: eval 'exec perl -S $0 ${1+"$@"}' if 0; #************************************************************************* # # $RCSfile: build.pl,v $ # # $Revision: 1.107 $ # # last change: $Author: obo $ $Date: 2004-04-14 15:48:35 $ # # The Contents of this file are made available subject to the terms of # either of the following licenses # # - GNU Lesser General Public License Version 2.1 # - Sun Industry Standards Source License Version 1.1 # # Sun Microsystems Inc., October, 2000 # # GNU Lesser General Public License Version 2.1 # ============================================= # Copyright 2000 by Sun Microsystems, Inc. # 901 San Antonio Road, Palo Alto, CA 94303, USA # # This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or # modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public # License version 2.1, as published by the Free Software Foundation. # # This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, # but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of # MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU # Lesser General Public License for more details. # # You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public # License along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software # Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, # MA 02111-1307 USA # # # Sun Industry Standards Source License Version 1.1 # ================================================= # The contents of this file are subject to the Sun Industry Standards # Source License Version 1.1 (the "License"); You may not use this file # except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of the # License at http://www.openoffice.org/license.html. # # Software provided under this License is provided on an "AS IS" basis, # WITHOUT WARRUNTY OF ANY KIND, EITHER EXPRESS OR IMPLIED, INCLUDING, # WITHOUT LIMITATION, WARRUNTIES THAT THE SOFTWARE IS FREE OF DEFECTS, # MERCHANTABLE, FIT FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE, OR NON-INFRINGING. # See the License for the specific provisions governing your rights and # obligations concerning the Software. # # The Initial Developer of the Original Code is: Sun Microsystems, Inc.. # # Copyright: 2000 by Sun Microsystems, Inc. # # All Rights Reserved. # # Contributor(s): _______________________________________ # # # #************************************************************************* # # build - build entire project # use Config; use POSIX; use Cwd; use File::Path; if (defined $ENV{CWS_WORK_STAMP}) { require lib; import lib ("$ENV{SOLARENV}/bin/modules", "$ENV{COMMON_ENV_TOOLS}/modules"); require Logging; import Logging if (!defined $ENV{NO_LOGGING}); require CvsModule; import CvsModule; require GenInfoParser; import GenInfoParser; require IO::Handle; import IO::Handle; }; #### script id ##### ( $script_name = $0 ) =~ s/^.*\b(\w+)\.pl$/$1/; $id_str = ' $Revision: 1.107 $ '; $id_str =~ /Revision:\s+(\S+)\s+\$/ ? ($script_rev = $1) : ($script_rev = "-"); print "$script_name -- version: $script_rev\n"; ######################### # # # Globale Variablen # # # ######################### if (defined $ENV{CWS_WORK_STAMP}) { if (defined $ENV{VCSID}) { $vcsid = $ENV{VCSID}; } else { print_error("Can't determine VCSID. Please use setsolar.", 5); }; $log = Logging->new() if (!defined $ENV{NO_LOGGING}); }; $modules_number++; $perl = ""; $remove_commando = ""; if ( $^O eq 'MSWin32' ) { $perl = "$ENV{COMSPEC} -c perl5"; $remove_commando = "rmdir /S /Q"; $nul = '> NULL'; } else { use Cwd 'chdir'; $perl = 'perl'; $remove_commando = 'rm -rf'; $nul = '> /dev/null'; }; $QuantityToBuild = 0; # delete $pid when not needed %projects_deps_hash = (); # hash of undependent projects, # that could be built now %broken_build = (); # hash of hashes of the modules, # where build was broken (error occurred) %folders_hashes = (); %running_children = (); $dependencies_hash = 0; $cmd_file = ''; $BuildAllParents = 0; $show = 0; $deliver = 0; %LocalDepsHash = (); %BuildQueue = (); %PathHash = (); %PlatformHash = (); %AliveDependencies = (); %global_deps_hash = (); # hash of dependencies of the all modules %broken_modules_hashes = (); # hash of modules hashes, which cannot be built further @broken_modules_names = (); # array of modules, which cannot be built further @UnresolvedParents = (); @dmake_args = (); %DeadParents = (); $CurrentPrj = ''; $no_projects = 0; $only_dependent = 0; $build_from = ''; $build_from_opt = ''; $build_since = ''; $dlv_switch = ''; $child = 0; %processes_hash = (); %module_annonced = (); $prepare = ''; # prepare for following incompartible build $ignore = ''; @ignored_errors = (); %incompartibles = (); %force_deliver = (); $only_platform = ''; # the only platform to prepare $only_common = ''; # the only common output tree to delete when preparing %build_modes = (); $maximal_processes = 0; # the max number of the processes run %modules_types = (); # modules types ('mod', 'img', 'lnk') hash %platforms = (); # platforms available or being working with ### main ### &get_options; &get_build_modes; %deliver_env = (); if ($prepare) { &get_platforms(\%platforms); @modules_built = (); $deliver_env{'BUILD_SOSL'}++; $deliver_env{'COMMON_OUTDIR'}++; $deliver_env{'DLLSUFFIX'}++; $deliver_env{'GUI'}++; $deliver_env{'INPATH'}++; $deliver_env{'OFFENV_PATH'}++; $deliver_env{'OUTPATH'}++; $deliver_env{'L10N_framework'}++; }; $StandDir = &get_stand_dir(); &provide_consistency if (defined $ENV{CWS_WORK_STAMP}); $deliver_commando = $ENV{DELIVER}; $deliver_commando .= ' '. $dlv_switch if ($dlv_switch); $ENV{mk_tmp}++; %prj_platform = (); $check_error_string = ''; $dmake = ''; $echo = ''; $new_line = "\n"; #### main #### &get_commands(); unlink ($cmd_file); if ($cmd_file) { if (open (CMD_FILE, ">>$cmd_file")) { select CMD_FILE; $echo = 'echo '; $new_line = $echo."\"\"\n"; print "\@$echo off\npushd\n" if ($ENV{GUI} ne 'UNX'); } else { &print_error ("Cannot open file $cmd_file"); }; } elsif ($show) { select STDERR; }; print $new_line; &BuildAll(); &cancel_build if (scalar keys %broken_build); @TotenEltern = keys %DeadParents; if ($#TotenEltern != -1) { my ($DeadPrj); print $new_line.$new_line; print $echo."WARNING! Project(s):\n"; foreach $DeadPrj (@TotenEltern) { print $echo."$DeadPrj\n"; }; print $new_line; print $echo."not found and couldn't be built. Correct build.lsts.\n"; print $new_line; }; if (($ENV{GUI} ne 'UNX') && $cmd_file) { print "popd\n"; }; $ENV{mk_tmp} = ''; if ($cmd_file) { close CMD_FILE; print STDOUT "Script $cmd_file generated\n"; }; if ($ignore && scalar @ignored_errors) { print STDERR "\nERROR: next directories could not be built:\n"; foreach (@ignored_errors) { print STDERR "\t$_\n"; }; print STDERR "\nERROR: please check these directories and build the correspondent module(s) anew!!\n\n"; do_exit(1); }; &finish_logging; do_exit(0); ######################### # # # Procedures # # # ######################### # # Get dependencies hash of the current and all parent projects # sub GetParentDeps { my ($ParentsString, @DepsArray, $Prj, $parent, $prj_link); my $prj_dir = shift; my $deps_hash = shift; $ParentsString = &GetParentsString($prj_dir); @DepsArray = &GetDependenciesArray($ParentsString); @UnresolvedParents = @DepsArray; $$deps_hash{$prj_dir} = [@DepsArray]; while ($Prj = pop(@UnresolvedParents)) { $prj_link = $Prj . '.lnk'; if (!-d $StandDir.$Prj) { if (-e $StandDir.$prj_link) { $Prj = $prj_link; } elsif (-l $StandDir.$prj_link) { &print_error("There is no target for link $StandDir$prj_link"); } elsif (defined $ENV{CWS_WORK_STAMP}) { &checkout_module($Prj, 'image'); }; } elsif (defined $ENV{CWS_WORK_STAMP}) { &check_module_consistency($Prj); }; my @DepsArray; if (!($ParentsString = &GetParentsString($StandDir.$Prj))) { $DeadParents{$Prj}++; $$deps_hash{$Prj} = []; next; }; @DepsArray = &GetDependenciesArray($ParentsString, $Prj); $$deps_hash{$Prj} = [@DepsArray]; foreach $Parent (@DepsArray) { if ((!defined($$deps_hash{$Parent})) && (!defined($$deps_hash{$Parent . '.lnk'}))) { push (@UnresolvedParents, $Parent); }; }; }; foreach $parent (keys %DeadParents) { delete $global_deps_hash{$parent}; &RemoveFromDependencies($parent, $deps_hash); }; &check_deps_hash($deps_hash); }; # # Build everything that should be built # sub BuildAll { if ($BuildAllParents) { my ($Prj, $PrjDir, $orig_prj); &GetParentDeps( $CurrentPrj, \%global_deps_hash); &prepare_build_from(\%global_deps_hash) if ($build_from); &prepare_incompartible_build(\%global_deps_hash) if ($incompartible); if ($build_from_opt || $build_since) { &prepare_build_from_opt(\%global_deps_hash); }; $modules_number = scalar keys %global_deps_hash; if ($QuantityToBuild) { &build_multiprocessing; return; }; while ($Prj = &PickPrjToBuild(\%global_deps_hash)) { print $new_line; my $module_type = &module_classify($Prj); &print_annonce($Prj) if ($module_type eq 'lnk'); &print_annonce($Prj . '.incomp') if ($module_type eq 'img'); if ($module_type eq 'mod') { if (scalar keys %broken_build) { print $echo. "Skipping project $Prj because of error(s)\n"; &RemoveFromDependencies($Prj, \%global_deps_hash); next; }; &print_annonce($Prj); $PrjDir = &CorrectPath($StandDir.$Prj); &mark_force_deliver($Prj, $PrjDir) if (defined $ENV{CWS_WORK_STAMP}); &get_deps_hash($Prj, \%LocalDepsHash); &BuildDependent(\%LocalDepsHash); my $deliver_commando = &get_deliver_commando($Prj); if ($cmd_file) { print "$deliver_commando\n"; } else { system ("$deliver_commando") if (!$show && ($Prj ne $CurrentPrj) && !$deliver); }; print $check_error_string; }; &RemoveFromDependencies($Prj, \%global_deps_hash); $no_projects = 0; }; } else { &get_deps_hash($CurrentPrj, \%LocalDepsHash); &BuildDependent(\%LocalDepsHash); }; }; # # Start build given project # sub dmake_dir { my ($folder_nick, $BuildDir, $new_BuildDir, $OldBuildDir, $error_code); $folder_nick = shift; $BuildDir = &CorrectPath($StandDir . $PathHash{$folder_nick}); if ((!(-d $BuildDir)) && (defined $ENV{CWS_WORK_STAMP})) { $OldBuildDir = $BuildDir; my $modified_path = $PathHash{$folder_nick}; $modified_path =~ s/^([^\\\/]+)/$1\.lnk/; $BuildDir = &CorrectPath($StandDir . $modified_path); }; my $missing_dir; $missing_dir = $OldBuildDir if ($OldBuildDir); $missing_dir = $BuildDir if (!$missing_dir); &print_error("$missing_dir not found!!\n") if (!(-d $BuildDir)); if (!(-d $BuildDir)) { $new_BuildDir = $BuildDir; $new_BuildDir =~ s/_simple//g; if ((-d $new_BuildDir)) { print("\nTrying $new_BuildDir, $BuildDir not found!!\n"); $BuildDir = $new_BuildDir; } else { &print_error("\n$BuildDir not found!!\n"); } } if ($cmd_file) { print "cd $BuildDir\n"; print $check_error_string; print $echo.$BuildDir."\n"; print "$dmake\n"; print $check_error_string; } else { print "$BuildDir\n"; }; &RemoveFromDependencies($folder_nick, \%LocalDepsHash) if (!$child); if (!$cmd_file && !$show) { chdir $BuildDir; cwd(); $error_code = system ("$dmake"); if ($error_code && $ignore) { push(@ignored_errors, &CorrectPath($StandDir . $PathHash{$folder_nick})); $error_code = 0; }; }; if ($child) { my $oldfh = select STDERR; $| = 1; _exit($? >> 8) if ($? && ($? != -1)); _exit(0); } elsif ($error_code && ($error_code != -1)) { &print_error("Error $? occurred while making $BuildDir"); }; }; # # Get string (list) of parent projects to build # sub GetParentsString { my ($PrjDir); $PrjDir = shift; $PrjDir = '.' if ($PrjDir eq $CurrentPrj); return '' if (!open (BUILD_LST, $PrjDir.'/prj/build.lst')); while () { if ($_ =~ /#/) { if ($`) { $_ = $`; } else { next; }; }; s/\r\n//; if ($_ =~ /\:+\s+/) { close BUILD_LST; return &pick_for_build_type($'); }; }; close BUILD_LST; return 'NULL'; }; # # get folders' platform infos # sub get_prj_platform { my ($prj_alias, $line); while() { s/\r\n//; $line++; if ($_ =~ /nmake/) { if ($' =~ /\s+-\s+(\w+)[,\S+]*\s+(\S+)/ ) { my $platform = $1; my $alias = $2; &print_error ("There is no correct alias set in the line $line!") if ($alias eq 'NULL'); &mark_platform($alias, $platform); } else { &print_error("Misspelling in line: \n$_"); }; }; }; seek(BUILD_LST, 0, 0); }; # # Getting hashes of all internal dependencies and additional # infos for given project # sub get_deps_hash { my ($dummy, $module_to_build, $module_path); %DeadDependencies = (); $module_to_build = shift; $module_path = &CorrectPath($StandDir.