/************************************************************************* * * $RCSfile: templdlg.cxx,v $ * * $Revision: 1.13 $ * * last change: $Author: gt $ $Date: 2001-09-12 07:42:40 $ * * The Contents of this file are made available subject to the terms of * either of the following licenses * * - GNU Lesser General Public License Version 2.1 * - Sun Industry Standards Source License Version 1.1 * * Sun Microsystems Inc., October, 2000 * * GNU Lesser General Public License Version 2.1 * ============================================= * Copyright 2000 by Sun Microsystems, Inc. * 901 San Antonio Road, Palo Alto, CA 94303, USA * * This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or * modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public * License version 2.1, as published by the Free Software Foundation. * * This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU * Lesser General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public * License along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software * Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, * MA 02111-1307 USA * * * Sun Industry Standards Source License Version 1.1 * ================================================= * The contents of this file are subject to the Sun Industry Standards * Source License Version 1.1 (the "License"); You may not use this file * except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of the * License at http://www.openoffice.org/license.html. * * Software provided under this License is provided on an "AS IS" basis, * WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EITHER EXPRESSED OR IMPLIED, INCLUDING, * WITHOUT LIMITATION, WARRANTIES THAT THE SOFTWARE IS FREE OF DEFECTS, * MERCHANTABLE, FIT FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE, OR NON-INFRINGING. * See the License for the specific provisions governing your rights and * obligations concerning the Software. * * The Initial Developer of the Original Code is: Sun Microsystems, Inc. * * Copyright: 2000 by Sun Microsystems, Inc. * * All Rights Reserved. * * Contributor(s): _______________________________________ * * ************************************************************************/ #ifndef _MENU_HXX //autogen #include #endif #ifndef _SFXINTITEM_HXX //autogen #include #endif #ifndef _SFXSTRITEM_HXX //autogen #include #endif #ifndef _EMBOBJ_HXX //autogen #include #endif #ifndef _SFXSTYLE_HXX //autogen #include #endif #ifndef _IFACE_HXX //autogen #include #endif #pragma hdrstop #define _SVSTDARR_STRINGSDTOR #include #ifndef _UNOTOOLS_PROCESSFACTORY_HXX #include #endif #ifndef _UNOTOOLS_INTLWRAPPER_HXX #include #endif #include "sfxhelp.hxx" #include "app.hxx" #include "dispatch.hxx" #include "bindings.hxx" #include "templdlg.hxx" #include "templdgi.hxx" #include "tplcitem.hxx" #include "sfxtypes.hxx" #include "styfitem.hxx" #include "objsh.hxx" #include "viewsh.hxx" #include "newstyle.hxx" #include "tplpitem.hxx" #include "sfxresid.hxx" #include "templdlg.hrc" #include "sfx.hrc" #include "dialog.hrc" #include "arrdecl.hxx" #include "fltfnc.hxx" #include "docfilt.hxx" #include "docfac.hxx" #include "docvor.hxx" #include "doctempl.hxx" #include "module.hxx" #include "imgmgr.hxx" #include "helpid.hrc" #include "appdata.hxx" #include "objshimp.hxx" #include "viewfrm.hxx" //========================================================================= // Fenster wird ab jetzt dynamisch erstellt. Daher hier R"ander usw. #define SFX_TEMPLDLG_HFRAME 3 #define SFX_TEMPLDLG_VTOPFRAME 3 #ifdef MAC #define SFX_TEMPLDLG_VBOTFRAME 8 #else #define SFX_TEMPLDLG_VBOTFRAME 3 #endif #define SFX_TEMPLDLG_MIDHSPACE 3 #define SFX_TEMPLDLG_MIDVSPACE 3 #define SFX_TEMPLDLG_FILTERHEIGHT 100 static USHORT nLastItemId = USHRT_MAX; //========================================================================= TYPEINIT0(SfxCommonTemplateDialog_Impl); TYPEINIT1(SfxTemplateDialog_Impl,SfxCommonTemplateDialog_Impl); TYPEINIT1(SfxTemplateCatalog_Impl,SfxCommonTemplateDialog_Impl); SFX_IMPL_DOCKINGWINDOW(SfxTemplateDialogWrapper, SID_STYLE_DESIGNER) //------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Redirektionsfunktionen SfxTemplateDialog::SfxTemplateDialog ( SfxBindings *pBindings, SfxChildWindow *pCW, Window *pParent ) /* [Beschreibung] Gestalterklasse. */ : SfxDockingWindow( pBindings, pCW, pParent, SfxResId(DLG_STYLE_DESIGNER) ), pImpl(0) { pImpl=new SfxTemplateDialog_Impl(pParent, pBindings, this); } //------------------------------------------------------------------------- SfxTemplateDialog::~SfxTemplateDialog() { delete pImpl; } ISfxTemplateCommon* SfxTemplateDialog::GetISfxTemplateCommon() { return pImpl->GetISfxTemplateCommon(); } //------------------------------------------------------------------------- void SfxTemplateDialog::Update() { pImpl->Update(); } //------------------------------------------------------------------------- void SfxTemplateDialog::Resize() { if(pImpl) pImpl->Resize(); SfxDockingWindow::Resize(); } //------------------------------------------------------------------------- SfxChildAlignment SfxTemplateDialog::CheckAlignment(SfxChildAlignment eActAlign,SfxChildAlignment eAlign) { switch (eAlign) { case SFX_ALIGN_TOP: case SFX_ALIGN_HIGHESTTOP: case SFX_ALIGN_LOWESTTOP: case SFX_ALIGN_BOTTOM: case SFX_ALIGN_LOWESTBOTTOM: case SFX_ALIGN_HIGHESTBOTTOM: return eActAlign; break; case SFX_ALIGN_LEFT: case SFX_ALIGN_RIGHT: case SFX_ALIGN_FIRSTLEFT: case SFX_ALIGN_LASTLEFT: case SFX_ALIGN_FIRSTRIGHT: case SFX_ALIGN_LASTRIGHT: return eAlign; break; default: return eAlign; break; } } //------------------------------------------------------------------------- SfxTemplateCatalog::SfxTemplateCatalog(Window *pParent, SfxBindings *pBindings) : SfxModalDialog(pParent,SfxResId(RID_STYLECATALOG)) { pImpl = new SfxTemplateCatalog_Impl(pParent, pBindings, this); } //------------------------------------------------------------------------- SfxTemplateCatalog::~SfxTemplateCatalog() { delete pImpl; } //------------------------------------------------------------------------- void DropListBox_Impl::MouseButtonDown( const MouseEvent& rMEvt ) { nModifier = rMEvt.GetModifier(); SvTreeListBox::MouseButtonDown( rMEvt ); } sal_Int8 DropListBox_Impl::AcceptDrop( const AcceptDropEvent& rEvt ) /* [Beschreibung ] Droppen eigentlich immer dann erlaubt, wenn von den selektieren Objekten ine Stylesheet erstellt werden kann und der Dragvorgang von der Selektion aus gestartet wurde. Hier vereinfachend: Es liegen Daten im Clipboardformat der Applikation vor. Cave mehrere Writer gleichzeitig! */ { if ( IsDropFormatSupported( SOT_FORMATSTR_ID_OBJECTDESCRIPTOR ) ) { SvLBoxEntry* pEntry = GetEntry( rEvt.maPosPixel, TRUE ); if ( pPreDropEntry && ( pEntry != pPreDropEntry || rEvt.mbLeaving ) ) { ShowTargetEmphasis( pPreDropEntry, FALSE ); pPreDropEntry = 0; } if ( pEntry && pEntry != pPreDropEntry && !rEvt.mbLeaving ) { ShowTargetEmphasis( pEntry, TRUE ); pPreDropEntry = pEntry; } if ( !pEntry && pDialog->bNewByExampleDisabled || pEntry && pDialog->bUpdateByExampleDisabled ) return DND_ACTION_NONE; else return DND_ACTION_COPY; } return DND_ACTION_NONE; } //------------------------------------------------------------------------- sal_Int8 DropListBox_Impl::ExecuteDrop( const ExecuteDropEvent& rEvt ) { // rEvt.maDropEvent.Context->acceptDrop( DND_ACTION_NONE ); // rEvt.maDropEvent.Context->dropComplete( TRUE ); sal_Int8 nRet = DND_ACTION_NONE; SfxObjectShell* pDocShell = pDialog->GetObjectShell(); TransferableDataHelper aHelper( rEvt.maDropEvent.Transferable ); sal_uInt32 nFormatCount = aHelper.GetFormatCount(); if ( pDocShell ) { sal_Bool bFormatFound = sal_False; for ( sal_uInt32 i = 0; i < nFormatCount; ++i ) { SotFormatStringId nId = aHelper.GetFormat(i); TransferableObjectDescriptor aDesc; if ( aHelper.GetTransferableObjectDescriptor( nId, aDesc ) ) { if ( pDocShell->GetFactory() == aDesc.maClassName ) { SvLBoxEntry* pEntry = GetEntry( rEvt.maPosPixel, TRUE ); if ( pEntry && pEntry != pPreDropEntry ) ShowTargetEmphasis( pEntry, FALSE ); PostUserEvent( LINK( this, DropListBox_Impl, OnAsyncExecuteDrop ), pEntry ); bFormatFound = sal_True; nRet = rEvt.mnAction; break; } } } if ( !bFormatFound ) PostUserEvent( LINK( this, DropListBox_Impl, OnAsyncExecuteError ) ); } return nRet; } IMPL_LINK( DropListBox_Impl, OnAsyncExecuteDrop, SvLBoxEntry*, pEntry ) { if ( pEntry ) { pDialog->SelectStyle( GetEntryText( pEntry ) ); pDialog->ActionSelect( SID_STYLE_UPDATE_BY_EXAMPLE ); } else pDialog->ActionSelect( SID_STYLE_NEW_BY_EXAMPLE ); return 0; } IMPL_LINK( DropListBox_Impl, OnAsyncExecuteError, void*, NOTINTERESTEDIN ) { ErrorHandler::HandleError( ERRCODE_IO_WRONGFORMAT ); return 0; } long DropListBox_Impl::Notify( NotifyEvent& rNEvt ) { if( pDialog->bCanDel && rNEvt.GetType() == EVENT_KEYINPUT ) { const KeyCode& rKeyCode = rNEvt.GetKeyEvent()->GetKeyCode(); if( KEY_DELETE == rKeyCode.GetCode() && !rKeyCode.GetModifier() ) { pDialog->DeleteHdl( NULL ); return 1; } } return SvTreeListBox::Notify( rNEvt ); } //------------------------------------------------------------------------- SfxActionListBox::SfxActionListBox ( SfxCommonTemplateDialog_Impl* pParent, WinBits nWinBits ) /* [Beschreibung] ListBox- Klasse, die im Command-Handler ein PopupMenu (Gestalter spezifisch) startet. */ : DropListBox_Impl(pParent->GetWindow(), nWinBits, pParent) { } //------------------------------------------------------------------------- SfxActionListBox::SfxActionListBox( SfxCommonTemplateDialog_Impl* pParent, const ResId &rResId) : DropListBox_Impl(pParent->GetWindow(), rResId, pParent) { } //------------------------------------------------------------------------- void SfxActionListBox::Command( const CommandEvent& rCEvt ) { if ( COMMAND_CONTEXTMENU == rCEvt.GetCommand() ) pDialog->ExecuteContextMenu_Impl( rCEvt.GetMousePosPixel(), this ); else DropListBox_Impl::Command( rCEvt ); } //------------------------------------------------------------------------- SfxTemplateDialogWrapper::SfxTemplateDialogWrapper(Window *pParent, USHORT nId, SfxBindings *p, SfxChildWinInfo *pInfo) : SfxChildWindow(pParent, nId) { SfxTemplateDialog *pWin = new SfxTemplateDialog(p, this, pParent); pWindow = pWin; eChildAlignment = SFX_ALIGN_NOALIGNMENT; Point aEmptyPoint; Rectangle aRect( pWindow->GetDesktopRectPixel() ); Size aSize = aRect.GetSize(); Point aPoint = aRect.TopLeft(); Size aWinSize = pWin->GetSizePixel(); aPoint.X() += aSize.Width() - aWinSize.Width() - 20; aPoint.Y() += aSize.Height() / 2 - aWinSize.Height() / 2; pWin->SetFloatingPos( aPoint ); pWin->Initialize( pInfo ); pWin->SetMinOutputSizePixel(pWin->pImpl->GetMinOutputSizePixel()); } //========================================================================= SV_DECL_PTRARR_DEL(ExpandedEntries, StringPtr,16,8) SV_IMPL_PTRARR(ExpandedEntries, StringPtr) /* [Beschreibung] TreeListBox- Klasse f"ur die Anzeige der hierarchischen View der Vorlagen */ class StyleTreeListBox_Impl: public DropListBox_Impl { SvLBoxEntry *pCurEntry; Link aDoubleClickLink; Link aDropLink; String aParent; String aStyle; SfxCommonTemplateDialog_Impl* pCommon; protected: virtual void Command( const CommandEvent& rMEvt ); virtual BOOL DoubleClickHdl(); virtual long ExpandingHdl(); virtual void ExpandedHdl(); virtual BOOL NotifyMoving(SvLBoxEntry* pTarget, SvLBoxEntry* pEntry, SvLBoxEntry*& rpNewParent, ULONG& rNewChildPos); public: StyleTreeListBox_Impl( SfxCommonTemplateDialog_Impl* pParent, WinBits nWinStyle = 0); void SetDoubleClickHdl(const Link &rLink) { aDoubleClickLink = rLink; } void SetDropHdl(const Link &rLink) { aDropLink = rLink; } const String &GetParent() const { return aParent; } const String &GetStyle() const { return aStyle; } void MakeExpanded_Impl(ExpandedEntries& rEntries) const; }; //------------------------------------------------------------------------- void StyleTreeListBox_Impl::MakeExpanded_Impl(ExpandedEntries& rEntries) const { SvLBoxEntry *pEntry; USHORT nCount=0; for(pEntry=(SvLBoxEntry*)FirstVisible();pEntry;pEntry=(SvLBoxEntry*)NextVisible(pEntry)) { if(IsExpanded(pEntry)) { StringPtr pString=new String(GetEntryText(pEntry)); rEntries.Insert(pString,nCount++); } } } BOOL StyleTreeListBox_Impl::DoubleClickHdl() /* [Beschreibung] DoubleClick-Handler; ruft entsprechenden Link. Virtuelle Methode aus SV. */ { aDoubleClickLink.Call(this); return FALSE; } //------------------------------------------------------------------------- void StyleTreeListBox_Impl::Command( const CommandEvent& rCEvt ) /* [Beschreibung] Command Handler; dieser executed ein PopupMenu (Gestalter spezifisch). Virtuelle Methode aus SV. */ { if(COMMAND_CONTEXTMENU == rCEvt.GetCommand()) // pCommon->ExecuteContextMenu_Impl(OutputToScreenPixel(rCEvt.GetMousePosPixel())); pCommon->ExecuteContextMenu_Impl( rCEvt.GetMousePosPixel(), this ); else SvTreeListBox::Command(rCEvt); } //------------------------------------------------------------------------- BOOL StyleTreeListBox_Impl::NotifyMoving(SvLBoxEntry* pTarget, SvLBoxEntry* pEntry, SvLBoxEntry*& rpNewParent, ULONG& lPos) /* [Beschreibung] NotifyMoving Handler; dieser leitet per Link das Event an den Dialog weiter. Virtuelle Methode aus SV. */ { if(!pTarget || !pEntry) return FALSE; aParent = GetEntryText(pTarget); aStyle = GetEntryText(pEntry); const BOOL bRet = (BOOL)aDropLink.Call(this); rpNewParent = pTarget; lPos=0; IntlWrapper aIntlWrapper( ::comphelper::getProcessServiceFactory(), Application::GetSettings().GetLocale() ); const CollatorWrapper* pCollator = aIntlWrapper.getCaseCollator(); for(SvLBoxEntry *pTmpEntry=FirstChild(pTarget); pTmpEntry && COMPARE_LESS==pCollator->compareString( GetEntryText(pTmpEntry),GetEntryText(pEntry)); pTmpEntry=NextSibling(pTmpEntry),lPos++); return bRet? (BOOL)2: FALSE; } //------------------------------------------------------------------------- long StyleTreeListBox_Impl::ExpandingHdl() /* [Beschreibung] ExpandingHdl Handler; der aktuelle Eintrag wird gemerkt. Virtuelle Methode aus SV. [Querverweise] */ { pCurEntry = GetCurEntry(); return TRUE; } //------------------------------------------------------------------------- void StyleTreeListBox_Impl::ExpandedHdl() /* [Beschreibung] ExpandedHdl Handler; Virtuelle Methode aus SV. [Querverweise] */ { SvLBoxEntry *pEntry = GetHdlEntry(); if(!IsExpanded(pEntry) && pCurEntry != GetCurEntry()) SelectAll( FALSE ); pCurEntry = 0; } //------------------------------------------------------------------------- StyleTreeListBox_Impl::StyleTreeListBox_Impl( SfxCommonTemplateDialog_Impl* pParent, WinBits nWinStyle) : DropListBox_Impl(pParent->GetWindow(), nWinStyle, pParent), pCurEntry(0), pCommon(pParent) /* [Beschreibung] Konstruktor StyleTreeListBox_Impl */ { // SetDragOptions(DROP_MOVE); } //------------------------------------------------------------------------- //------------------------------------------------------------------------- class StyleTreeArr_Impl; /* [Beschreibung] Interne Struktur f"ur den Aufbau der hierarchischen View */ struct StyleTree_Impl { String aName; String aParent; StyleTreeArr_Impl *pChilds; BOOL bIsExpanded; BOOL HasParent() const { return aParent.Len() != 0; } StyleTree_Impl(const String &rName, const String &rParent): aName(rName), aParent(rParent), pChilds(0), bIsExpanded(0) {} ~StyleTree_Impl(); void Put(StyleTree_Impl* pIns, ULONG lPos=ULONG_MAX); ULONG Count(); }; typedef StyleTree_Impl* StyleTree_ImplPtr; SV_DECL_PTRARR_DEL(StyleTreeArr_Impl, StyleTree_ImplPtr, 16, 8) SV_IMPL_PTRARR(StyleTreeArr_Impl, StyleTree_ImplPtr) ULONG StyleTree_Impl::Count() { return pChilds ? pChilds->Count() : 0L; } //------------------------------------------------------------------------- StyleTree_Impl::~StyleTree_Impl() { delete pChilds; } //------------------------------------------------------------------------- void StyleTree_Impl::Put(StyleTree_Impl* pIns, ULONG lPos) { if ( !pChilds ) pChilds = new StyleTreeArr_Impl; if ( ULONG_MAX == lPos ) lPos = pChilds->Count(); pChilds->Insert( pIns, (USHORT)lPos ); } //------------------------------------------------------------------------- StyleTreeArr_Impl &MakeTree_Impl(StyleTreeArr_Impl &rArr) { const USHORT nCount = rArr.Count(); // Alle unter ihren Parents einordnen USHORT i; for(i = 0; i < nCount; ++i) { StyleTree_ImplPtr pEntry = rArr[i]; if(pEntry->HasParent()) { for(USHORT j = 0; j < nCount; ++j) { StyleTree_ImplPtr pCmp = rArr[j]; if(pCmp->aName == pEntry->aParent) { // initial sortiert einfuegen USHORT ii; IntlWrapper aIntlWrapper( ::comphelper::getProcessServiceFactory(), Application::GetSettings().GetLocale() ); const CollatorWrapper* pCollator = aIntlWrapper.getCaseCollator(); for ( ii = 0; ii < pCmp->Count() && COMPARE_LESS == pCollator->compareString( (*pCmp->pChilds)[ii]->aName, pEntry->aName);++ii); pCmp->Put(pEntry,ii); break; } } } } // alle, die schon unter ihrem Parent eingeordnet wurden // entfernen for(i = 0; i < rArr.Count(); ) { if(rArr[i]->HasParent()) rArr.Remove(i); else ++i; } return rArr; } //------------------------------------------------------------------------- inline BOOL IsExpanded_Impl( const ExpandedEntries& rEntries, const String &rStr) { USHORT nCount=rEntries.Count(); for(USHORT n=0;nInsertEntry(pEntry->aName, pParent); const USHORT nCount = pEntry->pChilds? pEntry->pChilds->Count(): 0; for(USHORT i = 0; i < nCount; ++i) FillBox_Impl(pBox, (*pEntry->pChilds)[i], rEntries, pNewEntry); return pNewEntry; } //------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Konstruktor