/************************************************************************* * * $RCSfile: viewshe3.cxx,v $ * * $Revision: 1.29 $ * * last change: $Author: rt $ $Date: 2003-11-24 17:21:03 $ * * The Contents of this file are made available subject to the terms of * either of the following licenses * * - GNU Lesser General Public License Version 2.1 * - Sun Industry Standards Source License Version 1.1 * * Sun Microsystems Inc., October, 2000 * * GNU Lesser General Public License Version 2.1 * ============================================= * Copyright 2000 by Sun Microsystems, Inc. * 901 San Antonio Road, Palo Alto, CA 94303, USA * * This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or * modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public * License version 2.1, as published by the Free Software Foundation. * * This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU * Lesser General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public * License along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software * Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, * MA 02111-1307 USA * * * Sun Industry Standards Source License Version 1.1 * ================================================= * The contents of this file are subject to the Sun Industry Standards * Source License Version 1.1 (the "License"); You may not use this file * except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of the * License at http://www.openoffice.org/license.html. * * Software provided under this License is provided on an "AS IS" basis, * WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EITHER EXPRESSED OR IMPLIED, INCLUDING, * WITHOUT LIMITATION, WARRANTIES THAT THE SOFTWARE IS FREE OF DEFECTS, * MERCHANTABLE, FIT FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE, OR NON-INFRINGING. * See the License for the specific provisions governing your rights and * obligations concerning the Software. * * The Initial Developer of the Original Code is: Sun Microsystems, Inc. * * Copyright: 2000 by Sun Microsystems, Inc. * * All Rights Reserved. * * Contributor(s): _______________________________________ * * ************************************************************************/ #pragma hdrstop #ifndef _COM_SUN_STAR_LANG_LOCALE_HPP_ #include #endif #include #include #include "app.hrc" #include "strings.hrc" #include "res_bmp.hrc" #ifndef _SV_PRINTDLG_HXX #include #endif #ifndef _SFXDISPATCH_HXX #include #endif #ifndef _SVX_PRTQRY_HXX #include #endif #ifndef _SVDOPAGE_HXX //autogen #include #endif #ifndef _SFX_PROGRESS_HXX //autogen #include #endif # #ifndef _SVDOBJ_HXX //autogen #include #endif #ifndef _SV_MSGBOX_HXX //autogen #include #endif #ifndef _SFX_PRINTER_HXX //autogen #include #endif #ifndef _SFX_BINDINGS_HXX //autogen #include #endif #ifndef _SVDPAGV_HXX //autogen #include #endif #ifndef _SVDETC_HXX //autogen #include #endif #ifndef _OUTLINER_HXX //autogen #include #endif #ifndef _SFX_MISCCFG_HXX #include #endif #ifndef _EDITSTAT_HXX //autogen #include #endif #ifndef _OFF_APP_HXX //autogen #include #endif #ifndef _SV_MULTISEL_HXX //autogen #include #endif #ifndef _SFXINTITEM_HXX #include #endif #ifndef _SFXSTYLE_HXX //autogen #include #endif #ifndef _UNOTOOLS_LOCALEDATAWRAPPER_HXX #include #endif #ifndef _COMPHELPER_PROCESSFACTORY_HXX_ #include #endif #ifndef _ISOLANG_HXX #include #endif #ifndef _RTL_USTRBUF_HXX_ #include #endif #ifndef _SD_STLSHEET_HXX #include "stlsheet.hxx" #endif #ifndef SD_WINDOW_UPDATER_HXX #include "WindowUpdater.hxx" #endif #include "sdattr.hxx" #include "viewshel.hxx" #include "drawdoc.hxx" #include "drawview.hxx" #include "sdpage.hxx" #include "unslprms.hxx" #include "slidchld.hxx" #include "slidechg.hxx" #include "unoaprms.hxx" // Undo-Action #include "sdundogr.hxx" // Undo Gruppe #include "prevchld.hxx" #include "preview.hxx" #include "sdwindow.hxx" #include "docshell.hxx" #include "drviewsh.hxx" #include "outlnvsh.hxx" #include "frmview.hxx" #include "prntopts.hxx" #include "printdlg.hxx" #include "optsitem.hxx" #include "slidvish.hxx" #include "sdoutl.hxx" // #96090# #ifndef _SVXIDS_HXX #include #endif #ifndef _B3D_BASE3D_HXX #include "goodies/base3d.hxx" #endif using namespace ::com::sun::star; using namespace ::rtl; /************************************************************************* |* |* EffekteWindow updaten |* \************************************************************************/ void SdViewShell::UpdateSlideChangeWindow() { USHORT nId = SdSlideChangeChildWindow::GetChildWindowId(); SfxChildWindow* pWindow = GetViewFrame()->GetChildWindow( nId ); if( pWindow ) { SdSlideChangeWin* pSlideChangeWin = (SdSlideChangeWin*) pWindow->GetWindow(); if( pSlideChangeWin && pSlideChangeWin->IsUpdateMode() ) { SdPage* pPage = NULL; USHORT nNoOfPages = pDoc->GetSdPageCount(PK_STANDARD); USHORT nPage; BOOL bPageSelected = FALSE; // falls nichts selektiert ist, machen wir das schnell selbst for (USHORT i = 0; i < nNoOfPages; i++) { pPage = pDoc->GetSdPage(i, PK_STANDARD); if (pPage->IsSelected()) { bPageSelected = TRUE; break; } } // ItemSet fuer Dialog (jetzt Window) fuellen SfxItemSet aSet(pDoc->GetPool(), ATTR_DIA_START, ATTR_DIA_END); if( bPageSelected ) { // jetzt werden die Seitenattribute "per Hand" gemerged BOOL bSameEffect = TRUE; // Annahme: alle Seiten haben die BOOL bSameSpeed = TRUE; // gleichen Attribute BOOL bSameTime = TRUE; BOOL bSameChange = TRUE; BOOL bSameSoundOn = TRUE; BOOL bSameSound = TRUE; presentation::FadeEffect eLastEffect; FadeSpeed eLastSpeed; ULONG nLastTime; PresChange eLastChange; BOOL bLastSoundOn; String aLastSound; // Attribute der ersten selektierten Seite for (nPage = 0; nPage < nNoOfPages; nPage++) { pPage = pDoc->GetSdPage(nPage, PK_STANDARD); if (pPage->IsSelected()) { eLastEffect = pPage->GetFadeEffect(); eLastSpeed = pPage->GetFadeSpeed(); nLastTime = pPage->GetTime(); eLastChange = pPage->GetPresChange(); bLastSoundOn = pPage->IsSoundOn(); aLastSound = pPage->GetSoundFile(); break; } } // mit den anderen selektierten Seiten vergleichen for (; nPage < nNoOfPages; nPage++) { pPage = pDoc->GetSdPage(nPage, PK_STANDARD); if (pPage->IsSelected()) { if (eLastEffect != pPage->GetFadeEffect()) bSameEffect = FALSE; if (eLastSpeed != pPage->GetFadeSpeed()) bSameSpeed = FALSE; if (nLastTime != pPage->GetTime()) bSameTime = FALSE; if (eLastChange != pPage->GetPresChange()) bSameChange = FALSE; if (bLastSoundOn != pPage->IsSoundOn()) bSameSoundOn = FALSE; if (aLastSound != pPage->GetSoundFile()) bSameSound = FALSE; } } // das Set besetzen if (bSameEffect) aSet.Put( DiaEffectItem( eLastEffect ) ); else aSet.InvalidateItem( ATTR_DIA_EFFECT ); if (bSameSpeed) aSet.Put( DiaSpeedItem( eLastSpeed ) ); else aSet.InvalidateItem( ATTR_DIA_SPEED ); if (bSameChange) aSet.Put( DiaAutoItem( eLastChange ) ); else aSet.InvalidateItem( ATTR_DIA_AUTO ); if (bSameTime) aSet.Put( DiaTimeItem( nLastTime ) ); else aSet.InvalidateItem( ATTR_DIA_TIME ); if (bSameSoundOn) aSet.Put(SfxBoolItem(ATTR_DIA_SOUND, bLastSoundOn)); else aSet.InvalidateItem(ATTR_DIA_SOUND); if (bSameSound && aLastSound.Len() > 0) { aSet.Put(SfxStringItem(ATTR_DIA_SOUNDFILE, aLastSound)); } else aSet.InvalidateItem(ATTR_DIA_SOUNDFILE); pSlideChangeWin->EnableAssignButton(); } else // keine selektierte Seite { aSet.InvalidateItem( ATTR_DIA_EFFECT ); aSet.InvalidateItem( ATTR_DIA_SPEED ); aSet.InvalidateItem( ATTR_DIA_AUTO ); aSet.InvalidateItem( ATTR_DIA_TIME ); aSet.InvalidateItem( ATTR_DIA_SOUND ); aSet.InvalidateItem( ATTR_DIA_SOUNDFILE ); pSlideChangeWin->EnableAssignButton( FALSE ); } pSlideChangeWin->Update( aSet ); } } } /************************************************************************* |* |* Vom EffekteWindow zuweisen |* \************************************************************************/ void SdViewShell::AssignFromSlideChangeWindow() { USHORT nId = SdSlideChangeChildWindow::GetChildWindowId(); SfxChildWindow* pWindow = GetViewFrame()->GetChildWindow( nId ); if( pWindow ) { SdSlideChangeWin* pSlideChangeWin = (SdSlideChangeWin*) pWindow->GetWindow(); if( pSlideChangeWin ) { SdPage* pPage = NULL; USHORT nNoOfPages = pDoc->GetSdPageCount(PK_STANDARD); USHORT nPage; SfxItemSet aSet(pDoc->GetPool(), ATTR_DIA_START, ATTR_DIA_END ); pSlideChangeWin->GetAttr( aSet ); // Auswertung des ItemSets // Undo Gruppe erzeugen SdUndoGroup* pUndoGroup = new SdUndoGroup(pDoc); String aComment(SdResId(STR_UNDO_SLIDE_PARAMS)); pUndoGroup->SetComment(aComment); for (nPage = 0; nPage < nNoOfPages; nPage++) { pPage = pDoc->GetSdPage(nPage, PK_STANDARD); if (pPage->IsSelected()) { // alte Attribute fuer UndoAction merken FadeSpeed eOldFadeSpeed = pPage->GetFadeSpeed(); presentation::FadeEffect eOldFadeEffect = pPage->GetFadeEffect(); PresChange eOldChange = pPage->GetPresChange(); UINT32 nOldTime = pPage->GetTime(); BOOL bOldSoundOn = pPage->IsSoundOn(); String aOldSoundFile = pPage->GetSoundFile(); if (aSet.GetItemState(ATTR_DIA_EFFECT) == SFX_ITEM_SET) { presentation::FadeEffect eOldEffect = pPage->GetFadeEffect(); presentation::FadeEffect eNewEffect = (presentation::FadeEffect)((const DiaEffectItem&) aSet.Get(ATTR_DIA_EFFECT)). GetValue(); pPage->SetFadeEffect((presentation::FadeEffect)((const DiaEffectItem&) aSet.Get(ATTR_DIA_EFFECT)).GetValue()); // ist es eine Aenderung und kann man sie sehen? if (((eOldEffect != presentation::FadeEffect_NONE && eNewEffect == presentation::FadeEffect_NONE) || (eOldEffect == presentation::FadeEffect_NONE && eNewEffect != presentation::FadeEffect_NONE)) && (this->ISA(SdSlideViewShell))) { pView->InvalidateAllWin(((SdSlideView*)pView)-> GetFadeIconArea(nPage)); } } if (aSet.GetItemState(ATTR_DIA_SPEED) == SFX_ITEM_SET) pPage->SetFadeSpeed((FadeSpeed)((const DiaSpeedItem&) aSet.Get(ATTR_DIA_SPEED)).GetValue()); if (aSet.GetItemState(ATTR_DIA_TIME) == SFX_ITEM_SET) pPage->SetTime(((DiaTimeItem&) aSet.Get(ATTR_DIA_TIME)).GetValue()); if (aSet.GetItemState(ATTR_DIA_AUTO) == SFX_ITEM_SET) pPage->SetPresChange(((DiaAutoItem&) aSet.Get(ATTR_DIA_AUTO)).GetValue()); if (aSet.GetItemState(ATTR_DIA_SOUND) == SFX_ITEM_SET) pPage->SetSound(((SfxBoolItem&) aSet.Get(ATTR_DIA_SOUND)).GetValue()); if (aSet.GetItemState(ATTR_DIA_SOUNDFILE) == SFX_ITEM_SET) { String aTemp(((SfxStringItem&)aSet.Get(ATTR_DIA_SOUNDFILE)).GetValue()); pPage->SetSoundFile(aTemp); } // Undo-Action erzeugen und in Gruppe stellen SdUndoAction* pUndoAction = new SlideParametersUndoAction (pDoc, pPage, eOldFadeSpeed, pPage->GetFadeSpeed(), eOldFadeEffect, pPage->GetFadeEffect(), eOldChange, pPage->GetPresChange(), nOldTime, pPage->GetTime(), bOldSoundOn, pPage->IsSoundOn(), aOldSoundFile, pPage->GetSoundFile()); pUndoGroup->AddAction(pUndoAction); } } // Undo Gruppe dem Undo Manager uebergeben GetViewFrame()->GetObjectShell()->GetUndoManager()-> AddUndoAction(pUndoGroup); /*************************************************************** |* ggfs. in Preview anzeigen \**************************************************************/ SfxChildWindow* pPreviewChildWindow = GetViewFrame()->GetChildWindow(SdPreviewChildWindow::GetChildWindowId()); if (pPreviewChildWindow) { SdPreviewWin* pPreviewWin = (SdPreviewWin*)pPreviewChildWindow->GetWindow(); if (pPreviewWin && pPreviewWin->GetDoc() == pDoc) { pPreviewWin->AnimatePage(); } } static USHORT SidArray[] = { SID_DIA_EFFECT, SID_DIA_SPEED, SID_DIA_AUTO, SID_DIA_TIME, 0 }; GetViewFrame()->GetBindings().Invalidate( SidArray ); // Model geaendert pDoc->SetChanged(); } } } /************************************************************************* |* |* aktuellen Drucker des Dokuments zurueckgeben |* \************************************************************************/ SfxPrinter* SdViewShell::GetPrinter(BOOL bCreate) { return ( pDocSh->GetPrinter(bCreate) ); } /************************************************************************* |* |* neuen Drucker fuer die Applikation setzen |* \************************************************************************/ USHORT SdViewShell::SetPrinter(SfxPrinter* pNewPrinter, USHORT nDiffFlags) { return SetPrinterOptDlg(pNewPrinter,nDiffFlags); } USHORT SdViewShell::SetPrinterOptDlg(SfxPrinter* pNewPrinter, USHORT nDiffFlags, BOOL _bShowDialog ) { pDocSh->SetPrinter(pNewPrinter); if ( (nDiffFlags & SFX_PRINTER_CHG_ORIENTATION || nDiffFlags & SFX_PRINTER_CHG_SIZE) && pNewPrinter ) { MapMode aMap = pNewPrinter->GetMapMode(); aMap.SetMapUnit(MAP_100TH_MM); MapMode aOldMap = pNewPrinter->GetMapMode(); pNewPrinter->SetMapMode(aMap); Size aNewSize = pNewPrinter->GetOutputSize(); BOOL bScaleAll = FALSE; if ( _bShowDialog ) { WarningBox aWarnBox(pWindow, (WinBits)(WB_YES_NO | WB_DEF_YES), String(SdResId(STR_SCALE_OBJS_TO_PAGE))); bScaleAll = (aWarnBox.Execute() == RET_YES); } if( this->ISA( SdDrawViewShell ) ) { SdPage* pPage = pDoc->GetSdPage( 0, PK_STANDARD ); SetPageSizeAndBorder( ( (SdDrawViewShell*)this )->GetPageKind(), aNewSize, -1,-1,-1,-1, bScaleAll, pNewPrinter->GetOrientation(), pPage->GetPaperBin(), pPage->IsBackgroundFullSize() ); } pNewPrinter->SetMapMode(aOldMap); } return 0; } /************************************************************************* |* |* Druckdialog erzeugen; virtuell, wird vom SFX aufgerufen |* \************************************************************************/ PrintDialog* SdViewShell::CreatePrintDialog(Window *pParent) { PrintDialog* pDlg; pDlg = new PrintDialog(pParent ); if( !this->ISA( SdOutlineViewShell ) ) { if( this->ISA( SdDrawViewShell ) ) { pDlg->SetRangeText( UniString::CreateFromInt32(( (SdDrawViewShell*)this )->GetCurPageId() )); } else //if( this->ISA( SdSlideViewShell ) ) { String aStrRange( ( (SdSlideViewShell*)this )->GetPageRangeString() ); if( aStrRange.Len() ) { pDlg->SetRangeText( aStrRange ); // According #79749 always check PRINTDIALOG_ALL // pDlg->CheckRange( PRINTDIALOG_RANGE ); } } } else { String aStrRange( ( (SdOutlineViewShell*)this)->GetPageRangeString() ); if( aStrRange.Len() ) { pDlg->SetRangeText( aStrRange ); // According #79749 always check PRINTDIALOG_ALL // pDlg->CheckRange( PRINTDIALOG_RANGE ); } } pDlg->EnableRange( PRINTDIALOG_RANGE ); pDlg->EnableRange( PRINTDIALOG_ALL ); pDlg->EnableCollate(); if( this->ISA( SdDrawViewShell ) && pView->HasMarkedObj() ) { pDlg->EnableRange( PRINTDIALOG_SELECTION ); // According #79749 always check PRINTDIALOG_ALL // pDlg->CheckRange( PRINTDIALOG_SELECTION ); } return pDlg; } /************************************************************************* |* |* Factory Methode Tabpage Zusaetze (vom Druckdialog) |* \************************************************************************/ SfxTabPage* SdViewShell::CreatePrintOptionsPage( Window *pParent, const SfxItemSet &rOptions ) { DocumentType eDocType = pDoc->GetDocumentType(); SdPrintOptions* pPage = new SdPrintOptions( pParent, rOptions ); if( eDocType == DOCUMENT_TYPE_DRAW ) pPage->SetDrawMode(); return( pPage ); } /************************************************************************* |* |* Vorbereitung fuers Drucken; virtuell, wird vom SFX aufgerufen |* \************************************************************************/ void SdViewShell::PreparePrint(PrintDialog* pPrintDialog) { SfxPrinter* pPrinter = GetPrinter(TRUE); if (!pPrinter) return; const SfxItemSet& rOptions = pPrinter->GetOptions(); SdOptionsPrintItem* pPrintOpts = NULL; if (rOptions.GetItemState( ATTR_OPTIONS_PRINT, FALSE, (const SfxPoolItem**) &pPrintOpts) != SFX_ITEM_SET) { pPrintOpts = NULL; } // Einstellungen der ersten zu druckenden Seite setzen if (pPrintOpts) { if ( pPrintOpts->IsHandout() ) { // Handzettel SdPage* pPage = pDoc->GetSdPage(0, PK_HANDOUT); // Papierschacht if (!pPrintOpts->IsPaperbin()) // Drucken NICHT aus Druckereinstellung { pPrinter->SetPaperBin(pPage->GetPaperBin()); } SdPage* pMaster = (SdPage*) pPage->GetMasterPage(0); pPrinter->SetOrientation(pMaster->GetOrientation()); } else if ( pPrintOpts->IsDraw() || pPrintOpts->IsNotes() ) { // Standard- oder Notizseiten if( !pPrintOpts->IsPaperbin() ) // Drucken NICHT aus Druckereinstellung { PageKind ePageKind = PK_NOTES; if (pPrintOpts->IsDraw()) { ePageKind = PK_STANDARD; } SdPage* pPage = pDoc->GetSdPage(0, ePageKind); pPrinter->SetPaperBin(pPage->GetPaperBin()); Orientation eOrientation = ORIENTATION_PORTRAIT; if ( !pPrintOpts->IsBooklet() ) { eOrientation = pPage->GetOrientation(); } else { Size aPageSize(pPage->GetSize()); if( aPageSize.Width() < aPageSize.Height() ) eOrientation = ORIENTATION_LANDSCAPE; } pPrinter->SetOrientation(eOrientation); } } } } /************************************************************************* |* |* Drucken; virtuell, wird vom SFX aufgerufen |* \************************************************************************/ ErrCode SdViewShell::DoPrint( SfxPrinter *pPrinter, PrintDialog *pPrintDialog, BOOL bSilent ) { const SdrMarkList& rMarkList = pView->GetMarkList(); // retrieve range of marked pages if we are in the slideview String sNewPageRange; if( ISA( SdSlideViewShell ) ) sNewPageRange = ((SdSlideViewShell*)this)->GetPageRangeString(); // retrieve range of marked pages if we are in the outlineview if( ISA( SdOutlineViewShell ) ) sNewPageRange = ((SdOutlineViewShell*)this)->GetPageRangeString(); bPrintDirectSelected = FALSE; // #105477# Don't show query dialog if print dialog has been shown if ( !pPrintDialog && !bSilent && (rMarkList.GetMarkCount() || sNewPageRange.Len()) ) { SvxPrtQryBox aQuery( pWindow ); short nBtn = aQuery.Execute(); if ( nBtn == RET_CANCEL ) return ERRCODE_IO_ABORT; if ( nBtn == RET_OK ) { bPrintDirectSelected = TRUE; sPageRange.Erase(); if( sNewPageRange.Len() ) sPageRange = sNewPageRange; } } FuSlideShow *pShow = pFuSlideShow; // Tell the printer which digit language to use. if (mpWindowUpdater.get() != NULL) mpWindowUpdater->Update (pPrinter, pDoc); // SfxViewShell::DoPrint calls Print (after StartJob etc.) ErrCode nRet = SfxViewShell::DoPrint( pPrinter, pPrintDialog, bSilent ); bPrintDirectSelected = FALSE; return nRet; } USHORT SdViewShell::Print(SfxProgress& rProgress, PrintDialog* pDlg) { SfxPrinter* pPrinter = GetPrinter(TRUE); if( pPrinter ) { const PrinterOptions aOldPrinterOptions( pPrinter->GetPrinterOptions() ); MapMode aMap( pPrinter->GetMapMode() ); const MapMode aOldMap( aMap ); USHORT nOldPaperBin = pPrinter->GetPaperBin(); aMap.SetMapUnit(MAP_100TH_MM); pPrinter->SetMapMode(aMap); Outliner& rOutliner = pDoc->GetDrawOutliner(); ULONG nOldCntrl = rOutliner.GetControlWord(); ULONG nCntrl = nOldCntrl; nCntrl |= EE_CNTRL_NOREDLINES; nCntrl &= ~EE_CNTRL_MARKFIELDS; nCntrl &= ~EE_CNTRL_ONLINESPELLING; rOutliner.SetControlWord( nCntrl ); // Pruefen des Seitenformates und ggfs. Dialog hochbringen const SfxItemSet& rOptions = pPrinter->GetOptions(); SdOptionsPrintItem* pPrintOpts = NULL; BOOL bScalePage = TRUE; BOOL bTilePage = FALSE; BOOL bPrintBooklet = FALSE; if( rOptions.GetItemState( ATTR_OPTIONS_PRINT, FALSE, (const SfxPoolItem**) &pPrintOpts ) == SFX_ITEM_SET ) { bScalePage = pPrintOpts->IsPagesize(); bPrintBooklet = pPrintOpts->IsBooklet(); pPrintOpts->SetCutPage( FALSE ); } else pPrintOpts = NULL; SdPage* pPage = pDoc->GetSdPage( 0, PK_STANDARD ); Size aPageSize( pPage->GetSize() ); Size aPrintSize( pPrinter->GetOutputSize() ); long nPageWidth = aPageSize.Width() - pPage->GetLftBorder() - pPage->GetRgtBorder(); long nPageHeight = aPageSize.Height() - pPage->GetUppBorder() - pPage->GetLwrBorder(); long nPrintWidth = aPrintSize.Width(); long nPrintHeight = aPrintSize.Height(); USHORT nRet = RET_OK; if( !bScalePage && !bTilePage && !bPrintBooklet && ( ( nPageWidth > nPrintWidth || nPageHeight > nPrintHeight ) && ( nPageWidth > nPrintHeight || nPageHeight > nPrintWidth ) ) ) { SdPrintDlg aDlg( pWindow ); nRet = aDlg.Execute(); if( nRet == RET_OK ) { USHORT nOption = aDlg.GetAttr(); if( nOption == 1 ) pPrintOpts->SetPagesize(); // ( nOption == 2 ) ist der Default if( nOption == 3 ) pPrintOpts->SetCutPage(); } } if( nRet == RET_CANCEL ) { pPrinter->SetPrinterOptions( aOldPrinterOptions ); pPrinter->SetMapMode( aOldMap ); return 0; } // Wenn wir im Gliederungsmodus sind, muss das Model auf Stand gebracht werden if( this->ISA( SdOutlineViewShell ) ) ( (SdOutlineViewShell*)this )->PrepareClose(FALSE, FALSE); // Basisklasse rufen, um Basic anzusprechen SfxViewShell::Print( rProgress, pDlg ); // Setzen des Textes des Druckmonitors rProgress.SetText( String( SdResId( STR_STATSTR_PRINT ) ) ); PrintDialogRange eOption; MultiSelection aPrintSelection; String aTimeDateStr; Font aTimeDateFont(FAMILY_SWISS, Size(0, 423)); PageKind ePageKind = PK_STANDARD; USHORT nPage, nPageMax; USHORT nTotal, nCopies; USHORT nPrintCount = 0; USHORT nProgressOffset = 0; USHORT nCollateCopies = 1; BOOL bPrintMarkedOnly = FALSE; BOOL bPrintOutline = FALSE; BOOL bPrintHandout = FALSE; BOOL bPrintDraw = FALSE; BOOL bPrintNotes = FALSE; Orientation eOldOrientation = pPrinter->GetOrientation(); if( pPrintOpts ) { SfxMiscCfg* pMisc = SFX_APP()->GetMiscConfig(); if( pPrintOpts->IsDate() ) { aTimeDateStr += GetSdrGlobalData().pLocaleData->getDate( Date() ); aTimeDateStr += (sal_Unicode)' '; } if( pPrintOpts->IsTime() ) aTimeDateStr += GetSdrGlobalData().pLocaleData->getTime( Time(), FALSE, FALSE ); if( pPrintOpts->IsOutline() ) bPrintOutline = TRUE; if( pPrintOpts->IsHandout() ) bPrintHandout = TRUE; if( pPrintOpts->IsDraw() ) bPrintDraw = TRUE; if( pPrintOpts->IsNotes() ) { bPrintNotes = TRUE; ePageKind = PK_NOTES; } pPrintOpts->SetWarningPrinter( pMisc->IsNotFoundWarning() ); pPrintOpts->SetWarningSize( pMisc->IsPaperSizeWarning() ); pPrintOpts->SetWarningOrientation( pMisc->IsPaperOrientationWarning() ); UINT16 nQuality = pPrintOpts->GetOutputQuality(); ULONG nMode = DRAWMODE_DEFAULT; if( nQuality == 1 ) nMode = DRAWMODE_GRAYLINE | DRAWMODE_GRAYFILL | DRAWMODE_BLACKTEXT | DRAWMODE_GRAYBITMAP | DRAWMODE_GRAYGRADIENT; else if( nQuality == 2 ) nMode = DRAWMODE_BLACKLINE | DRAWMODE_BLACKTEXT | DRAWMODE_WHITEFILL | DRAWMODE_GRAYBITMAP | DRAWMODE_WHITEGRADIENT; pPrinter->SetDrawMode( nMode ); } else bPrintDraw = TRUE; if( pDlg ) { eOption = pDlg->GetCheckedRange(); if( eOption == PRINTDIALOG_SELECTION ) bPrintMarkedOnly = TRUE; } else // Bei PrintDirect wird gesamtes Dokument gedruckt eOption = PRINTDIALOG_ALL; // #72527 If we are in PrintDirect and any objects // are selected, then a dialog (see SdViewShell::DoPrint) // ask whether the total document should be printed // or only the selected objects. If only the selected // object, then the flag bPrintDirectSelected is TRUE if( bPrintDirectSelected ) { eOption = PRINTDIALOG_SELECTION; bPrintMarkedOnly = TRUE; } nPageMax = pDoc->GetSdPageCount( ePageKind ); aPrintSelection.SetTotalRange( Range( 1, nPageMax ) ); switch( eOption ) { case PRINTDIALOG_ALL: aPrintSelection.Select(Range(1, nPageMax)); break; case PRINTDIALOG_RANGE: aPrintSelection = MultiSelection(pDlg->GetRangeText()); break; default: { if( this->ISA( SdDrawViewShell ) ) aPrintSelection.Select( ( (SdDrawViewShell*)this )->GetCurPageId() ); else { if( sPageRange.Len() ) aPrintSelection = MultiSelection( sPageRange ); else aPrintSelection.Select(Range(1, nPageMax)); } } break; } nPage = Min(nPageMax, (USHORT) aPrintSelection.FirstSelected()); if ( nPage > 0 ) nPage--; nPageMax = Min(nPageMax, (USHORT) aPrintSelection.LastSelected()); if( bPrintOutline ) nPrintCount++; if( bPrintHandout ) nPrintCount++; if( bPrintDraw ) nPrintCount++; if( bPrintNotes ) nPrintCount++; nCopies = (pDlg ? pDlg->GetCopyCount() : 1); USHORT nSelectCount = (USHORT) aPrintSelection.GetSelectCount(); nTotal = nSelectCount * nCopies * nPrintCount; if( pDlg && pDlg->IsCollateEnabled() && pDlg->IsCollateChecked() ) nCollateCopies = nCopies; // check if selected range of pages contains transparent objects BOOL bContainsTransparency = FALSE; BOOL bPrintExcluded = TRUE; if( bPrintNotes || bPrintDraw || bPrintHandout ) { if( pPrintOpts ) bPrintExcluded = pPrintOpts->IsHiddenPages(); for( USHORT j = nPage; ( j < nPageMax && !bContainsTransparency ); j++ ) { if( aPrintSelection.IsSelected( j + 1 ) ) { SdPage* pPage = pDoc->GetSdPage( j, PK_STANDARD ); if( pPage && ( !pPage->IsExcluded() || bPrintExcluded ) ) { if( !( bContainsTransparency = pPage->HasTransparentObjects() ) ) { SdPage* pMaster = (SdPage*) pPage->GetMasterPage( 0 ); if( pMaster ) bContainsTransparency = pMaster->HasTransparentObjects(); } } } } } if( pPrinter->InitJob( pWindow, bContainsTransparency ) ) { for( USHORT n = 1; n <= nCollateCopies; n++ ) { if ( bPrintOutline ) { // siehe unten in PrintOutline() pPrinter->SetPaperBin( nOldPaperBin ); PrintOutline(*pPrinter, rProgress, aPrintSelection, aTimeDateStr, aTimeDateFont, pPrintOpts, nPage, nPageMax, nCollateCopies > 1 ? 1 : nCopies, nProgressOffset, nTotal ); nProgressOffset += ( nSelectCount * ( nCollateCopies > 1 ? 