/************************************************************************* * * OpenOffice.org - a multi-platform office productivity suite * * $RCSfile: CustomAnimationPane.cxx,v $ * * $Revision: 1.22 $ * * last change: $Author: kz $ $Date: 2006-04-26 20:45:47 $ * * The Contents of this file are made available subject to * the terms of GNU Lesser General Public License Version 2.1. * * * GNU Lesser General Public License Version 2.1 * ============================================= * Copyright 2005 by Sun Microsystems, Inc. * 901 San Antonio Road, Palo Alto, CA 94303, USA * * This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or * modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public * License version 2.1, as published by the Free Software Foundation. * * This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU * Lesser General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public * License along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software * Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, * MA 02111-1307 USA * ************************************************************************/ #ifndef _COM_SUN_STAR_ANIMATIONS_XANIMATIONNODESUPPLIER_HPP_ #include #endif #ifndef _COM_SUN_STAR_VIEW_XSELECTIONSUPPLIER_HPP_ #include #endif #ifndef _COM_SUN_STAR_DRAWING_XDRAWVIEW_HPP_ #include #endif #ifndef _COM_SUN_STAR_DRAWING_XSHAPE_HPP_ #include #endif #ifndef _COM_SUN_STAR_BEANS_XPROPERTYSET_HPP_ #include #endif #ifndef _COM_SUN_STAR_PRESENTATION_EFFECTNODETYPE_HPP_ #include #endif #ifndef _COM_SUN_STAR_PRESENTATION_EFFECTCOMMANDS_HPP_ #include #endif #ifndef _COM_SUN_STAR_ANIMATIONS_ANIMATIONTRANSFORMTYPE_HPP_ #include #endif #ifndef _COM_SUN_STAR_TEXT_XTEXTRANGECOMPARE_HPP_ #include #endif #ifndef _COM_SUN_STAR_CONTAINER_XENUMERATIONACCESS_HPP_ #include #endif #ifndef _COM_SUN_STAR_CONTAINER_XINDEXACCESS_HPP_ #include #endif #ifndef _COM_SUN_STAR_PRESENTATION_PARAGRAPHTARGET_HPP_ #include #endif #ifndef _COM_SUN_STAR_TEXT_XTEXT_HPP_ #include #endif #ifndef _COM_SUN_STAR_AWT_XWINDOW_HPP_ #include #endif #ifndef _COMPHELPER_PROCESSFACTORY_HXX_ #include #endif #ifndef _SFXDISPATCH_HXX #include #endif #ifndef _SD_STLPROPERTYSET_HXX #include "STLPropertySet.hxx" #endif #ifndef _SD_CUSTOMANIMATIONPANE_HXX #include "CustomAnimationPane.hxx" #endif #ifndef _SD_CUSTOMANIMATIONDIALOG_HXX #include "CustomAnimationDialog.hxx" #endif #ifndef _SD_CUSTOMANIMATIONCREATEDIALOG_HXX #include "CustomAnimationCreateDialog.hxx" #endif #ifndef _SD_CUSTOMANIMATIONPANE_HRC #include "CustomAnimationPane.hrc" #endif #ifndef _SD_CUSTOMANIMATION_HRC #include "CustomAnimation.hrc" #endif #ifndef _SD_CUSTOMANIMATIONLIST_HXX #include "CustomAnimationList.hxx" #endif #ifndef _SV_LSTBOX_HXX #include #endif #ifndef _SV_FIXED_HXX #include #endif #ifndef _SV_BUTTON_HXX #include #endif #ifndef _SV_COMBOBOX_HXX #include #endif #ifndef _SV_SCRBAR_HXX #include #endif #ifndef SD_DRAW_DOC_SHELL_HXX #include #endif #ifndef SD_VIEW_SHELL_BASE_HXX #include #endif #ifndef SD_DRAW_VIEW_SHELL_HXX #include "DrawViewShell.hxx" #endif #ifndef SD_DRAW_CONTROLLER_HXX #include "DrawController.hxx" #endif #ifndef SD_RESID_HXX #include "sdresid.hxx" #endif #ifndef SD_DRAW_VIEW_HXX #include "drawview.hxx" #endif #ifndef _SD_SLIDESHOW_HXX #include "slideshow.hxx" #endif #ifndef SD_PANE_MANAGER_HXX #include "PaneManager.hxx" #endif #ifndef _SD_UNDO_ANIM_HXX #include "undoanim.hxx" #endif #ifndef _SD_OPTSITEM_HXX #include "optsitem.hxx" #endif #ifndef _SDDLL_HXX #include "sddll.hxx" #endif #include "EventMultiplexer.hxx" #include "DialogListBox.hxx" #include "glob.hrc" #include "sdpage.hxx" #include "drawdoc.hxx" #include #include using namespace ::com::sun::star; using namespace ::com::sun::star::animations; using namespace ::com::sun::star::presentation; using namespace ::com::sun::star::text; using ::rtl::OUString; using ::com::sun::star::uno::UNO_QUERY; using ::com::sun::star::uno::UNO_QUERY_THROW; using ::com::sun::star::uno::Any; using ::com::sun::star::uno::makeAny; using ::com::sun::star::uno::Sequence; using ::com::sun::star::uno::Reference; using ::com::sun::star::uno::Exception; using ::com::sun::star::view::XSelectionSupplier; using ::com::sun::star::view::XSelectionChangeListener; using ::com::sun::star::frame::XController; using ::com::sun::star::frame::XModel; using ::com::sun::star::beans::XPropertySet; using ::com::sun::star::beans::XPropertyChangeListener; using ::com::sun::star::drawing::XDrawView; using ::com::sun::star::drawing::XShape; using ::com::sun::star::drawing::XShapes; using ::com::sun::star::drawing::XDrawPage; using ::com::sun::star::container::XIndexAccess; using ::com::sun::star::container::XEnumerationAccess; using ::com::sun::star::container::XEnumeration; using ::com::sun::star::text::XText; namespace sd { // -------------------------------------------------------------------- void fillDurationComboBox( ComboBox* pBox ) { static const double gdVerySlow = 5.0; static const double gdSlow = 3.0; static const double gdNormal = 2.0; static const double gdFast = 1.0; static const double gdVeryFast = 0.5; String aVerySlow( SdResId( STR_CUSTOMANIMATION_DURATION_VERY_SLOW ) ); pBox->SetEntryData( pBox->InsertEntry( aVerySlow ), (void*)&gdVerySlow ); String aSlow( SdResId( STR_CUSTOMANIMATION_DURATION_SLOW ) ); pBox->SetEntryData( pBox->InsertEntry( aSlow ), (void*)&gdSlow ); String aNormal( SdResId( STR_CUSTOMANIMATION_DURATION_NORMAL ) ); pBox->SetEntryData( pBox->InsertEntry( aNormal ), (void*)&gdNormal ); String aFast( SdResId( STR_CUSTOMANIMATION_DURATION_FAST ) ); pBox->SetEntryData( pBox->InsertEntry( aFast ), (void*)&gdFast ); String aVeryFast( SdResId( STR_CUSTOMANIMATION_DURATION_VERY_FAST ) ); pBox->SetEntryData( pBox->InsertEntry( aVeryFast ), (void*)&gdVeryFast ); } void fillRepeatComboBox( ComboBox* pBox ) { String aNone( SdResId( STR_CUSTOMANIMATION_REPEAT_NONE ) ); pBox->SetEntryData( pBox->InsertEntry( aNone ), (void*)((sal_Int32)0) ); pBox->SetEntryData( pBox->InsertEntry( String::CreateFromInt32( 2 ) ), (void*)((sal_Int32)1) ); pBox->SetEntryData( pBox->InsertEntry( String::CreateFromInt32( 3 ) ), (void*)((sal_Int32)3) ); pBox->SetEntryData( pBox->InsertEntry( String::CreateFromInt32( 4 ) ), (void*)((sal_Int32)4) ); pBox->SetEntryData( pBox->InsertEntry( String::CreateFromInt32( 5 ) ), (void*)((sal_Int32)5) ); pBox->SetEntryData( pBox->InsertEntry( String::CreateFromInt32( 10 ) ), (void*)((sal_Int32)10) ); String aUntilClick( SdResId( STR_CUSTOMANIMATION_REPEAT_UNTIL_NEXT_CLICK ) ); pBox->SetEntryData( pBox->InsertEntry( aUntilClick ), (void*)((sal_Int32)-1) ); String aEndOfSlide( SdResId( STR_CUSTOMANIMATION_REPEAT_UNTIL_END_OF_SLIDE ) ); pBox->SetEntryData( pBox->InsertEntry( aEndOfSlide ), (void*)((sal_Int32)-2) ); } // -------------------------------------------------------------------- CustomAnimationPane::CustomAnimationPane( ::Window* pParent, ViewShellBase& rBase, const Size& rMinSize ) : Control( pParent, SdResId(DLG_CUSTOMANIMATIONPANE) ), mrBase( rBase ), mxModel( rBase.GetDocShell()->GetDoc()->getUnoModel(), UNO_QUERY ), mpCustomAnimationPresets(NULL), mnPropertyType( nPropertyTypeNone ), maMinSize( rMinSize ), maLateInitTimer() { // load resources mpFLEffect = new FixedLine( this, SdResId( FL_EFFECT ) ); mpPBAddEffect = new PushButton( this, SdResId( PB_ADD_EFFECT ) ); mpPBChangeEffect = new PushButton( this, SdResId( PB_CHANGE_EFFECT ) ); mpPBRemoveEffect = new PushButton( this, SdResId( PB_REMOVE_EFFECT ) ); mpFLModify = new FixedLine( this, SdResId( FL_MODIFY ) ); mpFTStart = new FixedText( this, SdResId( FT_START ) ); mpLBStart = new ListBox( this, SdResId( LB_START ) ); mpFTProperty = new FixedText( this, SdResId( FT_PROPERTY ) ); mpLBProperty = new PropertyControl( this, SdResId( LB_PROPERTY ) ); mpPBPropertyMore = new PushButton( this, SdResId( PB_PROPERTY_MORE ) ); mpFTSpeed = new