration { Text = "Abrechnung"; Text[ english ] = "Abrechnung"; Text[ language_user1 ] = " "; Text[ english_us ] = "Settlement"; Text[ portuguese ] = "Expedio"; Text[ russian ] = "Settlement"; Text[ greek ] = "Settlement"; Text[ dutch ] = "Settlement"; Text[ french ] = "Settlement"; Text[ spanish ] = "Settlement"; Text[ finnish ] = "Settlement"; Text[ italian ] = "Liquidazione"; Text[ danish ] = "Settlement"; Text[ swedish ] = "Betalning"; Text[ polish ] = "rozliczenie"; Text[ portuguese_brazilian ] = "Settlement"; Text[ japanese ] = "̓"; Text[ korean ] = "Settlement"; Text[ chinese_simplified ] = "Settlement"; Text[ chinese_traditional ] = "Settlement"; Text[ turkish ] = "Settlement"; Text[ arabic ] = "Settlement"; Text[ catalan ] = "Settlement"; }; String 3 // description of parameter 1 Duration { Text = "Abrechnung"; Text[ english ] = "Abrechnung"; Text[ language_user1 ] = " "; Text[ english_us ] = "Settlement"; Text[ portuguese ] = "Expedio"; Text[ russian ] = "Settlement"; Text[ greek ] = "Settlement"; Text[ dutch ] = "Settlement"; Text[ french ] = "Settlement"; Text[ spanish ] = "Settlement"; Text[ finnish ] = "Settlement"; Text[ italian ] = "Liquidazione"; Text[ danish ] = "Settlement"; Text[ swedish ] = "Betalning"; Text[ polish ] = "data rozliczenia papieru wartociowego"; Text[ portuguese_brazilian ] = "Settlement"; Text[ japanese ] = "،̎̓"; Text[ korean ] = "Settlement"; Text[ chinese_simplified ] = "Settlement"; Text[ chinese_traditional ] = "Settlement"; Text[ turkish ] = "Settlement"; Text[ arabic ] = "Settlement"; Text[ catalan ] = "Settlement"; }; String 4 // name of parameter 2 Duration { Text = "Flligkeit"; Text[ english ] = "Flligkeit"; Text[ language_user1 ] = " "; Text[ english_us ] = "Maturity"; Text[ portuguese ] = "Expirao"; Text[ russian ] = "Maturity"; Text[ greek ] = "Maturity"; Text[ dutch ] = "Maturity"; Text[ french ] = "chance"; Text[ spanish ] = "Maturity"; Text[ finnish ] = "Maturity"; Text[ italian ] = "Scadenza"; Text[ danish ] = "Maturity"; Text[ swedish ] = "Frfallodag"; Text[ polish ] = "data spaty"; Text[ portuguese_brazilian ] = "Maturity"; Text[ japanese ] = ""; Text[ korean ] = "Maturity"; Text[ chinese_simplified ] = "Maturity"; Text[ chinese_traditional ] = "Maturity"; Text[ turkish ] = "Maturity"; Text[ arabic ] = "Maturity"; Text[ catalan ] = "Maturity"; }; String 5 // description of parameter 2 Duration { Text = "Flligkeit"; Text[ english ] = "Flligkeit"; Text[ language_user1 ] = " "; Text[ english_us ] = "Maturity"; Text[ portuguese ] = "Expirao"; Text[ russian ] = "Maturity"; Text[ greek ] = "Maturity"; Text[ dutch ] = "Maturity"; Text[ french ] = "chance"; Text[ spanish ] = "Maturity"; Text[ finnish ] = "Maturity"; Text[ italian ] = "Scadenza"; Text[ danish ] = "Maturity"; Text[ swedish ] = "Frfallodag"; Text[ polish ] = "data spaty papieru wartociowego"; Text[ portuguese_brazilian ] = "Maturity"; Text[ japanese ] = "،̖"; Text[ korean ] = "Maturity"; Text[ chinese_simplified ] = "Maturity"; Text[ chinese_traditional ] = "Maturity"; Text[ turkish ] = "Maturity"; Text[ arabic ] = "Maturity"; Text[ catalan ] = "Maturity"; }; String 6 // name of parameter 3 Duration { Text = "Nominalzins"; Text[ english ] = "Nominalzins"; Text[ language_user1 ] = " "; Text[ english_us ] = "Coupon"; Text[ portuguese ] = "Coupon"; Text[ russian ] = "Coupon"; Text[ greek ] = "Coupon"; Text[ dutch ] = "Coupon"; Text[ french ] = "Intrt nominal"; Text[ spanish ] = "Coupon"; Text[ finnish ] = "Coupon"; Text[ italian ] = "Tasso interesse nominale"; Text[ danish ] = "Coupon"; Text[ swedish ] = "Nominell rnta"; Text[ polish ] = "kupon"; Text[ portuguese_brazilian ] = "Coupon"; Text[ japanese ] = "D"; Text[ korean ] = "Coupon"; Text[ chinese_simplified ] = "Coupon"; Text[ chinese_traditional ] = "Coupon"; Text[ turkish ] = "Coupon"; Text[ arabic ] = "Coupon"; Text[ catalan ] = "Coupon"; }; String 7 // description of parameter 3 Duration { Text = "Nominalzins"; Text[ english ] = "Nominalzins"; Text[ language_user1 ] = " "; Text[ english_us ] = "Coupon"; Text[ portuguese ] = "Coupon"; Text[ russian ] = "Coupon"; Text[ greek ] = "Coupon"; Text[ dutch ] = "Coupon"; Text[ french ] = "Intrt nominal"; Text[ spanish ] = "Coupon"; Text[ finnish ] = "Coupon"; Text[ italian ] = "Tasso interesse nominale"; Text[ danish ] = "Coupon"; Text[ swedish ] = "Nominell rnta"; Text[ polish ] = "roczne oprocentowanie kuponu papieru wartociowego"; Text[ portuguese_brazilian ] = "Coupon"; Text[ japanese ] = "،̔N"; Text[ korean ] = "Coupon"; Text[ chinese_simplified ] = "Coupon"; Text[ chinese_traditional ] = "Coupon"; Text[ turkish ] = "Coupon"; Text[ arabic ] = "Coupon"; Text[ catalan ] = "Coupon"; }; String 8 // name of parameter 4 Duration { Text = "Rendite"; Text[ english ] = "Rendite"; Text[ language_user1 ] = " "; Text[ english_us ] = "Yld"; Text[ portuguese ] = "Yield"; Text[ russian ] = "Yield"; Text[ greek ] = "Yield"; Text[ dutch ] = "Yield"; Text[ french ] = "Yield"; Text[ spanish ] = "Yield"; Text[ finnish ] = "Yield"; Text[ italian ] = "Rendimento"; Text[ danish ] = "Yield"; Text[ swedish ] = "Avkastning"; Text[ polish ] = "rentowno"; Text[ portuguese_brazilian ] = "Yield"; Text[ japanese ] = ""; Text[ korean ] = "Yield"; Text[ chinese_simplified ] = "Yield"; Text[ chinese_traditional ] = "Yield"; Text[ turkish ] = "Yield"; Text[ arabic ] = "Yield"; Text[ catalan ] = "Yield"; }; String 9 // description of parameter 4 Duration { Text = "Rendite"; Text[ english ] = "Rendite"; Text[ language_user1 ] = " "; Text[ english_us ] = "Yld"; Text[ portuguese ] = "Yield"; Text[ russian ] = "Yield"; Text[ greek ] = "Yield"; Text[ dutch ] = "Yield"; Text[ french ] = "Yield"; Text[ spanish ] = "Yield"; Text[ finnish ] = "Yield"; Text[ italian ] = "Rendimento"; Text[ danish ] = "Yield"; Text[ swedish ] = "Avkastning"; Text[ polish ] = "roczna rentowno papieru wartociowego"; Text[ portuguese_brazilian ] = "Yield"; Text[ japanese ] = "،̔NԔz"; Text[ korean ] = "Yield"; Text[ chinese_simplified ] = "Yield"; Text[ chinese_traditional ] = "Yield"; Text[ turkish ] = "Yield"; Text[ arabic ] = "Yield"; Text[ catalan ] = "Yield"; }; String 10 // name of parameter 5 Duration { Text = "Hufigkeit"; Text[ english ] = "Hufigkeit"; Text[ language_user1 ] = " "; Text[ english_us ] = "Frequency"; Text[ portuguese ] = "Frequncia"; Text[ russian ] = "Frequency"; Text[ greek ] = "Frequency"; Text[ dutch ] = "Frequency"; Text[ french ] = "Frquence"; Text[ spanish ] = "Frecuencia"; Text[ finnish ] = "Frequency"; Text[ italian ] = "Frequenza"; Text[ danish ] = "Frequency"; Text[ swedish ] = "Frekvens"; Text[ polish ] = "czsto"; Text[ portuguese_brazilian ] = "Frequency"; Text[ japanese ] = "px"; Text[ korean ] = "Frequency"; Text[ chinese_simplified ] = "Frequency"; Text[ chinese_traditional ] = "Frequency"; Text[ turkish ] = "Frequency"; Text[ arabic ] = "Frequency"; Text[ catalan ] = "Frequency"; }; String 11 // description of parameter 5 Duration { Text = "Hufigkeit"; Text[ english ] = "Hufigkeit"; Text[ language_user1 ] = " "; Text[ english_us ] = "Frequency"; Text[ portuguese ] = "Frequncia"; Text[ russian ] = "Frequency"; Text[ greek ] = "Frequency"; Text[ dutch ] = "Frequency"; Text[ french ] = "Frquence"; Text[ spanish ] = "Frecuencia"; Text[ finnish ] = "Frequency"; Text[ italian ] = "Frequenza"; Text[ danish ] = "Frequency"; Text[ swedish ] = "Frekvens"; Text[ polish ] = "liczba kuponw patnych w cigu roku"; Text[ portuguese_brazilian ] = "Frequency"; Text[ japanese ] = "NԂ̗x"; Text[ korean ] = "Frequency"; Text[ chinese_simplified ] = "Frequency"; Text[ chinese_traditional ] = "Frequency"; Text[ turkish ] = "Frequency"; Text[ arabic ] = "Frequency"; Text[ catalan ] = "Frequency"; }; String 12 // name of parameter 6 Duration { Text = "Basis"; Text[ english ] = "Basis"; Text[ language_user1 ] = " "; Text[ english_us ] = "Basis"; Text[ portuguese ] = "Base"; Text[ russian ] = "Base"; Text[ greek ] = "Base"; Text[ dutch ] = "Base"; Text[ french ] = "Base"; Text[ spanish ] = "Base"; Text[ finnish ] = "Base"; Text[ italian ] = "Base"; Text[ danish ] = "Base"; Text[ swedish ] = "Bas"; Text[ polish ] = "podstawa"; Text[ portuguese_brazilian ] = "Base"; Text[ japanese ] = ""; Text[ korean ] = "Base"; Text[ chinese_simplified ] = "Base"; Text[ chinese_traditional ] = "Base"; Text[ turkish ] = "Base"; Text[ arabic ] = "Base"; Text[ catalan ] = "Base"; }; String 13 // description of parameter 6 Duration { Text = "Basis"; Text[ english ] = "Basis"; Text[ language_user1 ] = " "; Text[ english_us ] = "Basis"; Text[ portuguese ] = "Base"; Text[ russian ] = "Base"; Text[ greek ] = "Base"; Text[ dutch ] = "Base"; Text[ french ] = "Base"; Text[ spanish ] = "Base"; Text[ finnish ] = "Base"; Text[ italian ] = "Base"; Text[ danish ] = "Base"; Text[ swedish ] = "Bas"; Text[ polish ] = "rodzaj podstawy wyliczania dni"; Text[ portuguese_brazilian ] = "Base"; Text[ japanese ] = "vZ̊bƂȂ̌vZ@"; Text[ korean ] = "Base"; Text[ chinese_simplified ] = "Base"; Text[ chinese_traditional ] = "Base"; Text[ turkish ] = "Base"; Text[ arabic ] = "Base"; Text[ catalan ] = "Base"; }; }; Resource ANALYSIS_Effect_add { String 1 // description Effect_add { Text = "Liefert die jhrliche Effektivverzinsung."; Text[ english ] = "Returns the effectiv annual interest rate"; Text[ english_us ] = "Returns the effectiv annual interest rate"; Text[ portuguese ] = "Returns the effectiv annual interest rate"; Text[ russian ] = "Returns the effectiv annual interest rate"; Text[ greek ] = "Returns the effectiv annual interest rate"; Text[ dutch ] = "Returns the effectiv annual interest rate"; Text[ french ] = "Returns the effectiv annual interest rate"; Text[ spanish ] = "Devuelve el inters efectivo anual."; Text[ finnish ] = "Returns the effectiv annual interest rate"; Text[ italian ] = "Restituisce il tasso d'interesse effettivo annuo."; Text[ danish ] = "Returns the effectiv annual interest rate"; Text[ swedish ] = "Returnerar den rliga effektiva rntan."; Text[ polish ] = "Returns the effectiv annual interest rate"; Text[ portuguese_brazilian ] = "Returns the effectiv annual interest rate"; Text[ japanese ] = "Returns the effectiv annual interest rate"; Text[ korean ] = "Returns the effectiv annual interest rate"; Text[ chinese_simplified ] = "Returns the effectiv annual interest rate"; Text[ chinese_traditional ] = "Returns the effectiv annual interest rate"; Text[ turkish ] = "Returns the effectiv annual interest rate"; Text[ arabic ] = "Returns the effectiv annual interest rate"; Text[ catalan ] = "Returns the effectiv annual interest rate"; }; String 2 // name of parameter 1 Effect_add { Text = "Nominalzins"; Text[ english ] = "Nominalzins"; Text[ english_us ] = "Nominal rate"; Text[ portuguese ] = "Nominalzins"; Text[ russian ] = "Nominalzins"; Text[ greek ] = "Nominalzins"; Text[ dutch ] = "Nominalzins"; Text[ french ] = "Intrt nominal"; Text[ spanish ] = "Inters nominal"; Text[ finnish ] = "Nominalzins"; Text[ italian ] = "Tasso interesse nominale"; Text[ danish ] = "Nominalzins"; Text[ swedish ] = "Nominell rnta"; Text[ polish ] = "Nominalzins"; Text[ portuguese_brazilian ] = "Nominalzins"; Text[ japanese ] = "Nominalzins"; Text[ korean ] = "Nominalzins"; Text[ chinese_simplified ] = "Nominalzins"; Text[ chinese_traditional ] = "Nominalzins"; Text[ turkish ] = "Nominalzins"; Text[ arabic ] = "Nominalzins"; Text[ catalan ] = "Nominalzins"; }; String 3 // description of parameter 1 Effect_add { Text = "Nominalzins"; Text[ english ] = "Nominalzins"; Text[ english_us ] = "Nominal rate"; Text[ portuguese ] = "Nominalzins"; Text[ russian ] = "Nominalzins"; Text[ greek ] = "Nominalzins"; Text[ dutch ] = "Nominalzins"; Text[ french ] = "Intrt nominal"; Text[ spanish ] = "Inters nominal"; Text[ finnish ] = "Nominalzins"; Text[ italian ] = "Tasso interesse nominale"; Text[ danish ] = "Nominalzins"; Text[ swedish ] = "Nominell rnta"; Text[ polish ] = "Nominalzins"; Text[ portuguese_brazilian ] = "Nominalzins"; Text[ japanese ] = "Nominalzins"; Text[ korean ] = "Nominalzins"; Text[ chinese_simplified ] = "Nominalzins"; Text[ chinese_traditional ] = "Nominalzins"; Text[ turkish ] = "Nominalzins"; Text[ arabic ] = "Nominalzins"; Text[ catalan ] = "Nominalzins"; }; String 4 // name of parameter 2 Effect_add { Text = "Perioden"; Text[ english ] = "Perioden"; Text[ english_us ] = "Npery"; Text[ portuguese ] = "Perioden"; Text[ russian ] = "Perioden"; Text[ greek ] = "Perioden"; Text[ dutch ] = "Perioden"; Text[ french ] = "Priodes"; Text[ spanish ] = "Periodos"; Text[ finnish ] = "Perioden"; Text[ italian ] = "Periodi"; Text[ danish ] = "Perioden"; Text[ swedish ] = "Perioder"; Text[ polish ] = "Perioden"; Text[ portuguese_brazilian ] = "Perioden"; Text[ japanese ] = "Perioden"; Text[ korean ] = "Perioden"; Text[ chinese_simplified ] = "Perioden"; Text[ chinese_traditional ] = "Perioden"; Text[ turkish ] = "Perioden"; Text[ arabic ] = "Perioden"; Text[ catalan ] = "Perioden"; }; String 5 // description of parameter 2 Effect_add { Text = "Perioden"; Text[ english ] = "Perioden"; Text[ english_us ] = "Npery"; Text[ portuguese ] = "Perioden"; Text[ russian ] = "Perioden"; Text[ greek ] = "Perioden"; Text[ dutch ] = "Perioden"; Text[ french ] = "Priodes"; Text[ spanish ] = "Periodos"; Text[ finnish ] = "Perioden"; Text[ italian ] = "Periodi"; Text[ danish ] = "Perioden"; Text[ swedish ] = "Perioder"; Text[ polish ] = "Perioden"; Text[ portuguese_brazilian ] = "Perioden"; Text[ japanese ] = "Perioden"; Text[ korean ] = "Perioden"; Text[ chinese_simplified ] = "Perioden"; Text[ chinese_traditional ] = "Perioden"; Text[ turkish ] = "Perioden"; Text[ arabic ] = "Perioden"; Text[ catalan ] = "Perioden"; }; }; Resource ANALYSIS_Cumprinc_add { String 1 // description Cumprinc_add { Text = "Liefert die aufgelaufene Tilgung eines Darlehens, die zwischen zwei Perioden zu zahlen ist."; Text[ english ] = "Returns the cumulative principal paid a loan between two periods"; Text[ english_us ] = "Returns the cumulative principal paid a loan between two periods"; Text[ portuguese ] = "Returns the cumulative principal paid a loan between two periods"; Text[ russian ] = "Returns the cumulative principal paid a loan between two periods"; Text[ greek ] = "Returns the cumulative principal paid a loan between two periods"; Text[ dutch ] = "Returns the cumulative principal paid a loan between two periods"; Text[ french ] = "Returns the cumulative principal paid a loan between two periods"; Text[ spanish ] = "Devuelve la amortizacin acumulada de un prstamo que debe ser pagada entre dos periodos."; Text[ finnish ] = "Returns the cumulative principal paid a loan between two periods"; Text[ italian ] = "Restituisce l'ammortamento accumulato per pagare un prestito da pagare tra due periodi."; Text[ danish ] = "Returns the cumulative principal paid a loan between two periods"; Text[ swedish ] = "Returnerar den ackumulerade amorteringen som har betalats p ett ln mellan tv perioder."; Text[ polish ] = "Returns the cumulative principal paid a loan between two periods"; Text[ portuguese_brazilian ] = "Returns the cumulative principal paid a loan between two periods"; Text[ japanese ] = "Returns the cumulative principal paid a loan between two periods"; Text[ korean ] = "Returns the cumulative principal paid a loan between two periods"; Text[ chinese_simplified ] = "Returns the cumulative principal paid a loan between two periods"; Text[ chinese_traditional ] = "Returns the cumulative principal paid a loan between two periods"; Text[ turkish ] = "Returns the cumulative principal paid a loan between two periods"; Text[ arabic ] = "Returns the cumulative principal paid a loan between two periods"; Text[ catalan ] = "Returns the cumulative principal paid a loan between two periods"; }; String 2 // name of parameter 1 Cumprinc_add { Text = "Zins"; Text[ english ] = "Zins"; Text[ english_us ] = "Rate"; Text[ portuguese ] = "Juro"; Text[ russian ] = ""; Text[ greek ] = "RATE"; Text[ dutch ] = "RENTE"; Text[ french ] = "TAUX"; Text[ spanish ] = "Inters"; Text[ finnish ] = "Korko"; Text[ italian ] = "Tasso interesse"; Text[ danish ] = "RENTE"; Text[ swedish ] = "Rnta"; Text[ polish ] = "RATE"; Text[ portuguese_brazilian ] = "Zins"; Text[ japanese ] = ""; Text[ korean ] = ""; Text[ chinese_simplified ] = "RATE"; Text[ chinese_traditional ] = "RATE"; Text[ turkish ] = "FAZ"; Text[ arabic ] = "RATE"; Text[ catalan ] = "Zins"; }; String 3 // description of parameter 1 Cumprinc_add { Text = "Zins"; Text[ english ] = "Zins"; Text[ english_us ] = "Rate"; Text[ portuguese ] = "TAXA"; Text[ russian ] = ""; Text[ greek ] = "RATE"; Text[ dutch ] = "RENTE"; Text[ french ] = "TAUX"; Text[ spanish ] = "Inters"; Text[ finnish ] = "Korko"; Text[ italian ] = "Tasso interesse"; Text[ danish ] = "RENTE"; Text[ swedish ] = "Rnta"; Text[ polish ] = "RATE"; Text[ portuguese_brazilian ] = "Zins"; Text[ japanese ] = ""; Text[ korean ] = ""; Text[ chinese_simplified ] = "rate"; Text[ chinese_traditional ] = "RATE"; Text[ turkish ] = "FAZ"; Text[ arabic ] = "Interest"; Text[ catalan ] = "Zins"; }; String 4 // name of parameter 2 Cumprinc_add { Text = "Zzr"; Text[ english ] = "Zzr"; Text[ english_us ] = "Nper"; Text[ portuguese ] = "NPER"; Text[ russian ] = ""; Text[ greek ] = "NPER"; Text[ dutch ] = "NPER"; Text[ french ] = "Npm"; Text[ spanish ] = "NPER"; Text[ finnish ] = "Zzr"; Text[ italian ] = "Periodi"; Text[ danish ] = "NPER"; Text[ swedish ] = "BETALNING"; Text[ polish ] = "LICZBA.RAT"; Text[ portuguese_brazilian ] = "Zzr"; Text[ japanese ] = "Sx"; Text[ korean ] = "NPER"; Text[ chinese_simplified ] = "NPER"; Text[ chinese_traditional ] = "NPER"; Text[ turkish ] = "NPER"; Text[ arabic ] = "NPER"; Text[ catalan ] = "Zzr"; }; String 5 // description of parameter 2 Cumprinc_add { Text = "Anzahl der Zahlungsperioden."; Text[ english ] = "Anzahl der Zahlungsperioden."; Text[ english_us ] = "Number of payment periods."; Text[ portuguese ] = "Anzahl der Zahlungsperioden."; Text[ russian ] = "Anzahl der Zahlungsperioden."; Text[ greek ] = "Anzahl der Zahlungsperioden."; Text[ dutch ] = "Anzahl der Zahlungsperioden."; Text[ french ] = "Nombre de priodes de paiement."; Text[ spanish ] = "Cantidad de periodos de pago."; Text[ finnish ] = "Anzahl der Zahlungsperioden."; Text[ italian ] = "Numero dei periodi di pagamento."; Text[ danish ] = "Anzahl der Zahlungsperioden."; Text[ swedish ] = "Antal betalningsperioder."; Text[ polish ] = "Anzahl der Zahlungsperioden."; Text[ portuguese_brazilian ] = "Anzahl der Zahlungsperioden."; Text[ japanese ] = "Anzahl der Zahlungsperioden."; Text[ korean ] = "Anzahl der Zahlungsperioden."; Text[ chinese_simplified ] = "Anzahl der Zahlungsperioden."; Text[ chinese_traditional ] = "Anzahl der Zahlungsperioden."; Text[ turkish ] = "Anzahl der Zahlungsperioden."; Text[ arabic ] = "Anzahl der Zahlungsperioden."; Text[ catalan ] = "Anzahl der Zahlungsperioden."; }; String 6 // name of parameter 3 Cumprinc_add { Text = "Bw"; Text[ english ] = "Bw"; Text[ english_us ] = "Pv"; Text[ portuguese ] = "VA"; Text[ russian ] = ""; Text[ greek ] = "PV"; Text[ dutch ] = "HW"; Text[ french ] = "VA"; Text[ spanish ] = "VA"; Text[ finnish ] = "NA"; Text[ italian ] = "Valore attuale"; Text[ danish ] = "NV"; Text[ swedish ] = "NUVRDE"; Text[ polish ] = "PV"; Text[ portuguese_brazilian ] = "Bw"; Text[ japanese ] = "݉l"; Text[ korean ] = "ݰġ"; Text[ chinese_simplified ] = "pv"; Text[ chinese_traditional ] = "PV"; Text[ turkish ] = "PV"; Text[ arabic ] = "PV"; Text[ catalan ] = "Bw"; }; String 7 // description of parameter 3 Cumprinc_add { Text = "Gegenstandswert"; Text[ english ] = "Gegenstandswert"; Text[ language_user1 ] = "BLG 12.06.01: \"Gegenstandswert\" ist dasselbe wie \"Barwert\" (abgekrzt BW als Parameter von anderen Funktionen). "; Text[ english_us ] = "Pv"; Text[ portuguese ] = "Gegenstandswert"; Text[ russian ] = "Gegenstandswert"; Text[ greek ] = "Gegenstandswert"; Text[ dutch ] = "Gegenstandswert"; Text[ french ] = "VA"; Text[ spanish ] = "Valor del objeto"; Text[ finnish ] = "Gegenstandswert"; Text[ italian ] = "Valore attuale"; Text[ danish ] = "Gegenstandswert"; Text[ swedish ] = "Nuvrde"; Text[ polish ] = "Gegenstandswert"; Text[ portuguese_brazilian ] = "Gegenstandswert"; Text[ japanese ] = "Gegenstandswert"; Text[ korean ] = "Gegenstandswert"; Text[ chinese_simplified ] = "Gegenstandswert"; Text[ chinese_traditional ] = "Gegenstandswert"; Text[ turkish ] = "Gegenstandswert"; Text[ arabic ] = "Gegenstandswert"; Text[ catalan ] = "Gegenstandswert"; }; String 8 // name of parameter 4 Cumprinc_add { Text = "Startperiode"; Text[ english ] = "Startperiode"; Text[ english_us ] = "Start period"; Text[ portuguese ] = "Startperiode"; Text[ russian ] = "Startperiode"; Text[ greek ] = "Startperiode"; Text[ dutch ] = "Startperiode"; Text[ french ] = "Startperiode"; Text[ spanish ] = "Periodo de inicio"; Text[ finnish ] = "Startperiode"; Text[ italian ] = "Periodo iniziale"; Text[ danish ] = "Startperiode"; Text[ swedish ] = "Startperiod"; Text[ polish ] = "Startperiode"; Text[ portuguese_brazilian ] = "Startperiode"; Text[ japanese ] = "Startperiode"; Text[ korean ] = "Startperiode"; Text[ chinese_simplified ] = "Startperiode"; Text[ chinese_traditional ] = "Startperiode"; Text[ turkish ] = "Startperiode"; Text[ arabic ] = "Startperiode"; Text[ catalan ] = "Startperiode"; }; String 9 // description of parameter 4 Cumprinc_add { Text = "Startperiode"; Text[ english ] = "Startperiode"; Text[ english_us ] = "Start period"; Text[ portuguese ] = "Startperiode"; Text[ russian ] = "Startperiode"; Text[ greek ] = "Startperiode"; Text[ dutch ] = "Startperiode"; Text[ french ] = "Startperiode"; Text[ spanish ] = "Periodo inicial"; Text[ finnish ] = "Startperiode"; Text[ italian ] = "Periodo iniziale"; Text[ danish ] = "Startperiode"; Text[ swedish ] = "Startperiod"; Text[ polish ] = "Startperiode"; Text[ portuguese_brazilian ] = "Startperiode"; Text[ japanese ] = "Startperiode"; Text[ korean ] = "Startperiode"; Text[ chinese_simplified ] = "Startperiode"; Text[ chinese_traditional ] = "Startperiode"; Text[ turkish ] = "Startperiode"; Text[ arabic ] = "Startperiode"; Text[ catalan ] = "Startperiode"; }; String 10 // name of parameter 5 Cumprinc_add { Text = "Endperiode"; Text[ english ] = "Endperiode"; Text[ english_us ] = "End period"; Text[ portuguese ] = "Endperiode"; Text[ russian ] = "Endperiode"; Text[ greek ] = "Endperiode"; Text[ dutch ] = "Endperiode"; Text[ french ] = "Priode de fin"; Text[ spanish ] = "Periodo final"; Text[ finnish ] = "Endperiode"; Text[ italian ] = "Periodo finale"; Text[ danish ] = "Endperiode"; Text[ swedish ] = "Slutperiod"; Text[ polish ] = "Endperiode"; Text[ portuguese_brazilian ] = "Endperiode"; Text[ japanese ] = "Endperiode"; Text[ korean ] = "Endperiode"; Text[ chinese_simplified ] = "Endperiode"; Text[ chinese_traditional ] = "Endperiode"; Text[ turkish ] = "Endperiode"; Text[ arabic ] = "Endperiode"; Text[ catalan ] = "Endperiode"; }; String 11 // description of parameter 5 Cumprinc_add { Text = "Endperiode"; Text[ english ] = "Endperiode"; Text[ english_us ] = "End period"; Text[ portuguese ] = "Endperiode"; Text[ russian ] = "Endperiode"; Text[ greek ] = "Endperiode"; Text[ dutch ] = "Endperiode"; Text[ french ] = "Priode de fin"; Text[ spanish ] = "Periodo final"; Text[ finnish ] = "Endperiode"; Text[ italian ] = "Periodo finale"; Text[ danish ] = "Endperiode"; Text[ swedish ] = "Slutperiod"; Text[ polish ] = "Endperiode"; Text[ portuguese_brazilian ] = "Endperiode"; Text[ japanese ] = "Endperiode"; Text[ korean ] = "Endperiode"; Text[ chinese_simplified ] = "Endperiode"; Text[ chinese_traditional ] = "Endperiode"; Text[ turkish ] = "Endperiode"; Text[ arabic ] = "Endperiode"; Text[ catalan ] = "Endperiode"; }; String 12 // name of parameter 6 Cumprinc_add { Text = "F"; Text[ english ] = "F"; Text[ english_us ] = "F"; Text[ portuguese ] = "F"; Text[ russian ] = "F"; Text[ greek ] = "F"; Text[ dutch ] = "F"; Text[ french ] = "Type"; Text[ spanish ] = "F"; Text[ finnish ] = "F"; Text[ italian ] = "Scadenza"; Text[ danish ] = "F"; Text[ swedish ] = "F"; Text[ polish ] = "F"; Text[ portuguese_brazilian ] = "F"; Text[ japanese ] = "F"; Text[ korean ] = "F"; Text[ chinese_simplified ] = "F"; Text[ chinese_traditional ] = "F"; Text[ turkish ] = "F"; Text[ arabic ] = "F"; Text[ catalan ] = "F"; }; String 13 // description of parameter 6 Cumprinc_add { Text = "Typ der Flligkeit"; Text[ english ] = "Typ der Flligkeit"; Text[ english_us ] = "Type"; Text[ portuguese ] = "Typ der Flligkeit"; Text[ russian ] = "Typ der Flligkeit"; Text[ greek ] = "Typ der Flligkeit"; Text[ dutch ] = "Typ der Flligkeit"; Text[ french ] = "Typ der Flligkeit"; Text[ spanish ] = "Tipo de vencimiento"; Text[ finnish ] = "Typ der Flligkeit"; Text[ italian ] = "Tipo di scadenza"; Text[ danish ] = "Typ der Flligkeit"; Text[ swedish ] = "Typ av tidpunkt"; Text[ polish ] = "Typ der Flligkeit"; Text[ portuguese_brazilian ] = "Typ der Flligkeit"; Text[ japanese ] = "Typ der Flligkeit"; Text[ korean ] = "Typ der F?ligkeit"; Text[ chinese_simplified ] = "Typ der Flligkeit"; Text[ chinese_traditional ] = "Typ der Flligkeit"; Text[ turkish ] = "Typ der Flligkeit"; Text[ arabic ] = "Typ der Flligkeit"; Text[ catalan ] = "Typ der Flligkeit"; }; }; Resource ANALYSIS_Cumipmt_add { String 1 // description Cumipmt_add { Text = "Liefert die kumulierten Zinsen, die zwischen zwei Perioden zu zahlen sind."; Text[ english ] = "Returns the cumulative interest paid between two periods"; Text[ english_us ] = "Returns the cumulative interest paid between two periods"; Text[ portuguese ] = "Returns the cumulative interest paid between two periods"; Text[ russian ] = "Returns the cumulative interest paid between two periods"; Text[ greek ] = "Returns the cumulative interest paid between two periods"; Text[ dutch ] = "Returns the cumulative interest paid between two periods"; Text[ french ] = "Returns the cumulative interest paid between two periods"; Text[ spanish ] = "Devuelve los intereses acumulados a pagar entre dos periodos."; Text[ finnish ] = "Returns the cumulative interest paid between two periods"; Text[ italian ] = "Restituisce l'interesse cumulativo da pagare tra due periodi."; Text[ danish ] = "Returns the cumulative interest paid between two periods"; Text[ swedish ] = "Returnerar den ackumulerade rntan som betalats mellan tv perioder."; Text[ polish ] = "Returns the cumulative interest paid between two periods"; Text[ portuguese_brazilian ] = "Returns the cumulative interest paid between two periods"; Text[ japanese ] = "Returns the cumulative interest paid between two periods"; Text[ korean ] = "Returns the cumulative interest paid between two periods"; Text[ chinese_simplified ] = "Returns the cumulative interest paid between two periods"; Text[ chinese_traditional ] = "Returns the cumulative interest paid between two periods"; Text[ turkish ] = "Returns the cumulative interest paid between two periods"; Text[ arabic ] = "Returns the cumulative interest paid between two periods"; Text[ catalan ] = "Returns the cumulative interest paid between two periods"; }; String 2 // name of parameter 1 Cumipmt_add { Text = "Zins"; Text[ english ] = "Zins"; Text[ english_us ] = "Rate"; Text[ portuguese ] = "TAXA"; Text[ russian ] = ""; Text[ greek ] = "RATE"; Text[ dutch ] = "RENTE"; Text[ french ] = "TAUX"; Text[ spanish ] = "Inters"; Text[ finnish ] = "Korko"; Text[ italian ] = "Tasso interesse"; Text[ danish ] = "RENTE"; Text[ swedish ] = "Rnta"; Text[ polish ] = "Odsetek"; Text[ portuguese_brazilian ] = "Zins"; Text[ japanese ] = ""; Text[ korean ] = ""; Text[ chinese_simplified ] = "RATE"; Text[ chinese_traditional ] = "RATE"; Text[ turkish ] = "RATE"; Text[ arabic ] = "RATE"; Text[ catalan ] = "Zins"; }; String 3 // description of parameter 1 Cumipmt_add { Text = "Zins"; Text[ english ] = "Zins"; Text[ english_us ] = "Rate"; Text[ portuguese ] = "TAXA"; Text[ russian ] = ""; Text[ greek ] = "RATE"; Text[ dutch ] = "RENTE"; Text[ french ] = "TAUX"; Text[ spanish ] = "Inters"; Text[ finnish ] = "Korko"; Text[ italian ] = "Tasso interesse"; Text[ danish ] = "RENTE"; Text[ swedish ] = "Rnta"; Text[ polish ] = "Odsetek"; Text[ portuguese_brazilian ] = "Zins"; Text[ japanese ] = ""; Text[ korean ] = ""; Text[ chinese_simplified ] = "RATE"; Text[ chinese_traditional ] = "RATE"; Text[ turkish ] = "Faiz"; Text[ arabic ] = "Interest"; Text[ catalan ] = "Zins"; }; String 4 // name of parameter 2 Cumipmt_add { Text = "Zzr"; Text[ english ] = "Zzr"; Text[ english_us ] = "Nper"; Text[ portuguese ] = "NPER"; Text[ russian ] = ""; Text[ greek ] = "NPER"; Text[ dutch ] = "NPER"; Text[ french ] = "Npm"; Text[ spanish ] = "NPER"; Text[ finnish ] = "Zzr"; Text[ italian ] = "Periodi"; Text[ danish ] = "NPER"; Text[ swedish ] = "BETALNING"; Text[ polish ] = "LICZBA.RAT"; Text[ portuguese_brazilian ] = "Zzr"; Text[ japanese ] = "NPER"; Text[ korean ] = "NPER"; Text[ chinese_simplified ] = "NPER"; Text[ chinese_traditional ] = "NPER"; Text[ turkish ] = "NPER"; Text[ arabic ] = "NPER"; Text[ catalan ] = "Zzr"; }; String 5 // description of parameter 2 Cumipmt_add { Text = "Anzahl Zahlungsperioden"; Text[ english ] = "Anzahl Zahlungsperioden"; Text[ english_us ] = "Number of payment periods."; Text[ portuguese ] = "Anzahl Zahlungsperioden"; Text[ russian ] = "Anzahl Zahlungsperioden"; Text[ greek ] = "Anzahl Zahlungsperioden"; Text[ dutch ] = "Anzahl Zahlungsperioden"; Text[ french ] = "Nombre de priodes de paiement."; Text[ spanish ] = "Cantidad de periodos de pago"; Text[ finnish ] = "Anzahl Zahlungsperioden"; Text[ italian ] = "Numero dei periodi di pagamento."; Text[ danish ] = "Anzahl Zahlungsperioden"; Text[ swedish ] = "Antal betalningsperioder"; Text[ polish ] = "Anzahl Zahlungsperioden"; Text[ portuguese_brazilian ] = "Anzahl Zahlungsperioden"; Text[ japanese ] = "Anzahl Zahlungsperioden"; Text[ korean ] = "Anzahl Zahlungsperioden"; Text[ chinese_simplified ] = "Anzahl Zahlungsperioden"; Text[ chinese_traditional ] = "Anzahl Zahlungsperioden"; Text[ turkish ] = "Anzahl Zahlungsperioden"; Text[ arabic ] = "Anzahl Zahlungsperioden"; Text[ catalan ] = "Anzahl Zahlungsperioden"; }; String 6 // name of parameter 3 Cumipmt_add { Text = "Bw"; Text[ english ] = "Bw"; Text[ english_us ] = "Pv"; Text[ portuguese ] = "VA"; Text[ russian ] = ""; Text[ greek ] = "PV"; Text[ dutch ] = "HW"; Text[ french ] = "VA"; Text[ spanish ] = "VA"; Text[ finnish ] = "NA"; Text[ italian ] = "Valore attuale"; Text[ danish ] = "NV"; Text[ swedish ] = "NUVRDE"; Text[ polish ] = "PV"; Text[ portuguese_brazilian ] = "Bw"; Text[ japanese ] = "PV"; Text[ korean ] = "PV"; Text[ chinese_simplified ] = "PV"; Text[ chinese_traditional ] = "PV"; Text[ turkish ] = "Bugnk deer"; Text[ arabic ] = "PV"; Text[ catalan ] = "Bw"; }; String 7 // description of parameter 3 Cumipmt_add { Text = "Gegenstandswert"; Text[ english ] = "Gegenstandswert"; Text[ english_us ] = "Pv"; Text[ portuguese ] = "Gegenstandswert"; Text[ russian ] = "Gegenstandswert"; Text[ greek ] = "Gegenstandswert"; Text[ dutch ] = "Gegenstandswert"; Text[ french ] = "VA"; Text[ spanish ] = "Valor del objeto"; Text[ finnish ] = "Gegenstandswert"; Text[ italian ] = "Valore attuale"; Text[ danish ] = "Gegenstandswert"; Text[ swedish ] = "Nuvrde"; Text[ polish ] = "Gegenstandswert"; Text[ portuguese_brazilian ] = "Gegenstandswert"; Text[ japanese ] = "Gegenstandswert"; Text[ korean ] = "Gegenstandswert"; Text[ chinese_simplified ] = "Gegenstandswert"; Text[ chinese_traditional ] = "Gegenstandswert"; Text[ turkish ] = "Gegenstandswert"; Text[ arabic ] = "Gegenstandswert"; Text[ catalan ] = "Gegenstandswert"; }; String 8 // name of parameter 4 Cumipmt_add { Text = "Startperiode"; Text[ english ] = "Startperiode"; Text[ english_us ] = "Start period"; Text[ portuguese ] = "Startperiode"; Text[ russian ] = "Startperiode"; Text[ greek ] = "Startperiode"; Text[ dutch ] = "Startperiode"; Text[ french ] = "Startperiode"; Text[ spanish ] = "Periodo inicial"; Text[ finnish ] = "Startperiode"; Text[ italian ] = "Periodo iniziale"; Text[ danish ] = "Startperiode"; Text[ swedish ] = "Startperiod"; Text[ polish ] = "Startperiode"; Text[ portuguese_brazilian ] = "Startperiode"; Text[ japanese ] = "Startperiode"; Text[ korean ] = "Startperiode"; Text[ chinese_simplified ] = "Startperiode"; Text[ chinese_traditional ] = "Startperiode"; Text[ turkish ] = "Startperiode"; Text[ arabic ] = "Startperiode"; Text[ catalan ] = "Startperiode"; }; String 9 // description of parameter 4 Cumipmt_add { Text = "Startperiode"; Text[ english ] = "Startperiode"; Text[ english_us ] = "Start period"; Text[ portuguese ] = "Startperiode"; Text[ russian ] = "Startperiode"; Text[ greek ] = "Startperiode"; Text[ dutch ] = "Startperiode"; Text[ french ] = "Startperiode"; Text[ spanish ] = "Periodo inicial"; Text[ finnish ] = "Startperiode"; Text[ italian ] = "Periodo attuale"; Text[ danish ] = "Startperiode"; Text[ swedish ] = "Startperiod"; Text[ polish ] = "Startperiode"; Text[ portuguese_brazilian ] = "Startperiode"; Text[ japanese ] = "Startperiode"; Text[ korean ] = "Startperiode"; Text[ chinese_simplified ] = "Startperiode"; Text[ chinese_traditional ] = "Startperiode"; Text[ turkish ] = "Startperiode"; Text[ arabic ] = "Startperiode"; Text[ catalan ] = "Startperiode"; }; String 10 // name of parameter 5 Cumipmt_add { Text = "Endperiode"; Text[ english ] = "Endperiode"; Text[ english_us ] = "End period"; Text[ portuguese ] = "Endperiode"; Text[ russian ] = "Endperiode"; Text[ greek ] = "Endperiode"; Text[ dutch ] = "Endperiode"; Text[ french ] = "Priode de fin"; Text[ spanish ] = "Periodo final"; Text[ finnish ] = "Endperiode"; Text[ italian ] = "Periodo finale"; Text[ danish ] = "Endperiode"; Text[ swedish ] = "Slutperiod"; Text[ polish ] = "Endperiode"; Text[ portuguese_brazilian ] = "Endperiode"; Text[ japanese ] = "Endperiode"; Text[ korean ] = "Endperiode"; Text[ chinese_simplified ] = "Endperiode"; Text[ chinese_traditional ] = "Endperiode"; Text[ turkish ] = "Endperiode"; Text[ arabic ] = "Endperiode"; Text[ catalan ] = "Endperiode"; }; String 11 // description of parameter 5 Cumipmt_add { Text = "Endperiode"; Text[ english ] = "Endperiode"; Text[ english_us ] = "End period"; Text[ portuguese ] = "Endperiode"; Text[ russian ] = "Endperiode"; Text[ greek ] = "Endperiode"; Text[ dutch ] = "Endperiode"; Text[ french ] = "Priode de fin"; Text[ spanish ] = "Periodo final"; Text[ finnish ] = "Endperiode"; Text[ italian ] = "Periodo finale"; Text[ danish ] = "Endperiode"; Text[ swedish ] = "Slutperiod"; Text[ polish ] = "Endperiode"; Text[ portuguese_brazilian ] = "Endperiode"; Text[ japanese ] = "Endperiode"; Text[ korean ] = "Endperiode"; Text[ chinese_simplified ] = "Endperiode"; Text[ chinese_traditional ] = "Endperiode"; Text[ turkish ] = "Endperiode"; Text[ arabic ] = "Endperiode"; Text[ catalan ] = "Endperiode"; }; String 12 // name of parameter 6 Cumipmt_add { Text = "F"; Text[ english ] = "F"; Text[ english_us ] = "F"; Text[ portuguese ] = "F"; Text[ russian ] = "F"; Text[ greek ] = "F"; Text[ dutch ] = "F"; Text[ french ] = "Type"; Text[ spanish ] = "F"; Text[ finnish ] = "F"; Text[ italian ] = "Scadenza"; Text[ danish ] = "F"; Text[ swedish ] = "F"; Text[ polish ] = "F"; Text[ portuguese_brazilian ] = "F"; Text[ japanese ] = "F"; Text[ korean ] = "F"; Text[ chinese_simplified ] = "F"; Text[ chinese_traditional ] = "F"; Text[ turkish ] = "F"; Text[ arabic ] = "F"; Text[ catalan ] = "F"; }; String 13 // description of parameter 6 Cumipmt_add { Text = "Typ der Flligkeit"; Text[ english ] = "Typ der Flligkeit"; Text[ english_us ] = "Type"; Text[ portuguese ] = "Typ der Flligkeit"; Text[ russian ] = "Typ der Flligkeit"; Text[ greek ] = "Typ der Flligkeit"; Text[ dutch ] = "Typ der Flligkeit"; Text[ french ] = "Typ der Flligkeit"; Text[ spanish ] = "Tipo de vencimiento"; Text[ finnish ] = "Typ der Flligkeit"; Text[ italian ] = "Tipo di scadenza"; Text[ danish ] = "Typ der Flligkeit"; Text[ swedish ] = "Typ av tidpunkt"; Text[ polish ] = "Typ der Flligkeit"; Text[ portuguese_brazilian ] = "Typ der Flligkeit"; Text[ japanese ] = "Typ der Flligkeit"; Text[ korean ] = "Typ der F?ligkeit"; Text[ chinese_simplified ] = "Typ der Flligkeit"; Text[ chinese_traditional ] = "Typ der Flligkeit"; Text[ turkish ] = "Typ der Flligkeit"; Text[ arabic ] = "Typ der Flligkeit"; Text[ catalan ] = "Typ der Flligkeit"; }; }; Resource ANALYSIS_Price { String 1 // description Price { Text = "Liefert den Kurs pro 100 DM Nennwert eines Wertpapiers, das periodische Zinsen auszahlt."; Text[ english ] = "Returns the price per $100 face value of a security that pays periodic interest"; Text[ language_user1 ] = " "; Text[ english_us ] = "Returns the price per $100 face value of a security that pays periodic interest"; Text[ portuguese ] = "Returns the price per $100 face value of a security that pays periodic interest"; Text[ russian ] = "Returns the price per $100 face value of a security that pays periodic interest"; Text[ greek ] = "Returns the price per $100 face value of a security that pays periodic interest"; Text[ dutch ] = "Returns the price per $100 face value of a security that pays periodic interest"; Text[ french ] = "Returns the price per $100 face value of a security that pays periodic interest"; Text[ spanish ] = "Returns the price per $100 face value of a security that pays periodic interest"; Text[ finnish ] = "Returns the price per $100 face value of a security that pays periodic interest"; Text[ italian ] = "Restituisce il prezzo di un titolo dal valore nominale di 100 lire che paga interessi periodici."; Text[ danish ] = "Returns the price per $100 face value of a security that pays periodic interest"; Text[ swedish ] = "Returnerar priset per 1000 kr nominellt vrde fr ett vrdepapper som ger periodiska rntor."; Text[ polish ] = "Podaje cen za 100 jednostek wartoci nominalnej papieru wartociowego o okresowym oprocentowaniu."; Text[ portuguese_brazilian ] = "Returns the price per $100 face value of a security that pays periodic interest"; Text[ japanese ] = "Returns the price per $100 face value of a security that pays periodic interest"; Text[ korean ] = "Returns the price per $100 face value of a security that pays periodic interest"; Text[ chinese_simplified ] = "Returns the price per $100 face value of a security that pays periodic interest"; Text[ chinese_traditional ] = "Returns the price per $100 face value of a security that pays periodic interest"; Text[ turkish ] = "Returns the price per $100 face value of a security that pays periodic interest"; Text[ arabic ] = "Returns the price per $100 face value of a security that pays periodic interest"; Text[ catalan ] = "Returns the price per $100 face value of a security that pays periodic interest"; }; String 2 // name of parameter 1 Price { Text = "Abrechnung"; Text[ english ] = "Abrechnung"; Text[ language_user1 ] = " "; Text[ english_us ] = "Settlement"; Text[ portuguese ] = "Expedio"; Text[ russian ] = "Settlement"; Text[ greek ] = "Settlement"; Text[ dutch ] = "Settlement"; Text[ french ] = "Settlement"; Text[ spanish ] = "Settlement"; Text[ finnish ] = "Settlement"; Text[ italian ] = "Liquidazione"; Text[ danish ] = "Settlement"; Text[ swedish ] = "Betalning"; Text[ polish ] = "rozliczenie"; Text[ portuguese_brazilian ] = "Settlement"; Text[ japanese ] = "̓"; Text[ korean ] = "Settlement"; Text[ chinese_simplified ] = "Settlement"; Text[ chinese_traditional ] = "Settlement"; Text[ turkish ] = "Settlement"; Text[ arabic ] = "Settlement"; Text[ catalan ] = "Settlement"; }; String 3 // description of parameter 1 Price { Text = "Abrechnung"; Text[ english ] = "Abrechnung"; Text[ language_user1 ] = " "; Text[ english_us ] = "Settlement"; Text[ portuguese ] = "Expedio"; Text[ russian ] = "Settlement"; Text[ greek ] = "Settlement"; Text[ dutch ] = "Settlement"; Text[ french ] = "Settlement"; Text[ spanish ] = "Settlement"; Text[ finnish ] = "Settlement"; Text[ italian ] = "Liquidazione"; Text[ danish ] = "Settlement"; Text[ swedish ] = "Betalning"; Text[ polish ] = "data rozliczenia papieru wartociowego"; Text[ portuguese_brazilian ] = "Settlement"; Text[ japanese ] = "،̎̓"; Text[ korean ] = "Settlement"; Text[ chinese_simplified ] = "Settlement"; Text[ chinese_traditional ] = "Settlement"; Text[ turkish ] = "Settlement"; Text[ arabic ] = "Settlement"; Text[ catalan ] = "Settlement"; }; String 4 // name of parameter 2 Price { Text = "Flligkeit"; Text[ english ] = "Flligkeit"; Text[ language_user1 ] = " "; Text[ english_us ] = "Maturity"; Text[ portuguese ] = "Expirao"; Text[ russian ] = "Maturity"; Text[ greek ] = "Maturity"; Text[ dutch ] = "Maturity"; Text[ french ] = "chance"; Text[ spanish ] = "Maturity"; Text[ finnish ] = "Maturity"; Text[ italian ] = "Scadenza"; Text[ danish ] = "Maturity"; Text[ swedish ] = "Frfallodag"; Text[ polish ] = "data spaty"; Text[ portuguese_brazilian ] = "Maturity"; Text[ japanese ] = ""; Text[ korean ] = "Maturity"; Text[ chinese_simplified ] = "Maturity"; Text[ chinese_traditional ] = "Maturity"; Text[ turkish ] = "Maturity"; Text[ arabic ] = "Maturity"; Text[ catalan ] = "Maturity"; }; String 5 // description of parameter 2 Price { Text = "Flligkeit"; Text[ english ] = "Flligkeit"; Text[ language_user1 ] = " "; Text[ english_us ] = "Maturity"; Text[ portuguese ] = "Expirao"; Text[ russian ] = "Maturity"; Text[ greek ] = "Maturity"; Text[ dutch ] = "Maturity"; Text[ french ] = "chance"; Text[ spanish ] = "Maturity"; Text[ finnish ] = "Maturity"; Text[ italian ] = "Scadenza"; Text[ danish ] = "Maturity"; Text[ swedish ] = "Frfallodag"; Text[ polish ] = "data spaty papieru wartociowego"; Text[ portuguese_brazilian ] = "Maturity"; Text[ japanese ] = "،̖"; Text[ korean ] = "Maturity"; Text[ chinese_simplified ] = "Maturity"; Text[ chinese_traditional ] = "Maturity"; Text[ turkish ] = "Maturity"; Text[ arabic ] = "Maturity"; Text[ catalan ] = "Maturity"; }; String 6 // name of parameter 3 Price { Text = "Zins"; Text[ english ] = "Zins"; Text[ language_user1 ] = " "; Text[ english_us ] = "Rate"; Text[ portuguese ] = "Rate"; Text[ russian ] = "Rate"; Text[ greek ] = "Rate"; Text[ dutch ] = "Rate"; Text[ french ] = "Intrt"; Text[ spanish ] = "Rate"; Text[ finnish ] = "Rate"; Text[ italian ] = "Tasso interesse"; Text[ danish ] = "Rate"; Text[ swedish ] = "Rnta"; Text[ polish ] = "stopa"; Text[ portuguese_brazilian ] = "Rate"; Text[ japanese ] = ""; Text[ korean ] = "Rate"; Text[ chinese_simplified ] = "Rate"; Text[ chinese_traditional ] = "Rate"; Text[ turkish ] = "Rate"; Text[ arabic ] = "Rate"; Text[ catalan ] = "Rate"; }; String 7 // description of parameter 3 Price { Text = "Zins"; Text[ english ] = "Zins"; Text[ language_user1 ] = " "; Text[ english_us ] = "Rate"; Text[ portuguese ] = "Rate"; Text[ russian ] = "Rate"; Text[ greek ] = "Rate"; Text[ dutch ] = "Rate"; Text[ french ] = "Intrt"; Text[ spanish ] = "Rate"; Text[ finnish ] = "Rate"; Text[ italian ] = "Tasso interesse"; Text[ danish ] = "Rate"; Text[ swedish ] = "Rnta"; Text[ polish ] = "roczne oprocentowanie kuponu papieru wartociowego"; Text[ portuguese_brazilian ] = "Rate"; Text[ japanese ] = "،̔N"; Text[ korean ] = "Rate"; Text[ chinese_simplified ] = "Rate"; Text[ chinese_traditional ] = "Rate"; Text[ turkish ] = "Rate"; Text[ arabic ] = "Rate"; Text[ catalan ] = "Rate"; }; String 8 // name of parameter 4 Price { Text = "Rendite"; Text[ english ] = "Rendite"; Text[ language_user1 ] = " "; Text[ english_us ] = "Yld"; Text[ portuguese ] = "Yield"; Text[ russian ] = "Yield"; Text[ greek ] = "Yield"; Text[ dutch ] = "Yield"; Text[ french ] = "Yield"; Text[ spanish ] = "Yield"; Text[ finnish ] = "Yield"; Text[ italian ] = "Rendimento"; Text[ danish ] = "Yield"; Text[ swedish ] = "Avkastning"; Text[ polish ] = "rentowno"; Text[ portuguese_brazilian ] = "Yield"; Text[ japanese ] = ""; Text[ korean ] = "Yield"; Text[ chinese_simplified ] = "Yield"; Text[ chinese_traditional ] = "Yield"; Text[ turkish ] = "Yield"; Text[ arabic ] = "Yield"; Text[ catalan ] = "Yield"; }; String 9 // description of parameter 4 Price { Text = "Rendite"; Text[ english ] = "Rendite"; Text[ language_user1 ] = " "; Text[ english_us ] = "Yld"; Text[ portuguese ] = "Yield"; Text[ russian ] = "Yield"; Text[ greek ] = "Yield"; Text[ dutch ] = "Yield"; Text[ french ] = "Yield"; Text[ spanish ] = "Yield"; Text[ finnish ] = "Yield"; Text[ italian ] = "Rendimento"; Text[ danish ] = "Yield"; Text[ swedish ] = "Avkastning"; Text[ polish ] = "roczna rentowano papieru wartociowego"; Text[ portuguese_brazilian ] = "Yield"; Text[ japanese ] = "،̔NԔz"; Text[ korean ] = "Yield"; Text[ chinese_simplified ] = "Yield"; Text[ chinese_traditional ] = "Yield"; Text[ turkish ] = "Yield"; Text[ arabic ] = "Yield"; Text[ catalan ] = "Yield"; }; String 10 // name of parameter 5 Price { Text = "Rckzahlung"; Text[ english ] = "Rckzahlung"; Text[ language_user1 ] = " "; Text[ english_us ] = "Redemption"; Text[ portuguese ] = "Redemption"; Text[ russian ] = "Redemption"; Text[ greek ] = "Redemption"; Text[ dutch ] = "Redemption"; Text[ french ] = "Remboursement"; Text[ spanish ] = "Redemption"; Text[ finnish ] = "Redemption"; Text[ italian ] = "Rimborso"; Text[ danish ] = "Redemption"; Text[ swedish ] = "Inlsningsvrde"; Text[ polish ] = "wykup"; Text[ portuguese_brazilian ] = "Redemption"; Text[ japanese ] = "҉l"; Text[ korean ] = "Redemption"; Text[ chinese_simplified ] = "Redemption"; Text[ chinese_traditional ] = "Redemption"; Text[ turkish ] = "Redemption"; Text[ arabic ] = "Redemption"; Text[ catalan ] = "Redemption"; }; String 11 // description of parameter 5 Price { Text = "Rckzahlung"; Text[ english ] = "Rckzahlung"; Text[ language_user1 ] = " "; Text[ english_us ] = "Redemption"; Text[ portuguese ] = "Redemption"; Text[ russian ] = "Redemption"; Text[ greek ] = "Redemption"; Text[ dutch ] = "Redemption"; Text[ french ] = "Remboursement"; Text[ spanish ] = "Redemption"; Text[ finnish ] = "Redemption"; Text[ italian ] = "Rimborso"; Text[ danish ] = "Redemption"; Text[ swedish ] = "Inlsningsvrde"; Text[ polish ] = "warto wykupu papieru wartociowego"; Text[ portuguese_brazilian ] = "Redemption"; Text[ japanese ] = "،̏Ҋz"; Text[ korean ] = "Redemption"; Text[ chinese_simplified ] = "Redemption"; Text[ chinese_traditional ] = "Redemption"; Text[ turkish ] = "Redemption"; Text[ arabic ] = "Redemption"; Text[ catalan ] = "Redemption"; }; String 12 // name of parameter 6 Price { Text = "Hufigkeit"; Text[ english ] = "Hufigkeit"; Text[ language_user1 ] = " "; Text[ english_us ] = "Frequency"; Text[ portuguese ] = "Frequncia"; Text[ russian ] = "Frequency"; Text[ greek ] = "Frequency"; Text[ dutch ] = "Frequency"; Text[ french ] = "Frquence"; Text[ spanish ] = "Frecuencia"; Text[ finnish ] = "Frequency"; Text[ italian ] = "Frequenza"; Text[ danish ] = "Frequency"; Text[ swedish ] = "Frekvens"; Text[ polish ] = "czsto"; Text[ portuguese_brazilian ] = "Frequency"; Text[ japanese ] = "px"; Text[ korean ] = "Frequency"; Text[ chinese_simplified ] = "Frequency"; Text[ chinese_traditional ] = "Frequency"; Text[ turkish ] = "Frequency"; Text[ arabic ] = "Frequency"; Text[ catalan ] = "Frequency"; }; String 13 // description of parameter 6 Price { Text = "Hufigkeit"; Text[ english ] = "Hufigkeit"; Text[ language_user1 ] = " "; Text[ english_us ] = "Frequency"; Text[ portuguese ] = "Frequncia"; Text[ russian ] = "Frequency"; Text[ greek ] = "Frequency"; Text[ dutch ] = "Frequency"; Text[ french ] = "Frquence"; Text[ spanish ] = "Frecuencia"; Text[ finnish ] = "Frequency"; Text[ italian ] = "Frequenza"; Text[ danish ] = "Frequency"; Text[ swedish ] = "Frekvens"; Text[ polish ] = "liczba kuponw patnych w cigu roku"; Text[ portuguese_brazilian ] = "Frequency"; Text[ japanese ] = "NԂ̗x"; Text[ korean ] = "Frequency"; Text[ chinese_simplified ] = "Frequency"; Text[ chinese_traditional ] = "Frequency"; Text[ turkish ] = "Frequency"; Text[ arabic ] = "Frequency"; Text[ catalan ] = "Frequency"; }; String 14 // name of parameter 7 Price { Text = "Basis"; Text[ english ] = "Basis"; Text[ language_user1 ] = " "; Text[ english_us ] = "Basis"; Text[ portuguese ] = "Base"; Text[ russian ] = "Base"; Text[ greek ] = "Base"; Text[ dutch ] = "Base"; Text[ french ] = "Base"; Text[ spanish ] = "Base"; Text[ finnish ] = "Base"; Text[ italian ] = "Base"; Text[ danish ] = "Base"; Text[ swedish ] = "Bas"; Text[ polish ] = "podstawa"; Text[ portuguese_brazilian ] = "Base"; Text[ japanese ] = ""; Text[ korean ] = "Base"; Text[ chinese_simplified ] = "Base"; Text[ chinese_traditional ] = "Base"; Text[ turkish ] = "Base"; Text[ arabic ] = "Base"; Text[ catalan ] = "Base"; }; String 15 // description of parameter 7 Price { Text = "Basis"; Text[ english ] = "Basis"; Text[ language_user1 ] = " "; Text[ english_us ] = "Basis"; Text[ portuguese ] = "Base"; Text[ russian ] = "Base"; Text[ greek ] = "Base"; Text[ dutch ] = "Base"; Text[ french ] = "Base"; Text[ spanish ] = "Base"; Text[ finnish ] = "Base"; Text[ italian ] = "Base"; Text[ danish ] = "Base"; Text[ swedish ] = "Bas"; Text[ polish ] = "rodzaj podstawy wyliczania dni"; Text[ portuguese_brazilian ] = "Base"; Text[ japanese ] = "vZ̊bƂȂ̌vZ@"; Text[ korean ] = "Base"; Text[ chinese_simplified ] = "Base"; Text[ chinese_traditional ] = "Base"; Text[ turkish ] = "Base"; Text[ arabic ] = "Base"; Text[ catalan ] = "Base"; }; }; Resource ANALYSIS_Pricedisc { String 1 // description Pricedisc { Text = "Liefert den Kurs pro 100 DM Nennwert eines unverzinslichen Werpapiers."; Text[ english ] = "Returns the price per $100 face value of a discounted security"; Text[ language_user1 ] = " "; Text[ english_us ] = "Returns the price per $100 face value of a discounted security"; Text[ portuguese ] = "Returns the price per $100 face value of a discounted security"; Text[ russian ] = "Returns the price per $100 face value of a discounted security"; Text[ greek ] = "Returns the price per $100 face value of a discounted security"; Text[ dutch ] = "Returns the price per $100 face value of a discounted security"; Text[ french ] = "Returns the price per $100 face value of a discounted security"; Text[ spanish ] = "Returns the price per $100 face value of a discounted security"; Text[ finnish ] = "Returns the price per $100 face value of a discounted security"; Text[ italian ] = "Restituisce il prezzo di un titolo scontato del valore nominale di 100 lire."; Text[ danish ] = "Returns the price per $100 face value of a discounted security"; Text[ swedish ] = "Returnerar priset per 1000 kr nominellt vrde fr ett diskonterat vrdepapper."; Text[ polish ] = "Podaje cen za 100 jednostek wartoci nominalnej papieru wartociowego zdyskontowanego."; Text[ portuguese_brazilian ] = "Returns the price per $100 face value of a discounted security"; Text[ japanese ] = "Returns the price per $100 face value of a discounted security"; Text[ korean ] = "Returns the price per $100 face value of a discounted security"; Text[ chinese_simplified ] = "Returns the price per $100 face value of a discounted security"; Text[ chinese_traditional ] = "Returns the price per $100 face value of a discounted security"; Text[ turkish ] = "Returns the price per $100 face value of a discounted security"; Text[ arabic ] = "Returns the price per $100 face value of a discounted security"; Text[ catalan ] = "Returns the price per $100 face value of a discounted security"; }; String 2 // name of parameter 1 Pricedisc { Text = "Abrechnung"; Text[ english ] = "Abrechnung"; Text[ language_user1 ] = " "; Text[ english_us ] = "Settlement"; Text[ portuguese ] = "Expedio"; Text[ russian ] = "Settlement"; Text[ greek ] = "Settlement"; Text[ dutch ] = "Settlement"; Text[ french ] = "Settlement"; Text[ spanish ] = "Settlement"; Text[ finnish ] = "Settlement"; Text[ italian ] = "Liquidazione"; Text[ danish ] = "Settlement"; Text[ swedish ] = "Betalning"; Text[ polish ] = "rozliczenie"; Text[ portuguese_brazilian ] = "Settlement"; Text[ japanese ] = "̓"; Text[ korean ] = "Settlement"; Text[ chinese_simplified ] = "Settlement"; Text[ chinese_traditional ] = "Settlement"; Text[ turkish ] = "Settlement"; Text[ arabic ] = "Settlement"; Text[ catalan ] = "Settlement"; }; String 3 // description of parameter 1 Pricedisc { Text = "Abrechnung"; Text[ english ] = "Abrechnung"; Text[ language_user1 ] = " "; Text[ english_us ] = "Settlement"; Text[ portuguese ] = "Expedio"; Text[ russian ] = "Settlement"; Text[ greek ] = "Settlement"; Text[ dutch ] = "Settlement"; Text[ french ] = "Settlement"; Text[ spanish ] = "Settlement"; Text[ finnish ] = "Settlement"; Text[ italian ] = "Liquidazione"; Text[ danish ] = "Settlement"; Text[ swedish ] = "Betalning"; Text[ polish ] = "data rozliczenia papieru wartociowego"; Text[ portuguese_brazilian ] = "Settlement"; Text[ japanese ] = "،̎̓"; Text[ korean ] = "Settlement"; Text[ chinese_simplified ] = "Settlement"; Text[ chinese_traditional ] = "Settlement"; Text[ turkish ] = "Settlement"; Text[ arabic ] = "Settlement"; Text[ catalan ] = "Settlement"; }; String 4 // name of parameter 2 Pricedisc { Text = "Flligkeit"; Text[ english ] = "Flligkeit"; Text[ language_user1 ] = " "; Text[ english_us ] = "Maturity"; Text[ portuguese ] = "Expirao"; Text[ russian ] = "Maturity"; Text[ greek ] = "Maturity"; Text[ dutch ] = "Maturity"; Text[ french ] = "chance"; Text[ spanish ] = "Maturity"; Text[ finnish ] = "Maturity"; Text[ italian ] = "Scadenza"; Text[ danish ] = "Maturity"; Text[ swedish ] = "Frfallodag"; Text[ polish ] = "data spaty"; Text[ portuguese_brazilian ] = "Maturity"; Text[ japanese ] = ""; Text[ korean ] = "Maturity"; Text[ chinese_simplified ] = "Maturity"; Text[ chinese_traditional ] = "Maturity"; Text[ turkish ] = "Maturity"; Text[ arabic ] = "Maturity"; Text[ catalan ] = "Maturity"; }; String 5 // description of parameter 2 Pricedisc { Text = "Flligkeit"; Text[ english ] = "Flligkeit"; Text[ language_user1 ] = " "; Text[ english_us ] = "Maturity"; Text[ portuguese ] = "Expirao"; Text[ russian ] = "Maturity"; Text[ greek ] = "Maturity"; Text[ dutch ] = "Maturity"; Text[ french ] = "chance"; Text[ spanish ] = "Maturity"; Text[ finnish ] = "Maturity"; Text[ italian ] = "Scadenza"; Text[ danish ] = "Maturity"; Text[ swedish ] = "Frfallodag"; Text[ polish ] = "data spaty papieru wartociowego"; Text[ portuguese_brazilian ] = "Maturity"; Text[ japanese ] = "،̖"; Text[ korean ] = "Maturity"; Text[ chinese_simplified ] = "Maturity"; Text[ chinese_traditional ] = "Maturity"; Text[ turkish ] = "Maturity"; Text[ arabic ] = "Maturity"; Text[ catalan ] = "Maturity"; }; String 6 // name of parameter 3 Pricedisc { Text = "Disagio"; Text[ english ] = "Disagio"; Text[ language_user1 ] = " "; Text[ english_us ] = "Discount"; Text[ portuguese ] = "Discount"; Text[ russian ] = "Discount"; Text[ greek ] = "Discount"; Text[ dutch ] = "Discount"; Text[ french ] = "Escompte"; Text[ spanish ] = "Discount"; Text[ finnish ] = "Discount"; Text[ italian ] = "Sconto"; Text[ danish ] = "Discount"; Text[ swedish ] = "Diskonteringsrnta"; Text[ polish ] = "dyskonto"; Text[ portuguese_brazilian ] = "Discount"; Text[ japanese ] = ""; Text[ korean ] = "Discount"; Text[ chinese_simplified ] = "Discount"; Text[ chinese_traditional ] = "Discount"; Text[ turkish ] = "Discount"; Text[ arabic ] = "Discount"; Text[ catalan ] = "Discount"; }; String 7 // description of parameter 3 Pricedisc { Text = "Disagio"; Text[ english ] = "Disagio"; Text[ language_user1 ] = " "; Text[ english_us ] = "Discount"; Text[ portuguese ] = "Discount"; Text[ russian ] = "Discount"; Text[ greek ] = "Discount"; Text[ dutch ] = "Discount"; Text[ french ] = "Escompte"; Text[ spanish ] = "Discount"; Text[ finnish ] = "Discount"; Text[ italian ] = "Sconto"; Text[ danish ] = "Discount"; Text[ swedish ] = "Diskonteringsrnta"; Text[ polish ] = "stopa dyskontowa papieru wartociowego"; Text[ portuguese_brazilian ] = "Discount"; Text[ japanese ] = "،̊"; Text[ korean ] = "Discount"; Text[ chinese_simplified ] = "Discount"; Text[ chinese_traditional ] = "Discount"; Text[ turkish ] = "Discount"; Text[ arabic ] = "Discount"; Text[ catalan ] = "Discount"; }; String 8 // name of parameter 4 Pricedisc { Text = "Rckzahlung"; Text[ english ] = "Rckzahlung"; Text[ language_user1 ] = " "; Text[ english_us ] = "Redemption"; Text[ portuguese ] = "Redemption"; Text[ russian ] = "Redemption"; Text[ greek ] = "Redemption"; Text[ dutch ] = "Redemption"; Text[ french ] = "Remboursement"; Text[ spanish ] = "Redemption"; Text[ finnish ] = "Redemption"; Text[ italian ] = "Rimborso"; Text[ danish ] = "Redemption"; Text[ swedish ] = "Inlsningsvrde"; Text[ polish ] = "wykup"; Text[ portuguese_brazilian ] = "Redemption"; Text[ japanese ] = "҉l"; Text[ korean ] = "Redemption"; Text[ chinese_simplified ] = "Redemption"; Text[ chinese_traditional ] = "Redemption"; Text[ turkish ] = "Redemption"; Text[ arabic ] = "Redemption"; Text[ catalan ] = "Redemption"; }; String 9 // description of parameter 4 Pricedisc { Text = "Rckzahlung"; Text[ english ] = "Rckzahlung"; Text[ language_user1 ] = " "; Text[ english_us ] = "Redemption"; Text[ portuguese ] = "Redemption"; Text[ russian ] = "Redemption"; Text[ greek ] = "Redemption"; Text[ dutch ] = "Redemption"; Text[ french ] = "Remboursement"; Text[ spanish ] = "Redemption"; Text[ finnish ] = "Redemption"; Text[ italian ] = "Rimborso"; Text[ danish ] = "Redemption"; Text[ swedish ] = "Inlsningsvrde"; Text[ polish ] = "warto wykupu papieru wartociowego"; Text[ portuguese_brazilian ] = "Redemption"; Text[ japanese ] = "،̏Ҋz"; Text[ korean ] = "Redemption"; Text[ chinese_simplified ] = "Redemption"; Text[ chinese_traditional ] = "Redemption"; Text[ turkish ] = "Redemption"; Text[ arabic ] = "Redemption"; Text[ catalan ] = "Redemption"; }; String 10 // name of parameter 5 Pricedisc { Text = "Basis"; Text[ english ] = "Basis"; Text[ language_user1 ] = " "; Text[ english_us ] = "Basis"; Text[ portuguese ] = "Base"; Text[ russian ] = "Base"; Text[ greek ] = "Base"; Text[ dutch ] = "Base"; Text[ french ] = "Base"; Text[ spanish ] = "Base"; Text[ finnish ] = "Base"; Text[ italian ] = "Base"; Text[ danish ] = "Base"; Text[ swedish ] = "Bas"; Text[ polish ] = "podstawa"; Text[ portuguese_brazilian ] = "Base"; Text[ japanese ] = ""; Text[ korean ] = "Base"; Text[ chinese_simplified ] = "Base"; Text[ chinese_traditional ] = "Base"; Text[ turkish ] = "Base"; Text[ arabic ] = "Base"; Text[ catalan ] = "Base"; }; String 11 // description of parameter 5 Pricedisc { Text = "Basis"; Text[ english ] = "Basis"; Text[ language_user1 ] = " "; Text[ english_us ] = "Basis"; Text[ portuguese ] = "Base"; Text[ russian ] = "Base"; Text[ greek ] = "Base"; Text[ dutch ] = "Base"; Text[ french ] = "Base"; Text[ spanish ] = "Base"; Text[ finnish ] = "Base"; Text[ italian ] = "Base"; Text[ danish ] = "Base"; Text[ swedish ] = "Bas"; Text[ polish ] = "rodzaj podstawy wyliczania dni"; Text[ portuguese_brazilian ] = "Base"; Text[ japanese ] = "vZ̊bƂȂ̌vZ@"; Text[ korean ] = "Base"; Text[ chinese_simplified ] = "Base"; Text[ chinese_traditional ] = "Base"; Text[ turkish ] = "Base"; Text[ arabic ] = "Base"; Text[ catalan ] = "Base"; }; }; Resource ANALYSIS_Pricemat { String 1 // description Pricemat { Text = "Liefert den Kurs pro 100 Dm Nennwert eines Wertpapiers, das Zinsen am Flligkeitsdatum auszahlt."; Text[ english ] = "Returns the price per $100 face value of a security that pays interest at maturity"; Text[ language_user1 ] = " "; Text[ english_us ] = "Returns the price per $100 face value of a security that pays interest at maturity"; Text[ portuguese ] = "Returns the price per $100 face value of a security that pays interest at maturity"; Text[ russian ] = "Returns the price per $100 face value of a security that pays interest at maturity"; Text[ greek ] = "Returns the price per $100 face value of a security that pays interest at maturity"; Text[ dutch ] = "Returns the price per $100 face value of a security that pays interest at maturity"; Text[ french ] = "Returns the price per $100 face value of a security that pays interest at maturity"; Text[ spanish ] = "Returns the price per $100 face value of a security that pays interest at maturity"; Text[ finnish ] = "Returns the price per $100 face value of a security that pays interest at maturity"; Text[ italian ] = "Restituisce il prezzo di un titolo dal valore nominale di 100 lire che paga gli interessi alla scadenza."; Text[ danish ] = "Returns the price per $100 face value of a security that pays interest at maturity"; Text[ swedish ] = "Returnerar priset per 1000 kr nominellt vrde fr ett vrdepapper som ger rntor p frfallodagen."; Text[ polish ] = "Podaje cen za 100 jednostek wartoci nominalnej papieru wartociowego oprocentowanego przy wykupie."; Text[ portuguese_brazilian ] = "Returns the price per $100 face value of a security that pays interest at maturity"; Text[ japanese ] = "Returns the price per $100 face value of a security that pays interest at maturity"; Text[ korean ] = "Returns the price per $100 face value of a security that pays interest at maturity"; Text[ chinese_simplified ] = "Returns the price per $100 face value of a security that pays interest at maturity"; Text[ chinese_traditional ] = "Returns the price per $100 face value of a security that pays interest at maturity"; Text[ turkish ] = "Returns the price per $100 face value of a security that pays interest at maturity"; Text[ arabic ] = "Returns the price per $100 face value of a security that pays interest at maturity"; Text[ catalan ] = "Returns the price per $100 face value of a security that pays interest at maturity"; }; String 2 // name of parameter 1 Pricemat { Text = "Abrechnung"; Text[ english ] = "Abrechnung"; Text[ language_user1 ] = " "; Text[ english_us ] = "Settlement"; Text[ portuguese ] = "Expedio"; Text[ russian ] = "Settlement"; Text[ greek ] = "Settlement"; Text[ dutch ] = "Settlement"; Text[ french ] = "Settlement"; Text[ spanish ] = "Settlement"; Text[ finnish ] = "Settlement"; Text[ italian ] = "Liquidazione"; Text[ danish ] = "Settlement"; Text[ swedish ] = "Betalning"; Text[ polish ] = "rozliczenie"; Text[ portuguese_brazilian ] = "Settlement"; Text[ japanese ] = "̓"; Text[ korean ] = "Settlement"; Text[ chinese_simplified ] = "Settlement"; Text[ chinese_traditional ] = "Settlement"; Text[ turkish ] = "Settlement"; Text[ arabic ] = "Settlement"; Text[ catalan ] = "Settlement"; }; String 3 // description of parameter 1 Pricemat { Text = "Abrechnung"; Text[ english ] = "Abrechnung"; Text[ language_user1 ] = " "; Text[ english_us ] = "Settlement"; Text[ portuguese ] = "Expedio"; Text[ russian ] = "Settlement"; Text[ greek ] = "Settlement"; Text[ dutch ] = "Settlement"; Text[ french ] = "Settlement"; Text[ spanish ] = "Settlement"; Text[ finnish ] = "Settlement"; Text[ italian ] = "Liquidazione"; Text[ danish ] = "Settlement"; Text[ swedish ] = "Betalning"; Text[ polish ] = "data rozliczenia papieru wartociowego"; Text[ portuguese_brazilian ] = "Settlement"; Text[ japanese ] = "،̎̓"; Text[ korean ] = "Settlement"; Text[ chinese_simplified ] = "Settlement"; Text[ chinese_traditional ] = "Settlement"; Text[ turkish ] = "Settlement"; Text[ arabic ] = "Settlement"; Text[ catalan ] = "Settlement"; }; String 4 // name of parameter 2 Pricemat { Text = "Flligkeit"; Text[ english ] = "Flligkeit"; Text[ language_user1 ] = " "; Text[ english_us ] = "Maturity"; Text[ portuguese ] = "Expirao"; Text[ russian ] = "Maturity"; Text[ greek ] = "Maturity"; Text[ dutch ] = "Maturity"; Text[ french ] = "chance"; Text[ spanish ] = "Maturity"; Text[ finnish ] = "Maturity"; Text[ italian ] = "Scadenza"; Text[ danish ] = "Maturity"; Text[ swedish ] = "Frfallodag"; Text[ polish ] = "data spaty"; Text[ portuguese_brazilian ] = "Maturity"; Text[ japanese ] = ""; Text[ korean ] = "Maturity"; Text[ chinese_simplified ] = "Maturity"; Text[ chinese_traditional ] = "Maturity"; Text[ turkish ] = "Maturity"; Text[ arabic ] = "Maturity"; Text[ catalan ] = "Maturity"; }; String 5 // description of parameter 2 Pricemat { Text = "Flligkeit"; Text[ english ] = "Flligkeit"; Text[ language_user1 ] = " "; Text[ english_us ] = "Maturity"; Text[ portuguese ] = "Expirao"; Text[ russian ] = "Maturity"; Text[ greek ] = "Maturity"; Text[ dutch ] = "Maturity"; Text[ french ] = "chance"; Text[ spanish ] = "Maturity"; Text[ finnish ] = "Maturity"; Text[ italian ] = "Scadenza"; Text[ danish ] = "Maturity"; Text[ swedish ] = "Frfallodag"; Text[ polish ] = "data spaty papieru wartociowego"; Text[ portuguese_brazilian ] = "Maturity"; Text[ japanese ] = "،̖"; Text[ korean ] = "Maturity"; Text[ chinese_simplified ] = "Maturity"; Text[ chinese_traditional ] = "Maturity"; Text[ turkish ] = "Maturity"; Text[ arabic ] = "Maturity"; Text[ catalan ] = "Maturity"; }; String 6 // name of parameter 3 Pricemat { Text = "Emission"; Text[ english ] = "Emission"; Text[ language_user1 ] = " "; Text[ english_us ] = "Issue"; Text[ portuguese ] = "Issue"; Text[ russian ] = "Issue"; Text[ greek ] = "Issue"; Text[ dutch ] = "Issue"; Text[ french ] = "mission"; Text[ spanish ] = "Issue"; Text[ finnish ] = "Issue"; Text[ italian ] = "Emissione"; Text[ danish ] = "Issue"; Text[ swedish ] = "Emission"; Text[ polish ] = "emisja"; Text[ portuguese_brazilian ] = "Issue"; Text[ japanese ] = "s"; Text[ korean ] = "Issue"; Text[ chinese_simplified ] = "Issue"; Text[ chinese_traditional ] = "Issue"; Text[ turkish ] = "Issue"; Text[ arabic ] = "Issue"; Text[ catalan ] = "Issue"; }; String 7 // description of parameter 3 Pricemat { Text = "Emission"; Text[ english ] = "Emission"; Text[ language_user1 ] = " "; Text[ english_us ] = "Issue"; Text[ portuguese ] = "Issue"; Text[ russian ] = "Issue"; Text[ greek ] = "Issue"; Text[ dutch ] = "Issue"; Text[ french ] = "mission"; Text[ spanish ] = "Issue"; Text[ finnish ] = "Issue"; Text[ italian ] = "Emissione"; Text[ danish ] = "Issue"; Text[ swedish ] = "Emission"; Text[ polish ] = "data emisji papieru wartociowego"; Text[ portuguese_brazilian ] = "Issue"; Text[ japanese ] = "،̔s"; Text[ korean ] = "Issue"; Text[ chinese_simplified ] = "Issue"; Text[ chinese_traditional ] = "Issue"; Text[ turkish ] = "Issue"; Text[ arabic ] = "Issue"; Text[ catalan ] = "Issue"; }; String 8 // name of parameter 4 Pricemat { Text = "Zins"; Text[ english ] = "Zins"; Text[ language_user1 ] = " "; Text[ english_us ] = "Rate"; Text[ portuguese ] = "Rate"; Text[ russian ] = "Rate"; Text[ greek ] = "Rate"; Text[ dutch ] = "Rate"; Text[ french ] = "Intrt"; Text[ spanish ] = "Rate"; Text[ finnish ] = "Rate"; Text[ italian ] = "Tasso interesse"; Text[ danish ] = "Rate"; Text[ swedish ] = "Rnta"; Text[ polish ] = "stopa"; Text[ portuguese_brazilian ] = "Rate"; Text[ japanese ] = ""; Text[ korean ] = "Rate"; Text[ chinese_simplified ] = "Rate"; Text[ chinese_traditional ] = "Rate"; Text[ turkish ] = "Rate"; Text[ arabic ] = "Rate"; Text[ catalan ] = "Rate"; }; String 9 // description of parameter 4 Pricemat { Text = "Zins"; Text[ english ] = "Zins"; Text[ language_user1 ] = " "; Text[ english_us ] = "Rate"; Text[ portuguese ] = "Rate"; Text[ russian ] = "Rate"; Text[ greek ] = "Rate"; Text[ dutch ] = "Rate"; Text[ french ] = "Intrt"; Text[ spanish ] = "Rate"; Text[ finnish ] = "Rate"; Text[ italian ] = "Tasso interesse"; Text[ danish ] = "Rate"; Text[ swedish ] = "Rnta"; Text[ polish ] = "stopa procentu papieru wartociowego"; Text[ portuguese_brazilian ] = "Rate"; Text[ japanese ] = "sɂ،̗"; Text[ korean ] = "Rate"; Text[ chinese_simplified ] = "Rate"; Text[ chinese_traditional ] = "Rate"; Text[ turkish ] = "Rate"; Text[ arabic ] = "Rate"; Text[ catalan ] = "Rate"; }; String 10 // name of parameter 5 Pricemat { Text = "Rendite"; Text[ english ] = "Rendite"; Text[ language_user1 ] = " "; Text[ english_us ] = "Yld"; Text[ portuguese ] = "Yield"; Text[ russian ] = "Yield"; Text[ greek ] = "Yield"; Text[ dutch ] = "Yield"; Text[ french ] = "Yield"; Text[ spanish ] = "Yield"; Text[ finnish ] = "Yield"; Text[ italian ] = "Rendimento"; Text[ danish ] = "Yield"; Text[ swedish ] = "Avkastning"; Text[ polish ] = "rentowno"; Text[ portuguese_brazilian ] = "Yield"; Text[ japanese ] = ""; Text[ korean ] = "Yield"; Text[ chinese_simplified ] = "Yield"; Text[ chinese_traditional ] = "Yield"; Text[ turkish ] = "Yield"; Text[ arabic ] = "Yield"; Text[ catalan ] = "Yield"; }; String 11 // description of parameter 5 Pricemat { Text = "Rendite"; Text[ english ] = "Rendite"; Text[ language_user1 ] = " "; Text[ english_us ] = "Yld"; Text[ portuguese ] = "Yield"; Text[ russian ] = "Yield"; Text[ greek ] = "Yield"; Text[ dutch ] = "Yield"; Text[ french ] = "Yield"; Text[ spanish ] = "Yield"; Text[ finnish ] = "Yield"; Text[ italian ] = "Rendimento"; Text[ danish ] = "Yield"; Text[ swedish ] = "Avkastning"; Text[ polish ] = "roczna rentowno papieru wartociowego"; Text[ portuguese_brazilian ] = "Yield"; Text[ japanese ] = "،̔NԔz"; Text[ korean ] = "Yield"; Text[ chinese_simplified ] = "Yield"; Text[ chinese_traditional ] = "Yield"; Text[ turkish ] = "Yield"; Text[ arabic ] = "Yield"; Text[ catalan ] = "Yield"; }; String 12 // name of parameter 6 Pricemat { Text = "Basis"; Text[ english ] = "Basis"; Text[ language_user1 ] = " "; Text[ english_us ] = "Basis"; Text[ portuguese ] = "Base"; Text[ russian ] = "Base"; Text[ greek ] = "Base"; Text[ dutch ] = "Base"; Text[ french ] = "Base"; Text[ spanish ] = "Base"; Text[ finnish ] = "Base"; Text[ italian ] = "Base"; Text[ danish ] = "Base"; Text[ swedish ] = "Bas"; Text[ polish ] = "podstawa"; Text[ portuguese_brazilian ] = "Base"; Text[ japanese ] = ""; Text[ korean ] = "Base"; Text[ chinese_simplified ] = "Base"; Text[ chinese_traditional ] = "Base"; Text[ turkish ] = "Base"; Text[ arabic ] = "Base"; Text[ catalan ] = "Base"; }; String 13 // description of parameter 6 Pricemat { Text = "Basis"; Text[ english ] = "Basis"; Text[ language_user1 ] = " "; Text[ english_us ] = "Basis"; Text[ portuguese ] = "Base"; Text[ russian ] = "Base"; Text[ greek ] = "Base"; Text[ dutch ] = "Base"; Text[ french ] = "Base"; Text[ spanish ] = "Base"; Text[ finnish ] = "Base"; Text[ italian ] = "Base"; Text[ danish ] = "Base"; Text[ swedish ] = "Bas"; Text[ polish ] = "rodzaj podstawy wyliczania dni"; Text[ portuguese_brazilian ] = "Base"; Text[ japanese ] = "vZ̊bƂȂ̌vZ@"; Text[ korean ] = "Base"; Text[ chinese_simplified ] = "Base"; Text[ chinese_traditional ] = "Base"; Text[ turkish ] = "Base"; Text[ arabic ] = "Base"; Text[ catalan ] = "Base"; }; }; Resource ANALYSIS_Mduration { String 1 // description Mduration { Text = "Liefert die modifizierte Macauley-Duration eines Wertpapiers mit 100 DM Nennwert."; Text[ english ] = "Returns the Macauley modified duration for a security with an assumed par "; Text[ language_user1 ] = " "; Text[ english_us ] = "Returns the Macauley modified duration for a security with an assumed par "; Text[ portuguese ] = "Returns the Macauley modified duration for a security with an assumed par "; Text[ russian ] = "Returns the Macauley modified duration for a security with an assumed par "; Text[ greek ] = "Returns the Macauley modified duration for a security with an assumed par "; Text[ dutch ] = "Returns the Macauley modified duration for a security with an assumed par "; Text[ french ] = "Renvoie la dure de Macauley modifie d'un titre pour une valeur nominale de 100 F."; Text[ spanish ] = "Returns the Macauley modified duration for a security with an assumed par "; Text[ finnish ] = "Returns the Macauley modified duration for a security with an assumed par "; Text[ italian ] = "Restituisce la durata Macauley modificata di un titolo con un valore nominale di 100 lire."; Text[ danish ] = "Returns the Macauley modified duration for a security with an assumed par "; Text[ swedish ] = "Returns the Macauley modified duration for a security with an assumed par "; Text[ polish ] = "Podaje warto zmodyfikowanego okresu Macauley'a w przypadku papieru wartociowego o zaoonej wartoci 100 jednostek."; Text[ portuguese_brazilian ] = "Returns the Macauley modified duration for a security with an assumed par "; Text[ japanese ] = "Returns the Macauley modified duration for a security with an assumed par "; Text[ korean ] = "Returns the Macauley modified duration for a security with an assumed par "; Text[ chinese_simplified ] = "Returns the Macauley modified duration for a security with an assumed par "; Text[ chinese_traditional ] = "Returns the Macauley modified duration for a security