#!/bin/bash ADD="no" LINK="no" UPDATE="ask" UNPACKDIR="" USAGE="Usage: $0 [-a,--add] [-l,--link] [-U,--update] [-h,--help] " help() { echo echo "User Mode Installation script for developer and knowledgeable early access tester" echo echo "This installation method is not intended for use in a production environment!" echo "Using this script is unsupported and completely at your own risk" echo echo "Usage:" $0 [-lU] " " echo " : directory *only* containing the Linux rpm packages to be installed" echo " or language pack shell script containing the rpm packages" echo " : directory to where the office will get installed into" echo echo "Optional Parameter:" echo " -a,--add: add to an existing " echo " -l,--link: create a link \"soffice\" in $HOME" echo " -U,--update: update without asking" echo " -h,--help: output this help" echo } try_to_unpack_languagepack_file() { FILENAME=$PACKAGE_PATH # Checking, if $FILENAME is a language pack. # String "language package" has to exist in the shell script file. # If this is no language pack, the installation is not supported SEARCHSTRING=`head --lines=10 $FILENAME | grep "language package"` if [ ! -z "$SEARCHSTRING" ] then echo "First parameter $FILENAME is a language pack"; else printf "\nERROR: First parameter $FILENAME is a file, but no language pack shell script.\n" echo $USAGE exit 2 fi echo "Unpacking shell script $FILENAME" TAILLINE=`head --lines=20 $FILENAME | sed --quiet 's/linenum=//p'` UNPACKDIR=/var/tmp/install_$$ mkdir $UNPACKDIR # UNPACKDIR=`mktemp -d` tail -n +$TAILLINE $FILENAME | gunzip | (cd $UNPACKDIR; tar xvf -) # Setting the new package path, in which the packages exist PACKAGE_PATH=$UNPACKDIR # Setting variable UPDATE, because an Office installation has to exist, if a language pack shall be installed UPDATE="yes" } # # this script is for userland not for root # if [ $UID -eq 0 ] then printf "\nThis script is for installation without administrative rights only\nPlease use rpm to install as root\n" help exit 2 fi set -- `getopt -u -o 'alhU' -l 'add,link,help,update' -- $*` if [ $? != 0 ] then echo $USAGE exit 2 fi for i in $* do case $i in -a|--add) ADD="yes"; shift;; -h|--help) help; exit 0;; -l|--link) LINK="yes"; shift;; -U|--update) UPDATE="yes"; shift;; --) shift; break;; esac done if [ $# != 2 ] then echo $USAGE exit 2 fi PACKAGE_PATH=$1 # # If the first parameter is a shell script (download installation set), the packages have to # be unpacked into temp directory # if [ -f "$PACKAGE_PATH" ] then try_to_unpack_languagepack_file fi # # Check and get the list of packages to install # RPMLIST=`find $PACKAGE_PATH -maxdepth 2 -type f -name "*.rpm" ! -name "*-menus-*" ! -name "*-desktop-integration-*" ! -name "jre*" ! -name "*-userland-*" -print` if [ -z "$RPMLIST" ] then printf "\n$0: No packages found in $PACKAGE_PATH\n" exit 2 fi # #163256# check if we are on a debian system... if rpm --help | grep debian >/dev/null; then DEBIAN_FLAGS="--force-debian --nodeps" else DEBIAN_FLAGS= fi # # Determine whether this should be an update or a fresh install # INSTALLDIR=$2 RPM_DB_PATH=${INSTALLDIR}/var/lib/rpm # Check for versionrc if [ -f ${INSTALLDIR}/program/versionrc ]; then VERSIONRC=versionrc; fi if [ "$UPDATE" = "ask" ] then PRODUCT=`sed --silent -e " /^buildid=/ { s/buildid=\(.