/* -*- Mode: C++; tab-width: 4; indent-tabs-mode: nil; c-basic-offset: 4 -*- */
 * This file is part of the LibreOffice project.
 * This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
 * License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
 * file, You can obtain one at http://mozilla.org/MPL/2.0/.
 * This file incorporates work covered by the following license notice:
 *   Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one or more
 *   contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file distributed
 *   with this work for additional information regarding copyright
 *   ownership. The ASF licenses this file to you under the Apache
 *   License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may not use this file
 *   except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of
 *   the License at http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 .

#include <assert.h>
#include <stdlib.h>

#include <sal/log.hxx>

#include <tools/stream.hxx>

#include <sfx2/module.hxx>
#include <sfx2/objface.hxx>
#include <sfx2/msg.hxx>
#include <sfx2/app.hxx>
#include <sfx2/msgpool.hxx>
#include <sfx2/sfxresid.hxx>
#include <sfx2/objsh.hxx>
#include <rtl/strbuf.hxx>

extern "C" {

static int SAL_CALL
SfxCompareSlots_qsort( const void* pSmaller, const void* pBigger )
    return ( (int) static_cast<SfxSlot const *>(pSmaller)->GetSlotId() ) -
           ( (int) static_cast<SfxSlot const *>(pBigger)->GetSlotId() );

static int SAL_CALL
SfxCompareSlots_bsearch( const void* pSmaller, const void* pBigger )
    return ( (int) *static_cast<sal_uInt16 const *>(pSmaller) ) -
           ( (int) static_cast<SfxSlot const *>(pBigger)->GetSlotId() );


struct SfxObjectUI_Impl
    sal_uInt16         nPos;
    SfxVisibilityFlags nFlags;
    sal_uInt32         nObjId;
    bool               bContext;
    SfxShellFeature    nFeature;

    SfxObjectUI_Impl(sal_uInt16 n, SfxVisibilityFlags f, sal_uInt32 nId, SfxShellFeature nFeat) :

typedef std::vector<SfxObjectUI_Impl*> SfxObjectUIArr_Impl;

struct SfxInterface_Impl
    SfxObjectUIArr_Impl     aObjectBars;    // registered ObjectBars
    SfxObjectUIArr_Impl     aChildWindows;  // registered ChildWindows
    OUString                aPopupName;     // registered PopupMenu
    sal_uInt32              nStatBarResId;  // registered StatusBar
    SfxModule*              pModule;
    bool                    bRegistered;

        : nStatBarResId(0)
        , pModule(nullptr)
        , bRegistered(false)

        for (SfxObjectUIArr_Impl::const_iterator it = aObjectBars.begin(); it != aObjectBars.end(); ++it)
            delete *it;

        for (SfxObjectUIArr_Impl::const_iterator it = aChildWindows.begin(); it != aChildWindows.end(); ++it)
            delete *it;

static SfxObjectUI_Impl* CreateObjectBarUI_Impl(sal_uInt16 nPos, SfxVisibilityFlags nFlags, ToolbarId eId, SfxShellFeature nFeature);

// constuctor, registeres a new unit
SfxInterface::SfxInterface( const char *pClassName,
                            bool bUsableSuperClass,
                            SfxInterfaceId nId,
                            const SfxInterface* pParent,
                            SfxSlot &rSlotMap, sal_uInt16 nSlotCount ):
    pImplData(new SfxInterface_Impl)
    SetSlotMap( rSlotMap, nSlotCount );

void SfxInterface::Register( SfxModule* pMod )
    pImplData->bRegistered = true;
    pImplData->pModule = pMod;
    if ( pMod )

void SfxInterface::SetSlotMap( SfxSlot& rSlotMap, sal_uInt16 nSlotCount )
    pSlots = &rSlotMap;
    nCount = nSlotCount;
    SfxSlot* pIter = pSlots;
    if ( 1 == nCount && !pIter->pNextSlot )
        pIter->pNextSlot = pIter;

    if ( !pIter->pNextSlot )
        // sort the SfxSlots by id
        qsort( pSlots, nCount, sizeof(SfxSlot), SfxCompareSlots_qsort );

        // link masters and slaves
        sal_uInt16 nIter = 1;
        for ( pIter = pSlots; nIter <= nCount; ++pIter, ++nIter )

            assert( nIter == nCount ||
                    pIter->GetSlotId() != (pIter+1)->GetSlotId() );

            if ( nullptr == pIter->GetNextSlot() )
                // Slots referring in circle to the next with the same
                // Status method.
                SfxSlot *pLastSlot = pIter;
                for ( sal_uInt16 n = nIter; n < Count(); ++n )
                    SfxSlot *pCurSlot = (pSlots+n);
                    if ( pCurSlot->GetStateFnc() == pIter->GetStateFnc() )
                        pLastSlot->pNextSlot = pCurSlot;
                        pLastSlot = pCurSlot;
                pLastSlot->pNextSlot = pIter;
#ifdef DBG_UTIL
        sal_uInt16 nIter = 1;
        for ( SfxSlot *pNext = pIter+1; nIter < nCount; ++pNext, ++nIter )

