/************************************************************************* * * $RCSfile: viewsh.cxx,v $ * * $Revision: 1.41 $ * * last change: $Author: svesik $ $Date: 2004-04-21 13:21:46 $ * * The Contents of this file are made available subject to the terms of * either of the following licenses * * - GNU Lesser General Public License Version 2.1 * - Sun Industry Standards Source License Version 1.1 * * Sun Microsystems Inc., October, 2000 * * GNU Lesser General Public License Version 2.1 * ============================================= * Copyright 2000 by Sun Microsystems, Inc. * 901 San Antonio Road, Palo Alto, CA 94303, USA * * This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or * modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public * License version 2.1, as published by the Free Software Foundation. * * This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU * Lesser General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public * License along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software * Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, * MA 02111-1307 USA * * * Sun Industry Standards Source License Version 1.1 * ================================================= * The contents of this file are subject to the Sun Industry Standards * Source License Version 1.1 (the "License"); You may not use this file * except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of the * License at http://www.openoffice.org/license.html. * * Software provided under this License is provided on an "AS IS" basis, * WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EITHER EXPRESSED OR IMPLIED, INCLUDING, * WITHOUT LIMITATION, WARRANTIES THAT THE SOFTWARE IS FREE OF DEFECTS, * MERCHANTABLE, FIT FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE, OR NON-INFRINGING. * See the License for the specific provisions governing your rights and * obligations concerning the Software. * * The Initial Developer of the Original Code is: Sun Microsystems, Inc. * * Copyright: 2000 by Sun Microsystems, Inc. * * All Rights Reserved. * * Contributor(s): _______________________________________ * * ************************************************************************/ #ifndef _PLUGIN_HXX //autogen #include #endif #ifndef _APPLET_HXX //autogen #include #endif #ifndef _SFXSTRITEM_HXX //autogen #include #endif #ifndef _SFXENUMITEM_HXX //autogen #include #endif #ifndef _SFX_WHITER_HXX //autogen #include #endif #ifndef _MSGBOX_HXX //autogen #include #endif #ifndef _SOERR_HXX //autogen #include #endif #ifndef _SFXINTITEM_HXX //autogen #include #endif #ifndef _SFXECODE_HXX #include #endif #ifndef _EHDL_HXX #include #endif #ifndef _DRAFTS_COM_SUN_STAR_FRAME_XLAYOUTMANAGER_HPP_ #include #endif #ifndef _COM_SUN_STAR_BEANS_XPROPERTYSET_HPP_ #include #endif #include #include #include #ifndef INCLUDED_SVTOOLS_INTERNALOPTIONS_HXX #include #endif #include #include #include #include #ifndef GCC #pragma hdrstop #endif #include "viewsh.hxx" #include "viewimp.hxx" #include "sfxresid.hxx" #include "request.hxx" #include "templdlg.hxx" #include "interno.hxx" #include "printer.hxx" #include "docfile.hxx" #include "dispatch.hxx" #include "arrdecl.hxx" #include "ipenv.hxx" #include "accmgr.hxx" #include "intfrm.hxx" #include "docfac.hxx" #include "view.hrc" #include "mnumgr.hxx" #include "virtmenu.hxx" #include "objuno.hxx" #include "sfxlocal.hrc" #include "frameobj.hxx" #include "sfxbasecontroller.hxx" #include "topfrm.hxx" #include "mailmodel.hxx" #include "event.hxx" #include "appdata.hxx" #include "fcontnr.hxx" using namespace ::com::sun::star::uno; using namespace ::com::sun::star::frame; using namespace ::com::sun::star::beans; //========================================================================= DBG_NAME(SfxViewShell); #define SfxViewShell #include "sfxslots.hxx" //========================================================================= SFX_IMPL_INTERFACE(SfxViewShell,SfxShell,SfxResId(0)) { SFX_CHILDWINDOW_REGISTRATION( SID_MAIL_CHILDWIN ); } TYPEINIT2(SfxViewShell,SfxShell,SfxListener); //-------------------------------------------------------------------- ErrCode SfxViewShell::DirectLoad( SfxFrame* pFrame, SfxMedium& rMedium ) { return ERRCODE_SFX_FORCEDOCLOAD; } //-------------------------------------------------------------------- void SfxViewShell::ExecMisc_Impl( SfxRequest &rReq ) { const USHORT nId = rReq.GetSlot(); switch( nId ) { case SID_STYLE_FAMILY : { SFX_REQUEST_ARG(rReq, pItem, SfxUInt16Item, nId, FALSE); if (pItem) pImp->nFamily = pItem->GetValue(); break; } case SID_STYLE_CATALOG: { SfxTemplateCatalog aCatalog( SFX_APP()->GetTopWindow(), &GetViewFrame()->GetBindings()); aCatalog.Execute(); rReq.Ignore(); break; } // - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - case SID_MAIL_SENDDOCASPDF: case SID_MAIL_SENDDOC: if ( SvtInternalOptions().MailUIEnabled() ) { GetViewFrame()->SetChildWindow( SID_MAIL_CHILDWIN, TRUE ); } else { SfxMailModel_Impl aModel( &GetViewFrame()->GetBindings() ); SFX_REQUEST_ARG(rReq, pMailSubject, SfxStringItem, SID_MAIL_SUBJECT, FALSE ); if ( pMailSubject ) aModel.SetSubject( pMailSubject->GetValue() ); SFX_REQUEST_ARG(rReq, pMailRecipient, SfxStringItem, SID_MAIL_RECIPIENT, FALSE ); if ( pMailRecipient ) { String aRecipient( pMailRecipient->GetValue() ); String aMailToStr( String::CreateFromAscii( "mailto:" )); if ( aRecipient.Search( aMailToStr ) == 0 ) aRecipient = aRecipient.Erase( 0, aMailToStr.Len() ); aModel.AddAddress( aRecipient, SfxMailModel_Impl::ROLE_TO ); } SfxMailModel_Impl::SendMailResult eResult = SfxMailModel_Impl::SEND_MAIL_ERROR; if ( nId == SID_MAIL_SENDDOCASPDF ) eResult = aModel.Send( SfxMailModel_Impl::TYPE_ASPDF ); else eResult = aModel.Send( SfxMailModel_Impl::TYPE_SELF ); if ( eResult == SfxMailModel_Impl::SEND_MAIL_ERROR ) { InfoBox aBox( SFX_APP()->GetTopWindow(), SfxResId( MSG_ERROR_SEND_MAIL )); aBox.Execute(); rReq.Ignore(); } else rReq.Done(); } break; // - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - case SID_PLUGINS_ACTIVE: { SFX_REQUEST_ARG(rReq, pShowItem, SfxBoolItem, nId, FALSE); BOOL bActive = pShowItem ? pShowItem->GetValue() : !pImp->bPlugInsActive; // ggf. recorden if ( !rReq.IsAPI() ) rReq.AppendItem( SfxBoolItem( nId, bActive ) ); // Jetzt schon DONE aufrufen, da die Argumente evtl. einen Pool // benutzen, der demn"achst weg ist rReq.Done(TRUE); // ausfuehren if ( !pShowItem || bActive != pImp->bPlugInsActive ) { SfxFrame *pFrame = GetFrame()->GetTopFrame(); if ( pFrame != GetFrame()->GetFrame() ) { // FramesetDocument SfxViewShell *pShell = pFrame->GetCurrentViewFrame()->GetViewShell(); if ( pShell->GetInterface()->GetSlot( nId ) ) pShell->ExecuteSlot( rReq ); break; } SfxFrameIterator aIter( *pFrame ); while ( pFrame ) { if ( pFrame->GetCurrentViewFrame() ) { SfxViewShell *pView = pFrame->GetCurrentViewFrame()->GetViewShell(); if ( pView ) { pView->pImp->bPlugInsActive = bActive; SfxInPlaceObject *pObj = pFrame->GetCurrentDocument()->GetInPlaceObject(); if ( pObj ) { Rectangle aVisArea = pObj->GetVisArea(); VisAreaChanged(aVisArea); } } } if ( !pFrame->GetParentFrame() ) pFrame = aIter.FirstFrame(); else pFrame = aIter.NextFrame( *pFrame ); } } break; } } } //-------------------------------------------------------------------- void SfxViewShell::GetState_Impl( SfxItemSet &rSet ) { DBG_CHKTHIS(SfxViewShell, 0); SfxWhichIter aIter( rSet ); for ( USHORT nSID = aIter.FirstWhich(); nSID; nSID = aIter.NextWhich() ) { switch ( nSID ) { case SID_STYLE_CATALOG: { if ( !GetViewFrame()->KnowsChildWindow( SID_STYLE_DESIGNER ) ) rSet.DisableItem( nSID ); break; } // Printer-Funktionen case SID_PRINTDOC: case SID_PRINTDOCDIRECT: case SID_SETUPPRINTER: { BOOL bEnabled = pImp->bCanPrint && !pImp->nPrinterLocks; if ( bEnabled ) { SfxPrinter *pPrinter = GetPrinter(FALSE); bEnabled = !pPrinter || !pPrinter->IsPrinting(); } if ( !bEnabled ) { rSet.DisableItem( SID_PRINTDOC ); rSet.DisableItem( SID_PRINTDOCDIRECT ); rSet.DisableItem( SID_SETUPPRINTER ); } break; } // Mail-Funktionen case SID_MAIL_SENDDOCASPDF: case SID_MAIL_SENDDOC: { BOOL bEnable = !GetViewFrame()->HasChildWindow( SID_MAIL_CHILDWIN ); if ( !bEnable ) rSet.DisableItem( nSID ); else if ( nSID == SID_MAIL_SENDDOCASPDF ) { SfxObjectShellRef xDocShell = GetViewFrame()->GetObjectShell(); if ( xDocShell.Is() ) { // Get PDF Filter String aPDFExtension = String::CreateFromAscii( ".pdf" ); const SfxFilter* pFilter = SfxFilterMatcher( String::CreateFromAscii( xDocShell->GetFactory().GetShortName()) ).GetFilter4Extension( aPDFExtension, SFX_FILTER_EXPORT ); if ( pFilter != NULL ) break; } rSet.DisableItem( nSID ); } break; } // PlugIns running case SID_PLUGINS_ACTIVE: { rSet.Put( SfxBoolItem( SID_PLUGINS_ACTIVE, !pImp->bPlugInsActive) ); break; } /* // SelectionText case SID_SELECTION_TEXT: { rSet.Put( SfxStringItem( SID_SELECTION_TEXT, GetSelectionText() ) ); break; } // SelectionTextExt case SID_SELECTION_TEXT_EXT: { rSet.Put( SfxStringItem( SID_SELECTION_TEXT_EXT, GetSelectionText(TRUE) ) ); break; } */ case SID_STYLE_FAMILY : { rSet.Put( SfxUInt16Item( SID_STYLE_FAMILY, pImp->nFamily ) ); break; } } } } //-------------------------------------------------------------------- void SfxViewShell::SetZoomFactor( const Fraction &rZoomX, const Fraction &rZoomY ) { DBG_ASSERT( GetWindow(), "no window" ); MapMode aMap( GetWindow()->GetMapMode() ); aMap.SetScaleX( rZoomX ); aMap.SetScaleY( rZoomY ); GetWindow()->SetMapMode( aMap ); } //-------------------------------------------------------------------- SfxInPlaceClient* SfxViewShell::CreateIPClient ( WorkWindow* pTop, WorkWindow* pDoc, Window* pDraw ) /* [Beschreibung] "Uber diese Factory-Methode erzeugt der SFx spezielle SfxShell-Instanzen, die als Stellvertreter f"ur InPlace-Objekte dienen. Solle auf Callbacks dieser Stellvertreter reagiert werden, die dieses "uber eine eigene SfxInPlaceClient-Subklasse zu realisieren und diese Factory zu "uberladen. */ { HACK(kann raus) return new SfxInPlaceClient( this, pDraw ); } //-------------------------------------------------------------------- void SfxViewShell::UIActivate ( SvInPlaceObject* pObj // das Objekt, welched deaktiv wurde ) /* [Beschreibung] Dieser Handler wird gerufen, wenn ein mit der Methode angesteuertes Objekt aktiviert wurde. Die Basisimplementation braucht nicht gerufen zu werden. [Querverweise] */ { } //-------------------------------------------------------------------- void SfxViewShell::UIDeactivate ( SvInPlaceObject* pObj // das Objekt, welched deaktiv wurde ) /* [Beschreibung] Dieser Handler wird gerufen, wenn ein mit der Methode aktiviertes Objekt deaktiviert wurde. Dies kann von der Server-Applikation oder durch die Client- Applikation hervorgerufen worden sein. Die Basisimplementation braucht nicht gerufen zu werden. [Querverweise] */ { } //-------------------------------------------------------------------- ErrCode SfxViewShell::DoVerb ( SfxInPlaceClient* pIPClient, // zu aktivierender long nVerb // auszuf"uhrendes Verb (default = 0) ) /* [Beschreibung] [Beispiel] ErrCode SwView::DoVerb( SwSoNode *pSoNode, long nVerb ) { SwIPClientRef xIPCli = (SwIPClient*) pViewSh->FindIPClient( pSoNode->GetObject() ); if ( !xIPCli.Is() ) xIPCli = new SwIPClient( pViewSh, pEditWin, .... ); pSoNode->GetObject()->DoConnect( xIPCli ); xIPCli->GetEnv()->SetObjArea( Rectangle( ... ) ); ... return DoVerb( xIPCli, nVerb ); } */ { DBG_ASSERT( pIPClient->GetEmbedObj(), "DoVerb aber nicht connected?!" ); // falls neu, in Liste eintragen // Passiert jetzt schon im Connect ! // if ( LIST_ENTRY_NOTFOUND == aIPClientList.GetPos( pIPClient ) ) // aIPClientList.Insert(pIPClient); // und ab gehts (kein SetModified rufen, das mach das Obj schon selbst) SfxErrorContext aEc( ERRCTX_SO_DOVERB, GetWindow(), RID_SO_ERRCTX ); SvPersist* pPersist = GetObjectShell()->GetInPlaceObject(); if ( !pPersist ) pPersist = GetObjectShell(); pPersist->StartActivation( pIPClient->GetEmbedObj() ); ErrCode nErr = pIPClient->GetEmbedObj()->DoVerb( nVerb ); if( nErr ) ErrorHandler::HandleError( nErr ); return nErr; } //-------------------------------------------------------------------- SfxInPlaceClient* SfxViewShell::FindIPClient ( SvEmbeddedObject* pObj, /* f"ur dieses suchen */ Window* pObjParentWin /* SfxInPlaceClient, der in diesem Window dargestellt wird */ ) const /* [Beschreibung] Sucht nach einem exisitierenden SfxInPlaceClient f"ur das angegebene Objekt/Window-Paar. Wird keins gefunden, wird 0 zur"uckgegeben. [Querverweise] */ { SvInPlaceClientMemberList *pClients = GetIPClientList_Impl(FALSE); if ( !pClients ) return 0; if( !pObjParentWin ) pObjParentWin = GetWindow(); for (USHORT n=0; n < pClients->Count(); n++) { SfxInPlaceClient *pIPClient = (SfxInPlaceClient*) pClients->GetObject(n); if ( pIPClient->GetEmbedObj() == pObj && pIPClient->GetEnv()->GetEditWin() == pObjParentWin ) return pIPClient; } return 0; } //-------------------------------------------------------------------- SfxInPlaceClient* SfxViewShell::GetIPClient() const { return GetUIActiveClient(); } //-------------------------------------------------------------------- SfxInPlaceClient* SfxViewShell::GetUIActiveClient() const { SvInPlaceClientMemberList *pClients = GetIPClientList_Impl(FALSE); if ( !pClients ) return 0; SvInPlaceClient *pIPClient=0; SvInPlaceClientRef aIPClient; for (USHORT n=0; n < pClients->Count(); n++) { aIPClient = pClients->GetObject(n); if( aIPClient.Is() ) { if (aIPClient->GetProtocol().IsUIActive()) { pIPClient = aIPClient; break; } } } return (SfxInPlaceClient*) pIPClient; } //-------------------------------------------------------------------- void SfxViewShell::Activate( BOOL bMDI ) { DBG_CHKTHIS(SfxViewShell, 0); if ( bMDI ) { SfxObjectShell *pSh = GetViewFrame()->GetObjectShell(); if ( pSh->GetModel().is() ) pSh->GetModel()->setCurrentController( GetViewFrame()->GetFrame()->GetController() ); if ( pSh && pSh->GetMedium() && pSh->GetMedium()->GetName().Len() ) INetURLObject::SetBaseURL( pSh->GetBaseURL() ); else { INetURLObject aObject( SvtPathOptions().GetWorkPath() ); aObject.setFinalSlash(); INetURLObject::SetBaseURL( aObject.GetMainURL( INetURLObject::NO_DECODE ) ); } SfxObjectShell::SetWorkingDocument( pSh ); } } //-------------------------------------------------------------------- void SfxViewShell::Deactivate(BOOL bMDI) { DBG_CHKTHIS(SfxViewShell, 0); if ( bMDI ) { SfxObjectShell *pSh = GetViewFrame()->GetObjectShell(); if ( pSh == SfxObjectShell::GetWorkingDocument() ) SfxObjectShell::SetWorkingDocument( 0 ); } } //-------------------------------------------------------------------- void SfxViewShell::AdjustPosSizePixel ( const Point& rToolOffset,// linke obere Ecke der Tools im Frame-Window const Size& rSize // gesamte zur Verf"ugung stehende Gr"o\se ) { DBG_CHKTHIS(SfxViewShell, 0); } //-------------------------------------------------------------------- void SfxViewShell::Move() /* [Beschreibung] Diese virtuelle Methode wird gerufen, wenn das Fenster, in dem die SfxViewShell dargestellt wird eine StarView-Move() Nachricht erh"alt. Die Basisimplementierung braucht nicht gerufen zu werden. [Anmerkung] Diese Methode kann dazu verwendet werden, eine Selektion abzubrechen, um durch das Moven des Fensters erzeugte Maus-Bewegungen anzufangen. Zur Zeit funktioniert die Benachrichtigung nicht In-Place. */ { } //-------------------------------------------------------------------- void SfxViewShell::OuterResizePixel ( const Point& rToolOffset,// linke obere Ecke der Tools im Frame-Window const Size& rSize // gesamte zur Verf"ugung stehende Gr"o\se ) /* [Beschreibung] Diese Methode mu berladen werden, um auf "Anderungen der Gre der View zu reagieren. Dabei definieren wir die View als das Edit-Window zuz"uglich der um das Edit-Window angeordnenten Tools (z.B. Lineale). Das Edit-Window darf weder in Gr"o\se noch Position ver"andert werden. Die Vis-Area der SfxObjectShell, dessen Skalierung und Position d"urfen hier ver"andert werden. Der Hauptanwendungsfall ist dabei, das Ver"andern der Gr"o\se der Vis-Area. "Andert sich durch die neue Berechnung der Border, so mu\s dieser mit gesetzt werden. Erst nach Aufruf von 'SetBorderPixel' ist das Positionieren von Tools erlaubt. [Beispiel] void AppViewSh::OuterViewResizePixel( const Point &rOfs, const Size &rSz ) { // Tool-Positionen und Gr"o\sen von au\sen berechnen, NICHT setzen! // (wegen folgender Border-Berechnung) Point aHLinPos...; Size aHLinSz...; ... // Border f"ur Tools passend zu rSize berechnen und setzen SvBorder aBorder... SetBorderPixel( aBorder ); // ab jetzt sind Positionierungen erlaubt // Tools anordnen pHLin->SetPosSizePixel( aHLinPos, aHLinSz ); ... } [Querverweise] */ { DBG_CHKTHIS(SfxViewShell, 0); SetBorderPixel( SvBorder() ); } //-------------------------------------------------------------------- void SfxViewShell::InnerResizePixel ( const Point& rToolOffset,// linke obere Ecke der Tools im Frame-Window const Size& rSize // dem Edit-Win zur Verf"ugung stehende Gr"o\se ) /* [Beschreibung] Diese Methode mu berladen werden, um auf "Anderungen der Gre des Edit-Windows zu reagieren. Das Edit-Window darf weder in Gr"o\se noch Position ver"andert werden. Weder die Vis-Area der SfxObjectShell noch dessen Skalierung oder Position d"urfen ver"andert werden. "Andert sich durch die neue Berechnung der Border, so mu\s dieser mit gesetzt werden. Erst nach Aufruf von 'SetBorderPixel' ist