# -*- Mode: makefile-gmake; tab-width: 4; indent-tabs-mode: t -*-
# This file is part of the LibreOffice project.
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# This file incorporates work covered by the following license notice:
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# PrecompiledHeader class
# Use different PCH file depending on whether we use debugging symbols.
gb_PrecompiledHeader__get_debugdir = $(if $(call gb_target_symbols_enabled,$(1)),debug,nodebug)
# $(call gb_PrecompiledHeader_generate_timestamp_rule,linktargetmakefilename)
define gb_PrecompiledHeader_generate_timestamp_rule
$(call gb_LinkTarget_get_pch_timestamp,$(1)) : | $(dir $(call gb_LinkTarget_get_pch_timestamp,$(1))).dir
touch $$@
ifneq ($(gb_ENABLE_PCH),)
# IMPORTANT: Since these defines get expanded, every $ needs to be doubled to $$, except
# for $(1)'s and things that are constant.
# The defines are needed to get the right version of gb_PrecompiledHeader__get_debugdir.
# all cxxflags to use for compilation
gb_PrecompiledHeader_cxxflags_includes := $$(PCH_DEFS) $$(PCH_CXXFLAGS) $$(gb_PrecompiledHeader_EXCEPTIONFLAGS)
# flags to save to the .flags file to check if they are the same as last time
# (note: the leading space in sed is important, to remove the option and its separating space)
gb_PrecompiledHeader_flags_for_flags_file := $$(sort $(gb_PrecompiledHeader_cxxflags_includes)) \
$(if $(gb_PrecompiledHeader_ignore_flags_for_flags_file),| sed 's/ $(gb_PrecompiledHeader_ignore_flags_for_flags_file)//')
# $(call gb_PrecompiledHeader_generate_rules,pchtarget,linktarget,linktargetmakefilename,pchcxxfile,compiler)
define gb_PrecompiledHeader_generate_rules
$(call gb_PrecompiledHeader_get_dep_target,$(1),$(3)) : | $(dir $(call gb_PrecompiledHeader_get_dep_target,$(1),$(3))).dir
echo "$$(call gb_PrecompiledHeader_get_target,$(1),$(3)) : $$(gb_Helper_PHONY)" > $$@
# keep the flags the PCH was built with in a separate file, update the file if and only if the flags
# change, and make the PCH depend on it => the PCH will be rebuilt on any flags change
.PHONY: force
$(call gb_PrecompiledHeader_get_flags_file,$(1),$(3)) : force
$$(call gb_Helper_abbreviate_dirs,\
mkdir -p $$(dir $$@) && \
echo $(gb_PrecompiledHeader_flags_for_flags_file) | cmp -s - $$@ \
|| echo $(gb_PrecompiledHeader_flags_for_flags_file) > $$@)
# despite this being only one .d file, need to run concat-deps on it to
# re-write external headers from UnpackedTarball
$(call gb_PrecompiledHeader_get_target,$(1),$(3)) :
|| ( echo "Error, PCH $(1) built by $$(PCH_LINKTARGETMAKEFILENAME) instead of $(3)" >&2; exit 1)
rm -f $$@
$$(call gb_PrecompiledHeader__command,$$@,$(1),$$<,$(gb_PrecompiledHeader_cxxflags_includes),$$(INCLUDE),$(3),$(5))
$$(call gb_PrecompiledHeader__sum_command,$$@,$(1),$$<,$(gb_PrecompiledHeader_cxxflags_includes),$$(INCLUDE),$(3),$(5))
ifeq ($(gb_FULLDEPS),$(true))
$$(call gb_Helper_abbreviate_dirs,\
RESPONSEFILE=$$(call gb_var2file,$$(shell $$(gb_MKTEMP)),$$(call gb_PrecompiledHeader_get_dep_target_tmp,$(1),$(3))) && \
SYSTEM_BOOST="$(SYSTEM_BOOST)" $$(call gb_Executable_get_command,concat-deps) $$$${RESPONSEFILE} \
> $$(call gb_PrecompiledHeader_get_dep_target,$(1),$(3)) && \
rm -f $$$${RESPONSEFILE} $$(call gb_PrecompiledHeader_get_dep_target_tmp,$(1),$(3)))
$(call gb_PrecompiledHeader_get_for_reuse_target,$(1),$(3)) : $(call gb_LinkTarget_get_target,$(2))
$$(call gb_PrecompiledHeader__create_reuse_files,$(2),$(1),$(3))
mkdir -p $$(dir $$@) && touch $$@
.PHONY : $(call gb_PrecompiledHeader_get_clean_target,$(1))
$(call gb_PrecompiledHeader_get_clean_target,$(1)) :
$$(call gb_Output_announce,$(1),$(false),PCH,1)
-$$(call gb_Helper_abbreviate_dirs,\
rm -f $$(call gb_PrecompiledHeader_get_target,$(1),$(3)) \
$$(call gb_PrecompiledHeader_get_target,$(1),$(3)).obj \
$$(call gb_PrecompiledHeader_get_target,$(1),$(3)).pdb \
$$(call gb_PrecompiledHeader_get_target,$(1),$(3)).sum \
$$(call gb_PrecompiledHeader_get_flags_file,$(1),$(3)) \
$$(call gb_PrecompiledHeader_get_for_reuse_target,$(1),$(3)) \
$$(call gb_PrecompiledHeader_get_dep_target,$(1),$(3)))
