/************************************************************************* * * OpenOffice.org - a multi-platform office productivity suite * * $RCSfile: frmdescr.cxx,v $ * * $Revision: 1.13 $ * * last change: $Author: hr $ $Date: 2007-06-27 23:21:48 $ * * The Contents of this file are made available subject to * the terms of GNU Lesser General Public License Version 2.1. * * * GNU Lesser General Public License Version 2.1 * ============================================= * Copyright 2005 by Sun Microsystems, Inc. * 901 San Antonio Road, Palo Alto, CA 94303, USA * * This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or * modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public * License version 2.1, as published by the Free Software Foundation. * * This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU * Lesser General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public * License along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software * Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, * MA 02111-1307 USA * ************************************************************************/ // MARKER(update_precomp.py): autogen include statement, do not remove #include "precompiled_sfx2.hxx" #include #ifndef _STREAM_HXX //autogen #include #endif #ifndef _SV_SPLITWIN_HXX //autogen #include #endif #ifndef _SFXITEMSET_HXX //autogen #include #endif #ifndef GCC #endif #include #include DBG_NAME(SfxFrameDescriptor); #define VERSION (USHORT) 3 struct SfxFrameDescriptor_Impl { Wallpaper* pWallpaper; SfxItemSet* pArgs; BOOL bEditable; SfxFrameDescriptor_Impl() : pWallpaper( NULL ), pArgs( NULL ), bEditable( TRUE ) {} ~SfxFrameDescriptor_Impl() { delete pWallpaper; delete pArgs; } }; SfxFrameDescriptor::SfxFrameDescriptor() : aMargin( -1, -1 ), nWidth( 0L ), eScroll( ScrollingAuto ), eSizeSelector( SIZE_ABS ), nHasBorder( BORDER_YES ), nItemId( 0 ), bResizeHorizontal( TRUE ), bResizeVertical( TRUE ), bHasUI( TRUE ), bReadOnly( FALSE ) { DBG_CTOR(SfxFrameDescriptor, 0); pImp = new SfxFrameDescriptor_Impl; } SfxFrameDescriptor::~SfxFrameDescriptor() { DBG_DTOR(SfxFrameDescriptor, 0); delete pImp; } SfxItemSet* SfxFrameDescriptor::GetArgs() { if( !pImp->pArgs ) pImp->pArgs = new SfxAllItemSet( SFX_APP()->GetPool() ); return pImp->pArgs; } void SfxFrameDescriptor::SetURL( const String& rURL ) { aURL = INetURLObject(rURL); SetActualURL( aURL ); } void SfxFrameDescriptor::SetURL( const INetURLObject& rURL ) { aURL = rURL.GetMainURL( INetURLObject::DECODE_TO_IURI ); SetActualURL( aURL ); } void SfxFrameDescriptor::SetActualURL( const String& rURL ) { aActualURL = INetURLObject(rURL); if ( pImp->pArgs ) pImp->pArgs->ClearItem(); } void SfxFrameDescriptor::SetActualURL( const INetURLObject& rURL ) { SetActualURL(String(rURL.GetMainURL( INetURLObject::DECODE_TO_IURI ))); } void SfxFrameDescriptor::SetEditable( BOOL bSet ) { pImp->bEditable = bSet; } BOOL SfxFrameDescriptor::IsEditable() const { return pImp->bEditable; } BOOL SfxFrameDescriptor::CompareOriginal( SfxFrameDescriptor& rDescr ) const { if( aURL != rDescr.aURL ) return FALSE; else return TRUE; } BOOL SfxFrameDescriptor::CheckContent() const { BOOL bRet = !( aURL == aActualURL ); return bRet; } void SfxFrameDescriptor::UnifyContent( BOOL bTakeActual ) { if ( bTakeActual ) aURL = aActualURL; else aActualURL = aURL; } SfxFrameDescriptor* SfxFrameDescriptor::Clone( BOOL bWithIds ) const { SfxFrameDescriptor *pFrame = new SfxFrameDescriptor; pFrame->aURL = aURL; pFrame->aActualURL = aActualURL; pFrame->aName = aName; pFrame->aMargin = aMargin; pFrame->nWidth = nWidth; pFrame->eSizeSelector = eSizeSelector; pFrame->eScroll = eScroll; pFrame->bResizeHorizontal = bResizeHorizontal; pFrame->bResizeVertical = bResizeVertical; pFrame->nHasBorder = nHasBorder; pFrame->bHasUI = bHasUI; pFrame->SetReadOnly( IsReadOnly() ); pFrame->SetEditable( IsEditable() ); if ( pImp->pWallpaper ) pFrame->pImp->pWallpaper = new Wallpaper( *pImp->pWallpaper ); if( pImp->pArgs ) { // Aktuell ist im Clone von SfxAllItemSets noch ein Bug... pFrame->pImp->pArgs = new SfxAllItemSet( SFX_APP()->GetPool() ); pFrame->pImp->pArgs->Put(*pImp->pArgs); } if ( bWithIds ) pFrame->nItemId = nItemId; else pFrame->nItemId = 0; return pFrame; } USHORT SfxFrameDescriptor::GetWinBits() const { USHORT nBits = 0; if ( eSizeSelector == SIZE_REL ) nBits |= SWIB_RELATIVESIZE; if ( eSizeSelector == SIZE_PERCENT ) nBits |= SWIB_PERCENTSIZE; if ( !IsResizable() ) nBits |= SWIB_FIXED; if ( !nWidth ) nBits |= SWIB_INVISIBLE; return nBits; } BOOL SfxFrameDescriptor::HasFrameBorder() const { return (nHasBorder & BORDER_YES) != 0; } long SfxFrameDescriptor::GetSize() const { return nWidth; } void SfxFrameDescriptor::TakeProperties( const SfxFrameProperties& rProp ) { aURL = aActualURL = INetURLObject(rProp.aURL); aName = rProp.aName; aMargin.Width() = rProp.lMarginWidth; aMargin.Height() = rProp.lMarginHeight; nWidth = rProp.lSize; eScroll = rProp.eScroll; eSizeSelector = rProp.eSizeSelector; nHasBorder = rProp.bHasBorder ? BORDER_YES : BORDER_NO; if ( rProp.bBorderSet ) nHasBorder |= BORDER_SET; bResizeHorizontal = bResizeVertical = rProp.bResizable; } void SfxFrameDescriptor::SetWallpaper( const Wallpaper& rWallpaper ) { DELETEZ( pImp->pWallpaper ); if ( rWallpaper.GetStyle() != WALLPAPER_NULL ) pImp->pWallpaper = new Wallpaper( rWallpaper ); } const Wallpaper* SfxFrameDescriptor::GetWallpaper() const { return pImp->pWallpaper; } USHORT SfxFrameDescriptor::GetItemPos() const { return USHRT_MAX; } SfxFrameProperties::SfxFrameProperties( const SfxFrameDescriptor *pD ) : aURL( pD->GetURL().GetMainURL( INetURLObject::DECODE_TO_IURI ) ) , aName( pD->GetName() ) , lMarginWidth( pD->GetMargin().Width() ) , lMarginHeight( pD->GetMargin().Height() ) , lSize( pD->GetWidth() ) , lSetSize( SIZE_NOT_SET ) , lFrameSpacing( SPACING_NOT_SET ) , lInheritedFrameSpacing( SPACING_NOT_SET ) , eScroll( pD->GetScrollingMode() ) , eSizeSelector( pD->GetSizeSelector() ) , eSetSizeSelector( SIZE_REL ) , bHasBorder( pD->HasFrameBorder() ) , bBorderSet( pD->IsFrameBorderSet() ) , bResizable( pD->IsResizable() ) , bSetResizable( FALSE ) , bIsRootSet( FALSE ) , bIsInColSet( FALSE ) , bHasBorderInherited( FALSE ) , pFrame( pD->Clone() ) { bBorderSet = TRUE; } SfxFrameProperties& SfxFrameProperties::operator =( const SfxFrameProperties &rProp ) { aURL = rProp.aURL; aName = rProp.aName; lMarginWidth = rProp.lMarginWidth; lMarginHeight = rProp.lMarginHeight; lSize = rProp.lSize; lSetSize = rProp.lSetSize; lFrameSpacing = rProp.lFrameSpacing; lInheritedFrameSpacing = rProp.lInheritedFrameSpacing; eScroll = rProp.eScroll; eSizeSelector = rProp.eSizeSelector; eSetSizeSelector = rProp.eSetSizeSelector; bHasBorder = rProp.bHasBorder; bBorderSet = rProp.bBorderSet; bResizable = rProp.bResizable; bSetResizable = rProp.bSetResizable; bIsRootSet = rProp.bIsRootSet; bIsInColSet = rProp.bIsInColSet; bHasBorderInherited = rProp.bHasBorderInherited; pFrame = rProp.pFrame->Clone(); return *this; } int SfxFrameProperties::operator ==( const SfxFrameProperties& rProp ) const { return aURL == rProp.aURL && aName == rProp.aName && lMarginWidth == rProp.lMarginWidth && lMarginHeight == rProp.lMarginHeight && lSize == rProp.lSize && eScroll == rProp.eScroll && eSizeSelector == rProp.eSizeSelector && lSetSize == rProp.lSetSize && lFrameSpacing == rProp.lFrameSpacing && eSetSizeSelector == rProp.eSetSizeSelector && bHasBorder == rProp.bHasBorder && bBorderSet == rProp.bBorderSet && bResizable == rProp.bResizable && bSetResizable == rProp.bSetResizable; } TYPEINIT1(SfxFrameDescriptorItem, SfxPoolItem); SfxFrameDescriptorItem::~SfxFrameDescriptorItem() {} int SfxFrameDescriptorItem::operator==( const SfxPoolItem& rAttr ) const { DBG_ASSERT( SfxPoolItem::operator==(rAttr), "unequal types" ); return aProperties == ((SfxFrameDescriptorItem&)rAttr).aProperties; } // ----------------------------------------------------------------------- SfxPoolItem* SfxFrameDescriptorItem::Clone( SfxItemPool* ) const { return new SfxFrameDescriptorItem( *this ); } //------------------------------------------------------------------------ SfxItemPresentation SfxFrameDescriptorItem::GetPresentation ( SfxItemPresentation /*ePres*/, SfxMapUnit /*eCoreUnit*/, SfxMapUnit /*ePresUnit*/, XubString& rText, const IntlWrapper * ) const { rText.Erase(); return SFX_ITEM_PRESENTATION_NONE; }