SfxCommonTemplateDialog_Impl::SfxCommonTemplateDialog_Impl( SfxBindings* pB, SfxDockingWindow* pW ) : aISfxTemplateCommon ( this ), pBindings ( pB ), pWindow ( pW ), pModule ( NULL ), pTimer ( NULL ), pStyleSheetPool ( NULL ), pTreeBox ( NULL ), pCurObjShell ( NULL ), aFmtLb ( this, WB_BORDER | WB_TABSTOP | WB_SORT ), aFilterLb ( pW, WB_BORDER | WB_DROPDOWN | WB_TABSTOP ), nActFamily ( 0xffff ), nActFilter ( 0 ), nAppFilter ( 0 ), bDontUpdate ( FALSE ), bIsWater ( FALSE ), bEnabled ( TRUE ), bUpdate ( FALSE ), bUpdateFamily ( FALSE ), bCanEdit ( FALSE ), bCanDel ( FALSE ), bCanNew ( TRUE ), bWaterDisabled ( FALSE ), bNewByExampleDisabled ( FALSE ), bUpdateByExampleDisabled( FALSE ), bTreeDrag ( TRUE ), bHierarchical ( FALSE ), bBindingUpdate ( TRUE ) { aFmtLb.SetHelpId( HID_TEMPLATE_FMT ); aFilterLb.SetHelpId( HID_TEMPLATE_FILTER ); aFmtLb.SetWindowBits( WB_SORT ); Font aFont = aFmtLb.GetFont(); aFont.SetWeight( WEIGHT_NORMAL ); #ifdef MAC aFont.SetName( String::CreateFromAscii( "Geneva" ) ); aFont.SetSize( Size( 0, 10 ) ); #endif aFmtLb.SetFont( aFont ); } //------------------------------------------------------------------------- SfxCommonTemplateDialog_Impl::SfxCommonTemplateDialog_Impl( SfxBindings* pB, ModalDialog* pW ) : aISfxTemplateCommon ( this ), pBindings ( pB ), pWindow ( pW ), pModule ( NULL ), pTimer ( NULL ), pStyleSheetPool ( NULL ), pTreeBox ( NULL ), pCurObjShell ( NULL ), aFmtLb ( this, SfxResId( BT_VLIST ) ), aFilterLb ( pW, SfxResId( BT_FLIST ) ), nActFamily ( 0xffff ), nActFilter ( 0 ), nAppFilter ( 0 ), bDontUpdate ( FALSE ), bIsWater ( FALSE ), bEnabled ( TRUE ), bUpdate ( FALSE ), bUpdateFamily ( FALSE ), bCanEdit ( FALSE ), bCanDel ( FALSE ), bCanNew ( TRUE ), bWaterDisabled ( FALSE ), bNewByExampleDisabled ( FALSE ), bUpdateByExampleDisabled( FALSE ), bTreeDrag ( TRUE ), bHierarchical ( FALSE ), bBindingUpdate ( TRUE ) { aFmtLb.SetWindowBits( WB_SORT ); } //------------------------------------------------------------------------- USHORT SfxCommonTemplateDialog_Impl::StyleNrToInfoOffset(USHORT nId) { const SfxStyleFamilyItem *pItem=pStyleFamilies->GetObject(nId); return SfxFamilyIdToNId(pItem->GetFamily())-1; } //------------------------------------------------------------------------- void SfxTemplateDialog_Impl::EnableEdit(BOOL bEnable) { SfxCommonTemplateDialog_Impl::EnableEdit( bEnable ); if( !bEnable || !bUpdateByExampleDisabled ) EnableItem( SID_STYLE_UPDATE_BY_EXAMPLE, bEnable); } //------------------------------------------------------------------------- USHORT SfxCommonTemplateDialog_Impl::InfoOffsetToStyleNr(USHORT nId) { for ( USHORT i=0;iCount();i++ ) if ( SfxFamilyIdToNId(pStyleFamilies->GetObject(i)->GetFamily()) == nId+1 ) return i; DBG_ERROR("Style Nummer nicht gefunden"); return 0; } //------------------------------------------------------------------------- void SfxCommonTemplateDialog_Impl::ReadResource() { // globale Benutzer-Resource auslesen USHORT i; for(i = 0; i < MAX_FAMILIES; ++i) pFamilyState[i] = 0; SfxViewFrame* pViewFrame = pBindings->GetDispatcher_Impl()->GetFrame(); pCurObjShell = pViewFrame->GetObjectShell(); ResMgr* pMgr = pCurObjShell ? pCurObjShell->GetResMgr() : NULL; ResId aFamId( DLG_STYLE_DESIGNER, pMgr ); aFamId.SetRT(RSC_SFX_STYLE_FAMILIES); if( !pMgr || !pMgr->IsAvailable( aFamId ) ) pStyleFamilies = new SfxStyleFamilies; else pStyleFamilies = new SfxStyleFamilies( aFamId ); nActFilter = pCurObjShell ? pCurObjShell->Get_Impl()->nStyleFilter : 0xFFFF; // Einfuegen in die Toolbox // umgekehrte Reihenfolge, da immer vorne eingefuegt wird. USHORT nCount = pStyleFamilies->Count(); pBindings->ENTERREGISTRATIONS(); for(i = 0; i < nCount; ++i) { USHORT nSlot = 0; switch((USHORT)pStyleFamilies->GetObject(i)->GetFamily()) { case SFX_STYLE_FAMILY_CHAR: nSlot = SID_STYLE_FAMILY1; break; case SFX_STYLE_FAMILY_PARA: nSlot = SID_STYLE_FAMILY2; break; case SFX_STYLE_FAMILY_FRAME:nSlot = SID_STYLE_FAMILY3; break; case SFX_STYLE_FAMILY_PAGE: nSlot = SID_STYLE_FAMILY4; break; case SFX_STYLE_FAMILY_PSEUDO: nSlot = SID_STYLE_FAMILY5; break; default: DBG_ERROR("unbekannte StyleFamily"); break; } pBoundItems[i] = new SfxTemplateControllerItem(nSlot, *this, *pBindings); } pBoundItems[i++] = new SfxTemplateControllerItem( SID_STYLE_WATERCAN, *this, *pBindings); pBoundItems[i++] = new SfxTemplateControllerItem( SID_STYLE_NEW_BY_EXAMPLE, *this, *pBindings); pBoundItems[i++] = new SfxTemplateControllerItem( SID_STYLE_UPDATE_BY_EXAMPLE, *this, *pBindings); pBoundItems[i++] = new SfxTemplateControllerItem( SID_STYLE_NEW, *this, *pBindings); pBoundItems[i++] = new SfxTemplateControllerItem( SID_STYLE_DRAGHIERARCHIE, *this, *pBindings); pBoundItems[i++] = new SfxTemplateControllerItem( SID_STYLE_EDIT, *this, *pBindings); pBoundItems[i++] = new SfxTemplateControllerItem( SID_STYLE_DELETE, *this, *pBindings); pBoundItems[i++] = new SfxTemplateControllerItem( SID_STYLE_FAMILY, *this, *pBindings); pBindings->LEAVEREGISTRATIONS(); for(; i < COUNT_BOUND_FUNC; ++i) pBoundItems[i] = 0; StartListening(*pBindings); //In umgekehrter Reihenfolge des Auftretens in den Stylefamilies einfuegen. //Das ist fuer den Toolbar des Gestalters. Die Listbox des Kataloges achtet //selbst auf korrekte Reihenfolge. //Reihenfolgen: Reihenfolge in der Resource = Reihenfolge in Toolbar bzw. //Listbox. //Reihenfolge aufsteigender SIDs: Niedrige SIDs werden als erstes angezeigt, //wenn Vorlagen mehrerer Familien aktiv sind. for( ; nCount--; ) { const SfxStyleFamilyItem *pItem = pStyleFamilies->GetObject( nCount ); USHORT nId = SfxFamilyIdToNId( (USHORT) pItem->GetFamily() ); InsertFamilyItem( nId, pItem ); } Resize(); USHORT nStart = SID_STYLE_FAMILY1; USHORT nEnd = SID_STYLE_FAMILY4; for ( i = nStart; i <= nEnd; i++ ) pBindings->Update(i); pModule = pCurObjShell ? pCurObjShell->GetModule() : NULL; } //------------------------------------------------------------------------- void SfxCommonTemplateDialog_Impl::ClearResource() { ClearFamilyList(); DELETEX(pStyleFamilies); USHORT i; for ( i = 0; i < MAX_FAMILIES; ++i ) DELETEX(pFamilyState[i]); for ( i = 0; i < COUNT_BOUND_FUNC; ++i ) delete pBoundItems[i]; pCurObjShell = NULL; } //------------------------------------------------------------------------- void SfxCommonTemplateDialog_Impl::Initialize() { // globale Benutzer-Resource auslesen ReadResource(); pBindings->Invalidate( SID_STYLE_FAMILY ); pBindings->Update( SID_STYLE_FAMILY ); Update_Impl(); aFilterLb.SetSelectHdl( LINK( this, SfxCommonTemplateDialog_Impl, FilterSelectHdl ) ); aFmtLb.SetDoubleClickHdl( LINK( this, SfxCommonTemplateDialog_Impl, ApplyHdl ) ); aFmtLb.SetSelectHdl( LINK( this, SfxCommonTemplateDialog_Impl, FmtSelectHdl ) ); aFilterLb.Show(); aFmtLb.Show(); } //------------------------------------------------------------------------- SfxCommonTemplateDialog_Impl::~SfxCommonTemplateDialog_Impl() { String aEmpty; if ( bIsWater ) Execute_Impl(SID_STYLE_WATERCAN, aEmpty, aEmpty, 0); GetWindow()->Hide(); DELETEX(pStyleFamilies); USHORT i; for ( i = 0; i < MAX_FAMILIES; ++i ) DELETEX(pFamilyState[i]); for ( i = 0; i < COUNT_BOUND_FUNC; ++i ) delete pBoundItems[i]; if ( pStyleSheetPool ) EndListening(*pStyleSheetPool); pStyleSheetPool = NULL; delete pTreeBox; delete pTimer; } //------------------------------------------------------------------------- USHORT SfxCommonTemplateDialog_Impl::SfxFamilyIdToNId( USHORT nFamily ) { switch ( nFamily ) { case SFX_STYLE_FAMILY_CHAR: return 1; break; case SFX_STYLE_FAMILY_PARA: return 2; break; case SFX_STYLE_FAMILY_FRAME: return 3; break; case SFX_STYLE_FAMILY_PAGE: return 4; break; case SFX_STYLE_FAMILY_PSEUDO: return 5; break; default: return 0; } } //------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Hilfsfunktion: Zugriff auf aktuelles Family-Item const SfxStyleFamilyItem *SfxCommonTemplateDialog_Impl::GetFamilyItem_Impl() const { const USHORT nCount = pStyleFamilies->Count(); for(USHORT i = 0; i < nCount; ++i) { const SfxStyleFamilyItem *pItem = pStyleFamilies->GetObject(i); // if(!pItem)continue; USHORT nId = SfxFamilyIdToNId((USHORT)pItem->GetFamily()); if(nId == nActFamily) return pItem; } return 0; } //------------------------------------------------------------------------- void SfxCommonTemplateDialog_Impl::SelectStyle(const String &rStr) { const SfxStyleFamilyItem* pItem = GetFamilyItem_Impl(); if ( !pItem ) return; const SfxStyleFamily eFam = pItem->GetFamily(); SfxStyleSheetBase* pStyle = pStyleSheetPool->Find( rStr, eFam, SFXSTYLEBIT_ALL ); if( pStyle ) EnableEdit( !