/* -*- Mode: C++; tab-width: 4; indent-tabs-mode: nil; c-basic-offset: 4 -*- */ /* * This file is part of the LibreOffice project. * * This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public * License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this * file, You can obtain one at http://mozilla.org/MPL/2.0/. * * This file incorporates work covered by the following license notice: * * Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one or more * contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file distributed * with this work for additional information regarding copyright * ownership. The ASF licenses this file to you under the Apache * License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may not use this file * except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of * the License at http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 . */ #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include "TableDesignPane.hxx" #include #include #include #include #include #include using namespace ::com::sun::star; using namespace ::com::sun::star::uno; using namespace ::com::sun::star::drawing; using namespace ::com::sun::star::container; using namespace ::com::sun::star::beans; using namespace ::com::sun::star::view; using namespace ::com::sun::star::style; using namespace ::com::sun::star::frame; using namespace ::com::sun::star::lang; using namespace ::com::sun::star::ui; namespace sd { static const sal_Int32 nPreviewColumns = 5; static const sal_Int32 nPreviewRows = 5; static const sal_Int32 nCellWidth = 12; // one pixel is shared with the next cell! static const sal_Int32 nCellHeight = 7; // one pixel is shared with the next cell! static const sal_Int32 nBitmapWidth = (nCellWidth * nPreviewColumns) - (nPreviewColumns - 1); static const sal_Int32 nBitmapHeight = (nCellHeight * nPreviewRows) - (nPreviewRows - 1); static const OUStringLiteral gPropNames[CB_COUNT] = { "UseFirstRowStyle", "UseLastRowStyle", "UseBandingRowStyle", "UseFirstColumnStyle", "UseLastColumnStyle", "UseBandingColumnStyle" }; TableDesignWidget::TableDesignWidget( VclBuilderContainer* pParent, ViewShellBase& rBase ) : mrBase(rBase) { pParent->get(m_pValueSet, "previews"); m_pValueSet->SetStyle(m_pValueSet->GetStyle() | WB_NO_DIRECTSELECT | WB_FLATVALUESET | WB_ITEMBORDER); m_pValueSet->SetExtraSpacing(8); m_pValueSet->setModal(false); m_pValueSet->SetColor(); m_pValueSet->SetSelectHdl (LINK(this, TableDesignWidget, implValueSetHdl)); for (sal_uInt16 i = CB_HEADER_ROW; i <= CB_BANDED_COLUMNS; ++i) { pParent->get(m_aCheckBoxes[i], OString(gPropNames[i].data, gPropNames[i].size)); m_aCheckBoxes[i]->SetClickHdl( LINK( this, TableDesignWidget, implCheckBoxHdl ) ); } // get current controller and initialize listeners try { mxView.set(mrBase.GetController(), UNO_QUERY); addListener(); Reference< XController > xController( mrBase.GetController(), UNO_QUERY_THROW ); Reference< XStyleFamiliesSupplier > xFamiliesSupp( xController->getModel(), UNO_QUERY_THROW ); Reference< XNameAccess > xFamilies( xFamiliesSupp->getStyleFamilies() ); const OUString sFamilyName( "table" ); mxTableFamily.set( xFamilies->getByName( sFamilyName ), UNO_QUERY_THROW ); } catch (const