/************************************************************************* * * $RCSfile: viewshe2.cxx,v $ * * $Revision: 1.22 $ * * last change: $Author: rt $ $Date: 2003-09-19 08:19:06 $ * * The Contents of this file are made available subject to the terms of * either of the following licenses * * - GNU Lesser General Public License Version 2.1 * - Sun Industry Standards Source License Version 1.1 * * Sun Microsystems Inc., October, 2000 * * GNU Lesser General Public License Version 2.1 * ============================================= * Copyright 2000 by Sun Microsystems, Inc. * 901 San Antonio Road, Palo Alto, CA 94303, USA * * This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or * modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public * License version 2.1, as published by the Free Software Foundation. * * This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU * Lesser General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public * License along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software * Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, * MA 02111-1307 USA * * * Sun Industry Standards Source License Version 1.1 * ================================================= * The contents of this file are subject to the Sun Industry Standards * Source License Version 1.1 (the "License"); You may not use this file * except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of the * License at http://www.openoffice.org/license.html. * * Software provided under this License is provided on an "AS IS" basis, * WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EITHER EXPRESSED OR IMPLIED, INCLUDING, * WITHOUT LIMITATION, WARRANTIES THAT THE SOFTWARE IS FREE OF DEFECTS, * MERCHANTABLE, FIT FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE, OR NON-INFRINGING. * See the License for the specific provisions governing your rights and * obligations concerning the Software. * * The Initial Developer of the Original Code is: Sun Microsystems, Inc. * * Copyright: 2000 by Sun Microsystems, Inc. * * All Rights Reserved. * * Contributor(s): _______________________________________ * * ************************************************************************/ #ifndef _SVXIDS_HRC #include #endif #ifndef _SCRBAR_HXX //autogen #include #endif #ifndef _SVDPAGV_HXX //autogen #include #endif #ifndef _SFXDISPATCH_HXX //autogen #include #endif #ifndef _SFXAPP_HXX //autogen #include #endif #ifndef _SCH_DLL_HXX //autogen #include #endif #ifndef _SVX_RULER_HXX //autogen #include #endif #ifndef _OUTLINER_HXX //autogen #include #endif #ifndef _EHDL_HXX //autogen #include #endif #ifndef _SVSTOR_HXX //autogen #include #endif #ifndef _SVDOOLE2_HXX //autogen #include #endif #ifndef _SOERR_HXX //autogen #include #endif #ifndef _SFXECODE_HXX #include #endif #ifndef _IPENV_HXX //autogen #include #endif #ifndef _SVX_FMSHELL_HXX // XXX nur temp (dg) #include #endif #ifndef _SFXDISPATCH_HXX //autogen #include #endif #ifndef _RTL_USTRBUF_HXX_ #include #endif #include #include "misc.hxx" #include "strings.hrc" #include "app.hrc" #ifndef _SD_UNOKYWDS_HXX_ #include "unokywds.hxx" #endif #include "sdundogr.hxx" #include "frmview.hxx" #include "undopage.hxx" #include "sdresid.hxx" #include "drawdoc.hxx" #include "viewshel.hxx" #include "sdview.hxx" #include "fupoor.hxx" #include "sdclient.hxx" #include "docshell.hxx" #include "fusearch.hxx" #include "fuslshow.hxx" #include "sdpage.hxx" #include "drviewsh.hxx" #ifndef SO2_DECL_SVINPLACEOBJECT_DEFINED #define SO2_DECL_SVINPLACEOBJECT_DEFINED SO2_DECL_REF(SvInPlaceObject) #endif #ifndef SO2_DECL_SVSTORAGE_DEFINED #define SO2_DECL_SVSTORAGE_DEFINED SO2_DECL_REF(SvStorage) #endif #ifdef WNT #pragma optimize ( "", off ) #endif using namespace com::sun::star; /************************************************************************* |* |* Scrollbar-Update: Thumbpos und VisibleSize anpassen |* \************************************************************************/ void SdViewShell::UpdateScrollBars() { short i; for (i = 0; i < MAX_HSPLIT_CNT && pHScrlArray[i]; i++) { long nW = (long)(pWinArray[i][0]->GetVisibleWidth() * 32000); long nX = (long)(pWinArray[i][0]->GetVisibleX() * 