/************************************************************************* * * OpenOffice.org - a multi-platform office productivity suite * * $RCSfile: ViewShellBase.sdi,v $ * * $Revision: 1.12 $ * * last change: $Author: obo $ $Date: 2005-11-16 09:19:58 $ * * The Contents of this file are made available subject to * the terms of GNU Lesser General Public License Version 2.1. * * * GNU Lesser General Public License Version 2.1 * ============================================= * Copyright 2005 by Sun Microsystems, Inc. * 901 San Antonio Road, Palo Alto, CA 94303, USA * * This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or * modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public * License version 2.1, as published by the Free Software Foundation. * * This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU * Lesser General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public * License along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software * Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, * MA 02111-1307 USA * ************************************************************************/ /** This item holds the requested type of view shell when calling the SID_SWITCH_SHELL slot. */ SfxInt32Item SwitchViewShell SID_SWITCH_SHELL [ /* flags: */ AutoUpdate = FALSE, Cachable = Cachable, FastCall = FALSE, HasCoreId = FALSE, HasDialog = FALSE, ReadOnlyDoc = TRUE, Toggle = FALSE, Container = FALSE, RecordAbsolute = FALSE, RecordPerSet; Asynchron; Readonly = FALSE, /* config: */ AccelConfig = FALSE, MenuConfig = FALSE, StatusBarConfig = FALSE, ToolBoxConfig = FALSE, GroupId = GID_VIEW; ] /** This item holds the requested pane of the multi pane GUI in which a change of the view shell is requested by a call to the SID_SWITCH_SHELL slot. */ SfxInt32Item SwitchViewShellPane SID_SWITCH_SHELL_PANE [ // flags: AutoUpdate = FALSE, Cachable = Cachable, FastCall = FALSE, HasCoreId = FALSE, HasDialog = FALSE, ReadOnlyDoc = TRUE, Toggle = FALSE, Container = FALSE, RecordAbsolute = FALSE, RecordPerSet; Asynchron; Readonly = FALSE, // config: AccelConfig = FALSE, MenuConfig = FALSE, StatusBarConfig = FALSE, ToolBoxConfig = FALSE, GroupId = GID_VIEW; ] SfxBoolItem LeftPaneImpress SID_LEFT_PANE_IMPRESS [ /* flags: */ AutoUpdate = TRUE, Cachable = Cachable, FastCall = FALSE, HasCoreId = FALSE, HasDialog = TRUE, ReadOnlyDoc = TRUE, Toggle = FALSE, Container = FALSE, RecordAbsolute = FALSE, RecordPerSet; Asynchron; Readonly = FALSE, /* config: */ AccelConfig = TRUE, MenuConfig = TRUE, StatusBarConfig = FALSE, ToolBoxConfig = TRUE, GroupId = GID_MODIFY; ] SfxBoolItem LeftPaneDraw SID_LEFT_PANE_DRAW [ /* flags: */ AutoUpdate = TRUE, Cachable = Cachable, FastCall = FALSE, HasCoreId = FALSE, HasDialog = TRUE, ReadOnlyDoc = TRUE, Toggle = FALSE, Container = FALSE, RecordAbsolute = FALSE, RecordPerSet; Asynchron; Readonly = FALSE, /* config: */ AccelConfig = TRUE, MenuConfig = TRUE, StatusBarConfig = FALSE, ToolBoxConfig = TRUE, GroupId = GID_MODIFY; ] SfxBoolItem RightPane SID_RIGHT_PANE [ /* flags: */ AutoUpdate = TRUE, Cachable = Cachable, FastCall = FALSE, HasCoreId = FALSE, HasDialog = TRUE, ReadOnlyDoc = FALSE, Toggle = FALSE, Container = FALSE, RecordAbsolute = FALSE, RecordPerSet; Asynchron; Readonly = FALSE, /* config: */ AccelConfig = TRUE, MenuConfig = TRUE, StatusBarConfig = FALSE, ToolBoxConfig = TRUE, GroupId = GID_MODIFY; ] SfxVoidItem NotesChildWindow SID_NOTES_WINDOW [ /* flags: */ AutoUpdate = TRUE, Cachable = Cachable, FastCall = FALSE, HasCoreId = FALSE, HasDialog = FALSE, ReadOnlyDoc = FALSE, Toggle = FALSE, Container = TRUE, RecordAbsolute = FALSE, RecordPerSet; Asynchron; Readonly = FALSE, /* config: */ AccelConfig = FALSE, MenuConfig = FALSE, StatusBarConfig = FALSE, ToolBoxConfig = FALSE, GroupId = GID_VIEW; ] SfxBoolItem NormalMultiPaneGUI SID_NORMAL_MULTI_PANE_GUI [ /* flags: */ AutoUpdate = TRUE, Cachable = Cachable, FastCall = FALSE, HasCoreId = FALSE, HasDialog = TRUE, ReadOnlyDoc = TRUE, Toggle = FALSE, Container = FALSE, RecordAbsolute = FALSE, RecordPerSet; Asynchron; Readonly = FALSE, /* config: */ AccelConfig = TRUE, MenuConfig = TRUE, StatusBarConfig = FALSE, ToolBoxConfig = TRUE, GroupId = GID_MODIFY; ] SfxBoolItem SlideSorterMultiPaneGUI SID_SLIDE_SORTER_MULTI_PANE_GUI [ /* flags: */ AutoUpdate = TRUE, Cachable = Cachable, FastCall = FALSE, HasCoreId = FALSE, HasDialog = TRUE, ReadOnlyDoc = FALSE, Toggle = FALSE, Container = FALSE, RecordAbsolute = FALSE, RecordPerSet; Asynchron; Readonly = FALSE, /* config: */ AccelConfig = TRUE, MenuConfig = TRUE, StatusBarConfig = FALSE, ToolBoxConfig = TRUE, GroupId = GID_MODIFY; ] SfxVoidItem TaskPaneShowPanel SID_TASK_PANE ( SfxBoolItem IsPanelVisible ID_VAL_ISVISIBLE, SfxUInt32Item PanelId ID_VAL_PANEL_INDEX) [ /* flags: */ AutoUpdate = TRUE, Cachable = Cachable, FastCall = FALSE, HasCoreId = FALSE, HasDialog = FALSE, ReadOnlyDoc = FALSE, Toggle = FALSE, Container = TRUE, RecordAbsolute = FALSE, RecordPerSet; Synchron; /* config: */ AccelConfig = FALSE, MenuConfig = FALSE, StatusBarConfig = FALSE, ToolBoxConfig = FALSE, GroupId = GID_VIEW; ] interface ViewShellBaseView : View { SID_SWITCH_SHELL [ ExecMethod = Execute; ] SID_LEFT_PANE_IMPRESS [ ExecMethod = Execute; StateMethod = GetState; ] SID_LEFT_PANE_DRAW [ ExecMethod = Execute; StateMethod = GetState; ] SID_RIGHT_PANE [ ExecMethod = Execute; StateMethod = GetState; ] SID_NOTES_WINDOW [ ExecMethod = Execute; StateMethod = GetState; ] SID_NORMAL_MULTI_PANE_GUI [ ExecMethod = Execute; StateMethod = GetState; ] SID_SLIDE_SORTER_MULTI_PANE_GUI [ ExecMethod = Execute; StateMethod = GetState; ] SID_DRAWINGMODE [ ExecMethod = Execute; StateMethod = GetState; ] SID_DIAMODE [ ExecMethod = Execute; StateMethod = GetState; ] SID_OUTLINEMODE [ ExecMethod = Execute; StateMethod = GetState; ] SID_NOTESMODE [ ExecMethod = Execute; StateMethod = GetState; ] SID_HANDOUTMODE [ ExecMethod = Execute; StateMethod = GetState; ] SID_TASK_PANE [ ExecMethod = Execute; StateMethod = GetState; ] SID_WIN_FULLSCREEN [ ExecMethod = Execute; StateMethod = GetState; ] FN_INSERT_SOFT_HYPHEN // status(final|play) [ ExecMethod = Execute ; StateMethod = GetState ; ] FN_INSERT_HARDHYPHEN // status() [ ExecMethod = Execute ; StateMethod = GetState ; ] FN_INSERT_HARD_SPACE // status(final|play) [ ExecMethod = Execute ; StateMethod = GetState ; ] SID_INSERT_RLM [ ExecMethod = Execute ; StateMethod = GetState ; ] SID_INSERT_LRM [ ExecMethod = Execute ; StateMethod = GetState ; ] SID_INSERT_ZWSP [ ExecMethod = Execute ; StateMethod = GetState ; ] SID_INSERT_ZWNBSP [ ExecMethod = Execute ; StateMethod = GetState ; ] SID_RESTORE_EDITING_VIEW [ ExecMethod = Execute ; StateMethod = GetState ; ] } shell ViewShellBase : SfxViewShell { import ViewShellBaseView[Automation]; }