/************************************************************************* * * $RCSfile: templdlg.src,v $ * * $Revision: 1.28 $ * * last change: $Author: vg $ $Date: 2003-12-17 14:49:32 $ * * The Contents of this file are made available subject to the terms of * either of the following licenses * * - GNU Lesser General Public License Version 2.1 * - Sun Industry Standards Source License Version 1.1 * * Sun Microsystems Inc., October, 2000 * * GNU Lesser General Public License Version 2.1 * ============================================= * Copyright 2000 by Sun Microsystems, Inc. * 901 San Antonio Road, Palo Alto, CA 94303, USA * * This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or * modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public * License version 2.1, as published by the Free Software Foundation. * * This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU * Lesser General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public * License along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software * Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, * MA 02111-1307 USA * * * Sun Industry Standards Source License Version 1.1 * ================================================= * The contents of this file are subject to the Sun Industry Standards * Source License Version 1.1 (the "License"); You may not use this file * except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of the * License at http://www.openoffice.org/license.html. * * Software provided under this License is provided on an "AS IS" basis, * WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EITHER EXPRESSED OR IMPLIED, INCLUDING, * WITHOUT LIMITATION, WARRANTIES THAT THE SOFTWARE IS FREE OF DEFECTS, * MERCHANTABLE, FIT FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE, OR NON-INFRINGING. * See the License for the specific provisions governing your rights and * obligations concerning the Software. * * The Initial Developer of the Original Code is: Sun Microsystems, Inc. * * Copyright: 2000 by Sun Microsystems, Inc. * * All Rights Reserved. * * Contributor(s): _______________________________________ * * ************************************************************************/ // include --------------------------------------------------------------- #include "sfx.hrc" #include "dialog.hrc" #include "templdlg.hrc" #include "helpid.hrc" ImageList DLG_STYLE_DESIGNER { ImageBitmap = Bitmap { File = "sc_tdlg.bmp" ; }; MaskColor = Color { Red = 0xFFFF ; Green = 0x0000 ; Blue = 0xFFFF ; }; IdList = { SID_STYLE_WATERCAN ; SID_STYLE_NEW_BY_EXAMPLE ; SID_STYLE_UPDATE_BY_EXAMPLE ; }; IdCount = { 3 ; }; }; ImageList IMG_LST_STYLE_DESIGNER_HC { ImageBitmap = Bitmap { File = "sch_tdlg.bmp" ; }; MaskColor = Color { Red = 0xFFFF ; Green = 0x0000 ; Blue = 0xFFFF ; }; IdList = { SID_STYLE_WATERCAN ; SID_STYLE_NEW_BY_EXAMPLE ; SID_STYLE_UPDATE_BY_EXAMPLE ; }; IdCount = { 3 ; }; }; // RID_STYLECATALOG ------------------------------------------------------ ModalDialog RID_STYLECATALOG { HelpId = SID_STYLE_CATALOG ; OutputSize = TRUE ; SVLook = TRUE ; Size = MAP_APPFONT ( 181 , 134 ) ; Text = "Vorlagenkatalog" ; Text [ English ] = "Stylesheet Catalogue" ; Text [ norwegian ] = "Stylesheet Catalogue" ; Text [ italian ] = "Catalogo modelli" ; Text [ portuguese_brazilian ] = "Catlogo de estilos" ; Text [ portuguese ] = "Catlogo de estilos" ; Text [ french ] = "Catalogue des styles" ; Text [ dutch ] = "Catalogus opmaakprofielen" ; Text [ spanish ] = "Catlogo de estilos" ; Text [ danish ] = "Typografikatalog" ; Text [ swedish ] = "Mallkatalog" ; Text [ finnish ] = "Tyyliluettelo" ; Text [ english_us ] = "Style Catalog" ; Text[ chinese_simplified ] = "样式目录"; Text[ russian ] = " "; Text[ polish ] = "Katalog stylw"; Text[ japanese ] = "スタイルのカタログ"; Text[ chinese_traditional ] = "樣式目錄"; Text[ arabic ] = " "; Text[ greek ] = " "; Text[ korean ] = "스타일 목록"; Text[ turkish ] = "Biim katalou"; Text[ catalan ] = "Catleg d'estils"; Text[ thai ] = "รายการลักษณะ"; Moveable = TRUE ; OKButton BT_OK { DefButton = TRUE ; Pos = MAP_APPFONT ( 123 , 6 ) ; Size = MAP_APPFONT ( 50 , 14 ) ; TabStop = TRUE ; }; CancelButton BT_CANCEL { Pos = MAP_APPFONT ( 123 , 23 ) ; Size = MAP_APPFONT ( 50 , 14 ) ; TabStop = TRUE ; }; PushButton BT_ORG { Pos = MAP_APPFONT ( 123 , 97 ) ; Size = MAP_APPFONT ( 50 , 14 ) ; Text = "~Verwalten..." ; Text [ English ] = "~Organize..." ; Text [ norwegian ] = "~Organize..." ; Text [ italian ] = "Gestisci..." ; Text [ portuguese_brazilian ] = "~Organizador..." ; Text [ portuguese ] = "~Gerir..." ; Text [ french ] = "~Grer..." ; Text [ dutch ] = "Be~heren..." ; Text [ spanish ] = "~Administrar..." ; Text [ danish ] = "~Administration..." ; Text [ swedish ] = "~Administrera..." ; Text [ finnish ] = "~Jrjestelytykalu..." ; Text [ english_us ] = "~Organizer..." ; TabStop = TRUE ; Text[ chinese_simplified ] = "管理(~O)..."; Text[ russian ] = "..."; Text[ polish ] = "~Zarzdzaj..."; Text[ japanese ] = "管理(~O)..."; Text[ chinese_traditional ] = "管理(~O)..."; Text[ arabic ] = "..."; Text[ greek ] = "..."; Text[ korean ] = "관리(~O)..."; Text[ turkish ] = "~Ynet..."; Text[ catalan ] = "~Organitzador..."; Text[ thai ] = "~ตัวจัดระเบียบ..."; Text[ czech ] = "Organizátor..."; Text[ hebrew ] = "‮סדרן‬"; Text[ hindi ] = "~व्यवस्थापक..."; Text[ slovak ] = "~Organizátor..."; Text[ hungarian ] = "~Szervező..."; Text[ slovenian ] = "~Organizator..."; }; PushButton BT_DEL { Pos = MAP_APPFONT ( 123 , 78 ) ; Size = MAP_APPFONT ( 50 , 14 ) ; Text = "~Lschen..." ; Text [ English ] = "~Delete..." ; Text [ norwegian ] = "~Delete..." ; Text [ italian ] = "Elimina..." ; Text [ portuguese_brazilian ] = "Exc~luir..." ; Text [ portuguese ] = "E~liminar..." ; Text [ french ] = "~Supprimer..." ; Text [ dutch ] = "~Wissen..." ; Text [ spanish ] = "~Borrar..." ; Text [ danish ] = "~Slet..." ; Text [ swedish ] = "~Radera..." ; Text [ finnish ] = "~Poista..." ; Text [ english_us ] = "~Delete..." ; TabStop = TRUE ; Text[ chinese_simplified ] = "删除(~D)..."; Text[ russian ] = "..."; Text[ polish ] = "~Usu..."; Text[ japanese ] = "削除(~D)..."; Text[ chinese_traditional ] = "刪除(~D)..."; Text[ arabic ] = "..."; Text[ greek ] = "..."; Text[ korean ] = "삭제(~D)..."; Text[ turkish ] = "~Sil..."; Text[ catalan ] = "~Suprimeix..."; Text[ thai ] = "~ลบ..."; Text[ czech ] = "Smazat..."; Text[ hebrew ] = "‮מחיקה...