(pStyle->GetMask() & SFXSTYLEBIT_READONLY) ); if ( pTreeBox ) { if ( rStr.Len() ) { SvLBoxEntry* pEntry = pTreeBox->First(); while ( pEntry ) { if ( pTreeBox->GetEntryText( pEntry ) == rStr ) { pTreeBox->MakeVisible( pEntry ); pTreeBox->Select( pEntry ); return; } pEntry = pTreeBox->Next( pEntry ); } } else pTreeBox->SelectAll( FALSE ); } else { BOOL bSelect = ( rStr.Len() > 0 ); if ( bSelect ) { SvLBoxEntry* pEntry = (SvLBoxEntry*)aFmtLb.FirstVisible(); while ( pEntry && aFmtLb.GetEntryText( pEntry ) != rStr ) pEntry = (SvLBoxEntry*)aFmtLb.NextVisible( pEntry ); if ( !pEntry ) bSelect = FALSE; else { aFmtLb.MakeVisible( pEntry ); aFmtLb.Select( pEntry ); FmtSelectHdl( NULL ); } } if ( !bSelect ) aFmtLb.SelectAll( FALSE ); } } //------------------------------------------------------------------------- String SfxCommonTemplateDialog_Impl::GetSelectedEntry() const { String aRet; if ( pTreeBox ) { SvLBoxEntry* pEntry = pTreeBox->FirstSelected(); if( !pEntry ) pEntry = aFmtLb.GetPreDropEntry(); if ( pEntry ) aRet = pTreeBox->GetEntryText( pEntry ); } else { SvLBoxEntry* pEntry = aFmtLb.FirstSelected(); if ( pEntry ) aRet = aFmtLb.GetEntryText( pEntry ); } return aRet; } //------------------------------------------------------------------------- void SfxCommonTemplateDialog_Impl::EnableTreeDrag( BOOL bEnable ) { if ( pStyleSheetPool ) { SfxStyleSheetBase* pStyle = pStyleSheetPool->First(); if ( pTreeBox ) { if ( pStyle && pStyle->HasParentSupport() && bEnable ) pTreeBox->SetDragDropMode(SV_DRAGDROP_CTRL_MOVE); else pTreeBox->SetDragDropMode(SV_DRAGDROP_NONE); } } bTreeDrag = bEnable; } //------------------------------------------------------------------------- void SfxCommonTemplateDialog_Impl::FillTreeBox() { DBG_ASSERT(pTreeBox, "FillTreeBox ohne TreeBox"); if(pStyleSheetPool && nActFamily != 0xffff) { const SfxStyleFamilyItem *pItem = GetFamilyItem_Impl(); pStyleSheetPool->SetSearchMask(pItem->GetFamily(), SFXSTYLEBIT_ALL); StyleTreeArr_Impl aArr; SfxStyleSheetBase *pStyle = pStyleSheetPool->First(); if(pStyle && pStyle->HasParentSupport() && bTreeDrag ) pTreeBox->SetDragDropMode(SV_DRAGDROP_CTRL_MOVE); else pTreeBox->SetDragDropMode(SV_DRAGDROP_NONE); while(pStyle) { StyleTree_ImplPtr pNew = new StyleTree_Impl(pStyle->GetName(), pStyle->GetParent()); aArr.Insert(pNew, aArr.Count()); pStyle = pStyleSheetPool->Next(); } MakeTree_Impl(aArr); ExpandedEntries aEntries; if(pTreeBox) ((const StyleTreeListBox_Impl *)pTreeBox)-> MakeExpanded_Impl( aEntries); pTreeBox->SetUpdateMode( FALSE ); pTreeBox->Clear(); const USHORT nCount = aArr.Count(); for(USHORT i = 0; i < nCount; ++i) FillBox_Impl(pTreeBox, aArr[i], aEntries); // EnableEdit(FALSE); EnableItem(SID_STYLE_WATERCAN,FALSE); SfxTemplateItem *pState = pFamilyState[nActFamily-1]; if(nCount) pTreeBox->Expand(pTreeBox->First()); for(SvLBoxEntry *pEntry=pTreeBox->First(); pEntry;pEntry=pTreeBox->Next(pEntry)) { if(IsExpanded_Impl(aEntries,pTreeBox->GetEntryText(pEntry))) pTreeBox->Expand(pEntry); } if(pState) //Aktuellen Eintrag selektieren { const String aStyle(pState->GetStyleName()); SelectStyle(aStyle); } EnableDelete(); pTreeBox->SetUpdateMode( TRUE ); } } //------------------------------------------------------------------------- inline BOOL SfxCommonTemplateDialog_Impl::HasSelectedStyle() const { return pTreeBox? pTreeBox->FirstSelected() != 0: aFmtLb.GetSelectionCount() != 0; } //------------------------------------------------------------------------- // intern: Aktualisierung der Anzeige void SfxCommonTemplateDialog_Impl::UpdateStyles_Impl(USHORT nFlags) // Flags, was aktualisiert werden soll (s.o.) { DBG_ASSERT(nFlags, "nichts zu tun"); const SfxStyleFamilyItem *pItem = GetFamilyItem_Impl(); if (!pItem) { // Ist beim Vorlagenkatalog der Fall SfxTemplateItem **ppItem = pFamilyState; const USHORT nFamilyCount = pStyleFamilies->Count(); USHORT n; for(n=0;nGetValue(); FamilySelect( StyleNrToInfoOffset(n)+1 ); pItem = GetFamilyItem_Impl(); } const SfxStyleFamily eFam = pItem->GetFamily(); SfxFilterTupel *pT = pItem->GetFilterList().GetObject(nActFilter); USHORT nFilter = pT ? pItem->GetFilterList().GetObject(nActFilter)->nFlags : 0; if(!nFilter) // automatisch nFilter = nAppFilter; DBG_ASSERT(pStyleSheetPool, "kein StyleSheetPool"); if(pStyleSheetPool) { pStyleSheetPool->SetSearchMask(eFam, nFilter); const SfxStyleFamilyItem *pItem = GetFamilyItem_Impl(); if((nFlags & UPDATE_FAMILY) == UPDATE_FAMILY) { if(ISA(SfxTemplateDialog_Impl)) ((DockingWindow* )GetWindow())->SetText( pItem->GetText()); // Titel setzen CheckItem(nActFamily, TRUE); // Button in Toolbox checken aFilterLb.SetUpdateMode(FALSE); aFilterLb.Clear(); const SfxStyleFilter& rFilter = pItem->GetFilterList(); for(USHORT i = 0; i < rFilter.Count(); ++i) aFilterLb.InsertEntry(rFilter.GetObject(i)->aName); //insert hierarchical at the beginning aFilterLb.InsertEntry(String(SfxResId(STR_STYLE_FILTER_HIERARCHICAL)), 0); if(nActFilter < aFilterLb.GetEntryCount() - 1) aFilterLb.SelectEntryPos(nActFilter + 1); else { nActFilter = 0; aFilterLb.SelectEntryPos(1); SfxFilterTupel *pT = rFilter.GetObject(nActFilter); USHORT nFilter = pT ? rFilter.GetObject(nActFilter)->nFlags : 0; pStyleSheetPool->SetSearchMask(eFam, nFilter); } if(pTreeBox) aFilterLb.SelectEntry(String(SfxResId(STR_STYLE_FILTER_HIERARCHICAL))); //Falls in Treedarstellung wieder Family Hierarchie selektieren aFilterLb.SetUpdateMode(TRUE); } else { if( nActFilter < aFilterLb.GetEntryCount() - 1) aFilterLb.SelectEntryPos(nActFilter + 1); else { nActFilter = 0; aFilterLb.SelectEntryPos(1); } } if(nFlags & UPDATE_FAMILY_LIST) { // EnableEdit(FALSE); EnableItem(SID_STYLE_WATERCAN,FALSE); SfxStyleSheetBase *pStyle = pStyleSheetPool->First(); SvLBoxEntry* pEntry = aFmtLb.First(); SvStringsDtor aStrings; while( pStyle ) { //Bubblesort for( USHORT nPos = aStrings.Count() + 1 ; nPos-- ;) { if( !nPos || *aStrings[nPos-1] < pStyle->GetName() ) { // Die Namen stehen in den Styles, also nicht kopieren // Reingefallen!: Writer hat insgesamt nur 1 Style aStrings.Insert( new String( pStyle->GetName() ), nPos ); break; } } pStyle = pStyleSheetPool->Next(); } USHORT nCount = aStrings.Count(); USHORT nPos = 0; while( nPos < nCount && pEntry && *aStrings[ nPos ] == aFmtLb.GetEntryText( pEntry ) ) { nPos++; pEntry = aFmtLb.Next( pEntry ); } if( nPos < nCount || pEntry ) { // Box mit den Vorlagen fuellen aFmtLb.SetUpdateMode(FALSE); aFmtLb.Clear(); nPos = 0; while( nPos < nCount ) aFmtLb.InsertEntry( *aStrings.GetObject( nPos++ )); aFmtLb.SetUpdateMode(TRUE); } // aktuelle Vorlage anzeigen SfxTemplateItem *pState = pFamilyState[nActFamily-1]; if(pState) { const String aStyle(pState->GetStyleName()); SelectStyle(aStyle); } EnableDelete(); } } } //------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Aktualisierung Anzeige: Gie\skanne an/aus void SfxCommonTemplateDialog_Impl::SetWaterCanState(const SfxBoolItem *pItem) { // EnableItem(SID_STYLE_WATERCAN, pItem != 0); bWaterDisabled = pItem == 0; if(pItem) { CheckItem(SID_STYLE_WATERCAN, pItem->GetValue()); EnableItem( SID_STYLE_WATERCAN, TRUE ); } else EnableItem(SID_STYLE_WATERCAN, FALSE); //Waehrend Giesskannenmodus Statusupdates ignorieren. USHORT nCount=pStyleFamilies->Count(); pBindings->EnterRegistrations(); for(USHORT n=0; nGetValue(); if( pCItem->IsBound() == bChecked ) if( !bChecked ) pCItem->ReBind(); else pCItem->UnBind(); } pBindings->LeaveRegistrations(); } //------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Item mit dem Status einer Family wird kopiert und gemerkt // (Aktualisierung erfolgt, wenn alle Stati aktualisiert worden sind. // Siehe auch: void SfxCommonTemplateDialog_Impl::SetFamilyState( USHORT nSlotId, const SfxTemplateItem* pItem ) { USHORT nIdx = nSlotId - SID_STYLE_FAMILY_START; DELETEZ(pFamilyState[nIdx]); if ( pItem ) pFamilyState[nIdx] = new SfxTemplateItem(*pItem); bUpdate = TRUE; // Wenn verwendete Vorlagen ( wie zum Teufel findet man das heraus ?? ) bUpdateFamily = TRUE; } //------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Benachrichtigung durch SfxBindings, da"s die Aktualisierung // beendet ist. St"o\st die Aktualisierung der Anzeige an. void SfxCommonTemplateDialog_Impl::Update_Impl() { BOOL bDocChanged=FALSE; SfxStyleSheetBasePool *pNewPool = 0; SfxViewFrame *pViewFrame = pBindings->GetDispatcher_Impl()->GetFrame(); SfxObjectShell *pDocShell = pViewFrame->GetObjectShell(); if( pDocShell ) pNewPool = pDocShell->GetStyleSheetPool(); if ( pNewPool != pStyleSheetPool && pDocShell ) { SfxModule* pNewModule = pDocShell->GetModule(); if( pNewModule && pNewModule != pModule ) { ClearResource(); ReadResource(); } if ( pStyleSheetPool ) { EndListening(*pStyleSheetPool); pStyleSheetPool = 0; } if ( pNewPool ) { StartListening(*pNewPool); pStyleSheetPool = pNewPool; bDocChanged=TRUE; } // InvalidateBindings(); } if (bUpdateFamily) UpdateFamily_Impl(); USHORT i; for(i = 0; i < MAX_FAMILIES; ++i) if(pFamilyState[i]) break; if(i == MAX_FAMILIES || !pNewPool) // nichts erlaubt return; SfxTemplateItem *pItem = 0; // aktueller