/************************************************************************* * * $RCSfile: optsitem.cxx,v $ * * $Revision: 1.31 $ * * last change: $Author: rt $ $Date: 2005-01-27 14:12:09 $ * * The Contents of this file are made available subject to the terms of * either of the following licenses * * - GNU Lesser General Public License Version 2.1 * - Sun Industry Standards Source License Version 1.1 * * Sun Microsystems Inc., October, 2000 * * GNU Lesser General Public License Version 2.1 * ============================================= * Copyright 2000 by Sun Microsystems, Inc. * 901 San Antonio Road, Palo Alto, CA 94303, USA * * This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or * modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public * License version 2.1, as published by the Free Software Foundation. * * This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU * Lesser General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public * License along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software * Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, * MA 02111-1307 USA * * * Sun Industry Standards Source License Version 1.1 * ================================================= * The contents of this file are subject to the Sun Industry Standards * Source License Version 1.1 (the "License"); You may not use this file * except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of the * License at http://www.openoffice.org/license.html. * * Software provided under this License is provided on an "AS IS" basis, * WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EITHER EXPRESSED OR IMPLIED, INCLUDING, * WITHOUT LIMITATION, WARRANTIES THAT THE SOFTWARE IS FREE OF DEFECTS, * MERCHANTABLE, FIT FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE, OR NON-INFRINGING. * See the License for the specific provisions governing your rights and * obligations concerning the Software. * * The Initial Developer of the Original Code is: Sun Microsystems, Inc. * * Copyright: 2000 by Sun Microsystems, Inc. * * All Rights Reserved. * * Contributor(s): _______________________________________ * * ************************************************************************/ #ifndef _SVDMODEL_HXX //autogen #include #endif #ifndef _SFXAPP_HXX //autogen #include #endif #ifndef _SFX_HRC //autogen #include #endif #ifndef _SV_SALBTYPE_HRC //autogen #include #endif #ifndef INCLUDED_SVTOOLS_SYSLOCALE_HXX #include #endif #include "app.hxx" #include "optsitem.hxx" #include "cfgids.hxx" #ifndef SD_FRAME_VIEW_HXX #include "FrameView.hxx" #endif using namespace ::rtl; using namespace ::utl; using namespace ::com::sun::star::uno; #define B2U(_def_aStr) (OUString::createFromAscii(_def_aStr)) // ----------------- // - SdOptionsItem - // ----------------- SdOptionsItem::SdOptionsItem( const SdOptionsGeneric& rParent, const OUString rSubTree ) : ConfigItem ( rSubTree ), mrParent ( rParent ) { } // ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- SdOptionsItem::~SdOptionsItem() { } // ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- void SdOptionsItem::Commit() { if( IsModified() ) mrParent.Commit( *this ); }; // ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Sequence< Any > SdOptionsItem::GetProperties( const Sequence< OUString >& rNames ) { return ConfigItem::GetProperties( rNames ); } // ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- sal_Bool SdOptionsItem::PutProperties( const Sequence< OUString >& rNames, const Sequence< Any>& rValues ) { return ConfigItem::PutProperties( rNames, rValues ); } // ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- void SdOptionsItem::SetModified() { ConfigItem::SetModified(); } // -------------------- // - SdOptionsGeneric - // -------------------- SdOptionsGeneric::SdOptionsGeneric( USHORT nConfigId, const OUString& rSubTree ) : maSubTree ( rSubTree ), mpCfgItem ( NULL ), mnConfigId ( nConfigId ), mbInit ( rSubTree.getLength() == 0 ) { } // ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- void SdOptionsGeneric::Init() const { if( !mbInit ) { SdOptionsGeneric* pThis = (SdOptionsGeneric*) this; if( !mpCfgItem ) pThis->mpCfgItem = new SdOptionsItem( *this, maSubTree ); const Sequence< OUString > aNames( GetPropertyNames() ); const Sequence< Any > aValues = mpCfgItem->GetProperties( aNames ); if( aNames.getLength() && ( aValues.getLength() == aNames.getLength() ) ) { const Any* pValues = aValues.getConstArray(); pThis->EnableModify( FALSE ); pThis->mbInit = pThis->ReadData( pValues ); pThis->EnableModify( TRUE ); } else pThis->mbInit = TRUE; } } // ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- SdOptionsGeneric::~SdOptionsGeneric() { if( mpCfgItem ) delete mpCfgItem; } // ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- void SdOptionsGeneric::Commit( SdOptionsItem& rCfgItem ) const { const Sequence< OUString > aNames( GetPropertyNames() ); Sequence< Any > aValues( aNames.getLength() ); if( aNames.getLength() && ( aValues.getLength() == aNames.getLength() ) ) { if( ( (SdOptionsGeneric*) this )->WriteData( aValues.getArray() ) ) rCfgItem.PutProperties( aNames, aValues ); else { DBG_ERROR( "PutProperties failed" ); } } } // ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Sequence< OUString > SdOptionsGeneric::GetPropertyNames() const { ULONG nCount; const char** ppPropNames; GetPropNameArray( ppPropNames, nCount ); Sequence< OUString > aNames( nCount ); OUString* pNames = aNames.getArray(); for( ULONG i = 0; i < nCount; i++ ) pNames[ i ] = OUString::createFromAscii( ppPropNames[ i ] ); return aNames; } // ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- void SdOptionsGeneric::Store() { if( mpCfgItem ) mpCfgItem->Commit(); } // ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- bool SdOptionsGeneric::isMetricSystem() { SvtSysLocale aSysLocale; MeasurementSystem eSys = aSysLocale.GetLocaleDataPtr()->getMeasurementSystemEnum(); return ( eSys == MEASURE_METRIC ); } /************************************************************************* |* |* SdOptionsLayout |* \************************************************************************/ SdOptionsLayout::SdOptionsLayout( USHORT nConfigId, BOOL bUseConfig ) : SdOptionsGeneric( nConfigId, bUseConfig ? ( ( SDCFG_DRAW == nConfigId ) ? B2U( "Office.Draw/Layout" ) : B2U( "Office.Impress/Layout" ) ) : OUString() ), bRuler( TRUE ), bHelplines( TRUE ), bHandlesBezier( FALSE ), bMoveOutline( TRUE ), bDragStripes( FALSE ), nMetric(isMetricSystem() ? FUNIT_CM : FUNIT_INCH), nDefTab( 1250 ) { EnableModify( TRUE ); } // ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- void SdOptionsLayout::SetDefaults() { SetRulerVisible( TRUE ); SetHelplines( TRUE ); SetHandlesBezier( FALSE ); SetMoveOutline( TRUE ); SetDragStripes( FALSE ); if ( isMetricSystem() ) SetMetric( FUNIT_CM ); // default for countries with metric system else SetMetric( FUNIT_INCH ); // default for others SetDefTab( 1250 ); } // ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- BOOL SdOptionsLayout::operator==( const SdOptionsLayout& rOpt ) const { return( IsRulerVisible() == rOpt.IsRulerVisible() && IsMoveOutline() == rOpt.IsMoveOutline() && IsDragStripes() == rOpt.IsDragStripes() && IsHandlesBezier() == rOpt.IsHandlesBezier() && IsHelplines() == rOpt.IsHelplines() && GetMetric() == rOpt.GetMetric() && GetDefTab() == rOpt.GetDefTab() ); } // ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- void SdOptionsLayout::GetPropNameArray( const char**& ppNames, ULONG& rCount ) const { static const char* aPropNamesMetric[] = { "Display/Ruler", "Display/Bezier", "Display/Contour", "Display/Guide", "Display/Helpline", "Other/MeasureUnit/Metric", "Other/TabStop/Metric" }; static const char* aPropNamesNonMetric[] = { "Display/Ruler", "Display/Bezier", "Display/Contour", "Display/Guide", "Display/Helpline", "Other/MeasureUnit/NonMetric", "Other/TabStop/NonMetric" }; rCount = 7; if( isMetricSystem() ) ppNames = aPropNamesMetric; else ppNames = aPropNamesNonMetric; } // ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- BOOL SdOptionsLayout::ReadData( const Any* pValues ) { if( pValues[0].hasValue() ) SetRulerVisible( *(sal_Bool*) pValues[ 0 ].getValue() ); if( pValues[1].hasValue() ) SetHandlesBezier( *(sal_Bool*) pValues[ 1 ].getValue() ); if( pValues[2].hasValue() ) SetMoveOutline( *(sal_Bool*) pValues[ 2 ].getValue() ); if( pValues[3].hasValue() ) SetDragStripes( *(sal_Bool*) pValues[ 3 ].getValue() ); if( pValues[4].hasValue() ) SetHelplines( *(sal_Bool*) pValues[ 4 ].getValue() ); if( pValues[5].hasValue() ) SetMetric( (UINT16) *(sal_Int32*) pValues[ 5 ].getValue() ); if( pValues[6].hasValue() ) SetDefTab( (UINT16) *(sal_Int32*) pValues[ 6 ].getValue() ); return TRUE; } // ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- BOOL SdOptionsLayout::WriteData( Any* pValues ) const { pValues[ 0 ] <<= IsRulerVisible(); pValues[ 1 ] <<= IsHandlesBezier(); pValues[ 2 ] <<= IsMoveOutline(); pValues[ 3 ] <<= IsDragStripes(); pValues[ 4 ] <<= IsHelplines(); pValues[ 5 ] <<= (sal_Int32) GetMetric(); pValues[ 6 ] <<= (sal_Int32) GetDefTab(); return TRUE; } /************************************************************************* |* |* SdOptionsLayoutItem |* \************************************************************************/ SdOptionsLayoutItem::SdOptionsLayoutItem( USHORT nWhich ) : SfxPoolItem ( nWhich ), SdOptionsLayout ( 0, FALSE ) { } // ---------------------------------------------------------------------- SdOptionsLayoutItem::SdOptionsLayoutItem( USHORT nWhich, SdOptions* pOpts, ::sd::FrameView* pView ) : SfxPoolItem ( nWhich ), SdOptionsLayout ( 0, FALSE ) { SetMetric( pOpts->GetMetric() ); SetDefTab( pOpts->GetDefTab() ); if( pView ) { SetRulerVisible( pView->HasRuler() ); SetMoveOutline( !pView->IsNoDragXorPolys() ); SetDragStripes( pView->IsDragStripes() ); SetHandlesBezier( pView->IsPlusHandlesAlwaysVisible() ); SetHelplines( pView->IsHlplVisible() ); } else { SetRulerVisible( pOpts->IsRulerVisible() ); SetMoveOutline( pOpts->IsMoveOutline() ); SetDragStripes( pOpts->IsDragStripes() ); SetHandlesBezier( pOpts->IsHandlesBezier() ); SetHelplines( pOpts->IsHelplines() ); } } // ---------------------------------------------------------------------- SfxPoolItem* SdOptionsLayoutItem::Clone( SfxItemPool* ) const { return new SdOptionsLayoutItem( *this ); } // ---------------------------------------------------------------------- int SdOptionsLayoutItem::operator==( const SfxPoolItem& rAttr ) const { DBG_ASSERT( SfxPoolItem::operator==( rAttr ), "unterschiedliche Typen" ); return( (SdOptionsLayout&) *this == (const SdOptionsLayout&)(const SdOptionsLayoutItem&) rAttr ); } // ----------------------------------------------------------------------- void SdOptionsLayoutItem::SetOptions( SdOptions* pOpts ) const { pOpts->SetRulerVisible( IsRulerVisible() ); pOpts->SetMoveOutline( IsMoveOutline() ); pOpts->SetDragStripes( IsDragStripes() ); pOpts->SetHandlesBezier( IsHandlesBezier() ); pOpts->SetHelplines( IsHelplines() ); pOpts->SetMetric( GetMetric() ); pOpts->SetDefTab( GetDefTab() ); } /************************************************************************* |* |* SdOptionsContents |* \************************************************************************/ SdOptionsContents::SdOptionsContents( USHORT nConfigId, BOOL bUseConfig ) : SdOptionsGeneric( nConfigId, bUseConfig ? ( ( SDCFG_DRAW == nConfigId ) ? B2U( "Office.Draw/Content" ) : B2U( "Office.Impress/Content" ) ) : OUString() ), bExternGraphic( FALSE ), bOutlineMode( FALSE ), bHairlineMode( FALSE), bNoText( FALSE ) { EnableModify( TRUE ); } // ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- void SdOptionsContents::SetDefaults() { SetExternGraphic( FALSE ); SetOutlineMode( FALSE ); SetHairlineMode( FALSE); SetNoText( FALSE ); } // ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- BOOL SdOptionsContents::operator==( const SdOptionsContents& rOpt ) const { return( IsExternGraphic() == rOpt.IsExternGraphic() && IsOutlineMode() == rOpt.IsOutlineMode() && IsHairlineMode() == rOpt.IsHairlineMode() && IsNoText() == rOpt.IsNoText() ); } // ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- void SdOptionsContents::GetPropNameArray( const char**& ppNames, ULONG& rCount ) const { static const char* aPropNames[] = { "Display/PicturePlaceholder", "Display/ContourMode", "Display/LineContour", "Display/TextPlaceholder" }; rCount = 4; ppNames = aPropNames; } // ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- BOOL SdOptionsContents::ReadData( const Any* pValues ) { if( pValues[0].hasValue() ) SetExternGraphic( *(sal_Bool*) pValues[ 0 ].getValue() ); if( pValues[1].hasValue() ) SetOutlineMode( *(sal_Bool*)pValues[ 1 ].getValue() ); if( pValues[2].hasValue() ) SetHairlineMode( *(sal_Bool*) pValues[ 2 ].getValue() ); if( pValues[3].hasValue() ) SetNoText( *(sal_Bool*) pValues[ 3 ].getValue() ); return TRUE; } // ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- BOOL