‬"; Text[ hindi ] = "~मिटाओ..."; Text[ slovak ] = "~Zmazať..."; Text[ hungarian ] = "~Törlés..."; Text[ slovenian ] = "~Izbriši..."; }; PushButton BT_EDIT { Pos = MAP_APPFONT ( 123 , 60 ) ; Size = MAP_APPFONT ( 50 , 14 ) ; Text = "n~dern..." ; Text [ English ] = "~Change..." ; Text [ norwegian ] = "~Change..." ; Text [ italian ] = "Mo~difica..." ; Text [ portuguese_brazilian ] = "~Modificar..." ; Text [ portuguese ] = "~Modificar..." ; Text [ french ] = "Modifier..." ; Text [ dutch ] = "~Wijzigen..." ; Text [ spanish ] = "~Modificar..." ; Text [ danish ] = "~Modificer..." ; Text [ swedish ] = "n~dra..." ; Text [ finnish ] = "~Muuta..." ; Text [ english_us ] = "~Modify..." ; TabStop = TRUE ; Text[ chinese_simplified ] = "更改(~M)..."; Text[ russian ] = "..."; Text[ polish ] = "M~odyfikuj..."; Text[ japanese ] = "変更(~M)..."; Text[ chinese_traditional ] = "變更(~M)..."; Text[ arabic ] = "..."; Text[ greek ] = "..."; Text[ korean ] = "수정(~M)..."; Text[ turkish ] = "~Deitir..."; Text[ catalan ] = "~Modifica..."; Text[ thai ] = "~ดัดแปลงแก้ไข..."; Text[ czech ] = "Změnit..."; Text[ hebrew ] = "‮שינוי...‬"; Text[ hindi ] = "~सुधारो..."; Text[ slovak ] = "Z~meniť..."; Text[ hungarian ] = "~Módosítás..."; Text[ slovenian ] = "~Spremeni..."; }; PushButton BT_NEW { Pos = MAP_APPFONT ( 123 , 43 ) ; Size = MAP_APPFONT ( 50 , 14 ) ; Text = "~Neu..." ; Text [ English ] = "~New..." ; Text [ norwegian ] = "~New..." ; Text [ italian ] = "Nuovo..." ; Text [ portuguese_brazilian ] = "~Novo..." ; Text [ portuguese ] = "~Novo..." ; Text [ english_us ] = "~New..." ; Text [ finnish ] = "~Uusi..." ; Text [ danish ] = "~Ny(t)..." ; Text [ french ] = "~Nouveau..." ; Text [ swedish ] = "~Ny..." ; Text [ dutch ] = "~Nieuw.." ; Text [ spanish ] = "~Nuevo..." ; TabStop = TRUE ; Text[ chinese_simplified ] = "新建(~N)..."; Text[ russian ] = "..."; Text[ polish ] = "~Nowy..."; Text[ japanese ] = "新規作成(~N)..."; Text[ chinese_traditional ] = "開啟新檔(~N)..."; Text[ arabic ] = "..."; Text[ greek ] = "..."; Text[ korean ] = "새로 만들기(~N)..."; Text[ turkish ] = "~Yeni..."; Text[ catalan ] = "~Nou..."; Text[ thai ] = "ใ~หม่..."; Text[ czech ] = "Nový..."; Text[ hebrew ] = "‮חדש...‬"; Text[ hindi ] = "~नया..."; Text[ slovak ] = "~Nový..."; Text[ hungarian ] = "Ú~j..."; Text[ slovenian ] = "~Nov..."; }; HelpButton BT_HELP { Pos = MAP_APPFONT ( 123 , 114 ) ; Size = MAP_APPFONT ( 50 , 14 ) ; TabStop = TRUE ; }; ListBox BT_TOOL { Border = TRUE ; Pos = MAP_APPFONT ( 6 , 6 ) ; Size = MAP_APPFONT ( 110 , 55 ) ; TabStop = TRUE ; DropDown = TRUE ; }; Control BT_VLIST { HelpId = HID_TEMPLATE_FMT ; Border = TRUE ; Pos = MAP_APPFONT ( 6 , 23 ) ; Size = MAP_APPFONT ( 110 , 89 ) ; TabStop = TRUE ; }; ListBox BT_FLIST { Border = TRUE ; Pos = MAP_APPFONT ( 6 , 114 ) ; Size = MAP_APPFONT ( 110 , 55 ) ; TabStop = TRUE ; Hide = TRUE ; DropDown = TRUE ; }; Text[ czech ] = "Katalog stylů"; Text[ hebrew ] = "‮קטלוג סגנונות‬"; Text[ hindi ] = "शैली वर्ग"; Text[ slovak ] = "Katalóg štýlov"; Text[ hungarian ] = "Stílustár"; Text[ slovenian ] = "Katalog slogov"; }; // Strings --------------------------------------------------------------- String DLG_STYLE_DESIGNER { Text = "Stylist" ; Text [ English ] = "Stylist" ; Text [ english_us ] = "Stylist" ; Text [ portuguese_brazilian ] = "Estilista" ; Text [ swedish ] = "Stylist" ; Text [ danish ] = "Stylist" ; Text [ italian ] = "Stilista" ; Text [ spanish ] = "Estilista" ; Text [ french ] = "Styliste" ; Text [ dutch ] = "Stylist" ; Text [ portuguese ] = "Estilista" ; Text[ chinese_simplified ] = "各类样式"; Text[ russian ] = " "; Text[ polish ] = "Stylista"; Text[ japanese ] = "スタイリスト"; Text[ chinese_traditional ] = "各類樣式"; Text[ arabic ] = ""; Text[ greek ] = ""; Text[ korean ] = "스타일리스트"; Text[ turkish ] = "Stil listesi"; Text[ catalan ] = "Estilista"; Text[ finnish ] = "Tyylitykalu"; Text[ thai ] = "ตัวออกแบบ"; Text[ czech ] = "Stylista"; Text[ hebrew ] = "‮מעצב‬"; Text[ hindi ] = "स्टइलिस्ट्"; Text[ slovak ] = "Štylista"; Text[ hungarian ] = "Stílussegéd"; Text[ slovenian ] = "Slogovnik"; }; String STR_STYLE_FILTER_HIERARCHICAL { TEXT = "Hierarchisch" ; TEXT [ English ] = "Hierarchical" ; TEXT [ norwegian ] = "Hierarkisk" ; TEXT [ italian ] = "Gerarchico" ; TEXT [ portuguese_brazilian ] = "Hierrquico" ; TEXT [ portuguese ] = "Hierrquico" ; TEXT [ finnish ] = "Hierarkkinen" ; TEXT [ danish ] = "Hierarkisk" ; TEXT [ french ] = "Hirarchie" ; TEXT [ swedish ] = "Hierarkiskt" ; TEXT [ dutch ] = "Hirarchisch" ; TEXT [ spanish ] = "Jerrquico" ; TEXT [ english_us ] = "Hierarchical" ; TEXT[ chinese_simplified ] = "等级式"; TEXT[ russian ] = " "; TEXT[ polish ] = "Hierarchicznie"; TEXT[ japanese ] = "階層"; TEXT[ chinese_traditional ] = "等級式"; TEXT[ arabic ] = ""; TEXT[ greek ] = ""; TEXT[ korean ] = "계층"; TEXT[ turkish ] = "Hiyerarik"; TEXT[ catalan ] = "Jerrquic"; TEXT[ thai ] = "ลำดับชั้น"; TEXT[ czech ] = "Hierarchicky"; TEXT[ hebrew ] = "‮מדורג (הייררכיה)‬"; TEXT[ hindi ] = "हइरार्किकल"; TEXT[ slovak ] = "Hierarchický"; TEXT[ hungarian ] = "Hierarchikus"; TEXT[ slovenian ] = "Hierarhičen"; }; // DLG_STYLE_DESIGNER ---------------------------------------------------- DockingWindow DLG_STYLE_DESIGNER { HelpId = SID_STYLE_DESIGNER ; OutputSize = TRUE ; Hide = TRUE ; SVLook = TRUE ; Size = MAP_APPFONT ( 116 , 215 ) ; Pos = MAP_APPFONT ( 0 , 0 ) ; Closeable = TRUE ; Zoomable = TRUE ; Sizeable = TRUE ; Dockable = TRUE ; EnableResizing = TRUE ; // HideWhenDeactivate = TRUE; Border = TRUE ; Moveable = TRUE ; ToolBox TB_ACTION { Pos = MAP_APPFONT ( 3 , 3 ) ; Size = MAP_APPFONT ( 57 , 42 ) ; LineCount = 1 ; ItemImageList = DLG_STYLE_DESIGNER ; HelpId = HID_TEMPLDLG_TOOLBOX_RIGHT ; ItemList = { ToolBoxItem { HelpId = HID_TEMPLDLG_WATERCAN ; Identifier = SID_STYLE_WATERCAN ; Text = "Giekannenmodus" ; Text [ English ] = "Watercan" ; Text [ norwegian ] = "Rammefyll" ; Text [ italian ] = "Modo riempimento" ; Text [ portuguese_brazilian ] = "Preenchimento completo" ; Text [ portuguese ] = "Preenchimento completo" ; Text [ english_us ] = "Fill Format Mode" ; Text [ finnish ] = "Tyttmuotoilutila" ; Text [ danish ] = "Fyldformattilstand" ; Text [ french ] = "Mode Remplir tout" ; Text [ swedish ] = "Tilldelningslge" ; Text [ dutch ] = "Gietermodus" ; Text [ spanish ] = "Modo relleno" ; Text[ chinese_simplified ] = "充填模式"; Text[ russian ] = " "; Text[ polish ] = "Tryb wypeniania formatem"; Text[ japanese ] = "水やりモード"; Text[ chinese_traditional ] = "充填模式"; Text[ arabic ] = " "; Text[ greek ] = " "; Text[ korean ] = "채우기 모드"; Text[ turkish ] = "Doldur kipi"; Text[ catalan ] = "Mode Format d'emplenament"; Text[ thai ] = "เติมโหมดรูปแบบ"; Text[ czech ] = "Režim vyplňování formátu"; Text[ hebrew ] = "‮מצב מילוי‬"; Text[ hindi ] = "रचना प्रकार भरो"; Text[ slovak ] = "Vyplniť mód formátu"; Text[ hungarian ] = "Kitöltés formátummal"; Text[ slovenian ] = "Način zapolnitev oblik"; }; ToolBoxItem { HelpId = HID_TEMPLDLG_NEWBYEXAMPLE ; Identifier = SID_STYLE_NEW_BY_EXAMPLE ; Text = "Neue Vorlage aus Selektion" ; Text [ English ] = "New style by example" ; Text [ norwegian ] = "Ny mal etter eksempel" ; Text [ italian ] = "Nuovo modello dalla selezione" ; Text [ portuguese_brazilian ] = "Novo estilo a partir da seleo" ; Text [ portuguese ] = "Novo estilo a partir da seleco" ; Text [ english_us ] = "New Style from Selection" ; Text [ finnish ] = "Uusi tyyli valinnasta" ; Text [ danish ] = "Ny typografi fra markeringen" ; Text [ french ] = "Nouveau style partir de la slection" ; Text [ swedish ] = "Ny formatmall av markering" ; Text [ dutch ] = "Nieuw opmaakprofiel uit selectie" ; Text [ spanish ] = "Nuevo estilo a partir de seleccin" ; Text[ chinese_simplified ] = "选中的新样式"; Text[ russian ] = " "; Text[ polish ] = "Nowy styl z zaznaczenia"; Text[ japanese ] = "選択スタイルから新規作成"; Text[ chinese_traditional ] = "選取的新樣式"; Text[ arabic ] = " "; Text[ greek ] = " "; Text[ korean ] = "선택 스타일로부터 새로 만들기 "; Text[ turkish ] = "Yeni biim seimi"; Text[ catalan ] = "Nou estil a partir de la selecci"; Text[ thai ] = "ลักษณะใหม่จากการเลือก"; Text[ czech ] = "Nový styl z výběru"; Text[ hebrew ] = "‮סגנון חדש מבחירה‬"; Text[ hindi ] = "चुनाव से नया शैली"; Text[ slovak ] = "Nový štýl z výberu"; Text[ hungarian ] = "Új stílus a kijelölés alapján"; Text[ slovenian ] = "Nov slog iz izbora"; }; ToolBoxItem { HelpId = HID_TEMPLDLG_UPDATEBYEXAMPLE ; Identifier = SID_STYLE_UPDATE_BY_EXAMPLE ; Text = "Vorlage aktualisieren" ; Text [ English ] = "Update style by example" ; Text [ norwegian ] = "Oppdater mal etter eksempel" ; Text [ italian ] = "Aggiorna modello" ; Text [ portuguese_brazilian ] = "Atualizar estilo" ; Text [ portuguese ] = "Actualizar modelo" ; Text [ english_us ] = "Update Style" ; Text [ finnish ] = "Pivit tyyli" ; Text [ danish ] = "Opdater typografi" ; Text [ french ] = "Actualiser le style" ; Text [ swedish ] = "Uppdatera formatmall" ; Text [ dutch ] = "Opmaakprofiel bijwerken" ; Text [ spanish ] = "Actualizar estilo" ; Text[ chinese_simplified ] = "更新样式"; Text[ russian ] = " "; Text[ polish ] = "Aktualizuj styl"; Text[ japanese ] = "スタイルの更新"; Text[ chinese_traditional ] = "更新樣式"; Text[ arabic ] = " "; Text[ greek ] = " "; Text[ korean ] = "스타일 업데이트"; Text[ turkish ] = "Biimi gncelle"; Text[ catalan ] = "Actualitza l'estil"; Text[ thai ] = "ปรับปรุงลักษณะ"; Text[ czech ] = "Aktualizovat styl"; Text[ hebrew ] = "‮עידכון סגנון‬"; Text[ hindi ] = "शैली अपडेट् करो"; Text[ slovak ] = "Aktualizovať štýl"; Text[ hungarian ] = "Stílus frissítése"; Text[ slovenian ] = "Posodobi slog"; }; }; }; };