# $(call gb_PrecompiledHeader_check_flags,linktargetmakefilename,pchcxxfile,pchfile,flags)
# When creating a PCH, the PCH's CXXFLAGS are saved to a matching .flags file. When reusing the PCH
# from another linktarget, use the file to check that the linktarget uses the same CXXFLAGS as the PCH.
# This complements the check in gb_CxxObject__set_pchflags.
define gb_PrecompiledHeader_check_flags
$$(call gb_Helper_abbreviate_dirs,\
$$(if $$(strip $$(call gb_PrecompiledHeader_check_flags_internal,$$(shell cat $(4)),$(5),$(2))),false,true) || ( \
echo Error reusing $(2) by $(1). >&2 && \
echo -n " precompiled header flags : ">&2 && \
cat $(4) >&2 && \
echo " object flags : "$$(sort $(5)) >&2 && \
echo " reason : $$(call gb_PrecompiledHeader_check_flags_internal,$$(shell cat $(4)),$(5),$(2))" >&2 && \
echo Incorrect precompiled header setup or internal gbuild error. >&2 ; \
exit 1) \
# When trying to reuse one PCH between multiple linktargets, there is a problem that we have
# various defines that cause mismatch in the check above, but these defines actually should not affect the PCH.
# Specifically, there are 3 kinds:
# - -DXXX_DLLIMPLEMENTATION - they are used only in our headers, should not affect system headers.
# - -DSYSTEM_XXX - they are used only by our code (if at all), should not affect system headers
# - various LO configuration defines - they again should only be used by our code and not system headers
# Technically, different compilers handle additional defines like this:
# - GCC
# * It is explicitly allowed to have different macros, as long as they do not affect the PCH.
# * With -Winvalid-pch GCC will even warn if there is a change in a macro affecting the PCH.
# * https://gcc.gnu.org/onlinedocs/gcc/Precompiled-Headers.html
# - Clang
# * I could not find an official statement on what happens if definitions are different.
# * In practice a conflict does not seem to be detected, but the PCH and all the code in it
# acts according to the settings it was built with. Using a PCH and adding more defines
# seems to be functionally equivalent to creating the definitions only after the PCH inclusion.
# * As a side-effect, macros defined on the command line not present in the PCH suddenly
# trigger the -Wunused-macros warning. See bottom of pch/inc/clangfix.hxx .
# - MSVC
# * MSVC explicitly states that the definitions must be the same, but they are not checked,
# and "unpredictable results can occur" if files depend on them.
# * In practice the situation seems to be the same as with Clang, the PCH and the code from it
# act according to the settings it was built with.
# * https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/cpp/build/creating-precompiled-header-files
# So while this is officially tricky, in practice it seems to work to allow PCH reuse if the linktarget
# has more defines than the PCH was built with, as long as the defines do not affect the PCH.
gb_PrecompiledHeader_ignore_flags_system := \
$(gb_CXXFLAGS_include)$(SRCDIR)/pch/inc/clangfix.hxx \
$(gb_CXXFLAGS_no_pch_warnings) \
$(gb_PrecompiledHeader_ignore_flags_for_flags_file) \
# Probably also update pch/inc/clangfix.hxx if you extend the list.
# $(call gb_PrecompiledHeader_check_flags_internal,pchfileflags,flags,pchcxxfile)
# Check if two sets of flags are compatible, allowing reuse of the PCH. Flags are compatible if
# - they are the same
# - the PCH is precompiled_system and the linktarget has additional defines listed above
define gb_PrecompiledHeader_check_flags_internal
$(if $(filter-out $(2),$(1)),$(filter-out $(2),$(1)), \
$(if $(filter-out $(1),$(2)),\
$(if $(filter-out precompiled_system,$(notdir $(3))),$(filter-out $(1),$(2)), \
$(foreach flag,$(filter-out $(1),$(2)),$(filter-out $(gb_PrecompiledHeader_ignore_flags_system),$(flag))) \
) \
,) \
# vim: set noet sw=4: