 *  OpenOffice.org - a multi-platform office productivity suite
 *  $RCSfile: factory.cxx,v $
 *  $Revision: 1.9 $
 *  last change: $Author: rt $ $Date: 2005-09-08 07:38:10 $
 *  The Contents of this file are made available subject to
 *  the terms of GNU Lesser General Public License Version 2.1.
 *    GNU Lesser General Public License Version 2.1
 *    =============================================
 *    Copyright 2005 by Sun Microsystems, Inc.
 *    901 San Antonio Road, Palo Alto, CA 94303, USA
 *    This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
 *    modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public
 *    License version 2.1, as published by the Free Software Foundation.
 *    This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
 *    but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
 *    Lesser General Public License for more details.
 *    You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public
 *    License along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software
 *    Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston,
 *    MA  02111-1307  USA


#include <factory.hxx>
#include <tools/debug.hxx>
#include <tools/string.hxx>
#include <object.hxx>
#include <sotdata.hxx>
#include <clsids.hxx>
#include <rtl/instance.hxx>

#include <com/sun/star/datatransfer/DataFlavor.hpp>

/************** class SotData_Impl *********************************************/
|*    SotData_Impl::SotData_Impl
|*    Beschreibung
    : nSvObjCount( 0 )
    , pObjectList( NULL )
    , pFactoryList( NULL )
    , pSotObjectFactory( NULL )
    , pSotStorageStreamFactory( NULL )
    , pSotStorageFactory( NULL )
    , pDataFlavorList( NULL )
|*    SOTDATA()
|*    Beschreibung
namespace { struct ImplData : public rtl::Static<SotData_Impl, ImplData> {}; }
SotData_Impl * SOTDATA()
    return &ImplData::get();

|*    SotFactory::DeInit()
|*    Beschreibung
void SotFactory::DeInit()
    SotData_Impl * pSotData = SOTDATA();

    if( pSotData->nSvObjCount )
#ifdef DBG_UTIL
        ByteString aStr( "Objects alive: " );
        aStr.Append( ByteString::CreateFromInt32( pSotData->nSvObjCount ) );
        DBG_WARNING(  aStr.GetBuffer()  )

        SotObjectList *pObjList = pSotData->pObjectList;

        if( pObjList )
            SotObject * p = pObjList->First();
            while( p )
                String aStr( "Factory: " );
                aStr += p->GetSvFactory()->GetClassName();
                aStr += " Count: ";
                aStr += p->GetRefCount();
                DBG_TRACE( "\tReferences:" );
                p->TestObjRef( FALSE );
                DBG_TRACE( "\tInvariant:" );
                p->TestInvariant( TRUE );
                p = pObjList->Next();

    // Muss von hinten nach vorne zerstoert werden. Das ist die umgekehrte
    // Reihenfolge der Erzeugung
    SotFactoryList* pFactoryList = pSotData->pFactoryList;
    if( pFactoryList )
        SotFactory * pFact = pFactoryList->Last();
        while( NULL != (pFact = pFactoryList->Remove()) )
            delete pFact;
            pFact = pFactoryList->Last();
        delete pFactoryList;
        pSotData->pFactoryList = NULL;

    delete pSotData->pObjectList;
    pSotData->pObjectList = NULL;
    if( pSotData->pDataFlavorList )

        for( ULONG i = 0, nMax = pSotData->pDataFlavorList->Count(); i < nMax; i++ )
            delete (::com::sun::star::datatransfer::DataFlavor*) pSotData->pDataFlavorList->GetObject( i );
        delete pSotData->pDataFlavorList;
        pSotData->pDataFlavorList = NULL;
    //delete pSOTDATA();
    //SOTDATA() = NULL;

/************** class SotFactory *****************************************/
|*    SotFactory::SotFactory()
|*    Beschreibung

SotFactory::SotFactory( const SvGlobalName & rName,
                      const String & rClassName,
                      CreateInstanceType pCreateFuncP )
    : SvGlobalName  ( rName )
    , pCreateFunc   ( pCreateFuncP )
    , aClassName    ( rClassName )
    , nSuperCount   ( 0 )
    , pSuperClasses ( NULL )
#ifdef DBG_UTIL
    SvGlobalName aEmptyName;
    if( aEmptyName != *this )
    { // wegen Sfx-BasicFactories
    DBG_ASSERT( aEmptyName != *this, "create factory without SvGlobalName" )
    if( Find( *this ) )
        String aStr( GetClassName() );
        aStr += ", UniqueName: ";
        aStr += GetHexName();
        aStr += ", create factories with the same unique name";
        DBG_ERROR( aStr );
        DBG_ERROR( "create factories with the same unique name" );
    SotData_Impl * pSotData = SOTDATA();
    if( !pSotData->pFactoryList )
        pSotData->pFactoryList = new SotFactoryList();
    // muss nach hinten, wegen Reihenfolge beim zerstoeren
    pSotData->pFactoryList->Insert( this, LIST_APPEND );

    delete [] pSuperClasses;

