* OpenOffice.org - a multi-platform office productivity suite
* $RCSfile: SjSettings.java,v $
* $Revision: 1.7 $
* last change: $Author: hr $ $Date: 2005-10-25 11:20:52 $
* The Contents of this file are made available subject to
* the terms of GNU Lesser General Public License Version 2.1.
* GNU Lesser General Public License Version 2.1
* =============================================
* Copyright 2005 by Sun Microsystems, Inc.
* 901 San Antonio Road, Palo Alto, CA 94303, USA
* This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
* modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public
* License version 2.1, as published by the Free Software Foundation.
* This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
* Lesser General Public License for more details.
* You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public
* License along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software
* Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston,
* MA 02111-1307 USA
package stardiv.controller;
import java.util.Properties;
import java.util.Hashtable;
import java.util.Enumeration;
import com.sun.star.lib.sandbox.SandboxSecurity;
* Ueber diese Klasse werden alle globalen Einstellungen, die fuer das Sj Projekt
* wichtig sind, dokumentiert und modifiziert.
* @version $Version: 1.0 $
* @author Markus Meyer
public class SjSettings {
* The following properties are used to setup the environment for
* the stardiv packages.
* "appletviewer.security.mode"="unrestricted" | "host" | "none": Set the
* security level of the default SecurityManager. The default is "host".
* "stardiv.security.defaultSecurityManager"="true" | "false": Create and set
* the stardiv.security.AppletSecurity, if the property is "true". This occures
* only in the first call.
* "stardiv.security.noExit"="true" | "false": no exit is allowed. Use this property
* if you are running more than one java application in the virtual machine. This occures
* only in the first call.
* "stardiv.security.disableSecurity"="true" | "false": disable security checking. Only usefull
* if a SecurityManager is installed. The default is "false".
* if you are running more than one java application in the virtual machine. This occures
* only in the first call.
* "stardiv.js.debugOnError"="true" | "false": Start the javascript ide, if an error
* occures. The default is "false".
* "stardiv.js.debugImmediate"="true" | "false": Start the javascript ide, if a script
* starts. The default is "false".
* "stardiv.debug.trace"="messageBox" | "window" | "file" | "none": The trace pipe is
* set to one of the four mediums. The Default is "none".
* "stardiv.debug.error"="messageBox" | "window" | "file" | "none": The error pipe is
* set to one of the four mediums. The Default is "none".
* "stardiv.debug.warning"="messageBox" | "window" | "file" | "none": The warning pipe is
* set to one of the four mediums. The Default is "none".
* If the properties http.proxyHost, http.proxyPort, http.maxConnections,
* http.keepAlive or http.nonProxyHosts are changed, the method
* sun.net.www.http.HttpClient.resetProperties() is called.
* If the properties ftpProxySet, ftpProxyHost or ftpProxyPort are changed,
* the static variables useFtpProxy, ftpProxyHost and ftpProxyPort in the class
* sun.net.ftp.FtpClient are set.
* If you are writing your own SecurityManager and ClassLoader, please implement the
* interfaces stardiv.security.ClassLoaderExtension and
* stardiv.security.SecurityManagerExtension. Be shure to set the
* stardiv.security.ClassLoaderFactory, to enable dynamic class loading, otherwise
* the stardiv.security.AppletClassLoader is used. Set the factory with
* SjSettings.setClassLoaderFactory().
static public synchronized void changeProperties( Properties pChangeProps )
SecurityManager pSM = System.getSecurityManager();
if( pSM != null )
Properties props = new Properties( System.getProperties() );
boolean bInited = Boolean.getBoolean( "stardiv.controller.SjSettings.inited" );
if( !bInited )
// check the awt.toolkit property: if none is set use com.sun.star.comp.jawt.peer.Toolkit
//if ( props.getProperty("awt.toolkit") == null )
// props.put("awt.toolkit", "com.sun.star.comp.jawt.peer.Toolkit");
// Define a number of standard properties
props.put("acl.read", "+");
props.put("acl.read.default", "");
props.put("acl.write", "+");
props.put("acl.write.default", "");
// Standard browser properties
props.put("browser", "stardiv.applet.AppletViewerFrame");
props.put("browser.version", "4.02");
props.put("browser.vendor", "Sun Microsystems, Inc.");
props.put("http.agent", "JDK/1.1");
// Define which packages can be accessed by applets
props.put("package.restrict.access.sun", "true");
props.put("package.restrict.access.netscape", "true");
props.put("package.restrict.access.stardiv", "true");
// Define which packages can be extended by applets
props.put("package.restrict.definition.java", "true");
props.put("package.restrict.definition.sun", "true");
props.put("package.restrict.definition.netscape", "true");
props.put("package.restrict.definition.stardiv", "true");
// Define which properties can be read by applets.
// A property named by "key" can be read only when its twin
// property "key.applet" is true. The following ten properties
// are open by default. Any other property can be explicitly
// opened up by the browser user setting key.applet=true in
// ~/.hotjava/properties. Or vice versa, any of the following can
// be overridden by the user's properties.
props.put("java.version.applet", "true");
props.put("java.vendor.applet", "true");
props.put("java.vendor.url.applet", "true");
props.put("java.class.version.applet", "true");
props.put("os.name.applet", "true");
props.put("os.version.applet", "true");
props.put("os.arch.applet", "true");
props.put("file.separator.applet", "true");
props.put("path.separator.applet", "true");
props.put("line.separator.applet", "true");
// put new and changed properties to the property table
if( pChangeProps != null )
Enumeration aEnum = pChangeProps.propertyNames();
while( aEnum.hasMoreElements() )
String aKey = (String)aEnum.nextElement();
props.put( aKey, pChangeProps.getProperty( aKey ) );
// Install a property list.
if( !bInited )
props.put( "stardiv.controller.SjSettings.inited", "true" );
if( !bInited )
// Security Manager setzten
boolean bNoExit = Boolean.getBoolean( "stardiv.security.noExit" );
//Create and install the security manager
if (System.getSecurityManager() == null)
System.setSecurityManager(new SandboxSecurity(bNoExit));
// if( Boolean.getBoolean("stardiv.controller.installConsole") )
// Console.installConsole();
private static boolean equalsImpl( Object p1, Object p2 )
return p1 == p2 || (p1 != null && p2 != null && p1.equals( p2 ) );