/************************************************************************* * * $RCSfile: drviewsi.cxx,v $ * * $Revision: 1.9 $ * * last change: $Author: ka $ $Date: 2001-12-19 12:09:21 $ * * The Contents of this file are made available subject to the terms of * either of the following licenses * * - GNU Lesser General Public License Version 2.1 * - Sun Industry Standards Source License Version 1.1 * * Sun Microsystems Inc., October, 2000 * * GNU Lesser General Public License Version 2.1 * ============================================= * Copyright 2000 by Sun Microsystems, Inc. * 901 San Antonio Road, Palo Alto, CA 94303, USA * * This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or * modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public * License version 2.1, as published by the Free Software Foundation. * * This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU * Lesser General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public * License along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software * Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, * MA 02111-1307 USA * * * Sun Industry Standards Source License Version 1.1 * ================================================= * The contents of this file are subject to the Sun Industry Standards * Source License Version 1.1 (the "License"); You may not use this file * except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of the * License at http://www.openoffice.org/license.html. * * Software provided under this License is provided on an "AS IS" basis, * WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EITHER EXPRESSED OR IMPLIED, INCLUDING, * WITHOUT LIMITATION, WARRANTIES THAT THE SOFTWARE IS FREE OF DEFECTS, * MERCHANTABLE, FIT FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE, OR NON-INFRINGING. * See the License for the specific provisions governing your rights and * obligations concerning the Software. * * The Initial Developer of the Original Code is: Sun Microsystems, Inc. * * Copyright: 2000 by Sun Microsystems, Inc. * * All Rights Reserved. * * Contributor(s): _______________________________________ * * ************************************************************************/ #define ITEMID_COLOR ATTR_ANIMATION_COLOR #ifndef _XTABLE_HXX #include #endif #include "sdattr.hxx" #ifndef _AEITEM_HXX //autogen #include #endif #ifndef _EEITEM_HXX //autogen #include #endif #ifndef _SFXREQUEST_HXX //autogen #include #endif #ifndef _SVDITER_HXX //autogen #include #endif #ifndef _SVX_COLRITEM_HXX //autogen #include #endif #ifndef _SFXVIEWFRM_HXX //autogen #include #endif #ifndef _SVXIDS_HRC #include #endif #ifndef _SVDUNDO_HXX //autogen #include #endif #ifndef _E3D_VIEW3D_HXX //autogen #include #endif #ifndef _SFXDISPATCH_HXX //autogen #include #endif #ifndef _SVX_FLOAT3D_HXX #include #endif #ifndef _SVX_F3DCHILD_HXX #include #endif #ifndef _SVX_DIALOGS_HRC //autogen #include #endif #ifndef _SV_MSGBOX_HXX #include #endif #pragma hdrstop #include "app.hrc" #include "strings.hrc" #include "drviewsh.hxx" #include "drawdoc.hxx" #include "docshell.hxx" #include "efctchld.hxx" #include "effect.hxx" #include "anminfo.hxx" #include "unoaprms.hxx" // Undo-Action #include "sdundogr.hxx" // Undo Gruppe #include "preview.hxx" #include "prevchld.hxx" //#include "3dchld.hxx" //#include "3dfloat.hxx" #include "drawview.hxx" #include "sdwindow.hxx" using namespace ::com::sun::star; #define ATTR_MISSING 0 // Attribut nicht verfuegbar #define ATTR_MIXED 1 // Attribut uneindeutig (bei Mehrfachselektion) #define ATTR_SET 2 // Attribut eindeutig #define ITEMVALUE(ItemSet,Id,Cast) ((const Cast&)(ItemSet).Get(Id)).GetValue() /************************************************************************* |* |* SfxRequests fuer EffekteWindow bearbeiten |* \************************************************************************/ void SdDrawViewShell::ExecEffectWin( SfxRequest& rReq ) { CheckLineTo (rReq); USHORT nSId = rReq.GetSlot(); switch( nSId ) { case SID_EFFECT_INIT: { USHORT nId = SdEffectChildWindow::GetChildWindowId(); SfxChildWindow* pWindow = GetViewFrame()->GetChildWindow( nId ); if( pWindow ) { SdEffectWin* pEffectWin = (SdEffectWin*)( pWindow->GetWindow() ); if( pEffectWin ) pEffectWin->InitColorLB( pDoc ); } } break; case