/************************************************************************* * * $RCSfile: cfg.cxx,v $ * * $Revision: 1.35 $ * * last change: $Author: kz $ $Date: 2004-02-25 15:44:04 $ * * The Contents of this file are made available subject to the terms of * either of the following licenses * * - GNU Lesser General Public License Version 2.1 * - Sun Industry Standards Source License Version 1.1 * * Sun Microsystems Inc., October, 2000 * * GNU Lesser General Public License Version 2.1 * ============================================= * Copyright 2000 by Sun Microsystems, Inc. * 901 San Antonio Road, Palo Alto, CA 94303, USA * * This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or * modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public * License version 2.1, as published by the Free Software Foundation. * * This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU * Lesser General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public * License along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software * Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, * MA 02111-1307 USA * * * Sun Industry Standards Source License Version 1.1 * ================================================= * The contents of this file are subject to the Sun Industry Standards * Source License Version 1.1 (the "License"); You may not use this file * except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of the * License at http://www.openoffice.org/license.html. * * Software provided under this License is provided on an "AS IS" basis, * WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EITHER EXPRESSED OR IMPLIED, INCLUDING, * WITHOUT LIMITATION, WARRANTIES THAT THE SOFTWARE IS FREE OF DEFECTS, * MERCHANTABLE, FIT FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE, OR NON-INFRINGING. * See the License for the specific provisions governing your rights and * obligations concerning the Software. * * The Initial Developer of the Original Code is: Sun Microsystems, Inc. * * Copyright: 2000 by Sun Microsystems, Inc. * * All Rights Reserved. * * Contributor(s): _______________________________________ * * ************************************************************************/ #ifndef _SV_HELP_HXX //autogen #include #endif #ifndef _SBXCLASS_HXX //autogen #include #endif #ifndef _SB_SBSTAR_HXX //autogen #include #endif #ifndef __SBX_SBXMETHOD_HXX //autogen #include #endif #ifndef _SB_SBMOD_HXX //autogen #include #endif #ifndef _BASMGR_HXX //autogen #include #endif #ifndef _SV_WRKWIN_HXX //autogen #include #endif #include #include #include #pragma hdrstop #include "cfg.hxx" #include "dialog.hrc" #include "cfg.hrc" #ifndef _SFX_HELPID_HRC #include "helpid.hrc" #endif #include "app.hxx" #include "appdata.hxx" #include "msg.hxx" #include "msgpool.hxx" #include "stbmgr.hxx" #include "sfxresid.hxx" #include "macrconf.hxx" #include "minfitem.hxx" #include "cfgmgr.hxx" #include "sfxresid.hxx" #include "objsh.hxx" #include "dispatch.hxx" #include "sfxtypes.hxx" #include "eventdlg.hxx" #include "tbxopdlg.hxx" #include "minfitem.hxx" #include "viewfrm.hxx" #include "workwin.hxx" #include "filedlghelper.hxx" #include "request.hxx" #ifndef _UNOTOOLS_PROCESSFACTORY_HXX_ #include #endif #ifndef _UNOTOOLS_CONFIGMGR_HXX_ #include #endif #ifndef _COM_SUN_STAR_BEANS_XPROPERTYSET_HPP_ #include #endif #ifndef _COM_SUN_STAR_UNO_RUNTIMEEXCEPTION_HPP_ #include #endif #ifndef _DRAFTS_COM_SUN_STAR_SCRIPT_PROVIDER_XSCRIPTPROVIDERSUPPLIER_HPP_ #include #endif #ifndef _DRAFTS_COM_SUN_STAR_SCRIPT_PROVIDER_XSCRIPTPROVIDER_HPP_ #include #endif #ifndef _DRAFTS_COM_SUN_STAR_SCRIPT_BROWSE_XBROWSENODE_HPP_ #include #endif #ifndef _DRAFTS_COM_SUN_STAR_SCRIPT_BROWSE_BROWSENODETYPES_HPP_ #include #endif using namespace ::com::sun::star; using namespace ::com::sun::star::uno; using namespace ::drafts::com::sun::star::script; #define _SVSTDARR_STRINGSDTOR #include struct SfxStatBarInfo_Impl { USHORT nId; String aHelpText; SfxStatBarInfo_Impl(USHORT nID, String aString) : nId(nID), aHelpText(aString) {} }; DECL_PTRARRAY(SfxStbInfoArr_Impl, SfxStatBarInfo_Impl*, 20, 4); SV_IMPL_PTRARR(SfxGroupInfoArr_Impl, SfxGroupInfoPtr); SfxMenuConfigEntry::SfxMenuConfigEntry( USHORT nInitId, const String& rInitStr, const String& rHelpText, BOOL bPopup ) : nId( nInitId ) , bPopUp(bPopup) , aHelpText(rHelpText) , aStr(rInitStr) , bConfigure( TRUE ) , bStrEdited( FALSE ) { if ( SfxMacroConfig::IsMacroSlot( nId ) ) { SFX_APP()->GetMacroConfig()->RegisterSlotId( nId ); SfxMacroInfo* pInfo = SFX_APP()->GetMacroConfig()->GetMacroInfo( nId ); if ( pInfo ) aCommand = pInfo->GetURL(); bStrEdited = TRUE; } } void SfxMenuConfigEntry::SetId( USHORT nNew ) { if ( SfxMacroConfig::IsMacroSlot( nId ) ) SFX_APP()->GetMacroConfig()->ReleaseSlotId( nId ); nId = nNew; if ( SfxMacroConfig::IsMacroSlot( nId ) ) { SFX_APP()->GetMacroConfig()->RegisterSlotId( nId ); SfxMacroInfo* pInfo = SFX_APP()->GetMacroConfig()->GetMacroInfo( nId ); if ( pInfo ) aCommand = pInfo->GetURL(); bStrEdited = TRUE; } else { // Remove command string to fix problems if macro menu entry is overwritten // by a normal function! aCommand = String(); } } SfxMenuConfigEntry::~SfxMenuConfigEntry() { if ( SfxMacroConfig::IsMacroSlot( nId ) ) SFX_APP()->GetMacroConfig()->ReleaseSlotId( nId ); } SfxConfigFunctionListBox_Impl::SfxConfigFunctionListBox_Impl( Window* pParent, const ResId& rResId) /* Beschreibung Diese Listbox arbeiteitet mit der Grouplistbox zusammen und zeigt die zur Konfigurierung verf"ugbaren Funktionen bzw. Macros an, die zur selektierten Gruppe bzw. zum selektierten Modul in der Grouplistbox geh"oren. */ : SvTreeListBox( pParent, rResId ) , pCurEntry( 0 ) { SetWindowBits( GetStyle() | WB_CLIPCHILDREN | WB_HSCROLL | WB_SORT ); GetModel()->SetSortMode( SortAscending ); // Timer f"ur die BallonHelp aTimer.SetTimeout( 200 ); aTimer.SetTimeoutHdl( LINK( this, SfxConfigFunctionListBox_Impl, TimerHdl ) ); } SfxConfigFunctionListBox_Impl::~SfxConfigFunctionListBox_Impl() { ClearAll(); } void SfxConfigFunctionListBox_Impl::MouseMove( const MouseEvent& rMEvt ) /* Beschreibung Virtuelle Methode, die gerufen wird, wenn der Mauszeiger "uber der TreeListBox bewegt wurde. Wenn die Position des Mauszeigers "uber dem aktuell selektierten Entry liegt, wird ein Timer aufgesetzt, um ggf. einen Hilfetext einzublenden. */ { Point aMousePos = rMEvt.GetPosPixel(); pCurEntry = GetCurEntry(); if ( pCurEntry && GetEntry( aMousePos ) == pCurEntry ) aTimer.Start(); else { Help::ShowBalloon( this, aMousePos, String() ); aTimer.Stop(); } } IMPL_LINK( SfxConfigFunctionListBox_Impl, TimerHdl, Timer*, pTimer) /* Beschreibung Timer-Handler f"ur die Einblendung eines Hilfetextes. Wenn nach Ablauf des Timers der Mauszeiger immer noch auf dem aktuell selektierten Eintrag steht, wird der Helptext des Entries als Balloon-Help eingeblendet. */ { aTimer.Stop(); Point aMousePos = GetPointerPosPixel(); SvLBoxEntry *pEntry = GetCurEntry(); if ( pEntry && GetEntry( aMousePos ) == pEntry && pCurEntry == pEntry ) Help::ShowBalloon( this, OutputToScreenPixel( aMousePos ), GetHelpText( pEntry ) ); return 0L; } void SfxConfigFunctionListBox_Impl::ClearAll() /* Beschreibung L"oscht alle Eintr"age in der FunctionListBox, alle UserDaten und alle evtl. vorhandenen MacroInfos. */ { USHORT nCount = aArr.Count(); for ( USHORT i=0; inKind == SFX_CFGFUNCTION_MACRO || pData->nKind == SFX_CFGFUNCTION_SCRIPT ) { SfxMacroInfo *pInfo = (SfxMacroInfo*) pData->pObject; SFX_APP()->GetMacroConfig()->ReleaseSlotId( pInfo->GetSlotId() ); delete pInfo; } if ( pData->nKind == SFX_CFGGROUP_SCRIPTCONTAINER ) { XInterface* xi = static_cast(pData->pObject); if (xi != NULL) { xi->release(); } } delete pData; } aArr.Remove( 0, nCount ); Clear(); } SvLBoxEntry* SfxConfigFunctionListBox_Impl::GetEntry_Impl( const String& rName ) /* Beschreibung Ermittelt den SvLBoxEntry zu einem "ubergebenen String. Das setzt voraus, da\s die Namen eindeutig sind. */ { SvLBoxEntry *pEntry = First(); while ( pEntry ) { if ( GetEntryText( pEntry ) == rName ) return pEntry; pEntry = Next( pEntry ); } return NULL; } SvLBoxEntry* SfxConfigFunctionListBox_Impl::GetEntry_Impl( USHORT nId ) /* Beschreibung Ermittelt den SvLBoxEntry zu einer "ubergebenen Id. */ { SvLBoxEntry *pEntry = First(); while ( pEntry ) { SfxGroupInfo_Impl *pData = (SfxGroupInfo_Impl*) pEntry->GetUserData(); if ( pData && pData->nOrd == nId ) return pEntry; pEntry = Next( pEntry ); } return NULL; } SfxMacroInfo* SfxConfigFunctionListBox_Impl::GetMacroInfo() /* Beschreibung Gibt die MacroInfo des selektierten Entry zur"uck ( sofern vorhanden ). */ { SvLBoxEntry *pEntry = FirstSelected(); if ( pEntry ) { SfxGroupInfo_Impl *pData = (SfxGroupInfo_Impl*) pEntry->GetUserData(); if ( pData && ( pData->nKind == SFX_CFGFUNCTION_MACRO || pData->nKind == SFX_CFGFUNCTION_SCRIPT ) ) return (SfxMacroInfo*) pData->pObject; } return 0; } USHORT SfxConfigFunctionListBox_Impl::GetId( SvLBoxEntry *pEntry ) /* Beschreibung Gibt die Ordnungsnummer ( SlotId oder Macro-Nummer ) des Eintrags zur"uck. */ { SfxGroupInfo_Impl *pData = pEntry ? (SfxGroupInfo_Impl*) pEntry->GetUserData() : 0; if ( pData ) return pData->nOrd; return 0; } String SfxConfigFunctionListBox_Impl::GetHelpText( SvLBoxEntry *pEntry ) /* Beschreibung Gibt den Helptext des selektierten Entry zur"uck. */ { // Information zum selektierten Entry aus den Userdaten holen SfxGroupInfo_Impl *pInfo = pEntry ? (SfxGroupInfo_Impl*) pEntry->GetUserData(): 0; if ( pInfo ) { if ( pInfo->nKind == SFX_CFGFUNCTION_SLOT ) { // Eintrag ist eine Funktion, Hilfe aus der Office-Hilfe USHORT nId = pInfo->nOrd; String aText = Application::GetHelp()->GetHelpText( nId, this ); if ( !aText.Len() ) aText = SFX_SLOTPOOL().GetSlotHelpText_Impl( nId ); return aText; } else { // Eintrag ist ein Macro, Hilfe aus der MacroInfo SfxMacroInfo *pMacInfo = (SfxMacroInfo*) pInfo->pObject; return pMacInfo->GetHelpText(); } } return String(); } void SfxConfigFunctionListBox_Impl::FunctionSelected() /* Beschreibung Setzt die Balloonhelp zur"uck, da diese immer den Helptext des selektierten Entry anzeigen soll. */ { Help::ShowBalloon( this, Point(), String() ); } SfxConfigGroupListBox_Impl::SfxConfigGroupListBox_Impl( Window* pParent, const ResId& rResId, ULONG nConfigMode ) : SvTreeListBox( pParent, rResId ) , nMode( nConfigMode ), bShowSF( FALSE ), bShowBasic( TRUE ) /* Beschreibung Diese Listbox zeigt alle Funktionsgruppen und Basics an, die zur Konfiguration zur Verf"ugung stehen. Basics