/* -*- Mode: C++; tab-width: 4; indent-tabs-mode: nil; c-basic-offset: 4 -*- */
 * This file is part of the LibreOffice project.
 * This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
 * License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
 * file, You can obtain one at http://mozilla.org/MPL/2.0/.
 * This file incorporates work covered by the following license notice:
 *   Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one or more
 *   contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file distributed
 *   with this work for additional information regarding copyright
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#include "PresenterBitmapContainer.hxx"
#include "PresenterConfigurationAccess.hxx"
#include <com/sun/star/uno/XComponentContext.hpp>
#include <com/sun/star/rendering/XCanvas.hpp>
#include <com/sun/star/rendering/XCanvasFont.hpp>
#include <memory>

namespace sdext::presenter {

/** A theme is a set of properties describing fonts, colors, and bitmaps to be used to draw
    background, pane borders, and view content.

    At the moment the properties can be accessed via the getPropertyValue() method.

    For a resource URL of a pane or a view you get the name of the
    associated PaneStyle or ViewStyle.

    For the name of pane or view style suffixed with and underscore and the
    name of configuration property, and maybe additionally suffixed by
    another underscore and sub property name you get the associated

    Example: you want to access the top left bitmap of a pane border
        (simplified code):

    OUString sStyleName = getPropertyValue("private:resource/pane/Presenter/Pane1");
    XBitmap xBitmap = getPropertyValue(sStyleName + "_TopLeftBitmap");

    For the offset of the bitmap you can call
    Point aOffset = getPropertyValue(sStyleName + "_TopLeftOffset");

    This is work in progress.
class PresenterTheme
    PresenterTheme (
        css::uno::Reference<css::uno::XComponentContext> xContext,
        css::uno::Reference<css::rendering::XCanvas> xCanvas);

    bool HasCanvas() const;
    void ProvideCanvas (const css::uno::Reference<css::rendering::XCanvas>& rxCanvas);

    OUString GetStyleName (const OUString& rsResourceURL) const;
    ::std::vector<sal_Int32> GetBorderSize (
        const OUString& rsStyleName,
        const bool bOuter) const;

    class Theme;
    class FontDescriptor
        explicit FontDescriptor (const std::shared_ptr<FontDescriptor>& rpDescriptor);

        OUString msFamilyName;
        OUString msStyleName;
        sal_Int32 mnSize;
        sal_uInt32 mnColor;
        OUString msAnchor;
        sal_Int32 mnXOffset;
        sal_Int32 mnYOffset;
        css::uno::Reference<css::rendering::XCanvasFont> mxFont;

        bool PrepareFont (const css::uno::Reference<css::rendering::XCanvas>& rxCanvas);

        css::uno::Reference<css::rendering::XCanvasFont> CreateFont (
            const css::uno::Reference<css::rendering::XCanvas>& rxCanvas,
            const double nCellSize) const;
        double GetCellSizeForDesignSize (
            const css::uno::Reference<css::rendering::XCanvas>& rxCanvas,
            const double nDesignSize) const;
    typedef std::shared_ptr<FontDescriptor> SharedFontDescriptor;

    SharedBitmapDescriptor GetBitmap (
        const OUString& rsStyleName,
        const OUString& rsBitmapName) const;

    SharedBitmapDescriptor GetBitmap (
        const OUString& rsBitmapName) const;

    std::shared_ptr<PresenterBitmapContainer> GetBitmapContainer() const;

    SharedFontDescriptor GetFont (
        const OUString& rsStyleName) const;

    static SharedFontDescriptor ReadFont (
        const css::uno::Reference<css::container::XHierarchicalNameAccess>& rxNode,
        const SharedFontDescriptor& rDefaultFount);

    static bool ConvertToColor (
        const css::uno::Any& rColorSequence,
        sal_uInt32& rColor);

    std::shared_ptr<PresenterConfigurationAccess> GetNodeForViewStyle (
        const OUString& rsStyleName) const;

    css::uno::Reference<css::uno::XComponentContext> mxContext;
    std::shared_ptr<Theme> mpTheme;
    css::uno::Reference<css::rendering::XCanvas> mxCanvas;

    std::shared_ptr<Theme> ReadTheme();

} // end of namespace ::sd::presenter


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