/* -*- Mode: C++; tab-width: 4; indent-tabs-mode: nil; c-basic-offset: 4 -*- */
 * This file is part of the LibreOffice project.
 * This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
 * License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
 * file, You can obtain one at http://mozilla.org/MPL/2.0/.
 * This file incorporates work covered by the following license notice:
 *   Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one or more
 *   contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file distributed
 *   with this work for additional information regarding copyright
 *   ownership. The ASF licenses this file to you under the Apache
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 *   the License at http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 .


#include <osl/diagnose.h>

#include "internal/contentreader.hxx"
#include "dummytag.hxx"
#include "simpletag.hxx"
#include "autostyletag.hxx"

#include "assert.h"

/** constructor.
CContentReader::CContentReader( const std::string& DocumentName, LocaleSet_t const & DocumentLocale ):
CBaseReader( DocumentName )
        m_DefaultLocale = DocumentLocale;
        Initialize( DOC_CONTENT_NAME );
    #if OSL_DEBUG_LEVEL > 0
        OSL_ENSURE(false, ex.what());
        OSL_ENSURE(false, "Unknown error");

CContentReader::CContentReader( StreamInterface* stream, LocaleSet_t const & DocumentLocale ) :
CBaseReader( stream )
        m_DefaultLocale = DocumentLocale;
        Initialize( DOC_CONTENT_NAME );
    #if OSL_DEBUG_LEVEL > 0
        OSL_ENSURE(false, ex.what());
        OSL_ENSURE(false, "Unknown error");

/** destructor.

CContentReader::~CContentReader( void )

/***********************   helper functions  ***********************/

/** choose an appropriate tag reader

ITag* CContentReader::chooseTagReader( const std::wstring& tag_name, const XmlTagAttributes_t& XmlAttributes )
    if (( tag_name == CONTENT_TEXT_A )||( tag_name == CONTENT_TEXT_P )||
        ( tag_name == CONTENT_TEXT_SPAN ) ||( tag_name == CONTENT_TEXT_H )||
        ( tag_name == CONTENT_TEXT_SEQUENCE ) ||( tag_name == CONTENT_TEXT_BOOKMARK_REF )||
        ( tag_name == CONTENT_TEXT_INDEX_TITLE_TEMPLATE ) )
        return new CSimpleTag(XmlAttributes);
    else if ( tag_name == CONTENT_STYLE_STYLE )
        // if style:style | style:name is exist,, fill the style field, otherwise do nothing;
        if  ( XmlAttributes.find(CONTENT_STYLE_STYLE_NAME) != XmlAttributes.end())
            return new CAutoStyleTag(XmlAttributes);
            return new CDummyTag();
    else if ( ( tag_name == CONTENT_STYLE_PROPERTIES ) || ( tag_name == CONTENT_TEXT_STYLE_PROPERTIES ) )
        assert( !m_TagBuilderStack.empty() );

        //here we presume that if CONTENT_STYLE_PROPERTIES tag is present, it just follow CONTENT_STYLE_STYLE;
        ITag* pTagBuilder = m_TagBuilderStack.top();
        pTagBuilder->addAttributes( XmlAttributes );

        return new CDummyTag();
        return new CDummyTag();

/** get style of the current content.
::std::wstring CContentReader::getCurrentContentStyle( void )
    assert( !m_TagBuilderStack.empty() );
    ITag* pTagBuilder = m_TagBuilderStack.top();

    return ( pTagBuilder->getTagAttribute(CONTENT_TEXT_STYLENAME) );

/** add chunk into Chunk Buffer.
void CContentReader::addChunk( LocaleSet_t const & Locale, Content_t const & Content )
    if ( Content == EMPTY_STRING )

    if ( ( ( m_ChunkBuffer.empty() ) || ( m_ChunkBuffer.back().first != Locale ) ) &&
         ( ( Content != SPACE )  && ( Content != LF ) ) )
        // if met a new locale, add a blank new chunk;
        Chunk_t Chunk;
        Chunk.first = Locale;
        Chunk.second = EMPTY_STRING;
        m_ChunkBuffer.push_back( Chunk );

    if ( !m_ChunkBuffer.empty() )
        m_ChunkBuffer.back().second += Content;

/** get a style's locale field.

LocaleSet_t const & CContentReader::getLocale( const StyleName_t& Style )
    if ( m_StyleMap.empty() )
        return m_DefaultLocale;

    StyleLocaleMap_t :: const_iterator style_Iter;

    if ( ( style_Iter = m_StyleMap.find( Style ) ) == m_StyleMap.end( ) )
        return m_DefaultLocale;
        return style_Iter->second;


/***********************   event handler functions  ***********************/

// start_element occurs when a tag is start

void CContentReader::start_element(
    const std::wstring& /*raw_name*/,
    const std::wstring& local_name,
    const XmlTagAttributes_t& attributes)
    //get appropriate Xml Tag Builder using MetaInfoBuilderFactory;
    ITag* pTagBuilder = chooseTagReader( local_name,attributes );
    assert( pTagBuilder != NULL );
    pTagBuilder->startTag( );
    m_TagBuilderStack.push( pTagBuilder );


// end_element occurs when a tag is closed

void CContentReader::end_element(const std::wstring& /*raw_name*/, const std::wstring& local_name)
    assert( !m_TagBuilderStack.empty() );
    ITag* pTagBuilder = m_TagBuilderStack.top();

    if ( local_name == CONTENT_STYLE_STYLE )
        StyleLocalePair_t StyleLocalePair = static_cast<CAutoStyleTag * >( pTagBuilder)->getStyleLocalePair();
        if ( ( static_cast<CAutoStyleTag * >( pTagBuilder)->isFull() ) && ( StyleLocalePair.second != m_DefaultLocale ) )
                m_StyleMap.insert( StyleLocalePair );
    if (( local_name == CONTENT_TEXT_A )||( local_name == CONTENT_TEXT_SPAN ) ||
        ( local_name == CONTENT_TEXT_SEQUENCE )||( local_name == CONTENT_TEXT_BOOKMARK_REF ))
        addChunk( getLocale( getCurrentContentStyle() ), ::std::wstring( SPACE ) );
    if ((( local_name == CONTENT_TEXT_P )||( local_name == CONTENT_TEXT_H ) ||
         ( local_name == CONTENT_TEXT_INDEX_TITLE_TEMPLATE ) )&&
        ( EMPTY_STRING != pTagBuilder->getTagContent( ) ) )
        addChunk( getLocale( getCurrentContentStyle() ), ::std::wstring( LF ) );

    delete pTagBuilder;


// characters occurs when receiving characters

void CContentReader::characters( const std::wstring& character )
    if ( character.length() > 0 && !HasOnlySpaces( character ) )
        addChunk( getLocale( getCurrentContentStyle() ), ::std::wstring( character ) );

        ITag* pTagBuilder = m_TagBuilderStack.top();
        pTagBuilder->addCharacters( character );

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