/* -*- Mode: C++; tab-width: 4; indent-tabs-mode: nil; c-basic-offset: 4 -*- */
 * This file is part of the LibreOffice project.
 * This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
 * License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
 * file, You can obtain one at http://mozilla.org/MPL/2.0/.
 * This file incorporates work covered by the following license notice:
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#include "PresenterCurrentSlideObserver.hxx"

using namespace ::com::sun::star;
using namespace ::com::sun::star::uno;

namespace sdext { namespace presenter {

//===== PresenterCurrentSlideObserver =========================================

PresenterCurrentSlideObserver::PresenterCurrentSlideObserver (
    const ::rtl::Reference<PresenterController>& rxPresenterController,
    const Reference<presentation::XSlideShowController>& rxSlideShowController)
    : PresenterCurrentSlideObserverInterfaceBase(m_aMutex),
    if( mpPresenterController.is() )

    if( mxSlideShowController.is() )
        // Listen for events from the slide show controller.


void SAL_CALL PresenterCurrentSlideObserver::disposing()
    // Disconnect form the slide show controller.
        mxSlideShowController = nullptr;

//----- XSlideShowListener ----------------------------------------------------

void SAL_CALL PresenterCurrentSlideObserver::beginEvent (
    const Reference<animations::XAnimationNode>&)

void SAL_CALL PresenterCurrentSlideObserver::endEvent (
    const Reference<animations::XAnimationNode>&)

void SAL_CALL PresenterCurrentSlideObserver::repeat (
    const css::uno::Reference<css::animations::XAnimationNode>&,

void SAL_CALL PresenterCurrentSlideObserver::paused()

void SAL_CALL PresenterCurrentSlideObserver::resumed()

void SAL_CALL PresenterCurrentSlideObserver::slideEnded (sal_Bool bReverse)
    // Determine whether the new current slide (the one after the one that
    // just ended) is the slide past the last slide in the presentation,
    // i.e. the one that says something like "click to end presentation...".
    if (mxSlideShowController.is() && !bReverse)
        if (mxSlideShowController->getNextSlideIndex() < 0)
            if( mpPresenterController.is() )

void SAL_CALL PresenterCurrentSlideObserver::hyperLinkClicked (const OUString &)

void SAL_CALL PresenterCurrentSlideObserver::slideTransitionStarted()
    if( mpPresenterController.is() )

void SAL_CALL PresenterCurrentSlideObserver::slideTransitionEnded()

void SAL_CALL PresenterCurrentSlideObserver::slideAnimationsEnded()

//----- XEventListener --------------------------------------------------------

void SAL_CALL PresenterCurrentSlideObserver::disposing (
    const lang::EventObject& rEvent)
    if (rEvent.Source == Reference<XInterface>(static_cast<XWeak*>(mpPresenterController.get())))
    else if (rEvent.Source == mxSlideShowController)
        mxSlideShowController = nullptr;

} } // end of namespace ::sdext::presenter

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