|*    SotFactory::
|*    Beschreibung      Zugriffsmethoden auf SotData_Impl-Daten
UINT32 SotFactory::GetSvObjectCount()
    return SOTDATA()->nSvObjCount;

const SotFactoryList * SotFactory::GetFactoryList()
    return SOTDATA()->pFactoryList;

|*    SotFactory::Find()
|*    Beschreibung
const SotFactory* SotFactory::Find( const SvGlobalName & rFactName )
    SvGlobalName aEmpty;
    SotData_Impl * pSotData = SOTDATA();
    if( rFactName != aEmpty && pSotData->pFactoryList )
        SotFactory * pFact = pSotData->pFactoryList->First();
        while( pFact )
            if( *pFact == rFactName )
                return pFact;
            pFact = pSotData->pFactoryList->Next();

    return 0;

|*    SotFactory::PutSuperClass()
|*    Beschreibung
void SotFactory::PutSuperClass( const SotFactory * pFact )
    if( !pSuperClasses )
        pSuperClasses = new const SotFactory * [ nSuperCount ];
        const SotFactory ** pTmp = new const SotFactory * [ nSuperCount ];
        memcpy( (void *)pTmp, (void *)pSuperClasses,
                sizeof( void * ) * (nSuperCount -1) );
        delete [] pSuperClasses;
        pSuperClasses = pTmp;
    pSuperClasses[ nSuperCount -1 ] = pFact;

|*    SotFactory::IncSvObjectCount()
|*    Beschreibung
void SotFactory::IncSvObjectCount( SotObject * pObj )
    SotData_Impl * pSotData = SOTDATA();
    if( !pSotData->pObjectList )
        pSotData->pObjectList = new SotObjectList();
    if( pObj )
        pSotData->pObjectList->Insert( pObj );

|*    SotFactory::DecSvObjectCount()
|*    Beschreibung
void SotFactory::DecSvObjectCount( SotObject * pObj )
    SotData_Impl * pSotData = SOTDATA();
    if( pObj )
        pSotData->pObjectList->Remove( pObj );
    if( !pSotData->nSvObjCount )
        //keine internen und externen Referenzen mehr

|*    SotFactory::TestInvariant()
|*    Beschreibung
void SotFactory::TestInvariant()
    SotData_Impl * pSotData = SOTDATA();
    if( pSotData->pObjectList )
        ULONG nCount = pSotData->pObjectList->Count();
        for( ULONG i = 0; i < nCount ; i++ )
            pSotData->pObjectList->GetObject( i )->TestInvariant( FALSE );

|*    SotFactory::CreateInstance()
|*    Beschreibung
void * SotFactory::CreateInstance( SotObject ** ppObj ) const
    DBG_ASSERT( pCreateFunc, "SotFactory::CreateInstance: pCreateFunc == 0" );
    return pCreateFunc( ppObj );

void * SotFactory::CastAndAddRef
    SotObject * pObj /* Das Objekt von dem der Typ gepr"uft wird. */
) const
/*  [Beschreibung]

    Ist eine Optimierung, damit die Ref-Klassen k"urzer implementiert
    werden k"onnen. pObj wird auf den Typ der Factory gecastet.
    In c++ (wenn es immer erlaubt w"are) w"urde der void * wie im
    Beispiel gebildet.
    Factory der Klasse SvPersist.
    void * p = (void *)(SvPersist *)pObj;


    void *,     NULL, pObj war NULL oder das Objekt war nicht vom Typ
                der Factory.
                Ansonsten wird pObj zuerst auf den Typ der Factory
                gecastet und dann auf void *.


    return pObj ? pObj->CastAndAddRef( this ) : NULL;

void * SotFactory::AggCastAndAddRef
    SotObject * pObj /* Das Objekt von dem der Typ gepr"uft wird. */
) const
/*  [Beschreibung]

    Ist eine Optimierung, damit die Ref-Klassen k"urzer implementiert
    werden k"onnen. pObj wird auf den Typ der Factory gecastet.
    In c++ (wenn es immer erlaubt w"are) w"urde der void * wie im
    Beispiel gebildet.
    Factory der Klasse SvPersist.
    void * p = (void *)(SvPersist *)pObj;
    Hinzu kommt noch, dass ein Objekt aus meheren c++ Objekten
    zusammengesetzt sein kann. Diese Methode sucht nach einem
    passenden Objekt.


    void *,     NULL, pObj war NULL oder das Objekt war nicht vom Typ
                der Factory.
                Ansonsten wird pObj zuerst auf den Typ der Factory
                gecastet und dann auf void *.


    void * pRet = NULL;
    if( pObj )
        pRet = pObj->AggCast( this );
        if( pRet )
    return pRet;

|*    SotFactory::Is()
|*    Beschreibung
BOOL SotFactory::Is( const SotFactory * pSuperCl ) const
    if( this == pSuperCl )
        return TRUE;

    for( USHORT i = 0; i < nSuperCount; i++ )
        if( pSuperClasses[ i ]->Is( pSuperCl ) )
            return TRUE;
    return FALSE;