/* -*- Mode: C++; tab-width: 4; indent-tabs-mode: nil; c-basic-offset: 4 -*- */ /* * This file is part of the LibreOffice project. * * This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public * License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this * file, You can obtain one at http://mozilla.org/MPL/2.0/. * * This file incorporates work covered by the following license notice: * * Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one or more * contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file distributed * with this work for additional information regarding copyright * ownership. The ASF licenses this file to you under the Apache * License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may not use this file * except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of * the License at http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 . */ #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include using namespace ::com::sun::star; using namespace ::com::sun::star::uno; using namespace ::com::sun::star::ucb; using namespace ::com::sun::star::frame; using namespace ::com::sun::star::lang; using ::com::sun::star::awt::XWindow; using ::com::sun::star::beans::PropertyValue; using ::com::sun::star::document::XViewDataSupplier; using ::com::sun::star::container::XIndexContainer; // Due to ViewFrame::Current #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include "viewimp.hxx" #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include "impviewframe.hxx" #include #define SfxViewFrame #include #undef SfxViewFrame SFX_IMPL_SUPERCLASS_INTERFACE(SfxViewFrame,SfxShell) void SfxViewFrame::InitInterface_Impl() { GetStaticInterface()->RegisterChildWindow(SID_BROWSER); GetStaticInterface()->RegisterChildWindow(SID_RECORDING_FLOATWINDOW); #if HAVE_FEATURE_DESKTOP GetStaticInterface()->RegisterObjectBar(SFX_OBJECTBAR_FULLSCREEN, SfxVisibilityFlags::FullScreen, ToolbarId::FullScreenToolbox); GetStaticInterface()->RegisterObjectBar(SFX_OBJECTBAR_APPLICATION, SfxVisibilityFlags::Standard, ToolbarId::EnvToolbox); #endif } namespace { /// Asks the user if editing a read-only document is really wanted. class SfxEditDocumentDialog : public weld::MessageDialogController { private: std::unique_ptr m_xEditDocument; std::unique_ptr m_xCancel; public: SfxEditDocumentDialog(weld::Widget* pParent); }; SfxEditDocumentDialog::SfxEditDocumentDialog(weld::Widget* pParent) : MessageDialogController(pParent, "sfx/ui/editdocumentdialog.ui", "EditDocumentDialog") , m_xEditDocument(m_xBuilder->weld_button("edit")) , m_xCancel(m_xBuilder->weld_button("cancel")) { } class SfxQueryOpenAsTemplate { private: std::unique_ptr m_xQueryBox; public: SfxQueryOpenAsTemplate(weld::Window* pParent, bool bAllowIgnoreLock) : m_xQueryBox(Application::CreateMessageDialog(pParent, VclMessageType::Question, VclButtonsType::NONE, SfxResId(bAllowIgnoreLock ? STR_QUERY_OPENASTEMPLATE_ALLOW_IGNORE : STR_QUERY_OPENASTEMPLATE))) { m_xQueryBox->add_button(SfxResId(STR_QUERY_OPENASTEMPLATE_OPENCOPY_BTN), RET_YES); if (bAllowIgnoreLock) m_xQueryBox->add_button(SfxResId(STR_QUERY_OPENASTEMPLATE_OPEN_BTN), RET_IGNORE); m_xQueryBox->add_button(Button::GetStandardText( StandardButtonType::Cancel ), RET_CANCEL); m_xQueryBox->set_default_response(RET_YES); } short run() { return m_xQueryBox->run(); } }; /// Is this read-only object shell opened via .uno:SignPDF? bool IsSignPDF(const SfxObjectShellRef& xObjSh) { if (!xObjSh.is()) return false; SfxMedium* pMedium = xObjSh->GetMedium(); if (pMedium && !pMedium->IsOriginallyReadOnly()) { std::shared_ptr pFilter = pMedium->GetFilter(); if (pFilter && pFilter->GetName() == "draw_pdf_import") return true; } return false; } bool AskPasswordToModify_Impl( const uno::Reference< task::XInteractionHandler >& xHandler, const OUString& aPath, const std::shared_ptr& pFilter, sal_uInt32 nPasswordHash, const uno::Sequence< beans::PropertyValue >& aInfo ) { // TODO/LATER: In future the info should replace the direct hash completely bool bResult = ( !nPasswordHash && !aInfo.getLength() ); SAL_WARN_IF( !(pFilter && ( pFilter->GetFilterFlags() & SfxFilterFlags::PASSWORDTOMODIFY )), "sfx.view", "PasswordToModify feature is active for a filter that does not support it!"); if ( pFilter && xHandler.is() ) { bool bCancel = false; bool bFirstTime = true; while ( !bResult && !bCancel ) { bool bMSType = !pFilter->IsOwnFormat(); ::rtl::Reference< ::comphelper::DocPasswordRequest > pPasswordRequest( new ::comphelper::DocPasswordRequest( bMSType ? ::comphelper::DocPasswordRequestType::MS : ::comphelper::DocPasswordRequestType::Standard, bFirstTime ? css::task::PasswordRequestMode_PASSWORD_ENTER : css::task::PasswordRequestMode_PASSWORD_REENTER, aPath, true ) ); uno::Reference< css::task::XInteractionRequest > rRequest( pPasswordRequest.get() ); xHandler->handle( rRequest ); if ( pPasswordRequest->isPassword() ) { if ( aInfo.getLength() ) { bResult = ::comphelper::DocPasswordHelper::IsModifyPasswordCorrect( pPasswordRequest->getPasswordToModify(), aInfo ); } else { // the binary format bResult = ( SfxMedium::CreatePasswordToModifyHash( pPasswordRequest->getPasswordToModify(), pFilter->GetServiceName()=="com.sun.star.text.TextDocument" ) == nPasswordHash ); } } else bCancel = true; bFirstTime = false; } } return bResult; } } void SfxViewFrame::ExecReload_Impl( SfxRequest& rReq ) { SfxObjectShell* pSh = GetObjectShell(); switch ( rReq.GetSlot() ) { case SID_EDITDOC: case SID_READONLYDOC: { // Due to Double occupancy in toolboxes (with or without Ctrl), // it is also possible that the slot is enabled, but Ctrl-click // despite this is not! if( !pSh || !pSh->HasName() || !(pSh->Get_Impl()->nLoadedFlags & SfxLoadedFlags::MAINDOCUMENT )) break; // Only change read-only UI and remove info bar when we succeed struct ReadOnlyUIGuard { SfxViewFrame* m_pFrame; SfxObjectShell* m_pSh; bool m_bSetRO; ~ReadOnlyUIGuard() COVERITY_NOEXCEPT_FALSE { if (m_bSetRO != m_pSh->IsReadOnlyUI()) { m_pSh->SetReadOnlyUI(m_bSetRO); if (!m_bSetRO) m_pFrame->RemoveInfoBar("readonly"); } } } aReadOnlyUIGuard{ this, pSh, pSh->IsReadOnlyUI() }; SfxMedium* pMed = pSh->GetMedium(); const SfxBoolItem* pItem = SfxItemSet::GetItem(pSh->GetMedium()->GetItemSet(), SID_VIEWONLY, false); if ( pItem && pItem->GetValue() ) { SfxApplication* pApp = SfxGetpApp(); SfxAllItemSet aSet( pApp->GetPool() ); aSet.Put( SfxStringItem( SID_FILE_NAME, pMed->GetURLObject().GetMainURL(INetURLObject::DecodeMechanism::NONE) ) ); aSet.Put( SfxBoolItem( SID_TEMPLATE, true ) ); aSet.Put( SfxStringItem( SID_TARGETNAME, "_blank" ) ); const SfxStringItem* pReferer = SfxItemSet::GetItem(pMed->GetItemSet(), SID_REFERER, false); if ( pReferer ) aSet.Put( *pReferer ); const SfxInt16Item* pVersionItem = SfxItemSet::GetItem(pSh->GetMedium()->GetItemSet(), SID_VERSION, false); if ( pVersionItem ) aSet.Put( *pVersionItem ); if( pMed->GetFilter() ) { aSet.Put( SfxStringItem( SID_FILTER_NAME, pMed->GetFilter()->GetFilterName() ) ); const SfxStringItem* pOptions = SfxItemSet::GetItem(pMed->GetItemSet(), SID_FILE_FILTEROPTIONS, false); if ( pOptions ) aSet.Put( *pOptions ); } GetDispatcher()->Execute( SID_OPENDOC, SfxCallMode::ASYNCHRON, aSet ); return; } StreamMode nOpenMode; bool bNeedsReload = false; if ( !pSh->IsReadOnly() ) { // Save and reload Readonly if( pSh->IsModified() ) { if ( pSh->PrepareClose() ) { // the storing could let the medium be changed pMed = pSh->GetMedium(); bNeedsReload = true; } else { rReq.SetReturnValue( SfxBoolItem( rReq.GetSlot(), false ) ); return; } } nOpenMode = SFX_STREAM_READONLY; aReadOnlyUIGuard.m_bSetRO = true; } else { if ( pSh->IsReadOnlyMedium() && ( pSh->GetModifyPasswordHash() || pSh->GetModifyPasswordInfo().getLength() ) && !pSh->IsModifyPasswordEntered() ) { const OUString aDocumentName = INetURLObject( pMed->GetOrigURL() ).GetMainURL( INetURLObject::DecodeMechanism::WithCharset ); if( !AskPasswordToModify_Impl( pMed->GetInteractionHandler(), aDocumentName, pMed->GetOrigFilter(), pSh->GetModifyPasswordHash(), pSh->GetModifyPasswordInfo() ) ) { // this is a read-only document, if it has "Password to modify" // the user should enter password before he can edit the document rReq.SetReturnValue( SfxBoolItem( rReq.GetSlot(), false ) ); return; } pSh->SetModifyPasswordEntered(); } nOpenMode = pSh->IsOriginallyReadOnlyMedium() ? SFX_STREAM_READONLY : SFX_STREAM_READWRITE; aReadOnlyUIGuard.m_bSetRO = false; // if only the view was in the readonly mode then there is no need to do the reload if ( !pSh->IsReadOnlyMedium() ) { // SetReadOnlyUI causes recomputation of window title, using // open mode among other things, so call SetOpenMode before // SetReadOnlyUI: pMed->SetOpenMode( nOpenMode ); return; } } if ( rReq.IsAPI() ) { // Control through API if r/w or r/o const SfxBoolItem* pEditItem = rReq.GetArg(SID_EDITDOC); if ( pEditItem ) nOpenMode = pEditItem->GetValue() ? SFX_STREAM_READWRITE : SFX_STREAM_READONLY; } // doing OUString sTemp; osl::FileBase::getFileURLFromSystemPath( pMed->GetPhysicalName(), sTemp ); INetURLObject aPhysObj( sTemp ); const SfxInt16Item* pVersionItem = SfxItemSet::GetItem(pSh->GetMedium()->GetItemSet(), SID_VERSION, false); INetURLObject aMedObj( pMed->GetName() ); // -> tdf#82744 // the logic below is following: // if the document seems not to need to be reloaded // and the physical name is different to the logical one, // then on file system it can be checked that the copy is still newer than the original and no document reload is required. // Did some semplification to enhance readability of the 'if' expression // // when the 'http/https' protocol is active, the bool bPhysObjIsYounger relies upon the getlastmodified Property of a WebDAV resource. // Said property should be implemented, but sometimes it's not. // implemented. On this case the reload activated here will not work properly. // TODO: change the check age method for WebDAV to etag (entity-tag) property value, need some rethinking, since the // etag tells that the cache representation (e.g. in LO) is different from the one on the server, // but tells nothing about the age // Details at this link: http://tools.ietf.org/html/rfc4918#section-15, section 15.7 bool bPhysObjIsYounger = ::utl::UCBContentHelper::IsYounger( aMedObj.GetMainURL( INetURLObject::DecodeMechanism::NONE ), aPhysObj.GetMainURL( INetURLObject::DecodeMechanism::NONE ) ); bool bIsWebDAV = aMedObj.isAnyKnownWebDAVScheme(); if ( ( !bNeedsReload && ( ( aMedObj.GetProtocol() == INetProtocol::File && aMedObj.getFSysPath( FSysStyle::Detect ) != aPhysObj.getFSysPath( FSysStyle::Detect ) && !bPhysObjIsYounger ) || ( bIsWebDAV && !bPhysObjIsYounger ) || ( pMed->IsRemote() && !bIsWebDAV ) ) ) || pVersionItem ) // <- tdf#82744 { bool bOK = false; bool bRetryIgnoringLock = false; bool bOpenTemplate = false; do { if ( !pVersionItem ) { if (bRetryIgnoringLock) pMed->ResetError(); bool bHasStorage = pMed->HasStorage_Impl(); // switching edit mode could be possible without reload if ( bHasStorage && pMed->GetStorage() == pSh->GetStorage() ) { // TODO/LATER: faster creation of copy if ( !pSh->ConnectTmpStorage_Impl( pMed->GetStorage(), pMed ) ) return; } pMed->CloseAndRelease(); pMed->GetItemSet()->Put( SfxBoolItem( SID_DOC_READONLY, !