/* -*- Mode: C++; tab-width: 4; indent-tabs-mode: nil; c-basic-offset: 4 -*- */
 * This file is part of the LibreOffice project.
 * This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
 * License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
 * file, You can obtain one at http://mozilla.org/MPL/2.0/.
 * This file incorporates work covered by the following license notice:
 *   Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one or more
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#include <expressionnodefactory.hxx>

#include <basegfx/matrix/b2dhommatrix.hxx>
#include <basegfx/point/b2dpoint.hxx>

#include <functional>
#include <algorithm>

/* Implementation of ExpressionNodeFactory class */

namespace slideshow
    namespace internal
            class ConstantValueExpression : public ExpressionNode
                explicit ConstantValueExpression( double rValue ) :
                    maValue( rValue )

                virtual double operator()( double /*t*/ ) const override
                    return maValue;

                virtual bool isConstant() const override
                    return true;

                double  maValue;

            class TValueExpression : public ExpressionNode

                virtual double operator()( double t ) const override
                    return t;

                virtual bool isConstant() const override
                    return false;

            /** Base class for following binary functions (*+-/)

                Does not pay off to have all this as a template, since
                we'd have to hold the functor as a member (+33% object
            class BinaryExpressionBase : public ExpressionNode
                BinaryExpressionBase( const std::shared_ptr<ExpressionNode>&    rFirstArg,
                                      const std::shared_ptr<ExpressionNode>&    rSecondArg ) :
                    mpFirstArg( rFirstArg ),
                    mpSecondArg( rSecondArg )

                virtual bool isConstant() const override
                        mpFirstArg->isConstant() &&

                std::shared_ptr<ExpressionNode> mpFirstArg;
                std::shared_ptr<ExpressionNode> mpSecondArg;

            class PlusExpression : public BinaryExpressionBase
                PlusExpression( const std::shared_ptr<ExpressionNode>&  rFirstArg,
                                const std::shared_ptr<ExpressionNode>&  rSecondArg ) :
                    BinaryExpressionBase( rFirstArg, rSecondArg )

                virtual double operator()( double t ) const override
                    return (*mpFirstArg)(t) + (*mpSecondArg)(t);

            class MinusExpression : public BinaryExpressionBase
                MinusExpression( const std::shared_ptr<ExpressionNode>& rFirstArg,
                                 const std::shared_ptr<ExpressionNode>& rSecondArg ) :
                    BinaryExpressionBase( rFirstArg, rSecondArg )

                virtual double operator()( double t ) const override
                    return (*mpFirstArg)(t) - (*mpSecondArg)(t);

            class MultipliesExpression : public BinaryExpressionBase
                MultipliesExpression( const std::shared_ptr<ExpressionNode>&    rFirstArg,
                                      const std::shared_ptr<ExpressionNode>&    rSecondArg ) :
                    BinaryExpressionBase( rFirstArg, rSecondArg )

                virtual double operator()( double t ) const override
                    return (*mpFirstArg)(t) * (*mpSecondArg)(t);

            class DividesExpression : public BinaryExpressionBase
                DividesExpression( const std::shared_ptr<ExpressionNode>&   rFirstArg,
                                   const std::shared_ptr<ExpressionNode>&   rSecondArg ) :
                    BinaryExpressionBase( rFirstArg, rSecondArg )

                virtual double operator()( double t ) const override
                    return (*mpFirstArg)(t) / (*mpSecondArg)(t);

            class MinExpression : public BinaryExpressionBase
                MinExpression( const std::shared_ptr<ExpressionNode>&   rFirstArg,
                               const std::shared_ptr<ExpressionNode>&   rSecondArg ) :
                    BinaryExpressionBase( rFirstArg, rSecondArg )

                virtual double operator()( double t ) const override
                    return ::std::min( (*mpFirstArg)(t), (*mpSecondArg)(t) );

            class MaxExpression : public BinaryExpressionBase
                MaxExpression( const std::shared_ptr<ExpressionNode>&   rFirstArg,
                               const std::shared_ptr<ExpressionNode>&   rSecondArg ) :
                    BinaryExpressionBase( rFirstArg, rSecondArg )

                virtual double operator()( double t ) const override
                    return ::std::max( (*mpFirstArg)(t), (*mpSecondArg)(t) );

        std::shared_ptr<ExpressionNode> ExpressionNodeFactory::createConstantValueExpression( double rConstantValue )
            return std::shared_ptr<ExpressionNode>( new ConstantValueExpression(rConstantValue) );

        std::shared_ptr<ExpressionNode> ExpressionNodeFactory::createValueTExpression()
            return std::shared_ptr<ExpressionNode>( new TValueExpression() );

        std::shared_ptr<ExpressionNode> ExpressionNodeFactory::createPlusExpression( const std::shared_ptr<ExpressionNode>& rLHS,
                                                                             const std::shared_ptr<ExpressionNode>& rRHS )
            return std::shared_ptr<ExpressionNode>( new PlusExpression(rLHS, rRHS) );

        std::shared_ptr<ExpressionNode> ExpressionNodeFactory::createMinusExpression( const std::shared_ptr<ExpressionNode>&    rLHS,
                                                                              const std::shared_ptr<ExpressionNode>&    rRHS )
            return std::shared_ptr<ExpressionNode>( new MinusExpression(rLHS, rRHS) );

        std::shared_ptr<ExpressionNode> ExpressionNodeFactory::createMultipliesExpression( const std::shared_ptr<ExpressionNode>&   rLHS,
                                                                                   const std::shared_ptr<ExpressionNode>&   rRHS )
            return std::shared_ptr<ExpressionNode>( new MultipliesExpression(rLHS, rRHS) );

        std::shared_ptr<ExpressionNode> ExpressionNodeFactory::createDividesExpression( const std::shared_ptr<ExpressionNode>&  rLHS,
                                                                                const std::shared_ptr<ExpressionNode>&  rRHS )
            return std::shared_ptr<ExpressionNode>( new DividesExpression(rLHS, rRHS) );

        std::shared_ptr<ExpressionNode> ExpressionNodeFactory::createMinExpression   ( const std::shared_ptr<ExpressionNode>&   rOuterFunction,
                                                                               const std::shared_ptr<ExpressionNode>&   rInnerFunction )
            return std::shared_ptr<ExpressionNode>( new MinExpression(rOuterFunction, rInnerFunction) );

        std::shared_ptr<ExpressionNode> ExpressionNodeFactory::createMaxExpression   ( const std::shared_ptr<ExpressionNode>&   rOuterFunction,
                                                                               const std::shared_ptr<ExpressionNode>&   rInnerFunction )
            return std::shared_ptr<ExpressionNode>( new MaxExpression(rOuterFunction, rInnerFunction) );


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