werden noch in Bibliotheken und Module untergliedert. */ { aScriptType = String(SfxResId(STR_BASICNAME)); SetWindowBits( GetStyle() | WB_CLIPCHILDREN | WB_HSCROLL | WB_HASBUTTONS | WB_HASLINES | WB_HASLINESATROOT | WB_HASBUTTONSATROOT ); SetNodeBitmaps( Image( BMP_COLLAPSED ), Image( BMP_EXPANDED ) , BMP_COLOR_NORMAL ); SetNodeBitmaps( Image( BMP_COLLAPSED_HC ), Image( BMP_EXPANDED_HC ), BMP_COLOR_HIGHCONTRAST ); // Check configuration to see whether only Basic macros, // only Scripting Framework scripts, or both should be listed Any value; sal_Bool tmp; value = ::utl::ConfigManager::GetConfigManager()->GetLocalProperty( ::rtl::OUString::createFromAscii( "Office.Scripting/ScriptDisplaySettings/ShowBasic" ) ); value >>= tmp; if (tmp == sal_True) { bShowBasic = TRUE; } else { bShowBasic = FALSE; } value = ::utl::ConfigManager::GetConfigManager()->GetLocalProperty( ::rtl::OUString::createFromAscii( "Office.Scripting/ScriptDisplaySettings/ShowSF" ) ); value >>= tmp; if (tmp == sal_True) { bShowSF = TRUE; } else { bShowSF = FALSE; } } SfxConfigGroupListBox_Impl::~SfxConfigGroupListBox_Impl() { ClearAll(); } void SfxConfigGroupListBox_Impl::ClearAll() { USHORT nCount = aArr.Count(); for ( USHORT i=0; iGetEntryAtAbsPos( nPos++ ); while ( pEntry ) { SfxGroupInfo_Impl *pInfo = (SfxGroupInfo_Impl*) pEntry->GetUserData(); if ( pInfo->nKind == SFX_CFGGROUP_BASICLIB && ( IsExpanded( pEntry ) || pInfo->bWasOpened ) ) { Collapse( pEntry ); SvLBoxEntry *pChild = FirstChild( pEntry ); while (pChild) { GetModel()->Remove( pChild ); pChild = FirstChild( pEntry ); } Expand( pEntry ); } pEntry = (SvLBoxEntry*) GetModel()->GetEntryAtAbsPos( nPos++ ); } } String SfxConfigGroupListBox_Impl::GetGroup() /* Beschreibung Gibt den Namen der selektierten Funktionsgruppe bzw. des selektierten Basics zur"uck. */ { SvLBoxEntry *pEntry = FirstSelected(); while ( pEntry ) { SfxGroupInfo_Impl *pInfo = (SfxGroupInfo_Impl*) pEntry->GetUserData(); if ( pInfo->nKind == SFX_CFGGROUP_FUNCTION ) { return GetEntryText( pEntry ); break; } if ( pInfo->nKind == SFX_CFGGROUP_BASICMGR ) { BasicManager *pMgr = (BasicManager*) pInfo->pObject; return pMgr->GetName(); break; } if ( pInfo->nKind == SFX_CFGGROUP_DOCBASICMGR ) { SfxObjectShell *pDoc = (SfxObjectShell*) pInfo->pObject; return pDoc->GetTitle(); break; } pEntry = GetParent( pEntry ); } return String(); } void SfxConfigGroupListBox_Impl::Init( SvStringsDtor *pArr, SfxSlotPool* pPool ) /* Beschreibung Die Groupbox wird mit allen Funktionsgruppen und allen Basics gef"ullt */ { SetUpdateMode(FALSE); ClearAll(); // Remove all old entries from treelist box SfxApplication *pSfxApp = SFX_APP(); // Verwendet wird der aktuelle Slotpool if ( nMode ) { pSlotPool = pPool ? pPool : &SFX_SLOTPOOL(); for ( USHORT i=1; iGetGroupCount(); i++ ) { // Gruppe anw"ahlen ( Gruppe 0 ist intern ) String aName = pSlotPool->SeekGroup( i ); const SfxSlot *pSfxSlot = pSlotPool->FirstSlot(); if ( pSfxSlot ) { // Check if all entries are not useable. Don't // insert a group without any useable function. sal_Bool bActiveEntries = sal_False; while ( pSfxSlot ) { USHORT nId = pSfxSlot->GetSlotId(); if ( pSfxSlot->GetMode() & nMode ) { bActiveEntries = sal_True; break; } pSfxSlot = pSlotPool->NextSlot(); } if ( bActiveEntries ) { // Wenn Gruppe nicht leer SvLBoxEntry *pEntry = InsertEntry( aName, NULL ); SfxGroupInfo_Impl *pInfo = new SfxGroupInfo_Impl( SFX_CFGGROUP_FUNCTION, i ); aArr.Insert( pInfo, aArr.Count() ); pEntry->SetUserData( pInfo ); } } } } if ( bShowBasic ) { // Basics einsammeln pSfxApp->EnterBasicCall(); String aMacroName(' '); aMacroName += String(SfxResId(STR_BASICMACROS)); // Zuerst AppBasic BasicManager *pAppBasicMgr = pSfxApp->GetBasicManager(); BOOL bInsert = TRUE; if ( pArr ) { bInsert = FALSE; for ( USHORT n=0; nCount(); n++ ) { if ( *(*pArr)[n] == pSfxApp->GetName() ) { bInsert = TRUE; break; } } } if ( bInsert ) { pAppBasicMgr->SetName( pSfxApp->GetName() ); if ( pAppBasicMgr->GetLibCount() ) { // Nur einf"ugen, wenn Bibliotheken vorhanden String aAppBasTitle( SfxResId( STR_HUMAN_APPNAME ) ); aAppBasTitle += aMacroName; SvLBoxEntry *pEntry = InsertEntry( aAppBasTitle, 0 ); SfxGroupInfo_Impl *pInfo = new SfxGroupInfo_Impl( SFX_CFGGROUP_BASICMGR, 0, pAppBasicMgr ); aArr.Insert( pInfo, aArr.Count() ); pEntry->SetUserData( pInfo ); pEntry->EnableChildsOnDemand( TRUE ); // Expand( pEntry ); } } //SfxObjectShell *pDoc = SfxObjectShell::GetFirst(); SfxObjectShell *pDoc = SfxObjectShell::GetWorkingDocument(); //while ( pDoc ) if ( pDoc ) { BOOL bInsert = TRUE; if ( pArr ) { bInsert = FALSE; for ( USHORT n=0; nCount(); n++ ) { if ( *(*pArr)[n] == pDoc->GetTitle() ) { bInsert = TRUE; break; } } } if ( bInsert ) { BasicManager *pBasicMgr = pDoc->GetBasicManager(); if ( pBasicMgr != pAppBasicMgr && pBasicMgr->GetLibCount() ) { pBasicMgr->SetName( pDoc->GetTitle() ); // Nur einf"ugen, wenn eigenes Basic mit Bibliotheken SvLBoxEntry *pEntry = InsertEntry( pDoc->GetTitle().Append(aMacroName), NULL ); SfxGroupInfo_Impl *pInfo = new SfxGroupInfo_Impl( SFX_CFGGROUP_DOCBASICMGR, 0, pDoc ); aArr.Insert( pInfo, aArr.Count() ); pEntry->SetUserData( pInfo ); pEntry->EnableChildsOnDemand( TRUE ); // Expand( pEntry ); } } //pDoc = SfxObjectShell::GetNext(*pDoc); } pSfxApp->LeaveBasicCall(); } SfxObjectShell *tmp = SfxObjectShell::GetWorkingDocument(); OSL_TRACE("** ** About to initialise SF Scripts"); if ( bShowSF ) { OSL_TRACE("** ** bShowSF"); // Add Scripting Framework entries Reference< browse::XBrowseNode > rootNode; if ( tmp ) { OSL_TRACE("** ** Have working doc"); Reference< provider::XScriptProviderSupplier > xSPS = Reference< provider::XScriptProviderSupplier > ( tmp->GetModel(), UNO_QUERY ); if( xSPS.is() ) { OSL_TRACE("** ** Have MasterScriptProvider from doc"); Reference< provider::XScriptProvider > xScriptProvider = xSPS->getScriptProvider(); rootNode = Reference< browse::XBrowseNode >( xScriptProvider, UNO_QUERY ); } } else { OSL_TRACE("** ** Creating MSP on the fly"); Reference < lang::XMultiServiceFactory > xMgr = ::comphelper::getProcessServiceFactory(); if ( xMgr.is() ) { ::rtl::OUString name( RTL_CONSTASCII_USTRINGPARAM( "drafts.com.sun.star.script.provider.MasterScriptProvider")); Sequence< Any > args(1); SfxObjectShell *tmp = SfxObjectShell::GetFirst(); args[ 0 ] <<= tmp->GetModel(); rootNode = Reference< browse::XBrowseNode >( xMgr->createInstanceWithArguments( name, args ), UNO_QUERY ); } } if ( rootNode.is() ) { /* We call acquire on the XBrowseNode so that it does not get autodestructed and become invalid when accessed later. */ rootNode->acquire(); SfxGroupInfo_Impl *pInfo = new SfxGroupInfo_Impl( SFX_CFGGROUP_SCRIPTCONTAINER, 0, static_cast(rootNode.get())); String aTitle( SfxResId( STR_HUMAN_APPNAME ) ); aTitle += String::CreateFromAscii( " Scripts" ); SvLBoxEntry *pNewEntry = InsertEntry( aTitle, NULL ); pNewEntry->SetUserData( pInfo ); pNewEntry->EnableChildsOnDemand( TRUE ); aArr.Insert( pInfo, aArr.Count() ); } } MakeVisible( GetEntry( 0,0 ) ); SetUpdateMode( TRUE ); } void SfxConfigGroupListBox_Impl::GroupSelected() /* Beschreibung Eine Funktionsgruppe oder eine Basicmodul wurde selektiert. Alle Funktionen bzw. Macros werden in der Functionlistbox anzeigt. */ { SvLBoxEntry *pEntry = FirstSelected(); SfxGroupInfo_Impl *pInfo = (SfxGroupInfo_Impl*) pEntry->GetUserData(); pFunctionListBox->SetUpdateMode(FALSE); pFunctionListBox->ClearAll(); if ( pInfo->nKind != SFX_CFGGROUP_FUNCTION && pInfo->nKind != SFX_CFGGROUP_BASICMOD && pInfo->nKind != SFX_CFGGROUP_SCRIPTCONTAINER ) { pFunctionListBox->SetUpdateMode(TRUE); return; } switch ( pInfo->nKind ) { case SFX_CFGGROUP_FUNCTION : { USHORT nGroup = pInfo->nOrd; String aSelectedGroup = pSlotPool->SeekGroup( nGroup ); if ( aSelectedGroup != String() ) { const SfxSlot *pSfxSlot = pSlotPool->FirstSlot(); while ( pSfxSlot ) { USHORT nId = pSfxSlot->GetSlotId(); if ( pSfxSlot->GetMode() & nMode ) { String aName = pSlotPool->GetSlotName_Impl( *pSfxSlot ); if ( aName.Len() && !pFunctionListBox->GetEntry_Impl( nId ) ) { #ifdef DBG_UTIL if ( pFunctionListBox->GetEntry_Impl( aName ) ) DBG_WARNINGFILE( "function name already exits" ); #endif // Wenn die Namen unterschiedlich sind, dann auch die Funktion, denn zu // einer Id liefert der Slotpool immer den gleichen Namen! SvLBoxEntry* pFuncEntry = pFunctionListBox->InsertEntry( aName, NULL ); SfxGroupInfo_Impl *pInfo = new SfxGroupInfo_Impl( SFX_CFGFUNCTION_SLOT, nId ); pFunctionListBox->aArr.Insert( pInfo, pFunctionListBox->aArr.Count() ); pFuncEntry->SetUserData( pInfo ); } } pSfxSlot = pSlotPool->NextSlot(); } } break; } case SFX_CFGGROUP_BASICMOD : { SvLBoxEntry *pLibEntry = GetParent( pEntry ); SfxGroupInfo_Impl *pLibInfo = (SfxGroupInfo_Impl*) pLibEntry->GetUserData(); SvLBoxEntry *pBasEntry = GetParent( pLibEntry ); SfxGroupInfo_Impl *pBasInfo = (SfxGroupInfo_Impl*) pBasEntry->GetUserData(); StarBASIC *pLib = (StarBASIC*) pLibInfo->pObject; SfxObjectShell *pDoc = NULL; if ( pBasInfo->nKind == SFX_CFGGROUP_DOCBASICMGR ) pDoc = (SfxObjectShell*) pBasInfo->pObject; SbModule *pMod = (SbModule*) pInfo->pObject; for ( USHORT nMeth=0; nMeth < pMod->GetMethods()->Count(); nMeth++ ) { SbxMethod *pMeth = (SbxMethod*)pMod->GetMethods()->Get(nMeth); SfxMacroInfoPtr pInf = new SfxMacroInfo( pDoc, pLib->GetName(), pMod->GetName(), pMeth->GetName()); if ( pMeth->GetInfo() ) pInf->SetHelpText( pMeth->GetInfo()->GetComment() ); USHORT nId = SFX_APP()->GetMacroConfig()->GetSlotId( pInf ); if ( !nId ) break; // Kein Slot mehr frei SvLBoxEntry* pFuncEntry = pFunctionListBox->InsertEntry( pMeth->GetName(), NULL ); SfxGroupInfo_Impl *pInfo = new SfxGroupInfo_Impl( SFX_CFGFUNCTION_MACRO, nId, pInf ); pFunctionListBox->aArr.Insert( pInfo, pFunctionListBox->aArr.Count() ); pFuncEntry->SetUserData( pInfo ); } break; } case SFX_CFGGROUP_SCRIPTCONTAINER: { if ( !GetChildCount( pEntry ) ) { Reference< browse::XBrowseNode > rootNode( reinterpret_cast< browse::XBrowseNode* >( pInfo->pObject ) ) ; try { if ( rootNode->hasChildNodes() ) { Sequence< Reference< browse::XBrowseNode > > children = rootNode->getChildNodes(); for ( ULONG n = 0; n < children.getLength(); n++ ) { if (children[n]->getType() == browse::BrowseNodeTypes::SCRIPT) { ::rtl::OUString uri; Reference < beans::XPropertySet >xPropSet( children[n], UNO_QUERY ); if (!xPropSet.is()) { continue; } Any value = xPropSet->getPropertyValue( String::CreateFromAscii( "URI" ) ); value >>= uri; SfxMacroInfo* aInfo = new SfxMacroInfo( uri ); aInfo->SetHelpText( uri ); SFX_APP()->GetMacroConfig()->GetSlotId( aInfo ); SfxGroupInfo_Impl* pInfo = new SfxGroupInfo_Impl(SFX_CFGFUNCTION_SCRIPT, aInfo->GetSlotId(), aInfo); SvLBoxEntry* pNewEntry = pFunctionListBox->InsertEntry( children[n]->getName(), NULL ); pNewEntry->SetUserData( pInfo ); pFunctionListBox->aArr.Insert( pInfo, pFunctionListBox->aArr.Count() ); } } } } catch (RuntimeException &e) { // do nothing, the entry will not be displayed in the UI } } break; } default: { return; break; } } if ( pFunctionListBox->GetEntryCount() ) pFunctionListBox->Select( pFunctionListBox->GetEntry( 0, 0 ) ); pFunctionListBox->SetUpdateMode(TRUE); } BOOL SfxConfigGroupListBox_Impl::Expand( SvLBoxEntry* pParent ) { BOOL bRet = SvTreeListBox::Expand( pParent ); if ( bRet ) { // Wieviele Entries k"onnen angezeigt werden ? ULONG nEntries = GetOutputSizePixel().Height() / GetEntryHeight(); // Wieviele Kinder sollen angezeigt werden ? ULONG nChildCount = GetVisibleChildCount( pParent ); // Passen alle Kinder und der parent gleichzeitig in die View ? if ( nChildCount+1 > nEntries ) { // Wenn nicht, wenigstens parent ganz nach oben schieben MakeVisible( pParent, TRUE ); } else { // An welcher relativen ViewPosition steht der aufzuklappende parent SvLBoxEntry *pEntry = GetFirstEntryInView(); ULONG nParentPos = 0; while ( pEntry && pEntry != pParent ) { nParentPos++; pEntry = GetNextEntryInView( pEntry ); } // Ist unter dem parent noch genug Platz f"ur alle Kinder ? if ( nParentPos + nChildCount + 1 > nEntries ) ScrollOutputArea( (short)( nEntries - ( nParentPos + nChildCount + 1 ) ) ); } } return bRet; } void SfxConfigGroupListBox_Impl::RequestingChilds( SvLBoxEntry *pEntry ) /* Beschreibung Ein Basic oder eine Bibliothek werden ge"offnet */ { SfxGroupInfo_Impl *pInfo = (SfxGroupInfo_Impl*) pEntry->GetUserData(); pInfo->bWasOpened = TRUE; switch ( pInfo->nKind ) { case SFX_CFGGROUP_BASICMGR : case SFX_CFGGROUP_DOCBASICMGR : { if ( !GetChildCount( pEntry ) ) { // Erstmaliges "Offnen BasicManager *pMgr; if ( pInfo->nKind == SFX_CFGGROUP_DOCBASICMGR ) pMgr = ((SfxObjectShell*)pInfo->pObject)->GetBasicManager(); else pMgr = (BasicManager*) pInfo->pObject; SvLBoxEntry *pLibEntry = 0; for ( USHORT nLib=0; nLibGetLibCount(); nLib++) { StarBASIC* pLib = pMgr->GetLib( nLib ); pLibEntry = InsertEntry( pMgr->GetLibName( nLib ), pEntry ); SfxGroupInfo_Impl *pInfo = new SfxGroupInfo_Impl( SFX_CFGGROUP_BASICLIB, nLib, pLib ); aArr.Insert( pInfo, aArr.Count() ); pLibEntry->SetUserData( pInfo ); pLibEntry->EnableChildsOnDemand( TRUE ); } } break; } case SFX_CFGGROUP_BASICLIB : { if ( !GetChildCount( pEntry ) ) { // Erstmaliges "Offnen StarBASIC *pLib = (StarBASIC*) pInfo->pObject; if ( !pLib ) { // Lib mu\s nachgeladen werden SvLBoxEntry *pParent = GetParent( pEntry ); SfxGroupInfo_Impl *pInf = (SfxGroupInfo_Impl*) pParent->GetUserData(); BasicManager *pMgr; if ( pInf->nKind == SFX_CFGGROUP_DOCBASICMGR ) pMgr = ((SfxObjectShell*)pInf->pObject)->GetBasicManager(); else pMgr = (BasicManager*) pInf->pObject; if ( pMgr->LoadLib( pInfo->nOrd ) ) pInfo->pObject = pLib = pMgr->GetLib( pInfo->nOrd ); else break; } SvLBoxEntry *pModEntry = 0; for ( USHORT nMod=0; nModGetModules()->Count(); nMod++ ) { SbModule* pMod = (SbModule*)pLib->GetModules()->Get( nMod ); BOOL bIsStarScript = FALSE; //pMod->ISA( SbJScriptModule ); BOOL bWantsStarScript = aScriptType.EqualsAscii("StarScript"); if ( bIsStarScript != bWantsStarScript ) continue; pModEntry = InsertEntry( pMod->GetName(), pEntry ); SfxGroupInfo_Impl *pInfo = new SfxGroupInfo_Impl( SFX_CFGGROUP_BASICMOD, 0, pMod ); aArr.Insert( pInfo, aArr.Count() ); pModEntry->SetUserData( pInfo ); } } break; } case SFX_CFGGROUP_SCRIPTCONTAINER: { if ( !GetChildCount( pEntry ) ) { Reference< browse::XBrowseNode > rootNode( reinterpret_cast< browse::XBrowseNode* >( pInfo->pObject ) ) ; try { if ( rootNode->hasChildNodes() ) { Sequence< Reference< browse::XBrowseNode > > children = rootNode->getChildNodes(); BOOL bIsRootNode = FALSE; ::rtl::OUString user = ::rtl::OUString::createFromAscii("user"); ::rtl::OUString share = ::rtl::OUString::createFromAscii("share"); if ( rootNode->getName().equals(::rtl::OUString::createFromAscii("Root") )) { bIsRootNode = TRUE; } for ( ULONG n = 0; n < children.getLength(); n++ ) { Reference< browse::XBrowseNode >& theChild = children[n]; BOOL bDisplay = TRUE; /* To mimic current starbasic behaviour we need to make sure that only the current document is displayed in the config tree. Tests below set the bDisplay flag to FALSE if the current node is a first level child of the Root and is NOT either the current document, user or share */ ::rtl::OUString currentDocTitle; if ( SfxObjectShell::GetWorkingDocument() ) { currentDocTitle = SfxObjectShell::GetWorkingDocument()->GetTitle(); } if ( bIsRootNode ) { if ( ! ((theChild->getName().equals( user ) || theChild->getName().equals( share ) || theChild->getName().equals( currentDocTitle ) ) ) ) { bDisplay=FALSE; } } if (children[n]->getType() != browse::BrowseNodeTypes::SCRIPT && bDisplay ) { /* We call acquire on the XBrowseNode so that it does not get autodestructed and become invalid when accessed later. */ theChild->acquire(); SfxGroupInfo_Impl* pInfo = new SfxGroupInfo_Impl(SFX_CFGGROUP_SCRIPTCONTAINER, 