: eval 'exec perl -wS $0 ${1+"$@"}' if 0; #************************************************************************* # # $RCSfile: smoketest.pl,v $ # # $Revision: 1.7 $ # # last change: $Author: obo $ $Date: 2004-11-15 15:38:08 $ # # The Contents of this file are made available subject to the terms of # either of the following licenses # # - GNU Lesser General Public License Version 2.1 # - Sun Industry Standards Source License Version 1.1 # # Sun Microsystems Inc., October, 2000 # # GNU Lesser General Public License Version 2.1 # ============================================= # Copyright 2000 by Sun Microsystems, Inc. # 901 San Antonio Road, Palo Alto, CA 94303, USA # # This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or # modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public # License version 2.1, as published by the Free Software Foundation. # # This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, # but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of # MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU # Lesser General Public License for more details. # # You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public # License along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software # Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, # MA 02111-1307 USA # # # Sun Industry Standards Source License Version 1.1 # ================================================= # The contents of this file are subject to the Sun Industry Standards # Source License Version 1.1 (the "License"); You may not use this file # except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of the # License at http://www.openoffice.org/license.html. # # Software provided under this License is provided on an "AS IS" basis, # WITHOUT WARRUNTY OF ANY KIND, EITHER EXPRESS OR IMPLIED, INCLUDING, # WITHOUT LIMITATION, WARRUNTIES THAT THE SOFTWARE IS FREE OF DEFECTS, # MERCHANTABLE, FIT FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE, OR NON-INFRINGING. # See the License for the specific provisions governing your rights and # obligations concerning the Software. # # The Initial Developer of the Original Code is: Sun Microsystems, Inc.. # # Copyright: 2000 by Sun Microsystems, Inc. # # All Rights Reserved. # # Contributor(s): _______________________________________ # # # #************************************************************************* # # smoketest - do the smoketest # use File::Basename; use File::Path; use File::Copy; use Getopt::Long; ######################## # # # Globale Variablen # # # ######################### $is_debug = 0; $is_command_infos = 0; $is_protocol_test = 0; $is_remove_on_error = 0; $is_remove_at_end = 1; $is_do_statistics = 0; $is_do_deinstall = 1; $is_oo = 1; $gui = $ENV{GUI}; $temp_path = $ENV{TEMP}; $vcsid = $ENV{VCSID}; $sversion_saved = 0; $FileURLPrefix = "file:///"; $userinstalldir = "Office"; $cygwin = "cygwin"; $prefered_lang = "en-US"; $global_instset_mask = ""; $smoketest_install = $ENV{SMOKETESTINSTALLSET}; if (!defined($gui)) { print "The workstamp is missing. Please use setsolar\n"; exit(1); } if (!defined($temp_path)) { print "Your temp value is missing. Please set your temp-variable\n"; exit(1); } if (!