*\)/ [\1]/ h } /^ProductKey=/ { s/ProductKey=// G p }" ${INSTALLDIR}/program/${VERSIONRC:-bootstraprc} 2>/dev/null | tr -d "\012"` if [ ! -z "$PRODUCT" ] then echo echo "Found an installation of $PRODUCT in $INSTALLDIR" echo while [ "$UPDATE" != "yes" ] do read -a UPDATE -p "Do you want to update this installation (yes/no)? " if [ "$UPDATE" = "no" ] then exit 2 fi done elif [ -d $RPM_DB_PATH -a "$ADD" = "no" ] then echo echo "The following packages are already installed in $INSTALLDIR" echo rpm --dbpath `cd $RPM_DB_PATH; pwd` --query --all echo while [ "$UPDATE" != "yes" ] do read -a UPDATE -p "Do you want to continue with this installation (yes/no)? " if [ "$UPDATE" = "no" ] then exit 2 fi done else UPDATE="no" fi fi # # Check/Create installation directory # if [ "$UPDATE" = "yes" ] then # restore original bootstraprc mv -f ${INSTALLDIR}/program/bootstraprc.orig ${INSTALLDIR}/program/bootstraprc 2>/dev/null # the RPM_DB_PATH must be absolute if [ ! "${RPM_DB_PATH:0:1}" = "/" ]; then RPM_DB_PATH=`cd ${RPM_DB_PATH}; pwd` fi # we should use --freshen for updates to not add languages with patches, but this will break # language packs, so leave it for now .. # RPMCMD="--freshen" RPMCMD="--upgrade" else rmdir ${INSTALLDIR} 2>/dev/null if [ -d ${INSTALLDIR} -a "$ADD" = "no" ] then printf "\n$0: ${INSTALLDIR} exists and is not empty.\n" exit 2 fi mkdir -p $RPM_DB_PATH || exit 2 # XXX why ? XXX chmod 700 $RPM_DB_PATH # the RPM_DB_PATH must be absolute if [ ! "${RPM_DB_PATH:0:1}" = "/" ]; then RPM_DB_PATH=`cd ${RPM_DB_PATH}; pwd` fi # Creating RPM database and initializing if [ "$ADD" = "no" ]; then rpm --initdb --dbpath $RPM_DB_PATH fi # Default install command RPMCMD="--install" fi # populate the private rpm database with the dependencies needed FAKEDBRPM=/tmp/fake-db-1.0-$$.noarch.rpm linenum=??? tail -n +$linenum $0 > $FAKEDBRPM rpm ${DEBIAN_FLAGS} --upgrade --ignoresize --dbpath $RPM_DB_PATH $FAKEDBRPM rm -f $FAKEDBRPM echo "Packages found:" for i in $RPMLIST ; do echo `basename $i` done # # Perform the installation # echo echo "####################################################################" echo "# Installation of the found packages #" echo "####################################################################" echo echo "Path to the database: " $RPM_DB_PATH echo "Path to the packages: " $PACKAGE_PATH echo "Path to the installation: " $INSTALLDIR echo echo "Installing the RPMs" ABSROOT=`cd ${INSTALLDIR}; pwd` RELOCATIONS=`rpm -qp --qf "--relocate %{PREFIXES}=${ABSROOT}%{PREFIXES} \n" $RPMLIST | sort -u | tr -d "\012"` UserInstallation=\$BRAND_BASE_DIR/../UserInstallation rpm ${DEBIAN_FLAGS} $RPMCMD --ignoresize -vh $RELOCATIONS --dbpath $RPM_DB_PATH $RPMLIST # # Create a link into the users home directory # if [ "$LINK" = "yes" ] then find `cd "$INSTALLDIR" && pwd` -name soffice -type f -perm /u+x -exec /bin/bash -ce 'ln -sf "$0" "$HOME/soffice" && echo "Creating link from $0 to $HOME/soffice"' {} \; fi if [ "$UPDATE" = "yes" -a ! -f $INSTALLDIR/program/bootstraprc ] then echo echo "Update failed due to a bug in RPM, uninstalling .." rpm ${DEBIAN_FLAGS} --erase -v --nodeps --dbpath $RPM_DB_PATH `rpm --query --queryformat "%{NAME} " --package $RPMLIST --dbpath $RPM_DB_PATH` echo echo "Now re-installing new packages .." echo rpm ${DEBIAN_FLAGS} --install --nodeps --ignoresize -vh $RELOCATIONS --dbpath $RPM_DB_PATH $RPMLIST echo fi # patch the "bootstraprc" to create a self-containing installation find "$INSTALLDIR" -type f -name bootstraprc -exec /bin/bash -ce 'test ! -e "$0".orig && mv "$0" "$0".orig && sed '\''s,^UserInstallation=$SYSUSERCONFIG.