/* -*- Mode: C++; tab-width: 4; indent-tabs-mode: nil; c-basic-offset: 4 -*- */
 * This file is part of the LibreOffice project.
 * This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
 * License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
 * file, You can obtain one at http://mozilla.org/MPL/2.0/.
 * This file incorporates work covered by the following license notice:
 *   Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one or more
 *   contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file distributed
 *   with this work for additional information regarding copyright
 *   ownership. The ASF licenses this file to you under the Apache
 *   License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may not use this file
 *   except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of
 *   the License at http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 .

// must be first
#include <canvas/debug.hxx>
#include <tools/diagnose_ex.h>
#include <shapeattributelayer.hxx>

#include <canvas/verbosetrace.hxx>

#include <com/sun/star/awt/Rectangle.hpp>
#include <com/sun/star/awt/FontUnderline.hpp>
#include <com/sun/star/awt/FontWeight.hpp>
#include <com/sun/star/beans/XPropertySet.hpp>
#include <com/sun/star/animations/AnimationAdditiveMode.hpp>

#include <basegfx/numeric/ftools.hxx>
#include <basegfx/polygon/b2dpolygon.hxx>
#include <rtl/math.hxx>

using namespace ::com::sun::star;

namespace slideshow
    namespace internal
        /** Update state ids

            This method updates all state IDs from possible
            children. Whenever a child's state ID changed, we
            increment ours.
        void ShapeAttributeLayer::updateStateIds()
            if( haveChild() )
                if( mnTransformationState != mpChild->getTransformationState() )
                if( mnClipState != mpChild->getClipState() )
                if( mnAlphaState != mpChild->getAlphaState() )
                if( mnPositionState != mpChild->getPositionState() )
                if( mnContentState != mpChild->getContentState() )
                if( mnVisibilityState != mpChild->getVisibilityState() )

        /** Calc attribute value.

            This method determines the current attribute value,
            appropriately combining it with children values (by
            evaluating the mnAdditiveMode member).
        template< typename T > T ShapeAttributeLayer::calcValue( const T&                   rCurrValue,
                                                                 bool                       bThisInstanceValid,
                                                                 bool (ShapeAttributeLayer::*pIsValid)() const,
                                                                 T   (ShapeAttributeLayer::*pGetValue)() const ) const
            // deviated from the (*shared_ptr).*mpFuncPtr notation
            // here, since gcc does not seem to parse that as a member
            // function call anymore.
            const bool bChildInstanceValueValid( haveChild() ? (mpChild.get()->*pIsValid)() : false );

            if( bThisInstanceValid )
                if( bChildInstanceValueValid )
                    // merge with child value
                    switch( mnAdditiveMode )
                            // FALTHROUGH intended
                        case animations::AnimationAdditiveMode::NONE:
                            // FALTHROUGH intended
                        case animations::AnimationAdditiveMode::BASE:
                            // FALTHROUGH intended
                        case animations::AnimationAdditiveMode::REPLACE:
                            // TODO(F2): reverse-engineer the semantics of these
                            // values

                            // currently, treat them the same and replace
                            // the child value by our own
                            return rCurrValue;

                        case animations::AnimationAdditiveMode::SUM:
                            return rCurrValue + ((*mpChild).*pGetValue)();

                        case animations::AnimationAdditiveMode::MULTIPLY:
                            return rCurrValue * ((*mpChild).*pGetValue)();
                    // this object is the only one defining
                    // the value, so take it
                    return rCurrValue;
                return bChildInstanceValueValid ?
                    ((*mpChild).*pGetValue)() :
                    T();            // pass on child value, regardless
                                    // if it's valid or not. If not, it's
                                    // a default anyway

        ShapeAttributeLayer::ShapeAttributeLayer( const ShapeAttributeLayerSharedPtr& rChildLayer ) :
            mpChild( rChildLayer ),




            meFillStyle( drawing::FillStyle_NONE ),
            meLineStyle( drawing::LineStyle_NONE ),
            meCharPosture( awt::FontSlant_NONE ),


            mnTransformationState( rChildLayer ? rChildLayer->getTransformationState() : 0 ),
            mnClipState( rChildLayer ? rChildLayer->getClipState() : 0),
            mnAlphaState( rChildLayer ? rChildLayer->getAlphaState() : 0),
            mnPositionState( rChildLayer ? rChildLayer->getPositionState() : 0 ),
            mnContentState( rChildLayer ? rChildLayer->getContentState() : 0 ),
            mnVisibilityState( rChildLayer ? rChildLayer->getVisibilityState() : 0 ),

