/* -*- Mode: C++; tab-width: 4; indent-tabs-mode: nil; c-basic-offset: 4 -*- */ /* * This file is part of the LibreOffice project. * * This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public * License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this * file, You can obtain one at http://mozilla.org/MPL/2.0/. */ #include <sfx2/templatelocalview.hxx> #include <comphelper/string.hxx> #include <sfx2/doctempl.hxx> #include <sfx2/inputdlg.hxx> #include <sfx2/sfxresid.hxx> #include <templatecontaineritem.hxx> #include <templateviewitem.hxx> #include <sfx2/docfac.hxx> #include <tools/urlobj.hxx> #include <unotools/moduleoptions.hxx> #include <vcl/svapp.hxx> #include <vcl/weld.hxx> #include <vcl/commandevent.hxx> #include <vcl/event.hxx> #include <sfx2/strings.hrc> #include <bitmaps.hlst> #include <comphelper/processfactory.hxx> #include <com/sun/star/util/thePathSettings.hpp> #include <unotools/ucbhelper.hxx> #include <sfxurlrelocator.hxx> #include <../doc/doctemplateslocal.hxx> using namespace ::com::sun::star; bool ViewFilter_Application::isFilteredExtension(FILTER_APPLICATION filter, std::u16string_view rExt) { bool bRet = rExt == u"ott" || rExt == u"stw" || rExt == u"oth" || rExt == u"dot" || rExt == u"dotx" || rExt == u"otm" || rExt == u"ots" || rExt == u"stc" || rExt == u"xlt" || rExt == u"xltm" || rExt == u"xltx" || rExt == u"otp" || rExt == u"sti" || rExt == u"pot" || rExt == u"potm" || rExt == u"potx" || rExt == u"otg" || rExt == u"std"; if (filter == FILTER_APPLICATION::WRITER) { bRet = rExt == u"ott" || rExt == u"stw" || rExt == u"oth" || rExt == u"dot" || rExt == u"dotx" || rExt == u"otm"; } else if (filter == FILTER_APPLICATION::CALC) { bRet = rExt == u"ots" || rExt == u"stc" || rExt == u"xlt" || rExt == u"xltm" || rExt == u"xltx"; } else if (filter == FILTER_APPLICATION::IMPRESS) { bRet = rExt == u"otp" || rExt == u"sti" || rExt == u"pot" || rExt == u"potm" || rExt == u"potx"; } else if (filter == FILTER_APPLICATION::DRAW) { bRet = rExt == u"otg" || rExt == u"std"; } return bRet; } bool ViewFilter_Application::isValid (std::u16string_view rPath) const { INetURLObject aUrl(rPath); return isFilteredExtension(mApp, aUrl.getExtension()); } bool ViewFilter_Application::operator () (const ThumbnailViewItem *pItem) { const TemplateViewItem *pTempItem = dynamic_cast<const TemplateViewItem*>(pItem); if (pTempItem) return isValid(pTempItem->getPath()); return true; } void TemplateLocalView::updateThumbnailDimensions(tools::Long itemMaxSize) { mnThumbnailWidth = itemMaxSize; mnThumbnailHeight = itemMaxSize; } TemplateLocalView::TemplateLocalView(std::unique_ptr<weld::ScrolledWindow> xWindow, std::unique_ptr<weld::Menu> xMenu) : ThumbnailView(std::move(xWindow), std::move(xMenu)) , mnCurRegionId(0) , maSelectedItem(nullptr) , mnThumbnailWidth(TEMPLATE_THUMBNAIL_MAX_WIDTH) , mnThumbnailHeight(TEMPLATE_THUMBNAIL_MAX_HEIGHT) , maPosition(0,0) , mpDocTemplates(new SfxDocumentTemplates) { } TemplateLocalView::~TemplateLocalView() { } void TemplateLocalView::Populate() { maRegions.clear(); maAllTemplates.clear(); sal_uInt16 nCount = mpDocTemplates->GetRegionCount(); for (sal_uInt16 i = 0; i < nCount; ++i) { OUString aRegionName(mpDocTemplates->GetFullRegionName(i)); std::unique_ptr<TemplateContainerItem> pItem(new TemplateContainerItem( i+1 )); pItem->mnRegionId = i; pItem->maTitle = aRegionName; sal_uInt16 nEntries = mpDocTemplates->GetCount(i); for (sal_uInt16 j = 0; j < nEntries; ++j) { TemplateItemProperties aProperties; aProperties.nId = j+1; aProperties.nDocId = j; aProperties.nRegionId = i; aProperties.aName = mpDocTemplates->GetName(i, j); aProperties.aPath = mpDocTemplates->GetPath(i, j); aProperties.aRegionName = aRegionName; aProperties.aThumbnail = TemplateLocalView::fetchThumbnail(aProperties.aPath, mnThumbnailWidth, mnThumbnailHeight); pItem->maTemplates.push_back(aProperties); maAllTemplates.push_back(aProperties); } maRegions.push_back(std::move(pItem)); } } void TemplateLocalView::reload() { mpDocTemplates->Update(); OUString sCurRegionName = getRegionItemName(mnCurRegionId); Populate(); mnCurRegionId = getRegionId(sCurRegionName); // Check if we are currently browsing a region or root folder if (mnCurRegionId) { sal_uInt16 nRegionId = mnCurRegionId - 1; //Is offset by 1 for (auto const & pRegion : maRegions) { if (pRegion->mnRegionId == nRegionId) { showRegion(pRegion.get()); break; } } } else showAllTemplates(); //No items should be selected by default deselectItems(); } void TemplateLocalView::showAllTemplates() { mnCurRegionId = 0; insertItems(maAllTemplates, false, true); maOpenRegionHdl.Call(nullptr); } void TemplateLocalView::showRegion(TemplateContainerItem const *pItem) { mnCurRegionId = pItem->mnRegionId+1; insertItems(pItem->maTemplates); maOpenRegionHdl.Call(nullptr); } TemplateContainerItem* TemplateLocalView::getRegion(std::u16string_view rName) { for (auto const & pRegion : maRegions) if (pRegion->maTitle == rName) return pRegion.get(); return nullptr; } void TemplateLocalView::ContextMenuSelectHdl(std::u16string_view rIdent) { if (rIdent == u"open") maOpenTemplateHdl.Call(maSelectedItem); else if (rIdent == u"edit") maEditTemplateHdl.Call(maSelectedItem); else if (rIdent == u"rename") { InputDialog aTitleEditDlg(GetDrawingArea(), SfxResId(STR_RENAME_TEMPLATE)); OUString sOldTitle = maSelectedItem->getTitle(); aTitleEditDlg.SetEntryText(sOldTitle); aTitleEditDlg.HideHelpBtn(); auto aCurRegionItems = getFilteredItems([&](const TemplateItemProperties& rItem) { return rItem.aRegionName == getRegionName(maSelectedItem->mnRegionId); }); OUString sTooltip(SfxResId(STR_TOOLTIP_ERROR_RENAME_TEMPLATE)); sTooltip = sTooltip.replaceFirst("$2", getRegionName(maSelectedItem->mnRegionId)); aTitleEditDlg.setCheckEntry([&](OUString sNewTitle) { if (sNewTitle.isEmpty() || sNewTitle == sOldTitle) return true; for (const auto& rItem : aCurRegionItems) { if (rItem.aName == sNewTitle) { aTitleEditDlg.SetTooltip(sTooltip.replaceFirst("$1", sNewTitle)); return false; } } return true; }); if (!aTitleEditDlg.run()) return; OUString sNewTitle = comphelper::string::strip(aTitleEditDlg.GetEntryText(), ' '); if ( !sNewTitle.isEmpty() && sNewTitle != sOldTitle ) { maSelectedItem->setTitle(sNewTitle); } } else if (rIdent == u"delete") { std::unique_ptr<weld::MessageDialog> xQueryDlg(Application::CreateMessageDialog(GetDrawingArea(), VclMessageType::Question, VclButtonsType::YesNo, SfxResId(STR_QMSG_SEL_TEMPLATE_DELETE))); if (xQueryDlg->run() != RET_YES) return; maDeleteTemplateHdl.Call(maSelectedItem); reload(); } else if (rIdent == u"default") maDefaultTemplateHdl.Call(maSelectedItem); } sal_uInt16 TemplateLocalView::getRegionId(size_t pos) const { assert(pos < maRegions.size()); return maRegions[pos]->mnId; } sal_uInt16 TemplateLocalView::getRegionId(std::u16string_view