/************************************************************************* * * $RCSfile: view.src,v $ * * $Revision: 1.10 $ * * last change: $Author: obo $ $Date: 2001-03-09 20:25:05 $ * * The Contents of this file are made available subject to the terms of * either of the following licenses * * - GNU Lesser General Public License Version 2.1 * - Sun Industry Standards Source License Version 1.1 * * Sun Microsystems Inc., October, 2000 * * GNU Lesser General Public License Version 2.1 * ============================================= * Copyright 2000 by Sun Microsystems, Inc. * 901 San Antonio Road, Palo Alto, CA 94303, USA * * This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or * modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public * License version 2.1, as published by the Free Software Foundation. * * This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU * Lesser General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public * License along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software * Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, * MA 02111-1307 USA * * * Sun Industry Standards Source License Version 1.1 * ================================================= * The contents of this file are subject to the Sun Industry Standards * Source License Version 1.1 (the "License"); You may not use this file * except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of the * License at http://www.openoffice.org/license.html. * * Software provided under this License is provided on an "AS IS" basis, * WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EITHER EXPRESSED OR IMPLIED, INCLUDING, * WITHOUT LIMITATION, WARRANTIES THAT THE SOFTWARE IS FREE OF DEFECTS, * MERCHANTABLE, FIT FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE, OR NON-INFRINGING. * See the License for the specific provisions governing your rights and * obligations concerning the Software. * * The Initial Developer of the Original Code is: Sun Microsystems, Inc. * * Copyright: 2000 by Sun Microsystems, Inc. * * All Rights Reserved. * * Contributor(s): _______________________________________ * * ************************************************************************/ // include --------------------------------------------------------------- #include "view.hrc" #include "sfx.hrc" #include "helpid.hrc" #include "sfxlocal.hrc" // Strings --------------------------------------------------------------- String STR_NODEFPRINTER { TEXT = "Kein Standarddrucker gefunden.\nBitte whlen Sie einen Drucker aus und versuchen Sie es noch einmal." ; TEXT [ English ] = "No default printer found.\nPlease choose a printer and try again." ; TEXT [ norwegian ] = "Ingen standardskriver funnet.\nVelg en skriver og prv igjen." ; TEXT [ italian ] = "Stampante predefinita non trovata.\nScegliere una stampante e riprovare." ; TEXT [ portuguese_brazilian ] = "Nenhuma impressora padr o encontrada.\nEscolha uma impressora e tente novamente." ; TEXT [ portuguese ] = "Nenhuma impressora padro encontrada.\nEscolha uma impressora e tente novamente." ; TEXT [ finnish ] = "Oletuskirjoitinta ei lydy.\nValitse kirjoitin ja yrit uudelleen." ; TEXT [ danish ] = "Der blev ikke fundet nogen standardprinter.\nVlg venligst en printer og prv igen." ; TEXT [ french ] = "Impossible de dtecter l'imprimante par dfaut.