/************************************************************************* * * $RCSfile: objstor.cxx,v $ * * $Revision: 1.61 $ * * last change: $Author: mba $ $Date: 2001-10-01 09:21:32 $ * * The Contents of this file are made available subject to the terms of * either of the following licenses * * - GNU Lesser General Public License Version 2.1 * - Sun Industry Standards Source License Version 1.1 * * Sun Microsystems Inc., October, 2000 * * GNU Lesser General Public License Version 2.1 * ============================================= * Copyright 2000 by Sun Microsystems, Inc. * 901 San Antonio Road, Palo Alto, CA 94303, USA * * This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or * modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public * License version 2.1, as published by the Free Software Foundation. * * This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU * Lesser General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public * License along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software * Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, * MA 02111-1307 USA * * * Sun Industry Standards Source License Version 1.1 * ================================================= * The contents of this file are subject to the Sun Industry Standards * Source License Version 1.1 (the "License"); You may not use this file * except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of the * License at http://www.openoffice.org/license.html. * * Software provided under this License is provided on an "AS IS" basis, * WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EITHER EXPRESSED OR IMPLIED, INCLUDING, * WITHOUT LIMITATION, WARRANTIES THAT THE SOFTWARE IS FREE OF DEFECTS, * MERCHANTABLE, FIT FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE, OR NON-INFRINGING. * See the License for the specific provisions governing your rights and * obligations concerning the Software. * * The Initial Developer of the Original Code is: Sun Microsystems, Inc. * * Copyright: 2000 by Sun Microsystems, Inc. * * All Rights Reserved. * * Contributor(s): _______________________________________ * * ************************************************************************/ #ifndef _MSGBOX_HXX //autogen #include #endif #ifndef _SFXENUMITEM_HXX //autogen #include #endif #ifndef _SFXSTRITEM_HXX //autogen #include #endif #ifndef _SVSTOR_HXX //autogen #include #endif #ifndef _EXTATTR_HXX //autogen #include #endif #ifndef _ZCODEC_HXX //autogen #include #endif #ifndef _COM_SUN_STAR_FRAME_XSTORABLE_HPP_ #include #endif #ifndef _COM_SUN_STAR_FRAME_XMODEL_HPP_ #include #endif #ifndef _COM_SUN_STAR_DOCUMENT_XFILTER_HPP_ #include #endif #ifndef _COM_SUN_STAR_DOCUMENT_XIMPORTER_HPP_ #include #endif #ifndef _COM_SUN_STAR_DOCUMENT_XEXPORTER_HPP_ #include #endif #ifndef _COM_SUN_STAR_LANG_XINITIALIZATION_HPP_ #include #endif #ifndef _COM_SUN_STAR_UI_DIALOGS_EXTENDEDFILEPICKERELEMENTIDS_HPP_ #include #endif #ifndef _COM_SUN_STAR_UI_DIALOGS_XFILEPICKERCONTROLACCESS_HPP_ #include #endif #ifndef _COM_SUN_STAR_UI_DIALOGS_XFILEPICKER_HPP_ #include #endif #pragma hdrstop #ifndef _SFXECODE_HXX #include #endif #ifndef _CPPUHELPER_WEAK_HXX_ #include #endif #ifndef _COMPHELPER_PROCESSFACTORY_HXX_ #include #endif #ifndef _SO_CLSIDS_HXX #include #endif #ifndef _CACHESTR_HXX #include #endif #ifndef INCLUDED_SVTOOLS_ADDXMLTOSTORAGEOPTIONS_HXX #include #endif #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include "objsh.hxx" #include "childwin.hxx" #include "sfxdir.hxx" #include "request.hxx" #include "sfxresid.hxx" #include "docfile.hxx" #include "fltfnc.hxx" #include "docfilt.hxx" #include "docinf.hxx" #include "docfac.hxx" #include "cfgmgr.hxx" #include "objshimp.hxx" #include "sfxtypes.hxx" #include "appdata.hxx" #include "doc.hrc" #include "sfxsids.hrc" #include "interno.hxx" #include "module.hxx" #include "dispatch.hxx" #include "openflag.hxx" #include "helper.hxx" #include "dlgcont.hxx" #include "filedlghelper.hxx" #include "scriptcont.hxx" #define S2BS(s) ByteString( s, RTL_TEXTENCODING_MS_1252 ) extern sal_uInt32 CheckPasswd_Impl( Window*, SfxItemPool&, SfxMedium* ); using namespace ::com::sun::star::lang; using namespace ::com::sun::star::ui::dialogs; using namespace ::com::sun::star::uno; using namespace ::rtl; using namespace ::cppu; //========================================================================= sal_Bool ShallSetBaseURL_Impl( SfxMedium &rMed ) { SvtSaveOptions aOpt; sal_Bool bIsRemote = rMed.IsRemote(); return aOpt.IsSaveRelINet() && bIsRemote || aOpt.IsSaveRelFSys() && !bIsRemote; } //========================================================================= sal_Bool SfxObjectShell::Save() { if( SOFFICE_FILEFORMAT_60 <= GetStorage()->GetVersion() ) return TRUE; else return SaveInfoAndConfig_Impl( GetMedium()->GetStorage() ); } //-------------------------------------------------------------------------- sal_Bool SfxObjectShell::SaveAs( SvStorage* pNewStg ) { if( SOFFICE_FILEFORMAT_60 <= pNewStg->GetVersion() ) return TRUE; else return SaveInfoAndConfig_Impl( pNewStg ); } //------------------------------------------------------------------------- sal_Bool GetPasswd_Impl( const SfxItemSet* pSet, String& rPasswd ) { const SfxPoolItem* pItem = NULL; if ( pSet && SFX_ITEM_SET == pSet->GetItemState( SID_PASSWORD, sal_True, &pItem ) ) { DBG_ASSERT( pItem->IsA( TYPE(SfxStringItem) ), "wrong item type" ); rPasswd = ( (const SfxStringItem*)pItem )->GetValue(); return sal_True; } return sal_False; } //------------------------------------------------------------------------- sal_Bool SfxObjectShell::DoInitNew_Impl( const String& rName ) /* [Beschreibung] */ { if ( rName.Len() ) { ModifyBlocker_Impl aBlock( this ); pMedium = new SfxMedium( rName, SFX_STREAM_READONLY_MAKECOPY, sal_False ); if ( InitNew( pMedium->GetStorage() ) ) { bIsTmp = !( pMedium->GetStorage() ); if ( SFX_CREATE_MODE_EMBEDDED == eCreateMode ) SetTitle( String( SfxResId( STR_NONAME ) )); return sal_True; } return sal_False; } else return DoInitNew(0); } sal_Bool SfxObjectShell::DoInitNew( SvStorage * pStor ) /* [Beschreibung] Diese von SvPersist geerbte virtuelle Methode wird gerufen, um die SfxObjectShell-Instanz aus einem Storage (pStor != 0) bzw. (pStor == 0) ganz neu zu initialisieren. Wie alle Do...-Methoden liegt hier eine Steuerung vor, die eigentliche Implementierung erfolgt, indem die ebenfalls virtuellen Methode InitNew(SvStorate*) von der SfxObjectShell-Subclass implementiert wird. F"ur pStor == 0 wird ein die SfxObjectShell-Instanz mit einem leeren SfxMedium verbunden, sonst mit einem SfxMedium, welches auf den als Parameter "ubergeben SvStorage verweist. Erst nach InitNew() oder Load() ist das Objekt korrekt initialisiert. [R"uckgabewert] sal_True Das Objekt wurde initialisiert. sal_False Das Objekt konnte nicht initialisiert werden */ { ModifyBlocker_Impl aBlock( this ); if ( pStor ) pMedium = new SfxMedium( pStor ); else { bIsTmp = sal_True; pMedium = new SfxMedium; } if ( InitNew( pStor ) ) { if ( SFX_CREATE_MODE_EMBEDDED == eCreateMode ) SetTitle( String( SfxResId( STR_NONAME ) )); return sal_True; } return sal_False; } //------------------------------------------------------------------------- void SfxObjectShell::DoHandsOff() /* [Beschreibung] Diese von SvPersist geerbte virtuelle Methode wird gerufen, um das Objekt aufzufordern, den ihm zugeteilten SvStorage freizugeben, insbesondere Substorages und Streams zu schlie"sen. Als Do...