((defined($ENV{UPDATER})) and ($ENV{UPDATER} eq "YES") and !defined($ENV{CWS_WORK_STAMP})) ) { $is_protocol_test = 0; } if ($^O =~ /$cygwin/) { $gui = $cygwin; } if ($gui eq "WNT") { $PathSeparator = '\\'; $NewPathSeparator = ';'; $dos = "$ENV{COMSPEC} -c"; $PERL = "$dos $ENV{PERL}"; $REMOVE_DIR = "$dos del /qsxyz"; $REMOVE_FILE = "$dos del"; $LIST_DIR = "$dos ls"; $COPY_FILE = "$dos copy"; $COPY_DIR = "$dos copy /s"; $MK_DIR = "md"; $RENAME_FILE = "ren"; $nul = '> NUL'; $RESPFILE="response_fat_wnt"; $SVERSION_INI = $ENV{USERPROFILE} . $PathSeparator . "Anwendungsdaten" . $PathSeparator . "sversion.ini"; $SOFFICEBIN = "soffice.exe"; $bootstrapini = "bootstrap.ini"; $bootstrapiniTemp = $bootstrapini . "_"; } elsif ($gui eq "UNX") { $is_do_deinstall = 0; $PathSeparator = '/'; $NewPathSeparator = ':'; $dos = ""; $PERL = "$ENV{PERL}"; $REMOVE_DIR = "rm -rf"; $REMOVE_FILE = "rm"; $LIST_DIR = "ls"; $COPY_FILE = "cp -f"; $COPY_DIR = "cp -rf"; $MK_DIR = "mkdir"; $RENAME_FILE = "mv"; $nul = '> /dev/null'; $RESPFILE="response_fat_unx"; $SVERSION_INI = $ENV{HOME} . $PathSeparator . ".sversionrc"; $SOFFICEBIN = "soffice"; $bootstrapini = "bootstraprc"; $bootstrapiniTemp = $bootstrapini . "_"; $system = `uname -s`; chomp $system; $mach = `uname -m`; chomp $mach; if ( (defined($system)) && ($system eq "SunOS") && defined($mach) && ($mach eq sun4u) ) { $ENV{DBGSV_INIT} = "dbgsv.init"; } else { $ENV{DBGSV_INIT} = "dbgsv.ini"; } } elsif ($gui eq $cygwin) { $PathSeparator = '/'; $NewPathSeparator = ':'; $dos = ""; $PERL = "$ENV{PERL}"; $REMOVE_DIR = "rm -rf"; $REMOVE_FILE = "rm"; $LIST_DIR = "ls"; $COPY_FILE = "cp -f"; $COPY_DIR = "cp -rf"; $MK_DIR = "mkdir"; $RENAME_FILE = "mv"; $nul = '> /dev/null'; $RESPFILE="response_fat_wnt"; $SVERSION_INI = $ENV{USERPROFILE} . $PathSeparator . "Anwendungsdaten" . $PathSeparator . "sversion.ini"; $SOFFICEBIN = "soffice"; $bootstrapini = "bootstrap.ini"; $bootstrapiniTemp = $bootstrapini . "_"; $CygwinLineends = $/; $WinLineends = "\r\n"; &SetWinLineends(); } else { print_error ("not supported system\n",1); } if ($is_oo) { @install_list = ( 'instsetoo_native' ); } else { @install_list = ( 'instset_native' ); } @error_messages = ( '', '', 'Error during installation!', 'Error: patching configuration failed!', 'Error: starting office failed!', 'Error during testing', '', 'Error in setup log', 'installationsset is not complete', 'can not copy all basic scripts', 'can not patch bottstrapini', 'msiexec failed. Maybe you have got an installed version', 'deinstallation is incomplete' ); my $show_NoMessage = 0; my $show_Message = 1; my $error_setup = 2; my $error_patchConfig = 3; my $error_startOffice = 4; my $error_testResult = 5; my $error_deinstall = 6; my $error_setup_log = 7; my $error_installset = 8; my $error_copyBasic = 9; my $error_patchBootstrap = 10; my $error_msiexec = 11; my $error_deinst = 12; my $command_normal = 0; my $command_withoutErrorcheck = 1; my $command_withoutOutput = 2; if ($is_oo) { $PRODUCT="OpenOffice"; } else { $PRODUCT="StarOffice"; } $StandDir = $ENV{SOLARSRC} . $PathSeparator; $SHIP=$ENV{SHIPDRIVE} . $PathSeparator; $PORDUCT = "$SHIP$ENV{INPATH}$PathSeparator$PRODUCT$PathSeparator"; $DATA="$ENV{DMAKE_WORK_DIR}$PathSeparator" . "data$PathSeparator"; $WORK_STAMP_LC=$ENV{WORK_STAMP}; $WORK_STAMP_LC =~ tr/A-Z/a-z/; if (defined($ENV{INSTALLPATH_SMOKETEST})) { $installpath_without = $ENV{INSTALLPATH_SMOKETEST}; } else { $installpath_without = $temp_path; } if (defined($vcsid)) { $installpath_without .= $PathSeparator . $vcsid; } $installpath_without .