# LibreOffice Impress / Draw Application The core directory for the impress/draw applications. Think of impress as a hack on top of draw. `sd` module contains impress/draw specific code, non-shared UI and part of `ppt` and `pptx` filter, few other filters too. the slideshow UI lives here as well, the slideshow engine is in `slideshow` module though (including the 3D transitions engine `slideshow/source/engine/opengl`). the most used filters are ODF's `odp`, binary ppt and OOXML's `pptx`. their locations are listed below: * `odp` import and export filters are in `xmloff` module (mostly `xmloff/source/draw`) * `ppt` import is in `sd/source/filter/ppt` (big shared chunks are also in `svx`) * `ppt` export is in `sd/source/filter/eppt` (big shared chunks are also in `svx`) * `pptx` import is in `oox/source/ppt` (and uses a lot of `oox/source/drawingml` and `oox/source/*`) * `pptx` export is in `sd/source/filter/eppt` (mostly in `pptx-*` source files) and shared part is in `oox/source/export` ## PPTX Export / Import Filters PPTX export filter is split into 2 parts. Impress related part is in `sd/source/filter/eppt/pptx-*` and the other part is in `oox/source/export/` because it contains mostly code related to `DrawingML`, which is shared with writer and calc ooxml export. The export filter was written in 2009 IIRC and was not much extended feature-wise lately. ## Future Works Add custom shapes export (see below). enhance text output, we don't write text style for indentation levels now, need to export `a:lvl1pPr`, `a:lvl2pPr`, ... elements. `PPTX` import was written by Sun/Oracle and then extended in LibreOffice a lot during bug fixing. It is located in `oox/source/ppt` and `oox/source/drawingml`. The areas with most bugs (at least until today) were shape placeholders and text style inheritance. reoffice-6-3
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