/* -*- Mode: C++; tab-width: 4; indent-tabs-mode: nil; c-basic-offset: 4 -*- */ /* * This file is part of the LibreOffice project. * * This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public * License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this * file, You can obtain one at http://mozilla.org/MPL/2.0/. * * This file incorporates work covered by the following license notice: * * Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one or more * contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file distributed * with this work for additional information regarding copyright * ownership. The ASF licenses this file to you under the Apache * License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may not use this file * except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of * the License at http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 . */ #include "newhelp.hxx" #include <sfx2/sfxresid.hxx> #include "helpinterceptor.hxx" #include <helper.hxx> #include <srchdlg.hxx> #include <sfx2/sfxhelp.hxx> #include <sal/log.hxx> #include <tools/debug.hxx> #include <comphelper/diagnose_ex.hxx> #include <o3tl/string_view.hxx> #include <sfx2/strings.hrc> #include <helpids.h> #include <bitmaps.hlst> #include <rtl/ustrbuf.hxx> #include <comphelper/configurationhelper.hxx> #include <comphelper/processfactory.hxx> #include <comphelper/string.hxx> #include <toolkit/helper/vclunohelper.hxx> #include <com/sun/star/beans/PropertyValue.hpp> #include <com/sun/star/beans/XPropertySetInfo.hpp> #include <com/sun/star/container/XIndexAccess.hpp> #include <com/sun/star/frame/XComponentLoader.hpp> #include <com/sun/star/frame/XTitle.hpp> #include <com/sun/star/frame/XLayoutManager.hpp> #include <com/sun/star/frame/XController.hpp> #include <com/sun/star/frame/XDispatch.hpp> #include <com/sun/star/frame/XDispatchProvider.hpp> #include <com/sun/star/frame/Frame.hpp> #include <com/sun/star/i18n/XBreakIterator.hpp> #include <com/sun/star/i18n/WordType.hpp> #include <com/sun/star/lang/XComponent.hpp> #include <com/sun/star/style/XStyle.hpp> #include <com/sun/star/style/XStyleFamiliesSupplier.hpp> #include <com/sun/star/text/XText.hpp> #include <com/sun/star/text/XTextCursor.hpp> #include <com/sun/star/text/XTextDocument.hpp> #include <com/sun/star/text/XTextViewCursor.hpp> #include <com/sun/star/text/XTextViewCursorSupplier.hpp> #include <com/sun/star/ucb/CommandAbortedException.hpp> #include <com/sun/star/util/URL.hpp> #include <com/sun/star/util/XSearchable.hpp> #include <com/sun/star/util/XSearchDescriptor.hpp> #include <com/sun/star/util/URLTransformer.hpp> #include <com/sun/star/util/XURLTransformer.hpp> #include <com/sun/star/util/XModifiable.hpp> #include <com/sun/star/util/XCloseable.hpp> #include <com/sun/star/util/CloseVetoException.hpp> #include <com/sun/star/view/XSelectionSupplier.hpp> #include <com/sun/star/view/XViewSettingsSupplier.hpp> #include <unotools/historyoptions.hxx> #include <unotools/viewoptions.hxx> #include <tools/urlobj.hxx> #include <svtools/imagemgr.hxx> #include <svtools/miscopt.hxx> #include <utility> #include <vcl/commandevent.hxx> #include <vcl/event.hxx> #include <vcl/i18nhelp.hxx> #include <vcl/settings.hxx> #include <vcl/svapp.hxx> #include <vcl/unohelp.hxx> #include <vcl/weld.hxx> #include <ucbhelper/content.hxx> #include <unotools/ucbhelper.hxx> #include <string_view> #include <unordered_map> #include <vector> using namespace ::ucbhelper; using namespace ::com::sun::star::ucb; using namespace ::com::sun::star; using namespace ::com::sun::star::beans; using namespace ::com::sun::star::container; using namespace ::com::sun::star::frame; using namespace ::com::sun::star::i18n; using namespace ::com::sun::star::lang; using namespace ::com::sun::star::style; using namespace ::com::sun::star::text; using namespace ::com::sun::star::uno; using namespace ::com::sun::star::util; using namespace ::com::sun::star::view; using namespace ::comphelper; // defines --------------------------------------------------------------- constexpr OUString CONFIGNAME_HELPWIN = u"OfficeHelp"_ustr; constexpr OUString CONFIGNAME_INDEXWIN = u"OfficeHelpIndex"_ustr; constexpr OUString CONFIGNAME_SEARCHPAGE = u"OfficeHelpSearch"_ustr; constexpr OUString IMAGE_URL = u"private:factory/"_ustr; constexpr OUString PROPERTY_KEYWORDLIST = u"KeywordList"_ustr; constexpr OUString PROPERTY_KEYWORDREF = u"KeywordRef"_ustr; constexpr OUString PROPERTY_ANCHORREF = u"KeywordAnchorForRef"_ustr; constexpr OUString PROPERTY_TITLEREF = u"KeywordTitleForRef"_ustr; constexpr OUString PROPERTY_TITLE = u"Title"_ustr; constexpr OUString HELP_URL = u"vnd.sun.star.help://"_ustr; constexpr OUStringLiteral HELP_SEARCH_TAG = u"/?Query="; constexpr OUString USERITEM_NAME = u"UserItem"_ustr; constexpr OUStringLiteral PACKAGE_SETUP = u"/org.openoffice.Setup"; constexpr OUString PATH_OFFICE_FACTORIES = u"Office/Factories/"_ustr; constexpr OUString KEY_HELP_ON_OPEN = u"ooSetupFactoryHelpOnOpen"_ustr; constexpr OUStringLiteral KEY_UI_NAME = u"ooSetupFactoryUIName"; namespace sfx2 { /** Prepare a search string for searching or selecting. For searching every search word needs the postfix '*' and the delimiter ' ' if necessary. For selecting the delimiter '|' is required to search with regular expressions. Samples: search string | output for searching | output for selecting ----------------------------------------------------------- "text" | "text*" | "text" "text*" | "text*" | "text" "text menu" | "text* menu*" | "text|menu" */ static OUString PrepareSearchString( const OUString& rSearchString, const Reference< XBreakIterator >& xBreak, bool bForSearch ) { OUStringBuffer sSearchStr; sal_Int32 nStartPos = 0; const lang::Locale aLocale = Application::GetSettings().GetUILanguageTag().getLocale(); Boundary aBoundary = xBreak->getWordBoundary( rSearchString, nStartPos, aLocale, WordType::ANYWORD_IGNOREWHITESPACES, true ); while ( aBoundary.startPos < aBoundary.endPos ) { nStartPos = aBoundary.endPos; OUString sSearchToken( rSearchString.copy( static_cast<sal_uInt16>(aBoundary.startPos), static_cast<sal_uInt16>(aBoundary.endPos) - static_cast<sal_uInt16>(aBoundary.startPos) ) ); if ( !sSearchToken.isEmpty() && ( sSearchToken.getLength() > 1 || sSearchToken[0] != '.' ) ) { if ( bForSearch && sSearchToken[ sSearchToken.getLength() - 1 ] != '*' ) sSearchToken += "*"; if ( sSearchToken.getLength() > 1 || ( sSearchToken.getLength() > 0 && sSearchToken[ 0 ] != '*' ) ) { if ( !sSearchStr.isEmpty() ) { if ( bForSearch ) sSearchStr.append(" "); else sSearchStr.append("|"); } sSearchStr.append(sSearchToken); } } aBoundary = xBreak->nextWord( rSearchString, nStartPos, aLocale, WordType::ANYWORD_IGNOREWHITESPACES ); } return sSearchStr.makeStringAndClear(); } // namespace sfx2 } // struct IndexEntry_Impl ------------------------------------------------ namespace { struct IndexEntry_Impl { bool m_bSubEntry; OUString m_aURL; IndexEntry_Impl( OUString aURL, bool bSubEntry ) : m_bSubEntry( bSubEntry ), m_aURL(std::move( aURL )) {} }; // struct ContentEntry_Impl ---------------------------------------------- struct ContentEntry_Impl { OUString aURL; bool bIsFolder; ContentEntry_Impl( OUString _aURL, bool bFolder ) : aURL(std::move( _aURL )), bIsFolder( bFolder ) {} }; } void ContentTabPage_Impl::InitRoot() { std::vector< OUString > aList = SfxContentHelper::GetHelpTreeViewContents( u"vnd.sun.star.hier://com.sun.star.help.TreeView/"_ustr ); for (const OUString & aRow : aList) { sal_Int32 nIdx = 0; OUString aTitle = aRow.getToken( 0, '\t', nIdx ); OUString aURL = aRow.getToken( 0, '\t', nIdx ); sal_Unicode cFolder = o3tl::getToken(aRow, 0, '\t', nIdx )[0]; bool bIsFolder = ( '1' == cFolder ); OUString sId; if (bIsFolder) sId = weld::toId(new ContentEntry_Impl(aURL, true)); m_xContentBox->insert(nullptr, -1, &aTitle, &sId, nullptr, nullptr, true, m_xScratchIter.get()); m_xContentBox->set_image(*m_xScratchIter, aClosedBookImage); } } void ContentTabPage_Impl::ClearChildren(const weld::TreeIter* pParent) { std::unique_ptr<weld::TreeIter> xEntry = m_xContentBox->make_iterator(pParent); bool bEntry = m_xContentBox->iter_children(*xEntry); while (bEntry) { ClearChildren(xEntry.get()); delete weld::fromId<ContentEntry_Impl*>(m_xContentBox->get_id(*xEntry)); bEntry = m_xContentBox->iter_next_sibling(*xEntry); } } IMPL_LINK(ContentTabPage_Impl, ExpandingHdl, const weld::TreeIter&, rIter, bool) { ContentEntry_Impl* pContentEntry = weld::fromId<ContentEntry_Impl*>(m_xContentBox->get_id(rIter)); if (!m_xContentBox->iter_has_child(rIter)) { try { if (pContentEntry) { std::vector<OUString > aList = SfxContentHelper::GetHelpTreeViewContents(pContentEntry->aURL); for (const OUString & aRow : aList) { sal_Int32 nIdx = 0; OUString aTitle = aRow.getToken( 0, '\t', nIdx ); OUString aURL = aRow.getToken( 0, '\t', nIdx ); sal_Unicode cFolder = o3tl::getToken(aRow, 0, '\t', nIdx )[0]; bool bIsFolder = ( '1' == cFolder ); if ( bIsFolder ) { OUString sId = weld::toId(new ContentEntry_Impl(aURL, true)); m_xContentBox->insert(&rIter, -1, &aTitle, &sId, nullptr, nullptr, true, m_xScratchIter.get()); m_xContentBox->set_image(*m_xScratchIter, aClosedBookImage); } else { Any aAny( ::utl::UCBContentHelper::GetProperty( aURL, u"TargetURL"_ustr ) ); OUString sId; OUString aTargetURL; if ( aAny >>= aTargetURL ) sId = weld::toId(new