/************************************************************************* * * OpenOffice.org - a multi-platform office productivity suite * * $RCSfile: stgelem.cxx,v $ * * $Revision: 1.7 $ * * last change: $Author: rt $ $Date: 2005-09-08 07:41:44 $ * * The Contents of this file are made available subject to * the terms of GNU Lesser General Public License Version 2.1. * * * GNU Lesser General Public License Version 2.1 * ============================================= * Copyright 2005 by Sun Microsystems, Inc. * 901 San Antonio Road, Palo Alto, CA 94303, USA * * This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or * modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public * License version 2.1, as published by the Free Software Foundation. * * This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU * Lesser General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public * License along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software * Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, * MA 02111-1307 USA * ************************************************************************/ #include // memset(), memcpy() #include #include #include #include "stg.hxx" #include "stgelem.hxx" #include "stgcache.hxx" #include "stgstrms.hxx" #include "stgdir.hxx" #include "stgio.hxx" #pragma hdrstop static BYTE cStgSignature[ 8 ] = { 0xD0,0xCF,0x11,0xE0,0xA1,0xB1,0x1A,0xE1 }; ////////////////////////////// struct ClsId ///////////////////////////// SvStream& operator >>( SvStream& r, ClsId& rId ) { r >> rId.n1 >> rId.n2 >> rId.n3 >> rId.n4 >> rId.n5 >> rId.n6 >> rId.n7 >> rId.n8 >> rId.n9 >> rId.n10 >> rId.n11; return r; } SvStream& operator <<( SvStream& r, const ClsId& rId ) { return r << (INT32) rId.n1 << (INT16) rId.n2 << (INT16) rId.n3 << (UINT8) rId.n4 << (UINT8) rId.n5 << (UINT8) rId.n6 << (UINT8) rId.n7 << (UINT8) rId.n8 << (UINT8) rId.n9 << (UINT8) rId.n10 << (UINT8) rId.n11; } ///////////////////////////// class StgHeader //////////////////////////// StgHeader::StgHeader() { memset( this, 0, sizeof( StgHeader ) ); } void StgHeader::Init() { memset( this, 0, sizeof( StgHeader ) ); memcpy( cSignature, cStgSignature, 8 ); nVersion = 0x0003003B; nByteOrder = 0xFFFE; nPageSize = 9; // 512 bytes nDataPageSize = 6; // 64 bytes nThreshold = 4096; nDataFATSize = 0; nMasterChain = STG_EOF; SetTOCStart( STG_EOF ); SetDataFATStart( STG_EOF ); for( short i = 0; i < 109; i++ ) SetFATPage( i, STG_FREE ); } BOOL StgHeader::Load( StgIo& rIo ) { SvStream& r = *rIo.GetStrm(); Load( r ); return rIo.Good(); } BOOL StgHeader::Load( SvStream& r ) { r.Seek( 0L ); r.Read( cSignature, 8 ); r >> aClsId // 08 Class ID >> nVersion // 1A version number >> nByteOrder // 1C Unicode byte order indicator >> nPageSize // 1E 1 << nPageSize = block size >> nDataPageSize; // 20 1 << this size == data block size r.SeekRel( 10 ); r >> nFATSize // 2C total number of FAT pages >> nTOCstrm // 30 starting page for the TOC stream >> nReserved // 34 >> nThreshold // 38 minimum file size for big data >> nDataFAT // 3C page # of 1st data FAT block >> nDataFATSize // 40 # of data FATpages >> nMasterChain // 44 chain to the next master block >> nMaster; // 48 # of additional master blocks for( short i = 0; i < 109; i++ ) r >> nMasterFAT[ i ]; return r.GetErrorCode() == ERRCODE_NONE; } BOOL StgHeader::Store( StgIo& rIo ) { if( !bDirty ) return TRUE; SvStream& r = *rIo.GetStrm(); r.Seek( 0L ); r.Write( cSignature, 8 + 16 ); r << nVersion // 1A version number << nByteOrder // 1C Unicode byte order indicator << nPageSize // 1E 1 << nPageSize = block size << nDataPageSize // 20 1 << this size == data block size << (INT32) 0 << (INT32) 0 << (INT16) 0 << nFATSize // 2C total number of FAT pages << nTOCstrm // 30 starting page for the TOC stream << nReserved // 34 << nThreshold // 38 minimum file size for big data << nDataFAT // 3C page # of 1st data FAT block << nDataFATSize // 40 # of data FAT pages << nMasterChain // 44 chain to the next master block << nMaster; // 48 # of additional master blocks for( short i = 0; i < 109; i++ ) r << nMasterFAT[ i ]; bDirty = !rIo.Good(); return BOOL( !bDirty ); } // Perform thorough checks also on unknown variables BOOL StgHeader::Check() { return BOOL( memcmp( cSignature, cStgSignature, 8 ) == 0 && (short) ( nVersion >> 16 ) == 3 ); } INT32 StgHeader::GetFATPage( short n ) const { if( n >= 0 && n < 109 ) return nMasterFAT[ n ]; else return STG_EOF; } void StgHeader::SetFATPage( short n, INT32 nb ) { if( n >= 0 && n < 109 ) { if( nMasterFAT[ n ] != nb ) bDirty = TRUE, nMasterFAT[ n ] = nb; } } void StgHeader::SetClassId( const ClsId& r ) { if( memcmp( &aClsId, &r, sizeof( ClsId ) ) ) bDirty = TRUE, memcpy( &aClsId, &r, sizeof( ClsId ) ); } void StgHeader::SetTOCStart( INT32 n ) { if( n != nTOCstrm ) bDirty = TRUE, nTOCstrm = n; } void StgHeader::SetDataFATStart( INT32 n ) { if( n != nDataFAT ) bDirty = TRUE, nDataFAT = n; } void StgHeader::SetDataFATSize( INT32 n ) { if( n != nDataFATSize ) bDirty = TRUE, nDataFATSize = n; } void StgHeader::SetFATSize( INT32 n ) { if( n != nFATSize ) bDirty = TRUE, nFATSize = n; } void StgHeader::SetFATChain( INT32 n ) { if( n != nMasterChain ) bDirty = TRUE, nMasterChain = n; } void StgHeader::SetMasters( INT32 n ) { if( n != nMaster ) bDirty = TRUE, nMaster = n; } ///////////////////////////// class StgEntry ///////////////////////////// // This class is only a wrapper around teh dir entry structure // which retrieves and sets data. // The name must be smaller than 32 chars. Conversion into Unicode // is easy, since the 1st 256 characters of the Windows ANSI set // equal the 1st 256 Unicode characters. /* void ToUnicode_Impl( String& rName ) { rName.Erase( 32 ); rName.Convert( ::GetSystemCharSet(), CHARSET_ANSI ); // brute force is OK BYTE* p = (BYTE*) rName.GetCharStr(); for( USHORT i = 0; i < rName.Len(); i++, p++ ) { // check each character and substitute blanks for illegal ones BYTE cChar = *p; if( cChar == '!' || cChar == ':' || cChar == '\\' || cChar == '/' ) *p = ' '; } } */ /* static void FromUnicode( String& rName ) { rName.Convert( CHARSET_ANSI, ::GetSystemCharSet() ); } */ BOOL StgEntry::Init() { memset( this, 0, sizeof (StgEntry) - sizeof( String ) ); SetLeaf( STG_LEFT, STG_FREE ); SetLeaf( STG_RIGHT, STG_FREE ); SetLeaf( STG_CHILD, STG_FREE ); SetLeaf( STG_DATA, STG_EOF ); return TRUE; } static String ToUpperUnicode( const String & rStr ) { // I don't know the locale, so en_US is hopefully fine /* com.sun.star.lang.Locale aLocale; aLocale.Language = OUString::createFromAscii( "en" ); aLocale.Country = OUString::createFromAscii( "US" ); */ static rtl::OUString aEN=rtl::OUString::createFromAscii( "en" ); static rtl::OUString aUS=rtl::OUString::createFromAscii( "US" ); static CharClass aCC( com::sun::star::lang::Locale( aEN, aUS, rtl::OUString() ) ); return aCC.toUpper( rStr, 0, rStr.Len() ); } BOOL StgEntry::SetName( const String& rName ) { // I don't know the locale, so en_US is hopefully fine aName = ToUpperUnicode( rName ); aName.Erase( 31 ); int i; for( i = 0; i < aName.Len() && i < 32; i++ ) nName[ i ] = rName.GetChar( i ); while( i < 32 ) nName[ i++ ] = 0; nNameLen = ( aName.Len() + 1 ) << 1; return TRUE; } INT32 StgEntry::GetLeaf( StgEntryRef eRef ) const { INT32 n = -1; switch( eRef ) { case STG_LEFT: n = nLeft; break; case STG_RIGHT: n = nRight; break; case STG_CHILD: n = nChild; break; case STG_DATA: n = nPage1; break; } return n; } void StgEntry::SetLeaf( StgEntryRef eRef, INT32 nPage ) { switch( eRef ) { case STG_LEFT: nLeft = nPage; break; case STG_RIGHT: nRight = nPage; break; case STG_CHILD: nChild = nPage; break; case STG_DATA: nPage1 = nPage; break; } } const INT32* StgEntry::GetTime( StgEntryTime eTime ) const { return( eTime == STG_MODIFIED ) ? nMtime : nAtime; } void StgEntry::SetTime( StgEntryTime eTime, INT32* pTime ) { if( eTime == STG_MODIFIED ) nMtime[ 0 ] = *pTime++, nMtime[ 1 ] = *pTime; else nAtime[ 0 ] = *pTime++, nAtime[ 1 ] = *pTime; } void StgEntry::SetClassId( const ClsId& r ) { memcpy( &aClsId, &r, sizeof( ClsId ) ); } void StgEntry::GetName( String& rName ) const { UINT16 n = nNameLen; if( n ) n = ( n >> 1 ) - 1; rName = String( nName, n ); } // Compare two entries. Do this case-insensitive. short StgEntry::Compare( const StgEntry& r ) const { /* short nRes = r.nNameLen - nNameLen; if( !nRes ) return strcmp( r.aName, aName ); else return nRes; */ sal_Int32 nRes = r.nNameLen - nNameLen; if( !nRes ) nRes = r.aName.CompareTo( aName ); return (short)nRes; //return aName.CompareTo( r.aName ); } // These load/store operations are a bit more complicated, // since they have to copy their contents into a packed structure. BOOL StgEntry::Load( const void* pFrom ) { SvMemoryStream r( (sal_Char*) pFrom, 128, STREAM_READ ); for( short i = 0; i < 32; i++ ) r >> nName[ i ]; // 00 name as WCHAR r >> nNameLen // 40 size of name in bytes including 00H >> cType // 42 entry type >> cFlags // 43 0 or 1 (tree balance?) >> nLeft // 44 left node entry >> nRight // 48 right node entry >> nChild // 4C 1st child entry if storage >> aClsId // 50 class ID (optional) >> nFlags // 60 state flags(?) >> nMtime[ 0 ] // 64 modification time >> nMtime[ 1 ] // 64 modification time >> nAtime[ 0 ] // 6C creation and access time >> nAtime[ 1 ] // 6C creation and access time >> nPage1 // 74 starting block (either direct or translated) >> nSize // 78 file size >> nUnknown; // 7C unknown UINT16 n = nNameLen; if( n ) n = ( n >> 1 ) - 1; if( n > 31 ) return FALSE; aName = String( nName, n ); // I don't know the locale, so en_US is hopefully fine aName = ToUpperUnicode( aName ); aName.Erase( 31 ); return TRUE; } void StgEntry::Store( void* pTo ) { SvMemoryStream r( (sal_Char *)pTo, 128, STREAM_WRITE ); for( short i = 0; i < 32; i++ ) r << nName[ i ]; // 00 name as WCHAR r << nNameLen // 40 size of name in bytes including 00H << cType // 42 entry type << cFlags // 43 0 or 1 (tree balance?) << nLeft // 44 left node entry << nRight // 48 right node entry << nChild // 4C 1st child entry if storage; << aClsId // 50 class ID (optional) << nFlags // 60 state flags(?) << nMtime[ 0 ] // 64 modification time << nMtime[ 1 ] // 64 modification time << nAtime[ 0 ] // 6C creation and access time << nAtime[ 1 ] // 6C creation and access time << nPage1 // 74 starting block (either direct or translated) << nSize // 78 file size << nUnknown; // 7C unknown }