32000); pHScrlArray[i]->SetVisibleSize(nW); pHScrlArray[i]->SetThumbPos(nX); nW = 32000 - nW; long nLine = (long) (pWinArray[i][0]->GetScrlLineWidth() * nW); long nPage = (long) (pWinArray[i][0]->GetScrlPageWidth() * nW); pHScrlArray[i]->SetLineSize(nLine); pHScrlArray[i]->SetPageSize(nPage); } for (i = 0; i < MAX_VSPLIT_CNT && pVScrlArray[i]; i++) { long nH = (long)(pWinArray[0][i]->GetVisibleHeight() * 32000); long nY = (long)(pWinArray[0][i]->GetVisibleY() * 32000); pVScrlArray[i]->SetVisibleSize(nH); pVScrlArray[i]->SetThumbPos(nY); nH = 32000 - nH; long nLine = (long) (pWinArray[0][i]->GetScrlLineHeight() * nH); long nPage = (long) (pWinArray[0][i]->GetScrlPageHeight() * nH); pVScrlArray[i]->SetLineSize(nLine); pVScrlArray[i]->SetPageSize(nPage); } if ( bHasRuler ) { UpdateHRuler(); UpdateVRuler(); } } /************************************************************************* |* |* Handling fuer horizontale Scrollbars |* \************************************************************************/ IMPL_LINK_INLINE_START( SdViewShell, HScrollHdl, ScrollBar *, pHScroll ) { return VirtHScrollHdl(pHScroll); } IMPL_LINK_INLINE_END( SdViewShell, HScrollHdl, ScrollBar *, pHScroll ) /************************************************************************* |* |* virtueller Scroll-Handler fuer horizontale Scrollbars |* \************************************************************************/ long SdViewShell::VirtHScrollHdl(ScrollBar* pHScroll) { long nDelta = pHScroll->GetDelta(); if (nDelta != 0) { short nX = 0, nY = 0; // Spalte der zu scrollenden Fenster bestimmen while ( nX < MAX_HSPLIT_CNT && pHScroll != pHScrlArray[nX] ) ++nX; double fX = (double) pHScroll->GetThumbPos() / pHScroll->GetRange().Len(); // alle Fenster der Spalte scrollen while ( nY < MAX_VSPLIT_CNT && pWinArray[nX][nY] ) { SdView* pView = GetView(); OutlinerView* pOLV = NULL; if (pView) pOLV = pView->GetTextEditOutlinerView(); if (pOLV) pOLV->HideCursor(); pWinArray[nX][nY++]->SetVisibleXY(fX, -1); Rectangle aVisArea = pDocSh->GetVisArea(ASPECT_CONTENT); Point aVisAreaPos = pWindow->PixelToLogic( Point(0,0) ); aVisArea.SetPos(aVisAreaPos); pDocSh->SetVisArea(aVisArea); Size aVisSizePixel = pWindow->GetOutputSizePixel(); Rectangle aVisAreaWin = pWindow->PixelToLogic( Rectangle( Point(0,0), aVisSizePixel) ); VisAreaChanged(aVisAreaWin); if (pView) { pView->VisAreaChanged(pWindow); } if (pOLV) pOLV->ShowCursor(); } if ( bHasRuler ) UpdateHRuler(); } return 0; } /************************************************************************* |* |* Handling fuer vertikale Scrollbars |* \************************************************************************/ IMPL_LINK_INLINE_START( SdViewShell, VScrollHdl, ScrollBar *, pVScroll ) { return VirtVScrollHdl(pVScroll); } IMPL_LINK_INLINE_END( SdViewShell, VScrollHdl, ScrollBar *, pVScroll ) /************************************************************************* |* |* Handling fuer vertikale Scrollbars |* \************************************************************************/ long SdViewShell::VirtVScrollHdl(ScrollBar* pVScroll) { long nDelta = pVScroll->GetDelta(); if (nDelta != 0) { short nX = 0, nY = 0; // Zeile der zu scrollenden Fenster bestimmen while ( nY < MAX_VSPLIT_CNT && pVScroll != pVScrlArray[nY] ) ++nY; double fY = (double) pVScroll->GetThumbPos() / pVScroll->GetRange().Len(); // alle Fenster der Zeile scrollen while ( nX < MAX_HSPLIT_CNT && pWinArray[nX][nY] ) { SdView* pView = GetView(); OutlinerView* pOLV = NULL; if (pView) pOLV = pView->GetTextEditOutlinerView(); if (pOLV) pOLV->HideCursor(); pWinArray[nX++][nY]->SetVisibleXY(-1, fY); Rectangle aVisArea = pDocSh->GetVisArea(ASPECT_CONTENT); Point aVisAreaPos = pWindow->PixelToLogic( Point(0,0) ); aVisArea.SetPos(aVisAreaPos); pDocSh->SetVisArea(aVisArea); Size aVisSizePixel = pWindow->GetOutputSizePixel(); Rectangle aVisAreaWin = pWindow->PixelToLogic( Rectangle( Point(0,0), aVisSizePixel) ); VisAreaChanged(aVisAreaWin); if (pView) { pView->VisAreaChanged(pWindow); } if (pOLV) pOLV->ShowCursor(); } if ( bHasRuler ) UpdateVRuler(); } return 0; } /************************************************************************* |* |* Eine bestimmte Anzahl