/************************************************************************* * * OpenOffice.org - a multi-platform office productivity suite * * $RCSfile: tpaction.cxx,v $ * * $Revision: 1.40 $ * * last change: $Author: kz $ $Date: 2007-05-10 15:27:48 $ * * The Contents of this file are made available subject to * the terms of GNU Lesser General Public License Version 2.1. * * * GNU Lesser General Public License Version 2.1 * ============================================= * Copyright 2005 by Sun Microsystems, Inc. * 901 San Antonio Road, Palo Alto, CA 94303, USA * * This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or * modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public * License version 2.1, as published by the Free Software Foundation. * * This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU * Lesser General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public * License along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software * Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, * MA 02111-1307 USA * ************************************************************************/ // MARKER(update_precomp.py): autogen include statement, do not remove #include "precompiled_sd.hxx" #ifdef SD_DLLIMPLEMENTATION #undef SD_DLLIMPLEMENTATION #endif #ifndef _COM_SUN_STAR_PRESENTATION_ANIMATIONEFFECT_HPP_ #include #endif #ifndef _COM_SUN_STAR_PRESENTATION_CLICKACTION_HPP_ #include #endif #ifndef _COM_SUN_STAR_PRESENTATION_ANIMATIONSPEED_HPP_ #include #endif #ifndef _COM_SUN_STAR_EMBED_VERBDESCR_HPP_ #include #endif #ifndef _COM_SUN_STAR_EMBED_EMBEDSTATES_HPP_ #include #endif #ifndef _COM_SUN_STAR_URI_XURIREFERENCEFACTORY_HPP_ #include #endif #ifndef _COM_SUN_STAR_URI_XVNDSUNSTARSCRIPTURL_HPP_ #include #endif #ifndef _COMPHELPER_PROCESSFACTORY_HXX_ #include #endif #ifndef _COM_SUN_STAR_EMBED_VERBATTRIBUTES_HPP_ #include #endif #include "sdattr.hxx" #ifndef _SV_WAITOBJ_HXX #include #endif #ifndef _OSL_FILE_HXX_ #include #endif #include #ifndef INCLUDED_SVTOOLS_PATHOPTIONS_HXX #include #endif #ifndef _SVDPAGV_HXX //autogen #include #endif #ifndef _UNOTOOLS_LOCALFILEHELPER_HXX #include #endif #ifndef _AEITEM_HXX //autogen #include #endif #ifndef _SVX_COLRITEM_HXX //autogen #include #endif #ifndef _SVDOOLE2_HXX //autogen #include #endif #ifndef _SFXDOCFILE_HXX //autogen #include #endif #include #ifndef _SB_SBMETH_HXX //autogen #include #endif #ifndef _SB_SBMOD_HXX //autogen #include #endif #ifndef _SB_SBSTAR_HXX //autogen #include #endif #ifndef _XTABLE_HXX #include #endif #ifndef _SV_SVAPP_HXX //autogen #include #endif #ifndef _SV_MNEMONIC_HXX #include #endif #ifndef SVTOOLS_URIHELPER_HXX #include #endif #ifndef _FILEDLGHELPER_HXX #include #endif #ifndef _SVX_DRAWITEM_HXX #include #endif #ifndef SD_VIEW_HXX #include "View.hxx" #endif #include "sdresid.hxx" #include "tpaction.hxx" #include "tpaction.hrc" #include "strmname.h" #ifndef SD_VIEW_SHELL_HXX #include "ViewShell.hxx" #endif #include "drawdoc.hxx" #include "DrawDocShell.hxx" #include "strings.hrc" #include "res_bmp.hrc" #include "filedlg.hxx" #include using namespace ::com::sun::star; using