( nOpenMode & StreamMode::WRITE ) ) ); pMed->SetOpenMode( nOpenMode ); pMed->CompleteReOpen(); if ( nOpenMode & StreamMode::WRITE ) { auto eResult = pMed->LockOrigFileOnDemand( true, true, bRetryIgnoringLock ); bRetryIgnoringLock = eResult == SfxMedium::LockFileResult::FailedLockFile; } // LockOrigFileOnDemand might set the readonly flag itself, it should be set back pMed->GetItemSet()->Put( SfxBoolItem( SID_DOC_READONLY, !( nOpenMode & StreamMode::WRITE ) ) ); if ( !pMed->GetErrorCode() ) bOK = true; } if( !bOK ) { if (nOpenMode == SFX_STREAM_READWRITE && !rReq.IsAPI()) { // css::sdbcx::User offering to open it as a template SfxQueryOpenAsTemplate aBox(GetWindow().GetFrameWeld(), bRetryIgnoringLock); short nUserAnswer = aBox.run(); bOpenTemplate = RET_YES == nUserAnswer; // Always reset this here to avoid infinite loop bRetryIgnoringLock = RET_IGNORE == nUserAnswer; } else bRetryIgnoringLock = false; } } while ( !bOK && bRetryIgnoringLock ); if( !bOK ) { ErrCode nErr = pMed->GetErrorCode(); if ( pVersionItem ) nErr = ERRCODE_IO_ACCESSDENIED; else { pMed->ResetError(); pMed->SetOpenMode( SFX_STREAM_READONLY ); pMed->ReOpen(); pSh->DoSaveCompleted( pMed ); } // Readonly document can not be switched to edit mode? rReq.Done(); if ( nOpenMode == SFX_STREAM_READWRITE && !rReq.IsAPI() ) { if ( bOpenTemplate ) { SfxApplication* pApp = SfxGetpApp(); SfxAllItemSet aSet( pApp->GetPool() ); aSet.Put( SfxStringItem( SID_FILE_NAME, pMed->GetName() ) ); const SfxStringItem* pReferer = SfxItemSet::GetItem(pMed->GetItemSet(), SID_REFERER, false); if ( pReferer ) aSet.Put( *pReferer ); aSet.Put( SfxBoolItem( SID_TEMPLATE, true ) ); if ( pVersionItem ) aSet.Put( *pVersionItem ); if( pMed->GetFilter() ) { aSet.Put( SfxStringItem( SID_FILTER_NAME, pMed->GetFilter()->GetFilterName() ) ); const SfxStringItem* pOptions = SfxItemSet::GetItem(pMed->GetItemSet(), SID_FILE_FILTEROPTIONS, false); if ( pOptions ) aSet.Put( *pOptions ); } GetDispatcher()->Execute( SID_OPENDOC, SfxCallMode::ASYNCHRON, aSet ); return; } nErr = ERRCODE_NONE; } // Keep the read-only UI aReadOnlyUIGuard.m_bSetRO = true; ErrorHandler::HandleError( nErr ); rReq.SetReturnValue( SfxBoolItem( rReq.GetSlot(), false ) ); return; } else { pSh->DoSaveCompleted( pMed ); pSh->Broadcast( SfxHint(SfxHintId::ModeChanged) ); rReq.SetReturnValue( SfxBoolItem( rReq.GetSlot(), true ) ); rReq.Done( true ); return; } } rReq.AppendItem( SfxBoolItem( SID_FORCERELOAD, true) ); rReq.AppendItem( SfxBoolItem( SID_SILENT, true )); SAL_FALLTHROUGH; //TODO ??? } case SID_RELOAD: { // Due to Double occupancy in toolboxes (with or without Ctrl), // it is also possible that the slot is enabled, but Ctrl-click // despite this is not! if ( !pSh || !pSh->CanReload_Impl() ) break; SfxApplication* pApp = SfxGetpApp(); const SfxBoolItem* pForceReloadItem = rReq.GetArg(SID_FORCERELOAD); if( pForceReloadItem && !pForceReloadItem->GetValue() && !pSh->GetMedium()->IsExpired() ) return; if( m_pImpl->bReloading || pSh->IsInModalMode() ) return; // AutoLoad is prohibited if possible const SfxBoolItem* pAutoLoadItem = rReq.GetArg(SID_AUTOLOAD); if ( pAutoLoadItem && pAutoLoadItem->GetValue() && GetFrame().IsAutoLoadLocked_Impl() ) return; SfxObjectShellLock xOldObj( pSh ); m_pImpl->bReloading = true; const SfxStringItem* pURLItem = rReq.GetArg(SID_FILE_NAME); // Open as editable? bool bForEdit = !pSh->IsReadOnly(); // If possible ask the User bool bDo = GetViewShell()->PrepareClose(); const SfxBoolItem* pSilentItem = rReq.GetArg(SID_SILENT); if ( bDo && GetFrame().DocIsModified_Impl() && !rReq.IsAPI() && ( !pSilentItem || !pSilentItem->GetValue() ) ) { std::unique_ptr xBox(Application::CreateMessageDialog(GetWindow().GetFrameWeld(), VclMessageType::Question, VclButtonsType::YesNo, SfxResId(STR_QUERY_LASTVERSION))); bDo = RET_YES == xBox->run(); } if ( bDo ) { SfxMedium *pMedium = xOldObj->GetMedium(); bool bHandsOff = ( pMedium->GetURLObject().GetProtocol() == INetProtocol::File && !xOldObj->IsDocShared() ); // Empty existing SfxMDIFrames for this Document // in native format or R/O, open it now for editing? SfxObjectShellLock xNewObj; // collect the views of the document // TODO: when UNO ViewFactories are available for SFX-based documents, the below code should // be UNOized, too typedef ::std::pair< Reference< XFrame >, SfxInterfaceId > ViewDescriptor; ::std::vector< ViewDescriptor > aViewFrames; SfxViewFrame *pView = GetFirst( xOldObj ); while ( pView ) { Reference< XFrame > xFrame( pView->GetFrame().GetFrameInterface() ); SAL_WARN_IF( !xFrame.is(), "sfx.view", "SfxViewFrame::ExecReload_Impl: no XFrame?!"); aViewFrames.emplace_back( xFrame, pView->GetCurViewId() ); pView = GetNext( *pView, xOldObj ); } DELETEZ( xOldObj->Get_Impl()->pReloadTimer ); SfxItemSet* pNewSet = nullptr; std::shared_ptr pFilter = pMedium->GetFilter(); if( pURLItem ) { pNewSet = new SfxAllItemSet( pApp->GetPool() ); pNewSet->Put( *pURLItem ); // Filter Detection OUString referer; const SfxStringItem* refererItem = rReq.GetArg(SID_REFERER); if (refererItem != nullptr) { referer = refererItem->GetValue(); } SfxMedium aMedium( pURLItem->GetValue(), referer, SFX_STREAM_READWRITE ); SfxFilterMatcher().GuessFilter( aMedium, pFilter ); if ( pFilter ) pNewSet->Put( SfxStringItem( SID_FILTER_NAME, pFilter->GetName() ) ); pNewSet->Put( *aMedium.GetItemSet() ); } else { pNewSet = new SfxAllItemSet( *pMedium->GetItemSet() ); pNewSet->ClearItem( SID_VIEW_ID ); pNewSet->ClearItem( SID_STREAM ); pNewSet->ClearItem( SID_INPUTSTREAM ); pNewSet->Put( SfxStringItem( SID_FILTER_NAME, pMedium->GetFilter()->GetName() ) ); // let the current security settings be checked again pNewSet->Put( SfxUInt16Item( SID_MACROEXECMODE, document::MacroExecMode::USE_CONFIG ) ); if ( pSh->IsOriginallyReadOnlyMedium() || pSh->IsOriginallyLoadedReadOnlyMedium() ) // edit mode is switched or reload of readonly document pNewSet->Put( SfxBoolItem( SID_DOC_READONLY, true ) ); else // Reload of file opened for writing pNewSet->ClearItem( SID_DOC_READONLY ); } // If a salvaged file is present, do not enclose the OrigURL // again, since the Template is invalid after reload. const SfxStringItem* pSalvageItem = SfxItemSet::GetItem(pNewSet, SID_DOC_SALVAGE, false); if( pSalvageItem ) { pNewSet->ClearItem( SID_DOC_SALVAGE ); } #if HAVE_FEATURE_MULTIUSER_ENVIRONMENT // TODO/LATER: Temporary solution, the SfxMedium must know the original URL as aLogicName // SfxMedium::Transfer_Impl() will be forbidden then. if ( xOldObj->IsDocShared() ) pNewSet->Put( SfxStringItem( SID_FILE_NAME, xOldObj->GetSharedFileURL() ) ); #endif if ( pURLItem ) pNewSet->Put( SfxStringItem( SID_REFERER, pMedium->GetName() ) ); else pNewSet->Put( SfxStringItem( SID_REFERER, OUString() ) ); xOldObj->CancelTransfers(); if ( pSilentItem && pSilentItem->GetValue() ) pNewSet->Put( SfxBoolItem( SID_SILENT, true ) ); const SfxUnoAnyItem* pInteractionItem = SfxItemSet::GetItem(pNewSet, SID_INTERACTIONHANDLER, false); const SfxUInt16Item* pMacroExecItem = SfxItemSet::GetItem(pNewSet, SID_MACROEXECMODE, false); const SfxUInt16Item* pDocTemplateItem = SfxItemSet::GetItem(pNewSet, SID_UPDATEDOCMODE, false); if (!pInteractionItem) { Reference < task::XInteractionHandler2 > xHdl = task::InteractionHandler::createWithParent( ::comphelper::getProcessComponentContext(), nullptr ); if (xHdl.is()) pNewSet->Put( SfxUnoAnyItem(SID_INTERACTIONHANDLER,css::uno::makeAny(xHdl)) ); } if (!pMacroExecItem) pNewSet->Put( SfxUInt16Item(SID_MACROEXECMODE,css::document::MacroExecMode::USE_CONFIG) ); if (!pDocTemplateItem) pNewSet->Put( SfxUInt16Item(SID_UPDATEDOCMODE,css::document::UpdateDocMode::ACCORDING_TO_CONFIG) ); xOldObj->SetModified( false ); // Do not chache the old Document! Is invalid when loading // another document. const SfxStringItem* pSavedOptions = SfxItemSet::GetItem(pMedium->GetItemSet(), SID_FILE_FILTEROPTIONS, false); const SfxStringItem* pSavedReferer = SfxItemSet::GetItem(pMedium->GetItemSet(), SID_REFERER, false); bool bHasStorage = pMedium->HasStorage_Impl(); if( bHandsOff ) { if ( bHasStorage && pMedium->GetStorage() == xOldObj->GetStorage() ) { // TODO/LATER: faster creation of copy if ( !xOldObj->ConnectTmpStorage_Impl( pMedium->GetStorage(), pMedium ) ) return; } pMedium->CloseAndRelease(); } xNewObj = SfxObjectShell::CreateObject( pFilter->GetServiceName() ); if ( xOldObj->IsModifyPasswordEntered() ) xNewObj->SetModifyPasswordEntered(); uno::Sequence < beans::PropertyValue > aLoadArgs; TransformItems( SID_OPENDOC, *pNewSet, aLoadArgs ); try { uno::Reference < frame::XLoadable > xLoad( xNewObj->GetModel(), uno::UNO_QUERY ); xLoad->load( aLoadArgs ); } catch ( uno::Exception& ) { xNewObj->DoClose(); xNewObj = nullptr; } DELETEZ( pNewSet ); if( !xNewObj.Is() ) { if( bHandsOff ) { // back to old medium pMedium->ReOpen(); pMedium->LockOrigFileOnDemand( false, true ); xOldObj->DoSaveCompleted( pMedium ); } // r/o-Doc couldn't be switched to writing mode if ( bForEdit && ( SID_EDITDOC == rReq.GetSlot() || SID_READONLYDOC == rReq.GetSlot() ) ) { // ask user for opening as template std::unique_ptr xBox(Application::CreateMessageDialog(GetWindow().GetFrameWeld(), VclMessageType::Question, VclButtonsType::YesNo, SfxResId(STR_QUERY_OPENASTEMPLATE))); if (RET_YES == xBox->run()) { SfxAllItemSet aSet( pApp->GetPool() ); aSet.Put( SfxStringItem( SID_FILE_NAME, pMedium->GetName() ) ); aSet.Put( SfxStringItem( SID_TARGETNAME, "_blank" ) ); if ( pSavedOptions ) aSet.Put( *pSavedOptions ); if ( pSavedReferer ) aSet.Put( *pSavedReferer ); aSet.Put( SfxBoolItem( SID_TEMPLATE, true ) ); if( pFilter ) aSet.Put( SfxStringItem( SID_FILTER_NAME, pFilter->GetFilterName() ) ); GetDispatcher()->Execute( SID_OPENDOC, SfxCallMode::ASYNCHRON, aSet ); } } } else { if ( xNewObj->GetModifyPasswordHash() && xNewObj->GetModifyPasswordHash() != xOldObj->GetModifyPasswordHash() ) { xNewObj->SetModifyPasswordEntered( false ); xNewObj->SetReadOnly(); } else if ( rReq.GetSlot() == SID_EDITDOC || rReq.GetSlot() == SID_READONLYDOC ) { xNewObj->SetReadOnlyUI( !bForEdit ); } #if HAVE_FEATURE_MULTIUSER_ENVIRONMENT if ( xNewObj->IsDocShared() ) { // the file is shared but the closing can change the sharing control file xOldObj->DoNotCleanShareControlFile(); } #endif // the Reload and Silent items were only temporary, remove them xNewObj->GetMedium()->GetItemSet()->ClearItem( SID_RELOAD ); xNewObj->GetMedium()->GetItemSet()->ClearItem( SID_SILENT ); TransformItems( SID_OPENDOC, *xNewObj->GetMedium()->GetItemSet(), aLoadArgs ); UpdateDocument_Impl(); try { for (auto const& viewFrame : aViewFrames) { LoadViewIntoFrame_Impl( *xNewObj, viewFrame.first, aLoadArgs, viewFrame.second, false ); } aViewFrames.clear(); } catch( const Exception& ) { // close the remaining frames // Don't catch exceptions herein, if this fails, then we're left in an indetermined state, and // crashing is better than trying to proceed for (auto const& viewFrame : aViewFrames) { Reference< util::XCloseable > xClose( viewFrame.first, UNO_QUERY_THROW ); xClose->close( true ); } aViewFrames.clear(); } // Propagate document closure. SfxGetpApp()->NotifyEvent( SfxEventHint( SfxEventHintId::CloseDoc, GlobalEventConfig::GetEventName( GlobalEventId::CLOSEDOC ), xOldObj ) ); } // Record as done rReq.Done( true ); rReq.SetReturnValue(SfxBoolItem(rReq.GetSlot(), true)); return; } else { // Record as not done rReq.Done(); rReq.SetReturnValue(SfxBoolItem(rReq.GetSlot(), false)); m_pImpl->bReloading = false; return; } } } } void SfxViewFrame::StateReload_Impl( SfxItemSet& rSet ) { SfxObjectShell* pSh = GetObjectShell(); if ( !pSh ) { // I'm just on reload and am yielding myself ... return; } SfxWhichIter aIter( rSet ); for ( sal_uInt16 nWhich = aIter.FirstWhich(); nWhich; nWhich = aIter.NextWhich() ) { switch ( nWhich ) { case SID_EDITDOC: case SID_READONLYDOC: { const SfxViewShell *pVSh; const SfxShell *pFSh; if ( !pSh->HasName() || !( pSh->Get_Impl()->nLoadedFlags & SfxLoadedFlags::MAINDOCUMENT ) || ( pSh->GetCreateMode() == SfxObjectCreateMode::EMBEDDED && ( !(pVSh = pSh->GetViewShell()) || !(pFSh = pVSh->GetFormShell()) || !pFSh->IsDesignMode()))) rSet.DisableItem( nWhich ); else { const SfxBoolItem* pItem = SfxItemSet::GetItem(pSh->GetMedium()->GetItemSet(), SID_EDITDOC, false); if ( pItem && !pItem->GetValue() ) rSet.DisableItem( nWhich ); else { if (nWhich==SID_EDITDOC) rSet.Put( SfxBoolItem( nWhich, !pSh->IsReadOnly() ) ); else if (nWhich==SID_READONLYDOC) rSet.Put( SfxBoolItem( nWhich, pSh->IsReadOnly() ) ); } } break; } case SID_RELOAD: { if ( !pSh->CanReload_Impl() || pSh->GetCreateMode() == SfxObjectCreateMode::EMBEDDED ) rSet.DisableItem(nWhich); else { // If any ChildFrame is reloadable, the slot is enabled, // so you can perform CTRL-Reload rSet.Put( SfxBoolItem( nWhich, false)); } break; } } } } void SfxViewFrame::ExecHistory_Impl( SfxRequest &rReq ) { // Is there an Undo-Manager on the top Shell? SfxShell *pSh = GetDispatcher()->GetShell(0); ::svl::IUndoManager* pShUndoMgr = pSh->GetUndoManager(); bool bOK = false; if ( pShUndoMgr ) { switch ( rReq.GetSlot() ) { case SID_CLEARHISTORY: pShUndoMgr->Clear(); bOK = true; break; case SID_UNDO: pShUndoMgr->Undo(); GetBindings().InvalidateAll(false); bOK = true; break; case SID_REDO: pShUndoMgr->Redo(); GetBindings().InvalidateAll(false); bOK = true; break; case SID_REPEAT: if ( pSh->GetRepeatTarget() ) pShUndoMgr->Repeat( *pSh->GetRepeatTarget() ); bOK = true; break; } } else if ( GetViewShell() ) { // The SW has its own undo in the View const SfxPoolItem *pRet = GetViewShell()->ExecuteSlot( rReq ); if ( pRet ) bOK = static_cast(pRet)->GetValue(); } rReq.SetReturnValue( SfxBoolItem( rReq.GetSlot(), bOK ) ); rReq.Done(); } void SfxViewFrame::StateHistory_Impl( SfxItemSet &rSet ) { // Search for Undo-Manager SfxShell *pSh = GetDispatcher()->GetShell(0); if ( !pSh ) // I'm just on reload and am yielding myself ... return; ::svl::IUndoManager *pShUndoMgr = pSh->GetUndoManager(); if ( !pShUndoMgr ) { // The SW has its own undo in the View SfxWhichIter aIter( rSet ); SfxViewShell *pViewSh = GetViewShell(); if( !pViewSh ) return; for ( sal_uInt16 nSID = aIter.FirstWhich(); nSID; nSID = aIter.NextWhich() ) pViewSh->GetSlotState( nSID, nullptr, &rSet ); return; } if ( pShUndoMgr->GetUndoActionCount() == 0 && pShUndoMgr->GetRedoActionCount() == 0 && pShUndoMgr->GetRepeatActionCount() == 0 ) rSet.DisableItem( SID_CLEARHISTORY ); if ( pShUndoMgr && pShUndoMgr->GetUndoActionCount() ) { const SfxUndoAction* pAction = pShUndoMgr->GetUndoAction(); SfxViewShell *pViewSh = GetViewShell(); if (pViewSh && pAction->GetViewShellId() != pViewSh->GetViewShellId()) { rSet.Put(SfxUInt32Item(SID_UNDO, static_cast(SID_REPAIRPACKAGE))); } else { rSet.Put( SfxStringItem( SID_UNDO, SvtResId(STR_UNDO)+pShUndoMgr->GetUndoActionComment() ) ); } } else rSet.DisableItem( SID_UNDO ); if ( pShUndoMgr && pShUndoMgr->GetRedoActionCount() ) { const SfxUndoAction* pAction = pShUndoMgr->GetRedoAction(); SfxViewShell *pViewSh = GetViewShell(); if (pViewSh && pAction->GetViewShellId() != pViewSh->GetViewShellId()) { rSet.Put(SfxUInt32Item(SID_REDO, static_cast(SID_REPAIRPACKAGE))); } else { rSet.Put( SfxStringItem( SID_REDO, SvtResId(STR_REDO)+pShUndoMgr->GetRedoActionComment() ) ); } } else rSet.DisableItem( SID_REDO ); SfxRepeatTarget *pTarget = pSh->GetRepeatTarget(); if ( pShUndoMgr && pTarget && pShUndoMgr->GetRepeatActionCount() && pShUndoMgr->CanRepeat(*pTarget) ) rSet.Put( SfxStringItem( SID_REPEAT, SvtResId(STR_REPEAT)+pShUndoMgr->GetRepeatActionComment(*pTarget) ) ); else rSet.DisableItem( SID_REPEAT ); } void SfxViewFrame::PopShellAndSubShells_Impl( SfxViewShell& i_rViewShell ) { i_rViewShell.PopSubShells_Impl(); sal_uInt16 nLevel = m_pDispatcher->GetShellLevel( i_rViewShell ); if ( nLevel != USHRT_MAX ) { if ( nLevel ) { // more sub shells on the stack, which were not affected by PopSubShells_Impl SfxShell *pSubShell = m_pDispatcher->GetShell( nLevel-1 ); m_pDispatcher->Pop( *pSubShell, SfxDispatcherPopFlags::POP_UNTIL | SfxDispatcherPopFlags::POP_DELETE ); } m_pDispatcher->Pop( i_rViewShell ); m_pDispatcher->Flush(); } } /* [Description] This method empties the SfxViewFrame, i.e. takes the from the dispatcher and ends its Relationship to this SfxObjectShell (by which they may even destroy themselves). Thus, by invoking ReleaseObjectShell() and SetObjectShell() the SfxObjectShell can be replaced. Between RealeaseObjectShell() and SetObjectShell() can the control not be handed over to the system. [Cross-reference] */ void SfxViewFrame::ReleaseObjectShell_Impl() { DBG_ASSERT( m_xObjSh.is(), "no SfxObjectShell to release!" ); GetFrame().ReleasingComponent_Impl(); if ( GetWindow().HasChildPathFocus( true ) ) { GetWindow().GrabFocus(); } SfxViewShell *pDyingViewSh = GetViewShell(); if ( pDyingViewSh ) { PopShellAndSubShells_Impl( *pDyingViewSh ); pDyingViewSh->DisconnectAllClients(); SetViewShell_Impl(nullptr); delete pDyingViewSh; } #ifdef DBG_UTIL else OSL_FAIL("No Shell"); #endif if ( m_xObjSh.is() ) { m_pDispatcher->Pop( *m_xObjSh ); SfxModule* pModule = m_xObjSh->GetModule(); if( pModule ) m_pDispatcher->RemoveShell_Impl( *pModule ); m_pDispatcher->Flush(); EndListening( *m_xObjSh ); Notify( *m_xObjSh, SfxHint(SfxHintId::TitleChanged) ); Notify( *m_xObjSh, SfxHint(SfxHintId::DocChanged) ); if ( 1 == m_xObjSh->GetOwnerLockCount() && m_pImpl->bObjLocked && m_xObjSh->GetCreateMode() == SfxObjectCreateMode::EMBEDDED ) m_xObjSh->DoClose(); SfxObjectShellRef xDyingObjSh = m_xObjSh; m_xObjSh.clear(); if( GetHasTitle() && m_pImpl->nDocViewNo ) xDyingObjSh->GetNoSet_Impl().ReleaseIndex(m_pImpl->nDocViewNo-1); if ( m_pImpl->bObjLocked ) { xDyingObjSh->OwnerLock( false ); m_pImpl->bObjLocked = false; } } GetDispatcher()->SetDisableFlags( SfxDisableFlags::NONE ); } bool SfxViewFrame::Close() { DBG_ASSERT( GetFrame().IsClosing_Impl() || !GetFrame().GetFrameInterface().is(), "ViewFrame closed too early!" ); // If no saving have been made up until now, then embedded Objects should // not be saved automatically anymore. if ( GetViewShell() ) GetViewShell()->DisconnectAllClients(); Broadcast( SfxHint( SfxHintId::Dying ) ); if (SfxViewFrame::Current() == this) SfxViewFrame::SetViewFrame( nullptr ); // Since the Dispatcher is emptied, it can not be used in any reasonable // manner, thus it is better to let the dispatcher be. GetDispatcher()->Lock(true); delete this; return true; } void SfxViewFrame::DoActivate( bool bUI ) { m_pDispatcher->DoActivate_Impl( bUI ); } void SfxViewFrame::DoDeactivate(bool bUI, SfxViewFrame const * pNewFrame ) { m_pDispatcher->DoDeactivate_Impl( bUI, pNewFrame ); } void SfxViewFrame::InvalidateBorderImpl( const SfxViewShell* pSh ) { if( pSh && !m_nAdjustPosPixelLock ) { if ( GetViewShell() && GetWindow().IsVisible() ) { if ( GetFrame().IsInPlace() ) { return; } DoAdjustPosSizePixel( GetViewShell(), Point(), GetWindow().GetOutputSizePixel(), false ); } } } void SfxViewFrame::SetBorderPixelImpl ( const SfxViewShell* pVSh, const SvBorder& rBorder ) { m_pImpl->aBorder = rBorder; if ( m_pImpl->bResizeInToOut && !GetFrame().IsInPlace() ) { Size aSize = pVSh->GetWindow()->GetOutputSizePixel(); if ( aSize.Width() && aSize.Height() ) { aSize.AdjustWidth(rBorder.Left() + rBorder.Right() ); aSize.AdjustHeight(rBorder.Top() + rBorder.Bottom() ); Size aOldSize = GetWindow().GetOutputSizePixel(); GetWindow().SetOutputSizePixel( aSize ); vcl::Window* pParent = &GetWindow(); while ( pParent->GetParent() ) pParent = pParent->GetParent(); Size aOuterSize = pParent->GetOutputSizePixel(); aOuterSize.AdjustWidth( aSize.Width() - aOldSize.Width() ); aOuterSize.AdjustHeight( aSize.Height() - aOldSize.Height() ); pParent->SetOutputSizePixel( aOuterSize ); } } else { tools::Rectangle aEditArea( Point(), GetWindow().GetOutputSizePixel() ); aEditArea.AdjustLeft(rBorder.Left() ); aEditArea.AdjustRight( -(rBorder.Right()) ); aEditArea.AdjustTop(rBorder.Top() ); aEditArea.AdjustBottom( -(rBorder.Bottom()) ); pVSh->GetWindow()->SetPosSizePixel( aEditArea.TopLeft(), aEditArea.GetSize() ); } } const SvBorder& SfxViewFrame::GetBorderPixelImpl() const { return m_pImpl->aBorder; } void SfxViewFrame::Notify( SfxBroadcaster& /*rBC*/, const SfxHint& rHint ) { if(m_pImpl->bIsDowning) return; // we know only SfxEventHint or simple SfxHint if (const SfxEventHint* pEventHint = dynamic_cast(&rHint)) { // When the Document is loaded asynchronously, was the Dispatcher // set as ReadOnly, to what must be returned when the document itself // is not read only, and the loading is finished. switch ( pEventHint->GetEventId() ) { case SfxEventHintId::ModifyChanged: { SfxBindings& rBind = GetBindings(); rBind.Invalidate( SID_DOC_MODIFIED ); rBind.Invalidate( SID_RELOAD ); rBind.Invalidate( SID_EDITDOC ); break; } case SfxEventHintId::OpenDoc: case SfxEventHintId::CreateDoc: { if ( !m_xObjSh.is() ) break; SfxBindings& rBind = GetBindings(); rBind.Invalidate( SID_RELOAD ); rBind.Invalidate( SID_EDITDOC ); const SfxViewShell *pVSh; const SfxShell *pFSh; if ( m_xObjSh->IsReadOnly() && ! m_xObjSh->IsSecurityOptOpenReadOnly() && ( m_xObjSh->GetCreateMode() != SfxObjectCreateMode::EMBEDDED || (( pVSh = m_xObjSh->GetViewShell()) && (pFSh = pVSh->GetFormShell()) && pFSh->IsDesignMode()))) { bool bSignPDF = IsSignPDF(m_xObjSh); auto pInfoBar = AppendInfoBar("readonly", SfxResId(bSignPDF ? STR_READONLY_PDF : STR_READONLY_DOCUMENT), InfoBarType::Info); if (pInfoBar) { if (bSignPDF) { // SID_SIGNPDF opened a read-write PDF // read-only for signing purposes. VclPtrInstance xSignButton(&GetWindow()); xSignButton->SetText(SfxResId(STR_READONLY_SIGN)); xSignButton->SetSizePixel(xSignButton->GetOptimalSize()); xSignButton->SetClickHdl(LINK(this, SfxViewFrame, SignDocumentHandler)); pInfoBar->addButton(xSignButton); } VclPtrInstance xBtn(&GetWindow()); xBtn->SetText(SfxResId(STR_READONLY_EDIT)); xBtn->SetSizePixel(xBtn->GetOptimalSize()); xBtn->SetClickHdl(LINK(this, SfxViewFrame, SwitchReadOnlyHandler)); pInfoBar->addButton(xBtn); } } if (SfxClassificationHelper::IsClassified(m_xObjSh->getDocProperties())) { // Document has BAILS properties, display an infobar accordingly. SfxClassificationHelper aHelper(m_xObjSh->getDocProperties()); aHelper.UpdateInfobar(*this); } break; } default: break; } } else { switch( rHint.GetId() ) { case SfxHintId::ModeChanged: { UpdateTitle(); if ( !m_xObjSh.is() ) break; // Switch r/o? SfxBindings& rBind = GetBindings(); rBind.Invalidate( SID_RELOAD ); SfxDispatcher *pDispat = GetDispatcher(); bool bWasReadOnly = pDispat->GetReadOnly_Impl(); bool bIsReadOnly = m_xObjSh->IsReadOnly(); if ( bWasReadOnly != bIsReadOnly ) { // Then also TITLE_CHANGED UpdateTitle(); rBind.Invalidate( SID_FILE_NAME ); rBind.Invalidate( SID_DOCINFO_TITLE ); rBind.Invalidate( SID_EDITDOC ); pDispat->GetBindings()->InvalidateAll(true); pDispat->SetReadOnly_Impl( bIsReadOnly ); // Only force and Dispatcher-Update, if it is done next // anyway, otherwise flickering or GPF is possibel since // the Writer for example prefers in Resize perform some // actions which has a SetReadOnlyUI in Dispatcher as a // result! if ( pDispat->IsUpdated_Impl() ) pDispat->Update_Impl(true); } Enable( !m_xObjSh->IsInModalMode() ); break; } case SfxHintId::TitleChanged: { UpdateTitle(); SfxBindings& rBind = GetBindings(); rBind.Invalidate( SID_FILE_NAME ); rBind.Invalidate( SID_DOCINFO_TITLE ); rBind.Invalidate( SID_EDITDOC ); rBind.Invalidate( SID_RELOAD ); break; } case SfxHintId::DocumentRepair: { GetBindings().Invalidate( SID_DOC_REPAIR ); break; } case SfxHintId::Deinitializing: { if (GetWindow().GetLOKNotifier()) GetWindow().ReleaseLOKNotifier(); GetFrame().DoClose(); break; } case SfxHintId::Dying: // when the Object is being deleted, destroy the view too if ( m_xObjSh.is() ) ReleaseObjectShell_Impl(); else GetFrame().DoClose(); break; default: break; } } } IMPL_LINK(SfxViewFrame, SwitchReadOnlyHandler, Button*, pButton, void) { if (m_xObjSh.is() && IsSignPDF(m_xObjSh)) { SfxEditDocumentDialog aDialog(pButton->GetFrameWeld()); if (aDialog.run() != RET_OK) return; } GetDispatcher()->Execute(SID_EDITDOC); } IMPL_LINK_NOARG(SfxViewFrame, SignDocumentHandler, Button*, void) { GetDispatcher()->Execute(SID_SIGNATURE); } void SfxViewFrame::Construct_Impl( SfxObjectShell *pObjSh ) { m_pImpl->bResizeInToOut = true; m_pImpl->bObjLocked = false; m_pImpl->pFocusWin = nullptr; m_pImpl->nCurViewId = SFX_INTERFACE_NONE; m_pImpl->bReloading = false; m_pImpl->bIsDowning = false; m_pImpl->bModal = false; m_pImpl->bEnabled = true; m_pImpl->nDocViewNo = 0; m_pImpl->aMargin = Size( -1, -1 ); m_pImpl->pWindow = nullptr; SetPool( &SfxGetpApp()->GetPool() ); m_pDispatcher = new SfxDispatcher(this); if ( !GetBindings().GetDispatcher() ) GetBindings().SetDispatcher( m_pDispatcher ); m_xObjSh = pObjSh; if ( m_xObjSh.is() && m_xObjSh->IsPreview() ) GetDispatcher()->SetQuietMode_Impl( true ); if ( pObjSh ) { m_pDispatcher->Push( *SfxGetpApp() ); SfxModule* pModule = m_xObjSh->GetModule(); if( pModule ) m_pDispatcher->Push( *pModule ); m_pDispatcher->Push( *this ); m_pDispatcher->Push( *pObjSh ); m_pDispatcher->Flush(); StartListening( *pObjSh ); Notify( *pObjSh, SfxHint(SfxHintId::TitleChanged) ); Notify( *pObjSh, SfxHint(SfxHintId::DocChanged) ); m_pDispatcher->SetReadOnly_Impl( pObjSh->IsReadOnly() ); } else { m_pDispatcher->Push( *SfxGetpApp() ); m_pDispatcher->Push( *this ); m_pDispatcher->Flush(); } SfxViewFrameArr_Impl &rViewArr = SfxGetpApp()->GetViewFrames_Impl(); rViewArr.push_back( this ); } /* [Description] Constructor of SfxViewFrame for a from the Resource. The 'nViewId' to the created can be returned. (default is the SfxViewShell-Subclass that was registered first). */ SfxViewFrame::SfxViewFrame ( SfxFrame& rFrame, SfxObjectShell* pObjShell ) : m_pImpl( new SfxViewFrame_Impl( rFrame ) ) , m_pDispatcher(nullptr) , m_pBindings( new SfxBindings ) , m_nAdjustPosPixelLock( 0 ) { rFrame.SetCurrentViewFrame_Impl( this ); rFrame.SetHasTitle( true ); Construct_Impl( pObjShell ); m_pImpl->pWindow = VclPtr::Create( this, rFrame.GetWindow() ); m_pImpl->pWindow->SetSizePixel( rFrame.GetWindow().GetOutputSizePixel() ); rFrame.SetOwnsBindings_Impl( true ); rFrame.CreateWorkWindow_Impl(); } SfxViewFrame::~SfxViewFrame() { m_pImpl->bIsDowning = true; if ( SfxViewFrame::Current() == this ) SfxViewFrame::SetViewFrame( nullptr ); ReleaseObjectShell_Impl(); if ( GetFrame().OwnsBindings_Impl() ) // The Bindings delete the Frame! KillDispatcher_Impl(); m_pImpl->pWindow.disposeAndClear(); m_pImpl->pFocusWin.clear(); if ( GetFrame().GetCurrentViewFrame() == this ) GetFrame().SetCurrentViewFrame_Impl( nullptr ); // Unregister from the Frame List. SfxApplication *pSfxApp = SfxApplication::Get(); if (pSfxApp) { SfxViewFrameArr_Impl &rFrames = pSfxApp->GetViewFrames_Impl(); SfxViewFrameArr_Impl::iterator it = std::find( rFrames.begin(), rFrames.end(), this ); rFrames.erase( it ); } // Delete Member KillDispatcher_Impl(); } // Remove and delete the Dispatcher. void SfxViewFrame::KillDispatcher_Impl() { SfxModule* pModule = m_xObjSh.is() ? m_xObjSh->GetModule() : nullptr; if ( m_xObjSh.is() ) ReleaseObjectShell_Impl(); if ( m_pDispatcher ) { if( pModule ) m_pDispatcher->Pop( *pModule, SfxDispatcherPopFlags::POP_UNTIL ); else m_pDispatcher->Pop( *this ); DELETEZ(m_pDispatcher); } } SfxViewFrame* SfxViewFrame::Current() { SfxApplication* pApp = SfxApplication::Get(); return pApp ? pApp->Get_Impl()->pViewFrame : nullptr; } // returns the first window of spec. type viewing the specified doc. SfxViewFrame* SfxViewFrame::GetFirst ( const SfxObjectShell* pDoc, bool bOnlyIfVisible ) { SfxApplication *pSfxApp = SfxApplication::Get(); if (!pSfxApp) return nullptr; SfxViewFrameArr_Impl &rFrames = pSfxApp->GetViewFrames_Impl(); // search for a SfxDocument of the specified type for (SfxViewFrame* pFrame : rFrames) { if ( ( !pDoc || pDoc == pFrame->GetObjectShell() ) && ( !bOnlyIfVisible || pFrame->IsVisible() ) ) return pFrame; } return nullptr; } // returns the next window of spec. type viewing the specified doc. SfxViewFrame* SfxViewFrame::GetNext ( const SfxViewFrame& rPrev, const SfxObjectShell* pDoc, bool bOnlyIfVisible ) { SfxApplication *pSfxApp = SfxApplication::Get(); if (!pSfxApp) return nullptr; SfxViewFrameArr_Impl &rFrames = pSfxApp->GetViewFrames_Impl(); // refind the specified predecessor size_t nPos; for ( nPos = 0; nPos < rFrames.size(); ++nPos ) if ( rFrames[nPos] == &rPrev ) break; // search for a Frame of the specified type for ( ++nPos; nPos < rFrames.size(); ++nPos ) { SfxViewFrame *pFrame = rFrames[nPos]; if ( ( !pDoc || pDoc == pFrame->GetObjectShell() ) && ( !bOnlyIfVisible || pFrame->IsVisible() ) ) return pFrame; } return nullptr; } SfxProgress* SfxViewFrame::GetProgress() const { SfxObjectShell *pObjSh = m_xObjSh.get(); return pObjSh ? pObjSh->GetProgress() : nullptr; } void SfxViewFrame::DoAdjustPosSizePixel //! divide on Inner.../Outer... ( SfxViewShell* pSh, const Point& rPos, const Size& rSize, bool inplaceEditModeChange ) { // Components do not use this Method! if( pSh && pSh->GetWindow() && !m_nAdjustPosPixelLock ) { m_nAdjustPosPixelLock++; if ( m_pImpl->bResizeInToOut ) pSh->InnerResizePixel( rPos, rSize, inplaceEditModeChange ); else pSh->OuterResizePixel( rPos, rSize ); m_nAdjustPosPixelLock--; } } bool SfxViewFrameItem::operator==( const SfxPoolItem &rItem ) const { return dynamic_cast(rItem).pFrame == pFrame; } SfxPoolItem* SfxViewFrameItem::Clone( SfxItemPool *) const { return new SfxViewFrameItem( *this ); } void SfxViewFrame::SetViewShell_Impl( SfxViewShell *pVSh ) /* [Description] Internal Method to set the current Instance, that is active int this SfxViewFrame at the moment. */ { SfxShell::SetViewShell_Impl( pVSh ); // Hack: InPlaceMode if ( pVSh ) m_pImpl->bResizeInToOut = false; } void SfxViewFrame::ForceOuterResize_Impl() { m_pImpl->bResizeInToOut = true; } void SfxViewFrame::GetDocNumber_Impl() { DBG_ASSERT( GetObjectShell(), "No Document!" ); GetObjectShell()->SetNamedVisibility_Impl(); m_pImpl->nDocViewNo = GetObjectShell()->GetNoSet_Impl().GetFreeIndex()+1; } void SfxViewFrame::Enable( bool bEnable ) { if ( bEnable != m_pImpl->bEnabled ) { m_pImpl->bEnabled = bEnable; vcl::Window *pWindow = &GetFrame().GetWindow(); if ( !bEnable ) m_pImpl->bWindowWasEnabled = pWindow->IsInputEnabled(); if ( !bEnable || m_pImpl->bWindowWasEnabled ) pWindow->EnableInput( bEnable ); // cursor and focus SfxViewShell* pViewSh = GetViewShell(); if ( bEnable ) { // show cursor if ( pViewSh ) pViewSh->ShowCursor(); } else { // hide cursor if ( pViewSh ) pViewSh->ShowCursor(false); } } } /* [Description] This method makes the Frame-Window visible and before transmits the window name. In addition, the document is held. In general one can never show the window directly! */ void SfxViewFrame::Show() { // First lock the objectShell so that UpdateTitle() is valid: // IsVisible() == true (:#) if ( m_xObjSh.is() ) { m_xObjSh->GetMedium()->GetItemSet()->ClearItem( SID_HIDDEN ); if ( !m_pImpl->bObjLocked ) LockObjectShell_Impl(); // Adjust Doc-Shell title number, get unique view-no if ( 0 == m_pImpl->nDocViewNo ) { GetDocNumber_Impl(); UpdateTitle(); } } else UpdateTitle(); // Display Frame-window, but only if the ViewFrame has no window of its // own or if it does not contain a Component GetWindow().Show(); GetFrame().GetWindow().Show(); } bool SfxViewFrame::IsVisible() const { return m_pImpl->bObjLocked; } void SfxViewFrame::LockObjectShell_Impl() { DBG_ASSERT( !m_pImpl->bObjLocked, "Wrong Locked status!" ); DBG_ASSERT( GetObjectShell(), "No Document!" ); GetObjectShell()->OwnerLock(true); m_pImpl->bObjLocked = true; } void SfxViewFrame::MakeActive_Impl( bool bGrabFocus ) { if ( GetViewShell() && !GetFrame().IsClosing_Impl() ) { if ( IsVisible() ) { if ( GetViewShell() ) { bool bPreview = false; if ( GetObjectShell()->IsPreview() ) { bPreview = true; } css::uno::Reference< css::frame::XFrame > xFrame = GetFrame().GetFrameInterface(); if ( !bPreview ) { SetViewFrame( this ); GetBindings().SetActiveFrame( css::uno::Reference< css::frame::XFrame >() ); uno::Reference< frame::XFramesSupplier > xSupp( xFrame, uno::UNO_QUERY ); if ( xSupp.is() ) xSupp->setActiveFrame( uno::Reference < frame::XFrame >() ); css::uno::Reference< css::awt::XWindow > xContainerWindow = xFrame->getContainerWindow(); VclPtr pWindow = VCLUnoHelper::GetWindow(xContainerWindow); if (pWindow && pWindow->HasChildPathFocus() && bGrabFocus) { SfxInPlaceClient *pCli = GetViewShell()->GetUIActiveClient(); if ( !pCli || !pCli->IsObjectUIActive() ) GetFrame().GrabFocusOnComponent_Impl(); } } else { GetBindings().SetDispatcher( GetDispatcher() ); GetBindings().SetActiveFrame( css::uno::Reference< css::frame::XFrame > () ); GetDispatcher()->Update_Impl(); } } } } } SfxObjectShell* SfxViewFrame::GetObjectShell() { return m_xObjSh.get(); } const Size& SfxViewFrame::GetMargin_Impl() const { return m_pImpl->aMargin; } SfxViewFrame* SfxViewFrame::LoadViewIntoFrame_Impl_NoThrow( const SfxObjectShell& i_rDoc, const Reference< XFrame >& i_rFrame, const SfxInterfaceId i_nViewId, const bool i_bHidden ) { Reference< XFrame > xFrame( i_rFrame ); bool bOwnFrame = false; SfxViewShell* pSuccessView = nullptr; try { if ( !xFrame.is() ) { Reference < XDesktop2 > xDesktop = Desktop::create( ::comphelper::getProcessComponentContext() ); if ( !i_bHidden ) { try { // if there is a backing component, use it ::framework::FrameListAnalyzer aAnalyzer( xDesktop, Reference< XFrame >(), FrameAnalyzerFlags::BackingComponent ); if ( aAnalyzer.m_xBackingComponent.is() ) xFrame = aAnalyzer.m_xBackingComponent; } catch( uno::Exception& ) {} } if ( !xFrame.is() ) xFrame.set( xDesktop->findFrame( "_blank", 0 ), UNO_SET_THROW ); bOwnFrame = true; } pSuccessView = LoadViewIntoFrame_Impl( i_rDoc, xFrame, Sequence< PropertyValue >(), // means "reuse existing model's args" i_nViewId, i_bHidden ); if ( bOwnFrame && !i_bHidden ) { // ensure the frame/window is visible Reference< XWindow > xContainerWindow( xFrame->getContainerWindow(), UNO_SET_THROW ); xContainerWindow->setVisible( true ); } } catch( const Exception& ) { DBG_UNHANDLED_EXCEPTION(); } if ( pSuccessView ) return pSuccessView->GetViewFrame(); if ( bOwnFrame ) { try { xFrame->dispose(); } catch( const Exception& ) { DBG_UNHANDLED_EXCEPTION(); } } return nullptr; } SfxViewShell* SfxViewFrame::LoadViewIntoFrame_Impl( const SfxObjectShell& i_rDoc, const Reference< XFrame >& i_rFrame, const Sequence< PropertyValue >& i_rLoadArgs, const SfxInterfaceId i_nViewId, const bool i_bHidden ) { Reference< XModel > xDocument( i_rDoc.GetModel(), UNO_SET_THROW ); ::comphelper::NamedValueCollection aTransformLoadArgs( i_rLoadArgs.getLength() ? i_rLoadArgs : xDocument->getArgs() ); aTransformLoadArgs.put( "Model", xDocument ); if ( i_nViewId ) aTransformLoadArgs.put( "ViewId", sal_uInt16( i_nViewId ) ); if ( i_bHidden ) aTransformLoadArgs.put( "Hidden", i_bHidden ); else aTransformLoadArgs.remove( "Hidden" ); Reference< XComponentLoader > xLoader( i_rFrame, UNO_QUERY_THROW ); xLoader->loadComponentFromURL( "private:object", "_self", 0, aTransformLoadArgs.getPropertyValues() ); SfxViewShell* pViewShell = SfxViewShell::Get( i_rFrame->getController() ); ENSURE_OR_THROW( pViewShell, "SfxViewFrame::LoadViewIntoFrame_Impl: loading an SFX doc into a frame resulted in a non-SFX view - quite impossible" ); return pViewShell; } SfxViewFrame* SfxViewFrame::LoadHiddenDocument( SfxObjectShell const & i_rDoc, SfxInterfaceId i_nViewId ) { return LoadViewIntoFrame_Impl_NoThrow( i_rDoc, Reference< XFrame >(), i_nViewId, true ); } SfxViewFrame* SfxViewFrame::LoadDocument( SfxObjectShell const & i_rDoc, SfxInterfaceId i_nViewId ) { return LoadViewIntoFrame_Impl_NoThrow( i_rDoc, Reference< XFrame >(), i_nViewId, false ); } SfxViewFrame* SfxViewFrame::LoadDocumentIntoFrame( SfxObjectShell const & i_rDoc, const Reference< XFrame >& i_rTargetFrame ) { return LoadViewIntoFrame_Impl_NoThrow( i_rDoc, i_rTargetFrame, SFX_INTERFACE_NONE, false ); } SfxViewFrame* SfxViewFrame::LoadDocumentIntoFrame( SfxObjectShell const & i_rDoc, const SfxFrameItem* i_pFrameItem, SfxInterfaceId i_nViewId ) { return LoadViewIntoFrame_Impl_NoThrow( i_rDoc, i_pFrameItem && i_pFrameItem->GetFrame() ? i_pFrameItem->GetFrame()->GetFrameInterface() : nullptr, i_nViewId, false ); } SfxViewFrame* SfxViewFrame::DisplayNewDocument( SfxObjectShell const & i_rDoc, const SfxRequest& i_rCreateDocRequest ) { const SfxUnoFrameItem* pFrameItem = i_rCreateDocRequest.GetArg(SID_FILLFRAME); const SfxBoolItem* pHiddenItem = i_rCreateDocRequest.GetArg(SID_HIDDEN); return LoadViewIntoFrame_Impl_NoThrow( i_rDoc, pFrameItem ? pFrameItem->GetFrame() : nullptr, SFX_INTERFACE_NONE, pHiddenItem && pHiddenItem->GetValue() ); } SfxViewFrame* SfxViewFrame::Get( const Reference< XController>& i_rController, const SfxObjectShell* i_pDoc ) { if ( !i_rController.is() ) return nullptr; const SfxObjectShell* pDoc = i_pDoc; if ( !pDoc ) { Reference< XModel > xDocument( i_rController->getModel() ); for ( pDoc = SfxObjectShell::GetFirst( nullptr, false ); pDoc; pDoc = SfxObjectShell::GetNext( *pDoc, nullptr, false ) ) { if ( pDoc->GetModel() == xDocument ) break; } } SfxViewFrame* pViewFrame = nullptr; for ( pViewFrame = SfxViewFrame::GetFirst( pDoc, false ); pViewFrame; pViewFrame = SfxViewFrame::GetNext( *pViewFrame, pDoc, false ) ) { if ( pViewFrame->GetViewShell()->GetController() == i_rController ) break; } return pViewFrame; } void SfxViewFrame::SaveCurrentViewData_Impl( const SfxInterfaceId i_nNewViewId ) { SfxViewShell* pCurrentShell = GetViewShell(); ENSURE_OR_RETURN_VOID( pCurrentShell != nullptr, "SfxViewFrame::SaveCurrentViewData_Impl: no current view shell -> no current view data!" ); // determine the logical (API) view name const SfxObjectFactory& rDocFactory( pCurrentShell->GetObjectShell()->GetFactory() ); const sal_uInt16 nCurViewNo = rDocFactory.GetViewNo_Impl( GetCurViewId(), 0 ); const OUString sCurrentViewName = rDocFactory.GetViewFactory( nCurViewNo ).GetAPIViewName(); const sal_uInt16 nNewViewNo = rDocFactory.GetViewNo_Impl( i_nNewViewId, 0 ); const OUString sNewViewName = rDocFactory.GetViewFactory( nNewViewNo ).GetAPIViewName(); if ( sCurrentViewName.isEmpty() || sNewViewName.isEmpty() ) { // can't say anything about the view, the respective application did not yet migrate its code to // named view factories => bail out OSL_FAIL( "SfxViewFrame::SaveCurrentViewData_Impl: views without API names? Shouldn't happen anymore?" ); return; } SAL_WARN_IF(sNewViewName == sCurrentViewName, "sfx.view", "SfxViewFrame::SaveCurrentViewData_Impl: suspicious: new and old view name are identical!"); // save the view data only when we're moving from a non-print-preview to the