ContentEntry_Impl(aTargetURL, false)); m_xContentBox->insert(&rIter, -1, &aTitle, &sId, nullptr, nullptr, false, m_xScratchIter.get()); m_xContentBox->set_image(*m_xScratchIter, aDocumentImage); } } } } catch (const Exception&) { TOOLS_WARN_EXCEPTION( "sfx.appl", "ContentListBox_Impl::RequestingChildren(): unexpected exception" ); } } if (!pContentEntry || pContentEntry->bIsFolder) m_xContentBox->set_image(rIter, aOpenBookImage); return true; } IMPL_LINK(ContentTabPage_Impl, CollapsingHdl, const weld::TreeIter&, rIter, bool) { ContentEntry_Impl* pContentEntry = weld::fromId<ContentEntry_Impl*>(m_xContentBox->get_id(rIter)); if (!pContentEntry || pContentEntry->bIsFolder) m_xContentBox->set_image(rIter, aClosedBookImage); return true; } OUString ContentTabPage_Impl::GetSelectedEntry() const { OUString aRet; ContentEntry_Impl* pEntry = weld::fromId<ContentEntry_Impl*>(m_xContentBox->get_selected_id()); if (pEntry && !pEntry->bIsFolder) aRet = pEntry->aURL; return aRet; } // class HelpTabPage_Impl ------------------------------------------------ HelpTabPage_Impl::HelpTabPage_Impl(weld::Widget* pParent, SfxHelpIndexWindow_Impl* pIdxWin, const OUString& rID, const OUString& rUIXMLDescription) : BuilderPage(pParent, nullptr, rUIXMLDescription, rID) , m_pIdxWin(pIdxWin) { } HelpTabPage_Impl::~HelpTabPage_Impl() { } // class ContentTabPage_Impl --------------------------------------------- ContentTabPage_Impl::ContentTabPage_Impl(weld::Widget* pParent, SfxHelpIndexWindow_Impl* pIdxWin) : HelpTabPage_Impl(pParent, pIdxWin, u"HelpContentPage"_ustr, u"sfx/ui/helpcontentpage.ui"_ustr) , m_xContentBox(m_xBuilder->weld_tree_view(u"content"_ustr)) , m_xScratchIter(m_xContentBox->make_iterator()) , aOpenBookImage(BMP_HELP_CONTENT_BOOK_OPEN) , aClosedBookImage(BMP_HELP_CONTENT_BOOK_CLOSED) , aDocumentImage(BMP_HELP_CONTENT_DOC) { m_xContentBox->set_size_request(m_xContentBox->get_approximate_digit_width() * 30, m_xContentBox->get_height_rows(20)); m_xContentBox->connect_row_activated(LINK(this, ContentTabPage_Impl, DoubleClickHdl)); m_xContentBox->connect_expanding(LINK(this, ContentTabPage_Impl, ExpandingHdl)); m_xContentBox->connect_collapsing(LINK(this, ContentTabPage_Impl, CollapsingHdl)); InitRoot(); } IMPL_LINK_NOARG(ContentTabPage_Impl, DoubleClickHdl, weld::TreeView&, bool) { aDoubleClickHdl.Call(nullptr); return false; } void ContentTabPage_Impl::SetDoubleClickHdl(const Link<LinkParamNone*, void>& rLink) { aDoubleClickHdl = rLink; } ContentTabPage_Impl::~ContentTabPage_Impl() { std::unique_ptr<weld::TreeIter> xEntry = m_xContentBox->make_iterator(); bool bEntry = m_xContentBox->get_iter_first(*xEntry); while (bEntry) { ClearChildren(xEntry.get()); delete weld::fromId<ContentEntry_Impl*>(m_xContentBox->get_id(*xEntry)); bEntry = m_xContentBox->iter_next_sibling(*xEntry); } } void IndexTabPage_Impl::SelectExecutableEntry() { sal_Int32 nPos = m_xIndexList->find_text(m_xIndexEntry->get_text()); if (nPos == -1) return; sal_Int32 nOldPos = nPos; OUString aEntryText; IndexEntry_Impl* pEntry = weld::fromId<IndexEntry_Impl*>(m_xIndexList->get_id(nPos)); sal_Int32 nCount = m_xIndexList->n_children(); while ( nPos < nCount && ( !pEntry || pEntry->m_aURL.isEmpty() ) ) { pEntry = weld::fromId<IndexEntry_Impl*>(m_xIndexList->get_id(++nPos)); aEntryText = m_xIndexList->get_text(nPos); } if ( nOldPos != nPos ) m_xIndexEntry->set_text(aEntryText); } // class IndexTabPage_Impl ----------------------------------------------- IndexTabPage_Impl::IndexTabPage_Impl(weld::Widget* pParent, SfxHelpIndexWindow_Impl* pIdxWin) : HelpTabPage_Impl(pParent, pIdxWin, u"HelpIndexPage"_ustr, u"sfx/ui/helpindexpage.ui"_ustr) , m_xIndexEntry(m_xBuilder->weld_entry(u"termentry"_ustr)) , m_xIndexList(m_xBuilder->weld_tree_view(u"termlist"_ustr)) , m_xOpenBtn(m_xBuilder->weld_button(u"display"_ustr)) , aFactoryIdle("sfx2 appl IndexTabPage_Impl Factory") , aAutoCompleteIdle("sfx2 appl IndexTabPage_Impl AutoComplete") , aKeywordTimer("sfx2::IndexTabPage_Impl aKeywordTimer") , bIsActivated(false) , nRowHeight(m_xIndexList->get_height_rows(1)) , nAllHeight(0) , nLastCharCode(0) { m_xIndexList->set_size_request(m_xIndexList->get_approximate_digit_width() * 30, -1); m_xOpenBtn->connect_clicked(LINK(this, IndexTabPage_Impl, OpenHdl)); aFactoryIdle.SetInvokeHandler( LINK(this, IndexTabPage_Impl, IdleHdl )); aAutoCompleteIdle.SetInvokeHandler( LINK(this, IndexTabPage_Impl, AutoCompleteHdl )); aKeywordTimer.SetInvokeHandler( LINK( this, IndexTabPage_Impl, TimeoutHdl ) ); m_xIndexList->connect_row_activated(LINK(this, IndexTabPage_Impl, DoubleClickHdl)); m_xIndexList->connect_selection_changed(LINK(this, IndexTabPage_Impl, TreeChangeHdl)); m_xIndexList->connect_custom_get_size(LINK(this, IndexTabPage_Impl, CustomGetSizeHdl)); m_xIndexList->connect_custom_render(LINK(this, IndexTabPage_Impl, CustomRenderHdl)); m_xIndexList->set_column_custom_renderer(0, true); m_xIndexList->connect_size_allocate(LINK(this, IndexTabPage_Impl, ResizeHdl)); m_xIndexEntry->connect_key_press(LINK(this, IndexTabPage_Impl, KeyInputHdl)); m_xIndexEntry->connect_changed(LINK(this, IndexTabPage_Impl, EntryChangeHdl)); m_xIndexEntry->connect_activate(LINK(this, IndexTabPage_Impl, ActivateHdl)); } IMPL_LINK(IndexTabPage_Impl, ResizeHdl, const Size&, rSize, void) { nAllHeight = rSize.Height(); } IMPL_LINK_NOARG(IndexTabPage_Impl, CustomGetSizeHdl, weld::TreeView::get_size_args, Size) { return Size(m_xIndexList->get_size_request().Width(), nRowHeight); } IMPL_LINK(IndexTabPage_Impl, CustomRenderHdl, weld::TreeView::render_args, aPayload, void) { vcl::RenderContext& rRenderContext = std::get<0>(aPayload); const ::tools::Rectangle& rRect = std::get<1>(aPayload); bool bSelected = std::get<2>(aPayload); const OUString& rId = std::get<3>(aPayload); rRenderContext.Push(vcl::PushFlags::TEXTCOLOR); const StyleSettings& rStyleSettings = Application::GetSettings().GetStyleSettings(); if (bSelected) rRenderContext.SetTextColor(rStyleSettings.GetHighlightTextColor()); else rRenderContext.SetTextColor(rStyleSettings.GetDialogTextColor()); Point aPos(rRect.TopLeft()); aPos.AdjustY((rRect.GetHeight() - rRenderContext.GetTextHeight()) / 2); int nIndex = m_xIndexList->find_id(rId); OUString aEntry(m_xIndexList->get_text(nIndex)); IndexEntry_Impl* pEntry = weld::fromId<IndexEntry_Impl*>(rId); if (pEntry && pEntry->m_bSubEntry) { // indent sub entries aPos.AdjustX(8); sal_Int32 nPos = aEntry.indexOf(';'); rRenderContext.DrawText(aPos, (nPos !=-1) ? aEntry.copy(nPos + 1) : aEntry); } else rRenderContext.DrawText(aPos, aEntry); rRenderContext.Pop(); } IMPL_LINK_NOARG(IndexTabPage_Impl, TreeChangeHdl, weld::TreeView&, void) { m_xIndexEntry->set_text(m_xIndexList->get_selected_text()); } IMPL_LINK_NOARG(IndexTabPage_Impl, EntryChangeHdl, weld::Entry&, void) { switch (nLastCharCode) { case css::awt::Key::DELETE_WORD_BACKWARD: case css::awt::Key::DELETE_WORD_FORWARD: case css::awt::Key::DELETE_TO_BEGIN_OF_LINE: case css::awt::Key::DELETE_TO_END_OF_LINE: case KEY_BACKSPACE: case KEY_DELETE: aAutoCompleteIdle.Stop(); break; default: aAutoCompleteIdle.Start(); break; } } IMPL_LINK(IndexTabPage_Impl, KeyInputHdl, const KeyEvent&, rKEvt, bool) { const vcl::KeyCode& rKCode = rKEvt.GetKeyCode(); if (rKCode.GetModifier()) // only with no modifiers held return false; sal_uInt16 nCode = rKCode.GetCode(); if (nCode == KEY_UP || nCode == KEY_PAGEUP || nCode == KEY_DOWN || nCode == KEY_PAGEDOWN) { // disable_notify_events(); sal_Int32 nIndex = m_xIndexList->get_selected_index(); sal_Int32 nOrigIndex = nIndex; sal_Int32 nCount = m_xIndexList->n_children(); if (nIndex == -1) { m_xIndexList->set_cursor(0); m_xIndexList->select(0); m_xIndexEntry->set_text(m_xIndexList->get_selected_text()); } else { if (nCode == KEY_UP) --nIndex; else if (nCode == KEY_DOWN) ++nIndex; else if (nCode == KEY_PAGEUP) { int nVisRows = nAllHeight / nRowHeight; nIndex -= nVisRows; } else if (nCode == KEY_PAGEDOWN) { int nVisRows = nAllHeight / nRowHeight; nIndex += nVisRows; } if (nIndex < 0) nIndex = 0; if (nIndex >= nCount) nIndex = nCount - 1; if (nIndex != nOrigIndex) { m_xIndexList->set_cursor(nIndex); m_xIndexList->select(nIndex); m_xIndexEntry->set_text(m_xIndexList->get_selected_text()); } // m_xIndexList->grab_focus(); // g_signal_emit_by_name(pWidget, "key-press-event", pEvent, &ret); // m_xIndexEntry->set_text(m_xIndexList->get_selected_text()); // m_xIndexEntry->grab_focus(); } m_xIndexEntry->select_region(0, -1); // enable_notify_events(); // m_bTreeChange = true; // m_pEntry->fire_signal_changed(); // m_bTreeChange = false; return true; } nLastCharCode = nCode; return false; } IndexTabPage_Impl::~IndexTabPage_Impl() { ClearIndex(); } namespace sfx2 { typedef std::unordered_map< OUString, int > KeywordInfo; } void IndexTabPage_Impl::InitializeIndex() { weld::WaitObject aWaitCursor(m_pIdxWin->GetFrameWeld()); // By now more than 256 equal entries are not allowed sal_Unicode append[256]; for(sal_Unicode & k : append) k = ' '; sfx2::KeywordInfo aInfo; m_xIndexList->freeze(); try { OUStringBuffer aURL(HELP_URL + sFactory); AppendConfigToken(aURL, true); Content aCnt( aURL.makeStringAndClear(), Reference< css::ucb::XCommandEnvironment >(), comphelper::getProcessComponentContext() ); css::uno::Reference< css::beans::XPropertySetInfo > xInfo = aCnt.getProperties(); if ( xInfo->hasPropertyByName( PROPERTY_ANCHORREF ) ) { css::uno::Sequence< OUString > aPropSeq{ PROPERTY_KEYWORDLIST, PROPERTY_KEYWORDREF, PROPERTY_ANCHORREF, PROPERTY_TITLEREF }; // abi: use one possibly remote call only css::uno::Sequence< css::uno::Any > aAnySeq = aCnt.getPropertyValues( aPropSeq ); css::uno::Sequence< OUString > aKeywordList; css::uno::Sequence< css::uno::Sequence< OUString > > aKeywordRefList; css::uno::Sequence< css::uno::Sequence< OUString > > aAnchorRefList; css::uno::Sequence< css::uno::Sequence< OUString > > aTitleRefList; if ( ( aAnySeq[0] >>= aKeywordList ) && ( aAnySeq[1] >>= aKeywordRefList ) && ( aAnySeq[2] >>= aAnchorRefList ) && ( aAnySeq[3] >>= aTitleRefList ) ) { int ndx,tmp; OUString aIndex, aTempString; sfx2::KeywordInfo::iterator it; for ( int i = 0; i < aKeywordList.getLength(); ++i ) { // abi: Do not copy, but use references const OUString& aKeywordPair = aKeywordList[i]; DBG_ASSERT( !aKeywordPair.isEmpty(), "invalid help index" ); const css::uno::Sequence< OUString >& aRefList = aKeywordRefList[i]; const css::uno::Sequence< OUString >& aAnchorList = aAnchorRefList[i]; const css::uno::Sequence< OUString >& aTitleList = aTitleRefList[i]; DBG_ASSERT( aRefList.getLength() == aAnchorList.getLength(),"reference list and title list of different length" ); ndx = aKeywordPair.indexOf( ';' ); const bool insert = ndx != -1; OUString sId; if ( insert ) { aTempString = aKeywordPair.copy( 0, ndx ); if ( aIndex != aTempString ) { aIndex = aTempString; it = aInfo.emplace(aTempString, 0).first; sId = weld::toId(new IndexEntry_Impl(OUString(), false)); if ( (tmp = it->second++) != 0) m_xIndexList->append( sId, aTempString + std::u16string_view(append, tmp)); else m_xIndexList->append(sId, aTempString); } } else aIndex.clear(); sal_uInt32 nRefListLen = aRefList.getLength(); DBG_ASSERT( aAnchorList.hasElements(), "*IndexTabPage_Impl::InitializeIndex(): AnchorList is empty!" ); DBG_ASSERT( nRefListLen, "*IndexTabPage_Impl::InitializeIndex(): RefList is empty!" ); if ( aAnchorList.hasElements() && nRefListLen ) { if ( aAnchorList[0].getLength() > 0 ) { sId = weld::toId(new IndexEntry_Impl(aRefList[0] + "#" + aAnchorList[0], insert)); } else sId = weld::toId(new IndexEntry_Impl(aRefList[0], insert)); } // Assume the token is trimmed it = aInfo.emplace(aKeywordPair, 0).first; if ((tmp = it->second++) != 0) m_xIndexList->append(sId, aKeywordPair + std::u16string_view(append, tmp)); else m_xIndexList->append(sId, aKeywordPair); for ( sal_uInt32 j = 1; j < nRefListLen ; ++j ) { aTempString = aKeywordPair + " - " + aTitleList[j]; if ( aAnchorList[j].getLength() > 0 ) sId = weld::toId(new IndexEntry_Impl(aRefList[j] + "#" + aAnchorList[j], insert)); else sId = weld::toId(new IndexEntry_Impl(aRefList[j], insert)); it = aInfo.emplace(aTempString, 0).first; if ( (tmp = it->second++) != 0 ) m_xIndexList->append( sId, aTempString + std::u16string_view(append, tmp)); else m_xIndexList->append(sId, aTempString); } } } } } catch( Exception& ) { TOOLS_WARN_EXCEPTION( "sfx.appl", "IndexTabPage_Impl::InitializeIndex(): unexpected exception" ); } m_xIndexList->thaw(); if ( !sKeyword.isEmpty() ) aKeywordLink.Call( *this ); } void IndexTabPage_Impl::ClearIndex() { const sal_Int32 nCount = m_xIndexList->n_children(); for ( sal_Int32 i = 0; i < nCount; ++i ) delete weld::fromId<IndexEntry_Impl*>(m_xIndexList->get_id(i)); m_xIndexList->clear(); } IMPL_LINK_NOARG(IndexTabPage_Impl, OpenHdl, weld::Button&, void) { aDoubleClickHdl.Call(nullptr); } IMPL_LINK_NOARG(IndexTabPage_Impl, ActivateHdl, weld::Entry&, bool) { aDoubleClickHdl.Call(nullptr); return true; } IMPL_LINK_NOARG(IndexTabPage_Impl, DoubleClickHdl, weld::TreeView&, bool) { aDoubleClickHdl.Call(nullptr); return true; } IMPL_LINK_NOARG(IndexTabPage_Impl, IdleHdl, Timer*, void) { InitializeIndex(); } int IndexTabPage_Impl::starts_with(const OUString& rStr, int nStartRow, bool bCaseSensitive) { const vcl::I18nHelper& rI18nHelper = Application::GetSettings().GetUILocaleI18nHelper(); int nRet = nStartRow; int nCount = m_xIndexList->n_children(); while (nRet < nCount) { OUString aStr(m_xIndexList->get_text(nRet)); const bool bMatch = !bCaseSensitive ? rI18nHelper.MatchString(rStr, aStr) : aStr.startsWith(rStr); if (bMatch) return nRet; ++nRet; } return -1; } IMPL_LINK_NOARG(IndexTabPage_Impl, AutoCompleteHdl, Timer*, void) { OUString aStartText = m_xIndexEntry->get_text(); int nStartPos, nEndPos; m_xIndexEntry->get_selection_bounds(nStartPos, nEndPos); int nMaxSelection = std::max(nStartPos, nEndPos); if (nMaxSelection != aStartText.getLength()) return; int nActive = m_xIndexList->get_selected_index(); int nStart = nActive; if (nStart == -1) nStart = 0; // Try match case insensitive from current position int nPos = starts_with(aStartText, nStart, false); if (nPos == -1 && nStart != 0) { // Try match case insensitive, but from start nPos = starts_with(aStartText, 0, false); } if (nPos == -1) { // Try match case sensitive from current position nPos = starts_with(aStartText, nStart, true); if (nPos == -1 && nStart != 0) { // Try match case sensitive, but from start nPos = starts_with(aStartText, 0, true); } } if (nPos != -1) { m_xIndexList->set_cursor(nPos); m_xIndexList->select(nPos); OUString aText = m_xIndexList->get_text(nPos); if (aText != aStartText) m_xIndexEntry->set_text(aText); m_xIndexEntry->select_region(aText.getLength(), aStartText.getLength()); } } IMPL_LINK( IndexTabPage_Impl, TimeoutHdl, Timer*, pTimer, void) { if(&aKeywordTimer == pTimer && !sKeyword.isEmpty()) aKeywordLink.Call(*this); } void IndexTabPage_Impl::Activate() { if ( !bIsActivated ) { bIsActivated = true; aFactoryIdle.Start(); } } void IndexTabPage_Impl::SetDoubleClickHdl(const Link<LinkParamNone*, void>& rLink) { aDoubleClickHdl = rLink; } void IndexTabPage_Impl::SetFactory( const OUString& rFactory ) { OUString sNewFactory( rFactory ); DBG_ASSERT( !sNewFactory.isEmpty(), "empty factory" ); bool bValid = m_pIdxWin->IsValidFactory( rFactory ); if ( sFactory.isEmpty() && !bValid ) { sNewFactory = SfxHelp::GetDefaultHelpModule(); bValid = true; } if ( sNewFactory != sFactory && bValid ) { sFactory = sNewFactory; ClearIndex(); if ( bIsActivated ) aFactoryIdle.Start(); } } OUString IndexTabPage_Impl::GetSelectedEntry() const { OUString aRet; IndexEntry_Impl* pEntry = weld::fromId<IndexEntry_Impl*>(m_xIndexList->get_id(m_xIndexList->find_text(m_xIndexEntry->get_text()))); if (pEntry) aRet = pEntry->m_aURL; return aRet; } void IndexTabPage_Impl::SetKeyword( const OUString& rKeyword ) { sKeyword = rKeyword; if (m_xIndexList->n_children() > 0) aKeywordTimer.Start(); else if ( !bIsActivated ) aFactoryIdle.Start(); } bool IndexTabPage_Impl::HasKeyword() const { bool bRet = false; if ( !sKeyword.isEmpty() ) { sal_Int32 nPos = m_xIndexList->find_text( sKeyword ); bRet = nPos != -1; } return bRet; } bool IndexTabPage_Impl::HasKeywordIgnoreCase() { bool bRet = false; if ( !sKeyword.isEmpty() ) { sal_Int32 nEntries = m_xIndexList->n_children(); const vcl::I18nHelper& rI18nHelper = Application::GetSettings().GetLocaleI18nHelper(); for ( sal_Int32 n = 0; n < nEntries; n++) { const OUString sIndexItem {m_xIndexList->get_text(n)}; if (rI18nHelper.MatchString( sIndexItem, sKeyword )) { sKeyword = sIndexItem; bRet = true; } } } return bRet; } void IndexTabPage_Impl::OpenKeyword() { if ( !sKeyword.isEmpty() ) { m_xIndexEntry->set_text(sKeyword); aDoubleClickHdl.Call(nullptr); sKeyword.clear(); } } IMPL_LINK_NOARG(SearchTabPage_Impl, ActivateHdl, weld::ComboBox&, bool) { Search(); return true; } // class SearchTabPage_Impl ---------------------------------------------- SearchTabPage_Impl::SearchTabPage_Impl(weld::Widget* pParent, SfxHelpIndexWindow_Impl* pIdxWin) : HelpTabPage_Impl(pParent, pIdxWin, u"HelpSearchPage"_ustr, u"sfx/ui/helpsearchpage.ui"_ustr) , m_xSearchED(m_xBuilder->weld_combo_box(u"search"_ustr)) , m_xSearchBtn(m_xBuilder->weld_button(u"find"_ustr)) , m_xFullWordsCB(m_xBuilder->weld_check_button(u"completewords"_ustr)) , m_xScopeCB(m_xBuilder->weld_check_button(u"headings"_ustr)) , m_xResultsLB(m_xBuilder->weld_tree_view(u"results"_ustr)) , m_xOpenBtn(m_xBuilder->weld_button(u"display"_ustr)) , xBreakIterator(vcl::unohelper::CreateBreakIterator()) { m_xResultsLB->set_size_request(m_xResultsLB->get_approximate_digit_width() * 30, m_xResultsLB->get_height_rows(15)); m_xSearchBtn->connect_clicked(LINK(this, SearchTabPage_Impl, ClickHdl)); m_xSearchED->connect_changed(LINK(this, SearchTabPage_Impl, ModifyHdl)); m_xSearchED->connect_entry_activate(LINK(this, SearchTabPage_Impl, ActivateHdl)); m_xOpenBtn->connect_clicked(LINK(this, SearchTabPage_Impl, OpenHdl)); m_xResultsLB->connect_row_activated(LINK(this, SearchTabPage_Impl, DoubleClickHdl)); SvtViewOptions aViewOpt( EViewType::TabPage, CONFIGNAME_SEARCHPAGE ); if ( aViewOpt.Exists() ) { OUString aUserData; Any aUserItem = aViewOpt.GetUserItem( USERITEM_NAME ); if ( aUserItem >>= aUserData ) { sal_Int32 nIdx {0}; bool bChecked = o3tl::toInt32(o3tl::getToken(aUserData, 0, ';', nIdx)) == 1; m_xFullWordsCB->set_active(bChecked); bChecked = o3tl::toInt32(o3tl::getToken(aUserData, 0, ';', nIdx)) == 1; m_xScopeCB->set_active(bChecked); while ( nIdx > 0 ) { m_xSearchED->append_text( INetURLObject::decode( o3tl::getToken(aUserData, 0, ';', nIdx), INetURLObject::DecodeMechanism::WithCharset ) ); } } } ModifyHdl(*m_xSearchED); } SearchTabPage_Impl::~SearchTabPage_Impl() { SvtViewOptions aViewOpt( EViewType::TabPage, CONFIGNAME_SEARCHPAGE ); OUStringBuffer aUserData = OUString::number(m_xFullWordsCB->get_active() ? 1 : 0) + ";" + OUString::number(m_xScopeCB->get_active() ? 