namespace com::sun::star::uno; using namespace com::sun::star::lang; static USHORT pActionRanges[] = { ATTR_ANIMATION_TRANSPCOLOR, ATTR_ANIMATION_TRANSPCOLOR, ATTR_ACTION_START, ATTR_ACTION_END, 0 }; #define DOCUMENT_TOKEN (sal_Unicode('#')) /************************************************************************* |* |* Konstruktor des Tab-Dialogs: Fuegt die Seiten zum Dialog hinzu |* \************************************************************************/ SdActionDlg::SdActionDlg ( ::Window* pParent, const SfxItemSet* pAttr, ::sd::View* pView ) : SfxSingleTabDialog ( pParent, *pAttr, TP_ANIMATION_ACTION ), rOutAttrs ( *pAttr ) { // FreeResource(); SfxTabPage* pNewPage = SdTPAction::Create( this, rOutAttrs ); DBG_ASSERT( pNewPage, "Seite konnte nicht erzeugt werden"); // Ehemals in PageCreated ( (SdTPAction*) pNewPage )->SetView( pView ); ( (SdTPAction*) pNewPage )->Construct(); SetTabPage( pNewPage ); String aStr( pNewPage->GetText() ); if( aStr.Len() ) SetText( aStr ); } /************************************************************************* |* |* Action-TabPage |* \************************************************************************/ SdTPAction::SdTPAction( Window* pWindow, const SfxItemSet& rInAttrs ) : SfxTabPage ( pWindow, SdResId( TP_ANIMATION ), rInAttrs ), aFtAction ( this, SdResId( FT_ACTION ) ), aLbAction ( this, SdResId( LB_ACTION ) ), aFtTree ( this, SdResId( FT_TREE ) ), aLbTree ( this, SdResId( LB_TREE ) ), aLbTreeDocument ( this, SdResId( LB_TREE_DOCUMENT ) ), aLbOLEAction ( this, SdResId( LB_OLE_ACTION ) ), aFlSeparator ( this, SdResId( FL_SEPARATOR ) ), aEdtSound ( this, SdResId( EDT_SOUND ) ), aEdtBookmark ( this, SdResId( EDT_BOOKMARK ) ), aEdtDocument ( this, SdResId( EDT_DOCUMENT ) ), aEdtProgram ( this, SdResId( EDT_PROGRAM ) ), aEdtMacro ( this, SdResId( EDT_MACRO ) ), aBtnSearch ( this, SdResId( BTN_SEARCH ) ), aBtnSeek ( this, SdResId( BTN_SEEK ) ), rOutAttrs ( rInAttrs ), mpView ( NULL ), mpDoc ( NULL ), bTreeUpdated ( FALSE ) { FreeResource(); aBtnSearch.SetClickHdl( LINK( this, SdTPAction, ClickSearchHdl ) ); aBtnSeek.SetClickHdl( LINK( this, SdTPAction, ClickSearchHdl ) ); // diese Page braucht ExchangeSupport SetExchangeSupport(); aLbAction.SetSelectHdl( LINK( this, SdTPAction, ClickActionHdl ) ); aLbTree.SetSelectHdl( LINK( this, SdTPAction, SelectTreeHdl ) ); aEdtDocument.SetLoseFocusHdl( LINK( this, SdTPAction, CheckFileHdl ) ); aEdtMacro.SetLoseFocusHdl( LINK( this, SdTPAction, CheckFileHdl ) ); // Controls enablen aFtAction.Show(); aLbAction.Show(); ClickActionHdl( this ); } // ----------------------------------------------------------------------- SdTPAction::~SdTPAction() { delete pCurrentActions; } // ----------------------------------------------------------------------- void SdTPAction::SetView( const ::sd::View* pSdView ) { mpView = pSdView; // Holen der ColorTable und Fuellen der ListBox ::sd::DrawDocShell* pDocSh = static_cast(mpView)->GetDocSh(); if( pDocSh && pDocSh->GetViewShell() ) { mpDoc = pDocSh->GetDoc(); SfxViewFrame* pFrame = pDocSh->GetViewShell()->GetViewFrame(); aLbTree.SetViewFrame( pFrame ); aLbTreeDocument.SetViewFrame( pFrame ); SvxColorTableItem aItem( *(const SvxColorTableItem*)( pDocSh->GetItem( SID_COLOR_TABLE ) ) ); pColTab = aItem.GetColorTable(); DBG_ASSERT( pColTab, "Keine Farbtabelle vorhanden!" ); } else { DBG_ERROR("sd::SdTPAction::SetView(), no docshell or viewshell?"); } } // ----------------------------------------------------------------------- void SdTPAction::Construct() { // OLE-Actionlistbox auffuellen SdrOle2Obj* pOleObj = NULL; SdrGrafObj* pGrafObj = NULL; BOOL bOLEAction = FALSE; if ( mpView->AreObjectsMarked() ) { const SdrMarkList& rMarkList = mpView->GetMarkedObjectList(); SdrObject* pObj; if (rMarkList.GetMarkCount() == 1) { SdrMark* pMark = rMarkList.GetMark(0); pObj = pMark->GetMarkedSdrObj(); UINT32 nInv = pObj->GetObjInventor(); UINT16 nSdrObjKind = pObj->GetObjIdentifier(); if (nInv == SdrInventor && nSdrObjKind == OBJ_OLE2) { pOleObj = (SdrOle2Obj*) pObj; } else if (nInv == SdrInventor && nSdrObjKind == OBJ_GRAF) { pGrafObj = (SdrGrafObj*) pObj; } // // VCXControl ? // else if( pObj->IsA( TYPE( VCSbxDrawObject ) ) ) // { // bDisableAll = TRUE; // } } } if( pGrafObj ) { bOLEAction = TRUE; aVerbVector.push_back( 0 ); aLbOLEAction.InsertEntry( MnemonicGenerator::EraseAllMnemonicChars( String( SdResId( STR_EDIT_OBJ ) ) ) ); } else if( pOleObj ) { uno::Reference < embed::XEmbeddedObject > xObj = pOleObj->GetObjRef(); if ( xObj.is() ) { bOLEAction = TRUE; uno::Sequence < embed::VerbDescriptor > aVerbs; try { aVerbs = xObj->getSupportedVerbs(); } catch ( embed::NeedsRunningStateException& ) { xObj->changeState( embed::EmbedStates::RUNNING ); aVerbs = xObj->getSupportedVerbs(); } for( sal_Int32 i=0; iInsert((void*)(ULONG)presentation::ClickAction_NONE, LIST_APPEND); pCurrentActions->Insert((void*)(ULONG)presentation::ClickAction_PREVPAGE, LIST_APPEND); pCurrentActions->Insert((void*)(ULONG)presentation::ClickAction_NEXTPAGE, LIST_APPEND); pCurrentActions->Insert((void*)(ULONG)presentation::ClickAction_FIRSTPAGE, LIST_APPEND); pCurrentActions->Insert((void*)(ULONG)presentation::ClickAction_LASTPAGE, LIST_APPEND); pCurrentActions->Insert((void*)(ULONG)presentation::ClickAction_BOOKMARK, LIST_APPEND); pCurrentActions->Insert((void*)(ULONG)presentation::ClickAction_DOCUMENT, LIST_APPEND); pCurrentActions->Insert((void*)(ULONG)presentation::ClickAction_SOUND, LIST_APPEND); if( bOLEAction && aLbOLEAction.GetEntryCount() ) pCurrentActions->Insert((void*)(ULONG)presentation::ClickAction_VERB, LIST_APPEND ); pCurrentActions->Insert((void*)(ULONG)presentation::ClickAction_PROGRAM, LIST_APPEND); pCurrentActions->Insert((void*)(ULONG)presentation::ClickAction_MACRO, LIST_APPEND); pCurrentActions->Insert((void*)(ULONG)presentation::ClickAction_STOPPRESENTATION, LIST_APPEND); // Action-Listbox fuellen for (ULONG nAction = 0; nAction < pCurrentActions->Count(); nAction++) { USHORT nRId = GetClickActionSdResId((presentation::ClickAction)(ULONG)pCurrentActions->GetObject(nAction)); aLbAction.InsertEntry( String( SdResId( nRId ) ) ); } } // ----------------------------------------------------------------------- BOOL SdTPAction::FillItemSet( SfxItemSet& rAttrs ) { BOOL bModified = FALSE; presentation::ClickAction eCA = presentation::ClickAction_NONE; if( aLbAction.GetSelectEntryCount() ) eCA = GetActualClickAction(); if( aLbAction.GetSavedValue() != aLbAction.GetSelectEntryPos() ) { rAttrs.Put( SfxAllEnumItem( ATTR_ACTION, (USHORT)eCA ) ); bModified = TRUE; } else rAttrs.InvalidateItem( ATTR_ACTION ); String aFileName = GetEditText( TRUE ); if( aFileName.Len() == 0 ) rAttrs.InvalidateItem( ATTR_ACTION_FILENAME ); else { if( mpDoc && mpDoc->GetDocSh() && mpDoc->GetDocSh()->GetMedium() ) { String aBaseURL = mpDoc->GetDocSh()->GetMedium()->GetBaseURL(); if( eCA == presentation::ClickAction_SOUND || eCA == presentation::ClickAction_DOCUMENT || eCA == presentation::ClickAction_PROGRAM ) aFileName = ::URIHelper::SmartRel2Abs( INetURLObject(aBaseURL), aFileName, URIHelper::GetMaybeFileHdl(), true, false, INetURLObject::WAS_ENCODED, INetURLObject::DECODE_UNAMBIGUOUS ); rAttrs.Put( SfxStringItem( ATTR_ACTION_FILENAME, aFileName ) ); bModified = TRUE; } else { DBG_ERROR("sd::SdTPAction::FillItemSet(), I need a medium!"); } } return( bModified ); } //------------------------------------------------------------------------ void SdTPAction::Reset( const SfxItemSet& rAttrs ) { presentation::ClickAction eCA = presentation::ClickAction_NONE; String aFileName; // aLbAction if( rAttrs.GetItemState( ATTR_ACTION ) != SFX_ITEM_DONTCARE ) { eCA = (presentation::ClickAction) ( ( const SfxAllEnumItem& ) rAttrs. Get( ATTR_ACTION ) ).GetValue(); SetActualClickAction( eCA ); } else aLbAction.SetNoSelection(); // aEdtSound if( rAttrs.GetItemState( ATTR_ACTION_FILENAME ) != SFX_ITEM_DONTCARE ) { aFileName = ( ( const SfxStringItem& ) rAttrs.Get( ATTR_ACTION_FILENAME ) ).GetValue(); SetEditText( aFileName ); } switch( eCA ) { case presentation::ClickAction_BOOKMARK: { if( !aLbTree.SelectEntry( aFileName ) ) aLbTree.SelectAll( FALSE ); } break; case presentation::ClickAction_DOCUMENT: { if( aFileName.GetTokenCount( DOCUMENT_TOKEN ) == 2 ) aLbTreeDocument.SelectEntry( aFileName.GetToken( 1, DOCUMENT_TOKEN ) ); } break; default: break; } ClickActionHdl( this ); aLbAction.SaveValue(); aEdtSound.SaveValue(); } // ----------------------------------------------------------------------- void SdTPAction::ActivatePage( const SfxItemSet& ) { } // ----------------------------------------------------------------------- int SdTPAction::DeactivatePage( SfxItemSet* pPageSet ) { if( pPageSet ) FillItemSet( *pPageSet ); return( LEAVE_PAGE ); } // ----------------------------------------------------------------------- SfxTabPage* SdTPAction::Create( Window* pWindow, const SfxItemSet& rAttrs ) { return( new SdTPAction( pWindow, rAttrs ) ); } //------------------------------------------------------------------------ USHORT* SdTPAction::GetRanges() { return( pActionRanges ); } //------------------------------------------------------------------------ void SdTPAction::UpdateTree() { if( !bTreeUpdated && mpDoc && mpDoc->GetDocSh() && mpDoc->GetDocSh()->GetMedium() ) { //aLbTree.Clear(); aLbTree.Fill( mpDoc, TRUE, mpDoc->GetDocSh()->GetMedium()->GetName() ); bTreeUpdated = TRUE; } } //------------------------------------------------------------------------ void SdTPAction::OpenFileDialog() { // Soundpreview nur fuer Interaktionen mit Sound presentation::ClickAction eCA = GetActualClickAction(); BOOL bSound = ( eCA == presentation::ClickAction_SOUND ); BOOL bPage = ( eCA == presentation::ClickAction_BOOKMARK ); BOOL bDocument = ( eCA == presentation::ClickAction_DOCUMENT || eCA == presentation::ClickAction_PROGRAM ); BOOL bMacro = ( eCA == presentation::ClickAction_MACRO ); if( bPage ) { // Es wird in der TreeLB nach dem eingegebenen Objekt gesucht aLbTree.SelectEntry( GetEditText() ); } else { String aFile( GetEditText() ); if (bSound) { SdOpenSoundFileDialog aFileDialog; if( !aFile.Len() ) aFile = SvtPathOptions().GetGraphicPath(); aFileDialog.SetPath( aFile ); if( aFileDialog.Execute() == ERRCODE_NONE ) { aFile = aFileDialog.GetPath(); SetEditText( aFile ); } } else if (bMacro) { Window* pOldWin = Application::GetDefDialogParent(); Application::SetDefDialogParent( this ); // choose macro dialog ::rtl::OUString aScriptURL = SfxApplication::ChooseScript(); if ( aScriptURL.getLength() != 0 ) { SetEditText( aScriptURL ); } Application::SetDefDialogParent( pOldWin ); } else { sfx2::FileDialogHelper aFileDialog(WB_OPEN | WB_3DLOOK | WB_STDMODAL ); if (bDocument && !aFile.Len()) aFile = SvtPathOptions().GetWorkPath(); aFileDialog.SetDisplayDirectory( aFile ); // The following is a fix for #1008001# and a workarround for // #i4306#: The addition of the implicitely existing "all files" // filter makes the (Windows system) open file dialog follow // links on the desktop to directories. aFileDialog.AddFilter ( String (SdResId (STR_SFX_FILTERNAME_ALL)), String (RTL_CONSTASCII_USTRINGPARAM("*.*"))); if( aFileDialog.Execute() == ERRCODE_NONE ) { aFile = aFileDialog.GetPath(); SetEditText( aFile ); } if( bDocument ) CheckFileHdl( NULL ); } } } //------------------------------------------------------------------------ IMPL_LINK( SdTPAction, ClickSearchHdl, void *, EMPTYARG ) { OpenFileDialog(); return( 0L ); } //------------------------------------------------------------------------ IMPL_LINK( SdTPAction, ClickActionHdl, void *, EMPTYARG ) { presentation::ClickAction eCA = GetActualClickAction(); // hide controls we don't need switch( eCA ) { case presentation::ClickAction_NONE: case presentation::ClickAction_INVISIBLE: case presentation::ClickAction_PREVPAGE: case presentation::ClickAction_NEXTPAGE: case presentation::ClickAction_FIRSTPAGE: case presentation::ClickAction_LASTPAGE: case presentation::ClickAction_STOPPRESENTATION: default: aFtTree.Hide(); aLbTree.Hide(); aLbTreeDocument.Hide(); aLbOLEAction.Hide(); aFlSeparator.Hide(); aEdtSound.Hide(); aEdtBookmark.Hide(); aEdtDocument.Hide(); aEdtProgram.Hide(); aEdtMacro.Hide(); aBtnSearch.Hide(); aBtnSeek.Hide(); break; case presentation::ClickAction_SOUND: case presentation::ClickAction_PROGRAM: case presentation::ClickAction_MACRO: aFtTree.Hide(); aLbTree.Hide(); aLbTreeDocument.Hide(); aLbOLEAction.Hide(); aEdtDocument.Hide(); if( eCA == presentation::ClickAction_MACRO ) { aEdtSound.Hide(); aEdtProgram.Hide(); } else if( eCA == presentation::ClickAction_PROGRAM ) { aEdtSound.Hide(); aEdtMacro.Hide(); } else if( eCA == presentation::ClickAction_SOUND ) { aEdtProgram.Hide(); aEdtMacro.Hide(); } aBtnSeek.Hide(); break; case presentation::ClickAction_DOCUMENT: aLbTree.Hide(); aLbOLEAction.Hide(); aEdtSound.Hide(); aEdtProgram.Hide(); aEdtMacro.Hide(); aEdtBookmark.Hide(); aBtnSeek.Hide(); break; case presentation::ClickAction_BOOKMARK: aLbTreeDocument.Hide(); aLbOLEAction.Hide(); aEdtSound.Hide(); aEdtDocument.Hide(); aEdtProgram.Hide(); aEdtMacro.Hide(); aBtnSearch.Hide(); break; case presentation::ClickAction_VERB: aLbTree.Hide(); aEdtDocument.Hide(); aEdtProgram.Hide(); aEdtBookmark.Hide(); aEdtMacro.Hide(); aBtnSearch.Hide(); aFlSeparator.Hide(); aEdtSound.Hide(); aBtnSeek.Hide(); break; } // show controls we do need switch( eCA ) { case presentation::ClickAction_NONE: case presentation::ClickAction_INVISIBLE: case presentation::ClickAction_PREVPAGE: case presentation::ClickAction_NEXTPAGE: case presentation::ClickAction_FIRSTPAGE: case presentation::ClickAction_LASTPAGE: case presentation::ClickAction_STOPPRESENTATION: // none break; case presentation::ClickAction_SOUND: aFlSeparator.Show(); aEdtSound.Show(); aEdtSound.Enable(); aBtnSearch.Show(); aBtnSearch.Enable(); aFlSeparator.SetText( String( SdResId( STR_EFFECTDLG_SOUND ) ) ); break; case presentation::ClickAction_PROGRAM: case presentation::ClickAction_MACRO: aFlSeparator.Show(); aBtnSearch.Show(); aBtnSearch.Enable(); if( eCA == presentation::ClickAction_MACRO ) { aEdtMacro.Show(); aFlSeparator.SetText( String( SdResId( STR_EFFECTDLG_MACRO ) ) ); } else { aEdtProgram.Show(); aFlSeparator.SetText( String( SdResId( STR_EFFECTDLG_PROGRAM ) ) ); } break; case presentation::ClickAction_DOCUMENT: aFtTree.Show(); aLbTreeDocument.Show(); aFlSeparator.Show(); aEdtDocument.Show(); aBtnSearch.Show(); aBtnSearch.Enable(); aFtTree.SetText( String( SdResId( STR_EFFECTDLG_JUMP ) ) ); aFlSeparator.SetText( String( SdResId( STR_EFFECTDLG_DOCUMENT ) ) ); CheckFileHdl( NULL ); break; case presentation::ClickAction_VERB: aFtTree.Show(); aLbOLEAction.Show(); aFtTree.SetText( String( SdResId( STR_EFFECTDLG_ACTION ) ) ); break; case presentation::ClickAction_BOOKMARK: UpdateTree(); aFtTree.Show(); aLbTree.Show(); aFlSeparator.Show(); aEdtBookmark.Show(); aBtnSeek.Show(); aFtTree.SetText( String( SdResId( STR_EFFECTDLG_JUMP ) ) ); aFlSeparator.SetText( String( SdResId( STR_EFFECTDLG_PAGE_OBJECT ) ) ); break; default: break; } return( 0L ); } //------------------------------------------------------------------------ IMPL_LINK( SdTPAction, SelectTreeHdl, void *, EMPTYARG ) { aEdtBookmark.SetText( aLbTree.GetSelectEntry() ); return( 0L ); } //------------------------------------------------------------------------ IMPL_LINK( SdTPAction, CheckFileHdl, void *, EMPTYARG ) { String aFile( GetEditText() ); if( aFile != aLastFile ) { // Ueberpruefen, ob es eine gueltige Draw-Datei ist SfxMedium aMedium( aFile, STREAM_READ | STREAM_NOCREATE, TRUE ); // Download if( aMedium.IsStorage() ) { WaitObject aWait( GetParent()->GetParent() ); // ist