Bereich nicht innerhalb der erlaubten Bereiche // oder Default if(nActFamily == 0xffff || 0 == (pItem = pFamilyState[nActFamily-1] ) ) { CheckItem(nActFamily, FALSE); SfxTemplateItem **ppItem = pFamilyState; const USHORT nFamilyCount = pStyleFamilies->Count(); USHORT n; for(n=0;nGetValue(); FamilySelect( StyleNrToInfoOffset(n)+1 ); pItem = *ppItem; } else if( bDocChanged ) { // andere DocShell -> alles neu CheckItem( nActFamily, TRUE ); nActFilter = pDocShell->Get_Impl()->nStyleFilter; nAppFilter = pItem->GetValue(); if(!pTreeBox) { UpdateStyles_Impl(UPDATE_FAMILY_LIST); } else FillTreeBox(); } else { // anderer Filter fuer automatisch CheckItem( nActFamily, TRUE ); const SfxStyleFamilyItem *pStyleItem = GetFamilyItem_Impl(); #ifdef DEBUG SfxFilterTupel *pT = pStyleItem->GetFilterList().GetObject(nActFilter); #endif if(0 == pStyleItem->GetFilterList().GetObject(nActFilter)->nFlags && nAppFilter != pItem->GetValue()) { nAppFilter = pItem->GetValue(); if(!pTreeBox) UpdateStyles_Impl(UPDATE_FAMILY_LIST); else FillTreeBox(); } else nAppFilter = pItem->GetValue(); } const String aStyle(pItem->GetStyleName()); SelectStyle(aStyle); EnableDelete(); EnableNew( bCanNew ); } //------------------------------------------------------------------------- IMPL_LINK( SfxCommonTemplateDialog_Impl, TimeOut, Timer *, pTim ) { if(!bDontUpdate) { bDontUpdate=TRUE; if(!pTreeBox) UpdateStyles_Impl(UPDATE_FAMILY_LIST); else { FillTreeBox(); SfxTemplateItem *pState = pFamilyState[nActFamily-1]; if(pState) { const String aStyle(pState->GetStyleName()); SelectStyle(aStyle); EnableDelete(); } } bDontUpdate=FALSE; DELETEZ(pTimer); } else pTimer->Start(); return 0; } //------------------------------------------------------------------------- void SfxCommonTemplateDialog_Impl::SFX_NOTIFY(SfxBroadcaster& rBC, const TypeId& rBCType, const SfxHint& rHint, const TypeId& rHintType) { // Aktualisierung anstossen if(rHint.Type() == TYPE(SfxSimpleHint)) { switch(((SfxSimpleHint&) rHint ).GetId()) { case SFX_HINT_UPDATEDONE: { SfxViewFrame *pViewFrame = pBindings->GetDispatcher_Impl()->GetFrame(); SfxObjectShell *pDocShell = pViewFrame->GetObjectShell(); if( bUpdate && ( !IsCheckedItem(SID_STYLE_WATERCAN) || pDocShell && pDocShell->GetStyleSheetPool() != pStyleSheetPool) ) { bUpdate = FALSE; Update_Impl(); } else if ( bUpdateFamily ) { UpdateFamily_Impl(); } if( pStyleSheetPool ) { String aStr = GetSelectedEntry(); if( aStr.Len() && pStyleSheetPool ) { const SfxStyleFamilyItem *pItem = GetFamilyItem_Impl(); if( !pItem ) break; const SfxStyleFamily eFam = pItem->GetFamily(); SfxStyleSheetBase *pStyle = pStyleSheetPool->Find( aStr, eFam, SFXSTYLEBIT_ALL ); if( pStyle ) EnableEdit( !(pStyle->GetMask() & SFXSTYLEBIT_READONLY) ); } } break; } // noetig, wenn zwichen Dokumenten umgeschaltet wird, // aber in beiden Dokumenten die gleiche Vorlage gilt. // Nicht sofort Update_Impl rufen, fr den Fall da\s eines // der Dokumente ein internes InPlaceObjekt ist! case SFX_HINT_DOCCHANGED: bUpdate = TRUE; break; case SFX_HINT_DYING: { EndListening(*pStyleSheetPool); pStyleSheetPool=0; break; } } } // Timer nicht aufsetzen, wenn der StyleSheetPool in die Kiste geht, denn // es kann sein, da\s sich ein neuer erst anmeldet, nachdem der Timer // abgelaufen ist - macht sich schlecht in UpdateStyles_Impl() ! ULONG nId = ((SfxSimpleHint&) rHint).GetId(); if(!bDontUpdate && nId != SFX_HINT_DYING && (rHint.Type() == TYPE(SfxStyleSheetPoolHint)|| rHint.Type() == TYPE(SfxStyleSheetHint) || rHint.Type() == TYPE( SfxStyleSheetHintExtended ))) { if(!pTimer) { pTimer=new Timer; pTimer->SetTimeout(500); pTimer->SetTimeoutHdl(LINK(this,SfxCommonTemplateDialog_Impl,TimeOut)); } pTimer->Start(); } } //------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Anderer Filter; kann durch den Benutzer umgeschaltet werden // oder als Folge von Neu oder Bearbeiten, wenn die aktuelle // Vorlage einem anderen Filter zugewiesen wurde. void SfxCommonTemplateDialog_Impl::FilterSelect( USHORT nEntry, // Idx des neuen Filters BOOL bForce ) // Aktualisierung erzwingen, auch wenn der neue Filter gleich dem aktuellen ist { if( nEntry != nActFilter || bForce ) { nActFilter = nEntry; SfxViewFrame *pViewFrame = pBindings->GetDispatcher_Impl()->GetFrame(); SfxObjectShell *pDocShell = pViewFrame->GetObjectShell(); if (pDocShell) pDocShell->Get_Impl()->nStyleFilter = nActFilter; SfxStyleSheetBasePool *pOldStyleSheetPool = pStyleSheetPool; pStyleSheetPool = pDocShell? pDocShell->GetStyleSheetPool(): 0; if ( pOldStyleSheetPool != pStyleSheetPool ) { if ( pOldStyleSheetPool ) EndListening(*pOldStyleSheetPool); if ( pStyleSheetPool ) StartListening(*pOldStyleSheetPool); } UpdateStyles_Impl(UPDATE_FAMILY_LIST); } } //------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Intern: Ausf"uhren von Funktionen "uber den Dispatcher BOOL SfxCommonTemplateDialog_Impl::Execute_Impl( USHORT nId, const String &rStr, const String& rRefStr, USHORT nFamily, USHORT nMask, USHORT *pIdx, const USHORT* pModifier) { SfxDispatcher &rDispatcher = *SFX_APP()->GetDispatcher_Impl(); SfxStringItem aItem(nId, rStr); SfxUInt16Item aFamily(SID_STYLE_FAMILY, nFamily); SfxUInt16Item aMask( SID_STYLE_MASK, nMask ); SfxStringItem aUpdName(SID_STYLE_UPD_BY_EX_NAME, rStr); SfxStringItem aRefName( SID_STYLE_REFERENCE, rRefStr ); const SfxPoolItem* pItems[ 6 ]; USHORT nCount = 0; if( rStr.Len() ) pItems[ nCount++ ] = &aItem; pItems[ nCount++ ] = &aFamily; if( nMask ) pItems[ nCount++ ] = &aMask; if(SID_STYLE_UPDATE_BY_EXAMPLE == nId) { //Sonderloesung fuer Numerierungsupdate im Writer const String aTemplName(GetSelectedEntry()); aUpdName.SetValue(aTemplName); pItems[ nCount++ ] = &aUpdName; } if ( rRefStr.Len() ) pItems[ nCount++ ] = &aRefName; pItems[ nCount++ ] = 0; const SfxPoolItem* pItem; USHORT nModi = pModifier ? *pModifier : 0; pItem = rDispatcher.Execute( nId, SFX_CALLMODE_SYNCHRON | SFX_CALLMODE_RECORD | SFX_CALLMODE_MODAL, pItems, nModi ); if ( !pItem ) return FALSE; if ( nId == SID_STYLE_NEW || SID_STYLE_EDIT == nId ) { SfxUInt16Item *pFilterItem = PTR_CAST(SfxUInt16Item, pItem); DBG_ASSERT(pFilterItem, "SfxUINT16Item erwartet"); USHORT nFilterFlags = pFilterItem->GetValue() & ~SFXSTYLEBIT_USERDEF; if(!nFilterFlags) // Benutzervorlage? nFilterFlags = pFilterItem->GetValue(); const SfxStyleFamilyItem *pFamilyItem = GetFamilyItem_Impl(); const USHORT nCount = (USHORT) pFamilyItem->GetFilterList().Count(); for ( USHORT i = 0; i < nCount; ++i ) { const SfxFilterTupel *pTupel = pFamilyItem->GetFilterList().GetObject(i); if ( ( pTupel->nFlags & nFilterFlags ) == nFilterFlags && pIdx ) *pIdx = i; } } return TRUE; } //------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Handler der Listbox der Filter IMPL_LINK( SfxCommonTemplateDialog_Impl, FilterSelectHdl, ListBox *, pBox ) { if ( pBox->GetSelectEntry() == String(SfxResId(STR_STYLE_FILTER_HIERARCHICAL)) ) { if ( !bHierarchical ) { // TreeView einschalten bHierarchical=TRUE; const String aSelectEntry( GetSelectedEntry()); aFmtLb.Hide(); // aFilterLb.Disable(); pTreeBox = new StyleTreeListBox_Impl( this, WB_HASBUTTONS | WB_HASLINES | WB_BORDER | WB_TABSTOP | WB_HASLINESATROOT | WB_HASBUTTONSATROOT ); pTreeBox->SetFont( aFmtLb.GetFont() ); pTreeBox->SetPosSizePixel(aFmtLb.GetPosPixel(), aFmtLb.GetSizePixel()); pTreeBox->SetNodeBitmaps(Image(SfxResId(BMP_COLLAPSED)), Image(SfxResId(BMP_EXPANDED))); pTreeBox->SetSelectHdl( LINK(this, SfxCommonTemplateDialog_Impl, FmtSelectHdl)); ((StyleTreeListBox_Impl*)pTreeBox)-> SetDoubleClickHdl( LINK(this, SfxCommonTemplateDialog_Impl, ApplyHdl)); ((StyleTreeListBox_Impl*)pTreeBox)-> SetDropHdl(LINK(this, SfxCommonTemplateDialog_Impl, DropHdl)); pTreeBox->SetIndent(10); FillTreeBox(); SelectStyle(aSelectEntry); pTreeBox->Show(); } } else { DELETEZ(pTreeBox); aFmtLb.Show(); // aFilterLb.Enable(); // Falls bHierarchical, kann sich die Familie geaendert haben // minus one since hierarchical is inserted at the start FilterSelect(pBox->GetSelectEntryPos() - 1, bHierarchical ); bHierarchical=FALSE; // UpdateStyles_Impl(UPDATE_FAMILY_LIST); // Anzeige aktualisieren } return 0; } //------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Select-Handler der Toolbox void SfxCommonTemplateDialog_Impl::FamilySelect(USHORT nEntry) { USHORT nFamily = nActFamily; if( nEntry != nActFamily ) { CheckItem( nActFamily, FALSE ); nActFamily = nEntry; SfxDispatcher* pDispat = pBindings->GetDispatcher_Impl(); SfxUInt16Item aItem( SID_STYLE_FAMILY, nEntry ); pDispat->Execute( SID_STYLE_FAMILY, SFX_CALLMODE_SYNCHRON, &aItem, 0L ); pBindings->Invalidate( SID_STYLE_FAMILY ); pBindings->Update( SID_STYLE_FAMILY ); UpdateFamily_Impl(); } } //------------------------------------------------------------------------- void SfxCommonTemplateDialog_Impl::ActionSelect(USHORT nEntry) { String aEmpty; switch(nEntry) { case SID_STYLE_WATERCAN: { const BOOL bState = IsCheckedItem(nEntry); BOOL bCheck; SfxBoolItem aBool; // wenn eine Vorlage ausgewaehlt ist. if(!bState && aFmtLb.GetSelectionCount()) { const String aTemplName( GetSelectedEntry()); Execute_Impl( SID_STYLE_WATERCAN, aTemplName, aEmpty, (USHORT)GetFamilyItem_Impl()->GetFamily() ); bCheck = TRUE; } else { Execute_Impl(SID_STYLE_WATERCAN, aEmpty, aEmpty, 0); bCheck = FALSE; } CheckItem(nEntry, bCheck); aBool.SetValue(bCheck); SetWaterCanState(&aBool); break; } case SID_STYLE_NEW_BY_EXAMPLE: { if(pStyleSheetPool && nActFamily != 0xffff) { const SfxStyleFamily eFam=GetFamilyItem_Impl()->GetFamily(); //pStyleSheetPool->GetSearchFamily(); const SfxStyleFamilyItem *pItem = GetFamilyItem_Impl(); USHORT nFilter; if(pItem&&nActFilter!