\nVeuillez slectionner une imprimante et recommencer." ; TEXT [ swedish ] = "Ingen standardskrivare hittades.\nVlj en skrivare och frsk igen." ; TEXT [ dutch ] = "Geen standaardprinter gevonden.\nKies een printer en probeer nogmaals." ; TEXT [ spanish ] = "No se encontr ninguna impresora predeterminada.\nSeleccione por favor una impresora e intntelo nuevamente." ; TEXT [ english_us ] = "No default printer found.\nPlease choose a printer and try again." ; TEXT[ chinese_simplified ] = "ûҵĬϴӡ\nѡһӡȻԴӡ"; TEXT[ russian ] = " .\n, , ."; TEXT[ polish ] = "Nie znaleziono drukarki domylnej.\nProsz wybra drukark i sprbowa jeszcze raz."; TEXT[ japanese ] = "W܂łB\nI ēx݂ĂB"; TEXT[ chinese_traditional ] = "Sq{LC\nпܤ@ӦLMMAզCLC"; TEXT[ language_user1 ] = " "; TEXT[ greek ] = " .\n ."; TEXT[ korean ] = "⺻ ã ߽ϴ. \n , õϽʽÿ."; TEXT[ arabic ] = " . "; TEXT[ turkish ] = "Standart yazc bulunamad.\nBir yazc seip yeniden deneyin."; }; String STR_NOSTARTPRINTER { TEXT = "Der Drucker konnte nicht gestartet werden.\nBitte berprfen Sie Ihre Druckerkonfiguration." ; TEXT [ English ] = "Could not start printer.\nPlease check your printer configuration." ; TEXT [ norwegian ] = "Kan ikke starte skriver.\nKontroller skriverkonfigurasjonen" ; TEXT [ italian ] = "Impossibile avviare la stampante.\nVerificare la configurazione della stampante." ; TEXT [ portuguese_brazilian ] = "No consegui iniciar a impressora.\nVerifique a configurao da impressora." ; TEXT [ portuguese ] = "Foi impossvel iniciar a impressora.\nPor favor, verifique a configurao da impressora." ; TEXT [ finnish ] = "Kirjoitinta ei voi kynnist.\nTarkista kirjoittimen asetukset." ; TEXT [ danish ] = "Det var ikke muligt at starte printeren.\nKontroller venligst din printerkonfiguration." ; TEXT [ french ] = "Dmarrage de l'imprimante impossible.\nVeuillez contrler le branchement de l'imprimante." ; TEXT [ swedish ] = "Det gick inte att starta skrivaren.\nKontrollera skrivarkonfigurationen." ; TEXT [ dutch ] = "Printer kon niet worden gestart.\nControleer de configuratie van uw printer." ; TEXT [ spanish ] = "No se puede iniciar la impresora.\nPor favor verifique la configuracin de su impresora." ; TEXT [ english_us ] = "Could not start printer.\nPlease check your printer configuration." ; TEXT[ chinese_simplified ] = "ӡ\nӡá"; TEXT[ russian ] = " .\n, , ."; TEXT[ polish ] = "Drukarki nie mona byo uruchomi.\nSprawd prosz konfiguracj drukarki."; TEXT[ japanese ] = "͈Jnł܂łB\nհްݒĉB"; TEXT[ chinese_traditional ] = "LkҰʦLC\nˬdLtmC"; TEXT[ greek ] = " .\n ."; TEXT[ korean ] = "Ͱ ۵ ʾҽϴ.\nͱ ˻Ͻʽÿ."; TEXT[ arabic ] = " . \n ."; TEXT[ turkish ] = "Yazc altrlamad.\nYazc konfigrasyonunu kontrol edin."; TEXT[ language_user1 ] = " "; }; String STR_PRINTER_NOTAVAIL { TEXT = "Das Dokument wurde fr den Drucker $1 formatiert. Der Drucker ist nicht vorhanden.\nSoll der Standarddrucker $2 verwendet werden?" ; TEXT [ ENGLISH ] = "This document was previously formatted for the printer $1, but that printer is not available.\nUse default printer $2?" ; TEXT [ norwegian ] = "Dette dokumentet ble formatert for skriveren " ; TEXT [ italian ] = "Questo documento era stato formattato in precedenza per la stampante $1. La stampante, per, non esiste.\nUsare la stampante predefinita $2?" ; TEXT [ portuguese_brazilian ] = "Este documento foi formatado anterior para a impressora" ; TEXT [ portuguese ] = "O documento foi formatado para a impressora $1. A impressora no est disponvel.