$module_to_build); my $dependencies_hash = shift; chdir $module_path; cwd(); if ($deliver) { if ($cmd_file) { print "$deliver_commando\n"; } else { system ("$deliver_commando") if (!$show); }; return; }; open (BUILD_LST, 'prj/build.lst'); &get_prj_platform; while () { if ($_ =~ /#/o) { next if (!$`); $_ = $`; }; s/\r\n//; if ($_ =~ /nmake/o) { my ($Platform, $Dependencies, $Dir, $DirAlias, @Array); $Dependencies = $'; $dummy = $`; $dummy =~ /(\S+)\s+(\S+)/o; $Dir = $2; $Dependencies =~ /(\w+)/o; $Platform = $1; $Dependencies = $'; while ($Dependencies =~ /,(\w+)/o) { $Dependencies = $'; }; $Dependencies =~ /\s+(\S+)\s+/o; $DirAlias = $1; if (!&CheckPlatform($Platform)) { $DeadDependencies{$DirAlias}++; next; }; $PlatformHash{$DirAlias}++; $Dependencies = $'; &print_error("$module_to_build/prj/build.lst has wrong written dependencies string:\n$_\n") if (!$Dependencies); @Array = &GetDependenciesArray($Dependencies); $$dependencies_hash{$DirAlias} = [@Array]; $BuildQueue{$DirAlias}++; if ($Dir =~ /(\\|\/)/o) { $Dir = $module_to_build . $1 . $'; } else {$Dir = $module_to_build;}; $PathHash{$DirAlias} = $Dir; }; }; close BUILD_LST; foreach $Dir (keys %DeadDependencies) { next if defined $AliveDependencies{$Dir}; if (!&IsHashNative($Dir)) { &RemoveFromDependencies($Dir, $dependencies_hash); delete $DeadDependencies{$Dir}; }; }; &check_deps_hash($dependencies_hash); }; # # mark platform in order to proof if alias is used according to specs # sub mark_platform { my $prj_alias = shift; if (exists $prj_platform{$prj_alias}) { $prj_platform{$prj_alias} = 'all'; } else { $prj_platform{$prj_alias} = shift; }; }; # # Convert path from abstract (with '\' and/or '/' delimiters) # to system-independent # sub CorrectPath { $_ = shift; if ( ($^O eq 'MSWin32') && (!defined $ENV{SHELL})) { s/\//\\/g; } else {; s/\\/\//g; }; return $_; }; sub check_dmake { print "Checking dmake..."; if (open(DMAKEVERSION, "dmake -V |")) { my @dmake_version = ; close DMAKEVERSION; # if ($dmake_version[0] =~ /^dmake\s\-\sCopyright\s\(c\)/) { # print " Using version $1\n" if ($dmake_version[0] =~ /Version\s(\d+\.*\d*)/); # }; return; }; &print_error('dmake - no such file or directory'); }; # # Get platform-dependent commands # sub get_commands { my $arg = ''; # Setting alias for dmake $dmake = 'dmake'; &check_dmake; if ($cmd_file) { if ($ENV{GUI} eq 'UNX') { $check_error_string = "if \"\$?\" != \"0\" exit\n"; } else { $check_error_string = "if \"\%?\" != \"0\" quit\n"; }; }; while ($arg = pop(@dmake_args)) { $dmake .= ' '.$arg; }; }; # # Procedure prooves if current dir is a root dir of the drive # sub IsRootDir { my ($Dir); $Dir = shift; if ( (($ENV{GUI} eq 'UNX') || ($ENV{GUI} eq 'MACOSX')) && ($Dir eq '/')) { return 1; } elsif ( (($ENV{GUI} eq 'WNT') || ($ENV{GUI} eq 'WIN') || ($ENV{GUI} eq 'OS2')) && ($Dir =~ /\S:\/$/)) { return 1; } else { return 0; }; }; # # Procedure retrieves list of projects to be built from build.lst # sub get_stand_dir { if (!(defined $ENV{GUI})) { $ENV{mk_tmp} = ''; die "No environment set\n"; }; my $StandDir; do { $StandDir = cwd(); if (open(BUILD_LST, 'prj/build.lst')) { $StandDir =~ /([\.\w]+$)/; $StandDir = $`; $CurrentPrj = $1; close(BUILD_LST); return $StandDir; } elsif (&IsRootDir($StandDir)) { $ENV{mk_tmp} = ''; &print_error ('Found no project to build'); }; } while (chdir '..'); }; # # Picks project which can be build now from hash and deletes it from hash # sub PickPrjToBuild { my ($Prj, $DepsHash); $DepsHash = shift; &handle_dead_children if ($QuantityToBuild); $Prj = &FindIndepPrj($DepsHash); delete $$DepsHash{$Prj}; return $Prj; }; # # Make a decision if the project should be built on this platform # sub CheckPlatform { my $Platform = shift; return 1 if ($Platform eq 'all'); return 1 if (($ENV{GUI} eq 'WIN') && ($Platform eq 'w')); return 1 if (($ENV{GUI} eq 'UNX') && ($Platform eq 'u')); return 1 if (($ENV{GUI} eq 'MAC') && ($Platform eq 'm')); return 1 if (($ENV{GUI} eq 'OS2') && ($Platform eq 'p')); return 1 if (($ENV{GUI} eq 'WNT') && (($Platform eq 'w') || ($Platform eq 'n'))); return 0; }; # # Remove project to build ahead from dependencies and make an array # of all from given project dependent projects # sub RemoveFromDependencies { my ($ExclPrj, $i, $Prj, $Dependencies); $ExclPrj = shift; my $ExclPrj_orig = ''; $ExclPrj_orig = $` if ($ExclPrj =~ /\.lnk$/o); $Dependencies = shift; foreach $Prj (keys %$Dependencies) { foreach $i (0 .. $#{$$Dependencies{$Prj}}) { if ((${$$Dependencies{$Prj}}[$i] eq $ExclPrj) || (${$$Dependencies{$Prj}}[$i] eq $ExclPrj_orig)) { splice (@{$$Dependencies{$Prj}}, $i, 1); $i = 0; last; }; }; }; }; # # Check the hash for consistency # sub check_deps_hash { my $deps_hash_ref = shift; return if (!scalar keys %$deps_hash_ref); my %deps_hash = %$deps_hash_ref; my $consistent; foreach $key (keys %$deps_hash_ref) { $deps_hash{$key} = [@{$$deps_hash_ref{$key}}]; }; do { $consistent = ''; foreach $key (keys %deps_hash) { @value_array = @{$deps_hash{$key}}; if ($#value_array == -1) { &RemoveFromDependencies($key, \%deps_hash); delete $deps_hash{$key}; $consistent = 1; }; }; } while ($consistent && (scalar keys %deps_hash)); return if ($consistent); print STDERR "Fatal error:"; foreach (keys %deps_hash) { print STDERR "\n\t$_ depends on: "; foreach my $i (@{$deps_hash{$_}}) { print STDERR (' ', $i); }; }; if ($child) { my $oldfh = select STDERR; $| = 1; _do_exit(1); } else { &print_error ("There are dead or circular dependencies\n"); }; }; # # Find undependent project # sub FindIndepPrj { my ($Prj, @Prjs, @PrjDeps, $Dependencies, $i); my $children = &children_number; return '' if ($children && ($children >= $QuantityToBuild)); $Dependencies = shift; @Prjs = keys %$Dependencies; if ($#Prjs != -1) { foreach $Prj (@Prjs) { next if (&IsHashNative($Prj)); @PrjDeps = @{$$Dependencies{$Prj}}; return $Prj if ($#PrjDeps == -1); }; return ''; } else { $no_projects = 1; return ''; }; }; # # Check if given entry is HASH-native, that is not a user-defined data # sub IsHashNative { my $Prj = shift; return 1 if ($Prj =~ /^HASH\(0x[\d | a | b | c | d | e | f]{6,}\)/); return 0; }; # # Getting array of dependencies from the string given # sub GetDependenciesArray { my ($DepString, @Dependencies, $ParentPrj, $prj, $string); @Dependencies = (); $DepString = shift; $string = $DepString; $prj = shift; while ($DepString !