# -*- coding: utf-8 -*- # -*- tab-width: 4; indent-tabs-mode: nil; py-indent-offset: 4 -*- # # This file is part of the LibreOffice project. # # This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public # License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this # file, You can obtain one at http://mozilla.org/MPL/2.0/. # """ Pack images into archives. """ from __future__ import with_statement import argparse from collections import OrderedDict import contextlib import logging import os import shutil import sys import tempfile import zipfile logging.basicConfig(format='%(message)s') LOGGER = logging.getLogger() def main(args): """ Main function. """ tmp_output_file = "%s.%d.tmp" % (args.output_file, os.getpid()) # Sanity checks if not os.path.exists(args.imagelist_file): LOGGER.error("imagelist_file '%s' doesn't exists", args.imagelist_file) sys.exit(2) if args.links_file is not None and not os.path.exists(args.links_file): LOGGER.error("link_file '%s' doesn't exists", args.links_file) sys.exit(2) out_path = os.path.dirname(args.output_file) for path in (out_path, args.global_path, args.module_path): if not os.path.exists(path): LOGGER.error("Path '%s' doesn't exists", path) sys.exit(2) if not os.access(path, os.X_OK): LOGGER.error("Unable to search path %s", path) sys.exit(2) if not os.access(out_path, os.W_OK): LOGGER.error("Unable to write into path %s", out_path) custom_paths = [] for path in args.custom_path: if not os.path.exists(path): LOGGER.warning("Skipping non-existing path: %s", path) continue elif not os.access(path, os.X_OK): LOGGER.error("Unable to search path %s", path) sys.exit(2) custom_paths.append(path) imagelist_filenames = get_imagelist_filenames(args.imagelist_file) global_image_list, module_image_list = parse_image_list(imagelist_filenames) custom_image_list = find_custom(custom_paths) links = {} if args.links_file is not None: read_links(links, args.links_file) else: read_links(links, os.path.join(ARGS.global_path, "links.txt")) for path in custom_paths: read_links(links, os.path.join(path, "links.txt")) check_links(links) zip_list = create_zip_list(global_image_list, module_image_list, custom_image_list, args.global_path, args.module_path) remove_links_from_zip_list(zip_list, links) if check_rebuild(args.output_file, imagelist_filenames, custom_paths, zip_list, args.links_file): tmp_dir = copy_images(zip_list) create_zip_archive(zip_list, links, tmp_dir, tmp_output_file, args.sort_file) replace_zip_file(tmp_output_file, args.output_file) try: LOGGER.info("Remove temporary directory %s", tmp_dir) shutil.rmtree(tmp_dir) except Exception as e: LOGGER.error("Unable to remove temporary directory %s", tmp_dir) sys.exit(2) else: LOGGER.info("No rebuild needed. %s is up to date.", args.output_file) def check_rebuild(zip_file, imagelist_filenames, custom_paths, zip_list, links_file): """ Check if a rebuild is needed. :type zip_file: str :param zip_file: File to check against (use st_mtime). :type imagelist_filenames: dict :param imagelist_filenames: List of imagelist filename. :type custom_paths: list :param custom_paths: List of paths to use with links.txt files. :type zip_list: dict :param zip_list: List of filenames to create the zip archive. :type links_file: str :param links_file: filename to read the links from :rtype: bool :return: True if rebuild is needed and False if not. """ if not os.path.exists(zip_file): return True zip_file_stat = os.stat(zip_file) def compare_modtime(filenames): """ Check if modification time of zip archive is older the provided list of files. :type filenames: dict :param filenames: List of filenames to check against. :rtype: bool :return: True if zip archive is older and False if not. """ for filename, path in filenames.items(): filename = os.path.join(path, filename) if filename else path if os.path.exists(filename) and zip_file_stat.st_mtime < os.stat(filename).st_mtime: return True return False if compare_modtime(imagelist_filenames): return True if compare_modtime(zip_list): return True if links_file is not None: if zip_file_stat.st_mtime < os.stat(links_file).st_mtime: return True else: for path in custom_paths: link_file = os.path.join(path, 'links.txt') if os.path.exists(link_file): if zip_file_stat.st_mtime < os.stat(link_file).st_mtime: return True return False def replace_zip_file(src, dst): """ Replace the old archive file with the newly created one. :type src: str :param src: Source file name. :type dst: str :param dst: Destination file name. """ LOGGER.info("Replace old zip archive with new archive") if os.path.exists(dst): try: os.unlink(dst) except OSError as e: if os.path.exists(src): os.unlink(src) LOGGER.error("Unable to unlink old archive '%s'", dst) LOGGER.error(str(e)) sys.exit(1) try: LOGGER.info("Copy archive '%s' to '%s'", src, dst) shutil.move(src, dst) except (shutil.SameFileError, OSError) as e: os.unlink(src) LOGGER.error("Cannot copy file '%s' to %s: %s", src, dst, str(e)) sys.exit(1) def optimize_zip_layout(zip_list, sort_file=None): """ Optimize the zip layout by ordering the list of filename alphabetically or with provided sort file (can be partly). :type zip_list: dict :param zip_list: List of files to include in the zip archive. :type sort_file: str :param sort_file: Path/Filename to file with sort order. :rtype: OrderedDict :return: Dict with right sort order. """ if sort_file is None: LOGGER.info("No sort file provided") LOGGER.info("Sorting entries alphabetically") return OrderedDict(sorted(zip_list.items(), key=lambda t: t[0])) LOGGER.info("Sort entries from file '%s'", sort_file) sorted_zip_list = OrderedDict() try: fh = open(sort_file) except IOError: LOGGER.error("Cannot open file %s", sort_file) sys.exit(1) else: with fh: for line in fh: line = line.strip() if line == '' or line.startswith('#'): continue if line in zip_list: sorted_zip_list[line] = '' else: LOGGER.warning("Unknown file '%s'", line) for key in sorted(zip_list.keys()): if key not in sorted_zip_list: sorted_zip_list[key] = '' return sorted_zip_list def create_zip_archive(zip_list, links, tmp_dir, tmp_zip_file, sort_file=None): """ Create the zip archive. :type zip_list: dict :param zip_list: All filenames to be included in the archive. :type links: dict :param links: All filenames to create links.txt file. :type tmp_dir: str :param tmp_dir: Path to temporary saved files. :type tmp_zip_file: str :param tmp_zip_file: Filename/Path of temporary zip archive. :type sort_file: str|None :param sort_file: Optional filename with sort order to apply. """ LOGGER.info("Creating image archive") old_pwd = os.getcwd() os.chdir(tmp_dir) ordered_zip_list = optimize_zip_layout(zip_list, sort_file) with contextlib.closing(zipfile.ZipFile(tmp_zip_file, 'w')) as tmp_zip: if links.keys(): LOGGER.info("Add file 'links.txt' to zip archive") create_links_file(tmp_dir, links) tmp_zip.write('links.txt', compress_type=zipfile.ZIP_DEFLATED) for link in ordered_zip_list: LOGGER.info("Add file '%s' from path '%s' to zip archive", link, tmp_dir) try: if (link.endswith(".svg")): tmp_zip.write(link, compress_type=zipfile.ZIP_DEFLATED) else: tmp_zip.write(link) except OSError: LOGGER.warning("Unable to add file '%s' to zip archive", link) os.chdir(old_pwd) def create_links_file(path, links): """ Create file links.txt. Contains all links. :type path: str :param path: Path where to create the file. :type links: dict :param links: Dict with links (source -> target). """ LOGGER.info("Create file links.txt") try: filename = os.path.join(path, 'links.txt') fh = open(filename, 'w') except IOError: LOGGER.error("Cannot open file %s", filename) sys.exit(1) else: with fh: for key in sorted(links.keys()): fh.write("%s %s\n" % (key, links[key])) def copy_images(zip_list): """ Create a temporary directory and copy images to that directory. :type zip_list: dict :param zip_list: Dict with all files. :rtype: str :return: Path of the temporary directory. """ LOGGER.info("Copy image files to temporary directory") tmp_dir = tempfile.mkdtemp() for key, value in zip_list.items(): path = os.path.join(value, key) out_path = os.path.join(tmp_dir, key) LOGGER.debug("Copying '%s' to '%s'", path, out_path) if os.path.exists(path): dirname = os.path.dirname(out_path) if not os.path.exists(dirname): os.makedirs(dirname) try: shutil.copyfile(path, out_path) except (shutil.SameFileError, OSError) as e: LOGGER.error("Cannot add file '%s' to image dir: %s", path, str(e)) sys.exit(1) LOGGER.debug("Temporary directory '%s'", tmp_dir) return tmp_dir def remove_links_from_zip_list(zip_list, links): """ Remove any files from zip list that are linked. :type zip_list: dict :param zip_list: Files to include in the zip archive. :type links: dict :param links: Images which are linked. """ LOGGER.info("Remove linked files from zip list") for link in links.keys(): if link in zip_list: del zip_list[link] LOGGER.debug("Cleaned zip list:\n%s", "\n".join(zip_list)) def create_zip_list(global_image_list, module_image_list, custom_image_list, global_path, module_path): """ Create list of images for the zip archive. :type global_image_list: dict :param global_image_list: Global images. :type module_image_list: dict :param module_image_list: Module images. :type custom_image_list: dict :param custom_image_list: Custom images. :type global_path: str :param global_path: Global path (use when no custom path is available). :type module_path: str :param module_path: Module path (use when no custom path is available). :rtype: dict :return: List of images to include in zip archive. """ LOGGER.info("Assemble image list") zip_list = {} duplicates = [] for key in global_image_list.keys(): if key in module_image_list: duplicates.append(key) continue if key in custom_image_list: zip_list[key] = custom_image_list[key] continue zip_list[key] = global_path for key in module_image_list.keys(): if key in custom_image_list: zip_list[key] = custom_image_list[key] continue zip_list[key] = module_path if duplicates: LOGGER.warning("Found duplicate entries in 'global' and 'module' list") LOGGER.warning("\n".join(duplicates)) LOGGER.debug("Assembled image list:\n%s", "\n".join(zip_list)) return zip_list def check_links(links): """ Check that no link points to another link. :type links: dict :param links: Links to icons """ stop = False for link, target in links.items(): if target in links.keys(): LOGGER.error("Link %s -> %s -> %s", link, target, links[target]) stop = True if stop: LOGGER.error("Some icons in links.txt were found to link to other linked icons") sys.exit(1) def read_links(links, filename): """ Read links from file. :type links: dict :param links: Hash to store all links :type filename: str :param filename: filename to read the links from """ LOGGER.info("Read links from file '%s'", filename) if not os.path.isfile(filename): LOGGER.info("No file to read") return try: fh = open(filename) except IOError: LOGGER.error("Cannot open file %s", filename) sys.exit(1) else: with fh: for line in fh: line = line.strip() if line == '' or line.startswith('#'): continue tmp = line.split(' ') if len(tmp) == 2: links[tmp[0]] = tmp[1] else: LOGGER.error("Malformed links line '%s' in file %s", line, filename) sys.exit(1) LOGGER.debug("Read links:\n%s", "\n".join(links)) def find_custom(custom_paths): """ Find all custom images. :type custom_paths: list :param custom_paths: List of custom paths to search within. :rtype: dict :return: List of all custom images. """ LOGGER.info("Find all images in custom paths") custom_image_list = {} for path in custom_paths: # find all png files under the path including subdirs custom_files = [val for sublist in [ [os.path.join(i[0], j) for j in i[2] if j.endswith('.png') and os.path.isfile(os.path.join(i[0], j))] for i in os.walk(path)] for val in sublist] for filename in custom_files: if filename.startswith(path): key = filename.replace(os.path.join(path, ''), '') if key not in custom_image_list: custom_image_list[key] = path LOGGER.debug("Custom image list:\n%s", "\n".join(custom_image_list.keys())) return custom_image_list def parse_image_list(imagelist_filenames): """ Parse and extract filename from the imagelist files. :type imagelist_filenames: list :param imagelist_filenames: List of imagelist files. :rtype: tuple :return: Tuple with dicts containing the