/* -*- Mode: C++; tab-width: 4; indent-tabs-mode: nil; c-basic-offset: 4 -*- */ /************************************************************************* * * DO NOT ALTER OR REMOVE COPYRIGHT NOTICES OR THIS FILE HEADER. * * Copyright 2000, 2010 Oracle and/or its affiliates. * * OpenOffice.org - a multi-platform office productivity suite * * This file is part of OpenOffice.org. * * OpenOffice.org is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License version 3 * only, as published by the Free Software Foundation. * * OpenOffice.org is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU Lesser General Public License version 3 for more details * (a copy is included in the LICENSE file that accompanied this code). * * You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License * version 3 along with OpenOffice.org. If not, see * * for a copy of the LGPLv3 License. * ************************************************************************/ #ifdef AIX # undef _THREAD_SAFE #endif // MARKER(update_precomp.py): autogen include statement, do not remove #include "precompiled_shell.hxx" #include #if defined _MSC_VER #pragma warning(push, 1) #endif #include #if defined _MSC_VER #pragma warning(pop) #endif #include #define VCL_NEED_BASETSD #include "cmdline.hxx" #include "osl/thread.h" #include "osl/process.h" #include "osl/file.hxx" #include "sal/main.h" #include "tools/config.hxx" #include "i18npool/mslangid.hxx" #include #include #include #include #include #include #include namespace /* private */ { using rtl::OUString; using rtl::OString; //########################################### void ShowUsage() { std::cout << "Usage: -ulf ulf_file -rc rc_output_file -rct rc_template_file -rch rch_file -rcf rcf_file" << std::endl; std::cout << "-ulf Name of the ulf file" << std::endl; std::cout << "-rc Name of the resulting resource file" << std::endl; std::cout << "-rct Name of the resource template file" << std::endl; std::cout << "-rch Name of the resource file header" << std::endl; std::cout << "-rcf Name of the resource file footer" << std::endl; } //########################################### inline OUString OStringToOUString(const OString& str) { return rtl::OStringToOUString(str, osl_getThreadTextEncoding()); } //########################################### inline OString OUStringToOString(const OUString& str) { return rtl::OUStringToOString(str, osl_getThreadTextEncoding()); } //########################################### /** Get the directory where the module is located as system directory, the returned directory has a trailing '\' */ OUString get_module_path() { OUString cwd_url; OUString module_path; if (osl_Process_E_None == osl_getProcessWorkingDir(&cwd_url.pData)) osl::FileBase::getSystemPathFromFileURL(cwd_url, module_path); return module_path; } //########################################### /** Make the absolute directory of a base and a relative directory, if the relative directory is absolute the the relative directory will be returned unchanged. Base and relative directory should be system paths the returned directory is a system path too */ OUString get_absolute_path( const OUString& BaseDir, const OUString& RelDir) { OUString base_url; OUString rel_url; osl::FileBase::getFileURLFromSystemPath(BaseDir, base_url); osl::FileBase::getFileURLFromSystemPath(RelDir, rel_url); OUString abs_url; osl::FileBase::getAbsoluteFileURL(base_url, rel_url, abs_url); OUString abs_sys_path; osl::FileBase::getSystemPathFromFileURL(abs_url, abs_sys_path); return abs_sys_path; } //########################################### OString get_absolute_file_path(const std::string& file_name) { OUString fp = get_absolute_path( get_module_path(), OStringToOUString(file_name.c_str())); return OUStringToOString(fp); } //########################################### /** A