~ /^NULL/o) { &print_error("Project $prj has wrong written dependencies string:\n $string") if (!$DepString); $DepString =~ /(\S+)\s*/o; $ParentPrj = $1; $DepString = $'; if ($ParentPrj =~ /\.(\w+)$/o) { $ParentPrj = $`; if (($prj_platform{$ParentPrj} ne $1) && ($prj_platform{$ParentPrj} ne 'all')) { &print_error ("$ParentPrj\.$1 is a wrong dependency identifier!\nCheck if it is platform dependent"); }; $AliveDependencies{$ParentPrj}++ if (&CheckPlatform($1)); push(@Dependencies, $ParentPrj); } else { if ((exists($prj_platform{$ParentPrj})) && ($prj_platform{$ParentPrj} ne 'all') ) { &print_error("$ParentPrj is a wrong used dependency identifier!\nCheck if it is platform dependent"); }; push(@Dependencies, $ParentPrj); }; }; return @Dependencies; }; # # Getting current directory list # sub GetDirectoryList { my ($Path); $Path = shift; opendir(CurrentDirList, $Path); @DirectoryList = readdir(CurrentDirList); closedir(CurrentDirList); return @DirectoryList; }; sub finish_logging { return if (!defined $ENV{CWS_WORK_STAMP} || $show || defined $ENV{NO_LOGGING}); my $message = shift; $message = 'SUCCESS.' if (!$message); $message .= " Built $modules_number modules."; $log->end_log_extended($script_name,$vcsid,$message); }; sub print_error { my $message = shift; $modules_number -= scalar keys %global_deps_hash; $modules_number -= 1; &finish_logging("FAILURE: " . $message); print STDERR "\nERROR: $message\n"; $ENV{mk_tmp} = ''; close CMD_FILE if ($cmd_file); unlink ($cmd_file); do_exit(1) if (!$child); }; sub usage { print STDERR "\nbuild\n"; print STDERR "Syntax: build [--all|-a[:prj_name]]|[--from|-f prj_name1[:prj_name2] [prj_name3 [...]]]|[--since|-c prj_name] [--with_branches|-b]|[--prepare|-p][:platform]] [--deliver|-d [--dlv_switch deliver_switch]]] [-P processes] [--show|-s] [--help|-h] [--file|-F] [--ignore|-i] [--version|-V] [--mode|-m OOo[,SO[,EXT]] [-- dmake_options] \n"; print STDERR "Example: build --from sfx2\n"; print STDERR " - build projects including current one from sfx2\n"; print STDERR "Example: build --all:sfx2\n"; print STDERR " - the same as --all, but skip all projects that have been already built when using \"--all\" switch before sfx2\n"; print STDERR "Keys: --all - build all projects from very beginning till current one\n"; print STDERR " --from - build all projects dependent from the specified (including it) till current one\n"; print STDERR " --mode OOo - build only projects needed for OpenOffice.org\n"; print STDERR " --prepare- clear all projects for incompartible build from prj_name till current one [for platform] (cws version)\n"; print STDERR " --with_branches- build all projects in neighbour branches and current branch starting from actual project\n"; print STDERR " --since - build all projects beginning from the specified till current one (the same as \"--all:prj_name\", but skipping prj_name)\n"; print STDERR " --show - show what is going to be built\n"; print STDERR " --file - generate command file file_name\n"; print STDERR " --deliver - only deliver, no build (usable for \'-all\' and \'-from\' keys)\n"; print STDERR " -P - start multiprocessing build, with number of processes passed (UNIXes only)\n"; print STDERR " --dlv_switch - use deliver with the switch specified\n"; print STDERR " --help - print help info\n"; print STDERR " --ignore - force tool to ignore errors\n"; print STDERR "Default: - build current project\n"; print STDERR "Keys that are not listed above would be passed to dmake\n"; }; sub init_logging { return if (!defined $ENV{CWS_WORK_STAMP} || $show || defined $ENV{NO_LOGGING}); my $parameter_list = ''; foreach (@ARGV) {$parameter_list .= "$_\;"}; $parameter_list = $` if ($parameter_list =~ /;$/o); my $childws = $ENV{CWS_WORK_STAMP}; my $masterws = $ENV{WORK_STAMP}; return if (!defined( $childws ) || !defined( $masterws )); $log->start_log_extended($script_name, $parameter_list, $masterws, $childws); }; # # Get all options passed # sub get_options { my $arg; &init_logging; while ($arg = shift @ARGV) { $arg =~ /^-P$/ and $QuantityToBuild = shift @ARGV and next; $arg =~ /^-P(\d+)$/ and $QuantityToBuild = $1 and next; $arg =~ /^--all$/ and $BuildAllParents = 1 and next; $arg =~ /^-a$/ and $BuildAllParents = 1 and next; $arg =~ /^--show$/ and $show = 1 and next; $arg =~ /^-s$/ and $show = 1 and next; $arg =~ /^--deliver$/ and $deliver = 1 and next; $arg =~ /^-d$/ and $deliver = 1 and next; $arg =~ /^--dlv_switch$/ and $dlv_switch = &get_switch_options and next; $arg =~ /^--file$/ and $cmd_file = shift @ARGV and next; $arg =~ /^-F$/ and $cmd_file = shift @ARGV and next; $arg =~ /^--with_branches$/ and $BuildAllParents = 1 and $build_from = shift @ARGV and next; $arg =~ /^-b$/ and $BuildAllParents = 1 and $build_from = shift @ARGV and next; $arg =~ /^--all:(\S+)$/ and $BuildAllParents = 1 and $build_from_opt = $1 and next; $arg =~ /^-a:(\S+)$/ and $BuildAllParents = 1 and $build_from_opt = $1 and next; if ($arg =~ /^--from$/ || $arg =~ /^-f$/) { $BuildAllParents = 1; &get_incomp_projects; next; }; $arg =~ /^--prepare$/ and $prepare = 1 and next; $arg =~ /^-p$/ and $prepare = 1 and next; $arg =~ /^--prepare:/ and $prepare = 1 and $only_platform = $' and next; $arg =~ /^-p:/ and $prepare = 1 and $only_platform = $' and next; $arg =~ /^--since$/ and $BuildAllParents = 1 and $build_since = shift @ARGV and next; $arg =~ /^-c$/ and $BuildAllParents = 1 and $build_since = shift @ARGV and next; $arg =~ /^-s$/ and $BuildAllParents = 1 and $build_since = shift @ARGV and next; $arg =~ /^--help$/ and &usage and do_exit(0); $arg =~ /^-h$/ and &usage and do_exit(0); $arg =~ /^--ignore$/ and $ignore = 1 and next; $arg =~ /^-i$/ and $ignore = 1 and next; $arg =~ /^--version$/ and do_exit(0); $arg =~ /^-V$/ and do_exit(0); $arg =~ /^-m$/ and &get_modes and next; $arg =~ /^--mode$/ and &get_modes and next; if ($arg =~ /^--$/) { &get_dmake_args; next; }; push (@dmake_args, $arg); }; &print_error('Switches --with_branches and --all collision') if ($build_from && $build_from_opt); &print_error('Switches --with_branches and --since collision') if ($build_from && $build_since); $cmd_file = '' if ($show); if (($ENV{GUI} eq 'WNT') && $QuantityToBuild) { $QuantityToBuild = 0; &print_error('-P switch is disabled for windows!\n'); }; $incompartible = scalar keys %incompartibles; if ($prepare && !$incompartible) { &print_error("--prepare is for use with --from switch only!\n"); }; if ($QuantityToBuild && $ignore) { &print_error("Cannot ignore errors in multiprocessing build"); }; # if ($incompartible && (!defined $ENV{CWS_WORK_STAMP})) { # print "-incomp_from switch is implemented for cws only!\n"; # print "Ignored..."; # $incompartible = ''; # }; if ($only_platform) { $only_common = 'common'; $only_common .= '.pro' if ($only_platform =~ /\.pro$/); }; @ARGV = @dmake_args; }; sub get_dmake_args { my $arg; while ($arg = shift @ARGV) { next if ($arg =~ /^--$/); push (@dmake_args, $arg); }; }; # # get all options without '-' # sub get_switch_options { my $string = ''; my $option = ''; while ($option = shift @ARGV) { if (!($option =~ /^-+/)) { $string .= '-' . $option; $string .= ' '; } else { unshift(@ARGV, $option); last; }; }; $string =~ s/\s$//; return $string; }; # # cancel build when one of children has error exit code # sub cancel_build { $modules_number -= scalar keys %global_deps_hash; my $log_string = 'FAILURE. Build is broken in modules: '; if ($BuildAllParents) { $modules_number -= scalar @broken_modules_names; print STDERR "\n"; print STDERR scalar @broken_modules_names; print STDERR " module(s): "; foreach (@broken_modules_names) { print STDERR "\n\t$_"; $log_string .= " $_"; &RemoveFromDependencies($_, \%global_deps_hash); }; &finish_logging($log_string); print STDERR "\nneed(s) to be rebuilt\n\nReason(s):\n\n"; foreach (keys %broken_build) { print STDERR "ERROR: error " . $broken_build{$_} . " occurred while making $_\n"; }; print STDERR "\nAttention: if you build and deliver the above module(s) you may prolongue your build from module " . &PickPrjToBuild(\%global_deps_hash) . "\n"; } else { &finish_logging($log_string . $CurrentPrj); kill 9 => -$$; }; print STDERR "\n"; do_exit(1); }; # # Function for storing error in multiprocessing AllParents build # sub store_error { my ($pid, $error_code) = @_; my $child_nick = $processes_hash{$pid}; $broken_modules_hashes{$folders_hashes{$child_nick}}++; $broken_build{&CorrectPath($StandDir . $PathHash{$child_nick})} = $error_code; &cancel_build if (!$BuildAllParents); }; # # child handler (clears (or stores info about) the terminated child) # sub handle_dead_children { my $pid = 0; if (($pid = waitpid( -1, &WNOHANG)) > 0) { &store_error($pid, $?) if ($?); &clear_from_child($pid); }; while(&children_number() >= $QuantityToBuild) { sleep 1; &handle_dead_children; }; }; sub clear_from_child { my $pid = shift; my $child_nick = $processes_hash{$pid}; &RemoveFromDependencies($child_nick, $folders_hashes{$child_nick}); $running_children{$folders_hashes{$child_nick}}--; delete $processes_hash{$pid}; $only_dependent = 0; }; # # Build the entire project according to queue of dependencies # sub BuildDependent { $dependencies_hash = shift; my $pid = 0; my $child_nick = ''; $running_children{$dependencies_hash} = 0 if (!defined $running_children{$dependencies_hash}); while ($child_nick = &PickPrjToBuild($dependencies_hash)) { if (($QuantityToBuild)) { # multyprocessing not for $BuildAllParents (-all etc)!! do { &handle_dead_children; return if (defined $broken_modules_hashes{$dependencies_hash}); # start current child & all # that could be started now &start_child($child_nick) if ($child_nick); $child_nick = &PickPrjToBuild($dependencies_hash); while ($only_dependent) { return if ($BuildAllParents); sleep 1; $child_nick = &PickPrjToBuild($dependencies_hash); }; } while (!$no_projects); return if ($BuildAllParents); &handle_dead_children while (&children_number()); &mp_success_exit; } else { &dmake_dir($child_nick); }; $child_nick = ''; }; }; sub children_number { return scalar keys %processes_hash; }; sub start_child { my $child_nick = shift; my $pid; my $children_running; my $oldfh = select STDOUT; $| = 1; if ($pid = fork) { # parent select $oldfh; $processes_hash{$pid} = $child_nick; $children_running = &children_number; print 'Running processes: ', $children_running, "\n"; $maximal_processes = $children_running if ($children_running > $maximal_processes); $folders_hashes{$child_nick} = $dependencies_hash; $running_children{$dependencies_hash}++; # sleep(1) if ($BuildAllParents); } elsif (defined $pid) { # child select $oldfh; $child = 1; &dmake_dir($child_nick); do_exit(1); }; }; # # Build everything that should be built multiprocessing version # sub build_multiprocessing { my $Prj; my @build_queue = (); # array, containing queue of projects # to build do { while ($Prj = &PickPrjToBuild(\%global_deps_hash)) { my $module_type = &module_classify($Prj); if ($module_type eq 'lnk') { &print_annonce($Prj); &RemoveFromDependencies($Prj, \%global_deps_hash); next; }; if ($module_type eq 'img') { &print_annonce($Prj . '.incomp'); &RemoveFromDependencies($Prj, \%global_deps_hash); next; } &mark_force_deliver($Prj, &CorrectPath($StandDir.