            if ( pNext->GetSlotId() <= pIter->GetSlotId() )
                SAL_WARN( "sfx.control", "Wrong order" );

            const SfxSlot *pCurSlot = pIter;
                pCurSlot = pCurSlot->pNextSlot;
                if ( pCurSlot->GetStateFnc() != pIter->GetStateFnc() )
                    OStringBuffer aStr("Linked Slots with different State Methods : ");
                    aStr.append(" , ");
                    SAL_WARN("sfx.control", aStr.getStr());
            while ( pCurSlot != pIter );

            pIter = pNext;

    SfxModule *pMod = pImplData->pModule;
    bool bRegistered = pImplData->bRegistered;
    assert( bRegistered );
    if ( bRegistered )
        if ( pMod )

// searches for the specified func

const SfxSlot* SfxInterface::GetSlot( sal_uInt16 nFuncId ) const

    assert( pSlots );
    assert( nCount );

    // find the id using binary search
    void* p = bsearch( &nFuncId, pSlots, nCount, sizeof(SfxSlot),
                       SfxCompareSlots_bsearch );
    if ( !p && pGenoType )
        return pGenoType->GetSlot( nFuncId );

    return p ? static_cast<const SfxSlot*>(p) : nullptr;

const SfxSlot* SfxInterface::GetSlot( const OUString& rCommand ) const
    static const char UNO_COMMAND[] = ".uno:";

    OUString aCommand( rCommand );
    if ( aCommand.startsWith( UNO_COMMAND ) )
         aCommand = aCommand.copy( sizeof( UNO_COMMAND )-1 );

    for ( sal_uInt16 n=0; n<nCount; n++ )
        if ( (pSlots+n)->pUnoName &&
             aCommand.compareToIgnoreAsciiCaseAscii( (pSlots+n)->GetUnoName() ) == 0 )
            return pSlots+n;

    return pGenoType ? pGenoType->GetSlot( aCommand ) : nullptr;

const SfxSlot* SfxInterface::GetRealSlot( const SfxSlot *pSlot ) const

    assert( pSlots );
    assert( nCount );

    if ( !ContainsSlot_Impl(pSlot) )
            return pGenoType->GetRealSlot(pSlot);
        SAL_WARN( "sfx.control", "unknown Slot" );
        return nullptr;

    return nullptr;

const SfxSlot* SfxInterface::GetRealSlot( sal_uInt16 nSlotId ) const

    assert( pSlots );
    assert( nCount );

    const SfxSlot *pSlot = GetSlot(nSlotId);
    if ( !pSlot )
            return pGenoType->GetRealSlot(nSlotId);
        SAL_WARN( "sfx.control", "unknown Slot" );
        return nullptr;

    return nullptr;

void SfxInterface::RegisterPopupMenu( const OUString& rResourceName )
    pImplData->aPopupName = rResourceName;

void SfxInterface::RegisterObjectBar(sal_uInt16 nPos, SfxVisibilityFlags nFlags, ToolbarId eId)
    RegisterObjectBar(nPos, nFlags, eId, SfxShellFeature::NONE);

void SfxInterface::RegisterObjectBar(sal_uInt16 nPos, SfxVisibilityFlags nFlags, ToolbarId eId, SfxShellFeature nFeature)
    SfxObjectUI_Impl* pUI = CreateObjectBarUI_Impl(nPos, nFlags, eId, nFeature);
    if ( pUI )

SfxObjectUI_Impl* CreateObjectBarUI_Impl(sal_uInt16 nPos, SfxVisibilityFlags nFlags, ToolbarId eId, SfxShellFeature nFeature)
    if (nFlags == SfxVisibilityFlags::Invisible)
        nFlags |= SfxVisibilityFlags::Standard;

    return new SfxObjectUI_Impl(nPos, nFlags, (sal_uInt32)eId, nFeature);

ToolbarId SfxInterface::GetObjectBarId(sal_uInt16 nNo) const
    bool bGenoType = (pGenoType != nullptr && pGenoType->UseAsSuperClass());
    if ( bGenoType )
        // Are there toolbars in the super class?
        sal_uInt16 nBaseCount = pGenoType->GetObjectBarCount();
        if ( nNo < nBaseCount )
            // The Super class comes first
            return pGenoType->GetObjectBarId(nNo);
            nNo = nNo - nBaseCount;

    assert( nNo<pImplData->aObjectBars.size() );

    return (ToolbarId)pImplData->aObjectBars[nNo]->nObjId;

sal_uInt16 SfxInterface::GetObjectBarPos( sal_uInt16 nNo ) const
    bool bGenoType = (pGenoType != nullptr && pGenoType->UseAsSuperClass());
    if ( bGenoType )
        // Are there toolbars in the super class?
        sal_uInt16 nBaseCount = pGenoType->GetObjectBarCount();
        if ( nNo < nBaseCount )
            // The Super class comes first
            return pGenoType->GetObjectBarPos( nNo );
            nNo = nNo - nBaseCount;

    assert( nNo<pImplData->aObjectBars.size() );

    return pImplData->aObjectBars[nNo]->nPos;