            mnAdditiveMode( animations::AnimationAdditiveMode::BASE ),

            mbVisibility( false ),

            mbWidthValid( false ),
            mbHeightValid( false ),
            mbPosXValid( false ),
            mbPosYValid( false ),
            mbClipValid( false ),

            mbFontFamilyValid( false ),

            mbRotationAngleValid( false ),
            mbShearXAngleValid( false ),
            mbShearYAngleValid( false ),

            mbAlphaValid( false ),

            mbCharRotationAngleValid( false ),
            mbCharScaleValid( false ),

            mbDimColorValid( false ),
            mbFillColorValid( false ),
            mbLineColorValid( false ),
            mbCharColorValid( false ),

            mbFillStyleValid( false ),
            mbLineStyleValid( false ),
            mbCharWeightValid( false ),
            mbUnderlineModeValid( false ),
            mbCharPostureValid( false ),
            mbVisibilityValid( false )

        bool ShapeAttributeLayer::revokeChildLayer( const ShapeAttributeLayerSharedPtr& rChildLayer )
            ENSURE_OR_RETURN_FALSE( rChildLayer,
                               "ShapeAttributeLayer::revokeChildLayer(): Will not remove NULL child" );

            if( !haveChild() )
                return false; // no children, nothing to revoke.

            if( mpChild == rChildLayer )
                // we have it - replace by removed child's sibling.
                mpChild = rChildLayer->getChildLayer();

                // if we're now the first one, defensively increment _all_
                // state ids: possibly all underlying attributes have now
                // changed to default
                if( !haveChild() )
                    // TODO(P1): Check whether it pays off to check more
                    // detailed, which attributes really change
                // we don't have it - pass on the request
                if( !mpChild->revokeChildLayer( rChildLayer ) )
                    return false; // nobody has it - bail out

            // something might have changed - update ids.

            return true;

        ShapeAttributeLayerSharedPtr  ShapeAttributeLayer::getChildLayer() const
            return mpChild;

        void ShapeAttributeLayer::setAdditiveMode( sal_Int16 nMode )
            if( mnAdditiveMode != nMode )
                // TODO(P1): Check whether it pays off to check more
                // detailed, which attributes really change

                // defensively increment all states - possibly each of them
                // will change with different additive mode

            mnAdditiveMode = nMode;

        bool ShapeAttributeLayer::isWidthValid() const
            return mbWidthValid ? true : haveChild() ? mpChild->isWidthValid() : false;

        double ShapeAttributeLayer::getWidth() const
            return calcValue< double >(
                &ShapeAttributeLayer::getWidth );

        void ShapeAttributeLayer::setWidth( const double& rNewWidth )
            ENSURE_OR_THROW( ::rtl::math::isFinite(rNewWidth),
                              "ShapeAttributeLayer::setWidth(): Invalid width" );

            maSize.setX( rNewWidth );
            mbWidthValid = true;

        bool ShapeAttributeLayer::isHeightValid() const
            return mbHeightValid ? true : haveChild() ? mpChild->isHeightValid() : false;

        double ShapeAttributeLayer::getHeight() const
            return calcValue< double >(
                &ShapeAttributeLayer::getHeight );

        void ShapeAttributeLayer::setHeight( const double& rNewHeight )
            ENSURE_OR_THROW( ::rtl::math::isFinite(rNewHeight),
                              "ShapeAttributeLayer::setHeight(): Invalid height" );

            maSize.setY( rNewHeight );
            mbHeightValid = true;

        void ShapeAttributeLayer::setSize( const ::basegfx::B2DSize& rNewSize )
            ENSURE_OR_THROW( ::rtl::math::isFinite(rNewSize.getX()) &&
                              "ShapeAttributeLayer::setSize(): Invalid size" );

            maSize = rNewSize;
            mbWidthValid = mbHeightValid = true;

        bool ShapeAttributeLayer::isPosXValid() const
            return mbPosXValid ? true : haveChild() ? mpChild->isPosXValid() : false;

        double ShapeAttributeLayer::getPosX() const
            return calcValue< double >(
                &ShapeAttributeLayer::getPosX );

        void ShapeAttributeLayer::setPosX( const double& rNewX )
            ENSURE_OR_THROW( ::rtl::math::isFinite(rNewX),
                              "ShapeAttributeLayer::setPosX(): Invalid position" );

            maPosition.setX( rNewX );
            mbPosXValid = true;

