/************************************************************************* * * OpenOffice.org - a multi-platform office productivity suite * * $RCSfile: ScriptSecurityManager.cxx,v $ * * $Revision: 1.21 $ * * last change: $Author: rt $ $Date: 2005-09-09 02:37:23 $ * * The Contents of this file are made available subject to * the terms of GNU Lesser General Public License Version 2.1. * * * GNU Lesser General Public License Version 2.1 * ============================================= * Copyright 2005 by Sun Microsystems, Inc. * 901 San Antonio Road, Palo Alto, CA 94303, USA * * This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or * modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public * License version 2.1, as published by the Free Software Foundation. * * This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU * Lesser General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public * License along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software * Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, * MA 02111-1307 USA * ************************************************************************/ #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include "ScriptSecurityManager.hxx" #include #include using namespace ::rtl; using namespace ::osl; using namespace ::com::sun::star; using namespace ::com::sun::star::uno; using namespace ::drafts::com::sun::star::script::framework; // is this in the utils? const char* const SCRIPTSTORAGEMANAGER_SERVICE = "/singletons/drafts.com.sun.star.script.framework.storage.theScriptStorageManager"; namespace scripting_securitymgr { static OUString s_configProv = ::rtl::OUString::createFromAscii( "com.sun.star.configuration.ConfigurationProvider"); static OUString s_configAccess = ::rtl::OUString::createFromAscii( "com.sun.star.configuration.ConfigurationAccess"); static OUString s_configUpdate = ::rtl::OUString::createFromAscii( "com.sun.star.configuration.ConfigurationUpdateAccess"); static OUString s_securityDialog = ::rtl::OUString::createFromAscii( "com.sun.star.script.framework.security.SecurityDialog"); static const int PERMISSION_NEVER = 0; static const int PERMISSION_PATHLIST = 1; static const int PERMISSION_ALWAYS = 2; static const int ALLOW_RUN = 1; static const int ADD_TO_PATH = 2; //************************************************************************* // ScriptSecurityManager Constructor ScriptSecurityManager::ScriptSecurityManager( const Reference< XComponentContext > & xContext ) throw ( RuntimeException ) : m_xContext( xContext) { OSL_TRACE( "< ScriptSecurityManager ctor called >\n" ); validateXRef( m_xContext, "ScriptSecurityManager::ScriptSecurityManager: invalid context" ); // get the service manager from the context Reference< lang::XMultiComponentFactory > xMgr = m_xContext->getServiceManager(); validateXRef( xMgr, "ScriptSecurityManager::ScriptSecurityManager: cannot get ServiceManager" ); // create an instance of the ConfigurationProvider Reference< XInterface > xInterface = xMgr->createInstanceWithContext( s_configProv, m_xContext ); validateXRef( xInterface, "ScriptSecurityManager::ScriptSecurityManager: cannot get ConfigurationProvider" ); // create an instance of the ConfigurationAccess for accessing the // scripting security settings m_xConfigProvFactory = Reference < lang::XMultiServiceFactory > ( xInterface, UNO_QUERY ); validateXRef( m_xConfigProvFactory, "ScriptSecurityManager::ScriptSecurityManager: cannot get XMultiServiceFactory interface from ConfigurationProvider" ); } void ScriptSecurityManager::addScriptStorage( rtl::OUString scriptStorageURL, sal_Int32 storageID) throw ( RuntimeException ) { Permission_Hash::const_iterator ph_it = m_permissionSettings.find( scriptStorageURL ); if ( ph_it != m_permissionSettings.end() ) { OSL_TRACE( "ScriptSecurityManager::addScriptStorage: already called for %s", ::rtl::OUStringToOString( scriptStorageURL, RTL_TEXTENCODING_ASCII_US ).pData->buffer); return; } StoragePerm newPerm; newPerm.scriptStorageURL=scriptStorageURL; newPerm.storageID=storageID; // we err on the side of caution!! newPerm.execPermission=sal_False; //need to check if storage has any scripts try { /* need to replace this with something better, now logical names are * gone Reference< XInterface > xInterface; Any a = m_xContext->getValueByName( OUString::createFromAscii( SCRIPTSTORAGEMANAGER_SERVICE ) ); if ( sal_False == ( a >>= xInterface ) ) { throw RuntimeException( OUSTR( "ScriptSecurityManager::addScriptStorage: could not obtain ScriptStorageManager singleton" ), Reference< XInterface >() ); } validateXRef( xInterface, "ScriptSecurityManager::addScriptStorage: cannot get Storage service" ); Reference< storage::XScriptStorageManager > xScriptStorageManager( xInterface, UNO_QUERY_THROW ); Reference< XInterface > xScriptStorage = xScriptStorageManager->getScriptStorage( storageID ); validateXRef( xScriptStorage, "ScriptNameResolverImpl::getStorageInstance: cannot get Script Storage service" ); Reference< storage::XScriptInfoAccess > xScriptInfoAccess = Reference< storage::XScriptInfoAccess > ( xScriptStorage, UNO_QUERY_THROW ); Sequence< ::rtl::OUString > logicalNames = xScriptInfoAccess->getScriptLogicalNames(); if( !logicalNames.getLength() ) // we have no logical names { return; } */ // we have some scripts so read config & decide on that basis // Setup flags: m_runMacroSetting, m_warning, m_confirmationRequired, readConfiguration(); } catch ( RuntimeException & rte ) { OSL_TRACE( "ScriptSecurityManager::addScriptStorage: caught RuntimeException: %s", ::rtl::OUStringToOString( rte.Message, RTL_TEXTENCODING_ASCII_US ).pData->buffer); throw RuntimeException( OUSTR( "ScriptSecurityManager::addScriptStorage: caught RuntimeException" ).concat( rte.Message ), Reference< XInterface >() ); } switch( m_runMacroSetting ) { case PERMISSION_NEVER: // never { OSL_TRACE("never run"); break; } case PERMISSION_PATHLIST: // according to path list { OSL_TRACE("according to path"); // check path rtl::OUString path = scriptStorageURL.copy( 0, scriptStorageURL.lastIndexOf( '/' ) ); OSL_TRACE( "no of elts in path list = %d", (int)m_secureURL.getLength() ); bool match = isSecureURL( path ); if( match && ( m_warning == sal_True ) ) { OSL_TRACE("path match & warning dialog"); int result = (int)executeStandardDialog(); OSL_TRACE("result = %d", (int)result); if ( (result&ALLOW_RUN) == ALLOW_RUN ) { newPerm.execPermission=sal_True; } break; } else if ( match ) { OSL_TRACE("path match & no warning dialog"); newPerm.execPermission=sal_True; break; } else if( m_confirmationRequired == sal_True ) { OSL_TRACE("no path match & confirmation dialog"); int result = (int)executePathDialog( path ); OSL_TRACE("result = %d", (int)result); if ( (result&ALLOW_RUN) == ALLOW_RUN ) { newPerm.execPermission=sal_True; } if ( (result&ADD_TO_PATH) == ADD_TO_PATH ) { /* if checkbox clicked then need to add path to registry*/ addToSecurePaths(path); } } break; } case PERMISSION_ALWAYS: // always if( m_warning == sal_True ) { OSL_TRACE("always & warning dialog"); short result = executeStandardDialog(); if ( (result&ALLOW_RUN) == ALLOW_RUN ) { newPerm.execPermission=sal_True; } } else { OSL_TRACE("always & no warning dialog"); newPerm.execPermission=sal_True; } break; default: // throw RuntimeException( OUSTR( "ScriptSecurityManager::addScriptStorage got invalid OfficeBasic setting"), Reference< XInterface > ()); } if ( newPerm.execPermission == sal_True ) { OSL_TRACE("setting exec permission to true for %s", ::rtl::OUStringToOString( scriptStorageURL, RTL_TEXTENCODING_ASCII_US ).pData->buffer ); } else { OSL_TRACE("setting exec permission to false for %s", ::rtl::OUStringToOString( scriptStorageURL, RTL_TEXTENCODING_ASCII_US ).pData->buffer ); } m_permissionSettings[ scriptStorageURL ] = newPerm; } bool ScriptSecurityManager::isSecureURL( const OUString & path ) { bool match = false; OSL_TRACE( "no of elts in path list = %d", (int)m_secureURL.getLength() ); OSL_TRACE("document path: %s", ::rtl::OUStringToOString( path, RTL_TEXTENCODING_ASCII_US ).pData->buffer); int length = m_secureURL.getLength(); for( int j = 0; j < length ; j++ ) { OSL_TRACE("path list element: %s", ::rtl::OUStringToOString( m_secureURL[j], RTL_TEXTENCODING_ASCII_US ).pData->buffer); #ifdef WIN32 OSL_TRACE("case insensitive comparison"); if( path.equalsIgnoreAsciiCase( m_secureURL[j] ) ) #else OSL_TRACE("case sensitive comparison"); if( path.equals( m_secureURL[j] ) ) #endif { match = true; break; } } return match; } short ScriptSecurityManager::executeStandardDialog() throw ( RuntimeException ) { OUString dummyString; return executeDialog( dummyString ); } short ScriptSecurityManager::executePathDialog( const OUString & path ) throw ( RuntimeException ) { return executeDialog( path ); } short ScriptSecurityManager::executeDialog( const OUString & path ) throw ( RuntimeException ) { Sequence < Any > aArgs; if( path.getLength() != 0 ) { OSL_TRACE("reallocing"); aArgs.realloc(1); aArgs[ 0 ] <<= path; } short result; try { Reference< lang::XMultiComponentFactory > xMgr = m_xContext->getServiceManager(); validateXRef( xMgr, "ScriptSecurityManager::executeDialog: cannot get ServiceManager" ); Reference< XInterface > xInterface = xMgr->createInstanceWithArgumentsAndContext( s_securityDialog, aArgs, m_xContext ); validateXRef( xInterface, "ScriptSecurityManager::executeDialog: Can't create SecurityDialog" ); Reference< awt::XDialog > xDialog( xInterface, UNO_QUERY_THROW ); result = xDialog->execute(); Reference< lang::XComponent > xComponent( xInterface, UNO_QUERY_THROW ); validateXRef( xInterface, "ScriptSecurityManager::executeDialog: Can't get XComponent to dispose dialog" ); xComponent->dispose(); } catch ( RuntimeException & rte ) { throw RuntimeException( OUSTR( "ScriptSecurityManager::executeDialog: caught RuntimeException: ").concat( rte.Message ), Reference< XInterface > ()); } catch ( Exception & e ) { throw RuntimeException( OUSTR( "ScriptSecurityManager::executeDialog: caught Exception: ").concat( e.Message ), Reference< XInterface > ()); } return result; } /** * checks to see whether the requested ScriptPermission is allowed. * This was modelled after the Java AccessController, but at this time * we can't see a good reason not to return a bool, rather than throw * an exception if the request is not granted (as is the case in Java). */ void ScriptSecurityManager::checkPermission( const OUString & scriptStorageURL, const OUString & permissionRequest ) throw ( RuntimeException, lang::IllegalArgumentException, security::AccessControlException ) { if( permissionRequest.equals( OUString::createFromAscii( "execute" ) ) ) { OSL_TRACE( "ScriptSecurityManager::checkPermission: execute permission request for %s", ::rtl::OUStringToOString( scriptStorageURL, RTL_TEXTENCODING_ASCII_US ).pData->buffer); Permission_Hash::const_iterator ph_it = m_permissionSettings.find( scriptStorageURL ); Permission_Hash::const_iterator ph_itend = m_permissionSettings.end(); if ( ph_it != ph_itend ) { if ( ph_it->second.execPermission ) { return; } else { OSL_TRACE( "permission refused" ); Any aPermission; security::RuntimePermission permission; permission.Name = OUString::createFromAscii( "execute" ).concat( scriptStorageURL ); aPermission <<= permission; throw security::AccessControlException( OUString::createFromAscii( "ScriptSecurityManager::checkPermission: no execute permission for URL" ).concat( scriptStorageURL ), Reference< XInterface > (), aPermission ); } } // we should never get here!! throw lang::IllegalArgumentException( OUString::createFromAscii( "ScriptSecurityManager::checkPermission: storageURL not found" ), Reference< XInterface > (), 0 ); } // inappropriate permission request throw lang::IllegalArgumentException( OUString::createFromAscii( "ScriptSecurityManager::checkPermission: storageURL not found" ), Reference< XInterface > (), 1 ); } void ScriptSecurityManager::removePermissionSettings ( ::rtl::OUString & scriptStorageURL ) { Permission_Hash::const_iterator ph_it = m_permissionSettings.find( scriptStorageURL ); if ( ph_it == m_permissionSettings.end() ) { OSL_TRACE( "Entry for storage url %s doesn't exist in map", ::rtl::OUStringToOString( scriptStorageURL, RTL_TEXTENCODING_ASCII_US ).pData->buffer); return; } // erase the entry from the hash m_permissionSettings.erase( scriptStorageURL ); } void ScriptSecurityManager::readConfiguration() throw ( RuntimeException) { Reference< XInterface > xInterface; try { beans::PropertyValue configPath; configPath.Name = ::rtl::OUString::createFromAscii( "nodepath" ); configPath.Value <<= ::rtl::OUString::createFromAscii( "org.openoffice.Office.Common/Security/Scripting" ); Sequence < Any > aargs( 1 ); aargs[ 0 ] <<= configPath; validateXRef( m_xConfigProvFactory, "ScriptSecurityManager::readConfiguration: ConfigProviderFactory no longer valid!" ); xInterface = m_xConfigProvFactory->createInstanceWithArguments( s_configAccess, aargs ); validateXRef( xInterface, "ScriptSecurityManager::readConfiguration: cannot get ConfigurationAccess" ); // get the XPropertySet interface from the ConfigurationAccess service Reference < beans::XPropertySet > xPropSet( xInterface, UNO_QUERY ); Any value; value=xPropSet->getPropertyValue( OUSTR( "Confirmation" ) ); if ( sal_False == ( value >>= m_confirmationRequired ) ) { throw RuntimeException( OUSTR( "ScriptSecurityManager:readConfiguration: can't get Confirmation setting" ), Reference< XInterface > () ); } if ( m_confirmationRequired == sal_True ) { OSL_TRACE( "ScriptSecurityManager:readConfiguration: confirmation is true" ); } else { OSL_TRACE( "ScriptSecurityManager:readConfiguration: confirmation is false" ); } value=xPropSet->getPropertyValue( OUSTR( "Warning" ) ); if ( sal_False == ( value >>= m_warning ) ) { throw RuntimeException( OUSTR( "ScriptSecurityManager:readConfiguration: can't get Warning setting" ), Reference< XInterface > () ); } if ( m_warning == sal_True ) { OSL_TRACE( "ScriptSecurityManager:readConfiguration: warning is true" ); } else { OSL_TRACE( "ScriptSecurityManager:readConfiguration: warning is false" ); } value=xPropSet->getPropertyValue( OUSTR( "OfficeBasic" ) ); if ( sal_False == ( value >>= m_runMacroSetting ) ) { throw RuntimeException( OUSTR( "ScriptSecurityManager:readConfiguration: can't get OfficeBasic setting" ), Reference< XInterface > () ); } OSL_TRACE( "ScriptSecurityManager:readConfiguration: OfficeBasic = %d", m_runMacroSetting ); value=xPropSet->getPropertyValue( OUSTR( "SecureURL" ) ); if ( sal_False == ( value >>= m_secureURL ) ) { throw RuntimeException( OUSTR( "ScriptSecurityManager:readConfiguration: can't get SecureURL setting" ), Reference< XInterface > () ); } } catch ( beans::UnknownPropertyException & upe ) { throw RuntimeException( OUSTR( "ScriptSecurityManager:readConfiguration: Attempt to read unknown property: " ).concat( upe.Message ), Reference< XInterface > () ); } catch ( lang::WrappedTargetException & wte ) { throw RuntimeException( OUSTR( "ScriptSecurityManager:readConfiguration: wrapped target exception? :" ).concat( wte.Message ), Reference< XInterface > () ); } catch ( Exception & e ) { OSL_TRACE( "Unknown exception in readconf: %s", ::rtl::OUStringToOString(e.Message , RTL_TEXTENCODING_ASCII_US ).pData->buffer ); throw RuntimeException( OUSTR( "ScriptSecurityManager:readConfiguration: exception? :" ).concat( e.Message ), Reference< XInterface > () ); } #ifdef _DEBUG catch ( ... ) { OSL_TRACE( "Completely Unknown exception