$Prj)) if (defined $ENV{CWS_WORK_STAMP}); push @build_queue, $Prj; $projects_deps_hash{$Prj} = {}; &get_deps_hash($Prj, $projects_deps_hash{$Prj}); }; sleep(1) if (!$Prj); &build_actual_queue(\@build_queue); if (scalar keys %broken_modules_hashes) { do { sleep(1); &handle_dead_children; &build_actual_queue(\@build_queue); } while (&children_number()); &cancel_build; }; } while (scalar (keys %global_deps_hash)); # Let all children finish their work &cancel_build if (scalar keys %broken_build); &mp_success_exit; }; sub mp_success_exit { print STDERR "\nMultiprocessing build is finished\n"; print STDERR "Maximal number of processes run: $maximal_processes\n"; do_exit(0); }; # # Here the built queue is built as long as possible # sub build_actual_queue { my $build_queue = shift; my $i = 0; do { while ($i <= (scalar(@$build_queue) - 1)) { $Prj = $$build_queue[$i]; if (defined $broken_modules_hashes{$projects_deps_hash{$Prj}}) { push (@broken_modules_names, $Prj); splice (@$build_queue, $i, 1); next; }; &annonce_module($Prj) if (!(defined $module_annonced{$Prj})); $only_dependent = 0; $no_projects = 0; &BuildDependent($projects_deps_hash{$Prj}); if ($no_projects && !$running_children{$projects_deps_hash{$Prj}} && !defined $broken_modules_hashes{$projects_deps_hash{$Prj}}) { chdir(&CorrectPath($StandDir.$Prj)); system (&get_deliver_commando($Prj)) if (!$show && ($Prj ne $CurrentPrj)); &RemoveFromDependencies($Prj, \%global_deps_hash); splice (@$build_queue, $i, 1); next; }; $i++; &handle_dead_children; }; $i = 0; } while (!&are_all_dependent($build_queue)); }; # # Print announcement for module just started # sub annonce_module { my $Prj = shift; &print_annonce($Prj); $module_annonced{$Prj}++; }; sub print_annonce { my $Prj = shift; my $text; if ($Prj =~ /\.lnk$/o) { $text = "Skipping link to $`\n"; } elsif ($Prj =~ /\.incomp$/o) { $text = "Skipping incomplete $`\n"; } else { $text = "Building project $Prj\n"; }; print $echo . "=============\n"; print $echo . $text; print $echo . "=============\n"; }; sub are_all_dependent { my $build_queue = shift; my $folder = ''; foreach my $prj (@$build_queue) { $folder = &FindIndepPrj($projects_deps_hash{$prj}); return '' if ($folder); }; return '1'; }; # # Procedure checks out module or its image ($prj_name/prj) # sub checkout_module { my $prj_name = shift; my $image = shift; my $cws = Cws->new(); $cws->child($ENV{CWS_WORK_STAMP}); $cws->master($ENV{WORK_STAMP}); my $cvs_module = &get_cvs_module($cws, $prj_name); &print_error("Cannot get cvs_module!!") if (!$cvs_module); my $parent_work_stamp = $ENV{WORK_STAMP}; $parent_work_stamp .= '_' . $ENV{UPDMINOR} if (defined $ENV{UPDMINOR}); $cvs_module->verbose(1); $cvs_module->{MODULE} .= '/prj' if ($image); if ($show) { print "Checking out $prj_name...\n"; return; }; $cvs_module->checkout($StandDir, $parent_work_stamp, ''); # Quick hack, should not be there # if Heiner's Cws has error handling if (!-d &CorrectPath($StandDir.$prj_name)) { $cvs_module->checkout($StandDir, '', ''); if (!-d &CorrectPath($StandDir.$prj_name)) { &print_error ("Cannot checkout $prj_name. Check if you have login to server"); }; }; }; # # Procedure defines if the local directory is a # complete module, an image or a link # return values: lnk link # img incomplete (image) # mod complete (module) # sub module_classify { my $Prj = shift; return 'lnk' if ($Prj =~ /\.lnk$/o); opendir DIRHANDLE, $StandDir.$Prj; my @dir_content = readdir(DIRHANDLE); closedir(DIRHANDLE); # Check if there only 2 entries: CVS & prj # dirty, but must work if (scalar(@dir_content) <= 4) { foreach (@dir_content) { return 'mod' if ( ($_ ne 'CVS') && ($_ ne 'prj') && (!(/^\.+$/o)) ); }; return 'img'; }; return 'mod'; }; # # This procedure provides consistency for cws # for optimized build (ie in case of -with_branches, -all:prj_name # and -since switches) # sub provide_consistency { &check_dir; foreach $var_ref (\$build_from, \$build_from_opt, \$build_since) { if ($$var_ref) { return if (-d $StandDir.$$var_ref); $$var_ref .= '.lnk' and return if (-d $StandDir.$$var_ref.'.lnk'); my $current_dir = cwd(); &checkout_module($$var_ref, 'image'); chdir $current_dir; cwd(); return; }; }; }; # # Retrieve CvsModule object for passed module. # (Heiner's proprietary :) # sub get_cvs_module { my $cws = shift; my $module = shift; my $cvs_module = CvsModule->new(); my ($method, $vcsid, $server, $repository) = get_cvs_root($cws, $module); return undef if !($method && $vcsid && $server && $repository); $cvs_module->module($module); $cvs_module->cvs_method($method); $cvs_module->vcsid($vcsid); $cvs_module->cvs_server($server); $cvs_module->cvs_repository($repository); return $cvs_module; }; # # Try to get cvs coordinates via module link # sub get_link_cvs_root{ my $module = shift; my $cvs_root_file = $StandDir.$module.'.lnk'.'/CVS/Root'; if (!open(CVS_ROOT, $cvs_root_file)) { print STDERR "Attention: cannot read $cvs_root_file!!\n"; return ''; }; my @cvs_root = ; close CVS_ROOT; $cvs_root[0] =~ s/[\r\n]+//o; return $cvs_root[0] if (!($cvs_root[0] =~ /\^\s*$/)); return ''; }; # # Find out which CVS server holds the module, returns # the elements of CVSROOT. # (Heiner's proprietary) # sub get_cvs_root { my $cws = shift; my $module = shift; my $cvsroot = &get_link_cvs_root($module); if (!$cvsroot) { my $master = $cws->master(); my $workspace_lst = get_workspace_lst(); my $workspace_db = GenInfoParser->new(); my $success = $workspace_db->load_list($workspace_lst); if ( !$success ) { print_error("Can't load workspace list '$workspace_lst'.", 4); } my $key = "$master/drives/o:/projects/$module/scs"; $cvsroot = $workspace_db->get_value($key); if ( !