=0xffff) { nFilter = pItem->GetFilterList().GetObject( nActFilter)->nFlags; if(!nFilter) // automatisch nFilter = nAppFilter; } else nFilter=pStyleSheetPool->GetSearchMask(); pStyleSheetPool->SetSearchMask( eFam, SFXSTYLEBIT_USERDEF ); SfxNewStyleDlg *pDlg = // FloatingWindow must not be parent of a modal dialog new SfxNewStyleDlg(SFX_APP()->GetTopWindow(), *pStyleSheetPool); if(RET_OK == pDlg->Execute()) { pStyleSheetPool->SetSearchMask(eFam, nFilter); const String aTemplName(pDlg->GetName()); Execute_Impl(SID_STYLE_NEW_BY_EXAMPLE, aTemplName, aEmpty, (USHORT)GetFamilyItem_Impl()->GetFamily(), nFilter); } pStyleSheetPool->SetSearchMask( eFam, nFilter ); delete pDlg; } break; } case SID_STYLE_UPDATE_BY_EXAMPLE: { Execute_Impl(SID_STYLE_UPDATE_BY_EXAMPLE, aEmpty, aEmpty, (USHORT)GetFamilyItem_Impl()->GetFamily()); break; } default: DBG_ERROR("not implemented"); break; } } //------------------------------------------------------------------------- IMPL_LINK( SfxCommonTemplateDialog_Impl, DropHdl, StyleTreeListBox_Impl *, pBox ) { bDontUpdate=TRUE; const SfxStyleFamilyItem *pItem = GetFamilyItem_Impl(); const SfxStyleFamily eFam = pItem->GetFamily(); long ret= pStyleSheetPool->SetParent(eFam,pBox->GetStyle(), pBox->GetParent())? 1L: 0L; bDontUpdate=FALSE; return ret; } //------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Handler des Neu-Buttons void SfxCommonTemplateDialog_Impl::NewHdl(void *) { String aEmpty; if ( nActFamily != 0xffff ) { Window* pTmp; pTmp = Application::GetDefDialogParent(); if ( ISA(SfxTemplateDialog_Impl) ) Application::SetDefDialogParent( pWindow->GetParent() ); else Application::SetDefDialogParent( pWindow ); const SfxStyleFamilyItem *pItem = GetFamilyItem_Impl(); const SfxStyleFamily eFam=pItem->GetFamily(); USHORT nMask; if(pItem&&nActFilter!=0xffff) { nMask = pItem->GetFilterList().GetObject( nActFilter)->nFlags; if(!nMask) // automatisch nMask = nAppFilter; } else nMask=pStyleSheetPool->GetSearchMask(); pStyleSheetPool->SetSearchMask(eFam,nMask); Execute_Impl(SID_STYLE_NEW, aEmpty, GetSelectedEntry(), ( USHORT )GetFamilyItem_Impl()->GetFamily(), nMask); Application::SetDefDialogParent( pTmp ); /* { DBG_ASSERT(nFilter < aFilterLb.GetEntryCount(), "Filter ueberindiziert"); if(!pTreeBox) { // aFilterLb.SelectEntryPos(nFilter); FilterSelect(nActFilter, TRUE); } else { FillTreeBox(); SfxTemplateItem *pState = pFamilyState[nActFamily-1]; if(pState) { const String aStyle(pState->GetStyleName()); SelectStyle(aStyle); } EnableDelete(); }*/ // } } } //------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Handler des Bearbeiten-Buttons void SfxCommonTemplateDialog_Impl::EditHdl(void *) { if(IsInitialized() && HasSelectedStyle()) { USHORT nFilter = nActFilter; String aTemplName(GetSelectedEntry()); const SfxStyleFamilyItem *pItem = GetFamilyItem_Impl(); const SfxStyleFamily eFam = pItem->GetFamily(); SfxStyleSheetBase *pStyle = pStyleSheetPool->Find(aTemplName,eFam,SFXSTYLEBIT_ALL); Window* pTmp; //DefModalDialogParent setzen fuer //Modalitaet der nachfolgenden Dialoge pTmp = Application::GetDefDialogParent(); if ( ISA(SfxTemplateDialog_Impl) ) Application::SetDefDialogParent( pWindow->GetParent() ); else Application::SetDefDialogParent( pWindow ); if ( Execute_Impl( SID_STYLE_EDIT, aTemplName, String(), (USHORT)GetFamilyItem_Impl()->GetFamily(), 0, &nFilter ) ) { // DBG_ASSERT(nFilter < aFilterLb.GetEntryCount(), "Filter ueberindiziert"); // aTemplName = pStyle->GetName(); // kann durch Bearbeiten umbenannt worden sein /* if(!pTreeBox) { // aFilterLb.SelectEntryPos(nFilter); // FilterSelect(nFilter, TRUE); } else FillTreeBox();*/ } Application::SetDefDialogParent( pTmp ); } } //------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Handler des L"oschen-Buttons void SfxCommonTemplateDialog_Impl::DeleteHdl(void *) { if ( IsInitialized() && HasSelectedStyle() ) { const String aTemplName( GetSelectedEntry() ); const SfxStyleFamilyItem* pItem = GetFamilyItem_Impl(); SfxStyleSheetBase* pStyle = pStyleSheetPool->Find( aTemplName, pItem->GetFamily(), SFXSTYLEBIT_ALL ); if ( pStyle ) { String aMsg; if ( pStyle->IsUsed() ) aMsg = String( SfxResId( STR_DELETE_STYLE_USED ) ); aMsg += String ( SfxResId( STR_DELETE_STYLE ) ); aMsg.SearchAndReplaceAscii( "$1", aTemplName ); #if defined UNX QueryBox aBox( SFX_APP()->GetTopWindow(), WB_YES_NO | WB_DEF_NO, aMsg ); #else QueryBox aBox( GetWindow(), WB_YES_NO | WB_DEF_NO , aMsg ); #endif if ( RET_YES == aBox.Execute() ) { PrepareDeleteAction(); if ( pTreeBox ) // Damit die Treelistbox beim L"oschen nicht zuklappt { bDontUpdate = TRUE; } Execute_Impl( SID_STYLE_DELETE, aTemplName, String(), (USHORT)GetFamilyItem_Impl()->GetFamily() ); if ( pTreeBox ) { pTreeBox->RemoveParentKeepChilds( pTreeBox->FirstSelected() ); bDontUpdate = FALSE; } } } } } //------------------------------------------------------------------------- void SfxCommonTemplateDialog_Impl::EnableDelete() { if(IsInitialized() && HasSelectedStyle()) { DBG_ASSERT(pStyleSheetPool, "Kein StyleSheetPool"); const String aTemplName(GetSelectedEntry()); const SfxStyleFamilyItem *pItem = GetFamilyItem_Impl(); const SfxStyleFamily eFam = pItem->GetFamily(); USHORT nFilter = pItem->GetFilterList().GetObject(nActFilter)->nFlags; if(!nFilter) // automatisch nFilter = nAppFilter; const SfxStyleSheetBase *pStyle = pStyleSheetPool->Find(aTemplName,eFam, pTreeBox? SFXSTYLEBIT_ALL: nFilter); DBG_ASSERT(pStyle, "Style nicht gefunden"); if(pStyle && pStyle->IsUserDefined()) { EnableDel(TRUE); } else { EnableDel(FALSE); } } else { EnableDel(FALSE); } // rBindings.Invalidate( SID_STYLE_DELETE ); // rBindings.Update( SID_STYLE_DELETE ); } //------------------------------------------------------------------------- // nach Selektion eines Eintrags den Focus gfs. wieder auf das App-Fenster // setzen void SfxCommonTemplateDialog_Impl::ResetFocus() { if(ISA(SfxTemplateDialog_Impl)) { SfxViewFrame *pViewFrame = pBindings->GetDispatcher_Impl()->GetFrame(); SfxViewShell *pVu = pViewFrame->GetViewShell(); Window *pAppWin = pVu ? pVu->GetWindow(): 0; if(pAppWin) pAppWin->GrabFocus(); } } //------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Doppelclick auf ein StyleSheet in der ListBox, wird angewendet. IMPL_LINK( SfxCommonTemplateDialog_Impl, ApplyHdl, Control *, pControl ) { // nur, wenn dieser Bereich erlaubt ist if ( IsInitialized() && 0 != pFamilyState[nActFamily-1] && GetSelectedEntry().Len() ) { USHORT nModifier = aFmtLb.GetModifier(); Execute_Impl(SID_STYLE_APPLY, GetSelectedEntry(), String(), ( USHORT )GetFamilyItem_Impl()->GetFamily(), 0, 0, &nModifier ); if(ISA(SfxTemplateCatalog_Impl)) ((SfxTemplateCatalog_Impl*) this)->pReal->EndDialog(RET_OK); } // ResetFocus(); return 0; } //------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Selektion einer Vorlage w"ahrend des Watercan-Status IMPL_LINK( SfxCommonTemplateDialog_Impl, FmtSelectHdl, SvTreeListBox *, pListBox ) { // HilfePI antriggern, wenn von Call als Handler und Bereich erlaubt ist if( !pListBox || pListBox->IsSelected( pListBox->GetHdlEntry() ) ) { #ifdef WIR_KOENNEN_WIEDER_HILFE_FUER_STYLESHEETS SfxHelpPI* pHelpPI = SFX_APP()->GetHelpPI(); if ( pHelpPI && pListBox && IsInitialized() && GetSelectedEntry().Len() ) { const SfxStyleFamilyItem *pItem = GetFamilyItem_Impl(); const SfxStyleFamily eFam = pItem->GetFamily(); DBG_ASSERT(pStyleSheetPool, "Kein Pool"); // SfxStyleSheetBase* pStyle = pStyleSheetPool // ? pStyleSheetPool->Find( GetSelectedEntry(), eFam ) : 0; SfxStyleSheetBase *pStyle; if ( pStyleSheetPool ) pStyle = pStyleSheetPool->Find ( GetSelectedEntry(), eFam ); else pStyle = 0; if ( pStyle ) { String aHelpFile; ULONG nHelpId=pStyle->GetHelpId(aHelpFile); if ( nHelpId ) pHelpPI->LoadTopic( nHelpId ); } } #endif // nur, wenn Giesskanne an ist if ( IsInitialized() && IsCheckedItem(SID_STYLE_WATERCAN) && // nur, wenn dieser Bereich erlaubt ist 0 != pFamilyState[nActFamily-1] ) { String