= $PathSeparator . "office"; $installpath = $installpath_without . $PathSeparator; $ENV{STAR_REGISTRY}=""; $milestone = ""; #### options #### $opt_nr = 0; GetOptions('nr'); if ($opt_nr) { $is_remove_at_end = 0; # do not remove installation } if ( $ARGV[0] ) { $milestone = $ARGV[0]; } #### script id ##### ( $script_name = $0 ) =~ s/^.*\b(\w+)\.pl$/$1/; $id_str = ' $Revision: 1.7 $ '; $id_str =~ /Revision:\s+(\S+)\s+\$/ ? ($script_rev = $1) : ($script_rev = "-"); print "$script_name -- version: $script_rev\n"; #### main #### if (!$is_debug) { if ($is_do_deinstall) { deinstallInstallation ($installpath); } removeOldInstallation($installpath); save_sversion ($SVERSION_INI); } ($INSTSETNAME, $INSTALLSET) = getInstset(); print "Install: $INSTALLSET$INSTSETNAME\n"; prepare(); doTest(); if (!$is_debug) { restore_sversion ($SVERSION_INI); if ($is_remove_at_end) { if ($is_do_deinstall) { deinstallInstallation ($installpath); } removeInstallation($installpath); } else { print_notRemoved ($installpath); } } print "smoketest successful!\n"; exit (0); ######################### # # # Procedures # # # ######################### sub getSubFiles { my ($startDir, $DirArray_ref, $mask) = @_; my ($dir); opendir(DIR,"$startDir"); while($dir = readdir(DIR)) { if (($dir =~ /\.$/) or ($dir !~ /$mask/)) { next; } push (@{$DirArray_ref}, "$dir"); } closedir(DIR); } sub getSubDirs { my ($startDir, $DirArray_ref) = @_; my ($dir); opendir(DIR,"$startDir"); while($dir = readdir(DIR)) { if (($dir !~ /\.$/) and ( -d "$startDir$dir") ) { push (@{$DirArray_ref}, "$dir"); } } closedir(DIR); } sub getSubDirsFullPath { my ($startDir, $DirArray_ref) = @_; my ($dir); opendir(DIR,"$startDir"); while($dir = readdir(DIR)) { if (($dir !~ /\.$/) and ( -d "$startDir$dir") ) { push (@{$DirArray_ref}, "$startDir$dir"); } } closedir(DIR); } sub findSubDir { my ($DirArray_ref) = @_; my (@sortedArray, $dir, $instdir); @sortedArray = sort langsort @{$DirArray_ref}; print "Langs: @sortedArray\n" if $is_command_infos; foreach $dir (@sortedArray) { if ($dir =~ /log$/) { next; } $instdir = "$dir"; return $instdir; } return ""; } sub prepare { my ($Command); if ($gui eq "UNX") { $ENV{ignore_patch_check}="t"; } } sub is_Installset_ok { my ($installpath, $installname) = @_; my ($is_ok, $infile); $is_ok = 1; $infile = $INSTALLSET. "log$PathSeparator"; $infile =~ s/_pre_//; $infile =~ s/[\/\\]normal[\/\\]//; $infile =~ s/\.(\d+)$/_$1\.html/; #if ($installname =~ /(?:_pre_){0,1}(.*)\.(\d+)/) { # $infile .= "$1_$2.html"; # print "protocol: $infile\n" if $is_debug; #} open INTABLE, "<$infile" or return errorFromOpen ($infile); while() { $line = $_; if ( $line =~ />(error)(.*) -1) and ($$output_ref[0] ne "") ) { $olddir = $$output_ref[0]; $newdir = $dest_installdir . $$output_ref[0]; $newdir =~ s/\/\//\//; createPath ($newdir, $error_setup); } $Command = "rpm --install --nodeps -vh --relocate $olddir=$newdir --dbpath $rpmdir $installsetpath$file"; execute_Command ($Command, $error_setup, $show_Message, $command_withoutErrorcheck); } } elsif ( (defined($system)) && ($system eq "SunOS") ) { if ($mach eq sun4u) { $solarisdata = $DATA . "solaris$PathSeparator" . "sparc$PathSeparator"; } else { $solarisdata = $DATA . "solaris$PathSeparator" . "x86$PathSeparator"; } $installsetpath .