#!@PERL@ -w # -*- Mode: perl; tab-width: 4; indent-tabs-mode: nil; -*- # # Program: set_soenv.in # Author: Willem van Dorp, Ross Nicholson, Oisin Boydell - Sun Microsystems, Ireland. # #--------------------------------------------------------------------------- #--------------------------------------------------------------------------- # Description: # set_soenv generates a file that contains all necessary # environment variables for the build proces of OpenOffice # on Linux, NetBSD, Solaris, Windows, Mac OS X and iOS. # # Program steps. # # I. Checking the command-line arguments. # IIa. Declaring variables for the system commands, etc. # IIb. Declaring the environment variables. # III. Initialising the variables for the system commands, etc. # IV. Print out some important messages etc. # V. Initialising the environment variables. # VI. Open the output file. # VII. Writing the data to the output file. # VIII. Closing output file. # #--------------------------------------------------------------------------- # use strict; # pragma use File::Basename; # #-------------------------------------------------------- # IIa. Declaring variables for the system commands, etc. #-------------------------------------------------------- # my ( $outfile, $newline, $comment, $ds, $ps, $wps, $cur_dir, $par_dir, $tmp, $platform, $empty, $warnfile, $Warning, $result, $unsetvars, $exportvars); # #------------------------------------------------- # IIb. Declaring environment values (constants). #------------------------------------------------- # # Platform independent constant values. my ( $CC ); # # Platform dependent constant values. my ( $OUTPATH, ); # #------------------------------------------- # IIc. Declaring the environment variables. #------------------------------------------- # # Help variables. my ( $BIN, $LIB, $ASM_PATH, $PERL_PATH, $CL_X64 ); # Environment variables. my ( $oldPATH, $SRC_ROOT, $JAVA_HOME, $JDK, $UPD, $SOLARENV, $COMPATH, $PATH, $PERL, $WINDOWS_SDK_HOME, $DOTNET_FRAMEWORK_HOME, $GNUMAKE, ); # #------------------------------------------- # IId. Declaring the aliases. #------------------------------------------- # my ( $dmake, $build, $mkout, $deliver, $zipdep ); # $OUTPATH="@OUTPATH@"; $COMPATH="@COMPATH@"; #------------------------------------------------------------- # IIIa. Initialising constants. #------------------------------------------------------------- # $platform = '@host@'; $UPD = '@UPD@'; # the project's UPD $newline = "\n"; # Perl newline character $ds = "/"; # directory separator $ps = ":"; # path separator $wps = ":"; # path separator, will be set to ';' for windows later. $cur_dir = "."; # current directory $par_dir = ".."; # parrent directory $empty = ""; # used as argument $warnfile = "warn"; # logfile configure warnings. $Warning = ""; # container for warning messages $JDK = '@JDK@'; $CC = '@CC@'; # C compiler $CL_X64 = '@CL_X64@'; $GNUMAKE = "@GNUMAKE@"; # JAVA_HOME as argument from autoconf. $JAVA_HOME = "@JAVA_HOME@" ; if ( $platform =~ m/cygwin/ ) { $JAVA_HOME =~ s/[\s\/]+$//; # remove trailing \n or \/ if there is any. } # #-------------------------------------------------------------------- # IV. Initialise the warning container and print a note to the user. #-------------------------------------------------------------------- # # Add the configure (pre-requisite) warnings to the warning container # , $Warning. AddWarning( "configure", "" ); # print ("Setting up the environment for building LibreOffice $newline"); # #-------------------------------------------------- # V. Setting the environment variables/values. #-------------------------------------------------- # # # B. Gathering information from the system. # # 1. Path $oldPATH = $ENV{"PATH"}; chomp( $oldPATH ); # cut off new line # # C. Setting the constant values. # # Setting platform independent constant values. $comment = "#"; # UNIX script comment character # Setting platform dependent constant values. if ( $platform =~ m/cygwin|mingw32/ ) { $wps = ';' if '@build_os@' eq 'cygwin'; # Windows style path seperator } print "done\n"; # # D. Gathering directory information from the user. # # If the directory does not exist something is strange. # 1. LibreOffice build home directory. # SRC_ROOT should already be in the env due to config_host.mk $SRC_ROOT = $ENV{"SRC_ROOT"}; CheckPathExist( $SRC_ROOT ); # # E. Determining the envionment values based on the information # that was gathered earlier on. $BIN = $ds."bin"; $LIB = $ds."lib"; $PERL = '@PERL@'; $PERL_PATH = dirname('@PERL@'); # Perl Path # $SOLARENV = "$SRC_ROOT/solenv"; # The general environment path. if ($platform =~ m/linux|netbsd|freebsd|aix|solaris|openbsd|dragonfly/) { $PATH = $cur_dir. $ps.'$SOLARENV'.$ds.'$OUTPATH'.$BIN. $ps.'$SOLARENV'.$BIN; if ($platform =~ m/solaris/) { $PATH .= $ps."/usr/ccs/bin"; } $PATH .= $ps.$oldPATH; my @javaBits; if ( $JAVA_HOME ne "" && $JAVA_HOME ne "NO_JAVA_HOME" && $JDK ne "gcj" ) { @javaBits = ( $JAVA_HOME.$BIN, 'javac' ); } else { @javaBits = (); } $PATH = GetCorrectPath ($PATH, $COMPATH, $CC, $PERL_PATH, 'perl', @javaBits); } elsif ($platform =~ m/cygwin/) { # The PATH variable is completely created from scratch. Elements # from oldPATH that are not yet included are appended to PATH at # the end. my ( $tmppath ); $PATH = $cur_dir. $ps.CygFormat($SOLARENV).$ds."bin". $ps.CygFormat($SOLARENV).$ds.$OUTPATH.$BIN; if ( $JAVA_HOME ne "" && $JAVA_HOME ne "NO_JAVA_HOME" ) { # hack either "hotspot" or "client" should be used, depending on the jdk version: # 1.2.x - no such directory, unsupported # 1.3.x - hotspot, client missing # 1.4.x - client, hotspot missing $PATH .= $ps.CygFormat($JAVA_HOME).$BIN; if ( -d $JAVA_HOME.$ds."jre".$ds."bin".$ds."hotspot" ) { $PATH .= $ps.CygFormat($JAVA_HOME).$ds."jre".$ds."bin".$ds."hotspot"; } if ( -d $JAVA_HOME.$ds."jre".$ds."bin".$ds."client" ) { $PATH .= $ps.CygFormat($JAVA_HOME).$ds."jre".$ds."bin".$ds."client"; } } # Add path to compiler $tmppath = CygFormat($COMPATH).$BIN; $tmppath .= $ds."amd64" if $CL_X64; $tmppath =~ s/^\/\//\//; if ( "$PATH:$oldPATH" !~ /(?:[:]|\A)(?:$tmppath)(?:[:]|\Z)/ ) { $PATH .= $ps.$tmppath; } $tmppath = CygFormat("@MSPDB_PATH@"); # for MSVC to find mspdb*.dll if ( "$PATH:$oldPATH" !~ /(?:[:]|\A)(?:$tmppath)(?:[:]|\Z)/ ) { $PATH .= $ps.$tmppath; } # need midl.exe $tmppath = CygFormat("@MIDL_PATH@"); if ( "$PATH:$oldPATH" !~ /(?:[:]|\A)(?:$tmppath)(?:[:]|\Z)/ ) { $PATH .= $ps.$tmppath; } # needs csc.exe $tmppath = CygFormat("@CSC_PATH@"); if ( "$PATH:$oldPATH" !~ /(?:[:]|\A)(?:$tmppath)(?:[:]|\Z)/ ) { $PATH .= $ps.$tmppath; } # Installer needs some files if the Windows Installer SDK $tmppath = CygFormat("@WINDOWS_SDK_HOME@"); if ( "$PATH:$oldPATH" !~ /(?:[:]|\A)(?:$tmppath\/bin)(?:[:]|\Z)/i ) { $PATH .= $ps.$tmppath.$BIN; } if ( "@ASM_HOME@" ne "ASM_IN_PATH" ) { $PATH .