-Methode liegt hier nur die Steuerung. Der Implementierer von Subclasses kann die ebenfalls virtuelle Methode HandsOff() implementieren, um seine Substorages und Streams zu schlie"sen. Nach dem Aufruf dieser Methode, ist dem Objekt kein SfxMedium mehr zugeordnet, bis SaveCompleted() durchlaufen ist. */ { const SfxFilter *pFilter = pMedium->GetFilter(); if( !pFilter || pFilter->IsOwnFormat() || ( pFilter->GetFilterFlags() & SFX_FILTER_PACKED ) ) HandsOff(); // Force document library containers to release storage SotStorageRef xDummyStorage; SfxDialogLibraryContainer* pDialogCont = pImp->pDialogLibContainer; if( pDialogCont ) pDialogCont->setStorage( xDummyStorage ); SfxScriptLibraryContainer* pBasicCont = pImp->pBasicLibContainer; if( pBasicCont ) pBasicCont->setStorage( xDummyStorage ); pMedium->Close(); // DELETEZ( pMedium ); } //------------------------------------------------------------------------- sal_Bool SfxObjectShell::DoLoad( const String& rFileName, StreamMode nStreamMode, StorageMode nStorageMode) { // Es wird nur die IPersistStorage-Schnittstelle angeboten ModifyBlocker_Impl aBlock( this ); SvStorageRef xStor = new SvStorage( rFileName, nStreamMode | STREAM_WRITE, nStorageMode ); if( !xStor.Is() ) xStor = new SvStorage( rFileName, nStreamMode, nStorageMode ); if ( SVSTREAM_OK == xStor->GetError() ) { SfxMedium* pMedium = new SfxMedium( xStor ); pMedium->SetName( rFileName ); pMedium->Init_Impl(); // Muss !!! SetFileName( rFileName ); if( DoLoad( pMedium ) ) { if ( SFX_CREATE_MODE_EMBEDDED == eCreateMode ) SetTitle( rFileName ); return sal_True; } } return sal_False; } //------------------------------------------------------------------------- sal_Bool SfxObjectShell::DoLoad( SvStorage * pStor ) /* [Beschreibung] Diese von SvPersist geerbte virtuelle Methode steuert das Laden des Objektes aus einem Storage. Dabei wird der SvStorage zun"achst in einem SfxMedium verpackt und SfxObjectShell::DoLoad(SfxMedium*) mit diesem gerufen. [R"uckgabewert] sal_True Das Objekt wurde initialisiert. sal_False Das Objekt konnte nicht initialisiert werden */ { pMedium = new SfxMedium( pStor ); if ( DoLoad(pMedium) ) { if ( SFX_CREATE_MODE_EMBEDDED == eCreateMode ) { ModifyBlocker_Impl aBlock( this ); // bei Embedded Objekten setzt sonst keiner den Namen // DBG_ASSERT( pStor->GetName().Len(), // "StorageName hat Laenge Null" ); SetTitle( pStor->GetName() ); } return sal_True; } return sal_False; } //------------------------------------------------------------------------- sal_Bool SfxObjectShell::DoLoad( SfxMedium *pMed ) /* [Beschreibung] Diese Methode steuert das Laden des Objektes aus dem von dem "ubergebenen SfxMedium beschriebenen Medium. Hinterher ist das Objekt mit diesem SfxMedium verbunden. Handelt es sich bei dem SfxMedium um einen Storage im eigenen Format, wird die virtuelle Methode SvPersit::Load(SvStorage*) gerufen, welche die Implementierer von Subclasses "uberladen m"ussen, um das Objekt aus einem eigenen Storage zu laden (=> Swapping m"oeglich). Handelt es sich bei dem SfxMedium um einen Storage in einem fremden Format, oder um ein Flat-File, dann wird die virtuelle Methode gerufen, welche die Implementierer von Subclasses "uberladen m"ussen, um das Objekt aus dem SfxMedium zu konvertieren. W"ahrend der Bearbeitung ist das Objekt dann mit einem tempor"aren SvStorage verbunden. Erst nach InitNew() oder Load() ist das Objekt korrekt initialisiert. [R"uckgabewert] sal_True Das Objekt wurde geladen. sal_False Das Objekt konnte nicht geladen werden */ { SfxApplication *pSfxApp = SFX_APP(); ModifyBlocker_Impl aBlock( this ); if ( SFX_CREATE_MODE_EMBEDDED != eCreateMode ) GetpApp()->ShowStatusText( SfxResId(STR_DOC_LOADING) ); pMedium = pMed; sal_Bool bOk = sal_False; const SfxFilter* pFilter = pMed->GetFilter(); SfxItemSet* pSet = pMedium->GetItemSet(); if( !pImp->nEventId ) { SFX_ITEMSET_ARG( pSet, pTemplateItem, SfxBoolItem, SID_TEMPLATE, sal_False); #if SUPD < 635 SFX_ITEMSET_ARG( pSet, pBrowsingItem, SfxBoolItem, SID_BROWSING, sal_False ); SetActivateEvent_Impl( ( pTemplateItem && pTemplateItem->GetValue() ) ? SFX_EVENT_CREATEDOC : SFX_EVENT_OPENDOC, pBrowsingItem && pBrowsingItem->GetValue() ); #else SetActivateEvent_Impl( ( pTemplateItem && pTemplateItem->GetValue() ) ? SFX_EVENT_CREATEDOC : SFX_EVENT_OPENDOC ); #endif } SFX_ITEMSET_ARG( pSet, pBaseItem, SfxStringItem, SID_BASEURL, sal_False); String aBaseURL; SFX_ITEMSET_ARG( pMedium->GetItemSet(), pSalvageItem, SfxStringItem, SID_DOC_SALVAGE, sal_False); if( pBaseItem ) aBaseURL = pBaseItem->GetValue(); else { if( GetCreateMode() == SFX_CREATE_MODE_EMBEDDED ) { aBaseURL = INetURLObject::GetBaseURL(); SetBaseURL( aBaseURL ); } else if ( pSalvageItem ) { String aName( pMed->GetPhysicalName() ); ::utl::LocalFileHelper::ConvertPhysicalNameToURL( aName, aBaseURL ); } else aBaseURL = pMed->GetName(); } SfxApplication* pApp = SFX_APP(); pImp->nLoadedFlags = 0; sal_Bool bHasStorage = !pFilter || ( pFilter->IsOwnFormat() && pFilter->UsesStorage() ); if ( !bHasStorage && pFilter && ( pFilter->GetFilterFlags() & SFX_FILTER_PACKED ) ) { bHasStorage = pMed->TryStorage(); if ( bHasStorage ) { String aName( pMed->GetPhysicalName() ); ::utl::LocalFileHelper::ConvertPhysicalNameToURL( aName, aBaseURL ); } } if ( bHasStorage ) { SvStorageRef xStor( pMed->GetStorage() ); if( xStor.Is() && !xStor->GetError() && pMed->GetFilter()->GetVersion() < SOFFICE_FILEFORMAT_60 ) { // Undoobjekte aufraeumen, muss vor dem eigentlichen Laden erfolgen SvEmbeddedObjectRef xThis = this; SvPersistRef xPer; if ( xThis.Is() ) xPer = new SvEmbeddedObject; else xPer = new SvPersist; xPer->DoOwnerLoad(xStor); xPer->CleanUp(); xPer->DoSave(); xPer->DoSaveCompleted( 0 ); } // Load const String aOldURL( INetURLObject::GetBaseURL() ); if( aBaseURL.Len() ) INetURLObject::SetBaseURL( aBaseURL ); pImp->nLoadedFlags = 0; bOk = xStor.Is() && LoadOwnFormat( *pMed ); INetURLObject::SetBaseURL( aOldURL ); if ( bOk ) { GetDocInfo().Load(xStor); bHasName = sal_True; } else SetError( ERRCODE_ABORT ); } else if ( InitNew(0) ) { // Name vor ConvertFrom setzen, damit GetSbxObject() schon funktioniert bHasName = sal_True; SetName( SfxResId( STR_NONAME ) ); // Importieren const String aOldURL( INetURLObject::GetBaseURL() ); if( aBaseURL.Len() ) INetURLObject::SetBaseURL( aBaseURL ); if( !pMedium->GetFilter()->UsesStorage() ) pMedium->GetInStream(); else pMedium->GetStorage(); pImp->nLoadedFlags = 0; if ( pMedium->GetFilter() && ( pMedium->GetFilter()->GetFilterFlags() & SFX_FILTER_STARONEFILTER ) ) { bOk = ImportFrom(*pMedium); } else { bOk = ConvertFrom(*pMedium); } INetURLObject::SetBaseURL( aOldURL ); if( bOk && pMedium->GetOpenMode() & STREAM_WRITE ) //Medium offen halten um andere Zugriffe zu verhindern { if(pMedium->GetFilter() && pMedium->GetFilter()->UsesStorage()) pMedium->GetStorage(); else pMedium->GetInStream(); if(pMedium->GetError()) bOk = sal_False; } } if ( bOk ) { GetTitle( SFX_TITLE_DETECT ); // Falls nicht asynchron geladen wird selbst FinishedLoading aufrufen if ( !