helper class, enables stream exceptions on construction, restors the old exception state on destruction */ class StreamExceptionsEnabler { public: explicit StreamExceptionsEnabler( std::ios& iostrm, std::ios::iostate NewIos = std::ios::failbit | std::ios::badbit) : m_IoStrm(iostrm), m_OldIos(m_IoStrm.exceptions()) { m_IoStrm.exceptions(NewIos); } ~StreamExceptionsEnabler() { m_IoStrm.exceptions(m_OldIos); } private: std::ios& m_IoStrm; std::ios::iostate m_OldIos; }; typedef std::vector string_container_t; //########################################### class iso_lang_identifier { public: iso_lang_identifier() {}; iso_lang_identifier(const OString& str) : lang_(str) { init(); } iso_lang_identifier(const std::string& str) : lang_(str.c_str()) { init(); } OString language() const { return lang_; } OString country() const { return country_; } OString make_OString() const { return lang_ + "-" + country_; } std::string make_std_string() const { OString tmp(lang_ + "-" + country_); return tmp.getStr(); } private: void init() { sal_Int32 idx = lang_.indexOf("-"); if (idx > -1) { country_ = lang_.copy(idx + 1); lang_ = lang_.copy(0, idx); } } private: OString lang_; OString country_; }; //########################################### /** Convert a OUString to the MS resource file format string e.g. OUString -> L"\x1A00\x2200\x3400" */ std::string make_winrc_unicode_string(const OUString& str) { std::ostringstream oss; oss << "L\""; size_t length = str.getLength(); const sal_Unicode* pchr = str.getStr(); for (size_t i = 0; i < length; i++) oss << "\\x" << std::hex << (int)*pchr++; oss << "\""; return oss.str(); } //########################################### std::string make_winrc_unicode_string(const std::string& str) { return make_winrc_unicode_string( OUString::createFromAscii(str.c_str())); } //################################################ /** A replacement table contains pairs of placeholders and the appropriate substitute */ class Substitutor { private: typedef std::map replacement_table_t; typedef std::map iso_lang_replacement_table_t; public: typedef iso_lang_replacement_table_t::iterator iterator; typedef iso_lang_replacement_table_t::const_iterator const_iterator; iterator begin() { return iso_lang_replacement_table_.begin(); } iterator end() { return iso_lang_replacement_table_.end(); } public: Substitutor() {}; ~Substitutor() { iso_lang_replacement_table_t::iterator iter_end = iso_lang_replacement_table_.end(); iso_lang_replacement_table_t::iterator iter = iso_lang_replacement_table_.begin(); for( /* no init */; iter != iter_end; ++iter) delete iter->second; iso_lang_replacement_table_.clear(); } void set_language(const iso_lang_identifier& iso_lang) { active_iso_lang_ = iso_lang; } // If Text is a placeholder substitute it with //its substitute else leave it unchanged void substitute(std::string& Text) { replacement_table_t* prt = get_replacement_table(active_iso_lang_.make_std_string()); OSL_ASSERT(prt); replacement_table_t::iterator iter = prt->find(Text); if (iter != prt->end()) Text = iter->second; } void add_substitution( const std::string& Placeholder, const std::string& Substitute) { replacement_table_t* prt = get_replacement_table(active_iso_lang_.make_std_string()); OSL_ASSERT(prt); prt->insert(std::make_pair(Placeholder, Substitute)); } private: // Return the replacement table for the iso lang id // create a new one if not already present replacement_table_t* get_replacement_table(const std::string& iso_lang) { iso_lang_replacement_table_t::iterator iter = iso_lang_replacement_table_.find(iso_lang); replacement_table_t* prt = NULL; if (iso_lang_replacement_table_.end() == iter) { prt = new replacement_table_t(); iso_lang_replacement_table_.insert(std::make_pair(iso_lang, prt)); } else { prt = iter->second; } return prt; } private: iso_lang_replacement_table_t iso_lang_replacement_table_; iso_lang_identifier active_iso_lang_; }; typedef std::map< unsigned short , std::string , std::less< unsigned short > > shortmap; //########################################### void add_group_entries( Config& aConfig, const ByteString& GroupName, Substitutor& Substitutor) { OSL_ASSERT(aConfig.HasGroup(GroupName)); aConfig.SetGroup(GroupName); size_t key_count = aConfig.GetKeyCount(); shortmap map; for (size_t i = 0; i < key_count; i++) { ByteString iso_lang = aConfig.GetKeyName(sal::static_int_cast(i)); ByteString key_value_utf8 = aConfig.ReadKey(sal::static_int_cast(i)); iso_lang_identifier myiso_lang( iso_lang ); LanguageType ltype = MsLangId::convertIsoNamesToLanguage(myiso_lang.language(), myiso_lang.country()); if( ( ltype & 0x0200 ) == 0 && map[ ltype ].empty() ) { Substitutor.set_language(iso_lang_identifier(iso_lang)); key_value_utf8.EraseLeadingAndTrailingChars('\"'); OUString key_value_utf16 = rtl::OStringToOUString(key_value_utf8, RTL_TEXTENCODING_UTF8); Substitutor.add_substitution( GroupName.GetBuffer(), make_winrc_unicode_string(key_value_utf16)); map[ static_cast(ltype) ] = std::string( iso_lang.GetBuffer() ); } else { if( !map[ ltype ].empty() ) { printf("ERROR: Duplicated ms id %d found for the languages %s and %s !!!! This does not work in microsoft resources\nPlease remove one!\n", ltype , map[ ltype ].c_str() , iso_lang.GetBuffer()); exit( -1 ); } } } } //########################################### void read_ulf_file(const std::string& FileName, Substitutor& Substitutor) { // work-around for #i32420# // as the Config class is currently not able to deal correctly with // UTF8 files starting with a byte-order-mark we create a copy of the // original file without the byte-order-mark rtl::OUString tmpfile_url; osl_createTempFile(NULL, NULL, &tmpfile_url.pData); rtl::OUString tmpfile_sys; osl::FileBase::getSystemPathFromFileURL(tmpfile_url, tmpfile_sys); std::ifstream in(FileName.c_str()); std::ofstream out(OUStringToOString(tmpfile_sys).getStr()); try { StreamExceptionsEnabler sexc_out(out); StreamExceptionsEnabler sexc_in(in); //skip the byte-order-mark 0xEF 0xBB 0xBF, identifying UTF8 files unsigned char BOM[3] = {0xEF, 0xBB, 0xBF}; char buff[3]; in.read(&buff[0], 3); if (memcmp(buff, BOM, 3) != 0) in.seekg(0); std::string line; while (std::getline(in, line)) out << line << std::endl; } catch (const std::ios::failure&) { if (!in.eof()) throw; } //Config config(OStringToOUString(FileName.c_str()).getStr()); // end work-around for #i32420# Config config(tmpfile_url.getStr()); size_t grpcnt = config.GetGroupCount(); for (size_t i = 0; i < grpcnt; i++) add_group_entries(config, config.GetGroupName(sal::static_int_cast(i)), Substitutor); } //########################################### void read_file( const std::string& fname, string_container_t& string_container) { std::ifstream file(fname.c_str()); StreamExceptionsEnabler sexc(file); try { std::string line; while (std::getline(file, line)) string_container.push_back(line); } catch(const std::ios::failure&) { if (!file.eof()) throw; } } //########################################### /** A simple helper function that appens the content of one file to another one */ void concatenate_files(std::ostream& os, std::istream& is) { StreamExceptionsEnabler os_sexc(os); StreamExceptionsEnabler is_sexc(is); try { std::string line; while (std::getline(is, line)) os << line << std::endl; } catch(const std::ios::failure&) { if (!is.eof()) throw; } } //########################################### bool is_placeholder(const std::string& str) { return ((str.length() > 1) && ('%' == str[0]) && ('%' == str[str.length() - 1])); } //########################################### void