= "packages$PathSeparator"; $optdir = "$dest_installdir" . "opt" . $PathSeparator; createPath ($optdir, $error_setup); createPath ($dest_installdir . "usr$PathSeparator" . "bin", $error_setup); getSubDirs ("$installsetpath", \@DirArray); my $ld_preload = $ENV{LD_PRELOAD}; $ENV{LD_PRELOAD} = $solarisdata . "getuid.so"; if ($#DirArray == -1) { print_error ("Installationset in $installsetpath is incomplete", 2); } foreach $file (@DirArray) { if ( ($file =~ /-gnome/) or ($file =~ /-cde/) or ($file =~ /adabas/) or ($file =~ /j3/) ) { next; } $Command = "pkgparam -d $installsetpath $file BASEDIR"; $output_ref = execute_Command ($Command, $error_setup, $show_Message, $command_withoutOutput); if (($#{@$output_ref} > -1) and ($$output_ref[0] ne "") ) { createPath ("$dest_installdir$$output_ref[0]", $error_setup); } $Command = "pkgadd -a $solarisdata" . "admin -d $installsetpath -R $dest_installdir $file"; execute_Command ($Command, $error_setup, $show_Message, $command_withoutErrorcheck); } $ENV{LD_PRELOAD} = $ld_preload; } @DirArray = (); getSubDirsFullPath ($optdir, \@DirArray); if ($#DirArray == 0) { $basedir = $DirArray[0] . $PathSeparator; } elsif ($#DirArray == -1) { print_error ($error_setup, $show_Message); } else { $basedir = $optdir; } } return ($basedir); } sub langsort { if ($a eq $prefered_lang) { return -1; } elsif ($b eq $prefered_lang) { return 1; } else { $a cmp $b; } } sub getInstset { my ($INSTSET, $NEWINSTSET); my (@DirArray, $InstDir, $RootDir, $TestDir1, $TestDir2); print "get Instset\n" if $is_debug; $NEWINSTSET = ""; if (defined($smoketest_install)) { my $mask = "\\" . $PathSeparator . "\$"; $smoketest_install =~ s/$mask//; my ($sufix); ($NEWINSTSET, $INSTSET, $sufix) = fileparse ($smoketest_install); return ($NEWINSTSET, $INSTSET); } if (defined ($ENV{UPDATER}) and ($ENV{UPDATER} eq "YES") and !defined($ENV{CWS_WORK_STAMP}) and (-e $SHIP)) { ($NEWINSTSET, $INSTSET) = getSetFromServer(); } else { $InstDir=""; $RootDir=$ENV{DMAKE_WORK_DIR}; $RootDir=~s/\w+$//; foreach $project (@install_list) { @DirArray=(); $TestDir1 = "$RootDir$project$PathSeparator$ENV{INPATH}$PathSeparator$PRODUCT$PathSeparator" . "install$PathSeparator"; $TestDir2 = "$StandDir$project$PathSeparator$ENV{INPATH}$PathSeparator$PRODUCT$PathSeparator" . "install$PathSeparator"; if (-e "$TestDir1") { $InstDir= $TestDir1; } elsif (-e "$TestDir2") { $InstDir="$TestDir2"; } if ($InstDir eq "") { next; } getSubDirs ("$InstDir", \@DirArray); $INSTSET = findSubDir (\@DirArray); print "Lang-Sel: $INSTSET\n" if $is_command_infos; ; if ($INSTSET ne "") { $NEWINSTSET = $INSTSET; $INSTSET = $InstDir; print "new: $INSTSET\n"; } if (($INSTSET ne "") and (-e $INSTSET)) { return ($NEWINSTSET, $INSTSET); } } print_error ("no installationset found\n",2); } return ($NEWINSTSET, $INSTSET); } sub get_milestone { my ( $ws, $pf ) = @_; my ($milestone, $upd, $path, $updext); if ( $ws =~ /^\D+(\d+)$/) { $upd = $1; } if (defined ($ENV{UPDMINOREXT})) { $updext = $ENV{UPDMINOREXT}; } else { $updext = ""; } $path = "$ENV{SOLARVER}$PathSeparator$pf$PathSeparator" . "inc$updext$PathSeparator$upd" . "minor.mk"; print "$path\n" if $is_debug; if ( !open(MINORMK,$path) ) { print "FATAL: can't open $path\n"; return (0,0); } if (!eof(MINORMK)) { while () { chomp; if ( /LAST_MINOR=(\w+)/ ) { $milestone = $1; } } close(MINORMK); } return ($milestone); } sub get_productcode { my ( $installpath ) = @_; my ($path, $productcode); $productcode = ""; $path = "$installpath" . "setup.ini"; print "$path\n" if $is_debug; if ( !open(SETUP,$path) ) { print "FATAL: can't open $path\n" if ($is_command_infos); return ($productcode); } if (!eof(SETUP)) { while () { chomp; if ( /productcode=(\{[\d\w-]+\})/ ) { $productcode = $1; } } close(SETUP); } return ($productcode); } sub InstsetSort { my ($a1, $b1); if ($a =~ /$global_instset_mask/) { $a1 = $1; } if ($b =~ /$global_instset_mask/) { $b1 = $1; } $a1 <=> $b1; } sub getSetFromServer { my ($DirName, $SetupFullPath); my $workspace = $ENV{WORK_STAMP}; my $platform = $ENV{INPATH}; my $latestset; my (@DirArray, $mask); $SetupFullPath = $PORDUCT; if ( ! ( $workspace && $platform ) ) { print_error ( "Error: environment not set correctly.", 1); } # get latest broadcastet milestone and pack number $milestone = get_milestone( $workspace, $platform ); # if ( $SetupFullPath =~ /^\/s.*\/install\// ) { # if ( $gui eq "UNX" ) { # $SetupFullPath = "/net/jumbo.germany" . $SetupFullPath; # } else { # $SetupFullPath = "\\\\jumbo" . $SetupFullPath; # } # } # my $ws_lc = lc $workspace; $mask = "^$workspace" . "_" . $milestone . "_native_packed-(\\d+)_en-US\\.\\d+"; $global_instset_mask = $mask; getSubFiles ($SetupFullPath, \@DirArray, $mask); @DirArray = sort InstsetSort @DirArray; if ($#DirArray > -1) { $latestset = $DirArray [$#DirArray]; $DirName = $latestset; } else { print_error ("Cannot find install set $SetupFullPath for $workspace $milestone", 2); } print "Latest install sets: $latestset\n" if $is_debug; print "$DirName\t $SetupFullPath\n" if $is_debug; # compare with file system # at the moment just the existence is checked. For security reasons it might be # better to additionally check whether there are newer sets (this must not happen, # but who knows ...) if ( -d $SetupFullPath ) { return ($DirName, $SetupFullPath); } else { print_error ("Cannot find install set $SetupFullPath for $workspace $milestone", 2); } } sub patch_bootstrap { my ($sourcefile, $destfile) = @_; my (@convert_split, $line); my ($Error) = 1; if ($is_debug) { print "patching bootstrap $sourcefile ...\n"; return 1; } $Error &= move ("$sourcefile", "$destfile"); open OUTFILE, ">$sourcefile" or return errorFromOpen ($sourcefile); open INFILE, "<$destfile" or return errorFromOpen ($destfile); while() { $line = $_; if ( $line =~ /UserInstallation/ ) { @convert_split = split "=", $line; $line = $convert_split[0]; $line .= "="; if ($gui eq $cygwin) { $line .= ConvertToFileURL(ConvertCygwinToWin($userinstallpath_without)); } else { $line .= ConvertToFileURL($userinstallpath_without); } $line .= $/; } print OUTFILE "$line"; } close OUTFILE; close INFILE; $Error &= unlink ($destfile); return ($Error); } sub SetWinLineends () { $/ = $WinLineends; } sub SetCygwinLineends () { $/ = $CygwinLineends; } sub ConvertToFileURL { my ($filename) = @_; my ($FileURL); $FileURL = $FileURLPrefix . $filename; $FileURL =~ s/\\/\//g; $FileURL =~ s/\/\/\/\//\/\/\//; # 4 slashes to 3 slashes return ($FileURL); } sub ConvertCygwinToWin_Shell { my ($cygwinpath) = @_; my ($winpath); $winpath = ConvertCygwinToWin ($cygwinpath); $winpath =~ s/\\/\\\\/g; return ($winpath); } sub ConvertCygwinToWin { my ($cygwinpath) = @_; my ($winpath); SetCygwinLineends(); $winpath=`cygpath --windows $cygwinpath`; chomp($winpath); SetWinLineends(); return ($winpath); } sub createPath { my ($path, $Error) = @_; if (!-d "$path") { if (!