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#include "pricing.hrc"

// function and parameter description
    Resource PRICING_FUNCDESC_OptBarrier
        String 1    // description
            Text [ en-US ] = "pricing of a barrier option";

        String 2 // name of parameter 1
            Text [ en-US ] = "spot";
        String 3 // description of parameter 1
            Text [ en-US ] = "price/value of the underlying asset";

        String 4 // name of parameter 2
            Text [ en-US ] = "vol";
        String 5 // description of parameter 2
            Text [ en-US ] = "annual volatility of the underlying asset";

        String 6 // name of parameter 3
            Text [ en-US ] = "r";
        String 7 // description of parameter 3
            Text [ en-US ] = "interest rate (continuously compounded)";

        String 8 // name of parameter 4
            Text [ en-US ] = "rf";
        String 9 // description of parameter 4
            Text [ en-US ] = "foreign interest rate (continuously compounded)";

        String 10 // name of parameter 5
            Text [ en-US ] = "T";
        String 11 // description of parameter 5
            Text [ en-US ] = "time to maturity of the option in years";

        String 12 // name of parameter 6
            Text [ en-US ] = "strike";
        String 13 // description of parameter 6
            Text [ en-US ] = "strike level of the option";

        String 14 // name of parameter 7
            Text [ en-US ] = "barrier_low";
        String 15 // description of parameter 7
            Text [ en-US ] = "lower barrier (set to 0 for no lower barrier)";

        String 16 // name of parameter 8
            Text [ en-US ] = "barrier_up";
        String 17 // description of parameter 8
            Text [ en-US ] = "upper barrier (set to 0 for no upper barrier)";

        String 18 // name of parameter 8
            Text [ en-US ] = "rebate";
        String 19 // description of parameter 8
            Text [ en-US ] = "amount of money paid at maturity if barrier was hit";

        String 20 // name of parameter 10
            Text [ en-US ] = "put/call";
        String 21 // description of parameter 10
            Text [ en-US ] = "string to define if the option is a (p)ut or a (c)all";

        String 22 // name of parameter 11
            Text [ en-US ] = "knock in/out";
        String 23 // description of parameter 11
            Text [ en-US ] = "string to define if the option is of type knock-(i)n or knock-(o)ut";

        String 24 // name of parameter 12
            Text [ en-US ] = "barrier_type";
        String 25 // description of parameter 12
            Text [ en-US ] = "string to define whether the barrier is observed (c)ontinuously or only at the (e)nd/maturity";

        String 26 // name of parameter 13
            Text [ en-US ] = "greek";
        String 27 // description of parameter 13
            Text [ en-US ] = "optional parameter, if left out then the function simply returns the option price; if set, the function returns price sensitivities (Greeks) to one of the input parameters; possible values are (d)elta, (g)amma, (t)heta, v(e)ga, v(o)lga, v(a)nna, (r)ho, rho(f)";

    Resource PRICING_FUNCDESC_OptTouch
        String 1    // description
            Text [ en-US ] = "pricing of a touch/no-touch option";

        String 2 // name of parameter 1
            Text [ en-US ] = "spot";
        String 3 // description of parameter 1
            Text [ en-US ] = "price/value of the underlying asset";

        String 4 // name of parameter 2
            Text [ en-US ] = "vol";
        String 5 // description of parameter 2
            Text [ en-US ] = "annual volatility of the underlying asset";

        String 6 // name of parameter 3
            Text [ en-US ] = "r";
        String 7 // description of parameter 3
            Text [ en-US ] = "interest rate (continuously compounded)";

        String 8 // name of parameter 4
            Text [ en-US ] = "rf";
        String 9 // description of parameter 4
            Text [ en-US ] = "foreign interest rate (continuously compounded)";

        String 10 // name of parameter 5
            Text [ en-US ] = "T";
        String 11 // description of parameter 5
            Text [ en-US ] = "time to maturity of the option in years";

        String 12 // name of parameter 6
            Text [ en-US ] = "barrier_low";
        String 13 // description of parameter 6
            Text [ en-US ] = "lower barrier (set to 0 for no lower barrier)";

        String 14 // name of parameter 7
            Text [ en-US ] = "barrier_up";
        String 15 // description of parameter 7
            Text [ en-US ] = "upper barrier (set to 0 for no upper barrier)";

        String 16 // name of parameter 8
            Text [ en-US ] = "foreign/domestic";
        String 17 // description of parameter 8
            Text [ en-US ] = "string to define if the option pays one unit of (d)omestic currency (cash or nothing) or (f)oreign currency (asset or nothing)";