von Zeilen scrollen (wird beim automatischen |* Scrollen (Zeichen/Draggen) verwendet) |* \************************************************************************/ void SdViewShell::ScrollLines(long nLinesX, long nLinesY) { short nX, nY; for (nX = 0; nX < MAX_HSPLIT_CNT; nX++) { nY = 0; while ( nY < MAX_VSPLIT_CNT && pWindow != pWinArray[nX][nY] ) nY++; if ( nY < MAX_VSPLIT_CNT ) break; } if ( nLinesX ) { nLinesX *= pHScrlArray[nX]->GetLineSize(); } if ( nLinesY ) { nLinesY *= pVScrlArray[nY]->GetLineSize(); } Scroll(nLinesX, nLinesY); } /************************************************************************* |* |* Window um nScrollX, nScrollY scrollen |* \************************************************************************/ void SdViewShell::Scroll(long nScrollX, long nScrollY) { short nX, nY; for (nX = 0; nX < MAX_HSPLIT_CNT; nX++) { nY = 0; while ( nY < MAX_VSPLIT_CNT && pWindow != pWinArray[nX][nY] ) nY++; if ( nY < MAX_VSPLIT_CNT ) break; } if (nScrollX) { long nLineSize = pHScrlArray[nX]->GetLineSize(); long nNewThumb = pHScrlArray[nX]->GetThumbPos() + nScrollX; pHScrlArray[nX]->SetThumbPos(nNewThumb); } if (nScrollY) { long nNewThumb = pVScrlArray[nY]->GetThumbPos() + nScrollY; pVScrlArray[nY]->SetThumbPos(nNewThumb); } double fX = (double) pHScrlArray[nX]->GetThumbPos() / pHScrlArray[nX]->GetRange().Len(); double fY = (double) pVScrlArray[nY]->GetThumbPos() / pVScrlArray[nY]->GetRange().Len(); pWindow->SetVisibleXY(fX, fY); if ( bIsHSplit || bIsVSplit ) // alle Fenster der gleichen Spalte { // sowie Zeile scrollen short i; for (i = 0; i < MAX_HSPLIT_CNT; i++) if ( i != nX && pWinArray[i][nY] ) pWinArray[i][nY]->SetVisibleXY(-1, fY); for (i = 0; i < MAX_VSPLIT_CNT; i++) if ( i != nY && pWinArray[nX][i] ) pWinArray[nX][i]->SetVisibleXY(fX, -1); } Rectangle aVisArea = pDocSh->GetVisArea(ASPECT_CONTENT); Point aVisAreaPos = pWindow->PixelToLogic( Point(0,0) ); aVisArea.SetPos(aVisAreaPos); pDocSh->SetVisArea(aVisArea); Size aVisSizePixel = pWindow->GetOutputSizePixel(); Rectangle aVisAreaWin = pWindow->PixelToLogic( Rectangle( Point(0,0), aVisSizePixel) ); VisAreaChanged(aVisAreaWin); SdView* pView = GetView(); if (pView) { pView->VisAreaChanged(pWindow); } if ( bHasRuler ) { UpdateHRuler(); UpdateVRuler(); } } /************************************************************************* |* |* Den Zoomfaktor fuer alle Split-Windows setzen |* \************************************************************************/ void SdViewShell::SetZoom(long nZoom) { Fraction aUIScale(nZoom, 100); aUIScale *= pDoc->GetUIScale(); for (short nX = 0; nX < MAX_HSPLIT_CNT; nX++) { if ( pHRulerArray[nX] ) pHRulerArray[nX]->SetZoom(aUIScale); for (short nY = 0; nY < MAX_VSPLIT_CNT; nY++) { if ( nX == 0 && pVRulerArray[nY] ) pVRulerArray[nY]->SetZoom(aUIScale); if ( pWinArray[nX][nY] ) { pWinArray[nX][nY]->SetZoom(nZoom); pWinArray[nX][nY]->Invalidate(); } } } Size aVisSizePixel = pWindow->GetOutputSizePixel(); Rectangle aVisAreaWin = pWindow->PixelToLogic( Rectangle( Point(0,0), aVisSizePixel) ); VisAreaChanged(aVisAreaWin); SdView* pView = GetView(); if (pView) { pView->VisAreaChanged(pWindow); } UpdateScrollBars(); } /************************************************************************* |* |* Zoomrechteck fuer aktives Fenster einstellen und alle Split-Windows |* auf den gleichen Zoomfaktor setzen |* \************************************************************************/ void SdViewShell::SetZoomRect(const Rectangle& rZoomRect) { short nX, nY, nCol, nRow; long nZoom = pWindow->SetZoomRect(rZoomRect); Fraction aUIScale(nZoom, 100); aUIScale *= pDoc->GetUIScale(); for (nX = 0; nX < MAX_HSPLIT_CNT; nX++) for (nY = 0; nY < MAX_VSPLIT_CNT; nY++) if ( pWinArray[nX][nY] == pWindow ) { nCol = nX; nRow = nY; } Point aPos = pWindow->GetWinViewPos(); for (nX = 0; nX < MAX_HSPLIT_CNT; nX++) { if ( pHRulerArray[nX] ) pHRulerArray[nX]->SetZoom(aUIScale); for (nY = 0; nY < MAX_VSPLIT_CNT; nY++) { if ( nX == 0 && pVRulerArray[nY] ) pVRulerArray[nY]->SetZoom(aUIScale); if ( pWinArray[nX][nY] ) { Point aNewPos = pWinArray[nX][nY]->GetWinViewPos(); if ( nX == nCol ) aNewPos.X() = aPos.X(); if ( nY == nRow ) aNewPos.Y() = aPos.Y(); pWinArray[nX][nY]->SetZoom(nZoom); pWinArray[nX][nY]->SetWinViewPos(aNewPos); pWinArray[nX][nY]->UpdateMapOrigin(); pWinArray[nX][nY]->Invalidate(); } } } Size aVisSizePixel = pWindow->GetOutputSizePixel(); Rectangle aVisAreaWin = pWindow->PixelToLogic( Rectangle( Point(0,0), aVisSizePixel) ); VisAreaChanged(aVisAreaWin); SdView* pView = GetView(); if (pView) { pView->VisAreaChanged(pWindow); } UpdateScrollBars(); } /************************************************************************* |* |* Abbildungsparameter fuer alle Split-Windows initialisieren |* \************************************************************************/ void SdViewShell::InitWindows(const Point& rViewOrigin, const Size& rViewSize, const Point& rWinPos, BOOL bUpdate) { for (short nX = 0; nX < MAX_HSPLIT_CNT; nX++) { for (short nY = 0; nY < MAX_VSPLIT_CNT; nY++) { if ( pWinArray[nX][nY] ) { pWinArray[nX][nY]->SetViewOrigin(rViewOrigin); pWinArray[nX][nY]->SetViewSize(rViewSize); pWinArray[nX][nY]->SetWinViewPos(rWinPos); if ( bUpdate ) { pWinArray[nX][nY]->UpdateMapOrigin(); pWinArray[nX][nY]->Invalidate(); } } } } Size aVisSizePixel = pWindow->GetOutputSizePixel(); Rectangle aVisAreaWin = pWindow->PixelToLogic( Rectangle( Point(0,0), aVisSizePixel) ); VisAreaChanged(aVisAreaWin); SdView* pView = GetView(); if (pView) { pView->VisAreaChanged(pWindow); } } /************************************************************************* |* |* Alle Split-Windows unter dem uebergebenen Rechteck invalidieren |* \************************************************************************/ void SdViewShell::InvalidateWindows() { for (short nX = 0; nX < MAX_HSPLIT_CNT; nX++) for (short nY = 0; nY < MAX_VSPLIT_CNT; nY++) if ( pWinArray[nX][nY] ) pWinArray[nX][nY]->Invalidate(); } /************************************************************************* |* |* ObjectBar umschalten, ResourceID der alten ObjectBar-ID zurueckgeben |* \************************************************************************/ USHORT SdViewShell::SwitchObjectBar(USHORT nSdResId) { USHORT nReturn = nCurrentObjectBar; if (nCurrentObjectBar != nSdResId && bObjectBarSwitchEnabled) { nCurrentObjectBar = nSdResId; if (nCurrentObjectBar) { // SfxDispatcher* pDispatcher = GetViewFrame()->GetDispatcher(); //pDispatcher->Push(*(SfxShell*)aShellTable.Get(nCurrentObjectBar)); RemoveSubShell(); if ( ISA(SdDrawViewShell) ) { AddSubShell( *(SfxShell*) aShellTable.Get( RID_FORMLAYER_TOOLBOX ) ); if ( nCurrentObjectBar == RID_DRAW_TEXT_TOOLBOX ) AddSubShell( *(SfxShell*) aShellTable.Get( RID_DRAW_OBJ_TOOLBOX ) ); } AddSubShell( *(SfxShell*) aShellTable.Get( nCurrentObjectBar ) ); } } return nReturn; } /************************************************************************* |* |* Auf allen Split-Windows ein Markierungsrechteck mit dem |* uebergebenen Pen zeichnen |* \************************************************************************/ void SdViewShell::DrawMarkRect(const Rectangle& rRect) const { for (short nX = 0; nX < MAX_HSPLIT_CNT; nX++) { for (short nY = 0; nY < MAX_VSPLIT_CNT; nY++) { if ( pWinArray[nX][nY] ) { pWinArray[nX][nY]->InvertTracking(rRect, SHOWTRACK_OBJECT | SHOWTRACK_WINDOW); } } } } /************************************************************************* |* |* Auf allen Split-Windows ein Rechteck zeichnen. Fuer den Rahmen wird der |* uebergebene Pen, zum Fuellen die uebergebene Brush benutzt. |* \************************************************************************/ void SdViewShell::DrawFilledRect( const Rectangle& rRect, const Color& rLColor, const Color& rFColor ) const { for (short nX = 0; nX < MAX_HSPLIT_CNT; nX++) { for (short nY = 0; nY < MAX_VSPLIT_CNT; nY++) { if ( pWinArray[nX][nY] ) { const Color& rOldLineColor = pWinArray[nX][nY]->GetLineColor(); const Color& rOldFillColor = pWinArray[nX][nY]->GetFillColor(); pWinArray[nX][nY]->SetLineColor( rLColor ); pWinArray[nX][nY]->SetFillColor( rFColor ); pWinArray[nX][nY]->DrawRect(rRect); pWinArray[nX][nY]->SetLineColor( rOldLineColor ); pWinArray[nX][nY]->SetFillColor( rOldFillColor ); } } } } /************************************************************************* |* |* Modus-Umschaltung (Draw, Slide, Outline) |* \************************************************************************/ IMPL_LINK( SdViewShell, ModeBtnHdl, Button *, pButton ) { if ( !