aEmpty; Execute_Impl(SID_STYLE_WATERCAN, aEmpty, aEmpty, 0); Execute_Impl(SID_STYLE_WATERCAN, GetSelectedEntry(), aEmpty, ( USHORT )GetFamilyItem_Impl()->GetFamily()); } // EnableEdit(TRUE); EnableItem(SID_STYLE_WATERCAN, !bWaterDisabled); EnableDelete(); } if( pListBox ) SelectStyle( pListBox->GetEntryText( pListBox->GetHdlEntry() )); return 0; } //------------------------------------------------------------------------- IMPL_LINK( SfxCommonTemplateDialog_Impl, MenuSelectHdl, Menu *, pMenu ) { if( pMenu ) { nLastItemId = pMenu->GetCurItemId(); Application::PostUserEvent( LINK( this, SfxCommonTemplateDialog_Impl, MenuSelectHdl ), 0 ); return TRUE; } switch(nLastItemId) { case ID_NEW: NewHdl(0); break; case ID_EDIT: EditHdl(0); break; case ID_DELETE: DeleteHdl(0); break; default: return FALSE; } return TRUE; } // ----------------------------------------------------------------------- void SfxCommonTemplateDialog_Impl::ExecuteContextMenu_Impl( const Point& rPos, Window* pWin ) { if ( bBindingUpdate ) { pBindings->Invalidate( SID_STYLE_NEW, TRUE, FALSE ); pBindings->Update( SID_STYLE_NEW ); bBindingUpdate = FALSE; } PopupMenu* pMenu = new PopupMenu( SfxResId( MN_CONTEXT_TEMPLDLG ) ); pMenu->SetSelectHdl( LINK( this, SfxCommonTemplateDialog_Impl, MenuSelectHdl ) ); pMenu->EnableItem( ID_EDIT, bCanEdit ); pMenu->EnableItem( ID_DELETE, bCanDel ); pMenu->EnableItem( ID_NEW, bCanNew ); pMenu->Execute( pWin, rPos ); delete pMenu; } // ----------------------------------------------------------------------- SfxStyleFamily SfxCommonTemplateDialog_Impl::GetActualFamily() const { const SfxStyleFamilyItem *pFamilyItem = GetFamilyItem_Impl(); if( !pFamilyItem || nActFamily == 0xffff ) return SFX_STYLE_FAMILY_PARA; else return pFamilyItem->GetFamily(); } // ----------------------------------------------------------------------- void SfxCommonTemplateDialog_Impl::EnableExample_Impl(USHORT nId, BOOL bEnable) { if( nId == SID_STYLE_NEW_BY_EXAMPLE ) bNewByExampleDisabled = !bEnable; else if( nId == SID_STYLE_UPDATE_BY_EXAMPLE ) bUpdateByExampleDisabled = !bEnable; EnableItem(nId, bEnable); } void SfxCommonTemplateDialog_Impl::PrepareDeleteAction() { } // ------------------------------------------------------------------------ SfxTemplateDialog_Impl::SfxTemplateDialog_Impl( Window* pParent, SfxBindings* pB, SfxTemplateDialog* pWindow ) : SfxCommonTemplateDialog_Impl( pB, pWindow ), aActionTbL ( pWindow ), pFloat ( pWindow ), aActionTbR ( pWindow, ResId( TB_ACTION ) ), bZoomIn ( FALSE ) { pWindow->FreeResource(); Initialize(); aActionTbL.SetSelectHdl(LINK(this, SfxTemplateDialog_Impl, ToolBoxLSelect)); aActionTbR.SetSelectHdl(LINK(this, SfxTemplateDialog_Impl, ToolBoxRSelect)); aActionTbL.Show(); aActionTbR.Show(); Font aFont=aFilterLb.GetFont(); aFont.SetWeight( WEIGHT_NORMAL ); aFilterLb.SetFont( aFont ); aActionTbL.SetHelpId( HID_TEMPLDLG_TOOLBOX_LEFT ); SfxImageManager* pImgMgr = pBindings->GetImageManager(); if ( pImgMgr ) { pImgMgr->RegisterToolBox( &aActionTbL, SFX_TOOLBOX_CHANGEOUTSTYLE ); pImgMgr->RegisterToolBox( &aActionTbR, SFX_TOOLBOX_CHANGEOUTSTYLE ); } } // ------------------------------------------------------------------------ void SfxTemplateDialog_Impl::EnableFamilyItem( USHORT nId, BOOL bEnable ) { aActionTbL.EnableItem( nId, bEnable ); } //------------------------------------------------------------------------- void SfxTemplateDialog_Impl::InsertFamilyItem(USHORT nId,const SfxStyleFamilyItem *pItem) { USHORT nHelpId = 0; switch( (USHORT) pItem->GetFamily() ) { case SFX_STYLE_FAMILY_CHAR: nHelpId = SID_STYLE_FAMILY1; break; case SFX_STYLE_FAMILY_PARA: nHelpId = SID_STYLE_FAMILY2; break; case SFX_STYLE_FAMILY_FRAME:nHelpId = SID_STYLE_FAMILY3; break; case SFX_STYLE_FAMILY_PAGE: nHelpId = SID_STYLE_FAMILY4; break; case SFX_STYLE_FAMILY_PSEUDO: nHelpId = SID_STYLE_FAMILY5; break; default: DBG_ERROR("unbekannte StyleFamily"); break; } aActionTbL.InsertItem( nId, pItem->GetImage(), pItem->GetText(), 0, 0); aActionTbL.SetHelpId( nId, nHelpId ); } // ------------------------------------------------------------------------ void SfxTemplateDialog_Impl::ClearFamilyList() { aActionTbL.Clear(); } //------------------------------------------------------------------------- void SfxCommonTemplateDialog_Impl::InvalidateBindings() { pBindings->Invalidate(SID_STYLE_NEW_BY_EXAMPLE, TRUE, FALSE); pBindings->Update( SID_STYLE_NEW_BY_EXAMPLE ); pBindings->Invalidate(SID_STYLE_UPDATE_BY_EXAMPLE, TRUE, FALSE); pBindings->Update( SID_STYLE_UPDATE_BY_EXAMPLE ); pBindings->Invalidate( SID_STYLE_WATERCAN, TRUE, FALSE); pBindings->Update( SID_STYLE_WATERCAN ); pBindings->Invalidate( SID_STYLE_NEW, TRUE, FALSE ); pBindings->Update( SID_STYLE_NEW ); pBindings->Invalidate( SID_STYLE_DRAGHIERARCHIE, TRUE, FALSE ); pBindings->Update( SID_STYLE_DRAGHIERARCHIE ); } //------------------------------------------------------------------------- SfxTemplateDialog_Impl::~SfxTemplateDialog_Impl() { SfxImageManager* pImgMgr = pBindings->GetImageManager(); if ( pImgMgr ) { pImgMgr->ReleaseToolBox( &aActionTbL ); pImgMgr->ReleaseToolBox( &aActionTbR ); } } //------------------------------------------------------------------------- // "Uberladener Resize-Handler ( StarView ) // Die Groesse der Listboxen wird angepasst void SfxTemplateDialog_Impl::Resize() { FloatingWindow *pF = pFloat->GetFloatingWindow(); if ( pF ) { // if(pF->IsZoomedIn() && bZoomIn==FALSE) // pF->SetText(String(SfxResId( DLG_STYLE_DESIGNER ))); // if(!pF->IsZoomedIn() && bZoomIn==TRUE && GetFamilyItem_Impl()) // UpdateStyles_Impl(UPDATE_FAMILY); //Bereich wieder in Titel schreiben bZoomIn = pF->IsRollUp(); if ( bZoomIn ) return; } Size aDlgSize=pFloat->PixelToLogic(pFloat->GetOutputSizePixel()); Size aSizeATL=pFloat->PixelToLogic(aActionTbL.CalcWindowSizePixel()); Size aSizeATR=pFloat->PixelToLogic(aActionTbR.CalcWindowSizePixel()); Size aMinSize = GetMinOutputSizePixel(); long nListHeight = pFloat->PixelToLogic( aFilterLb.GetSizePixel() ).Height(); long nWidth = aDlgSize.Width()- 2 * SFX_TEMPLDLG_HFRAME; aActionTbL.SetPosSizePixel(pFloat->LogicToPixel(Point(SFX_TEMPLDLG_HFRAME,SFX_TEMPLDLG_VTOPFRAME)), pFloat->LogicToPixel(aSizeATL)); // Die Position der rechten Toolbox nur ver"andern, wenn das Fenster // breit genug ist Point aPosATR(aDlgSize.Width()-SFX_TEMPLDLG_HFRAME-aSizeATR.Width(),SFX_TEMPLDLG_VTOPFRAME); if(aDlgSize.Width() >= aMinSize.Width()) aActionTbR.SetPosPixel(pFloat->LogicToPixel(aPosATR)); else aActionTbR.SetPosPixel( pFloat->LogicToPixel( Point( SFX_TEMPLDLG_HFRAME + aSizeATL.Width() + SFX_TEMPLDLG_MIDHSPACE, SFX_TEMPLDLG_VTOPFRAME ) ) ); aActionTbR.SetSizePixel(pFloat->LogicToPixel(aSizeATR)); Point aFilterPos( pFloat->LogicToPixel(Point(SFX_TEMPLDLG_HFRAME, aDlgSize.Height()-SFX_TEMPLDLG_VBOTFRAME-nListHeight)) ); Size aFilterSize( pFloat->LogicToPixel(Size(nWidth,SFX_TEMPLDLG_FILTERHEIGHT)) ); Point aFmtPos( pFloat->LogicToPixel(Point(SFX_TEMPLDLG_HFRAME, SFX_TEMPLDLG_VTOPFRAME + SFX_TEMPLDLG_MIDVSPACE+aSizeATL.Height())) ); Size aFmtSize( pFloat->LogicToPixel(Size(nWidth, aDlgSize.Height() - SFX_TEMPLDLG_VBOTFRAME - SFX_TEMPLDLG_VTOPFRAME - 2*SFX_TEMPLDLG_MIDVSPACE- nListHeight-aSizeATL.Height())) ); // Die Position der Listboxen nur ver"andern, wenn das Fenster // hoch genug ist if(aDlgSize.Height() >= aMinSize.Height()) { aFilterLb.SetPosPixel(aFilterPos); aFmtLb.SetPosPixel( aFmtPos ); if(pTreeBox) pTreeBox->SetPosPixel(aFmtPos); } else aFmtSize.Height() += aFilterSize.Height(); aFilterLb.SetSizePixel(aFilterSize); aFmtLb.SetSizePixel( aFmtSize ); if(pTreeBox) pTreeBox->SetSizePixel(aFmtSize); } // ----------------------------------------------------------------------- Size SfxTemplateDialog_Impl::GetMinOutputSizePixel() { Size aSizeATL=pFloat->PixelToLogic(aActionTbL.CalcWindowSizePixel()); Size aSizeATR=pFloat->PixelToLogic(aActionTbR.CalcWindowSizePixel()); Size aMinSize=Size( aSizeATL.Width()+aSizeATR.Width()+ 2*SFX_TEMPLDLG_HFRAME + SFX_TEMPLDLG_MIDHSPACE, 4*aSizeATL.Height()+2*SFX_TEMPLDLG_MIDVSPACE); return aMinSize; } //------------------------------------------------------------------------- void SfxTemplateDialog_Impl::Command( const CommandEvent& rCEvt ) { if(COMMAND_CONTEXTMENU == rCEvt.GetCommand()) ExecuteContextMenu_Impl( rCEvt.GetMousePosPixel(), pFloat ); // ExecuteContextMenu_Impl(pFloat->OutputToScreenPixel(rCEvt.GetMousePosPixel())); else pFloat->Command(rCEvt); } //------------------------------------------------------------------------- void SfxTemplateDialog_Impl::EnableItem(USHORT nMesId, BOOL bCheck) { String aEmpty; switch(nMesId) { case SID_STYLE_WATERCAN : if(!bCheck && IsCheckedItem(SID_STYLE_WATERCAN)) Execute_Impl(SID_STYLE_WATERCAN, aEmpty, aEmpty, 0); case SID_STYLE_NEW_BY_EXAMPLE: case SID_STYLE_UPDATE_BY_EXAMPLE: aActionTbR.EnableItem(nMesId,bCheck); break; } } //------------------------------------------------------------------------- void SfxTemplateDialog_Impl::CheckItem(USHORT nMesId, BOOL bCheck) { switch(nMesId) { case SID_STYLE_WATERCAN : bIsWater=bCheck; aActionTbR.CheckItem(SID_STYLE_WATERCAN,bCheck); break; default: aActionTbL.CheckItem(nMesId,bCheck); break; } } //------------------------------------------------------------------------- BOOL SfxTemplateDialog_Impl::IsCheckedItem(USHORT nMesId) { switch(nMesId) { case SID_STYLE_WATERCAN : return aActionTbR.GetItemState(SID_STYLE_WATERCAN)==STATE_CHECK; default: return aActionTbL.GetItemState(nMesId)==STATE_CHECK; } } //------------------------------------------------------------------------- IMPL_LINK_INLINE_START( SfxTemplateDialog_Impl, ToolBoxLSelect, ToolBox *, pBox ) { const USHORT nEntry = pBox->GetCurItemId(); FamilySelect(nEntry); return 0; } IMPL_LINK_INLINE_END( SfxTemplateDialog_Impl, ToolBoxLSelect, ToolBox *, pBox ) //------------------------------------------------------------------------- IMPL_LINK_INLINE_START( SfxTemplateDialog_Impl, ToolBoxRSelect, ToolBox *, pBox ) { const USHORT nEntry = pBox->GetCurItemId(); ActionSelect(nEntry); return 0; } IMPL_LINK_INLINE_END( SfxTemplateDialog_Impl, ToolBoxRSelect, ToolBox *, pBox ) //------------------------------------------------------------------------- SfxTemplateCatalog_Impl::SfxTemplateCatalog_Impl( Window* pParent, SfxBindings* pB, SfxTemplateCatalog* pWindow ) : SfxCommonTemplateDialog_Impl( pB, pWindow ), aOkBtn ( pWindow, SfxResId( BT_OK ) ), aCancelBtn ( pWindow, SfxResId( BT_CANCEL ) ), aNewBtn ( pWindow, SfxResId( BT_NEW ) ), aChangeBtn ( pWindow, SfxResId( BT_EDIT ) ), aDelBtn ( pWindow, SfxResId( BT_DEL ) ), aHelpBtn ( pWindow, SfxResId( BT_HELP ) ), aOrgBtn ( pWindow, SfxResId( BT_ORG ) ), aFamList ( pWindow, SfxResId( BT_TOOL ) ), pReal ( pWindow ), aHelper ( pWindow ) { aNewBtn.Disable(); aDelBtn.Disable(); aChangeBtn.Disable(); SFX_APP()->Get_Impl()->pTemplateCommon = GetISfxTemplateCommon(); pWindow->FreeResource(); Initialize(); aFamList.SetSelectHdl( LINK( this, SfxTemplateCatalog_Impl, FamListSelect ) ); aOkBtn.SetClickHdl( LINK( this, SfxTemplateCatalog_Impl, OkHdl ) ); aCancelBtn.SetClickHdl( LINK( this, SfxTemplateCatalog_Impl, CancelHdl ) ); aNewBtn.SetClickHdl( LINK( this, SfxTemplateCatalog_Impl, NewHdl ) ); aDelBtn.SetClickHdl( LINK( this, SfxTemplateCatalog_Impl, DelHdl ) ); aChangeBtn.SetClickHdl( LINK( this, SfxTemplateCatalog_Impl, ChangeHdl ) ); aOrgBtn.SetClickHdl( LINK( this, SfxTemplateCatalog_Impl, OrgHdl ) ); } //------------------------------------------------------------------------- SfxTemplateCatalog_Impl::~SfxTemplateCatalog_Impl() { SFX_APP()->Get_Impl()->pTemplateCommon = 0; } //------------------------------------------------------------------------- IMPL_LINK_INLINE_START( SfxTemplateCatalog_Impl, OkHdl, Button *, pButton ) { ApplyHdl( NULL ); pReal->EndDialog( RET_OK ); return 0; } IMPL_LINK_INLINE_END( SfxTemplateCatalog_Impl, OkHdl, Button *, pButton ) //------------------------------------------------------------------------- IMPL_LINK_INLINE_START( SfxTemplateCatalog_Impl, CancelHdl, Button *, pButton ) { pReal->EndDialog( RET_CANCEL ); return 0; } IMPL_LINK_INLINE_END( SfxTemplateCatalog_Impl, CancelHdl, Button *, pButton ) //------------------------------------------------------------------------- IMPL_LINK_INLINE_START( SfxTemplateCatalog_Impl, NewHdl, Button *, pButton ) { aCancelBtn.SetText( String( SfxResId( STR_CLOSE ) ) ); SfxCommonTemplateDialog_Impl::NewHdl( NULL ); return 0; } IMPL_LINK_INLINE_END( SfxTemplateCatalog_Impl, NewHdl, Button *, pButton ) //------------------------------------------------------------------------- IMPL_LINK_INLINE_START( SfxTemplateCatalog_Impl, ChangeHdl, Button *, pButton ) { aCancelBtn.SetText( String( SfxResId( STR_CLOSE ) ) ); SfxCommonTemplateDialog_Impl::EditHdl( NULL ); return 0; } IMPL_LINK_INLINE_END( SfxTemplateCatalog_Impl, ChangeHdl, Button *, pButton ) //------------------------------------------------------------------------- IMPL_LINK_INLINE_START( SfxTemplateCatalog_Impl, DelHdl, Button *, pButton ) { SfxCommonTemplateDialog_Impl::DeleteHdl( NULL ); return 0; } IMPL_LINK_INLINE_END( SfxTemplateCatalog_Impl, DelHdl, Button *, pButton ) //------------------------------------------------------------------------- IMPL_LINK( SfxTemplateCatalog_Impl, OrgHdl, Button *, pButton ) { aCancelBtn.SetText( String( SfxResId( STR_CLOSE ) ) ); SfxDocumentTemplates aTemplates; aTemplates.Construct(); SfxTemplateOrganizeDlg* pDlg = new SfxTemplateOrganizeDlg( pReal, &aTemplates ); const short nRet = pDlg->Execute(); delete pDlg; if ( RET_OK == nRet ) Update_Impl(); else if ( RET_EDIT_STYLE == nRet ) pReal->EndDialog( RET_CANCEL ); return 0; } //------------------------------------------------------------------------- void SfxTemplateCatalog_Impl::EnableEdit( BOOL bEnable ) { SfxCommonTemplateDialog_Impl::EnableEdit( bEnable ); aChangeBtn.Enable( bEnable ); } //------------------------------------------------------------------------- void SfxTemplateCatalog_Impl::EnableDel( BOOL bEnable ) { SfxCommonTemplateDialog_Impl::EnableDel( bEnable ); aDelBtn.Enable( bEnable ); } void SfxTemplateCatalog_Impl::EnableNew(BOOL bEnable) { SfxCommonTemplateDialog_Impl::EnableNew( bEnable ); aNewBtn.Enable( bEnable ); } //------------------------------------------------------------------------- IMPL_LINK_INLINE_START( SfxTemplateCatalog_Impl, FamListSelect, ListBox *, pList ) { const USHORT nEntry = aFamIds[pList->GetSelectEntryPos()]; FamilySelect(nEntry); return 0; } IMPL_LINK_INLINE_END( SfxTemplateCatalog_Impl, FamListSelect, ListBox *, pList ) //------------------------------------------------------------------------- void SfxTemplateCatalog_Impl::EnableItem( USHORT nMesId, BOOL bCheck ) { if ( nMesId == SID_STYLE_WATERCAN ) aOkBtn.Enable( bCheck ); if ( nMesId > SFX_STYLE_FAMILY_PSEUDO || nMesId < SFX_STYLE_FAMILY_CHAR ) return; /* for(USHORT i=0;i SFX_STYLE_FAMILY_PSEUDO || nMesId < SFX_STYLE_FAMILY_CHAR ) return; USHORT i; for ( i = 0; i < aFamIds.Count() && aFamIds[i] != nMesId; i++ ); aFamList.SelectEntryPos(i); } //------------------------------------------------------------------------- BOOL SfxTemplateCatalog_Impl::IsCheckedItem(USHORT nMesId) { if ( nMesId > SFX_STYLE_FAMILY_PSEUDO || nMesId < SFX_STYLE_FAMILY_CHAR ) return FALSE; USHORT i; for ( i = 0; i < aFamIds.Count() && aFamIds[i] != nMesId; i++ ) ; return aFamList.IsEntrySelected( String::CreateFromInt32(i) ); } //------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Der Katalog muss nur das Disablen beherrschen, da waehrend seiner // Lebenszeit keine Selektionsaenderungen vorgenommen werden koennen void SfxTemplateCatalog_Impl::EnableFamilyItem( USHORT nId, BOOL bEnable ) { if ( !bEnable ) for ( USHORT nPos = aFamIds.Count(); nPos--; ) if ( aFamIds[ nPos ] == nId ) { aFamIds.Remove( nPos ); aFamList.RemoveEntry( nPos ); } } void SfxTemplateCatalog_Impl::InsertFamilyItem( USHORT nId, const SfxStyleFamilyItem* pItem ) { if ( nId > SFX_STYLE_FAMILY_PSEUDO || nId < SFX_STYLE_FAMILY_CHAR ) return; aFamList.InsertEntry( pItem->GetText(), 0 ); aFamIds.Insert( nId, 0 ); } void SfxTemplateCatalog_Impl::ClearFamilyList() { aFamList.Clear(); aFamIds.Remove( 0, aFamIds.Count() ); } void SfxTemplateCatalog_Impl::PrepareDeleteAction() { aDelBtn.Disable(); aCancelBtn.SetText( String( SfxResId( STR_CLOSE ) ) ); } void SfxCommonTemplateDialog_Impl::SetFamily( USHORT nId ) { if ( nId != nActFamily ) { if ( nActFamily != 0xFFFF ) CheckItem( nActFamily, FALSE ); nActFamily = nId; if ( nId != 0xFFFF ) bUpdateFamily = TRUE; } } void SfxCommonTemplateDialog_Impl::UpdateFamily_Impl() { bUpdateFamily = FALSE; SfxDispatcher* pDispat = pBindings->GetDispatcher_Impl(); SfxViewFrame *pViewFrame = pDispat->GetFrame(); SfxObjectShell *pDocShell = pViewFrame->GetObjectShell(); SfxStyleSheetBasePool *pOldStyleSheetPool = pStyleSheetPool; pStyleSheetPool = pDocShell? pDocShell->GetStyleSheetPool(): 0; if ( pOldStyleSheetPool != pStyleSheetPool ) { if ( pOldStyleSheetPool ) EndListening(*pOldStyleSheetPool); if ( pStyleSheetPool ) StartListening(*pOldStyleSheetPool); } bWaterDisabled = FALSE; bCanNew = TRUE; bTreeDrag = TRUE; bUpdateByExampleDisabled = FALSE; if ( pStyleSheetPool ) { if(!pTreeBox) UpdateStyles_Impl(UPDATE_FAMILY | UPDATE_FAMILY_LIST); else { UpdateStyles_Impl(UPDATE_FAMILY); FillTreeBox(); } } InvalidateBindings(); if ( IsCheckedItem( SID_STYLE_WATERCAN ) && // nur, wenn dieser Bereich erlaubt ist 0 != pFamilyState[ nActFamily - 1 ] ) Execute_Impl( SID_STYLE_APPLY, GetSelectedEntry(), String(), (USHORT)GetFamilyItem_Impl()->GetFamily() ); }