Exception&) { OSL_FAIL( "sd::CustomAnimationPane::CustomAnimationPane(), Exception caught!" ); } onSelectionChanged(); updateControls(); } TableDesignWidget::~TableDesignWidget() { removeListener(); } static SfxBindings* getBindings( ViewShellBase const & rBase ) { if( rBase.GetMainViewShell().get() && rBase.GetMainViewShell()->GetViewFrame() ) return &rBase.GetMainViewShell()->GetViewFrame()->GetBindings(); else return nullptr; } static SfxDispatcher* getDispatcher( ViewShellBase const & rBase ) { if( rBase.GetMainViewShell().get() && rBase.GetMainViewShell()->GetViewFrame() ) return rBase.GetMainViewShell()->GetViewFrame()->GetDispatcher(); else return nullptr; } IMPL_LINK_NOARG(TableDesignWidget, implValueSetHdl, ValueSet*, void) { ApplyStyle(); } void TableDesignWidget::ApplyStyle() { try { OUString sStyleName; sal_Int32 nIndex = static_cast< sal_Int32 >( m_pValueSet->GetSelectedItemId() ) - 1; if( (nIndex >= 0) && (nIndex < mxTableFamily->getCount()) ) { Reference< XNameAccess > xNames( mxTableFamily, UNO_QUERY_THROW ); sStyleName = xNames->getElementNames()[nIndex]; } if( sStyleName.isEmpty() ) return; SdrView* pView = mrBase.GetDrawView(); if( mxSelectedTable.is() ) { if( pView ) { SfxRequest aReq( SID_TABLE_STYLE, SfxCallMode::SYNCHRON, SfxGetpApp()->GetPool() ); aReq.AppendItem( SfxStringItem( SID_TABLE_STYLE, sStyleName ) ); const rtl::Reference< sdr::SelectionController >& xController( pView->getSelectionController() ); if( xController.is() ) xController->Execute( aReq ); SfxBindings* pBindings = getBindings( mrBase ); if( pBindings ) { pBindings->Invalidate( SID_UNDO ); pBindings->Invalidate( SID_REDO ); } } } else { SfxDispatcher* pDispatcher = getDispatcher( mrBase ); SfxStringItem aArg( SID_TABLE_STYLE, sStyleName ); pDispatcher->ExecuteList(SID_INSERT_TABLE, SfxCallMode::ASYNCHRON, { &aArg }); } } catch( Exception& ) { OSL_FAIL("TableDesignWidget::implValueSetHdl(), exception caught!"); } } IMPL_LINK_NOARG(TableDesignWidget, implCheckBoxHdl, Button*, void) { ApplyOptions(); FillDesignPreviewControl(); } void TableDesignWidget::ApplyOptions() { static const sal_uInt16 gParamIds[CB_COUNT] = { ID_VAL_USEFIRSTROWSTYLE, ID_VAL_USELASTROWSTYLE, ID_VAL_USEBANDINGROWSTYLE, ID_VAL_USEFIRSTCOLUMNSTYLE, ID_VAL_USELASTCOLUMNSTYLE, ID_VAL_USEBANDINGCOLUMNSTYLE }; if( mxSelectedTable.is() ) { SfxRequest aReq( SID_TABLE_STYLE_SETTINGS, SfxCallMode::SYNCHRON, SfxGetpApp()->GetPool() ); for( sal_uInt16 i = CB_HEADER_ROW; i <= CB_BANDED_COLUMNS; ++i ) { aReq.AppendItem( SfxBoolItem( gParamIds[i], m_aCheckBoxes[i]->IsChecked() ) ); } SdrView* pView = mrBase.GetDrawView(); if( pView ) { const rtl::Reference< sdr::SelectionController >& xController( pView->getSelectionController() ); if( xController.is() ) { xController->Execute( aReq ); SfxBindings* pBindings = getBindings( mrBase ); if( pBindings ) { pBindings->Invalidate( SID_UNDO ); pBindings->Invalidate( SID_REDO ); } } } } } void TableDesignWidget::onSelectionChanged() { Reference< XPropertySet > xNewSelection; if( mxView.is() ) try { Reference< XSelectionSupplier > xSel( mxView, UNO_QUERY_THROW ); Any aSel( xSel->getSelection() ); Sequence< XShape > xShapeSeq; if( aSel >>= xShapeSeq ) { if( xShapeSeq.getLength() == 1 ) aSel <<= xShapeSeq[0]; } else { Reference< XShapes > xShapes( aSel, UNO_QUERY ); if( xShapes.is() && (xShapes->getCount() == 1) ) aSel = xShapes->getByIndex(0); } Reference< XShapeDescriptor > xDesc( aSel, UNO_QUERY ); if( xDesc.is() && ( xDesc->getShapeType() == "com.sun.star.drawing.TableShape" || xDesc->getShapeType() == "com.sun.star.presentation.TableShape" ) ) { xNewSelection.set( xDesc, UNO_QUERY ); } } catch( Exception& ) { OSL_FAIL( "sd::TableDesignWidget::onSelectionChanged(), Exception caught!" ); } if( mxSelectedTable != xNewSelection ) { mxSelectedTable = xNewSelection; updateControls(); } } void TableValueSet::Resize() { ValueSet::Resize(); // Calculate the number of rows and columns. if( GetItemCount() > 0 ) { Size aValueSetSize = GetSizePixel(); Image aImage = GetItemImage(GetItemId(0)); Size aItemSize = aImage.GetSizePixel(); aItemSize.AdjustHeight(10 ); int nColumnCount = (aValueSetSize.Width() - GetScrollWidth()) / aItemSize.Width(); if (nColumnCount < 1) nColumnCount = 1; int nRowCount = (GetItemCount() + nColumnCount - 1) / nColumnCount; if (nRowCount < 1) nRowCount = 1; int nVisibleRowCount = (aValueSetSize.Height()+2) / aItemSize.Height(); SetColCount (static_cast(nColumnCount)); SetLineCount (static_cast(nRowCount)); if( !m_bModal ) { WinBits nStyle = GetStyle() & ~WB_VSCROLL; if( nRowCount > nVisibleRowCount ) { nStyle |= WB_VSCROLL; } SetStyle( nStyle ); } } } TableValueSet::TableValueSet(Window *pParent, WinBits nStyle) : ValueSet(pParent, nStyle) , m_bModal(false) { } void TableValueSet::DataChanged( const DataChangedEvent& /*rDCEvt*/ ) { updateSettings(); } void TableValueSet::updateSettings() { if( !m_bModal ) { SetBackground( GetSettings().GetStyleSettings().GetWindowColor() ); SetColor( GetSettings().GetStyleSettings().GetWindowColor() ); SetExtraSpacing(8); } } VCL_BUILDER_FACTORY_CONSTRUCTOR(TableValueSet, WB_TABSTOP) void TableDesignWidget::updateControls() { static const bool gDefaults[CB_COUNT] = { true, false, true, false, false, false }; const bool bHasTable = mxSelectedTable.is(); for (sal_uInt16 i = CB_HEADER_ROW; i <= CB_BANDED_COLUMNS; ++i) { bool bUse = gDefaults[i]; if( bHasTable ) try { mxSelectedTable->getPropertyValue( gPropNames[i] ) >>= bUse; } catch( Exception& ) { OSL_FAIL("sd::TableDesignWidget::updateControls(), exception caught!"); } m_aCheckBoxes[i]->Check(bUse); m_aCheckBoxes[i]->Enable(bHasTable); } FillDesignPreviewControl(); m_pValueSet->updateSettings(); m_pValueSet->Resize(); sal_uInt16 nSelection = 0; if( mxSelectedTable.is() ) { Reference< XNamed > xNamed( mxSelectedTable->getPropertyValue( "TableTemplate" ), UNO_QUERY ); if( xNamed.is() ) { const OUString sStyleName( xNamed->getName() ); Reference< XNameAccess > xNames( mxTableFamily, UNO_QUERY ); if( xNames.is() ) { Sequence< OUString > aNames( xNames->getElementNames() ); for( sal_Int32 nIndex = 0; nIndex < aNames.getLength(); nIndex++ ) { if( aNames[nIndex] == sStyleName ) { nSelection = static_cast(nIndex)+1; break; } } } } } m_pValueSet->SelectItem( nSelection ); } void TableDesignWidget::addListener() { Link aLink( LINK(this,TableDesignWidget,EventMultiplexerListener) ); mrBase.GetEventMultiplexer()->AddEventListener( aLink ); } void TableDesignWidget::removeListener() { Link aLink( LINK(this,TableDesignWidget,EventMultiplexerListener) ); mrBase.GetEventMultiplexer()->RemoveEventListener( aLink ); } IMPL_LINK(TableDesignWidget,EventMultiplexerListener, tools::EventMultiplexerEvent&, rEvent, void) { switch (rEvent.meEventId) { case EventMultiplexerEventId::CurrentPageChanged: case EventMultiplexerEventId::EditViewSelection: onSelectionChanged(); break; case EventMultiplexerEventId::MainViewRemoved: mxView.clear(); onSelectionChanged(); break; case EventMultiplexerEventId::MainViewAdded: mxView.set( mrBase.GetController(), UNO_QUERY ); onSelectionChanged(); break; default: break; } } struct CellInfo { Color maCellColor; Color maTextColor; SvxBoxItem maBorder; explicit CellInfo( const Reference< XStyle >& xStyle ); }; CellInfo::CellInfo( const Reference< XStyle >& xStyle ) : maBorder(SDRATTR_TABLE_BORDER) { SfxStyleSheet* pStyleSheet = SfxUnoStyleSheet::getUnoStyleSheet( xStyle ); if( pStyleSheet ) { SfxItemSet& rSet = pStyleSheet->GetItemSet(); // get style fill color if( !GetDraftFillColor(rSet, maCellColor) ) maCellColor = COL_TRANSPARENT; // get style text color const SvxColorItem* pTextColor = rSet.GetItem(EE_CHAR_COLOR); if( pTextColor ) maTextColor = pTextColor->GetValue(); else maTextColor = COL_TRANSPARENT; // get border const SvxBoxItem* pBoxItem = rSet.GetItem( SDRATTR_TABLE_BORDER ); if( pBoxItem ) maBorder = *pBoxItem; } } typedef std::vector< std::shared_ptr< CellInfo > > CellInfoVector; typedef std::shared_ptr< CellInfo > CellInfoMatrix[nPreviewColumns * nPreviewRows]; struct TableStyleSettings { bool mbUseFirstRow; bool mbUseLastRow; bool mbUseFirstColumn; bool mbUseLastColumn; bool mbUseRowBanding; bool mbUseColumnBanding; TableStyleSettings() : mbUseFirstRow(true) , mbUseLastRow(false) , mbUseFirstColumn(false) , mbUseLastColumn(false) , mbUseRowBanding(true) , mbUseColumnBanding(false) {} }; static void FillCellInfoVector( const Reference< XIndexAccess >& xTableStyle, CellInfoVector& rVector ) { DBG_ASSERT( xTableStyle.is() && (xTableStyle->getCount() == sdr::table::style_count ), "sd::FillCellInfoVector(), invalid table style!" ); if( xTableStyle.is() ) try { rVector.resize( sdr::table::style_count ); for( sal_Int32 nStyle = 0; nStyle < sdr::table::style_count; ++nStyle ) { Reference< XStyle > xStyle( xTableStyle->getByIndex( nStyle ), UNO_QUERY ); if( xStyle.is() ) rVector[nStyle].reset( new CellInfo( xStyle ) ); } } catch(Exception&) { OSL_FAIL("sd::FillCellInfoVector(), exception caught!"); } } static void FillCellInfoMatrix( const CellInfoVector& rStyle, const TableStyleSettings& rSettings, CellInfoMatrix& rMatrix ) { for( sal_Int32 nRow = 0; nRow < nPreviewColumns; ++nRow ) { const bool bFirstRow = rSettings.mbUseFirstRow && (nRow == 0); const bool bLastRow = rSettings.mbUseLastRow && (nRow == nPreviewColumns - 1); for( sal_Int32 nCol = 0; nCol < nPreviewColumns; ++nCol ) { std::shared_ptr< CellInfo > xCellInfo; // first and last row win first, if used and available if( bFirstRow ) { xCellInfo = rStyle[sdr::table::first_row_style]; } else if( bLastRow ) { xCellInfo = rStyle[sdr::table::last_row_style]; } if( !xCellInfo.get() ) { // next come first and last column, if used and available if( rSettings.mbUseFirstColumn && (nCol == 0) ) { xCellInfo = rStyle[sdr::table::first_column_style]; } else if( rSettings.mbUseLastColumn && (nCol == nPreviewColumns-1) ) { xCellInfo = rStyle[sdr::table::last_column_style]; } } if( !xCellInfo.get() ) { if( rSettings.mbUseRowBanding ) { if( (nRow & 1) == 0 ) { xCellInfo = rStyle[sdr::table::even_rows_style]; } else { xCellInfo = rStyle[sdr::table::odd_rows_style]; } } } if( !xCellInfo.get() ) { if( rSettings.mbUseColumnBanding ) { if( (nCol & 1) == 0 ) { xCellInfo = rStyle[sdr::table::even_columns_style]; } else { xCellInfo = rStyle[sdr::table::odd_columns_style]; } } } if( !xCellInfo.get() ) { // use default cell style if non found yet xCellInfo = rStyle[sdr::table::body_style]; } rMatrix[(nCol * nPreviewColumns) + nRow] = xCellInfo; } } } static const BitmapEx CreateDesignPreview( const Reference< XIndexAccess >& xTableStyle, const TableStyleSettings& rSettings, bool bIsPageDark ) { CellInfoVector aCellInfoVector(sdr::table::style_count); FillCellInfoVector( xTableStyle, aCellInfoVector ); CellInfoMatrix aMatrix; FillCellInfoMatrix( aCellInfoVector, rSettings, aMatrix ); // bbbbbbbbbbbb w = 12 pixel // bccccccccccb h = 7 pixel // bccccccccccb b = border color // bcttttttttcb c = cell color // bccccccccccb t = text color // bccccccccccb // bbbbbbbbbbbb ScopedVclPtr pVirDev(VclPtr::Create()); Size aBmpSize(nBitmapWidth, nBitmapHeight); pVirDev->SetOutputSizePixel(aBmpSize); pVirDev->SetBackground( bIsPageDark ? COL_BLACK : COL_WHITE ); pVirDev->Erase(); // first draw cell background and text line previews sal_Int32 nY = 0; sal_Int32 nRow; for( nRow = 0; nRow < nPreviewRows; ++nRow, nY += nCellHeight-1 ) { sal_Int32 nX = 0; for( sal_Int32 nCol = 0; nCol < nPreviewColumns; ++nCol, nX += nCellWidth-1 ) { std::shared_ptr< CellInfo > xCellInfo(aMatrix[(nCol * nPreviewColumns) + nRow]); Color aTextColor( COL_AUTO ); if( xCellInfo.get() ) { // fill cell background const ::tools::Rectangle aRect( nX, nY, nX + nCellWidth - 1, nY + nCellHeight - 1 ); if( xCellInfo->maCellColor != COL_TRANSPARENT ) { pVirDev->SetFillColor( xCellInfo->maCellColor ); pVirDev->DrawRect( aRect ); } aTextColor = xCellInfo->maTextColor; } // draw text preview line if( aTextColor == COL_AUTO ) aTextColor = bIsPageDark ? COL_WHITE : COL_BLACK; pVirDev->SetLineColor( aTextColor ); const Point aPnt1( nX + 2, nY + ((nCellHeight - 1 ) >> 1) ); const Point aPnt2( nX + nCellWidth - 3, aPnt1.Y() ); pVirDev->DrawLine( aPnt1, aPnt2 ); } } // second draw border lines nY = 0; for( nRow = 0; nRow < nPreviewRows; ++nRow, nY += nCellHeight-1 ) { sal_Int32 nX = 0; for( sal_Int32 nCol = 0; nCol < nPreviewColumns; ++nCol, nX += nCellWidth-1 ) { std::shared_ptr< CellInfo > xCellInfo(aMatrix[(nCol * nPreviewColumns) + nRow]); if( xCellInfo.get() ) { const Point aPntTL( nX, nY ); const Point aPntTR( nX + nCellWidth - 1, nY ); const Point aPntBL( nX, nY + nCellHeight - 1 ); const Point aPntBR( nX + nCellWidth - 1, nY + nCellHeight - 1 ); sal_Int32 border_diffs[8] = { 0,-1, 0,1, -1,0, 1,0 }; sal_Int32* pDiff = &border_diffs[0]; // draw top border for( SvxBoxItemLine nLine : o3tl::enumrange() ) { const ::editeng::SvxBorderLine* pBorderLine = xCellInfo->maBorder.GetLine(nLine); if( !pBorderLine || ((pBorderLine->GetOutWidth() == 0) && (pBorderLine->GetInWidth()==0)) ) continue; sal_Int32 nBorderCol = nCol + *pDiff++; sal_Int32 nBorderRow = nRow + *pDiff++; if( (nBorderCol >= 0) && (nBorderCol < nPreviewColumns) && (nBorderRow >= 0) && (nBorderRow < nPreviewRows) ) { // check border std::shared_ptr< CellInfo > xBorderInfo(aMatrix[(nBorderCol * nPreviewColumns) + nBorderRow]); if( xBorderInfo.get() ) { const ::editeng::SvxBorderLine* pBorderLine2 = xBorderInfo->maBorder.GetLine(static_cast(static_cast(nLine)^1)); if( pBorderLine2 && pBorderLine2->HasPriority(*pBorderLine) ) continue; // other border line wins } } pVirDev->SetLineColor( pBorderLine->GetColor() ); switch( nLine ) { case SvxBoxItemLine::TOP: pVirDev->DrawLine( aPntTL, aPntTR ); break; case SvxBoxItemLine::BOTTOM: pVirDev->DrawLine( aPntBL, aPntBR ); break; case SvxBoxItemLine::LEFT: pVirDev->DrawLine( aPntTL, aPntBL ); break; case SvxBoxItemLine::RIGHT: pVirDev->DrawLine( aPntTR, aPntBR ); break; } } } } } return pVirDev->GetBitmapEx(Point(0,0), aBmpSize); } void TableDesignWidget::FillDesignPreviewControl() { sal_uInt16 nSelectedItem = m_pValueSet->GetSelectedItemId(); m_pValueSet->Clear(); try { TableStyleSettings aSettings; if( mxSelectedTable.is() ) { aSettings.mbUseFirstRow = m_aCheckBoxes[CB_HEADER_ROW]->IsChecked(); aSettings.mbUseLastRow = m_aCheckBoxes[CB_TOTAL_ROW]->IsChecked(); aSettings.mbUseRowBanding = m_aCheckBoxes[CB_BANDED_ROWS]->IsChecked(); aSettings.mbUseFirstColumn = m_aCheckBoxes[CB_FIRST_COLUMN]->IsChecked(); aSettings.mbUseLastColumn = m_aCheckBoxes[CB_LAST_COLUMN]->IsChecked(); aSettings.mbUseColumnBanding = m_aCheckBoxes[CB_BANDED_COLUMNS]->IsChecked(); } bool bIsPageDark = false; if( mxView.is() ) { Reference< XPropertySet > xPageSet( mxView->getCurrentPage(), UNO_QUERY ); if( xPageSet.is() ) { const OUString sIsBackgroundDark( "IsBackgroundDark" ); xPageSet->getPropertyValue(sIsBackgroundDark) >>= bIsPageDark; } } sal_Int32 nCount = mxTableFamily->getCount(); for( sal_Int32 nIndex = 0; nIndex < nCount; ++nIndex ) try { Reference< XIndexAccess > xTableStyle( mxTableFamily->getByIndex( nIndex ), UNO_QUERY ); if( xTableStyle.is() ) m_pValueSet->InsertItem( sal::static_int_cast( nIndex + 1 ), Image( CreateDesignPreview( xTableStyle, aSettings, bIsPageDark ) ) ); } catch( Exception& ) { OSL_FAIL("sd::TableDesignWidget::FillDesignPreviewControl(), exception caught!"); } sal_Int32 nCols = 3; sal_Int32 nRows = (nCount+2)/3; m_pValueSet->SetColCount(nCols); m_pValueSet->SetLineCount(nRows); WinBits nStyle = m_pValueSet->GetStyle() & ~WB_VSCROLL; m_pValueSet->SetStyle(nStyle); Size aSize(m_pValueSet->GetOptimalSize()); aSize.AdjustWidth(10 * nCols); aSize.AdjustHeight(10 * nRows); m_pValueSet->set_width_request(aSize.Width()); m_pValueSet->set_height_request(aSize.Height()); m_pValueSet->Resize(); } catch( Exception& ) { OSL_FAIL("sd::TableDesignWidget::FillDesignPreviewControl(), exception caught!"); } m_pValueSet->SelectItem(nSelectedItem); } VclPtr createTableDesignPanel( vcl::Window* pParent, ViewShellBase& rBase ) { VclPtr pRet = nullptr; try { pRet = VclPtr::Create( pParent, rBase ); } catch (const uno::Exception&) { } return pRet; } } /* vim:set shiftwidth=4 softtabstop=4 expandtab: */