= $ps.CygFormat("@ASM_HOME@"); } # Possible cygwin paths must follow behind the OOo and MS paths. # What the above comment means I have no idea. # Check if $PERL_PATH is already set in PATH $tmppath = CygFormat($PERL_PATH); if ( "$PATH:$oldPATH" !~ /(?:[:]|\A)(?:$tmppath)(?:[:]|\Z)/ ) { $PATH .= $ps.$tmppath; } # path to sn.exe (signing) for Windows users. my $sn_path = "@DOTNET_FRAMEWORK_HOME@/bin"; $tmppath = CygFormat($sn_path); if ( "$PATH:$oldPATH" !~ /(?:[:]|\A)(?:$tmppath)(?:[:]|\Z)/ ) { $PATH .= $ps.$tmppath; } # Add the rest of the original path if it is still missing. my $expandedPATH = $PATH; $expandedPATH =~ s/(\$\w+)/$1/eeg; # fix situations where PATH may look like /bin:"C:\blah\bleh":/ugh my $fixedPATH = $oldPATH; if ( $oldPATH =~ /"/ ) { $fixedPATH = ""; foreach my $pathentry ( split( '"',$oldPATH ) ) { if ( ( $pathentry =~ /^$ps/ ) || ( $pathentry =~ /$ps$/ ) ) { $fixedPATH .= $pathentry; } else { chomp( $pathentry = qx{cygpath -d "$pathentry"} ) ; chomp( $pathentry = qx{cygpath -u "$pathentry"} ) ; $fixedPATH .= $pathentry; } } } foreach my $pathentry (split($ps,$fixedPATH)) { if ( ! ( $expandedPATH =~ /(?:$ps|\A)(?:$pathentry)(?:$ps|\Z)/ ) ) { $PATH .= $ps.$pathentry; $expandedPATH .= $ps.$pathentry; } } # The path now is in cygwin posix format } elsif ($platform =~ m/mingw32/) { my ( $tmppath ); $PATH = $cur_dir. $ps.CygFormat($SOLARENV).$ds."bin". $ps.CygFormat($SOLARENV).$ds.$OUTPATH.$BIN; $PATH .= $ps.$oldPATH; } elsif ($platform =~ m/darwin/) { $PATH = $cur_dir. $ps.'$SOLARENV'.$ds.'$OUTPATH'.$BIN. $ps.'$SOLARENV'.$BIN; # Append old PATH $PATH .= $ps.$oldPATH; } else { AddWarning( "set_soenv", "$platform not configured for general environment paths" ); } # # F. Setting the different aliases. # # 1. alias for a full product make. $mkout = '"perl $SOLARENV/bin/mkout.pl"'; $deliver = '"perl $SOLARENV/bin/deliver.pl"'; $build = '"perl $SOLARENV/bin/build.pl"'; $zipdep = '"perl $SOLARENV/bin/zipdep.pl"'; # #-------------------------- # VI. Open the output file. #-------------------------- # $outfile = 'Env.Host.sh'; open( OUT, ">$SRC_ROOT/$outfile" ) || die "Cannot open $SRC_ROOT/$outfile: $!\n"; # #------------------------------------------ # VII. Writing the data to the output file. #------------------------------------------ # # Write file header. CreateFileHeader( *OUT, $UPD, $platform, "sh/bash/ksh", "#" ); ToFile( "SOLARENV", $SOLARENV, "e" ); if ( '@CROSS_COMPILING@' eq 'YES' ) { # Obviously we shouldn't set PATH to contain host binaries ToFile( "PATH", "@PATH_FOR_BUILD@", "e" ); } else { ToFile( "PATH", $PATH, "e" ); ToFile( "PATH_FOR_BUILD", $PATH, "e" ); } # # Writing the aliases to file. ToFile( "Aliases.", $empty, "c" ); ToFile( "Don't set aliases when bootstrapping", $empty, "c" ); ToFile( "alias mkout", $mkout, "a" ); ToFile( "alias deliver", $deliver, "a" ); ToFile( "alias build", $build, "a" ); ToFile( "alias zipdep", $zipdep, "a" ); # # Writing unset variables you might not need to file. # print OUT "export $exportvars$newline"; print OUT "unset $unsetvars$newline"; # unset may return a non-zero value and make the initial # make(1) processes terminate with an error print OUT "true $newline"; # #--------------------------- # VIII. Closing output file. #--------------------------- # close( OUT ) || print "Can't close $SRC_ROOT/$outfile: $!"; #-------------------------------------------------------- # XII. Message at the end. #-------------------------------------------------------- # # print "$newline"; print "*********************************************************". "*******************$newline*$newline"; print "* LibreOffice configuration finished. $newline*$newline"; if ( $Warning ne "" ) { print "$Warning*$newline"; } print "*********************************************************". "******************* $newline"; print "To build, issue:\n$GNUMAKE\n\n"; print "To install when the build is finished, issue:\n$GNUMAKE install\n\n"; print "If you want to develop LibreOffice, you might prefer:\n$GNUMAKE dev-install\n\n"; print "If you want to run the smoketest, issue:\n$GNUMAKE check\n\n"; if ("@STALE_MAKE@" eq "TRUE" && $platform =~ m/cygwin/ ) { print << 'EOS' WARNING: Your make version is known to be horribly slow, and hard to debug problems with. To get a reasonably functional make please do: to install a pre-compiled binary make for cygwin mkdir -p /opt/lo/bin cd /opt/lo/bin wget http://dev-www.libreoffice.org/bin/cygwin/make chmod +x make to install from source: place yourself in a working directory of you choice. git clone git://anongit.freedesktop.org/libreoffice/contrib/dev-tools cd dev-tools/make-3.82-gbuild ./configure --prefix=/opt/lo make sudo make install Then re-run autogen.sh Note: autogen.sh will try to use /opt/lo/bin/make if the environment variable GNUMAKE is not already defined. Alternatively, you can install the 'new' make where ever you want and make sure that `which make` finds it. EOS } if ( $Warning ne "" ) { print "***** WARNINGS ISSUED *****\n"; } # #----------------- # XII. Functions. #----------------- # #------------------------------------------------------------- # Function name: CheckPathName # Description: chops off the '/' character if it's the last # character in a pathname. also adds the '/' # character if it's not the first character # in a path. # Arguments: 1. Path (string) # Return value: Path (string) #------------------------------------------------------------- sub CheckPathName { my $retrn = $_[ 0 ]; if ($platform =~ m/cygwin/) { # Check if the first character is not a '/'. if ( !( $_[ 0 ] =~ /^\// ) ) { $retrn = $ds.$_[ 0 ]; } } # kill the last '/','\','\n' if they exists. $retrn =~ s![\s/\\]+$!!; # Done! return( $retrn ); } #------------------------------------------------------------- # Function name: CheckPathExist # Description: Checks whether the directory that is given # as an argument exists. If not abort. # Arguments: 1. Path (string) # Return value: void #------------------------------------------------------------- sub CheckPathExist { my $dir = $_[ 0 ]; if ( !( -d $dir ) ) { print ( "The directory $_[ 0 ] does not exist. Please create first.\n" ); exit 1; } else { # Don't check under ActiveState Perl (Windows). The path is possibly # posix and it cannot handle it. # Hmm, but the above test also checks for existance, so presumably # the mention of ActiveState in the above comment is just a red # herring. return "true"; } } #------------------------------------------------------------ # Function name: CreateFileHeader # Description: Creates a header for the outfile. # Arguments: 1. File to write to # 2. UPD (string) # 3. Platform (string) # 4. name of shell for this file # 5. comment to use for this file # Return value: void #------------------------------------------------------------ sub CreateFileHeader { my $timestamp = `date`; chomp( $timestamp ); my $filehandle = $_[0]; my $comment = $_[4]; print { $filehandle } "$comment #################################################################"; print { $filehandle } $newline; print { $filehandle } "$comment LibreOffice $_[ 1 ] build environment file for: $_[ 2 ]. $newline"; print { $filehandle } "$comment Generated on: $timestamp $newline"; print { $filehandle } "$comment Source this file to set up the build environment. $newline"; print { $filehandle } "$comment 1. exec $_[3] $newline"; print { $filehandle } "$comment 2. source $outfile $newline"; print { $filehandle } "$comment #################################################################"; print { $filehandle } $newline; print { $filehandle } 'if test -z "$SRC_ROOT" ; then'; print { $filehandle } $newline; print { $filehandle } " . $SRC_ROOT/config_host.mk $newline"; print { $filehandle } "fi $newline"; print { $filehandle } $newline; } #--------------------------------------------------------- # Function name: ToFile # Description: Writes the environment variable in the # output file. # Arguments: 1. Name of environment variable (string) # 2. Value of environment variable (string) # 3. e - env. var # a - alias # c - comment # n - newline # z - raw, write as is to OUT # Return value: void #--------------------------------------------------------- sub ToFile { if ( $_[ 2 ] eq "e" ) { # Write an environment variable to file. if (defined $_[ 1 ] && $_[ 1 ] ne "" ) { my $envvar = $_[ 1 ]; # Tcsh/bash needs backslashes quoted $envvar =~ s/\\/\\\\/g; printf("%-12s %-17s %-10s %s\n", "The variable", $_[ 0 ], "is set to:", $envvar) if ( '@VERBOSE@' eq 'TRUE' ); print OUT "$_[ 0 ]=\"$envvar\"$newline"; # to sh file $exportvars .= " $_[ 0 ]"; # add to export list for sh file } else { printf("%-12s %-17s %-10s %s\n", "The variable", $_[ 0 ], "is set to:", "unset") if ( '@VERBOSE@' eq 'TRUE' ); $unsetvars .= " $_[ 0 ]"; # for sh file } } elsif ( $_[ 2 ] eq "a" ) { # Write an alias to file. print "The $_[ 0 ] is set to: $_[ 1 ]\n" if ( '@VERBOSE@' eq 'TRUE' ); # to stdout print OUT "$_[ 0 ]=$_[ 1 ]$newline"; # to sh file } elsif ( $_[ 2 ] eq "c" ) { # Write a comment to file. if ( '@VERBOSE@' eq 'TRUE' ) { print "$newline"; print "$comment$newline"; print "$comment $_[ 0 ]$newline"; print "$comment$newline"; } print OUT "$newline"; print OUT "$comment$newline"; print OUT "$comment $_[ 0 ]$newline"; print OUT "$comment$newline"; } elsif ( $_[ 2 ] eq "n" ) { #Write a newline to a file print OUT "$newline"; } elsif ( $_[ 2 ] eq "z" ) { #Write first argument as is, and nothing else print OUT "$_[ 0 ]$newline"; } else { print "Unknown type!$newline"; } } #---------------------------------------------------------- # Function name: CygFormat # Description: Format variables to cygwin posix style path # unless . # Arguments: 1. Variable (string) # Return value: Reformatted String #---------------------------------------------------------- sub CygFormat { my ( $variable, $d1, $d2 ); $variable = $_[ 0 ]; # ToDo: Do the replacement only if Windows and var contains "\" and ":" if ( $platform =~ m/cygwin/ ) { # Complain if PosixPath is used on a PATH-like string if ( $variable =~ m/;/ ) { die( "Do not use on PATH lists (i.e., 'c:\\foo;d:\\bar')"); } # Replace DOS paths with posix paths if ( ( $variable =~ m/\\/ ) or ( $variable =~ m/:/ ) ) { chomp( $variable = qx{cygpath -u "$variable"} ); } } return $variable; } #---------------------------------------------------------- # Function name: WinPath # Description: Reformat a $sep seperated path using DOS paths. # Arguments: 1. Variable (string) # 2. Separaror (string) # Return value: Reformatted String #---------------------------------------------------------- sub WinPath { my ( $variable, $d1, $sep, @split_var ); if ( $platform =~ m/cygwin/ ) { $variable = $_[ 0 ]; $sep = $_[ 1 ]; $variable =~ s/^\s+//g ; #remove leading spaces $variable =~ s/\s+$//g ; #remove trailing spaces $variable =~ s/(\$\{?