/************************************************************************* * * OpenOffice.org - a multi-platform office productivity suite * * $RCSfile: LayoutMenu.cxx,v $ * * $Revision: 1.18 $ * * last change: $Author: rt $ $Date: 2006-04-28 14:59:23 $ * * The Contents of this file are made available subject to * the terms of GNU Lesser General Public License Version 2.1. * * * GNU Lesser General Public License Version 2.1 * ============================================= * Copyright 2005 by Sun Microsystems, Inc. * 901 San Antonio Road, Palo Alto, CA 94303, USA * * This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or * modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public * License version 2.1, as published by the Free Software Foundation. * * This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU * Lesser General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public * License along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software * Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, * MA 02111-1307 USA * ************************************************************************/ #include "LayoutMenu.hxx" #include "TaskPaneShellManager.hxx" #include "pres.hxx" #include "drawdoc.hxx" #ifndef SD_DRAW_DOC_SHELL_HXX #include "DrawDocShell.hxx" #endif #include "sdpage.hxx" #include "glob.hxx" #include "glob.hrc" #include "app.hrc" #include "helpids.h" #include "res_bmp.hrc" #include "strings.hrc" #ifndef SD_VIEW_SHELL_BASE_HXX #include "ViewShellBase.hxx" #endif #include "DrawViewShell.hxx" #include "PaneManager.hxx" #include "SlideSorterViewShell.hxx" #include "controller/SlideSorterController.hxx" #include "controller/SlsPageSelector.hxx" #include "taskpane/TaskPaneControlFactory.hxx" #include "taskpane/ScrollPanel.hxx" #include "tools/SlotStateListener.hxx" #include "EventMultiplexer.hxx" #include #include #ifndef _SFXOBJFACE_HXX #include #endif #ifndef _SDRESID_HXX #include "sdresid.hxx" #endif #ifndef _SV_IMAGE_HXX #include #endif #ifndef _SVTOOLS_LANGUAGEOPTIONS_HXX #include #endif #ifndef _SFXAPP_HXX #include #endif #include #include #ifndef _COM_SUN_STAR_FRAME_XCONTROLLER_HPP_ #include #endif using namespace ::sd::toolpanel; #define LayoutMenu #include "sdslots.hxx" using namespace ::com::sun::star::text; using namespace ::com::sun::star::uno; using namespace ::com::sun::star; using namespace ::sd::slidesorter; namespace sd { namespace toolpanel { /** This factory class stores references to ViewShellBase and DrawDocShell and passes them to new LayoutMenu objects. */ class LayoutMenuFactory : public ControlFactory { public: LayoutMenuFactory (ViewShellBase& rBase, DrawDocShell& rDocShell) : mrBase(rBase), mrDocShell(rDocShell) {} protected: virtual TreeNode* InternalCreateControl (TreeNode* pTreeNode) { ScrollPanel* pScrollPanel = new ScrollPanel (pTreeNode); ::std::auto_ptr pMenu ( new LayoutMenu ( pScrollPanel, mrDocShell, mrBase, false)); pScrollPanel->AddControl(pMenu); return pScrollPanel; } private: ViewShellBase& mrBase; DrawDocShell& mrDocShell; }; SFX_IMPL_INTERFACE(LayoutMenu, SfxShell, SdResId(STR_TASKPANELAYOUTMENU)) { SFX_POPUPMENU_REGISTRATION(SdResId(RID_TASKPANE_LAYOUTMENU_POPUP)); } TYPEINIT1(LayoutMenu, SfxShell); struct snewfoil_value_info { USHORT mnBmpResId; USHORT mnHCBmpResId; USHORT mnStrResId; WritingMode meWritingMode; AutoLayout maAutoLayout; }; static snewfoil_value_info notes[] = { {BMP_FOILN_01, BMP_FOILN_01_H, STR_AUTOLAYOUT_NOTES, WritingMode_LR_TB, AUTOLAYOUT_NOTES}, {0, 0, 0, WritingMode_LR_TB, AUTOLAYOUT_NONE}, }; static snewfoil_value_info handout[] = { {BMP_FOILH_01, BMP_FOILH_01_H, STR_AUTOLAYOUT_HANDOUT1, WritingMode_LR_TB, AUTOLAYOUT_HANDOUT1}, {BMP_FOILH_02, BMP_FOILH_02_H, STR_AUTOLAYOUT_HANDOUT2, WritingMode_LR_TB, AUTOLAYOUT_HANDOUT2}, {BMP_FOILH_03, BMP_FOILH_03_H, STR_AUTOLAYOUT_HANDOUT3, WritingMode_LR_TB, AUTOLAYOUT_HANDOUT3}, {BMP_FOILH_04, BMP_FOILH_04_H, STR_AUTOLAYOUT_HANDOUT4, WritingMode_LR_TB, AUTOLAYOUT_HANDOUT4}, {BMP_FOILH_06, BMP_FOILH_06_H, STR_AUTOLAYOUT_HANDOUT6, WritingMode_LR_TB, AUTOLAYOUT_HANDOUT6}, {0, 0, 0, WritingMode_LR_TB, AUTOLAYOUT_NONE}, }; static snewfoil_value_info standard[] = { {BMP_FOIL_20, BMP_FOIL_20_H, STR_AUTOLAYOUT_NONE, WritingMode_LR_TB, AUTOLAYOUT_NONE}, {BMP_FOIL_00, BMP_FOIL_00_H, STR_AUTOLAYOUT_TITLE, WritingMode_LR_TB, AUTOLAYOUT_TITLE}, {BMP_FOIL_01, BMP_FOIL_01_H, STR_AUTOLAYOUT_ENUM, WritingMode_LR_TB, AUTOLAYOUT_ENUM}, {BMP_FOIL_03, BMP_FOIL_03_H, STR_AUTOLAYOUT_2TEXT, WritingMode_LR_TB, AUTOLAYOUT_2TEXT}, {BMP_FOIL_19, BMP_FOIL_19_H, STR_AUTOLAYOUT_ONLY_TITLE, WritingMode_LR_TB, AUTOLAYOUT_ONLY_TITLE}, {BMP_FOIL_11, BMP_FOIL_11_H, STR_AUTOLAYOUT_OBJ, WritingMode_LR_TB, AUTOLAYOUT_OBJ}, {BMP_FOIL_02, BMP_FOIL_02_H, STR_AUTOLAYOUT_CHART, WritingMode_LR_TB, AUTOLAYOUT_CHART}, {BMP_FOIL_08, BMP_FOIL_08_H, STR_AUTOLAYOUT_TAB, WritingMode_LR_TB, AUTOLAYOUT_TAB}, {BMP_FOIL_09, BMP_FOIL_09_H, STR_AUTOLAYOUT_CLIPTEXT, WritingMode_LR_TB, AUTOLAYOUT_CLIPTEXT}, {BMP_FOIL_04, BMP_FOIL_04_H, STR_AUTOLAYOUT_TEXTCHART, WritingMode_LR_TB, AUTOLAYOUT_TEXTCHART}, {BMP_FOIL_06, BMP_FOIL_06_H, STR_AUTOLAYOUT_TEXTCLIP, WritingMode_LR_TB, AUTOLAYOUT_TEXTCLIP}, {BMP_FOIL_07, BMP_FOIL_07_H, STR_AUTOLAYOUT_CHARTTEXT, WritingMode_LR_TB, AUTOLAYOUT_CHARTTEXT}, {BMP_FOIL_10, BMP_FOIL_10_H, STR_AUTOLAYOUT_TEXTOBJ, WritingMode_LR_TB, AUTOLAYOUT_TEXTOBJ}, {BMP_FOIL_12, BMP_FOIL_12_H, STR_AUTOLAYOUT_TEXT2OBJ, WritingMode_LR_TB, AUTOLAYOUT_TEXT2OBJ}, {BMP_FOIL_13, BMP_FOIL_13_H, STR_AUTOLAYOUT_OBJTEXT, WritingMode_LR_TB, AUTOLAYOUT_OBJTEXT}, {BMP_FOIL_14, BMP_FOIL_14_H, STR_AUTOLAYOUT_OBJOVERTEXT, WritingMode_LR_TB, AUTOLAYOUT_OBJOVERTEXT}, {BMP_FOIL_15, BMP_FOIL_15_H, STR_AUTOLAYOUT_2OBJTEXT, WritingMode_LR_TB, AUTOLAYOUT_2OBJTEXT}, {BMP_FOIL_16, BMP_FOIL_16_H, STR_AUTOLAYOUT_2OBJOVERTEXT, WritingMode_LR_TB, AUTOLAYOUT_2OBJOVERTEXT}, {BMP_FOIL_17, BMP_FOIL_17_H, STR_AUTOLAYOUT_TEXTOVEROBJ, WritingMode_LR_TB, AUTOLAYOUT_TEXTOVEROBJ}, {BMP_FOIL_18, BMP_FOIL_18_H, STR_AUTOLAYOUT_4OBJ, WritingMode_LR_TB, AUTOLAYOUT_4OBJ}, // vertical {BMP_FOIL_21, BMP_FOIL_21_H, STR_AL_VERT_TITLE_TEXT_CHART, WritingMode_TB_RL, AUTOLAYOUT_VERTICAL_TITLE_TEXT_CHART}, {BMP_FOIL_22, BMP_FOIL_22_H, STR_AL_VERT_TITLE_VERT_OUTLINE, WritingMode_TB_RL, AUTOLAYOUT_VERTICAL_TITLE_VERTICAL_OUTLINE}, {BMP_FOIL_23, BMP_FOIL_23_H, STR_AL_TITLE_VERT_OUTLINE, WritingMode_TB_RL, AUTOLAYOUT_TITLE_VERTICAL_OUTLINE}, {BMP_FOIL_24, BMP_FOIL_24_H, STR_AL_TITLE_VERT_OUTLINE_CLIPART, WritingMode_TB_RL, AUTOLAYOUT_TITLE_VERTICAL_OUTLINE_CLIPART}, {0, 0, 0, WritingMode_LR_TB, AUTOLAYOUT_NONE} }; LayoutMenu::LayoutMenu ( TreeNode* pParent, DrawDocShell& rDocumentShell, ViewShellBase& rViewShellBase, bool bUseOwnScrollBar) : ValueSet (pParent->GetWindow()), TreeNode(pParent), DragSourceHelper(this), DropTargetHelper(this), mrBase (rViewShellBase), mbUseOwnScrollBar (bUseOwnScrollBar), mnPreferredColumnCount(3), mxListener(NULL), mbSelectionUpdatePending(true) { SetStyle ( GetStyle() & ~(WB_ITEMBORDER) | WB_TABSTOP | WB_NO_DIRECTSELECT ); if (mbUseOwnScrollBar) SetStyle (GetStyle() | WB_VSCROLL); SetExtraSpacing(2); SetSelectHdl (LINK(this, LayoutMenu, ClickHandler)); SetPool (&rDocumentShell.GetDoc()->GetPool()); SetName(String(RTL_CONSTASCII_USTRINGPARAM("LayoutMenu"))); InvalidateContent(); Link aEventListenerLink (LINK(this,LayoutMenu,EventMultiplexerListener)); mrBase.GetEventMultiplexer().AddEventListener(aEventListenerLink, ::sd::tools::EventMultiplexerEvent::EID_CURRENT_PAGE | ::sd::tools::EventMultiplexerEvent::EID_SLIDE_SORTER_SELECTION | ::sd::tools::EventMultiplexerEvent::EID_MAIN_VIEW_ADDED | ::sd::tools::EventMultiplexerEvent::EID_MAIN_VIEW_REMOVED); SetSmartHelpId(SmartId(HID_SD_TASK_PANE_PREVIEW_LAYOUTS)); SetAccessibleName(SdResId(STR_TASKPANEL_LAYOUT_MENU_TITLE)); Link aStateChangeLink (LINK(this,LayoutMenu,StateChangeHandler)); mxListener = new ::sd::tools::SlotStateListener( aStateChangeLink, mrBase.GetController()->getFrame(), ::rtl::OUString::createFromAscii(".uno:VerticalTextState")); // Add this new object as shell to the shell factory. GetShellManager()->AddSubShell(HID_SD_TASK_PANE_PREVIEW_LAYOUTS,this,this); } LayoutMenu::~LayoutMenu (void) { // Tell the shell factory that this object is no longer available. if (GetShellManager() != NULL) GetShellManager()->RemoveSubShell(this); Reference xComponent (mxListener, UNO_QUERY); if (xComponent.is()) xComponent->dispose(); Clear(); Link aLink (LINK(this,LayoutMenu,EventMultiplexerListener)); mrBase.GetEventMultiplexer().RemoveEventListener (aLink); } ::std::auto_ptr LayoutMenu::CreateControlFactory ( ViewShellBase& rBase, DrawDocShell& rDocShell) { return ::std::auto_ptr(new LayoutMenuFactory(rBase, rDocShell)); } String LayoutMenu::GetSelectedLayoutName (void) { return GetItemText (GetSelectItemId()); } AutoLayout LayoutMenu::GetSelectedAutoLayout (void) { AutoLayout aResult = AUTOLAYOUT_NONE; if ( ! IsNoSelection() && GetSelectItemId()!