@echo off REM ************************************************************************** REM * REM * DO NOT ALTER OR REMOVE COPYRIGHT NOTICES OR THIS FILE HEADER. REM * REM * Copyright 2000, 2010 Oracle and/or its affiliates. REM * REM * OpenOffice.org - a multi-platform office productivity suite REM * REM * This file is part of OpenOffice.org. REM * REM * OpenOffice.org is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify REM * it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License version 3 REM * only, as published by the Free Software Foundation. REM * REM * OpenOffice.org is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, REM * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of REM * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the REM * GNU Lesser General Public License version 3 for more details REM * (a copy is included in the LICENSE file that accompanied this code). REM * REM * You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License REM * version 3 along with OpenOffice.org. If not, see REM * REM * for a copy of the LGPLv3 License. REM * REM ************************************************************************/ rem echo on call reportErrorCheckAPI.btm 0 running iff "%PROEXT" != ".pro" THEN echo ERROR: cwscheckapi works only on pro-versions >&2 call reportErrorCheckAPI.btm 2 quit 1 endiff SET DEBIG_I=false SET DEBUG_T=false SET INSTALL=true SET ATTACH=true SET MODULES=auto SET OOO=false SET KEEPOFFICE=false SET USE_INSTALLED_OFFICE=false for %opt in (%&%) DO ( if "%opt%" == "-d" (SET DEBUG_I=true ^ SET DEBUG_T=true ^ shift) if "%opt%" == "-o" (SET OOO=true ^ shift) if "%opt%" == "-k" (SET KEEPOFFICE=true ^ shift) if "%opt%" == "-i" (SET DEBUG_I=true ^ shift) if "%opt%" == "-m" (SET MODULES=%2 ^ shift ^ shift) if "%opt%" == "-t" (SET DEBUG_T=true ^ shift) if "%opt%" == "-s" (SET INSTALL=false ^ shift) if "%opt%" == "-u" (SET USE_INSTALLED_OFFICE=true ^ SET INSTALL=false ^ SET KEEPOFFICE=true ^ shift) if "%opt%" == "-a" (SET attach=false ^ shift) if "%opt%" == "-h" goto usage if "%opt%" == "/h" goto usage ) set tmppath=not_set for %LW in (e:\,d:\,c:\) DO ( iff NOT ISDIR %tmppath% then iff ISDIR %LW then iff ISDIR %LW%temp then set tmppath=%LW%temp elseiff ISDIR %LW%tmp then set tmppath=%LW%tmp else mkdir %LW%temp set tmppath=%LW%temp endiff endiff endiff ) SET CWSCHECKAPIPATH=%tmppath%\%USERNAME%\cwscheckapi SET LOCALINSTALLDIR=%CWSCHECKAPIPATH%\office SET LOCALUNPACKDIR=%CWSCHECKAPIPATH%\unpack iff "%INSTALL%" == "true" THEN call perl5 %SOLARENV%/bin/installoffice.pl -cwscheckapi true -dest %LOCALINSTALLDIR% -ooo %OOO% -debug %DEBUG_I% IFF %? NE 0 THEN echo ERROR: coud not install office >&2 call reportErrorCheckAPI.btm 2 quit %? ENDIFF ENDIFF setlocal IFF %USE_INSTALLED_OFFICE% == "false" then SET CWD=%_CWD% cdd %LOCALINSTALLDIR% SET ffindtxt="ffind.txt" ffind /s /f /m soffice.exe > %ffindtxt SET FindFile=%@FILEOPEN[%ffindtxt%, READ] SET OfficeBin=%@FILEREAD[%FindFile] set dummy=%@FILECLOSE[%FindFile] DEL /q %ffindtxt cdd %CWD IFF