\w+\}?)/$1/eeg ; # expand the variables $variable =~ s/(\$\{?\w+\}?)/$1/eeg ; # expand the variables twice! @split_var = split(/$sep/,$variable); foreach $d1 ( @split_var ) { if ( $d1 =~ /(?:^\/[\w\.~ ]+)+/ ) { if ( $d1 =~ / / ) { # Use DOS 8.3 style to avoid quoting chomp( $d1 = qx{cygpath -d "$d1"} ); } else { # Use "normal" filenames chomp( $d1 = qx{cygpath -w "$d1"} ); } } } $variable = join(';',@split_var); $variable =~ s/\//\\/g; # Remaining \ come from e.g.: ../foo/baa } return $variable; } #-------------------------------------------------------- # Function name: GetCorrectPath # Description: Creates the build environment. # Arguments: 1. existing / original path # 2... pairs of # Return value: String - Correct Path #-------------------------------------------------------- sub GetCorrectPath { sub PathLookup { my $cmd = shift; while (@_) { my $elem = shift; -x "$elem/$cmd" && return $elem; } return ''; } sub SaneGrep { # Perl grep is unbelievably strange. my $needle = shift; while (@_) { my $haystack = shift; if ($needle eq $haystack) { return 1; } } return 0; } sub CleanupPath { my @elements = @_; my @cleanName = (); while (@elements) { my $elem = shift @elements; if (!SaneGrep ($elem, @cleanName)) { push @cleanName, $elem; } } return @cleanName; } my $oldPath = shift; my @originalPairs = @_; my @pairs = @originalPairs; my @Path = split /$ps/, $oldPath; while (@pairs) { my $path = shift @pairs; my $cmd = shift @pairs; my $to_append = 1; my $elem; if (! -x "$path/$cmd") { AddWarning ("Missing executable $path/$cmd\n"); } for $elem (@Path) { if ($elem eq $path) { # print "Hit duplicate path in path; break\n"; $to_append = 0; last; } if (-f "$elem/$cmd") { # print "Element already in path ...\n"; unshift @Path, $path; $to_append = 0; last; } else { # print "No file $elem/$cmd\n"; } } if ($to_append) { push @Path, $path; } } @pairs = @originalPairs; while (@pairs) { my $path = shift @pairs; my $cmd = shift @pairs; my $realpath; $realpath = PathLookup ($cmd, @Path); if (!($realpath eq $path)) { AddWarning ("Path conflict for executables " . "$path/$cmd against $realpath"); } } return join $ps, CleanupPath (@Path); } #------------------------------------------------------------ # Function name: AddWarning # Description: Adds any kind of warning for the user. # The warning will be shown at the end # of this script. # Arguments: 1. Add the configure warnings or the set_soenv # warning (string). # 2. Warning (string). # Return value: void #------------------------------------------------------------ sub AddWarning { if ( $_[ 0 ] eq "configure" ) { open( IN, $warnfile ); while ( ) { $Warning = $Warning."* - ".$_; } close( IN ); # Remove the temporary warning file. # unlink ( $warnfile ); } elsif ( $_[ 0 ] eq "set_soenv" ) { my ( $arg1 ); $arg1 = $_[ 1 ]; chomp( $arg1 ); # cut off new line $Warning = $Warning."* - set_soenv: warning: $arg1 $newline"; # add the warning } } # vim:set shiftwidth=4 softtabstop=4 expandtab: #