print-preview view if ( sNewViewName != "PrintPreview" ) return; // retrieve the view data from the view Sequence< PropertyValue > aViewData; pCurrentShell->WriteUserDataSequence( aViewData ); try { // retrieve view data (for *all* views) from the model const Reference< XController > xController( pCurrentShell->GetController(), UNO_SET_THROW ); const Reference< XViewDataSupplier > xViewDataSupplier( xController->getModel(), UNO_QUERY_THROW ); const Reference< XIndexContainer > xViewData( xViewDataSupplier->getViewData(), UNO_QUERY_THROW ); // look up the one view data item which corresponds to our current view, and remove it const sal_Int32 nCount = xViewData->getCount(); for ( sal_Int32 i=0; igetByIndex(i) ); const OUString sViewId( aCurViewData.getOrDefault( "ViewId", OUString() ) ); if ( sViewId.isEmpty() ) continue; const SfxViewFactory* pViewFactory = rDocFactory.GetViewFactoryByViewName( sViewId ); if ( pViewFactory == nullptr ) continue; if ( pViewFactory->GetOrdinal() == GetCurViewId() ) { xViewData->removeByIndex(i); break; } } // then replace it with the most recent view data we just obtained xViewData->insertByIndex( 0, makeAny( aViewData ) ); } catch( const Exception& ) { DBG_UNHANDLED_EXCEPTION(); } } /* [Description] Internal Method for switching to another subclass, which should be created in this SfxMDIFrame. If no SfxViewShell exist in this SfxMDIFrame, then one will first be created. [Return Value] bool true requested SfxViewShell was created and a possibly existing one deleted false SfxViewShell requested could not be created, the existing SfxViewShell thus continue to exist */ bool SfxViewFrame::SwitchToViewShell_Impl ( sal_uInt16 nViewIdOrNo, /* > 0 Registration-Id of the View, to which the method should switch, for example the one that will be created. == 0 First use the Default view. */ bool bIsIndex /* true 'nViewIdOrNo' is no Registration-Id instead an Index of in . */ ) { try { ENSURE_OR_THROW( GetObjectShell() != nullptr, "not possible without a document" ); // if we already have a view shell, remove it SfxViewShell* pOldSh = GetViewShell(); OSL_PRECOND( pOldSh, "SfxViewFrame::SwitchToViewShell_Impl: that's called *switch* (not for *initial-load*) for a reason" ); if ( pOldSh ) { // ask whether it can be closed if ( !pOldSh->PrepareClose() ) return false; // remove sub shells from Dispatcher before switching to new ViewShell PopShellAndSubShells_Impl( *pOldSh ); } GetBindings().ENTERREGISTRATIONS(); LockAdjustPosSizePixel(); // ID of the new view SfxObjectFactory& rDocFact = GetObjectShell()->GetFactory(); const SfxInterfaceId nViewId = ( bIsIndex || !nViewIdOrNo ) ? rDocFact.GetViewFactory( nViewIdOrNo ).GetOrdinal() : SfxInterfaceId(nViewIdOrNo); // save the view data of the old view, so it can be restored later on (when needed) SaveCurrentViewData_Impl( nViewId ); // create and load new ViewShell SfxViewShell* pNewSh = LoadViewIntoFrame_Impl( *GetObjectShell(), GetFrame().GetFrameInterface(), Sequence< PropertyValue >(), // means "reuse existing model's args" nViewId, false ); // allow resize events to be processed UnlockAdjustPosSizePixel(); if ( GetWindow().IsReallyVisible() ) DoAdjustPosSizePixel( pNewSh, Point(), GetWindow().GetOutputSizePixel(), false ); GetBindings().LEAVEREGISTRATIONS(); delete pOldSh; } catch ( const css::uno::Exception& ) { // the SfxCode is not able to cope with exceptions thrown while creating views // the code will crash in the stack unwinding procedure, so we shouldn't let exceptions go through here DBG_UNHANDLED_EXCEPTION(); return false; } DBG_ASSERT( SfxGetpApp()->GetViewFrames_Impl().size() == SfxGetpApp()->GetViewShells_Impl().size(), "Inconsistent view arrays!" ); return true; } void SfxViewFrame::SetCurViewId_Impl( const SfxInterfaceId i_nID ) { m_pImpl->nCurViewId = i_nID; } SfxInterfaceId SfxViewFrame::GetCurViewId() const { return m_pImpl->nCurViewId; } /* [Description] Internal method to run the slot for the Subclass in the SfxViewFrame described slots. */ void SfxViewFrame::ExecView_Impl ( SfxRequest& rReq // The executable ) { // If the Shells are just being replaced... if ( !GetObjectShell() || !GetViewShell() ) return; switch ( rReq.GetSlot() ) { case SID_TERMINATE_INPLACEACTIVATION : { SfxInPlaceClient* pClient = GetViewShell()->GetUIActiveClient(); if ( pClient ) pClient->DeactivateObject(); break; } case SID_VIEWSHELL: { const SfxPoolItem *pItem = nullptr; if ( rReq.GetArgs() && SfxItemState::SET == rReq.GetArgs()->GetItemState( SID_VIEWSHELL, false, &pItem ) ) { const sal_uInt16 nViewId = static_cast< const SfxUInt16Item* >( pItem )->GetValue(); bool bSuccess = SwitchToViewShell_Impl( nViewId ); rReq.SetReturnValue( SfxBoolItem( 0, bSuccess ) ); } break; } case SID_VIEWSHELL0: case SID_VIEWSHELL1: case SID_VIEWSHELL2: case SID_VIEWSHELL3: case SID_VIEWSHELL4: { const sal_uInt16 nViewNo = rReq.GetSlot() - SID_VIEWSHELL0; bool bSuccess = SwitchToViewShell_Impl( nViewNo, true ); rReq.SetReturnValue( SfxBoolItem( 0, bSuccess ) ); break; } case SID_NEWWINDOW: { // Hack. at the moment a virtual Function if ( !GetViewShell()->NewWindowAllowed() ) { OSL_FAIL( "You should have disabled the 'Window/New Window' slot!" ); return; } // Get ViewData of FrameSets recursively. GetFrame().GetViewData_Impl(); SfxMedium* pMed = GetObjectShell()->GetMedium(); // do not open the new window hidden pMed->GetItemSet()->ClearItem( SID_HIDDEN ); // the view ID (optional arg. TODO: this is currently not supported in the slot definition ...) const SfxUInt16Item* pViewIdItem = rReq.GetArg(SID_VIEW_ID); const SfxInterfaceId nViewId = pViewIdItem ? SfxInterfaceId(pViewIdItem->GetValue()) : GetCurViewId(); Reference < XFrame > xFrame; // the frame (optional arg. TODO: this is currently not supported in the slot definition ...) const SfxUnoFrameItem* pFrameItem = rReq.GetArg(SID_FILLFRAME); if ( pFrameItem ) xFrame = pFrameItem->GetFrame(); LoadViewIntoFrame_Impl_NoThrow( *GetObjectShell(), xFrame, nViewId, false ); rReq.Done(); break; } case SID_OBJECT: { const SfxInt16Item* pItem = rReq.GetArg(SID_OBJECT); SfxViewShell *pViewShell = GetViewShell(); if ( pViewShell && pItem ) { pViewShell->DoVerb( pItem->GetValue() ); rReq.Done(); break; } } } } /* TODO as96863: This method try to collect information about the count of currently open documents. But the algorithm is implemented very simple ... E.g. hidden documents should be ignored here ... but they are counted. TODO: export special helper "framework::FrameListAnalyzer" within the framework module and use it here. */ bool impl_maxOpenDocCountReached() { css::uno::Reference< css::uno::XComponentContext > xContext = ::comphelper::getProcessComponentContext(); boost::optional x(officecfg::Office::Common::Misc::MaxOpenDocuments::get(xContext)); // NIL means: count of allowed documents = infinite ! if (!x) return false; sal_Int32 nMaxDocs(x.get()); sal_Int32 nOpenDocs = 0; css::uno::Reference< css::frame::XDesktop2 > xDesktop = css::frame::Desktop::create(xContext); css::uno::Reference< css::container::XIndexAccess > xCont(xDesktop->getFrames(), css::uno::UNO_QUERY_THROW); sal_Int32 c = xCont->getCount(); sal_Int32 i = 0; for (i=0; i xFrame; xCont->getByIndex(i) >>= xFrame; if ( ! xFrame.is()) continue; // a) do not count the help window if ( xFrame->getName() == "OFFICE_HELP_TASK" ) continue; // b) count all other frames ++nOpenDocs; } catch(const css::uno::Exception&) // A IndexOutOfBoundException can happen in multithreaded // environments, where any other thread can change this // container ! { continue; } } return (nOpenDocs >= nMaxDocs); } /* [Description] This internal method returns in 'rSet' the Status for the Subclass SfxViewFrame in the described . Thus exactly those Slots-IDs that are recognized as being invalid by Sfx are included as Which-ranges in 'rSet'. If there exists a mapping for single slot-IDs of the set in the shell, then the respective Which-IDs are used so that items can be replaced directly with a working Core::sun::com::star::script::Engine of the Which-IDs if possible. . */ void SfxViewFrame::StateView_Impl ( SfxItemSet& rSet /* empty with , which describes the Slot Ids */ ) { SfxObjectShell *pDocSh = GetObjectShell(); if ( !pDocSh ) // I'm just on reload and am yielding myself ... return; const sal_uInt16 *pRanges = rSet.GetRanges(); assert(pRanges && "Set with no Range"); while ( *pRanges ) { sal_uInt16 nStartWhich = *pRanges++; sal_uInt16 nEndWhich = *pRanges++; for ( sal_uInt16 nWhich = nStartWhich; nWhich <= nEndWhich; ++nWhich ) { switch(nWhich) { case SID_VIEWSHELL: { rSet.Put( SfxUInt16Item( nWhich, sal_uInt16(m_pImpl->nCurViewId )) ); break; } case SID_VIEWSHELL0: case SID_VIEWSHELL1: case SID_VIEWSHELL2: case SID_VIEWSHELL3: case SID_VIEWSHELL4: { sal_uInt16 nViewNo = nWhich - SID_VIEWSHELL0; if ( GetObjectShell()->GetFactory().GetViewFactoryCount() > nViewNo && !GetObjectShell()->IsInPlaceActive() ) { SfxViewFactory &rViewFactory = GetObjectShell()->GetFactory().GetViewFactory(nViewNo); rSet.Put( SfxBoolItem( nWhich, m_pImpl->nCurViewId == rViewFactory.GetOrdinal() ) ); } else rSet.DisableItem( nWhich ); break; } case SID_NEWWINDOW: { if ( !GetViewShell()->NewWindowAllowed() || impl_maxOpenDocCountReached() ) rSet.DisableItem( nWhich ); break; } } } } } void SfxViewFrame::ToTop() { GetFrame().Appear(); } /* [Description] GetFrame returns the Frame, in which the ViewFrame is located. */ SfxFrame& SfxViewFrame::GetFrame() const { return m_pImpl->rFrame; } SfxViewFrame* SfxViewFrame::GetTopViewFrame() const { return GetFrame().GetCurrentViewFrame(); } vcl::Window& SfxViewFrame::GetWindow() const { return m_pImpl->pWindow ? *m_pImpl->pWindow : GetFrame().GetWindow(); } bool SfxViewFrame::DoClose() { return GetFrame().DoClose(); } OUString SfxViewFrame::GetActualPresentationURL_Impl() const { if ( m_xObjSh.is() ) return m_xObjSh->GetMedium()->GetName(); return OUString(); } void SfxViewFrame::SetModalMode( bool bModal ) { // no real modality for LOK if (comphelper::LibreOfficeKit::isActive()) return; m_pImpl->bModal = bModal; if ( m_xObjSh.is() ) { for ( SfxViewFrame* pFrame = SfxViewFrame::GetFirst( m_xObjSh.get() ); !bModal && pFrame; pFrame = SfxViewFrame::GetNext( *pFrame, m_xObjSh.get() ) ) bModal = pFrame->m_pImpl->bModal; m_xObjSh->SetModalMode_Impl( bModal ); } } bool SfxViewFrame::IsInModalMode() const { return m_pImpl->bModal || GetFrame().GetWindow().IsInModalMode(); } void SfxViewFrame::Resize( bool bForce ) { Size aSize = GetWindow().GetOutputSizePixel(); if ( bForce || aSize != m_pImpl->aSize ) { m_pImpl->aSize = aSize; SfxViewShell *pShell = GetViewShell(); if ( pShell ) { if ( GetFrame().IsInPlace() ) { Point aPoint = GetWindow().GetPosPixel(); DoAdjustPosSizePixel( pShell, aPoint, aSize, true ); } else { DoAdjustPosSizePixel( pShell, Point(), aSize, false ); } } } } #define LINE_SEP 0x0A void CutLines( OUString& rStr, sal_Int32 nStartLine, sal_Int32 nLines ) { sal_Int32 nStartPos = 0; sal_Int32 nLine = 0; while ( nLine < nStartLine ) { nStartPos = rStr.indexOf( LINE_SEP, nStartPos ); if( nStartPos == -1 ) break; nStartPos++; // not the \n. nLine++; } SAL_WARN_IF(nStartPos == -1, "sfx.view", "CutLines: Start row not found!"); if ( nStartPos != -1 ) { sal_Int32 nEndPos = nStartPos; for ( sal_Int32 i = 0; i < nLines; i++ ) nEndPos = rStr.indexOf( LINE_SEP, nEndPos+1 ); if ( nEndPos == -1 ) // Can happen at the last row. nEndPos = rStr.getLength(); else nEndPos++; rStr = rStr.copy( 0, nStartPos ) + rStr.copy( nEndPos ); } // erase trailing lines if ( nStartPos != -1 ) { sal_Int32 n = nStartPos; sal_Int32 nLen = rStr.getLength(); while ( ( n < nLen ) && ( rStr[ n ] == LINE_SEP ) ) n++; if ( n > nStartPos ) rStr = rStr.copy( 0, nStartPos ) + rStr.copy( n ); } } /* add new recorded dispatch macro script into the application global basic lib container. It generates a new unique id for it and insert the macro by using this number as name for the module */ void SfxViewFrame::AddDispatchMacroToBasic_Impl( const OUString& sMacro ) { #if !HAVE_FEATURE_SCRIPTING (void) sMacro; #else if ( sMacro.isEmpty() ) return; SfxApplication* pSfxApp = SfxGetpApp(); SfxRequest aReq( SID_BASICCHOOSER, SfxCallMode::SYNCHRON, pSfxApp->GetPool() ); aReq.AppendItem( SfxBoolItem(SID_RECORDMACRO,true) ); const SfxPoolItem* pRet = SfxGetpApp()->ExecuteSlot( aReq ); OUString aScriptURL; if ( pRet ) aScriptURL = static_cast(pRet)->GetValue(); if ( !aScriptURL.isEmpty() ) { // parse scriptURL OUString aLibName; OUString aModuleName; OUString aMacroName; OUString aLocation; Reference< XComponentContext > xContext = ::comphelper::getProcessComponentContext(); Reference< css::uri::XUriReferenceFactory > xFactory = css::uri::UriReferenceFactory::create( xContext ); Reference< css::uri::XVndSunStarScriptUrl > xUrl( xFactory->parse( aScriptURL ), UNO_QUERY ); if ( xUrl.is() ) { // get name const OUString aName = xUrl->getName(); const sal_Unicode cTok = '.'; sal_Int32 nIndex = 0; aLibName = aName.getToken( 0, cTok, nIndex ); if ( nIndex != -1 ) aModuleName = aName.getToken( 0, cTok, nIndex ); if ( nIndex != -1 ) aMacroName = aName.getToken( 0, cTok, nIndex ); // get location aLocation = xUrl->getParameter( "location" ); } BasicManager* pBasMgr = nullptr; if ( aLocation.equalsIgnoreAsciiCase( "application" ) ) { // application basic pBasMgr = SfxApplication::GetBasicManager(); } else if ( aLocation.equalsIgnoreAsciiCase( "document" ) ) { pBasMgr = GetObjectShell()->GetBasicManager(); } OUString aOUSource; if ( pBasMgr) { StarBASIC* pBasic = pBasMgr->GetLib( aLibName ); if ( pBasic ) { SbModule* pModule = pBasic->FindModule( aModuleName ); SbMethod* pMethod = pModule ? pModule->FindMethod(aMacroName, SbxClassType::Method) : nullptr; if (pMethod) { aOUSource = pModule->GetSource32(); sal_uInt16 nStart, nEnd; pMethod->GetLineRange( nStart, nEnd ); sal_uIntPtr nlStart = nStart; sal_uIntPtr nlEnd = nEnd; CutLines( aOUSource, nlStart-1, nlEnd-nlStart+1 ); } } } // open lib container and break operation if it couldn't be opened css::uno::Reference< css::script::XLibraryContainer > xLibCont; if ( aLocation.equalsIgnoreAsciiCase( "application" ) ) { xLibCont = SfxGetpApp()->GetBasicContainer(); } else if ( aLocation.equalsIgnoreAsciiCase( "document" ) ) { xLibCont = GetObjectShell()->GetBasicContainer(); } if(!xLibCont.is()) { SAL_WARN("sfx.view", "couldn't get access to the basic lib container. Adding of macro isn't possible."); return; } // get LibraryContainer css::uno::Any aTemp; css::uno::Reference< css::container::XNameAccess > xRoot( xLibCont, css::uno::UNO_QUERY); css::uno::Reference< css::container::XNameAccess > xLib; if(xRoot->hasByName(aLibName)) { // library must be loaded aTemp = xRoot->getByName(aLibName); xLibCont->loadLibrary(aLibName); aTemp >>= xLib; } else { xLib.set( xLibCont->createLibrary(aLibName), css::uno::UNO_QUERY); } // pack the macro as direct usable "sub" routine OUStringBuffer sRoutine(10000); bool bReplace = false; // get module if(xLib->hasByName(aModuleName)) { if ( !aOUSource.isEmpty() ) { sRoutine.append( aOUSource ); } else { OUString sCode; aTemp = xLib->getByName(aModuleName); aTemp >>= sCode; sRoutine.append( sCode ); } bReplace = true; } // append new method sRoutine.append( "\nsub " ); sRoutine.append(aMacroName); sRoutine.append( "\n" ); sRoutine.append(sMacro); sRoutine.append( "\nend sub\n" ); // create the module inside the library and insert the macro routine aTemp <<= sRoutine.makeStringAndClear(); if ( bReplace ) { css::uno::Reference< css::container::XNameContainer > xModulCont( xLib, css::uno::UNO_QUERY); xModulCont->replaceByName(aModuleName,aTemp); } else { css::uno::Reference< css::container::XNameContainer > xModulCont( xLib, css::uno::UNO_QUERY); xModulCont->insertByName(aModuleName,aTemp); } // #i17355# update the Basic IDE for ( SfxViewShell* pViewShell = SfxViewShell::GetFirst(); pViewShell; pViewShell = SfxViewShell::GetNext( *pViewShell ) ) { if ( pViewShell->GetName() == "BasicIDE" ) { SfxViewFrame* pViewFrame = pViewShell->GetViewFrame(); SfxDispatcher* pDispat = pViewFrame ? pViewFrame->GetDispatcher() : nullptr; if ( pDispat ) { SfxMacroInfoItem aInfoItem( SID_BASICIDE_ARG_MACROINFO, pBasMgr, aLibName, aModuleName, OUString(), OUString() ); pDispat->ExecuteList(SID_BASICIDE_UPDATEMODULESOURCE, SfxCallMode::SYNCHRON, { &aInfoItem }); } } } } else { // add code for "session only" macro } #endif } void SfxViewFrame::MiscExec_Impl( SfxRequest& rReq ) { switch ( rReq.GetSlot() ) { case SID_STOP_RECORDING : case SID_RECORDMACRO : { // try to find any active recorder on this frame const OUString sProperty("DispatchRecorderSupplier"); css::uno::Reference< css::frame::XFrame > xFrame( GetFrame().GetFrameInterface(), css::uno::UNO_QUERY); css::uno::Reference< css::beans::XPropertySet > xSet(xFrame,css::uno::UNO_QUERY); css::uno::Any aProp = xSet->getPropertyValue(sProperty); css::uno::Reference< css::frame::XDispatchRecorderSupplier > xSupplier; aProp >>= xSupplier; css::uno::Reference< css::frame::XDispatchRecorder > xRecorder; if (xSupplier.is()) xRecorder = xSupplier->getDispatchRecorder(); bool bIsRecording = xRecorder.is(); const SfxBoolItem* pItem = rReq.GetArg(SID_RECORDMACRO); if ( pItem && pItem->GetValue() == bIsRecording ) return; if ( xRecorder.is() ) { // disable active recording aProp <<= css::uno::Reference< css::frame::XDispatchRecorderSupplier >(); xSet->setPropertyValue(sProperty,aProp); const SfxBoolItem* pRecordItem = rReq.GetArg(FN_PARAM_1); if ( !pRecordItem || !pRecordItem->GetValue() ) // insert script into basic library container of application AddDispatchMacroToBasic_Impl(xRecorder->getRecordedMacro()); xRecorder->endRecording(); xRecorder = nullptr; GetBindings().SetRecorder_Impl( xRecorder ); SetChildWindow( SID_RECORDING_FLOATWINDOW, false ); if ( rReq.GetSlot() != SID_RECORDMACRO ) GetBindings().Invalidate( SID_RECORDMACRO ); } else if ( rReq.GetSlot() == SID_RECORDMACRO ) { // enable recording css::uno::Reference< css::uno::XComponentContext > xContext( ::comphelper::getProcessComponentContext()); xRecorder = css::frame::DispatchRecorder::create( xContext ); xSupplier = css::frame::DispatchRecorderSupplier::create( xContext ); xSupplier->setDispatchRecorder(xRecorder); xRecorder->startRecording(xFrame); aProp <<= xSupplier; xSet->setPropertyValue(sProperty,aProp); GetBindings().SetRecorder_Impl( xRecorder ); SetChildWindow( SID_RECORDING_FLOATWINDOW, true ); } rReq.Done(); break; } case SID_TOGGLESTATUSBAR: { css::uno::Reference< css::frame::XFrame > xFrame( GetFrame().GetFrameInterface(), css::uno::UNO_QUERY); Reference< css::beans::XPropertySet > xPropSet( xFrame, UNO_QUERY ); Reference< css::frame::XLayoutManager > xLayoutManager; if ( xPropSet.is() ) { try { Any aValue = xPropSet->getPropertyValue("LayoutManager"); aValue >>= xLayoutManager; } catch ( Exception& ) { } } if ( xLayoutManager.is() ) { const OUString aStatusbarResString( "private:resource/statusbar/statusbar" ); // Evaluate parameter. const SfxBoolItem* pShowItem = rReq.GetArg(rReq.GetSlot()); bool bShow( true ); if ( !pShowItem ) bShow = xLayoutManager->isElementVisible( aStatusbarResString ); else bShow = pShowItem->GetValue(); if ( bShow ) { xLayoutManager->createElement( aStatusbarResString ); xLayoutManager->showElement( aStatusbarResString ); } else xLayoutManager->hideElement( aStatusbarResString ); if ( !pShowItem ) rReq.AppendItem( SfxBoolItem( SID_TOGGLESTATUSBAR, bShow ) ); } rReq.Done(); break; } // - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - case SID_WIN_FULLSCREEN: { const SfxBoolItem* pItem = rReq.GetArg(rReq.GetSlot()); SfxViewFrame *pTop = GetTopViewFrame(); if ( pTop ) { WorkWindow* pWork = static_cast( pTop->GetFrame().GetTopWindow_Impl() ); if ( pWork ) { css::uno::Reference< css::frame::XFrame > xFrame( GetFrame().GetFrameInterface(), css::uno::UNO_QUERY); Reference< css::beans::XPropertySet > xPropSet( xFrame, UNO_QUERY ); Reference< css::frame::XLayoutManager > xLayoutManager; if ( xPropSet.is() ) { try { Any aValue = xPropSet->getPropertyValue("LayoutManager"); aValue >>= xLayoutManager; } catch ( Exception& ) { } } bool bNewFullScreenMode = pItem ? pItem->GetValue() : !pWork->IsFullScreenMode(); if ( bNewFullScreenMode != pWork->IsFullScreenMode() ) { Reference< css::beans::XPropertySet > xLMPropSet( xLayoutManager, UNO_QUERY ); if ( xLMPropSet.is() ) { try { xLMPropSet->setPropertyValue( "HideCurrentUI", makeAny( bNewFullScreenMode )); } catch ( css::beans::UnknownPropertyException& ) { } } pWork->ShowFullScreenMode( bNewFullScreenMode ); pWork->SetMenuBarMode( bNewFullScreenMode ? MenuBarMode::Hide : MenuBarMode::Normal ); GetFrame().GetWorkWindow_Impl()->SetFullScreen_Impl( bNewFullScreenMode ); if ( !pItem ) rReq.AppendItem( SfxBoolItem( SID_WIN_FULLSCREEN, bNewFullScreenMode ) ); rReq.Done(); } else rReq.Ignore(); } } else rReq.Ignore(); GetDispatcher()->Update_Impl( true ); break; } } } void SfxViewFrame::MiscState_Impl(SfxItemSet &rSet) { const sal_uInt16 *pRanges = rSet.GetRanges(); DBG_ASSERT(pRanges && *pRanges, "Set without range"); while ( *pRanges ) { for(sal_uInt16 nWhich = *pRanges++; nWhich <= *pRanges; ++nWhich) { switch(nWhich) { case SID_CURRENT_URL: { rSet.Put( SfxStringItem( nWhich, GetActualPresentationURL_Impl() ) ); break; } case SID_RECORDMACRO : { SvtMiscOptions aMiscOptions; const OUString& sName{GetObjectShell()->GetFactory().GetFactoryName()}; if ( !aMiscOptions.IsMacroRecorderMode() || ( sName!