=0) { AutoLayout* pLayout = static_cast(GetItemData(GetSelectItemId())); if (pLayout != NULL) aResult = *pLayout; } return aResult; } /** The preferred size depends on the preferred number of columns, the number of items, and the size of the items. */ Size LayoutMenu::GetPreferredSize (void) { Size aItemSize = CalcItemSizePixel (Size()); Size aPreferredWindowSize = CalcWindowSizePixel ( aItemSize, mnPreferredColumnCount, CalculateRowCount (aItemSize, mnPreferredColumnCount)); return aPreferredWindowSize; } sal_Int32 LayoutMenu::GetPreferredWidth (sal_Int32 nHeight) { sal_Int32 nPreferredWidth = 100; if (GetItemCount() > 0) { Image aImage = GetItemImage(GetItemId(0)); Size aItemSize = CalcItemSizePixel (aImage.GetSizePixel()); if (nHeight>0 && aItemSize.Height()>0) { int nRowCount = nHeight / aItemSize.Height(); if (nRowCount <= 0) nRowCount = 1; int nColumnCount = (GetItemCount() + nRowCount-1) / nRowCount; nPreferredWidth = nColumnCount * aItemSize.Width(); } } return nPreferredWidth; } sal_Int32 LayoutMenu::GetPreferredHeight (sal_Int32 nWidth) { sal_Int32 nPreferredHeight = 200; if ( ! mbUseOwnScrollBar && GetItemCount()>0) { Image aImage = GetItemImage(GetItemId(0)); Size aItemSize = CalcItemSizePixel (aImage.GetSizePixel()); if (nWidth>0 && aItemSize.Width()>0) { aItemSize.Width() += 8; aItemSize.Height() += 8; int nColumnCount = nWidth / aItemSize.Width(); if (nColumnCount <= 0) nColumnCount = 1; else if (nColumnCount > 4) nColumnCount = 4; int nRowCount = (GetItemCount() + nColumnCount-1) / nColumnCount; nPreferredHeight = nRowCount * aItemSize.Height(); } } return nPreferredHeight; } sal_Int32 LayoutMenu::GetMinimumWidth (void) { sal_Int32 nMinimumWidth = 0; if (GetItemCount()>0) { Image aImage = GetItemImage(GetItemId(0)); Size aItemSize = CalcItemSizePixel (aImage.GetSizePixel()); nMinimumWidth = aItemSize.Width(); } return nMinimumWidth; } bool LayoutMenu::IsResizable (void) { return true; } ::Window* LayoutMenu::GetWindow (void) { return this; } void LayoutMenu::Paint (const Rectangle& rRect) { SetBackground (GetSettings().GetStyleSettings().GetWindowColor()); if (mbSelectionUpdatePending) { mbSelectionUpdatePending = false; UpdateSelection(); } ValueSet::Paint (rRect); SetBackground (Wallpaper()); } void LayoutMenu::Resize (void) { Size aWindowSize = GetOutputSizePixel(); if (IsVisible() && aWindowSize.Width() > 0) { // Calculate the number of rows and columns. if (GetItemCount() > 0) { Image aImage = GetItemImage(GetItemId(0)); Size aItemSize = CalcItemSizePixel ( aImage.GetSizePixel()); aItemSize.Width() += 8; aItemSize.Height() += 8; int nColumnCount = aWindowSize.Width() / aItemSize.Width(); if (nColumnCount < 1) nColumnCount = 1; else if (nColumnCount > 4) nColumnCount = 4; int n = GetItemCount(); int nRowCount = CalculateRowCount (aItemSize, nColumnCount); SetColCount (nColumnCount); SetLineCount (nRowCount); } } ValueSet::Resize (); } void LayoutMenu::MouseButtonDown (const MouseEvent& rEvent) { // As a preparation for the context menu the item under the mouse is // selected. if (rEvent.IsRight()) { ReleaseMouse(); USHORT nIndex = GetItemId (rEvent.GetPosPixel()); if (nIndex > 0) SelectItem(nIndex); } ValueSet::MouseButtonDown (rEvent); } void LayoutMenu::Execute (SfxRequest& rRequest) { switch (rRequest.GetSlot()) { case SID_TP_APPLY_TO_SELECTED_SLIDES: AssignLayoutToSelectedSlides (GetSelectedAutoLayout()); rRequest.Done(); break; case SID_INSERTPAGE: // Because we can not attach arguments to this slot we have to // forward this request manually to the main view shell. InsertPageWithLayout (GetSelectedAutoLayout()); break; } } void LayoutMenu::GetState (SfxItemSet& rItemSet) { // Cut and paste is not supported. The SID_(CUT,COPY,PASTE) entries // therefore must not show up in the context menu. rItemSet.DisableItem (SID_CUT); rItemSet.DisableItem (SID_COPY); rItemSet.DisableItem (SID_PASTE); } void LayoutMenu::InsertPageWithLayout (AutoLayout aLayout) { ViewShell* pViewShell = mrBase.GetMainViewShell(); if (pViewShell != NULL) { // Because we process the SID_INSERTPAGE slot ourselves we have to // call ExecuteSlot() at the main view shell directly or otherwise // would end up being called ourselves. SfxRequest aRequest (CreateRequest (SID_INSERTPAGE, aLayout)); pViewShell->ExecuteSlot (aRequest, BOOL(FALSE)); UpdateSelection(); } } void LayoutMenu::InvalidateContent (void) { // The number of items may have changed. Request a resize so that the // vertical size of this control can be adapted. RequestResize(); // Throw away the current set and fill the menu anew according to the // current settings (this includes the support for vertical writing.) Fill(); } int LayoutMenu::CalculateRowCount (const Size& rItemSize, int nColumnCount) { int nRowCount = 0; if (GetItemCount() > 0 && nColumnCount > 0) { nRowCount = (GetItemCount() + nColumnCount - 1) / nColumnCount; // nRowCount = GetOutputSizePixel().Height() / rItemSize.Height(); if (nRowCount < 1) nRowCount = 1; } return nRowCount; } IMPL_LINK(LayoutMenu, ClickHandler, ValueSet*, pValueSet) { AssignLayoutToSelectedSlides (GetSelectedAutoLayout()); return 0; } /** The specified layout is assigned to the current page of the view shell in the center pane. */ void LayoutMenu::AssignLayoutToSelectedSlides (AutoLayout aLayout) { using namespace ::sd::slidesorter; using namespace ::sd::slidesorter::controller; do { // The view shell in the center pane has to be present. ViewShell* pMainViewShell = mrBase.GetMainViewShell(); if (pMainViewShell == NULL) break; // Determine if the current view is in an invalid master page mode. // The handout view is always in master page mode and therefore not // invalid. bool bMasterPageMode (false); switch (pMainViewShell->GetShellType()) { case ViewShell::ST_NOTES: case ViewShell::ST_IMPRESS: { DrawViewShell* pDrawViewShell = static_cast(pMainViewShell); if (pDrawViewShell != NULL) if (pDrawViewShell->GetEditMode() == EM_MASTERPAGE) bMasterPageMode = true; } } if (bMasterPageMode) break; // Get a list of all selected slides and call the SID_MODIFYPAGE // slot for all of them. ::std::vector aSelectedPages; // Get a list of selected pages. // First we try to obtain this list from a slide sorter. This is // possible only some of the view shells in the center pane. When // no valid slide sorter is available then ask the main view shell // for its current page. SlideSorterViewShell* pSlideSorter = NULL; switch (pMainViewShell->GetShellType()) { case ViewShell::ST_IMPRESS: case ViewShell::ST_NOTES: case ViewShell::ST_SLIDE_SORTER: pSlideSorter = SlideSorterViewShell::GetSlideSorter(mrBase); break; } if (pSlideSorter != NULL) { // There is a slide sorter visible so get the list of selected pages from it. PageSelector& rSelector (pSlideSorter->GetSlideSorterController().GetPageSelector()); ::std::auto_ptr pSelection (rSelector.GetPageSelection()); { SlideSorterController::ModelChangeLock aLock (pSlideSorter->GetSlideSorterController()); pSlideSorter->GetSelectedPages(aSelectedPages); } } else { // No valid slide sorter available. Ask the main view shell for its current page. aSelectedPages.push_back(pMainViewShell->GetActualPage()); } if (aSelectedPages.size() == 0) break; ::std::vector::iterator iPage; for (iPage=aSelectedPages.begin(); iPage!=aSelectedPages.end(); ++iPage) { if ((*iPage) == NULL) continue; // Call the SID_ASSIGN_LAYOUT slot with all the necessary parameters. SfxRequest aRequest (mrBase.GetViewFrame(), SID_ASSIGN_LAYOUT); aRequest.AppendItem(SfxUInt32Item (ID_VAL_WHATPAGE, ((*iPage)->GetPageNum()-1)/2)); aRequest.AppendItem(SfxUInt32Item (ID_VAL_WHATLAYOUT, aLayout)); pMainViewShell->ExecuteSlot (aRequest, BOOL(FALSE)); } // Restore the previous selection. // rSelector.SetPageSelection(*pSelection.get()); } while(false); } SfxRequest LayoutMenu::CreateRequest ( USHORT nSlotId, AutoLayout aLayout) { SfxRequest aRequest (mrBase.GetViewFrame(), nSlotId); do { SdrLayerAdmin& rLayerAdmin (mrBase.GetDocument()->GetLayerAdmin()); BYTE aBackground (rLayerAdmin.GetLayerID( String(SdResId(STR_LAYER_BCKGRND)), FALSE)); BYTE aBackgroundObject (rLayerAdmin.GetLayerID( String(SdResId(STR_LAYER_BCKGRNDOBJ)), FALSE)); ViewShell* pViewShell = mrBase.GetMainViewShell(); if (pViewShell == NULL) break; SdPage* pPage = pViewShell->GetActualPage(); if (pPage == NULL) break; SetOfByte aVisibleLayers (pPage->TRG_GetMasterPageVisibleLayers()); aRequest.AppendItem( SfxStringItem (ID_VAL_PAGENAME, String()));//pPage->GetName())); aRequest.AppendItem(SfxUInt32Item (ID_VAL_WHATLAYOUT, aLayout)); aRequest.AppendItem( SfxBoolItem(ID_VAL_ISPAGEBACK, aVisibleLayers.IsSet(aBackground))); aRequest.AppendItem( SfxBoolItem( ID_VAL_ISPAGEOBJ, aVisibleLayers.IsSet(aBackgroundObject))); } while (false); return aRequest; } void LayoutMenu::Fill (void) { const bool bHighContrast = GetDisplayBackground().GetColor().IsDark() != 0; SvtLanguageOptions aLanguageOptions; sal_Bool bVertical = aLanguageOptions.IsVerticalTextEnabled(); SdDrawDocument* pDocument = mrBase.GetDocument(); sal_Bool bRightToLeft = (pDocument!=NULL && pDocument->GetDefaultWritingMode() == WritingMode_RL_TB); snewfoil_value_info* pInfo; switch (mrBase.GetPaneManager().GetViewShellType( PaneManager::PT_CENTER)) { case ViewShell::ST_NOTES: pInfo = notes; break; case ViewShell::ST_HANDOUT: pInfo = handout; break; case ViewShell::ST_IMPRESS: case ViewShell::ST_SLIDE_SORTER: pInfo = standard; break; default: pInfo = NULL; } Clear(); int n = 0; for (sal_uInt16 i=1; pInfo!