0, static_cast( theChild.get())); SvLBoxEntry* pNewEntry = InsertEntry( theChild->getName(), pEntry ); pNewEntry->SetUserData( pInfo ); aArr.Insert( pInfo, aArr.Count() ); if ( children[n]->hasChildNodes() ) { Sequence< Reference< browse::XBrowseNode > > grandchildren = children[n]->getChildNodes(); for ( ULONG m = 0; m < grandchildren.getLength(); m++ ) { if ( grandchildren[m]->getType() == browse::BrowseNodeTypes::CONTAINER ) { pNewEntry->EnableChildsOnDemand( TRUE ); m = grandchildren.getLength(); } } } } } } } catch (RuntimeException &e) { // do nothing, the entry will not be displayed in the UI } } break; } default: DBG_ERROR( "Falscher Gruppentyp!" ); break; } } void SfxConfigGroupListBox_Impl::SelectMacro( const SfxMacroInfoItem *pItem ) { SelectMacro( pItem->GetBasicManager()->GetName(), pItem->GetQualifiedName() ); } void SfxConfigGroupListBox_Impl::SelectMacro( const String& rBasic, const String& rMacro ) { String aBasicName( rBasic ); aBasicName += ' '; aBasicName += String(SfxResId(STR_BASICMACROS)); String aLib, aModule, aMethod; USHORT nCount = rMacro.GetTokenCount('.'); aMethod = rMacro.GetToken( nCount-1, '.' ); if ( nCount > 2 ) { aLib = rMacro.GetToken( 0, '.' ); aModule = rMacro.GetToken( nCount-2, '.' ); } SvLBoxEntry *pEntry = FirstChild(0); while ( pEntry ) { String aEntryBas = GetEntryText( pEntry ); if ( aEntryBas == aBasicName ) { Expand( pEntry ); SvLBoxEntry *pLib = FirstChild( pEntry ); while ( pLib ) { String aEntryLib = GetEntryText( pLib ); if ( aEntryLib == aLib ) { Expand( pLib ); SvLBoxEntry *pMod = FirstChild( pLib ); while ( pMod ) { String aEntryMod = GetEntryText( pMod ); if ( aEntryMod == aModule ) { Expand( pMod ); MakeVisible( pMod ); Select( pMod ); SvLBoxEntry *pMethod = pFunctionListBox->First(); while ( pMethod ) { String aEntryMethod = GetEntryText( pMethod ); if ( aEntryMethod == aMethod ) { pFunctionListBox->Select( pMethod ); pFunctionListBox->MakeVisible( pMethod ); return; } pMethod = pFunctionListBox->Next( pMethod ); } } pMod = NextSibling( pMod ); } } pLib = NextSibling( pLib ); } } pEntry = NextSibling( pEntry ); } } void SfxConfigDialog::ActivateToolBoxConfig( USHORT nId ) { SetCurPageId( TP_CONFIG_OBJECTBAR ); nObjectBar = nId; } void SfxConfigDialog::PageCreated( USHORT nId, SfxTabPage& rPage ) { switch ( nId ) { case TP_CONFIG_OBJECTBAR : if ( nObjectBar ) ((SfxObjectBarConfigPage&)rPage).SetObjectBarId( nObjectBar ); break; case TP_CONFIG_ACCEL: if ( pMacroInfo ) ((SfxAcceleratorConfigPage&)rPage).SelectMacro( pMacroInfo ); break; case TP_CONFIG_MENU: if ( pMacroInfo ) ((SfxMenuConfigPage&)rPage).SelectMacro( pMacroInfo ); break; case TP_CONFIG_EVENT: if ( pMacroInfo ) ((SfxEventConfigPage&)rPage).SelectMacro( pMacroInfo ); break; default: break; } } void SfxConfigDialog::ActivateMacroConfig(const SfxMacroInfoItem *pInfo) { pMacroInfo = pInfo; } void SfxConfigDialog::ActivateTabPage( USHORT nSlotId ) { switch ( nSlotId ) { case SID_CONFIG: break; case SID_TOOLBOXOPTIONS: SetCurPageId( TP_CONFIG_OBJECTBAR ); break; case SID_CONFIGSTATUSBAR: SetCurPageId( TP_CONFIG_STATBAR ); break; case SID_CONFIGMENU: SetCurPageId( TP_CONFIG_MENU ); break; case SID_CONFIGACCEL: SetCurPageId( TP_CONFIG_ACCEL ); break; case SID_CONFIGEVENT: SetCurPageId( TP_CONFIG_EVENT ); break; } } SfxTabPage *CreateMenuConfigPage( Window *pParent, const SfxItemSet& rSet ) { return new SfxMenuConfigPage( pParent, rSet ); } SfxTabPage *CreateAccelConfigPage( Window *pParent, const SfxItemSet& rSet ) { return new SfxAcceleratorConfigPage( pParent, rSet ); } SfxTabPage *CreateStatusBarConfigPage( Window *pParent, const SfxItemSet& rSet ) { return new SfxStatusBarConfigPage( pParent, rSet ); } SfxTabPage *CreateObjectBarConfigPage( Window *pParent, const SfxItemSet& rSet ) { return new SfxObjectBarConfigPage( pParent, rSet ); } SfxTabPage *CreateEventConfigPage( Window *pParent, const SfxItemSet& rSet ) { return new SfxEventConfigPage( pParent, rSet ); } SfxConfigDialog::SfxConfigDialog( Window * pParent, const SfxItemSet* pSet, SfxViewFrame* pFrame ) : SfxTabDialog( pFrame, pParent, SfxResId( DLG_CONFIG ), pSet ) , pViewFrame( pFrame ) , pMacroInfo( 0 ) , nObjectBar( 0 ) { FreeResource(); AddTabPage( TP_CONFIG_MENU, CreateMenuConfigPage, NULL ); AddTabPage( TP_CONFIG_ACCEL, CreateAccelConfigPage, NULL ); AddTabPage( TP_CONFIG_STATBAR, CreateStatusBarConfigPage, NULL ); AddTabPage( TP_CONFIG_OBJECTBAR, CreateObjectBarConfigPage, NULL ); AddTabPage( TP_CONFIG_EVENT, CreateEventConfigPage, NULL ); } SfxConfigDialog::~SfxConfigDialog() { } short SfxConfigDialog::Ok() { USHORT nRet = SfxTabDialog::Ok(); // configurations in documents are stored with the documents SFX_APP()->GetConfigManager_Impl()->StoreConfiguration(); return nRet; } // SfxStatusBarConfigPage::Ctor() ********************************************** SfxStatusBarConfigPage::SfxStatusBarConfigPage( Window *pParent, const SfxItemSet& rSet ) : SfxTabPage( pParent, SfxResId( TP_CONFIG_STATBAR ), rSet ), aEntriesBox ( this, ResId( BOX_STATBAR_ENTRIES ) ), aStatusBarGroup ( this, ResId( GRP_STATBAR ) ), aLoadButton ( this, ResId( BTN_LOAD ) ), aSaveButton ( this, ResId( BTN_SAVE ) ), aResetButton ( this, ResId( BTN_RESET ) ), pMgr( 0 ), bMgrCreated( FALSE ) { FreeResource(); aLoadButton .SetClickHdl ( LINK( this, SfxStatusBarConfigPage, Load ) ); aSaveButton .SetClickHdl ( LINK( this, SfxStatusBarConfigPage, Save ) ); aResetButton .SetClickHdl ( LINK( this, SfxStatusBarConfigPage, Default ) ); aEntriesBox .SetSelectHdl( LINK(this,SfxStatusBarConfigPage, SelectHdl)); USHORT nGroup = 0; String aGroupName = SFX_SLOTPOOL().SeekGroup(nGroup); while (aGroupName.Len() != 0) { USHORT n=0; for (const SfxSlot *pSlot = SFX_SLOTPOOL().FirstSlot(); pSlot; pSlot = SFX_SLOTPOOL().NextSlot()) { if ( !pSlot->GetType() || pSlot->GetType()->Type() == TYPE(SfxVoidItem) || !