/* -*- Mode: C++; tab-width: 4; indent-tabs-mode: nil; c-basic-offset: 4 -*- */
 * This file is part of the LibreOffice project.
 * This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
 * License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
 * file, You can obtain one at http://mozilla.org/MPL/2.0/.
 * This file incorporates work covered by the following license notice:
 *   Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one or more
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#include <sot/stg.hxx>
#include "stgelem.hxx"
#include "stgcache.hxx"
#include "stgstrms.hxx"
#include "stgdir.hxx"
#include "stgio.hxx"
#include <o3tl/safeint.hxx>
#include <rtl/instance.hxx>

#include <memory>

///////////////////////////// class StgIo

// This class holds the storage header and all internal streams.

StgIo::StgIo() : StgCache()
    m_pTOC      = nullptr;
    m_pDataFAT  = nullptr;
    m_pDataStrm = nullptr;
    m_pFAT      = nullptr;
    m_bCopied   = false;

    delete m_pTOC;
    delete m_pDataFAT;
    delete m_pDataStrm;
    delete m_pFAT;

// Load the header. Do not set an error code if the header is invalid.

bool StgIo::Load()
    if( m_pStrm )
        if( m_aHdr.Load( *this ) )
            if( m_aHdr.Check() )
                return false;
            return false;
    return Good();

// Set up an initial, empty storage

bool StgIo::Init()
    return CommitAll();

void StgIo::SetupStreams()
    delete m_pTOC;
    delete m_pDataFAT;
    delete m_pDataStrm;
    delete m_pFAT;
    m_pTOC      = nullptr;
    m_pDataFAT  = nullptr;
    m_pDataStrm = nullptr;
    m_pFAT      = nullptr;

    short nPhysPageSize = 1 << m_aHdr.GetPageSize();
    sal_Int32 nFatStrmSize;
    if (o3tl::checked_multiply<sal_Int32>(m_aHdr.GetFATSize(), nPhysPageSize, nFatStrmSize))
        SAL_WARN("sot", "Error: " << m_aHdr.GetFATSize() << " * " << nPhysPageSize << " would overflow");
        m_pFAT = nullptr;
        m_pTOC = nullptr;

    m_pFAT = new StgFATStrm(*this, nFatStrmSize);
    m_pTOC = new StgDirStrm(*this);
    if( !GetError() )
        StgDirEntry* pRoot = m_pTOC->GetRoot();
        if( pRoot )
            m_pDataFAT = new StgDataStrm( *this, m_aHdr.GetDataFATStart(), -1 );
            m_pDataStrm = new StgDataStrm( *this, *pRoot );
            m_pDataFAT->SetIncrement( 1 << m_aHdr.GetPageSize() );
            m_pDataStrm->SetIncrement( GetDataPageSize() );
            m_pDataStrm->SetEntry( *pRoot );
            SetError( SVSTREAM_FILEFORMAT_ERROR );

// get the logical data page size

short StgIo::GetDataPageSize() const
    return 1 << m_aHdr.GetDataPageSize();

// Commit everything

bool StgIo::CommitAll()
    // Store the data (all streams and the TOC)
    if( m_pTOC && m_pTOC->Store() && m_pDataFAT )
        if( Commit() )
            m_aHdr.SetDataFATStart( m_pDataFAT->GetStart() );
            m_aHdr.SetDataFATSize( m_pDataFAT->GetPages() );
            m_aHdr.SetTOCStart( m_pTOC->GetStart() );
            if( m_aHdr.Store( *this ) )
                const ErrCode n = m_pStrm->GetError();
                SetError( n );
#ifdef DBG_UTIL
                if( n==ERRCODE_NONE ) ValidateFATs();
                return n == ERRCODE_NONE;
    return false;

class EasyFat
    std::unique_ptr<sal_Int32[]> pFat;
    std::unique_ptr<bool[]> pFree;
    sal_Int32 nPages;
    sal_Int32 nPageSize;

    EasyFat( StgIo & rIo, StgStrm *pFatStream, sal_Int32 nPSize );

    sal_Int32 GetPageSize() const { return nPageSize; }

    FatError Mark( sal_Int32 nPage, sal_Int32 nCount, sal_Int32 nExpect );
    bool HasUnrefChains() const;

EasyFat::EasyFat( StgIo& rIo, StgStrm* pFatStream, sal_Int32 nPSize )
    nPages = pFatStream->GetSize() >> 2;
    nPageSize = nPSize;
    pFat.reset( new sal_Int32[ nPages ] );
    pFree.reset( new bool[ nPages ] );

    rtl::Reference< StgPage > pPage;
    sal_Int32 nFatPageSize = (1 << rIo.m_aHdr.GetPageSize()) - 2;

    for( sal_Int32 nPage = 0; nPage < nPages; nPage++ )
        if( ! (nPage % nFatPageSize) )
            pFatStream->Pos2Page( nPage << 2 );
            sal_Int32 nPhysPage = pFatStream->GetPage();
            pPage = rIo.Get( nPhysPage, true );

        pFat[ nPage ] = StgCache::GetFromPage( pPage, short( nPage % nFatPageSize ) );
        pFree[ nPage ] = true;

bool EasyFat::HasUnrefChains() const
    for( sal_Int32 nPage = 0; nPage < nPages; nPage++ )
        if( pFree[ nPage ] && pFat[ nPage ] != -1 )
            return true;
    return false;

FatError EasyFat::Mark( sal_Int32 nPage, sal_Int32 nCount, sal_Int32 nExpect )
    if( nCount > 0 )
        --nCount /= GetPageSize();

    sal_Int32 nCurPage = nPage;
    while( nCount != 0 )
        if( nCurPage < 0 || nCurPage >= nPages )
            return FatError::OutOfBounds;
        pFree[ nCurPage ] = false;
        nCurPage = pFat[ nCurPage ];
        // stream too long
        if( nCurPage != nExpect && nCount == 1 )
            return FatError::WrongLength;
        // stream too short
        if( nCurPage == nExpect && nCount != 1 && nCount != -1 )
            return FatError::WrongLength;
        // last block for stream without length
        if( nCurPage == nExpect && nCount == -1 )
            nCount = 1;
        if( nCount != -1 )
    return FatError::Ok;

class Validator
    FatError nError;

    EasyFat aSmallFat;
    EasyFat aFat;

    StgIo &rIo;

    FatError ValidateMasterFATs();
    FatError ValidateDirectoryEntries();
    FatError FindUnrefedChains() const;
    FatError MarkAll( StgDirEntry *pEntry );

    explicit Validator( StgIo &rIo );
    bool IsError() const { return nError != FatError::Ok; }

Validator::Validator( StgIo &rIoP )
    : aSmallFat( rIoP, rIoP.m_pDataFAT, 1 << rIoP.m_aHdr.GetDataPageSize() ),
      aFat( rIoP, rIoP.m_pFAT, 1 << rIoP.m_aHdr.GetPageSize() ),
      rIo( rIoP )
    FatError nErr = nError = FatError::Ok;

    if( ( nErr = ValidateMasterFATs() ) != FatError::Ok )
        nError = nErr;
    else if(    ( nErr = ValidateDirectoryEntries() ) != FatError::Ok )
        nError = nErr;
    else if(    ( nErr = FindUnrefedChains()) != FatError::Ok )
        nError = nErr;

FatError Validator::ValidateMasterFATs()
    sal_Int32 nCount = rIo.m_aHdr.GetFATSize();
    FatError nErr;
    if ( !rIo.m_pFAT )
        return FatError::InMemoryError;

    for( sal_Int32 i = 0; i < nCount; i++ )
        if( ( nErr = aFat.Mark(rIo.m_pFAT->GetPage(i, false), aFat.GetPageSize(), -3 )) != FatError::Ok)
            return nErr;
    if( rIo.m_aHdr.GetMasters() )
        if( ( nErr = aFat.Mark(rIo.m_aHdr.GetFATChain( ), aFat.GetPageSize(), -4 )) != FatError::Ok )
            return nErr;

    return FatError::Ok;