sRegion) const { for (auto const & pRegion : maRegions) { if (pRegion->maTitle == sRegion) return pRegion->mnId; } return 0; } OUString TemplateLocalView::getRegionName(const sal_uInt16 nRegionId) const { return mpDocTemplates->GetRegionName(nRegionId); } OUString TemplateLocalView::getRegionItemName(const sal_uInt16 nItemId) const { for (auto const & pRegion : maRegions) { if (pRegion->mnId == nItemId) return pRegion->maTitle; } return OUString(); } std::vector<OUString> TemplateLocalView::getFolderNames() { size_t n = maRegions.size(); std::vector<OUString> ret(n); for (size_t i = 0; i < n; ++i) ret[i] = maRegions[i]->maTitle; return ret; } std::vector<TemplateItemProperties> TemplateLocalView::getFilteredItems(const std::function<bool (const TemplateItemProperties&)> &rFunc) const { std::vector<TemplateItemProperties> aItems; if (mnCurRegionId) { TemplateContainerItem *pFolderItem = maRegions[mnCurRegionId-1].get(); for (const TemplateItemProperties & rItemProps : pFolderItem->maTemplates) { if (rFunc(rItemProps)) aItems.push_back(rItemProps); } } else { for (auto const & pFolderItem : maRegions) { for (const TemplateItemProperties & rItemProps : pFolderItem->maTemplates) { if (rFunc(rItemProps)) aItems.push_back(rItemProps); } } } return aItems; } sal_uInt16 TemplateLocalView::createRegion(const OUString &rName) { sal_uInt16 nRegionId = mpDocTemplates->GetRegionCount(); // Next regionId sal_uInt16 nItemId = maRegions.size() + 1; if (!mpDocTemplates->InsertDir(rName,nRegionId)) return 0; // Insert to the region cache list and to the thumbnail item list std::unique_ptr<TemplateContainerItem> pItem(new TemplateContainerItem( nItemId )); pItem->mnRegionId = nRegionId; pItem->maTitle = rName; maRegions.push_back(std::move(pItem)); return nItemId; } bool TemplateLocalView::renameRegion(std::u16string_view rTitle, const OUString &rNewTitle) { TemplateContainerItem *pRegion = getRegion(rTitle); if(pRegion) { sal_uInt16 nRegionId = pRegion->mnRegionId; return mpDocTemplates->SetName( rNewTitle, nRegionId, USHRT_MAX/*nDocId*/ ); } return false; } bool TemplateLocalView::removeRegion(const sal_uInt16 nItemId) { sal_uInt16 nRegionId = USHRT_MAX; // Remove from the region cache list for (auto pRegionIt = maRegions.begin(); pRegionIt != maRegions.end();) { if ( (*pRegionIt)->mnId == nItemId ) { if (!mpDocTemplates->Delete((*pRegionIt)->mnRegionId,USHRT_MAX)) return false; nRegionId = (*pRegionIt)->mnRegionId; pRegionIt = maRegions.erase(pRegionIt); } else { // Synchronize regions cache ids with SfxDocumentTemplates if (nRegionId != USHRT_MAX && (*pRegionIt)->mnRegionId > nRegionId) --(*pRegionIt)->mnRegionId; ++pRegionIt; } } if (nRegionId == USHRT_MAX) return false; // Synchronize view regions ids with SfxDocumentTemplates for (auto const& region : maRegions) { if (region->mnRegionId > nRegionId) --region->mnRegionId; } return true; } bool TemplateLocalView::removeTemplate (const sal_uInt16 nItemId, const sal_uInt16 nSrcItemId) { for (auto const & pRegion : maRegions) { if (pRegion->mnId == nSrcItemId) { TemplateContainerItem *pItem = pRegion.get(); auto pIter = std::find_if(pItem->maTemplates.begin(), pItem->maTemplates.end(), [nItemId](const TemplateItemProperties& rTemplate) { return rTemplate.nId == nItemId; }); if (pIter != pItem->maTemplates.end()) { if (!mpDocTemplates->Delete(pItem->mnRegionId,pIter->nDocId)) return false; pIter = pItem->maTemplates.erase(pIter); if (pRegion->mnRegionId == mnCurRegionId-1) { RemoveItem(nItemId); Invalidate(); } // Update Doc Idx for all templates that follow for (; pIter != pItem->maTemplates.end(); ++pIter) pIter->nDocId = pIter->nDocId - 1; } CalculateItemPositions(); break; } } return true; } void TemplateLocalView::moveTemplates(const std::set<const ThumbnailViewItem*, selection_cmp_fn> &rItems, const sal_uInt16 nTargetItem) { TemplateContainerItem *pTarget = nullptr; TemplateContainerItem *pSrc = nullptr; for (auto const & pRegion : maRegions) { if (pRegion->mnId == nTargetItem) pTarget = pRegion.get(); } if (!pTarget) return; bool refresh = false; sal_uInt16 nTargetRegion = pTarget->mnRegionId; sal_uInt16 nTargetIdx = mpDocTemplates->GetCount(nTargetRegion); // Next Idx std::vector<sal_uInt16> aItemIds; // List of moved items ids (also prevents the invalidation of rItems iterators when we remove them as we go) std::set<const ThumbnailViewItem*,selection_cmp_fn>::const_iterator aSelIter; for ( aSelIter = rItems.begin(); aSelIter != rItems.end(); ++aSelIter, ++nTargetIdx ) { const TemplateViewItem *pViewItem = static_cast<const TemplateViewItem*>(*aSelIter); sal_uInt16 nSrcRegionId = pViewItem->mnRegionId; for (auto const & pRegion : maRegions) { if (pRegion->mnRegionId == nSrcRegionId) pSrc = pRegion.get(); } if(pSrc) { bool bCopy = !mpDocTemplates->Move(nTargetRegion,nTargetIdx,nSrcRegionId,pViewItem->mnDocId); if (bCopy) { OUString sQuery = SfxResId(STR_MSG_QUERY_COPY).replaceFirst("$1", pViewItem->maTitle).replaceFirst("$2", getRegionName(nTargetRegion)); std::unique_ptr<weld::MessageDialog> xQueryDlg(Application::CreateMessageDialog(GetDrawingArea(), VclMessageType::Question, VclButtonsType::YesNo, sQuery)); if (xQueryDlg->run() != RET_YES) { OUString sMsg(SfxResId(STR_MSG_ERROR_LOCAL_MOVE)); sMsg = sMsg.replaceFirst("$1",getRegionName(nTargetRegion)); std::unique_ptr<weld::MessageDialog> xBox(Application::CreateMessageDialog(GetDrawingArea(), VclMessageType::Warning, VclButtonsType::Ok, sMsg.replaceFirst( "$2",pViewItem->maTitle))); xBox->run(); return; //return if any single move operation fails } if (!mpDocTemplates->Copy(nTargetRegion,nTargetIdx,nSrcRegionId,pViewItem->mnDocId)) { continue; } } // move template to destination TemplateItemProperties aTemplateItem; aTemplateItem.nId = nTargetIdx + 1; aTemplateItem.nDocId = nTargetIdx; aTemplateItem.nRegionId = nTargetRegion; aTemplateItem.aName = pViewItem->maTitle; aTemplateItem.aPath = mpDocTemplates->GetPath(nTargetRegion,nTargetIdx); aTemplateItem.aRegionName = pViewItem->maHelpText; aTemplateItem.aThumbnail = pViewItem->maPreview1; pTarget->maTemplates.push_back(aTemplateItem); if (!bCopy) { // remove template from region cached data std::vector<TemplateItemProperties>::iterator pPropIter; for (pPropIter = pSrc->maTemplates.begin(); pPropIter != pSrc->maTemplates.end();) { if (pPropIter->nDocId == pViewItem->mnDocId) { pPropIter = pSrc->maTemplates.erase(pPropIter); aItemIds.push_back(pViewItem->mnDocId + 1);//mnid } else { // Keep region document id synchronized with SfxDocumentTemplates if (pPropIter->nDocId > pViewItem->mnDocId) --pPropIter->nDocId; ++pPropIter; } } // Keep view document id synchronized with SfxDocumentTemplates for (auto const& item : mItemList) { auto pTemplateViewItem = static_cast<TemplateViewItem*>(item.get()); if (pTemplateViewItem->mnDocId > pViewItem->mnDocId) --pTemplateViewItem->mnDocId; } } } refresh = true; } // Remove items from the current view for (auto const& itemId : aItemIds) RemoveItem(itemId); if (refresh) { CalculateItemPositions(); Invalidate(); } } bool TemplateLocalView::copyFrom (TemplateContainerItem *pItem, const OUString &rPath) { sal_uInt16 nId = 1; sal_uInt16 nDocId = 0; sal_uInt16 nRegionId = pItem->mnRegionId; OUString aPath(rPath); if (!pItem->maTemplates.empty()) { nId = pItem->maTemplates.back().nId+1; nDocId = pItem->maTemplates.back().nDocId+1; } if (mpDocTemplates->CopyFrom(nRegionId,nDocId,aPath)) { TemplateItemProperties aTemplate; aTemplate.nId = nId; aTemplate.nDocId = nDocId; aTemplate.nRegionId = nRegionId; aTemplate.aName = aPath; aTemplate.aThumbnail = TemplateLocalView::fetchThumbnail(rPath, TEMPLATE_THUMBNAIL_MAX_WIDTH, TEMPLATE_THUMBNAIL_MAX_HEIGHT); aTemplate.aPath = rPath; aTemplate.aRegionName = getRegionName(nRegionId); pItem->maTemplates.push_back(aTemplate); CalculateItemPositions(); return true; } return false; } bool TemplateLocalView::exportTo(const sal_uInt16 nItemId, const sal_uInt16 nRegionItemId, std::u16string_view rName) { for (auto const & pRegItem : maRegions) { if (pRegItem->mnId == nRegionItemId) { for (auto const& elem : pRegItem->maTemplates) { if (elem.nId == nItemId) { return mpDocTemplates->CopyTo(pRegItem->mnRegionId,elem.nDocId,rName); } } break; } } return false; } bool TemplateLocalView::renameItem(ThumbnailViewItem& rItem, const OUString& sNewTitle) { sal_uInt16 nRegionId = 0; sal_uInt16 nDocId = USHRT_MAX; if (TemplateViewItem* pDocItem = dynamic_cast<TemplateViewItem*>(&rItem)) { nRegionId = pDocItem->mnRegionId; nDocId = pDocItem->mnDocId; } bool bRes = mpDocTemplates->SetName( sNewTitle, nRegionId, nDocId ); if(bRes) { for (auto & pRegion : maRegions) { if (pRegion->mnId == nRegionId + 1 ) { for(auto & aTemplate : pRegion->maTemplates) { if(aTemplate.nId == nDocId + 1) { aTemplate.aName = sNewTitle; break; } } break; } } OUString sRegionName; for (auto & aTemplate : maAllTemplates) { if (aTemplate.nRegionId == nRegionId && aTemplate.nDocId == nDocId) { aTemplate.aName = sNewTitle; sRegionName = aTemplate.aRegionName; break; } } OUString sHelpText = SfxResId(STR_TEMPLATE_TOOLTIP); sHelpText = (sHelpText.replaceFirst("$1", sNewTitle)).replaceFirst("$2", sRegionName); rItem.setHelpText(sHelpText); rItem.maTitle = sNewTitle; } return bRes; } void TemplateLocalView::insertItems(const std::vector<TemplateItemProperties> &rTemplates, bool isRegionSelected, bool bShowCategoryInTooltip) { std::vector<std::unique_ptr<ThumbnailViewItem>> aItems(rTemplates.size()); for (size_t i = 0, n = rTemplates.size(); i < n; ++i ) { const TemplateItemProperties *pCur = &rTemplates[i]; std::unique_ptr<TemplateViewItem> pChild; if(isRegionSelected) pChild.reset(new TemplateViewItem(*this, pCur->nId)); else pChild.reset(new TemplateViewItem(*this, i+1)); pChild->mnDocId = pCur->nDocId; pChild->mnRegionId = pCur->nRegionId; pChild->maTitle = pCur->aName; pChild->setPath(pCur->aPath); if(!bShowCategoryInTooltip) pChild->setHelpText(pCur->aName); else { OUString sHelpText = SfxResId(STR_TEMPLATE_TOOLTIP); sHelpText = (sHelpText.replaceFirst("$1", pCur->aName)).replaceFirst("$2", pCur->aRegionName); pChild->setHelpText(sHelpText); } pChild->maPreview1 = pCur->aThumbnail; if(IsDefaultTemplate(pCur->aPath)) pChild->showDefaultIcon(true); if ( pCur->aThumbnail.IsEmpty() ) { // Use the default thumbnail if we have nothing else pChild->maPreview1 = TemplateLocalView::getDefaultThumbnail(pCur->aPath); } aItems[i] = std::move(pChild); } updateItems(std::move(aItems)); } bool TemplateLocalView::MouseButtonDown( const MouseEvent& rMEvt ) { GrabFocus(); return ThumbnailView::MouseButtonDown(rMEvt); } bool TemplateLocalView::Command(const CommandEvent& rCEvt) { if (rCEvt.GetCommand() != CommandEventId::ContextMenu) return CustomWidgetController::Command(rCEvt); if (rCEvt.IsMouseEvent()) { size_t nPos = ImplGetItem(rCEvt.GetMousePosPixel()); Point aPosition(rCEvt.GetMousePosPixel()); maPosition = aPosition; ThumbnailViewItem* pItem = ImplGetItem(nPos); const TemplateViewItem *pViewItem = dynamic_cast<const TemplateViewItem*>(pItem); if(pViewItem) { if(!pItem->isSelected()) { deselectItems(); pItem->setSelection(true); maItemStateHdl.Call(pItem); } maSelectedItem = dynamic_cast<TemplateViewItem*>(pItem); maCreateContextMenuHdl.Call(pItem); } } else { for (ThumbnailViewItem* pItem : mFilteredItemList) { if (pItem->isSelected()) { tools::Rectangle aRect = pItem->getDrawArea(); maPosition = aRect.Center(); maSelectedItem = dynamic_cast<TemplateViewItem*>(pItem); maCreateContextMenuHdl.Call(pItem); break; } } } return true; } bool TemplateLocalView::KeyInput( const KeyEvent& rKEvt ) { vcl::KeyCode aKeyCode = rKEvt.GetKeyCode(); if(aKeyCode == ( KEY_MOD1 | KEY_A ) ) { for (ThumbnailViewItem* pItem : mFilteredItemList) { if (!pItem->isSelected()) { pItem->setSelection(true); maItemStateHdl.Call(pItem); } } if (IsReallyVisible() && IsUpdateMode()) Invalidate(); return true; } else if( aKeyCode == KEY_DELETE && !mFilteredItemList.empty()) { std::unique_ptr<weld::MessageDialog> xQueryDlg(Application::CreateMessageDialog(GetDrawingArea(), VclMessageType::Question, VclButtonsType::YesNo, SfxResId(STR_QMSG_SEL_TEMPLATE_DELETE))); if (xQueryDlg->run() != RET_YES) return true; //copy to avoid changing filtered item list during deletion ThumbnailValueItemList mFilteredItemListCopy = mFilteredItemList; for (ThumbnailViewItem* pItem : mFilteredItemListCopy) { if (pItem->isSelected()) { maDeleteTemplateHdl.Call(pItem); } } reload(); } return ThumbnailView::KeyInput(rKEvt); } void TemplateLocalView::setOpenRegionHdl(const Link<void*,void> &rLink) { maOpenRegionHdl = rLink; } void TemplateLocalView::setCreateContextMenuHdl(const Link<ThumbnailViewItem*,void> &rLink) { maCreateContextMenuHdl = rLink; } void TemplateLocalView::setOpenTemplateHdl(const Link<ThumbnailViewItem*,void> &rLink) { maOpenTemplateHdl = rLink; } void TemplateLocalView::setEditTemplateHdl(const Link<ThumbnailViewItem*,void> &rLink) { maEditTemplateHdl = rLink; } void TemplateLocalView::setDeleteTemplateHdl(const Link<void*,void> &rLink) { maDeleteTemplateHdl = rLink; } void TemplateLocalView::setDefaultTemplateHdl(const Link<ThumbnailViewItem*,void> &rLink) { maDefaultTemplateHdl = rLink; } void TemplateLocalView::setMoveTemplateHdl(const Link<void*,void> &rLink) { maMoveTemplateHdl = rLink; } void TemplateLocalView::setExportTemplateHdl(const Link<void*,void> &rLink) { maExportTemplateHdl = rLink; } BitmapEx TemplateLocalView::scaleImg (const BitmapEx &rImg, tools::Long width, tools::Long height) { BitmapEx aImg = rImg; if (!rImg.IsEmpty()) { Size aSize = rImg.GetSizePixel(); if (aSize.Width() == 0) aSize.setWidth( 