SdOptionsContents::WriteData( Any* pValues ) const { pValues[ 0 ] <<= IsExternGraphic(); pValues[ 1 ] <<= IsOutlineMode(); pValues[ 2 ] <<= IsHairlineMode(); pValues[ 3 ] <<= IsNoText(); return TRUE; } /************************************************************************* |* |* SdOptionsContentsItem |* \************************************************************************/ SdOptionsContentsItem::SdOptionsContentsItem( USHORT nWhich ) : SfxPoolItem ( nWhich ), SdOptionsContents ( 0, FALSE ) { } // ---------------------------------------------------------------------- SdOptionsContentsItem::SdOptionsContentsItem( USHORT nWhich, SdOptions* pOpts, ::sd::FrameView* pView ) : SfxPoolItem ( nWhich ), SdOptionsContents ( 0, FALSE ) { if( pView ) { SetExternGraphic( pView->IsGrafDraft() ); SetOutlineMode( pView->IsFillDraft() ); SetHairlineMode( pView->IsLineDraft() ); SetNoText( pView->IsTextDraft() ); } else { SetExternGraphic( pOpts->IsExternGraphic() ); SetOutlineMode( pOpts->IsOutlineMode() ); SetHairlineMode( pOpts->IsHairlineMode() ); SetNoText( pOpts->IsNoText() ); } } // ---------------------------------------------------------------------- SfxPoolItem* SdOptionsContentsItem::Clone( SfxItemPool* ) const { return new SdOptionsContentsItem( *this ); } // ---------------------------------------------------------------------- int SdOptionsContentsItem::operator==( const SfxPoolItem& rAttr ) const { DBG_ASSERT( SfxPoolItem::operator==(rAttr), "unterschiedliche Typen" ); return( (SdOptionsContents&) *this == (const SdOptionsContents&)(const SdOptionsContentsItem&) rAttr ); } // ----------------------------------------------------------------------- void SdOptionsContentsItem::SetOptions( SdOptions* pOpts ) const { pOpts->SetExternGraphic( IsExternGraphic() ); pOpts->SetOutlineMode( IsOutlineMode() ); pOpts->SetHairlineMode(IsHairlineMode() ); pOpts->SetNoText( IsNoText() ); } /************************************************************************* |* |* SdOptionsMisc |* \************************************************************************/ SdOptionsMisc::SdOptionsMisc( USHORT nConfigId, BOOL bUseConfig ) : SdOptionsGeneric( nConfigId, bUseConfig ? ( ( SDCFG_DRAW == nConfigId ) ? B2U( "Office.Draw/Misc" ) : B2U( "Office.Impress/Misc" ) ) : OUString() ), bStartWithTemplate( TRUE ), bMarkedHitMovesAlways( TRUE ), bMoveOnlyDragging( FALSE ), bCrookNoContortion( FALSE ), bQuickEdit( GetConfigId() != SDCFG_DRAW ), bMasterPageCache( TRUE ), bDragWithCopy( FALSE ), bPickThrough( TRUE ), bBigHandles( FALSE ), bDoubleClickTextEdit( TRUE ), bClickChangeRotation( FALSE ), bStartWithActualPage( FALSE ), bSummationOfParagraphs( FALSE ), bSolidDragging( FALSE ), bSolidMarkHdl( TRUE ), // #90356# bShowUndoDeleteWarning( TRUE ), // The default for 6.1-and-above documents is to use printer-independent // formatting. mnPrinterIndependentLayout (1), // #97016# nDefaultObjectSizeWidth(8000), nDefaultObjectSizeHeight(5000) { EnableModify( TRUE ); } // ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- void SdOptionsMisc::SetDefaults() { SetStartWithTemplate( TRUE ); SetMarkedHitMovesAlways( TRUE ); SetMoveOnlyDragging( FALSE ); SetCrookNoContortion( FALSE ); SetQuickEdit( GetConfigId() != SDCFG_DRAW ); SetMasterPagePaintCaching( TRUE ); SetDragWithCopy( FALSE ); SetPickThrough( TRUE ); SetBigHandles( FALSE ); SetDoubleClickTextEdit( TRUE ); SetClickChangeRotation( FALSE ); SetStartWithActualPage( FALSE ); SetSummationOfParagraphs( FALSE ); SetSolidDragging( FALSE ); SetSolidMarkHdl( TRUE ); // #90356# SetShowUndoDeleteWarning( TRUE ); // The default for 6.1-and-above documents is to use printer-independent // formatting. SetPrinterIndependentLayout (1); // #97016# SetDefaultObjectSizeWidth(8000); SetDefaultObjectSizeHeight(5000); SetPreviewNewEffects(true); SetPreviewChangedEffects(false); SetPreviewTransitions(true); } // ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- BOOL SdOptionsMisc::operator==( const SdOptionsMisc& rOpt ) const { return( IsStartWithTemplate() == rOpt.IsStartWithTemplate() && IsMarkedHitMovesAlways() == rOpt.IsMarkedHitMovesAlways() && IsMoveOnlyDragging() == rOpt.IsMoveOnlyDragging() && IsCrookNoContortion() == rOpt.IsCrookNoContortion() && IsQuickEdit() == rOpt.IsQuickEdit() && IsMasterPagePaintCaching() == rOpt.IsMasterPagePaintCaching() && IsDragWithCopy() == rOpt.IsDragWithCopy() && IsPickThrough() == rOpt.IsPickThrough() && IsBigHandles() == rOpt.IsBigHandles() && IsDoubleClickTextEdit() == rOpt.IsDoubleClickTextEdit() && IsClickChangeRotation() == rOpt.IsClickChangeRotation() && IsStartWithActualPage() == rOpt.IsStartWithActualPage() && IsSummationOfParagraphs() == rOpt.IsSummationOfParagraphs() && IsSolidDragging() == rOpt.IsSolidDragging() && IsSolidMarkHdl() == rOpt.IsSolidMarkHdl() && // #90356# IsShowUndoDeleteWarning() == rOpt.IsShowUndoDeleteWarning() && GetPrinterIndependentLayout() == rOpt.GetPrinterIndependentLayout() && // #97016# GetDefaultObjectSizeWidth() == rOpt.GetDefaultObjectSizeWidth() && GetDefaultObjectSizeHeight() == rOpt.GetDefaultObjectSizeHeight() && IsPreviewNewEffects() == rOpt.IsPreviewNewEffects() && IsPreviewChangedEffects() == rOpt.IsPreviewChangedEffects() && IsPreviewTransitions() == rOpt.IsPreviewTransitions() ); } // ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- void SdOptionsMisc::GetPropNameArray( const char**& ppNames, ULONG& rCount ) const { static const char* aPropNames[] = { "ObjectMoveable", "NoDistort", "TextObject/QuickEditing", "BackgroundCache", "CopyWhileMoving", "TextObject/Selectable", "BigHandles", "DclickTextedit", "RotateClick", "Preview", "CreateWithAttributes", "SimpleHandles", // #97016# "DefaultObjectSize/Width", "DefaultObjectSize/Height", "Compatibility/PrinterIndependentLayout", // just for impress "NewDoc/AutoPilot", "Start/CurrentPage", "Compatibility/AddBetween", // #90356# "ShowUndoDeleteWarning", "PreviewNewEffects", "PreviewChangedEffects", "PreviewTransitions" }; // #90356# rCount = ( ( GetConfigId() == SDCFG_IMPRESS ) ? 15 : 12 ); // #97016# rCount = ( ( GetConfigId() == SDCFG_IMPRESS ) ? 16 : 12 ); rCount = ( ( GetConfigId() == SDCFG_IMPRESS ) ? 