/************************************************************************* * * OpenOffice.org - a multi-platform office productivity suite * * $RCSfile: unoaprms.hxx,v $ * * $Revision: 1.4 $ * * last change: $Author: kz $ $Date: 2006-12-12 17:52:02 $ * * The Contents of this file are made available subject to * the terms of GNU Lesser General Public License Version 2.1. * * * GNU Lesser General Public License Version 2.1 * ============================================= * Copyright 2005 by Sun Microsystems, Inc. * 901 San Antonio Road, Palo Alto, CA 94303, USA * * This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or * modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public * License version 2.1, as published by the Free Software Foundation. * * This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU * Lesser General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public * License along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software * Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, * MA 02111-1307 USA * ************************************************************************/ #ifndef _SD_UNOAPRMS_HXX #define _SD_UNOAPRMS_HXX #ifndef _COM_SUN_STAR_PRESENTATION_ANIMATIONEFFECT_HPP_ #include #endif #ifndef _COM_SUN_STAR_PRESENTATION_ANIMATIONSPEED_HPP_ #include #endif #ifndef _COM_SUN_STAR_PRESENTATION_CLICKACTION_HPP_ #include #endif #ifndef _SD_SDUNDO_HXX #include "sdundo.hxx" #endif #ifndef _SD_ANMDEF_HXX #include "anmdef.hxx" #endif #ifndef _SVDOPATH_HXX //autogen #include #endif #ifndef _TOOLS_COLOR_HXX #include #endif class SdDrawDocument; class SdrObject; class SdAnimationPrmsUndoAction : public SdUndoAction { SdrObject* pObject; BOOL bOldActive; BOOL bNewActive; BOOL bOldDimPrevious; BOOL bNewDimPrevious; BOOL bOldDimHide; BOOL bNewDimHide; BOOL bOldSoundOn; BOOL bNewSoundOn; BOOL bOldSecondSoundOn; BOOL bNewSecondSoundOn; BOOL bOldPlayFull; BOOL bNewPlayFull; BOOL bOldSecondPlayFull; BOOL bNewSecondPlayFull; ::com::sun::star::presentation::AnimationEffect eOldEffect; ::com::sun::star::presentation::AnimationEffect eNewEffect; ::com::sun::star::presentation::AnimationEffect eOldTextEffect; ::com::sun::star::presentation::AnimationEffect eNewTextEffect; ::com::sun::star::presentation::AnimationSpeed eOldSpeed; ::com::sun::star::presentation::AnimationSpeed eNewSpeed; ::com::sun::star::presentation::AnimationEffect eOldSecondEffect; ::com::sun::star::presentation::AnimationEffect eNewSecondEffect; ::com::sun::star::presentation::AnimationSpeed eOldSecondSpeed; ::com::sun::star::presentation::AnimationSpeed eNewSecondSpeed; Color aOldDimColor; Color aNewDimColor; Color aOldBlueScreen; Color aNewBlueScreen; String aOldSoundFile; String aNewSoundFile; SdrPathObj* pOldPathObj; SdrPathObj* pNewPathObj; ::com::sun::star::presentation::ClickAction eOldClickAction; ::com::sun::star::presentation::ClickAction eNewClickAction; String aOldBookmark; String aNewBookmark; BOOL bOldInvisibleInPres; BOOL bNewInvisibleInPres; USHORT nOldVerb; USHORT nNewVerb; ULONG nOldPresOrder; ULONG nNewPresOrder; BOOL bInfoCreated; public: TYPEINFO(); SdAnimationPrmsUndoAction(SdDrawDocument* pTheDoc, SdrObject* pObj, BOOL bCreated): SdUndoAction (pTheDoc), pObject (pObj), bInfoCreated (bCreated) {} SdAnimationPrmsUndoAction( SdDrawDocument* pTheDoc, SdrObject* pObj ); void SetActive(BOOL bTheOldActive, BOOL bTheNewActive) { bOldActive = bTheOldActive; bNewActive = bTheNewActive; } void SetEffect(::com::sun::star::presentation::AnimationEffect eTheOldEffect, ::com::sun::star::presentation::AnimationEffect eTheNewEffect) { eOldEffect = eTheOldEffect; eNewEffect = eTheNewEffect; } void SetTextEffect(::com::sun::star::presentation::AnimationEffect eTheOldEffect, ::com::sun::star::presentation::AnimationEffect eTheNewEffect) { eOldTextEffect = eTheOldEffect; eNewTextEffect = eTheNewEffect; } void SetSpeed(::com::sun::star::presentation::AnimationSpeed eTheOldSpeed, ::com::sun::star::presentation::AnimationSpeed eTheNewSpeed) { eOldSpeed = eTheOldSpeed; eNewSpeed = eTheNewSpeed; } void SetDim(BOOL bTheOldDim, BOOL bTheNewDim) { bOldDimPrevious = bTheOldDim; bNewDimPrevious = bTheNewDim; } void SetDimColor(Color aTheOldDimColor, Color aTheNewDimColor) { aOldDimColor = aTheOldDimColor; aNewDimColor = aTheNewDimColor; } void SetDimHide(BOOL bTheOldDimHide, BOOL bTheNewDimHide) { bOldDimHide = bTheOldDimHide; bNewDimHide = bTheNewDimHide; } void SetSoundOn(BOOL bTheOldSoundOn, BOOL bTheNewSoundOn) { bOldSoundOn = bTheOldSoundOn; bNewSoundOn = bTheNewSoundOn; } void SetSound(String aTheOldSound, String aTheNewSound) { aOldSoundFile = aTheOldSound; aNewSoundFile = aTheNewSound; } void SetBlueScreen(Color aTheOldBlueScreen, Color aTheNewBlueScreen) { aOldBlueScreen = aTheOldBlueScreen; aNewBlueScreen = aTheNewBlueScreen; } void SetPlayFull(BOOL bTheOldPlayFull, BOOL bTheNewPlayFull) { bOldPlayFull = bTheOldPlayFull; bNewPlayFull = bTheNewPlayFull; } void SetPathObj(SdrPathObj* pTheOldPath, SdrPathObj* pTheNewPath) { pOldPathObj = pTheOldPath; pNewPathObj = pTheNewPath; } void SetClickAction(::com::sun::star::presentation::ClickAction eTheOldAction, ::com::sun::star::presentation::ClickAction eTheNewAction) { eOldClickAction = eTheOldAction; eNewClickAction = eTheNewAction; } void SetBookmark(String aTheOldBookmark, String aTheNewBookmark) { aOldBookmark = aTheOldBookmark; aNewBookmark = aTheNewBookmark; } void SetInvisibleInPres(BOOL bTheOldInvisibleInPres, BOOL bTheNewInvisibleInPres) { bOldInvisibleInPres = bTheOldInvisibleInPres; bNewInvisibleInPres = bTheNewInvisibleInPres; } void SetVerb(USHORT nTheOldVerb, USHORT nTheNewVerb) { nOldVerb = nTheOldVerb; nNewVerb = nTheNewVerb; } void SetSecondEffect(::com::sun::star::presentation::AnimationEffect eTheOldEffect, ::com::sun::star::presentation::AnimationEffect eTheNewEffect) { eOldSecondEffect = eTheOldEffect; eNewSecondEffect = eTheNewEffect; } void SetSecondSpeed(::com::sun::star::presentation::AnimationSpeed eTheOldSpeed, ::com::sun::star::presentation::AnimationSpeed eTheNewSpeed) { eOldSecondSpeed = eTheOldSpeed; eNewSecondSpeed = eTheNewSpeed; } void SetSecondSoundOn(BOOL bTheOldSoundOn, BOOL bTheNewSoundOn) { bOldSecondSoundOn = bTheOldSoundOn; bNewSecondSoundOn = bTheNewSoundOn; } void SetSecondPlayFull(BOOL bTheOldPlayFull, BOOL bTheNewPlayFull) { bOldSecondPlayFull = bTheOldPlayFull; bNewSecondPlayFull = bTheNewPlayFull; } void SetPresOrder(ULONG nTheOldPresOrder, ULONG nTheNewPresOrder) { nOldPresOrder = nTheOldPresOrder; nNewPresOrder = nTheNewPresOrder; } virtual ~SdAnimationPrmsUndoAction(); virtual void Undo(); virtual void Redo(); }; #endif // _SD_UNOAPRMS_HXX