start_language_section( std::ostream_iterator& ostream_iter, const iso_lang_identifier& iso_lang) { ostream_iter = std::string(); std::string lang_section("LANGUAGE "); LanguageType ltype = MsLangId::convertIsoNamesToLanguage(iso_lang.language(), iso_lang.country()); char buff[10]; int primLangID = PRIMARYLANGID(ltype); int subLangID = SUBLANGID(ltype); // Our resources are normaly not sub language dependant. // Esp. for spanish we don't want to distinguish between trad. // and internatinal sorting ( which leads to two different sub languages ) // Setting the sub language to neutral allows us to use one // stringlist for all spanish variants ( see #123126# ) if ( ( primLangID == LANG_SPANISH ) && ( subLangID == SUBLANG_SPANISH ) ) subLangID = SUBLANG_NEUTRAL; _itoa(primLangID, buff, 16); lang_section += std::string("0x") + std::string(buff); lang_section += std::string(" , "); _itoa(subLangID, buff, 16); lang_section += std::string("0x") + std::string(buff); ostream_iter = lang_section; } //########################################### /** Iterate all languages in the substitutor, replace the all placeholder and append the result to the output file */ void inflate_rc_template_to_file( std::ostream& os, const string_container_t& rctmpl, Substitutor& substitutor) { StreamExceptionsEnabler sexc(os); Substitutor::const_iterator iter = substitutor.begin(); Substitutor::const_iterator iter_end = substitutor.end(); std::ostream_iterator oi(os, "\n"); for ( /**/ ;iter != iter_end; ++iter) { substitutor.set_language(iso_lang_identifier(iter->first)); string_container_t::const_iterator rct_iter = rctmpl.begin(); string_container_t::const_iterator rct_iter_end = rctmpl.end(); if (!rctmpl.empty()) start_language_section(oi, iter->first); for ( /**/ ;rct_iter != rct_iter_end; ++rct_iter) { std::istringstream iss(*rct_iter); std::string line; while (iss) { std::string token; iss >> token; substitutor.substitute(token); // #110274# HACK for partially merged // *.lng files where some strings have // a particular language that others // don't have in order to keep the // build if (is_placeholder(token)) token = make_winrc_unicode_string(token); line += token; line += " "; } oi = line; } } } } // namespace /* private */ //#################################################### /* MAIN The file names provided via command line should be absolute or relative to the directory of this module. Algo: 1. read the ulf file and initialize the substitutor 2. read the resource template file 3. create the output file and append the header 4. inflate the resource template to the output file for every language using the substitutor 5. append the footer */ #define MAKE_ABSOLUTE(s) (get_absolute_file_path((s)).getStr()) #define ULF_FILE(c) MAKE_ABSOLUTE((c).get_arg("-ulf")) #define RC_TEMPLATE(c) MAKE_ABSOLUTE((c).get_arg("-rct")) #define RC_FILE(c) MAKE_ABSOLUTE((c).get_arg("-rc")) #define RC_HEADER(c) MAKE_ABSOLUTE((c).get_arg("-rch")) #define RC_FOOTER(c) MAKE_ABSOLUTE((c).get_arg("-rcf")) SAL_IMPLEMENT_MAIN_WITH_ARGS(argc, argv) { try { CommandLine cmdline(argc, argv); Substitutor substitutor; read_ulf_file(ULF_FILE(cmdline), substitutor); string_container_t rc_tmpl; read_file(RC_TEMPLATE(cmdline), rc_tmpl); std::ofstream rc_file(RC_FILE(cmdline)); std::ifstream in_header(RC_HEADER(cmdline)); concatenate_files(rc_file, in_header); inflate_rc_template_to_file(rc_file, rc_tmpl, substitutor); std::ifstream in_footer(RC_FOOTER(cmdline)); concatenate_files(rc_file, in_footer); } catch(const std::ios::failure& ex) { std::cout << ex.what() << std::endl; } catch(std::exception& ex) { std::cout << ex.what() << std::endl; ShowUsage(); } catch(...) { std::cout << "Unexpected error..." << std::endl; } return 0; } /* vim:set shiftwidth=4 softtabstop=4 expandtab: */