Specification Name: OASIS CIQ TC - extensible Address Language (xAL)
Description: Defines the W3C schema for representing addresses
(Using XML Schema based standard code list/enumeration mechanism - OPTION 1 AND DEFAULT)
Produced by: OASIS Customer Information Quality Technical Committee
URL: http://www.oasis-open.org/committees/ciq
Version: 3.0
Status: Public Review Draft 03 ERRATA
Copyright: 2007-08, OASIS, http://www.oasis-open.org
Last Modified: 08 April 2008
Last Modified by: Ram Kumar, Chair, OASIS CIQ TC
NOTE: Do not modify this schema as it will break specifications compatibility
Top level element for address with geocode details
Complex type that defines the structure of an address with geocode details for reuse
Container for free text address elements where address elements are not parsed
Free format address representation. An address can have more than one line. The order of the AddressLine elements must be preserved.
What does the address line describe? e.g. Street details, suburb details, post code details, whole address, etc
Country details
Details of the top-level area division in the country, such as state, district, province, island, region, etc. Note that some countries do not have this
Data associated with the Administrative Area. e.g. Full name of administrative area or part of it. eg. MI in USA, NSW in Australia, reference location to the administrative area
semantics of data associated with name
Name of administrative area represented as a code. e.g. "COL" for COLORADO
Type of code used to represent name as a code
The next level down division of the area. E.g. state / county, province / reservation. Note that not all countries have a subadministrative area
Data associated with the SubAdministrative Area. e.g. Full name of sub administrative area or part of it.
semantics of data associated with name
Name of administrative area represented as a code. e.g. "COL" for COLORADO
Type of code used to represent name as a code
Type of sub administrative area
Type of administrative area. e.g. state, city, town, etc
Details of Locality which is a named densely populated area (a place) such as town, village, suburb, etc. A locality composes of many individual addresses. Many localities exist in an administrative area or a sub administrative area. A locality can also have sub localities. For example, a municipality locality can have many villages associated with it which are sub localities. Example: Tamil Nadu State, Erode District, Bhavani Taluk, Paruvachi Village is a valid address in India. Tamil Nadu is the Administrative Area, Erode is the sub admin area, Bhavani is the locality, and Paruvachi is the sub locality
Data associated with the locality. e.g. Full name of the locality or part of it, reference location to the locality
semantics of data associated with name
name of locality represented as a code
type of code used to represent name as a code
A locality that is smaller and is contained within the boundaries of its parent locality. Note that not all localities have sub locality. For example, many areas within a locality where each area is a sub locality
Data associated with the sub locality. e.g. Full name of the locality or part of it, reference location to the locality
semantics of data associated with name
name of locality represented as a code
type of code used to represent name as a code
Type of sub locality
Type of locality. e.g. suburb, area, zone, village, etc
Details of the Access route along which buildings/lot/land are located, such as street, road, channel, crescent, avenue, etc. This also includes canals/banks on which houses/boat houses are located where people live
Another thoroughfare that is required to uniquely identify the location, such as an access route, intersection, corner, adjacent, boundary, etc
Details of the Premises (could be building(s), site, loaction, property, premise, place) which is a landmark place which has a main address such as large mail user (e.g. Airport, Hospital, University) or could be a building (e.g. apartment, house) or a building or complex of buildings (e.g. an apartment complex or shopping centre) or even a vacant land (e.g. LOT). A premises can have many sub-addresses such as apartments in a building having its own addresses or buildings within an airport having its own addresses including its own thoroughfares
Examples of sub-premises are apartments and suites in buildings, shops in malls, etc. or sub-addresses in a land mark place such as airports, military bases, hospitals, etc. Some countries have blocks within blocks
Type of code used for sub premises type attribute
Type of code use for Premises Type attribute
A container for a single free text or structured postcode. Note that not all countries have post codes
The postcode is formatted according to country-specific rules. Example: SW3 0A8-1A, 600074, 2067. This element can also be used to define the semantics of what each code in the post code means
A container for postal-specific delivery identifier for remote communities. Note that not all countries have RuralDelivery
Free text or structured description of rural delivery route. e.g. RD 6,
Type of rural delivery. For some addresses, delivery to rural areas happens via water, air or road
Final mail delivery point where the mail is dropped off for recipients to pick them up directly. E.g. POBox, Private Bag, pigeon hole, free mail numbers, etc.