*,UserInstallation=$BRAND_BASE_DIR/../UserInstallation,'\'' "$0".orig > "$0"' {} \; # if an unpack directory exists, it can be removed now if [ ! -z "$UNPACKDIR" ] then rm $UNPACKDIR/*.rpm rmdir $UNPACKDIR echo "Removed temporary directory $UNPACKDIR" fi echo echo "Installation done ..." exit 0 /mimo-7-2'>distro/mimo/mimo-7-2 LibreOffice 核心代码仓库文档基金会
path: root/bean
AgeCommit message (Expand)Author
2016-05-02Remove debug codeStephan Bergmann
2016-04-29cid#1358838 cid#1358839 cid#1358840 assert to avoid null pointer dereferenceMiklos Vajna
2016-04-27beans: if loading a library fails, show the reasonMiklos Vajna
2016-04-25bean: fix the OfficeBean SDK exampleMiklos Vajna
2016-03-11neither doxygen nor javadoc make use of <type scope="…"> annotationsChristian Lohmaier
2016-03-11NoConnectionException is com.sun.star.comp.beans.NoConnectionExceptionChristian Lohmaier
2016-03-11javadoc is HTML 4, not xhtml or html5, so <br/> is not allowedChristian Lohmaier
2016-03-04coverity#1326333 Unguarded writeCaolán McNamara
2016-02-05Fix typosAndrea Gelmini
2016-02-05officebeans: RVP no longer used, only local used nowChris Sherlock
2016-01-05Fix typosAndrea Gelmini
2015-12-03Add build toolchain to upload LibreOffice API to Maven CentralDavid Ostrovsky
2015-12-01Expose metadata to deploy LibreOffice artifacts on Maven CentralDavid Ostrovsky
2015-11-05java: remove ((unnecessary)) parenthesesNoel Grandin
2015-11-05java:avoid empty if statementsNoel Grandin
2015-10-22coverity#1328488 DLS: Dead local storeCaolán McNamara
2015-10-20coverity#1326431 Dereference null return valueCaolán McNamara
2015-10-16cid#1326334 Unguarded readNoel Grandin
2015-10-15coverity#1326731 Dm: Dubious method usedCaolán McNamara
2015-10-15cid#1327023 to cid#1327077 SIC: Inner class could be made staticNoel Grandin
2015-10-14cid#1326360 Data race conditionNoel Grandin
2015-10-14cid#1326347 Check of thread-shared field evades lock acquisitionNoel Grandin
2015-10-02Fix typosAndrea Gelmini
2015-07-08Fix typosAndrea Gelmini
2015-06-22Fix typosAndrea Gelmini
2015-06-15java: 'final static' to 'static final'Noel Grandin
2015-06-11java:regulatize the order of 'final' and public/privateNoel Grandin
2015-06-09java:use System.arrayCopy to copy arraysNoel Grandin
2015-06-09java:Non-synchronized method should not override a synchronized methodNoel Grandin
2015-06-03reduce sleep when connecting to soffice from JavaNoel Grandin
2015-05-08jboolean-related clean-upStephan Bergmann
2015-02-23remove unnecessary parenthesis in return statementsNoel Grandin
2015-01-05java: remove dead codeNoel Grandin
2015-01-02Remove unnecessary bean/inc/comp_LocalOfficeWindow.hStephan Bergmann
2014-12-19java: these fields can be converted to local variablesNoel Grandin
2014-12-11java: reduce visibility of fields and methodsNoel Grandin
2014-12-05java: remove some unused local variablesNoel Grandin
2014-12-05java: remove some unused fieldsNoel Grandin
2014-12-02Deprecated com.sun.star.beans is goneStephan Bergmann
2014-11-18java: fix some raw types warningsNoel Grandin
2014-11-18java: make fields final where possibleNoel Grandin
2014-11-18java: rather use @Deprecated annotationNoel Grandin