        bool ShapeAttributeLayer::isPosYValid() const
            return mbPosYValid ? true : haveChild() ? mpChild->isPosYValid() : false;

        double ShapeAttributeLayer::getPosY() const
            return calcValue< double >(
                &ShapeAttributeLayer::getPosY );

        void ShapeAttributeLayer::setPosY( const double& rNewY )
            ENSURE_OR_THROW( ::rtl::math::isFinite(rNewY),
                              "ShapeAttributeLayer::setPosY(): Invalid position" );

            maPosition.setY( rNewY );
            mbPosYValid = true;

        void ShapeAttributeLayer::setPosition( const ::basegfx::B2DPoint& rNewPos )
            maPosition = rNewPos;
            mbPosXValid = mbPosYValid = true;

        bool ShapeAttributeLayer::isRotationAngleValid() const
            return mbRotationAngleValid ? true : haveChild() ? mpChild->isRotationAngleValid() : false;

        double ShapeAttributeLayer::getRotationAngle() const
            return calcValue< double >(
                &ShapeAttributeLayer::getRotationAngle );

        void ShapeAttributeLayer::setRotationAngle( const double& rNewAngle )
            ENSURE_OR_THROW( ::rtl::math::isFinite(rNewAngle),
                              "ShapeAttributeLayer::setRotationAngle(): Invalid angle" );

            mnRotationAngle = rNewAngle;
            mbRotationAngleValid = true;

        bool ShapeAttributeLayer::isShearXAngleValid() const
            return mbShearXAngleValid ? true : haveChild() ? mpChild->isShearXAngleValid() : false;

        double ShapeAttributeLayer::getShearXAngle() const
            return calcValue( mnShearXAngle,
                              &ShapeAttributeLayer::getShearXAngle );

        void ShapeAttributeLayer::setShearXAngle( const double& rNewAngle )
            ENSURE_OR_THROW( ::rtl::math::isFinite(rNewAngle),
                              "ShapeAttributeLayer::setShearXAngle(): Invalid angle" );

            mnShearXAngle = rNewAngle;
            mbShearXAngleValid = true;

        bool ShapeAttributeLayer::isShearYAngleValid() const
            return mbShearYAngleValid ? true : haveChild() ? mpChild->isShearYAngleValid() : false;

        double ShapeAttributeLayer::getShearYAngle() const
            return calcValue( mnShearYAngle,
                              &ShapeAttributeLayer::getShearYAngle );

        void ShapeAttributeLayer::setShearYAngle( const double& rNewAngle )
            ENSURE_OR_THROW( ::rtl::math::isFinite(rNewAngle),
                              "ShapeAttributeLayer::setShearYAngle(): Invalid angle" );

            mnShearYAngle = rNewAngle;
            mbShearYAngleValid = true;

        bool ShapeAttributeLayer::isAlphaValid() const
            return mbAlphaValid ? true : haveChild() ? mpChild->isAlphaValid() : false;

        double ShapeAttributeLayer::getAlpha() const
            return calcValue( mnAlpha,
                              &ShapeAttributeLayer::getAlpha );

        void ShapeAttributeLayer::setAlpha( const double& rNewValue )
            ENSURE_OR_THROW( ::rtl::math::isFinite(rNewValue),
                              "ShapeAttributeLayer::setAlpha(): Invalid alpha" );

            mnAlpha = rNewValue;
            mbAlphaValid = true;

        bool ShapeAttributeLayer::isClipValid() const
            return mbClipValid ? true : haveChild() ? mpChild->isClipValid() : false;

        ::basegfx::B2DPolyPolygon ShapeAttributeLayer::getClip() const
            // TODO(F1): Implement polygon algebra for additive modes
            if( mbClipValid )
                return maClip;
            else if( haveChild() )
                return mpChild->getClip();
                return ::basegfx::B2DPolyPolygon();

        void ShapeAttributeLayer::setClip( const ::basegfx::B2DPolyPolygon& rNewClip )
            maClip = rNewClip;
            mbClipValid = true;

        bool ShapeAttributeLayer::isDimColorValid() const
            return mbDimColorValid ? true : haveChild() ? mpChild->isDimColorValid() : false;

        RGBColor ShapeAttributeLayer::getDimColor() const
            return calcValue( maDimColor,
                              &ShapeAttributeLayer::getDimColor );

        void ShapeAttributeLayer::setDimColor( const RGBColor& nNewColor )
            maDimColor = nNewColor;
            mbDimColorValid = true;

        bool ShapeAttributeLayer::isFillColorValid() const
            return mbFillColorValid ? true : haveChild() ? mpChild->isFillColorValid() : false;

