SFX is the "old" framework, used for historical reasons.

An attempt of documentation of this module is located in [git:sfx2/doc].

It contains base classes for document model, view and controller, used
by "old" applications like sw, sc, sd (while "new" applications
are based on the "new" UNO based framework in "framework").

The SFX framework is based on dispatching slots identified by integers
(SlotIDs) to SfxShells, and there is a dedicated IDL compiler (svidl)
involved that generates C++ slot headers from SDI files in modules' sdi/

Document load/save code is maintained in [git:sfx2/source/doc/docfile.cxx]
SfxMedium class, which handles all the twisty load and save corner cases.

[git:sfx2/source/appl/sfxhelp.cxx] Start procedure for the online
help viewer top level window; handling of help URL creation and

There are also some UNO services here that could really be implemented
anywhere, e.g. the DocumentProperties or DocumentMetadataAccess.