in readconf!!!!!!"); throw RuntimeException( OUSTR( "ScriptSecurityManager:readConfiguration: exception? :" ), Reference< XInterface > () ); } #endif int length = m_secureURL.getLength(); // PathSubstitution needed to interpret variables found in config Reference< lang::XMultiComponentFactory > xMgr = m_xContext->getServiceManager(); validateXRef( xMgr, "ScriptSecurityManager::readConfiguration: cannot get XMultiComponentFactory" ); xInterface = xMgr->createInstanceWithContext( ::rtl::OUString::createFromAscii( "com.sun.star.util.PathSubstitution"), m_xContext); validateXRef( xInterface, "ScriptSecurityManager::readConfiguration: cannot get ConfigurationProvider" ); Reference< util::XStringSubstitution > xStringSubstitution( xInterface, UNO_QUERY); validateXRef( xStringSubstitution, "ScriptSecurityManager::readConfiguration: cannot get ConfigurationProvider" ); for( int i = 0; i < length; i++ ) { OSL_TRACE( "ScriptSecurityManager:readConfiguration path = %s", ::rtl::OUStringToOString(m_secureURL[i] , RTL_TEXTENCODING_ASCII_US ).pData->buffer ); OSL_TRACE( "ScriptSecurityManager: subpath = %s", ::rtl::OUStringToOString( xStringSubstitution->substituteVariables( m_secureURL[i], true ), RTL_TEXTENCODING_ASCII_US ).pData->buffer ); m_secureURL[i] = xStringSubstitution->substituteVariables( m_secureURL[i], true ); } #ifdef _DEBUG int length2 = m_secureURL.getLength(); for( int j = 0; j < length2 ; j++ ) { OSL_TRACE( "ScriptSecurityManager: path = %s", ::rtl::OUStringToOString(m_secureURL[j] , RTL_TEXTENCODING_ASCII_US ).pData->buffer ); } #endif } void ScriptSecurityManager::addToSecurePaths( const OUString & path ) throw ( RuntimeException ) { OSL_TRACE( "--->ScriptSecurityManager::addToSecurePaths" ); beans::PropertyValue configPath; configPath.Name = ::rtl::OUString::createFromAscii( "nodepath" ); configPath.Value <<= ::rtl::OUString::createFromAscii( "org.openoffice.Office.Common/Security/Scripting" ); Sequence < Any > aargs( 1 ); aargs[ 0 ] <<= configPath; Reference< XInterface > xInterface = m_xConfigProvFactory->createInstanceWithArguments( s_configUpdate, aargs ); validateXRef( xInterface, "ScriptSecurityManager::addToSecurePaths: ScriptSecurityManager: cannot get ConfigurationUpdateAccess" ); Reference < container::XNameReplace > xNameReplace( xInterface, UNO_QUERY ); validateXRef( xNameReplace, "ScriptSecurityManager::addToSecurePaths: ScriptSecurityManager: cannot get XNameReplace" ); Reference < util::XChangesBatch > xChangesBatch( xInterface, UNO_QUERY ); validateXRef( xChangesBatch, "ScriptSecurityManager::addToSecurePaths: cannot get XChangesBatch" ); OSL_TRACE( "--->ScriptSecurityManager::addToSecurePaths: after if stuff" ); Reference < beans::XPropertySet > xPropSet( xInterface, UNO_QUERY ); css::uno::Sequence< rtl::OUString > newSecureURL; Any value; OUString pathListPropName = OUSTR ( "SecureURL" ); value=xPropSet->getPropertyValue( pathListPropName ); if ( sal_False == ( value >>= newSecureURL ) ) { throw RuntimeException( OUSTR( "ScriptSecurityManager::addToSecurePaths: can't get SecureURL setting" ), Reference< XInterface > () ); } try { sal_Int32 length = newSecureURL.getLength(); newSecureURL.realloc( length + 1 ); newSecureURL[ length ] = path; Any aNewSecureURL; aNewSecureURL <<= newSecureURL; xNameReplace->replaceByName( pathListPropName, aNewSecureURL ); xChangesBatch->commitChanges(); m_secureURL = newSecureURL; } catch ( Exception & e ) { OSL_TRACE( "Error updating secure paths: " ); throw RuntimeException( OUSTR( "ScriptSecurityManager::addToSecurePaths: error updating SecureURL setting" ).concat( e.Message ), Reference< XInterface > () ); } } //************************************************************************* // ScriptSecurityManager Destructor ScriptSecurityManager::~ScriptSecurityManager() { OSL_TRACE( "< ScriptSecurityManager dtor called >\n" ); } } // Namespace