#!/usr/bin/env bash # # This file is part of the LibreOffice project. # # This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public # License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this # file, You can obtain one at http://mozilla.org/MPL/2.0/. # # Doxygen / README doc generation # # See git for contributors # function header { title=$1 breadcrumb=$2 output=$3 cat - > $output < $title
EOF } function footer { output=$1 cat - >> $output < EOF } function proc_text { # Local links: [[...]] # Git links: [git:...] # Other remote links: [...] # Headings: == bleh == # Paragraphs: \n\n sed -re ' s/\[\[([-_a-zA-Z0-9]+)\]\]/\1<\/a>/g' - \ | sed -re ' s/\[git:([^]]+)\]/\1<\/a>/g' \ | sed -re ' s/\[([^]]+)\]/\1<\/a>/g' \ | sed -re ' s/====([^=]+)====/

\1<\/h4>/g' \ | sed -re ' s/===([^=]+)===/

\1<\/h3>/g' \ | sed -re ' s/==([^=]+)==/

\1<\/h2>/g' \ | sed -re ':a;N;$!ba;s/\n\n/<\/p>

/g' \ | awk 'BEGIN { print "

" } { print } END { print "

" }' } function proc_text_markdown { sed -re ' s/\[\[([-_a-zA-Z0-9]+)\]\]/
\1<\/a>/g' - \ | sed -re ' s/\[git:([^]]+)\]/\1<\/a>/g' } function check_cmd { cmds_needed="$1" error_msg="$2" found=0; cmd= for cmd_needed in $cmds_needed; do which $cmd_needed > /dev/null 2>&1 && { found=1; cmd=$cmd_needed; } done if [ $found = 0 ]; then echo "$error_msg" >&2 exit 1 fi alias "${cmds_needed%% *}"=$cmd } function setup { parm=$1 if [ -z "${!parm}" ] ; then echo "grep \"${parm}=\" ./config_host.mk | sed -re \" s/${parm}=//\")" echo "$parm=$(grep \"${parm}=\" ./config_host.mk | sed -re \" s/${parm}=//\")" eval "$parm=$(grep \"${parm}=\" ./config_host.mk | sed -re \" s/${parm}=//\")" fi if [ -z "${!parm}" ] ; then echo "could not determine $parm" >&2 exit 1 fi } # binaries that we need check_cmd doxygen "You need doxygen for doc generation" check_cmd dot "You need the graphviz tools to create the nice inheritance graphs" check_cmd "markdown markdown2" "You need either markdown or markdown2 in order to convert README.md into html" # suck setup setup "SOLARINC" shopt -s nullglob # Title of the documentation DOXYGEN_PROJECT_PREFIX="LibreOffice" # get list of modules if [ -z "$INPUT_PROJECTS" ]; then INPUT_PROJECTS="`ls */Module_*.mk | sed 's#/.*##'`" fi # output directory for generated documentation BASE_OUTPUT="$1" mkdir -p "$BASE_OUTPUT" || { echo "Cannot create $BASE_OUTPUT" exit 1 } # paths for binary and configuration file BASE_PATH=`pwd` DOXYGEN_CFG="$2" if test ! -f "$DOXYGEN_CFG"; then echo "doxygen.cfg not found" exit 1 fi # strip -I. and bin -I prefix; exlude system headers DOXYGEN_INCLUDE_PATH=`echo $SOLARINC | sed -e 's/-I\.//g' -e 's/ -I/ /'g -e 's/ -isystem/ /g' -e 's|/usr/[^ ]*| |g'` # setup version string DOXYGEN_VERSION="master" ################################################### # # Generate docs # ################################################### # cleanup echo "cleaning up" && rm -rf $BASE_OUTPUT/* # make the stuff world-readable umask 022 # generate docs echo "generating doxygen docs" DOXYGEN_REF_TAGFILES="" for PROJECT in $INPUT_PROJECTS; do # avoid processing of full project subdirs, only add source and inc # project header files can be in $PROJECT/inc and/pr include/$PROJECT if [ -d "$PROJECT/inc" ]; then PROJECT_INCLUDE="$PROJECT/inc" else PROJECT_INCLUDE="" fi if [ -d "include/$PROJECT" ]; then PROJECT_INCLUDE="$PROJECT_INCLUDE include/$PROJECT" fi DOXYGEN_INPUT=`printf "%s" "$PROJECT/source $PROJECT_INCLUDE"` DOXYGEN_OUTPUT="$BASE_OUTPUT/$PROJECT" DOXYGEN_OUR_TAGFILE="$DOXYGEN_OUTPUT/$PROJECT.tags" DOXYGEN_PROJECTNAME="$DOXYGEN_PROJECT_PREFIX Module $PROJECT" # export variables referenced in doxygen config file export DOXYGEN_INPUT export DOXYGEN_OUTPUT export DOXYGEN_INCLUDE_PATH export DOXYGEN_VERSION export DOXYGEN_OUR_TAGFILE export DOXYGEN_REF_TAGFILES export DOXYGEN_PROJECTNAME # debug echo "Calling $DOXYGEN_PATH/doxygen $DOXYGEN_CFG with" echo "Input: $DOXYGEN_INPUT" echo "Output: $DOXYGEN_OUTPUT" echo "Include: $DOXYGEN_INCLUDE_PATH" echo "Version: $DOXYGEN_VERSION" echo "Tagfile: $DOXYGEN_OUR_TAGFILE" echo "Ref-Tags: $DOXYGEN_REF_TAGFILES" echo "Title: $DOXYGEN_PROJECTNAME" nice -15 doxygen "$DOXYGEN_CFG" >>$BASE_OUTPUT/doxygen.log 2>&1 || exit 1 # setup referenced tagfiles for next round DOXYGEN_REF_TAGFILES="$DOXYGEN_REF_TAGFILES $DOXYGEN_OUR_TAGFILE=$BASE_URL/$PROJECT/html" done # generate entry page echo "generating index page" header "LibreOffice Modules" " " "$BASE_OUTPUT/index.html" for module_name in *; do if [ -d $module_name ]; then cur_file=$(echo $module_name/README* $module_name/readme.txt*) if [ -f "$cur_file" ]; then # write index.html entry text="