( pImp->nLoadedFlags & SFX_LOADED_MAINDOCUMENT ) && ( !pMedium->GetFilter() || pMedium->GetFilter()->UsesStorage() || pMedium->GetInStream() && pMedium->GetInStream()->GetLockBytes() && pMedium->GetInStream()->GetLockBytes()->IsSynchronMode() ) ) FinishedLoading( SFX_LOADED_MAINDOCUMENT ); if ( pSalvageItem ) { pImp->aTempName = pMedium->GetPhysicalName(); pMedium->GetItemSet()->ClearItem( SID_DOC_SALVAGE ); pMedium->GetItemSet()->ClearItem( SID_FILE_NAME ); } else { pMedium->GetItemSet()->ClearItem( SID_PROGRESS_STATUSBAR_CONTROL ); pMedium->GetItemSet()->ClearItem( SID_DOCUMENT ); } ::com::sun::star::uno::Reference< ::com::sun::star::frame::XModel > xModel ( GetModel(), ::com::sun::star::uno::UNO_QUERY ); if ( xModel.is() ) { ::rtl::OUString aURL = GetMedium()->GetOrigURL(); SfxItemSet *pSet = GetMedium()->GetItemSet(); if ( !GetMedium()->IsReadOnly() ) pSet->ClearItem( SID_INPUTSTREAM ); ::com::sun::star::uno::Sequence< ::com::sun::star::beans::PropertyValue > aArgs; TransformItems( SID_OPENDOC, *pSet, aArgs ); xModel->attachResource( aURL, aArgs ); } if( IsOwnStorageFormat_Impl(*pMed) && pMed->GetFilter() ) { //???? dv DirEntry aDirEntry( pMed->GetPhysicalName() ); //???? dv SetFileName( aDirEntry.GetFull() ); } Broadcast( SfxSimpleHint(SFX_HINT_NAMECHANGED) ); } if ( SFX_CREATE_MODE_EMBEDDED != eCreateMode ) GetpApp()->HideStatusText(); return bOk; } //------------------------------------------------------------------------- sal_Bool SfxObjectShell::IsOwnStorageFormat_Impl(const SfxMedium &rMedium) const { return !rMedium.GetFilter() || // Embedded ( rMedium.GetFilter()->IsOwnFormat() && rMedium.GetFilter()->UsesStorage() ); } //------------------------------------------------------------------------- sal_Bool SfxObjectShell::DoSave() // DoSave wird nur noch ueber OLE aufgerufen. Sichern eigener Dokumente im SFX // laeuft uber DoSave_Impl, um das Anlegen von Backups zu ermoeglichen. // Save in eigenes Format jetzt auch wieder Hierueber { sal_Bool bOk = sal_False ; { ModifyBlocker_Impl aBlock( this ); SfxForceLinkTimer_Impl aFLT( this ); pImp->bIsSaving = sal_True; String aPasswd; if ( IsOwnStorageFormat_Impl( *GetMedium() ) && GetPasswd_Impl( GetMedium()->GetItemSet(), aPasswd ) ) GetMedium()->GetStorage()->SetKey( S2BS( aPasswd ) ); //!!! (pb) needs new implementation GetStorage()->SetVersion( GetMedium()->GetFilter()->GetVersion() ); bOk = Save(); } //#88046 // if ( bOk ) // SetModified( sal_False ); return bOk; } void Lock_Impl( SfxObjectShell* pDoc, BOOL bLock ) { SfxViewFrame *pFrame= SfxViewFrame::GetFirst( pDoc ); while ( pFrame ) { pFrame->GetDispatcher()->Lock( bLock ); pFrame->Enable( !bLock ); pFrame = SfxViewFrame::GetNext( *pFrame, pDoc ); } } //------------------------------------------------------------------------- sal_Bool SfxObjectShell::SaveTo_Impl ( SfxMedium &rMedium, // Medium, in das gespeichert werden soll const SfxItemSet* pSet, BOOL bPrepareForDirectAccess ) /* [Beschreibung] Schreibt den aktuellen Inhalt in das Medium rMedium. Ist das Zielmedium kein Storage, so wird ueber ein temporaeres Medium gespeichert, sonst direkt, da das Medium transacted geschaltet ist, wenn wir es selbst geoeffnet haben und falls wir Server sind entweder der Container einen transacted Storage zur Verfuegung stellt oder selbst einen temporaeren Storage erzeugt hat. */ { SfxForceLinkTimer_Impl aFLT( this ); EnableSetModified( FALSE ); const SfxFilter *pFilter = rMedium.GetFilter(); if ( !pFilter ) { // if no filter was set, use the default filter // this should be changed in the feature, it should be an error! pFilter = GetFactory().GetFilter(0); rMedium.SetFilter(pFilter); } if( pFilter->UsesStorage() ) // create an output storage in the correct format rMedium.GetOutputStorage( SOFFICE_FILEFORMAT_60 <= pFilter->GetVersion() ); else rMedium.GetOutStream(); if( rMedium.GetErrorCode() ) return sal_False; sal_Bool bOldStat = pImp->bForbidReload; pImp->bForbidReload = sal_True; // lock user interface while saving the document Lock_Impl( this, TRUE ); sal_Bool bOk = sal_False; if( IsOwnStorageFormat_Impl(rMedium) ) { SvStorageRef aMedRef = rMedium.GetStorage(); if ( !aMedRef.Is() ) { // no saving without storage, unlock UI and return Lock_Impl( this, FALSE ); return sal_False; } // transfer password from the parameters to the storage String aPasswd; if ( GetPasswd_Impl( rMedium.GetItemSet(), aPasswd ) ) aMedRef->SetKey( S2BS( aPasswd ) ); //!!! (pb) needs new implementation const SfxFilter* pFilter = rMedium.GetFilter(); if( ((SvStorage *)aMedRef) == ((SvStorage *)GetStorage() ) ) { // target storage and object storage are identical, should never happen here DBG_ERROR( "Saving storage without copy!"); aMedRef->SetVersion( pFilter->GetVersion() ); bOk = Save(); } else // save to target bOk = SaveAsOwnFormat( rMedium ); // look for a "version" parameter const SfxStringItem *pVersionItem = pSet ? (const SfxStringItem*) SfxRequest::GetItem( pSet, SID_VERSION, sal_False, TYPE(SfxStringItem) ) : NULL; if ( pVersionItem ) { // store a version also const SfxStringItem *pAuthorItem = pSet ? (const SfxStringItem*) SfxRequest::GetItem( pSet, SID_DOCINFO_AUTHOR, sal_False, TYPE(SfxStringItem) ) : NULL; // version comment SfxVersionInfo aInfo; aInfo.aComment = pVersionItem->GetValue(); // version author String aAuthor; if ( pAuthorItem ) aAuthor = pAuthorItem->GetValue(); else // if not transferred as a parameter, get it from user settings aAuthor = SvtUserOptions().GetFullName(); // time stamp for version aInfo.aCreateStamp.SetName( aAuthor ); // desired format for version information sal_Bool bUseXML = SOFFICE_FILEFORMAT_60 <= pFilter->GetVersion(); // get storage for version streams SvStorageRef xVersion = bUseXML ? aMedRef->OpenUCBStorage( DEFINE_CONST_UNICODE( "Versions" ) ) : aMedRef->OpenStorage( DEFINE_CONST_UNICODE( "Versions" ) ); // all preliminary saved versions must be copied from the object storage to the the target storage SvStorageRef xOldVersions = GetStorage()->OpenStorage( DEFINE_CONST_UNICODE( "Versions" ), SFX_STREAM_READONLY | STREAM_NOCREATE); if ( xOldVersions.Is() && xOldVersions->GetError() == SVSTREAM_OK ) { const SfxVersionTableDtor *pList = rMedium.GetVersionList(); sal_uInt32 n=0; SfxVersionInfo* pInfo = pList->GetObject(n++); while( pInfo ) { const String& rName = pInfo->aName; if ( xOldVersions->IsContained( rName ) ) xOldVersions->CopyTo( rName, xVersion, rName ); pInfo = pList->GetObject(n++); } } // add new version information into the versionlist and save the versionlist // the version list must have been transferred from the "old" medium before rMedium.AddVersion_Impl( aInfo ); rMedium.SaveVersionList_Impl( bUseXML ); ::utl::TempFile aTmpFile; aTmpFile.EnableKillingFile( TRUE ); SvStorageRef xTmp = new SvStorage( ( SOFFICE_FILEFORMAT_60 <= pFilter->GetVersion() ), aTmpFile.GetURL() ); // save the new version to the storage, perhaps also with password if the root storage is password protected if ( aPasswd.Len() ) xTmp->SetKey( S2BS( aPasswd ) ); //!!! (pb) needs new implementation // save again, now as a version, use the target medium as a transport medium // this should be changed in the future, using a different medium seems to be better rMedium.SetStorage_Impl( xTmp ); bOk = SaveAsOwnFormat( rMedium ); xTmp->Commit(); // reconnect medium to "old" storage rMedium.SetStorage_Impl( aMedRef ); // close storage, it must be reopened as stream xTmp.Clear(); // compress stream and store it into the root storage SvStorageStreamRef xStrm = xVersion->OpenStream( aInfo.aName ); if ( SOFFICE_FILEFORMAT_60 <= pFilter->GetVersion() ) { *xStrm << *aTmpFile.GetStream( STREAM_READ ); } else { ZCodec aCodec; aCodec.BeginCompression( ZCODEC_BEST_COMPRESSION ); aCodec.Compress( *aTmpFile.GetStream( STREAM_READ ), *xStrm ); aCodec.EndCompression(); } // commit the version storage xVersion->Commit(); } else if ( pImp->bIsSaving ) { // it's a "Save", not a "SaveAs" // so all preliminary saved versions must be copied from the object storage to the the target storage