="swriter" && sName!="scalc" ) ) { rSet.DisableItem( nWhich ); rSet.Put(SfxVisibilityItem(nWhich, false)); break; } css::uno::Reference< css::beans::XPropertySet > xSet( GetFrame().GetFrameInterface(), css::uno::UNO_QUERY); css::uno::Any aProp = xSet->getPropertyValue("DispatchRecorderSupplier"); css::uno::Reference< css::frame::XDispatchRecorderSupplier > xSupplier; if ( aProp >>= xSupplier ) rSet.Put( SfxBoolItem( nWhich, xSupplier.is() ) ); else rSet.DisableItem( nWhich ); break; } case SID_STOP_RECORDING : { SvtMiscOptions aMiscOptions; const OUString& sName{GetObjectShell()->GetFactory().GetFactoryName()}; if ( !aMiscOptions.IsMacroRecorderMode() || ( sName!="swriter" && sName!="scalc" ) ) { rSet.DisableItem( nWhich ); break; } css::uno::Reference< css::beans::XPropertySet > xSet( GetFrame().GetFrameInterface(), css::uno::UNO_QUERY); css::uno::Any aProp = xSet->getPropertyValue("DispatchRecorderSupplier"); css::uno::Reference< css::frame::XDispatchRecorderSupplier > xSupplier; if ( !(aProp >>= xSupplier) || !xSupplier.is() ) rSet.DisableItem( nWhich ); break; } case SID_TOGGLESTATUSBAR: { css::uno::Reference< css::frame::XLayoutManager > xLayoutManager; css::uno::Reference< css::beans::XPropertySet > xSet( GetFrame().GetFrameInterface(), css::uno::UNO_QUERY); css::uno::Any aProp = xSet->getPropertyValue( "LayoutManager" ); if ( !( aProp >>= xLayoutManager )) rSet.Put( SfxBoolItem( nWhich, false )); else { bool bShow = xLayoutManager->isElementVisible( "private:resource/statusbar/statusbar" ); rSet.Put( SfxBoolItem( nWhich, bShow )); } break; } case SID_WIN_FULLSCREEN: { SfxViewFrame* pTop = GetTopViewFrame(); if ( pTop ) { WorkWindow* pWork = static_cast( pTop->GetFrame().GetTopWindow_Impl() ); if ( pWork ) { rSet.Put( SfxBoolItem( nWhich, pWork->IsFullScreenMode() ) ); break; } } rSet.DisableItem( nWhich ); break; } default: break; } } ++pRanges; } } /* [Description] This method can be included in the Execute method for the on- and off- switching of ChildWindows, to implement this and API-bindings. Simply include as 'ExecuteMethod' in the IDL. */ void SfxViewFrame::ChildWindowExecute( SfxRequest &rReq ) { // Evaluate Parameter sal_uInt16 nSID = rReq.GetSlot(); const SfxBoolItem* pShowItem = rReq.GetArg(nSID); if ( nSID == SID_VIEW_DATA_SOURCE_BROWSER ) { if (!SvtModuleOptions().IsModuleInstalled(SvtModuleOptions::EModule::DATABASE)) return; Reference < XFrame > xFrame = GetFrame().GetFrameInterface(); Reference < XFrame > xBeamer( xFrame->findFrame( "_beamer", FrameSearchFlag::CHILDREN ) ); bool bHasChild = xBeamer.is(); bool bShow = pShowItem ? pShowItem->GetValue() : !bHasChild; if ( pShowItem ) { if( bShow == bHasChild ) return; } else rReq.AppendItem( SfxBoolItem( nSID, bShow ) ); if ( !bShow ) { SetChildWindow( SID_BROWSER, false ); } else { css::util::URL aTargetURL; aTargetURL.Complete = ".component:DB/DataSourceBrowser"; Reference < css::util::XURLTransformer > xTrans( css::util::URLTransformer::create( ::comphelper::getProcessComponentContext() ) ); xTrans->parseStrict( aTargetURL ); Reference < XDispatchProvider > xProv( xFrame, UNO_QUERY ); Reference < css::frame::XDispatch > xDisp; if ( xProv.is() ) xDisp = xProv->queryDispatch( aTargetURL, "_beamer", 31 ); if ( xDisp.is() ) { Sequence < css::beans::PropertyValue > aArgs(1); css::beans::PropertyValue* pArg = aArgs.getArray(); pArg[0].Name = "Referer"; pArg[0].Value <<= OUString("private:user"); xDisp->dispatch( aTargetURL, aArgs ); } } rReq.Done(); return; } if (nSID == SID_STYLE_DESIGNER) { // First make sure that the sidebar is visible ShowChildWindow(SID_SIDEBAR); ::sfx2::sidebar::Sidebar::TogglePanel("StyleListPanel", GetFrame().GetFrameInterface()); rReq.Done(); return; } bool bHasChild = HasChildWindow(nSID); bool bShow = pShowItem ? pShowItem->GetValue() : !bHasChild; GetDispatcher()->Update_Impl( true ); // Perform action. if ( !pShowItem || bShow != bHasChild ) ToggleChildWindow( nSID ); GetBindings().Invalidate( nSID ); // Record if possible. if ( nSID == SID_HYPERLINK_DIALOG || nSID == SID_SEARCH_DLG ) { rReq.Ignore(); } else { rReq.AppendItem( SfxBoolItem( nSID, bShow ) ); rReq.Done(); } } /* [Description] This method can be used in the state method for the on and off-state of child-windows, in order to implement this. Just register the IDL as 'StateMethod'. */ void SfxViewFrame::ChildWindowState( SfxItemSet& rState ) { SfxWhichIter aIter( rState ); for ( sal_uInt16 nSID = aIter.FirstWhich(); nSID; nSID = aIter.NextWhich() ) { if ( nSID == SID_VIEW_DATA_SOURCE_BROWSER ) { rState.Put( SfxBoolItem( nSID, HasChildWindow( SID_BROWSER ) ) ); } else if ( nSID == SID_HYPERLINK_DIALOG ) { const SfxPoolItem* pDummy = nullptr; SfxItemState eState = GetDispatcher()->QueryState( SID_HYPERLINK_SETLINK, pDummy ); if ( SfxItemState::DISABLED == eState ) rState.DisableItem(nSID); else { if ( KnowsChildWindow(nSID) ) rState.Put( SfxBoolItem( nSID, HasChildWindow(nSID)) ); else rState.DisableItem(nSID); } } else if ( nSID == SID_BROWSER ) { Reference < XFrame > xFrame = GetFrame().GetFrameInterface()-> findFrame( "_beamer", FrameSearchFlag::CHILDREN ); if ( !xFrame.is() ) rState.DisableItem( nSID ); else if ( KnowsChildWindow(nSID) ) rState.Put( SfxBoolItem( nSID, HasChildWindow(nSID) ) ); } else if ( nSID == SID_SIDEBAR ) { if ( !KnowsChildWindow( nSID ) ) { SAL_WARN("sfx.view", "SID_SIDEBAR state requested, but no task pane child window exists for this ID!"); rState.DisableItem( nSID ); } else { rState.Put( SfxBoolItem( nSID, HasChildWindow( nSID ) ) ); } } else if ( KnowsChildWindow(nSID) ) rState.Put( SfxBoolItem( nSID, HasChildWindow(nSID) ) ); else rState.DisableItem(nSID); } } SfxWorkWindow* SfxViewFrame::GetWorkWindow_Impl() { SfxWorkWindow* pWork = GetFrame().GetWorkWindow_Impl(); return pWork; } void SfxViewFrame::SetChildWindow(sal_uInt16 nId, bool bOn, bool bSetFocus ) { SfxWorkWindow* pWork = GetWorkWindow_Impl(); if ( pWork ) pWork->SetChildWindow_Impl( nId, bOn, bSetFocus ); } void SfxViewFrame::ToggleChildWindow(sal_uInt16 nId) { SfxWorkWindow* pWork = GetWorkWindow_Impl(); if ( pWork ) pWork->ToggleChildWindow_Impl( nId, true ); } bool SfxViewFrame::HasChildWindow( sal_uInt16 nId ) { SfxWorkWindow* pWork = GetWorkWindow_Impl(); return pWork && pWork->HasChildWindow_Impl(nId); } bool SfxViewFrame::KnowsChildWindow( sal_uInt16 nId ) { SfxWorkWindow* pWork = GetWorkWindow_Impl(); return pWork && pWork->KnowsChildWindow_Impl(nId); } void SfxViewFrame::ShowChildWindow( sal_uInt16 nId, bool bVisible ) { SfxWorkWindow* pWork = GetWorkWindow_Impl(); if ( pWork ) { GetDispatcher()->Update_Impl(true); pWork->ShowChildWindow_Impl(nId, bVisible, true ); } } SfxChildWindow* SfxViewFrame::GetChildWindow(sal_uInt16 nId) { SfxWorkWindow* pWork = GetWorkWindow_Impl(); return pWork ? pWork->GetChildWindow_Impl(nId) : nullptr; } void SfxViewFrame::UpdateDocument_Impl() { SfxObjectShell* pDoc = GetObjectShell(); if ( pDoc->IsLoadingFinished() ) pDoc->CheckSecurityOnLoading_Impl(); // check if document depends on a template pDoc->UpdateFromTemplate_Impl(); } void SfxViewFrame::SetViewFrame( SfxViewFrame* pFrame ) { SfxGetpApp()->SetViewFrame_Impl( pFrame ); } VclPtr SfxViewFrame::AppendInfoBar(const OUString& sId, const OUString& sMessage, InfoBarType aInfoBarType) { SfxChildWindow* pChild = GetChildWindow(SfxInfoBarContainerChild::GetChildWindowId()); if (!pChild) return nullptr; SfxInfoBarContainerWindow* pInfoBarContainer = static_cast(pChild->GetWindow()); auto pInfoBar = pInfoBarContainer->appendInfoBar(sId, sMessage, aInfoBarType, WB_LEFT | WB_VCENTER); ShowChildWindow(SfxInfoBarContainerChild::GetChildWindowId()); return pInfoBar; } void SfxViewFrame::RemoveInfoBar( const OUString& sId ) { const sal_uInt16 nId = SfxInfoBarContainerChild::GetChildWindowId(); // Make sure the InfoBar container is visible if (!HasChildWindow(nId)) ToggleChildWindow(nId); SfxChildWindow* pChild = GetChildWindow(nId); if (pChild) { SfxInfoBarContainerWindow* pInfoBarContainer = static_cast(pChild->GetWindow()); auto pInfoBar = pInfoBarContainer->getInfoBar(sId); pInfoBarContainer->removeInfoBar(pInfoBar); ShowChildWindow(nId); } } bool SfxViewFrame::HasInfoBarWithID( const OUString& sId ) { const sal_uInt16 nId = SfxInfoBarContainerChild::GetChildWindowId(); SfxChildWindow* pChild = GetChildWindow(nId); if (pChild) { SfxInfoBarContainerWindow* pInfoBarContainer = static_cast(pChild->GetWindow()); return pInfoBarContainer->hasInfoBarWithID(sId); } return false; } /* vim:set shiftwidth=4 softtabstop=4 expandtab: */