1 : 0); sal_Int32 nCount = std::min(m_xSearchED->get_count(), 10); // save only 10 entries for ( sal_Int32 i = 0; i < nCount; ++i ) { aUserData.append(";" + INetURLObject::encode( m_xSearchED->get_text(i), INetURLObject::PART_UNO_PARAM_VALUE, INetURLObject::EncodeMechanism::All )); } Any aUserItem( aUserData.makeStringAndClear() ); aViewOpt.SetUserItem( USERITEM_NAME, aUserItem ); m_xSearchED.reset(); m_xSearchBtn.reset(); m_xFullWordsCB.reset(); m_xScopeCB.reset(); m_xResultsLB.reset(); m_xOpenBtn.reset(); } void SearchTabPage_Impl::ClearSearchResults() { m_xResultsLB->clear(); } void SearchTabPage_Impl::RememberSearchText( const OUString& rSearchText ) { for (sal_Int32 i = 0, nEntryCount = m_xSearchED->get_count(); i < nEntryCount; ++i) { if (rSearchText == m_xSearchED->get_text(i)) { m_xSearchED->remove(i); break; } } m_xSearchED->insert_text(0, rSearchText); } IMPL_LINK_NOARG(SearchTabPage_Impl, ClickHdl, weld::Button&, void) { Search(); } void SearchTabPage_Impl::Search() { OUString aSearchText = comphelper::string::strip(m_xSearchED->get_active_text(), ' '); if ( aSearchText.isEmpty() ) return; std::unique_ptr<weld::WaitObject> xWaitCursor(new weld::WaitObject(m_pIdxWin->GetFrameWeld())); ClearSearchResults(); RememberSearchText( aSearchText ); OUStringBuffer aSearchURL(HELP_URL + aFactory + HELP_SEARCH_TAG); if (!m_xFullWordsCB->get_active()) aSearchText = sfx2::PrepareSearchString( aSearchText, xBreakIterator, true ); aSearchURL.append(aSearchText); AppendConfigToken(aSearchURL, false); if (m_xScopeCB->get_active()) aSearchURL.append("&Scope=Heading"); std::vector< OUString > aFactories = SfxContentHelper::GetResultSet(aSearchURL.makeStringAndClear()); for (const OUString & rRow : aFactories) { sal_Int32 nIdx = 0; OUString aTitle = rRow.getToken(0, '\t', nIdx); OUString sURL(rRow.getToken(1, '\t', nIdx)); m_xResultsLB->append(sURL, aTitle); } xWaitCursor.reset(); if ( aFactories.empty() ) { std::unique_ptr<weld::MessageDialog> xBox(Application::CreateMessageDialog(m_xContainer.get(), VclMessageType::Info, VclButtonsType::Ok, SfxResId(STR_INFO_NOSEARCHRESULTS))); xBox->run(); } } IMPL_LINK_NOARG(SearchTabPage_Impl, OpenHdl, weld::Button&, void) { aDoubleClickHdl.Call(nullptr); } IMPL_LINK(SearchTabPage_Impl, ModifyHdl, weld::ComboBox&, rComboBox, void) { OUString aSearchText = comphelper::string::strip(m_xSearchED->get_active_text(), ' '); m_xSearchBtn->set_sensitive(!aSearchText.isEmpty()); if (rComboBox.changed_by_direct_pick()) Search(); } IMPL_LINK_NOARG(SearchTabPage_Impl, DoubleClickHdl, weld::TreeView&, bool) { aDoubleClickHdl.Call(nullptr); return true; } void SearchTabPage_Impl::SetDoubleClickHdl(const Link<LinkParamNone*, void>& rLink) { aDoubleClickHdl = rLink; } OUString SearchTabPage_Impl::GetSelectedEntry() const { return m_xResultsLB->get_selected_id(); } void SearchTabPage_Impl::ClearPage() { ClearSearchResults(); m_xSearchED->set_entry_text(OUString()); } bool SearchTabPage_Impl::OpenKeyword( const OUString& rKeyword ) { bool bRet = false; m_xSearchED->set_entry_text(rKeyword); Search(); if (m_xResultsLB->n_children() > 0) { // found keyword -> open it m_xResultsLB->select(0); OpenHdl(*m_xOpenBtn); bRet = true; } return bRet; } // class BookmarksTabPage_Impl ------------------------------------------- void BookmarksTabPage_Impl::DoAction(std::u16string_view rAction) { if (rAction == u"display") aDoubleClickHdl.Call(nullptr); else if (rAction == u"rename") { sal_Int32 nPos = m_xBookmarksBox->get_selected_index(); if (nPos != -1) { SfxAddHelpBookmarkDialog_Impl aDlg(m_xBookmarksBox.get(), true); aDlg.SetTitle(m_xBookmarksBox->get_text(nPos)); if (aDlg.run() == RET_OK) { OUString sURL = m_xBookmarksBox->get_id(nPos); m_xBookmarksBox->remove(nPos); m_xBookmarksBox->append(sURL, aDlg.GetTitle(), SvFileInformationManager::GetImageId(INetURLObject(rtl::Concat2View(IMAGE_URL+INetURLObject(sURL).GetHost())))); m_xBookmarksBox->select(m_xBookmarksBox->n_children() - 1); } } } else if (rAction == u"delete") { sal_Int32 nPos = m_xBookmarksBox->get_selected_index(); if (nPos != -1) { m_xBookmarksBox->remove(nPos); const sal_Int32 nCount = m_xBookmarksBox->n_children(); if (nCount) { if (nPos >= nCount) nPos = nCount - 1; m_xBookmarksBox->select(nPos); } } } } IMPL_LINK(BookmarksTabPage_Impl, CommandHdl, const CommandEvent&, rCEvt, bool) { if (rCEvt.GetCommand() != CommandEventId::ContextMenu) return false; std::unique_ptr<weld::Builder> xBuilder(Application::CreateBuilder(m_xBookmarksBox.get(), u"sfx/ui/bookmarkmenu.ui"_ustr)); std::unique_ptr<weld::Menu> xMenu = xBuilder->weld_menu(u"menu"_ustr); OUString sIdent = xMenu->popup_at_rect(m_xBookmarksBox.get(), ::tools::Rectangle(rCEvt.GetMousePosPixel(), Size(1,1))); if (!sIdent.isEmpty()) DoAction(sIdent); return true; } IMPL_LINK(BookmarksTabPage_Impl, KeyInputHdl, const KeyEvent&, rKEvt, bool) { bool bHandled = false; sal_uInt16 nCode = rKEvt.GetKeyCode().GetCode(); if (KEY_DELETE == nCode && m_xBookmarksBox->n_children() > 0) { DoAction(u"delete"); bHandled = true; } return bHandled; } // class BookmarksTabPage_Impl ------------------------------------------- BookmarksTabPage_Impl::BookmarksTabPage_Impl(weld::Widget* pParent, SfxHelpIndexWindow_Impl* _pIdxWin) : HelpTabPage_Impl(pParent, _pIdxWin, u"HelpBookmarkPage"_ustr, u"sfx/ui/helpbookmarkpage.ui"_ustr) , m_xBookmarksBox(m_xBuilder->weld_tree_view(u"bookmarks"_ustr)) , m_xBookmarksPB(m_xBuilder->weld_button(u"display"_ustr)) { m_xBookmarksBox->set_size_request(m_xBookmarksBox->get_approximate_digit_width() * 30, m_xBookmarksBox->get_height_rows(20)); m_xBookmarksPB->connect_clicked( LINK(this, BookmarksTabPage_Impl, OpenHdl)); m_xBookmarksBox->connect_row_activated(LINK(this, BookmarksTabPage_Impl, DoubleClickHdl)); m_xBookmarksBox->connect_popup_menu(LINK(this, BookmarksTabPage_Impl, CommandHdl)); m_xBookmarksBox->connect_key_press(LINK(this, BookmarksTabPage_Impl, KeyInputHdl)); // load bookmarks from configuration const std::vector< SvtHistoryOptions::HistoryItem > aBookmarkSeq = SvtHistoryOptions::GetList( EHistoryType::HelpBookmarks ); for ( const auto& rBookmark : aBookmarkSeq ) { AddBookmarks( rBookmark.sTitle, rBookmark.sURL ); } } BookmarksTabPage_Impl::~BookmarksTabPage_Impl() { // save bookmarks to configuration SvtHistoryOptions::Clear( EHistoryType::HelpBookmarks ); const sal_Int32 nCount = m_xBookmarksBox->n_children(); for (sal_Int32 i = 0; i < nCount; ++i) { SvtHistoryOptions::AppendItem(EHistoryType::HelpBookmarks, m_xBookmarksBox->get_id(i), u""_ustr, m_xBookmarksBox->get_text(i), std::nullopt, std::nullopt); } m_xBookmarksBox.reset(); m_xBookmarksPB.reset(); } IMPL_LINK_NOARG(BookmarksTabPage_Impl, OpenHdl, weld::Button&, void) { aDoubleClickHdl.Call(nullptr); } IMPL_LINK_NOARG(BookmarksTabPage_Impl, DoubleClickHdl, weld::TreeView&, bool) { aDoubleClickHdl.Call(nullptr); return true; } void BookmarksTabPage_Impl::SetDoubleClickHdl(const Link<LinkParamNone*, void>& rLink) { aDoubleClickHdl = rLink; } OUString BookmarksTabPage_Impl::GetSelectedEntry() const { return m_xBookmarksBox->get_selected_id(); } void BookmarksTabPage_Impl::AddBookmarks(const OUString& rTitle, const OUString& rURL) { const OUString aImageURL {IMAGE_URL + INetURLObject(rURL).GetHost()}; m_xBookmarksBox->append(rURL, rTitle, SvFileInformationManager::GetImageId(INetURLObject(aImageURL))); } OUString SfxHelpWindow_Impl::buildHelpURL(std::u16string_view sFactory , std::u16string_view sContent , std::u16string_view sAnchor) { OUStringBuffer sHelpURL(256); sHelpURL.append(HELP_URL + sFactory + sContent); AppendConfigToken(sHelpURL, true/*bUseQuestionMark*/); if (!sAnchor.empty()) sHelpURL.append(sAnchor); return sHelpURL.makeStringAndClear(); } void SfxHelpWindow_Impl::loadHelpContent(const OUString& sHelpURL, bool bAddToHistory) { Reference< XComponentLoader > xLoader(getTextFrame(), UNO_QUERY); if (!xLoader.is()) return; // If a print job runs do not open a new page Reference< XFrame2 > xTextFrame = pTextWin->getFrame(); Reference< XController > xTextController ; if (xTextFrame.is()) xTextController = xTextFrame->getController (); if ( xTextController.is() && !xTextController->suspend( true ) ) { xTextController->suspend( false ); return; } // save url to history if (bAddToHistory) pHelpInterceptor->addURL(sHelpURL); if ( !IsWait() ) EnterWait(); bool bSuccess = false; // TODO implement locale fallback ... see below while(true) { try { Reference< XComponent > xContent = xLoader->loadComponentFromURL(sHelpURL, u"_self"_ustr, 0, Sequence< PropertyValue >()); if (xContent.is()) { bSuccess = true; } } catch(const RuntimeException&) { throw; } catch(const Exception&) { /*break;*/ } /* TODO try next locale ... no further locale available? => break loop and show error page */ } openDone(sHelpURL, bSuccess); if ( IsWait() ) LeaveWait(); } IMPL_LINK(SfxHelpIndexWindow_Impl, ActivatePageHdl, const OUString&, rPage, void) { GetPage(rPage)->Activate(); } SfxHelpIndexWindow_Impl::SfxHelpIndexWindow_Impl(SfxHelpWindow_Impl* _pParent, weld::Container* pContainer) : m_xBuilder(Application::CreateBuilder(pContainer, u"sfx/ui/helpcontrol.ui"_ustr)) , m_xContainer(m_xBuilder->weld_container(u"HelpControl"_ustr)) , m_xActiveLB(m_xBuilder->weld_combo_box(u"active"_ustr)) , m_xTabCtrl(m_xBuilder->weld_notebook(u"tabcontrol"_ustr)) , aIdle("sfx2 appl SfxHelpIndexWindow_Impl") , aIndexKeywordLink(LINK(this, SfxHelpIndexWindow_Impl, KeywordHdl)) , pParentWin(_pParent) , bIsInitDone(false) { // create the pages