$cvsroot ) { print_error("No such module '$module' for '$master' in workspace database.", 0); return (undef, undef, undef, undef); } }; my ($dummy1, $method, $user_at_server, $repository) = split(/:/, $cvsroot); my ($dummy2, $server) = split(/@/, $user_at_server); if ( ! ($method && $server && $repository ) ) { print_error("Can't determine CVS server for module '$module'.", 0); return (undef, undef, undef, undef); } return ($method, $vcsid, $server, $repository); }; # # Get the workspace list ('stand.lst'), either from 'localini' # or, if this is not possible, from 'globalini. # (Heiner's proprietary :) # sub get_workspace_lst { my $home; if ( $^O eq 'MSWin32' ) { $home = $ENV{TEMP}; } else { $home = $ENV{HOME}; } my $localini = "$home/localini"; if ( ! -f "$localini/stand.lst" ) { my $globalini = get_globalini(); return "$globalini/stand.lst"; } return "$localini/stand.lst"; } # # Procedure clears up module for incompartible build # sub ensure_clear_module { my $Prj = shift; my $module_type = shift; if ($module_type eq 'mod') { &clear_module($$Prj); my $lnk_name = $$Prj.'.lnk'; if (-e ($StandDir.$lnk_name)) { print "Last checkout for $$Prj seems to be interrupted...\n"; print "Check it out again...\n"; $module_type = 'lnk'; $$Prj = $lnk_name; } else { return; }; }; if ($module_type eq 'lnk') { print "\nBreaking link $$Prj...\n"; return if ($show); $$Prj =~ /\.lnk$/o; my $new_name = $`; &checkout_module($new_name); my $action = ''; if ( $^O eq 'MSWin32' ) { if(!rename("$StandDir$$Prj", "$StandDir$new_name.backup.lnk")) { $action = 'rename'; }; } else { if(!unlink $StandDir.$$Prj) { $action = 'remove'; } }; &print_error("Cannot $action $StandDir$$Prj. Please $action it manually") if ($action); } else { print "Checking out consistent " . $$Prj . "...\n"; &checkout_module ($$Prj) if (!$show); }; }; # # Procedure removes output tree from the module (without common trees) # sub clear_module { my $Prj = shift; print "Removing module's $Prj output trees...\n"; print "\n" and return if ($show); opendir DIRHANDLE, $StandDir.$Prj; my @dir_content = readdir(DIRHANDLE); closedir(DIRHANDLE); foreach (@dir_content) { next if (/^\.+$/); my $dir = &CorrectPath($StandDir.$Prj.'/'.$_); if ((!-d $dir.'/CVS') && &is_output_tree($dir)) { #print "I would delete $dir\n"; rmtree("$dir", 0, 1); if (defined $SIG{__WARN__}) { &print_error($SIG{__WARN__}) if ($SIG{__WARN__} ne ''); }; }; }; }; # # Figure out if the directory is an output tree # sub is_output_tree { my $dir = shift; $dir =~ /([\w\d\.]+)$/; $_ = $1; return '1' if (defined $platforms{$_}); if ($only_common) { return '1' if ($_ eq $only_common); } else { return '1' if (/^common$/); return '1' if (/^common\.pro$/); }; return ''; }; # # This precedure checks if the module is consistent # (criterion: presence of prj/build.lst file) # sub check_module_consistency { my $Prj = shift; my $prj_buld_lst = $StandDir.$Prj.'/prj/build.lst'; if (!-f $prj_buld_lst) { &checkout_module($Prj, 'image'); if (!-f $prj_buld_lst) { print "Cannot checkout consistent $Prj\n"; # For Ause: Uncomment following line and # remove the upper one #&print_error "Cannot checkout consistent $Prj"; }; }; }; sub check_modules { my $modules_ref = shift; my @images = (); foreach my $module (@$modules_ref) { my $type = &module_classify($module); push(@images, $module) if ($type eq 'img'); next if (scalar @images); $modules_types{$module} = $type; }; if (scalar @images) { &print_error("You have incomplete modules: " . "@images\n" . "\nThis can cause incompatible binaries in the output tree. Please check these modules out or copy them with copyprj"); }; }; # # Removes projects which it is not necessary to build # in incompartible build # sub prepare_incompartible_build { my ($prj, $deps_hash); $deps_hash = shift; foreach (keys %incompartibles) { my $incomp_prj = $_; $incomp_prj .= '.lnk' if (!defined $$deps_hash{$_}); delete $incompartibles{$_}; $incompartibles{$incomp_prj} = $$deps_hash{$incomp_prj}; delete $$deps_hash{$incomp_prj}; } while ($prj = &PickPrjToBuild($deps_hash)) { &RemoveFromDependencies($prj, $deps_hash); &RemoveFromDependencies($prj, \%incompartibles); }; foreach (keys %incompartibles) { $$deps_hash{$_} = $incompartibles{$_}; }; if ($build_from_opt) { &prepare_build_from_opt($deps_hash); delete $$deps_hash{$build_from_opt}; }; if ($prepare) { @modules_built = keys %$deps_hash; &check_modules(\@modules_built); &clear_delivered; }; print "\n"; foreach $prj (keys %$deps_hash) { my $prj_lnk = ''; my $module_type = $modules_types{$prj}; $prj_lnk = $prj if ($module_type =~ /\.lnk$/o); if ($prepare) { &ensure_clear_module(\$prj, $module_type); } else { my $message; if ($module_type ne 'mod') { $message = "$prj is not a complete module!"; # } elsif (-d &CorrectPath($StandDir.$prj.'/'. $ENV{INPATH})) { # $message = "$prj contains old output tree!"; }; #&print_error("$message Prepare workspace with -prepare switch!") if ($message); }; if ($prj_lnk) { $$deps_hash{$prj} = $$deps_hash{$prj_lnk}; delete $$deps_hash{$prj_lnk}; }; }; if ($build_from_opt) { $$deps_hash{$build_from_opt} = []; $build_from_opt = ''; }; print "\nPreparation finished\n\n" and do_exit(0) if ($prepare); }; # # Removes projects which it is not necessary to build # with -with_branches switch # sub prepare_build_from { my ($prj, $deps_hash); $deps_hash = shift; my %from_deps_hash = (); # hash of dependencies of the -from project &GetParentDeps( $StandDir.$build_from,\%from_deps_hash); foreach $prj (keys %from_deps_hash) { delete $$deps_hash{$prj}; &RemoveFromDependencies($prj, $deps_hash); }; }; # # Removes projects which it is not necessary to build # with --all:prj_name or --since switch # sub prepare_build_from_opt { my ($prj, $deps_hash, $border_prj); $deps_hash = shift; $border_prj = $build_from_opt if ($build_from_opt); $border_prj = $build_since if ($build_since); while ($prj = &PickPrjToBuild($deps_hash)) { $orig_prj = ''; $orig_prj = $` if ($prj =~ /\.lnk$/o); if (($border_prj ne $prj) && ($border_prj ne $orig_prj)) { &RemoveFromDependencies($prj, $deps_hash); next; } else { if ($build_from_opt) { $$deps_hash{$prj} = []; } else { &RemoveFromDependencies($prj, $deps_hash); }; return; }; }; }; sub get_modes { my $option = ''; while ($option = shift @ARGV) { if ($option =~ /^-+/) { unshift(@ARGV, $option); return; } else { if ($option =~ /,/) { $build_modes{$`}++; unshift(@ARGV, $') if ($'); } else {$build_modes{$option}++;}; }; }; $build_modes{$option}++; }; sub get_incomp_projects { my $option = ''; while ($option = shift @ARGV) { if ($option =~ /^-+/) { unshift(@ARGV, $option); return; } else { if ($option =~ /(:)/) { $option = $`; &print_error("-from switch collision") if ($build_from_opt); $build_from_opt = $'; }; $incompartibles{$option}++; }; }; }; sub get_platforms { my $platforms_ref = shift; if ($only_platform) { $$platforms_ref{$only_platform}++; return; }; my $solver = $ENV{SOLARVERSION}; my ($iserverbin, @platforms_conf); $iserverbin = "i_server -d "; $iserverbin .