1 : nCopies) ); } if ( bPrintHandout ) { PrintHandout(*pPrinter, rProgress, aPrintSelection, aTimeDateStr, aTimeDateFont, pPrintOpts, nPage, nPageMax, nCollateCopies > 1 ? 1 : nCopies, nProgressOffset, nTotal ); nProgressOffset += ( nSelectCount * ( nCollateCopies > 1 ? 1 : nCopies) ); } if( bPrintDraw ) { PrintStdOrNotes(*pPrinter, rProgress, aPrintSelection, aTimeDateStr, aTimeDateFont, pPrintOpts, nPage, nPageMax, nCollateCopies > 1 ? 1 : nCopies, nProgressOffset, nTotal, PK_STANDARD, bPrintMarkedOnly); nProgressOffset += ( nSelectCount * ( nCollateCopies > 1 ? 1 : nCopies) ); } if( bPrintNotes ) { PrintStdOrNotes(*pPrinter, rProgress, aPrintSelection, aTimeDateStr, aTimeDateFont, pPrintOpts, nPage, nPageMax, nCollateCopies > 1 ? 1 : nCopies, nProgressOffset, nTotal, PK_NOTES, FALSE); nProgressOffset += ( nSelectCount * ( nCollateCopies > 1 ? 1 : nCopies) ); } } } pPrinter->SetOrientation( eOldOrientation ); pPrinter->SetPrinterOptions( aOldPrinterOptions ); pPrinter->SetMapMode( aOldMap ); rOutliner.SetControlWord(nOldCntrl); // Druckerschach wieder zuruecksetzen pPrinter->SetPaperBin( nOldPaperBin ); // 3D-Kontext wieder zerstoeren Base3D *pBase3D = (Base3D*) pPrinter->Get3DContext(); if( pBase3D ) pBase3D->Destroy( pPrinter ); } return 0; } /************************************************************************* |* |* Drucken der Outlinerdaten |* \************************************************************************/ void SdViewShell::PrintOutline(SfxPrinter& rPrinter, SfxProgress& rProgress, const MultiSelection& rSelPages, const String& rTimeDateStr, const Font& rTimeDateFont, const SdOptionsPrintItem* pPrintOpts, USHORT nPage, USHORT nPageMax, USHORT nCopies, USHORT nProgressOffset, USHORT nTotal ) { // Papierschacht // Seiteneinstellungen koennen nicht fuer die Gliederung gemacht werden // (also auch nicht der Druckerschacht), deswegen wird der Druckerschacht // von der Seite PK_STANDARD genommen. /* if( pPrintOpts && !pPrintOpts->IsPaperbin() ) // Drucken NICHT aus Druckereinstellung { USHORT nPaperBin = pDoc->GetSdPage(nPage, PK_STANDARD)->GetPaperBin(); rPrinter.SetPaperBin( nPaperBin ); } */ // Es wird jetzt (vorlaeufig ?) der Druckerschacht vom Drucker genommen const MapMode aOldMap( rPrinter.GetMapMode() ); MapMode aMap( aOldMap ); const Orientation eOldOrient = rPrinter.GetOrientation(); Point aPageOfs( rPrinter.GetPageOffset() ); Fraction aScale(1, 2); BOOL bPrintExcluded = TRUE; aMap.SetOrigin(Point() - aPageOfs); aMap.SetScaleX(aScale); aMap.SetScaleY(aScale); rPrinter.SetMapMode(aMap); rPrinter.SetOrientation(ORIENTATION_PORTRAIT); if ( pPrintOpts ) bPrintExcluded = pPrintOpts->IsHiddenPages(); Rectangle aOutRect(aPageOfs, rPrinter.GetOutputSize()); Link aOldLink; Outliner* pOutliner = pDoc->GetInternalOutliner(); pOutliner->Init( OUTLINERMODE_OUTLINEVIEW ); USHORT nOutlMode = pOutliner->GetMode(); BOOL bOldUpdateMode = pOutliner->GetUpdateMode(); if ( this->ISA( SdOutlineViewShell ) ) pOutliner->SetMinDepth(0); Size aPaperSize = pOutliner->GetPaperSize(); pOutliner->SetPaperSize(aOutRect.GetSize()); pOutliner->SetUpdateMode(TRUE); long nPageH = aOutRect.GetHeight(); USHORT nPageCount = nProgressOffset; while ( nPage < nPageMax ) { Paragraph* pPara = NULL; long nH = 0; pOutliner->Clear(); pOutliner->SetFirstPageNumber(nPage+1); while ( nH < nPageH && nPage < nPageMax ) { if ( rSelPages.IsSelected(nPage+1) ) { //rProgress.SetState( nPageCount, nTotal ); //rProgress.SetStateText( nPageCount, nPage+1, nTotal ); String aTmp = UniString::CreateFromInt32( nPage+1 ); aTmp += String( SdResId( STR_PRINT_OUTLINE ) ); rProgress.SetStateText( nPageCount, aTmp, nTotal ); nPageCount += nCopies; SdPage* pPage = (SdPage*) pDoc->GetSdPage(nPage, PK_STANDARD); SdrTextObj* pTextObj = NULL; ULONG nObj = 0; if ( !pPage->IsExcluded() || bPrintExcluded ) { while ( !pTextObj && nObj < pPage->GetObjCount() ) { SdrObject* pObj = pPage->GetObj(nObj++); if ( pObj->GetObjInventor() == SdrInventor && pObj->GetObjIdentifier() == OBJ_TITLETEXT ) pTextObj = (SdrTextObj*) pObj; } pPara = pOutliner->GetParagraph( pOutliner->GetParagraphCount() - 1 ); if ( pTextObj && !pTextObj->IsEmptyPresObj() && pTextObj->GetOutlinerParaObject() ) pOutliner->AddText( *(pTextObj->GetOutlinerParaObject()) ); else pOutliner->Insert(String()); pTextObj = NULL; nObj = 0; while ( !pTextObj && nObj < pPage->GetObjCount() ) { SdrObject* pObj = pPage->GetObj(nObj++); if ( pObj->GetObjInventor() == SdrInventor && pObj->GetObjIdentifier() == OBJ_OUTLINETEXT ) pTextObj = (SdrTextObj*) pObj; } BOOL bSubTitle = FALSE; if (!pTextObj) { bSubTitle = TRUE; pTextObj = (SdrTextObj*) pPage->GetPresObj(PRESOBJ_TEXT); // Untertitel vorhanden? } ULONG nParaCount1 = pOutliner->GetParagraphCount(); if ( pTextObj && !pTextObj->IsEmptyPresObj() && pTextObj->GetOutlinerParaObject() ) pOutliner->AddText( *(pTextObj->GetOutlinerParaObject()) ); if ( bSubTitle ) { ULONG nParaCount2 = pOutliner->GetParagraphCount(); Paragraph* pPara = NULL; for (ULONG nPara = nParaCount1; nPara < nParaCount2; nPara++) { pPara = pOutliner->GetParagraph(nPara); if(pPara && pOutliner->GetDepth( (USHORT) nPara ) !=1 ) pOutliner->SetDepth(pPara, 1); } } nH = pOutliner->GetTextHeight(); } } nPage++; } if ( nH > nPageH && pPara ) { ULONG nCnt = pOutliner->GetAbsPos( pOutliner->GetParagraph( pOutliner->GetParagraphCount() - 1 ) ); ULONG nParaPos = pOutliner->GetAbsPos( pPara ); nCnt -= nParaPos; pPara = pOutliner->GetParagraph( ++nParaPos ); if ( nCnt && pPara ) { pOutliner->Remove(pPara, nCnt); nPage--; } } rPrinter.StartPage(); pOutliner->Draw(&rPrinter, aOutRect); if ( rTimeDateStr.Len() ) { Font aOldFont = rPrinter.OutputDevice::GetFont(); rPrinter.SetFont(rTimeDateFont); rPrinter.DrawText(aPageOfs, rTimeDateStr); rPrinter.SetFont(aOldFont); } rPrinter.EndPage(); } pOutliner->SetUpdateMode(bOldUpdateMode); pOutliner->SetPaperSize(aPaperSize); pOutliner->Init( nOutlMode ); rPrinter.SetOrientation(eOldOrient); rPrinter.SetMapMode( aOldMap ); } /************************************************************************* |* |* Drucken der Handouts |* \************************************************************************/ void SdViewShell::PrintHandout(SfxPrinter& rPrinter, SfxProgress& rProgress, const MultiSelection& rSelPages, const String& rTimeDateStr, const Font& rTimeDateFont, const SdOptionsPrintItem* pPrintOpts, USHORT nPage, USHORT nPageMax, USHORT nCopies, USHORT nProgressOffset, USHORT nTotal ) { SdrObject* pObj; SdPage* pPage = pDoc->GetSdPage(0, PK_HANDOUT); SdPage* pMaster = (SdPage*) pPage->GetMasterPage(0); // Papierschacht if( pPrintOpts && !pPrintOpts->IsPaperbin() ) // Drucken NICHT aus Druckereinstellung { USHORT nPaperBin = pPage->GetPaperBin(); rPrinter.SetPaperBin( nPaperBin ); } // Hoch/Querformat aendern? Orientation eOrientation = pMaster->GetOrientation(); short nDlgResult = RET_OK; if ( !rPrinter.SetOrientation(eOrientation) && (!pPrintOpts || pPrintOpts->IsWarningOrientation()) ) { // eine Warnung anzeigen WarningBox aWarnBox(pWindow,(WinBits)(WB_OK_CANCEL | WB_DEF_CANCEL), String(SdResId(STR_WARN_PRINTFORMAT_FAILURE))); nDlgResult = aWarnBox.Execute(); } if ( nDlgResult == RET_OK ) { const MapMode aOldMap( rPrinter.GetMapMode() ); MapMode aMap( aOldMap ); Point aPageOfs( rPrinter.GetPageOffset() ); SdDrawView* pPrintView; BOOL bPrintExcluded = TRUE; aMap.SetOrigin(Point() - aPageOfs); rPrinter.SetMapMode(aMap); if( this->ISA( SdDrawViewShell ) ) pPrintView = new SdDrawView( pDocSh, &rPrinter, (SdDrawViewShell*)this ); else pPrintView = new SdDrawView( pDocSh, &rPrinter, NULL ); List* pList = pMaster->GetPresObjList(); USHORT nPageCount = nProgressOffset; WriteFrameViewData(); nPrintedHandoutPageNum = 0; if ( pPrintOpts ) bPrintExcluded = pPrintOpts->IsHiddenPages(); while ( nPage < nPageMax ) { pObj = (SdrObject*) pList->First(); // Anzahl ALLER Seiten im Dokument: USHORT nAbsPageCnt = pDoc->GetPageCount(); while ( pObj && nPage < nPageMax ) { if ( rSelPages.IsSelected(nPage+1) ) { //rProgress.SetState( nPageCount, nTotal ); //rProgress.SetStateText( nPageCount, nPage+1, nTotal ); String aTmp = UniString::CreateFromInt32( nPage+1 ); aTmp += String( SdResId( STR_PRINT_HANDOUT ) ); rProgress.SetStateText( nPageCount, aTmp, nTotal ); nPageCount += nCopies; SdPage* pPg = pDoc->GetSdPage(nPage, PK_STANDARD); if ( !pPg->IsExcluded() || bPrintExcluded ) { if ( pObj->ISA(SdrPageObj) ) { ((SdrPageObj*) pObj)->SetReferencedPage(pPg); pObj = (SdrObject*) pList->Next(); } } } nPage++; } while ( pObj ) { // restliche SdrPageObjs durch Angabe einer // ungueltigen Seitennummer ausblenden if ( pObj->ISA(SdrPageObj) ) ((SdrPageObj*) pObj)->SetReferencedPage( 0L ); pObj = (SdrObject*) pList->Next(); } nPrintedHandoutPageNum++; rPrinter.StartPage(); pPrintView->ShowPage(pPage, Point()); SdrPageView* pPageView = pPrintView->GetPageView(pPage); pPageView->SetVisibleLayers( pFrameView->GetVisibleLayers() ); pPageView->SetPrintableLayers( pFrameView->GetPrintableLayers() ); pPrintView->InitRedraw(&rPrinter, Rectangle(Point(0,0), pPage->GetSize())); if ( rTimeDateStr.Len() ) { Font aOldFont = rPrinter.OutputDevice::GetFont(); rPrinter.SetFont(rTimeDateFont); rPrinter.DrawText(aPageOfs, rTimeDateStr); rPrinter.SetFont(aOldFont); } rPrinter.EndPage(); pPrintView->HidePage(pPrintView->GetPageView(pPage)); } USHORT nRealPage = pDoc->GetSdPage(0, PK_STANDARD)->GetPageNum(); pObj = (SdrObject*) pList->First(); while ( pObj ) { // Seitenobjekte wieder auf erste Seite setzen if ( pObj->ISA(SdrPageObj) ) { ((SdrPageObj*) pObj)->SetReferencedPage(pDoc->GetPage(nRealPage)); nRealPage += 2; } pObj = (SdrObject*) pList->Next(); } nPrintedHandoutPageNum = 1; delete pPrintView; rPrinter.SetMapMode(aOldMap); } } /************************************************************************* |* |* Drucken der normalen Seiten oder der Notizseiten |* \************************************************************************/ void SdViewShell::PrintStdOrNotes(SfxPrinter& rPrinter, SfxProgress& rProgress, const MultiSelection& rSelPages, const String& rTimeDateStr, const Font& rTimeDateFont, const SdOptionsPrintItem* pPrintOpts, USHORT nPage, USHORT nPageMax, USHORT nCopies, USHORT nProgressOffset, USHORT nTotal, PageKind ePageKind, BOOL bPrintMarkedOnly) { Fraction aFract; BOOL bScalePage = TRUE; BOOL bTilePage = FALSE; BOOL bPrintExcluded = TRUE; BOOL bPrintPageName = TRUE; BOOL bPrintBooklet = FALSE; BOOL bPrintFrontPage = FALSE; BOOL bPrintBackPage = FALSE; SdPage* pPage = pDoc->GetSdPage(nPage, ePageKind); if ( pPrintOpts ) { bScalePage = pPrintOpts->IsPagesize(); bTilePage = pPrintOpts->IsPagetile(); bPrintPageName = pPrintOpts->IsPagename(); bPrintExcluded = pPrintOpts->IsHiddenPages(); bPrintBooklet = pPrintOpts->IsBooklet(); bPrintFrontPage = pPrintOpts->IsFrontPage(); bPrintBackPage = pPrintOpts->IsBackPage(); // Papierschacht if( !pPrintOpts->IsPaperbin() ) // Drucken NICHT aus Druckereinstellung { USHORT nPaperBin = pDoc->GetSdPage(nPage, ePageKind)->GetPaperBin(); rPrinter.SetPaperBin( nPaperBin ); } } // Hoch/Querformat aendern? Size aPageSize(pPage->GetSize()); Orientation eOrientation = ORIENTATION_PORTRAIT; short nDlgResult = RET_OK; if( !bPrintBooklet ) { eOrientation = pPage->GetOrientation(); } else if( aPageSize.Width() < aPageSize.Height() ) eOrientation = ORIENTATION_LANDSCAPE; if ( !rPrinter.SetOrientation(eOrientation) && (!pPrintOpts || pPrintOpts->IsWarningOrientation()) ) { // eine Warnung anzeigen WarningBox aWarnBox(pWindow,(WinBits)(WB_OK_CANCEL | WB_DEF_CANCEL), String(SdResId(STR_WARN_PRINTFORMAT_FAILURE))); nDlgResult = aWarnBox.Execute(); } if ( nDlgResult == RET_OK ) { const MapMode aOldMap( rPrinter.GetMapMode() ); MapMode aMap( aOldMap ); Point aPageOfs( rPrinter.GetPageOffset() ); SdDrawView* pPrintView; aMap.SetOrigin(Point() - aPageOfs); rPrinter.SetMapMode(aMap); Size aPrintSize( rPrinter.GetOutputSize() ); if( this->ISA( SdDrawViewShell ) ) pPrintView = new SdDrawView( pDocSh, &rPrinter, (SdDrawViewShell*)this ); else pPrintView = new SdDrawView( pDocSh, &rPrinter, NULL ); USHORT nPageCount = nProgressOffset; // Als Broschuere drucken ? if( bPrintBooklet ) { SdPage* pPage; MapMode aStdMap( rPrinter.GetMapMode() ); ::std::vector< USHORT > aPageVector; ::std::vector< ::std::pair< USHORT, USHORT > > aPairVector; Point aOffset; Size aPrintSize_2( aPrintSize ); Size aPageSize_2( aPageSize ); if( eOrientation == ORIENTATION_LANDSCAPE ) aPrintSize_2.Width() >>= 1; else aPrintSize_2.Height() >>= 1; const double fPageWH = (double) aPageSize_2.Width() / aPageSize_2.Height(); const double fPrintWH = (double) aPrintSize_2.Width() / aPrintSize_2.Height(); if( fPageWH < fPrintWH ) { aPageSize_2.Width() = (long) ( aPrintSize_2.Height() * fPageWH ); aPageSize_2.Height()= aPrintSize_2.Height(); } else { aPageSize_2.Width() = aPrintSize_2.Width(); aPageSize_2.Height() = (long) ( aPrintSize_2.Width() / fPageWH ); } aMap.SetScaleX( Fraction( aPageSize_2.Width(), aPageSize.Width() ) ); aMap.SetScaleY( Fraction( aPageSize_2.Height(), aPageSize.Height() ) ); // calculate adjusted print size aPrintSize = OutputDevice::LogicToLogic( aPrintSize, aStdMap, aMap ); if( eOrientation == ORIENTATION_LANDSCAPE ) { aOffset.X() = ( ( aPrintSize.Width() >> 1 ) - aPageSize.Width() ) >> 1; aOffset.Y() = ( aPrintSize.Height() - aPageSize.Height() ) >> 1; } else { aOffset.X() = ( aPrintSize.Width() - aPageSize.Width() ) >> 1; aOffset.Y() = ( ( aPrintSize.Height() >> 1 ) - aPageSize.Height() ) >> 1; } // create vector of pages to print while( nPage < nPageMax ) { if( rSelPages.IsSelected( nPage + 1 ) ) { SdPage* pPage = pDoc->GetSdPage( nPage, ePageKind ); if( pPage && ( !pPage->IsExcluded() || bPrintExcluded ) ) aPageVector.push_back( nPage ); } nPage++; } // create pairs of pages to print on each page if( aPageVector.size() ) { sal_uInt32 nFirstIndex = 0, nLastIndex = aPageVector.size() - 1; if( aPageVector.size() & 1 ) aPairVector.push_back( ::std::make_pair( (USHORT) 65535, aPageVector[ nFirstIndex++ ] ) ); else aPairVector.push_back( ::std::make_pair( aPageVector[ nLastIndex-- ], aPageVector[ nFirstIndex++ ] ) ); while( nFirstIndex < nLastIndex ) { if( nFirstIndex & 1 ) aPairVector.push_back( ::std::make_pair( aPageVector[ nFirstIndex++ ], aPageVector[ nLastIndex-- ] ) ); else aPairVector.push_back( ::std::make_pair( aPageVector[ nLastIndex-- ], aPageVector[ nFirstIndex++ ] ) ); } } for( sal_uInt32 i = 0; i < aPairVector.size(); i++ ) { if( ( !( i & 1 ) && bPrintFrontPage ) || ( ( i & 1 ) && bPrintBackPage ) ) { const ::std::pair< USHORT, USHORT > aPair( aPairVector[ i ] ); rPrinter.StartPage(); pPage = pDoc->GetSdPage( aPair.first, ePageKind ); if( pPage ) { aMap.SetOrigin( aOffset ); rPrinter.SetMapMode( aMap ); PrintPage( rPrinter, pPrintView, pPage, bPrintMarkedOnly ); } pPage = pDoc->GetSdPage( aPair.second, ePageKind ); if( pPage ) { Point aSecondOffset( aOffset ); if( eOrientation == ORIENTATION_LANDSCAPE ) aSecondOffset.X() += ( aPrintSize.Width() >> 1 ); else aSecondOffset.Y() += ( aPrintSize.Height() >> 1 ); aMap.SetOrigin( aSecondOffset ); rPrinter.SetMapMode( aMap ); PrintPage( rPrinter, pPrintView, pPage, bPrintMarkedOnly ); } rPrinter.EndPage(); } } rPrinter.SetMapMode( aStdMap ); } else { WriteFrameViewData(); Point aPtZero; while ( nPage < nPageMax ) { if ( rSelPages.IsSelected(nPage+1) ) { SdPage* pPage = pDoc->GetSdPage(nPage, ePageKind); // Kann sich die Seitengroesse geaendert haben? aPageSize = pPage->GetSize(); rProgress.SetState( nPageCount, nTotal ); nPageCount += nCopies; if ( bScalePage ) { double fHorz = (double) aPrintSize.Width() / aPageSize.Width(); double fVert = (double) aPrintSize.Height() / aPageSize.Height(); if ( fHorz < fVert ) aFract = Fraction(aPrintSize.Width(), aPageSize.Width()); else aFract = Fraction(aPrintSize.Height(), aPageSize.Height()); aMap.SetScaleX(aFract); aMap.SetScaleY(aFract); aMap.SetOrigin(Point()); } if ( !pPage->IsExcluded() || bPrintExcluded ) { String aTmp = UniString::CreateFromInt32( nPage+1 ); if(ePageKind == PK_NOTES) aTmp += String( SdResId( STR_PRINT_NOTES ) ); else aTmp += String( SdResId( STR_PRINT_DRAWING ) ); rProgress.SetStateText( nPageCount, aTmp, nTotal ); String aPageStr; if ( bPrintPageName ) { aPageStr = pPage->GetName(); aPageStr += (sal_Unicode)' '; } aPageStr += rTimeDateStr; MapMode aStdMap = rPrinter.GetMapMode(); rPrinter.SetMapMode(aMap); // BOOL bPrint = TRUE; Point aPageOrigin; long aPageWidth = aPageSize.Width() - pPage->GetLftBorder() - pPage->GetRgtBorder(); long aPageHeight = aPageSize.Height() - pPage->GetUppBorder() - pPage->GetLwrBorder(); long aPrintWidth = aPrintSize.Width(); long aPrintHeight = aPrintSize.Height(); // Bugfix zu 44530: // Falls implizit umgestellt wurde (Landscape/Portrait) // wird dies beim Kacheln, bzw. aufteilen (Poster) beruecksichtigt BOOL bSwitchPageSize = FALSE; if( ( aPrintWidth > aPrintHeight && aPageWidth < aPageHeight ) || ( aPrintWidth < aPrintHeight && aPageWidth > aPageHeight ) ) { bSwitchPageSize = TRUE; aPrintWidth = aPrintSize.Height(); aPrintHeight = aPrintSize.Width(); } // Eine (kleine) Seite, die gekachelt ausgegeben werden soll if( bTilePage && aPageWidth < aPrintWidth && aPageHeight < aPrintHeight ) { aPageWidth += 500; aPageHeight += 500; Point aPrintOrigin; rPrinter.StartPage(); pPrintView->ShowPage( pPage, aPtZero ); SdrPageView* pPageView = pPrintView->GetPageView(pPage); pPageView->SetVisibleLayers( pFrameView->GetVisibleLayers() ); pPageView->SetPrintableLayers( pFrameView->GetPrintableLayers() ); long nPagesPrinted = 0; // Fuer Bedingung s.u. BOOL bPrintPage; // Fuer Bedingung s.u. while( bPrint ) { BOOL bWidth = aPageWidth < aPrintWidth; BOOL bHeight = aPageHeight < aPrintHeight; if( !bWidth && !bHeight ) bPrint = FALSE; // Etwas umstaendliche Abfrage, die ausdrueckt, ob eine Seite // beim Kacheln abgeschnitten oder gar nicht dargestellt werden // soll. Die Bedingung ist, dass eine 2. Seite (horz. oder vert.) // immer gedruck wird, waehrend eine dritte Seite (oder hoeher) // nur noch gedruckt wird, wenn diese auch noch vollstaendig // aufs Papier passt. if( nPagesPrinted < 4 && !