/************************************************************************* * * OpenOffice.org - a multi-platform office productivity suite * * $RCSfile: PaneDockingWindow.cxx,v $ * * $Revision: 1.15 $ * * last change: $Author: rt $ $Date: 2007-04-03 15:40:49 $ * * The Contents of this file are made available subject to * the terms of GNU Lesser General Public License Version 2.1. * * * GNU Lesser General Public License Version 2.1 * ============================================= * Copyright 2005 by Sun Microsystems, Inc. * 901 San Antonio Road, Palo Alto, CA 94303, USA * * This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or * modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public * License version 2.1, as published by the Free Software Foundation. * * This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU * Lesser General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public * License along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software * Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, * MA 02111-1307 USA * ************************************************************************/ // MARKER(update_precomp.py): autogen include statement, do not remove #include "precompiled_sd.hxx" #include "PaneDockingWindow.hxx" #include "Window.hxx" #include "ViewShellBase.hxx" #include "sdresid.hxx" #include "res_bmp.hrc" #ifndef _SFXDISPATCH_HXX #include <sfx2/dispatch.hxx> #endif #include <vcl/toolbox.hxx> #ifndef _SV_TASKPANELIST_HXX #include <vcl/taskpanelist.hxx> #endif #ifndef _COM_SUN_STAR_DRAWING_FRAMEWORK_XCONTROLLERMANAGER_HPP_ #include <com/sun/star/drawing/framework/XControllerManager.hpp> #endif #ifndef _COM_SUN_STAR_DRAWING_FRAMEWORK_XPANECONTROLLER_HPP_ #include <com/sun/star/drawing/framework/XPaneController.hpp> #endif #include "framework/FrameworkHelper.hxx" using namespace ::com::sun::star; using namespace ::com::sun::star::uno; using namespace ::com::sun::star::drawing::framework; namespace sd { PaneDockingWindow::PaneDockingWindow ( SfxBindings *_pBindings, SfxChildWindow *pChildWindow, ::Window* pParent, const ResId& rResId, const ::rtl::OUString& rsPaneURL, const ::rtl::OUString& rsTitle) : SfxDockingWindow ( _pBindings, pChildWindow, pParent, rResId ), msPaneURL(rsPaneURL), msTitle(rsTitle), mpTitleToolBox(NULL), maBorder (3,1,3,3), mnChildWindowId(pChildWindow->GetType()), mpContentWindow(new ::Window(this)), mbIsLayoutPending(false) { SetBackground (Wallpaper()); InitializeTitleToolBox(); // Tell the system window about the new docking window so that it can be // reached via the keyboard. SystemWindow* pSystemWindow = GetSystemWindow(); if (pSystemWindow != NULL) pSystemWindow->GetTaskPaneList()->AddWindow(this); mpContentWindow->Show(); } PaneDockingWindow::~PaneDockingWindow (void) { // Tell the next system window that the docking window is no longer // available. SystemWindow* pSystemWindow = GetSystemWindow(); if (pSystemWindow != NULL) pSystemWindow->GetTaskPaneList()->RemoveWindow(this); mpTitleToolBox.reset(); } void PaneDockingWindow::SetTitle (const String& rsTitle) { msTitle = rsTitle; Invalidate(); } void PaneDockingWindow::Resize (void) { SfxDockingWindow::Resize(); mbIsLayoutPending = true; } void PaneDockingWindow::Layout (void) { mbIsLayoutPending = false; Size aWindowSize (GetOutputSizePixel()); Size aToolBoxSize (0,0); int nTitleBarHeight (GetSettings().GetStyleSettings().GetTitleHeight()); // Place the title tool box. if (mpTitleToolBox.get() != NULL) { if (IsFloatingMode()) mpTitleToolBox->HideItem (1); else mpTitleToolBox->ShowItem (1); aToolBoxSize = mpTitleToolBox->CalcWindowSizePixel(); if (aToolBoxSize.Height() > nTitleBarHeight) nTitleBarHeight = aToolBoxSize.Height(); mpTitleToolBox->SetPosSizePixel ( Point(aWindowSize.Width()-aToolBoxSize.Width(), (nTitleBarHeight-aToolBoxSize.Height())/2), aToolBoxSize); } // Place the content window. if (nTitleBarHeight < aToolBoxSize.Height()) nTitleBarHeight = aToolBoxSize.Height(); aWindowSize.Height() -= nTitleBarHeight; mpContentWindow->SetPosSizePixel( Point(maBorder.Left(),nTitleBarHeight+maBorder.Top()), Size (aWindowSize.Width()-maBorder.Left()-maBorder.Right(), aWindowSize.Height()-maBorder.Top()-maBorder.Bottom())); } void PaneDockingWindow::Paint (const Rectangle& rRectangle) { if (mbIsLayoutPending) Layout(); SfxDockingWindow::Paint (rRectangle); int nTitleBarHeight (GetSettings().GetStyleSettings().GetTitleHeight()); Size aToolBoxSize = mpTitleToolBox->CalcWindowSizePixel(); if (aToolBoxSize.Height() > nTitleBarHeight) nTitleBarHeight = aToolBoxSize.Height(); Color aOriginalLineColor (GetLineColor()); Color aOriginalFillColor (GetFillColor()); SetFillColor (GetSettings().GetStyleSettings().GetDialogColor()); SetLineColor (); // Make font bold. const Font& rOriginalFont (GetFont()); Font aFont (rOriginalFont); aFont.SetWeight (WEIGHT_BOLD); SetFont (aFont); // Set border values. Size aWindowSize (GetOutputSizePixel()); int nOuterLeft = 0; int nInnerLeft = nOuterLeft + maBorder.Left() - 1; int nOuterRight = aWindowSize.Width() - 1; int nInnerRight = nOuterRight - maBorder.Right() + 1; int nInnerTop = nTitleBarHeight + maBorder.Top() - 1; int nOuterBottom = aWindowSize.Height() - 1; int nInnerBottom = nOuterBottom - maBorder.Bottom() + 1; // Paint title bar background. Rectangle aTitleBarBox (Rectangle( nOuterLeft, 0, nOuterRight, nInnerTop-1)); DrawRect (aTitleBarBox); if (nInnerLeft > nOuterLeft) DrawRect ( Rectangle (nOuterLeft, nInnerTop, nInnerLeft, nInnerBottom)); if (nOuterRight > nInnerRight) DrawRect ( Rectangle (nInnerRight, nInnerTop, nOuterRight, nInnerBottom)); if (nInnerBottom < nOuterBottom) DrawRect ( Rectangle (nOuterLeft, nInnerBottom, nOuterRight, nOuterBottom)); // Paint bevel border. SetFillColor (); SetLineColor (GetSettings().GetStyleSettings().GetShadowColor()); if (maBorder.Top() > 0) DrawLine ( Point(nInnerLeft,nInnerTop), Point(nInnerLeft,nInnerBottom)); if (maBorder.Left() > 0) DrawLine ( Point(nInnerLeft,nInnerTop), Point(nInnerRight,nInnerTop)); SetLineColor (GetSettings().GetStyleSettings().GetLightColor()); if (maBorder.Bottom() > 0) DrawLine ( Point(nInnerRight,nInnerBottom), Point(nInnerLeft,nInnerBottom)); if (maBorder.Right() > 0) DrawLine ( Point(nInnerRight,nInnerBottom), Point(nInnerRight,nInnerTop)); // Paint title bar text. SetLineColor (GetSettings().GetStyleSettings().GetActiveTextColor()); SetFillColor (); aTitleBarBox.Left() += 3; DrawText (aTitleBarBox, msTitle, TEXT_DRAW_LEFT | TEXT_DRAW_VCENTER | TEXT_DRAW_MULTILINE | TEXT_DRAW_WORDBREAK); // Restore original values of the output device. SetFont (rOriginalFont); SetFillColor (aOriginalFillColor); } void PaneDockingWindow::InitializeTitleToolBox (void) { if (mpTitleToolBox.get() == NULL) { // Initialize the title tool box. mpTitleToolBox.reset (new ToolBox(this)); mpTitleToolBox->SetSelectHdl ( LINK(this, PaneDockingWindow, ToolboxSelectHandler)); mpTitleToolBox->SetOutStyle (TOOLBOX_STYLE_FLAT); mpTitleToolBox->SetBackground (Wallpaper ( GetSettings().GetStyleSettings().GetDialogColor())); mpTitleToolBox->Show(); } else mpTitleToolBox->Clear(); // Get the closer bitmap and set it as right most button. Bitmap aBitmap (SdResId (BMP_CLOSE_DOC)); Bitmap aBitmapHC (SdResId (BMP_CLOSE_DOC_H)); Image aImage = Image (aBitmap, Color (COL_LIGHTMAGENTA)); Image aImageHC = Image (aBitmapHC, Color (BMP_COLOR_HIGHCONTRAST)); mpTitleToolBox->InsertItem (1, GetSettings().GetStyleSettings().GetMenuBarColor().IsDark() ? aImageHC : aImage); mpTitleToolBox->ShowItem (1); } USHORT PaneDockingWindow::AddMenu ( const String& rsMenuName, ULONG nHelpId, const Link& rCallback) { // Add the menu before the closer button. USHORT nItemCount (mpTitleToolBox->GetItemCount()); USHORT nItemId (nItemCount+1); mpTitleToolBox->InsertItem ( nItemId, rsMenuName, TIB_DROPDOWNONLY, nItemCount>0 ? nItemCount-1 : (USHORT)-1); mpTitleToolBox->SetHelpId( nItemId, nHelpId ); mpTitleToolBox->SetClickHdl (rCallback); mpTitleToolBox->SetDropdownClickHdl (rCallback); // The tool box has likely changed its size. The title bar has to be // resized. Resize(); Invalidate(); return nItemCount+1; } IMPL_LINK(PaneDockingWindow, ToolboxSelectHandler, ToolBox*, pToolBox) { USHORT nId = pToolBox->GetCurItemId(); if (nId == 1) { EndTracking(); SfxBoolItem aVisibility (mnChildWindowId, FALSE); GetBindings().GetDispatcher()->Execute ( mnChildWindowId, SFX_CALLMODE_ASYNCHRON | SFX_CALLMODE_RECORD, &aVisibility, NULL); } return 0; } long PaneDockingWindow::Notify( NotifyEvent& rNEvt ) { return SfxDockingWindow::Notify (rNEvt); } void PaneDockingWindow::StateChanged( StateChangedType nType ) { switch (nType) { case STATE_CHANGE_INITSHOW: Resize(); break; case STATE_CHANGE_VISIBLE: // The visibility of the docking window has changed. Tell the // ConfigurationController so that it can activate or deactivate // a/the view for the pane. // Without this the side panes remain empty after closing an // in-place slide show. ViewShellBase* pBase = ViewShellBase::GetViewShellBase( GetBindings().GetDispatcher()->GetFrame()); if (pBase != NULL) { framework::FrameworkHelper::Instance(*pBase)->UpdateConfiguration(); } break; } SfxDockingWindow::StateChanged (nType); } void PaneDockingWindow::DataChanged (const DataChangedEvent& rEvent) { SfxDockingWindow::DataChanged (rEvent); switch (rEvent.GetType()) { case DATACHANGED_SETTINGS: if ((rEvent.GetFlags() & SETTINGS_STYLE) == 0) break; // else fall through. case DATACHANGED_FONTS: case DATACHANGED_FONTSUBSTITUTION: { const StyleSettings& rStyleSettings = GetSettings().GetStyleSettings(); // Font. Font aFont = rStyleSettings.GetAppFont(); if (IsControlFont()) aFont.Merge(GetControlFont()); SetZoomedPointFont(aFont); // Color. Color aColor; if (IsControlForeground()) aColor = GetControlForeground(); else aColor = rStyleSettings.GetButtonTextColor(); SetTextColor(aColor); SetTextFillColor(); Resize(); Invalidate(); } break; } } ::Window* PaneDockingWindow::GetContentWindow (void) { return mpContentWindow.get(); } } // end of namespace ::sd