das Positionieren von Tools erlaubt. [Beispiel] void AppViewSh::InnerViewResizePixel( const Point &rOfs, const Size &rSz ) { // Tool-Positionen und Gr"o\sen von innen berechnen, NICHT setzen! // (wegen folgender Border-Berechnung) Point aHLinPos...; Size aHLinSz...; ... // Border f"ur Tools passend zu rSz berechnen und setzen SvBorder aBorder... SetBorderPixel( aBorder ); // ab jetzt sind Positionierungen erlaubt // Tools anordnen pHLin->SetPosSizePixel( aHLinPos, aHLinSz ); ... } [Querverweise] */ { DBG_CHKTHIS(SfxViewShell, 0); SetBorderPixel( SvBorder() ); } //-------------------------------------------------------------------- void SfxViewShell::InvalidateBorder() { DBG_CHKTHIS(SfxViewShell, 0); DBG_ASSERT( GetViewFrame(), "SfxViewShell without SfxViewFrame" ); GetViewFrame()->InvalidateBorderImpl( this ); } //-------------------------------------------------------------------- void SfxViewShell::SetBorderPixel( const SvBorder &rBorder ) { DBG_CHKTHIS(SfxViewShell, 0); DBG_ASSERT( GetViewFrame(), "SfxViewShell without SfxViewFrame" ); GetViewFrame()->SetBorderPixelImpl( this, rBorder ); } //-------------------------------------------------------------------- const SvBorder& SfxViewShell::GetBorderPixel() const { DBG_CHKTHIS(SfxViewShell, 0); DBG_ASSERT( GetViewFrame(), "SfxViewShell without SfxViewFrame" ); return GetViewFrame()->GetBorderPixelImpl( this ); } //-------------------------------------------------------------------- void SfxViewShell::SetWindow ( Window* pViewPort // Pointer auf das Datenfenster bzw. 0 im Destruktor ) /* [Beschreibung] Mit dieser Methode wird der SfxViewShell das Datenfenster mitgeteilt. Dieses wird f"ur den In-Place-Container und f"ur das korrekte Wiederherstellen des Focus ben"otigt. Selbst In-Place-aktiv ist das Umsetzen des ViewPort-Windows verboten. */ { if( pWindow == pViewPort ) return; // ggf. vorhandene IP-Clients disconnecten SvInPlaceClientMemberList *pClients = GetIPClientList_Impl(FALSE); if ( pClients ) { SvInPlaceClientRef aIPClient; USHORT nCount = (USHORT)pClients->Count(); for (USHORT n=0; nGetObject(0); if( aIPClient.Is() ) { if (aIPClient->GetIPObj()) { aIPClient->DoDisconnect(); aIPClient.Clear(); } } } } // View-Port austauschen BOOL bHadFocus = pWindow ? pWindow->HasChildPathFocus( TRUE ) : FALSE; pWindow = pViewPort; if( pWindow ) { // Disable automatic GUI mirroring (right-to-left) for document windows pWindow->EnableRTL( FALSE ); } if ( bHadFocus && pWindow ) SFX_APP()->GrabFocus( pWindow ); } //-------------------------------------------------------------------- Size SfxViewShell::GetOptimalSizePixel() const { DBG_ERROR( "Useless call!" ); return Size(); } //------------------------------------------------------------------------ SfxViewShell::SfxViewShell ( SfxViewFrame* pViewFrame, /* , in dem diese View dargestellt wird */ USHORT nFlags /* siehe */ ) : SfxShell(this) ,pImp( new SfxViewShell_Impl ) #if !SFX_VIEWSH_INCLUDES_CLIENTSH_HXX ,pIPClientList( 0 ) #endif ,pFrame(pViewFrame) ,pSubShell(0) ,pWindow(0) ,bMaximizeFirst( 0 != (nFlags & SFX_VIEW_MAXIMIZE_FIRST) ) ,bOptimizeEach(0 != (nFlags & SFX_VIEW_OPTIMIZE_EACH)) ,bNoNewWindow( 0 != (nFlags & SFX_VIEW_NO_NEWWINDOW) ) { DBG_CTOR(SfxViewShell, 0); pImp->pController = 0; pImp->bIsShowView = !(SFX_VIEW_NO_SHOW == (nFlags & SFX_VIEW_NO_SHOW)); pImp->bUseObjectSize = SFX_CREATE_MODE_EMBEDDED==pFrame->GetObjectShell()->GetCreateMode() && SFX_VIEW_OBJECTSIZE_EMBEDDED == (nFlags & SFX_VIEW_OBJECTSIZE_EMBEDDED); pImp->bCanPrint = SFX_VIEW_CAN_PRINT == (nFlags & SFX_VIEW_CAN_PRINT); pImp->bFrameSetImpl = nFlags & SFX_VIEW_IMPLEMENTED_AS_FRAMESET; pImp->bHasPrintOptions = SFX_VIEW_HAS_PRINTOPTIONS == (nFlags & SFX_VIEW_HAS_PRINTOPTIONS); pImp->bPlugInsActive = TRUE; pImp->bGotOwnerShip = FALSE; if ( pFrame->GetParentViewFrame() ) pImp->bPlugInsActive = pFrame->GetParentViewFrame()->GetViewShell()->pImp->bPlugInsActive; pImp->eScroll = SCROLLING_DEFAULT; pImp->pSetDescr = NULL; pImp->nPrinterLocks = 0; pImp->pMenuBarResId = 0; pImp->pAccelResId = 0; pImp->pAccel = 0; pImp->pMenu = 0; pImp->bControllerSet = FALSE; pImp->bOwnsMenu = TRUE; pImp->nFamily = 0xFFFF; // undefined, default set by TemplateDialog SetMargin( pFrame->GetMargin_Impl() ); SetPool( &pViewFrame->GetObjectShell()->GetPool() ); StartListening(*SFX_APP()); // in Liste eintragen const SfxViewShell *pThis = this; // wegen der kranken Array-Syntax SfxViewShellArr_Impl &rViewArr = SFX_APP()->GetViewShells_Impl(); rViewArr.Insert(pThis, rViewArr.Count() ); } //-------------------------------------------------------------------- SfxViewShell::~SfxViewShell() { DBG_DTOR(SfxViewShell, 0); // aus Liste austragen const SfxViewShell *pThis = this; SfxViewShellArr_Impl &rViewArr = SFX_APP()->GetViewShells_Impl(); rViewArr.Remove( rViewArr.GetPos(pThis) ); // if ( GetViewFrame()->GetFrame()->GetFrameSet_Impl() == pImp->pSetDescr ) // GetViewFrame()->GetFrame()->SetFrameSet_Impl( NULL ); // delete pImp->pSetDescr; /* if ( pImp->pMenu && pImp->bOwnsMenu ) { SfxTopViewFrame* pTopView = PTR_CAST( SfxTopViewFrame, GetViewFrame()->GetTopViewFrame() ); SfxTopFrame *pTop = pTopView ? pTopView->GetTopFrame_Impl() : NULL; if ( pTop ) { Menu* pMenu = pImp->pMenu->GetMenu()->GetSVMenu(); if ( pMenu == pTop->GetMenuBar_Impl() ) pTop->SetMenuBar_Impl( 0 ); } delete pImp->pMenu; } */ if ( pImp->pController ) { pImp->pController->ReleaseShell_Impl(); pImp->pController->release(); } delete pImp->pMenuBarResId; delete pImp; #if !SFX_VIEWSH_INCLUDES_CLIENTSH_HXX delete pIPClientList; #endif } //-------------------------------------------------------------------- USHORT SfxViewShell::PrepareClose ( BOOL bUI, // TRUE: Dialoge etc. erlaubt, FALSE: silent-mode BOOL bForBrowsing ) { SfxPrinter *pPrinter = GetPrinter(); if ( pPrinter && pPrinter->IsPrinting() ) { if ( bUI ) { InfoBox aInfoBox( &GetViewFrame()->GetWindow(), SfxResId( MSG_CANT_CLOSE ) ); aInfoBox.Execute(); } return FALSE; } if( GetViewFrame()->IsInModalMode() ) return FALSE; return TRUE; } //-------------------------------------------------------------------- SfxViewShell* SfxViewShell::Current() { SfxViewFrame *pCurrent = SfxViewFrame::Current(); return pCurrent ? pCurrent->GetViewShell() : NULL; } //-------------------------------------------------------------------- SdrView* SfxViewShell::GetDrawView() const /* [Beschreibung] Diese virtuelle Methode mu\s von den Subklassen "uberladen werden, wenn der Property-Editor zur Verf"ugung stehen soll. Die Default-Implementierung liefert immer 0. */ { return 0; } //-------------------------------------------------------------------- String SfxViewShell::GetSelectionText ( BOOL bCompleteWords /* FALSE (default) Nur der tats"achlich selektierte Text wird zur"uckgegeben. TRUE Der selektierte Text wird soweit erweitert, da\s nur ganze W"orter zur"uckgegeben werden. Als Worttrenner gelten White-Spaces und die Satzzeichen .,; sowie einfache und doppelte Anf"uhrungszeichen. */ ) /* [Beschreibung] Diese Methode kann von Anwendungsprogrammierer "uberladen werden, um einen Text zur"uckzuliefern, der in der aktuellen Selektion steht. Dieser wird z.B. beim Versenden (email) verwendet. Mit bCompleteWords == TRUE ger"ufen, reicht z.B. auch der Cursor, der in einer URL steht, um die gesamte URL zu liefern. */ { return String(); } //-------------------------------------------------------------------- BOOL SfxViewShell::HasSelection( BOOL ) const /* [Beschreibung] Mit dieser virtuellen Methode kann z.B. ein Dialog abfragen, ob in der aktuellen View etwas selektiert ist. Wenn der Parameter TRUE ist, wird abgefragt, ob Text selektiert ist. */ { return FALSE; } //-------------------------------------------------------------------- void SfxViewShell::SetSubShell( SfxShell *pShell ) /* [Beschreibung] Mit dieser Methode kann eine Selektions- oder Cursor-Shell angemeldet werden, die automatisch unmittelbar nach der SfxViewShell auf den SfxDispatcher gepusht wird, und automatisch umittelbar vor ihr gepoppt wird. Ist die SfxViewShell-Instanz bereits gepusht, dann wird pShell sofort ebenfalls gepusht. Wird mit SetSubShell eine andere SfxShell Instanz angemeldet, als vorher angemeldet war, wird die zuvor angemeldete ggf. automatisch gepoppt. Mit pShell==0 kann daher die aktuelle Sub-Shell abgemeldet werden. */ { // ist diese ViewShell "uberhaupt aktiv? SfxDispatcher *pDisp = pFrame->GetDispatcher(); if ( pDisp->IsActive(*this) ) { // Dispatcher updaten if ( pSubShell ) pDisp->Pop(*pSubShell); if ( pShell ) pDisp->Push(*pShell); pDisp->Flush(); } pSubShell = pShell; } void SfxViewShell::AddSubShell( SfxShell& rShell ) { pImp->aArr.Insert( &rShell, pImp->aArr.Count() ); SfxDispatcher *pDisp = pFrame->GetDispatcher(); if ( pDisp->IsActive(*this) ) { pDisp->Push(rShell); pDisp->Flush(); } } void SfxViewShell::RemoveSubShell( SfxShell* pShell ) { SfxDispatcher *pDisp = pFrame->GetDispatcher(); if ( !pShell ) { USHORT nCount = pImp->aArr.Count(); if ( pDisp->IsActive(*this) ) { for ( USHORT n=nCount; n>0; n-- ) pDisp->Pop( *pImp->aArr[n-1] ); pDisp->Flush(); } pImp->aArr.Remove(0, nCount); } else { USHORT nPos = pImp->aArr.GetPos( pShell ); if ( nPos != 0xFFFF ) { pImp->aArr.Remove( nPos ); if ( pDisp->IsActive(*this) ) { pDisp->RemoveShell_Impl( *pShell ); pDisp->Flush(); } } } } SfxShell* SfxViewShell::GetSubShell( USHORT nNo ) { USHORT nCount = pImp->aArr.Count(); if ( nNoaArr[nCount-nNo-1]; return NULL; } void SfxViewShell::PushSubShells_Impl( BOOL bPush ) { USHORT nCount = pImp->aArr.Count(); SfxDispatcher *pDisp = pFrame->GetDispatcher(); if ( bPush ) { for ( USHORT n=0; nPush( *pImp->aArr[n] ); // HACK(evtl. PushSubShells fuer SW virtuell machen oder im SW umbauen) // Notify( *this, SfxSimpleHint( SFX_HINT_RESERVED4 ) ); } else if ( nCount ) { pDisp->Pop( *pImp->aArr[0], SFX_SHELL_POP_UNTIL ); // HACK(evtl. PushSubShells fuer SW virtuell machen oder im SW umbauen) // Notify( *this, SfxSimpleHint( SFX_HINT_RESERVED3 ) ); } pDisp->Flush(); } //-------------------------------------------------------------------- void SfxViewShell::WriteUserData( String &, BOOL bBrowse ) { } //-------------------------------------------------------------------- void SfxViewShell::ReadUserData(const String &, BOOL bBrowse ) { } void SfxViewShell::ReadUserDataSequence ( const ::com::sun::star::uno::Sequence < ::com::sun::star::beans::PropertyValue >&, sal_Bool bBrowse ) { } void SfxViewShell::WriteUserDataSequence ( ::com::sun::star::uno::Sequence < ::com::sun::star::beans::PropertyValue >&, sal_Bool bBrowse ) { } //-------------------------------------------------------------------- // returns the first shell of spec. type viewing the specified doc. SfxViewShell* SfxViewShell::GetFirst ( const TypeId* pType, BOOL bOnlyVisible ) { SfxViewShellArr_Impl &rShells = SFX_APP()->GetViewShells_Impl(); // search for a SfxViewShell of the specified type for ( USHORT nPos = 0; nPos < rShells.Count(); ++nPos ) { SfxViewShell *pShell = rShells.GetObject(nPos); if ( !pType || pShell->IsA(*pType) ) return pShell; } return 0; } //-------------------------------------------------------------------- // returns the next shell of spec. type viewing the specified doc. SfxViewShell* SfxViewShell::GetNext ( const SfxViewShell& rPrev, const TypeId* pType, BOOL bOnlyVisible ) { SfxViewShellArr_Impl &rShells = SFX_APP()->GetViewShells_Impl(); // refind the specified predecessor USHORT nPos; for ( nPos = 0; nPos < rShells.Count(); ++nPos ) if ( rShells.GetObject(nPos) == &rPrev ) break; // search for a Frame of the specified type for ( ++nPos; nPos < rShells.Count(); ++nPos ) { SfxViewShell *pShell = rShells.GetObject(nPos); if ( !pType || pShell->IsA(*pType) ) return pShell; } return 0; } //-------------------------------------------------------------------- void SfxViewShell::SFX_NOTIFY( SfxBroadcaster& rBC, const TypeId& rBCType, const SfxHint& rHint, const TypeId& rHintType ) { if ( rHint.IsA(TYPE(SfxEventHint)) ) { switch ( ((SfxEventHint&)rHint).GetEventId() ) { case SFX_EVENT_LOADFINISHED: { if ( GetController().is() ) { SfxItemSet* pSet = GetObjectShell()->GetMedium()->GetItemSet(); SFX_ITEMSET_ARG( pSet, pItem, SfxUnoAnyItem, SID_VIEW_DATA, sal_False ); if ( pItem ) pImp->pController->restoreViewData( pItem->GetValue() ); pSet->ClearItem( SID_VIEW_DATA ); } break; } } } } //-------------------------------------------------------------------- FASTBOOL SfxViewShell::KeyInput( const KeyEvent &rKeyEvent ) /* [Beschreibung] Diese Methode f"uhrt das KeyEvent 'rKeyEvent' "uber die an dieser SfxViewShell direkt oder indirekt (z.B. via Applikation) konfigurierten Tasten (Accelerator) aus. [R"uckgabewert] FASTBOOL TRUE die Taste ist konfiguriert, der betreffende Handler wurde gerufen FALSE die Taste ist nicht konfiguriert, es konnte also kein Handler gerufen werden [Querverweise] */ { SfxAcceleratorManager* pAccMgr = GetAccMgr_Impl(); BOOL bRet = ( pAccMgr && pAccMgr->Call( rKeyEvent, GetViewFrame()->GetBindings(), FALSE ) ); if ( bRet ) return bRet; else bRet = SFX_APP()->GetAppAccel_Impl()->Call( rKeyEvent, GetViewFrame()->GetBindings(), FALSE ); if ( !bRet && rKeyEvent.GetKeyCode().GetCode() == KEY_ESCAPE ) { SfxTopViewFrame *pTop = PTR_CAST( SfxTopViewFrame, GetViewFrame()->GetTopViewFrame() ); if ( pTop ) { WorkWindow* pWork = (WorkWindow*) pTop->GetTopFrame_Impl()->GetTopWindow_Impl(); if ( pWork && pWork->IsFullScreenMode() ) { GetViewFrame()->GetDispatcher()->Execute( SID_WIN_FULLSCREEN, SFX_CALLMODE_SLOT ); } } } return bRet; } FASTBOOL SfxViewShell::GlobalKeyInput_Impl( const KeyEvent &rKeyEvent ) { SfxAcceleratorManager* pAccMgr = GetAccMgr_Impl(); BOOL bRet = ( pAccMgr && pAccMgr->Call( rKeyEvent, GetViewFrame()->GetBindings(), TRUE ) ); if ( !bRet ) bRet = SFX_APP()->GetAppAccel_Impl()->Call( rKeyEvent, GetViewFrame()->GetBindings(), TRUE ); return bRet; } //-------------------------------------------------------------------- void SfxViewShell::ShowCursor( FASTBOOL bOn ) /* [Beschreibung] Diese Methode mu\s von Subklassen "uberladen werden, damit vom SFx aus der Cursor ein- und ausgeschaltet werden kann. Dies geschieht z.B. bei laufendem . */ { } //-------------------------------------------------------------------- void SfxViewShell::GotFocus() const /* [Beschreibung] Diese Methode mu\s vom Applikationsentwickler gerufen werden, wenn das Edit-Window den Focus erhalten hat. Der SFx hat so z.B. die M"oglichkeit, den Accelerator einzuschalten. [Anmerkung] liefert leider keine M"oglichkeit, solche Events 'von der Seite' einzuh"angen. */ { } //-------------------------------------------------------------------- ErrCode SfxViewShell::DoVerb(long nVerb) /* [Beschreibung] Virtuelle Methode, um am selektierten Objekt ein Verb auszuf"uhren. Da dieses Objekt nur den abgeleiteten Klassen bekannt ist, mu DoVerb dort "uberlschrieben werden. */ { return ERRCODE_SO_NOVERBS; } //-------------------------------------------------------------------- void SfxViewShell::DisconnectClients_Impl(SvInPlaceClient *pIP) /* [Beschreibung] Diese Methode dient dazu, bei UI-Aktivierung eins IPClients alle anderen noch bestehenden Verbindungen zu trennen. */ { // SO2 stellt sicher, da\s nur ein Object gleichzeitig UI-aktiv ist. // Aus Speicherplatzgr"unden werden aber alle Objekte, die nicht aktiv // sind oder sein m"ussen, disconnected. SvInPlaceClientMemberList *pClients = GetIPClientList_Impl(FALSE); if ( !pClients ) return; SvInPlaceClientRef aIPClient; for ( USHORT n=0; n < pClients->Count(); n++ ) { aIPClient = pClients->GetObject(n); if( aIPClient.Is() && aIPClient != pIP && aIPClient->GetIPObj() && !(aIPClient->GetIPObj()->GetMiscStatus() & SVOBJ_MISCSTATUS_ACTIVATEWHENVISIBLE) ) aIPClient->GetProtocol().Reset2Connect(); } } //-------------------------------------------------------------------- void SfxViewShell::DisconnectAllClients() { SvInPlaceClientMemberList *pClients = GetIPClientList_Impl(FALSE); if ( !pClients ) return; SvInPlaceClientRef aIPClient; for ( USHORT n=0; nCount(); ) { aIPClient = pClients->GetObject(n); if( aIPClient.Is() && aIPClient->GetIPObj() ) aIPClient->DoDisconnect(); else n++; } } //-------------------------------------------------------------------- BOOL SfxViewShell::UseObjectSize() const { return pImp->bUseObjectSize; } //-------------------------------------------------------------------- void SfxViewShell::QueryObjAreaPixel( Rectangle& ) const { } //-------------------------------------------------------------------- void SfxViewShell::AdjustVisArea(const Rectangle& rRect) { DBG_ASSERT (pFrame, "Kein Frame?"); SfxInPlaceObject *pObj = pFrame->GetObjectShell()->GetInPlaceObject(); if ( !pObj ) return; if ( UseObjectSize() ) { Point aPos = rRect.TopLeft(); Size aSize = pObj->GetVisArea().GetSize(); pObj->SetVisArea( Rectangle(aPos, aSize) ); } else pObj->SetVisArea( rRect ); } //-------------------------------------------------------------------- void SfxViewShell::VisAreaChanged(const Rectangle& rVisArea) { SvInPlaceClientMemberList *pClients = GetIPClientList_Impl(FALSE); if ( !pClients ) return; SvInPlaceClientRef aIPClient; for (USHORT n=0; n < pClients->Count(); n++) { // Die Liste enth"alt alle connected clients aIPClient = pClients->GetObject(n); if( aIPClient.Is() ) CheckIPClient_Impl( aIPClient, rVisArea ); } } //-------------------------------------------------------------------- void SfxViewShell::CheckIPClient_Impl( SvInPlaceClient *pIPClient, const Rectangle& rVisArea ) { if ( GetObjectShell()->IsInClose() ) return; BOOL bApplets = SvtJavaOptions().IsExecuteApplets(); BOOL bActive = pIPClient->IsInPlaceActive(); BOOL bPlugIn = SvtMiscOptions().IsPluginsEnabled(); SvAppletObjectRef aAppRef = pIPClient->GetIPObj(); SvPlugInObjectRef aPlugRef = pIPClient->GetIPObj(); SfxFrameObjectRef aFrameRef = pIPClient->GetIPObj(); if ( !pImp->bPlugInsActive && ( aPlugRef.Is() || aAppRef.Is() || aFrameRef.Is() ) ) { if ( bActive ) pIPClient->GetProtocol().Reset2Open(); return; } BOOL bAlwaysActive = ( pIPClient->GetIPObj()->GetMiscStatus() == SVOBJ_MISCSTATUS_ALWAYSACTIVATE ); if ( bAlwaysActive || rVisArea.IsOver( pIPClient->GetClientData()->GetObjArea()) ) { // Der Client ist connected und sichtbar. if ( bActive ) { // Wenn er aktiv ist, mu\s er benachrichtigt werden. pIPClient->GetEnv()->OutDevScaleChanged(); if ( aPlugRef.Is() ) { // Plugins sind nur sichtbar, wenn das entsprechende // flag auch angeschaltet ist if ( !bPlugIn ) { pIPClient->GetProtocol().Reset2Open(); } else if ( aPlugRef->GetPlugInMode() == PLUGIN_FULL ) { SetBorderPixel(SvBorder()); Window *pWin = GetWindow(); Size aSize = pWin->GetOutputSizePixel(); aSize = pWin->PixelToLogic(aSize); Rectangle aRect = Rectangle ( pWin->PixelToLogic(Point()), aSize); pIPClient->GetClientData()->SetObjArea(aRect); } } else if ( aAppRef.Is() && !bApplets ) { // Java-Applets sind nicht aktiv, wenn Java in den // Options ausgeschaltet wurde pIPClient->GetProtocol().Reset2Open(); } } else { // Ist er es nicht, aber da\s Object soll aktiv sein, // wenn es sichtbar ist, mu\s das Object aktiviert werden; // bei Plugins und Applets sind noch die Flags auszuwerten if ( pIPClient->GetIPObj()->GetMiscStatus() & SVOBJ_MISCSTATUS_ACTIVATEWHENVISIBLE ) { BOOL bActivate = TRUE; if ( aPlugRef.Is() ) bActivate = bPlugIn; else if ( aAppRef.Is() ) bActivate = bApplets; if ( bActivate ) pIPClient->GetIPObj()->DoVerb(0); } } } else if ( bActive ) { // Wenn er aktiv ist, mu\s er benachrichtigt werden. pIPClient->GetEnv()->OutDevScaleChanged(); // Ein nicht sichtbarer client soll disconnected werden, wenn // er (nur) aktiv ist, wenn er sichtbar ist. // Wenn er dann wieder sichtbar wird, mu\s die Applikation // ihn connecten, damit er in der client list erscheint! // Auf Wunsch von MB erst mal entfernt !! // if ( pIPClient->GetIPObj()->GetMiscStatus() & // SVOBJ_MISCSTATUS_ACTIVATEWHENVISIBLE ) // pIPClient->DoDisconnect(); } } //-------------------------------------------------------------------- BOOL SfxViewShell::PlugInsActive() const { return pImp->bPlugInsActive; } //-------------------------------------------------------------------- void SfxViewShell::DiscardClients_Impl() /* [Beschreibung] Diese Methode dient dazu, vor dem Schlie\sen eines Dokuments das Speichern der Objekte zu verhindern, wenn der Benutzer Schlie\en ohne Speichern gew"ahlt hatte. */ { SvInPlaceClientMemberList *pClients = GetIPClientList_Impl(FALSE); if ( !pClients ) return; SvInPlaceClientRef aIPClient; for (USHORT n=0; n < pClients->Count(); n++) { aIPClient = pClients->GetObject(n); if( aIPClient.Is() ) { if (aIPClient->GetIPObj()) { aIPClient->GetIPObj()->SetAutoSave(FALSE); aIPClient->DoDisconnect(); aIPClient.Clear(); } } } } //-------------------------------------------------------------------- SfxScrollingMode SfxViewShell::GetScrollingMode() const { return pImp->eScroll; } //-------------------------------------------------------------------- void SfxViewShell::SetScrollingMode( SfxScrollingMode eMode ) { pImp->eScroll = eMode; } //-------------------------------------------------------------------- SfxFrameSetDescriptor* SfxViewShell::GetFrameSet_Impl() const { return pImp->pSetDescr; } //-------------------------------------------------------------------- void SfxViewShell::SetFrameSet_Impl( SfxFrameSetDescriptor* pD ) { // delete pImp->pSetDescr; pImp->pSetDescr = pD; } //-------------------------------------------------------------------- SfxObjectShell* SfxViewShell::GetObjectShell() { return GetViewFrame()->GetObjectShell(); } //-------------------------------------------------------------------- const Size& SfxViewShell::GetMargin() const { return pImp->aMargin; } //-------------------------------------------------------------------- void SfxViewShell::SetMargin( const Size& rSize ) { // Der default-Margin wurde "geeicht" mit www.apple.com !! Size aMargin = rSize; if ( aMargin.Width() == -1 ) aMargin.Width() = DEFAULT_MARGIN_WIDTH; if ( aMargin.Height() == -1 ) aMargin.Height() = DEFAULT_MARGIN_HEIGHT; if ( aMargin != pImp->aMargin ) { pImp->aMargin = aMargin; MarginChanged(); } } //-------------------------------------------------------------------- void SfxViewShell::MarginChanged() { } //-------------------------------------------------------------------- BOOL SfxViewShell::IsShowView_Impl() const { return pImp->bIsShowView; } //-------------------------------------------------------------------- SfxFrame* SfxViewShell::GetSmartSelf( SfxFrame* pSelf, SfxMedium& rMedium ) { return pSelf; } //-------------------------------------------------------------------- BOOL SfxViewShell::IsImplementedAsFrameset_Impl( ) const { return pImp->bFrameSetImpl; } //------------------------------------------------------------------------ void SfxViewShell::JumpToMark( const String& rMark ) { SfxStringItem aMarkItem( SID_JUMPTOMARK, rMark ); GetViewFrame()->GetDispatcher()->Execute( SID_JUMPTOMARK, SFX_CALLMODE_SYNCHRON|SFX_CALLMODE_RECORD, &aMarkItem, 0L ); } //------------------------------------------------------------------------ #if !SFX_VIEWSH_INCLUDES_CLIENTSH_HXX void SfxViewShell::NewIPClient_Impl( SfxInPlaceClient *pIPClient ) { SvInPlaceClientMemberList *pClients = GetIPClientList_Impl(TRUE); pClients->Insert(pIPClient); } void