/************************************************************************* * * $RCSfile: doc.hrc,v $ * * $Revision: 1.6 $ * * last change: $Author: mba $ $Date: 2001-09-04 10:33:42 $ * * The Contents of this file are made available subject to the terms of * either of the following licenses * * - GNU Lesser General Public License Version 2.1 * - Sun Industry Standards Source License Version 1.1 * * Sun Microsystems Inc., October, 2000 * * GNU Lesser General Public License Version 2.1 * ============================================= * Copyright 2000 by Sun Microsystems, Inc. * 901 San Antonio Road, Palo Alto, CA 94303, USA * * This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or * modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public * License version 2.1, as published by the Free Software Foundation. * * This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU * Lesser General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public * License along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software * Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, * MA 02111-1307 USA * * * Sun Industry Standards Source License Version 1.1 * ================================================= * The contents of this file are subject to the Sun Industry Standards * Source License Version 1.1 (the "License"); You may not use this file * except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of the * License at http://www.openoffice.org/license.html. * * Software provided under this License is provided on an "AS IS" basis, * WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EITHER EXPRESSED OR IMPLIED, INCLUDING, * WITHOUT LIMITATION, WARRANTIES THAT THE SOFTWARE IS FREE OF DEFECTS, * MERCHANTABLE, FIT FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE, OR NON-INFRINGING. * See the License for the specific provisions governing your rights and * obligations concerning the Software. * * The Initial Developer of the Original Code is: Sun Microsystems, Inc. * * Copyright: 2000 by Sun Microsystems, Inc. * * All Rights Reserved. * * Contributor(s): _______________________________________ * * ************************************************************************/ #ifndef _SFX_DOC_HRC #define _SFX_DOC_HRC #include "sfx.hrc" // #defines ***************************************************************** #define STR_NODEFPRINTER (RID_SFX_DOC_START+ 0) #define STR_PRINTER_NOTAVAIL_1 (RID_SFX_DOC_START+ 1) #define STR_PRINTER_NOTAVAIL_2 (RID_SFX_DOC_START+ 2) #define STR_PRINTER_NOTAVAIL_3 (RID_SFX_DOC_START+ 3) #define STR_PRINTER_NOTAVAIL_4 (RID_SFX_DOC_START+ 4) #define STR_PRINTER_NOTAVAIL_5 (RID_SFX_DOC_START+ 5) #define STR_PRINT_OPTIONS (RID_SFX_DOC_START+ 6) #define STR_ERROR_PRINTER_BUSY (RID_SFX_DOC_START+ 7) #define STR_NOSTARTPRINTER (RID_SFX_DOC_START+ 8) #define MSG_CONFIRM_FILTER (RID_SFX_DOC_START+11) #define MSG_CONFIRM_OVERWRITE_TEMPLATE (RID_SFX_DOC_START+12) #define MSG_QUERY_LOAD_TEMPLATE (RID_SFX_DOC_START+13) #define STR_DELETE_REGION (RID_SFX_DOC_START+14) #define STR_DELETE_TEMPLATE (RID_SFX_DOC_START+15) #define MSG_REGION_NOTEMPTY (RID_SFX_DOC_START+17) #define DLG_NEW_FILE (RID_SFX_DOC_START+1) #define DLG_DOC_TEMPLATE (RID_SFX_DOC_START+2) #define DLG_ORGANIZE (RID_SFX_DOC_START+3) #define BMP_STYLES_CLOSED (RID_SFX_DOC_START+ 0) #define BMP_STYLES_OPENED (RID_SFX_DOC_START+ 1) #define BMP_STYLES_FAMILY1 (RID_SFX_DOC_START+ 2) #define BMP_STYLES_FAMILY2 (RID_SFX_DOC_START+ 3) #define BMP_STYLES_FAMILY3 (RID_SFX_DOC_START+ 4) #define BMP_STYLES_FAMILY4 (RID_SFX_DOC_START+ 5) #define STR_STYLES (RID_SFX_DOC_START+ 18) #define STR_MACROS (RID_SFX_DOC_START+ 19) #define STR_PRINT_STYLES (RID_SFX_DOC_START+ 20) #define STR_PRINT_STYLES_HEADER (RID_SFX_DOC_START+ 21) #define MSG_PRINT_ERROR (RID_SFX_DOC_START+ 22) #define STR_BACKUP_COPY (RID_SFX_DOC_START+ 23) #define MSG_WARNING_BACKUP (RID_SFX_DOC_START+ 24) #define MSG_CANT_OPEN_TEMPLATE (RID_SFX_DOC_START+ 25) #define MSG_VIEW_OPEN_CANT_SAVE (RID_SFX_DOC_START+ 26) #define STR_ERROR_SAVE (RID_SFX_DOC_START+ 27) #define STR_TEMPLATE_FILTER (RID_SFX_DOC_START+ 28) #define STR_ERROR_COPY_TEMPLATE (RID_SFX_DOC_START+ 29) #define STR_ERROR_DELETE_TEMPLATE (RID_SFX_DOC_START+ 30) #define STR_ERROR_MOVE_TEMPLATE (RID_SFX_DOC_START+ 32) #define MSG_ERROR_RESCAN (RID_SFX_DOC_START+ 33) #define STR_ERROR_SAVE_TEMPLATE (RID_SFX_DOC_START+ 34) #define MSG_ERROR_RENAME_TEMPLATE (RID_SFX_DOC_START+ 34) #define MSG_ERROR_RENAME_TEMPLATE_REGION (RID_SFX_DOC_START+ 35) #define STR_CONFIG (RID_SFX_DOC_START+ 37) #define MSG_ERROR_EMPTY_NAME (RID_SFX_DOC_START+ 37) #define MSG_ERROR_UNIQ_NAME (RID_SFX_DOC_START+ 38) #define STR_QUERY_DEFAULT_TEMPLATE (RID_SFX_DOC_START+ 39) #define MSG_QUERY_RESET_DEFAULT_TEMPLATE (RID_SFX_DOC_START+ 39) #define MSG_TEMPLATE_DIR_NOT_EXIST (RID_SFX_DOC_START+ 40) #define MSG_DOCINFO_CANTREAD (RID_SFX_DOC_START+ 41) #define STR_ERROR_NOSTORAGE (RID_SFX_DOC_START+ 42) #define STR_QUERY_SAVEOWNFORMAT (RID_SFX_DOC_START+ 43) #define STR_QUERY_MUSTOWNFORMAT (RID_SFX_DOC_START+ 44) #define STR_SAVEDOC (RID_SFX_DOC_START+ 45) #define STR_UPDATEDOC (RID_SFX_DOC_START+ 46) #define STR_SAVEASDOC (RID_SFX_DOC_START+ 47) #define STR_SAVECOPYDOC (RID_SFX_DOC_START+ 48) #define STR_CLOSEDOC (RID_SFX_DOC_START+ 49) #define STR_CLOSEDOC_ANDRETURN (RID_SFX_DOC_START+ 50) #define STR_WIZARD (RID_SFX_DOC_START+ 51) #define RID_STR_FILTCONFIG (RID_SFX_DOC_START+ 52) #define RID_STR_FILTBASIC (RID_SFX_DOC_START+ 53) #define RID_STR_WARNSTYLEOVERWRITE (RID_SFX_DOC_START+ 54) #define RID_DLSTATUS (RID_SFX_DOC_START+ 55) #define STR_DOC_LOADING (RID_SFX_DOC_START+ 57) #define MSG_OPEN_READONLY (RID_SFX_DOC_START+ 58) #define RID_OFFICEFILTER (RID_SFX_DOC_START+ 59) #define RID_OFFICEFILTER_WILDCARD (RID_SFX_DOC_START+ 60) #define RID_OFFICEFILTER_MACTYPE (RID_SFX_DOC_START+ 61) #define RID_OFFICEFILTER_OS2TYPE (RID_SFX_DOC_START+ 62) #define STR_FRAMEOBJECT_PROPERTIES (RID_SFX_DOC_START+ 63) #define STR_FSET_FILTERNAME0 (RID_SFX_DOC_START+ 64) #define STR_FSET_FILTERNAME1 (RID_SFX_DOC_START+ 65) #define STR_TEMPL_MOVED (RID_SFX_DOC_START+ 66) #define STR_TEMPL_RESET (RID_SFX_DOC_START+ 67) #define STR_AUTOMATICVERSION (RID_SFX_DOC_START+ 68) #define STR_DOCTYPENAME_SW (RID_SFX_DOC_START+ 69) #define STR_DOCTYPENAME_SWWEB (RID_SFX_DOC_START+ 70) #define STR_DOCTYPENAME_SWGLOB (RID_SFX_DOC_START+ 71) #define STR_DOCTYPENAME_SC (RID_SFX_DOC_START+ 72) #define STR_DOCTYPENAME_SI (RID_SFX_DOC_START+ 73) #define STR_DOCTYPENAME_SD (RID_SFX_DOC_START+ 74) #define STR_DOCTYPENAME_MESSAGE (RID_SFX_DOC_START+ 75) #define RID_STR_NEW_TASK (RID_SFX_DOC_START+ 76) #define STR_SAVEANDCLOSE (RID_SFX_DOC_START+ 77) #define STR_NOSAVEANDCLOSE (RID_SFX_DOC_START+ 78) #define STR_PACKNGO_NOACCESS (RID_SFX_DOC_START+ 79) #define STR_PACKNGO_NEWMEDIUM (RID_SFX_DOC_START+ 80) #define TEMPLATE_LONG_NAMES_ARY (RID_SFX_DOC_START+ 81) #define TEMPLATE_SHORT_NAMES_ARY (RID_SFX_DOC_START+ 82) #define RID_CNT_STR_WAITING (RID_SFX_DOC_START+ 83) #define STR_OBJECT (RID_SFX_DOC_START+ 84) #define STR_EDITOBJECT (RID_SFX_DOC_START+ 85) #define STR_OPENOBJECT (RID_SFX_DOC_START+ 86) #define DLOAD_URL 1 #define DLOAD_STATUS 2 #define DLOAD_NAME 3 #define DLOAD_TEXT 4 #define DLOAD_CANCEL 1 #endif