SID_EFFECT_STATE: { UpdateEffectWindow(); } break; case SID_EFFECT_ASSIGN: { AssignFromEffectWindow(); } break; // Diawechsel-Window case SID_SLIDE_CHANGE_STATE: { UpdateSlideChangeWindow(); } break; case SID_SLIDE_CHANGE_ASSIGN: { AssignFromSlideChangeWindow(); } break; case SID_3D_INIT: { USHORT nId = Svx3DChildWindow::GetChildWindowId(); SfxChildWindow* pWindow = GetViewFrame()->GetChildWindow( nId ); if( pWindow ) { Svx3DWin* p3DWin = (Svx3DWin*)( pWindow->GetWindow() ); if( p3DWin ) p3DWin->InitColorLB( pDoc ); } } break; case SID_3D_STATE: { Update3DWindow(); } break; case SID_3D_ASSIGN: { AssignFrom3DWindow(); } break; } } /************************************************************************* |* |* Statuswerte fuer EffekteWindow zurueckgeben |* \************************************************************************/ void SdDrawViewShell::GetEffectWinState( SfxItemSet& rSet ) { UINT32 nState = EFFECT_STATE_NONE; const SdrMarkList& rMarkList = pDrView->GetMarkList(); ULONG nCount = rMarkList.GetMarkCount(); if( nCount > 0 ) { nState |= EFFECT_COUNT; // Genau zwei Objekte ? -> Pfadeffekt moeglich ? if( nCount == 2 ) { SdrObject* pObject1 = rMarkList.GetMark(0)->GetObj(); SdrObject* pObject2 = rMarkList.GetMark(1)->GetObj(); SdrObjKind eKind1 = (SdrObjKind)pObject1->GetObjIdentifier(); SdrObjKind eKind2 = (SdrObjKind)pObject2->GetObjIdentifier(); //SdAnimationInfo* pInfo1 = pDoc->GetAnimationInfo(pObject1); //SdAnimationInfo* pInfo2 = pDoc->GetAnimationInfo(pObject2); //SdAnimationInfo* pInfo = NULL; if( ( ( pObject1->GetObjInventor() == SdrInventor && ( eKind1 == OBJ_LINE) || (eKind1 == OBJ_PLIN) || (eKind1 == OBJ_PATHLINE) ) || ( pObject2->GetObjInventor() == SdrInventor && ( eKind2 == OBJ_LINE) || (eKind2 == OBJ_PLIN) || (eKind2 == OBJ_PATHLINE) ) ) && ( pObject1->GetUpGroup() == pObject2->GetUpGroup() ) ) { nState |= EFFECT_PATH; } } } rSet.Put( SfxUInt32Item( SID_EFFECT_STATE, nState ) ); } /************************************************************************* |* |* EffekteWindow updaten |* \************************************************************************/ void SdDrawViewShell::UpdateEffectWindow() { USHORT nId = SdEffectChildWindow::GetChildWindowId(); SfxChildWindow* pWindow = GetViewFrame()->GetChildWindow( nId ); if( pWindow ) { SdEffectWin* pEffectWin = (SdEffectWin*) pWindow->GetWindow(); const SdrMarkList& rMarkList = pDrView->GetMarkList(); ULONG nCount = rMarkList.GetMarkCount(); if( pEffectWin && pEffectWin->IsUpdateMode() ) { if( nCount ) { // Der Code stammt aus fuoaprms.cxx und // sollte verallgemeinert werden !!! ULONG nObject = 0; short nAnimationSet = ATTR_MISSING; short nEffectSet = ATTR_MISSING; short nTextEffectSet = ATTR_MISSING; short nSpeedSet = ATTR_MISSING; short nFadeColorSet = ATTR_MISSING; short nFadeOutSet = ATTR_MISSING; short nInvisibleSet = ATTR_MISSING; short nSoundOnSet = ATTR_MISSING; short nSoundFileSet = ATTR_MISSING; short nPlayFullSet = ATTR_MISSING; short nClickActionSet = ATTR_MISSING; short nBookmarkSet = ATTR_MISSING; short nSecondEffectSet = ATTR_MISSING; short nSecondSpeedSet = ATTR_MISSING; short nSecondSoundOnSet = ATTR_MISSING; short nSecondPlayFullSet = ATTR_MISSING; // BOOL bDontKnow = FALSE; // defaulten (fuer Undo-Aktion) presentation::AnimationEffect eEffect = presentation::AnimationEffect_NONE; presentation::AnimationEffect eTextEffect = presentation::AnimationEffect_NONE; presentation::AnimationSpeed eSpeed = presentation::AnimationSpeed_MEDIUM; BOOL bActive = FALSE; BOOL bFadeOut = FALSE; Color aFadeColor = COL_LIGHTGRAY; BOOL bInvisible = FALSE; BOOL bSoundOn = FALSE; String aSound; BOOL bPlayFull = FALSE; presentation::ClickAction eClickAction = presentation::ClickAction_NONE; String aBookmark; presentation::AnimationEffect eSecondEffect = presentation::AnimationEffect_NONE; presentation::AnimationSpeed eSecondSpeed = presentation::AnimationSpeed_MEDIUM; BOOL bSecondSoundOn = FALSE; BOOL bSecondPlayFull = FALSE; SdAnimationInfo* pInfo; SdrMark* pMark; // das erste Objekt untersuchen pMark = rMarkList.GetMark(0); SdrObject* pObject = pMark->GetObj(); // find out, if there is any object, which contain text BOOL bHasText = FALSE; if( pObject->ISA(SdrTextObj) && ((SdrTextObj*)pObject)->HasText() ) bHasText = bHasText || TRUE; pInfo = pDoc->GetAnimationInfo(pObject); if( pInfo ) { bActive = pInfo->bActive; nAnimationSet = ATTR_SET; eEffect = pInfo->eEffect; nEffectSet = ATTR_SET; eTextEffect = pInfo->eTextEffect; nTextEffectSet = ATTR_SET; eSpeed = pInfo->eSpeed; nSpeedSet = ATTR_SET; bFadeOut = pInfo->bDimPrevious; nFadeOutSet = ATTR_SET; aFadeColor = pInfo->aDimColor; nFadeColorSet = ATTR_SET; bInvisible = pInfo->bDimHide; nInvisibleSet = ATTR_SET; bSoundOn = pInfo->bSoundOn; nSoundOnSet = ATTR_SET; aSound = pInfo->aSoundFile; nSoundFileSet = ATTR_SET; bPlayFull = pInfo->bPlayFull; nPlayFullSet = ATTR_SET; eClickAction = pInfo->eClickAction; nClickActionSet = ATTR_SET; aBookmark = pInfo->aBookmark; nBookmarkSet = ATTR_SET; eSecondEffect = pInfo->eSecondEffect; nSecondEffectSet = ATTR_SET; eSecondSpeed = pInfo->eSecondSpeed; nSecondSpeedSet = ATTR_SET; bSecondSoundOn = pInfo->bSecondSoundOn; nSecondSoundOnSet = ATTR_SET; bSecondPlayFull = pInfo->bSecondPlayFull; nSecondPlayFullSet = ATTR_SET; } // ggfs. weitere Objekte untersuchen for( nObject = 1; nObject < nCount; nObject++ ) { pMark = rMarkList.GetMark( nObject ); SdrObject* pObject = pMark->GetObj(); if( pObject->ISA(SdrTextObj) && ((SdrTextObj*)pObject)->HasText() ) bHasText = bHasText || TRUE; pInfo = pDoc->GetAnimationInfo(pObject); if( pInfo ) { if( bActive != pInfo->bActive ) nAnimationSet = ATTR_MIXED; if( eEffect != pInfo->eEffect ) nEffectSet = ATTR_MIXED; if( eTextEffect != pInfo->eTextEffect ) nTextEffectSet = ATTR_MIXED; if( eSpeed != pInfo->eSpeed ) nSpeedSet = ATTR_MIXED; if( bFadeOut != pInfo->bDimPrevious ) nFadeOutSet = ATTR_MIXED; if( aFadeColor != pInfo->aDimColor ) nFadeColorSet = ATTR_MIXED; if( bInvisible != pInfo->bDimHide ) nInvisibleSet = ATTR_MIXED; if( bSoundOn != pInfo->bSoundOn ) nSoundOnSet = ATTR_MIXED; if( aSound != pInfo->aSoundFile ) nSoundFileSet = ATTR_MIXED; if( bPlayFull != pInfo->bPlayFull ) nPlayFullSet = ATTR_MIXED; if( eClickAction != pInfo->eClickAction ) nClickActionSet = ATTR_MIXED; if( aBookmark != pInfo->aBookmark ) nBookmarkSet = ATTR_MIXED; if( eSecondEffect != pInfo->eSecondEffect ) nSecondEffectSet = ATTR_MIXED; if( eSecondSpeed != pInfo->eSecondSpeed ) nSecondSpeedSet = ATTR_MIXED; if( bSecondSoundOn != pInfo->bSecondSoundOn ) nSecondSoundOnSet = ATTR_MIXED; if( bSecondPlayFull != pInfo->bSecondPlayFull ) nSecondPlayFullSet = ATTR_MIXED; } else { if (nAnimationSet == ATTR_SET && bActive == TRUE) nAnimationSet = ATTR_MIXED; if (nEffectSet == ATTR_SET && eEffect != presentation::AnimationEffect_NONE) nEffectSet = ATTR_MIXED; if (nTextEffectSet == ATTR_SET && eTextEffect != presentation::AnimationEffect_NONE) nTextEffectSet = ATTR_MIXED; if (nSpeedSet == ATTR_SET) nSpeedSet = ATTR_MIXED; if (nFadeOutSet == ATTR_SET && bFadeOut == TRUE) nFadeOutSet = ATTR_MIXED; if (nFadeColorSet == ATTR_SET) nFadeColorSet = ATTR_MIXED; if (nInvisibleSet == ATTR_SET && bInvisible == TRUE) nInvisibleSet = ATTR_MIXED; if (nSoundOnSet == ATTR_SET && bSoundOn == TRUE) nSoundOnSet = ATTR_MIXED; if (nSoundFileSet == ATTR_SET) nSoundFileSet = ATTR_MIXED; if (nPlayFullSet == ATTR_SET && bPlayFull == TRUE) nPlayFullSet = ATTR_MIXED; if (nClickActionSet == ATTR_SET && eClickAction != presentation::ClickAction_NONE) nClickActionSet = ATTR_MIXED; if (nBookmarkSet == ATTR_SET) nBookmarkSet = ATTR_MIXED; if (nSecondEffectSet == ATTR_SET && eSecondEffect != presentation::AnimationEffect_NONE) nSecondEffectSet = ATTR_MIXED; if (nSecondSpeedSet == ATTR_SET) nSecondSpeedSet = ATTR_MIXED; if (nSecondSoundOnSet == ATTR_SET && bSecondSoundOn == TRUE) nSecondSoundOnSet = ATTR_MIXED; if (nSecondPlayFullSet == ATTR_SET && bSecondPlayFull == TRUE) nSecondPlayFullSet = ATTR_MIXED; } } // Genau zwei Objekte mit Pfadeffekt? Dann gilt nur die Animationsinfo // am bewegten Objekt. if (nCount == 2) { SdrObject* pObject1 = rMarkList.GetMark(0)->GetObj(); SdrObject* pObject2 = rMarkList.GetMark(1)->GetObj(); SdrObjKind eKind1 = (SdrObjKind)pObject1->GetObjIdentifier(); SdrObjKind eKind2 = (SdrObjKind)pObject2->GetObjIdentifier(); SdAnimationInfo* pInfo1 = pDoc->GetAnimationInfo(pObject1); SdAnimationInfo* pInfo2 = pDoc->GetAnimationInfo(pObject2); SdAnimationInfo* pInfo = NULL; if (pObject1->GetObjInventor() == SdrInventor && ((eKind1 == OBJ_LINE) || // 2-Punkt-Linie (eKind1 == OBJ_PLIN) || // Polygon (eKind1 == OBJ_PATHLINE)) && // Bezier-Kurve (pInfo2 && pInfo2->eEffect == presentation::AnimationEffect_PATH)) { pInfo = pInfo2; } if (pObject2->GetObjInventor() == SdrInventor && ((eKind2 == OBJ_LINE) || // 2-Punkt-Linie (eKind2 == OBJ_PLIN) || // Polygon (eKind2 == OBJ_PATHLINE)) && // Bezier-Kurve (pInfo1 && pInfo1->eEffect == presentation::AnimationEffect_PATH)) { pInfo = pInfo1; } if (pInfo) { bActive = pInfo->bActive; nAnimationSet = ATTR_SET; eEffect = pInfo->eEffect; nEffectSet = ATTR_SET; eTextEffect = pInfo->eTextEffect; nTextEffectSet = ATTR_SET; eSpeed = pInfo->eSpeed; nSpeedSet = ATTR_SET; bFadeOut = pInfo->bDimPrevious; nFadeOutSet = ATTR_SET; aFadeColor = pInfo->aDimColor; nFadeColorSet = ATTR_SET; bInvisible = pInfo->bDimHide; nInvisibleSet = ATTR_SET; bSoundOn = pInfo->bSoundOn; nSoundOnSet = ATTR_SET; aSound = pInfo->aSoundFile; nSoundFileSet = ATTR_SET; bPlayFull = pInfo->bPlayFull; nPlayFullSet = ATTR_SET; eClickAction = pInfo->eClickAction; nClickActionSet = ATTR_SET; aBookmark = pInfo->aBookmark; nBookmarkSet = ATTR_SET; eSecondEffect = pInfo->eSecondEffect; nSecondEffectSet = ATTR_SET; eSecondSpeed = pInfo->eSecondSpeed; nSecondSpeedSet = ATTR_SET; bSecondSoundOn = pInfo->bSecondSoundOn; nSecondSoundOnSet = ATTR_SET; bSecondPlayFull = pInfo->bSecondPlayFull; nSecondPlayFullSet = ATTR_SET; } } // ItemSet fuer Dialog fuellen SfxItemSet aSet(pDoc->GetPool(), ATTR_ANIMATION_START, ATTR_ACTION_END, 0); // das Set besetzen if (nAnimationSet == ATTR_SET) aSet.Put( SfxBoolItem( ATTR_ANIMATION_ACTIVE, bActive)); else if (nAnimationSet == ATTR_MIXED) aSet.InvalidateItem(ATTR_ANIMATION_ACTIVE); else aSet.Put(SfxBoolItem(ATTR_ANIMATION_ACTIVE, FALSE)); if (nEffectSet == ATTR_SET) aSet.Put(SfxAllEnumItem(ATTR_ANIMATION_EFFECT, eEffect)); else if (nEffectSet == ATTR_MIXED) aSet.InvalidateItem( ATTR_ANIMATION_EFFECT ); else aSet.Put(SfxAllEnumItem(ATTR_ANIMATION_EFFECT, presentation::AnimationEffect_NONE)); if( bHasText ) { if (nTextEffectSet == ATTR_SET) aSet.Put(SfxAllEnumItem(ATTR_ANIMATION_TEXTEFFECT, eTextEffect)); else if (nTextEffectSet == ATTR_MIXED) aSet.InvalidateItem( ATTR_ANIMATION_TEXTEFFECT ); else aSet.Put(SfxAllEnumItem(ATTR_ANIMATION_TEXTEFFECT, presentation::AnimationEffect_NONE)); } else aSet.DisableItem( ATTR_ANIMATION_TEXTEFFECT ); if (nSpeedSet == ATTR_SET) aSet.Put(SfxAllEnumItem(ATTR_ANIMATION_SPEED, eSpeed)); else aSet.InvalidateItem(ATTR_ANIMATION_SPEED); if (nFadeOutSet == ATTR_SET) aSet.Put(SfxBoolItem(ATTR_ANIMATION_FADEOUT, bFadeOut)); else if (nFadeOutSet == ATTR_MIXED) aSet.InvalidateItem(ATTR_ANIMATION_FADEOUT); else aSet.Put(SfxBoolItem(ATTR_ANIMATION_FADEOUT, FALSE)); if (nFadeColorSet == ATTR_SET) aSet.Put(SvxColorItem(aFadeColor, ATTR_ANIMATION_COLOR)); else if (nFadeColorSet == ATTR_MIXED) aSet.InvalidateItem(ATTR_ANIMATION_COLOR); else aSet.Put(SvxColorItem( RGB_Color( COL_LIGHTGRAY ), ATTR_ANIMATION_COLOR)); if (nInvisibleSet == ATTR_SET) aSet.Put(SfxBoolItem(ATTR_ANIMATION_INVISIBLE, bInvisible)); else if (nInvisibleSet == ATTR_MIXED) aSet.InvalidateItem(ATTR_ANIMATION_INVISIBLE); else aSet.Put(SfxBoolItem(ATTR_ANIMATION_INVISIBLE, FALSE)); if (nSoundOnSet == ATTR_SET) aSet.Put(SfxBoolItem(ATTR_ANIMATION_SOUNDON, bSoundOn)); else if (nSoundOnSet == ATTR_MIXED) aSet.InvalidateItem(ATTR_ANIMATION_SOUNDON); else aSet.Put(SfxBoolItem(ATTR_ANIMATION_SOUNDON, FALSE)); if (nSoundFileSet == ATTR_SET) aSet.Put(SfxStringItem(ATTR_ANIMATION_SOUNDFILE, aSound)); else aSet.InvalidateItem(ATTR_ANIMATION_SOUNDFILE); if (nPlayFullSet == ATTR_SET) aSet.Put(SfxBoolItem(ATTR_ANIMATION_PLAYFULL, bPlayFull)); else if (nPlayFullSet == ATTR_MIXED) aSet.InvalidateItem(ATTR_ANIMATION_PLAYFULL); else aSet.Put(SfxBoolItem(ATTR_ANIMATION_PLAYFULL, FALSE)); if (nClickActionSet == ATTR_SET) aSet.Put(SfxAllEnumItem(ATTR_ACTION, eClickAction)); else if (nClickActionSet == ATTR_MIXED) aSet.InvalidateItem(ATTR_ACTION); else aSet.Put(SfxAllEnumItem(ATTR_ACTION, presentation::ClickAction_NONE)); if (nBookmarkSet == ATTR_SET) aSet.Put(SfxStringItem(ATTR_ACTION_FILENAME, aBookmark)); else aSet.InvalidateItem(ATTR_ACTION_FILENAME); if (nSecondEffectSet == ATTR_SET) aSet.Put(SfxAllEnumItem(ATTR_ACTION_EFFECT, eSecondEffect)); else if (nSecondEffectSet == ATTR_MIXED) aSet.InvalidateItem( ATTR_ACTION_EFFECT ); else aSet.Put(SfxAllEnumItem(ATTR_ACTION_EFFECT, presentation::AnimationEffect_NONE)); if (nSecondSpeedSet == ATTR_SET) aSet.Put(SfxAllEnumItem(ATTR_ACTION_EFFECTSPEED, eSecondSpeed)); else aSet.InvalidateItem(ATTR_ACTION_EFFECTSPEED); if (nSecondSoundOnSet == ATTR_SET) aSet.Put(SfxBoolItem(ATTR_ACTION_SOUNDON, bSecondSoundOn)); else if (nSecondSoundOnSet == ATTR_MIXED) aSet.InvalidateItem(ATTR_ACTION_SOUNDON); else aSet.Put(SfxBoolItem(ATTR_ACTION_SOUNDON, FALSE)); if (nSecondPlayFullSet == ATTR_SET) aSet.Put(SfxBoolItem(ATTR_ACTION_PLAYFULL, bSecondPlayFull)); else if (nPlayFullSet == ATTR_MIXED) aSet.InvalidateItem(ATTR_ACTION_PLAYFULL); else aSet.Put(SfxBoolItem(ATTR_ACTION_PLAYFULL, FALSE)); //rSet.Put( SfxSetItem( SID_EFFECT_STATE, aSet ) ); pEffectWin->Update( aSet ); } else { SfxItemSet aSet(pDoc->GetPool(), ATTR_ANIMATION_EFFECT, ATTR_ANIMATION_TEXTEFFECT, 0); aSet.Put(SfxAllEnumItem(ATTR_ANIMATION_EFFECT, presentation::AnimationEffect_NONE)); aSet.Put(SfxAllEnumItem(ATTR_ANIMATION_TEXTEFFECT, presentation::AnimationEffect_NONE)); pEffectWin->Update( aSet ); } } } } /************************************************************************* |* |* Vom EffekteWindow zuweisen |* \************************************************************************/ void SdDrawViewShell::AssignFromEffectWindow() { bInEffectAssignment = TRUE; USHORT nId = SdEffectChildWindow::GetChildWindowId(); SfxChildWindow* pWindow = GetViewFrame()->GetChildWindow( nId ); if( pWindow ) { GetViewFrame()->GetBindings().InvalidateAll( TRUE ); SdEffectWin* pEffectWin = (SdEffectWin*) pWindow->GetWindow(); const SdrMarkList& rMarkList = pDrView->GetMarkList(); ULONG nCount = rMarkList.GetMarkCount(); if( pEffectWin && nCount > 0 ) { // Der Code stammt aus fuoaprms.cxx und // sollte verallgemeinert werden !!! ULONG nObject = 0; SfxUndoManager* pUndoMgr = GetViewFrame()->GetObjectShell()-> GetUndoManager(); short nAnimationSet = ATTR_MISSING; short nEffectSet = ATTR_MISSING; short nTextEffectSet = ATTR_MISSING; short nSpeedSet = ATTR_MISSING; short nFadeColorSet = ATTR_MISSING; short nFadeOutSet = ATTR_MISSING; short nInvisibleSet = ATTR_MISSING; short nSoundOnSet = ATTR_MISSING; short nSoundFileSet = ATTR_MISSING; short nPlayFullSet = ATTR_MISSING; short nClickActionSet = ATTR_MISSING; short nBookmarkSet = ATTR_MISSING; short nSecondEffectSet = ATTR_MISSING; short nSecondSpeedSet = ATTR_MISSING; short nSecondSoundOnSet = ATTR_MISSING; short nSecondPlayFullSet = ATTR_MISSING; // defaulten (fuer Undo-Aktion) presentation::AnimationEffect eEffect = presentation::AnimationEffect_NONE; presentation::AnimationEffect eTextEffect = presentation::AnimationEffect_NONE; presentation::AnimationSpeed eSpeed = presentation::AnimationSpeed_MEDIUM; BOOL bActive = FALSE; BOOL bFadeOut = FALSE; Color aFadeColor = COL_LIGHTGRAY; BOOL bInvisible = FALSE; BOOL bSoundOn = FALSE; String aSound; BOOL bPlayFull = FALSE; presentation::ClickAction eClickAction = presentation::ClickAction_NONE; String aBookmark; presentation::AnimationEffect eSecondEffect = presentation::AnimationEffect_NONE; presentation::AnimationSpeed eSecondSpeed = presentation::AnimationSpeed_MEDIUM; BOOL bSecondSoundOn = FALSE; BOOL bSecondPlayFull = FALSE; SdAnimationInfo* pInfo = NULL; SfxItemSet aSet(pDoc->GetPool(), ATTR_ANIMATION_START, ATTR_ACTION_END, 0); pEffectWin->GetAttr( aSet ); // Auswertung des ItemSets if (aSet.GetItemState(ATTR_ANIMATION_ACTIVE) == SFX_ITEM_SET) { bActive = ((SfxBoolItem&)aSet.Get(ATTR_ANIMATION_ACTIVE)).GetValue(); nAnimationSet = ATTR_SET; } else nAnimationSet = ATTR_MISSING; if (aSet.GetItemState(ATTR_ANIMATION_EFFECT) == SFX_ITEM_SET) { eEffect = (presentation::AnimationEffect)((SfxAllEnumItem&) aSet. Get(ATTR_ANIMATION_EFFECT)).GetValue(); nEffectSet = ATTR_SET; } else nEffectSet = ATTR_MISSING; if (aSet.GetItemState(ATTR_ANIMATION_TEXTEFFECT) == SFX_ITEM_SET) { eTextEffect = (presentation::AnimationEffect)((SfxAllEnumItem&) aSet. Get(ATTR_ANIMATION_TEXTEFFECT)).GetValue(); nTextEffectSet = ATTR_SET; } else nTextEffectSet = ATTR_MISSING; if (aSet.GetItemState(ATTR_ANIMATION_SPEED) == SFX_ITEM_SET) { eSpeed = (presentation::AnimationSpeed)((SfxAllEnumItem&) aSet. Get(ATTR_ANIMATION_SPEED)).GetValue(); nSpeedSet = ATTR_SET; } else nSpeedSet = ATTR_MISSING; if (aSet.GetItemState(ATTR_ANIMATION_FADEOUT) == SFX_ITEM_SET) { bFadeOut = ((SfxBoolItem&)aSet.Get(ATTR_ANIMATION_FADEOUT)).GetValue(); nFadeOutSet = ATTR_SET; } else nFadeOutSet = ATTR_MISSING; if (aSet.GetItemState(ATTR_ANIMATION_INVISIBLE) == SFX_ITEM_SET) { bInvisible = ((SfxBoolItem&)aSet.Get(ATTR_ANIMATION_INVISIBLE)).GetValue(); nInvisibleSet = ATTR_SET; } else nInvisibleSet = ATTR_MISSING; if (aSet.GetItemState(ATTR_ANIMATION_SOUNDON) == SFX_ITEM_SET) { bSoundOn = ((SfxBoolItem&)aSet.Get(ATTR_ANIMATION_SOUNDON)).GetValue(); nSoundOnSet = ATTR_SET; } else nSoundOnSet = ATTR_MISSING; if (aSet.GetItemState(ATTR_ANIMATION_SOUNDFILE) == SFX_ITEM_SET) { aSound = ((SfxStringItem&)aSet.Get(ATTR_ANIMATION_SOUNDFILE)).GetValue(); nSoundFileSet = ATTR_SET; } else nSoundFileSet = ATTR_MISSING; if (aSet.GetItemState(ATTR_ANIMATION_COLOR) == SFX_ITEM_SET) { aFadeColor = ((SvxColorItem&)aSet.Get(ATTR_ANIMATION_COLOR)).GetValue(); nFadeColorSet = ATTR_SET; } else nFadeColorSet = ATTR_MISSING; if (aSet.GetItemState(ATTR_ANIMATION_PLAYFULL) == SFX_ITEM_SET) { bPlayFull = ((SfxBoolItem&)aSet.Get(ATTR_ANIMATION_PLAYFULL)).GetValue(); nPlayFullSet = ATTR_SET; } else nPlayFullSet = ATTR_MISSING; if (aSet.GetItemState(ATTR_ACTION) == SFX_ITEM_SET) { eClickAction = (presentation::ClickAction)((SfxAllEnumItem&)aSet. Get(ATTR_ACTION)).GetValue(); nClickActionSet = ATTR_SET; } else nClickActionSet = ATTR_MISSING; if (aSet.GetItemState(ATTR_ACTION_FILENAME) == SFX_ITEM_SET) { aBookmark = ((SfxStringItem&)aSet. Get(ATTR_ACTION_FILENAME)).GetValue(); nBookmarkSet = ATTR_SET; } else nBookmarkSet = ATTR_MISSING; if (aSet.GetItemState(ATTR_ACTION_EFFECT) == SFX_ITEM_SET) { eSecondEffect = (presentation::AnimationEffect)((SfxAllEnumItem&) aSet. Get(ATTR_ACTION_EFFECT)).GetValue(); nSecondEffectSet = ATTR_SET; } else nSecondEffectSet = ATTR_MISSING; if (aSet.GetItemState(ATTR_ACTION_EFFECTSPEED) == SFX_ITEM_SET) { eSecondSpeed = (presentation::AnimationSpeed)((SfxAllEnumItem&) aSet. Get(ATTR_ACTION_EFFECTSPEED)).GetValue(); nSecondSpeedSet = ATTR_SET; } else nSecondSpeedSet = ATTR_MISSING; if (aSet.GetItemState(ATTR_ACTION_SOUNDON) == SFX_ITEM_SET) { bSecondSoundOn = ((SfxBoolItem&)aSet.Get(ATTR_ACTION_SOUNDON)).GetValue(); nSecondSoundOnSet = ATTR_SET; } else nSecondSoundOnSet = ATTR_MISSING; if (aSet.GetItemState(ATTR_ACTION_PLAYFULL) == SFX_ITEM_SET) { bSecondPlayFull = ((SfxBoolItem&)aSet.Get(ATTR_ACTION_PLAYFULL)).GetValue(); nSecondPlayFullSet = ATTR_SET; } else nSecondPlayFullSet = ATTR_MISSING; // Wenn irgendwelche Attribute ausgewaehlt wurden if (nEffectSet == ATTR_SET || nTextEffectSet == ATTR_SET || nSpeedSet == ATTR_SET || nAnimationSet == ATTR_SET || nFadeOutSet == ATTR_SET || nFadeColorSet == ATTR_SET || nInvisibleSet == ATTR_SET || nSoundOnSet == ATTR_SET || nSoundFileSet == ATTR_SET || nPlayFullSet == ATTR_SET || nClickActionSet == ATTR_SET || nBookmarkSet == ATTR_SET || nSecondEffectSet == ATTR_SET || nSecondSpeedSet == ATTR_SET || nSecondSoundOnSet == ATTR_SET || nSecondPlayFullSet == ATTR_SET) { // String fuer Undo-Group und List-Action String aComment(SdResId(STR_UNDO_ANIMATION)); // bei 'an Kurve entlang' gibt's noch eine extra UndoAction, darum // hier klammern pUndoMgr->EnterListAction(aComment, aComment); // Undo Gruppe erzeugen SdUndoGroup* pUndoGroup = new SdUndoGroup(pDoc); pUndoGroup->SetComment(aComment); // fuer den Pfad-Effekt einige Dinge merken SdrObject* pRunningObj = NULL; SdrPathObj* pPath = NULL; if( eEffect == presentation::AnimationEffect_PATH && nEffectSet == ATTR_SET && nCount == 2 ) { //DBG_ASSERT(nCount == 2, "dieser Effekt braucht genau 2 selektierte Objekte"); SdrObject* pObject1 = rMarkList.GetMark(0)->GetObj(); SdrObject* pObject2 = rMarkList.GetMark(1)->GetObj(); SdrObjKind eKind1 = (SdrObjKind)pObject1->GetObjIdentifier(); SdrObjKind eKind2 = (SdrObjKind)pObject2->GetObjIdentifier(); if (pObject1->GetObjInventor() == SdrInventor && ((eKind1 == OBJ_LINE) || // 2-Punkt-Linie (eKind1 == OBJ_PLIN) || // Polygon (eKind1 == OBJ_PATHLINE))) // Bezier-Kurve { pPath = (SdrPathObj*)pObject1; pRunningObj = pObject2; } if (pObject2->GetObjInventor() == SdrInventor && ((eKind2 == OBJ_LINE) || // 2-Punkt-Linie (eKind2 == OBJ_PLIN) || // Polygon (eKind2 == OBJ_PATHLINE))) // Bezier-Kurve { pPath = (SdrPathObj*)pObject2; pRunningObj = pObject1; } //DBG_ASSERT(pPath, "keine Kurve gefunden"); if( pPath ) { // das laufende Objekt auf das Kurvenende schieben Rectangle aCurRect(pRunningObj->GetLogicRect()); Point aCurCenter(aCurRect.Center()); const XPolyPolygon& rXPP = pPath->GetPathPoly(); USHORT nNoOfXPoly = rXPP.Count(); const XPolygon& rXPoly = rXPP.GetObject(nNoOfXPoly - 1); USHORT nPoints = rXPoly.GetPointCount(); Point aNewCenter(rXPoly[nPoints - 1]); Size aDistance(aNewCenter.X() - aCurCenter.X(), aNewCenter.Y() - aCurCenter.Y()); pRunningObj->Move(aDistance); SdrUndoMoveObj* pUndoAction = new SdrUndoMoveObj(*pRunningObj, aDistance); pUndoMgr->AddUndoAction(pUndoAction); } // Effect wird wieder auf DontCare gesetzt else { nEffectSet = ATTR_MISSING; eEffect = presentation::AnimationEffect_NONE; } } for (nObject = 0; nObject < nCount; nObject++) { SdrObject* pObject = rMarkList.GetMark(nObject)->GetObj(); pInfo = pDoc->GetAnimationInfo(pObject); BOOL bCreated = FALSE; if( !pInfo ) { pInfo = new SdAnimationInfo(pDoc); pObject->InsertUserData( pInfo ); bCreated = TRUE; } // das Pfadobjekt fuer 'an Kurve entlang'? if (eEffect == presentation::AnimationEffect_PATH && pObject == pPath) { SdAnimationPrmsUndoAction* pAction = new SdAnimationPrmsUndoAction (pDoc, pObject, bCreated); pAction->SetActive(pInfo->bActive, pInfo->bActive); pAction->SetEffect(pInfo->eEffect, pInfo->eEffect); pAction->SetTextEffect(pInfo->eTextEffect, pInfo->eTextEffect); pAction->SetSpeed(pInfo->eSpeed, pInfo->eSpeed); pAction->SetDim(pInfo->bDimPrevious, pInfo->bDimPrevious); pAction->SetDimColor(pInfo->aDimColor, pInfo->aDimColor); pAction->SetDimHide(pInfo->bDimHide, pInfo->bDimHide); pAction->SetSoundOn(pInfo->bSoundOn, pInfo->bSoundOn); pAction->SetSound(pInfo->aSoundFile, pInfo->aSoundFile); pAction->SetPlayFull(pInfo->bPlayFull, pInfo->bPlayFull); pAction->SetPathObj(pInfo->pPathObj, pInfo->pPathObj); pAction->SetClickAction(pInfo->eClickAction, pInfo->eClickAction); pAction->SetBookmark(pInfo->aBookmark, pInfo->aBookmark); pAction->SetInvisibleInPres(pInfo->bInvisibleInPresentation, TRUE); pAction->SetVerb(pInfo->nVerb, pInfo->nVerb); pAction->SetPresOrder(pInfo->nPresOrder, pInfo->nPresOrder); pAction->SetSecondEffect(pInfo->eSecondEffect, pInfo->eSecondEffect); pAction->SetSecondSpeed(pInfo->eSecondSpeed, pInfo->eSecondSpeed); pAction->SetSecondSoundOn(pInfo->bSecondSoundOn, pInfo->bSecondSoundOn); pAction->SetSecondPlayFull(pInfo->bSecondPlayFull, pInfo->bSecondPlayFull); pUndoGroup->AddAction(pAction); pInfo->bInvisibleInPresentation = TRUE; } else { // Undo-Action mit alten und neuen Groessen erzeugen SdAnimationPrmsUndoAction* pAction = new SdAnimationPrmsUndoAction (pDoc, pObject, bCreated); pAction->SetActive(pInfo->bActive, bActive); pAction->SetEffect(pInfo->eEffect, eEffect); pAction->SetTextEffect(pInfo->eTextEffect, eTextEffect); pAction->SetSpeed(pInfo->eSpeed, eSpeed); pAction->SetDim(pInfo->bDimPrevious, bFadeOut); pAction->SetDimColor(pInfo->aDimColor, aFadeColor); pAction->SetDimHide(pInfo->bDimHide, bInvisible); pAction->SetSoundOn(pInfo->bSoundOn, bSoundOn); pAction->SetSound(pInfo->aSoundFile, aSound); pAction->SetPlayFull(pInfo->bPlayFull, bPlayFull); pAction->SetPathObj(pInfo->pPathObj, pPath); pAction->SetClickAction(pInfo->eClickAction, eClickAction); pAction->SetBookmark(pInfo->aBookmark, aBookmark); pAction->SetInvisibleInPres(pInfo->bInvisibleInPresentation, pInfo->bInvisibleInPresentation); pAction->SetVerb(pInfo->nVerb, (USHORT)(pInfo->aBookmark).ToInt32()); pAction->SetPresOrder(pInfo->nPresOrder, pInfo->nPresOrder); pAction->SetSecondEffect(pInfo->eSecondEffect, eSecondEffect); pAction->SetSecondSpeed(pInfo->eSecondSpeed, eSecondSpeed); pAction->SetSecondSoundOn(pInfo->bSecondSoundOn, bSecondSoundOn); pAction->SetSecondPlayFull(pInfo->bSecondPlayFull,bSecondPlayFull); pUndoGroup->AddAction(pAction); // neue Werte am Infoblock des Objekts eintragen if (nAnimationSet == ATTR_SET) pInfo->bActive = bActive; if (nEffectSet == ATTR_SET) pInfo->eEffect = eEffect; if (nTextEffectSet == ATTR_SET) pInfo->eTextEffect = eTextEffect; if (nSpeedSet == ATTR_SET) pInfo->eSpeed = eSpeed; if (nFadeOutSet == ATTR_SET) pInfo->bDimPrevious = bFadeOut; if (nFadeColorSet == ATTR_SET) pInfo->aDimColor = aFadeColor; if (nInvisibleSet == ATTR_SET) pInfo->bDimHide = bInvisible; if (nSoundOnSet == ATTR_SET) pInfo->bSoundOn = bSoundOn; if (nSoundFileSet == ATTR_SET) pInfo->aSoundFile = aSound; if (nPlayFullSet == ATTR_SET) pInfo->bPlayFull = bPlayFull; if (nClickActionSet == ATTR_SET) pInfo->eClickAction = eClickAction; if (nBookmarkSet == ATTR_SET) pInfo->aBookmark = aBookmark; if (nSecondEffectSet == ATTR_SET) pInfo->eSecondEffect = eSecondEffect; if (nSecondSpeedSet == ATTR_SET) pInfo->eSecondSpeed = eSecondSpeed; if (nSecondSoundOnSet == ATTR_SET) pInfo->bSecondSoundOn = bSecondSoundOn; if (nSecondPlayFullSet == ATTR_SET) pInfo->bSecondPlayFull = bSecondPlayFull; // noch ein paar Spezialitaeten if (eEffect == presentation::AnimationEffect_PATH && nEffectSet == ATTR_SET) pInfo->SetPath(pPath); else pInfo->SetPath(NULL); if (eClickAction == presentation::ClickAction_VERB) pInfo->nVerb = (USHORT)(aBookmark.ToInt32()); pInfo->bInvisibleInPresentation = FALSE; } } // Undo Gruppe dem Undo Manager uebergeben pUndoMgr->AddUndoAction(pUndoGroup); pUndoMgr->LeaveListAction(); // Model geaendert pDoc->SetChanged(); /******************************************************* |* ggfs. in Preview anzeigen \******************************************************/ SfxChildWindow* pPreviewChildWindow = GetViewFrame()->GetChildWindow(SdPreviewChildWindow::GetChildWindowId()); if( pPreviewChildWindow && ePageKind != PK_HANDOUT ) { SdPreviewWin* pPreviewWin = (SdPreviewWin*) pPreviewChildWindow->GetWindow(); if( pPreviewWin && pPreviewWin->GetDoc() == pDoc ) { for( nObject = 0; nObject < nCount; nObject++ ) { if( rMarkList.GetMark( nObject ) ) { SdrObject* pObject = rMarkList.GetMark( nObject )->GetObj(); if( pObject ) { pInfo = pDoc->GetAnimationInfo( pObject ); if( pInfo && !( eEffect == presentation::AnimationEffect_PATH && pObject == pPath ) ) pPreviewWin->HideAndAnimateObject( pObject ); } } } } } } } } bInEffectAssignment = FALSE; GetViewFrame()->GetBindings().InvalidateAll( TRUE ); } /************************************************************************* |* |* 3D - Assign / Update |* \************************************************************************/ void SdDrawViewShell::Update3DWindow() { USHORT nId = Svx3DChildWindow::GetChildWindowId(); SfxChildWindow* pWindow = GetViewFrame()->GetChildWindow( nId ); if( pWindow ) { Svx3DWin* p3DWin = (Svx3DWin*) pWindow->GetWindow(); if( p3DWin && p3DWin->IsUpdateMode() ) { SfxItemSet aTmpItemSet = pView->Get3DAttributes(); p3DWin->Update( aTmpItemSet ); } } } /*----------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ #pragma optimize ( "", off ) void SdDrawViewShell::AssignFrom3DWindow() { USHORT nId = Svx3DChildWindow::GetChildWindowId(); SfxChildWindow* pWin = GetViewFrame()->GetChildWindow( nId ); if( pWin ) { Svx3DWin* p3DWin = (Svx3DWin*) pWin->GetWindow(); if( p3DWin ) { if(!pView->IsPresObjSelected()) { SfxItemSet aSet( pDoc->GetPool(), SDRATTR_START, SDRATTR_END, 0, 0); p3DWin->GetAttr( aSet ); // Eigene UNDO-Klammerung auch um die Wandlung in 3D pView->BegUndo(String(SdResId(STR_UNDO_APPLY_3D_FAVOURITE))); if(pView->IsConvertTo3DObjPossible()) { // Nur TextAttribute zuweisen SfxItemSet aTextSet( pDoc->GetPool(), EE_ITEMS_START, EE_ITEMS_END, 0 ); aTextSet.Put( aSet, FALSE ); pView->SetAttributes( aTextSet ); // Text in 3D umwandeln USHORT nSId = SID_CONVERT_TO_3D; SfxBoolItem aItem( nSId, TRUE ); GetViewFrame()->GetDispatcher()->Execute( nSId, SFX_CALLMODE_SYNCHRON | SFX_CALLMODE_RECORD, &aItem, 0L ); // Feststellen, ob ein FILL_Attribut gesetzt ist. // Falls nicht, Fuellattribut hart setzen XFillStyle eFillStyle = ITEMVALUE( aSet, XATTR_FILLSTYLE, XFillStyleItem ); if(eFillStyle == XFILL_NONE) aSet.Put(XFillStyleItem (XFILL_SOLID)); // remove some 3DSCENE attributes since these were // created by convert to 3D and may not be changed // to the defaults again. aSet.ClearItem(SDRATTR_3DSCENE_DISTANCE); aSet.ClearItem(SDRATTR_3DSCENE_FOCAL_LENGTH); aSet.ClearItem(SDRATTR_3DOBJ_DEPTH); } // Attribute zuweisen pView->Set3DAttributes( aSet ); // Ende UNDO pView->EndUndo(); } else { InfoBox(pWindow, String(SdResId(STR_ACTION_NOTPOSSIBLE))).Execute(); } // Focus zurueckholen pWindow->GrabFocus(); } } } #pragma optimize ( "", on )