sal_Bool bUseXML = SOFFICE_FILEFORMAT_60 <= pFilter->GetVersion(); // save the version list // the version list must have been transferred from the "old" medium before rMedium.SaveVersionList_Impl( bUseXML ); const SfxVersionTableDtor *pList = rMedium.GetVersionList(); if ( pList && pList->Count() ) { // copy the version streams SvStorageRef xVersion = bUseXML ? aMedRef->OpenUCBStorage( DEFINE_CONST_UNICODE( "Versions" ) ) : aMedRef->OpenStorage( DEFINE_CONST_UNICODE( "Versions" ) ); SvStorageRef xOldVersions = GetStorage()->OpenStorage( DEFINE_CONST_UNICODE( "Versions" ), SFX_STREAM_READONLY | STREAM_NOCREATE ); if ( xOldVersions.Is() && xOldVersions->GetError() == SVSTREAM_OK ) { sal_uInt32 n=0; SfxVersionInfo* pInfo = pList->GetObject(n++); while( pInfo ) { const String& rName = pInfo->aName; if ( xOldVersions->IsContained( rName ) ) xOldVersions->CopyTo( rName, xVersion, rName ); pInfo = pList->GetObject(n++); } } // commit the version storage xVersion->Commit(); } } } else { // it's a "SaveAs" in an alien format if ( rMedium.GetFilter() && ( rMedium.GetFilter()->GetFilterFlags() & SFX_FILTER_STARONEFILTER ) ) bOk = ExportTo( rMedium, *pSet ); else bOk = ConvertTo( rMedium ); // after saving the document, the temporary object storage must be updated // if the old object storage was not a temporary one, it will be updated also, because it will be used // as a source for copying the objects into the new temporary storage that will be created below // updating means: all child objects must be stored into it // ( same as on loading, where these objects are copied to the temporary storage ) // but don't commit these changes, because in the case when the old object storage is not a temporary one, // all changes will be written into the original file ! if( bOk ) bOk = SaveChilds() && SaveCompletedChilds( NULL ); } // SetModified must be enabled when SaveCompleted is called, otherwise the modified flag of child objects will not be cleared EnableSetModified( TRUE ); if( bOk ) { // remember new object storage, if it is a temporary one, because we will need it for a "SaveCompleted" later SvStorageRef xNewTempRef; if ( bOk && bPrepareForDirectAccess ) { sal_Bool bCopyTo = sal_False; SfxItemSet *pSet = rMedium.GetItemSet(); if( pSet ) { SFX_ITEMSET_ARG( pSet, pSaveToItem, SfxBoolItem, SID_SAVETO, sal_False ); bCopyTo = GetCreateMode() == SFX_CREATE_MODE_EMBEDDED || pSaveToItem && pSaveToItem->GetValue(); } // if the target medium is an alien format and the "old" medium was an own format, the object storage // must be exchanged, because now we need a new temporary storage as object storage BOOL bNeedsStorage = !bCopyTo && IsOwnStorageFormat_Impl(*pMedium) && !IsOwnStorageFormat_Impl(rMedium); if ( bNeedsStorage ) { if( !pMedium->GetName().Len() ) // if the old object storage was a temporary one too, we can continue with it xNewTempRef = GetStorage(); else { // copy storage of old medium to new temporary storage and take this over if( ConnectTmpStorage_Impl( pMedium->GetStorage() ) ) xNewTempRef = GetStorage(); else bOk = sal_False; } } // When the new medium ( rMedium ) has the same name as the current one, // we need to call DoHandsOff() so Commit() can overwrite the old version if ( bOk && pMedium && ( rMedium.GetName() == pMedium->GetName() ) ) DoHandsOff(); } if ( bOk ) { if ( pMedium && ( rMedium.GetName() == pMedium->GetName() ) ) { // before we overwrite the original file, we will make a backup if there is a demand for that const sal_Bool bDoBackup = SvtSaveOptions().IsBackup(); if ( bDoBackup ) pMedium->DoBackup_Impl(); } // transfer data to its destinated location EnableSetModified( FALSE ); RegisterTransfer( rMedium ); bOk = rMedium.Commit(); EnableSetModified( TRUE ); // watch: if the document was successfully saved into an own format, no "SaveCompleted" was called, // this must be done by the caller ( because they want to do different calls ) if ( xNewTempRef.Is() ) // if the new object storage is a temporary one, because the target format is an alien format SaveCompleted( xNewTempRef ); } } // unlock user interface Lock_Impl( this, FALSE ); pImp->bForbidReload = bOldStat; if ( bOk ) { DBG_ASSERT( pFilter, "No filter after successful save?!" ); if( pFilter ) if( pFilter->IsAlienFormat() ) // set flag, that the user will be warned for possible data loss on closing this document pImp->bDidDangerousSave=sal_True; else pImp->bDidDangerousSave=sal_False; SetEAs_Impl(rMedium); } return bOk; } //------------------------------------------------------------------------ sal_Bool SfxObjectShell::ConnectTmpStorage_Impl( SvStorage* pStg) /* [Beschreibung] Arbeitet die Applikation auf einem temporaeren Storage, so darf der temporaere Storage nicht aus dem SaveCompleted genommen werden. Daher wird in diesem Fall schon hier an den neuen Storage connected. SaveCompleted tut dann nichts. */ { // wenn es kein temp. Storage ist, einen anlegen SvStorageRef aTmpMed = new SvStorage( (pStg->GetVersion() >= SOFFICE_FILEFORMAT_60), String() ); // nach HandsOff muss der alte Storage wieder eingesetzt werden if ( !pStg->CopyTo(aTmpMed) ) { SetError(aTmpMed->GetErrorCode()); aTmpMed.Clear(); return sal_False; } SetError(GetMedium()->GetErrorCode()); SaveCompleted(aTmpMed); // neuer temp. Storage; gibt alten frei return sal_True; } //------------------------------------------------------------------------- sal_Bool SfxObjectShell::DoSaveAs( SvStorage * pNewStor ) { // DoSaveAs wird nur noch ueber OLE aufgerufen sal_Bool bOk; { SfxForceLinkTimer_Impl aFLT( this ); ModifyBlocker_Impl aBlock( this ); //Abwehr gegen feindlich gesinnte Applikationen. if ( !pNewStor->GetFormat() ) SetupStorage( pNewStor ); pImp->bIsSaving = sal_False; SfxMedium* pNewMed = new SfxMedium( pNewStor ); const String aOldURL( INetURLObject::GetBaseURL() ); bOk = SaveAsOwnFormat( *pNewMed ); INetURLObject::SetBaseURL( aOldURL ); delete pNewMed; } return bOk; } //------------------------------------------------------------------------- sal_Bool SfxObjectShell::DoSaveAs( SfxMedium &rMedium ) { // hier kommen nur Root-Storages rein, die via Temp-File gespeichert werden const String aOldURL( INetURLObject::GetBaseURL() ); if( GetCreateMode() != SFX_CREATE_MODE_EMBEDDED ) if ( ShallSetBaseURL_Impl( rMedium ) ) INetURLObject::SetBaseURL( rMedium.GetName() ); else INetURLObject::SetBaseURL( String() ); rMedium.CreateTempFileNoCopy(); sal_Bool bRet = SaveTo_Impl( rMedium, NULL, FALSE ); INetURLObject::SetBaseURL( aOldURL ); if( bRet ) DoHandsOff(); else SetError(rMedium.GetErrorCode()); return bRet; } //------------------------------------------------------------------------- sal_Bool SfxObjectShell::DoSaveCompleted( SfxMedium * pNewMed ) { sal_Bool bOk = sal_True; sal_Bool bMedChanged = pNewMed && pNewMed!