( !bWidth && nPagesPrinted == 2 ) ) bPrintPage = TRUE; else bPrintPage = FALSE; nPagesPrinted++; if( ( bWidth && bHeight ) || bPrintPage ) { aStdMap.SetOrigin( aPrintOrigin ); rPrinter.SetMapMode( aStdMap ); if( this->ISA( SdDrawViewShell ) && bPrintMarkedOnly ) { pView->DrawAllMarked( rPrinter, aPtZero ); } else pPrintView->InitRedraw( &rPrinter, Rectangle( aPtZero, aPageSize ) ); } if( bWidth ) { aPrintOrigin.X() += aPageWidth; aPrintWidth -= aPageWidth; } else if( bHeight ) { aPrintOrigin.X() = 0; aPrintWidth = bSwitchPageSize ? aPrintSize.Height() : aPrintSize.Width(); aPrintOrigin.Y() += aPageHeight; aPrintHeight -= aPageHeight; } } if ( aPageStr.Len() ) { Font aOldFont = rPrinter.OutputDevice::GetFont(); rPrinter.SetFont(rTimeDateFont); rPrinter.DrawText(aPageOfs, aPageStr); rPrinter.SetFont(aOldFont); } rPrinter.EndPage(); pPrintView->HidePage(pPrintView->GetPageView(pPage)); bPrint = FALSE; } // Damit ein groessere Seite auch auf einem kleineren Drucker (Format) // ausgegeben werden kann, wird folgende while-Schleife durchlaufen. // Beim "Abschneiden" wird nur eine Seite gedruckt! while( bPrint ) { BOOL bWidth = aPageWidth > aPrintWidth; BOOL bHeight = aPageHeight > aPrintHeight; if( bScalePage || ( !bWidth && !bHeight ) || ( pPrintOpts && pPrintOpts->IsCutPage() ) ) bPrint = FALSE; rPrinter.StartPage(); pPrintView->ShowPage(pPage, aPageOrigin); if( bWidth ) { aPageOrigin.X() -= aPrintWidth; aPageWidth -= aPrintWidth; } else if( bHeight ) { aPageOrigin.X() = 0; aPageWidth = aPageSize.Width() - pPage->GetUppBorder() - pPage->GetLwrBorder(); aPageOrigin.Y() -= aPrintHeight; aPageHeight -= aPrintHeight; } SdrPageView* pPageView = pPrintView->GetPageView(pPage); pPageView->SetVisibleLayers( pFrameView->GetVisibleLayers() ); pPageView->SetPrintableLayers( pFrameView->GetPrintableLayers() ); if( this->ISA( SdDrawViewShell ) && bPrintMarkedOnly ) pView->DrawAllMarked( rPrinter, aPtZero ); else pPrintView->InitRedraw(&rPrinter, Rectangle(Point(0,0), pPage->GetSize())); rPrinter.SetMapMode(aStdMap); if ( aPageStr.Len() ) { Font aOldFont = rPrinter.OutputDevice::GetFont(); rPrinter.SetFont(rTimeDateFont); rPrinter.DrawText(aPageOfs, aPageStr); rPrinter.SetFont(aOldFont); } rPrinter.EndPage(); pPrintView->HidePage(pPrintView->GetPageView(pPage)); } } } nPage++; } } delete pPrintView; rPrinter.SetMapMode( aOldMap ); } } /************************************************************************* |* |* Seite drucken |* \************************************************************************/ void SdViewShell::PrintPage( SfxPrinter& rPrinter, SdView* pPrintView, SdPage* pPage, BOOL bPrintMarkedOnly ) { Point aPtZero; pPrintView->ShowPage( pPage, aPtZero ); SdrPageView* pPageView = pPrintView->GetPageView( pPage ); pPageView->SetVisibleLayers( pFrameView->GetVisibleLayers() ); pPageView->SetPrintableLayers( pFrameView->GetPrintableLayers() ); if( this->ISA( SdDrawViewShell ) && bPrintMarkedOnly ) pView->DrawAllMarked( rPrinter, aPtZero ); else pPrintView->InitRedraw( &rPrinter, Rectangle( aPtZero, pPage->GetSize() ) ); pPrintView->HidePage( pPrintView->GetPageView( pPage ) ); /* if ( aPageStr.Len() ) { Font aOldFont = rPrinter.OutputDevice::GetFont(); rPrinter.SetFont( rTimeDateFont ); rPrinter.DrawText( aPageOfs, aPageStr ); rPrinter.SetFont( aOldFont ); } */ } /************************************************************************* |* |* Status (Enabled/Disabled) von Menue-SfxSlots setzen |* \************************************************************************/ void SdViewShell::GetMenuState( SfxItemSet &rSet ) { if( SFX_ITEM_AVAILABLE == rSet.GetItemState( SID_STYLE_FAMILY ) ) { UINT16 nFamily = (SfxStyleFamily)pDocSh->GetStyleFamily(); SdrView* pDrView = GetDrawView(); if( pDrView->HasMarkedObj() ) { SfxStyleSheet* pStyleSheet = pDrView->GetStyleSheet(); if( pStyleSheet ) { if (pStyleSheet->GetFamily() == SD_LT_FAMILY) pStyleSheet = ((SdStyleSheet*)pStyleSheet)->GetPseudoStyleSheet(); if( pStyleSheet ) { SfxStyleFamily eFamily = pStyleSheet->GetFamily(); if(eFamily == SFX_STYLE_FAMILY_PARA) nFamily = 2; else nFamily = 5; pDocSh->SetStyleFamily(nFamily); } } } rSet.Put(SfxUInt16Item(SID_STYLE_FAMILY, nFamily )); } // #96090# if(SFX_ITEM_AVAILABLE == rSet.GetItemState(SID_GETUNDOSTRINGS)) { ImpGetUndoStrings(rSet); } // #96090# if(SFX_ITEM_AVAILABLE == rSet.GetItemState(SID_GETREDOSTRINGS)) { ImpGetRedoStrings(rSet); } // #96090# if(SFX_ITEM_AVAILABLE == rSet.GetItemState(SID_UNDO)) { SfxUndoManager* pUndoManager = ImpGetUndoManager(); sal_Bool bActivate(FALSE); if(pUndoManager) { if(pUndoManager->GetUndoActionCount() != 0) { bActivate = TRUE; } } if(bActivate) { // #87229# Set the necessary string like in // sfx2/source/view/viewfrm.cxx ver 1.23 ln 1072 ff. String aTmp(ResId(STR_UNDO, SFX_APP()->GetSfxResManager())); aTmp += pUndoManager->GetUndoActionComment(0); rSet.Put(SfxStringItem(SID_UNDO, aTmp)); } else { rSet.DisableItem(SID_UNDO); } } // #96090# if(SFX_ITEM_AVAILABLE == rSet.GetItemState(SID_REDO)) { SfxUndoManager* pUndoManager = ImpGetUndoManager(); sal_Bool bActivate(FALSE); if(pUndoManager) { if(pUndoManager->GetRedoActionCount() != 0) { bActivate = TRUE; } } if(bActivate) { // #87229# Set the necessary string like in // sfx2/source/view/viewfrm.cxx ver 1.23 ln 1081 ff. String aTmp(ResId(STR_REDO, SFX_APP()->GetSfxResManager())); aTmp += pUndoManager->GetRedoActionComment(0); rSet.Put(SfxStringItem(SID_REDO, aTmp)); } else { rSet.DisableItem(SID_REDO); } } } void SdViewShell::SetPreview( bool bVisible ) { DBG_ASSERT( GetViewFrame(), "FATAL: no viewframe?" ); DBG_ASSERT( pWindow, "FATAL: no window?" ); if( GetViewFrame() && pWindow ) { if ( ! bVisible) mpWindowUpdater->UnregisterPreview (); GetViewFrame()->SetChildWindow(SdPreviewChildWindow::GetChildWindowId(), bVisible,false); if (bVisible) mpWindowUpdater->RegisterPreview (); const StyleSettings& rStyleSettings = pWindow->GetSettings().GetStyleSettings(); sal_uInt16 nPreviewSlot; SvtAccessibilityOptions aAccOptions; if( GetViewFrame()->GetDispatcher() ) { if( rStyleSettings.GetHighContrastMode() && aAccOptions.GetIsForPagePreviews() ) { nPreviewSlot = SID_PREVIEW_QUALITY_CONTRAST; } else { nPreviewSlot = SID_PREVIEW_QUALITY_COLOR; } GetViewFrame()->GetDispatcher()->Execute( nPreviewSlot, SFX_CALLMODE_ASYNCHRON ); } SfxBindings& rBindings = GetViewFrame()->GetBindings(); rBindings.Invalidate(SID_PREVIEW_WIN); rBindings.Invalidate(SID_PREVIEW_QUALITY_COLOR); rBindings.Invalidate(SID_PREVIEW_QUALITY_GRAYSCALE); rBindings.Invalidate(SID_PREVIEW_QUALITY_BLACKWHITE); rBindings.Invalidate(SID_PREVIEW_QUALITY_CONTRAST); } }