1 ); if (aSize.Height() == 0) aSize.setHeight( 1 ); // make the picture fit the given width/height constraints double nRatio = std::min(double(width)/double(aSize.Width()), double(height)/double(aSize.Height())); aImg.Scale(nRatio, nRatio); } return aImg; } bool TemplateLocalView::IsDefaultTemplate(const OUString& rPath) { SvtModuleOptions aModOpt; const css::uno::Sequence<OUString> aServiceNames = aModOpt.GetAllServiceNames(); return std::any_of(aServiceNames.begin(), aServiceNames.end(), [&rPath](const OUString& rName) { return SfxObjectFactory::GetStandardTemplate(rName).match(rPath); }); } void TemplateLocalView::RemoveDefaultTemplateIcon(std::u16string_view rPath) { for (const std::unique_ptr<ThumbnailViewItem>& pItem : mItemList) { TemplateViewItem* pViewItem = dynamic_cast<TemplateViewItem*>(pItem.get()); if (pViewItem && pViewItem->getPath().match(rPath)) { pViewItem->showDefaultIcon(false); Invalidate(); return; } } } BitmapEx TemplateLocalView::getDefaultThumbnail( std::u16string_view rPath ) { BitmapEx aImg; INetURLObject aUrl(rPath); OUString aExt = aUrl.getExtension(); if ( ViewFilter_Application::isFilteredExtension( FILTER_APPLICATION::WRITER, aExt) ) aImg = BitmapEx(SFX_THUMBNAIL_TEXT); else if ( ViewFilter_Application::isFilteredExtension( FILTER_APPLICATION::CALC, aExt) ) aImg = BitmapEx(SFX_THUMBNAIL_SHEET); else if ( ViewFilter_Application::isFilteredExtension( FILTER_APPLICATION::IMPRESS, aExt) ) aImg = BitmapEx(SFX_THUMBNAIL_PRESENTATION); else if ( ViewFilter_Application::isFilteredExtension( FILTER_APPLICATION::DRAW, aExt) ) aImg = BitmapEx(SFX_THUMBNAIL_DRAWING); return aImg; } BitmapEx TemplateLocalView::fetchThumbnail (const OUString &msURL, tools::Long width, tools::Long height) { return TemplateLocalView::scaleImg(ThumbnailView::readThumbnail(msURL), width, height); } void TemplateLocalView::OnItemDblClicked (ThumbnailViewItem *pItem) { TemplateViewItem* pViewItem = dynamic_cast<TemplateViewItem*>(pItem); if( pViewItem ) maOpenTemplateHdl.Call(pViewItem); } bool TemplateLocalView::IsInternalTemplate(const OUString& rPath) { const uno::Reference< uno::XComponentContext >& xContext = ::comphelper::getProcessComponentContext(); css::uno::Reference< css::util::XPathSettings > xPathSettings = css::util::thePathSettings::get(xContext); uno::Sequence<OUString> aInternalTemplateDirs; uno::Any aAny = xPathSettings->getPropertyValue(u"Template_internal"_ustr); aAny >>= aInternalTemplateDirs; SfxURLRelocator_Impl aRelocator(xContext); for (OUString& rInternalTemplateDir : asNonConstRange(aInternalTemplateDirs)) { aRelocator.makeRelocatableURL(rInternalTemplateDir); aRelocator.makeAbsoluteURL(rInternalTemplateDir); if(::utl::UCBContentHelper::IsSubPath(rInternalTemplateDir, rPath)) return true; } return false; } bool TemplateLocalView::IsBuiltInRegion(const OUString& rRegionName) { bool isBuiltInCategory = false; auto aGroupNames = DocTemplLocaleHelper::GetBuiltInGroupNames(); isBuiltInCategory = std::find(aGroupNames.begin(), aGroupNames.end(), rRegionName) != aGroupNames.end(); if(isBuiltInCategory) return true; //check if it contains any internal template for(const auto& rItem : maRegions) { if(rItem->maTitle == rRegionName) { for(const auto& rTemplateItem : rItem->maTemplates) { if(IsInternalTemplate(rTemplateItem.aPath)) return true; } break; } } return false; } /* vim:set shiftwidth=4 softtabstop=4 expandtab: */