=pMedium; /* sal_Bool bCreatedTempStor = pNewMed && pMedium && IsOwnStorageFormat_Impl(*pMedium) && !IsOwnStorageFormat_Impl(*pNewMed) && pMedium->GetName().Len(); */ DBG_ASSERT( !pNewMed || pNewMed->GetError() == ERRCODE_NONE, "DoSaveCompleted: Medium has error!" ); if ( bMedChanged ) { delete pMedium; pMedium = pNewMed; //MI? DELETEZ(pImp->pDocInfo); } const SfxFilter *pFilter = pMedium ? pMedium->GetFilter() : 0; if ( pNewMed ) { if( bMedChanged ) { if( pNewMed->GetName().Len() ) bHasName = sal_True; String aBase = GetBaseURL(); if( Current() == this && aBase.Len() ) INetURLObject::SetBaseURL( aBase ); Broadcast( SfxSimpleHint(SFX_HINT_NAMECHANGED) ); } SvStorage *pStorage=NULL; if ( !pFilter || pFilter->IsOwnFormat()) { pStorage = pMedium->GetStorage(); bOk = SaveCompleted( pStorage ); } else { pStorage = GetStorage(); if( pFilter->UsesStorage() ) pMedium->GetStorage(); else if( pMedium->GetOpenMode() & STREAM_WRITE ) pMedium->GetInStream(); } // Set storage in document library containers SfxDialogLibraryContainer* pDialogCont = pImp->pDialogLibContainer; if( pDialogCont ) pDialogCont->setStorage( pStorage ); SfxScriptLibraryContainer* pBasicCont = pImp->pBasicLibContainer; if( pBasicCont ) pBasicCont->setStorage( pStorage ); } else { if( pMedium ) { const SfxFilter* pFilter = pMedium->GetFilter(); if( pFilter && !pFilter->IsOwnFormat() && (pMedium->GetOpenMode() & STREAM_WRITE )) pMedium->ReOpen(); else SaveCompleted( 0 ); } // entweder Save oder ConvertTo else bOk = SaveCompleted( NULL ); } if ( bOk && pNewMed ) { if( bMedChanged ) { // Titel neu setzen if ( pNewMed->GetName().Len() && SFX_CREATE_MODE_EMBEDDED != eCreateMode ) InvalidateName(); SetModified(sal_False); // nur bei gesetztem Medium zur"ucksetzen Broadcast( SfxSimpleHint(SFX_HINT_MODECHANGED) ); } } return bOk; } //------------------------------------------------------------------------- sal_Bool SfxObjectShell::DoSaveCompleted( SvStorage * pNewStor ) { return DoSaveCompleted(pNewStor? new SfxMedium( pNewStor ): 0); } //------------------------------------------------------------------------- sal_Bool SfxObjectShell::ConvertFrom ( SfxMedium& rMedium /* , welches die Quell-Datei beschreibt (z.B. Dateiname, , Open-Modi etc.) */ ) /* [Beschreibung] Diese Methode wird zum Laden von Dokumenten "uber alle Filter gerufen, die nicht SFX_FILTER_OWN sind oder f"ur die kein Clipboard-Format registriert wurde (also kein Storage-Format benutzen). Mit anderen Worten: mit dieser Methode wird importiert. Das hier zu "offende File sollte "uber 'rMedium' ge"offnet werden, um die richtigen Open-Modi zu gew"ahrleisten. Insbesondere wenn das Format beibehalten wird (nur m"oglich bei SFX_FILTER_SIMULATE oder SFX_FILTER_ONW) mu\s die Datei STREAM_SHARE_DENYWRITE ge"offnet werden. [R"uckgabewert] sal_Bool sal_True Das Dokument konnte geladen werden. sal_False Das Dokument konnte nicht geladen werden, ein Fehlercode ist mit zu erhalten. [Beispiel] sal_Bool DocSh::ConvertFrom( SfxMedium &rMedium ) { SvStreamRef xStream = rMedium.GetInStream(); if( xStream.is() ) { xStream->SetBufferSize(4096); *xStream >> ...; // NICHT 'rMedium.CloseInStream()' rufen! File gelockt halten! return SVSTREAM_OK == rMedium.GetError(); } return sal_False; } [Querverweise] */ { return sal_False; } sal_Bool SfxObjectShell::ImportFrom( SfxMedium& rMedium ) { ::rtl::OUString aTypeName( GetMedium()->GetFilter()->GetTypeName() ); ::rtl::OUString aFilterName( GetMedium()->GetFilter()->GetFilterName() ); ::com::sun::star::uno::Reference< ::com::sun::star::lang::XMultiServiceFactory > xMan = ::comphelper::getProcessServiceFactory(); ::com::sun::star::uno::Reference < ::com::sun::star::lang::XMultiServiceFactory > xFilterFact ( xMan->createInstance( DEFINE_CONST_UNICODE( "com.sun.star.document.FilterFactory" ) ), ::com::sun::star::uno::UNO_QUERY ); ::com::sun::star::uno::Sequence < ::com::sun::star::beans::PropertyValue > aProps; ::com::sun::star::uno::Reference < ::com::sun::star::container::XNameAccess > xFilters ( xFilterFact, ::com::sun::star::uno::UNO_QUERY ); if ( xFilters->hasByName( aFilterName ) ) xFilters->getByName( aFilterName ) >>= aProps; ::rtl::OUString aFilterImplName; sal_Int32 nFilterProps = aProps.getLength(); for ( sal_Int32 nFilterProp = 0; nFilterProp>= aFilterImplName; break; } } ::com::sun::star::uno::Sequence < ::com::sun::star::uno::Any > aArgs(1); aArgs[0] <<= aFilterName; ::com::sun::star::uno::Reference< ::com::sun::star::document::XFilter > xLoader; if ( aFilterImplName.getLength() ) xLoader = ::com::sun::star::uno::Reference< ::com::sun::star::document::XFilter > ( xFilterFact->createInstanceWithArguments( aTypeName, aArgs ), ::com::sun::star::uno::UNO_QUERY ); if ( xLoader.is() ) { ::com::sun::star::uno::Reference< ::com::sun::star::lang::XComponent > xComp( GetModel(), ::com::sun::star::uno::UNO_QUERY ); ::com::sun::star::uno::Reference< ::com::sun::star::document::XImporter > xImporter( xLoader, ::com::sun::star::uno::UNO_QUERY ); xImporter->setTargetDocument( xComp ); ::com::sun::star::uno::Sequence < ::com::sun::star::beans::PropertyValue > lDescriptor; rMedium.GetItemSet()->Put( SfxStringItem( SID_OPENURL, rMedium.GetName() ) ); TransformItems( SID_OPENDOC, *rMedium.GetItemSet(), lDescriptor ); xLoader->filter( lDescriptor ); return sal_True; } return sal_False; } sal_Bool SfxObjectShell::ExportTo( SfxMedium& rMedium, const SfxItemSet& rSet ) { ::rtl::OUString aTypeName( GetMedium()->GetFilter()->GetTypeName() ); ::rtl::OUString aFilterName( GetMedium()->GetFilter()->GetFilterName() ); ::com::sun::star::uno::Reference< ::com::sun::star::document::XExporter > xExporter; { ::com::sun::star::uno::Reference< ::com::sun::star::lang::XMultiServiceFactory > xMan = ::comphelper::getProcessServiceFactory(); ::com::sun::star::uno::Reference < ::com::sun::star::lang::XMultiServiceFactory > xFilterFact ( xMan->createInstance( DEFINE_CONST_UNICODE( "com.sun.star.document.FilterFactory" ) ), ::com::sun::star::uno::UNO_QUERY ); ::com::sun::star::uno::Sequence < ::com::sun::star::beans::PropertyValue > aProps; ::com::sun::star::uno::Reference < ::com::sun::star::container::XNameAccess > xFilters ( xFilterFact, ::com::sun::star::uno::UNO_QUERY ); if ( xFilters->hasByName( aFilterName ) ) xFilters->getByName( aFilterName ) >>= aProps; ::rtl::OUString aFilterImplName; sal_Int32 nFilterProps = aProps.getLength(); for ( sal_Int32 nFilterProp = 0; nFilterProp>= aFilterImplName; break; } } ::com::sun::star::uno::Sequence < ::com::sun::star::uno::Any > aArgs(1); aArgs[0] <<= aFilterName; if ( aFilterImplName.getLength() ) xExporter = ::com::sun::star::uno::Reference< ::com::sun::star::document::XExporter > ( xFilterFact->createInstanceWithArguments( aTypeName, aArgs ), ::com::sun::star::uno::UNO_QUERY ); } if ( xExporter.is() ) { ::com::sun::star::uno::Reference< ::com::sun::star::lang::XComponent > xComp( GetModel(), ::com::sun::star::uno::UNO_QUERY ); ::com::sun::star::uno::Reference< ::com::sun::star::document::XFilter > xFilter( xExporter, ::com::sun::star::uno::UNO_QUERY ); xExporter->setSourceDocument( xComp ); xFilter->filter( GetModel()->getArgs() ); return sal_True; } return sal_False; } //------------------------------------------------------------------------- sal_Bool SfxObjectShell::ConvertTo ( SfxMedium& rMedium /* , welches die Ziel-Datei beschreibt (z.B. Dateiname, , Open-Modi etc.) */ ) /* [Beschreibung] Diese Methode wird zum Speichern von Dokumenten "uber alle Filter gerufen, die nicht SFX_FILTER_OWN sind oder f"ur die kein Clipboard-Format registriert wurde (also kein Storage-Format benutzen). Mit anderen Worten: mit dieser Methode wird exportiert. Das hier zu "offende File sollte "uber 'rMedium' ge"offnet werden, um die richtigen Open-Modi zu gew"ahrleisten. Insbesondere wenn das Format beibehalten wird (nur m"oglich bei SFX_FILTER_SIMULATE oder SFX_FILTER_ONW) mu\s die Datei auch nach dem Speichern im Modus STREAM_SHARE_DENYWRITE ge"offnet bleiben. [R"uckgabewert] sal_Bool sal_True Das Dokument konnte gespeichert werden. sal_False Das Dokument konnte nicht gespeichert werden, ein Fehlercode ist mit zu erhalten. [Beispiel] sal_Bool DocSh::ConvertTo( SfxMedium &rMedium ) { SvStreamRef xStream = rMedium.GetOutStream(); if ( xStream.is() ) { xStream->SetBufferSize(4096); *xStream << ...; rMedium.CloseOutStream(); // "offnet automatisch wieder den InStream return SVSTREAM_OK == rMedium.GetError(); } return sal_False ; } [Querverweise] */ { return sal_False; } //------------------------------------------------------------------------- void SfxObjectShell::SetEAs_Impl( SfxMedium &rMedium ) { //!! wenn OV eine entsprechende Funktionalitaet zur Verfuegung stellt, // besser auf der geoeffneten Datei arbeiten SvEaMgr *pMgr = rMedium.GetEaMgr(); SvEaMgr *pOld = GetMedium()->GetEaMgr(); if ( !pMgr ) return; if ( pOld ) pOld->Clone( *pMgr ); String aBuffer; pMgr->SetComment( GetDocInfo().GetComment() ); pMgr->SetFileType( rMedium.GetFilter()->GetTypeName().GetToken( 0, ';' ) ); if ( SvEaMgr::GetAppCreator(aBuffer) ) pMgr->SetCreator(aBuffer); if ( rMedium.GetLongName().Len() ) pMgr->SetLongName(rMedium.GetLongName()); } //------------------------------------------------------------------------- sal_Bool SfxObjectShell::DoSave_Impl( const SfxItemSet* pArgs ) { SfxMedium *pMedium = GetMedium(); const SfxFilter* pFilter = pMedium->GetFilter(); // copy the original itemset, but remove the "version" item, because pMediumTmp // is a new medium "from scratch", so no version should be stored into it SfxItemSet* pSet = pMedium->GetItemSet() ? new SfxAllItemSet(*pMedium->GetItemSet()): 0; pSet->ClearItem( SID_VERSION ); // create a medium as a copy; this medium is only for writingm, because it uses the same name as the original one // writing is done through a copy, that will be transferred to the target ( of course after calling HandsOff ) SfxMedium* pMediumTmp = new SfxMedium( pMedium->GetName(), pMedium->GetOpenMode(), pMedium->IsDirect(), pFilter, pSet ); pMediumTmp->SetLongName( pMedium->GetLongName() ); pMediumTmp->CreateTempFileNoCopy(); // some awful base URL stuff const String aOldURL( INetURLObject::GetBaseURL() ); if( GetCreateMode() != SFX_CREATE_MODE_EMBEDDED ) if ( ShallSetBaseURL_Impl(*pMedium) ) INetURLObject::SetBaseURL( pMedium->GetName() ); else INetURLObject::SetBaseURL( String() ); // copy version list from "old" medium to target medium, so it can be used on saving pMediumTmp->TransferVersionList_Impl( *pMedium ); if ( pFilter && ( pFilter->GetFilterFlags() & SFX_FILTER_PACKED ) ) SetError( GetMedium()->Unpack_Impl( pMedium->GetPhysicalName() ) ); sal_Bool bSaved = sal_False; if( !GetError() && SaveTo_Impl( *pMediumTmp, pArgs, TRUE ) ) { bSaved = sal_True; // restore BaseURL INetURLObject::SetBaseURL( aOldURL ); ByteString aKey; if ( IsOwnStorageFormat_Impl( *pMediumTmp ) ) aKey = pMediumTmp->GetStorage()->GetKey(); // retransfer parameters to original itemset if( pSet ) pSet->Put( *pMediumTmp->GetItemSet() ); // copy back version list to "old" medium, because the "old" medium will stay the objectshells' medium, // the temporary medium was only used in between pMedium->TransferVersionList_Impl( *pMediumTmp ); SetError(pMediumTmp->GetErrorCode()); // remove temporary medium and reconnect to original one pMediumTmp->Close(); delete pMediumTmp; if ( !IsHandsOff() ) DoHandsOff(); sal_Bool bOpen = DoSaveCompleted(pMedium); if ( bOpen && aKey.Len() ) pMedium->GetStorage()->SetKey( aKey ); DBG_ASSERT(bOpen,"Fehlerbehandlung fuer DoSaveCompleted nicht implementiert"); } else { // restore BaseURL INetURLObject::SetBaseURL( aOldURL ); // transfer error code from medium to objectshell SetError( pMediumTmp->GetError() ); // kill temporary file and medium String aTmp; ::utl::LocalFileHelper::ConvertPhysicalNameToURL( pMediumTmp->GetPhysicalName(), aTmp ); delete pMediumTmp; SfxContentHelper::Kill( aTmp ); // reconnect to object storage if ( IsHandsOff() ) DoSaveCompleted( pMedium ); else DoSaveCompleted( (SvStorage*)0 ); } SetModified( !bSaved ); return bSaved; } //------------------------------------------------------------------------- sal_Bool SfxObjectShell::Save_Impl( const SfxItemSet* pSet ) { DBG_CHKTHIS(SfxObjectShell, 0); SfxApplication *pSfxApp = SFX_APP(); pImp->bIsSaving = sal_True; sal_Bool bSaved; SFX_ITEMSET_ARG( GetMedium()->GetItemSet(), pSalvageItem, SfxStringItem, SID_DOC_SALVAGE, sal_False); if ( pSalvageItem ) { SFX_ITEMSET_ARG( GetMedium()->GetItemSet(), pFilterItem, SfxStringItem, SID_FILTER_NAME, sal_False); const SfxFilter *pFilter = pFilterItem ? GetFactory().GetFilterContainer()->GetFilter(pFilterItem->GetValue()) : 0; SfxMedium *pMed = new SfxMedium( pSalvageItem->GetValue(), STREAM_READWRITE | STREAM_SHARE_DENYWRITE, sal_False, pFilter ); SFX_ITEMSET_ARG( GetMedium()->GetItemSet(), pPasswordItem, SfxStringItem, SID_PASSWORD, sal_False ); if ( pPasswordItem ) pMed->GetItemSet()->Put( *pPasswordItem ); bSaved = DoSaveAs( *pMed ); if ( bSaved ) bSaved = DoSaveCompleted( pMed ); else delete pMed; } else bSaved = DoSave_Impl( pSet ); if ( bSaved && SvtSaveOptions().IsAutoSave() ) pSfxApp->GetAutoSaveTimer_Impl()->Start(); return bSaved; } //------------------------------------------------------------------------- class SfxSaveAsContext_Impl { String& _rNewNameVar; String _aNewName; public: SfxSaveAsContext_Impl( String &rNewNameVar, const String &rNewName ) : _rNewNameVar( rNewNameVar ), _aNewName( rNewName ) { rNewNameVar = rNewName; } ~SfxSaveAsContext_Impl() { _rNewNameVar.Erase(); } }; //------------------------------------------------------------------------- sal_Bool SfxObjectShell::SaveAs_Impl(sal_Bool bUrl, SfxRequest *pRequest) { // must we ask the user for the filename? INetURLObject aURL; sal_uInt16 nActFilt = 0; const SfxFilter* pFilt; for( pFilt = GetFactory().GetFilter( 0 ); pFilt && ( !pFilt->CanExport() || pFilt->IsInternal() ); pFilt = GetFactory().GetFilter( ++nActFilt ) ); DBG_ASSERT( pFilt, "Kein Filter zum Speichern" ); String aFilterName; if( pFilt ) aFilterName = pFilt->GetName(); SfxItemSet *pParams = new SfxAllItemSet( SFX_APP()->GetPool() ); SFX_REQUEST_ARG( (*pRequest), pFileNameItem, SfxStringItem, SID_FILE_NAME, sal_False ); if ( pRequest->GetArgs() ) pParams->Put( *pRequest->GetArgs() ); if ( !pFileNameItem ) { if(! bUrl ) { // get the filename by dialog ... // create the file dialog sfx2::FileDialogHelper aFileDlg( FILESAVE_AUTOEXTENSION_PASSWORD_FILTEROPTIONS, 0L, GetFactory() ); if ( HasName() ) { String aLastName = QueryTitle( SFX_TITLE_QUERY_SAVE_NAME_PROPOSAL ); const SfxFilter* pMedFilter = GetMedium()->GetFilter(); if( pImp->bSetStandardName && !IsTemplate() || !pMedFilter || !pMedFilter->CanExport() /*!!!