FatError Validator::MarkAll( StgDirEntry *pEntry )
    if ( !pEntry )
        return FatError::InMemoryError;

    StgIterator aIter( *pEntry );
    FatError nErr = FatError::Ok;
    for( StgDirEntry* p = aIter.First(); p ; p = aIter.Next() )
        if( p->m_aEntry.GetType() == STG_STORAGE )
            nErr = MarkAll( p );
            if( nErr != FatError::Ok )
                return nErr;
            sal_Int32 nSize = p->m_aEntry.GetSize();
            if( nSize < rIo.m_aHdr.GetThreshold()  )
                nErr = aSmallFat.Mark( p->m_aEntry.GetStartPage(),nSize, -2 );
                nErr = aFat.Mark( p->m_aEntry.GetStartPage(),nSize, -2 );
            if( nErr != FatError::Ok )
                return nErr;
    return FatError::Ok;

FatError Validator::ValidateDirectoryEntries()
    if ( !rIo.m_pTOC )
        return FatError::InMemoryError;

    // Normal DirEntries
    FatError nErr = MarkAll( rIo.m_pTOC->GetRoot() );
    if( nErr != FatError::Ok )
        return nErr;
    // Small Data
    nErr = aFat.Mark( rIo.m_pTOC->GetRoot()->m_aEntry.GetStartPage(),
                 rIo.m_pTOC->GetRoot()->m_aEntry.GetSize(), -2 );
    if( nErr != FatError::Ok )
        return nErr;
    // Small Data FAT
    nErr = aFat.Mark(
        rIo.m_aHdr.GetDataFATSize() * aFat.GetPageSize(), -2 );
    if( nErr != FatError::Ok )
        return nErr;
    // TOC
    nErr = aFat.Mark(
        rIo.m_aHdr.GetTOCStart(), -1, -2 );
    return nErr;

FatError Validator::FindUnrefedChains() const
    if( aSmallFat.HasUnrefChains() ||
        aFat.HasUnrefChains() )
        return FatError::UnrefChain;
        return FatError::Ok;

namespace { struct ErrorLink : public rtl::Static<Link<StgLinkArg&,void>, ErrorLink > {}; }

void StgIo::SetErrorLink( const Link<StgLinkArg&,void>& rLink )
    ErrorLink::get() = rLink;

const Link<StgLinkArg&,void>& StgIo::GetErrorLink()
    return ErrorLink::get();

FatError StgIo::ValidateFATs()
    if( m_bFile )
        Validator *pV = new Validator( *this );
        bool bRet1 = !pV->IsError(), bRet2 = true ;
        delete pV;

        SvFileStream *pFileStrm = static_cast<SvFileStream *>( GetStrm() );
        if ( !pFileStrm )
            return FatError::InMemoryError;

        StgIo aIo;
        if( aIo.Open( pFileStrm->GetFileName(),
                      StreamMode::READ | StreamMode::SHARE_DENYNONE) &&
            aIo.Load() )
            pV = new Validator( aIo );
            bRet2 = !pV->IsError();
            delete pV;

        FatError nErr;
        if( bRet1 != bRet2 )
            nErr = bRet1 ? FatError::OnFileError : FatError::InMemoryError;
        else nErr = bRet1 ? FatError::Ok : FatError::BothError;
        if( nErr != FatError::Ok && !m_bCopied )
            StgLinkArg aArg;
            aArg.aFile = pFileStrm->GetFileName();
            ErrorLink::get().Call( aArg );
            m_bCopied = true;
//      DBG_ASSERT( nErr == FatError::Ok ,"Storage broken");
        return nErr;
//  OSL_FAIL("Do not validate (no FileStorage)");
    return FatError::Ok;

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