with an assumed par "; Text[ turkish ] = "Returns the Macauley modified duration for a security with an assumed par "; Text[ arabic ] = "Returns the Macauley modified duration for a security with an assumed par "; Text[ catalan ] = "Returns the Macauley modified duration for a security with an assumed par "; }; String 2 // name of parameter 1 Mduration { Text = "Abrechnung"; Text[ english ] = "Abrechnung"; Text[ language_user1 ] = " "; Text[ english_us ] = "Settlement"; Text[ portuguese ] = "Expedio"; Text[ russian ] = "Settlement"; Text[ greek ] = "Settlement"; Text[ dutch ] = "Settlement"; Text[ french ] = "Settlement"; Text[ spanish ] = "Settlement"; Text[ finnish ] = "Settlement"; Text[ italian ] = "Liquidazione"; Text[ danish ] = "Settlement"; Text[ swedish ] = "Settlement"; Text[ polish ] = "rozliczenie"; Text[ portuguese_brazilian ] = "Settlement"; Text[ japanese ] = "̓"; Text[ korean ] = "Settlement"; Text[ chinese_simplified ] = "Settlement"; Text[ chinese_traditional ] = "Settlement"; Text[ turkish ] = "Settlement"; Text[ arabic ] = "Settlement"; Text[ catalan ] = "Settlement"; }; String 3 // description of parameter 1 Mduration { Text = "Abrechnung"; Text[ english ] = "Abrechnung"; Text[ language_user1 ] = " "; Text[ english_us ] = "Settlement"; Text[ portuguese ] = "Expedio"; Text[ russian ] = "Settlement"; Text[ greek ] = "Settlement"; Text[ dutch ] = "Settlement"; Text[ french ] = "Settlement"; Text[ spanish ] = "Settlement"; Text[ finnish ] = "Settlement"; Text[ italian ] = "Liquidazione"; Text[ danish ] = "Settlement"; Text[ swedish ] = "Settlement"; Text[ polish ] = "data rozliczenia papieru wartociowego (w postaci liczby seryjnej)"; Text[ portuguese_brazilian ] = "Settlement"; Text[ japanese ] = "،̎̓"; Text[ korean ] = "Settlement"; Text[ chinese_simplified ] = "Settlement"; Text[ chinese_traditional ] = "Settlement"; Text[ turkish ] = "Settlement"; Text[ arabic ] = "Settlement"; Text[ catalan ] = "Settlement"; }; String 4 // name of parameter 2 Mduration { Text = "Flligkeit"; Text[ english ] = "Flligkeit"; Text[ language_user1 ] = " "; Text[ english_us ] = "Maturity"; Text[ portuguese ] = "Expirao"; Text[ russian ] = "Maturity"; Text[ greek ] = "Maturity"; Text[ dutch ] = "Maturity"; Text[ french ] = "chance"; Text[ spanish ] = "Maturity"; Text[ finnish ] = "Maturity"; Text[ italian ] = "Scadenza"; Text[ danish ] = "Maturity"; Text[ swedish ] = "Maturity"; Text[ polish ] = "data spaty"; Text[ portuguese_brazilian ] = "Maturity"; Text[ japanese ] = ""; Text[ korean ] = "Maturity"; Text[ chinese_simplified ] = "Maturity"; Text[ chinese_traditional ] = "Maturity"; Text[ turkish ] = "Maturity"; Text[ arabic ] = "Maturity"; Text[ catalan ] = "Maturity"; }; String 5 // description of parameter 2 Mduration { Text = "Flligkeit"; Text[ english ] = "Flligkeit"; Text[ language_user1 ] = " "; Text[ english_us ] = "Maturity"; Text[ portuguese ] = "Expirao"; Text[ russian ] = "Maturity"; Text[ greek ] = "Maturity"; Text[ dutch ] = "Maturity"; Text[ french ] = "chance"; Text[ spanish ] = "Maturity"; Text[ finnish ] = "Maturity"; Text[ italian ] = "Scadenza"; Text[ danish ] = "Maturity"; Text[ swedish ] = "Maturity"; Text[ polish ] = "data spaty papieru wartociowego (w postaci liczby seryjnej)"; Text[ portuguese_brazilian ] = "Maturity"; Text[ japanese ] = "،̖"; Text[ korean ] = "Maturity"; Text[ chinese_simplified ] = "Maturity"; Text[ chinese_traditional ] = "Maturity"; Text[ turkish ] = "Maturity"; Text[ arabic ] = "Maturity"; Text[ catalan ] = "Maturity"; }; String 6 // name of parameter 3 Mduration { Text = "Nominalzins"; Text[ english ] = "Nominalzins"; Text[ language_user1 ] = " "; Text[ english_us ] = "Coupon"; Text[ portuguese ] = "Coupon"; Text[ russian ] = "Coupon"; Text[ greek ] = "Coupon"; Text[ dutch ] = "Coupon"; Text[ french ] = "Intrt nominal"; Text[ spanish ] = "Coupon"; Text[ finnish ] = "Coupon"; Text[ italian ] = "Tasso interesse nominale"; Text[ danish ] = "Coupon"; Text[ swedish ] = "Coupon"; Text[ polish ] = "kupon"; Text[ portuguese_brazilian ] = "Coupon"; Text[ japanese ] = "D"; Text[ korean ] = "Coupon"; Text[ chinese_simplified ] = "Coupon"; Text[ chinese_traditional ] = "Coupon"; Text[ turkish ] = "Coupon"; Text[ arabic ] = "Coupon"; Text[ catalan ] = "Coupon"; }; String 7 // description of parameter 3 Mduration { Text = "Nominalzins"; Text[ english ] = "Nominalzins"; Text[ language_user1 ] = " "; Text[ english_us ] = "Coupon"; Text[ portuguese ] = "Coupon"; Text[ russian ] = "Coupon"; Text[ greek ] = "Coupon"; Text[ dutch ] = "Coupon"; Text[ french ] = "Intrt nominal"; Text[ spanish ] = "Coupon"; Text[ finnish ] = "Coupon"; Text[ italian ] = "Tasso interesse nominale"; Text[ danish ] = "Coupon"; Text[ swedish ] = "Coupon"; Text[ polish ] = "roczne oprocentowanie kuponu papieru wartociowego"; Text[ portuguese_brazilian ] = "Coupon"; Text[ japanese ] = "،̔N"; Text[ korean ] = "Coupon"; Text[ chinese_simplified ] = "Coupon"; Text[ chinese_traditional ] = "Coupon"; Text[ turkish ] = "Coupon"; Text[ arabic ] = "Coupon"; Text[ catalan ] = "Coupon"; }; String 8 // name of parameter 4 Mduration { Text = "Rendite"; Text[ english ] = "Rendite"; Text[ language_user1 ] = " "; Text[ english_us ] = "Yld"; Text[ portuguese ] = "Yield"; Text[ russian ] = "Yield"; Text[ greek ] = "Yield"; Text[ dutch ] = "Yield"; Text[ french ] = "Yield"; Text[ spanish ] = "Yield"; Text[ finnish ] = "Yield"; Text[ italian ] = "Rendimento"; Text[ danish ] = "Yield"; Text[ swedish ] = "Yield"; Text[ polish ] = "rentowno"; Text[ portuguese_brazilian ] = "Yield"; Text[ japanese ] = ""; Text[ korean ] = "Yield"; Text[ chinese_simplified ] = "Yield"; Text[ chinese_traditional ] = "Yield"; Text[ turkish ] = "Yield"; Text[ arabic ] = "Yield"; Text[ catalan ] = "Yield"; }; String 9 // description of parameter 4 Mduration { Text = "Rendite"; Text[ english ] = "Rendite"; Text[ language_user1 ] = " "; Text[ english_us ] = "Yld"; Text[ portuguese ] = "Yield"; Text[ russian ] = "Yield"; Text[ greek ] = "Yield"; Text[ dutch ] = "Yield"; Text[ french ] = "Yield"; Text[ spanish ] = "Yield"; Text[ finnish ] = "Yield"; Text[ italian ] = "Rendimento"; Text[ danish ] = "Yield"; Text[ swedish ] = "Yield"; Text[ polish ] = "roczna rentowno papieru wartociowego"; Text[ portuguese_brazilian ] = "Yield"; Text[ japanese ] = "،̔NԔz"; Text[ korean ] = "Yield"; Text[ chinese_simplified ] = "Yield"; Text[ chinese_traditional ] = "Yield"; Text[ turkish ] = "Yield"; Text[ arabic ] = "Yield"; Text[ catalan ] = "Yield"; }; String 10 // name of parameter 5 Mduration { Text = "Hufigkeit"; Text[ english ] = "Hufigkeit"; Text[ language_user1 ] = " "; Text[ english_us ] = "Frequency"; Text[ portuguese ] = "Frequncia"; Text[ russian ] = "Frequency"; Text[ greek ] = "Frequency"; Text[ dutch ] = "Frequency"; Text[ french ] = "Frquence"; Text[ spanish ] = "Frecuencia"; Text[ finnish ] = "Frequency"; Text[ italian ] = "Frequenza"; Text[ danish ] = "Frequency"; Text[ swedish ] = "Frequency"; Text[ polish ] = "czsto"; Text[ portuguese_brazilian ] = "Frequency"; Text[ japanese ] = "px"; Text[ korean ] = "Frequency"; Text[ chinese_simplified ] = "Frequency"; Text[ chinese_traditional ] = "Frequency"; Text[ turkish ] = "Frequency"; Text[ arabic ] = "Frequency"; Text[ catalan ] = "Frequency"; }; String 11 // description of parameter 5 Mduration { Text = "Hufigkeit"; Text[ english ] = "Hufigkeit"; Text[ language_user1 ] = " "; Text[ english_us ] = "Frequency"; Text[ portuguese ] = "Frequncia"; Text[ russian ] = "Frequency"; Text[ greek ] = "Frequency"; Text[ dutch ] = "Frequency"; Text[ french ] = "Frquence"; Text[ spanish ] = "Frecuencia"; Text[ finnish ] = "Frequency"; Text[ italian ] = "Frequenza"; Text[ danish ] = "Frequency"; Text[ swedish ] = "Frequency"; Text[ polish ] = "liczba kuponw patych w cigu roku"; Text[ portuguese_brazilian ] = "Frequency"; Text[ japanese ] = "NԂ̗x"; Text[ korean ] = "Frequency"; Text[ chinese_simplified ] = "Frequency"; Text[ chinese_traditional ] = "Frequency"; Text[ turkish ] = "Frequency"; Text[ arabic ] = "Frequency"; Text[ catalan ] = "Frequency"; }; String 12 // name of parameter 6 Mduration { Text = "Basis"; Text[ english ] = "Basis"; Text[ language_user1 ] = " "; Text[ english_us ] = "Basis"; Text[ portuguese ] = "Base"; Text[ russian ] = "Base"; Text[ greek ] = "Base"; Text[ dutch ] = "Base"; Text[ french ] = "Base"; Text[ spanish ] = "Base"; Text[ finnish ] = "Base"; Text[ italian ] = "Base"; Text[ danish ] = "Base"; Text[ swedish ] = "Base"; Text[ polish ] = "podstawa"; Text[ portuguese_brazilian ] = "Base"; Text[ japanese ] = ""; Text[ korean ] = "Base"; Text[ chinese_simplified ] = "Base"; Text[ chinese_traditional ] = "Base"; Text[ turkish ] = "Base"; Text[ arabic ] = "Base"; Text[ catalan ] = "Base"; }; String 13 // description of parameter 6 Mduration { Text = "Basis"; Text[ english ] = "Basis"; Text[ language_user1 ] = " "; Text[ english_us ] = "Basis"; Text[ portuguese ] = "Base"; Text[ russian ] = "Base"; Text[ greek ] = "Base"; Text[ dutch ] = "Base"; Text[ french ] = "Base"; Text[ spanish ] = "Base"; Text[ finnish ] = "Base"; Text[ italian ] = "Base"; Text[ danish ] = "Base"; Text[ swedish ] = "Bas"; Text[ polish ] = "rodzaj podstawy wyliczania dni"; Text[ portuguese_brazilian ] = "Base"; Text[ japanese ] = "vZ̊bƂȂ̌vZ@"; Text[ korean ] = "Base"; Text[ chinese_simplified ] = "Base"; Text[ chinese_traditional ] = "Base"; Text[ turkish ] = "Base"; Text[ arabic ] = "Base"; Text[ catalan ] = "Base"; }; }; Resource ANALYSIS_Nomial_add { String 1 // description Nomial_add { Text = "Liefert die jhrliche Nominalverzinsung."; Text[ english ] = "Returns the annual nominal interest rate"; Text[ english_us ] = "Returns the annual nominal interest rate"; Text[ portuguese ] = "Returns the annual nominal interest rate"; Text[ russian ] = "Returns the annual nominal interest rate"; Text[ greek ] = "Returns the annual nominal interest rate"; Text[ dutch ] = "Returns the annual nominal interest rate"; Text[ french ] = "Renvoie le taux d'intrt nominal annuel."; Text[ spanish ] = "Devuelve el inters nominal anual."; Text[ finnish ] = "Returns the annual nominal interest rate"; Text[ italian ] = "Returns the annual nominal interest rate"; Text[ danish ] = "Returns the annual nominal interest rate"; Text[ swedish ] = "Returnerar den rliga nominella rntesatsen."; Text[ polish ] = "Podaje warto rocznej nominalnej stopy oprocentowania."; Text[ portuguese_brazilian ] = "Returns the annual nominal interest rate"; Text[ japanese ] = "Returns the annual nominal interest rate"; Text[ korean ] = "Returns the annual nominal interest rate"; Text[ chinese_simplified ] = "Returns the annual nominal interest rate"; Text[ chinese_traditional ] = "Returns the annual nominal interest rate"; Text[ turkish ] = "Returns the annual nominal interest rate"; Text[ arabic ] = "Returns the annual nominal interest rate"; Text[ catalan ] = "Returns the annual nominal interest rate"; }; String 2 // name of parameter 1 Nomial_add { Text = "Effektiver Zins"; Text[ english ] = "Effektiver Zins"; Text[ english_us ] = "Effect rate"; Text[ portuguese ] = "Effektiver Zins"; Text[ russian ] = "Effektiver Zins"; Text[ greek ] = "Effektiver Zins"; Text[ dutch ] = "Effektiver Zins"; Text[ french ] = "Taux nominal"; Text[ spanish ] = "Inters efectivo"; Text[ finnish ] = "Effektiver Zins"; Text[ italian ] = "Effektiver Zins"; Text[ danish ] = "Effektiver Zins"; Text[ swedish ] = "Effektiv rnta"; Text[ polish ] = "stopa efektywna"; Text[ portuguese_brazilian ] = "Effektiver Zins"; Text[ japanese ] = "Effektiver Zins"; Text[ korean ] = "Effektiver Zins"; Text[ chinese_simplified ] = "Effektiver Zins"; Text[ chinese_traditional ] = "Effektiver Zins"; Text[ turkish ] = "Effektiver Zins"; Text[ arabic ] = "Effektiver Zins"; Text[ catalan ] = "Effektiver Zins"; }; String 3 // description of parameter 1 Nomial_add { Text = "Effektiver Zins"; Text[ english ] = "Effektiver Zins"; Text[ english_us ] = "Effect rate"; Text[ portuguese ] = "Effektiver Zins"; Text[ russian ] = "Effektiver Zins"; Text[ greek ] = "Effektiver Zins"; Text[ dutch ] = "Effektiver Zins"; Text[ french ] = "Taux nominal"; Text[ spanish ] = "Inters efectivo"; Text[ finnish ] = "Effektiver Zins"; Text[ italian ] = "Effektiver Zins"; Text[ danish ] = "Effektiver Zins"; Text[ swedish ] = "Effektiv rnta"; Text[ polish ] = "efektywna stopa procentowa"; Text[ portuguese_brazilian ] = "Effektiver Zins"; Text[ japanese ] = "Effektiver Zins"; Text[ korean ] = "Effektiver Zins"; Text[ chinese_simplified ] = "Effektiver Zins"; Text[ chinese_traditional ] = "Effektiver Zins"; Text[ turkish ] = "Effektiver Zins"; Text[ arabic ] = "Effektiver Zins"; Text[ catalan ] = "Effektiver Zins"; }; String 4 // name of parameter 2 Nomial_add { Text = "Perioden"; Text[ english ] = "Perioden"; Text[ english_us ] = "Npery"; Text[ portuguese ] = "Perioden"; Text[ russian ] = "Perioden"; Text[ greek ] = "Perioden"; Text[ dutch ] = "Perioden"; Text[ french ] = "Priodes"; Text[ spanish ] = "Periodos"; Text[ finnish ] = "Perioden"; Text[ italian ] = "Periodi"; Text[ danish ] = "Perioden"; Text[ swedish ] = "Perioder"; Text[ polish ] = "okresy"; Text[ portuguese_brazilian ] = "Perioden"; Text[ japanese ] = "Perioden"; Text[ korean ] = "Perioden"; Text[ chinese_simplified ] = "Perioden"; Text[ chinese_traditional ] = "Perioden"; Text[ turkish ] = "Perioden"; Text[ arabic ] = "Perioden"; Text[ catalan ] = "Perioden"; }; String 5 // description of parameter 2 Nomial_add { Text = "Perioden"; Text[ english ] = "Perioden"; Text[ english_us ] = "Npery"; Text[ portuguese ] = "Perioden"; Text[ russian ] = "Perioden"; Text[ greek ] = "Perioden"; Text[ dutch ] = "Perioden"; Text[ french ] = "Priodes"; Text[ spanish ] = "Periodos"; Text[ finnish ] = "Perioden"; Text[ italian ] = "Periodi"; Text[ danish ] = "Perioden"; Text[ swedish ] = "Perioder"; Text[ polish ] = "liczba okresw skadanych w roku"; Text[ portuguese_brazilian ] = "Perioden"; Text[ japanese ] = "Perioden"; Text[ korean ] = "Perioden"; Text[ chinese_simplified ] = "Perioden"; Text[ chinese_traditional ] = "Perioden"; Text[ turkish ] = "Perioden"; Text[ arabic ] = "Perioden"; Text[ catalan ] = "Perioden"; }; }; Resource ANALYSIS_Dollarfr { String 1 // description Dollarfr { Text = "Konvertiert eine Notierung in dezimaler Schreibweise in eine gemischten Dezimalbruch."; Text[ english ] = "Converts a dollar price, expressed as a decimal number, into a dollar price, expressed as a fraction"; Text[ language_user1 ] = " "; Text[ english_us ] = "Converts a price expressed as a decimal into a price expressed as a fraction."; Text[ portuguese ] = "Converts a dollar price, expressed as a decimal number, into a dollar price, expressed as a fraction"; Text[ russian ] = "Converts a dollar price, expressed as a decimal number, into a dollar price, expressed as a fraction"; Text[ greek ] = "Converts a dollar price, expressed as a decimal number, into a dollar price, expressed as a fraction"; Text[ dutch ] = "Converts a dollar price, expressed as a decimal number, into a dollar price, expressed as a fraction"; Text[ french ] = "Convertit une cotation de la forme dcimale la forme fractionnaire."; Text[ spanish ] = "Converts a dollar price, expressed as a decimal number, into a dollar price, expressed as a fraction"; Text[ finnish ] = "Converts a dollar price, expressed as a decimal number, into a dollar price, expressed as a fraction"; Text[ italian ] = "Converte un prezzo espresso in numero decimale in un prezzo espresso in frazione."; Text[ danish ] = "Converts a dollar price, expressed as a decimal number, into a dollar price, expressed as a fraction"; Text[ swedish ] = "Konverterar en notering uttryckt som ett decimaltal till en notering uttryckt som ett brk."; Text[ polish ] = "Zamienia cen w postaci dziesitnej na cen w postaci uamkowej."; Text[ portuguese_brazilian ] = "Converts a dollar price, expressed as a decimal number, into a dollar price, expressed as a fraction"; Text[ japanese ] = "ŕ\\ꂽىi𕪐\\ɕϊ܂B"; Text[ korean ] = "Converts a dollar price, expressed as a decimal number, into a dollar price, expressed as a fraction"; Text[ chinese_simplified ] = "Converts a dollar price, expressed as a decimal number, into a dollar price, expressed as a fraction"; Text[ chinese_traditional ] = "Converts a dollar price, expressed as a decimal number, into a dollar price, expressed as a fraction"; Text[ turkish ] = "Converts a dollar price, expressed as a decimal number, into a dollar price, expressed as a fraction"; Text[ arabic ] = "Converts a dollar price, expressed as a decimal number, into a dollar price, expressed as a fraction"; Text[ catalan ] = "Converts a dollar price, expressed as a decimal number, into a dollar price, expressed as a fraction"; }; String 2 // name of parameter 1 Dollarfr { Text = "Zahl"; Text[ english ] = "Zahl"; Text[ language_user1 ] = " "; Text[ english_us ] = "Decimal dollar"; Text[ portuguese ] = "Decimal dollar"; Text[ russian ] = "Decimal dollar"; Text[ greek ] = "Decimal dollar"; Text[ dutch ] = "Decimal dollar"; Text[ french ] = "Nombre"; Text[ spanish ] = "Decimal dollar"; Text[ finnish ] = "Decimal dollar"; Text[ italian ] = "Num"; Text[ danish ] = "Decimal dollar"; Text[ swedish ] = "Tal"; Text[ polish ] = "warto dziesitna"; Text[ portuguese_brazilian ] = "Decimal dollar"; Text[ japanese ] = "l"; Text[ korean ] = "Decimal dollar"; Text[ chinese_simplified ] = "Decimal dollar"; Text[ chinese_traditional ] = "Decimal dollar"; Text[ turkish ] = "Decimal dollar"; Text[ arabic ] = "Decimal dollar"; Text[ catalan ] = "Decimal dollar"; }; String 3 // description of parameter 1 Dollarfr { Text = "Zahl"; Text[ english ] = "Zahl"; Text[ language_user1 ] = " "; Text[ english_us ] = "Decimal dollar"; Text[ portuguese ] = "Decimal dollar"; Text[ russian ] = "Decimal dollar"; Text[ greek ] = "Decimal dollar"; Text[ dutch ] = "Decimal dollar"; Text[ french ] = "Nombre"; Text[ spanish ] = "Decimal dollar"; Text[ finnish ] = "Decimal dollar"; Text[ italian ] = "Numero"; Text[ danish ] = "Decimal dollar"; Text[ swedish ] = "Tal"; Text[ polish ] = "liczba dziesitna"; Text[ portuguese_brazilian ] = "Decimal dollar"; Text[ japanese ] = "ŕ\\ꂽl"; Text[ korean ] = "Decimal dollar"; Text[ chinese_simplified ] = "Decimal dollar"; Text[ chinese_traditional ] = "Decimal dollar"; Text[ turkish ] = "Decimal dollar"; Text[ arabic ] = "Decimal dollar"; Text[ catalan ] = "Decimal dollar"; }; String 4 // name of parameter 2 Dollarfr { Text = "Teiler"; Text[ english ] = "Teiler"; Text[ language_user1 ] = " "; Text[ english_us ] = "Fraction"; Text[ portuguese ] = "Fraction"; Text[ russian ] = "Fraction"; Text[ greek ] = "Fraction"; Text[ dutch ] = "Fraction"; Text[ french ] = "Fraction"; Text[ spanish ] = "Fraction"; Text[ finnish ] = "Fraction"; Text[ italian ] = "Frazione"; Text[ danish ] = "Fraction"; Text[ swedish ] = "Divisor"; Text[ polish ] = "uamek"; Text[ portuguese_brazilian ] = "Fraction"; Text[ japanese ] = ""; Text[ korean ] = "Fraction"; Text[ chinese_simplified ] = "Fraction"; Text[ chinese_traditional ] = "Fraction"; Text[ turkish ] = "Fraction"; Text[ arabic ] = "Fraction"; Text[ catalan ] = "Fraction"; }; String 5 // description of parameter 2 Dollarfr { Text = "Teiler"; Text[ english ] = "Teiler"; Text[ language_user1 ] = " "; Text[ english_us ] = "Fraction"; Text[ portuguese ] = "Fraction"; Text[ russian ] = "Fraction"; Text[ greek ] = "Fraction"; Text[ dutch ] = "Fraction"; Text[ french ] = "Fraction"; Text[ spanish ] = "Fraction"; Text[ finnish ] = "Fraction"; Text[ italian ] = "Frazione"; Text[ danish ] = "Fraction"; Text[ swedish ] = "Divisor"; Text[ polish ] = "liczba cakowita uywana jako mianownik uamka"; Text[ portuguese_brazilian ] = "Fraction"; Text[ japanese ] = "̕ƂȂ鐮"; Text[ korean ] = "Fraction"; Text[ chinese_simplified ] = "Fraction"; Text[ chinese_traditional ] = "Fraction"; Text[ turkish ] = "Fraction"; Text[ arabic ] = "Fraction"; Text[ catalan ] = "Fraction"; }; }; Resource ANALYSIS_Dollarde { String 1 // description Dollarde { Text = "Konvertiert eine Notierung, die als Dezimalbruch angegeben ist, in eine Dezimalzahl."; Text[ english ] = "Converts a dollar price, expressed as a fraction, into a dollar price, expressed as a decimal number"; Text[ language_user1 ] = " "; Text[ english_us ] = "Converts a price expressed as a fraction into a price expressed as a decimal."; Text[ portuguese ] = "Converts a dollar price, expressed as a fraction, into a dollar price, expressed as a decimal number"; Text[ russian ] = "Converts a dollar price, expressed as a fraction, into a dollar price, expressed as a decimal number"; Text[ greek ] = "Converts a dollar price, expressed as a fraction, into a dollar price, expressed as a decimal number"; Text[ dutch ] = "Converts a dollar price, expressed as a fraction, into a dollar price, expressed as a decimal number"; Text[ french ] = "Convertit une cotation de la forme fractionnaire la forme dcimale."; Text[ spanish ] = "Converts a dollar price, expressed as a fraction, into a dollar price, expressed as a decimal number"; Text[ finnish ] = "Converts a dollar price, expressed as a fraction, into a dollar price, expressed as a decimal number"; Text[ italian ] = "Converte un prezzo espresso in frazione in numero decimale."; Text[ danish ] = "Converts a dollar price, expressed as a fraction, into a dollar price, expressed as a decimal number"; Text[ swedish ] = "Konverterar en notering uttryckt som ett brk till ett decimaltal."; Text[ polish ] = "Zamienia cen w postaci uamkowej na cen w postaci dziesitnej."; Text[ portuguese_brazilian ] = "Converts a dollar price, expressed as a fraction, into a dollar price, expressed as a decimal number"; Text[ japanese ] = "ŕ\\ꂽىi\\ɕϊ܂B"; Text[ korean ] = "Converts a dollar price, expressed as a fraction, into a dollar price, expressed as a decimal number"; Text[ chinese_simplified ] = "Converts a dollar price, expressed as a fraction, into a dollar price, expressed as a decimal number"; Text[ chinese_traditional ] = "Converts a dollar price, expressed as a fraction, into a dollar price, expressed as a decimal number"; Text[ turkish ] = "Converts a dollar price, expressed as a fraction, into a dollar price, expressed as a decimal number"; Text[ arabic ] = "Converts a dollar price, expressed as a fraction, into a dollar price, expressed as a decimal number"; Text[ catalan ] = "Converts a dollar price, expressed as a fraction, into a dollar price, expressed as a decimal number"; }; String 2 // name of parameter 1 Dollarde { Text = "Zahl"; Text[ english ] = "Zahl"; Text[ language_user1 ] = " "; Text[ english_us ] = "Fractional dollar"; Text[ portuguese ] = "Fractional dollar"; Text[ russian ] = "Fractional dollar"; Text[ greek ] = "Fractional dollar"; Text[ dutch ] = "Fractional dollar"; Text[ french ] = "Nombre"; Text[ spanish ] = "Nmero"; Text[ finnish ] = "Fractional dollar"; Text[ italian ] = "Num"; Text[ danish ] = "Fractional dollar"; Text[ swedish ] = "Tal"; Text[ polish ] = "warto uamkowa"; Text[ portuguese_brazilian ] = "Fractional dollar"; Text[ japanese ] = "q"; Text[ korean ] = "Fractional dollar"; Text[ chinese_simplified ] = "Fractional dollar"; Text[ chinese_traditional ] = "Fractional dollar"; Text[ turkish ] = "Fractional dollar"; Text[ arabic ] = "Fractional dollar"; Text[ catalan ] = "Fractional dollar"; }; String 3 // description of parameter 1 Dollarde { Text = "Zahl"; Text[ english ] = "Zahl"; Text[ language_user1 ] = " "; Text[ english_us ] = "Fractional dollar"; Text[ portuguese ] = "Fractional dollar"; Text[ russian ] = "Fractional dollar"; Text[ greek ] = "Fractional dollar"; Text[ dutch ] = "Fractional dollar"; Text[ french ] = "Nombre"; Text[ spanish ] = "Nmero"; Text[ finnish ] = "Fractional dollar"; Text[ italian ] = "Numero"; Text[ danish ] = "Fractional dollar"; Text[ swedish ] = "Tal"; Text[ polish ] = "liczba wyraona jako uamek"; Text[ portuguese_brazilian ] = "Fractional dollar"; Text[ japanese ] = "ŕ\\ꂽl"; Text[ korean ] = "Fractional dollar"; Text[ chinese_simplified ] = "Fractional dollar"; Text[ chinese_traditional ] = "Fractional dollar"; Text[ turkish ] = "Fractional dollar"; Text[ arabic ] = "Fractional dollar"; Text[ catalan ] = "Fractional dollar"; }; String 4 // name of parameter 2 Dollarde { Text = "Teiler"; Text[ english ] = "Teiler"; Text[ language_user1 ] = " "; Text[ english_us ] = "Fraction"; Text[ portuguese ] = "Fraction"; Text[ russian ] = "Fraction"; Text[ greek ] = "Fraction"; Text[ dutch ] = "Fraction"; Text[ french ] = "Fraction"; Text[ spanish ] = "Separador"; Text[ finnish ] = "Fraction"; Text[ italian ] = "Frazione"; Text[ danish ] = "Fraction"; Text[ swedish ] = "Divisor"; Text[ polish ] = "uamek"; Text[ portuguese_brazilian ] = "Fraction"; Text[ japanese ] = ""; Text[ korean ] = "Fraction"; Text[ chinese_simplified ] = "Fraction"; Text[ chinese_traditional ] = "Fraction"; Text[ turkish ] = "Fraction"; Text[ arabic ] = "Fraction"; Text[ catalan ] = "Fraction"; }; String 5 // description of parameter 2 Dollarde { Text = "Teiler"; Text[ english ] = "Teiler"; Text[ language_user1 ] = " "; Text[ english_us ] = "Fraction"; Text[ portuguese ] = "Fraction"; Text[ russian ] = "Fraction"; Text[ greek ] = "Fraction"; Text[ dutch ] = "Fraction"; Text[ french ] = "Fraction"; Text[ spanish ] = "Separador"; Text[ finnish ] = "Fraction"; Text[ italian ] = "Frazione"; Text[ danish ] = "Fraction"; Text[ swedish ] = "Divisor"; Text[ polish ] = "liczba cakowita uywana jako mianownik uamka"; Text[ portuguese_brazilian ] = "Fraction"; Text[ japanese ] = "̕ƂȂ鐮"; Text[ korean ] = "Fraction"; Text[ chinese_simplified ] = "Fraction"; Text[ chinese_traditional ] = "Fraction"; Text[ turkish ] = "Fraction"; Text[ arabic ] = "Fraction"; Text[ catalan ] = "Fraction"; }; }; Resource ANALYSIS_Yield { String 1 // description Yield { Text = "Liefert die Rendite eines Wertpapieres, das periodisch Zinsen auszahlt."; Text[ english ] = "Returns the yield on a security that pays periodic interest"; Text[ language_user1 ] = " "; Text[ english_us ] = "Returns the yield on a security that pays periodic interest"; Text[ portuguese ] = "Returns the yield on a security that pays periodic interest"; Text[ russian ] = "Returns the yield on a security that pays periodic interest"; Text[ greek ] = "Returns the yield on a security that pays periodic interest"; Text[ dutch ] = "Returns the yield on a security that pays periodic interest"; Text[ french ] = "Returns the yield on a security that pays periodic interest"; Text[ spanish ] = "Devuelve los rditos de un valor que da intereses peridicos."; Text[ finnish ] = "Returns the yield on a security that pays periodic interest"; Text[ italian ] = "Restituisce il rendimento di un titolo che frutta interessi periodici."; Text[ danish ] = "Returns the yield on a security that pays periodic interest"; Text[ swedish ] = "Returnerar avkastningen p ett vrdepapper som betalar ut rntor periodiskt."; Text[ polish ] = "Podaje rentowno papieru wartociowego o okresowym oprocentowaniu."; Text[ portuguese_brazilian ] = "Returns the yield on a security that pays periodic interest"; Text[ japanese ] = "IɎx،̗Ԃ܂B"; Text[ korean ] = "Returns the yield on a security that pays periodic interest"; Text[ chinese_simplified ] = "Returns the yield on a security that pays periodic interest"; Text[ chinese_traditional ] = "Returns the yield on a security that pays periodic interest"; Text[ turkish ] = "Returns the yield on a security that pays periodic interest"; Text[ arabic ] = "Returns the yield on a security that pays periodic interest"; Text[ catalan ] = "Returns the yield on a security that pays periodic interest"; }; String 2 // name of parameter 1 Yield { Text = "Abrechnung"; Text[ english ] = "Abrechnung"; Text[ language_user1 ] = " "; Text[ english_us ] = "Settlement"; Text[ portuguese ] = "Expedio"; Text[ russian ] = "Settlement"; Text[ greek ] = "Settlement"; Text[ dutch ] = "Settlement"; Text[ french ] = "Settlement"; Text[ spanish ] = "Liquidacin"; Text[ finnish ] = "Settlement"; Text[ italian ] = "Liquidazione"; Text[ danish ] = "Settlement"; Text[ swedish ] = "Betalning"; Text[ polish ] = "rozliczenie"; Text[ portuguese_brazilian ] = "Settlement"; Text[ japanese ] = "̓"; Text[ korean ] = "Settlement"; Text[ chinese_simplified ] = "Settlement"; Text[ chinese_traditional ] = "Settlement"; Text[ turkish ] = "Settlement"; Text[ arabic ] = "Settlement"; Text[ catalan ] = "Settlement"; }; String 3 // description of parameter 1 Yield { Text = "Abrechnung"; Text[ english ] = "Abrechnung"; Text[ language_user1 ] = " "; Text[ english_us ] = "Settlement"; Text[ portuguese ] = "Expedio"; Text[ russian ] = "Settlement"; Text[ greek ] = "Settlement"; Text[ dutch ] = "Settlement"; Text[ french ] = "Settlement"; Text[ spanish ] = "Liquidacin"; Text[ finnish ] = "Settlement"; Text[ italian ] = "Liquidazione"; Text[ danish ] = "Settlement"; Text[ swedish ] = "Betalning"; Text[ polish ] = "data rozliczenia papieru wartociowego"; Text[ portuguese_brazilian ] = "Settlement"; Text[ japanese ] = "،̎̓"; Text[ korean ] = "Settlement"; Text[ chinese_simplified ] = "Settlement"; Text[ chinese_traditional ] = "Settlement"; Text[ turkish ] = "Settlement"; Text[ arabic ] = "Settlement"; Text[ catalan ] = "Settlement"; }; String 4 // name of parameter 2 Yield { Text = "Flligkeit"; Text[ english ] = "Flligkeit"; Text[ language_user1 ] = " "; Text[ english_us ] = "Maturity"; Text[ portuguese ] = "Expirao"; Text[ russian ] = "Maturity"; Text[ greek ] = "Maturity"; Text[ dutch ] = "Maturity"; Text[ french ] = "chance"; Text[ spanish ] = "Vencimiento"; Text[ finnish ] = "Maturity"; Text[ italian ] = "Scadenza"; Text[ danish ] = "Maturity"; Text[ swedish ] = "Frfallodag"; Text[ polish ] = "data spaty"; Text[ portuguese_brazilian ] = "Maturity"; Text[ japanese ] = ""; Text[ korean ] = "Maturity"; Text[ chinese_simplified ] = "Maturity"; Text[ chinese_traditional ] = "Maturity"; Text[ turkish ] = "Maturity"; Text[ arabic ] = "Maturity"; Text[ catalan ] = "Maturity"; }; String 5 // description of parameter 2 Yield { Text = "Flligkeit"; Text[ english ] = "Flligkeit"; Text[ language_user1 ] = " "; Text[ english_us ] = "Maturity"; Text[ portuguese ] = "Expirao"; Text[ russian ] = "Maturity"; Text[ greek ] = "Maturity"; Text[ dutch ] = "Maturity"; Text[ french ] = "chance"; Text[ spanish ] = "Vencimiento"; Text[ finnish ] = "Maturity"; Text[ italian ] = "Scadenza"; Text[ danish ] = "Maturity"; Text[ swedish ] = "Frfallodag"; Text[ polish ] = "data spaty papieru wartociowego"; Text[ portuguese_brazilian ] = "Maturity"; Text[ japanese ] = "،̖"; Text[ korean ] = "Maturity"; Text[ chinese_simplified ] = "Maturity"; Text[ chinese_traditional ] = "Maturity"; Text[ turkish ] = "Maturity"; Text[ arabic ] = "Maturity"; Text[ catalan ] = "Maturity"; }; String 6 // name of parameter 3 Yield { Text = "Zins"; Text[ english ] = "Zins"; Text[ language_user1 ] = " "; Text[ english_us ] = "Rate"; Text[ portuguese ] = "Rate"; Text[ russian ] = "Rate"; Text[ greek ] = "Rate"; Text[ dutch ] = "Rate"; Text[ french ] = "Intrt"; Text[ spanish ] = "Inters"; Text[ finnish ] = "Rate"; Text[ italian ] = "Tasso interesse"; Text[ danish ] = "Rate"; Text[ swedish ] = "Rnta"; Text[ polish ] = "stopa"; Text[ portuguese_brazilian ] = "Rate"; Text[ japanese ] = ""; Text[ korean ] = "Rate"; Text[ chinese_simplified ] = "Rate"; Text[ chinese_traditional ] = "Rate"; Text[ turkish ] = "Rate"; Text[ arabic ] = "Rate"; Text[ catalan ] = "Rate"; }; String 7 // description of parameter 3 Yield { Text = "Zins"; Text[ english ] = "Zins"; Text[ language_user1 ] = " "; Text[ english_us ] = "Rate"; Text[ portuguese ] = "Rate"; Text[ russian ] = "Rate"; Text[ greek ] = "Rate"; Text[ dutch ] = "Rate"; Text[ french ] = "Intrt"; Text[ spanish ] = "Inters"; Text[ finnish ] = "Rate"; Text[ italian ] = "Tasso interesse"; Text[ danish ] = "Rate"; Text[ swedish ] = "Rnta"; Text[ polish ] = "roczne oprocentowanie kuponu papieru wartociowego"; Text[ portuguese_brazilian ] = "Rate"; Text[ japanese ] = "،̔N"; Text[ korean ] = "Rate"; Text[ chinese_simplified ] = "Rate"; Text[ chinese_traditional ] = "Rate"; Text[ turkish ] = "Rate"; Text[ arabic ] = "Rate"; Text[ catalan ] = "Rate"; }; String 8 // name of parameter 4 Yield { Text = "Kurs"; Text[ english ] = "Kurs"; Text[ language_user1 ] = " "; Text[ english_us ] = "Pr"; Text[ portuguese ] = "Par"; Text[ russian ] = "Par"; Text[ greek ] = "Par"; Text[ dutch ] = "Par"; Text[ french ] = "Prix"; Text[ spanish ] = "Cotizacin"; Text[ finnish ] = "Par"; Text[ italian ] = "Prezzo"; Text[ danish ] = "Par"; Text[ swedish ] = "Pris"; Text[ polish ] = "kurs"; Text[ portuguese_brazilian ] = "Par"; Text[ japanese ] = "Par"; Text[ korean ] = "Par"; Text[ chinese_simplified ] = "Par"; Text[ chinese_traditional ] = "Par"; Text[ turkish ] = "Par"; Text[ arabic ] = "Par"; Text[ catalan ] = "Par"; }; String 9 // description of parameter 4 Yield { Text = "Kurs"; Text[ english ] = "Kurs"; Text[ language_user1 ] = " "; Text[ english_us ] = "Pr"; Text[ portuguese ] = "Par"; Text[ russian ] = "Par"; Text[ greek ] = "Par"; Text[ dutch ] = "Par"; Text[ french ] = "Prix"; Text[ spanish ] = "Cotizacin"; Text[ finnish ] = "Par"; Text[ italian ] = "Prezzo"; Text[ danish ] = "Par"; Text[ swedish ] = "Pris"; Text[ polish ] = "cena papieru wartociowego"; Text[ portuguese_brazilian ] = "Par"; Text[ japanese ] = "Par"; Text[ korean ] = "Par"; Text[ chinese_simplified ] = "Par"; Text[ chinese_traditional ] = "Par"; Text[ turkish ] = "Par"; Text[ arabic ] = "Par"; Text[ catalan ] = "Par"; }; String 10 // name of parameter 5 Yield { Text = "Rckzahlung"; Text[ english ] = "Rckzahlung"; Text[ language_user1 ] = " "; Text[ english_us ] = "Redemption"; Text[ portuguese ] = "Redemption"; Text[ russian ] = "Redemption"; Text[ greek ] = "Redemption"; Text[ dutch ] = "Redemption"; Text[ french ] = "Remboursement"; Text[ spanish ] = "Devolucin"; Text[ finnish ] = "Redemption"; Text[ italian ] = "Rimborso"; Text[ danish ] = "Redemption"; Text[ swedish ] = "Inlsningsvrde"; Text[ polish ] = "wykup"; Text[ portuguese_brazilian ] = "Redemption"; Text[ japanese ] = "Redemption"; Text[ korean ] = "Redemption"; Text[ chinese_simplified ] = "Redemption"; Text[ chinese_traditional ] = "Redemption"; Text[ turkish ] = "Redemption"; Text[ arabic ] = "Redemption"; Text[ catalan ] = "Redemption"; }; String 11 // description of parameter 5 Yield { Text = "Rckzahlung"; Text[ english ] = "Rckzahlung"; Text[ language_user1 ] = " "; Text[ english_us ] = "Redemption"; Text[ portuguese ] = "Redemption"; Text[ russian ] = "Redemption"; Text[ greek ] = "Redemption"; Text[ dutch ] = "Redemption"; Text[ french ] = "Remboursement"; Text[ spanish ] = "Devolucin"; Text[ finnish ] = "Redemption"; Text[ italian ] = "Rimborso"; Text[ danish ] = "Redemption"; Text[ swedish ] = "Inlsningsvrde"; Text[ polish ] = "warto wykupu papieru wartociowego"; Text[ portuguese_brazilian ] = "Redemption"; Text[ japanese ] = "Redemption"; Text[ korean ] = "Redemption"; Text[ chinese_simplified ] = "Redemption"; Text[ chinese_traditional ] = "Redemption"; Text[ turkish ] = "Redemption"; Text[ arabic ] = "Redemption"; Text[ catalan ] = "Redemption"; }; String 12 // name of parameter 6 Yield { Text = "Hufigkeit"; Text[ english ] = "Hufigkeit"; Text[ language_user1 ] = " "; Text[ english_us ] = "Frequency"; Text[ portuguese ] = "Frequncia"; Text[ russian ] = "Frequency"; Text[ greek ] = "Frequency"; Text[ dutch ] = "Frequency"; Text[ french ] = "Frquence"; Text[ spanish ] = "Frecuencia"; Text[ finnish ] = "Frequency"; Text[ italian ] = "Frequenza"; Text[ danish ] = "Frequency"; Text[ swedish ] = "Frekvens"; Text[ polish ] = "czsto"; Text[ portuguese_brazilian ] = "Frequency"; Text[ japanese ] = "Frequency"; Text[ korean ] = "Frequency"; Text[ chinese_simplified ] = "Frequency"; Text[ chinese_traditional ] = "Frequency"; Text[ turkish ] = "Frequency"; Text[ arabic ] = "Frequency"; Text[ catalan ] = "Frequency"; }; String 13 // description of parameter 6 Yield { Text = "Hufigkeit"; Text[ english ] = "Hufigkeit"; Text[ language_user1 ] = " "; Text[ english_us ] = "Frequency"; Text[ portuguese ] = "Frequncia"; Text[ russian ] = "Frequency"; Text[ greek ] = "Frequency"; Text[ dutch ] = "Frequency"; Text[ french ] = "Frquence"; Text[ spanish ] = "Frecuencia"; Text[ finnish ] = "Frequency"; Text[ italian ] = "Frequenza"; Text[ danish ] = "Frequency"; Text[ swedish ] = "Frekvens"; Text[ polish ] = "liczba kuponw patnych w cigu roku"; Text[ portuguese_brazilian ] = "Frequency"; Text[ japanese ] = "Frequency"; Text[ korean ] = "Frequency"; Text[ chinese_simplified ] = "Frequency"; Text[ chinese_traditional ] = "Frequency"; Text[ turkish ] = "Frequency"; Text[ arabic ] = "Frequency"; Text[ catalan ] = "Frequency"; }; String 14 // name of parameter 7 Yield { Text = "Basis"; Text[ english ] = "Basis"; Text[ language_user1 ] = " "; Text[ english_us ] = "Basis"; Text[ portuguese ] = "Base"; Text[ russian ] = "Base"; Text[ greek ] = "Base"; Text[ dutch ] = "Base"; Text[ french ] = "Base"; Text[ spanish ] = "Base"; Text[ finnish ] = "Base"; Text[ italian ] = "Base"; Text[ danish ] = "Base"; Text[ swedish ] = "Bas"; Text[ polish ] = "podstawa"; Text[ portuguese_brazilian ] = "Base"; Text[ japanese ] = "Base"; Text[ korean ] = "Base"; Text[ chinese_simplified ] = "Base"; Text[ chinese_traditional ] = "Base"; Text[ turkish ] = "Base"; Text[ arabic ] = "Base"; Text[ catalan ] = "Base"; }; String 15 // description of parameter 7 Yield { Text = "Basis"; Text[ english ] = "Basis"; Text[ language_user1 ] = " "; Text[ english_us ] = "Basis"; Text[ portuguese ] = "Base"; Text[ russian ] = "Base"; Text[ greek ] = "Base"; Text[ dutch ] = "Base"; Text[ french ] = "Base"; Text[ spanish ] = "Base"; Text[ finnish ] = "Base"; Text[ italian ] = "Base"; Text[ danish ] = "Base"; Text[ swedish ] = "Bas"; Text[ polish ] = "rodzaj podstawy wyliczania dni"; Text[ portuguese_brazilian ] = "Base"; Text[ japanese ] = "Base"; Text[ korean ] = "Base"; Text[ chinese_simplified ] = "Base"; Text[ chinese_traditional ] = "Base"; Text[ turkish ] = "Base"; Text[ arabic ] = "Base"; Text[ catalan ] = "Base"; }; }; Resource ANALYSIS_Yielddisc { String 1 // description Yielddisc { Text = "Liefert die jhrliche Rendite eines diskontierten Wertpapiers."; Text[ english ] = "Returns the annual yield for a discounted security (e.g. treasury bill)"; Text[ language_user1 ] = " "; Text[ english_us ] = "Returns the annual yield for a discounted security (e.g. treasury bill)"; Text[ portuguese ] = "Returns the annual yield for a discounted security (e.g. treasury bill)"; Text[ russian ] = "Returns the annual yield for a discounted security (e.g. treasury bill)"; Text[ greek ] = "Returns the annual yield for a discounted security (e.g. treasury bill)"; Text[ dutch ] = "Returns the annual yield for a discounted security (e.g. treasury bill)"; Text[ french ] = "Renvoie le rendement annuel d'un titre escompt."; Text[ spanish ] = "Returns the annual yield for a discounted security (e.g. treasury bill)"; Text[ finnish ] = "Returns the annual yield for a discounted security (e.g. treasury bill)"; Text[ italian ] = "Restituisce il rendimento annuale di un titolo scontato."; Text[ danish ] = "Returns the annual yield for a discounted security (e.g. treasury bill)"; Text[ swedish ] = "Returnerar den rliga avkastningen fr ett diskonterat vrdepapper."; Text[ polish ] = "Podaje roczn rentowno zdyskontowanego papieru wartociowego, np. bonu skarbowego."; Text[ portuguese_brazilian ] = "Returns the annual yield for a discounted security (e.g. treasury bill)"; Text[ japanese ] = "Returns the annual yield for a discounted security (e.g. treasury bill)"; Text[ korean ] = "Returns the annual yield for a discounted security (e.g. treasury bill)"; Text[ chinese_simplified ] = "Returns the annual yield for a discounted security (e.g. treasury bill)"; Text[ chinese_traditional ] = "Returns the annual yield for a discounted security (e.g. treasury bill)"; Text[ turkish ] = "Returns the annual yield for a discounted security (e.g. treasury bill)"; Text[ arabic ] = "Returns the annual yield for a discounted security (e.g. treasury bill)"; Text[ catalan ] = "Returns the annual yield for a discounted security (e.g. treasury bill)"; }; String 2 // name of parameter 1 Yielddisc { Text = "Abrechnung"; Text[ english ] = "Abrechnung"; Text[ language_user1 ] = " "; Text[ english_us ] = "Settlement"; Text[ portuguese ] = "Expedio"; Text[ russian ] = "Settlement"; Text[ greek ] = "Settlement"; Text[ dutch ] = "Settlement"; Text[ french ] = "Settlement"; Text[ spanish ] = "Liquidacin"; Text[ finnish ] = "Settlement"; Text[ italian ] = "Liquidazione"; Text[ danish ] = "Settlement"; Text[ swedish ] = "Betalning"; Text[ polish ] = "rozliczenie"; Text[ portuguese_brazilian ] = "Settlement"; Text[ japanese ] = "Settlement"; Text[ korean ] = "Settlement"; Text[ chinese_simplified ] = "Settlement"; Text[ chinese_traditional ] = "Settlement"; Text[ turkish ] = "Settlement"; Text[ arabic ] = "Settlement"; Text[ catalan ] = "Settlement"; }; String 3 // description of parameter 1 Yielddisc { Text = "Abrechnung"; Text[ english ] = "Abrechnung"; Text[ language_user1 ] = " "; Text[ english_us ] = "Settlement"; Text[ portuguese ] = "Expedio"; Text[ russian ] = "Settlement"; Text[ greek ] = "Settlement"; Text[ dutch ] = "Settlement"; Text[ french ] = "Settlement"; Text[ spanish ] = "Settlement"; Text[ finnish ] = "Settlement"; Text[ italian ] = "Liquidazione"; Text[ danish ] = "Settlement"; Text[ swedish ] = "Betalning"; Text[ polish ] = "data rozliczenia papieru wartociowego"; Text[ portuguese_brazilian ] = "Settlement"; Text[ japanese ] = "Settlement"; Text[ korean ] = "Settlement"; Text[ chinese_simplified ] = "Settlement"; Text[ chinese_traditional ] = "Settlement"; Text[ turkish ] = "Settlement"; Text[ arabic ] = "Settlement"; Text[ catalan ] = "Settlement"; }; String 4 // name of parameter 2 Yielddisc { Text = "Flligkeit"; Text[ english ] = "Flligkeit"; Text[ language_user1 ] = " "; Text[ english_us ] = "Maturity"; Text[ portuguese ] = "Expirao"; Text[ russian ] = "Maturity"; Text[ greek ] = "Maturity"; Text[ dutch ] = "Maturity"; Text[ french ] = "chance"; Text[ spanish ] = "Vencimiento"; Text[ finnish ] = "Maturity"; Text[ italian ] = "Scadenza"; Text[ danish ] = "Maturity"; Text[ swedish ] = "Frfallodag"; Text[ polish ] = "data spaty"; Text[ portuguese_brazilian ] = "Maturity"; Text[ japanese ] = "Maturity"; Text[ korean ] = "Maturity"; Text[ chinese_simplified ] = "Maturity"; Text[ chinese_traditional ] = "Maturity"; Text[ turkish ] = "Maturity"; Text[ arabic ] = "Maturity"; Text[ catalan ] = "Maturity"; }; String 5 // description of parameter 2 Yielddisc { Text = "Flligkeit"; Text[ english ] = "Flligkeit"; Text[ language_user1 ] = " "; Text[ english_us ] = "Maturity"; Text[ portuguese ] = "Expirao"; Text[ russian ] = "Maturity"; Text[ greek ] = "Maturity"; Text[ dutch ] = "Maturity"; Text[ french ] = "chance"; Text[ spanish ] = "Maturity"; Text[ finnish ] = "Maturity"; Text[ italian ] = "Scadenza"; Text[ danish ] = "Maturity"; Text[ swedish ] = "Frfallodag"; Text[ polish ] = "data spaty papieru wartociowego"; Text[ portuguese_brazilian ] = "Maturity"; Text[ japanese ] = "Maturity"; Text[ korean ] = "Maturity"; Text[ chinese_simplified ] = "Maturity"; Text[ chinese_traditional ] = "Maturity"; Text[ turkish ] = "Maturity"; Text[ arabic ] = "Maturity"; Text[ catalan ] = "Maturity"; }; String 6 // name of parameter 3 Yielddisc { Text = "Kurs"; Text[ english ] = "Kurs"; Text[ language_user1 ] = " "; Text[ english_us ] = "Pr"; Text[ portuguese ] = "Price"; Text[ russian ] = "Price"; Text[ greek ] = "Price"; Text[ dutch ] = "Price"; Text[ french ] = "Prix"; Text[ spanish ] = "Precio"; Text[ finnish ] = "Price"; Text[ italian ] = "Prezzo"; Text[ danish ] = "Price"; Text[ swedish ] = "Pris"; Text[ polish ] = "kurs"; Text[ portuguese_brazilian ] = "Price"; Text[ japanese ] = "Price"; Text[ korean ] = "Price"; Text[ chinese_simplified ] = "Price"; Text[ chinese_traditional ] = "Price"; Text[ turkish ] = "Price"; Text[ arabic ] = "Price"; Text[ catalan ] = "Price"; }; String 7 // description of parameter 3 Yielddisc { Text = "Kurs"; Text[ english ] = "Kurs"; Text[ language_user1 ] = " "; Text[ english_us ] = "Pr"; Text[ portuguese ] = "Price"; Text[ russian ] = "Price"; Text[ greek ] = "Price"; Text[ dutch ] = "Price"; Text[ french ] = "Prix"; Text[ spanish ] = "Price"; Text[ finnish ] = "Price"; Text[ italian ] = "Prezzo"; Text[ danish ] = "Price"; Text[ swedish ] = "Pris"; Text[ polish ] = "cena papieru wartociowego"; Text[ portuguese_brazilian ] = "Price"; Text[ japanese ] = "Price"; Text[ korean ] = "Price"; Text[ chinese_simplified ] = "Price"; Text[ chinese_traditional ] = "Price"; Text[ turkish ] = "Price"; Text[ arabic ] = "Price"; Text[ catalan ] = "Price"; }; String 8 // name of parameter 4 Yielddisc { Text = "Rckzahlung"; Text[ english ] = "Rckzahlung"; Text[ language_user1 ] = " "; Text[ english_us ] = "Redemption"; Text[ portuguese ] = "Redemption"; Text[ russian ] = "Redemption"; Text[ greek ] = "Redemption"; Text[ dutch ] = "Redemption"; Text[ french ] = "Remboursement"; Text[ spanish ] = "Redemption"; Text[ finnish ] = "Redemption"; Text[ italian ] = "Rimborso"; Text[ danish ] = "Redemption"; Text[ swedish ] = "Inlsningsvrde"; Text[ polish ] = "wykup"; Text[ portuguese_brazilian ] = "Redemption"; Text[ japanese ] = "Redemption"; Text[ korean ] = "Redemption"; Text[ chinese_simplified ] = "Redemption"; Text[ chinese_traditional ] = "Redemption"; Text[ turkish ] = "Redemption"; Text[ arabic ] = "Redemption"; Text[ catalan ] = "Redemption"; }; String 9 // description of parameter 4 Yielddisc { Text = "Rckzahlung"; Text[ english ] = "Rckzahlung"; Text[ language_user1 ] = " "; Text[ english_us ] = "Redemption"; Text[ portuguese ] = "Redemption"; Text[ russian ] = "Redemption"; Text[ greek ] = "Redemption"; Text[ dutch ] = "Redemption"; Text[ french ] = "Remboursement"; Text[ spanish ] = "Redemption"; Text[ finnish ] = "Redemption"; Text[ italian ] = "Rimborso"; Text[ danish ] = "Redemption"; Text[ swedish ] = "Inlsningsvrde"; Text[ polish ] = "warto wykupu papieru wartociowego"; Text[ portuguese_brazilian ] = "Redemption"; Text[ japanese ] = "Redemption"; Text[ korean ] = "Redemption"; Text[ chinese_simplified ] = "Redemption"; Text[ chinese_traditional ] = "Redemption"; Text[ turkish ] = "Redemption"; Text[ arabic ] = "Redemption"; Text[ catalan ] = "Redemption"; }; String 10 // name of parameter 5 Yielddisc { Text = "Basis"; Text[ english ] = "Basis"; Text[ language_user1 ] = " "; Text[ english_us ] = "Basis"; Text[ portuguese ] = "Base"; Text[ russian ] = "Base"; Text[ greek ] = "Base"; Text[ dutch ] = "Base"; Text[ french ] = "Base"; Text[ spanish ] = "Base"; Text[ finnish ] = "Base"; Text[ italian ] = "Base"; Text[ danish ] = "Base"; Text[ swedish ] = "Bas"; Text[ polish ] = "podstawa"; Text[ portuguese_brazilian ] = "Base"; Text[ japanese ] = "Base"; Text[ korean ] = "Base"; Text[ chinese_simplified ] = "Base"; Text[ chinese_traditional ] = "Base"; Text[ turkish ] = "Base"; Text[ arabic ] = "Base"; Text[ catalan ] = "Base"; }; String 11 // description of parameter 5 Yielddisc { Text = "Basis"; Text[ english ] = "Basis"; Text[ language_user1 ] = " "; Text[ english_us ] = "Basis"; Text[ portuguese ] = "Base"; Text[ russian ] = "Base"; Text[ greek ] = "Base"; Text[ dutch ] = "Base"; Text[ french ] = "Base"; Text[ spanish ] = "Base"; Text[ finnish ] = "Base"; Text[ italian ] = "Base"; Text[ danish ] = "Base"; Text[ swedish ] = "Bas"; Text[ polish ] = "rodzaj podstawy wyliczania dni"; Text[ portuguese_brazilian ] = "Base"; Text[ japanese ] = "Base"; Text[ korean ] = "Base"; Text[ chinese_simplified ] = "Base"; Text[ chinese_traditional ] = "Base"; Text[ turkish ] = "Base"; Text[ arabic ] = "Base"; Text[ catalan ] = "Base"; }; }; Resource ANALYSIS_Yieldmat { String 1 // description Yieldmat { Text = "Liefert die jhrliche Rendite eines Wertpapiers, das Zinsen am Flligkeitsdatum auszahlt."; Text[ english ] = "Returns the annual yield of a security that pays interest at maturity"; Text[ language_user1 ] = " "; Text[ english_us ] = "Returns the annual yield of a security that pays interest at maturity"; Text[ portuguese ] = "Returns the annual yield of a security that pays interest at maturity"; Text[ russian ] = "Returns the annual yield of a security that pays interest at maturity"; Text[ greek ] = "Returns the annual yield of a security that pays interest at maturity"; Text[ dutch ] = "Returns the annual yield of a security that pays interest at maturity"; Text[ french ] = "Returns the annual yield of a security that pays interest at maturity"; Text[ spanish ] = "Returns the annual yield of a security that pays interest at maturity"; Text[ finnish ] = "Returns the annual yield of a security that pays interest at maturity"; Text[ italian ] = "Restituisce il rendimento annuale di un titolo che paga gli interessi alla scadenza."; Text[ danish ] = "Returns the annual yield of a security that pays interest at maturity"; Text[ swedish ] = "Returnerar den rliga avkastningen fr ett vrdepapper som ger rnta p frfallodagen."; Text[ polish ] = "Podaje roczn rentowno papieru wartociowego oprocentowanego przy wykupie."; Text[ portuguese_brazilian ] = "Returns the annual yield of a security that pays interest at maturity"; Text[ japanese ] = "Returns the annual yield of a security that pays interest at maturity"; Text[ korean ] = "Returns the annual yield of a security that pays interest at maturity"; Text[ chinese_simplified ] = "Returns the annual yield of a security that pays interest at maturity"; Text[ chinese_traditional ] = "Returns the annual yield of a security that pays interest at maturity"; Text[ turkish ] = "Returns the annual yield of a security that pays interest at maturity"; Text[ arabic ] = "Returns the annual yield of a security that pays interest at maturity"; Text[ catalan ] = "Returns the annual yield of a security that pays interest at maturity"; }; String 2 // name of parameter 1 Yieldmat { Text = "Abrechnung"; Text[ english ] = "Abrechnung"; Text[ language_user1 ] = " "; Text[ english_us ] = "Settlement"; Text[ portuguese ] = "Expedio"; Text[ russian ] = "Settlement"; Text[ greek ] = "Settlement"; Text[ dutch ] = "Settlement"; Text[ french ] = "Settlement"; Text[ spanish ] = "Settlement"; Text[ finnish ] = "Settlement"; Text[ italian ] = "Liquidazione"; Text[ danish ] = "Settlement"; Text[ swedish ] = "Betalning"; Text[ polish ] = "rozliczenie"; Text[ portuguese_brazilian ] = "Settlement"; Text[ japanese ] = "Settlement"; Text[ korean ] = "Settlement"; Text[ chinese_simplified ] = "Settlement"; Text[ chinese_traditional ] = "Settlement"; Text[ turkish ] = "Settlement"; Text[ arabic ] = "Settlement"; Text[ catalan ] = "Settlement"; }; String 3 // description of parameter 1 Yieldmat { Text = "Abrechnung"; Text[ english ] = "Abrechnung"; Text[ language_user1 ] = " "; Text[ english_us ] = "Settlement"; Text[ portuguese ] = "Expedio"; Text[ russian ] = "Settlement"; Text[ greek ] = "Settlement"; Text[ dutch ] = "Settlement"; Text[ french ] = "Settlement"; Text[ spanish ] = "Settlement"; Text[ finnish ] = "Settlement"; Text[ italian ] = "Liquidazione"; Text[ danish ] = "Settlement"; Text[ swedish ] = "Betalning"; Text[ polish ] = "data rozliczenia papieru wartociowego"; Text[ portuguese_brazilian ] = "Settlement"; Text[ japanese ] = "Settlement"; Text[ korean ] = "Settlement"; Text[ chinese_simplified ] = "Settlement"; Text[ chinese_traditional ] = "Settlement"; Text[ turkish ] = "Settlement"; Text[ arabic ] = "Settlement"; Text[ catalan ] = "Settlement"; }; String 4 // name of parameter 2 Yieldmat { Text = "Flligkeit"; Text[ english ] = "Flligkeit"; Text[ language_user1 ] = " "; Text[ english_us ] = "Maturity"; Text[ portuguese ] = "Expirao"; Text[ russian ] = "Maturity"; Text[ greek ] = "Maturity"; Text[ dutch ] = "Maturity"; Text[ french ] = "chance"; Text[ spanish ] = "Maturity"; Text[ finnish ] = "Maturity"; Text[ italian ] = "Scadenza"; Text[ danish ] = "Maturity"; Text[ swedish ] = "Frfallodag"; Text[ polish ] = "data spaty"; Text[ portuguese_brazilian ] = "Maturity"; Text[ japanese ] = "Maturity"; Text[ korean ] = "Maturity"; Text[ chinese_simplified ] = "Maturity"; Text[ chinese_traditional ] = "Maturity"; Text[ turkish ] = "Maturity"; Text[ arabic ] = "Maturity"; Text[ catalan ] = "Maturity"; }; String 5 // description of parameter 2 Yieldmat { Text = "Flligkeit"; Text[ english ] = "Flligkeit"; Text[ language_user1 ] = " "; Text[ english_us ] = "Maturity"; Text[ portuguese ] = "Expirao"; Text[ russian ] = "Maturity"; Text[ greek ] = "Maturity"; Text[ dutch ] = "Maturity"; Text[ french ] = "chance"; Text[ spanish ] = "Maturity"; Text[ finnish ] = "Maturity"; Text[ italian ] = "Scadenza"; Text[ danish ] = "Maturity"; Text[ swedish ] = "Frfallodag"; Text[ polish ] = "data spaty papieru wartociowego"; Text[ portuguese_brazilian ] = "Maturity"; Text[ japanese ] = "Maturity"; Text[ korean ] = "Maturity"; Text[ chinese_simplified ] = "Maturity"; Text[ chinese_traditional ] = "Maturity"; Text[ turkish ] = "Maturity"; Text[ arabic ] = "Maturity"; Text[ catalan ] = "Maturity"; }; String 6 // name of parameter 3 Yieldmat { Text = "Emission"; Text[ english ] = "Emission"; Text[ language_user1 ] = " "; Text[ english_us ] = "Issue"; Text[ portuguese ] = "Issue"; Text[ russian ] = "Issue"; Text[ greek ] = "Issue"; Text[ dutch ] = "Issue"; Text[ french ] = "mission"; Text[ spanish ] = "Issue"; Text[ finnish ] = "Issue"; Text[ italian ] = "Emissione"; Text[ danish ] = "Issue"; Text[ swedish ] = "Emission"; Text[ polish ] = "emisja"; Text[ portuguese_brazilian ] = "Issue"; Text[ japanese ] = "Issue"; Text[ korean ] = "Issue"; Text[ chinese_simplified ] = "Issue"; Text[ chinese_traditional ] = "Issue"; Text[ turkish ] = "Issue"; Text[ arabic ] = "Issue"; Text[ catalan ] = "Issue"; }; String 7 // description of parameter 3 Yieldmat { Text = "Emission"; Text[ english ] = "Emission"; Text[ language_user1 ] = " "; Text[ english_us ] = "Issue"; Text[ portuguese ] = "Issue"; Text[ russian ] = "Issue"; Text[ greek ] = "Issue"; Text[ dutch ] = "Issue"; Text[ french ] = "mission"; Text[ spanish ] = "Issue"; Text[ finnish ] = "Issue"; Text[ italian ] = "Emissione"; Text[ danish ] = "Issue"; Text[ swedish ] = "Emission"; Text[ polish ] = "data emisji papieru wartociowego"; Text[ portuguese_brazilian ] = "Issue"; Text[ japanese ] = "Issue"; Text[ korean ] = "Issue"; Text[ chinese_simplified ] = "Issue"; Text[ chinese_traditional ] = "Issue"; Text[ turkish ] = "Issue"; Text[ arabic ] = "Issue"; Text[ catalan ] = "Issue"; }; String 8 // name of parameter 4 Yieldmat { Text = "Zins"; Text[ english ] = "Zins"; Text[ language_user1 ] = " "; Text[ english_us ] = "Rate"; Text[ portuguese ] = "Rate"; Text[ russian ] = "Rate"; Text[ greek ] = "Rate"; Text[ dutch ] = "Rate"; Text[ french ] = "Intrt"; Text[ spanish ] = "Rate"; Text[ finnish ] = "Rate"; Text[ italian ] = "Tasso interesse"; Text[ danish ] = "Rate"; Text[ swedish ] = "Rnta"; Text[ polish ] = "stopa"; Text[ portuguese_brazilian ] = "Rate"; Text[ japanese ] = "Rate"; Text[ korean ] = "Rate"; Text[ chinese_simplified ] = "Rate"; Text[ chinese_traditional ] = "Rate"; Text[ turkish ] = "Rate"; Text[ arabic ] = "Rate"; Text[ catalan ] = "Rate"; }; String 9 // description of parameter 4 Yieldmat { Text = "Zins"; Text[ english ] = "Zins"; Text[ language_user1 ] = " "; Text[ english_us ] = "Rate"; Text[ portuguese ] = "Rate"; Text[ russian ] = "Rate"; Text[ greek ] = "Rate"; Text[ dutch ] = "Rate"; Text[ french ] = "Intrt"; Text[ spanish ] = "Rate"; Text[ finnish ] = "Rate"; Text[ italian ] = "Tasso interesse"; Text[ danish ] = "Rate"; Text[ swedish ] = "Rnta"; Text[ polish ] = "stopa procentowa papieru wartociowego"; Text[ portuguese_brazilian ] = "Rate"; Text[ japanese ] = "Rate"; Text[ korean ] = "Rate"; Text[ chinese_simplified ] = "Rate"; Text[ chinese_traditional ] = "Rate"; Text[ turkish ] = "Rate"; Text[ arabic ] = "Rate"; Text[ catalan ] = "Rate"; }; String 10 // name of parameter 5 Yieldmat { Text = "Kurs"; Text[ english ] = "Kurs"; Text[ language_user1 ] = " "; Text[ english_us ] = "Pr"; Text[ portuguese ] = "Price"; Text[ russian ] = "Price"; Text[ greek ] = "Price"; Text[ dutch ] = "Price"; Text[ french ] = "Prix"; Text[ spanish ] = "Price"; Text[ finnish ] = "Price"; Text[ italian ] = "Prezzo"; Text[ danish ] = "Price"; Text[ swedish ] = "Pris"; Text[ polish ] = "kurs"; Text[ portuguese_brazilian ] = "Price"; Text[ japanese ] = "Price"; Text[ korean ] = "Price"; Text[ chinese_simplified ] = "Price"; Text[ chinese_traditional ] = "Price"; Text[ turkish ] = "Price"; Text[ arabic ] = "Price"; Text[ catalan ] = "Price"; }; String 11 // description of parameter 5 Yieldmat { Text = "Kurs"; Text[ english ] = "Kurs"; Text[ language_user1 ] = " "; Text[ english_us ] = "Pr"; Text[ portuguese ] = "Price"; Text[ russian ] = "Price"; Text[ greek ] = "Price"; Text[ dutch ] = "Price"; Text[ french ] = "Prix"; Text[ spanish ] = "Price"; Text[ finnish ] = "Price"; Text[ italian ] = "Prezzo"; Text[ danish ] = "Price"; Text[ swedish ] = "Pris"; Text[ polish ] = "cena papieru wartociowego"; Text[ portuguese_brazilian ] = "Price"; Text[ japanese ] = "Price"; Text[ korean ] = "Price"; Text[ chinese_simplified ] = "Price"; Text[ chinese_traditional ] = "Price"; Text[ turkish ] = "Price"; Text[ arabic ] = "Price"; Text[ catalan ] = "Price"; }; String 12 // name of parameter 6 Yieldmat { Text = "Basis"; Text[ english ] = "Basis"; Text[ language_user1 ] = " "; Text[ english_us ] = "Basis"; Text[ portuguese ] = "Base"; Text[ russian ] = "Base"; Text[ greek ] = "Base"; Text[ dutch ] = "Base"; Text[ french ] = "Base"; Text[ spanish ] = "Base"; Text[ finnish ] = "Base"; Text[ italian ] = "Base"; Text[ danish ] = "Base"; Text[ swedish ] = "Bas"; Text[ polish ] = "podstawa"; Text[ portuguese_brazilian ] = "Base"; Text[ japanese ] = "Base"; Text[ korean ] = "Base"; Text[ chinese_simplified ] = "Base"; Text[ chinese_traditional ] = "Base"; Text[ turkish ] = "Base"; Text[ arabic ] = "Base"; Text[ catalan ] = "Base"; }; String 13 // description of parameter 6 Yieldmat { Text = "Basis"; Text[ english ] = "Basis"; Text[ language_user1 ] = " "; Text[ english_us ] = "Basis"; Text[ portuguese ] = "Base"; Text[ russian ] = "Base"; Text[ greek ] = "Base"; Text[ dutch ] = "Base"; Text[ french ] = "Base"; Text[ spanish ] = "Base"; Text[ finnish ] = "Base"; Text[ italian ] = "Base"; Text[ danish ] = "Base"; Text[ swedish ] = "Bas"; Text[ polish ] = "rodzaj podstawy wyliczania dni"; Text[ portuguese_brazilian ] = "Base"; Text[ japanese ] = "Base"; Text[ korean ] = "Base"; Text[ chinese_simplified ] = "Base"; Text[ chinese_traditional ] = "Base"; Text[ turkish ] = "Base"; Text[ arabic ] = "Base"; Text[ catalan ] = "Base"; }; }; Resource ANALYSIS_Tbilleq { String 1 // description Tbilleq { Text = "Rechnet die Verzinsung eines Schatzwechsels in die fr Anleihen bliche einfache jhrliche Verzinsung um."; Text[ english ] = "Returns the bond-equivalent yield for a treasury bill"; Text[ language_user1 ] = " "; Text[ english_us ] = "Returns the bond-equivalent yield for a treasury bill"; Text[ portuguese ] = "Returns the bond-equivalent yield for a treasury bill"; Text[ russian ] = "Returns the bond-equivalent yield for a treasury bill"; Text[ greek ] = "Returns the bond-equivalent yield for a treasury bill"; Text[ dutch ] = "Returns the bond-equivalent yield for a treasury bill"; Text[ french ] = "Returns the bond-equivalent yield for a treasury bill"; Text[ spanish ] = "Returns the bond-equivalent yield for a treasury bill"; Text[ finnish ] = "Returns the bond-equivalent yield for a treasury bill"; Text[ italian ] = "Calcola il rendimento equivalente ad un'obbligazione per un buono del tesoro."; Text[ danish ] = "Returns the bond-equivalent yield for a treasury bill"; Text[ swedish ] = "Rknar om frrntningen av en statsskuldsvxel till obligationsrnta."; Text[ polish ] = "Podaje rentowno ekwiwalentu obligacji dla bonu skarbowego."; Text[ portuguese_brazilian ] = "Returns the bond-equivalent yield for a treasury bill"; Text[ japanese ] = "Returns the bond-equivalent yield for a treasury bill"; Text[ korean ] = "Returns the bond-equivalent yield for a treasury bill"; Text[ chinese_simplified ] = "Returns the bond-equivalent yield for a treasury bill"; Text[ chinese_traditional ] = "Returns the bond-equivalent yield for a treasury bill"; Text[ turkish ] = "Returns the bond-equivalent yield for a treasury bill"; Text[ arabic ] = "Returns the bond-equivalent yield for a treasury bill"; Text[ catalan ] = "Returns the bond-equivalent yield for a treasury bill"; }; String 2 // name of parameter 1 Tbilleq { Text = "Abrechnung"; Text[ english ] = "Abrechnung"; Text[ language_user1 ] = " "; Text[ english_us ] = "Settlement"; Text[ portuguese ] = "Expedio"; Text[ russian ] = "Settlement"; Text[ greek ] = "Settlement"; Text[ dutch ] = "Settlement"; Text[ french ] = "Settlement"; Text[ spanish ] = "Settlement"; Text[ finnish ] = "Settlement"; Text[ italian ] = "Liquidazione"; Text[ danish ] = "Settlement"; Text[ swedish ] = "Betalning"; Text[ polish ] = "rozliczenie"; Text[ portuguese_brazilian ] = "Settlement"; Text[ japanese ] = "Settlement"; Text[ korean ] = "Settlement"; Text[ chinese_simplified ] = "Settlement"; Text[ chinese_traditional ] = "Settlement"; Text[ turkish ] = "Settlement"; Text[ arabic ] = "Settlement"; Text[ catalan ] = "Settlement"; }; String 3 // description of parameter 1 Tbilleq { Text = "Abrechnung"; Text[ english ] = "Abrechnung"; Text[ language_user1 ] = " "; Text[ english_us ] = "Settlement"; Text[ portuguese ] = "Expedio"; Text[ russian ] = "Settlement"; Text[ greek ] = "Settlement"; Text[ dutch ] = "Settlement"; Text[ french ] = "Settlement"; Text[ spanish ] = "Settlement"; Text[ finnish ] = "Settlement"; Text[ italian ] = "Liquidazione"; Text[ danish ] = "Settlement"; Text[ swedish ] = "Betalning"; Text[ polish ] = "data rozliczenia papieru wartociowego"; Text[ portuguese_brazilian ] = "Settlement"; Text[ japanese ] = "Settlement"; Text[ korean ] = "Settlement"; Text[ chinese_simplified ] = "Settlement"; Text[ chinese_traditional ] = "Settlement"; Text[ turkish ] = "Settlement"; Text[ arabic ] = "Settlement"; Text[ catalan ] = "Settlement"; }; String 4 // name of parameter 2 Tbilleq { Text = "Flligkeit"; Text[ english ] = "Flligkeit"; Text[ language_user1 ] = " "; Text[ english_us ] = "Maturity"; Text[ portuguese ] = "Expirao"; Text[ russian ] = "Maturity"; Text[ greek ] = "Maturity"; Text[ dutch ] = "Maturity"; Text[ french ] = "chance"; Text[ spanish ] = "Maturity"; Text[ finnish ] = "Maturity"; Text[ italian ] = "Scadenza"; Text[ danish ] = "Maturity"; Text[ swedish ] = "Frfallodag"; Text[ polish ] = "data spaty"; Text[ portuguese_brazilian ] = "Maturity"; Text[ japanese ] = "Maturity"; Text[ korean ] = "Maturity"; Text[ chinese_simplified ] = "Maturity"; Text[ chinese_traditional ] = "Maturity"; Text[ turkish ] = "Maturity"; Text[ arabic ] = "Maturity"; Text[ catalan ] = "Maturity"; }; String 5 // description of parameter 2 Tbilleq { Text = "Flligkeit"; Text[ english ] = "Flligkeit"; Text[ language_user1 ] = " "; Text[ english_us ] = "Maturity"; Text[ portuguese ] = "Expirao"; Text[ russian ] = "Maturity"; Text[ greek ] = "Maturity"; Text[ dutch ] = "Maturity"; Text[ french ] = "chance"; Text[ spanish ] = "Maturity"; Text[ finnish ] = "Maturity"; Text[ italian ] = "Scadenza"; Text[ danish ] = "Maturity"; Text[ swedish ] = "Frfallodag"; Text[ polish ] = "data spaty papieru wartociowego"; Text[ portuguese_brazilian ] = "Maturity"; Text[ japanese ] = "Maturity"; Text[ korean ] = "Maturity"; Text[ chinese_simplified ] = "Maturity"; Text[ chinese_traditional ] = "Maturity"; Text[ turkish ] = "Maturity"; Text[ arabic ] = "Maturity"; Text[ catalan ] = "Maturity"; }; String 6 // name of parameter 3 Tbilleq { Text = "Disagio"; Text[ english ] = "Disagio"; Text[ language_user1 ] = " "; Text[ english_us ] = "Discount"; Text[ portuguese ] = "Discount"; Text[ russian ] = "Discount"; Text[ greek ] = "Discount"; Text[ dutch ] = "Discount"; Text[ french ] = "Escompte"; Text[ spanish ] = "Discount"; Text[ finnish ] = "Discount"; Text[ italian ] = "Sconto"; Text[ danish ] = "Discount"; Text[ swedish ] = "Diskonteringsrnta"; Text[ polish ] = "dyskonto"; Text[ portuguese_brazilian ] = "Discount"; Text[ japanese ] = "Discount"; Text[ korean ] = "Discount"; Text[ chinese_simplified ] = "Discount"; Text[ chinese_traditional ] = "Discount"; Text[ turkish ] = "Discount"; Text[ arabic ] = "Discount"; Text[ catalan ] = "Discount"; }; String 7 // description of parameter 3 Tbilleq { Text = "Disagio"; Text[ english ] = "Disagio"; Text[ language_user1 ] = " "; Text[ english_us ] = "Discount"; Text[ portuguese ] = "Discount"; Text[ russian ] = "Discount"; Text[ greek ] = "Discount"; Text[ dutch ] = "Discount"; Text[ french ] = "Escompte"; Text[ spanish ] = "Discount"; Text[ finnish ] = "Discount"; Text[ italian ] = "Sconto"; Text[ danish ] = "Discount"; Text[ swedish ] = "Diskonteringsrnta"; Text[ polish ] = "stopa dyskontowa bonu skarbowego"; Text[ portuguese_brazilian ] = "Discount"; Text[ japanese ] = "Discount"; Text[ korean ] = "Discount"; Text[ chinese_simplified ] = "Discount"; Text[ chinese_traditional ] = "Discount"; Text[ turkish ] = "Discount"; Text[ arabic ] = "Discount"; Text[ catalan ] = "Discount"; }; }; Resource ANALYSIS_Tbillprice { String 1 // description Tbillprice { Text = "Liefert den Kurs pro 100 DM Nennwert eines Schatzwechsels."; Text[ english ] = "Returns the price of $100 face value for a treasury bill"; Text[ language_user1 ] = " "; Text[ english_us ] = "Returns the price of $100 face value for a treasury bill"; Text[ portuguese ] = "Returns the price of $100 face value for a treasury bill"; Text[ russian ] = "Returns the price of $100 face value for a treasury bill"; Text[ greek ] = "Returns the price of $100 face value for a treasury bill"; Text[ dutch ] = "Returns the price of $100 face value for a treasury bill"; Text[ french ] = "Returns the price of $100 face value for a treasury bill"; Text[ spanish ] = "Returns the price of $100 face value for a treasury bill"; Text[ finnish ] = "Returns the price of $100 face value for a treasury bill"; Text[ italian ] = "Restituisce il prezzo di un buono del tesoro dal valore nominale di 100 lire."; Text[ danish ] = "Returns the price of $100 face value for a treasury bill"; Text[ swedish ] = "Returnerar priset per 1000 kr nominellt vrde fr en statsskuldvxel."; Text[ polish ] = "Podaje cen za 100 jednostek wartoci nominalnej bonu skarbowego."; Text[ portuguese_brazilian ] = "Returns the price of $100 face value for a treasury bill"; Text[ japanese ] = "Returns the price of $100 face value for a treasury bill"; Text[ korean ] = "Returns the price of $100 face value for a treasury bill"; Text[ chinese_simplified ] = "Returns the price of $100 face value for a treasury bill"; Text[ chinese_traditional ] = "Returns the price of $100 face value for a treasury bill"; Text[ turkish ] = "Returns the price of $100 face value for a treasury bill"; Text[ arabic ] = "Returns the price of $100 face value for a treasury bill"; Text[ catalan ] = "Returns the price of $100 face value for a treasury bill"; }; String 2 // name of parameter 1 Tbillprice { Text = "Abrechnung"; Text[ english ] = "Abrechnung"; Text[ language_user1 ] = " "; Text[ english_us ] = "Settlement"; Text[ portuguese ] = "Expedio"; Text[ russian ] = "Settlement"; Text[ greek ] = "Settlement"; Text[ dutch ] = "Settlement"; Text[ french ] = "Settlement"; Text[ spanish ] = "Settlement"; Text[ finnish ] = "Settlement"; Text[ italian ] = "Liquidazione"; Text[ danish ] = "Settlement"; Text[ swedish ] = "Betalning"; Text[ polish ] = "rozliczenie"; Text[ portuguese_brazilian ] = "Settlement"; Text[ japanese ] = "Settlement"; Text[ korean ] = "Settlement"; Text[ chinese_simplified ] = "Settlement"; Text[ chinese_traditional ] = "Settlement"; Text[ turkish ] = "Settlement"; Text[ arabic ] = "Settlement"; Text[ catalan ] = "Settlement"; }; String 3 // description of parameter 1 Tbillprice { Text = "Abrechnung"; Text[ english ] = "Abrechnung"; Text[ language_user1 ] = " "; Text[ english_us ] = "Settlement"; Text[ portuguese ] = "Expedio"; Text[ russian ] = "Settlement"; Text[ greek ] = "Settlement"; Text[ dutch ] = "Settlement"; Text[ french ] = "Settlement"; Text[ spanish ] = "Settlement"; Text[ finnish ] = "Settlement"; Text[ italian ] = "Liquidazione"; Text[ danish ] = "Settlement"; Text[ swedish ] = "Betalning"; Text[ polish ] = "data rozliczenia papieru wartociowego"; Text[ portuguese_brazilian ] = "Settlement"; Text[ japanese ] = "Settlement"; Text[ korean ] = "Settlement"; Text[ chinese_simplified ] = "Settlement"; Text[ chinese_traditional ] = "Settlement"; Text[ turkish ] = "Settlement"; Text[ arabic ] = "Settlement"; Text[ catalan ] = "Settlement"; }; String 4 // name of parameter 2 Tbillprice { Text = "Flligkeit"; Text[ english ] = "Flligkeit"; Text[ language_user1 ] = " "; Text[ english_us ] = "Maturity"; Text[ portuguese ] = "Expirao"; Text[ russian ] = "Maturity"; Text[ greek ] = "Maturity"; Text[ dutch ] = "Maturity"; Text[ french ] = "chance"; Text[ spanish ] = "Maturity"; Text[ finnish ] = "Maturity"; Text[ italian ] = "Scadenza"; Text[ danish ] = "Maturity"; Text[ swedish ] = "Frfallodag"; Text[ polish ] = "data spaty"; Text[ portuguese_brazilian ] = "Maturity"; Text[ japanese ] = "Maturity"; Text[ korean ] = "Maturity"; Text[ chinese_simplified ] = "Maturity"; Text[ chinese_traditional ] = "Maturity"; Text[ turkish ] = "Maturity"; Text[ arabic ] = "Maturity"; Text[ catalan ] = "Maturity"; }; String 5 // description of parameter 2 Tbillprice { Text = "Flligkeit"; Text[ english ] = "Flligkeit"; Text[ language_user1 ] = " "; Text[ english_us ] = "Maturity"; Text[ portuguese ] = "Expirao"; Text[ russian ] = "Maturity"; Text[ greek ] = "Maturity"; Text[ dutch ] = "Maturity"; Text[ french ] = "chance"; Text[ spanish ] = "Maturity"; Text[ finnish ] = "Maturity"; Text[ italian ] = "Scadenza"; Text[ danish ] = "Maturity"; Text[ swedish ] = "Frfallodag"; Text[ polish ] = "data spaty papieru wartociowego"; Text[ portuguese_brazilian ] = "Maturity"; Text[ japanese ] = "Maturity"; Text[ korean ] = "Maturity"; Text[ chinese_simplified ] = "Maturity"; Text[ chinese_traditional ] = "Maturity"; Text[ turkish ] = "Maturity"; Text[ arabic ] = "Maturity"; Text[ catalan ] = "Maturity"; }; String 6 // name of parameter 3 Tbillprice { Text = "Disagio"; Text[ english ] = "Disagio"; Text[ language_user1 ] = " "; Text[ english_us ] = "Discount"; Text[ portuguese ] = "Discount"; Text[ russian ] = "Discount"; Text[ greek ] = "Discount"; Text[ dutch ] = "Discount"; Text[ french ] = "Escompte"; Text[ spanish ] = "Discount"; Text[ finnish ] = "Discount"; Text[ italian ] = "Sconto"; Text[ danish ] = "Discount"; Text[ swedish ] = "Diskonteringsrnta"; Text[ polish ] = "dyskonto"; Text[ portuguese_brazilian ] = "Discount"; Text[ japanese ] = "Discount"; Text[ korean ] = "Discount"; Text[ chinese_simplified ] = "Discount"; Text[ chinese_traditional ] = "Discount"; Text[ turkish ] = "Discount"; Text[ arabic ] = "Discount"; Text[ catalan ] = "Discount"; }; String 7 // description of parameter 3 Tbillprice { Text = "Disagio"; Text[ english ] = "Disagio"; Text[ language_user1 ] = " "; Text[ english_us ] = "Discount"; Text[ portuguese ] = "Discount"; Text[ russian ] = "Discount"; Text[ greek ] = "Discount"; Text[ dutch ] = "Discount"; Text[ french ] = "Escompte"; Text[ spanish ] = "Discount"; Text[ finnish ] = "Discount"; Text[ italian ] = "Sconto"; Text[ danish ] = "Discount"; Text[ swedish ] = "Diskonteringsrnta"; Text[ polish ] = "stopa dyskontowa bonu skarbowego"; Text[ portuguese_brazilian ] = "Discount"; Text[ japanese ] = "Discount"; Text[ korean ] = "Discount"; Text[ chinese_simplified ] = "Discount"; Text[ chinese_traditional ] = "Discount"; Text[ turkish ] = "Discount"; Text[ arabic ] = "Discount"; Text[ catalan ] = "Discount"; }; }; Resource ANALYSIS_Tbillyield { String 1 // description Tbillyield { Text = "Liefert die Rendite eines Schatzwechsels."; Text[ english ] = "Returns the yield for a treasury bill"; Text[ language_user1 ] = " "; Text[ english_us ] = "Returns