#!/usr/bin/env python3 # Call $0 <file with a list of component file paths> # Dumps all the implementing constructors to stdout import xml.sax import sys constructors = list() class ComponentHandler(xml.sax.ContentHandler): def startElement(self, tag, attributes): if tag == "implementation" and "constructor" in attributes: constructors.append(attributes["constructor"]) if __name__ == "__main__": parser = xml.sax.make_parser() parser.setFeature(xml.sax.handler.feature_namespaces, 0) parser.setContentHandler(ComponentHandler()) for filename in sys.argv[1:]: with open(filename, "r") as components_listfile: for line in components_listfile: for component_filename in line.strip().split(): parser.parse(component_filename) constructors.sort() print("\n".join(constructors))