global or module image list. """ global_image_list = {} module_image_list = {} for imagelist_filename in imagelist_filenames.keys(): LOGGER.info("Parsing '%s'", imagelist_filename) try: fh = open(imagelist_filename) except IOError as e: LOGGER.error("Cannot open imagelist file %s", imagelist_filename) sys.exit(2) else: line_count = 0 with fh: for line in fh: line_count += 1 line = line.strip() if line == '' or line.startswith('#'): continue # clean up backslashes and double slashes line = line.replace('\\', '/') line = line.replace('//', '/') if line.startswith('%GLOBALRES%'): key = "res/%s" % line.replace('%GLOBALRES%/', '') global_image_list[key] = True if key.endswith('.png'): global_image_list[key[:-4] + '.svg'] = True continue if line.startswith('%MODULE%'): key = line.replace('%MODULE%/', '') module_image_list[key] = True if key.endswith('.png'): module_image_list[key[:-4] + '.svg'] = True continue LOGGER.error("Cannot parse line %s:%d", imagelist_filename, line_count) sys.exit(1) LOGGER.debug("Global image list:\n%s", "\n".join(global_image_list)) LOGGER.debug("Module image list:\n%s", "\n".join(module_image_list)) return global_image_list, module_image_list def get_imagelist_filenames(filename): """ Extract a list of imagelist filenames. :type filename: str :param filename: Name of file from extracting the list. :rtype: dict :return: List of imagelist filenames. """ LOGGER.info("Extract the imagelist filenames") imagelist_filenames = {} try: fh = open(filename) except IOError: LOGGER.error("Cannot open imagelist file %s", filename) sys.exit(1) else: with fh: for line in fh: line = line.strip() if not line or line == '': continue for line_split in line.split(' '): line_split.strip() imagelist_filenames[line_split] = '' LOGGER.debug("Extracted imagelist filenames:\n%s", "\n".join(imagelist_filenames.keys())) return imagelist_filenames if __name__ == '__main__': parser = argparse.ArgumentParser("Pack images into archives") parser.add_argument('-o', '--output-file', dest='output_file', action='store', required=True, help='path to output archive') parser.add_argument('-l', '--imagelist-file', dest='imagelist_file', action='store', required=True, help='file containing list of image list file') parser.add_argument('-L', '--links-file', dest='links_file', action='store', required=False, help='file containing linked images') parser.add_argument('-s', '--sort-file', dest='sort_file', action='store', required=True, default=None, help='image sort order file') parser.add_argument('-c', '--custom-path', dest='custom_path', action='append', required=True, help='path to custom path directory') parser.add_argument('-g', '--global-path', dest='global_path', action='store', required=True, help='path to global images directory') parser.add_argument('-m', '--module-path', dest='module_path', action='store', required=True, help='path to module images directory') parser.add_argument('-v', '--verbose', dest='verbose', action='count', default=0, help='set the verbosity (can be used multiple times)') ARGS = parser.parse_args() LOGGER.setLevel(logging.ERROR - (10 * ARGS.verbose if ARGS.verbose <= 3 else 3)) main(ARGS) sys.exit(0) # vim: set shiftwidth=4 softtabstop=4 expandtab: re/gsoc17-revamp-customize-dialog'>feature/gsoc17-revamp-customize-dialog LibreOffice 核心代码仓库文档基金会
path: root/comphelper
AgeCommit message (Expand)Author
2013-03-20simplify OUString assignmentsChr. Rossmanith
2013-03-19Simplify equalsIgnoreAsciiCaseAscii[L] callsStephan Bergmann
2013-03-14remove legacy build.pl prj/build.lst files.Michael Meeks
2013-03-13more subtle dependencies for cross-compilationMatúš Kukan
2013-03-06Improve comphelper/READMEStephan Bergmann
2013-03-06fdo#60724 change spelling error REMOVEABLE -> REMOVABLEKenneth Beck
2013-03-05doubled usingThomas Arnhold
2013-03-04sal_Bool to boolTakeshi Abe
2013-03-03binfilter: remove some tracesThomas Arnhold
2013-03-03Related to fdo#60724: correct spellingThomas Arnhold
2013-03-03loplugin: unused variables and commented codeThomas Arnhold
2013-03-02fdo#39468 Translated German comments to EnglishGábor Nyers