|| pMedFilter->GetVersion() != SOFFICE_FILEFORMAT_CURRENT*/ ) { if( aLastName.Len() ) { String aPath( aLastName ); bool bWasAbsolute = FALSE; INetURLObject aObj( SvtPathOptions().GetWorkPath() ); aObj.setFinalSlash(); aObj = INetURLObject( aObj.RelToAbs( aPath, bWasAbsolute ) ); aObj.SetExtension( pFilt->GetDefaultExtension().Copy(2) ); aFileDlg.SetDisplayDirectory( aObj.GetMainURL( INetURLObject::NO_DECODE ) ); } aFileDlg.SetCurrentFilter( pFilt->GetName() ); } else { if( aLastName.Len() ) aFileDlg.SetDisplayDirectory( aLastName ); aFileDlg.SetCurrentFilter( pMedFilter->GetName() ); } } else { aFileDlg.SetDisplayDirectory( SvtPathOptions().GetWorkPath() ); } if ( aFileDlg.Execute( pParams, aFilterName ) != ERRCODE_NONE ) { SetError(ERRCODE_IO_ABORT); return sal_False; } // get the path from the dialog aURL.SetURL( aFileDlg.GetPath() ); // gibt es schon ein Doc mit dem Namen? if ( aURL.GetProtocol() != INET_PROT_NOT_VALID ) { SfxObjectShell* pDoc = 0; for ( SfxObjectShell* pTmp = SfxObjectShell::GetFirst(); pTmp && !pDoc; pTmp = SfxObjectShell::GetNext(*pTmp) ) { if( ( pTmp != this ) && pTmp->GetMedium() ) { INetURLObject aCompare( pTmp->GetMedium()->GetName() ); if ( aCompare == aURL ) pDoc = pTmp; } } if ( pDoc ) { // dann Fehlermeldeung: "schon offen" SetError(ERRCODE_SFX_ALREADYOPEN); return sal_False; } } // --**-- pParams->Put( *pDlg->GetItemSet() ); Reference< XFilePickerControlAccess > xExtFileDlg( aFileDlg.GetFilePicker(), UNO_QUERY ); if ( xExtFileDlg.is() ) { try { Any aValue = xExtFileDlg->getValue( ExtendedFilePickerElementIds::CHECKBOX_FILTEROPTIONS, 0 ); sal_Bool bSelectFilter = sal_False; aValue >>= bSelectFilter; pParams->Put( SfxBoolItem( SID_USE_FILTEROPTIONS, bSelectFilter ) ); } catch( IllegalArgumentException ){} } } else { SfxUrlDialog aDlg( 0 ); if( aDlg.Execute() == RET_OK ) aURL.SetURL( aDlg.GetUrl() ); else { SetError(ERRCODE_IO_ABORT); return sal_False; } } // Request mit Dateiname und Filter vervollst"andigen pRequest->AppendItem(SfxStringItem( SID_FILE_NAME, aURL.GetMainURL( INetURLObject::NO_DECODE )) ); pRequest->AppendItem(SfxStringItem( SID_FILTER_NAME, aFilterName)); const SfxPoolItem* pItem=0; pRequest->GetArgs()->GetItemState( SID_FILE_NAME, sal_False, &pItem ); pFileNameItem = PTR_CAST( SfxStringItem, pItem ); } // neuen Namen an der Object-Shell merken SfxSaveAsContext_Impl aSaveAsCtx( pImp->aNewName, aURL.GetMainURL( INetURLObject::NO_DECODE ) ); // now we can get the filename from the SfxRequest DBG_ASSERT( pRequest->GetArgs() != 0, "fehlerhafte Parameter"); SFX_REQUEST_ARG( (*pRequest), pSaveToItem, SfxBoolItem, SID_SAVETO, sal_False ); FASTBOOL bSaveTo = pSaveToItem ? pSaveToItem->GetValue() : sal_False; if ( !pFileNameItem && bSaveTo ) { // get the filename by dialog ... // create the file dialog sfx2::FileDialogHelper aFileDlg( FILESAVE_AUTOEXTENSION_PASSWORD, 0L, GetFactory() ); if ( aFileDlg.Execute( pParams, aFilterName ) != ERRCODE_NONE ) { SetError(ERRCODE_IO_ABORT); return sal_False; } // get the path from the dialog aURL.SetURL( aFileDlg.GetPath() ); } else if ( pFileNameItem ) { aURL.SetURL(((const SfxStringItem *)pFileNameItem)->GetValue() ); DBG_ASSERT( aURL.GetProtocol() != INET_PROT_NOT_VALID, "Illegal URL!" ); const SfxPoolItem* pFilterNameItem=0; const SfxItemState eState = pRequest->GetArgs()->GetItemState(SID_FILTER_NAME, sal_True, &pFilterNameItem); if ( SFX_ITEM_SET == eState ) { DBG_ASSERT(pFilterNameItem->IsA( TYPE(SfxStringItem) ), "Fehler Parameter"); aFilterName = ((const SfxStringItem *)pFilterNameItem)->GetValue(); } } else { SetError( ERRCODE_IO_INVALIDPARAMETER ); return sal_False; } const SfxFilter* pFilter = GetFactory().GetFilterContainer()->GetFilter( aFilterName ); if ( !pFilter ) { SetError( ERRCODE_IO_INVALIDPARAMETER ); return sal_False; } pImp->bPasswd = pParams && SFX_ITEM_SET == pParams->GetItemState(SID_PASSWORD); // unter gleichem Namen speichern? SfxMedium *pActMed = GetMedium(); const INetURLObject aActName(pActMed->GetName()); if ( aURL == aActName ) { if ( IsReadOnly() ) { SetError(ERRCODE_SFX_DOCUMENTREADONLY); return sal_False; } // gleicher Filter? -> Save() const SfxFilter *pFilter = pActMed->GetFilter(); if ( pFilter && pFilter->GetName() == aFilterName ) { pImp->bIsSaving=sal_False; if ( pParams ) { SfxItemSet* pSet = pMedium->GetItemSet(); pSet->ClearItem( SID_PASSWORD ); pSet->Put( *pParams ); } return DoSave_Impl(); } } if( aURL.HasError() ) { SetError( ERRCODE_IO_INVALIDPARAMETER ); return sal_False; } if ( SvtSaveOptions().IsSaveUnpacked() ) pParams->Put( SfxBoolItem( SID_PACK, FALSE ) ); if ( PreDoSaveAs_Impl(aURL.GetMainURL( INetURLObject::NO_DECODE ),aFilterName,pParams)) { pImp->bWaitingForPicklist = sal_True; if (!pImp->bSetStandardName) pImp->bDidWarnFormat=sal_False; // Muss !!! if ( IsOwnStorageFormat_Impl(*GetMedium())) { SetFileName( GetMedium()->GetPhysicalName() ); } return sal_True; } else return sal_False; } //------------------------------------------------------------------------- sal_Bool SfxObjectShell::PreDoSaveAs_Impl ( const String& rFileName, const String& aFilterName, SfxItemSet* pParams ) { // copy all items stored in the itemset of the current medium SfxAllItemSet* pMergedParams = new SfxAllItemSet( *pMedium->GetItemSet() ); // in "SaveAs" title and password will be cleared ( maybe the new itemset contains new values, otherwise they will be empty ) pMergedParams->ClearItem( SID_PASSWORD ); pMergedParams->ClearItem( SID_DOCINFO_TITLE ); // "SaveAs" will never store any version information - it's a complete new file ! pMergedParams->ClearItem( SID_VERSION ); // merge the new parameters into the copy // all values present in both itemsets will be overwritten by the new parameters if( pParams ) pMergedParams->Put( *pParams ); delete pParams; #ifdef DBG_UTIL if ( pMergedParams->GetItemState( SID_DOC_SALVAGE) >= SFX_ITEM_SET ) DBG_ERROR("Salvage item present in Itemset, check the parameters!"); #endif // should be unneccessary - too hot to handle! pMergedParams->ClearItem( SID_DOC_SALVAGE ); // take over the new merged itemset pParams = pMergedParams; // create a medium for the target URL SfxMedium *pNewFile = new SfxMedium( rFileName, STREAM_READWRITE | STREAM_SHARE_DENYWRITE, sal_False, 0, pParams ); // check if a "SaveTo" is wanted, no "SaveAs" SFX_ITEMSET_ARG( pParams, pSaveToItem, SfxBoolItem, SID_SAVETO, sal_False ); sal_Bool bCopyTo = GetCreateMode() == SFX_CREATE_MODE_EMBEDDED || pSaveToItem && pSaveToItem->GetValue(); // because saving a document modified its DocumentInfo, the current DocumentInfo must be saved on "SaveTo", because // it must be restored after saving SfxDocumentInfo aSavedInfo; if ( bCopyTo ) aSavedInfo = GetDocInfo(); // set filter; if no filter is given, take the default filter of the factory if ( aFilterName.Len() ) pNewFile->SetFilter( GetFactory(), aFilterName ); else pNewFile->SetFilter( GetFactory().GetFilterContainer()->GetFilter(0) ); // saving is alway done using a temporary file pNewFile->CreateTempFileNoCopy(); // some base URL stuff ( awful, but not avoidable ... ) const String aOldURL( INetURLObject::GetBaseURL() ); if( GetCreateMode() != SFX_CREATE_MODE_EMBEDDED ) if ( ShallSetBaseURL_Impl(*pNewFile) ) INetURLObject::SetBaseURL( pNewFile->GetName() ); else INetURLObject::SetBaseURL( String() ); // distinguish between "Save" and "SaveAs" pImp-> bIsSaving = sal_False; if ( IsOwnStorageFormat_Impl(*pNewFile) ) { // If the filter is a "cross export" filter ( f.e. a filter for exporting an impress document from // a draw document ), the ClassId of the destination storage is different from the ClassId of this // document. It can be retrieved from the default filter for the desired target format long nFormat = pNewFile->GetFilter()->GetFormat(); SfxFilterMatcher& rMatcher = SFX_APP()->GetFilterMatcher(); const SfxFilter *pFilt = rMatcher.GetFilter4ClipBoardId( nFormat ); if ( pFilt ) { if ( pFilt->GetFilterContainer() != pNewFile->GetFilter()->GetFilterContainer() ) pNewFile->GetStorage()->SetClass( SvFactory::GetServerName( nFormat ), nFormat, pFilt->GetTypeName() ); } } if ( GetMedium()->GetFilter() && ( GetMedium()->GetFilter()->GetFilterFlags() & SFX_FILTER_PACKED ) ) { SfxMedium *pMed = bCopyTo ? pMedium : pNewFile; pNewFile->SetError( GetMedium()->Unpack_Impl( pMed->GetPhysicalName() ) ); } // Save the document ( first as temporary file, then transfer to the target URL by committing the medium ) sal_Bool bOk = sal_False; if ( !pNewFile->GetErrorCode() && SaveTo_Impl( *pNewFile, NULL, TRUE ) ) { bOk = sal_True; // restore old