= $ENV{SOLAR_ENV_ROOT} . '/b_server/config/stand.lst -i '; my $workstamp = $ENV{WORK_STAMP}; @platforms_conf = `$iserverbin $workstamp/Environments -l`; if ( $platforms_conf[0] =~ /Environments/ ) { shift @platforms_conf; } foreach (@platforms_conf) { s/\s//g; my $s_path = $solver . '/' . $_; $$platforms_ref{$_}++ if (-e $s_path); }; &print_error("There is no platform found!!") if (!scalar keys %platforms); }; # # This procedure clears solver from delivered # by the modules to be build # sub clear_delivered { print "Clearing up delivered\n"; my %backup_vars; foreach my $platform (keys %platforms) { print "\nRemoving delivered for $platform\n"; my %solar_vars = (); &read_ssolar_vars($platform, \%solar_vars); foreach (keys %solar_vars) { if (!defined $backup_vars{$_}) { $backup_vars{$_} = $ENV{$_}; }; $ENV{$_} = $solar_vars{$_}; }; my $undeliver = "$deliver_commando -delete $nul"; foreach my $module (@modules_built) { my $module_path = &CorrectPath($StandDir.$module); print "Removing delivered from module $module\n"; next if ($show); my $current_dir = cwd(); chdir($module_path.'.lnk') or chdir($module_path); if (system($undeliver)) { $ENV{$_} = $backup_vars{$_} foreach (keys %backup_vars); &print_error("Cannot run: $undeliver"); } chdir $current_dir; cwd(); }; }; $ENV{$_} = $backup_vars{$_} foreach (keys %backup_vars); }; # # Run setsolar for given platform and # write all variables needed in %solar_vars hash # sub read_ssolar_vars { my ($setsolar, $entries_file, $tmp_file); my ($platform, $solar_vars) = @_; if ( $^O eq 'MSWin32' ) { $setsolar = 'r:\\etools\\setsolar.pl'; $tmp_file = $ENV{TEMP} . "\\solar.env.$$.tmp"; } else { $setsolar = '/so/env/etools/setsolar.pl'; $setsolar = '/net/jumbo.germany/cvs/buildenv/etools/setsolar.pl' if ! -e $setsolar; $tmp_file = $ENV{HOME} . "/.solar.env.$$.tmp"; }; my $pro = ""; if ($platform =~ /\.pro$/) { $pro = "-pro"; $platform = $`; }; my $param = "-$ENV{WORK_STAMP} $pro $platform"; my $ss_comando = "$perl $setsolar -file $tmp_file $param $nul"; $entries_file = '/CVS/Entries'; if (system($ss_comando)) { unlink $tmp_file; &print_error("Cannot run commando:\n$ss_comando"); }; &get_solar_vars($solar_vars, $tmp_file); }; # # read variables to hash # sub get_solar_vars { my ($solar_vars, $file) = @_; my ($var, $value); open SOLARTABLE, "<$file" or die "canīt open solarfile $file"; while() { s/\r\n//o; next if(!/^\w+\s+(\w+)/o); next if (!defined $deliver_env{$1}); $var = $1; if ( $^O eq 'MSWin32' ) { /$var=(\S+)$/o; $value = $1; } else { /\'(\S+)\'$/o; $value = $1; }; $$solar_vars{$var} = $value; }; close SOLARTABLE; unlink $file; } # # Procedure checks out the module when we're # in link # sub checkout_current_module { my $module_name = shift; my $link_name = $module_name . '.lnk'; chdir $StandDir; cwd(); print "\nBreaking link to module $module_name"; &checkout_module($module_name); if (!-d $module_name) { &print_error("Cannot checkout $module_name"); }; my $action; if ( $^O eq 'MSWin32' ) { $action = 'rename' if (!rename($link_name, $module_name.'.backup.lnk')); } else { $action = 'remove' if (!unlink $link_name); }; &print_error("Cannot $action $link_name. Please $action it manually") if ($action); chdir $module_name; cwd(); }; sub check_dir { my $start_dir = cwd(); my @dir_entries = split(/[\\\/]/, $start_dir); my $current_module = $dir_entries[$#dir_entries]; $current_module = $` if ($current_module =~ /(\.lnk)$/); my $link_name = $ENV{SRC_ROOT}.'/'.$current_module.'.lnk'; if ( $^O eq 'MSWin32' ) { $start_dir =~ s/\\/\//go; $link_name =~ s/\\/\//go; if (lc($start_dir) eq lc($link_name)) { &checkout_current_module($current_module); }; } elsif ((-l $link_name) && (chdir $link_name)) { if ($start_dir eq cwd()) { # we're dealing with link => fallback to SRC_ROOT under UNIX $StandDir = $ENV{SRC_ROOT}.'/'; &checkout_current_module($current_module); return; } else { chdir $start_dir; cwd(); }; }; }; sub mark_force_deliver { my ($module_name, $module_path) = @_; # my $cws_tag_string = 'Tcws_' . lc($ENV{WORK_STAMP}.'_'.$ENV{CWS_WORK_STAMP}); my $cvs_tag_file = $module_path . '/CVS/Tag'; return if (!open CVSTAG, "<$cvs_tag_file"); my @tag = ; close CVSTAG; $tag[0] =~ /^(\S+)/o; $force_deliver{$module_name}++ if ($1 =~ /^Tcws_/o); }; sub get_deliver_commando { my $module_name = shift; return $deliver_commando if (!defined $force_deliver{$module_name}); return $deliver_commando . ' -force'; }; # # Store all available build modi in %build_modes # sub get_build_modes { return if (scalar keys %build_modes); if (defined $ENV{BUILD_TYPE}) { if ($ENV{BUILD_TYPE} =~ /\s+/o) { my @build_modes = split (/\s+/, $ENV{BUILD_TYPE}); $build_modes{$_}++ foreach (@build_modes); } else { $build_modes{$ENV{BUILD_TYPE}}++; }; return; }; # Default build modes(for OpenOffice.org) $build_modes{'OOo'}++; $build_modes{'EXT'}++; }; # # pick only the modules, that should be built for # build types from %build_modes # sub pick_for_build_type { my $modules = shift; my @mod_array = split(/\s+/, $modules); my $new_modules = ''; foreach (@mod_array) { if (/(\w+):(\S+)/o) { $new_modules .= $2 . ' ' if (defined $build_modes{$1}); next; }; $new_modules .= $_ . ' ' }; return $new_modules; }; sub do_exit { my $exit_code = shift; if ($exit_code) { # &finish_logging("error occured"); } else { # &finish_logging; }; exit($exit_code); };