FixedText( this, SdResId( FT_SPEED ) ); mpCBSpeed = new ComboBox( this, SdResId( CB_SPEED ) ); mpCustomAnimationList = new CustomAnimationList( this, SdResId( CT_CUSTOM_ANIMATION_LIST ), this ); mpPBMoveUp = new PushButton( this, SdResId( PB_MOVE_UP ) ); mpPBMoveDown = new PushButton( this, SdResId( PB_MOVE_DOWN ) ); mpFTChangeOrder = new FixedText( this, SdResId( FT_CHANGE_ORDER ) ); mpFLSeperator1 = new FixedLine( this, SdResId( FL_SEPERATOR1 ) ); mpPBPlay = new PushButton( this, SdResId( PB_PLAY ) ); mpPBSlideShow = new PushButton( this, SdResId( PB_SLIDE_SHOW ) ); mpFLSeperator2 = new FixedLine( this, SdResId( FL_SEPERATOR2 ) ); mpCBAutoPreview = new CheckBox( this, SdResId( CB_AUTOPREVIEW ) ); maStrProperty = mpFTProperty->GetText(); FreeResource(); // use bold font for group headings (same font for all fixed lines): Font font( mpFLEffect->GetFont() ); font.SetWeight( WEIGHT_BOLD ); mpFLEffect->SetFont( font ); mpFLModify->SetFont( font ); fillDurationComboBox( mpCBSpeed ); mpPBMoveUp->SetSymbol( SYMBOL_ARROW_UP ); mpPBMoveDown->SetSymbol( SYMBOL_ARROW_DOWN ); mpPBAddEffect->SetClickHdl( LINK( this, CustomAnimationPane, implControlHdl ) ); mpPBChangeEffect->SetClickHdl( LINK( this, CustomAnimationPane, implControlHdl ) ); mpPBRemoveEffect->SetClickHdl( LINK( this, CustomAnimationPane, implControlHdl ) ); mpLBStart->SetSelectHdl( LINK( this, CustomAnimationPane, implControlHdl ) ); mpCBSpeed->SetSelectHdl( LINK( this, CustomAnimationPane, implControlHdl ) ); mpPBPropertyMore->SetClickHdl( LINK( this, CustomAnimationPane, implControlHdl ) ); mpPBMoveUp->SetClickHdl( LINK( this, CustomAnimationPane, implControlHdl ) ); mpPBMoveDown->SetClickHdl( LINK( this, CustomAnimationPane, implControlHdl ) ); mpPBPlay->SetClickHdl( LINK( this, CustomAnimationPane, implControlHdl ) ); mpPBSlideShow->SetClickHdl( LINK( this, CustomAnimationPane, implControlHdl ) ); mpCBAutoPreview->SetClickHdl( LINK( this, CustomAnimationPane, implControlHdl ) ); maStrModify = mpFLEffect->GetText(); // resize controls according to current size updateLayout(); // get current controller and initialize listeners try { mxView = Reference< XDrawView >::query(mrBase.GetController()); addListener(); } catch( Exception& e ) { (void)e; DBG_ERROR( "sd::CustomAnimationPane::CustomAnimationPane(), Exception cought!" ); } // get current page and update custom animation list onChangeCurrentPage(); // Wait a short time before the presets list is created. This gives the // system time to paint the control. maLateInitTimer.SetTimeout(100); maLateInitTimer.SetTimeoutHdl(LINK(this, CustomAnimationPane, lateInitCallback)); maLateInitTimer.Start(); } CustomAnimationPane::~CustomAnimationPane() { maLateInitTimer.Stop(); removeListener(); delete mpFLModify; delete mpPBAddEffect; delete mpPBChangeEffect; delete mpPBRemoveEffect; delete mpFLEffect; delete mpFTStart; delete mpLBStart; delete mpFTProperty; delete mpLBProperty; delete mpPBPropertyMore; delete mpFTSpeed; delete mpCBSpeed; delete mpCustomAnimationList; delete mpFTChangeOrder; delete mpPBMoveUp; delete mpPBMoveDown; delete mpFLSeperator1; delete mpPBPlay; delete mpPBSlideShow; delete mpFLSeperator2; delete mpCBAutoPreview; } void CustomAnimationPane::addUndo() { SfxUndoManager* pManager = mrBase.GetDocShell()->GetUndoManager(); if( pManager ) { SdPage* pPage = SdPage::getImplementation( mxCurrentPage ); if( pPage ) pManager->AddUndoAction( new UndoAnimation( mrBase.GetDocShell()->GetDoc(), pPage ) ); } } void CustomAnimationPane::Resize() { updateLayout(); } void CustomAnimationPane::addListener() { Link aLink( LINK(this,CustomAnimationPane,EventMultiplexerListener) ); mrBase.GetEventMultiplexer().AddEventListener ( aLink, tools::EventMultiplexerEvent::EID_EDIT_VIEW_SELECTION | tools::EventMultiplexerEvent::EID_CURRENT_PAGE | tools::EventMultiplexerEvent::EID_MAIN_VIEW_REMOVED | tools::EventMultiplexerEvent::EID_MAIN_VIEW_ADDED | tools::EventMultiplexerEvent::EID_DISPOSING | tools::EventMultiplexerEvent::EID_END_TEXT_EDIT); } void CustomAnimationPane::removeListener() { Link aLink( LINK(this,CustomAnimationPane,EventMultiplexerListener) ); mrBase.GetEventMultiplexer().RemoveEventListener( aLink ); } IMPL_LINK(CustomAnimationPane,EventMultiplexerListener, tools::EventMultiplexerEvent*,pEvent) { switch (pEvent->meEventId) { case tools::EventMultiplexerEvent::EID_EDIT_VIEW_SELECTION: onSelectionChanged(); break; case tools::EventMultiplexerEvent::EID_CURRENT_PAGE: onChangeCurrentPage(); break; case tools::EventMultiplexerEvent::EID_MAIN_VIEW_REMOVED: mxView = Reference(); break; case tools::EventMultiplexerEvent::EID_MAIN_VIEW_ADDED: // At this moment the controller may not yet been set at model // or ViewShellBase. Take it from the view shell passed with // the event. if (mrBase.GetMainViewShell() != NULL) { mxView = Reference::query(mrBase.GetDrawController()); onSelectionChanged(); onChangeCurrentPage(); } break; case tools::EventMultiplexerEvent::EID_DISPOSING: mxView = Reference(); onSelectionChanged(); onChangeCurrentPage(); break; case tools::EventMultiplexerEvent::EID_END_TEXT_EDIT: if( mpMainSequence.get() && pEvent->mpUserData ) mpCustomAnimationList->update( mpMainSequence ); break; } return 0; } void CustomAnimationPane::updateLayout() { Size aPaneSize( GetSizePixel() ); if( aPaneSize.Width() < maMinSize.Width() ) aPaneSize.Width() = maMinSize.Width(); if( aPaneSize.Height() < maMinSize.Height() ) aPaneSize.Height() = maMinSize.Height(); Point aOffset( LogicToPixel( Point(3,3), MAP_APPFONT ) ); Point aCursor( aOffset ); // place the modify fixed line // place the "modify effect" fixed line Size aSize( mpFLModify->GetSizePixel() ); aSize.Width() = aPaneSize.Width() - 2 * aOffset.X(); mpFLModify->SetPosSizePixel( aCursor, aSize ); aCursor.Y() += aSize.Height() + aOffset.Y(); const int nButtonExtraWidth = 4 * aOffset.X(); // the "add effect" button is placed top-left Size aCtrlSize( mpPBAddEffect->GetSizePixel() ); aCtrlSize.setWidth( mpPBAddEffect->CalcMinimumSize( aSize.Width() ).getWidth() + nButtonExtraWidth ); mpPBAddEffect->SetPosSizePixel( aCursor, aCtrlSize ); aCursor.X() += aOffset.X() + aCtrlSize.Width(); // place the "change effect" button // if the "change" button does not fit right of the "add effect", put it on the next line aCtrlSize = mpPBChangeEffect->GetSizePixel(); aCtrlSize.setWidth( mpPBChangeEffect->CalcMinimumSize( aSize.Width() ).getWidth() + nButtonExtraWidth ); if( ( aCursor.X() + aCtrlSize.Width() + aOffset.X() ) > aPaneSize.Width() ) { aCursor.X() = aOffset.X(); aCursor.Y() += aCtrlSize.Height() + aOffset.Y(); } mpPBChangeEffect->SetPosSizePixel( aCursor, aCtrlSize ); aCursor.X() += aOffset.X() + aCtrlSize.Width(); // place the "remove effect" button // if the "remove" button does not fit right of the "add effect", put it on the next line aCtrlSize = mpPBRemoveEffect->GetSizePixel(); aCtrlSize.setWidth( mpPBRemoveEffect->CalcMinimumSize( aSize.Width() ).getWidth() + nButtonExtraWidth ); if( ( aCursor.X() + aCtrlSize.Width() + aOffset.X() ) > aPaneSize.Width() ) { aCursor.X() = aOffset.X(); aCursor.Y() += aCtrlSize.Height() + aOffset.Y(); } mpPBRemoveEffect->SetPosSizePixel( aCursor, aCtrlSize ); aCursor.X() = aOffset.X(); aCursor.Y() += aCtrlSize.Height() + 2 * aOffset.Y(); // place the "modify effect" fixed line aSize = mpFLEffect->GetSizePixel(); aSize.Width() = aPaneSize.Width() - 2 * aOffset.X(); mpFLEffect->SetPosSizePixel( aCursor, aSize ); aCursor.Y() += aSize.Height() + aOffset.Y(); // --------------------------------------------------------------------------- // place the properties controls // calc minimum width for fixedtext Size aFixedTextSize( mpFTStart->CalcMinimumSize() ); long nWidth = aFixedTextSize.Width(); aFixedTextSize = mpFTProperty->CalcMinimumSize(); nWidth = std::max( nWidth, aFixedTextSize.Width() ); aFixedTextSize = mpFTSpeed->CalcMinimumSize(); aFixedTextSize.Width() = std::max( nWidth, aFixedTextSize.Width() ) + aOffset.X(); mpFTStart->SetSizePixel(aFixedTextSize); mpFTProperty->SetSizePixel(aFixedTextSize); mpFTSpeed->SetSizePixel(aFixedTextSize); aSize = mpPBPropertyMore->GetSizePixel(); // place the "start" fixed text Point aFTPos( aCursor ); Point aLBPos( aCursor ); Size aListBoxSize( LogicToPixel( Size( 60, 12 ), MAP_APPFONT ) ); long nDeltaY = aListBoxSize.Height() + aOffset.Y(); // linebreak? if( (aFixedTextSize.Width() + aListBoxSize.Width() + aSize.Width() + 4 * aOffset.X()) > aPaneSize.Width() ) { // y position for list box is below fixed text aLBPos.Y() += aFixedTextSize.Height() + aOffset.Y(); // height of fixed text + list box + something = 2 * list box nDeltaY = aListBoxSize.Height() + aFixedTextSize.Height() + 2*aOffset.Y(); } else { // x position for list box is right of fixed text aLBPos.X() += aFixedTextSize.Width() + aOffset.X(); if( aListBoxSize.Height() > aFixedTextSize.Height() ) aFTPos.Y() = aLBPos.Y() + ((aListBoxSize.Height() - aFixedTextSize.Height()) >> 1); else aLBPos.Y() = aFTPos.Y() + ((aFixedTextSize.Height() - aListBoxSize.Height()) >> 1); } // width of the listbox is from its left side until end of pane aListBoxSize.Width() = aPaneSize.Width() - aLBPos.X() - aSize.Width() - 2 * aOffset.X(); mpFTStart->SetPosPixel( aFTPos ); mpLBStart->SetPosSizePixel( aLBPos, aListBoxSize ); aFTPos.Y() += nDeltaY; aLBPos.Y() += nDeltaY; mpFTProperty->SetPosPixel( aFTPos ); mpLBProperty->SetPosSizePixel( aLBPos, aListBoxSize ); mpLBProperty->Resize(); Point aMorePos( aLBPos ); aMorePos.X() += aListBoxSize.Width() + aOffset.X(); mpPBPropertyMore->SetPosPixel( aMorePos ); aFTPos.Y() += nDeltaY; aLBPos.Y() += nDeltaY; mpFTSpeed->SetPosPixel( aFTPos ); mpCBSpeed->SetPosSizePixel( aLBPos, aListBoxSize ); aFTPos.Y() += nDeltaY + aOffset.Y(); Point aListPos( aFTPos ); // positionate the buttons on the bottom // place the auto preview checkbox aCursor = Point( aOffset.X(), aPaneSize.Height() - mpCBAutoPreview->GetSizePixel().Height() - aOffset.Y() ); mpCBAutoPreview->SetPosPixel( aCursor ); // place the seperator 2 fixed line aCursor.Y() -= /* aOffset.Y() + */ mpFLSeperator2->GetSizePixel().Height(); aSize = mpFLSeperator2->GetSizePixel(); aSize.Width() = aPaneSize.Width() - 2 * aOffset.X(); mpFLSeperator2->SetPosSizePixel( aCursor, aSize ); // next, layout and place the play and slide show buttons aCtrlSize = mpPBSlideShow->GetSizePixel(); aCtrlSize.setWidth( mpPBSlideShow->CalcMinimumSize( aSize.Width() ).getWidth() + nButtonExtraWidth ); Size aPlaySize( mpPBPlay->GetSizePixel() ); aPlaySize.setWidth( mpPBPlay->CalcMinimumSize( aSize.Width() ).getWidth() + nButtonExtraWidth ); aCursor.Y() -= aCtrlSize.Height() /* + aOffset.Y() */; // do we need two lines for the buttons? int aTestWidth = aCursor.X() + mpPBPlay->GetSizePixel().Width() + 2 * aOffset.X() + mpPBSlideShow->GetSizePixel().Width(); if( aTestWidth > aPaneSize.Width() ) { mpPBSlideShow->SetPosSizePixel( aCursor, aCtrlSize ); aCursor.Y() -= aCtrlSize.Height() + aOffset.Y(); mpPBPlay->SetPosSizePixel( aCursor, aPlaySize ); } else { mpPBPlay->SetPosSizePixel( aCursor, aPlaySize ); aCursor.X() += aPlaySize.Width() + aOffset.X(); mpPBSlideShow->SetPosSizePixel( aCursor, aCtrlSize ); } // place the seperator 1 fixed line aCursor.X() = aOffset.X(); aCursor.Y() -= /* aOffset.Y() + */ mpFLSeperator1->GetSizePixel().Height(); aSize = mpFLSeperator1->GetSizePixel(); aSize.Width() = aPaneSize.Width() - 2 * aOffset.X(); mpFLSeperator1->SetPosSizePixel( aCursor, aSize ); // place the move down button aSize = mpPBMoveDown->GetSizePixel(); aCursor.X() = aPaneSize.Width() - aOffset.X() - aSize.Width(); aCursor.Y() -= aOffset.Y() + aSize.Height(); mpPBMoveDown->SetPosPixel( aCursor ); aCursor.X() -= aOffset.X() + aSize.Width(); mpPBMoveUp->SetPosPixel( aCursor ); // Place the change order label. // Its width has to be calculated dynamically so that is can be // displayed flush right without having too much space to the buttons // with some languages or truncated text with others. { Size aSize (mpFTChangeOrder->CalcMinimumSize()); mpFTChangeOrder->SetSizePixel(aSize); } aCursor.X() -= aOffset.X() + mpFTChangeOrder->GetSizePixel().Width(); aCursor.Y() += (aSize.Height() - mpFTChangeOrder->GetSizePixel().Height()) >> 1; mpFTChangeOrder->SetPosPixel( aCursor ); // positionate the custom animation list control Size aCustomAnimationListSize( aPaneSize.Width() - aListPos.X() - aOffset.X(), aCursor.Y() - aListPos.Y() - 2 * aOffset.Y() ); mpCustomAnimationList->SetPosSizePixel( aListPos, aCustomAnimationListSize ); } static sal_Int32 getPropertyType( const OUString& rProperty ) { if( rProperty.equalsAsciiL( RTL_CONSTASCII_STRINGPARAM("Direction") ) ) return nPropertyTypeDirection; if( rProperty.equalsAsciiL( RTL_CONSTASCII_STRINGPARAM("Spokes") ) ) return nPropertyTypeSpokes; if( rProperty.equalsAsciiL( RTL_CONSTASCII_STRINGPARAM("Zoom") ) ) return nPropertyTypeZoom; if( rProperty.equalsAsciiL( RTL_CONSTASCII_STRINGPARAM("Accelerate") ) ) return nPropertyTypeAccelerate; if( rProperty.equalsAsciiL( RTL_CONSTASCII_STRINGPARAM("Decelerate") ) ) return nPropertyTypeDecelerate; if( rProperty.equalsAsciiL( RTL_CONSTASCII_STRINGPARAM("Color1") ) ) return nPropertyTypeFirstColor; if( rProperty.equalsAsciiL( RTL_CONSTASCII_STRINGPARAM("Color2") ) ) return nPropertyTypeSecondColor; if( rProperty.equalsAsciiL( RTL_CONSTASCII_STRINGPARAM("FillColor") ) ) return nPropertyTypeFillColor; if( rProperty.equalsAsciiL( RTL_CONSTASCII_STRINGPARAM("ColorStyle") ) ) return nPropertyTypeColorStyle; if( rProperty.equalsAsciiL( RTL_CONSTASCII_STRINGPARAM("AutoReverse") ) ) return nPropertyTypeAutoReverse; if( rProperty.equalsAsciiL( RTL_CONSTASCII_STRINGPARAM("FontStyle") ) ) return nPropertyTypeFont; if( rProperty.equalsAsciiL( RTL_CONSTASCII_STRINGPARAM("CharColor") ) ) return nPropertyTypeCharColor; if( rProperty.equalsAsciiL( RTL_CONSTASCII_STRINGPARAM("CharHeight") ) ) return nPropertyTypeCharHeight; if( rProperty.equalsAsciiL( RTL_CONSTASCII_STRINGPARAM("CharDecoration") ) ) return nPropertyTypeCharDecoration; if( rProperty.equalsAsciiL( RTL_CONSTASCII_STRINGPARAM("LineColor") ) ) return nPropertyTypeLineColor; if( rProperty.equalsAsciiL( RTL_CONSTASCII_STRINGPARAM("Rotate") ) ) return nPropertyTypeRotate; if( rProperty.equalsAsciiL( RTL_CONSTASCII_STRINGPARAM("Transparency") ) ) return nPropertyTypeTransparency; if( rProperty.equalsAsciiL( RTL_CONSTASCII_STRINGPARAM("Color") ) ) return nPropertyTypeColor; if( rProperty.equalsAsciiL( RTL_CONSTASCII_STRINGPARAM("Scale") ) ) return nPropertyTypeScale; return nPropertyTypeNone; } OUString getPropertyName( sal_Int32 nPropertyType ) { switch( nPropertyType ) { case nPropertyTypeDirection: return OUString( String( SdResId( STR_CUSTOMANIMATION_DIRECTION_PROPERTY ) ) ); case nPropertyTypeSpokes: return OUString( String( SdResId( STR_CUSTOMANIMATION_SPOKES_PROPERTY ) ) ); case nPropertyTypeFirstColor: return OUString( String( SdResId( STR_CUSTOMANIMATION_FIRST_COLOR_PROPERTY ) ) ); case nPropertyTypeSecondColor: return OUString( String( SdResId( STR_CUSTOMANIMATION_SECOND_COLOR_PROPERTY ) ) ); case nPropertyTypeZoom: return OUString( String( SdResId( STR_CUSTOMANIMATION_ZOOM_PROPERTY ) ) ); case nPropertyTypeFillColor: return OUString( String( SdResId( STR_CUSTOMANIMATION_FILL_COLOR_PROPERTY ) ) ); case nPropertyTypeColorStyle: return OUString( String( SdResId( STR_CUSTOMANIMATION_STYLE_PROPERTY ) ) ); case nPropertyTypeFont: return OUString( String( SdResId( STR_CUSTOMANIMATION_FONT_PROPERTY ) ) ); case nPropertyTypeCharHeight: return OUString( String( SdResId( STR_CUSTOMANIMATION_SIZE_PROPERTY ) ) ); case nPropertyTypeCharColor: return OUString( String( SdResId( STR_CUSTOMANIMATION_FONT_COLOR_PROPERTY ) ) ); case nPropertyTypeCharHeightStyle: return OUString( String( SdResId( STR_CUSTOMANIMATION_FONT_SIZE_STYLE_PROPERTY ) ) ); case nPropertyTypeCharDecoration: return OUString( String( SdResId( STR_CUSTOMANIMATION_FONT_STYLE_PROPERTY ) ) ); case nPropertyTypeLineColor: return OUString( String( SdResId( STR_CUSTOMANIMATION_LINE_COLOR_PROPERTY ) ) ); case nPropertyTypeRotate: return OUString( String( SdResId( STR_CUSTOMANIMATION_AMOUNT_PROPERTY ) ) ); case nPropertyTypeColor: return OUString( String( SdResId( STR_CUSTOMANIMATION_COLOR_PROPERTY ) ) ); case nPropertyTypeTransparency: return OUString( String( SdResId( STR_CUSTOMANIMATION_AMOUNT_PROPERTY ) ) ); case nPropertyTypeScale: return OUString( String( SdResId( STR_CUSTOMANIMATION_SCALE_PROPERTY ) ) ); } OUString aStr; return aStr; } void CustomAnimationPane::updateControls() { const int nSelectionCount = maListSelection.size(); mpPBAddEffect->Enable( maViewSelection.hasValue() ); mpPBChangeEffect->Enable( nSelectionCount); mpPBRemoveEffect->Enable(nSelectionCount); mpFLEffect->Enable(nSelectionCount > 0); mpFTStart->Enable(nSelectionCount > 0); mpLBStart->Enable(nSelectionCount > 0); mpPBPropertyMore->Enable(nSelectionCount > 0); // mpPBPlay->Enable(nSelectionCount > 0); mpFTProperty->SetText( maStrProperty ); mnPropertyType = nPropertyTypeNone; if( nSelectionCount == 1 ) { CustomAnimationEffectPtr pEffect = maListSelection.front(); OUString aUIName( getPresets().getUINameForPresetId( pEffect->getPresetId() ) ); OUString aTemp( maStrModify ); if( aUIName.getLength() ) { aTemp += OUString( (sal_Unicode)' ' ); aTemp += aUIName; } mpFLEffect->SetText( aTemp ); CustomAnimationPresetPtr pDescriptor = getPresets().getEffectDescriptor( pEffect->getPresetId() ); if( pDescriptor.get() ) { PropertySubControl* pSubControl = NULL; Any aValue; UStringList aProperties( pDescriptor->getProperties() ); if( aProperties.size() >= 1 ) { OUString aProperty( aProperties.front() ); mnPropertyType = getPropertyType( aProperties.front() ); mpFTProperty->SetText( getPropertyName( mnPropertyType ) ); aValue = getProperty1Value( mnPropertyType, pEffect ); } if( aValue.hasValue() ) { pSubControl = mpLBProperty->getSubControl(); if( !pSubControl || (pSubControl->getControlType() != mnPropertyType) ) { pSubControl = PropertySubControl::create( mnPropertyType, this, aValue, pEffect->getPresetId(), LINK( this, CustomAnimationPane, implPropertyHdl ) ); mpLBProperty->setSubControl( pSubControl ); } else { pSubControl->setValue( aValue, pEffect->getPresetId() ); } } else { mpLBProperty->setSubControl( 0 ); } bool bEnable = (pSubControl != 0) && (pSubControl->getControl()->IsEnabled()); mpLBProperty->Enable( bEnable ); mpFTProperty->Enable( bEnable ); // // --- // USHORT nPos = 0xffff; sal_Int16 nNodeType = pEffect->getNodeType(); switch( nNodeType ) { case EffectNodeType::ON_CLICK: nPos = 0; break; case EffectNodeType::WITH_PREVIOUS: nPos = 1; break; case EffectNodeType::AFTER_PREVIOUS: nPos = 2; break; } mpLBStart->SelectEntryPos( nPos ); double fDuration = pEffect->getDuration(); const bool bHasSpeed = fDuration > 0.001; mpFTSpeed->Enable(bHasSpeed); mpCBSpeed->Enable(bHasSpeed); if( bHasSpeed ) { if( fDuration == 5.0 ) nPos = 0; else if( fDuration == 3.0 ) nPos = 1; else if( fDuration == 2.0 ) nPos = 2; else if( fDuration == 1.0 ) nPos = 3; else if( fDuration == 0.5 ) nPos = 4; else nPos = 0xffff; mpCBSpeed->SelectEntryPos( nPos ); } mpPBPropertyMore->Enable( TRUE ); mpFTChangeOrder->Enable( TRUE ); } else { mpLBProperty->setSubControl( 0 ); mpFTProperty->Enable( FALSE ); mpLBProperty->Enable( FALSE ); mpPBPropertyMore->Enable( FALSE ); mpFTSpeed->Enable(FALSE); mpCBSpeed->Enable(FALSE); mpFTChangeOrder->Enable( FALSE ); } } else { mpLBProperty->setSubControl( 0 ); mpFTProperty->Enable( FALSE ); mpLBProperty->Enable( FALSE ); mpPBPropertyMore->Enable( FALSE ); mpFTSpeed->Enable(FALSE); mpCBSpeed->Enable(FALSE); mpFTChangeOrder->Enable( FALSE ); mpLBStart->SetNoSelection(); mpCBSpeed->SetNoSelection(); mpFLEffect->SetText( maStrModify ); } bool bEnableUp = true; bool bEnableDown = true; if( nSelectionCount == 0 ) { bEnableUp = false; bEnableDown = false; } else { if( mpMainSequence->find( maListSelection.front() ) == mpMainSequence->getBegin() ) bEnableUp = false; EffectSequence::iterator aIter( mpMainSequence->find( maListSelection.back() ) ); if( aIter == mpMainSequence->getEnd() ) { bEnableDown = false; } else { do { aIter++; } while( (aIter != mpMainSequence->getEnd()) && !(mpCustomAnimationList->isExpanded((*aIter)) ) ); if( aIter == mpMainSequence->getEnd() ) bEnableDown = false; } if( bEnableUp || bEnableDown ) { MainSequenceRebuildGuard aGuard( mpMainSequence ); EffectSequenceHelper* pSequence = 0; EffectSequence::iterator aIter( maListSelection.begin() ); const EffectSequence::iterator aEnd( maListSelection.end() ); while( aIter != aEnd ) { CustomAnimationEffectPtr pEffect = (*aIter++); if( pEffect.get() ) { if( pSequence == 0 ) { pSequence = pEffect->getEffectSequence(); } else { if( pSequence != pEffect->getEffectSequence() ) { bEnableUp = false; bEnableDown = false; break; } } } } } } mpPBMoveUp->Enable(bEnableUp); mpPBMoveDown->Enable(bEnableDown); SdOptions* pOptions = SD_MOD()->GetSdOptions(DOCUMENT_TYPE_IMPRESS); mpCBAutoPreview->Check( pOptions->IsPreviewChangedEffects() == sal_True ); } void CustomAnimationPane::onSelectionChanged() { if( mxView.is() ) try { Reference< XSelectionSupplier > xSel( mxView, UNO_QUERY_THROW ); if (xSel.is()) { maViewSelection = xSel->getSelection(); mpCustomAnimationList->onSelectionChanged( maViewSelection ); updateControls(); } } catch( Exception& ) { DBG_ERROR( "sd::CustomAnimationPane::onSelectionChanged(), Exception catched!" ); } } void CustomAnimationPane::onDoubleClick() { showOptions(); } void CustomAnimationPane::onContextMenu( USHORT nSelectedPopupEntry ) { switch( nSelectedPopupEntry ) { case CM_WITH_CLICK: onChangeStart( EffectNodeType::ON_CLICK ); break; case CM_WITH_PREVIOUS: onChangeStart( EffectNodeType::WITH_PREVIOUS ); break; case CM_AFTER_PREVIOUS: onChangeStart( EffectNodeType::AFTER_PREVIOUS ); break; case CM_OPTIONS: showOptions(); break; case CM_DURATION: showOptions(RID_TP_CUSTOMANIMATION_DURATION); break; case CM_REMOVE: onRemove(); break; case CM_CREATE: if( maViewSelection.hasValue() ) onChange( true ); break; } updateControls(); } void addValue( STLPropertySet* pSet, sal_Int32 nHandle, const Any& rValue ) { switch( pSet->getPropertyState( nHandle ) ) { case STLPropertyState_AMBIGUOUS: // value is already ambiguous, do nothing break; case STLPropertyState_DIRECT: // set to ambiguous if existing value is different if( rValue != pSet->getPropertyValue( nHandle ) ) pSet->setPropertyState( nHandle, STLPropertyState_AMBIGUOUS ); break; case STLPropertyState_DEFAULT: // just set new value pSet->setPropertyValue( nHandle, rValue ); break; } } static sal_Int32 calcMaxParaDepth( Reference< XShape > xTargetShape ) { sal_Int32 nMaxParaDepth = -1; if( xTargetShape.is() ) { Reference< XEnumerationAccess > xText( xTargetShape, UNO_QUERY ); if( xText.is() ) { Reference< XPropertySet > xParaSet; const OUString strNumberingLevel( RTL_CONSTASCII_USTRINGPARAM("NumberingLevel") ); Reference< XEnumeration > xEnumeration( xText->createEnumeration(), UNO_QUERY_THROW ); while( xEnumeration->hasMoreElements() ) { xEnumeration->nextElement() >>= xParaSet; if( xParaSet.is() ) { sal_Int32 nParaDepth; xParaSet->getPropertyValue( strNumberingLevel ) >>= nParaDepth; if( nParaDepth > nMaxParaDepth ) nMaxParaDepth = nParaDepth; } } } } return nMaxParaDepth + 1; } Any CustomAnimationPane::getProperty1Value( sal_Int32 nType, CustomAnimationEffectPtr pEffect ) { switch( nType ) { case nPropertyTypeDirection: case nPropertyTypeSpokes: case nPropertyTypeZoom: return makeAny( pEffect->getPresetSubType() ); case nPropertyTypeColor: case nPropertyTypeFillColor: case nPropertyTypeFirstColor: case nPropertyTypeSecondColor: case nPropertyTypeCharColor: case nPropertyTypeLineColor: { const sal_Int32 nIndex = (nPropertyTypeFirstColor == nType) ? 