((ImageButton*) pButton)->IsChecked() ) { if ( pButton == &aDrawBtn ) { pFrameView->SetPageKind(PK_STANDARD); GetViewFrame()->GetDispatcher()->Execute(SID_VIEWSHELL0, SFX_CALLMODE_ASYNCHRON | SFX_CALLMODE_RECORD); } else if ( pButton == &aNotesBtn ) { pFrameView->SetPageKind(PK_NOTES); pFrameView->SetLayerMode(FALSE); GetViewFrame()->GetDispatcher()->Execute(SID_VIEWSHELL0, SFX_CALLMODE_ASYNCHRON | SFX_CALLMODE_RECORD); } else if ( pButton == &aHandoutBtn ) { pFrameView->SetPageKind(PK_HANDOUT); pFrameView->SetLayerMode(FALSE); GetViewFrame()->GetDispatcher()->Execute(SID_VIEWSHELL0, SFX_CALLMODE_ASYNCHRON | SFX_CALLMODE_RECORD); } else if ( pButton == &aSlideBtn ) { GetViewFrame()->GetDispatcher()->Execute(SID_VIEWSHELL1, SFX_CALLMODE_ASYNCHRON | SFX_CALLMODE_RECORD); } else if ( pButton == &aOutlineBtn ) { GetViewFrame()->GetDispatcher()->Execute(SID_VIEWSHELL2, SFX_CALLMODE_ASYNCHRON | SFX_CALLMODE_RECORD); } else if ( pButton == &aPresentationBtn ) { GetViewFrame()->GetDispatcher()->Execute(SID_PRESENTATION, SFX_CALLMODE_ASYNCHRON | SFX_CALLMODE_RECORD); } } return 0; } /************************************************************************* |* |* Groesse und Raender aller Seiten setzen |* \************************************************************************/ void SdViewShell::SetPageSizeAndBorder(PageKind ePageKind, const Size& rNewSize, long nLeft, long nRight, long nUpper, long nLower, BOOL bScaleAll, Orientation eOrientation, USHORT nPaperBin, BOOL bBackgroundFullSize) { SdPage* pPage; SdUndoGroup* pUndoGroup = NULL; pUndoGroup = new SdUndoGroup(pDoc); String aString(SdResId(STR_UNDO_CHANGE_PAGEFORMAT)); pUndoGroup->SetComment(aString); USHORT i, nPageCnt = pDoc->GetMasterSdPageCount(ePageKind); for (i = 0; i < nPageCnt; i++) { /********************************************************************** * Erst alle MasterPages bearbeiten **********************************************************************/ pPage = pDoc->GetMasterSdPage(i, ePageKind); SdUndoAction* pUndo = new SdPageFormatUndoAction(pDoc, pPage, pPage->GetSize(), pPage->GetLftBorder(), pPage->GetRgtBorder(), pPage->GetUppBorder(), pPage->GetLwrBorder(), pPage->IsScaleObjects(), pPage->GetOrientation(), pPage->GetPaperBin(), pPage->IsBackgroundFullSize(), rNewSize, nLeft, nRight, nUpper, nLower, bScaleAll, eOrientation, nPaperBin, bBackgroundFullSize); pUndoGroup->AddAction(pUndo); const SfxPoolItem* pPoolItem = NULL; if (rNewSize.Width() > 0 || nLeft >= 0 || nRight >= 0 || nUpper >= 0 || nLower >= 0) { Rectangle aNewBorderRect(nLeft, nUpper, nRight, nLower); pPage->ScaleObjects(rNewSize, aNewBorderRect, bScaleAll); if (rNewSize.Width() > 0) pPage->SetSize(rNewSize); } if( nLeft >= 0 || nRight >= 0 || nUpper >= 0 || nLower >= 0 ) { pPage->SetBorder(nLeft, nUpper, nRight, nLower); } pPage->SetOrientation(eOrientation); pPage->SetPaperBin( nPaperBin ); pPage->SetBackgroundFullSize( bBackgroundFullSize ); if ( ePageKind == PK_STANDARD ) pDoc->GetMasterSdPage(i, PK_NOTES)->CreateTitleAndLayout(); pPage->CreateTitleAndLayout(); } nPageCnt = pDoc->GetSdPageCount(ePageKind); for (i = 0; i < nPageCnt; i++) { /********************************************************************** * Danach alle Pages bearbeiten **********************************************************************/ pPage = pDoc->GetSdPage(i, ePageKind); SdUndoAction* pUndo = new SdPageFormatUndoAction(pDoc, pPage, pPage->GetSize(), pPage->GetLftBorder(), pPage->GetRgtBorder(), pPage->GetUppBorder(), pPage->GetLwrBorder(), pPage->IsScaleObjects(), pPage->GetOrientation(), pPage->GetPaperBin(), pPage->IsBackgroundFullSize(), rNewSize, nLeft, nRight, nUpper, nLower, bScaleAll, eOrientation, nPaperBin, bBackgroundFullSize); pUndoGroup->AddAction(pUndo); if (rNewSize.Width() > 0 || nLeft >= 0 || nRight >= 0 || nUpper >= 0 || nLower >= 0) { Rectangle aNewBorderRect(nLeft, nUpper, nRight, nLower); pPage->ScaleObjects(rNewSize, aNewBorderRect, bScaleAll); if (rNewSize.Width() > 0) pPage->SetSize(rNewSize); } if( nLeft >= 0 || nRight >= 0 || nUpper >= 0 || nLower >= 0 ) { pPage->SetBorder(nLeft, nUpper, nRight, nLower); } pPage->SetOrientation(eOrientation); pPage->SetPaperBin( nPaperBin ); pPage->SetBackgroundFullSize( bBackgroundFullSize ); if ( ePageKind == PK_STANDARD ) { SdPage* pNotesPage = pDoc->GetSdPage(i, PK_NOTES); pNotesPage->SetAutoLayout( pNotesPage->GetAutoLayout() ); } pPage->SetAutoLayout( pPage->GetAutoLayout() ); } // Handoutseite an neues Format der Standardseiten anpassen if ( ePageKind == PK_STANDARD ) pDoc->GetSdPage(0, PK_HANDOUT)->CreateTitleAndLayout(TRUE); // Undo Gruppe dem Undo Manager uebergeben GetViewFrame()->GetObjectShell()->GetUndoManager()->AddUndoAction(pUndoGroup); long nWidth = pPage->GetSize().Width(); long nHeight = pPage->GetSize().Height(); Point aPageOrg = Point(nWidth, nHeight / 2); Size aViewSize = Size(nWidth * 3, nHeight * 2); InitWindows(aPageOrg, aViewSize, Point(-1, -1), TRUE); Point aVisAreaPos; if ( pDocSh->GetCreateMode() == SFX_CREATE_MODE_EMBEDDED ) { aVisAreaPos = pDocSh->GetVisArea(ASPECT_CONTENT).TopLeft(); } SdView* pView = GetView(); if (pView) { pView->SetWorkArea(Rectangle(Point() - aVisAreaPos - aPageOrg, aViewSize)); } UpdateScrollBars(); Point aNewOrigin(pPage->GetLftBorder(), pPage->GetUppBorder()); if (pView) { pView->GetPageViewPvNum(0)->SetPageOrigin(aNewOrigin); } GetViewFrame()->GetBindings().Invalidate(SID_RULER_NULL_OFFSET); // auf (neue) Seitengroesse zoomen GetViewFrame()->GetDispatcher()->Execute(SID_SIZE_PAGE, SFX_CALLMODE_ASYNCHRON | SFX_CALLMODE_RECORD); } /************************************************************************* |* |* Zoom-Faktor fuer InPlace einstellen |* \************************************************************************/ void SdViewShell::SetZoomFactor(const Fraction& rZoomX, const Fraction& rZoomY) { long nZoom = (long)((double) rZoomX * 100); SetZoom(nZoom); } /************************************************************************* |* |* Aktives Fenster setzen |* \************************************************************************/ void SdViewShell::SetActiveWindow(SdWindow* pWin) { if (GetWindow() != pWin) { if (pWin) { pWin->EnableChildTransparentMode(); } SetWindow(pWin); } if (pWindow != pWin) { pWindow = pWin; SdView* pView = GetView(); if (pView) { pView->SetActualWin(pWin); } if (pFuSlideShow) { pFuSlideShow->SetWindow(pWin); } if (pFuActual) { pFuActual->SetWindow(pWin); } } } /************************************************************************* |* |* RequestHelp event |* \************************************************************************/ BOOL SdViewShell::RequestHelp(const HelpEvent& rHEvt, SdWindow* pWin) { BOOL bReturn = FALSE; if (rHEvt.GetMode()) { if (pFuSlideShow) { bReturn = pFuSlideShow->RequestHelp(rHEvt); } else if (pFuActual) { bReturn = pFuActual->RequestHelp(rHEvt); } } return(bReturn); } /************************************************************************* |* |* Read FrameViews data and set actual views data |* \************************************************************************/ void SdViewShell::ReadFrameViewData(FrameView* pView) { } /************************************************************************* |* |* Write actual views data to FrameView |* \************************************************************************/ void SdViewShell::WriteFrameViewData() { } /************************************************************************* |* |* Auf allen Split-Windows ein Update erzwingen. |* \************************************************************************/ void SdViewShell::UpdateWindows() { for (short nX = 0; nX < MAX_HSPLIT_CNT; nX++) for (short nY = 0; nY < MAX_VSPLIT_CNT; nY++) if ( pWinArray[nX][nY] ) pWinArray[nX][nY]->Update(); } /************************************************************************* |* |* OLE-Object aktivieren |* \************************************************************************/ BOOL SdViewShell::ActivateObject(SdrOle2Obj* pObj, long nVerb) { ErrCode aErrCode = 0; SfxErrorContext aEC(ERRCTX_SO_DOVERB, pWindow, RID_SO_ERRCTX); BOOL bAbort = FALSE; BOOL bChartActive = FALSE; pDocSh->SetWaitCursor( TRUE ); SvInPlaceObjectRef aIPObj = pObj->GetObjRef(); if ( !aIPObj.Is() ) { /********************************************************** * Leeres OLE-Objekt mit OLE-Objekt versehen **********************************************************/ SvInPlaceObjectRef aNewIPObj; String aName = pObj->GetProgName(); if( aName.EqualsAscii( "StarChart" )) { aNewIPObj = SvInPlaceObject::CreateObject( SvGlobalName( SO3_SCH_CLASSID ) ); } else if( aName.EqualsAscii( "StarOrg" )) { // z.Z noch Nummer vom StarChart! aNewIPObj = SvInPlaceObject::CreateObject( SvGlobalName( SO3_SCH_CLASSID ) ); } else if( aName.EqualsAscii( "StarCalc" )) { aNewIPObj = SvInPlaceObject::CreateObject( SvGlobalName( SO3_SC_CLASSID ) ); } else if( aName.EqualsAscii( "StarMath" )) { aNewIPObj = SvInPlaceObject::CreateObject( SvGlobalName( SO3_SM_CLASSID ) ); } else { // Dialog "OLE-Objekt einfuegen" aufrufen pDocSh->SetWaitCursor( FALSE ); GetViewFrame()->GetDispatcher()->Execute(SID_INSERT_OBJECT, SFX_CALLMODE_SYNCHRON | SFX_CALLMODE_RECORD); aNewIPObj = pObj->GetObjRef(); pDocSh->SetWaitCursor( TRUE ); if (!aNewIPObj.Is()) { bAbort = TRUE; } } if ( aNewIPObj.Is() ) { /****************************************************** * OLE-Objekt ist nicht mehr leer ******************************************************/ pObj->SetEmptyPresObj(FALSE); pObj->SetOutlinerParaObject(NULL); pObj->SetGraphic(NULL); /****************************************************** * Das leere OLE-Objekt bekommt ein neues IPObj ******************************************************/ if (aName.Len()) { String aObjName = pDocSh->InsertObject(aNewIPObj, String())->GetObjName(); pObj->SetObjRef(aNewIPObj); pObj->SetName(aObjName); pObj->SetPersistName(aObjName); } else { // Das Einfuegen hat der Dialog schon gemacht pObj->SetObjRef(aNewIPObj); } Rectangle aRect = pObj->GetLogicRect(); aNewIPObj->SetVisAreaSize( aRect.GetSize() ); SetVerbs( &aNewIPObj->GetVerbList() ); if( aName.EqualsAscii( "StarChart" )) { bChartActive = TRUE; SchDLL::Update(aNewIPObj, NULL, pWindow); // BM: use different DLL-call } nVerb = SVVERB_SHOW; } else { aErrCode = ERRCODE_SFX_OLEGENERAL; } } if ( aErrCode == 0 ) { SdView* pView = GetView(); if (pView->IsTextEdit()) { pView->EndTextEdit(); } const SvInPlaceObjectRef& rIPObjRef = pObj->GetObjRef(); SfxInPlaceClientRef pSdClient = (SdClient*) FindIPClient(rIPObjRef, pWindow); if ( !pSdClient.Is() ) { pSdClient = new SdClient(pObj, this, pWindow); } rIPObjRef->DoConnect(pSdClient); Rectangle aRect = pObj->GetLogicRect(); SvClientData* pClientData = pSdClient->GetEnv(); if (pClientData) { Size aDrawSize = aRect.GetSize(); Size aObjAreaSize = rIPObjRef->GetVisArea().GetSize(); aObjAreaSize = OutputDevice::LogicToLogic( aObjAreaSize, rIPObjRef->GetMapUnit(), pDoc->GetScaleUnit() ); // sichtbarer Ausschnitt wird nur inplace veraendert! aRect.SetSize(aObjAreaSize); pClientData->SetObjArea(aRect); Fraction aScaleWidth (aDrawSize.Width(), aObjAreaSize.Width() ); Fraction aScaleHeight(aDrawSize.Height(), aObjAreaSize.Height() ); aScaleWidth.ReduceInaccurate(10); // kompatibel zum SdrOle2Obj aScaleHeight.ReduceInaccurate(10); pClientData->SetSizeScale(aScaleWidth, aScaleHeight); } // switching to edit mode for OLEs was disabled when OLE // is member of a group all the time. I dont know why it // was possible in previous versions. But I see no // reason not to allow it. (src539) // if( !pView->IsGroupEntered() ) DoVerb(pSdClient, nVerb); // ErrCode wird ggf. vom Sfx ausgegeben GetViewFrame()->GetBindings().Invalidate( SID_NAVIGATOR_STATE, TRUE, FALSE ); } pDocSh->SetWaitCursor( FALSE ); if (aErrCode != 0 && !bAbort) { ErrorHandler::HandleError(* new StringErrorInfo(aErrCode, String() ) ); } BOOL bActivated = FALSE; if (aErrCode == 0) { bActivated = TRUE; } return(bActivated); } /************************************************************************* |* |* umschliessendes Rechteck aller (Split-)Fenster zurueckgeben. |* \************************************************************************/ const Rectangle& SdViewShell::GetAllWindowRect() { aAllWindowRect.SetPos(pWinArray[0][0]->OutputToScreenPixel(Point(0,0))); return aAllWindowRect; } /************************************************************************* |* |* |* \************************************************************************/ void SdViewShell::CancelSearching() { delete pFuSearch; pFuSearch = NULL; } /************************************************************************* |* |* Read user data |* \************************************************************************/ void SdViewShell::ReadUserData(const String& rString) { SfxViewShell::ReadUserData(rString); // Auf an FrameView gemerkte VisArea zoomen GetViewFrame()->GetDispatcher()->Execute(SID_SIZE_VISAREA, SFX_CALLMODE_ASYNCHRON | SFX_CALLMODE_RECORD); } /************************************************************************* |* |* Write user data |* \************************************************************************/ void SdViewShell::WriteUserData(String& rString) { SfxViewShell::WriteUserData(rString); // Das Schreiben unserer Daten erfolgt stets in WriteFrameViewData() WriteFrameViewData(); } /************************************************************************* |* |* Lineale ein- / ausschalten |* \************************************************************************/ void SdViewShell::SetRuler(BOOL bRuler) { bHasRuler = bRuler; for (short nX = 0; nX < MAX_HSPLIT_CNT; nX++) { if (pHRulerArray[nX]) { if (bHasRuler) { pHRulerArray[nX]->Show(); } else { pHRulerArray[nX]->Hide(); } } for (short nY = 0; nY < MAX_VSPLIT_CNT; nY++) { if (nX == 0 && pVRulerArray[nY]) { if (bHasRuler) { pVRulerArray[nY]->Show(); } else { pVRulerArray[nY]->Hide(); } } } } InvalidateBorder(); } /************************************************************************* |* |* AcceptDrop |* \************************************************************************/ sal_Int8 SdViewShell::AcceptDrop( const AcceptDropEvent& rEvt, DropTargetHelper& rTargetHelper, SdWindow* pTargetWindow, USHORT nPage, USHORT nLayer ) { SdView* pView = GetView(); return( pView ? pView->AcceptDrop( rEvt, rTargetHelper, pTargetWindow, nPage, nLayer ) : DND_ACTION_NONE ); } /************************************************************************* |* |* ExecuteDrop |* \************************************************************************/ sal_Int8 SdViewShell::ExecuteDrop( const ExecuteDropEvent& rEvt, DropTargetHelper& rTargetHelper, SdWindow* pTargetWindow, USHORT nPage, USHORT nLayer ) { SdView* pView = GetView(); return( pView ? pView->ExecuteDrop( rEvt, rTargetHelper, pTargetWindow, nPage, nLayer ) : DND_ACTION_NONE ); } #ifdef WNT #pragma optimize ( "", on ) #endif void SdViewShell::WriteUserDataSequence ( ::com::sun::star::uno::Sequence < ::com::sun::star::beans::PropertyValue >& rSequence, sal_Bool bBrowse ) { const sal_Int32 nIndex = rSequence.getLength(); rSequence.realloc( nIndex + 1 ); sal_uInt16 nViewID( GetViewFrame()->GetCurViewId()); rSequence[nIndex].Name = rtl::OUString ( RTL_CONSTASCII_USTRINGPARAM( sUNO_View_ViewId ) ); rtl::OUStringBuffer sBuffer ( rtl::OUString(RTL_CONSTASCII_USTRINGPARAM( "view" ) ) ); sBuffer.append( static_cast(nViewID)); rSequence[nIndex].Value <<= sBuffer.makeStringAndClear(); pFrameView->WriteUserDataSequence( rSequence, bBrowse ); } void SdViewShell::ReadUserDataSequence ( const ::com::sun::star::uno::Sequence < ::com::sun::star::beans::PropertyValue >& rSequence, sal_Bool bBrowse ) { pFrameView->ReadUserDataSequence( rSequence, bBrowse ); } void SdViewShell::VisAreaChanged(const Rectangle& rRect) { SfxViewShell::VisAreaChanged(rRect); } void SdViewShell::SetWinViewPos(const Point& rWinPos, bool bUpdate) { for (short nX = 0; nX < MAX_HSPLIT_CNT; nX++) { for (short nY = 0; nY < MAX_VSPLIT_CNT; nY++) { if ( pWinArray[nX][nY] ) { pWinArray[nX][nY]->SetWinViewPos(rWinPos); if ( bUpdate ) { pWinArray[nX][nY]->UpdateMapOrigin(); pWinArray[nX][nY]->Invalidate(); } } } } if ( bHasRuler ) { UpdateHRuler(); UpdateVRuler(); } UpdateScrollBars(); Size aVisSizePixel = pWindow->GetOutputSizePixel(); Rectangle aVisAreaWin = pWindow->PixelToLogic( Rectangle( Point(0,0), aVisSizePixel) ); VisAreaChanged(aVisAreaWin); SdView* pView = GetView(); if (pView) { pView->VisAreaChanged(pWindow); } } Point SdViewShell::GetWinViewPos() const { return pWinArray[0][0]->GetWinViewPos(); } Point SdViewShell::GetViewOrigin() const { return pWinArray[0][0]->GetViewOrigin(); }