SfxViewShell::IPClientGone_Impl( SfxInPlaceClient *pIPClient ) { SvInPlaceClientMemberList *pClients = GetIPClientList_Impl(TRUE); pClients->Remove(pIPClient); } SvInPlaceClientMemberList* SfxViewShell::GetIPClientList_Impl( BOOL bCreate ) const { if ( !pIPClientList && bCreate ) ( (SfxViewShell*) this )->pIPClientList = new SvInPlaceClientMemberList; return pIPClientList; } #endif void SfxViewShell::ReleaseMenuBar_Impl() { pImp->bOwnsMenu = FALSE; } SfxMenuBarManager* SfxViewShell::GetMenuBar_Impl( BOOL bPlugin ) { // get the accelerators GetAccMgr_Impl(); Reference < XPropertySet > xPropSet( GetViewFrame()->GetFrame()->GetFrameInterface(), UNO_QUERY ); if ( xPropSet.is() ) { Reference< drafts::com::sun::star::frame::XLayoutManager > xLayoutManager; if ( xPropSet.is() ) { Any aValue = xPropSet->getPropertyValue( rtl::OUString( RTL_CONSTASCII_USTRINGPARAM( "LayoutManager" ))); aValue >>= xLayoutManager; } if ( xLayoutManager.is() ) { rtl::OUString aMenuBarURL( RTL_CONSTASCII_USTRINGPARAM( "private:resource/menubar/menubar" )); Reference< drafts::com::sun::star::ui::XUIElement > xMenuBarElement( xLayoutManager->getElement( aMenuBarURL )); if ( !xMenuBarElement.is() ) GetObjectShell()->CreateMenuBarManager_Impl( GetViewFrame() ); } } return NULL; } SfxAcceleratorManager* SfxViewShell::GetAccMgr_Impl() { // all views of a document share the accelerators #if SUPD>633 return GetObjectShell()->GetAccMgr_Impl(); #else return GetObjectShell()->GetFactory().GetAccMgr_Impl(); #endif } void SfxViewShell::SetController( SfxBaseController* pController ) { pImp->pController = pController; pImp->pController->acquire(); pImp->bControllerSet = TRUE; } Reference < XController > SfxViewShell::GetController() { if ( !pImp->pController ) new SfxBaseController( this ); return pImp->pController; } void SfxViewShell::AddContextMenuInterceptor_Impl( const REFERENCE< XCONTEXTMENUINTERCEPTOR >& xInterceptor ) { pImp->aInterceptorContainer.addInterface( xInterceptor ); } void SfxViewShell::RemoveContextMenuInterceptor_Impl( const REFERENCE< XCONTEXTMENUINTERCEPTOR >& xInterceptor ) { pImp->aInterceptorContainer.removeInterface( xInterceptor ); } ::cppu::OInterfaceContainerHelper& SfxViewShell::GetContextMenuInterceptors() const { return pImp->aInterceptorContainer; } void Change( Menu* pMenu, SfxViewShell* pView ) { SfxDispatcher *pDisp = pView->GetViewFrame()->GetDispatcher(); USHORT nCount = pMenu->GetItemCount(); for ( USHORT nPos=0; nPosGetItemId(nPos); String aCmd = pMenu->GetItemCommand(nId); PopupMenu* pPopup = pMenu->GetPopupMenu(nId); if ( nId < 5000 ) { if ( aCmd.CompareToAscii(".uno:", 5) == 0 ) { SfxShell *pShell=0; USHORT nIdx; for (nIdx=0; (pShell=pDisp->GetShell(nIdx)); nIdx++) { const SfxInterface *pIFace = pShell->GetInterface(); const SfxSlot* pSlot = pIFace->GetSlot( aCmd ); if ( pSlot ) { pMenu->InsertItem( pSlot->GetSlotId(), pMenu->GetItemText( nId ), pMenu->GetItemBits( nId ), nPos ); pMenu->RemoveItem( nPos+1 ); break; } } } } if ( pPopup ) { Change( pPopup, pView ); } } } BOOL SfxViewShell::TryContextMenuInterception( Menu& rIn, Menu*& rpOut, ::com::sun::star::ui::ContextMenuExecuteEvent aEvent ) { rpOut = NULL; BOOL bModified = FALSE; // create container from menu aEvent.ActionTriggerContainer = ::framework::ActionTriggerHelper::CreateActionTriggerContainerFromMenu( &rIn ); // get selection from controller aEvent.Selection = ::com::sun::star::uno::Reference < ::com::sun::star::view::XSelectionSupplier > ( GetController(), ::com::sun::star::uno::UNO_QUERY ); // call interceptors ::cppu::OInterfaceIteratorHelper aIt( pImp->aInterceptorContainer ); while( aIt.hasMoreElements() ) { try { ::com::sun::star::ui::ContextMenuInterceptorAction eAction = ((::com::sun::star::ui::XContextMenuInterceptor*)aIt.next())->notifyContextMenuExecute( aEvent ); switch ( eAction ) { case ::com::sun::star::ui::ContextMenuInterceptorAction_CANCELLED : // interceptor does not want execution return FALSE; break; case ::com::sun::star::ui::ContextMenuInterceptorAction_EXECUTE_MODIFIED : // interceptor wants his modified menu to be executed bModified = TRUE; break; case ::com::sun::star::ui::ContextMenuInterceptorAction_CONTINUE_MODIFIED : // interceptor has modified menu, but allows for calling other interceptors bModified = TRUE; continue; break; case ::com::sun::star::ui::ContextMenuInterceptorAction_IGNORED : // interceptor is indifferent continue; break; default: DBG_ERROR("Wrong return value of ContextMenuInterceptor!"); continue; break; } } catch( ::com::sun::star::uno::RuntimeException& ) { aIt.remove(); } break; } if ( bModified ) { // container was modified, create a new window out of it rpOut = new PopupMenu; ::framework::ActionTriggerHelper::CreateMenuFromActionTriggerContainer( rpOut, aEvent.ActionTriggerContainer ); Change( rpOut, this ); } return TRUE; } void SfxViewShell::TakeOwnerShip_Impl() { // currently there is only one reason to take OwnerShip: a hidden frame is printed // so the ViewShell will check this on EndPrint (->prnmon.cxx) pImp->bGotOwnerShip = TRUE; } BOOL SfxViewShell::GotOwnerShip_Impl() { return pImp->bGotOwnerShip; } long SfxViewShell::HandleNotifyEvent_Impl( NotifyEvent& rEvent ) { if ( pImp->pController ) return pImp->pController->HandleEvent_Impl( rEvent ); return 0; } BOOL SfxViewShell::HasKeyListeners_Impl() { return pImp->pController ? pImp->pController->HasKeyListeners_Impl() : FALSE; } BOOL SfxViewShell::HasMouseClickListeners_Impl() { return pImp->pController ? pImp->pController->HasMouseClickListeners_Impl() : FALSE; } void SfxViewShell::SetAdditionalPrintOptions( const com::sun::star::uno::Sequence < com::sun::star::beans::PropertyValue >& rOpts ) { pImp->aPrintOpts = rOpts; GetObjectShell()->Broadcast( SfxPrintingHint( -3, NULL, NULL, rOpts ) ); }