(pSlot->GetMode() & SFX_SLOT_STATUSBARCONFIG) ) continue; USHORT nId = pSlot->GetSlotId(); USHORT i; for (i=0; i= nId) break; if (iAppend(pInfo); USHORT nPos = pMgr->GetItemPos(nId); if (nPos != STATUSBAR_ITEM_NOTFOUND) { USHORT np; for (np=0; np nPos) break; aListOfPos.Insert(nPos,np); pEntry = aEntriesBox.InsertEntry(aName, (SvLBoxEntry*)0L, FALSE, (ULONG) np); aEntriesBox.SetCheckButtonState(pEntry, SV_BUTTON_CHECKED); nUsed++; } else { pEntry = aEntriesBox.InsertEntry(aName, (SvLBoxEntry*)0L); } pEntry->SetUserData(pInfo); } } void SfxStatusBarConfigPage::ResetConfig() { aEntriesBox.Clear(); for (USHORT n=0; nCount(); n++) delete (*pArr)[n]; delete pArr; } SfxStatusBarConfigPage::~SfxStatusBarConfigPage() { if ( bMgrCreated ) delete pMgr; ResetConfig(); } IMPL_LINK( SfxStatusBarConfigPage, SelectHdl, SvTreeListBox *, pBox ) { return 0; } void SfxStatusBarConfigPage::Apply( SfxStatusBarManager* pStbMgr, BOOL bIsDefault ) { if ( !pStbMgr ) return; if ( bIsDefault ) { pStbMgr->UseDefault(); pStbMgr->SetDefault(TRUE); return; } pStbMgr->Clear(); long nWidth = 100; for ( SvLBoxEntry *pEntry = aEntriesBox.First(); pEntry; pEntry = aEntriesBox.Next(pEntry) ) { if (aEntriesBox.GetCheckButtonState(pEntry) == SV_BUTTON_CHECKED) { USHORT nId = ((SfxStatBarInfo_Impl*) pEntry->GetUserData())->nId; pStbMgr->AddItem(nId, nWidth); } } pStbMgr->SetDefault( FALSE ); } IMPL_LINK( SfxStatusBarConfigPage, Default, PushButton *, pPushButton ) { // creating a ConfigItem without ConfigManager forces it to use its default SfxStatusBarManager* pStbMgr = new SfxStatusBarManager( this, *pMgr, NULL ); SfxStatusBarManager* pOld = pMgr; pMgr = pStbMgr; aEntriesBox.bDefault = TRUE; aEntriesBox.bModified = !pOld->IsDefault(); aEntriesBox.SetUpdateMode(FALSE); ResetConfig(); Init(); aEntriesBox.SetUpdateMode(TRUE); aEntriesBox.Invalidate(); pMgr = pOld; StatusBar* pBar = pStbMgr->GetStatusBar(); delete pStbMgr; delete pBar; return 0; } IMPL_LINK( SfxStatusBarConfigPage, Load, Button *, pButton ) { String aCfgName = SfxConfigDialog::FileDialog_Impl( this, WB_OPEN | WB_STDMODAL | WB_3DLOOK, String( SfxResId( STR_LOADSTATBARCONFIG) ) ); if ( aCfgName.Len() ) { GetTabDialog()->EnterWait(); BOOL bCreated = FALSE; BOOL bLoadedDocument = FALSE; SfxObjectShellRef xDoc; SfxConfigManager* pCfgMgr = SFX_APP()->GetConfigManager_Impl(); if ( pCfgMgr->GetURL() != aCfgName ) { // it was not the global configuration manager // first check if URL points to a document already loaded xDoc = SFX_APP()->DocAlreadyLoaded( aCfgName, TRUE, TRUE ); if ( xDoc.Is() ) bLoadedDocument = TRUE; else // try to load a document from the URL xDoc = MakeObjectShellForOrganizer_Impl( aCfgName, TRUE ); if ( xDoc.Is() ) { // get config manager, force creation if there was none before pCfgMgr = xDoc->GetConfigManager( TRUE ); } else { // URL doesn't point to a document, must be a single storage bCreated = TRUE; SvStorageRef xStor = new SvStorage( aCfgName, STREAM_STD_READ ); if ( xStor->GetError() == ERRCODE_NONE ) pCfgMgr = new SfxConfigManager( xStor ); else pCfgMgr = NULL; } } if ( pCfgMgr ) { // create new StatusBarManager and read configuration // constructing with a SfxConfigManager reads in configuration SfxStatusBarManager* pStbMgr = new SfxStatusBarManager( this, *pMgr, pCfgMgr ); // put new configuration into TabPage SfxStatusBarManager* pOld = pMgr; pMgr = pStbMgr; aEntriesBox.SetUpdateMode( FALSE ); ResetConfig(); Init(); aEntriesBox.SetUpdateMode( TRUE ); aEntriesBox.Invalidate(); aEntriesBox.bDefault = FALSE; aEntriesBox.bModified = TRUE; pMgr = pOld; StatusBar* pBar = pStbMgr->GetStatusBar(); delete pStbMgr; delete pBar; if ( bCreated ) delete pCfgMgr; else pCfgMgr->ReInitialize( pMgr->GetType() ); if ( bLoadedDocument && !xDoc->GetConfigManager()->HasConfigItem( pMgr->GetType() ) ) // config item has global configuration until now, must be changed pMgr->GetConfigManager()->ReConnect( pMgr->GetType(), pCfgMgr ); } GetTabDialog()->LeaveWait(); } return TRUE; } IMPL_LINK( SfxStatusBarConfigPage, Save, Button *, pButton ) { String aCfgName = SfxConfigDialog::FileDialog_Impl( this, WB_SAVEAS | WB_STDMODAL | WB_3DLOOK, String( SfxResId( STR_SAVESTATBARCONFIG) ) ); if ( aCfgName.Len() ) { GetTabDialog()->EnterWait(); BOOL bCreated = FALSE; SfxObjectShellRef xDoc; BOOL bLoadedDocument = FALSE; SfxConfigManager* pCfgMgr = SFX_APP()->GetConfigManager_Impl(); if ( pCfgMgr->GetURL() != aCfgName ) { // it was not the global configuration manager // first check if URL points to a document already loaded xDoc = SFX_APP()->DocAlreadyLoaded( aCfgName, TRUE, TRUE ); if ( xDoc.Is() ) bLoadedDocument = TRUE; else // try to load a document from the URL xDoc = MakeObjectShellForOrganizer_Impl( aCfgName, TRUE ); if ( xDoc.Is() ) { // get config manager, force creation if there was none before pCfgMgr = xDoc->GetConfigManager( TRUE ); } else { // URL doesn't point to a document, must be a single storage bCreated = TRUE; SvStorageRef xStor = new SvStorage( aCfgName, STREAM_STD_WRITE, STORAGE_TRANSACTED ); if ( xStor->GetError() == ERRCODE_NONE ) pCfgMgr = new SfxConfigManager( xStor ); else pCfgMgr = NULL; } } if ( pCfgMgr ) { // create new StatusBarManager and apply changes SfxStatusBarManager* pStbMgr = new SfxStatusBarManager( this, *pMgr, pCfgMgr ); Apply( pStbMgr, FALSE ); pCfgMgr->StoreConfigItem( *pStbMgr ); if ( bLoadedDocument ) { SfxRequest aReq( SID_SAVEDOC, SFX_CALLMODE_SYNCHRON, xDoc->GetPool() ); xDoc->ExecuteSlot( aReq ); } else pCfgMgr->StoreConfiguration(); StatusBar* pBar = pStbMgr->GetStatusBar(); delete pStbMgr; delete pBar; if ( bCreated ) delete pCfgMgr; } GetTabDialog()->LeaveWait(); } return TRUE; } SfxStatusBarConfigListBox::SfxStatusBarConfigListBox( Window* pParent, const ResId& rResId) : SvTreeListBox(pParent, rResId) , bModified(FALSE) , pCurEntry(0) , bDefault(TRUE) { pButton = new SvLBoxButtonData( this ); EnableCheckButton(pButton); DragDropMode aDDMode = SV_DRAGDROP_CTRL_MOVE; SetDragDropMode( aDDMode ); SetHighlightRange(); // OV Selektion ueber gesamte Zeilenbreite // Timer f"ur die BallonHelp aTimer.SetTimeout( 200 ); aTimer.SetTimeoutHdl( LINK( this, SfxStatusBarConfigListBox, TimerHdl ) ); } SfxStatusBarConfigListBox::~SfxStatusBarConfigListBox() { delete pButton; } void SfxStatusBarConfigListBox::KeyInput( const KeyEvent& rKEvt ) { USHORT aCode = rKEvt.GetKeyCode().GetCode(); if( aCode == KEY_SPACE ) { SvLBoxEntry* pEntry = (SvLBoxEntry*) FirstSelected(); if( pEntry && (GetCheckButtonState( pEntry ) == SV_BUTTON_UNCHECKED) ) SetCheckButtonState(pEntry, SV_BUTTON_CHECKED); else SetCheckButtonState(pEntry, SV_BUTTON_UNCHECKED); GetCheckButtonHdl().Call(this); } else SvTreeListBox::KeyInput( rKEvt ); } BOOL SfxStatusBarConfigListBox::NotifyAcceptDrop( SvLBoxEntry* pEntry ) { return SvTreeListBox::NotifyAcceptDrop(pEntry); } BOOL SfxStatusBarConfigListBox::NotifyMoving(SvLBoxEntry* pTarget, SvLBoxEntry* pEntry, SvLBoxEntry*& rpNewParent, ULONG& rNewChildPos) { BOOL bRet = SvTreeListBox::NotifyMoving(pTarget, pEntry, rpNewParent, rNewChildPos); if (bRet) { bModified = TRUE; bDefault = FALSE; } return bRet; } void SfxStatusBarConfigListBox::CheckButtonHdl() { bDefault = FALSE; bModified = TRUE; } void SfxStatusBarConfigListBox::MouseMove( const MouseEvent& rMEvt ) /* Beschreibung Virtuelle Methode, die gerufen wird, wenn der Mauszeiger "uber der TreeListBox bewegt wurde. Wenn die Position des Mauszeigers "uber dem aktuell selektierten Entry liegt, wird ein Timer aufgesetzt, um ggf. einen Hilfetext einzublenden. */ { Point aMousePos = rMEvt.GetPosPixel(); SvLBoxEntry *pEntry = GetCurEntry(); pCurEntry = pEntry; if ( pEntry && GetEntry( aMousePos ) == pEntry ) aTimer.Start(); else { Help::ShowBalloon( this, aMousePos, String() ); aTimer.Stop(); } } IMPL_LINK( SfxStatusBarConfigListBox, TimerHdl, Timer*, pTimer) /* Beschreibung Timer-Handler f"ur die Einblendung eines Hilfetextes. Wenn nach Ablauf des Timers der Mauszeiger immer noch auf dem aktuell selektierten Eintrag steht, wird der Helptext des Entries als Balloon-Help eingeblendet. */ { if ( pTimer ) pTimer->Stop(); Point aMousePos = GetPointerPosPixel(); SvLBoxEntry *pEntry = GetCurEntry(); if ( pEntry && GetEntry( aMousePos ) == pEntry && pEntry == pCurEntry ) { SfxStatBarInfo_Impl* pInfo = (SfxStatBarInfo_Impl*) pEntry->GetUserData(); if ( !pInfo->aHelpText.Len() ) pInfo->aHelpText = Application::GetHelp()->GetHelpText( pInfo->nId, this ); Help::ShowBalloon( this, OutputToScreenPixel( aMousePos ), pInfo->aHelpText ); } return 0L; } BOOL SfxStatusBarConfigPage::FillItemSet( SfxItemSet& ) { if ( aEntriesBox.bModified ) { Apply( pMgr, aEntriesBox.bDefault ); aEntriesBox.bModified = FALSE; pMgr->StoreConfig(); return TRUE; } return FALSE; } void SfxStatusBarConfigPage::Reset( const SfxItemSet& ) { if ( !pMgr ) { SfxViewFrame* pCurrent = GetTabDialog()->GetViewFrame(); while ( pCurrent->GetParentViewFrame_Impl() ) pCurrent = pCurrent->GetParentViewFrame_Impl(); SfxWorkWindow* pWorkWin = pCurrent->GetFrame()->GetWorkWindow_Impl(); pMgr = pWorkWin->GetStatusBarManager_Impl(); if ( !pMgr ) { pMgr = pWorkWin->MakeStatusBarManager_Impl( TRUE ); bMgrCreated = TRUE; } aEntriesBox.bDefault = pMgr->IsDefault(); Init(); } } String SfxConfigDialog::FileDialog_Impl( Window *pParent, WinBits nBits, const String& rTitle ) { BOOL bSave = ( ( nBits & WB_SAVEAS ) == WB_SAVEAS ); short nDialogType = bSave? ::sfx2::FILESAVE_SIMPLE : ::sfx2::FILEOPEN_SIMPLE; sfx2::FileDialogHelper aFileDlg( nDialogType, 0 ); aFileDlg.SetTitle( rTitle ); // aFileDlg.SetDialogHelpId( bSave? HID_CONFIG_SAVE : HID_CONFIG_LOAD ); aFileDlg.AddFilter( String(SfxResId(STR_FILTERNAME_ALL) ), DEFINE_CONST_UNICODE(FILEDIALOG_FILTER_ALL) ); aFileDlg.AddFilter( String(SfxResId(STR_FILTERNAME_CFG)),DEFINE_CONST_UNICODE("*.cfg") ); if ( ERRCODE_NONE == aFileDlg.Execute() ) return aFileDlg.GetPath(); else return String(); }