the yield for a treasury bill"; Text[ portuguese ] = "Returns the yield for a treasury bill"; Text[ russian ] = "Returns the yield for a treasury bill"; Text[ greek ] = "Returns the yield for a treasury bill"; Text[ dutch ] = "Returns the yield for a treasury bill"; Text[ french ] = "Returns the yield for a treasury bill"; Text[ spanish ] = "Returns the yield for a treasury bill"; Text[ finnish ] = "Returns the yield for a treasury bill"; Text[ italian ] = "Restituisce il rendimento di un buono del tesoro."; Text[ danish ] = "Returns the yield for a treasury bill"; Text[ swedish ] = "Returnerar avkastningen fr en statsskuldvxel."; Text[ polish ] = "Podaje rentowno bonu skarbowego."; Text[ portuguese_brazilian ] = "Returns the yield for a treasury bill"; Text[ japanese ] = "Returns the yield for a treasury bill"; Text[ korean ] = "Returns the yield for a treasury bill"; Text[ chinese_simplified ] = "Returns the yield for a treasury bill"; Text[ chinese_traditional ] = "Returns the yield for a treasury bill"; Text[ turkish ] = "Returns the yield for a treasury bill"; Text[ arabic ] = "Returns the yield for a treasury bill"; Text[ catalan ] = "Returns the yield for a treasury bill"; }; String 2 // name of parameter 1 Tbillyield { Text = "Abrechnung"; Text[ english ] = "Abrechnung"; Text[ language_user1 ] = " "; Text[ english_us ] = "Settlement"; Text[ portuguese ] = "Expedio"; Text[ russian ] = "Settlement"; Text[ greek ] = "Settlement"; Text[ dutch ] = "Settlement"; Text[ french ] = "Settlement"; Text[ spanish ] = "Settlement"; Text[ finnish ] = "Settlement"; Text[ italian ] = "Liquidazione"; Text[ danish ] = "Settlement"; Text[ swedish ] = "Betalning"; Text[ polish ] = "rozliczenie"; Text[ portuguese_brazilian ] = "Settlement"; Text[ japanese ] = "Settlement"; Text[ korean ] = "Settlement"; Text[ chinese_simplified ] = "Settlement"; Text[ chinese_traditional ] = "Settlement"; Text[ turkish ] = "Settlement"; Text[ arabic ] = "Settlement"; Text[ catalan ] = "Settlement"; }; String 3 // description of parameter 1 Tbillyield { Text = "Abrechnung"; Text[ english ] = "Abrechnung"; Text[ language_user1 ] = " "; Text[ english_us ] = "Settlement"; Text[ portuguese ] = "Expedio"; Text[ russian ] = "Settlement"; Text[ greek ] = "Settlement"; Text[ dutch ] = "Settlement"; Text[ french ] = "Settlement"; Text[ spanish ] = "Settlement"; Text[ finnish ] = "Settlement"; Text[ italian ] = "Liquidazione"; Text[ danish ] = "Settlement"; Text[ swedish ] = "Betalning"; Text[ polish ] = "data rozliczenia papieru wartociowego"; Text[ portuguese_brazilian ] = "Settlement"; Text[ japanese ] = "Settlement"; Text[ korean ] = "Settlement"; Text[ chinese_simplified ] = "Settlement"; Text[ chinese_traditional ] = "Settlement"; Text[ turkish ] = "Settlement"; Text[ arabic ] = "Settlement"; Text[ catalan ] = "Settlement"; }; String 4 // name of parameter 2 Tbillyield { Text = "Flligkeit"; Text[ english ] = "Flligkeit"; Text[ language_user1 ] = " "; Text[ english_us ] = "Maturity"; Text[ portuguese ] = "Expirao"; Text[ russian ] = "Maturity"; Text[ greek ] = "Maturity"; Text[ dutch ] = "Maturity"; Text[ french ] = "chance"; Text[ spanish ] = "Maturity"; Text[ finnish ] = "Maturity"; Text[ italian ] = "Scadenza"; Text[ danish ] = "Maturity"; Text[ swedish ] = "Frfallodag"; Text[ polish ] = "data spaty"; Text[ portuguese_brazilian ] = "Maturity"; Text[ japanese ] = "Maturity"; Text[ korean ] = "Maturity"; Text[ chinese_simplified ] = "Maturity"; Text[ chinese_traditional ] = "Maturity"; Text[ turkish ] = "Maturity"; Text[ arabic ] = "Maturity"; Text[ catalan ] = "Maturity"; }; String 5 // description of parameter 2 Tbillyield { Text = "Flligkeit"; Text[ english ] = "Flligkeit"; Text[ language_user1 ] = " "; Text[ english_us ] = "Maturity"; Text[ portuguese ] = "Expirao"; Text[ russian ] = "Maturity"; Text[ greek ] = "Maturity"; Text[ dutch ] = "Maturity"; Text[ french ] = "chance"; Text[ spanish ] = "Maturity"; Text[ finnish ] = "Maturity"; Text[ italian ] = "Scadenza"; Text[ danish ] = "Maturity"; Text[ swedish ] = "Frfallodag"; Text[ polish ] = "data spaty papieru wartociowego"; Text[ portuguese_brazilian ] = "Maturity"; Text[ japanese ] = "Maturity"; Text[ korean ] = "Maturity"; Text[ chinese_simplified ] = "Maturity"; Text[ chinese_traditional ] = "Maturity"; Text[ turkish ] = "Maturity"; Text[ arabic ] = "Maturity"; Text[ catalan ] = "Maturity"; }; String 6 // name of parameter 3 Tbillyield { Text = "Kurs"; Text[ english ] = "Kurs"; Text[ language_user1 ] = " "; Text[ english_us ] = "Pr"; Text[ portuguese ] = "Price"; Text[ russian ] = "Price"; Text[ greek ] = "Price"; Text[ dutch ] = "Price"; Text[ french ] = "Prix"; Text[ spanish ] = "Price"; Text[ finnish ] = "Price"; Text[ italian ] = "Prezzo"; Text[ danish ] = "Price"; Text[ swedish ] = "Pris"; Text[ polish ] = "kurs"; Text[ portuguese_brazilian ] = "Price"; Text[ japanese ] = "Price"; Text[ korean ] = "Price"; Text[ chinese_simplified ] = "Price"; Text[ chinese_traditional ] = "Price"; Text[ turkish ] = "Price"; Text[ arabic ] = "Price"; Text[ catalan ] = "Price"; }; String 7 // description of parameter 3 Tbillyield { Text = "Kurs"; Text[ english ] = "Kurs"; Text[ language_user1 ] = " "; Text[ english_us ] = "Pr"; Text[ portuguese ] = "Price"; Text[ russian ] = "Price"; Text[ greek ] = "Price"; Text[ dutch ] = "Price"; Text[ french ] = "Prix"; Text[ spanish ] = "Price"; Text[ finnish ] = "Price"; Text[ italian ] = "Prezzo"; Text[ danish ] = "Price"; Text[ swedish ] = "Pris"; Text[ polish ] = "cena bonu skarbowego"; Text[ portuguese_brazilian ] = "Price"; Text[ japanese ] = "Price"; Text[ korean ] = "Price"; Text[ chinese_simplified ] = "Price"; Text[ chinese_traditional ] = "Price"; Text[ turkish ] = "Price"; Text[ arabic ] = "Price"; Text[ catalan ] = "Price"; }; }; Resource ANALYSIS_Oddfprice { String 1 // description Oddfprice { Text = "Liefert den Kurs pro 100 DM Nennwert eines Wertpapiers mit einem unregelmigen ersten Zinstermin."; Text[ english ] = "Returns the price of $100 face value of a security with an odd first period"; Text[ language_user1 ] = " "; Text[ english_us ] = "Returns the price of $100 face value of a security with an odd first period"; Text[ portuguese ] = "Returns the price of $100 face value of a security with an odd first period"; Text[ russian ] = "Returns the price of $100 face value of a security with an odd first period"; Text[ greek ] = "Returns the price of $100 face value of a security with an odd first period"; Text[ dutch ] = "Returns the price of $100 face value of a security with an odd first period"; Text[ french ] = "Returns the price of $100 face value of a security with an odd first period"; Text[ spanish ] = "Returns the price of $100 face value of a security with an odd first period"; Text[ finnish ] = "Returns the price of $100 face value of a security with an odd first period"; Text[ italian ] = "Restituisce il prezzo di un titolo dal valore nominale di 100 lire con il primo periodo d'interesse irregolare."; Text[ danish ] = "Returns the price of $100 face value of a security with an odd first period"; Text[ swedish ] = "Returnerar priset per 1000 kr nominellt vrde fr ett vrdepapper med en udda frsta period."; Text[ polish ] = "Podaje cen za 100 jednostek wartoci nominalnej papieru wartociowego z nietypowym pierwszym okresem."; Text[ portuguese_brazilian ] = "Returns the price of $100 face value of a security with an odd first period"; Text[ japanese ] = "Returns the price of $100 face value of a security with an odd first period"; Text[ korean ] = "Returns the price of $100 face value of a security with an odd first period"; Text[ chinese_simplified ] = "Returns the price of $100 face value of a security with an odd first period"; Text[ chinese_traditional ] = "Returns the price of $100 face value of a security with an odd first period"; Text[ turkish ] = "Returns the price of $100 face value of a security with an odd first period"; Text[ arabic ] = "Returns the price of $100 face value of a security with an odd first period"; Text[ catalan ] = "Returns the price of $100 face value of a security with an odd first period"; }; String 2 // name of parameter 1 Oddfprice { Text = "Abrechnung"; Text[ english ] = "Abrechnung"; Text[ language_user1 ] = " "; Text[ english_us ] = "Settlement"; Text[ portuguese ] = "Expedio"; Text[ russian ] = "Settlement"; Text[ greek ] = "Settlement"; Text[ dutch ] = "Settlement"; Text[ french ] = "Settlement"; Text[ spanish ] = "Settlement"; Text[ finnish ] = "Settlement"; Text[ italian ] = "Liquidazione"; Text[ danish ] = "Settlement"; Text[ swedish ] = "Betalning"; Text[ polish ] = "rozliczenie"; Text[ portuguese_brazilian ] = "Settlement"; Text[ japanese ] = "Settlement"; Text[ korean ] = "Settlement"; Text[ chinese_simplified ] = "Settlement"; Text[ chinese_traditional ] = "Settlement"; Text[ turkish ] = "Settlement"; Text[ arabic ] = "Settlement"; Text[ catalan ] = "Settlement"; }; String 3 // description of parameter 1 Oddfprice { Text = "Abrechnung"; Text[ english ] = "Abrechnung"; Text[ language_user1 ] = " "; Text[ english_us ] = "Settlement"; Text[ portuguese ] = "Expedio"; Text[ russian ] = "Settlement"; Text[ greek ] = "Settlement"; Text[ dutch ] = "Settlement"; Text[ french ] = "Settlement"; Text[ spanish ] = "Settlement"; Text[ finnish ] = "Settlement"; Text[ italian ] = "Liquidazione"; Text[ danish ] = "Settlement"; Text[ swedish ] = "Betalning"; Text[ polish ] = "data rozliczenia papieru wartociowego"; Text[ portuguese_brazilian ] = "Settlement"; Text[ japanese ] = "Settlement"; Text[ korean ] = "Settlement"; Text[ chinese_simplified ] = "Settlement"; Text[ chinese_traditional ] = "Settlement"; Text[ turkish ] = "Settlement"; Text[ arabic ] = "Settlement"; Text[ catalan ] = "Settlement"; }; String 4 // name of parameter 2 Oddfprice { Text = "Flligkeit"; Text[ english ] = "Flligkeit"; Text[ language_user1 ] = " "; Text[ english_us ] = "Maturity"; Text[ portuguese ] = "Expirao"; Text[ russian ] = "Maturity"; Text[ greek ] = "Maturity"; Text[ dutch ] = "Maturity"; Text[ french ] = "chance"; Text[ spanish ] = "Vencimiento"; Text[ finnish ] = "Maturity"; Text[ italian ] = "Scadenza"; Text[ danish ] = "Maturity"; Text[ swedish ] = "Frfallodag"; Text[ polish ] = "data spaty"; Text[ portuguese_brazilian ] = "Maturity"; Text[ japanese ] = "Maturity"; Text[ korean ] = "Maturity"; Text[ chinese_simplified ] = "Maturity"; Text[ chinese_traditional ] = "Maturity"; Text[ turkish ] = "Maturity"; Text[ arabic ] = "Maturity"; Text[ catalan ] = "Maturity"; }; String 5 // description of parameter 2 Oddfprice { Text = "Flligkeit"; Text[ english ] = "Flligkeit"; Text[ language_user1 ] = " "; Text[ english_us ] = "Maturity"; Text[ portuguese ] = "Expirao"; Text[ russian ] = "Maturity"; Text[ greek ] = "Maturity"; Text[ dutch ] = "Maturity"; Text[ french ] = "chance"; Text[ spanish ] = "Vencimiento"; Text[ finnish ] = "Maturity"; Text[ italian ] = "Scadenza"; Text[ danish ] = "Maturity"; Text[ swedish ] = "Frfallodag"; Text[ polish ] = "data spaty papieru wartociowego"; Text[ portuguese_brazilian ] = "Maturity"; Text[ japanese ] = "Maturity"; Text[ korean ] = "Maturity"; Text[ chinese_simplified ] = "Maturity"; Text[ chinese_traditional ] = "Maturity"; Text[ turkish ] = "Maturity"; Text[ arabic ] = "Maturity"; Text[ catalan ] = "Maturity"; }; String 6 // name of parameter 3 Oddfprice { Text = "Emission"; Text[ english ] = "Emission"; Text[ language_user1 ] = " "; Text[ english_us ] = "Issue"; Text[ portuguese ] = "Issue"; Text[ russian ] = "Issue"; Text[ greek ] = "Issue"; Text[ dutch ] = "Issue"; Text[ french ] = "mission"; Text[ spanish ] = "Issue"; Text[ finnish ] = "Issue"; Text[ italian ] = "Emissione"; Text[ danish ] = "Issue"; Text[ swedish ] = "Emission"; Text[ polish ] = "emisja"; Text[ portuguese_brazilian ] = "Issue"; Text[ japanese ] = "Issue"; Text[ korean ] = "Issue"; Text[ chinese_simplified ] = "Issue"; Text[ chinese_traditional ] = "Issue"; Text[ turkish ] = "Issue"; Text[ arabic ] = "Issue"; Text[ catalan ] = "Issue"; }; String 7 // description of parameter 3 Oddfprice { Text = "Emission"; Text[ english ] = "Emission"; Text[ language_user1 ] = " "; Text[ english_us ] = "Issue"; Text[ portuguese ] = "Issue"; Text[ russian ] = "Issue"; Text[ greek ] = "Issue"; Text[ dutch ] = "Issue"; Text[ french ] = "mission"; Text[ spanish ] = "Emisin"; Text[ finnish ] = "Issue"; Text[ italian ] = "Emissione"; Text[ danish ] = "Issue"; Text[ swedish ] = "Emission"; Text[ polish ] = "data emisji papieru wartociowego"; Text[ portuguese_brazilian ] = "Issue"; Text[ japanese ] = "Issue"; Text[ korean ] = "Issue"; Text[ chinese_simplified ] = "Issue"; Text[ chinese_traditional ] = "Issue"; Text[ turkish ] = "Issue"; Text[ arabic ] = "Issue"; Text[ catalan ] = "Issue"; }; String 8 // name of parameter 4 Oddfprice { Text = "Erster Zinstermin"; Text[ english ] = "Erster Zinstermin"; Text[ language_user1 ] = " "; Text[ english_us ] = "First coupon"; Text[ portuguese ] = "First coupon"; Text[ russian ] = "First coupon"; Text[ greek ] = "First coupon"; Text[ dutch ] = "First coupon"; Text[ french ] = "Premier coupon"; Text[ spanish ] = "First coupon"; Text[ finnish ] = "First coupon"; Text[ italian ] = "Primo interesse"; Text[ danish ] = "First coupon"; Text[ swedish ] = "Frsta kupongdatum"; Text[ polish ] = "pierwszy kupon"; Text[ portuguese_brazilian ] = "First coupon"; Text[ japanese ] = "First coupon"; Text[ korean ] = "First coupon"; Text[ chinese_simplified ] = "First coupon"; Text[ chinese_traditional ] = "First coupon"; Text[ turkish ] = "First coupon"; Text[ arabic ] = "First coupon"; Text[ catalan ] = "First coupon"; }; String 9 // description of parameter 4 Oddfprice { Text = "Erster Zinstermin"; Text[ english ] = "Erster Zinstermin"; Text[ language_user1 ] = " "; Text[ english_us ] = "First coupon"; Text[ portuguese ] = "First coupon"; Text[ russian ] = "First coupon"; Text[ greek ] = "First coupon"; Text[ dutch ] = "First coupon"; Text[ french ] = "Premier coupon"; Text[ spanish ] = "Primer plazo de inters"; Text[ finnish ] = "First coupon"; Text[ italian ] = "Primo interesse"; Text[ danish ] = "First coupon"; Text[ swedish ] = "Frsta kupongdatum"; Text[ polish ] = "data realizacji pierwszego kuponu"; Text[ portuguese_brazilian ] = "First coupon"; Text[ japanese ] = "First coupon"; Text[ korean ] = "First coupon"; Text[ chinese_simplified ] = "First coupon"; Text[ chinese_traditional ] = "First coupon"; Text[ turkish ] = "First coupon"; Text[ arabic ] = "First coupon"; Text[ catalan ] = "First coupon"; }; String 10 // name of parameter 5 Oddfprice { Text = "Zins"; Text[ english ] = "Zins"; Text[ language_user1 ] = " "; Text[ english_us ] = "Rate"; Text[ portuguese ] = "Rate"; Text[ russian ] = "Rate"; Text[ greek ] = "Rate"; Text[ dutch ] = "Rate"; Text[ french ] = "Intrt"; Text[ spanish ] = "Rate"; Text[ finnish ] = "Rate"; Text[ italian ] = "Tasso interesse"; Text[ danish ] = "Rate"; Text[ swedish ] = "Rnta"; Text[ polish ] = "stopa"; Text[ portuguese_brazilian ] = "Rate"; Text[ japanese ] = "Rate"; Text[ korean ] = "Rate"; Text[ chinese_simplified ] = "Rate"; Text[ chinese_traditional ] = "Rate"; Text[ turkish ] = "Rate"; Text[ arabic ] = "Rate"; Text[ catalan ] = "Rate"; }; String 11 // description of parameter 5 Oddfprice { Text = "Zins"; Text[ english ] = "Zins"; Text[ language_user1 ] = " "; Text[ english_us ] = "Rate"; Text[ portuguese ] = "Rate"; Text[ russian ] = "Rate"; Text[ greek ] = "Rate"; Text[ dutch ] = "Rate"; Text[ french ] = "Intrt"; Text[ spanish ] = "Inters"; Text[ finnish ] = "Rate"; Text[ italian ] = "Tasso interesse"; Text[ danish ] = "Rate"; Text[ swedish ] = "Rnta"; Text[ polish ] = "oprocentowanie papieru wartociowego"; Text[ portuguese_brazilian ] = "Rate"; Text[ japanese ] = "Rate"; Text[ korean ] = "Rate"; Text[ chinese_simplified ] = "Rate"; Text[ chinese_traditional ] = "Rate"; Text[ turkish ] = "Rate"; Text[ arabic ] = "Rate"; Text[ catalan ] = "Rate"; }; String 12 // name of parameter 6 Oddfprice { Text = "Rendite"; Text[ english ] = "Rendite"; Text[ language_user1 ] = " "; Text[ english_us ] = "Yld"; Text[ portuguese ] = "Yield"; Text[ russian ] = "Yield"; Text[ greek ] = "Yield"; Text[ dutch ] = "Yield"; Text[ french ] = "Yield"; Text[ spanish ] = "Yield"; Text[ finnish ] = "Yield"; Text[ italian ] = "Rendimento"; Text[ danish ] = "Yield"; Text[ swedish ] = "Avkastning"; Text[ polish ] = "rentowno"; Text[ portuguese_brazilian ] = "Yield"; Text[ japanese ] = "Yield"; Text[ korean ] = "Yield"; Text[ chinese_simplified ] = "Yield"; Text[ chinese_traditional ] = "Yield"; Text[ turkish ] = "Yield"; Text[ arabic ] = "Yield"; Text[ catalan ] = "Yield"; }; String 13 // description of parameter 6 Oddfprice { Text = "Rendite"; Text[ english ] = "Rendite"; Text[ language_user1 ] = " "; Text[ english_us ] = "Yld"; Text[ portuguese ] = "Yield"; Text[ russian ] = "Yield"; Text[ greek ] = "Yield"; Text[ dutch ] = "Yield"; Text[ french ] = "Yield"; Text[ spanish ] = "Rdito"; Text[ finnish ] = "Yield"; Text[ italian ] = "Rendimento"; Text[ danish ] = "Yield"; Text[ swedish ] = "Avkastning"; Text[ polish ] = "roczna rentowno papieru wartociowego"; Text[ portuguese_brazilian ] = "Yield"; Text[ japanese ] = "Yield"; Text[ korean ] = "Yield"; Text[ chinese_simplified ] = "Yield"; Text[ chinese_traditional ] = "Yield"; Text[ turkish ] = "Yield"; Text[ arabic ] = "Yield"; Text[ catalan ] = "Yield"; }; String 14 // name of parameter 7 Oddfprice { Text = "Rckzahlung"; Text[ english ] = "Rckzahlung"; Text[ language_user1 ] = " "; Text[ english_us ] = "Redemption"; Text[ portuguese ] = "Redemption"; Text[ russian ] = "Redemption"; Text[ greek ] = "Redemption"; Text[ dutch ] = "Redemption"; Text[ french ] = "Remboursement"; Text[ spanish ] = "Redemption"; Text[ finnish ] = "Redemption"; Text[ italian ] = "Rimborso"; Text[ danish ] = "Redemption"; Text[ swedish ] = "Inlsningsvrde"; Text[ polish ] = "wykup"; Text[ portuguese_brazilian ] = "Redemption"; Text[ japanese ] = "Redemption"; Text[ korean ] = "Redemption"; Text[ chinese_simplified ] = "Redemption"; Text[ chinese_traditional ] = "Redemption"; Text[ turkish ] = "Redemption"; Text[ arabic ] = "Redemption"; Text[ catalan ] = "Redemption"; }; String 15 // description of parameter 7 Oddfprice { Text = "Rckzahlung"; Text[ english ] = "Rckzahlung"; Text[ language_user1 ] = " "; Text[ english_us ] = "Redemption"; Text[ portuguese ] = "Redemption"; Text[ russian ] = "Redemption"; Text[ greek ] = "Redemption"; Text[ dutch ] = "Redemption"; Text[ french ] = "Remboursement"; Text[ spanish ] = "Devolucin"; Text[ finnish ] = "Redemption"; Text[ italian ] = "Rimborso"; Text[ danish ] = "Redemption"; Text[ swedish ] = "Inlsningsvrde"; Text[ polish ] = "warto wykupu papieru wartociowego"; Text[ portuguese_brazilian ] = "Redemption"; Text[ japanese ] = "Redemption"; Text[ korean ] = "Redemption"; Text[ chinese_simplified ] = "Redemption"; Text[ chinese_traditional ] = "Redemption"; Text[ turkish ] = "Redemption"; Text[ arabic ] = "Redemption"; Text[ catalan ] = "Redemption"; }; String 16 // name of parameter 8 Oddfprice { Text = "Hufigkeit"; Text[ english ] = "Hufigkeit"; Text[ language_user1 ] = " "; Text[ english_us ] = "Frequency"; Text[ portuguese ] = "Frequncia"; Text[ russian ] = "Frequency"; Text[ greek ] = "Frequency"; Text[ dutch ] = "Frequency"; Text[ french ] = "Frquence"; Text[ spanish ] = "Frecuencia"; Text[ finnish ] = "Frequency"; Text[ italian ] = "Frequenza"; Text[ danish ] = "Frequency"; Text[ swedish ] = "Frekvens"; Text[ polish ] = "czsto"; Text[ portuguese_brazilian ] = "Frequency"; Text[ japanese ] = "Frequency"; Text[ korean ] = "Frequency"; Text[ chinese_simplified ] = "Frequency"; Text[ chinese_traditional ] = "Frequency"; Text[ turkish ] = "Frequency"; Text[ arabic ] = "Frequency"; Text[ catalan ] = "Frequency"; }; String 17 // description of parameter 8 Oddfprice { Text = "Hufigkeit"; Text[ english ] = "Hufigkeit"; Text[ language_user1 ] = " "; Text[ english_us ] = "Frequency"; Text[ portuguese ] = "Frequncia"; Text[ russian ] = "Frequency"; Text[ greek ] = "Frequency"; Text[ dutch ] = "Frequency"; Text[ french ] = "Frquence"; Text[ spanish ] = "Frecuencia"; Text[ finnish ] = "Frequency"; Text[ italian ] = "Frequenza"; Text[ danish ] = "Frequency"; Text[ swedish ] = "Frekvens"; Text[ polish ] = "liczba kuponw patnych w cigu roku"; Text[ portuguese_brazilian ] = "Frequency"; Text[ japanese ] = "Frequency"; Text[ korean ] = "Frequency"; Text[ chinese_simplified ] = "Frequency"; Text[ chinese_traditional ] = "Frequency"; Text[ turkish ] = "Frequency"; Text[ arabic ] = "Frequency"; Text[ catalan ] = "Frequency"; }; String 18 // name of parameter 9 Oddfprice { Text = "Basis"; Text[ english ] = "Basis"; Text[ language_user1 ] = " "; Text[ english_us ] = "Basis"; Text[ portuguese ] = "Base"; Text[ russian ] = "Base"; Text[ greek ] = "Base"; Text[ dutch ] = "Base"; Text[ french ] = "Base"; Text[ spanish ] = "Base"; Text[ finnish ] = "Base"; Text[ italian ] = "Base"; Text[ danish ] = "Base"; Text[ swedish ] = "Bas"; Text[ polish ] = "podstawa"; Text[ portuguese_brazilian ] = "Base"; Text[ japanese ] = "Base"; Text[ korean ] = "Base"; Text[ chinese_simplified ] = "Base"; Text[ chinese_traditional ] = "Base"; Text[ turkish ] = "Base"; Text[ arabic ] = "Base"; Text[ catalan ] = "Base"; }; String 19 // description of parameter 9 Oddfprice { Text = "Basis"; Text[ english ] = "Basis"; Text[ language_user1 ] = " "; Text[ english_us ] = "Basis"; Text[ portuguese ] = "Base"; Text[ russian ] = "Base"; Text[ greek ] = "Base"; Text[ dutch ] = "Base"; Text[ french ] = "Base"; Text[ spanish ] = "Base"; Text[ finnish ] = "Base"; Text[ italian ] = "Base"; Text[ danish ] = "Base"; Text[ swedish ] = "Bas"; Text[ polish ] = "rodzaj podstawy wyliczania dni"; Text[ portuguese_brazilian ] = "Base"; Text[ japanese ] = "Base"; Text[ korean ] = "Base"; Text[ chinese_simplified ] = "Base"; Text[ chinese_traditional ] = "Base"; Text[ turkish ] = "Base"; Text[ arabic ] = "Base"; Text[ catalan ] = "Base"; }; }; Resource ANALYSIS_Oddfyield { String 1 // description Oddfyield { Text = "Liefert die Rendite eines Wertpapiers mit einem unregelmigen ersten Zinstermin."; Text[ english ] = "Returns the yield of a security with an odd first period"; Text[ language_user1 ] = " "; Text[ english_us ] = "Returns the yield of a security with an odd first period"; Text[ portuguese ] = "Returns the yield of a security with an odd first period"; Text[ russian ] = "Returns the yield of a security with an odd first period"; Text[ greek ] = "Returns the yield of a security with an odd first period"; Text[ dutch ] = "Returns the yield of a security with an odd first period"; Text[ french ] = "Returns the yield of a security with an odd first period"; Text[ spanish ] = "Returns the yield of a security with an odd first period"; Text[ finnish ] = "Returns the yield of a security with an odd first period"; Text[ italian ] = "Restituisce il rendimento di un titolo avente il primo periodo d'interesse irregolare."; Text[ danish ] = "Returns the yield of a security with an odd first period"; Text[ swedish ] = "Returnerar avkastningen fr ett vrdepapper med en udda frsta period."; Text[ polish ] = "Podaje rentowno papieru wartociowego z nietypowym pierwszym okresem."; Text[ portuguese_brazilian ] = "Returns the yield of a security with an odd first period"; Text[ japanese ] = "Returns the yield of a security with an odd first period"; Text[ korean ] = "Returns the yield of a security with an odd first period"; Text[ chinese_simplified ] = "Returns the yield of a security with an odd first period"; Text[ chinese_traditional ] = "Returns the yield of a security with an odd first period"; Text[ turkish ] = "Returns the yield of a security with an odd first period"; Text[ arabic ] = "Returns the yield of a security with an odd first period"; Text[ catalan ] = "Returns the yield of a security with an odd first period"; }; String 2 // name of parameter 1 Oddfyield { Text = "Abrechnung"; Text[ english ] = "Abrechnung"; Text[ language_user1 ] = " "; Text[ english_us ] = "Settlement"; Text[ portuguese ] = "Expedio"; Text[ russian ] = "Settlement"; Text[ greek ] = "Settlement"; Text[ dutch ] = "Settlement"; Text[ french ] = "Settlement"; Text[ spanish ] = "Liquidacin"; Text[ finnish ] = "Settlement"; Text[ italian ] = "Liquidazione"; Text[ danish ] = "Settlement"; Text[ swedish ] = "Betalning"; Text[ polish ] = "rozliczenie"; Text[ portuguese_brazilian ] = "Settlement"; Text[ japanese ] = "Settlement"; Text[ korean ] = "Settlement"; Text[ chinese_simplified ] = "Settlement"; Text[ chinese_traditional ] = "Settlement"; Text[ turkish ] = "Settlement"; Text[ arabic ] = "Settlement"; Text[ catalan ] = "Settlement"; }; String 3 // description of parameter 1 Oddfyield { Text = "Abrechnung"; Text[ english ] = "Abrechnung"; Text[ language_user1 ] = " "; Text[ english_us ] = "Settlement"; Text[ portuguese ] = "Expedio"; Text[ russian ] = "Settlement"; Text[ greek ] = "Settlement"; Text[ dutch ] = "Settlement"; Text[ french ] = "Settlement"; Text[ spanish ] = "Settlement"; Text[ finnish ] = "Settlement"; Text[ italian ] = "Liquidazione"; Text[ danish ] = "Settlement"; Text[ swedish ] = "Betalning"; Text[ polish ] = "data rozliczenia papieru wartociowego"; Text[ portuguese_brazilian ] = "Settlement"; Text[ japanese ] = "Settlement"; Text[ korean ] = "Settlement"; Text[ chinese_simplified ] = "Settlement"; Text[ chinese_traditional ] = "Settlement"; Text[ turkish ] = "Settlement"; Text[ arabic ] = "Settlement"; Text[ catalan ] = "Settlement"; }; String 4 // name of parameter 2 Oddfyield { Text = "Flligkeit"; Text[ english ] = "Flligkeit"; Text[ language_user1 ] = " "; Text[ english_us ] = "Maturity"; Text[ portuguese ] = "Expirao"; Text[ russian ] = "Maturity"; Text[ greek ] = "Maturity"; Text[ dutch ] = "Maturity"; Text[ french ] = "chance"; Text[ spanish ] = "Vencimiento"; Text[ finnish ] = "Maturity"; Text[ italian ] = "Scadenza"; Text[ danish ] = "Maturity"; Text[ swedish ] = "Frfallodag"; Text[ polish ] = "data spaty"; Text[ portuguese_brazilian ] = "Maturity"; Text[ japanese ] = "Maturity"; Text[ korean ] = "Maturity"; Text[ chinese_simplified ] = "Maturity"; Text[ chinese_traditional ] = "Maturity"; Text[ turkish ] = "Maturity"; Text[ arabic ] = "Maturity"; Text[ catalan ] = "Maturity"; }; String 5 // description of parameter 2 Oddfyield { Text = "Flligkeit"; Text[ english ] = "Flligkeit"; Text[ language_user1 ] = " "; Text[ english_us ] = "Maturity"; Text[ portuguese ] = "Expirao"; Text[ russian ] = "Maturity"; Text[ greek ] = "Maturity"; Text[ dutch ] = "Maturity"; Text[ french ] = "chance"; Text[ spanish ] = "Maturity"; Text[ finnish ] = "Maturity"; Text[ italian ] = "Scadenza"; Text[ danish ] = "Maturity"; Text[ swedish ] = "Frfallodag"; Text[ polish ] = "data spaty papieru wartociowego"; Text[ portuguese_brazilian ] = "Maturity"; Text[ japanese ] = "Maturity"; Text[ korean ] = "Maturity"; Text[ chinese_simplified ] = "Maturity"; Text[ chinese_traditional ] = "Maturity"; Text[ turkish ] = "Maturity"; Text[ arabic ] = "Maturity"; Text[ catalan ] = "Maturity"; }; String 6 // name of parameter 3 Oddfyield { Text = "Emission"; Text[ english ] = "Emission"; Text[ language_user1 ] = " "; Text[ english_us ] = "Issue"; Text[ portuguese ] = "Issue"; Text[ russian ] = "Issue"; Text[ greek ] = "Issue"; Text[ dutch ] = "Issue"; Text[ french ] = "mission"; Text[ spanish ] = "Emisin"; Text[ finnish ] = "Issue"; Text[ italian ] = "Emissione"; Text[ danish ] = "Issue"; Text[ swedish ] = "Emission"; Text[ polish ] = "emisja"; Text[ portuguese_brazilian ] = "Issue"; Text[ japanese ] = "Issue"; Text[ korean ] = "Issue"; Text[ chinese_simplified ] = "Issue"; Text[ chinese_traditional ] = "Issue"; Text[ turkish ] = "Issue"; Text[ arabic ] = "Issue"; Text[ catalan ] = "Issue"; }; String 7 // description of parameter 3 Oddfyield { Text = "Emission"; Text[ english ] = "Emission"; Text[ language_user1 ] = " "; Text[ english_us ] = "Issue"; Text[ portuguese ] = "Issue"; Text[ russian ] = "Issue"; Text[ greek ] = "Issue"; Text[ dutch ] = "Issue"; Text[ french ] = "mission"; Text[ spanish ] = "Issue"; Text[ finnish ] = "Issue"; Text[ italian ] = "Emissione"; Text[ danish ] = "Issue"; Text[ swedish ] = "Emission"; Text[ polish ] = "data emisji papieru wartociowego"; Text[ portuguese_brazilian ] = "Issue"; Text[ japanese ] = "Issue"; Text[ korean ] = "Issue"; Text[ chinese_simplified ] = "Issue"; Text[ chinese_traditional ] = "Issue"; Text[ turkish ] = "Issue"; Text[ arabic ] = "Issue"; Text[ catalan ] = "Issue"; }; String 8 // name of parameter 4 Oddfyield { Text = "Erster Zinstermin"; Text[ english ] = "Erster Zinstermin"; Text[ language_user1 ] = " "; Text[ english_us ] = "First coupon"; Text[ portuguese ] = "First coupon"; Text[ russian ] = "First coupon"; Text[ greek ] = "First coupon"; Text[ dutch ] = "First coupon"; Text[ french ] = "Premier coupon"; Text[ spanish ] = "Primer plazo de inters"; Text[ finnish ] = "First coupon"; Text[ italian ] = "Primo interesse"; Text[ danish ] = "First coupon"; Text[ swedish ] = "Frsta kupongdatum"; Text[ polish ] = "pierwszy kupon"; Text[ portuguese_brazilian ] = "First coupon"; Text[ japanese ] = "First coupon"; Text[ korean ] = "First coupon"; Text[ chinese_simplified ] = "First coupon"; Text[ chinese_traditional ] = "First coupon"; Text[ turkish ] = "First coupon"; Text[ arabic ] = "First coupon"; Text[ catalan ] = "First coupon"; }; String 9 // description of parameter 4 Oddfyield { Text = "Erster Zinstermin"; Text[ english ] = "Erster Zinstermin"; Text[ language_user1 ] = " "; Text[ english_us ] = "First coupon"; Text[ portuguese ] = "First coupon"; Text[ russian ] = "First coupon"; Text[ greek ] = "First coupon"; Text[ dutch ] = "First coupon"; Text[ french ] = "Premier coupon"; Text[ spanish ] = "First coupon"; Text[ finnish ] = "First coupon"; Text[ italian ] = "Primo interesse"; Text[ danish ] = "First coupon"; Text[ swedish ] = "Frsta kupongdatum"; Text[ polish ] = "data realizacji pierwszego kuponu"; Text[ portuguese_brazilian ] = "First coupon"; Text[ japanese ] = "First coupon"; Text[ korean ] = "First coupon"; Text[ chinese_simplified ] = "First coupon"; Text[ chinese_traditional ] = "First coupon"; Text[ turkish ] = "First coupon"; Text[ arabic ] = "First coupon"; Text[ catalan ] = "First coupon"; }; String 10 // name of parameter 5 Oddfyield { Text = "Zins"; Text[ english ] = "Zins"; Text[ language_user1 ] = " "; Text[ english_us ] = "Rate"; Text[ portuguese ] = "Rate"; Text[ russian ] = "Rate"; Text[ greek ] = "Rate"; Text[ dutch ] = "Rate"; Text[ french ] = "Intrt"; Text[ spanish ] = "Inters"; Text[ finnish ] = "Rate"; Text[ italian ] = "Tasso interesse"; Text[ danish ] = "Rate"; Text[ swedish ] = "Rnta"; Text[ polish ] = "stopa"; Text[ portuguese_brazilian ] = "Rate"; Text[ japanese ] = "Rate"; Text[ korean ] = "Rate"; Text[ chinese_simplified ] = "Rate"; Text[ chinese_traditional ] = "Rate"; Text[ turkish ] = "Rate"; Text[ arabic ] = "Rate"; Text[ catalan ] = "Rate"; }; String 11 // description of parameter 5 Oddfyield { Text = "Zins"; Text[ english ] = "Zins"; Text[ language_user1 ] = " "; Text[ english_us ] = "Rate"; Text[ portuguese ] = "Rate"; Text[ russian ] = "Rate"; Text[ greek ] = "Rate"; Text[ dutch ] = "Rate"; Text[ french ] = "Intrt"; Text[ spanish ] = "Rate"; Text[ finnish ] = "Rate"; Text[ italian ] = "Tasso interesse"; Text[ danish ] = "Rate"; Text[ swedish ] = "Rnta"; Text[ polish ] = "oprocentowanie papieru wartociowego"; Text[ portuguese_brazilian ] = "Rate"; Text[ japanese ] = "Rate"; Text[ korean ] = "Rate"; Text[ chinese_simplified ] = "Rate"; Text[ chinese_traditional ] = "Rate"; Text[ turkish ] = "Rate"; Text[ arabic ] = "Rate"; Text[ catalan ] = "Rate"; }; String 12 // name of parameter 6 Oddfyield { Text = "Kurs"; Text[ english ] = "Kurs"; Text[ language_user1 ] = " "; Text[ english_us ] = "Pr"; Text[ portuguese ] = "Price"; Text[ russian ] = "Price"; Text[ greek ] = "Price"; Text[ dutch ] = "Price"; Text[ french ] = "Prix"; Text[ spanish ] = "Cotizacin"; Text[ finnish ] = "Price"; Text[ italian ] = "Prezzo"; Text[ danish ] = "Price"; Text[ swedish ] = "Pris"; Text[ polish ] = "kurs"; Text[ portuguese_brazilian ] = "Price"; Text[ japanese ] = "Price"; Text[ korean ] = "Price"; Text[ chinese_simplified ] = "Price"; Text[ chinese_traditional ] = "Price"; Text[ turkish ] = "Price"; Text[ arabic ] = "Price"; Text[ catalan ] = "Price"; }; String 13 // description of parameter 6 Oddfyield { Text = "Kurs"; Text[ english ] = "Kurs"; Text[ language_user1 ] = " "; Text[ english_us ] = "Pr"; Text[ portuguese ] = "Price"; Text[ russian ] = "Price"; Text[ greek ] = "Price"; Text[ dutch ] = "Price"; Text[ french ] = "Prix"; Text[ spanish ] = "Cotizacin"; Text[ finnish ] = "Price"; Text[ italian ] = "Prezzo"; Text[ danish ] = "Price"; Text[ swedish ] = "Pris"; Text[ polish ] = "cena papieru wartociowego"; Text[ portuguese_brazilian ] = "Price"; Text[ japanese ] = "Price"; Text[ korean ] = "Price"; Text[ chinese_simplified ] = "Price"; Text[ chinese_traditional ] = "Price"; Text[ turkish ] = "Price"; Text[ arabic ] = "Price"; Text[ catalan ] = "Price"; }; String 14 // name of parameter 7 Oddfyield { Text = "Rckzahlung"; Text[ english ] = "Rckzahlung"; Text[ language_user1 ] = " "; Text[ english_us ] = "Redemption"; Text[ portuguese ] = "Redemption"; Text[ russian ] = "Redemption"; Text[ greek ] = "Redemption"; Text[ dutch ] = "Redemption"; Text[ french ] = "Remboursement"; Text[ spanish ] = "Devolucin"; Text[ finnish ] = "Redemption"; Text[ italian ] = "Rimborso"; Text[ danish ] = "Redemption"; Text[ swedish ] = "Inlsningsvrde"; Text[ polish ] = "wykup"; Text[ portuguese_brazilian ] = "Redemption"; Text[ japanese ] = "Redemption"; Text[ korean ] = "Redemption"; Text[ chinese_simplified ] = "Redemption"; Text[ chinese_traditional ] = "Redemption"; Text[ turkish ] = "Redemption"; Text[ arabic ] = "Redemption"; Text[ catalan ] = "Redemption"; }; String 15 // description of parameter 7 Oddfyield { Text = "Rckzahlung"; Text[ english ] = "Rckzahlung"; Text[ language_user1 ] = " "; Text[ english_us ] = "Redemption"; Text[ portuguese ] = "Redemption"; Text[ russian ] = "Redemption"; Text[ greek ] = "Redemption"; Text[ dutch ] = "Redemption"; Text[ french ] = "Remboursement"; Text[ spanish ] = "Devolucin"; Text[ finnish ] = "Redemption"; Text[ italian ] = "Rimborso"; Text[ danish ] = "Redemption"; Text[ swedish ] = "Inlsningsvrde"; Text[ polish ] = "warto wykupu papieru wartociowego"; Text[ portuguese_brazilian ] = "Redemption"; Text[ japanese ] = "Redemption"; Text[ korean ] = "Redemption"; Text[ chinese_simplified ] = "Redemption"; Text[ chinese_traditional ] = "Redemption"; Text[ turkish ] = "Redemption"; Text[ arabic ] = "Redemption"; Text[ catalan ] = "Redemption"; }; String 16 // name of parameter 8 Oddfyield { Text = "Hufigkeit"; Text[ english ] = "Hufigkeit"; Text[ language_user1 ] = " "; Text[ english_us ] = "Frequency"; Text[ portuguese ] = "Frequncia"; Text[ russian ] = "Frequency"; Text[ greek ] = "Frequency"; Text[ dutch ] = "Frequency"; Text[ french ] = "Frquence"; Text[ spanish ] = "Frecuencia"; Text[ finnish ] = "Frequency"; Text[ italian ] = "Frequenza"; Text[ danish ] = "Frequency"; Text[ swedish ] = "Frekvens"; Text[ polish ] = "czsto"; Text[ portuguese_brazilian ] = "Frequency"; Text[ japanese ] = "Frequency"; Text[ korean ] = "Frequency"; Text[ chinese_simplified ] = "Frequency"; Text[ chinese_traditional ] = "Frequency"; Text[ turkish ] = "Frequency"; Text[ arabic ] = "Frequency"; Text[ catalan ] = "Frequency"; }; String 17 // description of parameter 8 Oddfyield { Text = "Hufigkeit"; Text[ english ] = "Hufigkeit"; Text[ language_user1 ] = " "; Text[ english_us ] = "Frequency"; Text[ portuguese ] = "Frequncia"; Text[ russian ] = "Frequency"; Text[ greek ] = "Frequency"; Text[ dutch ] = "Frequency"; Text[ french ] = "Frquence"; Text[ spanish ] = "Frecuencia"; Text[ finnish ] = "Frequency"; Text[ italian ] = "Frequenza"; Text[ danish ] = "Frequency"; Text[ swedish ] = "Frekvens"; Text[ polish ] = "liczba kuponw patnych w cigu roku"; Text[ portuguese_brazilian ] = "Frequency"; Text[ japanese ] = "Frequency"; Text[ korean ] = "Frequency"; Text[ chinese_simplified ] = "Frequency"; Text[ chinese_traditional ] = "Frequency"; Text[ turkish ] = "Frequency"; Text[ arabic ] = "Frequency"; Text[ catalan ] = "Frequency"; }; String 18 // name of parameter 9 Oddfyield { Text = "Basis"; Text[ english ] = "Basis"; Text[ language_user1 ] = " "; Text[ english_us ] = "Basis"; Text[ portuguese ] = "Base"; Text[ russian ] = "Base"; Text[ greek ] = "Base"; Text[ dutch ] = "Base"; Text[ french ] = "Base"; Text[ spanish ] = "Base"; Text[ finnish ] = "Base"; Text[ italian ] = "Base"; Text[ danish ] = "Base"; Text[ swedish ] = "Bas"; Text[ polish ] = "podstawa"; Text[ portuguese_brazilian ] = "Base"; Text[ japanese ] = "Base"; Text[ korean ] = "Base"; Text[ chinese_simplified ] = "Base"; Text[ chinese_traditional ] = "Base"; Text[ turkish ] = "Base"; Text[ arabic ] = "Base"; Text[ catalan ] = "Base"; }; String 19 // description of parameter 9 Oddfyield { Text = "Basis"; Text[ english ] = "Basis"; Text[ language_user1 ] = " "; Text[ english_us ] = "Basis"; Text[ portuguese ] = "Base"; Text[ russian ] = "Base"; Text[ greek ] = "Base"; Text[ dutch ] = "Base"; Text[ french ] = "Base"; Text[ spanish ] = "Base"; Text[ finnish ] = "Base"; Text[ italian ] = "Base"; Text[ danish ] = "Base"; Text[ swedish ] = "Bas"; Text[ polish ] = "rodzaj podstawy wyliczania dni"; Text[ portuguese_brazilian ] = "Base"; Text[ japanese ] = "Base"; Text[ korean ] = "Base"; Text[ chinese_simplified ] = "Base"; Text[ chinese_traditional ] = "Base"; Text[ turkish ] = "Base"; Text[ arabic ] = "Base"; Text[ catalan ] = "Base"; }; }; Resource ANALYSIS_Oddlprice { String 1 // description Oddlprice { Text = "Liefert den Kurs pro 100 DM Nennwert eines Wertpapiers mit einem unregelmigen letzten Zinstermin."; Text[ english ] = "Returns the price of $100 face value of a security with an odd last period"; Text[ language_user1 ] = " "; Text[ english_us ] = "Returns the price of $100 face value of a security with an odd last period"; Text[ portuguese ] = "Returns the price of $100 face value of a security with an odd last period"; Text[ russian ] = "Returns the price of $100 face value of a security with an odd last period"; Text[ greek ] = "Returns the price of $100 face value of a security with an odd last period"; Text[ dutch ] = "Returns the price of $100 face value of a security with an odd last period"; Text[ french ] = "Returns the price of $100 face value of a security with an odd last period"; Text[ spanish ] = "Returns the price of $100 face value of a security with an odd last period"; Text[ finnish ] = "Returns the price of $100 face value of a security with an odd last period"; Text[ italian ] = "Restituisce il prezzo di un titolo nominale dal valore di 100 lire avente l'ultimo periodo d'interesse irregolare."; Text[ danish ] = "Returns the price of $100 face value of a security with an odd last period"; Text[ swedish ] = "Returnerar priset per 1000 kronor nominellt vrde fr ett vrdepapper med en udda sista period."; Text[ polish ] = "Podaje cen za 100 jednostek wartoci nominalnej papieru wartociowego z nietypowym ostatnim okresem."; Text[ portuguese_brazilian ] = "Returns the price of $100 face value of a security with an odd last period"; Text[ japanese ] = "Returns the price of $100 face value of a security with an odd last period"; Text[ korean ] = "Returns the price of $100 face value of a security with an odd last period"; Text[ chinese_simplified ] = "Returns the price of $100 face value of a security with an odd last period"; Text[ chinese_traditional ] = "Returns the price of $100 face value of a security with an odd last period"; Text[ turkish ] = "Returns the price of $100 face value of a security with an odd last period"; Text[ arabic ] = "Returns the price of $100 face value of a security with an odd last period"; Text[ catalan ] = "Returns the price of $100 face value of a security with an odd last period"; }; String 2 // name of parameter 1 Oddlprice { Text = "Abrechnung"; Text[ english ] = "Abrechnung"; Text[ language_user1 ] = " "; Text[ english_us ] = "Settlement"; Text[ portuguese ] = "Expedio"; Text[ russian ] = "Settlement"; Text[ greek ] = "Settlement"; Text[ dutch ] = "Settlement"; Text[ french ] = "Settlement"; Text[ spanish ] = "Settlement"; Text[ finnish ] = "Settlement"; Text[ italian ] = "Liquidazione"; Text[ danish ] = "Settlement"; Text[ swedish ] = "Betalning"; Text[ polish ] = "rozliczenie"; Text[ portuguese_brazilian ] = "Settlement"; Text[ japanese ] = "Settlement"; Text[ korean ] = "Settlement"; Text[ chinese_simplified ] = "Settlement"; Text[ chinese_traditional ] = "Settlement"; Text[ turkish ] = "Settlement"; Text[ arabic ] = "Settlement"; Text[ catalan ] = "Settlement"; }; String 3 // description of parameter 1 Oddlprice { Text = "Abrechnung"; Text[ english ] = "Abrechnung"; Text[ language_user1 ] = " "; Text[ english_us ] = "Settlement"; Text[ portuguese ] = "Expedio"; Text[ russian ] = "Settlement"; Text[ greek ] = "Settlement"; Text[ dutch ] = "Settlement"; Text[ french ] = "Settlement"; Text[ spanish ] = "Settlement"; Text[ finnish ] = "Settlement"; Text[ italian ] = "Liquidazione"; Text[ danish ] = "Settlement"; Text[ swedish ] = "Betalning"; Text[ polish ] = "data rozliczenia papieru wartociowego"; Text[ portuguese_brazilian ] = "Settlement"; Text[ japanese ] = "Settlement"; Text[ korean ] = "Settlement"; Text[ chinese_simplified ] = "Settlement"; Text[ chinese_traditional ] = "Settlement"; Text[ turkish ] = "Settlement"; Text[ arabic ] = "Settlement"; Text[ catalan ] = "Settlement"; }; String 4 // name of parameter 2 Oddlprice { Text = "Flligkeit"; Text[ english ] = "Flligkeit"; Text[ language_user1 ] = " "; Text[ english_us ] = "Maturity"; Text[ portuguese ] = "Expirao"; Text[ russian ] = "Maturity"; Text[ greek ] = "Maturity"; Text[ dutch ] = "Maturity"; Text[ french ] = "chance"; Text[ spanish ] = "Maturity"; Text[ finnish ] = "Maturity"; Text[ italian ] = "Scadenza"; Text[ danish ] = "Maturity"; Text[ swedish ] = "Frfallodag"; Text[ polish ] = "data spaty"; Text[ portuguese_brazilian ] = "Maturity"; Text[ japanese ] = "Maturity"; Text[ korean ] = "Maturity"; Text[ chinese_simplified ] = "Maturity"; Text[ chinese_traditional ] = "Maturity"; Text[ turkish ] = "Maturity"; Text[ arabic ] = "Maturity"; Text[ catalan ] = "Maturity"; }; String 5 // description of parameter 2 Oddlprice { Text = "Flligkeit"; Text[ english ] = "Flligkeit"; Text[ language_user1 ] = " "; Text[ english_us ] = "Maturity"; Text[ portuguese ] = "Expirao"; Text[ russian ] = "Maturity"; Text[ greek ] = "Maturity"; Text[ dutch ] = "Maturity"; Text[ french ] = "chance"; Text[ spanish ] = "Maturity"; Text[ finnish ] = "Maturity"; Text[ italian ] = "Scadenza"; Text[ danish ] = "Maturity"; Text[ swedish ] = "Frfallodag"; Text[ polish ] = "data spaty papieru wartociowego"; Text[ portuguese_brazilian ] = "Maturity"; Text[ japanese ] = "Maturity"; Text[ korean ] = "Maturity"; Text[ chinese_simplified ] = "Maturity"; Text[ chinese_traditional ] = "Maturity"; Text[ turkish ] = "Maturity"; Text[ arabic ] = "Maturity"; Text[ catalan ] = "Maturity"; }; String 6 // name of parameter 3 Oddlprice { Text = "Letzter Zinstermin"; Text[ english ] = "Letzter Zinstermin"; Text[ language_user1 ] = " "; Text[ english_us ] = "Last interest"; Text[ portuguese ] = "Last interst"; Text[ russian ] = "Last interst"; Text[ greek ] = "Last interst"; Text[ dutch ] = "Last interst"; Text[ french ] = "Dernier coupon"; Text[ spanish ] = "Last interst"; Text[ finnish ] = "Last interst"; Text[ italian ] = "Ultimo interesse"; Text[ danish ] = "Last interst"; Text[ swedish ] = "Sista kupongdatum"; Text[ polish ] = "ostatnia wypata"; Text[ portuguese_brazilian ] = "Last interst"; Text[ japanese ] = "Last interst"; Text[ korean ] = "Last interst"; Text[ chinese_simplified ] = "Last interst"; Text[ chinese_traditional ] = "Last interst"; Text[ turkish ] = "Last interst"; Text[ arabic ] = "Last interst"; Text[ catalan ] = "Last interst"; }; String 7 // description of parameter 3 Oddlprice { Text = "Letzter Zinstermin"; Text[ english ] = "Letzter Zinstermin"; Text[ language_user1 ] = " "; Text[ english_us ] = "Last interest"; Text[ portuguese ] = "Last interst"; Text[ russian ] = "Last interst"; Text[ greek ] = "Last interst"; Text[ dutch ] = "Last interst"; Text[ french ] = "Dernier coupon"; Text[ spanish ] = "Last interst"; Text[ finnish ] = "Last interst"; Text[ italian ] = "Ultimo interesse"; Text[ danish ] = "Last interst"; Text[ swedish ] = "Sista kupongdatum"; Text[ polish ] = "data realizacji ostatniego kuponu"; Text[ portuguese_brazilian ] = "Last interst"; Text[ japanese ] = "Last interst"; Text[ korean ] = "Last interst"; Text[ chinese_simplified ] = "Last interst"; Text[ chinese_traditional ] = "Last interst"; Text[ turkish ] = "Last interst"; Text[ arabic ] = "Last interst"; Text[ catalan ] = "Last interst"; }; String 8 // name of parameter 4 Oddlprice { Text = "Zins"; Text[ english ] = "Zins"; Text[ language_user1 ] = " "; Text[ english_us ] = "Rate"; Text[ portuguese ] = "Rate"; Text[ russian ] = "Rate"; Text[ greek ] = "Rate"; Text[ dutch ] = "Rate"; Text[ french ] = "Intrt"; Text[ spanish ] = "Rate"; Text[ finnish ] = "Rate"; Text[ italian ] = "Tasso interesse"; Text[ danish ] = "Rate"; Text[ swedish ] = "Rnta"; Text[ polish ] = "stopa"; Text[ portuguese_brazilian ] = "Rate"; Text[ japanese ] = "Rate"; Text[ korean ] = "Rate"; Text[ chinese_simplified ] = "Rate"; Text[ chinese_traditional ] = "Rate"; Text[ turkish ] = "Rate"; Text[ arabic ] = "Rate"; Text[ catalan ] = "Rate"; }; String 9 // description of parameter 4 Oddlprice { Text = "Zins"; Text[ english ] = "Zins"; Text[ language_user1 ] = " "; Text[ english_us ] = "Rate"; Text[ portuguese ] = "Rate"; Text[ russian ] = "Rate"; Text[ greek ] = "Rate"; Text[ dutch ] = "Rate"; Text[ french ] = "Intrt"; Text[ spanish ] = "Rate"; Text[ finnish ] = "Rate"; Text[ italian ] = "Tasso interesse"; Text[ danish ] = "Rate"; Text[ swedish ] = "Rnta"; Text[ polish ] = "oprocentowanie papieru wartociowego"; Text[ portuguese_brazilian ] = "Rate"; Text[ japanese ] = "Rate"; Text[ korean ] = "Rate"; Text[ chinese_simplified ] = "Rate"; Text[ chinese_traditional ] = "Rate"; Text[ turkish ] = "Rate"; Text[ arabic ] = "Rate"; Text[ catalan ] = "Rate"; }; String 10 // name of parameter 5 Oddlprice { Text = "Rendite"; Text[ english ] = "Rendite"; Text[ language_user1 ] = " "; Text[ english_us ] = "Yld"; Text[ portuguese ] = "Yield"; Text[ russian ] = "Yield"; Text[ greek ] = "Yield"; Text[ dutch ] = "Yield"; Text[ french ] = "Yield"; Text[ spanish ] = "Yield"; Text[ finnish ] = "Yield"; Text[ italian ] = "Rendimento"; Text[ danish ] = "Yield"; Text[ swedish ] = "Avkastning"; Text[ polish ] = "rentowno"; Text[ portuguese_brazilian ] = "Yield"; Text[ japanese ] = "Yield"; Text[ korean ] = "Yield"; Text[ chinese_simplified ] = "Yield"; Text[ chinese_traditional ] = "Yield"; Text[ turkish ] = "Yield"; Text[ arabic ] = "Yield"; Text[ catalan ] = "Yield"; }; String 11 // description of parameter 5 Oddlprice { Text = "Rendite"; Text[ english ] = "Rendite"; Text[ language_user1 ] = " "; Text[ english_us ] = "Yld"; Text[ portuguese ] = "Yield"; Text[ russian ] = "Yield"; Text[ greek ] = "Yield"; Text[ dutch ] = "Yield"; Text[ french ] = "Yield"; Text[ spanish ] = "Yield"; Text[ finnish ] = "Yield"; Text[ italian ] = "Rendimento"; Text[ danish ] = "Yield"; Text[ swedish ] = "Avkastning"; Text[ polish ] = "roczna rentowno papieru wartociowego"; Text[ portuguese_brazilian ] = "Yield"; Text[ japanese ] = "Yield"; Text[ korean ] = "Yield"; Text[ chinese_simplified ] = "Yield"; Text[ chinese_traditional ] = "Yield"; Text[ turkish ] = "Yield"; Text[ arabic ] = "Yield"; Text[ catalan ] = "Yield"; }; String 12 // name of parameter 6 Oddlprice { Text = "Rckzahlung"; Text[ english ] = "Rckzahlung"; Text[ language_user1 ] = " "; Text[ english_us ] = "Redemption"; Text[ portuguese ] = "Redemption"; Text[ russian ] = "Redemption"; Text[ greek ] = "Redemption"; Text[ dutch ] = "Redemption"; Text[ french ] = "Remboursement"; Text[ spanish ] = "Redemption"; Text[ finnish ] = "Redemption"; Text[ italian ] = "Rimborso"; Text[ danish ] = "Redemption"; Text[ swedish ] = "Inlsningsvrde"; Text[ polish ] = "wykup"; Text[ portuguese_brazilian ] = "Redemption"; Text[ japanese ] = "Redemption"; Text[ korean ] = "Redemption"; Text[ chinese_simplified ] = "Redemption"; Text[ chinese_traditional ] = "Redemption"; Text[ turkish ] = "Redemption"; Text[ arabic ] = "Redemption"; Text[ catalan ] = "Redemption"; }; String 13 // description of parameter 6 Oddlprice { Text = "Rckzahlung"; Text[ english ] = "Rckzahlung"; Text[ language_user1 ] = " "; Text[ english_us ] = "Redemption"; Text[ portuguese ] = "Redemption"; Text[ russian ] = "Redemption"; Text[ greek ] = "Redemption"; Text[ dutch ] = "Redemption"; Text[ french ] = "Remboursement"; Text[ spanish ] = "Redemption"; Text[ finnish ] = "Redemption"; Text[ italian ] = "Rimborso"; Text[ danish ] = "Redemption"; Text[ swedish ] = "Inlsningsvrde"; Text[ polish ] = "warto wykupu papieru wartociowego"; Text[ portuguese_brazilian ] = "Redemption"; Text[ japanese ] = "Redemption"; Text[ korean ] = "Redemption"; Text[ chinese_simplified ] = "Redemption"; Text[ chinese_traditional ] = "Redemption"; Text[ turkish ] = "Redemption"; Text[ arabic ] = "Redemption"; Text[ catalan ] = "Redemption"; }; String 14 // name of parameter 7 Oddlprice { Text = "Hufigkeit"; Text[ english ] = "Hufigkeit"; Text[ language_user1 ] = " "; Text[ english_us ] = "Frequency"; Text[ portuguese ] = "Frequncia"; Text[ russian ] = "Frequency"; Text[ greek ] = "Frequency"; Text[ dutch ] = "Frequency"; Text[ french ] = "Frquence"; Text[ spanish ] = "Frecuencia"; Text[ finnish ] = "Frequency"; Text[ italian ] = "Frequenza"; Text[ danish ] = "Frequency"; Text[ swedish ] = "Frekvens"; Text[ polish ] = "czsto"; Text[ portuguese_brazilian ] = "Frequency"; Text[ japanese ] = "Frequency"; Text[ korean ] = "Frequency"; Text[ chinese_simplified ] = "Frequency"; Text[ chinese_traditional ] = "Frequency"; Text[ turkish ] = "Frequency"; Text[ arabic ] = "Frequency"; Text[ catalan ] = "Frequency"; }; String 15 // description of parameter 7 Oddlprice { Text = "Hufigkeit"; Text[ english ] = "Hufigkeit"; Text[ language_user1 ] = " "; Text[ english_us ] = "Frequency"; Text[ portuguese ] = "Frequncia"; Text[ russian ] = "Frequency"; Text[ greek ] = "Frequency"; Text[ dutch ] = "Frequency"; Text[ french ] = "Frquence"; Text[ spanish ] = "Frecuencia"; Text[ finnish ] = "Frequency"; Text[ italian ] = "Frequenza"; Text[ danish ] = "Frequency"; Text[ swedish ] = "Frekvens"; Text[ polish ] = "liczba kuponw patnych w cigu roku"; Text[ portuguese_brazilian ] = "Frequency"; Text[ japanese ] = "Frequency"; Text[ korean ] = "Frequency"; Text[ chinese_simplified ] = "Frequency"; Text[ chinese_traditional ] = "Frequency"; Text[ turkish ] = "Frequency"; Text[ arabic ] = "Frequency"; Text[ catalan ] = "Frequency"; }; String 16 // name of parameter 8 Oddlprice { Text = "Basis"; Text[ english ] = "Basis"; Text[ language_user1 ] = " "; Text[ english_us ] = "Basis"; Text[ portuguese ] = "Base"; Text[ russian ] = "Base"; Text[ greek ] = "Base"; Text[ dutch ] = "Base"; Text[ french ] = "Base"; Text[ spanish ] = "Base"; Text[ finnish ] = "Base"; Text[ italian ] = "Base"; Text[ danish ] = "Base"; Text[ swedish ] = "Bas"; Text[ polish ] = "podstawa"; Text[ portuguese_brazilian ] = "Base"; Text[ japanese ] = "Base"; Text[ korean ] = "Base"; Text[ chinese_simplified ] = "Base"; Text[ chinese_traditional ] = "Base"; Text[ turkish ] = "Base"; Text[ arabic ] = "Base"; Text[ catalan ] = "Base"; }; String 17 // description of parameter 8 Oddlprice { Text = "Basis"; Text[ english ] = "Basis"; Text[ language_user1 ] = " "; Text[ english_us ] = "Basis"; Text[ portuguese ] = "Base"; Text[ russian ] = "Base"; Text[ greek ] = "Base"; Text[ dutch ] = "Base"; Text[ french ] = "Base"; Text[ spanish ] = "Base"; Text[ finnish ] = "Base"; Text[ italian ] = "Base"; Text[ danish ] = "Base"; Text[ swedish ] = "Bas"; Text[ polish ] = "rodzaj podstawy wyliczania dni"; Text[ portuguese_brazilian ] = "Base"; Text[ japanese ] = "Base"; Text[ korean ] = "Base"; Text[ chinese_simplified ] = "Base"; Text[ chinese_traditional ] = "Base"; Text[ turkish ] = "Base"; Text[ arabic ] = "Base"; Text[ catalan ] = "Base"; }; }; Resource ANALYSIS_Oddlyield { String 1 // description Oddlyield { Text = "Liefert die Rendite eines Wertpapiers mit einem unregelmigen letzten Zinstermin."; Text[ english ] = "Returns the yield of a security with an odd last period"; Text[ language_user1 ] = " "; Text[ english_us ] = "Returns the yield of a security with an odd last period"; Text[ portuguese ] = "Returns the yield of a security with an odd last period"; Text[ russian ] = "Returns the yield of a security with an odd last period"; Text[ greek ] = "Returns the yield of a security with an odd last period"; Text[ dutch ] = "Returns the yield of a security with an odd last period"; Text[ french ] = "Returns the yield of a security with an odd last period"; Text[ spanish ] = "Returns the yield of a security with an odd last period"; Text[ finnish ] = "Returns the yield of a security with an odd last period"; Text[ italian ] = "Restituisce il rendimento di un titolo avente l'ultimo periodo d'interesse irregolare."; Text[ danish ] = "Returns the yield of a security with an odd last period"; Text[ swedish ] = "Returnerar avkastningen fr ett vrdepapper med en udda sista period."; Text[ polish ] = "Podaje rentowno papieru wartociowego z nietypowym ostatnim okresem."; Text[ portuguese_brazilian ] = "Returns the yield of a security with an odd last period"; Text[ japanese ] = "Returns the yield of a security with an odd last period"; Text[ korean ] = "Returns the yield of a security with an odd last period"; Text[ chinese_simplified ] = "Returns the yield of a security with an odd last period"; Text[ chinese_traditional ] = "Returns the yield of a security with an odd last period"; Text[ turkish ] = "Returns the yield of a security with an odd last period"; Text[ arabic ] = "Returns the yield of a security with an odd last period"; Text[ catalan ] = "Returns the yield of a security with an odd last period"; }; String 2 // name of parameter 1 Oddlyield { Text = "Abrechnung"; Text[ english ] = "Abrechnung"; Text[ language_user1 ] = " "; Text[ english_us ] = "Settlement"; Text[ portuguese ] = "Expedio"; Text[ russian ] = "Settlement"; Text[ greek ] = "Settlement"; Text[ dutch ] = "Settlement"; Text[ french ] = "Settlement"; Text[ spanish ] = "Liquidacin"; Text[ finnish ] = "Settlement"; Text[ italian ] = "Liquidazione"; Text[ danish ] = "Settlement"; Text[ swedish ] = "Betalning"; Text[ polish ] = "rozliczenie"; Text[ portuguese_brazilian ] = "Settlement"; Text[ japanese ] = "Settlement"; Text[ korean ] = "Settlement"; Text[ chinese_simplified ] = "Settlement"; Text[ chinese_traditional ] = "Settlement"; Text[ turkish ] = "Settlement"; Text[ arabic ] = "Settlement"; Text[ catalan ] = "Settlement"; }; String 3 // description of parameter 1 Oddlyield { Text = "Abrechnung"; Text[ english ] = "Abrechnung"; Text[ language_user1 ] = " "; Text[ english_us ] = "Settlement"; Text[ portuguese ] = "Expedio"; Text[ russian ] = "Settlement"; Text[ greek ] = "Settlement"; Text[ dutch ] = "Settlement"; Text[ french ] = "Settlement"; Text[ spanish ] = "Liquidacin"; Text[ finnish ] = "Settlement"; Text[ italian ] = "Liquidazione"; Text[ danish ] = "Settlement"; Text[ swedish ] = "Betalning"; Text[ polish ] = "data rozliczenia papieru wartociowego"; Text[ portuguese_brazilian ] = "Settlement"; Text[ japanese ] = "Settlement"; Text[ korean ] = "Settlement"; Text[ chinese_simplified ] = "Settlement"; Text[ chinese_traditional ] = "Settlement"; Text[ turkish ] = "Settlement"; Text[ arabic ] = "Settlement"; Text[ catalan ] = "Settlement"; }; String 4 // name of parameter 2 Oddlyield { Text = "Flligkeit"; Text[ english ] = "Flligkeit"; Text[ language_user1 ] = " "; Text[ english_us ] = "Maturity"; Text[ portuguese ] = "Expirao"; Text[ russian ] = "Maturity"; Text[ greek ] = "Maturity"; Text[ dutch ] = "Maturity"; Text[ french ] = "chance"; Text[ spanish ] = "Vencimiento"; Text[ finnish ] = "Maturity"; Text[ italian ] = "Scadenza"; Text[ danish ] = "Maturity"; Text[ swedish ] = "Frfallodag"; Text[ polish ] = "data spaty"; Text[ portuguese_brazilian ] = "Maturity"; Text[ japanese ] = "Maturity"; Text[ korean ] = "Maturity"; Text[ chinese_simplified ] = "Maturity"; Text[ chinese_traditional ] = "Maturity"; Text[ turkish ] = "Maturity"; Text[ arabic ] = "Maturity"; Text[ catalan ] = "Maturity"; }; String 5 // description of parameter 2 Oddlyield { Text = "Flligkeit"; Text[ english ] = "Flligkeit"; Text[ language_user1 ] = " "; Text[ english_us ] = "Maturity"; Text[ portuguese ] = "Expirao"; Text[ russian ] = "Maturity"; Text[ greek ] = "Maturity"; Text[ dutch ] = "Maturity"; Text[ french ] = "chance"; Text[ spanish ] = "Vencimiento"; Text[ finnish ] = "Maturity"; Text[ italian ] = "Scadenza"; Text[ danish ] = "Maturity"; Text[ swedish ] = "Frfallodag"; Text[ polish ] = "data spaty papieru wartociowego"; Text[ portuguese_brazilian ] = "Maturity"; Text[ japanese ] = "Maturity"; Text[ korean ] = "Maturity"; Text[ chinese_simplified ] = "Maturity"; Text[ chinese_traditional ] = "Maturity"; Text[ turkish ] = "Maturity"; Text[ arabic ] = "Maturity"; Text[ catalan ] = "Maturity"; }; String 6 // name of parameter 3 Oddlyield { Text = "Letzter Zinstermin"; Text[ english ] = "Letzter Zinstermin"; Text[ language_user1 ] = " "; Text[ english_us ] = "Last interest"; Text[ portuguese ] = "Last interest"; Text[ russian ] = "Last interest"; Text[ greek ] = "Last interest"; Text[ dutch ] = "Last interest"; Text[ french ] = "Dernier coupon"; Text[ spanish ] = "ltimo plazo de inters"; Text[ finnish ] = "Last interest"; Text[ italian ] = "Ultimo interesse"; Text[ danish ] = "Last interest"; Text[ swedish ] = "Sista kupongdatum"; Text[ polish ] = "ostatnia wypata"; Text[ portuguese_brazilian ] = "Last interest"; Text[ japanese ] = "Last interest"; Text[ korean ] = "Last interest"; Text[ chinese_simplified ] = "Last interest"; Text[ chinese_traditional ] = "Last interest"; Text[ turkish ] = "Last interest"; Text[ arabic ] = "Last interest"; Text[ catalan ] = "Last interest"; }; String 7 // description of parameter 3 Oddlyield { Text = "Letzter Zinstermin"; Text[ english ] = "Letzter Zinstermin"; Text[ language_user1 ] = " "; Text[ english_us ] = "Last interest"; Text[ portuguese ] = "Last interest"; Text[ russian ] = "_"; Text[ greek ] = "Last interest"; Text[ dutch ] = "Last interest"; Text[ french ] = "Dernier coupon"; Text[ spanish ] = "ltimo plazo de inters"; Text[ finnish ] = "Last interest"; Text[ italian ] = "Ultimo interesse"; Text[ danish ] = "Last interest"; Text[ swedish ] = "Sista kupongdag"; Text[ polish ] = "data realizacji ostatniego kuponu"; Text[ portuguese_brazilian ] = "Last interest"; Text[ japanese ] = "Last interest"; Text[ korean ] = "Last interest"; Text[ chinese_simplified ] = "Last interest"; Text[ chinese_traditional ] = "Last interest"; Text[ turkish ] = "Last interest"; Text[ arabic ] = "Last interest"; Text[ catalan ] = "Last interest"; }; String 8 // name of parameter 4 Oddlyield { Text = "Zins"; Text[ english ] = "Zins"; Text[ language_user1 ] = " "; Text[ english_us ] = "Rate"; Text[ portuguese ] = "Rate"; Text[ russian ] = "Rate"; Text[ greek ] = "Rate"; Text[ dutch ] = "Rate"; Text[ french ] = "Intrt"; Text[ spanish ] = "Inters"; Text[ finnish ] = "Rate"; Text[ italian ] = "Tasso interesse"; Text[ danish ] = "Rate"; Text[ swedish ] = "Rnta"; Text[ polish ] = "stopa"; Text[ portuguese_brazilian ] = "Rate"; Text[ japanese ] = "Rate"; Text[ korean ] = "Rate"; Text[ chinese_simplified ] = "Rate"; Text[ chinese_traditional ] = "Rate"; Text[ turkish ] = "Rate"; Text[ arabic ] = "Rate"; Text[ catalan ] = "Rate"; }; String 9 // description of parameter 4 Oddlyield { Text = "Zins"; Text[ english ] = "Zins"; Text[ language_user1 ] = " "; Text[ english_us ] = "Rate"; Text[ portuguese ] = "Rate"; Text[ russian ] = "Rate"; Text[ greek ] = "Rate"; Text[ dutch ] = "Rate"; Text[ french ] = "Intrt"; Text[ spanish ] = "Inters"; Text[ finnish ] = "Rate"; Text[ italian ] = "Tasso interesse"; Text[ danish ] = "Rate"; Text[ swedish ] = "Rnta"; Text[ polish ] = "oprocentowanie papieru wartociowego"; Text[ portuguese_brazilian ] = "Rate"; Text[ japanese ] = "Rate"; Text[ korean ] = "Rate"; Text[ chinese_simplified ] = "Rate"; Text[ chinese_traditional ] = "Rate"; Text[ turkish ] = "Rate"; Text[ arabic ] = "Rate"; Text[ catalan ] = "Rate"; }; String 10 // name of parameter 5 Oddlyield { Text = "Kurs"; Text[ english ] = "Kurs"; Text[ language_user1 ] = " "; Text[ english_us ] = "Pr"; Text[ portuguese ] = "Price"; Text[ russian ] = "Price"; Text[ greek ] = "Price"; Text[ dutch ] = "Price"; Text[ french ] = "Prix"; Text[ spanish ] = "Cotizacin"; Text[ finnish ] = "Price"; Text[ italian ] = "Prezzo"; Text[ danish ] = "Price"; Text[ swedish ] = "Pris"; Text[ polish ] = "kurs"; Text[ portuguese_brazilian ] = "Price"; Text[ japanese ] = "Price"; Text[ korean ] = "Price"; Text[ chinese_simplified ] = "Price"; Text[ chinese_traditional ] = "Price"; Text[ turkish ] = "Price"; Text[ arabic ] = "Price"; Text[ catalan ] = "Price"; }; String 11 // description of parameter 5 Oddlyield { Text = "Kurs"; Text[ english ] = "Kurs"; Text[ language_user1 ] = " "; Text[ english_us ] = "Pr"; Text[ portuguese ] = "Price"; Text[ russian ] = "Price"; Text[ greek ] = "Price"; Text[ dutch ] = "Price"; Text[ french ] = "Prix"; Text[ spanish ] = "Cotizacin"; Text[ finnish ] = "Price"; Text[ italian ] = "Prezzo"; Text[ danish ] = "Price"; Text[ swedish ] = "Pris"; Text[ polish ] = "cena papieru wartociowego"; Text[ portuguese_brazilian ] = "Price"; Text[ japanese ] = "Price"; Text[ korean ] = "Price"; Text[ chinese_simplified ] = "Price"; Text[ chinese_traditional ] = "Price"; Text[ turkish ] = "Price"; Text[ arabic ] = "Price"; Text[ catalan ] = "Price"; }; String 12 // name of parameter 6 Oddlyield { Text = "Rckzahlung"; Text[ english ] = "Rckzahlung"; Text[ language_user1 ] = " "; Text[ english_us ] = "Redemption"; Text[ portuguese ] = "Redemption"; Text[ russian ] = "Redemption"; Text[ greek ] = "Redemption"; Text[ dutch ] = "Redemption"; Text[ french ] = "Remboursement"; Text[ spanish ] = "Redemption"; Text[ finnish ] = "Redemption"; Text[ italian ] = "Rimborso"; Text[ danish ] = "Redemption"; Text[ swedish ] = "Inlsningsvrde"; Text[ polish ] = "wykup"; Text[ portuguese_brazilian ] = "Redemption"; Text[ japanese ] = "Redemption"; Text[ korean ] = "Redemption"; Text[ chinese_simplified ] = "Redemption"; Text[ chinese_traditional ] = "Redemption"; Text[ turkish ] = "Redemption"; Text[ arabic ] = "Redemption"; Text[ catalan ] = "Redemption"; }; String 13 // description of parameter 6 Oddlyield { Text = "Rckzahlung"; Text[ english ] = "Rckzahlung"; Text[ language_user1 ] = " "; Text[ english_us ] = "Redemption"; Text[ portuguese ] = "Redemption"; Text[ russian ] = "Redemption"; Text[ greek ] = "Redemption"; Text[ dutch ] = "Redemption"; Text[ french ] = "Remboursement"; Text[ spanish ] = "Redemption"; Text[ finnish ] = "Redemption"; Text[ italian ] = "Rimborso"; Text[ danish ] = "Redemption"; Text[ swedish ] = "Inlsningsvrde"; Text[ polish ] = "warto wykupu papieru wartociowego"; Text[ portuguese_brazilian ] = "Redemption"; Text[ japanese ] = "Redemption"; Text[ korean ] = "Redemption"; Text[ chinese_simplified ] = "Redemption"; Text[ chinese_traditional ] = "Redemption"; Text[ turkish ] = "Redemption"; Text[ arabic ] = "Redemption"; Text[ catalan ] = "Redemption"; }; String 14 // name of parameter 7 Oddlyield { Text = "Hufigkeit"; Text[ english ] = "Hufigkeit"; Text[ language_user1 ] = " "; Text[ english_us ] = "Frequency"; Text[ portuguese ] = "Frequncia"; Text[ russian ] = "Frequency"; Text[ greek ] = "Frequency"; Text[ dutch ] = "Frequency"; Text[ french ] = "Frquence"; Text[ spanish ] = "Frecuencia"; Text[ finnish ] = "Frequency"; Text[ italian ] = "Frequenza"; Text[ danish ] = "Frequency"; Text[ swedish ] = "Frekvens"; Text[ polish ] = "czsto"; Text[ portuguese_brazilian ] = "Frequency"; Text[ japanese ] = "Frequency"; Text[ korean ] = "Frequency"; Text[ chinese_simplified ] = "Frequency"; Text[ chinese_traditional ] = "Frequency"; Text[ turkish ] = "Frequency"; Text[ arabic ] = "Frequency"; Text[ catalan ] = "Frequency"; }; String 15 // description of parameter 7 Oddlyield { Text = "Hufigkeit"; Text[ english ] = "Hufigkeit"; Text[ language_user1 ] = " "; Text[ english_us ] = "Frequency"; Text[ portuguese ] = "Frequncia"; Text[ russian ] = "Frequency"; Text[ greek ] = "Frequency"; Text[ dutch ] = "Frequency"; Text[ french ] = "Frquence"; Text[ spanish ] = "Frecuencia"; Text[ finnish ] = "Frequency"; Text[ italian ] = "Frequenza"; Text[ danish ] = "Frequency"; Text[ swedish ] = "Frekvens"; Text[ polish ] = "liczba kuponw patnych w cigu roku"; Text[ portuguese_brazilian ] = "Frequency"; Text[ japanese ] = "Frequency"; Text[ korean ] = "Frequency"; Text[ chinese_simplified ] = "Frequency"; Text[ chinese_traditional ] = "Frequency"; Text[ turkish ] = "Frequency"; Text[ arabic ] = "Frequency"; Text[ catalan ] = "Frequency"; }; String 16 // name of parameter 8 Oddlyield { Text = "Basis"; Text[ english ] = "Basis"; Text[ language_user1 ] = " "; Text[ english_us ] = "Basis"; Text[ portuguese ] = "Base"; Text[ russian ] = "Base"; Text[ greek ] = "Base"; Text[ dutch ] = "Base"; Text[ french ] = "Base"; Text[ spanish ] = "Base"; Text[ finnish ] = "Base"; Text[ italian ] = "Base"; Text[ danish ] = "Base"; Text[ swedish ] = "Bas"; Text[ polish ] = "podstawa"; Text[ portuguese_brazilian ] = "Base"; Text[ japanese ] = "Base"; Text[ korean ] = "Base"; Text[ chinese_simplified ] = "Base"; Text[ chinese_traditional ] = "Base"; Text[ turkish ] = "Base"; Text[ arabic ] = "Base"; Text[ catalan ] = "Base"; }; String 17 // description of parameter 8 Oddlyield { Text = "Basis"; Text[ english ] = "Basis"; Text[ language_user1 ] = " "; Text[ english_us ] = "Basis"; Text[ portuguese ] = "Base"; Text[ russian ] = "Base"; Text[ greek ] = "Base"; Text[ dutch ] = "Base"; Text[ french ] = "Base"; Text[ spanish ] = "Base"; Text[ finnish ] = "Base"; Text[ italian ] = "Base"; Text[ danish ] = "Base"; Text[ swedish ] = "Bas"; Text[ polish ] = "rodzaj podstawy wyliczania dni"; Text[ portuguese_brazilian ] = "Base"; Text[ japanese ] = "Base"; Text[ korean ] = "Base"; Text[ chinese_simplified ] = "Base"; Text[ chinese_traditional ] = "Base"; Text[ turkish ] = "Base"; Text[ arabic ] = "Base"; Text[ catalan ] = "Base"; }; }; Resource ANALYSIS_Xirr { String 1 // description Xirr { Text = "Liefert den internen Zinsfu einer Reihe nicht periodisch anfallender Zahlungen."; Text[ english ] = "Returns the internal rate of return for a schedule of cash flows"; Text[ language_user1 ] = " "; Text[ english_us ] = "Returns the internal rate of return for a schedule of cash flows"; Text[ portuguese ] = "Returns the internal rate of return for a schedule of cash flows"; Text[ russian ] = "Returns the internal rate of return for a schedule of cash flows"; Text[ greek ] = "Returns the internal rate of return for a schedule of cash flows"; Text[ dutch ] = "Returns the internal rate of return for a schedule of cash flows"; Text[ french ] = "Returns the internal rate of return for a schedule of cash flows"; Text[ spanish ] = "Returns the internal rate of return for a schedule of cash flows"; Text[ finnish ] = "Returns the internal rate of return for a schedule of cash flows"; Text[ italian ] = "Restituisce il tasso di rendimento interno di una serie di pagamenti a scadenza non periodica."; Text[ danish ] = "Returns the internal rate of return for a schedule of cash flows"; Text[ swedish ] = "Returnerar internrntan fr en rad betalningar som inte r periodiska."; Text[ polish ] = "Podaje warto wewntrznej stopy zwrotu dla serii przepyww rodkw pieninych niekoniecznie okresowych."; Text[ portuguese_brazilian ] = "Returns the internal rate of return for a schedule of cash flows"; Text[ japanese ] = "Returns the internal rate of return for a schedule of cash flows"; Text[ korean ] = "Returns the internal rate of return for a schedule of cash flows"; Text[ chinese_simplified ] = "Returns the internal rate of return for a schedule of cash flows"; Text[ chinese_traditional ] = "Returns the internal rate of return for a schedule of cash flows"; Text[ turkish ] = "Returns the internal rate of return for a schedule of cash flows"; Text[ arabic ] = "Returns the internal rate of return for a schedule of cash flows"; Text[ catalan ] = "Returns the internal rate of return for a schedule of cash flows"; }; String 2 // name of parameter 1 Xirr { Text = "Werte"; Text[ english ] = "Werte"; Text[ language_user1 ] = " "; Text[ english_us ] = "Values"; Text[ portuguese ] = "Values"; Text[ russian ] = "Values"; Text[ greek ] = "Values"; Text[ dutch ] = "Values"; Text[ french ] = "Values"; Text[ spanish ] = "Valores"; Text[ finnish ] = "Values"; Text[ italian ] = "Valori"; Text[ danish ] = "Values"; Text[ swedish ] = "Vrden"; Text[ polish ] = "wartoci"; Text[ portuguese_brazilian ] = "Values"; Text[ japanese ] = "Values"; Text[ korean ] = "Values"; Text[ chinese_simplified ] = "Values"; Text[ chinese_traditional ] = "Values"; Text[ turkish ] = "Values"; Text[ arabic ] = "Values"; Text[ catalan ] = "Values"; }; String 3 // description of parameter 1 Xirr { Text = "Werte"; Text[ english ] = "Werte"; Text[ language_user1 ] = " "; Text[ english_us ] = "Values"; Text[ portuguese ] = "Values"; Text[ russian ] = "Values"; Text[ greek ] = "Values"; Text[ dutch ] = "Values"; Text[ french ] = "Values"; Text[ spanish ] = "Values"; Text[ finnish ] = "Values"; Text[ italian ] = "Valori"; Text[ danish ] = "Values"; Text[ swedish ] = "Vrden"; Text[ polish ] = "seria przepyww gotwkowych"; Text[ portuguese_brazilian ] = "Values"; Text[ japanese ] = "Values"; Text[ korean ] = "Values"; Text[ chinese_simplified ] = "Values"; Text[ chinese_traditional ] = "Values"; Text[ turkish ] = "Values"; Text[ arabic ] = "Values"; Text[ catalan ] = "Values"; }; String 4 // name of parameter 2 Xirr { Text = "Zeitpunkte"; Text[ english ] = "Zeitpunkte"; Text[ language_user1 ] = " "; Text[ english_us ] = "Dates"; Text[ portuguese ] = "Dates"; Text[ russian ] = "Dates"; Text[ greek ] = "Dates"; Text[ dutch ] = "Dates"; Text[ french ] = "Dates"; Text[ spanish ] = "Fechas"; Text[ finnish ] = "Dates"; Text[ italian ] = "Date"; Text[ danish ] = "Dates"; Text[ swedish ] = "Tidpunkter"; Text[ polish ] = "daty"; Text[ portuguese_brazilian ] = "Dates"; Text[ japanese ] = "Dates"; Text[ korean ] = "Dates"; Text[ chinese_simplified ] = "Dates"; Text[ chinese_traditional ] = "Dates"; Text[ turkish ] = "Dates"; Text[ arabic ] = "Dates"; Text[ catalan ] = "Dates"; }; String 5 // description of parameter 2 Xirr { Text = "Zeitpunkte"; Text[ english ] = "Zeitpunkte"; Text[ language_user1 ] = " "; Text[ english_us ] = "Dates"; Text[ portuguese ] = "Dates"; Text[ russian ] = "Dates"; Text[ greek ] = "Dates"; Text[ dutch ] = "Dates"; Text[ french ] = "Dates"; Text[ spanish ] = "Dates"; Text[ finnish ] = "Dates"; Text[ italian ] = "Date"; Text[ danish ] = "Dates"; Text[ swedish ] = "Tidpunkter"; Text[ polish ] = "zestawienie dat patnoci odpowiadajcych przepywom gotwki"; Text[ portuguese_brazilian ] = "Dates"; Text[ japanese ] = "Dates"; Text[ korean ] = "Dates"; Text[ chinese_simplified ] = "Dates"; Text[ chinese_traditional ] = "Dates"; Text[ turkish ] = "Dates"; Text[ arabic ] = "Dates"; Text[ catalan ] = "Dates"; }; String 6 // name of parameter 3 Xirr { Text = "Schtzwert"; Text[ english ] = "Schtzwert"; Text[ language_user1 ] = " "; Text[ english_us ] = "Guess"; Text[ portuguese ] = "Guess"; Text[ russian ] = "Guess"; Text[ greek ] = "Guess"; Text[ dutch ] = "Guess"; Text[ french ] = "Estimation"; Text[ spanish ] = "Valor estimado"; Text[ finnish ] = "Guess"; Text[ italian ] = "Ipotesi"; Text[ danish ] = "Guess"; Text[ swedish ] = "Gissning"; Text[ polish ] = "przypuszczenie"; Text[ portuguese_brazilian ] = "Guess"; Text[ japanese ] = "Guess"; Text[ korean ] = "Guess"; Text[ chinese_simplified ] = "Guess"; Text[ chinese_traditional ] = "Guess"; Text[ turkish ] = "Guess"; Text[ arabic ] = "Guess"; Text[ catalan ] = "Guess"; }; String 7 // description of parameter 3 Xirr { Text = "Schtzwert"; Text[ english ] = "Schtzwert"; Text[ language_user1 ] = " "; Text[ english_us ] = "Guess"; Text[ portuguese ] = "Guess"; Text[ russian ] = "Guess"; Text[ greek ] = "Guess"; Text[ dutch ] = "Guess"; Text[ french ] = "Estimation"; Text[ spanish ] = "Guess"; Text[ finnish ] = "Guess"; Text[ italian ] = "Ipotesi"; Text[ danish ] = "Guess"; Text[ swedish ] = "Gissning"; Text[ polish ] = "przewidywany wynik funkcji XIRR"; Text[ portuguese_brazilian ] = "Guess"; Text[ japanese ] = "Guess"; Text[ korean ] = "Guess"; Text[ chinese_simplified ] = "Guess"; Text[ chinese_traditional ] = "Guess"; Text[ turkish ] = "Guess"; Text[ arabic ] = "Guess"; Text[ catalan ] = "Guess"; }; }; Resource ANALYSIS_Xnpv { String 1 // description Xnpv { Text = "Liefert den Nettobarwert (Kapitalwert) einer Reihe nicht periodisch anfallender Zahlungen."; Text[ english ] = "Returns the net present value for a schedule of cash flows"; Text[ language_user1 ] = " "; Text[ english_us ] = "Returns the net present value for a schedule of cash flows"; Text[ portuguese ] = "Returns the net present value for a schedule of cash flows"; Text[ russian ] = "Returns the net present value for a schedule of cash flows"; Text[ greek ] = "Returns the net present value for a schedule of cash flows"; Text[ dutch ] = "Returns the net present value for a schedule of cash flows"; Text[ french ] = "Returns the net present value for a schedule of cash flows"; Text[ spanish ] = "Devuelve el valor efectivo neto (valor del capital) de una serie de pagos no acumulables peridicamente."; Text[ finnish ] = "Returns the net present value for a schedule of cash flows"; Text[ italian ] = "Restituisce il valore attuale netto di una serie di pagamenti a scadenza non periodica."; Text[ danish ] = "Returns the net present value for a schedule of cash flows"; Text[ swedish ] = "Returnerar nettonuvrdet (kapitalvrde) fr en rad betalningar som inte r periodiska."; Text[ polish ] = "Podaje warto biec netto serii przepyww rodkw pieninych niekoniecznie okresowych."; Text[ portuguese_brazilian ] = "Returns the net present value for a schedule of cash flows"; Text[ japanese ] = "Returns the net present value for a schedule of cash flows"; Text[ korean ] = "Returns the net present value for a schedule of cash flows"; Text[ chinese_simplified ] = "Returns the net present value for a schedule of cash flows"; Text[ chinese_traditional ] = "Returns the net present value for a schedule of cash flows"; Text[ turkish ] = "Returns the net present value for a schedule of cash flows"; Text[ arabic ] = "Returns the net present value for a schedule of cash flows"; Text[ catalan ] = "Returns the net present value for a schedule of cash flows"; }; String 2 // name of parameter 1 Xnpv { Text = "Zins"; Text[ english ] = "Zins"; Text[ language_user1 ] = " "; Text[ english_us ] = "Rate"; Text[ portuguese ] = "Rate"; Text[ russian ] = "Rate"; Text[ greek ] = "Rate"; Text[ dutch ] = "Rate"; Text[ french ] = "Intrt"; Text[ spanish ] = "Rate"; Text[ finnish ] = "Rate"; Text[ italian ] = "Tasso interesse"; Text[ danish ] = "Rate"; Text[ swedish ] = "Rnta"; Text[ polish ] = "stopa"; Text[ portuguese_brazilian ] = "Rate"; Text[ japanese ] = "Rate"; Text[ korean ] = "Rate"; Text[ chinese_simplified ] = "Rate"; Text[ chinese_traditional ] = "Rate"; Text[ turkish ] = "Rate"; Text[ arabic ] = "Rate"; Text[ catalan ] = "Rate"; }; String 3 // description of parameter 1 Xnpv { Text = "Zins"; Text[ english ] = "Zins"; Text[ language_user1 ] = " "; Text[ english_us ] = "Rate"; Text[ portuguese ] = "Rate"; Text[ russian ] = "Rate"; Text[ greek ] = "Rate"; Text[ dutch ] = "Rate"; Text[ french ] = "Intrt"; Text[ spanish ] = "Inters"; Text[ finnish ] = "Rate"; Text[ italian ] = "Tasso interesse"; Text[ danish ] = "Rate"; Text[ swedish ] = "Rnta"; Text[ polish ] = "stopa dyskontowa stosowana dla przepyww gotwki"; Text[ portuguese_brazilian ] = "Rate"; Text[ japanese ] = "Rate"; Text[ korean ] = "Rate"; Text[ chinese_simplified ] = "Rate"; Text[ chinese_traditional ] = "Rate"; Text[ turkish ] = "Rate"; Text[ arabic ] = "Rate"; Text[ catalan ] = "Rate"; }; String 4 // name of parameter 2 Xnpv { Text = "Werte"; Text[ english ] = "Werte"; Text[ language_user1 ] = " "; Text[ english_us ] = "Values"; Text[ portuguese ] = "Values"; Text[ russian ] = "Values"; Text[ greek ] = "Values"; Text[ dutch ] = "Values"; Text[ french ] = "Values"; Text[ spanish ] = "Values"; Text[ finnish ] = "Values"; Text[ italian ] = "Valori"; Text[ danish ] = "Values"; Text[ swedish ] = "Vrden"; Text[ polish ] = "wartoci"; Text[ portuguese_brazilian ] = "Values"; Text[ japanese ] = "Values"; Text[ korean ] = "Values"; Text[ chinese_simplified ] = "Values"; Text[ chinese_traditional ] = "Values"; Text[ turkish ] = "Values"; Text[ arabic ] = "Values"; Text[ catalan ] = "Values"; }; String 5 // description of parameter 2 Xnpv { Text = "Werte"; Text[ english ] = "Werte"; Text[ language_user1 ] = " "; Text[ english_us ] = "Values"; Text[ portuguese ] = "Values"; Text[ russian ] = "Values"; Text[ greek ] = "Values"; Text[ dutch ] = "Values"; Text[ french ] = "Values"; Text[ spanish ] = "Values"; Text[ finnish ] = "Values"; Text[ italian ] = "Valori"; Text[ danish ] = "Values"; Text[ swedish ] = "Vrden"; Text[ polish ] = "seria przepyww gotwkowych"; Text[ portuguese_brazilian ] = "Values"; Text[ japanese ] = "Values"; Text[ korean ] = "Values"; Text[ chinese_simplified ] = "Values"; Text[ chinese_traditional ] = "Values"; Text[ turkish ] = "Values"; Text[ arabic ] = "Values"; Text[ catalan ] = "Values"; }; String 6 // name of parameter 3 Xnpv { Text = "Zeitpunkte"; Text[ english ] = "Zeitpunkte"; Text[ language_user1 ] = " "; Text[ english_us ] = "Dates"; Text[ portuguese ] = "Dates"; Text[ russian ] = ""; Text[ greek ] = "Dates"; Text[ dutch ] = "Dates"; Text[ french ] = "Dates"; Text[ spanish ] = "Fechas"; Text[ finnish ] = "Dates"; Text[ italian ] = "Date"; Text[ danish ] = "Dates"; Text[ swedish ] = "Tidpunkter"; Text[ polish ] = "daty"; Text[ portuguese_brazilian ] = "Dates"; Text[ japanese ] = "Dates"; Text[ korean ] = "Dates"; Text[ chinese_simplified ] = "Dates"; Text[ chinese_traditional ] = "Dates"; Text[ turkish ] = "Dates"; Text[ arabic ] = "Dates"; Text[ catalan ] = "Dates"; }; String 7 // description of parameter 3 Xnpv { Text = "Zeitpunkte"; Text[ english ] = "Zeitpunkte"; Text[ language_user1 ] = " "; Text[ english_us ] = "Dates"; Text[ portuguese ] = "Dates"; Text[ russian ] = " , ."; Text[ greek ] = "Dates"; Text[ dutch ] = "Dates"; Text[ french ] = "Dates"; Text[ spanish ] = "Fechas"; Text[ finnish ] = "Dates"; Text[ italian ] = "Date"; Text[ danish ] = "Dates"; Text[ swedish ] = "Tidpunkter"; Text[ polish ] = "zestawienie dat patnoci odpowiadajcych przepywom gotwki"; Text[ portuguese_brazilian ] = "Dates"; Text[ japanese ] = "Dates"; Text[ korean ] = "Dates"; Text[ chinese_simplified ] = "Dates"; Text[ chinese_traditional ] = "Dates"; Text[ turkish ] = "Dates"; Text[ arabic ] = "Dates"; Text[ catalan ] = "Dates"; }; }; Resource ANALYSIS_Intrate { String 1 // description Intrate { Text = "Liefert den Zinssatz eines voll investierten Wertpapiers."; Text[ english ] = "Returns the interest rate for a fully invested security"; Text[ language_user1 ] = " "; Text[ english_us ] = "Returns the interest rate for a fully invested security"; Text[ portuguese ] = "Returns the interest rate for a fully invested security"; Text[ russian ] = " ."; Text[ greek ] = "Returns the interest rate for a fully invested security"; Text[ dutch ] = "Returns the interest rate for a fully invested security"; Text[ french ] = "Renvoie le taux d'intrt pour un titre totalement investi."; Text[ spanish ] = "Devuelve el tipo de inters de un efecto invertido totalmente."; Text[ finnish ] = "Returns the interest rate for a fully invested security"; Text[ italian ] = "Restituisce il tasso d'interesse per un titolo interamente investito."; Text[ danish ] = "Returns the interest rate for a fully invested security"; Text[ swedish ] = "Returnerar rntesatsen fr ett fullinvesterat vrdepapper."; Text[ polish ] = "Podaje warto stopy procentowej papieru wartociowego cakowicie ulokowanego."; Text[ portuguese_brazilian ] = "Returns the interest rate for a fully invested security"; Text[ japanese ] = "Returns the interest rate for a fully invested security"; Text[ korean ] = "Returns the interest rate for a fully invested security"; Text[ chinese_simplified ] = "Returns the interest rate for a fully invested security"; Text[ chinese_traditional ] = "Returns the interest rate for a fully invested security"; Text[ turkish ] = "Returns the interest rate for a fully invested security"; Text[ arabic ] = "Returns the interest rate for a fully invested security"; Text[ catalan ] = "Returns the interest rate for a fully invested security"; }; String 2 // name of parameter 1 Intrate { Text = "Abrechnung"; Text[ english ] = "Abrechnung"; Text[ language_user1 ] = " "; Text[ english_us ] = "Settlement"; Text[ portuguese ] = "Expedio"; Text[ russian ] = "_"; Text[ greek ] = "Settlement"; Text[ dutch ] = "Settlement"; Text[ french ] = "Settlement"; Text[ spanish ] = "Liquidacin"; Text[ finnish ] = "Settlement"; Text[ italian ] = "Liquidazione"; Text[ danish ] = "Settlement"; Text[ swedish ] = "Betalning"; Text[ polish ] = "rozliczenie"; Text[ portuguese_brazilian ] = "Settlement"; Text[ japanese ] = "Settlement"; Text[ korean ] = "Settlement"; Text[ chinese_simplified ] = "Settlement"; Text[ chinese_traditional ] = "Settlement"; Text[ turkish ] = "Settlement"; Text[ arabic ] = "Settlement"; Text[ catalan ] = "Settlement"; }; String 3 // description of parameter 1 Intrate { Text = "Abrechnung"; Text[ english ] = "Abrechnung"; Text[ language_user1 ] = " "; Text[ english_us ] = "Settlement"; Text[ portuguese ] = "Expedio"; Text[ russian ] = " ."; Text[ greek ] = "Settlement"; Text[ dutch ] = "Settlement"; Text[ french ] = "Settlement"; Text[ spanish ] = "Liquidacin"; Text[ finnish ] = "Settlement"; Text[ italian ] = "Liquidazione"; Text[ danish ] = "Settlement"; Text[ swedish ] = "Betalning"; Text[ polish ] = "data rozliczenia papieru wartociowego"; Text[ portuguese_brazilian ] = "Settlement"; Text[ japanese ] = "Settlement"; Text[ korean ] = "Settlement"; Text[ chinese_simplified ] = "Settlement"; Text[ chinese_traditional ] = "Settlement"; Text[ turkish ] = "Settlement"; Text[ arabic ] = "Settlement"; Text[ catalan ] = "Settlement"; }; String 4 // name of parameter 2 Intrate { Text = "Flligkeit"; Text[ english ] = "Flligkeit"; Text[ language_user1 ] = " "; Text[ english_us ] = "Maturity"; Text[ portuguese ] = "Expirao"; Text[ russian ] = "_"; Text[ greek ] = "Maturity"; Text[ dutch ] = "Maturity"; Text[ french ] = "chance"; Text[ spanish ] = "Vencimiento"; Text[ finnish ] = "Maturity"; Text[ italian ] = "Scadenza"; Text[ danish ] = "Maturity"; Text[ swedish ] = "Frfallodag"; Text[ polish ] = "data spaty"; Text[ portuguese_brazilian ] = "Maturity"; Text[ japanese ] = "Maturity"; Text[ korean ] = "Maturity"; Text[ chinese_simplified ] = "Maturity"; Text[ chinese_traditional ] = "Maturity"; Text[ turkish ] = "Maturity"; Text[ arabic ] = "Maturity"; Text[ catalan ] = "Maturity"; }; String 5 // description of parameter 2 Intrate { Text = "Flligkeit"; Text[ english ] = "Flligkeit"; Text[ language_user1 ] = " "; Text[ english_us ] = "Maturity"; Text[ portuguese ] = "Expirao"; Text[ russian ] = " ."; Text[ greek ] = "Maturity"; Text[ dutch ] = "Maturity"; Text[ french ] = "chance"; Text[ spanish ] = "Vencimiento"; Text[ finnish ] = "Maturity"; Text[ italian ] = "Scadenza"; Text[ danish ] = "Maturity"; Text[ swedish ] = "Frfallodag"; Text[ polish ] = "data spaty papieru wartociowego"; Text[ portuguese_brazilian ] = "Maturity"; Text[ japanese ] = "Maturity"; Text[ korean ] = "Maturity"; Text[ chinese_simplified ] = "Maturity"; Text[ chinese_traditional ] = "Maturity"; Text[ turkish ] = "Maturity"; Text[ arabic ] = "Maturity"; Text[ catalan ] = "Maturity"; }; String 6 // name of parameter 3 Intrate { Text = "Anlage"; Text[ english ] = "Anlage"; Text[ language_user1 ] = " "; Text[ english_us ] = "Investment"; Text[ portuguese ] = "Investment"; Text[ russian ] = ""; Text[ greek ] = "Investment"; Text[ dutch ] = "Investment"; Text[ french ] = "Investissement"; Text[ spanish ] = "Inversin"; Text[ finnish ] = "Investment"; Text[ italian ] = "Investimento"; Text[ danish ] = "Investment"; Text[ swedish ] = "Investering"; Text[ polish ] = "lokata"; Text[ portuguese_brazilian ] = "Investment"; Text[ japanese ] = "Investment"; Text[ korean ] = "Investment"; Text[ chinese_simplified ] = "Investment"; Text[ chinese_traditional ] = "Investment"; Text[ turkish ] = "Investment"; Text[ arabic ] = "Investment"; Text[ catalan ] = "Investment"; }; String 7 // description of parameter 3 Intrate { Text = "Anlage"; Text[ english ] = "Anlage"; Text[ language_user1 ] = " "; Text[ english_us ] = "Investment"; Text[ portuguese ] = "Investment"; Text[ russian ] = " ."; Text[ greek ] = "Investment"; Text[ dutch ] = "Investment"; Text[ french ] = "Investissement"; Text[ spanish ] = "Inversin"; Text[ finnish ] = "Investment"; Text[ italian ] = "Investimento"; Text[ danish ] = "Investment"; Text[ swedish ] = "Investering"; Text[ polish ] = "kwota zainwestowana w papier wartociowy"; Text[ portuguese_brazilian ] = "Investment"; Text[ japanese ] = "Investment"; Text[ korean ] = "Investment"; Text[ chinese_simplified ] = "Investment"; Text[ chinese_traditional ] = "Investment"; Text[ turkish ] = "Investment"; Text[ arabic ] = "Investment"; Text[ catalan ] = "Investment"; }; String 8 // name of parameter 4 Intrate { Text = "Rckzahlung"; Text[ english ] = "Rckzahlung"; Text[ language_user1 ] = " "; Text[ english_us ] = "Redemption"; Text[ portuguese ] = "Redemption"; Text[ russian ] = ""; Text[ greek ] = "Redemption"; Text[ dutch ] = "Redemption"; Text[ french ] = "Remboursement"; Text[ spanish ] = "Reembolso"; Text[ finnish ] = "Redemption"; Text[ italian ] = "Rimborso"; Text[ danish ] = "Redemption"; Text[ swedish ] = "Inlsningsvrde"; Text[ polish ] = "wykup"; Text[ portuguese_brazilian ] = "Redemption"; Text[ japanese ] = "Redemption"; Text[ korean ] = "Redemption"; Text[ chinese_simplified ] = "Redemption"; Text[ chinese_traditional ] = "Redemption"; Text[ turkish ] = "Redemption"; Text[ arabic ] = "Redemption"; Text[ catalan ] = "Redemption"; }; String 9 // description of parameter 4 Intrate { Text = "Rckzahlung"; Text[ english ] = "Rckzahlung"; Text[ language_user1 ] = " "; Text[ english_us ] = "Redemption"; Text[ portuguese ] = "Redemption"; Text[ russian ] = " , ."; Text[ greek ] = "Redemption"; Text[ dutch ] = "Redemption"; Text[ french ] = "Remboursement"; Text[ spanish ] = "Reembolso"; Text[ finnish ] = "Redemption"; Text[ italian ] = "Rimborso"; Text[ danish ] = "Redemption"; Text[ swedish ] = "Inlsningsvrde"; Text[ polish ] = "kwota, ktr otrzymamy w dniu patnoci"; Text[ portuguese_brazilian ] = "Redemption"; Text[ japanese ] = "Redemption"; Text[ korean ] = "Redemption"; Text[ chinese_simplified ] = "Redemption"; Text[ chinese_traditional ] = "Redemption"; Text[ turkish ] = "Redemption"; Text[ arabic ] = "Redemption"; Text[ catalan ] = "Redemption"; }; String 10 // name of parameter 5 Intrate { Text = "Basis"; Text[ english ] = "Basis"; Text[ language_user1 ] = " "; Text[ english_us ] = "Basis"; Text[ portuguese ] = "Base"; Text[ russian ] = ""; Text[ greek ] = ""; Text[ dutch ] = "Base"; Text[ french ] = "Base"; Text[ spanish ] = "Base"; Text[ finnish ] = "Base"; Text[ italian ] = "Base"; Text[ danish ] = "Base"; Text[ swedish ] = "Bas"; Text[ polish ] = "podstawa"; Text[ portuguese_brazilian ] = "Base"; Text[ japanese ] = "Base"; Text[ korean ] = "Base"; Text[ chinese_simplified ] = "Base"; Text[ chinese_traditional ] = "Base"; Text[ turkish ] = "Base"; Text[ arabic ] = "Base"; Text[ catalan ] = "Base"; }; String 11 // description of parameter 5 Intrate { Text = "Basis"; Text[ english ] = "Basis"; Text[ language_user1 ] = " "; Text[ english_us ] = "Basis"; Text[ portuguese ] = "Base"; Text[ russian ] = " ."; Text[ greek ] = ""; Text[ dutch ] = "Base"; Text[ french ] = "Base"; Text[ spanish ] = "Base"; Text[ finnish ] = "Base"; Text[ italian ] = "Base"; Text[ danish ] = "Base"; Text[ swedish ] = "Bas"; Text[ polish ] = "rodzaj podstawy wyliczania dni"; Text[ portuguese_brazilian ] = "Base"; Text[ japanese ] = "Base"; Text[ korean ] = "Base"; Text[ chinese_simplified ] = "Base"; Text[ chinese_traditional ] = "Base"; Text[ turkish ] = "Base"; Text[ arabic ] = "Base"; Text[ catalan ] = "Base"; }; }; Resource ANALYSIS_Coupncd { String 1 // description Coupncd { Text = "Liefert das Datum des ersten Zinstermins nach dem Abrechungstermin."; Text[ english ] = "Returns the next coupon date after the settlement date"; Text[ language_user1 ] = " "; Text[ english_us ] = "Returns the next coupon date after the settlement date"; Text[ portuguese ] = "Returns the next coupon date after the settlement date"; Text[ russian ] = " , ."; Text[ greek ] = "Returns the next coupon date after the settlement date"; Text[ dutch ] = "Returns the next coupon date after the settlement date"; Text[ french ] = "Returns the next coupon date after the settlement date"; Text[ spanish ] = "Devuelve la fecha del primer plazo de intereses tras la liquidacin."; Text[ finnish ] = "Returns the next coupon date after the settlement date"; Text[ italian ] = "Restituisce la data della cedola successiva alla data di liquidazione."; Text[ danish ] = "Returns the next coupon date after the settlement date"; Text[ swedish ] = "Returnerar frsta kupongdatum efter likviddagen."; Text[ polish ] = "Podaje dat nastpnej dywidendy po dacie zakupu."; Text[ portuguese_brazilian ] = "Returns the next coupon date after the settlement date"; Text[ japanese ] = "Returns the next coupon date after the settlement date"; Text[ korean ] = "Returns the next coupon date after the settlement date"; Text[ chinese_simplified ] = "Returns the next coupon date after the settlement date"; Text[ chinese_traditional ] = "Returns the next coupon date after the settlement date"; Text[ turkish ] = "Returns the next coupon date after the settlement date"; Text[ arabic ] = "Returns the next coupon date after the settlement date"; Text[ catalan ] = "Returns the next coupon date after the settlement date"; }; String 2 // name of parameter 1 Coupncd { Text = "Abrechnung"; Text[ english ] = "Abrechnung"; Text[ language_user1 ] = " "; Text[ english_us ] = "Settlement"; Text[ portuguese ] = "Expedio"; Text[ russian ] = "_"; Text[ greek ] = "Settlement"; Text[ dutch ] = "Settlement"; Text[ french ] = "Settlement"; Text[ spanish ] = "Liquidacin"; Text[ finnish ] = "Settlement"; Text[ italian ] = "Liquidazione"; Text[ danish ] = "Settlement"; Text[ swedish ] = "Betalning"; Text[ polish ] = "rozliczenie"; Text[ portuguese_brazilian ] = "Settlement"; Text[ japanese ] = "Settlement"; Text[ korean ] = "Settlement"; Text[ chinese_simplified ] = "Settlement"; Text[ chinese_traditional ] = "Settlement"; Text[ turkish ] = "Settlement"; Text[ arabic ] = "Settlement"; Text[ catalan ] = "Settlement"; }; String 3 // description of parameter 1 Coupncd { Text = "Abrechnung"; Text[ english ] = "Abrechnung"; Text[ language_user1 ] = " "; Text[ english_us ] = "Settlement"; Text[ portuguese ] = "Expedio"; Text[ russian ] = " ."; Text[ greek ] = "Settlement"; Text[ dutch ] = "Settlement"; Text[ french ] = "Settlement"; Text[ spanish ] = "Liquidacin"; Text[ finnish ] = "Settlement"; Text[ italian ] = "Liquidazione"; Text[ danish ] = "Settlement"; Text[ swedish ] = "Betalning"; Text[ polish ] = "data rozliczenia papieru wartociowego"; Text[ portuguese_brazilian ] = "Settlement"; Text[ japanese ] = "Settlement"; Text[ korean ] = "Settlement"; Text[ chinese_simplified ] = "Settlement"; Text[ chinese_traditional ] = "Settlement"; Text[ turkish ] = "Settlement"; Text[ arabic ] = "Settlement"; Text[ catalan ] = "Settlement"; }; String 4 // name of parameter 2 Coupncd { Text = "Flligkeit"; Text[ english ] = "Flligkeit"; Text[ language_user1 ] = " "; Text[ english_us ] = "Maturity"; Text[ portuguese ] = "Expirao"; Text[ russian ] = "_"; Text[ greek ] = "Maturity"; Text[ dutch ] = "Maturity"; Text[ french ] = "chance"; Text[ spanish ] = "Vencimiento"; Text[ finnish ] = "Maturity"; Text[ italian ] = "Scadenza"; Text[ danish ] = "Maturity"; Text[ swedish ] = "Frfallodag"; Text[ polish ] = "data spaty"; Text[ portuguese_brazilian ] = "Maturity"; Text[ japanese ] = "Maturity"; Text[ korean ] = "Maturity"; Text[ chinese_simplified ] = "Maturity"; Text[ chinese_traditional ] = "Maturity"; Text[ turkish ] = "Maturity"; Text[ arabic ] = "Maturity"; Text[ catalan ] = "Maturity"; }; String 5 // description of parameter 2 Coupncd { Text = "Flligkeit"; Text[ english ] = "Flligkeit"; Text[ language_user1 ] = " "; Text[ english_us ] = "Maturity"; Text[ portuguese ] = "Expirao"; Text[ russian ] = " ."; Text[ greek ] = "Maturity"; Text[ dutch ] = "Maturity"; Text[ french ] = "chance"; Text[ spanish ] = "Vencimiento"; Text[ finnish ] = "Maturity"; Text[ italian ] = "Scadenza"; Text[ danish ] = "Maturity"; Text[ swedish ] = "Frfallodag"; Text[ polish ] = "data spaty papieru wartociowego"; Text[ portuguese_brazilian ] = "Maturity"; Text[ japanese ] = "Maturity"; Text[ korean ] = "Maturity"; Text[ chinese_simplified ] = "Maturity"; Text[ chinese_traditional ] = "Maturity"; Text[ turkish ] = "Maturity"; Text[ arabic ] = "Maturity"; Text[ catalan ] = "Maturity"; }; String 6 // name of parameter 3 Coupncd { Text = "Hufigkeit"; Text[ english ] = "Hufigkeit"; Text[ language_user1 ] = " "; Text[ english_us ] = "Frequency"; Text[ portuguese ] = "Frequncia"; Text[ russian ] = ""; Text[ greek ] = "Frequency"; Text[ dutch ] = "Frequency"; Text[ french ] = "Frquence"; Text[ spanish ] = "Frecuencia"; Text[ finnish ] = "Frequency"; Text[ italian ] = "Frequenza"; Text[ danish ] = "Frequency"; Text[ swedish ] = "Frekvens"; Text[ polish ] = "czsto"; Text[ portuguese_brazilian ] = "Frequency"; Text[ japanese ] = "Frequency"; Text[ korean ] = "Frequency"; Text[ chinese_simplified ] = "Frequency"; Text[ chinese_traditional ] = "Frequency"; Text[ turkish ] = "Frequency"; Text[ arabic ] = "Frequency"; Text[ catalan ] = "Frequency"; }; String 7 // description of parameter 3 Coupncd { Text = "Hufigkeit"; Text[ english ] = "Hufigkeit"; Text[ language_user1 ] = " "; Text[ english_us ] = "Frequency"; Text[ portuguese ] = "Frequncia"; Text[ russian ] = " ."; Text[ greek ] = "Frequency"; Text[ dutch ] = "Frequency"; Text[ french ] = "Frquence"; Text[ spanish ] = "Frecuencia"; Text[ finnish ] = "Frequency"; Text[ italian ] = "Frequenza"; Text[ danish ] = "Frequency"; Text[ swedish ] = "Frekvens"; Text[ polish ] = "liczba realizacji kuponw w roku"; Text[ portuguese_brazilian ] = "Frequency"; Text[ japanese ] = "Frequency"; Text[ korean ] = "Frequency"; Text[ chinese_simplified ] = "Frequency"; Text[ chinese_traditional ] = "Frequency"; Text[ turkish ] = "Frequency"; Text[ arabic ] = "Frequency"; Text[ catalan ] = "Frequency"; }; String 8 // name of parameter 4 Coupncd { Text = "Basis"; Text[ english ] = "Basis"; Text[ language_user1 ] = " "; Text[ english_us ] = "Basis"; Text[ portuguese ] = "Base"; Text[ russian ] = ""; Text[ greek ] = "Base"; Text[ dutch ] = "Base"; Text[ french ] = "Base"; Text[ spanish ] = "Base"; Text[ finnish ] = "Base"; Text[ italian ] = "Base"; Text[ danish ] = "Base"; Text[ swedish ] = "Bas"; Text[ polish ] = "podstawa"; Text[ portuguese_brazilian ] = "Base"; Text[ japanese ] = "Base"; Text[ korean ] = "Base"; Text[ chinese_simplified ] = "Base"; Text[ chinese_traditional ] = "Base"; Text[ turkish ] = "Base"; Text[ arabic ] = "Base"; Text[ catalan ] = "Base"; }; String 9 // description of parameter 4 Coupncd { Text = "Basis"; Text[ english ] = "Basis"; Text[ language_user1 ] = " "; Text[ english_us ] = "Basis"; Text[ portuguese ] = "Base"; Text[ russian ] = " ."; Text[ greek ] = "Base"; Text[ dutch ] = "Base"; Text[ french ] = "Base"; Text[ spanish ] = "Base"; Text[ finnish ] = "Base"; Text[ italian ] = "Base"; Text[ danish ] = "Base"; Text[ swedish ] = "Bas"; Text[ polish ] = "okrelenie sposobu patnoci"; Text[ portuguese_brazilian ] = "Base"; Text[ japanese ] = "Base"; Text[ korean ] = "Base"; Text[ chinese_simplified ] = "Base"; Text[ chinese_traditional ] = "Base"; Text[ turkish ] = "Base"; Text[ arabic ] = "Base"; Text[ catalan ] = "Base"; }; }; Resource ANALYSIS_Coupdays { String 1 // description Coupdays { Text = "Liefert die Anzahl Tage der Zinsperiode, die den Abrechnungstermin einschliet."; Text[ english ] = "Returns the number of days in the coupon period that contains the settlement date"; Text[ language_user1 ] = " "; Text[ english_us ] = "Returns the number of days in the coupon period that contains the settlement date"; Text[ portuguese ] = "Returns the number of days in the coupon period that contains the settlement date"; Text[ russian ] = " , ."; Text[ greek ] = "Returns the number of days in the coupon period that contains the settlement date"; Text[ dutch ] = "Returns the number of days in the coupon period that contains the settlement date"; Text[ french ] = "Returns the number of days in the coupon period that contains the settlement date"; Text[ spanish ] = "Devuelve la cantidad de das del perodo de inters que incluye la fecha de liquidacin."; Text[ finnish ] = "Returns the number of days in the coupon period that contains the settlement date"; Text[ italian ] = "Restituisce il numero dei giorni della durata della cedola che include la data di liquidazione."; Text[ danish ] = "Returns the number of days in the coupon period that contains the settlement date"; Text[ swedish ] = "Returnerar antalet dagar i rnteperioden som innehller likviddagen."; Text[ polish ] = "Podaje liczb dni w okresie dywidendy obejmujcym dat zakupu."; Text[ portuguese_brazilian ] = "Returns the number of days in the coupon period that contains the settlement date"; Text[ japanese ] = "Returns the number of days in the coupon period that contains the settlement date"; Text[ korean ] = "Returns the number of days in the coupon period that contains the settlement date"; Text[ chinese_simplified ] = "Returns the number of days in the coupon period that contains the settlement date"; Text[ chinese_traditional ] = "Returns the number of days in the coupon period that contains the settlement date"; Text[ turkish ] = "Returns the number of days in the coupon period that contains the settlement date"; Text[ arabic ] = "Returns the number of days in the coupon period that contains the settlement date"; Text[ catalan ] = "Returns the number of days in the coupon period that contains the settlement date"; }; String 2 // name of parameter 1 Coupdays { Text = "Abrechnung"; Text[ english ] = "Abrechnung"; Text[ language_user1 ] = " "; Text[ english_us ] = "Settlement"; Text[ portuguese ] = "Expedio"; Text[ russian ] = "_"; Text[ greek ] = "Settlement"; Text[ dutch ] = "Settlement"; Text[ french ] = "Settlement"; Text[ spanish ] = "Liquidacin"; Text[ finnish ] = "Settlement"; Text[ italian ] = "Liquidazione"; Text[ danish ] = "Settlement"; Text[ swedish ] = "Betalning"; Text[ polish ] = "rozliczenie"; Text[ portuguese_brazilian ] = "Settlement"; Text[ japanese ] = "Settlement"; Text[ korean ] = "Settlement"; Text[ chinese_simplified ] = "Settlement"; Text[ chinese_traditional ] = "Settlement"; Text[ turkish ] = "Settlement"; Text[ arabic ] = "Settlement"; Text[ catalan ] = "Settlement"; }; String 3 // description of parameter 1 Coupdays { Text = "Abrechnung"; Text[ english ] = "Abrechnung"; Text[ language_user1 ] = " "; Text[ english_us ] = "Settlement"; Text[ portuguese ] = "Expedio"; Text[ russian ] = " ."; Text[ greek ] = "Settlement"; Text[ dutch ] = "Settlement"; Text[ french ] = "Settlement"; Text[ spanish ] = "Liquidacin"; Text[ finnish ] = "Settlement"; Text[ italian ] = "Liquidazione"; Text[ danish ] = "Settlement"; Text[ swedish ] = "Betalning"; Text[ polish ] = "data rozliczenia papieru wartociowego"; Text[ portuguese_brazilian ] = "Settlement"; Text[ japanese ] = "Settlement"; Text[ korean ] = "Settlement"; Text[ chinese_simplified ] = "Settlement"; Text[ chinese_traditional ] = "Settlement"; Text[ turkish ] = "Settlement"; Text[ arabic ] = "Settlement"; Text[ catalan ] = "Settlement"; }; String 4 // name of parameter 2 Coupdays { Text = "Flligkeit"; Text[ english ] = "Flligkeit"; Text[ language_user1 ] = " "; Text[ english_us ] = "Maturity"; Text[ portuguese ] = "Expirao"; Text[ russian ] = "_"; Text[ greek ] = "Maturity"; Text[ dutch ] = "Maturity"; Text[ french ] = "chance"; Text[ spanish ] = "Vencimiento"; Text[ finnish ] = "Maturity"; Text[ italian ] = "Scadenza"; Text[ danish ] = "Maturity"; Text[ swedish ] = "Frfallodag"; Text[ polish ] = "data spaty"; Text[ portuguese_brazilian ] = "Maturity"; Text[ japanese ] = "Maturity"; Text[ korean ] = "Maturity"; Text[ chinese_simplified ] = "Maturity"; Text[ chinese_traditional ] = "Maturity"; Text[ turkish ] = "Maturity"; Text[ arabic ] = "Maturity"; Text[ catalan ] = "Maturity"; }; String 5 // description of parameter 2 Coupdays { Text = "Flligkeit"; Text[ english ] = "Flligkeit"; Text[ language_user1 ] = " "; Text[ english_us ] = "Maturity"; Text[ portuguese ] = "Expirao"; Text[ russian ] = "Maturity"; Text[ greek ] = "Maturity"; Text[ dutch ] = "Maturity"; Text[ french ] = "chance"; Text[ spanish ] = "Vencimiento"; Text[ finnish ] = "Maturity"; Text[ italian ] = "Scadenza"; Text[ danish ] = "Maturity"; Text[ swedish ] = "Frfallodag"; Text[ polish ] = "data spaty papieru wartociowego"; Text[ portuguese_brazilian ] = "Maturity"; Text[ japanese ] = "Maturity"; Text[ korean ] = "Maturity"; Text[ chinese_simplified ] = "Maturity"; Text[ chinese_traditional ] = "Maturity"; Text[ turkish ] = "Maturity"; Text[ arabic ] = "Maturity"; Text[ catalan ] = "Maturity"; }; String 6 // name of parameter 3 Coupdays { Text = "Hufigkeit"; Text[ english ] = "Hufigkeit"; Text[ language_user1 ] = " "; Text[ english_us ] = "Frequency"; Text[ portuguese ] = "Frequncia"; Text[ russian ] = "Frequency"; Text[ greek ] = "Frequency"; Text[ dutch ] = "Frequency"; Text[ french ] = "Frquence"; Text[ spanish ] = "Frecuencia"; Text[ finnish ] = "Frequency"; Text[ italian ] = "Frequenza"; Text[ danish ] = "Frequency"; Text[ swedish ] = "Frekvens"; Text[ polish ] = "czsto"; Text[ portuguese_brazilian ] = "Frequency"; Text[ japanese ] = "Frequency"; Text[ korean ] = "Frequency"; Text[ chinese_simplified ] = "Frequency"; Text[ chinese_traditional ] = "Frequency"; Text[ turkish ] = "Frequency"; Text[ arabic ] = "Frequency"; Text[ catalan ] = "Frequency"; }; String 7 // description of parameter 3 Coupdays { Text = "Hufigkeit"; Text[ english ] = "Hufigkeit"; Text[ language_user1 ] = " "; Text[ english_us ] = "Frequency"; Text[ portuguese ] = "Frequncia"; Text[ russian ] = "Frequency"; Text[ greek ] = "Frequency"; Text[ dutch ] = "Frequency"; Text[ french ] = "Frquence"; Text[ spanish ] = "Frecuencia"; Text[ finnish ] = "Frequency"; Text[ italian ] = "Frequenza"; Text[ danish ] = "Frequency"; Text[ swedish ] = "Frekvens"; Text[ polish ] = "liczba realizacji kuponw w roku"; Text[ portuguese_brazilian ] = "Frequency"; Text[ japanese ] = "Frequency"; Text[ korean ] = "Frequency"; Text[ chinese_simplified ] = "Frequency"; Text[ chinese_traditional ] = "Frequency"; Text[ turkish ] = "Frequency"; Text[ arabic ] = "Frequency"; Text[ catalan ] = "Frequency"; }; String 8 // name of parameter 4 Coupdays { Text = "Basis"; Text[ english ] = "Basis"; Text[ language_user1 ] = " "; Text[ english_us ] = "Basis"; Text[ portuguese ] = "Base"; Text[ russian ] = "Base"; Text[ greek ] = "Base"; Text[ dutch ] = "Base"; Text[ french ] = "Base"; Text[ spanish ] = "Base"; Text[ finnish ] = "Base"; Text[ italian ] = "Base"; Text[ danish ] = "Base"; Text[ swedish ] = "Bas"; Text[ polish ] = "podstawa"; Text[ portuguese_brazilian ] = "Base"; Text[ japanese ] = "Base"; Text[ korean ] = "Base"; Text[ chinese_simplified ] = "Base"; Text[ chinese_traditional ] = "Base"; Text[ turkish ] = "Base"; Text[ arabic ] = "Base"; Text[ catalan ] = "Base"; }; String 9 // description of parameter 4 Coupdays { Text = "Basis"; Text[ english ] = "Basis"; Text[ language_user1 ] = " "; Text[ english_us ] = "Basis"; Text[ portuguese ] = "Base"; Text[ russian ] = "Base"; Text[ greek ] = "Base"; Text[ dutch ] = "Base"; Text[ french ] = "Base"; Text[ spanish ] = "Base"; Text[ finnish ] = "Base"; Text[ italian ] = "Base"; Text[ danish ] = "Base"; Text[ swedish ] = "Bas"; Text[ polish ] = "okrelenie typu patnoci"; Text[ portuguese_brazilian ] = "Base"; Text[ japanese ] = "Base"; Text[ korean ] = "Base"; Text[ chinese_simplified ] = "Base"; Text[ chinese_traditional ] = "Base"; Text[ turkish ] = "Base"; Text[ arabic ] = "Base"; Text[ catalan ] = "Base"; }; }; Resource ANALYSIS_Coupdaysnc { String 1 // description Coupdaysnc { Text = "Liefert die Anzahl der Tage vom Abrechnungstermin bis zum nchsten Zinstermin."; Text[ english ] = "Returns the number of days from the settlement date to the next coupon date"; Text[ language_user1 ] = " "; Text[ english_us ] = "Returns the number of days from the settlement date to the next coupon date"; Text[ portuguese ] = "Returns the number of days from the settlement date to the next coupon date"; Text[ russian ] = "Returns the number of days from the settlement date to the next coupon date"; Text[ greek ] = "Returns the number of days from the settlement date to the next coupon date"; Text[ dutch ] = "Returns the number of days from the settlement date to the next coupon date"; Text[ french ] = "Returns the number of days from the settlement date to the next coupon date"; Text[ spanish ] = "Returns the number of days from the settlement date to the next coupon date"; Text[ finnish ] = "Returns the number of days from the settlement date to the next coupon date"; Text[ italian ] = "Restituisce il numero dei giorni che vanno dalla data di liquidazione alla nuova cedola."; Text[ danish ] = "Returns the number of days from the settlement date to the next coupon date"; Text[ swedish ] = "Returnerar antalet dagar frn likviddatum till nsta kupongdatum."; Text[ polish ] = "Podaje liczb dni do daty nastpnej dywidendy."; Text[ portuguese_brazilian ] = "Returns the number of days from the settlement date to the next coupon date"; Text[ japanese ] = "Returns the number of days from the settlement date to the next coupon date"; Text[ korean ] = "Returns the number of days from the settlement date to the next coupon date"; Text[ chinese_simplified ] = "Returns the number of days from the settlement date to the next coupon date"; Text[ chinese_traditional ] = "Returns the number of days from the settlement date to the next coupon date"; Text[ turkish ] = "Returns the number of days from the settlement date to the next coupon date"; Text[ arabic ] = "Returns the number of days from the settlement date to the next coupon date"; Text[ catalan ] = "Returns the number of days from the settlement date to the next coupon date"; }; String 2 // name of parameter 1 Coupdaysnc { Text = "Abrechnung"; Text[ english ] = "Abrechnung"; Text[ language_user1 ] = " "; Text[ english_us ] = "Settlement"; Text[ portuguese ] = "Expedio"; Text[ russian ] = "Settlement"; Text[ greek ] = "Settlement"; Text[ dutch ] = "Settlement"; Text[ french ] = "Settlement"; Text[ spanish ] = "Settlement"; Text[ finnish ] = "Settlement"; Text[ italian ] = "Liquidazione"; Text[ danish ] = "Settlement"; Text[ swedish ] = "Betalning"; Text[ polish ] = "rozliczenie"; Text[ portuguese_brazilian ] = "Settlement"; Text[ japanese ] = "Settlement"; Text[ korean ] = "Settlement"; Text[ chinese_simplified ] = "Settlement"; Text[ chinese_traditional ] = "Settlement"; Text[ turkish ] = "Settlement"; Text[ arabic ] = "Settlement"; Text[ catalan ] = "Settlement"; }; String 3 // description of parameter 1 Coupdaysnc { Text = "Abrechnung"; Text[ english ] = "Abrechnung"; Text[ language_user1 ] = " "; Text[ english_us ] = "Settlement"; Text[ portuguese ] = "Expedio"; Text[ russian ] = "Settlement"; Text[ greek ] = "Settlement"; Text[ dutch ] = "Settlement"; Text[ french ] = "Settlement"; Text[ spanish ] = "Settlement"; Text[ finnish ] = "Settlement"; Text[ italian ] = "Liquidazione"; Text[ danish ] = "Settlement"; Text[ swedish ] = "Betalning"; Text[ polish ] = "data rozliczenia papieru wartociowego"; Text[ portuguese_brazilian ] = "Settlement"; Text[ japanese ] = "Settlement"; Text[ korean ] = "Settlement"; Text[ chinese_simplified ] = "Settlement"; Text[ chinese_traditional ] = "Settlement"; Text[ turkish ] = "Settlement"; Text[ arabic ] = "Settlement"; Text[ catalan ] = "Settlement"; }; String 4 // name of parameter 2 Coupdaysnc { Text = "Flligkeit"; Text[ english ] = "Flligkeit"; Text[ language_user1 ] = " "; Text[ english_us ] = "Maturity"; Text[ portuguese ] = "Expirao"; Text[ russian ] = "Maturity"; Text[ greek ] = "Maturity"; Text[ dutch ] = "Maturity"; Text[ french ] = "chance"; Text[ spanish ] = "Maturity"; Text[ finnish ] = "Maturity"; Text[ italian ] = "Scadenza"; Text[ danish ] = "Maturity"; Text[ swedish ] = "Frfallodag"; Text[ polish ] = "data spaty"; Text[ portuguese_brazilian ] = "Maturity"; Text[ japanese ] = "Maturity"; Text[ korean ] = "Maturity"; Text[ chinese_simplified ] = "Maturity"; Text[ chinese_traditional ] = "Maturity"; Text[ turkish ] = "Maturity"; Text[ arabic ] = "Maturity"; Text[ catalan ] = "Maturity"; }; String 5 // description of parameter 2 Coupdaysnc { Text = "Flligkeit"; Text[ english ] = "Flligkeit"; Text[ language_user1 ] = " "; Text[ english_us ] = "Maturity"; Text[ portuguese ] = "Expirao"; Text[ russian ] = "Maturity"; Text[ greek ] = "Maturity"; Text[ dutch ] = "Maturity"; Text[ french ] = "chance"; Text[ spanish ] = "Maturity"; Text[ finnish ] = "Maturity"; Text[ italian ] = "Scadenza"; Text[ danish ] = "Maturity"; Text[ swedish ] = "Frfallodag"; Text[ polish ] = "data spaty papieru wartociowego"; Text[ portuguese_brazilian ] = "Maturity"; Text[ japanese ] = "Maturity"; Text[ korean ] = "Maturity"; Text[ chinese_simplified ] = "Maturity"; Text[ chinese_traditional ] = "Maturity"; Text[ turkish ] = "Maturity"; Text[ arabic ] = "Maturity"; Text[ catalan ] = "Maturity"; }; String 6 // name of parameter 3 Coupdaysnc { Text = "Hufigkeit"; Text[ english ] = "Hufigkeit"; Text[ language_user1 ] = " "; Text[ english_us ] = "Frequency"; Text[ portuguese ] = "Frequncia"; Text[ russian ] = "Frequency"; Text[ greek ] = "Frequency"; Text[ dutch ] = "Frequency"; Text[ french ] = "Frquence"; Text[ spanish ] = "Frecuencia"; Text[ finnish ] = "Frequency"; Text[ italian ] = "Frequenza"; Text[ danish ] = "Frequency"; Text[ swedish ] = "Frekvens"; Text[ polish ] = "czsto"; Text[ portuguese_brazilian ] = "Frequency"; Text[ japanese ] = "Frequency"; Text[ korean ] = "Frequency"; Text[ chinese_simplified ] = "Frequency"; Text[ chinese_traditional ] = "Frequency"; Text[ turkish ] = "Frequency"; Text[ arabic ] = "Frequency"; Text[ catalan ] = "Frequency"; }; String 7 // description of parameter 3 Coupdaysnc { Text = "Hufigkeit"; Text[ english ] = "Hufigkeit"; Text[ language_user1 ] = " "; Text[ english_us ] = "Frequency"; Text[ portuguese ] = "Frequncia"; Text[ russian ] = "Frequency"; Text[ greek ] = "Frequency"; Text[ dutch ] = "Frequency"; Text[ french ] = "Frquence"; Text[ spanish ] = "Frecuencia"; Text[ finnish ] = "Frequency"; Text[ italian ] = "Frequenza"; Text[ danish ] = "Frequency"; Text[ swedish ] = "Frekvens"; Text[ polish ] = "liczba realizacji kuponw w roku"; Text[ portuguese_brazilian ] = "Frequency"; Text[ japanese ] = "Frequency"; Text[ korean ] = "Frequency"; Text[ chinese_simplified ] = "Frequency"; Text[ chinese_traditional ] = "Frequency"; Text[ turkish ] = "Frequency"; Text[ arabic ] = "Frequency"; Text[ catalan ] = "Frequency"; }; String 8 // name of parameter 4 Coupdaysnc { Text = "Basis"; Text[ english ] = "Basis"; Text[ language_user1 ] = " "; Text[ english_us ] = "Basis"; Text[ portuguese ] = "Base"; Text[ russian ] = "Base"; Text[ greek ] = "Base"; Text[ dutch ] = "Base"; Text[ french ] = "Base"; Text[ spanish ] = "Base"; Text[ finnish ] = "Base"; Text[ italian ] = "Base"; Text[ danish ] = "Base"; Text[ swedish ] = "Bas"; Text[ polish ] = "podstawa"; Text[ portuguese_brazilian ] = "Base"; Text[ japanese ] = "Base"; Text[ korean ] = "Base"; Text[ chinese_simplified ] = "Base"; Text[ chinese_traditional ] = "Base"; Text[ turkish ] = "Base"; Text[ arabic ] = "Base"; Text[ catalan ] = "Base"; }; String 9 // description of parameter 4 Coupdaysnc { Text = "Basis"; Text[ english ] = "Basis"; Text[ language_user1 ] = " "; Text[ english_us ] = "Basis"; Text[ portuguese ] = "Base"; Text[ russian ] = "Base"; Text[ greek ] = "Base"; Text[ dutch ] = "Base"; Text[ french ] = "Base"; Text[ spanish ] = "Base"; Text[ finnish ] = "Base"; Text[ italian ] = "Base"; Text[ danish ] = "Base"; Text[ swedish ] = "Bas"; Text[ polish ] = "okrelenie typu patnoci"; Text[ portuguese_brazilian ] = "Base"; Text[ japanese ] = "Base"; Text[ korean ] = "Base"; Text[ chinese_simplified ] = "Base"; Text[ chinese_traditional ] = "Base"; Text[ turkish ] = "Base"; Text[ arabic ] = "Base"; Text[ catalan ] = "Base"; }; }; Resource ANALYSIS_Coupdaybs { String 1 // description Coupdaybs { Text = "Liefert die Anzahl der Tage vom Anfang des Zinstermins bis zum Abrechnungstermin."; Text[ english ] = "Returns the number of days from the beginning of the coupon period to the settlement date"; Text[ language_user1 ] = " "; Text[ english_us ] = "Returns the number of days from the beginning of the coupon period to the settlement date"; Text[ portuguese ] = "Returns the number of days from the beginning of the coupon period to the settlement date"; Text[ russian ] = "Returns the number of days from the beginning of the coupon period to the settlement date"; Text[ greek ] = "Returns the number of days from the beginning of the coupon period to the settlement date"; Text[ dutch ] = "Returns the number of days from the beginning of the coupon period to the settlement date"; Text[ french ] = "Returns the number of days from the beginning of the coupon period to the settlement date"; Text[ spanish ] = "Returns the number of days from the beginning of the coupon period to the settlement date"; Text[ finnish ] = "Returns the number of days from the beginning of the coupon period to the settlement date"; Text[ italian ] = "Restituisce il numero dei giorni che vanno dalla data d'inizio della cedola alla data di liquidazione."; Text[ danish ] = "Returns the number of days from the beginning of the coupon period to the settlement date"; Text[ swedish ] = "Returnerar antalet dagar frn brjan av kupongperioden till likviddatum."; Text[ polish ] = "Podaje liczb dni od pocztku okresu dywidendy do daty wykupu."; Text[ portuguese_brazilian ] = "Returns the number of days from the beginning of the coupon period to the settlement date"; Text[ japanese ] = "Returns the number of days from the beginning of the coupon period to the settlement date"; Text[ korean ] = "Returns the number of days from the beginning of the coupon period to the settlement date"; Text[ chinese_simplified ] = "Returns the number of days from the beginning of the coupon period to the settlement date"; Text[ chinese_traditional ] = "Returns the number of days from the beginning of the coupon period to the settlement date"; Text[ turkish ] = "Returns the number of days from the beginning of the coupon period to the settlement date"; Text[ arabic ] = "Returns the number of days from the beginning of the coupon period to the settlement date"; Text[ catalan ] = "Returns the number of days from the beginning of the coupon period to the settlement date"; }; String 2 // name of parameter 1 Coupdaybs { Text = "Abrechnung"; Text[ english ] = "Abrechnung"; Text[ language_user1 ] = " "; Text[ english_us ] = "Settlement"; Text[ portuguese ] = "Expedio"; Text[ russian ] = "Settlement"; Text[ greek ] = "Settlement"; Text[ dutch ] = "Settlement"; Text[ french ] = "Settlement"; Text[ spanish ] = "Settlement"; Text[ finnish ] = "Settlement"; Text[ italian ] = "Liquidazione"; Text[ danish ] = "Settlement"; Text[ swedish ] = "Betalning"; Text[ polish ] = "rozliczenie"; Text[ portuguese_brazilian ] = "Settlement"; Text[ japanese ] = "Settlement"; Text[ korean ] = "Settlement"; Text[ chinese_simplified ] = "Settlement"; Text[ chinese_traditional ] = "Settlement"; Text[ turkish ] = "Settlement"; Text[ arabic ] = "Settlement"; Text[ catalan ] = "Settlement"; }; String 3 // description of parameter 1 Coupdaybs { Text = "Abrechnung"; Text[ english ] = "Abrechnung"; Text[ language_user1 ] = " "; Text[ english_us ] = "Settlement"; Text[ portuguese ] = "Expedio"; Text[ russian ] = "Settlement"; Text[ greek ] = "Settlement"; Text[ dutch ] = "Settlement"; Text[ french ] = "Settlement"; Text[ spanish ] = "Settlement"; Text[ finnish ] = "Settlement"; Text[ italian ] = "Liquidazione"; Text[ danish ] = "Settlement"; Text[ swedish ] = "Betalning"; Text[ polish ] = "data rozliczenia papieru wartociowego"; Text[ portuguese_brazilian ] = "Settlement"; Text[ japanese ] = "Settlement"; Text[ korean ] = "Settlement"; Text[ chinese_simplified ] = "Settlement"; Text[ chinese_traditional ] = "Settlement"; Text[ turkish ] = "Settlement"; Text[ arabic ] = "Settlement"; Text[ catalan ] = "Settlement"; }; String 4 // name of parameter 2 Coupdaybs { Text = "Flligkeit"; Text[ english ] = "Flligkeit"; Text[ language_user1 ] = " "; Text[ english_us ] = "Maturity"; Text[ portuguese ] = "Expirao"; Text[ russian ] = "Maturity"; Text[ greek ] = "Maturity"; Text[ dutch ] = "Maturity"; Text[ french ] = "chance"; Text[ spanish ] = "Maturity"; Text[ finnish ] = "Maturity"; Text[ italian ] = "Scadenza"; Text[ danish ] = "Maturity"; Text[ swedish ] = "Frfallodag"; Text[ polish ] = "data spaty"; Text[ portuguese_brazilian ] = "Maturity"; Text[ japanese ] = "Maturity"; Text[ korean ] = "Maturity"; Text[ chinese_simplified ] = "Maturity"; Text[ chinese_traditional ] = "Maturity"; Text[ turkish ] = "Maturity"; Text[ arabic ] = "Maturity"; Text[ catalan ] = "Maturity"; }; String 5 // description of parameter 2 Coupdaybs { Text = "Flligkeit"; Text[ english ] = "Flligkeit"; Text[ language_user1 ] = " "; Text[ english_us ] = "Maturity"; Text[ portuguese ] = "Expirao"; Text[ russian ] = "Maturity"; Text[ greek ] = "Maturity"; Text[ dutch ] = "Maturity"; Text[ french ] = "chance"; Text[ spanish ] = "Maturity"; Text[ finnish ] = "Maturity"; Text[ italian ] = "Scadenza"; Text[ danish ] = "Maturity"; Text[ swedish ] = "Frfallodag"; Text[ polish ] = "data spaty papieru wartociowego"; Text[ portuguese_brazilian ] = "Maturity"; Text[ japanese ] = "Maturity"; Text[ korean ] = "Maturity"; Text[ chinese_simplified ] = "Maturity"; Text[ chinese_traditional ] = "Maturity"; Text[ turkish ] = "Maturity"; Text[ arabic ] = "Maturity"; Text[ catalan ] = "Maturity"; }; String 6 // name of parameter 3 Coupdaybs { Text = "Hufigkeit"; Text[ english ] = "Hufigkeit"; Text[ language_user1 ] = " "; Text[ english_us ] = "Frequency"; Text[ portuguese ] = "Frequncia"; Text[ russian ] = "Frequency"; Text[ greek ] = "Frequency"; Text[ dutch ] = "Frequency"; Text[ french ] = "Frquence"; Text[ spanish ] = "Frecuencia"; Text[ finnish ] = "Frequency"; Text[ italian ] = "Frequenza"; Text[ danish ] = "Frequency"; Text[ swedish ] = "Frekvens"; Text[ polish ] = "czsto"; Text[ portuguese_brazilian ] = "Frequency"; Text[ japanese ] = "Frequency"; Text[ korean ] = "Frequency"; Text[ chinese_simplified ] = "Frequency"; Text[ chinese_traditional ] = "Frequency"; Text[ turkish ] = "Frequency"; Text[ arabic ] = "Frequency"; Text[ catalan ] = "Frequency"; }; String 7 // description of parameter 3 Coupdaybs { Text = "Hufigkeit"; Text[ english ] = "Hufigkeit"; Text[ language_user1 ] = " "; Text[ english_us ] = "Frequency"; Text[ portuguese ] = "Frequncia"; Text[ russian ] = "Frequency"; Text[ greek ] = "Frequency"; Text[ dutch ] = "Frequency"; Text[ french ] = "Frquence"; Text[ spanish ] = "Frecuencia"; Text[ finnish ] = "Frequency"; Text[ italian ] = "Frequenza"; Text[ danish ] = "Frequency"; Text[ swedish ] = "Frekvens"; Text[ polish ] = "liczba realizacji kuponw w roku"; Text[ portuguese_brazilian ] = "Frequency"; Text[ japanese ] = "Frequency"; Text[ korean ] = "Frequency"; Text[ chinese_simplified ] = "Frequency"; Text[ chinese_traditional ] = "Frequency"; Text[ turkish ] = "Frequency"; Text[ arabic ] = "Frequency"; Text[ catalan ] = "Frequency"; }; String 8 // name of parameter 4 Coupdaybs { Text = "Basis"; Text[ english ] = "Basis"; Text[ language_user1 ] = " "; Text[ english_us ] = "Basis"; Text[ portuguese ] = "Base"; Text[ russian ] = "Base"; Text[ greek ] = "Base"; Text[ dutch ] = "Base"; Text[ french ] = "Base"; Text[ spanish ] = "Base"; Text[ finnish ] = "Base"; Text[ italian ] = "Base"; Text[ danish ] = "Base"; Text[ swedish ] = "Bas"; Text[ polish ] = "podstawa"; Text[ portuguese_brazilian ] = "Base"; Text[ japanese ] = "Base"; Text[ korean ] = "Base"; Text[ chinese_simplified ] = "Base"; Text[ chinese_traditional ] = "Base"; Text[ turkish ] = "Base"; Text[ arabic ] = "Base"; Text[ catalan ] = "Base"; }; String 9 // description of parameter 4 Coupdaybs { Text = "Basis"; Text[ english ] = "Basis"; Text[ language_user1 ] = " "; Text[ english_us ] = "Basis"; Text[ portuguese ] = "Base"; Text[ russian ] = "Base"; Text[ greek ] = "Base"; Text[ dutch ] = "Base"; Text[ french ] = "Base"; Text[ spanish ] = "Base"; Text[ finnish ] = "Base"; Text[ italian ] = "Base"; Text[ danish ] = "Base"; Text[ swedish ] = "Bas"; Text[ polish ] = "okrelenie typu patnoci"; Text[ portuguese_brazilian ] = "Base"; Text[ japanese ] = "Base"; Text[ korean ] = "Base"; Text[ chinese_simplified ] = "Base"; Text[ chinese_traditional ] = "Base"; Text[ turkish ] = "Base"; Text[ arabic ] = "Base"; Text[ catalan ] = "Base"; }; }; Resource ANALYSIS_Couppcd { String 1 // description Couppcd { Text = "Liefert das Datum des letzten Zinstermins vor dem Abrechnungsdatum."; Text[ english ] = "Returns the previous coupon date before the settlement date"; Text[ language_user1 ] = " "; Text[ english_us ] = "Returns the previous coupon date before the settlement date"; Text[ portuguese ] = "Returns the previous coupon date before the settlement date"; Text[ russian ] = "Returns the previous coupon date before the settlement date"; Text[ greek ] = "Returns the previous coupon date before the settlement date"; Text[ dutch ] = "Returns the previous coupon date before the settlement date"; Text[ french ] = "Returns the previous coupon date before the settlement date"; Text[ spanish ] = "Returns the previous coupon date before the settlement date"; Text[ finnish ] = "Returns the previous coupon date before the settlement date"; Text[ italian ] = "Restituisce la data della cedola precedente alla data di liquidazione."; Text[ danish ] = "Returns the previous coupon date before the settlement date"; Text[ swedish ] = "Returnerar senste kupongdatum fre likviddatum."; Text[ polish ] = "Podaje dat dywidendy poprzedzajc dat zakupu."; Text[ portuguese_brazilian ] = "Returns the previous coupon date before the settlement date"; Text[ japanese ] = "Returns the previous coupon date before the settlement date"; Text[ korean ] = "Returns the previous coupon date before the settlement date"; Text[ chinese_simplified ] = "Returns the previous coupon date before the settlement date"; Text[ chinese_traditional ] = "Returns the previous coupon date before the settlement date"; Text[ turkish ] = "Returns the previous coupon date before the settlement date"; Text[ arabic ] = "Returns the previous coupon date before the settlement date"; Text[ catalan ] = "Returns the previous coupon date before the settlement date"; }; String 2 // name of parameter 1 Couppcd { Text = "Abrechnung"; Text[ english ] = "Abrechnung"; Text[ language_user1 ] = " "; Text[ english_us ] = "Settlement"; Text[ portuguese ] = "Expedio"; Text[ russian ] = "Settlement"; Text[ greek ] = "Settlement"; Text[ dutch ] = "Settlement"; Text[ french ] = "Settlement"; Text[ spanish ] = "Settlement"; Text[ finnish ] = "Settlement"; Text[ italian ] = "Liquidazione"; Text[ danish ] = "Settlement"; Text[ swedish ] = "Betalning"; Text[ polish ] = "rozliczenie"; Text[ portuguese_brazilian ] = "Settlement"; Text[ japanese ] = "Settlement"; Text[ korean ] = "Settlement"; Text[ chinese_simplified ] = "Settlement"; Text[ chinese_traditional ] = "Settlement"; Text[ turkish ] = "Settlement"; Text[ arabic ] = "Settlement"; Text[ catalan ] = "Settlement"; }; String 3 // description of parameter 1 Couppcd { Text = "Abrechnung"; Text[ english ] = "Abrechnung"; Text[ language_user1 ] = " "; Text[ english_us ] = "Settlement"; Text[ portuguese ] = "Expedio"; Text[ russian ] = "Settlement"; Text[ greek ] = "Settlement"; Text[ dutch ] = "Settlement"; Text[ french ] = "Settlement"; Text[ spanish ] = "Settlement"; Text[ finnish ] = "Settlement"; Text[ italian ] = "Liquidazione"; Text[ danish ] = "Settlement"; Text[ swedish ] = "Betalning"; Text[ polish ] = "data rozliczenia papieru wartociowego"; Text[ portuguese_brazilian ] = "Settlement"; Text[ japanese ] = "Settlement"; Text[ korean ] = "Settlement"; Text[ chinese_simplified ] = "Settlement"; Text[ chinese_traditional ] = "Settlement"; Text[ turkish ] = "Settlement"; Text[ arabic ] = "Settlement"; Text[ catalan ] = "Settlement"; }; String 4 // name of parameter 2 Couppcd { Text = "Flligkeit"; Text[ english ] = "Flligkeit"; Text[ language_user1 ] = " "; Text[ english_us ] = "Maturity"; Text[ portuguese ] = "Expirao"; Text[ russian ] = "Maturity"; Text[ greek ] = "Maturity"; Text[ dutch ] = "Maturity"; Text[ french ] = "chance"; Text[ spanish ] = "Maturity"; Text[ finnish ] = "Maturity"; Text[ italian ] = "Scadenza"; Text[ danish ] = "Maturity"; Text[ swedish ] = "Frfallodag"; Text[ polish ] = "data spaty"; Text[ portuguese_brazilian ] = "Maturity"; Text[ japanese ] = "Maturity"; Text[ korean ] = "Maturity"; Text[ chinese_simplified ] = "Maturity"; Text[ chinese_traditional ] = "Maturity"; Text[ turkish ] = "Maturity"; Text[ arabic ] = "Maturity"; Text[ catalan ] = "Maturity"; }; String 5 // description of parameter 2 Couppcd { Text = "Flligkeit"; Text[ english ] = "Flligkeit"; Text[ language_user1 ] = " "; Text[ english_us ] = "Maturity"; Text[ portuguese ] = "Expirao"; Text[ russian ] = "Maturity"; Text[ greek ] = "Maturity"; Text[ dutch ] = "Maturity"; Text[ french ] = "chance"; Text[ spanish ] = "Vencimiento"; Text[ finnish ] = "Maturity"; Text[ italian ] = "Scadenza"; Text[ danish ] = "Maturity"; Text[ swedish ] = "Frfallodag"; Text[ polish ] = "data spaty papieru wartociowego"; Text[ portuguese_brazilian ] = "Maturity"; Text[ japanese ] = "Maturity"; Text[ korean ] = "Maturity"; Text[ chinese_simplified ] = "Maturity"; Text[ chinese_traditional ] = "Maturity"; Text[ turkish ] = "Maturity"; Text[ arabic ] = "Maturity"; Text[ catalan ] = "Maturity"; }; String 6 // name of parameter 3 Couppcd { Text = "Hufigkeit"; Text[ english ] = "Hufigkeit"; Text[ language_user1 ] = " "; Text[ english_us ] = "Frequency"; Text[ portuguese ] = "Frequncia"; Text[ russian ] = ""; Text[ greek ] = "Frequency"; Text[ dutch ] = "Frequentie"; Text[ french ] = "Frquence"; Text[ spanish ] = "Frecuencia"; Text[ finnish ] = "Frequency"; Text[ italian ] = "Frequenza"; Text[ danish ] = "Frequency"; Text[ swedish ] = "Frekvens"; Text[ polish ] = "czsto"; Text[ portuguese_brazilian ] = "Frequency"; Text[ japanese ] = "Frequency"; Text[ korean ] = "Frequency"; Text[ chinese_simplified ] = "Frequency"; Text[ chinese_traditional ] = "Frequency"; Text[ turkish ] = "Frequency"; Text[ arabic ] = "Frequency"; Text[ catalan ] = "Frequency"; }; String 7 // description of parameter 3 Couppcd { Text = "Hufigkeit"; Text[ english ] = "Hufigkeit"; Text[ language_user1 ] = " "; Text[ english_us ] = "Frequency"; Text[ portuguese ] = "Frequncia"; Text[ russian ] = " ."; Text[ greek ] = "Frequency"; Text[ dutch ] = "Frequentie"; Text[ french ] = "Frquence"; Text[ spanish ] = "Frecuencia"; Text[ finnish ] = "Frequency"; Text[ italian ] = "Frequenza"; Text[ danish ] = "Frequency"; Text[ swedish ] = "Frekvens"; Text[ polish ] = "liczba realizacji kuponw w roku"; Text[ portuguese_brazilian ] = "Frequency"; Text[ japanese ] = "Frequency"; Text[ korean ] = "Frequency"; Text[ chinese_simplified ] = "Frequency"; Text[ chinese_traditional ] = "Frequency"; Text[ turkish ] = "Frequency"; Text[ arabic ] = "Frequency"; Text[ catalan ] = "Frequency"; }; String 8 // name of parameter 4 Couppcd { Text = "Basis"; Text[ english ] = "Basis"; Text[ language_user1 ] = " "; Text[ english_us ] = "Basis"; Text[ portuguese ] = "Base"; Text[ russian ] = ""; Text[ greek ] = ""; Text[ dutch ] = "Base"; Text[ french ] = "Base"; Text[ spanish ] = "Base"; Text[ finnish ] = "Base"; Text[ italian ] = "Base"; Text[ danish ] = "Base"; Text[ swedish ] = "Bas"; Text[ polish ] = "podstawa"; Text[ portuguese_brazilian ] = "Base"; Text[ japanese ] = "Base"; Text[ korean ] = "Base"; Text[ chinese_simplified ] = "Base"; Text[ chinese_traditional ] = "Base"; Text[ turkish ] = "Base"; Text[ arabic ] = "Base"; Text[ catalan ] = "Base"; }; String 9 // description of parameter 4 Couppcd { Text = "Basis"; Text[ english ] = "Basis"; Text[ language_user1 ] = " "; Text[ english_us ] = "Basis"; Text[ portuguese ] = "Base"; Text[ russian ] = " ."; Text[ greek ] = ""; Text[ dutch ] = "Base"; Text[ french ] = "Base"; Text[ spanish ] = "Base"; Text[ finnish ] = "Base"; Text[ italian ] = "Base"; Text[ danish ] = "Base"; Text[ swedish ] = "Bas"; Text[ polish ] = "okrelenie typu patnoci"; Text[ portuguese_brazilian ] = "Base"; Text[ japanese ] = "Base"; Text[ korean ] = "Base"; Text[ chinese_simplified ] = "Base"; Text[ chinese_traditional ] = "Base"; Text[ turkish ] = "Base"; Text[ arabic ] = "Base"; Text[ catalan ] = "Base"; }; }; Resource ANALYSIS_Coupnum { String 1 // description Coupnum { Text = "Liefert die Anzahl der Zinstermine zwischen Abrechnungs- und Flligkeitsdatum."; Text[ english ] = "Returns the number of coupons payable between the settlement date and maturity date"; Text[ language_user1 ] = " "; Text[ english_us ] = "Returns the number of coupons payable between the settlement date and maturity date"; Text[ portuguese ] = "Devolve o nmero de cupes pagveis entre a data de expedio e expirao."; Text[ russian ] = " , ."; Text[ greek ] = "Returns the number of coupons payable between the settlement date and maturity date"; Text[ dutch ] = "Returns the number of coupons payable between the settlement date and maturity date"; Text[ french ] = "Returns the number of coupons payable between the settlement date and maturity date"; Text[ spanish ] = "Devuelve los plazos de los intereses entre la fecha de liquidacin y vencimiento."; Text[ finnish ] = "Returns the number of coupons payable between the settlement date and maturity date"; Text[ italian ] = "Calcola il numero delle scadenze di pagamento degli interessi tra data di liquidazione e di scadenza."; Text[ danish ] = "Returns the number of coupons payable between the settlement date and maturity date"; Text[ swedish ] = "Returnerar antalet kuponger mellan likvid- och frfallodatum."; Text[ polish ] = "Podaje liczb dywidend patnych pomidzy dat rozliczenia a dat spaty."; Text[ portuguese_brazilian ] = "Returns the number of coupons payable between the settlement date and maturity date"; Text[ japanese ] = "Returns the number of coupons payable between the settlement date and maturity date"; Text[ korean ] = "Returns the number of coupons payable between the settlement date and maturity date"; Text[ chinese_simplified ] = "Returns the number of coupons payable between the settlement date and maturity date"; Text[ chinese_traditional ] = "Returns the number of coupons payable between the settlement date and maturity date"; Text[ turkish ] = "Returns the number of coupons payable between the settlement date and maturity date"; Text[ arabic ] = "Returns the number of coupons payable between the settlement date and maturity date"; Text[ catalan ] = "Returns the number of coupons payable between the settlement date and maturity date"; }; String 2 // name of parameter 1 Coupnum { Text = "Abrechnung"; Text[ english ] = "Abrechnung"; Text[ language_user1 ] = " "; Text[ english_us ] = "Settlement"; Text[ portuguese ] = "Expedio"; Text[ russian ] = "_"; Text[ greek ] = "Settlement"; Text[ dutch ] = "Settlement"; Text[ french ] = "Settlement"; Text[ spanish ] = "Liquidacin"; Text[ finnish ] = "Settlement"; Text[ italian ] = "Liquidazione"; Text[ danish ] = "Settlement"; Text[ swedish ] = "Betalning"; Text[ polish ] = "rozliczenie"; Text[ portuguese_brazilian ] = "Settlement"; Text[ japanese ] = "Settlement"; Text[ korean ] = "Settlement"; Text[ chinese_simplified ] = "Settlement"; Text[ chinese_traditional ] = "Settlement"; Text[ turkish ] = "Settlement"; Text[ arabic ] = "Settlement"; Text[ catalan ] = "Settlement"; }; String 3 // description of parameter 1 Coupnum { Text = "Abrechnung"; Text[ english ] = "Abrechnung"; Text[ language_user1 ] = " "; Text[ english_us ] = "Settlement"; Text[ portuguese ] = "Expedio"; Text[ russian ] = " ."; Text[ greek ] = "Settlement"; Text[ dutch ] = "Settlement"; Text[ french ] = "Settlement"; Text[ spanish ] = "Liquidacin"; Text[ finnish ] = "Settlement"; Text[ italian ] = "Liquidazione"; Text[ danish ] = "Settlement"; Text[ swedish ] = "Betalning"; Text[ polish ] = "data rozliczenia papieru wartociowego"; Text[ portuguese_brazilian ] = "Settlement"; Text[ japanese ] = "Settlement"; Text[ korean ] = "Settlement"; Text[ chinese_simplified ] = "Settlement"; Text[ chinese_traditional ] = "Settlement"; Text[ turkish ] = "Settlement"; Text[ arabic ] = "Settlement"; Text[ catalan ] = "Settlement"; }; String 4 // name of parameter 2 Coupnum { Text = "Flligkeit"; Text[ english ] = "Flligkeit"; Text[ language_user1 ] = " "; Text[ english_us ] = "Maturity"; Text[ portuguese ] = "Expirao"; Text[ russian ] = "_"; Text[ greek ] = "Maturity"; Text[ dutch ] = "Maturity"; Text[ french ] = "chance"; Text[ spanish ] = "Vencimiento"; Text[ finnish ] = "Maturity"; Text[ italian ] = "Scadenza"; Text[ danish ] = "Maturity"; Text[ swedish ] = "Frfallodag"; Text[ polish ] = "data spaty"; Text[ portuguese_brazilian ] = "Maturity"; Text[ japanese ] = "Maturity"; Text[ korean ] = "Maturity"; Text[ chinese_simplified ] = "Maturity"; Text[ chinese_traditional ] = "Maturity"; Text[ turkish ] = "Maturity"; Text[ arabic ] = "Maturity"; Text[ catalan ] = "Maturity"; }; String 5 // description of parameter 2 Coupnum { Text = "Flligkeit"; Text[ english ] = "Flligkeit"; Text[ language_user1 ] = " "; Text[ english_us ] = "Maturity"; Text[ portuguese ] = "Expirao"; Text[ russian ] = " ."; Text[ greek ] = "Maturity"; Text[ dutch ] = "Maturity"; Text[ french ] = "chance"; Text[ spanish ] = "Vencimiento"; Text[ finnish ] = "Maturity"; Text[ italian ] = "Scadenza"; Text[ danish ] = "Maturity"; Text[ swedish ] = "Frfallodag"; Text[ polish ] = "data spaty papieru wartociowego"; Text[ portuguese_brazilian ] = "Maturity"; Text[ japanese ] = "Maturity"; Text[ korean ] = "Maturity"; Text[ chinese_simplified ] = "Maturity"; Text[ chinese_traditional ] = "Maturity"; Text[ turkish ] = "Maturity"; Text[ arabic ] = "Maturity"; Text[ catalan ] = "Maturity"; }; String 6 // name of parameter 3 Coupnum { Text = "Hufigkeit"; Text[ english ] = "Hufigkeit"; Text[ language_user1 ] = " "; Text[ english_us ] = "Frequency"; Text[ portuguese ] = "Frequncia"; Text[ russian ] = ""; Text[ greek ] = "Frequency"; Text[ dutch ] = "Frequency"; Text[ french ] = "Frquence"; Text[ spanish ] = "Frecuencia"; Text[ finnish ] = "Frequency"; Text[ italian ] = "Frequenza"; Text[ danish ] = "Frequency"; Text[ swedish ] = "Frekvens"; Text[ polish ] = "czsto"; Text[ portuguese_brazilian ] = "Frequency"; Text[ japanese ] = "Frequency"; Text[ korean ] = "Frequency"; Text[ chinese_simplified ] = "Frequency"; Text[ chinese_traditional ] = "Frequency"; Text[ turkish ] = "Frequency"; Text[ arabic ] = "Frequency"; Text[ catalan ] = "Frequency"; }; String 7 // description of parameter 3 Coupnum { Text = "Hufigkeit"; Text[ english ] = "Hufigkeit"; Text[ language_user1 ] = " "; Text[ english_us ] = "Frequency"; Text[ portuguese ] = "Frequncia"; Text[ russian ] = " ."; Text[ greek ] = "Frequency"; Text[ dutch ] = "Frequency"; Text[ french ] = "Frquence"; Text[ spanish ] = "Frecuencia"; Text[ finnish ] = "Frequency"; Text[ italian ] = "Frequenza"; Text[ danish ] = "Frequency"; Text[ swedish ] = "Frekvens"; Text[ polish ] = "liczba realizacji kuponw w roku"; Text[ portuguese_brazilian ] = "Frequency"; Text[ japanese ] = "Frequency"; Text[ korean ] = "Frequency"; Text[ chinese_simplified ] = "Frequency"; Text[ chinese_traditional ] = "Frequency"; Text[ turkish ] = "Frequency"; Text[ arabic ] = "Frequency"; Text[ catalan ] = "Frequency"; }; String 8 // name of parameter 4 Coupnum { Text = "Basis"; Text[ english ] = "Basis"; Text[ language_user1 ] = " "; Text[ english_us ] = "Basis"; Text[ portuguese ] = "Base"; Text[ russian ] = ""; Text[ greek ] = ""; Text[ dutch ] = "Base"; Text[ french ] = "Base"; Text[ spanish ] = "Base"; Text[ finnish ] = "Base"; Text[ italian ] = "Base"; Text[ danish ] = "Base"; Text[ swedish ] = "Bas"; Text[ polish ] = "podstawa"; Text[ portuguese_brazilian ] = "Base"; Text[ japanese ] = "Base"; Text[ korean ] = "Base"; Text[ chinese_simplified ] = "Base"; Text[ chinese_traditional ] = "Base"; Text[ turkish ] = "Base"; Text[ arabic ] = "Base"; Text[ catalan ] = "Base"; }; String 9 // description of parameter 4 Coupnum { Text = "Basis"; Text[ english ] = "Basis"; Text[ language_user1 ] = " "; Text[ english_us ] = "Basis"; Text[ portuguese ] = "Base"; Text[ russian ] = " ."; Text[ greek ] = ""; Text[ dutch ] = "Base"; Text[ french ] = "Base"; Text[ spanish ] = "Base"; Text[ finnish ] = "Base"; Text[ italian ] = "Base"; Text[ danish ] = "Base"; Text[ swedish ] = "Bas"; Text[ polish ] = "okrelenie typu patnoci"; Text[ portuguese_brazilian ] = "Base"; Text[ japanese ] = "Base"; Text[ korean ] = "Base"; Text[ chinese_simplified ] = "Base"; Text[ chinese_traditional ] = "Base"; Text[ turkish ] = "Base"; Text[ arabic ] = "Base"; Text[ catalan ] = "Base"; }; }; Resource ANALYSIS_Fvschedule { String 1 // description Fvschedule { Text = "Liefert den aufgezinsten Wert des Anfangskapitals fr eine Reihe periodisch unterschiedlicher Zinsstze."; Text[ english ] = "Returns the future value of an initial principal after applying a series of compound interest rates"; Text[ language_user1 ] = " "; Text[ english_us ] = "Returns the future value of an initial principal after applying a series of compound interest rates"; Text[ portuguese ] = "Devolve o futuro valor de um capital inicial aps a aplicao de uma srie de taxas de juro compostas."; Text[ russian ] = " ."; Text[ greek ] = "Returns the future value of an initial principal after applying a series of compound interest rates"; Text[ dutch ] = "Returns the future value of an initial principal after applying a series of compound interest rates"; Text[ french ] = "Returns the future value of an initial principal after applying a series of compound interest rates"; Text[ spanish ] = "Devuelve el valor del capital inicial tras la aplicacin de una serie de diversos tipos de intereses peridicos."; Text[ finnish ] = "Returns the future value of an initial principal after applying a series of compound interest rates"; Text[ italian ] = "Restituisce il valore del capitale iniziale soggetto a tassi d'interesse periodici variabili."; Text[ danish ] = "Returns the future value of an initial principal after applying a series of compound interest rates"; Text[ swedish ] = "Returnerar ett framtida vrde av ett begynnelsekapital fr en rad periodiskt olika rntesatser."; Text[ polish ] = "Zwraca warto przysz kapitau pocztkowego wraz z szeregiem rat procentu skadanego."; Text[ portuguese_brazilian ] = "Returns the future value of an initial principal after applying a series of compound interest rates"; Text[ japanese ] = "Returns the future value of an initial principal after applying a series of compound interest rates"; Text[ korean ] = "Returns the future value of an initial principal after applying a series of compound interest rates"; Text[ chinese_simplified ] = "Returns the future value of an initial principal after applying a series of compound interest rates"; Text[ chinese_traditional ] = "Returns the future value of an initial principal after applying a series of compound interest rates"; Text[ turkish ] = "Returns the future value of an initial principal after applying a series of compound interest rates"; Text[ arabic ] = "Returns the future value of an initial principal after applying a series of compound interest rates"; Text[ catalan ] = "Returns the future value of an initial principal after applying a series of compound interest rates"; }; String 2 // name of parameter 1 Fvschedule { Text = "Kapital"; Text[ english ] = "Kapital"; Text[ language_user1 ] = " "; Text[ english_us ] = "Principal"; Text[ portuguese ] = "Principal"; Text[ russian ] = "_"; Text[ greek ] = "Principal"; Text[ dutch ] = "Principal"; Text[ french ] = "Capital"; Text[ spanish ] = "Capital"; Text[ finnish ] = "Principal"; Text[ italian ] = "Capitale"; Text[ danish ] = "Principal"; Text[ swedish ] = "Kapital"; Text[ polish ] = "kapita"; Text[ portuguese_brazilian ] = "Principal"; Text[ japanese ] = "Principal"; Text[ korean ] = "Principal"; Text[ chinese_simplified ] = "Principal"; Text[ chinese_traditional ] = "Principal"; Text[ turkish ] = "Principal"; Text[ arabic ] = "Principal"; Text[ catalan ] = "Principal"; }; String 3 // description of parameter 1 Fvschedule { Text = "Kapital"; Text[ english ] = "Kapital"; Text[ language_user1 ] = " "; Text[ english_us ] = "Principal"; Text[ portuguese ] = "Principal"; Text[ russian ] = " ."; Text[ greek ] = "Principal"; Text[ dutch ] = "Principal"; Text[ french ] = "Capital"; Text[ spanish ] = "Capital"; Text[ finnish ] = "Principal"; Text[ italian ] = "Capitale"; Text[ danish ] = "Principal"; Text[ swedish ] = "Kapital"; Text[ polish ] = "warto obecna kapitau"; Text[ portuguese_brazilian ] = "Principal"; Text[ japanese ] = "Principal"; Text[ korean ] = "Principal"; Text[ chinese_simplified ] = "Principal"; Text[ chinese_traditional ] = "Principal"; Text[ turkish ] = "Principal"; Text[ arabic ] = "Principal"; Text[ catalan ] = "Principal"; }; String 4 // name of parameter 2 Fvschedule { Text = "Zinsen"; Text[ english ] = "Zinsen"; Text[ language_user1 ] = " "; Text[ english_us ] = "Schedule"; Text[ portuguese ] = "Schedule"; Text[ russian ] = ""; Text[ greek ] = "Schedule"; Text[ dutch ] = "Schedule"; Text[ french ] = "Schedule"; Text[ spanish ] = "Intereses"; Text[ finnish ] = "Schedule"; Text[ italian ] = "Interessi"; Text[ danish ] = "Schedule"; Text[ swedish ] = "Rntor"; Text[ polish ] = "stopy"; Text[ portuguese_brazilian ] = "Schedule"; Text[ japanese ] = "Schedule"; Text[ korean ] = "Schedule"; Text[ chinese_simplified ] = "Schedule"; Text[ chinese_traditional ] = "Schedule"; Text[ turkish ] = "Schedule"; Text[ arabic ] = "Schedule"; Text[ catalan ] = "Schedule"; }; String 5 // description of parameter 2 Fvschedule { Text = "Zinsen"; Text[ english ] = "Zinsen"; Text[ language_user1 ] = " "; Text[ english_us ] = "Schedule"; Text[ portuguese ] = "Schedule"; Text[ russian ] = " ."; Text[ greek ] = "Schedule"; Text[ dutch ] = "Schedule"; Text[ french ] = "Schedule"; Text[ spanish ] = "Intereses"; Text[ finnish ] = "Schedule"; Text[ italian ] = "Interessi"; Text[ danish ] = "Schedule"; Text[ swedish ] = "Rntor"; Text[ polish ] = "tablica stp procentowych"; Text[ portuguese_brazilian ] = "Schedule"; Text[ japanese ] = "Schedule"; Text[ korean ] = "Schedule"; Text[ chinese_simplified ] = "Schedule"; Text[ chinese_traditional ] = "Schedule"; Text[ turkish ] = "Schedule"; Text[ arabic ] = "Schedule"; Text[ catalan ] = "Schedule"; }; }; };