/************************************************************************* * * OpenOffice.org - a multi-platform office productivity suite * * $RCSfile: AnimationSchemesPane.cxx,v $ * * $Revision: 1.4 $ * * last change: $Author: obo $ $Date: 2006-03-21 17:11:55 $ * * The Contents of this file are made available subject to * the terms of GNU Lesser General Public License Version 2.1. * * * GNU Lesser General Public License Version 2.1 * ============================================= * Copyright 2005 by Sun Microsystems, Inc. * 901 San Antonio Road, Palo Alto, CA 94303, USA * * This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or * modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public * License version 2.1, as published by the Free Software Foundation. * * This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU * Lesser General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public * License along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software * Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, * MA 02111-1307 USA * ************************************************************************/ #include "AnimationSchemesPane.hxx" #include "AnimationSchemesPane.hrc" #include "CustomAnimation.hrc" #include "TransitionPreset.hxx" #include "sdresid.hxx" #include "ViewShellBase.hxx" #include "DrawDocShell.hxx" #include "SlideSorterViewShell.hxx" #include "PaneManager.hxx" #include "drawdoc.hxx" #include "filedlg.hxx" #include "strings.hrc" #include "EventMultiplexer.hxx" #ifndef _COM_SUN_STAR_BEANS_XPROPERTYSET_HPP_ #include <com/sun/star/beans/XPropertySet.hpp> #endif #ifndef _SVT_CONTROLDIMS_HRC_ #include <svtools/controldims.hrc> #endif #ifndef _GALLERY_HXX_ #include <svx/gallery.hxx> #endif #ifndef INCLUDED_SVTOOLS_PATHOPTIONS_HXX #include <svtools/pathoptions.hxx> #endif #ifndef _SV_MSGBOX_HXX #include <vcl/msgbox.hxx> #endif #ifndef _URLOBJ_HXX #include <tools/urlobj.hxx> #endif #include <algorithm> using namespace ::com::sun::star; using ::com::sun::star::uno::Reference; using ::com::sun::star::uno::Sequence; using ::rtl::OUString; using ::com::sun::star::uno::RuntimeException; // ______________________ // // Local Helper Functions // ______________________ namespace { ::sd::slidesorter::SlideSorterViewShell * lcl_getSlideSorterViewShell( ::sd::ViewShellBase& rBase ) { // Find a slide sorter to get the selection from. When one is // displayed in the center pane use that. Otherwise use the one in // the left pane. ::sd::ViewShell * pSlideSorter = rBase.GetPaneManager().GetViewShell( ::sd::PaneManager::PT_CENTER ); if( pSlideSorter && pSlideSorter->GetShellType() != ::sd::ViewShell::ST_SLIDE_SORTER ) { pSlideSorter = rBase.GetPaneManager().GetViewShell( ::sd::PaneManager::PT_LEFT ); } if( pSlideSorter && pSlideSorter->GetShellType() != ::sd::ViewShell::ST_SLIDE_SORTER ) pSlideSorter = 0; ::sd::slidesorter::SlideSorterViewShell * pSlideSorterViewShell = dynamic_cast< ::sd::slidesorter::SlideSorterViewShell * >( pSlideSorter ); return pSlideSorterViewShell; } ::std::vector< SdPage * > lcl_getSelectedPages( ::sd::ViewShellBase& rBase ) { ::sd::slidesorter::SlideSorterViewShell * pSlideSorterViewShell = lcl_getSlideSorterViewShell( rBase ); DBG_ASSERT( pSlideSorterViewShell, "No Slide-Sorter available" ); ::std::vector< SdPage * > aSelectedPages; if( pSlideSorterViewShell ) { pSlideSorterViewShell->GetSelectedPages( aSelectedPages ); } return aSelectedPages; } // void lcl_ApplyToPages( ::std::vector< SdPage * > aPages, const ::sd::impl::TransitionEffect & rEffect ) // { // ::std::vector< SdPage * >::const_iterator aIt( aPages.begin()); // const ::std::vector< SdPage * >::const_iterator aEndIt( aPages.end()); // for( ; aIt != aEndIt; ++aIt ) // { // rEffect.applyTo( *(*aIt) ); // } // } } // anonymous namespace namespace sd { // ____________________ // // AnimationSchemesPane // ____________________ AnimationSchemesPane::AnimationSchemesPane( ::Window * pParent, ViewShellBase & rBase, SdDrawDocument* pDoc ) : Control( pParent, SdResId( DLG_ANIMATION_SCHEMES_PANE ) ), mrBase( rBase ), mpDrawDoc( pDoc ), maFL_APPLY_SCHEME( this, SdResId( FL_APPLY_SCHEME ) ), maLB_ANIMATION_SCHEMES( this, SdResId( LB_ANIMATION_SCHEMES ) ), maFL_EMPTY1( this, SdResId( FL_EMPTY1 ) ), maPB_APPLY_TO_ALL( this, SdResId( PB_APPLY_TO_ALL ) ), maPB_PLAY( this, SdResId( PB_PLAY ) ), maPB_SLIDE_SHOW( this, SdResId( PB_SLIDE_SHOW ) ), maFL_EMPTY2( this, SdResId( FL_EMPTY2 ) ), maCB_AUTO_PREVIEW( this, SdResId( CB_AUTO_PREVIEW ) ), maSTR_NO_SCHEME( SdResId( STR_NO_SCHEME ) ), mbHasSelection( false ), mbUpdatingControls( false ) { // use no resource ids from here on FreeResource(); if( pDoc ) mxModel.set( pDoc->getUnoModel(), uno::UNO_QUERY ); // TODO: get correct view if( mxModel.is()) mxView.set( mxModel->getCurrentController(), uno::UNO_QUERY ); // fill list box of slide transitions maLB_ANIMATION_SCHEMES.InsertEntry( maSTR_NO_SCHEME ); // set defaults maCB_AUTO_PREVIEW.Check(); // automatic preview on // update control states before adding handlers updateLayout(); updateControls(); // set handlers maPB_APPLY_TO_ALL.SetClickHdl( LINK( this, AnimationSchemesPane, ApplyToAllButtonClicked )); maPB_PLAY.SetClickHdl( LINK( this, AnimationSchemesPane, PlayButtonClicked )); maPB_SLIDE_SHOW.SetClickHdl( LINK( this, AnimationSchemesPane, SlideShowButtonClicked )); maLB_ANIMATION_SCHEMES.SetSelectHdl( LINK( this, AnimationSchemesPane, SchemeSelected )); addListener(); } AnimationSchemesPane::~AnimationSchemesPane() { removeListener(); } void AnimationSchemesPane::Resize() { updateLayout(); } void AnimationSchemesPane::onSelectionChanged() { updateControls(); } void AnimationSchemesPane::onChangeCurrentPage() { updateControls(); } void AnimationSchemesPane::updateLayout() { ::Size aPaneSize( GetSizePixel() ); // start layouting elements from bottom to top. The remaining space is used // for the topmost list box ::Point aOffset( LogicToPixel( Point( 3, 3 ), MAP_APPFONT ) ); long nOffsetX = aOffset.getX(); long nOffsetY = aOffset.getY(); long nOffsetBtnX = LogicToPixel( Point( 6, 1 ), MAP_APPFONT ).getX(); ::Point aUpperLeft( nOffsetX, aPaneSize.getHeight() - nOffsetY ); long nMaxWidth = aPaneSize.getWidth() - 2 * nOffsetX; // auto preview check-box ::Size aCtrlSize = maCB_AUTO_PREVIEW.GetSizePixel(); aCtrlSize.setWidth( maCB_AUTO_PREVIEW.CalcMinimumSize( nMaxWidth ).getWidth()); aUpperLeft.setY( aUpperLeft.getY() - aCtrlSize.getHeight()); maCB_AUTO_PREVIEW.SetPosSizePixel( aUpperLeft, aCtrlSize ); // fixed line above check-box aCtrlSize = maFL_EMPTY2.GetSizePixel(); aCtrlSize.setWidth( nMaxWidth ); aUpperLeft.setY( aUpperLeft.getY() - aCtrlSize.getHeight()); maFL_EMPTY2.SetPosSizePixel( aUpperLeft, aCtrlSize ); // buttons "Play" and "Slide Show" long nPlayButtonWidth = maPB_PLAY.CalcMinimumSize().getWidth() + 2 * nOffsetBtnX; long nSlideShowButtonWidth = maPB_SLIDE_SHOW.CalcMinimumSize().getWidth() + 2 * nOffsetBtnX; if( (nPlayButtonWidth + nSlideShowButtonWidth + nOffsetX) <= nMaxWidth ) { // place buttons side by side aCtrlSize = maPB_PLAY.GetSizePixel(); aUpperLeft.setY( aUpperLeft.getY() - aCtrlSize.getHeight()); aCtrlSize.setWidth( nPlayButtonWidth ); maPB_PLAY.SetPosSizePixel( aUpperLeft, aCtrlSize ); aUpperLeft.setX( aUpperLeft.getX() + nPlayButtonWidth + nOffsetX ); aCtrlSize.setWidth( nSlideShowButtonWidth ); maPB_SLIDE_SHOW.SetPosSizePixel( aUpperLeft, aCtrlSize ); aUpperLeft.setX( nOffsetX ); } else { // place buttons on top of each other aCtrlSize = maPB_SLIDE_SHOW.GetSizePixel(); aUpperLeft.setY( aUpperLeft.getY() - aCtrlSize.getHeight()); aCtrlSize.setWidth( nSlideShowButtonWidth ); maPB_SLIDE_SHOW.SetPosSizePixel( aUpperLeft, aCtrlSize ); aCtrlSize = maPB_PLAY.GetSizePixel(); aUpperLeft.setY( aUpperLeft.getY() - aCtrlSize.getHeight() - nOffsetY ); aCtrlSize.setWidth( nPlayButtonWidth ); maPB_PLAY.SetPosSizePixel( aUpperLeft, aCtrlSize ); } // "Apply to All Slides" button aCtrlSize = maPB_APPLY_TO_ALL.GetSizePixel(); aCtrlSize.setWidth( maPB_APPLY_TO_ALL.CalcMinimumSize( nMaxWidth ).getWidth() + 2 * nOffsetBtnX ); aUpperLeft.setY( aUpperLeft.getY() - aCtrlSize.getHeight() - nOffsetY ); maPB_APPLY_TO_ALL.SetPosSizePixel( aUpperLeft, aCtrlSize ); // fixed line above "Apply to All Slides" button aCtrlSize = maFL_EMPTY1.GetSizePixel(); aCtrlSize.setWidth( nMaxWidth ); aUpperLeft.setY( aUpperLeft.getY() - aCtrlSize.getHeight()); maFL_EMPTY1.SetPosSizePixel( aUpperLeft, aCtrlSize ); // fixed line "Apply to selected slides" aCtrlSize = maFL_APPLY_SCHEME.GetSizePixel(); aCtrlSize.setWidth( nMaxWidth ); ::Point aUpperLeftCorner( nOffsetX, nOffsetY ); maFL_APPLY_SCHEME.SetPosSizePixel( aUpperLeftCorner, aCtrlSize ); aUpperLeftCorner.setY( aUpperLeftCorner.getY() + aCtrlSize.getHeight() + nOffsetY ); aUpperLeft.setY( aUpperLeft.getY() - nOffsetY ); // list box animation scheme aCtrlSize.setWidth( nMaxWidth ); aCtrlSize.setHeight( aUpperLeft.getY() - aUpperLeftCorner.getY() ); maLB_ANIMATION_SCHEMES.SetPosSizePixel( aUpperLeftCorner, aCtrlSize ); } void AnimationSchemesPane::updateControls() { ::std::vector< SdPage * > aSelectedPages( lcl_getSelectedPages( mrBase )); if( aSelectedPages.empty()) { mbHasSelection = false; return; } mbHasSelection = true; DBG_ASSERT( ! mbUpdatingControls, "Multiple Control Updates" ); mbUpdatingControls = true; // get model data for first page SdPage * pFirstPage = aSelectedPages.front(); DBG_ASSERT( pFirstPage, "Invalid Page" ); // // merge with other pages // ::std::vector< SdPage * >::const_iterator aIt( aSelectedPages.begin()); // const ::std::vector< SdPage * >::const_iterator aEndIt( aSelectedPages.end()); // // start with second page (note aIt != aEndIt, because ! aSelectedPages.empty()) // for( ++aIt ;aIt != aEndIt; ++aIt ) // { // if( *aIt ) // // merge // } mbUpdatingControls = false; updateControlState(); } void AnimationSchemesPane::updateControlState() { maLB_ANIMATION_SCHEMES.Enable( mbHasSelection ); maPB_APPLY_TO_ALL.Enable( mbHasSelection ); maPB_PLAY.Enable( mbHasSelection ); // maPB_SLIDE_SHOW.Enable( TRUE ); maCB_AUTO_PREVIEW.Enable( mbHasSelection ); } void AnimationSchemesPane::getAnimationSchemeFromControls() const { // TODO: Implement } void AnimationSchemesPane::applyToSelectedPages() { if( ! mbUpdatingControls ) { ::std::vector< SdPage * > aSelectedPages( lcl_getSelectedPages( mrBase )); if( ! aSelectedPages.empty()) { // lcl_ApplyToPages( aSelectedPages, getAnimationSchemeFromControls() ); } if( maCB_AUTO_PREVIEW.IsEnabled() && maCB_AUTO_PREVIEW.IsChecked()) { playCurrentScheme(); } } } void AnimationSchemesPane::playCurrentScheme() { // TODO: Implement a preview in the center view } void AnimationSchemesPane::addListener() { Link aLink( LINK(this,AnimationSchemesPane,EventMultiplexerListener) ); mrBase.GetEventMultiplexer().AddEventListener( aLink, tools::EventMultiplexerEvent::EID_EDIT_VIEW_SELECTION | tools::EventMultiplexerEvent::EID_CURRENT_PAGE | tools::EventMultiplexerEvent::EID_MAIN_VIEW_REMOVED | tools::EventMultiplexerEvent::EID_MAIN_VIEW_ADDED); } void AnimationSchemesPane::removeListener() { Link aLink( LINK(this,AnimationSchemesPane,EventMultiplexerListener) ); mrBase.GetEventMultiplexer().RemoveEventListener( aLink ); } IMPL_LINK(AnimationSchemesPane,EventMultiplexerListener, tools::EventMultiplexerEvent*,pEvent) { switch (pEvent->meEventId) { case tools::EventMultiplexerEvent::EID_EDIT_VIEW_SELECTION: onSelectionChanged(); break; case tools::EventMultiplexerEvent::EID_CURRENT_PAGE: onChangeCurrentPage(); break; case tools::EventMultiplexerEvent::EID_MAIN_VIEW_REMOVED: mxView = Reference<drawing::XDrawView>(); onSelectionChanged(); onChangeCurrentPage(); break; case tools::EventMultiplexerEvent::EID_MAIN_VIEW_ADDED: mxView = Reference<drawing::XDrawView>::query( mxModel->getCurrentController() ); onSelectionChanged(); onChangeCurrentPage(); break; } return 0; } IMPL_LINK( AnimationSchemesPane, ApplyToAllButtonClicked, void *, EMPTYARG ) { DBG_ASSERT( mpDrawDoc, "Invalid Draw Document!" ); if( !mpDrawDoc ) return 0; ::std::vector< SdPage * > aPages; sal_uInt16 nPageCount = mpDrawDoc->GetSdPageCount( PK_STANDARD ); aPages.reserve( nPageCount ); for( sal_uInt16 i=0; i<nPageCount; ++i ) { SdPage * pPage = mpDrawDoc->GetSdPage( i, PK_STANDARD ); if( pPage ) aPages.push_back( pPage ); } // if( ! aPages.empty()) // lcl_ApplyToPages( aPages, getAnimationSchemeFromControls() ); return 0; } IMPL_LINK( AnimationSchemesPane, PlayButtonClicked, void *, EMPTYARG ) { playCurrentScheme(); return 0; } IMPL_LINK( AnimationSchemesPane, SlideShowButtonClicked, void *, EMPTYARG ) { mrBase.StartPresentation(); return 0; } IMPL_LINK( AnimationSchemesPane, SchemeSelected, void *, EMPTYARG ) { applyToSelectedPages(); return 0; } ::Window * createAnimationSchemesPanel( ::Window* pParent, ViewShellBase& rBase ) { ::Window* pWindow = 0; DrawDocShell* pDocSh = rBase.GetDocShell(); if( pDocSh ) pWindow = new AnimationSchemesPane( pParent, rBase, pDocSh->GetDoc() ); return pWindow; } } // namespace sd