0 : 1; return pEffect->getColor( nIndex ); } case nPropertyTypeFont: return pEffect->getProperty( AnimationNodeType::SET, OUString( RTL_CONSTASCII_USTRINGPARAM("CharFontName") ), VALUE_TO ); case nPropertyTypeCharHeight: { const OUString aAttributeName( RTL_CONSTASCII_USTRINGPARAM( "CharHeight" ) ); Any aValue( pEffect->getProperty( AnimationNodeType::SET, aAttributeName, VALUE_TO ) ); if( !aValue.hasValue() ) aValue = pEffect->getProperty( AnimationNodeType::ANIMATE, aAttributeName, VALUE_TO ); return aValue; } case nPropertyTypeRotate: return pEffect->getTransformationProperty( AnimationTransformType::ROTATE, VALUE_BY); case nPropertyTypeTransparency: return pEffect->getProperty( AnimationNodeType::SET, OUString(RTL_CONSTASCII_USTRINGPARAM("Opacity")), VALUE_TO ); case nPropertyTypeScale: return pEffect->getTransformationProperty( AnimationTransformType::SCALE, VALUE_BY ); case nPropertyTypeCharDecoration: { Sequence< Any > aValues(3); aValues[0] = pEffect->getProperty( AnimationNodeType::SET, OUString(RTL_CONSTASCII_USTRINGPARAM("CharWeight")), VALUE_TO ); aValues[1] = pEffect->getProperty( AnimationNodeType::SET, OUString(RTL_CONSTASCII_USTRINGPARAM("CharPosture")), VALUE_TO ); aValues[2] = pEffect->getProperty( AnimationNodeType::SET, OUString(RTL_CONSTASCII_USTRINGPARAM("CharUnderline")), VALUE_TO ); return makeAny( aValues ); } } Any aAny; return aAny; } bool CustomAnimationPane::setProperty1Value( sal_Int32 nType, CustomAnimationEffectPtr pEffect, const Any& rValue ) { bool bEffectChanged = false; switch( nType ) { case nPropertyTypeDirection: case nPropertyTypeSpokes: case nPropertyTypeZoom: { OUString aPresetSubType; rValue >>= aPresetSubType; if( aPresetSubType != pEffect->getPresetSubType() ) { getPresets().changePresetSubType( pEffect, aPresetSubType ); bEffectChanged = true; } } break; case nPropertyTypeFillColor: case nPropertyTypeColor: case nPropertyTypeFirstColor: case nPropertyTypeSecondColor: case nPropertyTypeCharColor: case nPropertyTypeLineColor: { const sal_Int32 nIndex = (nPropertyTypeFirstColor == nType) ? 0 : 1; Any aOldColor( pEffect->getColor( nIndex ) ); if( aOldColor != rValue ) { pEffect->setColor( nIndex, rValue ); bEffectChanged = true; } } break; case nPropertyTypeFont: bEffectChanged = pEffect->setProperty( AnimationNodeType::SET, OUString( RTL_CONSTASCII_USTRINGPARAM( "CharFontName" ) ), VALUE_TO, rValue ); break; case nPropertyTypeCharHeight: { const OUString aAttributeName( RTL_CONSTASCII_USTRINGPARAM( "CharHeight" ) ); bEffectChanged = pEffect->setProperty( AnimationNodeType::SET, aAttributeName, VALUE_TO, rValue ); if( !bEffectChanged ) bEffectChanged = pEffect->setProperty( AnimationNodeType::ANIMATE, aAttributeName, VALUE_TO, rValue ); } break; case nPropertyTypeRotate: bEffectChanged = pEffect->setTransformationProperty( AnimationTransformType::ROTATE, VALUE_BY , rValue ); break; case nPropertyTypeTransparency: bEffectChanged = pEffect->setProperty( AnimationNodeType::SET, OUString( RTL_CONSTASCII_USTRINGPARAM("Opacity") ), VALUE_TO, rValue ); break; case nPropertyTypeScale: bEffectChanged = pEffect->setTransformationProperty( AnimationTransformType::SCALE, VALUE_BY, rValue ); break; case nPropertyTypeCharDecoration: { Sequence< Any > aValues(3); rValue >>= aValues; bEffectChanged = pEffect->setProperty( AnimationNodeType::SET, OUString(RTL_CONSTASCII_USTRINGPARAM("CharWeight")), VALUE_TO, aValues[0] ); bEffectChanged |= pEffect->setProperty( AnimationNodeType::SET, OUString(RTL_CONSTASCII_USTRINGPARAM("CharPosture")), VALUE_TO, aValues[1] ); bEffectChanged |= pEffect->setProperty( AnimationNodeType::SET, OUString(RTL_CONSTASCII_USTRINGPARAM("CharUnderline")), VALUE_TO, aValues[2] ); } break; } return bEffectChanged; } STLPropertySet* CustomAnimationPane::createSelectionSet() { STLPropertySet* pSet = CustomAnimationDialog::createDefaultSet(); pSet->setPropertyValue( nHandleCurrentPage, makeAny( mxCurrentPage ) ); sal_Int32 nMaxParaDepth = 0; // get options from selected effects EffectSequence::iterator aIter( maListSelection.begin() ); const EffectSequence::iterator aEnd( maListSelection.end() ); const CustomAnimationPresets& rPresets (getPresets()); while( aIter != aEnd ) { CustomAnimationEffectPtr pEffect = (*aIter++); EffectSequenceHelper* pEffectSequence = pEffect->getEffectSequence(); if( !pEffectSequence ) pEffectSequence = mpMainSequence.get(); if( pEffect->hasText() ) { sal_Int32 n = calcMaxParaDepth(pEffect->getTargetShape()); if( n > nMaxParaDepth ) nMaxParaDepth = n; } addValue( pSet, nHandleHasAfterEffect, makeAny( pEffect->hasAfterEffect() ) ); addValue( pSet, nHandleAfterEffectOnNextEffect, makeAny( pEffect->IsAfterEffectOnNext() ? sal_True : sal_False ) ); addValue( pSet, nHandleDimColor, pEffect->getDimColor() ); addValue( pSet, nHandleIterateType, makeAny( pEffect->getIterateType() ) ); // convert absolute time to percentage value // This calculation is done in float to avoid some rounding artifacts. float fIterateInterval = (float)pEffect->getIterateInterval(); if( pEffect->getDuration() ) fIterateInterval = (float)(fIterateInterval / pEffect->getDuration() ); fIterateInterval *= 100.0; addValue( pSet, nHandleIterateInterval, makeAny( (double)fIterateInterval ) ); addValue( pSet, nHandleBegin, makeAny( pEffect->getBegin() ) ); addValue( pSet, nHandleDuration, makeAny( pEffect->getDuration() ) ); addValue( pSet, nHandleStart, makeAny( pEffect->getNodeType() ) ); addValue( pSet, nHandleRepeat, makeAny( pEffect->getRepeatCount() ) ); addValue( pSet, nHandleEnd, pEffect->getEnd() ); addValue( pSet, nHandleRewind, makeAny( pEffect->getFill() ) ); addValue( pSet, nHandlePresetId, makeAny( pEffect->getPresetId() ) ); addValue( pSet, nHandleHasText, makeAny( (sal_Bool)pEffect->hasText() ) ); Any aSoundSource; if( pEffect->getAudio().is() ) { aSoundSource = pEffect->getAudio()->getSource(); addValue( pSet, nHandleSoundVolumne, makeAny( pEffect->getAudio()->getVolume() ) ); // todo addValue( pSet, nHandleSoundEndAfterSlide, makeAny( pEffect->getAudio()->getEndAfterSlide() ) ); // this is now stored at the XCommand parameter sequence } else if( pEffect->getCommand() == EffectCommands::STOPAUDIO ) { aSoundSource = makeAny( (sal_Bool)sal_True ); } addValue( pSet, nHandleSoundURL, aSoundSource ); sal_Int32 nGroupId = pEffect->getGroupId(); CustomAnimationTextGroupPtr pTextGroup; if( nGroupId != -1 ) pTextGroup = pEffectSequence->findGroup( nGroupId ); addValue( pSet, nHandleTextGrouping, makeAny( pTextGroup.get() ? pTextGroup->getTextGrouping() : (sal_Int32)-1 ) ); addValue( pSet, nHandleAnimateForm, makeAny( pTextGroup.get() ? (sal_Bool)pTextGroup->getAnimateForm() : sal_True ) ); addValue( pSet, nHandleTextGroupingAuto, makeAny( pTextGroup.get() ? pTextGroup->getTextGroupingAuto() : (double)-1.0 ) ); addValue( pSet, nHandleTextReverse, makeAny( pTextGroup.get() ? (sal_Bool)pTextGroup->getTextReverse() : sal_False ) ); if( pEffectSequence->getSequenceType() == EffectNodeType::INTERACTIVE_SEQUENCE ) { InteractiveSequence* pIS = static_cast< InteractiveSequence* >( pEffectSequence ); addValue( pSet, nHandleTrigger, makeAny( pIS->getTriggerShape() ) ); } // CustomAnimationPresetPtr pDescriptor = rPresets.getEffectDescriptor( pEffect->getPresetId() ); if( pDescriptor.get() ) { sal_Int32 nType = nPropertyTypeNone; UStringList aProperties( pDescriptor->getProperties() ); if( aProperties.size() >= 1 ) nType = getPropertyType( aProperties.front() ); if( nType != nPropertyTypeNone ) { addValue( pSet, nHandleProperty1Type, makeAny( nType ) ); addValue( pSet, nHandleProperty1Value, getProperty1Value( nType, pEffect ) ); } if( pDescriptor->hasProperty( OUString( RTL_CONSTASCII_USTRINGPARAM( "Accelerate" ) ) ) ) { addValue( pSet, nHandleAccelerate, makeAny( pEffect->getAcceleration() ) ); } if( pDescriptor->hasProperty( OUString( RTL_CONSTASCII_USTRINGPARAM( "Decelerate" ) ) ) ) { addValue( pSet, nHandleDecelerate, makeAny( pEffect->getDecelerate() ) ); } if( pDescriptor->hasProperty( OUString( RTL_CONSTASCII_USTRINGPARAM( "AutoReverse" ) ) ) ) { addValue( pSet, nHandleAutoReverse, makeAny( pEffect->getAutoReverse() ) ); } } } addValue( pSet, nHandleMaxParaDepth, makeAny( nMaxParaDepth ) ); return pSet; } void CustomAnimationPane::changeSelection( STLPropertySet* pResultSet, STLPropertySet* pOldSet ) { // change selected effect bool bChanged = false; MainSequenceRebuildGuard aGuard( mpMainSequence ); EffectSequence::iterator aIter( maListSelection.begin() ); const EffectSequence::iterator aEnd( maListSelection.end() ); while( aIter != aEnd ) { CustomAnimationEffectPtr pEffect = (*aIter++); DBG_ASSERT( pEffect->getEffectSequence(), "sd::CustomAnimationPane::changeSelection(), dead effect in selection!" ); if( !pEffect->getEffectSequence() ) continue; double fDuration; // we might need this for iterate-interval if( pResultSet->getPropertyState( nHandleDuration ) == STLPropertyState_DIRECT ) { pResultSet->getPropertyValue( nHandleDuration ) >>= fDuration; } else { fDuration = pEffect->getDuration(); } if( pResultSet->getPropertyState( nHandleIterateType ) == STLPropertyState_DIRECT ) { sal_Int16 nIterateType; pResultSet->getPropertyValue( nHandleIterateType ) >>= nIterateType; if( pEffect->getIterateType() != nIterateType ) { pEffect->setIterateType( nIterateType ); bChanged = true; } } if( pEffect->getIterateType() ) { if( pResultSet->getPropertyState( nHandleIterateInterval ) == STLPropertyState_DIRECT ) { double fIterateInterval; pResultSet->getPropertyValue( nHandleIterateInterval ) >>= fIterateInterval; if( pEffect->getIterateInterval() != fIterateInterval ) { const double f = fIterateInterval * pEffect->getDuration() / 100; pEffect->setIterateInterval( f ); bChanged = true; } } } if( pResultSet->getPropertyState( nHandleBegin ) == STLPropertyState_DIRECT ) { double fBegin; pResultSet->getPropertyValue( nHandleBegin ) >>= fBegin; if( pEffect->getBegin() != fBegin ) { pEffect->setBegin( fBegin ); bChanged = true; } } if( pResultSet->getPropertyState( nHandleDuration ) == STLPropertyState_DIRECT ) { if( pEffect->getDuration() != fDuration ) { pEffect->setDuration( fDuration ); bChanged = true; } } if( pResultSet->getPropertyState( nHandleStart ) == STLPropertyState_DIRECT ) { sal_Int16 nNodeType; pResultSet->getPropertyValue( nHandleStart ) >>= nNodeType; if( pEffect->getNodeType() != nNodeType ) { pEffect->setNodeType( nNodeType ); bChanged = true; } } if( pResultSet->getPropertyState( nHandleRepeat ) == STLPropertyState_DIRECT ) { Any aRepeatCount( pResultSet->getPropertyValue( nHandleRepeat ) ); if( aRepeatCount != pEffect->getRepeatCount() ) { pEffect->setRepeatCount( aRepeatCount ); bChanged = true; } } if( pResultSet->getPropertyState( nHandleEnd ) == STLPropertyState_DIRECT ) { Any aEnd( pResultSet->getPropertyValue( nHandleEnd ) ); if( pEffect->getEnd() != aEnd ) { pEffect->setEnd( aEnd ); bChanged = true; } } if( pResultSet->getPropertyState( nHandleRewind ) == STLPropertyState_DIRECT ) { sal_Int16 nFill; pResultSet->getPropertyValue( nHandleRewind ) >>= nFill; if( pEffect->getFill() != nFill ) { pEffect->setFill( nFill ); bChanged = true; } } if( pResultSet->getPropertyState( nHandleHasAfterEffect ) == STLPropertyState_DIRECT ) { sal_Bool bHasAfterEffect; if( pResultSet->getPropertyValue( nHandleHasAfterEffect ) >>= bHasAfterEffect ) { if( pEffect->hasAfterEffect() != bHasAfterEffect ) { pEffect->setHasAfterEffect( bHasAfterEffect ); bChanged = true; } } } if( pResultSet->getPropertyState( nHandleAfterEffectOnNextEffect ) == STLPropertyState_DIRECT ) { sal_Bool bAfterEffectOnNextEffect; if( (pResultSet->getPropertyValue( nHandleAfterEffectOnNextEffect ) >>= bAfterEffectOnNextEffect) && ((pEffect->IsAfterEffectOnNext() ? sal_True : sal_False) != bAfterEffectOnNextEffect) ) { pEffect->setAfterEffectOnNext( bAfterEffectOnNextEffect ); bChanged = true; } } if( pResultSet->getPropertyState( nHandleDimColor ) == STLPropertyState_DIRECT ) { Any aDimColor( pResultSet->getPropertyValue( nHandleDimColor ) ); if( pEffect->getDimColor() != aDimColor ) { pEffect->setDimColor( aDimColor ); bChanged = true; } } if( pResultSet->getPropertyState( nHandleAccelerate ) == STLPropertyState_DIRECT ) { double fAccelerate; pResultSet->getPropertyValue( nHandleAccelerate ) >>= fAccelerate; if( pEffect->getAcceleration() != fAccelerate ) { pEffect->setAcceleration( fAccelerate ); bChanged = true; } } if( pResultSet->getPropertyState( nHandleDecelerate ) == STLPropertyState_DIRECT ) { double fDecelerate; pResultSet->getPropertyValue( nHandleDecelerate ) >>= fDecelerate; if( pEffect->getDecelerate() != fDecelerate ) { pEffect->setDecelerate( fDecelerate ); bChanged = true; } } if( pResultSet->getPropertyState( nHandleAutoReverse ) == STLPropertyState_DIRECT ) { sal_Bool bAutoReverse; pResultSet->getPropertyValue( nHandleAutoReverse ) >>= bAutoReverse; if( pEffect->getAutoReverse() != bAutoReverse ) { pEffect->setAutoReverse( bAutoReverse ); bChanged = true; } } if( pResultSet->getPropertyState( nHandleProperty1Value ) == STLPropertyState_DIRECT ) { sal_Int32 nType; pOldSet->getPropertyValue( nHandleProperty1Type ) >>= nType; bChanged |= setProperty1Value( nType, pEffect, pResultSet->getPropertyValue( nHandleProperty1Value ) ); } if( pResultSet->getPropertyState( nHandleSoundURL ) == STLPropertyState_DIRECT ) { const Any aSoundSource( pResultSet->getPropertyValue( nHandleSoundURL ) ); if( aSoundSource.getValueType() == ::getCppuType((const sal_Bool*)0) ) { pEffect->setStopAudio(); bChanged = true; } else { OUString aSoundURL; aSoundSource >>= aSoundURL; if( aSoundURL.getLength() ) { if( !pEffect->getAudio().is() ) { pEffect->createAudio( aSoundSource ); bChanged = true; } else { if( pEffect->getAudio()->getSource() != aSoundSource ) { pEffect->getAudio()->setSource( aSoundSource ); bChanged = true; } } } else { if( pEffect->getAudio().is() || pEffect->getStopAudio() ) { pEffect->removeAudio(); bChanged = true; } } } } if( pResultSet->getPropertyState( nHandleTrigger ) == STLPropertyState_DIRECT ) { Reference< XShape > xTriggerShape; pResultSet->getPropertyValue( nHandleTrigger ) >>= xTriggerShape; bChanged |= mpMainSequence->setTrigger( pEffect, xTriggerShape ); } } const bool bHasTextGrouping = pResultSet->getPropertyState( nHandleTextGrouping ) == STLPropertyState_DIRECT; const bool bHasAnimateForm = pResultSet->getPropertyState( nHandleAnimateForm ) == STLPropertyState_DIRECT; const bool bHasTextGroupingAuto = pResultSet->getPropertyState( nHandleTextGroupingAuto ) == STLPropertyState_DIRECT; const bool bHasTextReverse = pResultSet->getPropertyState( nHandleTextReverse ) == STLPropertyState_DIRECT; if( bHasTextGrouping || bHasAnimateForm || bHasTextGroupingAuto || bHasTextReverse ) { // we need to do a second pass for text grouping options // since changing them can cause effects to be removed // or replaced, we do this after we aplied all other options // above sal_Int32 nTextGrouping = 0; sal_Bool bAnimateForm = sal_True, bTextReverse = sal_False; double fTextGroupingAuto = -1.0; if( bHasTextGrouping ) pResultSet->getPropertyValue(nHandleTextGrouping) >>= nTextGrouping; if( bHasAnimateForm ) pResultSet->getPropertyValue(nHandleAnimateForm) >>= bAnimateForm; if( bHasTextGroupingAuto ) pResultSet->getPropertyValue(nHandleTextGroupingAuto) >>= fTextGroupingAuto; if( bHasTextReverse ) pResultSet->getPropertyValue(nHandleTextReverse) >>= bTextReverse; EffectSequence const aSelectedEffects( maListSelection ); EffectSequence::const_iterator iter( aSelectedEffects.begin() ); const EffectSequence::const_iterator iEnd( aSelectedEffects.end() ); while( iter != iEnd ) { CustomAnimationEffectPtr const& pEffect = (*iter++); EffectSequenceHelper* pEffectSequence = pEffect->getEffectSequence(); if( !pEffectSequence ) pEffectSequence = mpMainSequence.get(); sal_Int32 nGroupId = pEffect->getGroupId(); CustomAnimationTextGroupPtr pTextGroup; if( (nGroupId != -1) ) { // use existing group pTextGroup = pEffectSequence->findGroup( nGroupId ); } else { // somethings changed so we need a group now pTextGroup = pEffectSequence->createTextGroup( pEffect, nTextGrouping, fTextGroupingAuto, bAnimateForm, bTextReverse ); bChanged = true; } if( bHasTextGrouping ) { if( (pTextGroup->getTextGrouping() != nTextGrouping) ) { pEffectSequence->setTextGrouping( pTextGroup, nTextGrouping ); bChanged = true; } } if( bHasAnimateForm ) { if( pTextGroup->getAnimateForm() != bAnimateForm ) { pEffectSequence->setAnimateForm( pTextGroup, bAnimateForm ); bChanged = true; } } if( bHasTextGroupingAuto ) { if( pTextGroup->getTextGroupingAuto() != fTextGroupingAuto ) { pEffectSequence->setTextGroupingAuto( pTextGroup, fTextGroupingAuto ); bChanged = true; } } if( bHasTextReverse ) { if( pTextGroup->getTextReverse() != bTextReverse ) { pEffectSequence->setTextReverse( pTextGroup, bTextReverse ); bChanged = true; } } } } if( bChanged ) { mpMainSequence->rebuild(); updateControls(); mrBase.GetDocShell()->SetModified(); } } void CustomAnimationPane::showOptions( USHORT nPage /* = 0 */ ) { STLPropertySet* pSet = createSelectionSet(); CustomAnimationDialog* pDlg = new CustomAnimationDialog( this, pSet, nPage ); if( pDlg->Execute() ) { addUndo(); changeSelection( pDlg->getResultSet(), pSet ); updateControls(); } delete pDlg; } void CustomAnimationPane::onChangeCurrentPage() { if( mxView.is() ) try { Reference< XDrawPage > xNewPage( mxView->getCurrentPage() ); if( xNewPage != mxCurrentPage ) { mxCurrentPage = xNewPage; SdPage* pPage = SdPage::getImplementation( mxCurrentPage ); if( pPage ) { mpMainSequence = pPage->getMainSequence(); mpCustomAnimationList->update( mpMainSequence ); } updateControls(); } } catch( Exception& ) { DBG_ERROR( "sd::CustomAnimationPane::onChangeCurrentPage(), exception catched!" ); } } bool getTextSelection( const Any& rSelection, Reference< XShape >& xShape, std::list< sal_Int16 >& rParaList ) { Reference< XTextRange > xSelectedText; rSelection >>= xSelectedText; if( xSelectedText.is() ) try { xShape.set( xSelectedText->getText(), UNO_QUERY_THROW ); Reference< XTextRangeCompare > xTextRangeCompare( xShape, UNO_QUERY_THROW ); Reference< XEnumerationAccess > xParaEnumAccess( xShape, UNO_QUERY_THROW ); Reference< XEnumeration > xParaEnum( xParaEnumAccess->createEnumeration(), UNO_QUERY_THROW ); Reference< XTextRange > xRange; Reference< XTextRange > xStart( xSelectedText->getStart() ); Reference< XTextRange > xEnd( xSelectedText->getEnd() ); if( xTextRangeCompare->compareRegionEnds( xStart, xEnd ) < 0 ) { Reference< XTextRange > xTemp( xStart ); xStart = xEnd; xEnd = xTemp; } sal_Int16 nPara = 0; while( xParaEnum->hasMoreElements() ) { xParaEnum->nextElement() >>= xRange; // break if start of selection is prior to end of current paragraph if( xRange.is() && (xTextRangeCompare->compareRegionEnds( xStart, xRange ) >= 0 ) ) break; nPara++; } while( xRange.is() ) { if( xRange.is() && xRange->getString().getLength() ) rParaList.push_back( nPara ); // break if end of selection is before or at end of current paragraph if( xRange.is() && xTextRangeCompare->compareRegionEnds( xEnd, xRange ) >= 0 ) break; nPara++; if( xParaEnum->hasMoreElements() ) xParaEnum->nextElement() >>= xRange; else xRange.clear(); } return true; } catch( Exception& e ) { (void)e; DBG_ERROR( "sd::CustomAnimationPane::getTextSelection(), exception cought!" ); } return false; } void CustomAnimationPane::onChange( bool bCreate ) { bool bHasText = true; // first create vector of targets for dialog preview std::vector< Any > aTargets; if( bCreate ) { // gather shapes from the selection Reference< XSelectionSupplier > xSel( mxView, UNO_QUERY_THROW ); maViewSelection = xSel->getSelection(); if( maViewSelection.getValueType() == ::getCppuType((const Reference< XShapes >*)0) ) { Reference< XIndexAccess > xShapes; maViewSelection >>= xShapes; sal_Int32 nCount = xShapes->getCount(); sal_Int32 nIndex; for( nIndex = 0; nIndex < nCount; nIndex++ ) { Any aTarget( xShapes->getByIndex( nIndex ) ); aTargets.push_back( aTarget ); if( bHasText ) { Reference< XText > xText; aTarget >>= xText; if( !xText.is() || xText->getString().getLength() == 0 ) bHasText = false; } } } else if ( maViewSelection.getValueType() == ::getCppuType((const Reference< XShape >*)0) ) { aTargets.push_back( maViewSelection ); Reference< XText > xText; maViewSelection >>= xText; if( !xText.is() || xText->getString().getLength() == 0 ) bHasText = false; } else if ( maViewSelection.getValueType() == ::getCppuType((const Reference< XTextCursor >*)0) ) { Reference< XShape > xShape; std::list< sal_Int16 > aParaList; if( getTextSelection( maViewSelection, xShape, aParaList ) ) { ParagraphTarget aParaTarget; aParaTarget.Shape = xShape; std::list< sal_Int16 >::iterator aIter( aParaList.begin() ); for( ; aIter != aParaList.end(); aIter++ ) { aParaTarget.Paragraph = (*aIter); aTargets.push_back( makeAny( aParaTarget ) ); } } } else { DBG_ERROR("sd::CustomAnimationPane::onChange(), unknown view selection!" ); return; } } else { // get selected effect EffectSequence::iterator aIter( maListSelection.begin() ); const EffectSequence::iterator aEnd( maListSelection.end() ); while( aIter != aEnd ) { if( !bHasText || !(*aIter)->hasText() ) bHasText = false; aTargets.push_back( (*aIter++)->getTarget() ); } } CustomAnimationCreateDialog* pDlg = new CustomAnimationCreateDialog( this, this, aTargets, bHasText ); if( pDlg->Execute() ) { addUndo(); CustomAnimationPresetPtr pDescriptor = pDlg->getSelectedPreset(); if( pDescriptor.get() ) { double fDuration = pDlg->getSelectedDuration(); if( bCreate ) { mpCustomAnimationList->SelectAll( FALSE ); // gather shapes from the selection std::vector< Any >::iterator aIter( aTargets.begin() ); const std::vector< Any >::iterator aEnd( aTargets.end() ); bool bFirst = true; for( ; aIter != aEnd; aIter++ ) { CustomAnimationEffectPtr pCreated = mpMainSequence->append( pDescriptor, (*aIter), fDuration ); if( bFirst ) bFirst = false; else pCreated->setNodeType( EffectNodeType::WITH_PREVIOUS ); if( pCreated.get() ) { mpCustomAnimationList->select( pCreated ); } } } else { MainSequenceRebuildGuard aGuard( mpMainSequence ); // get selected effect EffectSequence::iterator aIter( maListSelection.begin() ); const EffectSequence::iterator aEnd( maListSelection.end() ); while( aIter != aEnd ) { CustomAnimationEffectPtr pEffect = (*aIter++); EffectSequenceHelper* pEffectSequence = pEffect->getEffectSequence(); if( !pEffectSequence ) pEffectSequence = mpMainSequence.get(); pEffectSequence->replace( pEffect, pDescriptor, fDuration ); } } } mrBase.GetDocShell()->SetModified(); } delete pDlg; updateControls(); // stop running preview from dialog DrawViewShell* pViewShell = dynamic_cast< DrawViewShell* >( mrBase.GetPaneManager().GetViewShell() ); if( pViewShell ) pViewShell->SetSlideShow( 0 ); } void CustomAnimationPane::onRemove() { if( maListSelection.size() ) { addUndo(); MainSequenceRebuildGuard aGuard( mpMainSequence ); EffectSequence aList( maListSelection ); EffectSequence::iterator aIter( aList.begin() ); const EffectSequence::iterator aEnd( aList.end() ); while( aIter != aEnd ) { CustomAnimationEffectPtr pEffect = (*aIter++); if( pEffect->getEffectSequence() ) pEffect->getEffectSequence()->remove( pEffect ); } maListSelection.clear(); mrBase.GetDocShell()->SetModified(); } } void CustomAnimationPane::onChangeStart() { if( mpLBStart->GetSelectEntryCount() == 1 ) { sal_Int16 nNodeType; USHORT nPos= mpLBStart->GetSelectEntryPos(); switch( nPos ) { case 0: nNodeType = EffectNodeType::ON_CLICK; break; case 1: nNodeType = EffectNodeType::WITH_PREVIOUS; break; case 2: nNodeType = EffectNodeType::AFTER_PREVIOUS; break; default: return; } onChangeStart( nNodeType ); } } void CustomAnimationPane::onChangeStart( sal_Int16 nNodeType ) { addUndo(); MainSequenceRebuildGuard aGuard( mpMainSequence ); bool bNeedRebuild = false; EffectSequence::iterator aIter( maListSelection.begin() ); const EffectSequence::iterator aEnd( maListSelection.end() ); while( aIter != aEnd ) { CustomAnimationEffectPtr pEffect = (*aIter++); if( pEffect->getNodeType() != nNodeType ) { pEffect->setNodeType( nNodeType ); bNeedRebuild = true; } } if( bNeedRebuild ) { mpMainSequence->rebuild(); updateControls(); mrBase.GetDocShell()->SetModified(); } } void CustomAnimationPane::onChangeProperty() { if( mpLBProperty->getSubControl() ) { addUndo(); MainSequenceRebuildGuard aGuard( mpMainSequence ); const Any aValue( mpLBProperty->getSubControl()->getValue() ); bool bNeedUpdate = false; // change selected effect EffectSequence::iterator aIter( maListSelection.begin() ); const EffectSequence::iterator aEnd( maListSelection.end() ); while( aIter != aEnd ) { CustomAnimationEffectPtr pEffect = (*aIter++); if( setProperty1Value( mnPropertyType, pEffect, aValue ) ) bNeedUpdate = true; } if( bNeedUpdate ) { mpMainSequence->rebuild(); updateControls(); mrBase.GetDocShell()->SetModified(); } onPreview( false ); } } void CustomAnimationPane::onChangeSpeed() { if( mpCBSpeed->GetSelectEntryCount() == 1 ) { addUndo(); MainSequenceRebuildGuard aGuard( mpMainSequence ); double fDuration; USHORT nPos= mpCBSpeed->GetSelectEntryPos(); switch( nPos ) { case 0: fDuration = 5.0; break; case 1: fDuration = 3.0; break; case 2: fDuration = 2.0; break; case 3: fDuration = 1.0; break; case 4: fDuration = 0.5; break; default: return; } // change selected effect EffectSequence::iterator aIter( maListSelection.begin() ); const EffectSequence::iterator aEnd( maListSelection.end() ); while( aIter != aEnd ) { CustomAnimationEffectPtr pEffect = (*aIter++); pEffect->setDuration( fDuration ); } mpMainSequence->rebuild(); updateControls(); mrBase.GetDocShell()->SetModified(); onPreview( false ); } } /// this link is called when the property box is modified by the user IMPL_LINK( CustomAnimationPane, implPropertyHdl, Control*, pControl ) { onChangeProperty(); return 0; } /// this link is called when one of the controls is modified IMPL_LINK( CustomAnimationPane, implControlHdl, Control*, pControl ) { if( pControl == mpPBAddEffect ) onChange(true); else if( pControl == mpPBChangeEffect ) onChange(false); else if( pControl == mpPBRemoveEffect ) onRemove(); else if( pControl == mpLBStart ) onChangeStart(); else if( pControl == mpCBSpeed ) onChangeSpeed(); else if( pControl == mpPBPropertyMore ) showOptions(); else if( pControl == mpPBMoveUp ) moveSelection( true ); else if( pControl == mpPBMoveDown ) moveSelection( false ); else if( pControl == mpPBPlay ) onPreview( true ); else if( pControl == mpPBSlideShow ) { mrBase.StartPresentation(); } else if( pControl == mpCBAutoPreview ) { SdOptions* pOptions = SD_MOD()->GetSdOptions(DOCUMENT_TYPE_IMPRESS); pOptions->SetPreviewChangedEffects( mpCBAutoPreview->IsChecked() ? sal_True : sal_False ); } updateControls(); return 0; } IMPL_LINK(CustomAnimationPane, lateInitCallback, Timer*, pTimer) { // Call getPresets() to initiate the (expensive) construction of the // presets list. getPresets(); // update selection and control states onSelectionChanged(); return 0; } void CustomAnimationPane::moveSelection( bool bUp ) { if( maListSelection.empty() ) return; EffectSequenceHelper* pSequence = maListSelection.front()->getEffectSequence(); if( pSequence == 0 ) return; addUndo(); bool bChanged = false; MainSequenceRebuildGuard aGuard( mpMainSequence ); EffectSequence& rEffectSequence = pSequence->getSequence(); if( bUp ) { EffectSequence::iterator aIter( maListSelection.begin() ); const EffectSequence::iterator aEnd( maListSelection.end() ); while( aIter != aEnd ) { CustomAnimationEffectPtr pEffect = (*aIter++); EffectSequence::iterator aEffectPos( pSequence->find( pEffect ) ); if( aEffectPos != rEffectSequence.end() ) { EffectSequence::iterator aInsertPos( rEffectSequence.erase( aEffectPos ) ); if( aInsertPos != rEffectSequence.begin() ) { aInsertPos--; while( (aInsertPos != rEffectSequence.begin()) && !mpCustomAnimationList->isExpanded(*aInsertPos)) aInsertPos--; rEffectSequence.insert( aInsertPos, pEffect ); } else { rEffectSequence.push_front( pEffect ); } bChanged = true; } } } else { EffectSequence::reverse_iterator aIter( maListSelection.rbegin() ); const EffectSequence::reverse_iterator aEnd( maListSelection.rend() ); while( aIter != aEnd ) { CustomAnimationEffectPtr pEffect = (*aIter++); EffectSequence::iterator aEffectPos( pSequence->find( pEffect ) ); if( aEffectPos != rEffectSequence.end() ) { EffectSequence::iterator aInsertPos( rEffectSequence.erase( aEffectPos ) ); if( aInsertPos != rEffectSequence.end() ) { aInsertPos++; while( (aInsertPos != rEffectSequence.end()) && !mpCustomAnimationList->isExpanded(*aInsertPos)) aInsertPos++; rEffectSequence.insert( aInsertPos, pEffect ); } else { rEffectSequence.push_back( pEffect ); } bChanged = true; } } } if( bChanged ) { mpMainSequence->rebuild(); updateControls(); mrBase.GetDocShell()->SetModified(); } } void CustomAnimationPane::onPreview( bool bForcePreview ) { if( !bForcePreview && !mpCBAutoPreview->IsChecked() ) return; if( maListSelection.empty() ) { Reference< XAnimationNodeSupplier > xNodeSupplier( mxCurrentPage, UNO_QUERY ); if( !xNodeSupplier.is() ) return; preview( xNodeSupplier->getAnimationNode() ); } else { MainSequencePtr pSequence( new MainSequence() ); EffectSequence::iterator aIter( maListSelection.begin() ); const EffectSequence::iterator aEnd( maListSelection.end() ); while( aIter != aEnd ) { CustomAnimationEffectPtr pEffect = (*aIter++); pSequence->append( pEffect->clone() ); } preview( pSequence->getRootNode() ); } } void CustomAnimationPane::preview( const Reference< XAnimationNode >& xAnimationNode ) { DrawViewShell* pViewShell = dynamic_cast< DrawViewShell* >( mrBase.GetPaneManager().GetViewShell() ); if( pViewShell == 0 ) return; DrawView* pView = pViewShell->GetDrawView(); Reference< XTimeContainer > xRoot(::comphelper::getProcessServiceFactory()->createInstance(OUString(RTL_CONSTASCII_USTRINGPARAM("com.sun.star.animations.ParallelTimeContainer"))), UNO_QUERY); if( xRoot.is() ) { Sequence< ::com::sun::star::beans::NamedValue > aUserData( 1 ); aUserData[0].Name = OUString( RTL_CONSTASCII_USTRINGPARAM( "node-type" ) ); aUserData[0].Value <<= ::com::sun::star::presentation::EffectNodeType::TIMING_ROOT; xRoot->setUserData( aUserData ); xRoot->appendChild( xAnimationNode ); pViewShell->SetSlideShow( 0 ); std::auto_ptr pSlideshow( new Slideshow( pViewShell, pView, pViewShell->GetDoc() ) ); Reference< XAnimationNode > xNode( xRoot, UNO_QUERY ); if (pSlideshow->startPreview( mxCurrentPage, xNode )) pViewShell->SetSlideShow( pSlideshow.release() ); } } // ICustomAnimationListController void CustomAnimationPane::onSelect() { maListSelection = mpCustomAnimationList->getSelection(); updateControls(); } const CustomAnimationPresets& CustomAnimationPane::getPresets (void) { if (mpCustomAnimationPresets == NULL) mpCustomAnimationPresets = &CustomAnimationPresets::getCustomAnimationPresets(); return *mpCustomAnimationPresets; } // ==================================================================== ::Window * createCustomAnimationPanel( ::Window* pParent, ViewShellBase& rBase ) { DialogListBox* pWindow = 0; DrawDocShell* pDocSh = rBase.GetDocShell(); if( pDocSh ) { pWindow = new DialogListBox( pParent, WB_CLIPCHILDREN|WB_TABSTOP|WB_AUTOHSCROLL ); Size aMinSize( pWindow->LogicToPixel( Size( 80, 256 ), MAP_APPFONT ) ); ::Window* pPaneWindow = new CustomAnimationPane( pWindow, rBase, aMinSize ); pWindow->SetChildWindow( pPaneWindow, aMinSize ); pWindow->SetText( pPaneWindow->GetText() ); } return pWindow; } }