SfxVisibilityFlags SfxInterface::GetObjectBarFlags( sal_uInt16 nNo ) const
    bool bGenoType = (pGenoType != nullptr && pGenoType->UseAsSuperClass());
    if ( bGenoType )
        // Are there toolbars in the super class?
        sal_uInt16 nBaseCount = pGenoType->GetObjectBarCount();
        if ( nNo < nBaseCount )
            // The Super class comes first
            return pGenoType->GetObjectBarFlags( nNo );
            nNo = nNo - nBaseCount;

    assert( nNo<pImplData->aObjectBars.size() );

    return pImplData->aObjectBars[nNo]->nFlags;

sal_uInt16 SfxInterface::GetObjectBarCount() const
    if (pGenoType && pGenoType->UseAsSuperClass())
        return pImplData->aObjectBars.size() + pGenoType->GetObjectBarCount();
        return pImplData->aObjectBars.size();

void SfxInterface::RegisterChildWindow(sal_uInt16 nId, bool bContext)
    RegisterChildWindow(nId, bContext, SfxShellFeature::NONE);

void SfxInterface::RegisterChildWindow(sal_uInt16 nId, bool bContext, SfxShellFeature nFeature)
    SfxObjectUI_Impl* pUI = new SfxObjectUI_Impl(0, SfxVisibilityFlags::Invisible, nId, nFeature);
    pUI->bContext = bContext;

void SfxInterface::RegisterStatusBar(sal_uInt32 nResId)
    pImplData->nStatBarResId = nResId;

sal_uInt32 SfxInterface::GetChildWindowId (sal_uInt16 nNo) const
    if ( pGenoType )
        // Are there ChildWindows in the superclass?
        sal_uInt16 nBaseCount = pGenoType->GetChildWindowCount();
        if ( nNo < nBaseCount )
            // The Super class comes first
            return pGenoType->GetChildWindowId( nNo );
            nNo = nNo - nBaseCount;

    assert( nNo<pImplData->aChildWindows.size() );

    sal_uInt32 nRet = pImplData->aChildWindows[nNo]->nObjId;
    if ( pImplData->aChildWindows[nNo]->bContext )
        nRet += sal_uInt16( nClassId ) << 16;
    return nRet;

SfxShellFeature SfxInterface::GetChildWindowFeature (sal_uInt16 nNo) const
    if ( pGenoType )
        // Are there ChildWindows in the superclass?
        sal_uInt16 nBaseCount = pGenoType->GetChildWindowCount();
        if ( nNo < nBaseCount )
            // The Super class comes first
            return pGenoType->GetChildWindowFeature( nNo );
            nNo = nNo - nBaseCount;

    assert( nNo<pImplData->aChildWindows.size() );

    return pImplData->aChildWindows[nNo]->nFeature;

sal_uInt16 SfxInterface::GetChildWindowCount() const
    if (pGenoType)
        return pImplData->aChildWindows.size() + pGenoType->GetChildWindowCount();
        return pImplData->aChildWindows.size();

const OUString& SfxInterface::GetPopupMenuName() const
    return pImplData->aPopupName;

sal_uInt32 SfxInterface::GetStatusBarId() const
    if (pImplData->nStatBarResId == 0 && pGenoType)
        return pGenoType->GetStatusBarId();
        return pImplData->nStatBarResId;

SfxShellFeature SfxInterface::GetObjectBarFeature ( sal_uInt16 nNo ) const
    bool bGenoType = (pGenoType != nullptr && pGenoType->UseAsSuperClass());
    if ( bGenoType )
        // Are there toolbars in the super class?
        sal_uInt16 nBaseCount = pGenoType->GetObjectBarCount();
        if ( nNo < nBaseCount )
            // The Super class comes first
            return pGenoType->GetObjectBarFeature( nNo );
            nNo = nNo - nBaseCount;

    assert( nNo<pImplData->aObjectBars.size() );

    return pImplData->aObjectBars[nNo]->nFeature;

bool SfxInterface::IsObjectBarVisible(sal_uInt16 nNo) const
    bool bGenoType = (pGenoType != nullptr && pGenoType->UseAsSuperClass());
    if ( bGenoType )
        // Are there toolbars in the super class?
        sal_uInt16 nBaseCount = pGenoType->GetObjectBarCount();
        if ( nNo < nBaseCount )
            // The Super class comes first
            return pGenoType->IsObjectBarVisible( nNo );
            nNo = nNo - nBaseCount;

    assert( nNo<pImplData->aObjectBars.size() );

    return true;

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