/************************************************************************* * * OpenOffice.org - a multi-platform office productivity suite * * $RCSfile: DrawDocShell.hxx,v $ * * $Revision: 1.16 $ * * last change: $Author: kz $ $Date: 2008-03-06 18:58:00 $ * * The Contents of this file are made available subject to * the terms of GNU Lesser General Public License Version 2.1. * * * GNU Lesser General Public License Version 2.1 * ============================================= * Copyright 2005 by Sun Microsystems, Inc. * 901 San Antonio Road, Palo Alto, CA 94303, USA * * This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or * modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public * License version 2.1, as published by the Free Software Foundation. * * This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU * Lesser General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public * License along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software * Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, * MA 02111-1307 USA * ************************************************************************/ #ifndef SD_DRAW_DOC_SHELL_HXX #define SD_DRAW_DOC_SHELL_HXX #ifndef _SFX_OBJFAC_HXX //autogen #include #endif #ifndef _SFX_OBJSH_HXX //autogen #include #endif #include #ifndef _SD_GLOB_HXX #include "glob.hxx" #endif #ifndef _SDMOD_HXX #include "sdmod.hxx" #endif #ifndef _PRESENTATION_HXX #include "pres.hxx" #endif #ifndef INCLUDED_SDDLLAPI_H #include "sddllapi.h" #endif #ifndef SD_FU_POOR_HXX #include "fupoor.hxx" #endif class SfxStyleSheetBasePool; class SfxStatusBarManager; class SdStyleSheetPool; class FontList; class SdDrawDocument; class SvxItemFactory; class SdPage; class SfxPrinter; struct SdrDocumentStreamInfo; struct SpellCallbackInfo; class AbstractSvxNameDialog; class SdFormatClipboard; namespace sd { class FrameView; class View; class ViewShell; // ------------------ // - DrawDocShell - // ------------------ class SD_DLLPUBLIC DrawDocShell : public SfxObjectShell { public: TYPEINFO(); SFX_DECL_INTERFACE(SD_IF_SDDRAWDOCSHELL) SFX_DECL_OBJECTFACTORY(); DrawDocShell ( SfxObjectCreateMode eMode = SFX_CREATE_MODE_EMBEDDED, BOOL bSdDataObj=FALSE, DocumentType=DOCUMENT_TYPE_IMPRESS, BOOL bScriptSupport=TRUE); DrawDocShell ( SdDrawDocument* pDoc, SfxObjectCreateMode eMode = SFX_CREATE_MODE_EMBEDDED, BOOL bSdDataObj=FALSE, DocumentType=DOCUMENT_TYPE_IMPRESS); virtual ~DrawDocShell(); void UpdateRefDevice(); virtual void Activate( BOOL bMDI ); virtual void Deactivate( BOOL bMDI ); virtual BOOL InitNew( const ::com::sun::star::uno::Reference< ::com::sun::star::embed::XStorage >& xStorage ); virtual BOOL ConvertFrom( SfxMedium &rMedium ); virtual BOOL Save(); virtual BOOL SaveAsOwnFormat( SfxMedium& rMedium ); virtual BOOL ConvertTo( SfxMedium &rMedium ); virtual BOOL SaveCompleted( const ::com::sun::star::uno::Reference< ::com::sun::star::embed::XStorage >& xStorage ); virtual sal_Bool Load( SfxMedium &rMedium ); virtual sal_Bool LoadFrom( SfxMedium& rMedium ); virtual sal_Bool SaveAs( SfxMedium &rMedium ); virtual Rectangle GetVisArea(USHORT nAspect) const; virtual void Draw(OutputDevice*, const JobSetup& rSetup, USHORT nAspect = ASPECT_CONTENT); virtual SfxUndoManager* GetUndoManager(); virtual Printer* GetDocumentPrinter(); virtual void OnDocumentPrinterChanged(Printer* pNewPrinter); virtual SfxStyleSheetBasePool* GetStyleSheetPool(); virtual void SetOrganizerSearchMask(SfxStyleSheetBasePool* pBasePool) const; virtual Size GetFirstPageSize(); virtual void FillClass(SvGlobalName* pClassName, sal_uInt32* pFormat, String* pAppName, String* pFullTypeName, String* pShortTypeName, sal_Int32 nFileFormat ) const; virtual void SetModified( BOOL = TRUE ); using SotObject::GetInterface; using SfxObjectShell::GetVisArea; using SfxShell::GetViewShell; sd::ViewShell* GetViewShell() { return mpViewShell; } ::sd::FrameView* GetFrameView(); ::Window* GetWindow() const; ::sd::FunctionReference GetDocShellFunction() const { return mxDocShellFunction; } void SetDocShellFunction( const ::sd::FunctionReference& xFunction ); SdDrawDocument* GetDoc(); DocumentType GetDocumentType() const { return meDocType; } SfxPrinter* GetPrinter(BOOL bCreate); void SetPrinter(SfxPrinter *pNewPrinter); void UpdateFontList(); BOOL IsInDestruction() const { return mbInDestruction; } void CancelSearching(); void Execute( SfxRequest& rReq ); void GetState(SfxItemSet&); void Connect(sd::ViewShell* pViewSh); void Disconnect(sd::ViewShell* pViewSh); void UpdateTablePointers(); BOOL GotoBookmark(const String& rBookmark); Bitmap GetPagePreviewBitmap(SdPage* pPage, USHORT nMaxEdgePixel); /** checks, if the given name is a valid new name for a slide