        String 18 // name of parameter 9
            Text [ en-US ] = "knock in/out";
        String 19 // description of parameter 9
            Text [ en-US ] = "string to define if the option is of type knock-(i)n (touch) or knock-(o)ut (no-touch)";

        String 20 // name of parameter 10
            Text [ en-US ] = "barrier_type";
        String 21 // description of parameter 10
            Text [ en-US ] = "string to define whether the barrier is observed (c)ontinuously or only at the (e)nd/maturity";

        String 22 // name of parameter 11
            Text [ en-US ] = "greek";
        String 23 // description of parameter 11
            Text [ en-US ] = "optional parameter, if left out then the function simply returns the option price; if set, the function returns price sensitivities (Greeks) to one of the input parameters; possible values are (d)elta, (g)amma, (t)heta, v(e)ga, v(o)lga, v(a)nna, (r)ho, rho(f)";

    Resource PRICING_FUNCDESC_OptProbHit
        String 1    // description
            Text [ en-US ] = "probability that an asset hits a barrier assuming it follows dS/S = mu dt + vol dW";

        String 2 // name of parameter 1
            Text [ en-US ] = "spot";
        String 3 // description of parameter 1
            Text [ en-US ] = "price/value S of the underlying asset";

        String 4 // name of parameter 2
            Text [ en-US ] = "vol";
        String 5 // description of parameter 2
            Text [ en-US ] = "annual volatility of the underlying asset";

        String 6 // name of parameter 3
            Text [ en-US ] = "drift";
        String 7 // description of parameter 3
            Text [ en-US ] = "parameter mu in dS/S = mu dt + vol dW";

        String 8 // name of parameter 4
            Text [ en-US ] = "T";
        String 9 // description of parameter 4
            Text [ en-US ] = "time to maturity";

        String 10 // name of parameter 5
            Text [ en-US ] = "barrier_low";
        String 11 // description of parameter 5
            Text [ en-US ] = "lower barrier (set to 0 for no lower barrier)";

        String 12 // name of parameter 6
            Text [ en-US ] = "barrier_up";
        String 13 // description of parameter 6
            Text [ en-US ] = "upper barrier (set to 0 for no upper barrier)";

    Resource PRICING_FUNCDESC_OptProbInMoney
        String 1    // description
            Text [ en-US ] = "probability that an asset will at maturity end up between two barrier levels, assuming it follows dS/S = mu dt + vol dW (if the last two optional parameters (strike, put/call) are specified, the probability of S_T in [strike, upper barrier] for a call and S_T in [lower barrier, strike] for a put will be returned)";

        String 2 // name of parameter 1
            Text [ en-US ] = "spot";
        String 3 // description of parameter 1
            Text [ en-US ] = "price/value of the asset";

        String 4 // name of parameter 2
            Text [ en-US ] = "vol";
        String 5 // description of parameter 2
            Text [ en-US ] = "annual volatility of the asset";

        String 6 // name of parameter 3
            Text [ en-US ] = "drift";
        String 7 // description of parameter 3
            Text [ en-US ] = "parameter mu from dS/S = mu dt + vol dW";

        String 8 // name of parameter 4
            Text [ en-US ] = "T";
        String 9 // description of parameter 4
            Text [ en-US ] = "time to maturity in years";

        String 10 // name of parameter 5
            Text [ en-US ] = "barrier_low";
        String 11 // description of parameter 5
            Text [ en-US ] = "lower barrier (set to 0 for no lower barrier)";

        String 12 // name of parameter 6
            Text [ en-US ] = "barrier_up";
        String 13 // description of parameter 6
            Text [ en-US ] = "upper barrier (set to 0 for no upper barrier)";

        String 14 // name of parameter 7
            Text [ en-US ] = "put/call";
        String 15 // description of parameter 7
            Text [ en-US ] = "optional (p)ut/(c)all indicator";

        String 16 // name of parameter 8
            Text [ en-US ] = "strike";
        String 17 // description of parameter 8
            Text [ en-US ] = "optional strike level";


// function names as accessible from cells
    String PRICING_FUNCNAME_OptBarrier
        Text [ en-US ] = "OPT_BARRIER";
    String PRICING_FUNCNAME_OptTouch
        Text [ en-US ] = "OPT_TOUCH";
    String PRICING_FUNCNAME_OptProbHit
        Text [ en-US ] = "OPT_PROB_HIT";
    String PRICING_FUNCNAME_OptProbInMoney
        Text [ en-US ] = "OPT_PROB_INMONEY";


// for translating function names