\nUsar a impressora padro $2?" ; TEXT [ finnish ] = "Tm asiakirja on aiemmin muotoiltu kirjoittimelle " ; TEXT [ danish ] = "Dette dokument er formateret til printeren $1. Denne printer er ikke tilgngelig.\nVil du bruge standardprinteren $2?" ; TEXT [ french ] = "Ce document a t mis en page pour l'imprimante $1. L'imprimante n'est pas disponible.\nUtiliser $2 comme imprimante par dfaut ?" ; TEXT [ swedish ] = "Dokumentet har formaterats fr skrivaren $1. Denna skrivare r inte tillgnglig.\nSkall standardskrivaren $2 anvndas?" ; TEXT [ dutch ] = "Dit document is opgemaakt voor printer $1. Deze printer is niet voorhanden.\nWilt u de standaardprinter $2 gebruiken?" ; TEXT [ spanish ] = "Este documento se ha formateado para la impresora $1, pero esta no est disponible.\nDesea usar la impresora predeterminada $2?" ; TEXT [ english_us ] = "This document has been formatted for the printer $1. The specified printer is not available. \nDo you want to use the standard printer $2 ?" ; TEXT[ chinese_simplified ] = "ĵʽרΪӡ $1 趨ġ\nӡڡҪʹĬϴӡ $2 "; TEXT[ russian ] = " $1. .\n $2?"; TEXT[ polish ] = "Dokument zosta sformatowany dla drukarki $1. Drukarki tego typu brak.\nUy drukarki domylnej $2?"; TEXT[ japanese ] = "Ă $1pɏݒ肳܂B͂܂B\nW $2gpĂ낵ł傤?"; TEXT[ chinese_traditional ] = "oӤ榡OML $1 ]wC\nOoӦLsbCznϥq{L $2 H"; TEXT[ greek ] = " $1. \n. $2 ;"; TEXT[ korean ] = " $1 ˵Ǿϴ. Ͱ ϴ. \n⺻ $2 () Ͻðڽϱ?"; TEXT[ arabic ] = " $1. .\n $2"; TEXT[ turkish ] = "Belge, $1 yazcs iin formatland. Belirtilen yazc bulunamad.\nStandart yazc $2 kullanlsn m?"; TEXT[ language_user1 ] = " "; }; String STR_MENU_NEWMAIL { Text = "N~eue Nachricht" ; Text [ English ] = "New ~Mail" ; Text [ dutch ] = "Nieuw ~bericht" ; Text [ english_us ] = "New ~Mail" ; Text [ italian ] = "Nuovo ~messaggio" ; Text [ spanish ] = "Nuevo ~mensaje" ; Text [ french ] = "Nouveau ~message" ; Text [ swedish ] = "Nytt m~eddelande" ; Text [ danish ] = "Ny meddelelse" ; Text [ portuguese ] = "No~va mensagem" ; Text [ portuguese_brazilian ] = "N~eue Nachricht" ; Text[ chinese_simplified ] = "½ʼ(~M)"; Text[ russian ] = " "; Text[ polish ] = "Nowa wiadomo"; Text[ japanese ] = "Vү(~M)"; Text[ chinese_traditional ] = "sqll(~M)"; Text[ greek ] = " "; Text[ korean ] = " (~M)"; Text[ arabic ] = " "; Text[ turkish ] = "Y~eni ileti"; Text[ language_user1 ] = " "; }; String STR_PRINT_OPTIONS { Text = "Zustze..." ; Text [ ENGLISH ] = "Options..." ; Text [ norwegian ] = "Valg..." ; Text [ italian ] = "Opzioni..." ; Text [ portuguese_brazilian ] = "Opes..." ; Text [ portuguese ] = "Opes..." ; Text [ finnish ] = "Mritykset..." ; Text [ danish ] = "Flere..." ; Text [ french ] = "Options..." ; Text [ swedish ] = "Fler..." ; Text [ dutch ] = "Overige..." ; Text [ spanish ] = "Opciones..." ; Text [ english_us ] = "Options..." ; Text[ chinese_simplified ] = "..."; Text[ russian ] = "..."; Text[ polish ] = "Dodatki"; Text[ japanese ] = "..."; Text[ chinese_traditional ] = "L..."; Text[ greek ] = "..."; Text[ korean ] = "ɼ..."; Text[ arabic ] = "..."; Text[ turkish ] = "Seenekler..."; Text[ language_user1 ] = " "; }; String STR_PRINT_OPTIONS_TITLE { Text = "Drucker Zustze" ; Text [ ENGLISH ] = "Printer Options" ; Text [ norwegian ] = "Skriveralternativer" ; Text [ italian ] = "Opzioni stampante" ; Text [ portuguese_brazilian ] = "Opes de Impressora" ; Text [ portuguese ] = "Opes de impresso" ; Text [ finnish ] = "Kirjoittimen asetukset" ; Text [ danish ] = "Printerindstillinger" ; Text [ french ] = "Options d'impression" ; Text [ swedish ] = "Skrivaralternativ" ; Text [ dutch ] = "Printeropties" ; Text [ spanish ] = "Opciones de impresin" ; Text [ english_us ] = "Printer Options" ; Text[ chinese_simplified ] = "ӡ "; Text[ russian ] = " "; Text[ polish ] = "Opcje drukarki"; Text[ japanese ] = "̵"; Text[ chinese_traditional ] = "L L"; Text[ greek ] = " "; Text[ korean ] = " ɼ"; Text[ arabic ] = " "; Text[ turkish ] = "Yazc seenekleri"; Text[ language_user1 ] = " "; }; String STR_ERROR_PRINTER_BUSY { Text = "Drucker bereits in Betrieb" ; Text [ ENGLISH ] = "Printer busy" ; Text [ norwegian ] = "Skriver opptatt" ; Text [ italian ] = "stampante occupata" ; Text [ portuguese_brazilian ] = "Impressora ocupada" ; Text [ portuguese ] = "Impressora ocupada" ; Text [ finnish ] = "Kirjoitin varattu" ; Text [ danish ] = "Printeren er optaget" ; Text [ french ] = "Imprimante occupe" ; Text [ swedish ] = "Skrivaren r upptagen" ; Text [ dutch ] = "Printer bezig" ; Text [ spanish ] = "Impresora ocupada" ; Text [ english_us ] = "Printer busy" ; Text[ chinese_simplified ] = "ӡæµ"; Text[ russian ] = " "; Text[ polish ] = "Drukarka ju pracuje"; Text[ japanese ] = "͋NłB"; Text[ chinese_traditional ] = "LwgB@"; Text[ greek ] = " "; Text[ korean ] = " ̹ ۵"; Text[ arabic ] = " "; Text[ turkish ] = "Yazc u an kullanlyor"; Text[ language_user1 ] = " "; }; String STR_ERROR_PRINT { Text = "Fehler beim Drucken" ; Text [ ENGLISH ] = "Error while printing" ; Text [ norwegian ] = "Feil ved utskrift" ; Text [ italian ] = "Errore durante la stampa" ; Text [ portuguese_brazilian ] = "Erro ao imprimir" ; Text [ portuguese ] = "Erro ao imprimir" ; Text [ finnish ] = "Tulostusvirhe" ; Text [ danish ] = "Fejl ved udskrivning" ; Text [ french ] = "Erreur lors de l'impression" ; Text [ swedish ] = "Fel vid utskrift" ; Text [ dutch ] = "Fout bij afdrukken" ; Text [ spanish ] = "Error al imprimir" ; Text [ english_us ] = "Error while printing" ; Text[ chinese_simplified ] = "ӡ"; Text[ russian ] = " "; Text[ polish ] = "Bd podczas drukowania"; Text[ japanese ] = "ɴװ܂B"; Text[ chinese_traditional ] = "CL~"; Text[ greek ] = " "; Text[ korean ] = "μ "; Text[ arabic ] = " "; Text[ turkish ] = "Yazdrma hatas"; Text[ language_user1 ] = " "; }; String STR_PRINTING { Text = "Drucke" ; Text [ ENGLISH ] = "Printing" ; Text [ norwegian ] = "Printing" ; Text [ italian ] = "Stampa" ; Text [ portuguese_brazilian ] = "Impresso" ; Text [ portuguese ] = "A imprimir" ; Text [ finnish ] = "Tulostus" ; Text [ danish ] = "Udskriver" ; Text [ french ] = "Impression en cours" ; Text [ swedish ] = "Skriver ut" ; Text [ dutch ] = "Bezig met afdrukken" ; Text [ spanish ] = "Imprimiendo" ; Text [ english_us ] = "Printing" ; Text[ chinese_simplified ] = "ڴӡ"; Text[ russian ] = ""; Text[ polish ] = "Drukuj"; Text[ japanese ] = ""; Text[ chinese_traditional ] = "bCL"; Text[ greek ] = ""; Text[ korean ] = "μ"; Text[ arabic ] = ""; Text[ turkish ] = "Yazdr"; Text[ language_user1 ] = " "; }; String STR_PAGE { Text = "Seite " ; Text [ English ] = "Page " ; Text [ norwegian ] = "Side " ; Text [ italian ] = "Pagina " ; Text [ portuguese_brazilian ] = "Pgina " ; Text [ portuguese ] = "Pgina " ; Text [ finnish ] = "Sivu " ; Text [ danish ] = "Side " ; Text [ french ] = "Page " ; Text [ swedish ] = "Sida " ; Text [ dutch ] = "Pagina " ; Text [ spanish ] = "Pgina " ; Text [ english_us ] = "Page " ; Text[ chinese_simplified ] = "ҳ "; Text[ russian ] = " "; Text[ polish ] = "Strona "; Text[ japanese ] = "߰ "; Text[ chinese_traditional ] = " "; Text[ greek ] = " "; Text[ korean ] = " "; Text[ arabic ] = " "; Text[ turkish ] = "Sayfa "; Text[ language_user1 ] = " "; }; String STR_MDIFRAME_INTERFACE { Text = "MDI-Fenster" ; Text [ English ] = "MDI Window" ; Text [ norwegian ] = "MDI Window" ; Text [ italian ] = "Finestra MDI" ; Text [ portuguese_brazilian ] = "Janela MDI" ; Text [ portuguese ] = "Janela MDI" ; Text [ finnish ] = "MDI-ikkuna" ; Text [ danish ] = "MDI-vindue" ; Text [ french ] = "Fentre MDI" ; Text [ swedish ] = "MDI-fnster" ; Text [ dutch ] = "MDI-venster" ; Text [ spanish ] = "Ventana MDI" ; Text [ english_us ] = "MDI Window" ; Text[ chinese_simplified ] = "MDI-Ӵ"; Text[ russian ] = " MDI"; Text[ polish ] = "Okno MDI"; Text[ japanese ] = "MDI "; Text[ chinese_traditional ] = "MDI "; Text[ greek ] = " MDI"; Text[ korean ] = "MDI â"; Text[ arabic ] = " MDI"; Text[ turkish ] = "MDI penceresi"; Text[ language_user1 ] = " "; }; String STR_ERROR_SAVE_TEMPLATE { Text = "Fehler beim Schreiben der Vorlage " ; Text [ English ] = "Error writing template " ; Text [ norwegian ] = "Feil ved skriving av mal " ; Text [ italian ] = "Errore durante la scrittura del modello " ; Text [ portuguese_brazilian ] = "Erro ao gravar o modelo " ; Text [ portuguese ] = "Erro ao gravar o modelo " ; Text [ finnish ] = "Virhe kirjoitettaessa mallia " ; Text [ danish ] = "Fejl under skrivning af skabelon " ; Text [ french ] = "Erreur lors de l'criture du modle " ; Text [ swedish ] = "Fel vid skrivning av mall " ; Text [ dutch ] = "Fout bij schrijven van sjabloon " ; Text [ spanish ] = "Error al grabar la plantilla " ; Text [ english_us ] = "Error saving template " ; Text[ chinese_simplified ] = "дʽʱ "; Text[ russian ] = " "; Text[ polish ] = "Bd przy zapisywaniu szablonu "; Text[ japanese ] = "ڰĂ̏ݎ̴װ "; Text[ chinese_traditional ] = "gJ˦ɵoͤ@ӿ~ "; Text[ greek ] = " "; Text[ korean ] = " "; Text[ arabic ] = " "; Text[ turkish ] = "ablon hazrlamada hata "; Text[ language_user1 ] = " "; }; String STR_READONLY { Text = " (schreibgeschtzt)" ; Text [ English ] = " (read only)" ; Text [ norwegian ] = " (skrivebeskyttet)" ; Text [ italian ] = "(sola lettura)" ; Text [ portuguese_brazilian ] = "(s leitura)" ; Text [ portuguese ] = "(s leitura)" ; Text [ finnish ] = " (vain luku)" ; Text [ danish ] = "(skrivebeskyttet)" ; Text [ french ] = "(en lecture seule)" ; Text [ swedish ] = "(skrivskyddad)" ; Text [ dutch ] = "(alleen lezen)" ; Text [ spanish ] = "(solo lectura)" ; Text [ english_us ] = " (read-only)" ; Text[ chinese_simplified ] = "(д)"; Text[ russian ] = "( )"; Text[ polish ] = "(tylko do odczytu)"; Text[ japanese ] = "(ǂݎp)"; Text[ chinese_traditional ] = "(Ū)"; Text[ greek ] = "( )"; Text[ korean ] = "( ȣ)"; Text[ arabic ] = "( )"; Text[ turkish ] = "(salt okunur)"; Text[ language_user1 ] = " "; }; String STR_PRINT_NEWORI { Text = "Sie haben die Seitenorientierungseinstellung gendert.\nSollen die genderten Einstellungen in das Dokument\nbernommen werden?" ; Text [ English ] = "You have changed the page orientation.