=NULL&&pInfo->mnBmpResId!=0; i++,pInfo++) { if ((WritingMode_TB_RL != pInfo->meWritingMode) || bVertical) { Bitmap aBmp (SdResId (bHighContrast ? pInfo->mnHCBmpResId : pInfo->mnBmpResId)); if (bRightToLeft && (WritingMode_TB_RL != pInfo->meWritingMode)) aBmp.Mirror (BMP_MIRROR_HORZ); InsertItem (i, aBmp, String (SdResId (pInfo->mnStrResId))); SetItemData (i, new AutoLayout(pInfo->maAutoLayout)); n++; } } mbSelectionUpdatePending = true; } void LayoutMenu::Clear (void) { for (USHORT nId=1; nId<=GetItemCount(); nId++) delete static_cast(GetItemData(nId)); ValueSet::Clear(); } void LayoutMenu::StartDrag (sal_Int8 nAction, const Point& rPosPixel) { } sal_Int8 LayoutMenu::AcceptDrop (const AcceptDropEvent& rEvent) { return 0; } sal_Int8 LayoutMenu::ExecuteDrop (const ExecuteDropEvent& rEvent) { return 0; } void LayoutMenu::Command (const CommandEvent& rEvent) { switch (rEvent.GetCommand()) { case COMMAND_CONTEXTMENU: if ( ! SD_MOD()->GetWaterCan()) { if (GetShellManager() != NULL) GetShellManager()->MoveToTop(this); if (rEvent.IsMouseEvent()) mrBase.GetViewFrame()->GetDispatcher()->ExecutePopup( SdResId(RID_TASKPANE_LAYOUTMENU_POPUP)); else { // When the command event was not caused by a mouse // event (for example a key press instead) then show the // popup menu at the center of the current item. if (GetSelectItemId() >= 0) { Rectangle aBBox (GetItemRect(GetSelectItemId())); Point aPosition (aBBox.Center()); mrBase.GetViewFrame()->GetDispatcher()->ExecutePopup( SdResId(RID_TASKPANE_LAYOUTMENU_POPUP), this, &aPosition); } } } break; default: ValueSet::Command(rEvent); break; } } IMPL_LINK(LayoutMenu, StateChangeHandler, ::rtl::OUString*, pSlotName) { InvalidateContent(); return 0; } void LayoutMenu::UpdateSelection (void) { bool bItemSelected = false; do { // Get current page of main view. ViewShell* pViewShell = mrBase.GetMainViewShell(); if (pViewShell == NULL) break; SdPage* pCurrentPage = pViewShell->getCurrentPage(); if (pCurrentPage == NULL) break; // Get layout of current page. AutoLayout aLayout (pCurrentPage->GetAutoLayout()); if (aLayoutAUTOLAYOUT__END) break; // Find the entry of the menu for to the layout. USHORT nItemCount (GetItemCount()); for (USHORT nId=1; nId<=nItemCount; nId++) if (*static_cast(GetItemData(nId)) == aLayout) { SelectItem(nId); bItemSelected = true; break; } } while (false); if ( ! bItemSelected) SetNoSelection(); } IMPL_LINK(LayoutMenu, EventMultiplexerListener, ::sd::tools::EventMultiplexerEvent*, pEvent) { switch (pEvent->meEventId) { case ::sd::tools::EventMultiplexerEvent::EID_CURRENT_PAGE: case ::sd::tools::EventMultiplexerEvent::EID_SLIDE_SORTER_SELECTION: if ( ! mbSelectionUpdatePending) UpdateSelection(); break; case ::sd::tools::EventMultiplexerEvent::EID_MAIN_VIEW_ADDED: InvalidateContent(); break; case ::sd::tools::EventMultiplexerEvent::EID_MAIN_VIEW_REMOVED: HideFocus(); break; default: /* Ignored */ break; } return 0; } void LayoutMenu::DataChanged (const DataChangedEvent& rEvent) { Fill(); ValueSet::DataChanged(rEvent); } } } // end of namespace ::sd::toolpanel