If the name is invalid, an SvxNameDialog pops up that queries again for a new name until it is ok or the user chose Cancel.

@param pWin is necessary to pass to the SvxNameDialog in case an invalid name was entered. @param rName the new name that is to be set for a slide. This string may be set to an empty string (see below). @return TRUE, if the new name is unique. Note that if the user entered a default name of a not-yet-existing slide (e.g. 'Slide 17'), TRUE is returned, but rName is set to an empty string. */ BOOL CheckPageName(::Window* pWin, String& rName ); void SetSlotFilter(BOOL bEnable = FALSE, USHORT nCount = 0, const USHORT* pSIDs = NULL) { mbFilterEnable = bEnable; mnFilterCount = nCount; mpFilterSIDs = pSIDs; } void ApplySlotFilter() const; UINT16 GetStyleFamily() const { return mnStyleFamily; } void SetStyleFamily( UINT16 nSF ) { mnStyleFamily = nSF; } BOOL HasSpecialProgress() const { return ( mpSpecialProgress != NULL && mpSpecialProgressHdl != NULL ); } void ReleaseSpecialProgress() { mpSpecialProgress = NULL; mpSpecialProgressHdl = NULL; } void SetSpecialProgress( SfxProgress* _pProgress, Link* pLink ) { mpSpecialProgress = _pProgress; mpSpecialProgressHdl = pLink; } SfxProgress* GetSpecialProgress() { return( HasSpecialProgress() ? mpSpecialProgress : NULL ); } sal_Bool IsNewDocument() const; /** executes the SID_OPENDOC slot to let the framework open a document with the given URL and this document as a referer */ void OpenBookmark( const String& rBookmarkURL ); /** checks, if the given name is a valid new name for a slide

This method does not pop up any dialog (like CheckPageName).

@param rInOutPageName the new name for a slide that is to be renamed. This string will be set to an empty string if bResetStringIfStandardName is true and the name is of the form of any, possibly not-yet existing, standard slide (e.g. 'Slide 17') @param bResetStringIfStandardName if true allows setting rInOutPageName to an empty string, which returns true and implies that the slide will later on get a new standard name (with a free slide number). @return true, if the new name is unique. If bResetStringIfStandardName is true, the return value is also true, if the slide name is a standard name (see above) */ bool IsNewPageNameValid( String & rInOutPageName, bool bResetStringIfStandardName = false ); /** Return the reference device for the current document. When the inherited implementation returns a device then this is passed to the caller. Otherwise the returned value depends on the printer independent layout mode and will usually be either a printer or a virtual device used for screen rendering. @return Returns NULL when the current document has no reference device. */ virtual OutputDevice* GetDocumentRefDev (void); DECL_LINK( RenameSlideHdl, AbstractSvxNameDialog* ); // #91457# ExecuteSpellPopup now handled by DrawDocShell DECL_LINK( OnlineSpellCallback, SpellCallbackInfo* ); void ClearUndoBuffer(); public: SdFormatClipboard* mpFormatClipboard; protected: SdDrawDocument* mpDoc; SfxUndoManager* mpUndoManager; SfxPrinter* mpPrinter; ::sd::ViewShell* mpViewShell; FontList* mpFontList; ::sd::FunctionReference mxDocShellFunction; DocumentType meDocType; UINT16 mnStyleFamily; const USHORT* mpFilterSIDs; USHORT mnFilterCount; BOOL mbFilterEnable; BOOL mbSdDataObj; BOOL mbInDestruction; BOOL mbOwnPrinter; BOOL mbNewDocument; static SfxProgress* mpSpecialProgress; static Link* mpSpecialProgressHdl; bool mbOwnDocument; // if true, we own mpDoc and will delete it in our d'tor void Construct(); virtual void InPlaceActivate( BOOL bActive ); }; #ifndef SV_DECL_DRAW_DOC_SHELL_DEFINED #define SV_DECL_DRAW_DOC_SHELL_DEFINED SV_DECL_REF(DrawDocShell) #endif SV_IMPL_REF (DrawDocShell) } // end of namespace sd #endif