22 : 15 ); ppNames = aPropNames; } // ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- BOOL SdOptionsMisc::ReadData( const Any* pValues ) { if( pValues[0].hasValue() ) SetMarkedHitMovesAlways( *(sal_Bool*) pValues[ 0 ].getValue() ); if( pValues[1].hasValue() ) SetCrookNoContortion( *(sal_Bool*) pValues[ 1 ].getValue() ); if( pValues[2].hasValue() ) SetQuickEdit( *(sal_Bool*)pValues[ 2 ].getValue() ); if( pValues[3].hasValue() ) SetMasterPagePaintCaching( *(sal_Bool*) pValues[ 3 ].getValue() ); if( pValues[4].hasValue() ) SetDragWithCopy( *(sal_Bool*) pValues[ 4 ].getValue() ); if( pValues[5].hasValue() ) SetPickThrough( *(sal_Bool*) pValues[ 5 ].getValue() ); if( pValues[6].hasValue() ) SetBigHandles( *(sal_Bool*) pValues[ 6 ].getValue() ); if( pValues[7].hasValue() ) SetDoubleClickTextEdit( *(sal_Bool*) pValues[ 7 ].getValue() ); if( pValues[8].hasValue() ) SetClickChangeRotation( *(sal_Bool*) pValues[ 8 ].getValue() ); // if( pValues[9].hasValue() ) SetPreviewQuality( FRound( *(double*) pValues[ 9 ].getValue() ) ); if( pValues[10].hasValue() ) SetSolidDragging( *(sal_Bool*) pValues[ 10 ].getValue() ); if( pValues[11].hasValue() ) SetSolidMarkHdl( *(sal_Bool*) pValues[ 11 ].getValue() ); // #97016# if( pValues[12].hasValue() ) SetDefaultObjectSizeWidth( *(sal_uInt32*) pValues[ 12 ].getValue() ); if( pValues[13].hasValue() ) SetDefaultObjectSizeHeight( *(sal_uInt32*) pValues[ 13 ].getValue() ); if( pValues[14].hasValue() ) SetPrinterIndependentLayout( *(sal_uInt16*) pValues[ 14 ].getValue() ); // just for Impress if( GetConfigId() == SDCFG_IMPRESS ) { if( pValues[15].hasValue() ) SetStartWithTemplate( *(sal_Bool*) pValues[ 15 ].getValue() ); if( pValues[16].hasValue() ) SetStartWithActualPage( *(sal_Bool*) pValues[ 16 ].getValue() ); if( pValues[17].hasValue() ) SetSummationOfParagraphs( *(sal_Bool*) pValues[ 17 ].getValue() ); // #90356# if( pValues[18].hasValue() ) SetShowUndoDeleteWarning( *(sal_Bool*) pValues[ 18 ].getValue() ); if( pValues[19].hasValue() ) SetPreviewNewEffects(*(sal_Bool*) pValues[ 19 ].getValue()); if( pValues[20].hasValue() ) SetPreviewChangedEffects(*(sal_Bool*) pValues[ 20 ].getValue()); if( pValues[21].hasValue() ) SetPreviewTransitions(*(sal_Bool*) pValues[ 21 ].getValue()); } return TRUE; } // ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- BOOL SdOptionsMisc::WriteData( Any* pValues ) const { pValues[ 0 ] <<= IsMarkedHitMovesAlways(); pValues[ 1 ] <<= IsCrookNoContortion(); pValues[ 2 ] <<= IsQuickEdit(); pValues[ 3 ] <<= IsMasterPagePaintCaching(); pValues[ 4 ] <<= IsDragWithCopy(); pValues[ 5 ] <<= IsPickThrough(); pValues[ 6 ] <<= IsBigHandles(); pValues[ 7 ] <<= IsDoubleClickTextEdit(); pValues[ 8 ] <<= IsClickChangeRotation(); // The preview is not supported anymore. Use a dummy value. pValues[ 9 ] <<= (double)0;// GetPreviewQuality(); pValues[ 10 ] <<= IsSolidDragging(); pValues[ 11 ] <<= IsSolidMarkHdl(); // #97016# pValues[ 12 ] <<= GetDefaultObjectSizeWidth(); pValues[ 13 ] <<= GetDefaultObjectSizeHeight(); pValues[ 14 ] <<= GetPrinterIndependentLayout(); // just for Impress if( GetConfigId() == SDCFG_IMPRESS ) { pValues[ 15 ] <<= IsStartWithTemplate(); pValues[ 16 ] <<= IsStartWithActualPage(); pValues[ 17 ] <<= IsSummationOfParagraphs(); // #90356# pValues[ 18 ] <<= IsShowUndoDeleteWarning(); pValues[ 19 ] <<= IsPreviewNewEffects(); pValues[ 20 ] <<= IsPreviewChangedEffects(); pValues[ 21 ] <<= IsPreviewTransitions(); } return TRUE; } /************************************************************************* |* |* SdOptionsMiscItem |* \************************************************************************/ SdOptionsMiscItem::SdOptionsMiscItem( USHORT nWhich ) : SfxPoolItem ( nWhich ), SdOptionsMisc ( 0, FALSE ) { } // ---------------------------------------------------------------------- SdOptionsMiscItem::SdOptionsMiscItem( USHORT nWhich, SdOptions* pOpts, ::sd::FrameView* pView ) : SfxPoolItem ( nWhich ), SdOptionsMisc ( 0, FALSE ) { SetStartWithTemplate( pOpts->IsStartWithTemplate() ); SetStartWithActualPage( pOpts->IsStartWithActualPage() ); SetSummationOfParagraphs( pOpts->IsSummationOfParagraphs() ); // #90356# SetShowUndoDeleteWarning( pOpts->IsShowUndoDeleteWarning() ); SetPrinterIndependentLayout( pOpts->GetPrinterIndependentLayout() ); // #97016# SetDefaultObjectSizeWidth( pOpts->GetDefaultObjectSizeWidth() ); SetDefaultObjectSizeHeight( pOpts->GetDefaultObjectSizeHeight() ); SetPreviewNewEffects(pOpts->IsPreviewNewEffects()); SetPreviewChangedEffects(pOpts->IsPreviewChangedEffects()); SetPreviewTransitions(pOpts->IsPreviewTransitions()); if( pView ) { SetMarkedHitMovesAlways( pView->IsMarkedHitMovesAlways() ); SetMoveOnlyDragging( pView->IsMoveOnlyDragging() ); SetCrookNoContortion( pView->IsCrookNoContortion() ); SetQuickEdit( pView->IsQuickEdit() ); // #i26631# SetMasterPagePaintCaching( pView->IsMasterPagePaintCaching() ); SetDragWithCopy( pView->IsDragWithCopy() ); SetPickThrough( pView->GetModel()->IsPickThroughTransparentTextFrames() ); SetBigHandles( pView->IsBigHandles() ); SetDoubleClickTextEdit( pView->IsDoubleClickTextEdit() ); SetClickChangeRotation( pView->IsClickChangeRotation() ); SetSolidDragging( pView->IsSolidDragging() ); SetSolidMarkHdl( pView->IsSolidMarkHdl() ); } else { SetMarkedHitMovesAlways( pOpts->IsMarkedHitMovesAlways() ); SetMoveOnlyDragging( pOpts->IsMoveOnlyDragging() ); SetCrookNoContortion( pOpts->IsCrookNoContortion() ); SetQuickEdit( pOpts->IsQuickEdit() ); SetMasterPagePaintCaching( pOpts->IsMasterPagePaintCaching() ); SetDragWithCopy( pOpts->IsDragWithCopy() ); SetPickThrough( pOpts->IsPickThrough() ); SetBigHandles( pOpts->IsBigHandles() ); SetDoubleClickTextEdit( pOpts->IsDoubleClickTextEdit() ); SetClickChangeRotation( pOpts->IsClickChangeRotation() ); SetSolidDragging( pOpts->IsSolidDragging() ); SetSolidMarkHdl( pOpts->IsSolidMarkHdl() ); } } // ---------------------------------------------------------------------- SfxPoolItem* SdOptionsMiscItem::Clone( SfxItemPool* ) const { return new SdOptionsMiscItem( *this ); } // ---------------------------------------------------------------------- int SdOptionsMiscItem::operator==( const SfxPoolItem& rAttr ) const { DBG_ASSERT( SfxPoolItem::operator==(rAttr), "unterschiedliche Typen" ); return( (SdOptionsMisc&) *this == (const SdOptionsMisc&)(const SdOptionsMiscItem&) rAttr ); } // ----------------------------------------------------------------------- void SdOptionsMiscItem::SetOptions( SdOptions* pOpts ) const { pOpts->SetStartWithTemplate( IsStartWithTemplate() ); pOpts->SetMarkedHitMovesAlways( IsMarkedHitMovesAlways() ); pOpts->SetMoveOnlyDragging( IsMoveOnlyDragging() ); pOpts->SetCrookNoContortion( IsCrookNoContortion() ); pOpts->SetQuickEdit( IsQuickEdit() ); pOpts->SetMasterPagePaintCaching( IsMasterPagePaintCaching() ); pOpts->SetDragWithCopy( IsDragWithCopy() ); pOpts->SetPickThrough( IsPickThrough() ); pOpts->SetBigHandles( IsBigHandles() ); pOpts->SetDoubleClickTextEdit( IsDoubleClickTextEdit() ); pOpts->SetClickChangeRotation( IsClickChangeRotation() ); pOpts->SetStartWithActualPage( IsStartWithActualPage() ); pOpts->SetSummationOfParagraphs( IsSummationOfParagraphs() ); pOpts->SetSolidDragging( IsSolidDragging() ); pOpts->SetSolidMarkHdl( IsSolidMarkHdl() ); // #90356# pOpts->SetShowUndoDeleteWarning( IsShowUndoDeleteWarning() ); pOpts->SetPrinterIndependentLayout( GetPrinterIndependentLayout() ); // #97016# pOpts->SetDefaultObjectSizeWidth( GetDefaultObjectSizeWidth() ); pOpts->SetDefaultObjectSizeHeight( GetDefaultObjectSizeHeight() ); pOpts->SetPreviewNewEffects( IsPreviewNewEffects() ); pOpts->SetPreviewChangedEffects( IsPreviewChangedEffects() ); pOpts->SetPreviewTransitions( IsPreviewTransitions() ); } /************************************************************************* |* |* SdOptionsSnap |* \************************************************************************/ SdOptionsSnap::SdOptionsSnap( USHORT nConfigId, BOOL bUseConfig ) : SdOptionsGeneric( nConfigId, bUseConfig ? ( ( SDCFG_DRAW == nConfigId ) ? B2U( "Office.Draw/Snap" ) : B2U( "Office.Impress/Snap" ) ) : OUString() ), bSnapHelplines( TRUE ), bSnapBorder( TRUE ), bSnapFrame( FALSE ), bSnapPoints( FALSE ), bOrtho( FALSE ), bBigOrtho( TRUE ), bRotate( FALSE ), nSnapArea( 5 ), nAngle( 1500 ), nBezAngle( 1500 ) { EnableModify( TRUE ); } // ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- void SdOptionsSnap::SetDefaults() { SetSnapHelplines( TRUE ); SetSnapBorder( TRUE ); SetSnapFrame( FALSE ); SetSnapPoints( FALSE ); SetOrtho( FALSE ); SetBigOrtho( TRUE ); SetRotate( FALSE ); SetSnapArea( 5 ); SetAngle( 1500 ); SetEliminatePolyPointLimitAngle( 1500 ); } // ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- BOOL SdOptionsSnap::operator==( const SdOptionsSnap& rOpt ) const { return( IsSnapHelplines() == rOpt.IsSnapHelplines() && IsSnapBorder() == rOpt.IsSnapBorder() && IsSnapFrame() == rOpt.IsSnapFrame() && IsSnapPoints() == rOpt.IsSnapPoints() && IsOrtho() == rOpt.IsOrtho() && IsBigOrtho() == rOpt.IsBigOrtho() && IsRotate() == rOpt.IsRotate() && GetSnapArea() == rOpt.GetSnapArea() && GetAngle() == rOpt.GetAngle() && GetEliminatePolyPointLimitAngle() == rOpt.GetEliminatePolyPointLimitAngle() ); } // ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- void SdOptionsSnap::GetPropNameArray( const char**& ppNames, ULONG& rCount ) const { static const char* aPropNames[] = { "Object/SnapLine", "Object/PageMargin", "Object/ObjectFrame", "Object/ObjectPoint", "Position/CreatingMoving", "Position/ExtendEdges", "Position/Rotating", "Object/Range", "Position/RotatingValue", "Position/PointReduction" }; rCount = 10; ppNames = aPropNames; } // ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- BOOL SdOptionsSnap::ReadData( const Any* pValues ) { if( pValues[0].hasValue() ) SetSnapHelplines( *(sal_Bool*) pValues[ 0 ].getValue() ); if( pValues[1].hasValue() ) SetSnapBorder( *(sal_Bool*)pValues[ 1 ].getValue() ); if( pValues[2].hasValue() ) SetSnapFrame( *(sal_Bool*) pValues[ 2 ].getValue() ); if( pValues[3].hasValue() ) SetSnapPoints( *(sal_Bool*) pValues[ 3 ].getValue() ); if( pValues[4].hasValue() ) SetOrtho( *(sal_Bool*) pValues[ 4 ].getValue() ); if( pValues[5].hasValue() ) SetBigOrtho( *(sal_Bool*) pValues[ 5 ].getValue() ); if( pValues[6].hasValue() ) SetRotate( *(sal_Bool*) pValues[ 6 ].getValue() ); if( pValues[7].hasValue() ) SetSnapArea( (INT16) *(sal_Int32*) pValues[ 7 ].getValue() ); if( pValues[8].hasValue() ) SetAngle( (INT16) *(sal_Int32*) pValues[ 8 ].getValue() ); if( pValues[9].hasValue() ) SetEliminatePolyPointLimitAngle( (INT16) *(sal_Int32*) pValues[ 9 ].getValue() ); return TRUE; } // ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- BOOL SdOptionsSnap::WriteData( Any* pValues ) const { pValues[ 0 ] <<= IsSnapHelplines(); pValues[ 1 ] <<= IsSnapBorder(); pValues[ 2 ] <<= IsSnapFrame(); pValues[ 3 ] <<= IsSnapPoints(); pValues[ 4 ] <<= IsOrtho(); pValues[ 5 ] <<= IsBigOrtho(); pValues[ 6 ] <<= IsRotate(); pValues[ 7 ] <<= (sal_Int32) GetSnapArea(); pValues[ 8 ] <<= (sal_Int32) GetAngle(); pValues[ 9 ] <<= (sal_Int32) GetEliminatePolyPointLimitAngle(); return TRUE; } /************************************************************************* |* |* SdOptionsSnapItem |* \************************************************************************/ SdOptionsSnapItem::SdOptionsSnapItem( USHORT nWhich ) : SfxPoolItem ( nWhich ), SdOptionsSnap ( 0, FALSE ) { } // ---------------------------------------------------------------------- SdOptionsSnapItem::SdOptionsSnapItem( USHORT nWhich, SdOptions* pOpts, ::sd::FrameView* pView ) : SfxPoolItem ( nWhich ), SdOptionsSnap ( 0, FALSE ) { if( pView ) { SetSnapHelplines( pView->IsHlplSnap() ); SetSnapBorder( pView->IsBordSnap() ); SetSnapFrame( pView->IsOFrmSnap() ); SetSnapPoints( pView->IsOPntSnap() ); SetOrtho( pView->IsOrtho() ); SetBigOrtho( pView->IsBigOrtho() ); SetRotate( pView->IsAngleSnapEnabled() ); SetSnapArea( pView->GetSnapMagneticPixel() ); SetAngle( (INT16) pView->GetSnapAngle() ); SetEliminatePolyPointLimitAngle( (INT16) pView->GetEliminatePolyPointLimitAngle() ); } else { SetSnapHelplines( pOpts->IsSnapHelplines() ); SetSnapBorder( pOpts->IsSnapBorder() ); SetSnapFrame( pOpts->IsSnapFrame() ); SetSnapPoints( pOpts->IsSnapPoints() ); SetOrtho( pOpts->IsOrtho() ); SetBigOrtho( pOpts->IsBigOrtho() ); SetRotate( pOpts->IsRotate() ); SetSnapArea( pOpts->GetSnapArea() ); SetAngle( pOpts->GetAngle() ); SetEliminatePolyPointLimitAngle( pOpts->GetEliminatePolyPointLimitAngle() ); } } // ---------------------------------------------------------------------- SfxPoolItem* SdOptionsSnapItem::Clone( SfxItemPool* ) const { return new SdOptionsSnapItem( *this ); } // ---------------------------------------------------------------------- int SdOptionsSnapItem::operator==( const SfxPoolItem& rAttr ) const { DBG_ASSERT( SfxPoolItem::operator==(rAttr), "unterschiedliche Typen" ); return( (SdOptionsSnap&) *this == (const SdOptionsSnap&)(const SdOptionsSnapItem&) rAttr ); } // ----------------------------------------------------------------------- void SdOptionsSnapItem::SetOptions( SdOptions* pOpts ) const { pOpts->SetSnapHelplines( IsSnapHelplines() ); pOpts->SetSnapBorder( IsSnapBorder() ); pOpts->SetSnapFrame( IsSnapFrame() ); pOpts->SetSnapPoints( IsSnapPoints() ); pOpts->SetOrtho( IsOrtho() ); pOpts->SetBigOrtho( IsBigOrtho() ); pOpts->SetRotate( IsRotate() ); pOpts->SetSnapArea( GetSnapArea() ); pOpts->SetAngle( GetAngle() ); pOpts->SetEliminatePolyPointLimitAngle( GetEliminatePolyPointLimitAngle() ); } /************************************************************************* |* |* SdOptionsZoom |* \************************************************************************/ SdOptionsZoom::SdOptionsZoom( USHORT nConfigId, BOOL bUseConfig ) : SdOptionsGeneric( nConfigId, ( bUseConfig && ( SDCFG_DRAW == nConfigId ) ) ? B2U( "Office.Draw/Zoom" ) : OUString() ), nX( 1 ), nY( 1 ) { EnableModify( TRUE ); } // ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- void SdOptionsZoom::SetDefaults() { SetScale( 1, 1 ); } // ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- BOOL SdOptionsZoom::operator==( const SdOptionsZoom& rOpt ) const { INT32 nX1, nX2, nY1, nY2; GetScale( nX1, nY1 ); rOpt.GetScale( nX2, nY2 ); return( ( nX1 == nX2 ) && ( nY1 == nY2 ) ); } // ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- void SdOptionsZoom::GetPropNameArray( const char**& ppNames, ULONG& rCount ) const { static const char* aPropNames[] = { "ScaleX", "ScaleY" }; rCount = ( GetConfigId() == SDCFG_DRAW ) ? 2 : 0; ppNames = aPropNames; } // ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- BOOL SdOptionsZoom::ReadData( const Any* pValues ) { INT32 nX = 1, nY = 1; if( pValues[0].hasValue() ) nX = ( *(sal_Int32*) pValues[ 0 ].getValue() ); if( pValues[1].hasValue() ) nY = ( *(sal_Int32*) pValues[ 1 ].getValue() ); SetScale( nX, nY ); return TRUE; } // ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- BOOL SdOptionsZoom::WriteData( Any* pValues ) const { INT32 nX, nY; GetScale( nX, nY ); pValues[ 0 ] <<= (sal_Int32) nX; pValues[ 1 ] <<= (sal_Int32) nY; return TRUE; } /************************************************************************* |* |* SdOptionsZoomItem |* \************************************************************************/ SdOptionsZoomItem::SdOptionsZoomItem( USHORT nWhich ) : SfxPoolItem ( nWhich ), SdOptionsZoom ( 0, FALSE ) { } // ---------------------------------------------------------------------- SdOptionsZoomItem::SdOptionsZoomItem( USHORT nWhich, SdOptions* pOpts, ::sd::FrameView* pView ) : SfxPoolItem ( nWhich ), SdOptionsZoom ( 0, FALSE ) { INT32 nX, nY; pOpts->GetScale( nX, nY ); SetScale( nX, nY ); } // ---------------------------------------------------------------------- SfxPoolItem* SdOptionsZoomItem::Clone( SfxItemPool* ) const { return new SdOptionsZoomItem( *this ); } // ---------------------------------------------------------------------- int SdOptionsZoomItem::operator==( const SfxPoolItem& rAttr ) const { DBG_ASSERT( SfxPoolItem::operator==(rAttr), "unterschiedliche Typen" ); return( (SdOptionsZoom&) *this == (const SdOptionsZoom&)(const SdOptionsZoomItem&) rAttr ); } // ----------------------------------------------------------------------- void SdOptionsZoomItem::SetOptions( SdOptions* pOpts ) const { INT32 nX, nY; GetScale( nX, nY ); pOpts->SetScale( nX, nY ); } /************************************************************************* |* |* SdOptionsGrid |* \************************************************************************/ SdOptionsGrid::SdOptionsGrid( USHORT nConfigId, BOOL bUseConfig ) : SdOptionsGeneric( nConfigId, bUseConfig ? ( ( SDCFG_DRAW == nConfigId ) ? B2U( "Office.Draw/Grid" ) : B2U( "Office.Impress/Grid" ) ) : OUString() ) { EnableModify( FALSE ); SetDefaults(); EnableModify( TRUE ); } // ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- SdOptionsGrid::~SdOptionsGrid() { } // ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- void SdOptionsGrid::SetDefaults() { const UINT32 nVal = 1000; SetFldDivisionX( nVal ); SetFldDivisionY( nVal ); SetFldDrawX( nVal ); SetFldDrawY( nVal ); SetFldSnapX( nVal ); SetFldSnapY( nVal ); SetUseGridSnap( FALSE ); SetSynchronize( TRUE ); SetGridVisible( FALSE ); SetEqualGrid( TRUE ); } // ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- BOOL SdOptionsGrid::operator==( const SdOptionsGrid& rOpt ) const { return( GetFldDrawX() == rOpt.GetFldDrawX() && GetFldDivisionX() == rOpt.GetFldDivisionX() && GetFldDrawY() == rOpt.GetFldDrawY() && GetFldDivisionY() == rOpt.GetFldDivisionY() && GetFldSnapX() == rOpt.GetFldSnapX() && GetFldSnapY() == rOpt.GetFldSnapY() && IsUseGridSnap() == rOpt.IsUseGridSnap() && IsSynchronize() == rOpt.IsSynchronize() && IsGridVisible() == rOpt.IsGridVisible() && IsEqualGrid() == rOpt.IsEqualGrid() ); } // ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- void SdOptionsGrid::GetPropNameArray( const char**& ppNames, ULONG& rCount ) const { static const char* aPropNamesMetric[] = { "Resolution/XAxis/Metric", "Resolution/YAxis/Metric", "Subdivision/XAxis", "Subdivision/YAxis", "SnapGrid/XAxis/Metric", "SnapGrid/YAxis/Metric", "Option/SnapToGrid", "Option/Synchronize", "Option/VisibleGrid", "SnapGrid/Size" }; static const char* aPropNamesNonMetric[] = { "Resolution/XAxis/NonMetric", "Resolution/YAxis/NonMetric", "Subdivision/XAxis", "Subdivision/YAxis", "SnapGrid/XAxis/NonMetric", "SnapGrid/YAxis/NonMetric", "Option/SnapToGrid", "Option/Synchronize", "Option/VisibleGrid", "SnapGrid/Size" }; rCount = 10; if( isMetricSystem() ) ppNames = aPropNamesMetric; else ppNames = aPropNamesNonMetric; } // ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- BOOL SdOptionsGrid::ReadData( const Any* pValues ) { if( pValues[0].hasValue() ) SetFldDrawX( *(sal_Int32*) pValues[ 0 ].getValue() ); if( pValues[1].hasValue() ) SetFldDrawY( *(sal_Int32*) pValues[ 1 ].getValue() ); if( pValues[2].hasValue() ) { const UINT32 nDivX = FRound( *(double*) pValues[ 2 ].getValue() ); SetFldDivisionX( SvxOptionsGrid::GetFldDrawX() / ( nDivX + 1 ) ); } if( pValues[3].hasValue() ) { const UINT32 nDivY = FRound( *(double*) pValues[ 3 ].getValue() ); SetFldDivisionY( SvxOptionsGrid::GetFldDrawY() / ( nDivY + 1 ) ); } if( pValues[4].hasValue() ) SetFldSnapX( *(sal_Int32*) pValues[ 4 ].getValue() ); if( pValues[5].hasValue() ) SetFldSnapY( *(sal_Int32*) pValues[ 5 ].getValue() ); if( pValues[6].hasValue() ) SetUseGridSnap( *(sal_Bool*) pValues[ 6 ].getValue() ); if( pValues[7].hasValue() ) SetSynchronize( *(sal_Bool*) pValues[ 7 ].getValue() ); if( pValues[8].hasValue() ) SetGridVisible( *(sal_Bool*) pValues[ 8 ].getValue() ); if( pValues[9].hasValue() ) SetEqualGrid( *(sal_Bool*) pValues[ 9 ].getValue() ); return TRUE; } // ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- BOOL SdOptionsGrid::WriteData( Any* pValues ) const { pValues[ 0 ] <<= (sal_Int32) GetFldDrawX(); pValues[ 1 ] <<= (sal_Int32) GetFldDrawY(); pValues[ 2 ] <<= ( GetFldDivisionX() ? ( (double) GetFldDrawX() / GetFldDivisionX() - 1.0 ) : (double) 0 ); pValues[ 3 ] <<= ( GetFldDivisionY() ? ( (double) GetFldDrawY() / GetFldDivisionY() - 1.0 ) : (double) 0 ); pValues[ 4 ] <<= (sal_Int32) GetFldSnapX(); pValues[ 5 ] <<= (sal_Int32) GetFldSnapY(); pValues[ 6 ] <<= IsUseGridSnap(); pValues[ 7 ] <<= IsSynchronize(); pValues[ 8 ] <<= IsGridVisible(); pValues[ 9 ] <<= IsEqualGrid(); return TRUE; } /************************************************************************* |* |* SdOptionsGridItem |* \************************************************************************/ SdOptionsGridItem::SdOptionsGridItem( USHORT nWhich ) : SvxGridItem( nWhich ) { } // ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- SdOptionsGridItem::SdOptionsGridItem( USHORT nWhich, SdOptions* pOpts, ::sd::FrameView* pView ) : SvxGridItem( nWhich ) { SetSynchronize( pOpts->IsSynchronize() ); SetEqualGrid( pOpts->IsEqualGrid() ); if( pView ) { SetFldDrawX( pView->GetGridCoarse().Width() ); SetFldDrawY( pView->GetGridCoarse().Height() ); SetFldDivisionX( pView->GetGridFine().Width() ? ( GetFldDrawX() / pView->GetGridFine().Width() - 1 ) : 0 ); SetFldDivisionY( pView->GetGridFine().Height() ? ( GetFldDrawY() / pView->GetGridFine().Height() - 1 ) : 0 ); SetFldSnapX( pView->GetSnapGrid().Width() ); SetFldSnapY( pView->GetSnapGrid().Height() ); SetUseGridSnap( pView->IsGridSnap() ); SetGridVisible( pView->IsGridVisible() ); } else { SetFldDrawX( pOpts->GetFldDrawX() ); SetFldDrawY( pOpts->GetFldDrawY() ); SetFldDivisionX( pOpts->GetFldDivisionX() ? ( pOpts->GetFldDrawX() / pOpts->GetFldDivisionX() - 1 ) : 0 ); SetFldDivisionY( pOpts->GetFldDivisionY() ? ( pOpts->GetFldDrawY() / pOpts->GetFldDivisionY() - 1 ) : 0 ); SetFldSnapX( pOpts->GetFldSnapX() ); SetFldSnapY( pOpts->GetFldSnapY() ); SetUseGridSnap( pOpts->IsUseGridSnap() ); SetGridVisible( pOpts->IsGridVisible() ); } } // ----------------------------------------------------------------------- void SdOptionsGridItem::SetOptions( SdOptions* pOpts ) const { pOpts->SetFldDrawX( GetFldDrawX() ); pOpts->SetFldDivisionX( GetFldDrawX() / ( GetFldDivisionX() + 1 ) ); pOpts->SetFldDrawY( GetFldDrawY() ); pOpts->SetFldDivisionY( GetFldDrawY() / ( GetFldDivisionY() + 1 ) ); pOpts->SetFldSnapX( GetFldSnapX() ); pOpts->SetFldSnapY( GetFldSnapY() ); pOpts->SetUseGridSnap( GetUseGridSnap() ); pOpts->SetSynchronize( GetSynchronize() ); pOpts->SetGridVisible( GetGridVisible() ); pOpts->SetEqualGrid( GetEqualGrid() ); } /************************************************************************* |* |* SdOptionsPrint |* \************************************************************************/ SdOptionsPrint::SdOptionsPrint( USHORT nConfigId, BOOL bUseConfig ) : SdOptionsGeneric( nConfigId, bUseConfig ? ( ( SDCFG_DRAW == nConfigId ) ? B2U( "Office.Draw/Print" ) : B2U( "Office.Impress/Print" ) ) : OUString() ), bDraw( TRUE ), bNotes( FALSE ), bHandout( FALSE ), bOutline( FALSE ), bDate( FALSE ), bTime( FALSE ), bPagename( FALSE ), bHiddenPages( TRUE ), bPagesize( FALSE ), bPagetile( FALSE ), bWarningPrinter( TRUE ), bWarningSize( FALSE ), bWarningOrientation( FALSE ), bBooklet( FALSE ), bFront( TRUE ), bBack( TRUE ), bCutPage( FALSE ), bPaperbin( FALSE ), nQuality( 0 ) { EnableModify( TRUE ); } // ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- void SdOptionsPrint::SetDefaults() { SetDraw( TRUE ); SetNotes( FALSE ); SetHandout( FALSE ); SetOutline( FALSE ); SetDate( FALSE ); SetTime( FALSE ); SetPagename( FALSE ); SetHiddenPages( TRUE ); SetPagesize( FALSE ); SetPagetile( FALSE ); SetWarningPrinter( TRUE ); SetWarningSize( FALSE ); SetWarningOrientation( FALSE ); SetBooklet( FALSE ); SetFrontPage( TRUE ); SetBackPage( TRUE ); SetCutPage( FALSE ); SetPaperbin( FALSE ); SetOutputQuality( 0 ); } // ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- BOOL SdOptionsPrint::operator==( const SdOptionsPrint& rOpt ) const { return( IsDraw() == rOpt.IsDraw() && IsNotes() == rOpt.IsNotes() && IsHandout() == rOpt.IsHandout() && IsOutline() == rOpt.IsOutline() && IsDate() == rOpt.IsDate() && IsTime() == rOpt.IsTime() && IsPagename() == rOpt.IsPagename() && IsHiddenPages() == rOpt.IsHiddenPages() && IsPagesize() == rOpt.IsPagesize() && IsPagetile() == rOpt.IsPagetile() && IsWarningPrinter() == rOpt.IsWarningPrinter() && IsWarningSize() == rOpt.IsWarningSize() && IsWarningOrientation() == rOpt.IsWarningOrientation() && IsBooklet() == rOpt.IsBooklet() && IsFrontPage() == rOpt.IsFrontPage() && IsBackPage() == rOpt.IsBackPage() && IsCutPage() == rOpt.IsCutPage() && IsPaperbin() == rOpt.IsPaperbin() && GetOutputQuality() == rOpt.GetOutputQuality() ); } // ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- void SdOptionsPrint::GetPropNameArray( const char**& ppNames, ULONG& rCount ) const { static const char* aDrawPropNames[] = { "Other/Date", "Other/Time", "Other/PageName", "Other/HiddenPage", "Page/PageSize", "Page/PageTile", // bWarningPrinter // bWarningSize // bWarningOrientation "Page/Booklet", "Page/BookletFront", "Page/BookletBack", // bCutPage "Other/FromPrinterSetup", "Other/Quality", "Content/Drawing", }; static const char* aImpressPropNames[] = { "Other/Date", "Other/Time", "Other/PageName", "Other/HiddenPage", "Page/PageSize", "Page/PageTile", // bWarningPrinter // bWarningSize // bWarningOrientation "Page/Booklet", "Page/BookletFront", "Page/BookletBack", // bCutPage "Other/FromPrinterSetup", "Other/Quality", "Content/Presentation", "Content/Note", "Content/Handout", "Content/Outline" }; if( GetConfigId() == SDCFG_IMPRESS ) { rCount = 15; ppNames = aImpressPropNames; } else { rCount = 12; ppNames = aDrawPropNames; } } // ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- BOOL SdOptionsPrint::ReadData( const Any* pValues ) { if( pValues[0].hasValue() ) SetDate( *(sal_Bool*) pValues[ 0 ].getValue() ); if( pValues[1].hasValue() ) SetTime( *(sal_Bool*) pValues[ 1 ].getValue() ); if( pValues[2].hasValue() ) SetPagename( *(sal_Bool*) pValues[ 2 ].getValue() ); if( pValues[3].hasValue() ) SetHiddenPages( *(sal_Bool*) pValues[ 3 ].getValue() ); if( pValues[4].hasValue() ) SetPagesize( *(sal_Bool*) pValues[ 4 ].getValue() ); if( pValues[5].hasValue() ) SetPagetile( *(sal_Bool*) pValues[ 5 ].getValue() ); if( pValues[6].hasValue() ) SetBooklet( *(sal_Bool*) pValues[ 6 ].getValue() ); if( pValues[7].hasValue() ) SetFrontPage( *(sal_Bool*) pValues[ 7 ].getValue() ); if( pValues[8].hasValue() ) SetBackPage( *(sal_Bool*) pValues[ 8 ].getValue() ); if( pValues[9].hasValue() ) SetPaperbin( *(sal_Bool*) pValues[ 9 ].getValue() ); if( pValues[10].hasValue() ) SetOutputQuality( (UINT16) *(sal_Int32*) pValues[ 10 ].getValue() ); if( pValues[11].hasValue() ) SetDraw( *(sal_Bool*) pValues[ 11 ].getValue() ); // just for impress if( GetConfigId() == SDCFG_IMPRESS ) { if( pValues[12].hasValue() ) SetNotes( *(sal_Bool*) pValues[ 12 ].getValue() ); if( pValues[13].hasValue() ) SetHandout( *(sal_Bool*) pValues[ 13 ].getValue() ); if( pValues[14].hasValue() ) SetOutline( *(sal_Bool*) pValues[ 14 ].getValue() ); } return TRUE; } // ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- BOOL SdOptionsPrint::WriteData( Any* pValues ) const { pValues[ 0 ] <<= IsDate(); pValues[ 1 ] <<= IsTime(); pValues[ 2 ] <<= IsPagename(); pValues[ 3 ] <<= IsHiddenPages(); pValues[ 4 ] <<= IsPagesize(); pValues[ 5 ] <<= IsPagetile(); pValues[ 6 ] <<= IsBooklet(); pValues[ 7 ] <<= IsFrontPage(); pValues[ 8 ] <<= IsBackPage(); pValues[ 9 ] <<= IsPaperbin(); pValues[ 10 ] <<= (sal_Int32) GetOutputQuality(); pValues[ 11 ] <<= IsDraw(); // just for impress if( GetConfigId() == SDCFG_IMPRESS ) { pValues[ 12 ] <<= IsNotes(); pValues[ 13 ] <<= IsHandout(); pValues[ 14 ] <<= IsOutline(); } return TRUE; } void SdOptionsPrint::SetPrinterOptions( const SdOptionsPrint* pOptions ) { bDraw = pOptions->bDraw; bNotes = pOptions->bNotes; bHandout = pOptions->bHandout; bOutline = pOptions->bOutline; bDate = pOptions->bDate; bTime = pOptions->bTime; bPagename = pOptions->bPagename; bHiddenPages = pOptions->bHiddenPages; bPagesize = pOptions->bPagesize; bPagetile = pOptions->bPagetile; bWarningPrinter = pOptions->bWarningPrinter; bWarningSize = pOptions->bWarningSize; bWarningOrientation = pOptions->bWarningOrientation; bBooklet = pOptions->bBooklet; bFront = pOptions->bFront; bBack = pOptions->bBack; bCutPage = pOptions->bCutPage; bPaperbin = pOptions->bPaperbin; nQuality = pOptions->nQuality; } /************************************************************************* |* |* SdOptionsPrintItem |* \************************************************************************/ SdOptionsPrintItem::SdOptionsPrintItem( USHORT nWhich ) : SfxPoolItem ( nWhich ), SdOptionsPrint ( 0, FALSE ) { } // ---------------------------------------------------------------------- SdOptionsPrintItem::SdOptionsPrintItem( USHORT nWhich, SdOptions* pOpts, ::sd::FrameView* pView ) : SfxPoolItem ( nWhich ), SdOptionsPrint ( 0, FALSE ) { SetDraw( pOpts->IsDraw() ); SetNotes( pOpts->IsNotes() ); SetHandout( pOpts->IsHandout() ); SetOutline( pOpts->IsOutline() ); SetDate( pOpts->IsDate() ); SetTime( pOpts->IsTime() ); SetPagename( pOpts->IsPagename() ); SetHiddenPages( pOpts->IsHiddenPages() ); SetPagesize( pOpts->IsPagesize() ); SetPagetile( pOpts->IsPagetile() ); SetWarningPrinter( pOpts->IsWarningPrinter() ); SetWarningSize( pOpts->IsWarningSize() ); SetWarningOrientation( pOpts->IsWarningOrientation() ); SetBooklet( pOpts->IsBooklet() ); SetFrontPage( pOpts->IsFrontPage() ); SetBackPage( pOpts->IsBackPage() ); SetCutPage( pOpts->IsCutPage() ); SetPaperbin( pOpts->IsPaperbin() ); SetOutputQuality( pOpts->GetOutputQuality() ); } // ---------------------------------------------------------------------- SfxPoolItem* SdOptionsPrintItem::Clone( SfxItemPool* ) const { return new SdOptionsPrintItem( *this ); } // ---------------------------------------------------------------------- int SdOptionsPrintItem::operator==( const SfxPoolItem& rAttr ) const { DBG_ASSERT( SfxPoolItem::operator==(rAttr), "unterschiedliche Typen" ); return( (SdOptionsPrint&) *this == (const SdOptionsPrint&)(const SdOptionsPrintItem&) rAttr ); } // ----------------------------------------------------------------------- void SdOptionsPrintItem::SetOptions( SdOptions* pOpts ) const { pOpts->SetDraw( IsDraw() ); pOpts->SetNotes( IsNotes() ); pOpts->SetHandout( IsHandout() ); pOpts->SetOutline( IsOutline() ); pOpts->SetDate( IsDate() ); pOpts->SetTime( IsTime() ); pOpts->SetPagename( IsPagename() ); pOpts->SetHiddenPages( IsHiddenPages() ); pOpts->SetPagesize( IsPagesize() ); pOpts->SetPagetile( IsPagetile() ); pOpts->SetWarningPrinter( IsWarningPrinter() ); pOpts->SetWarningSize( IsWarningSize() ); pOpts->SetWarningOrientation( IsWarningOrientation() ); pOpts->SetBooklet( IsBooklet() ); pOpts->SetFrontPage( IsFrontPage() ); pOpts->SetBackPage( IsBackPage() ); pOpts->SetCutPage( IsCutPage() ); pOpts->SetPaperbin( IsPaperbin() ); pOpts->SetOutputQuality( GetOutputQuality() ); } /************************************************************************* |* |* SdOptions |* \************************************************************************/ SdOptions::SdOptions( USHORT nConfigId ) : SdOptionsLayout( nConfigId, TRUE ), SdOptionsContents( nConfigId, TRUE ), SdOptionsMisc( nConfigId, TRUE ), SdOptionsSnap( nConfigId, TRUE ), SdOptionsZoom( nConfigId, TRUE ), SdOptionsGrid( nConfigId, TRUE ), SdOptionsPrint( nConfigId, TRUE ) { } // ---------------------------------------------------------------------- SdOptions::~SdOptions() { } // ---------------------------------------------------------------------- void SdOptions::SetDefaults( ULONG nOptionsRange ) { if( nOptionsRange & SD_OPTIONS_LAYOUT ) SdOptionsLayout::SetDefaults(); if( nOptionsRange & SD_OPTIONS_CONTENTS ) SdOptionsContents::SetDefaults(); if( nOptionsRange & SD_OPTIONS_MISC ) SdOptionsMisc::SetDefaults(); if( nOptionsRange & SD_OPTIONS_SNAP ) SdOptionsSnap::SetDefaults(); if( nOptionsRange & SD_OPTIONS_ZOOM ) SdOptionsZoom::SetDefaults(); if( nOptionsRange & SD_OPTIONS_GRID ) SdOptionsGrid::SetDefaults(); if( nOptionsRange & SD_OPTIONS_PRINT ) SdOptionsPrint::SetDefaults(); } // ---------------------------------------------------------------------- void SdOptions::StoreConfig( ULONG nOptionsRange ) { if( nOptionsRange & SD_OPTIONS_LAYOUT ) SdOptionsLayout::Store(); if( nOptionsRange & SD_OPTIONS_CONTENTS ) SdOptionsContents::Store(); if( nOptionsRange & SD_OPTIONS_MISC ) SdOptionsMisc::Store(); if( nOptionsRange & SD_OPTIONS_SNAP ) SdOptionsSnap::Store(); if( nOptionsRange & SD_OPTIONS_ZOOM ) SdOptionsZoom::Store(); if( nOptionsRange & SD_OPTIONS_GRID ) SdOptionsGrid::Store(); if( nOptionsRange & SD_OPTIONS_PRINT ) SdOptionsPrint::Store(); }