Free text or structured description of a postal delivery point.
A delivery point/installation where all mails are delivered and the post man/delivery service picks up the mails and delivers it to the recipients through a delivery mode. Examples are a rural post office where post is delivered, a post office containing post office boxes/personal mail boxes. Note that not all countries have PostOffice. Can be used to represent overseas military addresses also along with PostalDeliveryPoint element
Name or number of the post office in free text or structured form.
Indicates the type of postal delivery office from where the mail will be distributed to the final delivery point by a delivery mode. Example: Post Office, Mail Collection Centre, Letter Carrier Depot, Station, etc.
GeoRSS GML from Open Geospatial Consortium (OGC – www.opengeospatial.net) is a formal GML Application Profile, and supports a greater range of features than Simple, notably coordinate reference systems other than WGS84 latitude/longitude. It is designed for use with Atom 1.0, RSS 2.0 and RSS 1.0, although it can be used just as easily in non-RSS XML encodings.
Could be GeoRSS Simple or GeoRSS GML versions. Refer to http://georss.org/ and http://georss.org/gml for further documentation
Simple Geo-coordinates of the address/location
Latitude details
Measure of the latitude in degrees
Measure of the latitude in minutes
Measure of the latitude in seconds
The direction of latitude measurement offset from the equator
Longitude details
Measure of the longitude in degrees
Measure of the longitude in minutes
Measure of the longitude in seconds
The direction of longitude measurement offset from the equator
The collection of the coordinate numeric values for latitude amd longitude depends on the agreed position of the meridian. Declaration of the meridian is necessary as it cannot be assumed in the data
Type of code used. e.g. EPSG Code
The collection of the coordinate numeric values depends on the agreed datum within which the measurement was taken. Declaration of the datum is necessary as it cannot be assumed in the data
Type of code used. e.g. EPSG Code, WGS-84
Coordinates have limited utility and application depending on the projection required for visualisation in a map. Declaration of projection is necessary as it cannot be assumed in data
Type of code used. e.g. EPSG Code
Defines the type of address. An address type can be" Primary Address, Secondary Address, Rural Address, Military Address, etc.
A unique address identifier such as postal delivery idetifier assigned to the address by local postal authority, e.g. DPID in Australia.
Type of address ID used. e.g. DPID, etc
A globally unique identifier assigned to the address
The purpose the address is used for. E.g. Postal, residential, business, exchange, update, create, delete, etc
Mode of delivery of address. For example: rural route, normal delivery, post office box, etc.
Status of the entity. e.g. Old, Current, Inactive, Active, etc
A primary key to reference Address.
A foreign key to reference attribute Key of Address.
Complex type that defines the name of the country and is reused in other CIQ specs
Data associated with the name of the country in whatever form available, e.g. full, abbreviation, common use, code of the country, etc.
Semantics of data associated with name.
Name of the country represented as a code
Type of code used to represent name of country, e.g. iso-3166
Complex type for internal reuse
Indicates which part of number or identifier this element contains. Some "numbers" are as simple as 42 and some "numbers" are more like complex alphanumeric identifiers as Postcodes in UK or Canada, e.g. M2H 2S5. It may be necessary to separate the "number" into sub-elements and indicate what type of information each of them contains.
Complex type for internal reuse
Data associated with the name of the Premises. e.g. Full name of premises or part of the name. E.g. Westfield shopping center, reference data to support the premises location, street in the premises
Describes the type / part of name this element contains.
Data associated with the number of the premises. E.g.House 15, number range, number suffix
Complex type for internal reuse
Data associated with the thoroughfare details. e.g. Full thoroughfare name or part of it, type of thoroughfare, old name, new name, reference data in support of the thoroughfare
Describes the type / part of name this element contains.
Data associated with the number of the thoroughfare. E.g. 39 in 39 Baker Street, street range, street suffix
Type of thoroughfare. eg. primary road, secondary road, road branch (e.g. Lane 14), road sub branch (e.g. Alley 21), adjourning street, cross street, closest street, etc
Type of code use for thoroughfare