        RGBColor ShapeAttributeLayer::getFillColor() const
            return calcValue( maFillColor,
                              &ShapeAttributeLayer::getFillColor );

        void ShapeAttributeLayer::setFillColor( const RGBColor& nNewColor )
            maFillColor = nNewColor;
            mbFillColorValid = true;

        bool ShapeAttributeLayer::isLineColorValid() const
            return mbLineColorValid ? true : haveChild() ? mpChild->isLineColorValid() : false;

        RGBColor  ShapeAttributeLayer::getLineColor() const
            return calcValue( maLineColor,
                              &ShapeAttributeLayer::getLineColor );

        void ShapeAttributeLayer::setLineColor( const RGBColor& nNewColor )
            maLineColor = nNewColor;
            mbLineColorValid = true;

        bool ShapeAttributeLayer::isFillStyleValid() const
            return mbFillStyleValid ? true : haveChild() ? mpChild->isFillStyleValid() : false;

        sal_Int16 ShapeAttributeLayer::getFillStyle() const
            // mnAdditiveMode is ignored, cannot combine strings in
            // any sensible way
            if( mbFillStyleValid )
                return sal::static_int_cast<sal_Int16>(meFillStyle);
            else if( haveChild() )
                return sal::static_int_cast<sal_Int16>(mpChild->getFillStyle());
                return sal::static_int_cast<sal_Int16>(drawing::FillStyle_SOLID);

        void ShapeAttributeLayer::setFillStyle( const sal_Int16& rStyle )
            // TODO(Q1): Check range here.
            meFillStyle = (drawing::FillStyle)rStyle;
            mbFillStyleValid = true;

        bool ShapeAttributeLayer::isLineStyleValid() const
            return mbLineStyleValid ? true : haveChild() ? mpChild->isLineStyleValid() : false;

        sal_Int16 ShapeAttributeLayer::getLineStyle() const
            // mnAdditiveMode is ignored, cannot combine strings in
            // any sensible way
            if( mbLineStyleValid )
                return sal::static_int_cast<sal_Int16>(meLineStyle);
            else if( haveChild() )
                return sal::static_int_cast<sal_Int16>(mpChild->getLineStyle());
                return sal::static_int_cast<sal_Int16>(drawing::LineStyle_SOLID);

        void ShapeAttributeLayer::setLineStyle( const sal_Int16& rStyle )
            // TODO(Q1): Check range here.
            meLineStyle = (drawing::LineStyle)rStyle;
            mbLineStyleValid = true;

        bool ShapeAttributeLayer::isVisibilityValid() const
            return mbVisibilityValid ? true : haveChild() ? mpChild->isVisibilityValid() : false;

        bool ShapeAttributeLayer::getVisibility() const
            // mnAdditiveMode is ignored, SMIL spec requires to not combine
            // bools in any sensible way
            if( mbVisibilityValid )
                return mbVisibility;
            else if( haveChild() )
                return mpChild->getVisibility();
                return true; // default is always visible

        void ShapeAttributeLayer::setVisibility( const bool& bVisible )
            mbVisibility = bVisible;
            mbVisibilityValid = true;

        bool ShapeAttributeLayer::isCharColorValid() const
            return mbCharColorValid ? true : haveChild() ? mpChild->isCharColorValid() : false;

        RGBColor ShapeAttributeLayer::getCharColor() const
            return calcValue( maCharColor,
                              &ShapeAttributeLayer::getCharColor );

        void ShapeAttributeLayer::setCharColor( const RGBColor& nNewColor )
            maCharColor = nNewColor;
            mbCharColorValid = true;

        bool ShapeAttributeLayer::isCharRotationAngleValid() const
            return mbCharRotationAngleValid ? true : haveChild() ? mpChild->isCharRotationAngleValid() : false;

        double ShapeAttributeLayer::getCharRotationAngle() const
            return calcValue( mnCharRotationAngle,
                              &ShapeAttributeLayer::getCharRotationAngle );

        void ShapeAttributeLayer::setCharRotationAngle( const double& rNewAngle )
            ENSURE_OR_THROW( ::rtl::math::isFinite(rNewAngle),
                              "ShapeAttributeLayer::setCharRotationAngle(): Invalid angle" );

            mnCharRotationAngle = rNewAngle;
            mbCharRotationAngleValid = true;

        bool ShapeAttributeLayer::isCharWeightValid() const
            return mbCharWeightValid ? true : haveChild() ? mpChild->isCharWeightValid() : false;