\nWould you like your changes to be saved\nin the document?" ; Text [ dutch ] = "U heeft de instelling van de pagina-orintatie veranderd.\nWilt u de nieuwe instellingen overnemen in uw document?" ; Text [ english_us ] = "The page orientation has been modified.\nShould the new settings be saved \nin the active document?" ; Text [ italian ] = " stata cambiata l'orientazione della pagina.\nTrasferire le impostazioni cambiate nel documento?" ; Text [ spanish ] = "La orientacin de la pgina ha sido modificada.\nDesea aplicar las modificaciones al documento\n actual?" ; Text [ french ] = "Vous avez modifi l'orientation de page.\nVoulez-vous enregistrer\n les modifications de paramtres pour le document ?" ; Text [ swedish ] = "Du har ndrat instllningen av sidorienteringen.\nSka de ndrade instllningarna\nvertas till dokumentet?" ; Text [ danish ] = "Indstillingerne for sideretningen er blevet ndret.\nSkal ndringerne overtages i dokumentet?" ; Text [ portuguese_brazilian ] = "Sie haben die Seitenorientierungseinstellung gendert.\nSollen die genderten Einstellungen in das Dokument\nbernommen werden?" ; Text [ portuguese ] = "Voc modificou a orientao da pgina.\nDeseja aplicar as novas definies\nao documento activo?" ; Text[ chinese_simplified ] = "ҳ趨\nĵҪոĵ趨"; Text[ russian ] = " .\n \n ?"; Text[ polish ] = "Zmienie ustawienia strony.\nCzy te zmienione ustawienia maj zosta \nzapisane w dokumencie?"; Text[ japanese ] = "߰ޕ̐ݒ肪ύXĂ܂B\nύXꂽݒ݂Ă\nKp܂?"; Text[ chinese_traditional ] = "zܧF]wC\noӤɮMܧ]wS"; Text[ greek ] = " .\n \n ;"; Text[ korean ] = " ⼳ Ǿϴ.\n Ͻðڽϱ?"; Text[ arabic ] = " .\n \n Ͽ"; Text[ turkish ] = "Sayfa duru ayarn deitirdiniz.\nDeitirilen ayar\nbelgede kullanlsn m?"; Text[ language_user1 ] = " "; }; String STR_PRINT_NEWSIZE { Text = "Sie haben die Seitengre gendert.\nSollen die genderten Einstellungen in das\nDokument bernommen werden?" ; Text [ English ] = "You have changed the page size.\nWould you like your changes to be saved\nin the document?" ; Text [ english_us ] = "The page size has been modified.\nShould the new settings be saved\nin the active document?" ; Text [ italian ] = "Sono state modificate le dimensioni della pagina.\nTrasferire le impostazioni cambiate nel documento?" ; Text [ spanish ] = "El tamao de la pgina se ha modificado.\nDesea aplicar las modificaciones al documento\nactual?" ; Text [ french ] = "Vous avez modifi le format de la page.\nVoulez-vous enregistrer les paramtres modifis dans le \ndocument?" ; Text [ dutch ] = "U heeft het paginaformaat veranderd.\nWilt u deze verandering in uw\ndocument overnemen?" ; Text [ swedish ] = "Du har ndrat sidstorleken.\nSka de ndrade instllningarna\nvertas till dokumentet?" ; Text [ danish ] = "Sidestrrelsen er blevet ndret.\nSkal ndringerne overtages i dokumentet?" ; Text [ portuguese_brazilian ] = "Sie haben die Seitengre gendert.\nSollen die genderten Einstellungen in das\nDokument bernommen werden?" ; Text [ portuguese ] = "Voc modificou o tamanho da pgina.\n Deseja aplicar as novas definies \nao documento activo?" ; Text[ chinese_simplified ] = "ѾҳС\nĵҪ趨"; Text[ russian ] = " .\n \n ?"; Text[ polish ] = "Zmienie rozmiar strony. \nCzy zmiany maj zosta zapisane \nw aktywnym dokumencie?"; Text[ japanese ] = "߰ ނύXĂ܂B\nύXꂽݒ݂Ă\nKp܂?"; Text[ chinese_traditional ] = "zwgܧFjpC\nĥγoӳ]wH"; Text[ greek ] = " .