\n" if [ ${cur_file: -3} == ".md" ]; then # This is a markdown file. header_text="$(head -n1 $cur_file)" header_text="$(echo ${header_text} | sed -e 's/^\#*//g')" text="${text}${header_text}" else text="${text}$(head -n1 $cur_file | proc_text)" fi echo -e $text >> "$BASE_OUTPUT/index.html" # write detailed module content header "$module_name" "LibreOffice » ${module_name}" "$BASE_OUTPUT/${module_name}.html" text="

View module in:" text="${text}   cgit" if $(echo $INPUT_PROJECTS | grep -q $module_name); then text="${text}   Doxygen" fi text="${text}


" echo -e $text >> "$BASE_OUTPUT/${module_name}.html" if [ ${cur_file: -3} == ".md" ]; then # This is a markdown file. text="$(markdown $cur_file | proc_text_markdown)" echo $text >> "$BASE_OUTPUT/${module_name}.html" else proc_text < $cur_file >> "$BASE_OUTPUT/${module_name}.html" fi footer "$BASE_OUTPUT/${module_name}.html" else empty_modules[${#empty_modules[*]}]=$module_name fi fi done if [ ${#empty_modules[*]} -gt 0 ]; then echo -e "


READMEs were not available for these modules:

    \n" >> "$BASE_OUTPUT/index.html" for module_name in "${empty_modules[@]}"; do echo -e "
  • ${module_name}
  • \n" >> "$BASE_OUTPUT/index.html" done echo -e "
\n" >> "$BASE_OUTPUT/index.html" fi footer "$BASE_OUTPUT/index.html" ## done