        double ShapeAttributeLayer::getCharWeight() const
            // mnAdditiveMode is ignored, cannot combine strings in
            // any sensible way
            if( mbCharWeightValid )
                return mnCharWeight;
            else if( haveChild() )
                return mpChild->getCharWeight();
                return awt::FontWeight::NORMAL;

        void ShapeAttributeLayer::setCharWeight( const double& rValue )
            // TODO(Q1): Check range here.
            mnCharWeight = rValue;
            mbCharWeightValid = true;

        bool ShapeAttributeLayer::isUnderlineModeValid() const
            return mbUnderlineModeValid ? true : haveChild() ? mpChild->isUnderlineModeValid() : false;

        sal_Int16 ShapeAttributeLayer::getUnderlineMode() const
            // mnAdditiveMode is ignored, SMIL spec requires to not combine
            // bools in any sensible way
            if( mbUnderlineModeValid )
                return mnUnderlineMode;
            else if( haveChild() )
                return mpChild->getUnderlineMode();
                return awt::FontUnderline::NONE; // default is no underline

        void ShapeAttributeLayer::setUnderlineMode( const sal_Int16& rUnderlineMode )
            // TODO(Q1): Check range here.
            mnUnderlineMode = rUnderlineMode;
            mbUnderlineModeValid = true;

        bool ShapeAttributeLayer::isFontFamilyValid() const
            return mbFontFamilyValid ? true : haveChild() ? mpChild->isFontFamilyValid() : false;

        ::rtl::OUString ShapeAttributeLayer::getFontFamily() const
            // mnAdditiveMode is ignored, cannot combine strings in
            // any sensible way
            if( mbFontFamilyValid )
                return maFontFamily;
            else if( haveChild() )
                return mpChild->getFontFamily();
                return ::rtl::OUString();

        void ShapeAttributeLayer::setFontFamily( const ::rtl::OUString& rName )
            maFontFamily = rName;
            mbFontFamilyValid = true;

        bool ShapeAttributeLayer::isCharPostureValid() const
            return mbCharPostureValid ? true : haveChild() ? mpChild->isCharPostureValid() : false;

        sal_Int16 ShapeAttributeLayer::getCharPosture() const
            // mnAdditiveMode is ignored, cannot combine strings in
            // any sensible way
            if( mbCharPostureValid )
                return sal::static_int_cast<sal_Int16>(meCharPosture);
            else if( haveChild() )
                return sal::static_int_cast<sal_Int16>(mpChild->getCharPosture());
                return sal::static_int_cast<sal_Int16>(awt::FontSlant_NONE);

        void ShapeAttributeLayer::setCharPosture( const sal_Int16& rStyle )
            // TODO(Q1): Check range here.
            meCharPosture = (awt::FontSlant)rStyle;
            mbCharPostureValid = true;

        bool ShapeAttributeLayer::isCharScaleValid() const
            return mbCharScaleValid ? true : haveChild() ? mpChild->isCharScaleValid() : false;

        double ShapeAttributeLayer::getCharScale() const
            return calcValue( mnCharScale,
                              &ShapeAttributeLayer::getCharScale );

        void ShapeAttributeLayer::setCharScale( const double& rNewHeight )
            ENSURE_OR_THROW( ::rtl::math::isFinite(rNewHeight),
                              "ShapeAttributeLayer::setCharScale(): Invalid height" );

            mnCharScale = rNewHeight;
            mbCharScaleValid = true;

        State::StateId ShapeAttributeLayer::getTransformationState() const
            return haveChild() ?
                ::std::max( mnTransformationState,
                            mpChild->getTransformationState() ) :

        State::StateId ShapeAttributeLayer::getClipState() const
            return haveChild() ?
                ::std::max( mnClipState,
                            mpChild->getClipState() ) :

        State::StateId ShapeAttributeLayer::getAlphaState() const
            return haveChild() ?
                ::std::max( mnAlphaState,
                            mpChild->getAlphaState() ) :

        State::StateId ShapeAttributeLayer::getPositionState() const
            return haveChild() ?
                ::std::max( mnPositionState,
                            mpChild->getPositionState() ) :

        State::StateId ShapeAttributeLayer::getContentState() const
            return haveChild() ?
                ::std::max( mnContentState,
                            mpChild->getContentState() ) :

        State::StateId ShapeAttributeLayer::getVisibilityState() const
            return haveChild() ?
                ::std::max( mnVisibilityState,
                            mpChild->getVisibilityState() ) :


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