GetContentPage(); GetIndexPage(); GetSearchPage(); GetBookmarksPage(); OUString sPageId(u"index"_ustr); SvtViewOptions aViewOpt( EViewType::TabDialog, CONFIGNAME_INDEXWIN ); if ( aViewOpt.Exists() ) { OUString sSavedPageId = aViewOpt.GetPageID(); if (m_xTabCtrl->get_page_index(sSavedPageId) != -1) sPageId = sSavedPageId; } m_xTabCtrl->set_current_page(sPageId); ActivatePageHdl(sPageId); m_xActiveLB->connect_changed(LINK(this, SfxHelpIndexWindow_Impl, SelectHdl)); m_xTabCtrl->connect_enter_page(LINK(this, SfxHelpIndexWindow_Impl, ActivatePageHdl)); aIdle.SetInvokeHandler( LINK( this, SfxHelpIndexWindow_Impl, InitHdl ) ); aIdle.Start(); m_xContainer->show(); } SfxHelpIndexWindow_Impl::~SfxHelpIndexWindow_Impl() { SvtViewOptions aViewOpt(EViewType::TabDialog, CONFIGNAME_INDEXWIN); aViewOpt.SetPageID(m_xTabCtrl->get_current_page_ident()); xCPage.reset(); xIPage.reset(); xSPage.reset(); xBPage.reset(); } void SfxHelpIndexWindow_Impl::Initialize() { OUStringBuffer aHelpURL(HELP_URL); AppendConfigToken(aHelpURL, true); std::vector<OUString> aFactories = SfxContentHelper::GetResultSet(aHelpURL.makeStringAndClear()); for (const OUString & rRow : aFactories) { sal_Int32 nIdx = 0; OUString aTitle = rRow.getToken( 0, '\t', nIdx ); // token 0 std::u16string_view aURL = o3tl::getToken(rRow, 1, '\t', nIdx ); // token 2 OUString aFactory(INetURLObject(aURL).GetHost()); m_xActiveLB->append(aFactory, aTitle); } if (m_xActiveLB->get_active() == -1) SetActiveFactory(); } void SfxHelpIndexWindow_Impl::SetActiveFactory() { DBG_ASSERT( xIPage, "index page not initialized" ); if (!bIsInitDone && !m_xActiveLB->get_count()) { aIdle.Stop(); InitHdl( nullptr ); } for (sal_Int32 i = 0, nEntryCount = m_xActiveLB->get_count(); i < nEntryCount; ++i) { OUString aFactory = m_xActiveLB->get_id(i); aFactory = aFactory.toAsciiLowerCase(); if (aFactory == xIPage->GetFactory()) { if (m_xActiveLB->get_active() != i) { m_xActiveLB->set_active(i); aSelectFactoryLink.Call(nullptr); } break; } } } HelpTabPage_Impl* SfxHelpIndexWindow_Impl::GetPage(std::u16string_view rName) { HelpTabPage_Impl* pPage = nullptr; if (rName == u"contents") pPage = GetContentPage(); else if (rName == u"index") pPage = GetIndexPage(); else if (rName == u"find") pPage = GetSearchPage(); else if (rName == u"bookmarks") pPage = GetBookmarksPage(); assert(pPage && "SfxHelpIndexWindow_Impl::GetCurrentPage(): no current page"); return pPage; } IMPL_LINK_NOARG(SfxHelpIndexWindow_Impl, SelectHdl, weld::ComboBox&, void) { aIdle.Start(); } IMPL_LINK_NOARG(SfxHelpIndexWindow_Impl, InitHdl, Timer *, void) { bIsInitDone = true; Initialize(); // now use the timer for selection aIdle.SetInvokeHandler( LINK( this, SfxHelpIndexWindow_Impl, SelectFactoryHdl ) ); aIdle.SetPriority( TaskPriority::LOWEST ); } IMPL_LINK_NOARG(SfxHelpIndexWindow_Impl, SelectFactoryHdl, Timer *, void) { OUString aFactory = m_xActiveLB->get_active_id(); if (!aFactory.isEmpty()) { SetFactory(aFactory.toAsciiLowerCase(), false); aSelectFactoryLink.Call(this); } } IMPL_LINK_NOARG(SfxHelpIndexWindow_Impl, KeywordHdl, IndexTabPage_Impl&, void) { // keyword found on index? bool bIndex = xIPage->HasKeyword(); if( !bIndex) bIndex = xIPage->HasKeywordIgnoreCase(); // then set index or search page as current. OUString sPageId = bIndex ? u"index"_ustr : u"find"_ustr; if (sPageId != m_xTabCtrl->get_current_page_ident()) m_xTabCtrl->set_current_page(sPageId); // at last we open the keyword if ( bIndex ) xIPage->OpenKeyword(); else if ( !xSPage->OpenKeyword( sKeyword ) ) pParentWin->ShowStartPage(); } IMPL_LINK_NOARG(SfxHelpIndexWindow_Impl, IndexTabPageDoubleClickHdl, LinkParamNone*, void) { aPageDoubleClickLink.Call(nullptr); } void SfxHelpIndexWindow_Impl::SetDoubleClickHdl(const Link<LinkParamNone*, void>& rLink) { aPageDoubleClickLink = rLink; } IMPL_LINK_NOARG(SfxHelpIndexWindow_Impl, ContentTabPageDoubleClickHdl, LinkParamNone*, void) { aPageDoubleClickLink.Call(nullptr); } IMPL_LINK_NOARG(SfxHelpIndexWindow_Impl, TabPageDoubleClickHdl, LinkParamNone*, void) { aPageDoubleClickLink.Call(nullptr); } void SfxHelpIndexWindow_Impl::SetFactory( const OUString& rFactory, bool bActive ) { if ( !rFactory.isEmpty() ) { GetIndexPage()->SetFactory( rFactory ); // the index page made a check if rFactory is valid, // so the index page always returns a valid factory GetSearchPage()->SetFactory( GetIndexPage()->GetFactory() ); if ( bActive ) SetActiveFactory(); } } OUString SfxHelpIndexWindow_Impl::GetSelectedEntry() const { OUString sRet; OUString sName(m_xTabCtrl->get_current_page_ident()); if (sName == "contents") { sRet = xCPage->GetSelectedEntry(); } else if (sName == "index") { sRet = xIPage->GetSelectedEntry(); } else if (sName == "find") { sRet = xSPage->GetSelectedEntry(); } else if (sName == "bookmarks") { sRet = xBPage->GetSelectedEntry(); } return sRet; } void SfxHelpIndexWindow_Impl::AddBookmarks( const OUString& rTitle, const OUString& rURL ) { GetBookmarksPage()->AddBookmarks( rTitle, rURL ); } bool SfxHelpIndexWindow_Impl::IsValidFactory( std::u16string_view _rFactory ) { bool bValid = false; for (sal_Int32 i = 0, nEntryCount = m_xActiveLB->get_count(); i < nEntryCount; ++i) { OUString aFactory = m_xActiveLB->get_id(i); if (aFactory == _rFactory) { bValid = true; break; } } return bValid; } void SfxHelpIndexWindow_Impl::ClearSearchPage() { if ( xSPage ) xSPage->ClearPage(); } void SfxHelpIndexWindow_Impl::GrabFocusBack() { OUString sName(m_xTabCtrl->get_current_page_ident()); if (sName == "contents" && xCPage) xCPage->SetFocusOnBox(); else if (sName == "index" && xIPage) xIPage->SetFocusOnBox(); else if (sName == "find" && xSPage) xSPage->SetFocusOnBox(); else if (sName == "bookmarks" && xBPage) xBPage->SetFocusOnBox(); } bool SfxHelpIndexWindow_Impl::HasFocusOnEdit() const { bool bRet = false; OUString sName(m_xTabCtrl->get_current_page_ident()); if (sName == "index" && xIPage) bRet = xIPage->HasFocusOnEdit(); else if (sName == "find" && xSPage) bRet = xSPage->HasFocusOnEdit(); return bRet; } OUString SfxHelpIndexWindow_Impl::GetSearchText() const { OUString sRet; OUString sName(m_xTabCtrl->get_current_page_ident()); if (sName == "find" && xSPage) sRet = xSPage->GetSearchText(); return sRet; } bool SfxHelpIndexWindow_Impl::IsFullWordSearch() const { bool bRet = false; OUString sName(m_xTabCtrl->get_current_page_ident()); if (sName == "find" && xSPage) bRet = xSPage->IsFullWordSearch(); return bRet; } void SfxHelpIndexWindow_Impl::OpenKeyword( const OUString& rKeyword ) { sKeyword = rKeyword; DBG_ASSERT( xIPage, "invalid index page" ); xIPage->SetKeyword( sKeyword ); } void SfxHelpIndexWindow_Impl::SelectExecutableEntry() { OUString sName(m_xTabCtrl->get_current_page_ident()); if (sName == "index" && xIPage ) xIPage->SelectExecutableEntry(); } weld::Window* SfxHelpIndexWindow_Impl::GetFrameWeld() const { return pParentWin->GetFrameWeld(); } // class TextWin_Impl ---------------------------------------------------- TextWin_Impl::TextWin_Impl( vcl::Window* p ) : DockingWindow( p, 0 ) { } bool TextWin_Impl::EventNotify( NotifyEvent& rNEvt ) { if( ( rNEvt.GetType() == NotifyEventType::KEYINPUT ) && rNEvt.GetKeyEvent()->GetKeyCode().GetCode() == KEY_TAB ) return GetParent()->EventNotify( rNEvt ); else return DockingWindow::EventNotify( rNEvt ); } // remove docking area acceptor from layoutmanager, so it will not layout anything further .-) static void lcl_disableLayoutOfFrame(const Reference< XFrame2 >& xFrame) { xFrame->setLayoutManager( Reference< XLayoutManager >() ); } // class SfxHelpTextWindow_Impl ------------------------------------------ SfxHelpTextWindow_Impl::SfxHelpTextWindow_Impl(SfxHelpWindow_Impl* pHelpWin, weld::Builder& rBuilder, vcl::Window* pParent) : Window( pParent, WB_CLIPCHILDREN | WB_TABSTOP | WB_DIALOGCONTROL ), xToolBox ( rBuilder.weld_toolbar(u"toolbar"_ustr) ), xOnStartupCB ( rBuilder.weld_check_button(u"checkbutton"_ustr) ), xMenu ( rBuilder.weld_menu(u"menu"_ustr) ), aSelectIdle ( "sfx2 appl SfxHelpTextWindow_Impl Select" ), aIndexOnImage ( BMP_HELP_TOOLBOX_INDEX_ON ), aIndexOffImage ( BMP_HELP_TOOLBOX_INDEX_OFF ), aIndexOnText ( SfxResId( STR_HELP_BUTTON_INDEX_ON ) ), aIndexOffText ( SfxResId( STR_HELP_BUTTON_INDEX_OFF ) ), aOnStartupText ( SfxResId( RID_HELP_ONSTARTUP_TEXT ) ), xHelpWin ( pHelpWin ), pTextWin ( VclPtr<TextWin_Impl>::Create( this ) ), bIsDebug ( false ), bIsIndexOn ( false ), bIsInClose ( false ), bIsFullWordSearch ( false ) { xFrame = Frame::create( ::comphelper::getProcessComponentContext() ); xFrame->initialize( VCLUnoHelper::GetInterface ( pTextWin ) ); xFrame->setName( u"OFFICE_HELP"_ustr ); lcl_disableLayoutOfFrame(xFrame); xToolBox->set_help_id(HID_HELP_TOOLBOX); xToolBox->set_item_tooltip_text(u"index"_ustr, aIndexOffText ); xToolBox->set_item_help_id(u"index"_ustr, HID_HELP_TOOLBOXITEM_INDEX); xToolBox->set_item_help_id(u"backward"_ustr, HID_HELP_TOOLBOXITEM_BACKWARD); xToolBox->set_item_help_id(u"forward"_ustr, HID_HELP_TOOLBOXITEM_FORWARD); xToolBox->set_item_help_id(u"start"_ustr, HID_HELP_TOOLBOXITEM_START); xToolBox->set_item_help_id(u"print"_ustr, HID_HELP_TOOLBOXITEM_PRINT); xToolBox->set_item_help_id(u"bookmarks"_ustr, HID_HELP_TOOLBOXITEM_BOOKMARKS ); xToolBox->set_item_help_id(u"searchdialog"_ustr, HID_HELP_TOOLBOXITEM_SEARCHDIALOG); InitToolBoxImages(); InitOnStartupBox(); xOnStartupCB->connect_toggled(LINK(this, SfxHelpTextWindow_Impl, CheckHdl)); aSelectIdle.SetInvokeHandler( LINK( this, SfxHelpTextWindow_Impl, SelectHdl ) ); aSelectIdle.SetPriority( TaskPriority::LOWEST ); char* pEnv = getenv( "help_debug" ); if ( pEnv ) bIsDebug = true; SvtMiscOptions().AddListenerLink( LINK( this, SfxHelpTextWindow_Impl, NotifyHdl ) ); } SfxHelpTextWindow_Impl::~SfxHelpTextWindow_Impl() { disposeOnce(); } void SfxHelpTextWindow_Impl::dispose() { bIsInClose = true; SvtMiscOptions().RemoveListenerLink( LINK( this, SfxHelpTextWindow_Impl, NotifyHdl ) ); m_xSrchDlg.reset(); xToolBox.reset(); xOnStartupCB.reset(); xHelpWin.clear(); pTextWin.disposeAndClear(); vcl::Window::dispose(); } bool SfxHelpTextWindow_Impl::HasSelection() const { // is there any selection in the text and not only a cursor? bool bRet = false; Reference < XTextRange > xRange = getCursor(); if ( xRange.is() ) { Reference < XText > xText = xRange->getText(); Reference < XTextCursor > xCursor = xText->createTextCursorByRange( xRange ); bRet = !xCursor->isCollapsed(); } return bRet; } void SfxHelpTextWindow_Impl::InitToolBoxImages() { xToolBox->set_item_icon_name(u"index"_ustr, bIsIndexOn ? aIndexOffImage : aIndexOnImage); } void SfxHelpTextWindow_Impl::InitOnStartupBox() { sCurrentFactory = SfxHelp::GetCurrentModuleIdentifier(); const Reference< XComponentContext >& xContext = ::comphelper::getProcessComponentContext(); const OUString sPath { PATH_OFFICE_FACTORIES + sCurrentFactory }; // Attention: This check boy knows two states: // 1) Reading of the config key fails with an exception or by getting an empty Any (!) => check box must be hidden // 2) We read sal_True/sal_False => check box must be shown and enabled/disabled bool bHideBox = true; bool bHelpAtStartup = false; try { xConfiguration = ConfigurationHelper::openConfig( xContext, PACKAGE_SETUP, EConfigurationModes::Standard ); if ( xConfiguration.is() ) { Any aAny = ConfigurationHelper::readRelativeKey( xConfiguration, sPath, KEY_HELP_ON_OPEN ); if (aAny >>= bHelpAtStartup) bHideBox = false; } } catch( Exception& ) { bHideBox = true; } if ( bHideBox ) xOnStartupCB->hide(); else { // detect module name OUString sModuleName; if ( xConfiguration.is() ) { OUString sTemp; try { Any aAny = ConfigurationHelper::readRelativeKey( xConfiguration, sPath, KEY_UI_NAME ); aAny >>= sTemp; } catch( Exception const & ) { TOOLS_WARN_EXCEPTION( "sfx.appl", "SfxHelpTextWindow_Impl::InitOnStartupBox()" ); } sModuleName = sTemp; } if ( !sModuleName.isEmpty() ) { // set module name in checkbox text xOnStartupCB->set_label(aOnStartupText.replaceFirst("%MODULENAME", sModuleName)); // and show it xOnStartupCB->show(); // set check state xOnStartupCB->set_active(bHelpAtStartup); xOnStartupCB->save_state(); } } } Reference< XBreakIterator > const & SfxHelpTextWindow_Impl::GetBreakIterator() { if ( !xBreakIterator.is() ) xBreakIterator = vcl::unohelper::CreateBreakIterator(); DBG_ASSERT( xBreakIterator.is(), "Could not create BreakIterator" ); return xBreakIterator; } Reference< XTextRange > SfxHelpTextWindow_Impl::getCursor() const { // return the current cursor Reference< XTextRange > xCursor; try { Reference < XSelectionSupplier > xSelSup( xFrame->getController(), UNO_QUERY ); if ( xSelSup.is() ) { Any aAny = xSelSup->getSelection(); Reference < XIndexAccess > xSelection; if ( aAny >>= xSelection ) { if ( xSelection->getCount() == 1 ) { aAny = xSelection->getByIndex(0); aAny >>= xCursor; } } } } catch( Exception& ) { TOOLS_WARN_EXCEPTION( "sfx.appl", "SfxHelpTextWindow_Impl::getCursor(): unexpected exception" ); } return xCursor; } bool SfxHelpTextWindow_Impl::isHandledKey( const vcl::KeyCode& _rKeyCode ) { bool bRet = false; sal_uInt16 nCode = _rKeyCode.GetCode(); // the keys <CTRL><A> (select all), <CTRL><C> (copy), // <CTRL><F> (find), <CTRL><P> (print) and <CTRL><W> (close window) // were handled in help if ( _rKeyCode.IsMod1() && ( KEY_A == nCode || KEY_C == nCode || KEY_F == nCode || KEY_P == nCode || KEY_W == nCode ) ) { if ( KEY_F == nCode ) DoSearch(); else bRet = true; } return bRet; } IMPL_LINK_NOARG(SfxHelpTextWindow_Impl, SelectHdl, Timer *, void) { try { // select the words, which are equal to the search text of the search page Reference < XController > xController = xFrame->getController(); if ( xController.is() ) { // get document Reference < XSearchable > xSearchable( xController->getModel(), UNO_QUERY ); if ( xSearchable.is() ) { // create descriptor, set string and find all words Reference < XSearchDescriptor > xSrchDesc = xSearchable->createSearchDescriptor(); xSrchDesc->setPropertyValue( u"SearchRegularExpression"_ustr, Any( true ) ); if ( bIsFullWordSearch ) xSrchDesc->setPropertyValue( u"SearchWords"_ustr, Any( true ) ); xSrchDesc->setSearchString( sfx2::PrepareSearchString( aSearchText, GetBreakIterator(), false ) ); Reference< XIndexAccess > xSelection = xSearchable->findAll( xSrchDesc ); // then select all found words Reference < XSelectionSupplier > xSelectionSup( xController, UNO_QUERY ); if ( xSelectionSup.is() ) { xSelectionSup->select( Any(xSelection) ); } } } } catch( Exception& ) { TOOLS_WARN_EXCEPTION( "sfx.appl", "SfxHelpTextWindow_Impl::SelectHdl(): unexpected exception" ); } } IMPL_LINK_NOARG( SfxHelpTextWindow_Impl, NotifyHdl, LinkParamNone*, void ) { InitToolBoxImages(); Resize(); } IMPL_LINK( SfxHelpTextWindow_Impl, FindHdl, sfx2::SearchDialog&, rDlg, void ) { FindHdl(&rDlg); } void SfxHelpTextWindow_Impl::FindHdl(sfx2::SearchDialog* pDlg) { try { // select the words, which are equal to the search text of the search page Reference < XController > xController = xFrame->getController(); if ( xController.is() ) { // get document Reference < XSearchable > xSearchable( xController->getModel(), UNO_QUERY ); if ( xSearchable.is() ) { bool bWrapAround = ( nullptr == pDlg ); if ( bWrapAround ) pDlg = m_xSrchDlg.get(); assert(pDlg && "invalid search dialog"); // create descriptor, set string and find all words Reference < XSearchDescriptor > xSrchDesc = xSearchable->createSearchDescriptor(); xSrchDesc->setPropertyValue( u"SearchWords"_ustr, Any(pDlg->IsOnlyWholeWords()) ); xSrchDesc->setPropertyValue( u"SearchCaseSensitive"_ustr, Any(pDlg->IsMarchCase()) ); xSrchDesc->setPropertyValue( u"SearchBackwards"_ustr, Any(pDlg->IsSearchBackwards()) ); xSrchDesc->setSearchString( pDlg->GetSearchText() ); Reference< XInterface > xSelection; Reference< XTextRange > xCursor = getCursor(); if ( xCursor.is() ) { if ( pDlg->IsSearchBackwards() ) xCursor = xCursor->getStart(); xSelection = xSearchable->findNext( xCursor, xSrchDesc ); } else xSelection = xSearchable->findFirst( xSrchDesc ); // then select the found word if ( xSelection.is() ) { Reference < XSelectionSupplier > xSelectionSup( xController, UNO_QUERY ); if ( xSelectionSup.is() ) { xSelectionSup->select( Any(xSelection) ); } } else if ( pDlg->IsWrapAround() && !bWrapAround ) { Reference < text::XTextViewCursorSupplier > xCrsrSupp( xController, uno::UNO_QUERY ); Reference < text::XTextViewCursor > xTVCrsr = xCrsrSupp->getViewCursor(); if ( xTVCrsr.is() ) { Reference < text::XTextDocument > xDoc( xController->getModel(), uno::UNO_QUERY ); Reference < text::XText > xText = xDoc->getText(); if ( xText.is() ) { if ( pDlg->IsSearchBackwards() ) xTVCrsr->gotoRange( xText->getEnd(), false ); else xTVCrsr->gotoRange( xText->getStart(), false ); FindHdl( nullptr ); } } } else { assert(m_xSrchDlg && "no search dialog"); std::unique_ptr<weld::MessageDialog> xBox(Application::CreateMessageDialog(m_xSrchDlg->getDialog(), VclMessageType::Info, VclButtonsType::Ok, SfxResId(STR_INFO_NOSEARCHTEXTFOUND))); xBox->run(); m_xSrchDlg->SetFocusOnEdit(); } } } } catch( Exception& ) { TOOLS_WARN_EXCEPTION( "sfx.appl", "SfxHelpTextWindow_Impl::SelectHdl(): unexpected exception" ); } } IMPL_LINK_NOARG(SfxHelpTextWindow_Impl, CloseHdl, LinkParamNone*, void) { m_xSrchDlg.reset(); } IMPL_LINK_NOARG(SfxHelpTextWindow_Impl, CheckHdl, weld::Toggleable&, void) { if ( !xConfiguration.is() ) return; bool bChecked = xOnStartupCB->get_active(); try { ConfigurationHelper::writeRelativeKey( xConfiguration, PATH_OFFICE_FACTORIES + sCurrentFactory, KEY_HELP_ON_OPEN, Any( bChecked ) ); ConfigurationHelper::flush( xConfiguration ); } catch( Exception const & ) { TOOLS_WARN_EXCEPTION( "sfx.appl", "SfxHelpTextWindow_Impl::CheckHdl()" ); } } void SfxHelpTextWindow_Impl::Resize() { Size aSize = GetOutputSizePixel(); pTextWin->SetPosSizePixel( Point(0, 0), aSize ); } bool SfxHelpTextWindow_Impl::PreNotify( NotifyEvent& rNEvt ) { bool bDone = false; NotifyEventType nType = rNEvt.GetType(); if ( NotifyEventType::COMMAND == nType && rNEvt.GetCommandEvent() ) { const CommandEvent* pCmdEvt = rNEvt.GetCommandEvent(); vcl::Window* pCmdWin = rNEvt.GetWindow(); if ( pCmdEvt->GetCommand() == CommandEventId::ContextMenu && pCmdWin != this ) { Point aPos; if ( pCmdEvt->IsMouseEvent() ) aPos = pCmdEvt->GetMousePosPixel(); else aPos = Point( pTextWin->GetPosPixel().X() + 20, 20 ); xMenu->clear(); if (bIsIndexOn) xMenu->append(u"index"_ustr, aIndexOffText, BMP_HELP_TOOLBOX_INDEX_OFF); else xMenu->append(u"index"_ustr, aIndexOnText, BMP_HELP_TOOLBOX_INDEX_ON); xMenu->append_separator(u"separator1"_ustr); xMenu->append(u"backward"_ustr, SfxResId(STR_HELP_BUTTON_PREV), BMP_HELP_TOOLBOX_PREV); xMenu->set_sensitive(u"backward"_ustr, xHelpWin->HasHistoryPredecessor()); xMenu->append(u"forward"_ustr, SfxResId(STR_HELP_BUTTON_NEXT), BMP_HELP_TOOLBOX_NEXT); xMenu->set_sensitive(u"forward"_ustr, xHelpWin->HasHistorySuccessor()); xMenu->append(u"start"_ustr, SfxResId(STR_HELP_BUTTON_START), BMP_HELP_TOOLBOX_START); xMenu->append_separator(u"separator2"_ustr); xMenu->append(u"print"_ustr, SfxResId(STR_HELP_BUTTON_PRINT), BMP_HELP_TOOLBOX_PRINT); xMenu->append(u"bookmarks"_ustr, SfxResId(STR_HELP_BUTTON_ADDBOOKMARK), BMP_HELP_TOOLBOX_BOOKMARKS); xMenu->append(u"searchdialog"_ustr, SfxResId(STR_HELP_BUTTON_SEARCHDIALOG), BMP_HELP_TOOLBOX_SEARCHDIALOG); xMenu->append_separator(u"separator3"_ustr); xMenu->append_check(u"selectionmode"_ustr, SfxResId(STR_HELP_MENU_TEXT_SELECTION_MODE)); URL