\n ;"; Text[ korean ] = " ũⰡ Ǿϴ.\n Ͻðڽϱ?"; Text[ arabic ] = " .\n Ͽ"; Text[ turkish ] = "Sayfa boyutunu deitirdiniz.\nDeitirilen ayarlar\nbelgede kullanlsn m?"; Text[ language_user1 ] = " "; }; String STR_PRINT_NEWORISIZE { Text = "Sie haben die Seitengre und die\nSeitenorientierung gendert. Sollen\ndie genderten Einstellungen in das\nDokument bernommen werden?" ; Text [ English ] = "You have changed the page size. and\nthe page orientation. Would you like\nyour changes to be saved in the document?" ; Text [ dutch ] = "U heeft het paginaformaat en de\npagina-orintering veranderd. Wilt u\nde veranderingen in het\ndocument overnemen?" ; Text [ english_us ] = "The page size and orientation have been modified\n. Would you like to save the new settings in the\nactive document?" ; Text [ italian ] = "Sia le dimensioni della pagina che l'orientamento sono stati cambiati.\nTrasferire le impostazioni\ncambiate nel documento?" ; Text [ spanish ] = "El tamao y orientacin de la pgina se han modificado\n. Desea aplicar las modificaciones al\ndocumento actual?" ; Text [ french ] = "Vous avez chang le format et l'\norientation\n de la page. Voulez-vous enregistrer les paramtres modifis\n dans le \ndocument?" ; Text [ swedish ] = "Du har ndrat sidstorleken och\nsidorienteringen.Ska\nde ndrade instllningarna vertas\ntill dokumentet?" ; Text [ danish ] = "Sidestrrelsen og sideretningen er blevet ndret.\nSkal ndringerne overtages i dokumentet?" ; Text [ portuguese_brazilian ] = "Sie haben die Seitengre und die\nSeitenorientierung gendert. Sollen\ndie genderten Einstellungen in das\nDokument bernommen werden?" ; Text [ portuguese ] = "Voc modificou o tamanho e a orientao da pgina.\n Deseja aplicar as novas definies\nao documento activo?" ; Text[ chinese_simplified ] = "ѾҳСҳ淽\nĵҪЩ"; Text[ russian ] = " \n. \n \n ?"; Text[ polish ] = "Zmienie rozmiar strony i \norientacj strony. Czy nowe ustawienia \nmaj zosta zapisane \nw aktywnym dokumencie?"; Text[ japanese ] = "߰ ނ\n߰ޕύXĂ܂\nύXꂽݒ݂Ă\nKp܂?"; Text[ chinese_traditional ] = "zwgܧjpMVC\nznĥγoܧH"; Text[ greek ] = " \n .\n \n ;"; Text[ korean ] = " ũ \n Ǿϴ. Ͻðڽϱ?"; Text[ arabic ] = " .\n Ͽ"; Text[ turkish ] = "Sayfa boyutunu ve sayfa duruunu deitirdiniz. Deitirilen\n ayarlar\nbelgede kullanlsn m?"; Text[ language_user1 ] = " "; }; String STR_PLUGINVIEW { Text = "PlugInView" ; }; String STR_FRAMESETVIEW { Text = "FrameSetView" ; }; String STR_GENERICVIEW { Text = "GenericView" ; }; String RID_EXPLORERTOOLSTOOLBOX { Text = "Desktopwerkzeugleiste" ; Text [ English ] = "Desktop Toolbar" ; Text [ English_US ] = "Desktop Toolbar" ; Text [ portuguese ] = "Barra de ferramentas do Desktop" ; Text [ portuguese_brazilian ] = "Desktopwerkzeugleiste" ; Text [ swedish ] = "Desktopverktygslist" ; Text [ danish ] = "Desktop-vrktjslinje" ; Text [ italian ] = "Barra degli strumenti del desktop" ; Text [ spanish ] = "Barra de herramientas del escritorio" ; Text [ french ] = "Barre d'instruments Desktop" ; Text [ dutch ] = "Werktuigbalk Desktop" ; Text[ chinese_simplified ] = "湤"; Text[ russian ] = " "; Text[ polish ] = "Pasek narzdzi pulpitu"; Text[ japanese ] = "į߂̕W°ް"; Text[ chinese_traditional ] = "ୱuC"; Text[ greek ] = " Desktop"; Text[ korean ] = "ȭ "; Text[ arabic ] = " "; Text[ turkish ] = "Masast ara ubuu"; Text[ language_user1 ] = " "; }; String STR_PREVIEW_DOCINFO { Text = "