NOT EXIST %OFFICEBIN% THEN echo could not find 'soffice.exe' in subfolders of %OFFICEBIN% >&2 call reportErrorCheckAPI.btm 2 quit 1 ENDIFF ELSE SET OFFICEBIN=soffice.exe echo "Use already installed office." ENDIFF SET JARFOLDER=%SOLARVERSION%\%INPATH%\bin%UPDMINOREXT% SET MYCLASSPATH=%JARFOLDER%\OOoRunner.jar;%JARFOLDER%\ridl.jar;%JARFOLDER%\unoil.jar;%JARFOLDER%\jurt.jar;%JARFOLDER%\juh.jar;%JARFOLDER%\java_uno.jar IFF "%JAVAI%" != "" THEN SET JAVABIN=%JAVAI% ELSEIFF "%JAVA_HOME%" != "" THEN SET JAVABIN=%JAVA_HOME%\bin\java ELSE echo please set environment variable JAVA_HOME >&2 call reportErrorCheckAPI.btm 2 quit 1 ENDIFF IFF "%CWS_WORK_STAMP%" != "" THEN SET PARAM=-Version cws_%CWS_WORK_STAMP% ELSEIFF "%WORK_STAMP%" != "" THEN echo ###### >&2 echo CAUTION! You\'re working on the MWS >&2 echo ###### >&2 SET PARAM=-Version %WORK_STAMP%_%UPDMINOR% ELSE echo ###### >&2 echo ERROR: could not determine your CWS or MWS version >&2 echo ###### >&2 call reportErrorCheckAPI.btm 2 quit 1 ENDIFF SET KILLCOMMAND="%SOLARVERSION%\%INPATH%\bin%UPDMINOREXT%\kill.exe -9 soffice.bin^%SOLARVERSION%\%INPATH%\bin%UPDMINOREXT%\kill.exe -9 soffice.exe" SET PARAM=%PARAM% -cmd '\"%OFFICEBIN%\" -nofirststartwizard -norestore -nocrashreport -nolockcheck -enableautomation -accept=pipe,name=%USERNAME%;urp;' SET PARAM=%PARAM% -cs pipe,name=%USERNAME% SET PARAM=%PARAM% -NoOffice true SET PARAM=%PARAM% -SRC_ROOT %SRC_ROOT% SET PARAM=%PARAM% -COMP_ENV %OUTPATH% SET PARAM=%PARAM% -Shell %COMSPEC% SET PARAM=%PARAM% -tb java_complex SET PARAM=%PARAM% -o complex.unoapi.CheckModuleAPI::module(%MODULES%) SET PARAM=%PARAM% -TimeOut 200000 SET PARAM=%PARAM% -AppKillCommand %KILLCOMMAND% IF "%ATTACH%" == "false" SET PARAM=%PARAM% -nca true IF "%DEBUG_T%" == "true" SET PARAM=%PARAM -debug true -log true set COMMANDO=%JAVABIN% -Xmx120m -cp %MYCLASSPATH% org.openoffice.Runner %PARAM% %& echo %COMMANDO SET LOGFILE=%CWSCHECKAPIPATH%\cwscheckapi.log %COMMANDO |& tee %LOGFILE% set EXITVAL=%? IFF %KEEPOFFICE% == "false" THEN echo remove office instrallation in %LOCALINSTALLDIR%... DEL /E/F/Q/K/S/X/Y/Z %LOCALINSTALLDIR% fi echo . echo A logfile could be found here: %LOGFILE% IFF %EXITVAL% NE 0 THEN call reportErrorCheckAPI.btm 1 ELSE call reportErrorCheckAPI.btm 0 ok ENDIFF endlocal quit 0 :usage echo. echo Usage: %0% [-m MODULE1[,MODULEn]] [-o] [-k] [-h] [-d] [-i] [-t] [-s] [-a] >&2 echo. echo [-m] list of modules to test like: '-m "sw,sc,sd"' or '-m all' for all modules >&2 echo. >&2 echo [-o] force OpenOffice.org installation instead of StarOffice >&2 echo. >&2 echo [-k] keep Office installation, otherwise it will be removed after test >&2 echo. >&2 echo [-d] debug installation and UnoAPI-Tests >&2 echo. >&2 echo [-i] debug installation >&2 echo. >&2 echo [-t] debug UnoAPI-Tests >&2 echo. >&2 echo [-s] skip installation of Office >&2 echo. >&2 echo [-a] NoCwsAttach: do not attach UnoAPI-Test result to EIS database >&2 echo. >&2 echo further informations: http://wiki.services.openoffice.org/wiki/Cwscheckapi >&2 echo. >&2 quit 1