$is_debug) { eval {mkpath("$path", 0, 0777)}; if ($@) { print_error ($error_messages[$Error], $Error); } } else { print "mkpath($path, 0, 0777)\n"; } } } sub save_sversion { my ($sversion) = @_; my ($sversion_bak) = $sversion . "_"; if (-e $sversion) { if (-e $sversion_bak) { execute_system("$REMOVE_FILE \"$sversion_bak\""); } execute_system("$COPY_FILE \"$sversion\" \"$sversion_bak\""); execute_system("$REMOVE_FILE \"$sversion\""); $sversion_saved = 1; } } sub restore_sversion { my ($sversion) = @_; my ($sversion_bak) = $sversion . "_"; if ($sversion_saved) { if (-e $sversion) { execute_system("$REMOVE_FILE \"$sversion\""); } execute_system("$COPY_FILE \"$sversion_bak\" \"$sversion\""); execute_system("$REMOVE_FILE \"$sversion_bak\""); $sversion_saved = 0; } } sub removeOldInstallation { my ($installpath) = @_; if (!$is_debug) { if (-e $installpath) { execute_system("$REMOVE_DIR \"$installpath\""); } if (-e $installpath) { print_error ("can not clear old installation in $installpath\n", 3); } } } sub removeInstallation { my ($installpath) = @_; if (!$is_debug) { if (-e $installpath) { execute_system("$REMOVE_DIR \"$installpath\""); } } } sub deinstallInstallation { my ($installpath) = @_; my ($productcode); if ($gui eq "UNX") { return; } if (!$is_debug) { if (-e $installpath) { $productcode = get_productcode ($installpath); print "Productcode: $productcode\n" if ($is_command_infos); if ($productcode ne "") { print "deinstalling $productcode ...\n"; $Command = "msiexec.exe -x $productcode -qn"; execute_Command ($Command, $error_deinst, $show_Message, $command_withoutErrorcheck); } } } } sub setInstallpath { my ($infile, $outfile, $installpath) = @_; if (-e $outfile) { execute_system ("$REMOVE_FILE \"$outfile\""); } open OUTTABLE, ">$outfile" or die "Error: can\'t open solarfile $outfile"; open INTABLE, "<$infile" or die "Error: can\'t open solarfile $infile"; while() { $line = $_; if ( $line =~ /^DESTINATIONPATH=officeinstallpath/ ) { $line =~ s/officeinstallpath/$installpath/; } print OUTTABLE "$line"; } close INTABLE; close OUTTABLE; } sub execute_Command { my ($Command, $Errorcode, $showMessage, $command_action) = @_; my ($Returncode, $output_ref); if (!$is_debug) { if ( ($command_action and $command_withoutOutput) == $command_withoutOutput) { ($Returncode, $output_ref) = execute_system ("$Command"); } else { print "$Command\n" if $is_command_infos; $Returncode = system ("$Command"); } if ($Returncode) { if ($showMessage) { if (($command_action and $command_withoutErrorcheck) == $command_withoutErrorcheck) { print_warning ($error_messages[$Errorcode], $Errorcode); } else { print_error ($error_messages[$Errorcode], $Errorcode); } } else { if (($command_action and $command_withoutErrorcheck) != $command_withoutErrorcheck) { do_exit ($Errorcode); } } } } else { print "$Command\n"; } return $output_ref; } sub execute_system { my ($command) = shift; my (@output_array, $line); if ( $is_command_infos ) { print STDERR "TRACE_SYSTEM: $command\n"; } open( COMMAND, "$command 2>&1 |"); while ($line = ) { chomp $line; push (@output_array, $line); } close(COMMAND); return $?, \@output_array; } sub print_warning { my $message = shift; print STDERR "$script_name: "; print STDERR "WARNING $message\n"; return; } sub print_error { my $message = shift; my $error_code = shift; print STDERR "$script_name: "; print STDERR "ERROR: $message\n"; do_exit($error_code); } sub print_notRemoved { my ($installpath) = @_; print "no deinstallation from $installpath\n"; } sub do_exit { my $error_code = shift; if ($sversion_saved) { restore_sversion ($SVERSION_INI); } if ($is_remove_on_error) { if ($is_do_deinstall) { deinstallInstallation ($installpath); } removeInstallation($installpath); } else { print_notRemoved ($installpath); } if ( $error_code ) { print STDERR "\nFAILURE: $script_name aborted.\n"; } exit($error_code); }