BaseURL INetURLObject::SetBaseURL( aOldURL ); // transfer a possible error from the medium to the document SetError( pNewFile->GetErrorCode() ); // notify the document that saving was done successfully if ( !bCopyTo ) bOk = DoSaveCompleted( pNewFile ); if( bOk ) { if( !bCopyTo ) SetModified( sal_False ); } else { DBG_ASSERT( !bCopyTo, "Error while reconnecting to medium, can't be handled!"); SetError( pNewFile->GetErrorCode() ); if ( !bCopyTo ) { // reconnect to the old medium BOOL bRet = DoSaveCompleted( pMedium ); DBG_ASSERT( bRet, "Error in DoSaveCompleted, can't be handled!"); } DELETEZ( pNewFile ); } String aPasswd; if ( IsOwnStorageFormat_Impl( *GetMedium() ) && GetPasswd_Impl( GetMedium()->GetItemSet(), aPasswd ) ) GetMedium()->GetStorage()->SetKey( S2BS( aPasswd ) ); //!!! (pb) needs new implementation } else { INetURLObject::SetBaseURL( aOldURL ); SetError( pNewFile->GetErrorCode() ); // reconnect to the old storage if ( IsHandsOff() ) DoSaveCompleted( pMedium ); else DoSaveCompleted( (SvStorage*)0 ); } if( !bOk ) SetModified( sal_True ); if ( bCopyTo ) { // restore DocumentInfo if only a copy was created SfxDocumentInfo &rDocInfo = GetDocInfo(); rDocInfo = aSavedInfo; DELETEZ( pNewFile ); } return bOk; } //------------------------------------------------------------------------ sal_Bool SfxObjectShell::LoadFrom( SvStorage *pStor ) { #if SUPD<635 if (pStor->IsStream(SfxConfigManager::GetStreamName())) SetConfigManager (new SfxConfigManager( pStor, 0)); #else GetConfigManager(); #endif GetDocInfo().Load(pStor); return sal_True; } //------------------------------------------------------------------------- sal_Bool SfxObjectShell::CanReload_Impl() /* [Beschreibung] Interne Methode zum Feststellen, ob eine erneutes Laden des Dokuments (auch als RevertToSaved oder LastVersion bekannt) m"oglich ist. */ { const SfxMedium *pMedium = GetMedium(); const SfxFilter *pFilter = pMedium ? pMedium->GetFilter() : 0; return pMedium && HasName() && ( !pFilter || ! pFilter->GetFilterName().EqualsAscii( SFX_FILTER_DOWNLOAD ) ) && !IsInModalMode() && !Application::IsInModalMode() && !pImp->bForbidReload; // Fuer AutoLoad muss Reload immer enabled sein, also NICHT: // ( IsModified() || GetMedium()->IsRemote() } //------------------------------------------------------------------------- sal_Bool SfxObjectShell::LoadLayout() const { return pImp->bLoadLayout; } //------------------------------------------------------------------------- void SfxObjectShell::SetLoadLayout_Impl( sal_Bool bLoadLayout ) { pImp->bLoadLayout = bLoadLayout; } //------------------------------------------------------------------------- sal_Bool SfxObjectShell::IsInformationLost() { const SfxFilter *pFilt = GetMedium()->GetFilter(); return pFilt && pFilt->IsAlienFormat() && pImp->bDidDangerousSave && !(pFilt->GetFilterFlags() & SFX_FILTER_SILENTEXPORT); } sal_Bool SfxObjectShell::LoadOwnFormat( SfxMedium& rMedium ) { SvStorageRef xStor = rMedium.GetStorage(); if ( xStor.Is() ) { #if SUPD < 635 // Config if ( xStor->IsStream(SfxConfigManager::GetStreamName()) ) SetConfigManager (new SfxConfigManager( xStor, SFX_CFGMANAGER())); #endif if ( rMedium.GetFileVersion() ) xStor->SetVersion( rMedium.GetFileVersion() ); // Password SFX_ITEMSET_ARG( rMedium.GetItemSet(), pPasswdItem, SfxStringItem, SID_PASSWORD, sal_False ); SfxApplication *pApp = SFX_APP(); if ( pPasswdItem || ERRCODE_IO_ABORT != CheckPasswd_Impl( 0, pApp->GetPool(), pMedium ) ) { String aPasswd; if ( GetPasswd_Impl(pMedium->GetItemSet(), aPasswd) ) xStor->SetKey( S2BS( aPasswd ) ); //!!! (pb) needs new implementation // load document return Load( xStor ); } return sal_False; } else return sal_False; } sal_Bool SfxObjectShell::SaveAsOwnFormat( SfxMedium& rMedium ) { SvStorageRef xStor = rMedium.GetStorage(); if( xStor.Is() ) { ULONG nVersion = rMedium.GetFilter()->GetVersion(); xStor->SetVersion( nVersion ); // Initialize Basic GetBasicManager(); // Save dialog container if( nVersion >= 6200 ) { SfxDialogLibraryContainer* pDialogCont = pImp->pDialogLibContainer; if( pDialogCont ) pDialogCont->storeLibrariesToStorage( (SotStorage*)(SvStorage*)xStor ); SfxScriptLibraryContainer* pBasicCont = pImp->pBasicLibContainer; if( pBasicCont ) pBasicCont->storeLibrariesToStorage( (SotStorage*)(SvStorage*)xStor ); // Konfiguration schreiben if ( GetConfigManager() ) { /* //!MBA if ( rDocInfo.HasTemplateConfig() ) { const String aTemplFileName( rDocInfo.GetTemplateFileName() ); if ( aTemplFileName.Len() ) { INetURLObject aURL( aTemplFileName ); DBG_ASSERT( aURL.GetProtocol() != INET_PROT_NOT_VALID, "Illegal URL !" ); SvStorageRef aStor = new SvStorage( aURL.GetMainURL() ); if ( SVSTREAM_OK == aStor->GetError() ) { GetConfigManager()->StoreConfiguration(aStor); if (aRef->IsStream(SfxConfigManager::GetStreamName())) aRef->Remove(SfxConfigManager::GetStreamName()); } } } else */ { //! MBA GetConfigManager()->SetModified( TRUE ); SotStorageRef xCfgStor = pImp->pCfgMgr->GetConfigurationStorage( xStor ); if ( pImp->pCfgMgr->StoreConfiguration( xCfgStor ) ) xCfgStor->Commit(); } } } const SfxFilter* pFilter = rMedium.GetFilter(); return SaveAs( xStor ); } else return sal_False; } void SfxObjectShell::AddXMLAsZipToTheStorage( SvStorage& rRoot ) { static struct _ObjExpType { sal_Bool (SvtAddXMLToStorageOptions:: *fnIsAdd)() const; const sal_Char* pModuleNm; // GlobalNameId UINT32 n1; USHORT n2, n3; BYTE b8, b9, b10, b11, b12, b13, b14, b15; } aArr[] = { { &SvtAddXMLToStorageOptions::IsWriter_Add_XML_to_Storage, "Writer", SO3_SW_CLASSID_50 }, { &SvtAddXMLToStorageOptions::IsCalc_Add_XML_to_Storage, "Calc", SO3_SC_CLASSID_50 }, { &SvtAddXMLToStorageOptions::IsImpress_Add_XML_to_Storage, "Impress", SO3_SIMPRESS_CLASSID_50 }, { &SvtAddXMLToStorageOptions::IsDraw_Add_XML_to_Storage, "Draw", SO3_SDRAW_CLASSID_50 }, { 0 } }; for( const _ObjExpType* pArr = aArr; pArr->fnIsAdd; ++pArr ) { SvGlobalName aGlbNm( pArr->n1, pArr->n2, pArr->n3, pArr->b8, pArr->b9, pArr->b10, pArr->b11, pArr->b12, pArr->b13, pArr->b14, pArr->b15 ); if( *GetSvFactory() == aGlbNm ) { // 1. check if the option is set and unequal 0 or is not set SvtAddXMLToStorageOptions aOpt; if( (aOpt.*pArr->fnIsAdd)() ) { // the flag is set String sStr; sStr.AssignAscii( "StarOffice XML (" ); sStr.AppendAscii( pArr->pModuleNm ); sStr += ')'; // 2. exist the XML filter? "StarOffice XML ()"? const SfxFilter* pFilter = GetFactory().GetFilterContainer()-> GetFilter4FilterName( sStr ); if( pFilter ) { ::utl::TempFile aTempFile; SfxMedium aTmpMed( aTempFile.GetURL(), STREAM_READ | STREAM_WRITE, TRUE ); aTmpMed.SetFilter( pFilter ); if( ConvertTo( aTmpMed ) ) { SvStorage* pXMLStor = aTmpMed.GetStorage(); if( pXMLStor ) { const String aContent( String::CreateFromAscii( "Content" ) ); const String aContentXML( String::CreateFromAscii( "Content.xml" ) ); const String aXMLFormatName( String::CreateFromAscii( "XMLFormat2" ) ); String aContentName; if( pXMLStor->IsContained( aContentXML ) ) aContentName = aContentXML; else if( pXMLStor->IsContained( aContent ) ) aContentName = aContent; if( aContentName.Len() ) { SvStorageStreamRef xOStm( rRoot.OpenStream( aXMLFormatName, STREAM_WRITE | STREAM_TRUNC ) ); SvStorageStreamRef xIStm( pXMLStor->OpenStream( aContentName, STREAM_READ | STREAM_NOCREATE ) ); if( xOStm.Is() && xIStm.Is() ) { ZCodec aCodec; xIStm->Seek( 0 ); aCodec.BeginCompression( ZCODEC_BEST_COMPRESSION ); aCodec.Compress( *xIStm, *xOStm ); aCodec.EndCompression(); xOStm->Commit(); } } } } } } // that's all break; } } }