es eine Draw-Datei? // mit READ oeffnen, sonst schreiben die Storages evtl. in die Datei! uno::Reference < embed::XStorage > xStorage = aMedium.GetStorage(); DBG_ASSERT( xStorage.is(), "Kein Storage!" ); uno::Reference < container::XNameAccess > xAccess( xStorage, uno::UNO_QUERY ); if( xAccess.is() && ( xAccess->hasByName( pStarDrawXMLContent ) || xAccess->hasByName( pStarDrawOldXMLContent ) ) ) { SdDrawDocument* pBookmarkDoc = mpDoc->OpenBookmarkDoc( aFile ); if( pBookmarkDoc ) { aLastFile = aFile; aLbTreeDocument.Clear(); aLbTreeDocument.Fill( pBookmarkDoc, TRUE, aFile ); mpDoc->CloseBookmarkDoc(); aLbTreeDocument.Show(); } else aLbTreeDocument.Hide(); } else aLbTreeDocument.Hide(); } else aLbTreeDocument.Hide(); } return( 0L ); } //------------------------------------------------------------------------ presentation::ClickAction SdTPAction::GetActualClickAction() { presentation::ClickAction eCA = presentation::ClickAction_NONE; USHORT nPos = aLbAction.GetSelectEntryPos(); if (nPos != LISTBOX_ENTRY_NOTFOUND) eCA = (presentation::ClickAction)(ULONG)pCurrentActions->GetObject((ULONG)nPos); return( eCA ); } //------------------------------------------------------------------------ void SdTPAction::SetActualClickAction( presentation::ClickAction eCA ) { USHORT nPos = (USHORT)pCurrentActions->GetPos((void*)(ULONG)eCA); DBG_ASSERT(nPos != 0xffff, "unbekannte Interaktion"); aLbAction.SelectEntryPos(nPos); } //------------------------------------------------------------------------ void SdTPAction::SetEditText( String const & rStr ) { presentation::ClickAction eCA = GetActualClickAction(); String aText(rStr); // possibly convert URI back to system path switch( eCA ) { case presentation::ClickAction_DOCUMENT: if( rStr.GetTokenCount( DOCUMENT_TOKEN ) == 2 ) aText = rStr.GetToken( 0, DOCUMENT_TOKEN ); // fallthrough inteded case presentation::ClickAction_SOUND: case presentation::ClickAction_PROGRAM: { INetURLObject aURL( aText ); // try to convert to system path String aTmpStr(aURL.getFSysPath(INetURLObject::FSYS_DETECT)); if( aTmpStr.Len() ) aText = aTmpStr; // was a system path } break; default: break; } // set the string to the corresponding control switch( eCA ) { case presentation::ClickAction_SOUND: aEdtSound.SetText(aText ); break; case presentation::ClickAction_VERB: { ::std::vector< long >::iterator aFound( ::std::find( aVerbVector.begin(), aVerbVector.end(), rStr.ToInt32() ) ); if( aFound != aVerbVector.end() ) aLbOLEAction.SelectEntryPos( static_cast< short >( aFound - aVerbVector.begin() ) ); } break; case presentation::ClickAction_PROGRAM: aEdtProgram.SetText( aText ); break; case presentation::ClickAction_MACRO: { aEdtMacro.SetText( aText ); } break; case presentation::ClickAction_DOCUMENT: aEdtDocument.SetText( aText ); break; case presentation::ClickAction_BOOKMARK: aEdtBookmark.SetText( aText ); break; default: break; } } String SdTPAction::GetMacroName( const String& rMacroPath ) { String result = rMacroPath; // try to get name by parsing the macro path // using the new URI parsing services Reference< XMultiServiceFactory > xSMgr = ::comphelper::getProcessServiceFactory(); Reference< com::sun::star::uri::XUriReferenceFactory > xFactory( xSMgr->createInstance( ::rtl::OUString::createFromAscii( "com.sun.star.uri.UriReferenceFactory" ) ), UNO_QUERY ); if ( xFactory.is() ) { Reference< com::sun::star::uri::XVndSunStarScriptUrl > xUrl( xFactory->parse( rMacroPath ), UNO_QUERY ); if ( xUrl.is() ) { result = xUrl->getName(); } } return result; } //------------------------------------------------------------------------ String SdTPAction::GetEditText( BOOL bFullDocDestination ) { String aStr; presentation::ClickAction eCA = GetActualClickAction(); switch( eCA ) { case presentation::ClickAction_SOUND: aStr = aEdtSound.GetText(); break; case presentation::ClickAction_VERB: { const USHORT nPos = aLbOLEAction.GetSelectEntryPos(); if( nPos < aVerbVector.size() ) aStr = UniString::CreateFromInt32( aVerbVector[ nPos ] ); return aStr; } case presentation::ClickAction_DOCUMENT: aStr = aEdtDocument.GetText(); break; case presentation::ClickAction_PROGRAM: aStr = aEdtProgram.GetText(); break; case presentation::ClickAction_MACRO: { return aEdtMacro.GetText(); } case presentation::ClickAction_BOOKMARK: return( aEdtBookmark.GetText() ); default: break; } // validate file URI INetURLObject aURL( aStr ); String aBaseURL; if( mpDoc && mpDoc->GetDocSh() && mpDoc->GetDocSh()->GetMedium() ) aBaseURL = mpDoc->GetDocSh()->GetMedium()->GetBaseURL(); if( aStr.Len() && aURL.GetProtocol() == INET_PROT_NOT_VALID ) aURL = INetURLObject( ::URIHelper::SmartRel2Abs( INetURLObject(aBaseURL), aStr, URIHelper::GetMaybeFileHdl(), true, false ) ); // get adjusted file name aStr = aURL.GetMainURL( INetURLObject::NO_DECODE ); if( bFullDocDestination && eCA == presentation::ClickAction_DOCUMENT && aLbTreeDocument.Control::IsVisible() && aLbTreeDocument.GetSelectionCount() > 0 ) { String aTmpStr( aLbTreeDocument.GetSelectEntry() ); if( aTmpStr.Len() ) { aStr.Append( DOCUMENT_TOKEN ); aStr.Append( aTmpStr ); } } return( aStr ); } //------------------------------------------------------------------------ USHORT SdTPAction::GetClickActionSdResId( presentation::ClickAction eCA ) { switch( eCA ) { case presentation::ClickAction_NONE: return STR_CLICK_ACTION_NONE; case presentation::ClickAction_PREVPAGE: return STR_CLICK_ACTION_PREVPAGE; case presentation::ClickAction_NEXTPAGE: return STR_CLICK_ACTION_NEXTPAGE; case presentation::ClickAction_FIRSTPAGE: return STR_CLICK_ACTION_FIRSTPAGE; case presentation::ClickAction_LASTPAGE: return STR_CLICK_ACTION_LASTPAGE; case presentation::ClickAction_BOOKMARK: return STR_CLICK_ACTION_BOOKMARK; case presentation::ClickAction_DOCUMENT: return STR_CLICK_ACTION_DOCUMENT; case presentation::ClickAction_PROGRAM: return STR_CLICK_ACTION_PROGRAM; case presentation::ClickAction_MACRO: return STR_CLICK_ACTION_MACRO; case presentation::ClickAction_SOUND: return STR_CLICK_ACTION_SOUND; case presentation::ClickAction_VERB: return STR_CLICK_ACTION_VERB; case presentation::ClickAction_STOPPRESENTATION: return STR_CLICK_ACTION_STOPPRESENTATION; default: DBG_ERROR( "Keine StringResource fuer ClickAction vorhanden!" ); } return( 0 ); }