aURL; aURL.Complete = ".uno:SelectTextMode"; Reference< util::XURLTransformer > xTrans( util::URLTransformer::create( ::comphelper::getProcessComponentContext() ) ); xTrans->parseStrict(aURL); Reference < XDispatch > xDisp = xFrame->queryDispatch( aURL, OUString(), 0 ); if(xDisp.is()) { rtl::Reference<HelpStatusListener_Impl> pStateListener = new HelpStatusListener_Impl(xDisp, aURL ); FeatureStateEvent rEvent = pStateListener->GetStateEvent(); bool bCheck = false; rEvent.State >>= bCheck; xMenu->set_active(u"selectionmode"_ustr, bCheck); } xMenu->append_separator(u"separator4"_ustr); xMenu->append(u"copy"_ustr, SfxResId(STR_HELP_MENU_TEXT_COPY), BMP_HELP_TOOLBOX_COPY); xMenu->set_sensitive(u"copy"_ustr, HasSelection()); if ( bIsDebug ) { xMenu->append_separator(u"separator5"_ustr); xMenu->append(u"sourceview"_ustr, SfxResId(STR_HELP_BUTTON_SOURCEVIEW)); } int x, y, width, height; weld::Window* pTopLevel = GetFrameWeld(); xHelpWin->GetContainer()->get_extents_relative_to(*pTopLevel, x, y, width, height); aPos.AdjustX(x); aPos.AdjustY(y); xHelpWin->DoAction(xMenu->popup_at_rect(pTopLevel, tools::Rectangle(aPos, Size(1,1)))); bDone = true; } } else if ( NotifyEventType::KEYINPUT == nType && rNEvt.GetKeyEvent() ) { const KeyEvent* pKEvt = rNEvt.GetKeyEvent(); const vcl::KeyCode& rKeyCode = pKEvt->GetKeyCode(); sal_uInt16 nKeyGroup = rKeyCode.GetGroup(); sal_uInt16 nKey = rKeyCode.GetCode(); if ( KEYGROUP_ALPHA == nKeyGroup && !isHandledKey( rKeyCode ) ) { // do nothing disables the writer accelerators bDone = true; } else if ( rKeyCode.IsMod1() && ( KEY_F4 == nKey || KEY_W == nKey ) ) { // <CTRL><F4> or <CTRL><W> -> close top frame xHelpWin->CloseWindow(); bDone = true; } else if ( KEY_TAB == nKey && xOnStartupCB->has_focus() ) { xToolBox->grab_focus(); bDone = true; } } return bDone || Window::PreNotify( rNEvt ); } void SfxHelpTextWindow_Impl::GetFocus() { if ( bIsInClose ) return; try { if( xFrame.is() ) { Reference< css::awt::XWindow > xWindow = xFrame->getComponentWindow(); if( xWindow.is() ) xWindow->setFocus(); } } catch( Exception const & ) { TOOLS_WARN_EXCEPTION( "sfx.appl", "SfxHelpTextWindow_Impl::GetFocus()" ); } } void SfxHelpTextWindow_Impl::DataChanged( const DataChangedEvent& rDCEvt ) { Window::DataChanged( rDCEvt ); if ( ( ( rDCEvt.GetType() == DataChangedEventType::SETTINGS ) || ( rDCEvt.GetType() == DataChangedEventType::DISPLAY ) ) && ( rDCEvt.GetFlags() & AllSettingsFlags::STYLE ) ) { SetBackground( Wallpaper( GetSettings().GetStyleSettings().GetFaceColor() ) ); InitToolBoxImages(); } } void SfxHelpTextWindow_Impl::ToggleIndex( bool bOn ) { bIsIndexOn = bOn; if ( bIsIndexOn ) { xToolBox->set_item_icon_name(u"index"_ustr, aIndexOffImage); xToolBox->set_item_tooltip_text(u"index"_ustr, aIndexOffText); } else { xToolBox->set_item_icon_name(u"index"_ustr, aIndexOnImage); xToolBox->set_item_tooltip_text(u"index"_ustr, aIndexOnText); } } void SfxHelpTextWindow_Impl::SelectSearchText( const OUString& rSearchText, bool _bIsFullWordSearch ) { aSearchText = rSearchText; bIsFullWordSearch = _bIsFullWordSearch; aSelectIdle.Start(); } void SfxHelpTextWindow_Impl::SetPageStyleHeaderOff() const { bool bSetOff = false; // set off the pagestyle header to prevent print output of the help URL try { Reference < XController > xController = xFrame->getController(); Reference < XSelectionSupplier > xSelSup( xController, UNO_QUERY ); if ( xSelSup.is() ) { Reference < XIndexAccess > xSelection; if ( xSelSup->getSelection() >>= xSelection ) { Reference < XTextRange > xRange; if ( xSelection->getByIndex(0) >>= xRange ) { Reference < XText > xText = xRange->getText(); Reference < XPropertySet > xProps( xText->createTextCursorByRange( xRange ), UNO_QUERY ); OUString sStyleName; if ( xProps->getPropertyValue( u"PageStyleName"_ustr ) >>= sStyleName ) { Reference < XStyleFamiliesSupplier > xStyles( xController->getModel(), UNO_QUERY ); Reference < XNameContainer > xContainer; if ( xStyles->getStyleFamilies()->getByName( u"PageStyles"_ustr ) >>= xContainer ) { Reference < XStyle > xStyle; if ( xContainer->getByName( sStyleName ) >>= xStyle ) { Reference < XPropertySet > xPropSet( xStyle, UNO_QUERY ); xPropSet->setPropertyValue( u"HeaderIsOn"_ustr, Any( false ) ); Reference< XModifiable > xReset(xStyles, UNO_QUERY); xReset->setModified(false); bSetOff = true; } } } } } } } catch( Exception const & ) { TOOLS_WARN_EXCEPTION( "sfx.appl", "SfxHelpTextWindow_Impl::SetPageStyleHeaderOff()" ); } SAL_WARN_IF( !bSetOff, "sfx.appl", "SfxHelpTextWindow_Impl::SetPageStyleHeaderOff(): set off failed" ); } void SfxHelpTextWindow_Impl::CloseFrame() { bIsInClose = true; try { css::uno::Reference< css::util::XCloseable > xCloseable ( xFrame, css::uno::UNO_QUERY ); if (xCloseable.is()) xCloseable->close(true); } catch( css::util::CloseVetoException& ) { } } void SfxHelpTextWindow_Impl::DoSearch() { if (m_xSrchDlg) return; // create the search dialog m_xSrchDlg = std::make_shared<sfx2::SearchDialog>(pTextWin->GetFrameWeld(), "HelpSearchDialog"); // set handler m_xSrchDlg->SetFindHdl( LINK( this, SfxHelpTextWindow_Impl, FindHdl ) ); m_xSrchDlg->SetCloseHdl( LINK( this, SfxHelpTextWindow_Impl, CloseHdl ) ); // get selected text of the help page to set it as the search text Reference< XTextRange > xCursor = getCursor(); if ( xCursor.is() ) { OUString sText = xCursor->getString(); if ( !sText.isEmpty() ) m_xSrchDlg->SetSearchText( sText ); } sfx2::SearchDialog::runAsync(m_xSrchDlg); } void SfxHelpWindow_Impl::GetFocus() { if (pTextWin) pTextWin->GrabFocus(); else ResizableDockingWindow::GetFocus(); } void SfxHelpWindow_Impl::MakeLayout() { Split(); m_xHelpPaneWindow->set_visible(bIndex); } IMPL_LINK(SfxHelpWindow_Impl, ResizeHdl, const Size&, rSize, void) { int nNewWidth = rSize.Width(); if (!nNewWidth) return; if (bSplit) nIndexSize = round(m_xContainer->get_position() * 100.0 / nNewWidth); nWidth = nNewWidth; Split(); nIndexSize = round(m_xContainer->get_position() * 100.0 / nWidth); } void SfxHelpWindow_Impl::Split() { if (!nWidth) return; m_xContainer->set_position(nWidth * nIndexSize / 100); bSplit = true; } void SfxHelpWindow_Impl::LoadConfig() { SvtViewOptions aViewOpt( EViewType::Window, CONFIGNAME_HELPWIN ); if ( !aViewOpt.Exists() ) return; bIndex = aViewOpt.IsVisible(); Any aUserItem = aViewOpt.GetUserItem( USERITEM_NAME ); OUString aUserData; if ( aUserItem >>= aUserData ) { DBG_ASSERT( comphelper::string::getTokenCount(aUserData, ';') == 6, "invalid user data" ); sal_Int32 nIdx = 0; nIndexSize = o3tl::toInt32(o3tl::getToken(aUserData, 0, ';', nIdx )); o3tl::getToken(aUserData, 0, ';', nIdx); // ignore nTextSize sal_Int32 nOldWidth = o3tl::toInt32(o3tl::getToken(aUserData, 0, ';', nIdx )); sal_Int32 nOldHeight = o3tl::toInt32(o3tl::getToken(aUserData, 0, ';', nIdx )); aWinSize = Size(nOldWidth, nOldHeight); aWinPos.setX( o3tl::toInt32(o3tl::getToken(aUserData, 0, ';', nIdx )) ); aWinPos.setY( o3tl::toInt32(o3tl::getToken(aUserData, 0, ';', nIdx )) ); } pTextWin->ToggleIndex( bIndex ); } void SfxHelpWindow_Impl::SaveConfig() { SvtViewOptions aViewOpt( EViewType::Window, CONFIGNAME_HELPWIN ); sal_Int32 nW = 0, nH = 0; if ( xWindow.is() ) { css::awt::Rectangle aRect = xWindow->getPosSize(); nW = aRect.Width; nH = aRect.Height; } aViewOpt.SetVisible( bIndex ); VclPtr<vcl::Window> pScreenWin = VCLUnoHelper::GetWindow( xWindow ); aWinPos = pScreenWin->GetWindowExtentsAbsolute().TopLeft(); if (bSplit) nIndexSize = round(m_xContainer->get_position() * 100.0 / nWidth); const OUString aUserData = OUString::number( nIndexSize ) + ";" + OUString::number( 100 - nIndexSize ) + ";" + OUString::number( nW ) + ";" + OUString::number( nH ) + ";" + OUString::number( aWinPos.X() ) + ";" + OUString::number( aWinPos.Y() ); aViewOpt.SetUserItem( USERITEM_NAME, Any( aUserData ) ); } void SfxHelpWindow_Impl::ShowStartPage() { loadHelpContent(SfxHelpWindow_Impl::buildHelpURL(xIndexWin->GetFactory(), u"/start", u"")); } IMPL_LINK(SfxHelpWindow_Impl, SelectHdl, const OUString&, rCurItem, void) { bGrabFocusToToolBox = pTextWin->GetToolBox().has_focus(); DoAction(rCurItem); } IMPL_LINK_NOARG(SfxHelpWindow_Impl, OpenHdl, LinkParamNone*, void) { xIndexWin->SelectExecutableEntry(); OUString aEntry = xIndexWin->GetSelectedEntry(); if ( aEntry.isEmpty() ) return; OUString sHelpURL; bool bComplete = aEntry.toAsciiLowerCase().match("vnd.sun.star.help"); if (bComplete) sHelpURL = aEntry; else { std::u16string_view aId; OUString aAnchor('#'); if ( comphelper::string::getTokenCount(aEntry, '#') == 2 ) { sal_Int32 nIdx{ 0 }; aId = o3tl::getToken(aEntry, 0, '#', nIdx ); aAnchor += o3tl::getToken(aEntry, 0, '#', nIdx ); } else aId = aEntry; sHelpURL = SfxHelpWindow_Impl::buildHelpURL(xIndexWin->GetFactory(), Concat2View(OUString::Concat("/") + aId), aAnchor); } loadHelpContent(sHelpURL); } IMPL_LINK( SfxHelpWindow_Impl, SelectFactoryHdl, SfxHelpIndexWindow_Impl* , pWin, void ) { if ( sTitle.isEmpty() ) sTitle = GetParent()->GetText(); Reference< XTitle > xTitle(xFrame, UNO_QUERY); if (xTitle.is ()) xTitle->setTitle(sTitle + " - " + xIndexWin->GetActiveFactoryTitle()); if ( pWin ) ShowStartPage(); xIndexWin->ClearSearchPage(); } IMPL_LINK( SfxHelpWindow_Impl, ChangeHdl, HelpListener_Impl&, rListener, void ) { SetFactory( rListener.GetFactory() ); } void SfxHelpWindow_Impl::openDone(std::u16string_view sURL , bool bSuccess) { INetURLObject aObj( sURL ); if ( aObj.GetProtocol() == INetProtocol::VndSunStarHelp ) SetFactory( aObj.GetHost() ); if ( IsWait() ) LeaveWait(); if ( bGrabFocusToToolBox ) { pTextWin->GetToolBox().grab_focus(); bGrabFocusToToolBox = false; } else xIndexWin->GrabFocusBack(); if ( !bSuccess ) return; // set some view settings: "prevent help tips" and "helpid == 68245" try { Reference < XController > xController = pTextWin->getFrame()->getController(); if ( xController.is() ) { Reference < XViewSettingsSupplier > xSettings( xController, UNO_QUERY ); Reference < XPropertySet > xViewProps = xSettings->getViewSettings(); Reference< XPropertySetInfo > xInfo = xViewProps->getPropertySetInfo(); xViewProps->setPropertyValue( u"ShowContentTips"_ustr, Any( false ) ); xViewProps->setPropertyValue( u"ShowGraphics"_ustr, Any( true ) ); xViewProps->setPropertyValue( u"ShowTables"_ustr, Any( true ) ); xViewProps->setPropertyValue( u"HelpURL"_ustr, Any( u"HID:SFX2_HID_HELP_ONHELP"_ustr ) ); OUString sProperty( u"IsExecuteHyperlinks"_ustr ); if ( xInfo->hasPropertyByName( sProperty ) ) xViewProps->setPropertyValue( sProperty, Any( true ) ); xController->restoreViewData(Any()); } } catch( Exception& ) { TOOLS_WARN_EXCEPTION( "sfx.appl", "SfxHelpWindow_Impl::OpenDoneHdl(): unexpected exception" ); } // When the SearchPage opens the help doc, then select all words, which are equal to its text OUString sSearchText = comphelper::string::strip(xIndexWin->GetSearchText(), ' '); if ( !sSearchText.isEmpty() ) pTextWin->SelectSearchText( sSearchText, xIndexWin->IsFullWordSearch() ); // no page style header -> this prevents a print output of the URL pTextWin->SetPageStyleHeaderOff(); } SfxHelpWindow_Impl::SfxHelpWindow_Impl( const css::uno::Reference < css::frame::XFrame2 >& rFrame, vcl::Window* pParent ) : ResizableDockingWindow(pParent), xFrame ( rFrame ), pTextWin ( nullptr ), pHelpInterceptor ( new HelpInterceptor_Impl() ), pHelpListener ( new HelpListener_Impl( pHelpInterceptor ) ), bIndex ( true ), bGrabFocusToToolBox ( false ), bSplit ( false ), nWidth ( 0 ), nIndexSize ( 40 ), // % of width aWinPos ( 0, 0 ), aWinSize ( 0, 0 ), sTitle ( pParent->GetText() ) { SetStyle(GetStyle() & ~WB_DOCKABLE); SetHelpId( HID_HELP_WINDOW ); m_xBuilder = Application::CreateInterimBuilder(m_xBox.get(), u"sfx/ui/helpwindow.ui"_ustr, false); m_xContainer = m_xBuilder->weld_paned(u"HelpWindow"_ustr); m_xContainer->connect_size_allocate(LINK(this, SfxHelpWindow_Impl, ResizeHdl)); m_xHelpPaneWindow = m_xBuilder->weld_container(u"helppanewindow"_ustr); m_xHelpTextWindow = m_xBuilder->weld_container(u"helptextwindow"_ustr); m_xHelpTextXWindow = m_xHelpTextWindow->CreateChildFrame(); pHelpInterceptor->InitWaiter( this ); xIndexWin.reset(new SfxHelpIndexWindow_Impl(this, m_xHelpPaneWindow.get())); xIndexWin->SetDoubleClickHdl( LINK( this, SfxHelpWindow_Impl, OpenHdl ) ); xIndexWin->SetSelectFactoryHdl( LINK( this, SfxHelpWindow_Impl, SelectFactoryHdl ) ); pTextWin = VclPtr<SfxHelpTextWindow_Impl>::Create(this, *m_xBuilder, VCLUnoHelper::GetWindow(m_xHelpTextXWindow)); Reference < XFrames > xFrames = rFrame->getFrames(); xFrames->append( Reference<XFrame>(pTextWin->getFrame(), UNO_QUERY_THROW) ); pTextWin->SetSelectHdl( LINK( this, SfxHelpWindow_Impl, SelectHdl ) ); pTextWin->Show(); pHelpInterceptor->setInterception( Reference<XFrame>(pTextWin->getFrame(), UNO_QUERY_THROW) ); pHelpListener->SetChangeHdl( LINK( this, SfxHelpWindow_Impl, ChangeHdl ) ); LoadConfig(); } SfxHelpWindow_Impl::~SfxHelpWindow_Impl() { disposeOnce(); } void SfxHelpWindow_Impl::dispose() { SaveConfig(); xIndexWin.reset(); pTextWin->CloseFrame(); pTextWin.disposeAndClear(); m_xHelpTextXWindow->dispose(); m_xHelpTextXWindow.clear(); m_xHelpTextWindow.reset(); m_xHelpPaneWindow.reset(); m_xContainer.reset(); m_xBuilder.reset(); ResizableDockingWindow::dispose(); } bool SfxHelpWindow_Impl::PreNotify( NotifyEvent& rNEvt ) { bool bHandled = false; if ( rNEvt.GetType() == NotifyEventType::KEYINPUT ) { // Backward == <ALT><LEFT> or <BACKSPACE> Forward == <ALT><RIGHT> const vcl::KeyCode& rKeyCode = rNEvt.GetKeyEvent()->GetKeyCode(); sal_uInt16 nKey = rKeyCode.GetCode(); if ( ( rKeyCode.IsMod2() && ( KEY_LEFT == nKey || KEY_RIGHT == nKey ) ) || ( !rKeyCode.GetModifier() && KEY_BACKSPACE == nKey && !xIndexWin->HasFocusOnEdit() ) ) { DoAction( rKeyCode.GetCode() == KEY_RIGHT ? u"forward" : u"backward" ); bHandled = true; } else if ( rKeyCode.IsMod1() && ( KEY_F4 == nKey || KEY_W == nKey ) ) { // <CTRL><F4> or <CTRL><W> -> close top frame CloseWindow(); bHandled = true; } } return bHandled || Window::PreNotify( rNEvt ); } void SfxHelpWindow_Impl::setContainerWindow( const Reference < css::awt::XWindow >& xWin ) { xWindow = xWin; MakeLayout(); if (xWindow.is()) { VclPtr<vcl::Window> pScreenWin = VCLUnoHelper::GetWindow(xWindow); if (aWinSize.Width() && aWinSize.Height()) pScreenWin->SetPosSizePixel(Point(aWinPos), aWinSize); else pScreenWin->SetPosPixel(Point(aWinPos)); } } void SfxHelpWindow_Impl::SetFactory( const OUString& rFactory ) { xIndexWin->SetFactory( rFactory, true ); } void SfxHelpWindow_Impl::SetHelpURL( std::u16string_view rURL ) { INetURLObject aObj( rURL ); if ( aObj.GetProtocol() == INetProtocol::VndSunStarHelp ) SetFactory( aObj.GetHost() ); } void SfxHelpWindow_Impl::DoAction(std::u16string_view rActionId) { if (rActionId == u"index") { bIndex = !bIndex; MakeLayout(); pTextWin->ToggleIndex( bIndex ); } else if (rActionId == u"start") { ShowStartPage(); } else if (rActionId == u"backward" || rActionId == u"forward") { URL aURL; aURL.Complete = ".uno:Backward"; if (rActionId == u"forward") aURL.Complete = ".uno:Forward"; Reference< util::XURLTransformer > xTrans( util::URLTransformer::create( ::comphelper::getProcessComponentContext() ) ); xTrans->parseStrict(aURL); pHelpInterceptor->dispatch( aURL, Sequence < PropertyValue >() ); } else if (rActionId == u"searchdialog") { pTextWin->DoSearch(); } else if (rActionId == u"print" || rActionId == u"sourceview" || rActionId == u"copy" || rActionId == u"selectionmode") { Reference < XDispatchProvider > xProv = pTextWin->getFrame(); if ( xProv.is() ) { URL aURL; if (rActionId == u"print") aURL.Complete = ".uno:Print"; else if (rActionId == u"sourceview") aURL.Complete = ".uno:SourceView"; else if (rActionId == u"copy") aURL.Complete = ".uno:Copy"; else // rActionId == "selectionmode" aURL.Complete = ".uno:SelectTextMode"; Reference< util::XURLTransformer > xTrans( util::URLTransformer::create( ::comphelper::getProcessComponentContext() ) ); xTrans->parseStrict(aURL); Reference < XDispatch > xDisp = xProv->queryDispatch( aURL, OUString(), 0 ); if ( xDisp.is() ) xDisp->dispatch( aURL, Sequence < PropertyValue >() ); } } else if (rActionId == u"bookmarks") { OUString aURL = pHelpInterceptor->GetCurrentURL(); if ( !aURL.isEmpty() ) { try { Content aCnt( aURL, Reference< css::ucb::XCommandEnvironment >(), comphelper::getProcessComponentContext() ); css::uno::Reference< css::beans::XPropertySetInfo > xInfo = aCnt.getProperties(); if ( xInfo->hasPropertyByName( PROPERTY_TITLE ) ) { css::uno::Any aAny = aCnt.getPropertyValue( PROPERTY_TITLE ); OUString aValue; if ( aAny >>= aValue ) { SfxAddHelpBookmarkDialog_Impl aDlg(GetFrameWeld(), false); aDlg.SetTitle(aValue); if (aDlg.run() == RET_OK ) { xIndexWin->AddBookmarks( aDlg.GetTitle(), aURL ); } } } } catch( Exception& ) { TOOLS_WARN_EXCEPTION( "sfx.appl", "SfxHelpWindow_Impl::DoAction(): unexpected exception" ); } } } } void SfxHelpWindow_Impl::CloseWindow() { try { // search for top frame Reference< XFramesSupplier > xCreator = getTextFrame()->getCreator(); while ( xCreator.is() && !xCreator->isTop() ) { xCreator = xCreator->getCreator(); } // when found, close it if ( xCreator.is() && xCreator->isTop() ) { Reference < XCloseable > xCloser( xCreator, UNO_QUERY ); if ( xCloser.is() ) xCloser->close( false ); } } catch( Exception const & ) { TOOLS_WARN_EXCEPTION( "sfx.appl", "SfxHelpWindow_Impl::CloseWindow()" ); } } void SfxHelpWindow_Impl::UpdateToolbox() { pTextWin->GetToolBox().set_item_sensitive(u"backward"_ustr, pHelpInterceptor->HasHistoryPred()); pTextWin->GetToolBox().set_item_sensitive(u"forward"_ustr, pHelpInterceptor->HasHistorySucc()); } bool SfxHelpWindow_Impl::HasHistoryPredecessor() const { return pHelpInterceptor->HasHistoryPred(); } bool SfxHelpWindow_Impl::HasHistorySuccessor() const { return pHelpInterceptor->HasHistorySucc(); } // class SfxAddHelpBookmarkDialog_Impl ----------------------------------- SfxAddHelpBookmarkDialog_Impl::SfxAddHelpBookmarkDialog_Impl(weld::Widget* pParent, bool bRename) : GenericDialogController(pParent, u"sfx/ui/bookmarkdialog.ui"_ustr, u"BookmarkDialog"_ustr) , m_xTitleED(m_xBuilder->weld_entry(u"entry"_ustr)) , m_xAltTitle(m_xBuilder->weld_label(u"alttitle"_ustr)) { if (bRename) m_xDialog->set_title(m_xAltTitle->get_label()); } void SfxAddHelpBookmarkDialog_Impl::SetTitle(const OUString& rTitle) { m_xTitleED->set_text(rTitle); m_xTitleED->select_region(0, -1); } /* vim:set shiftwidth=4 softtabstop=4 expandtab: */